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Post Post Graduation Graduation AdventureAdventure JJosh osh and and Mike Mike met met each each other other as as rroommates oommates during during freshmen freshmen yyear ear at at MacAlisterMacAlister College College in in St. St. Paul, Paul, Minnesota. Minnesota. Despite Despite a a rrockocky y start start they they became became best best friendsfriends.. They They are are planning planning on on going going on on a a twtwo o week week adadventure venture totogether gether to to celebracelebrate te theirtheir graduagraduation tion in in JuneJune. . JJosh osh has has never never been been to to EurEurope ope and and wants wants to to visit visit FFrance rance oror Spain. Spain. MikMike e spent spent a a semester semester aabroad broad in in AarhusAarhus, , Denmark, Denmark, and and tratraveled veled extensivextensivelyely in in Northern Northern EurEuropeope. . Even Even though though he he nenever ver went went to to FFrance rance or or Spain, Spain, MikMike e wantswants to to go go to to some some place place more more eexotic xotic liklike e South South Africa Africa or or Vietnam. Vietnam. FFor or the the past past weekweek they they hahave ve been been arguing arguing back back and and fforth orth ovover er wherwhere e they they should should gogo. . JJosh osh argues argues thathatt it it will will cost cost too too much much to to flfly y to to South South Africa Africa or or Vietnam, Vietnam, wwhile hile Mike Mike counters counters thathatt it it will will be be much much cheacheaper per to to tratravel vel in in Vietnam Vietnam or or South South Africa Africa once once they they arare e therethere.. Each Each ofof them them agreed agreed thathat t they they can can spend spend no no more more than than $3,500 $3,500 each each on on the the triptrip and and could could be be gone gone ffor or only only twtwo o weeksweeks..

One One evening evening wwhen hen they they were were ararguing guing with with each each other other oover ver beers beers with with friendsfriends,, Sara Sara said, said, “W“Whhy y dondon’’t t you you use use wwhat hat yyou ou learned learned in in yyour our project project manamanagement gement classclass to to decide decide whawhat t to to do?”do?” J Josh osh and and MikMike e looked looked aat t each each other other and and agragreed eed that that mademade perfect perfect sensesense..

1. 1. Assume Assume yyou ou are are either either MikMike e or or JJosh; osh; how how wwould ould yyou ou go go aabout bout making making a a decisiondecision using using prproject oject management management methodolomethodology?gy?


stakstakeholders eholders to to check check the the estimates estimates and and to to brainstorm brainstorm ffor or alternatialternative ve solutions;solutions; the the cost cost and and time time estimaestimates tes appeared appeared to to be be rreasonaeasonableble. . Some Some ofof the the suggestionssuggestions ffor or the the brainstorming brainstorming session session are are listed listed belowbelow..

•• Change Change scopescope.. •• Outsource Outsource technolotechnology gy design.design. •• Use Use the the priority priority mamatrix trix (found (found in in ChaChapter pter 4) 4) to to get get top top management management to to clarifyclarify

their their prioritiespriorities.. •• Partner Partner with with another another organizaorganization tion or or build build a a researresearch ch consortium consortium to to shareshare

costs costs and and to to share share the the nenewly wly devdeveloped eloped technology technology and and prproduction oduction methodsmethods.. •• Cancel Cancel the the prproject.oject. • • Commission Commission a a break-ebreak-even ven study study ffor or the the laser laser printerprinter..

VVery ery little little in in the the waway y ofof concrete concrete sasavings vings was was identified, identified, although although therthere e waswas consensus consensus thathat t time time could could be be compressed compressed to to the the markmarket et launch launch dadatete, , but but aatt additional additional costscosts..

Lauren Lauren met met with with the the markmarketing eting (Connor), (Connor), prproduction oduction (Kim), (Kim), and and design design (Gage)(Gage) managers managers wwho ho yielded yielded some some ideas ideas ffor or cutting cutting costscosts, , but but nothing nothing significant significant enoughenough to to hahave ve a a large large impact. impact. GaGage ge remarkremarked, ed, “I “I wouldnwouldn’’t t want want to to be be the the one one to to delivdeliverer the the message message to to top top manamanagement gement thathat t their their cost cost estimate estimate is is $1,250,000 $1,250,000 ofofff! ! GoodGood luck, luck, Lauren.”Lauren.”

1. 1. At At this this point, point, whawhat t would would yyou ou do do ifif y you ou were were the the prproject oject manager?manager? 2. 2. WWas as top top management management acting acting corrcorrectly ectly in in devdeveloping eloping an an estimate?estimate? 3. 3. WhaWhat t estimaestimating ting techniques techniques should should be be used used for for a a mission mission critical critical prproject oject suchsuch


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Appendix Appendix 5.15.1

Learning Learning Curves Curves for for EstimatingEstimating A A fforecast orecast estimaestimate te ofof the the time time requirrequired ed to to perform perform a a wwork ork package package or or task task is is aa basic basic necessity necessity ffor or scheduling scheduling the the prproject. oject. In In some some casescases, , the the manager manager simplsimply y usesuses judgment judgment and and past past experience experience to to estimaestimate te wwork ork package package timetime, , or or mamay y use use histori-histori- cal cal recorrecords ds ofof similar similar taskstasks..

Most Most manamanagers gers and and worworkers kers intuitiintuitively vely knoknow w thathat t improimprovement vement in in thethe amount amount ofof time time required required to to perfperfororm m a a task task or or grgroup oup ofof tasks tasks occurs occurs with with repe-repe- tition. tition. A A wworkorker er can can perfperfororm m a a task task better/quicker better/quicker the the second second time time and and eacheach succeeding succeeding time time she/he she/he perfperfororms ms it it (without (without anany y technological technological change). change). It It is is thisthis papattern ttern ofof impr improvovement ement that that is is important important to to the the prproject oject manager manager and and prprojectoject schedulerscheduler..

This This imprimprovovement ement from from rrepetition epetition generally generally rresults esults in in a a reduction reduction ofof la laborbor hours hours ffor or the the accomplishment accomplishment ofof tasks tasks and and results results in in lolower wer prproject oject costscosts. . FFromrom empirical empirical evidence evidence acracross oss allall industries industries, , the the pattern pattern ofof this this improimprovement vement has has beenbeen quantified quantified in in the the learning learning curvcurvee (also (also known known as as imprimprovovement ement curvecurve, , experienceexperience curvecurve, , and and industrial industrial prprogress ogress curvcurve), e), which which is is described described by by the the ffollowingollowing relarelationship:tionship:

Each Each time time the the output output quantity quantity doubdoublesles, , the the unit unit labor labor hours hours arare e reduced reduced at at a a constant constant rrate.ate.

FFor or exampleexample, , assume assume that that a a manmanufacturer ufacturer has has a a new new contrcontract act for for 16 16 prprototype ototype unitsunits and and a a total total ofof 800 800 labor labor hours hours wwere ere requirrequired ed for for the the first first unit. unit. PPast ast experience experience hashas indicaindicated ted that that on on similar similar types types ofof units units the the improimprovement vement rarate te was was 80 80 percent. percent. ThisThis relarelationship tionship ofof impr improovement vement in in lalabor bor hours hours is is shown shown belobelow:w:

Unit Unit Labor Labor HoursHours

1 1 800800 2 2 800 800 33 5 5 .80 .80 640640 4 4 640 640 33 5 5 .80 .80 512512 8 8 512 512 33 5 5 .80 .80 410410 16 16 410 410 33 5 5 .80 .80 328328

By By using using TTabable le A5.1 A5.1 unit unit valuesvalues, , similar similar lalabor bor hours hours per per unit unit can can be be deterdetermined.mined. Looking Looking acracross oss the the 16 16 unit unit level level and and dodown wn the the 80 80 percent percent column, column, we we find find a a rratio atio ofof .4096. .4096. By By multiplmultiplying ying this this raratio tio times times the the lalabor bor hours hours for for the the first first unit, unit, wwe e obtainedobtained the the per per unit unit value:value:

.4096 .4096 800 800 328 328 hours hours or or 327.68327.6833 55

ThaThat t isis, , the the 16th 16th unit unit should should require require close close to to 328 328 lalabor bor hourshours, , assuming assuming an an 80 80 per-per- cent cent imprimprovovement ement ratioratio..

2. 2. Looking Looking first first at at onlonly y cost, cost, whawhat t decision decision would would yyou ou makmake?e? 3. 3. After After cost, cost, whawhat t other other factors factors should should be be considered considered befbefore ore making making a a decision?decision?

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TTABLE ABLE A5.1A5.1 Learning Learning CurvesCurves Unit Unit VValuesalues

Units Units 60% 60% 65% 65% 70% 70% 75% 75% 80% 80% 85% 85% 90% 90% 95% 95%

1 1 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 2 2 .6000 .6000 .6500 .6500 .7000 .7000 .7500 .7500 .8000 .8000 .8500 .8500 .9000 .9000 .9500 .9500 3 3 .4450 .4450 .5052 .5052 .5682 .5682 .6338 .6338 .7021 .7021 .7729 .7729 .8462 .8462 .9219 .9219 4 4 .3600 .3600 .4225 .4225 .4900 .4900 .5625 .5625 .6400 .6400 .7225 .7225 .8100 .8100 .9025 .9025 5 5 .3054 .3054 .3678 .3678 .4368 .4368 .5127 .5127 .5956 .5956 .6857 .6857 .7830 .7830 .8877 .8877 6 6 .2670 .2670 .3284 .3284 .3977 .3977 .4754 .4754 .5617 .5617 .6570 .6570 .7616 .7616 .8758 .8758 7 7 .2383 .2383 .2984 .2984 .3674 .3674 .4459 .4459 .5345 .5345 .6337 .6337 .7439 .7439 .8659 .8659 8 8 .2160 .2160 .2746 .2746 .3430 .3430 .4219 .4219 .5120 .5120 .6141 .6141 .7290 .7290 .8574 .8574 9 9 .1980 .1980 .2552 .2552 .3228 .3228 .4017 .4017 .4930 .4930 .5974 .5974 .7161 .7161 .8499 .8499

10 10 .1832 .1832 .2391 .2391 .3058 .3058 .3846 .3846 .4765 .4765 .5828 .5828 .7047 .7047 .8433 .8433 12 12 .1602 .1602 .2135 .2135 .2784 .2784 .3565 .3565 .4493 .4493 .5584 .5584 .6854 .6854 .8320 .8320 14 14 .1430 .1430 .1940 .1940 .2572 .2572 .3344 .3344 .4276 .4276 .5386 .5386 .6696 .6696 .8226 .8226 16 16 .1296 .1296 .1785 .1785 .2401 .2401 .3164 .3164 .4096 .4096 .5220 .5220 .6561 .6561 .8145 .8145 18 18 .1188 .1188 .1659 .1659 .2260 .2260 .3013 .3013 .3944 .3944 .5078 .5078 .6445 .6445 .8074 .8074 20 20 .1099 .1099 .1554 .1554 .2141 .2141 .2884 .2884 .3812 .3812 .4954 .4954 .6342 .6342 .8012 .8012 22 22 .1025 .1025 .1465 .1465 .2038 .2038 .2772 .2772 .3697 .3697 .4844 .4844 .6251 .6251 .7955 .7955 24 24 .0961 .0961 .1387 .1387 .1949 .1949 .2674 .2674 .3595 .3595 .4747 .4747 .6169 .6169 .7904 .7904 25 25 .0933 .0933 .1353 .1353 .1908 .1908 .2629 .2629 .3548 .3548 .4701 .4701 .6131 .6131 .7880 .7880 30 30 .0815 .0815 .1208 .1208 .1737 .1737 .2437 .2437 .3346 .3346 .4505 .4505 .5963 .5963 .7775 .7775 35 35 .0728 .0728 .1097 .1097 .1605 .1605 .2286 .2286 .3184 .3184 .4345 .4345 .5825 .5825 .7687 .7687 40 40 .0660 .0660 .1010 .1010 .1498 .1498 .2163 .2163 .3050 .3050 .4211 .4211 .5708 .5708 .7611 .7611 45 45 .0605 .0605 .0939 .0939 .1410 .1410 .2060 .2060 .2936 .2936 .4096 .4096 .5607 .5607 .7545 .7545 50 50 .0560 .0560 .0879 .0879 .1336 .1336 .1972 .1972 .2838 .2838 .3996 .3996 .5518 .5518 .7486 .7486 60 60 .0489 .0489 .0785 .0785 .1216 .1216 .1828 .1828 .2676 .2676 .3829 .3829 .5367 .5367 .7386 .7386 70 70 .0437 .0437 .0713 .0713 .1123 .1123 .1715 .1715 .2547 .2547 .3693 .3693 .5243 .5243 .7302 .7302 80 80 .0396 .0396 .0657 .0657 .1049 .1049 .1622 .1622 .2440 .2440 .3579 .3579 .5137 .5137 .7231 .7231 90 90 .0363 .0363 .0610 .0610 .0987 .0987 .1545 .1545 .2349 .2349 .3482 .3482 .5046 .5046 .7168 .7168

100 100 .0336 .0336 .0572 .0572 .0935 .0935 .1479 .1479 .2271 .2271 .3397 .3397 .4966 .4966 .7112 .7112 120 120 .0294 .0294 .0510 .0510 .0851 .0851 .1371 .1371 .2141 .2141 .3255 .3255 .4830 .4830 .7017 .7017 140 140 .0262 .0262 .0464 .0464 .0786 .0786 .1287 .1287 .2038 .2038 .3139 .3139 .4718 .4718 .6937 .6937 160 160 .0237 .0237 .0427 .0427 .0734 .0734 .1217 .1217 .1952 .1952 .3042 .3042 .4623 .4623 .6869 .6869 180 180 .0218 .0218 .0397 .0397 .0691 .0691 .1159 .1159 .1879 .1879 .2959 .2959 .4541 .4541 .6809 .6809 200 200 .0201 .0201 .0371 .0371 .0655 .0655 .1109 .1109 .1816 .1816 .2887 .2887 .4469 .4469 .6757 .6757 250 250 .0171 .0171 .0323 .0323 .0584 .0584 .1011 .1011 .1691 .1691 .2740 .2740 .4320 .4320 .6646 .6646 300 300 .0149 .0149 .0289 .0289 .0531 .0531 .0937 .0937 .1594 .1594 .2625 .2625 .4202 .4202 .5557 .5557 350 350 .0133 .0133 .0262 .0262 .0491 .0491 .0879 .0879 .1517 .1517 .2532 .2532 .4105 .4105 .6482 .6482 400 400 .0121 .0121 .0241 .0241 .0458 .0458 .0832 .0832 .1453 .1453 .2454 .2454 .4022 .4022 .6419 .6419 450 450 .0111 .0111 .0224 .0224 .0431 .0431 .0792 .0792 .1399 .1399 .2387 .2387 .3951 .3951 .6363 .6363 500 500 .0103 .0103 .0210 .0210 .0408 .0408 .0758 .0758 .1352 .1352 .2329 .2329 .3888 .3888 .6314 .6314 600 600 .0090 .0090 .0188 .0188 .0372 .0372 .0703 .0703 .1275 .1275 .2232 .2232 .3782 .3782 .6229 .6229 700 700 .0080 .0080 .0171 .0171 .0344 .0344 .0659 .0659 .1214 .1214 .2152 .2152 .3694 .3694 .6158 .6158 800 800 .0073 .0073 .0157 .0157 .0321 .0321 .0624 .0624 .1163 .1163 .2086 .2086 .3620 .3620 .6098 .6098 900 900 .0067 .0067 .0146 .0146 .0302 .0302 .0594 .0594 .1119 .1119 .2029 .2029 .3556 .3556 .6045 .6045

1,000 1,000 .0062 .0062 .0137 .0137 .0286 .0286 .0569 .0569 .1082 .1082 .1980 .1980 .3499 .3499 .5998 .5998 1,200 1,200 .0054 .0054 .0122 .0122 .0260 .0260 .0527 .0527 .1020 .1020 .1897 .1897 .3404 .3404 .5918 .5918 1,400 1,400 .0048 .0048 .0111 .0111 .0240 .0240 .0495 .0495 .0971 .0971 .1830 .1830 .3325 .3325 .5850 .5850 1,600 1,600 .0044 .0044 .0102 .0102 .0225 .0225 .0468 .0468 .0930 .0930 .1773 .1773 .3258 .3258 .5793 .5793 1,800 1,800 .0040 .0040 .0095 .0095 .0211 .0211 .0446 .0446 .0895 .0895 .1725 .1725 .3200 .3200 .5743 .5743 2,000 2,000 .0037 .0037 .0089 .0089 .0200 .0200 .0427 .0427 .0866 .0866 .1683 .1683 .3149 .3149 .5698 .5698 2,500 2,500 .0031 .0031 .0077 .0077 .0178 .0178 .0389 .0389 .0606 .0606 .1597 .1597 .3044 .3044 .5605 .5605 3,000 3,000 .0027 .0027 .0069 .0069 .0162 .0162 .0360 .0360 .0760 .0760 .1530 .1530 .2961 .2961 .5530 .5530

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ObviouslObviouslyy, , a a prproject oject manager manager mamay y need need more more than than a a single single unit unit vvalue alue fforor estimaestimating ting the the time time for for some some wwork ork packagespackages. . The The cumulacumulative tive vvalues alues inin TTaablebleA5.2 A5.2 proprovide vide factors factors for for computing computing the the cumcumulaulative tive total total lalabor bor hours hours ofof all all unitsunits. . In In the the previous previous eexamplexample, , ffor or the the first first 16 16 unitsunits, , the the total total lalabor bor hourshours requirrequired ed would would bebe

800 800 8.920 8.920 7,136 7,136 hourshours33 55

By By dividing dividing the the total total cumcumulatiulative ve hours hours (7,136) (7,136) by by the the unitsunits, , the the aaverage verage unit unit lalaborbor hours hours can can be be obtained:obtained:

7,136 7,136 lalabor bor hours/16 hours/16 units units 446 446 aaveraverage ge lalabor bor hours hours per per unitunit55

Note Note hohow w the the labor labor hours hours ffor or the the 16th 16th unit unit (328) (328) differs differs frfrom om the the aaveraverage ge ffor or allall 16 16 units units (446). (446). The The prproject oject managermanager, , knowing knowing the the aaveraverage ge lalabor bor costs costs andand

prprocessing ocessing costscosts, , could could estimate estimate the the total total prprototype ototype costscosts. . (The (The mathemamathematicaltical derivderivation ation ofof factors factors ffound ound in in TTaables bles A5.1 A5.1 and and A5.2 A5.2 can can be be ffound ound in in JJelen, elen, FF. . CC.,., and and JJ. . H. H. Black, Black, 2nd 2nd ed. ed. (Ne(New w YYork:ork:Cost Cost and and Optimization Optimization Engineering,Engineering, McGraMcGraw-Hill, w-Hill, 1983.)1983.)

FOLLOWFOLLOW-ON -ON CONTRACT CONTRACT EXAMPLEEXAMPLE Assume Assume the the prproject oject manager manager gets gets a a ffollow-on ollow-on order order ofof 74 74 units; units; hohow w should should sheshe estimaestimate te lalabor bor hours hours and and cost? cost? Going Going to to the the cumulacumulative tive TTaable ble A5.2 A5.2 we we find find aat t thethe 80 80 percent percent raratio tio and and 90 90 total total units units intersection—a intersection—a 30.35 30.35 ratioratio..

800 800 33 5 5 30.35 30.35 24,280 24,280 labor labor hours hours for for 90 90 unitsunits Less Less previous previous 16 16 units units 5 5 7,136 7,136 TTotal otal follow-on follow-on order order 5 5 17,144 17,144 labor labor hourshours 17,144/74 17,144/74 equals equals 232 232 average average labor labor hours hours per per unitunit

LaLabor bor hours hours ffor or the the 90th 90th unit unit can can be be obtained obtained from from TTaable ble A5.1: A5.1: .2349 .2349 800 800 33 55 187.9 187.9 lalabor bor hourshours. . (F(For or raratios tios between between givgiven en valuesvalues, , simply simply estimaestimatete.).)

Exercise Exercise A5.1A5.1 Norwegian Norwegian Satellite Satellite DeDevelopment velopment CompanCompanyy

Cost Cost EstimatesEstimates forfor

WWorld orld Satellite Satellite TTelephone elephone Exchange Exchange PrProjectoject

NSDC NSDC has has a a contract contract to to prproduce oduce eight eight satellites satellites to to support support a a wworldorldwide wide telephonetelephone system system (f(for or Alaska Alaska TTelecom, elecom, Inc.) Inc.) thathat t allows allows individuals individuals to to use use a a singlesingle, , portaportableble telephone telephone in in anany y location location on on earth earth to to call call in in and and out. out. NSDC NSDC will will dedevelop velop andand prproduce oduce the the eight eight unitsunits. . NSDC NSDC has has estimated estimated thathat t the the R&D R&D costs costs will will be be NOKNOK (Norwegian (Norwegian KrKrone) one) 12,000,000. 12,000,000. Material Material costs costs are are eexpected xpected to to be be NOKNOK 6,000,000. 6,000,000. They They hahave ve estimated estimated the the design design and and prproduction oduction ofof the the first first sasatellitetellite will will requirrequire e 100,000 100,000 labor labor hours hours and and an an 80 80 perpercent cent improimprovement vement curve curve isis

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TTABLE ABLE A5.2A5.2 Learning Learning CurvesCurves CumulativCumulative e VValuesalues

Units Units 60% 60% 65% 65% 70% 70% 75% 75% 80% 80% 85% 85% 90% 90% 95% 95%

1 1 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 2 2 1.600 1.600 1.650 1.650 1.700 1.700 1.750 1.750 1.800 1.800 1.850 1.850 1.900 1.900 1.950 1.950 3 3 2.045 2.045 2.155 2.155 2.268 2.268 2.384 2.384 2.502 2.502 2.623 2.623 2.746 2.746 2.872 2.872 4 4 2.405 2.405 2.578 2.578 2.758 2.758 2.946 2.946 3.142 3.142 3.345 3.345 3.556 3.556 3.774 3.774 5 5 2.710 2.710 2.946 2.946 3.195 3.195 3.459 3.459 3.738 3.738 4.031 4.031 4.339 4.339 4.662 4.662 6 6 2.977 2.977 3.274 3.274 3.593 3.593 3.934 3.934 4.299 4.299 4.688 4.688 5.101 5.101 5.538 5.538 7 7 3.216 3.216 3.572 3.572 3.960 3.960 4.380 4.380 4.834 4.834 5.322 5.322 5.845 5.845 6.404 6.404 8 8 3.432 3.432 3.847 3.847 4.303 4.303 4.802 4.802 5.346 5.346 5.936 5.936 6.574 6.574 7.261 7.261 9 9 3.630 3.630 4.102 4.102 4.626 4.626 5.204 5.204 5.839 5.839 6.533 6.533 7.290 7.290 8.111 8.111

10 10 3.813 3.813 4.341 4.341 4.931 4.931 5.589 5.589 6.315 6.315 7.116 7.116 7.994 7.994 8.955 8.955 12 12 4.144 4.144 4.780 4.780 5.501 5.501 6.315 6.315 7.227 7.227 8.244 8.244 9.374 9.374 10.62 10.62 14 14 4.438 4.438 5.177 5.177 6.026 6.026 6.994 6.994 8.092 8.092 9.331 9.331 10.72 10.72 12.27 12.27 16 16 4.704 4.704 5.541 5.541 6.514 6.514 7.635 7.635 8.920 8.920 10.38 10.38 12.04 12.04 13.91 13.91 18 18 4.946 4.946 5.879 5.879 6.972 6.972 8.245 8.245 9.716 9.716 11.41 11.41 13.33 13.33 15.52 15.52 20 20 5.171 5.171 6.195 6.195 7.407 7.407 8.828 8.828 10.48 10.48 12.40 12.40 14.64 14.64 17.13 17.13 22 22 5.379 5.379 6.492 6.492 7.819 7.819 9.388 9.388 11.23 11.23 13.38 13.38 15.86 15.86 18.72 18.72 24 24 5.574 5.574 6.773 6.773 8.213 8.213 9.928 9.928 11.95 11.95 14.33 14.33 17.10 17.10 20.31 20.31 25 25 5.668 5.668 6.909 6.909 8.404 8.404 10.19 10.19 12.31 12.31 14.80 14.80 17.71 17.71 21.10 21.10 30 30 6.097 6.097 7.540 7.540 9.305 9.305 11.45 11.45 14.02 14.02 17.09 17.09 20.73 20.73 25.00 25.00 35 35 6.478 6.478 8.109 8.109 10.13 10.13 12.72 12.72 15.64 15.64 19.29 19.29 23.67 23.67 28.86 28.86 40 40 6.821 6.821 8.631 8.631 10.90 10.90 13.72 13.72 17.19 17.19 21.43 21.43 26.54 26.54 32.68 32.68 45 45 7.134 7.134 9.114 9.114 11.62 11.62 14.77 14.77 18.68 18.68 23.50 23.50 29.37 29.37 36.47 36.47 50 50 7.422 7.422 9.565 9.565 12.31 12.31 15.78 15.78 20.12 20.12 25.51 25.51 32.14 32.14 40.22 40.22 60 60 7.941 7.941 10.39 10.39 13.57 13.57 17.67 17.67 22.87 22.87 29.41 29.41 37.57 37.57 47.65 47.65 70 70 8.401 8.401 11.13 11.13 14.74 14.74 19.43 19.43 25.47 25.47 33.17 33.17 42.87 42.87 54.99 54.99 80 80 8.814 8.814 11.82 11.82 15.82 15.82 21.09 21.09 27.96 27.96 36.80 36.80 48.05 48.05 62.25 62.25 90 90 9.191 9.191 12.45 12.45 16.83 16.83 22.67 22.67 30.35 30.35 40.32 40.32 53.14 53.14 69.45 69.45

100 100 9.539 9.539 13.03 13.03 17.79 17.79 24.18 24.18 32.65 32.65 43.75 43.75 58.14 58.14 76.59 76.59 120 120 10.16 10.16 14.16 14.16 19.57 19.57 27.02 27.02 37.05 37.05 50.39 50.39 67.93 67.93 90.71 90.71 140 140 10.72 10.72 15.08 15.08 21.20 21.20 29.67 29.67 41.22 41.22 56.78 56.78 77.46 77.46 104.7 104.7 160 160 11.21 11.21 15.97 15.97 22.72 22.72 32.17 32.17 45.20 45.20 62.95 62.95 86.80 86.80 118.5 118.5 180 180 11.67 11.67 16.79 16.79 24.14 24.14 34.54 34.54 49.03 49.03 68.95 68.95 95.96 95.96 132.1 132.1 200 200 12.09 12.09 17.55 17.55 25.48 25.48 36.80 36.80 52.72 52.72 74.79 74.79 105.0 105.0 145.7 145.7 250 250 13.01 13.01 19.28 19.28 28.56 28.56 42.08 42.08 61.47 61.47 88.83 88.83 126.9 126.9 179.2 179.2 300 300 13.81 13.81 20.81 20.81 31.34 31.34 46.94 46.94 69.66 69.66 102.2 102.2 148.2 148.2 212.2 212.2 350 350 14.51 14.51 22.18 22.18 33.89 33.89 51.48 51.48 77.43 77.43 115.1 115.1 169.0 169.0 244.8 244.8 400 400 15.14 15.14 23.44 23.44 36.26 36.26 55.75 55.75 84.85 84.85 127.6 127.6 189.3 189.3 277.0 277.0 450 450 15.72 15.72 24.60 24.60 38.48 38.48 59.80 59.80 91.97 91.97 139.7 139.7 209.2 209.2 309.0 309.0 500 500 16.26 16.26 25.68 25.68 40.58 40.58 63.68 63.68 98.85 98.85 151.5 151.5 228.8 228.8 340.6 340.6 600 600 17.21 17.21 27.67 27.67 44.47 44.47 70.97 70.97 112.0 112.0 174.2 174.2 267.1 267.1 403.3 403.3 700 700 18.06 18.06 29.45 29.45 48.04 48.04 77.77 77.77 124.4 124.4 196.1 196.1 304 304.5 .5 465.3 465.3 800 800 18.82 18.82 31.09 31.09 51.36 51.36 84.18 84.18 136.3 136.3 217.3 217.3 341.0 341.0 526.5 526.5 900 900 19.51 19.51 32.60 32.60 54.46 54.46 90.26 90.26 147.7 147.7 237.9 237.9 376.9 376.9 587.2 587.2

1,000 1,000 20.15 20.15 34.01 34.01 57.40 57.40 96.07 96.07 158.7 158.7 257.9 257.9 412.2 412.2 647.4 647.4 1,200 1,200 21.30 21.30 36.59 36.59 62.85 62.85 107.0 107.0 179.7 179.7 296.6 296.6 481.2 481.2 766.6 766.6 1,400 1,400 22.32 22.32 38.92 38.92 67.85 67.85 117.2 117.2 199.6 199.6 333.9 333.9 548.4 548.4 884.2 884.2 1,600 1,600 23.23 23.23 41.04 41.04 72.49 72.49 126.8 126.8 218.6 218.6 369.9 369.9 614.2 614.2 1001. 1001. 1,800 1,800 24.06 24.06 43.00 43.00 76.85 76.85 135.9 135.9 236.8 236.8 404.9 404.9 678.8 678.8 1116. 1116. 2,000 2,000 24.83 24.83 44.84 44.84 80.96 80.96 144.7 144.7 254.4 254.4 438.9 438.9 742.3 742.3 1230. 1230. 2,500 2,500 26.53 26.53 48.97 48.97 90.39 90.39 165.0 165.0 296.1 296.1 520.8 520.8 897.0 897.0 1513. 1513. 3,000 3,000 27.99 27.99 52.62 52.62 98.90 98.90 183.7 183.7 335.2 335.2 598.9 598.9 1047. 1047. 1791. 1791.

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RE: Discussion 1 - Module 2


Initial Response

The first inventory that was taken was the The Leadership Motivation Assessment. I fell into the mid-range of scoring which they describe as uncertainty about leading. Their explanation for this category says with being uncertain maybe you need a nudge in the right direction or doubt your abilities and self-confidence. It also encourages to look into Transformational Leadership. The qualities listed for that are being a role mode through personal expectations, motivating others to follow personal vision, and work to raise team members up to a higher level (Mind Tools Editorial Team, 2016). I would say this assessment, although relatively simple and quick to take, is pretty accurate. I am a reluctant leader, meaning I can be one when needed, but I am not going to seek it out. Some of that definitely has to do with self-confidence, and I really prefer to work on a smaller scale with my team instead of being over large committees if I am in a leadership position. I do see myself using the Transformational leadership style most of the time, so that was spot on as well.

The second inventory I took was The EdLeader Personality Test. This one was a 40-question assessment to determine which of the nine categories is the closest to my leadership style. My leadership type on this assessment said that I was an Empath. When reading the initial explanation, I did not agree with this description at all. It said that they are the ultimate people person (I am more of an introvert) and that they want to keep every stakeholder engaged for the benefit of all. While I would love to see myself that way, I do want to keep my students engaged, but I do not feel I look to do that for all. However, when I read the detailed results, I could see why I was put into this category. Empaths contrast themselves by connecting with others, but they are not extroverted. They look at and analyze, but quantitative data is not their thing. They work behind the scenes to make things happen and people often do not realize they were a part of the process. The analysis goes on with further explanation, including what the kids see and potential pitfalls (Skyward, n.d.). I definitely connected with this assessment once I got to read all the information. It really sounded like my personality and how I work as both a teacher and leader in my school.

As previously mentioned from taking The Leadership Motivation Assessment, Transformational Leadership (or Theory) matches with my results. Although it may take time for me personally, I do make connections with others. This often results in being able to motivate change when needed. I have high expectations of myself, so I use that as an example of encouraging others to do their best especially when it is something our team needs to accomplish. In earlier discussions, I thought I might combine Transformational Theory with Transactional Theory for when a final decision must be made. However, after learning more about them and myself, I believe I lean more towards the Contingency or Situational Theories which state that the leadership style changes with the circumstances (Amanchukwu, 2015). I believe it’s important to have the relationship part of being a leader, but you must be flexible in each situation that occurs to make the best and most effective decisions.

All leaders have principles they embody. Sometimes they are intentional and other times they are a natural part of the leader’s personality. The following principles are relevant to the field of early childhood education:

Lead by example.

Be human and admit mistakes.

Understand the value of listening.

Promote diversity.

Work together to achieve more (Indeed Editorial Team, 2021).

These are all important characteristics students can learn to follow and even act on themselves. They should always try to do their best but admit when they are wrong. Being your authentic self makes others understand it is okay to not be perfect. Communication is a two-way street. You must listen to learn about others and their ideas. This helps create relationships, learn about new and diverse background experiences, and can generate great collaboration. In fact, working together with an open mind will often provide greater and more diverse outcomes with fresh perspectives. If we, as leaders, promote these principles by example, our students will most likely emulate them and become better people and leaders themselves.

I believe I try to follow each of these principles whenever I am planning, teaching, and collaborating with others. I think my strengths are leading by example, admitting mistakes, and listening to others. I do not work with a diverse population of teachers, but I love learning about other cultures from my students and finding ways to include diversity within the curriculum. However, I think it would be beneficial to learn from other teacher perspectives to enhance my understanding as well. Another area I could work on would be collaboration. Our grade levels collaborate weekly in PLCs, and I enjoy learning new strategies other teachers are using. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, we do not get much time beyond that to share ideas except in passing. It would be beneficial to all if we had more time to share ideas and learn from each other.


Amanchukwu, R.N., Stanley, G.J., & Ololube, N.P. (2015). A review of leadership theories, principles and styles and their relevance to educational management. Management, 5(1), 6-14. http://site.iugaza.edu.ps/hsoofi/files/2016/08/A-Review-of-Leadership-Theories.pdf

Indeed Editorial Team. (2021, June 9). 11 Effective leadership principles. Indeed. https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/leadership-principles

Mind Tools Editorial Team. (2016). The leadership motivation assessment. https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newLDR_01.htm

Skyward. (n.d.). The EdLeader personality test. https://www.skyward.com/leadershiptest#Julie Wright

RESPONSE 2 Julie Wrght initial post RE: Discussion 1 - Module 2


This week, I tried several leadership inventories. My husband’s company uses the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and speaks of it highly as a way of learning about one’s personality traits and skills that can be called upon to enhance work performance (Theodore, 2021b). I also completed the Leadership Motivation Assessment (Mind Tools, 2022), the EdLeader Personality Test (Skyward, 2022), and the Trust Quotient Self-Diagnostic Test (Trusted Advisor Associates, 2022). I found similarities and differences in the results of each assessment.

The MBTI (Theodore, 2021b) was free and relatively quick to complete. The results indicated that I am the ESTJ personality type. ESTJ stands for extrovert, sensing, thinking, and judgment. ESTJs make great executives and school administrators (Theodore, 2021a) because they can make big decisions, prioritize logic over gut reactions, work well under pressure, and use knowledge and experience to find new solutions with a creative approach. For the most part, I would agree with this personality type with one exception. I don’t always make the best judgments, especially when I feel rushed or pressured.

The Trust Quotient Self-Diagnostic Test (Trusted Advisor Associates, 2022) further described my personality which may help me zero in on my leadership style and preferences by identifying several strengths as well as areas for improvement. My results showed strengths in self-orientation and credibility. I focus on others’ goals and interact with them from a perspective of curiosity rather than fear or blaming. People believe that I demonstrate my expertise and communicate that in ways that help them relate to my message. I would agree that I do focus on others’ needs. I never try to intimidate or blame. Instead, I listen and observe first and ask what help they need to set and achieve small goals. However, I have found that some people perceive my actions differently. Some close colleagues suggest that they may be intimidated by my work ethic and educational goals. The results indicated one area for improvement is intimacy. This would align with my last statement about some perceptions of me. Suggestions for growth in this capacity include avoiding gossip, observing others, asking how they feel, and helping people feel that anything they share with me is confidential (Trusted Advisor Associates, 2022).

Next, I tried the Leadership Motivation Assessment (Mind Tools, 2022). This tool was also free and easy to use. My total score was 57 which indicates that I have strong motivation to lead. My score was at the bottom of the range of 56-70 which might indicate that I am just now growing into my potential to lead in the near future. I would agree with that assessment. In fact, I have an interview for a position in my school district tomorrow. I am hoping to move from the classroom into curriculum supervision. I have interviewed for this position twice before over the last 10 years, but I am hopeful that this course along with others in my doctoral journey will help me stand out more than my competitors this time.

Finally, I took the EdLeader Personality Test (Skyward, 2022). I was drawn to this one because it specifically searched for qualities that are applicable to the field of education. This assessment identified me as an Empath. This suggests that I prioritize the power of the collective, inspire others from behind the scenes, anticipate potential problems, and keep stakeholders engaged for the benefit of the larger school community. In the classroom, an empath often makes students feel understood and appreciated. He or she can get even the most stubborn student to smile. So far, I do feel that this description is a good match for me. However, the summary went on to suggest that an empath connects well with anyone although he/she is not usually an extrovert. This goes against the findings of the Myers-Briggs and the Trust Quotient Self-Diagnostic tests. The EdLeader tool also suggested that an empath is usually one of the quieter people in the room but he/she can be quite persuasive when the time is right (Skyward, 2022). I do enjoy the art of persuasion, yet I am rarely the quietest person in the room.

Overall, I think each of these tools offered guidance that helps me consider what type of leader I hope to become. A leader must be able to motivate and inspire people to deliver a vision. We all have unique qualities that can help us achieve that goal in different ways. The Mind Tools website (2022) identified four core leadership theory groups. Trait theories consider what makes a person a good leader. Qualities like integrity, empathy, assertiveness, and likeability are important. Behavioral theories look at what good leaders do. Autocratic leaders make quick decisions without consulting others. Democratic leaders consider others’ input before making decisions. Laissez-faire leaders allow the team to make many decisions with the knowledge that they are highly capable. Contingency theories suggest that the best leadership style depends on the situation and may change as needed. Power and influence theories search for the source of the leader’s power. Transactional leaders fall into this group as they design task and reward structures, plan how to achieve goals, and lead by example.

The results from my leadership inventories suggest that I exhibit qualities from each of these theories. After some reflection, here are a few leadership principles I believe are relevant to early childhood education.

Listen hard and talk softly. Educational leaders who tell teachers what to do without hearing and understanding their perspectives are not likely to have strong buy-in.

Trust teachers to be professionals without micromanaging every little detail. Showing respect to teachers’ efforts and innovations will go a long way in building staff morale.

Come out of the office. It is important to come out to visit those out in the “trenches” to see for yourself how initiatives are working and talk with the staff. Leaders who do this are more approachable. Teachers may be more willing to support their directives as a result.

Be positive. Start with the hamburger approach. Offer a compliment or recognition first. Rather than focusing on the negative, discuss what is working before making judgments. Share observations of what may not be working and encourage the teacher to engage together in brainstorming possible solutions.

I feel that I am very strong with respect to qualities 2-4. I would take a proactive approach and try to be seen as often as possible. I believe that many of our current supervisory leaders are not visible and often focus on what is wrong rather than highlighting positives first. If I am lucky enough to get an offer from tomorrow’s interview, I will work hard on improving my likeability skills. Listening carefully and talking less will help me achieve that goal. Sometimes people don’t want to be told what to do or have all of their decisions made for them. It can make all the difference in the world when we feel like we have been heard and seen.


Mind Tools. (2022). Core leadership theories: Learning the foundations of leadership. Management Training and Leadership Training - Online. https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/leadership-theories.htm

Skyward. (2022). The EdLeader personality test. https://www.skyward.com/leadershiptest#

Theodore, T. (2021a). ESTJ – Executive (Description + functions + examples). Practical Psychology. https://practicalpie.com/estj/

Theodore, T. (2021b). Myers-Briggs test (5 Mins) [Free quiz]. Practical Psychology. https://practicalpie.com/myers-briggs-type-indicator/

Trusted Advisor Associates. (2022). Trust quotient self-diagnostic test: Your strengths & opportunities for improvement. TrustSuite. https://trustsuite.trustedadvisor.com/visitor_test_sessions/357821/free_results/2

Discussion 1: Leading Your Own Professional Development

Developing as a professional and as a leader is a lifelong journey that requires careful reflection, concentrated attention, and dedication to learning not only who you are currently as a leader, but what your leadership goals are. This process requires taking careful inventory of your values and guiding principles, as well as learning about your areas of current strength, opportunities for growth, and how to utilize resources available to you to support your ongoing development.

For this Discussion, you will inventory your own leadership qualities and then carefully reflect on what you see as areas of strength and development. Keeping in mind the emerging issues and changing needs within the field of early childhood education, you will use knowledge of who you are presently as a leader to discuss with your colleagues the characteristics, approaches, styles, traits, and/or the attitudes you most hope to exemplify in the future.

To prepare:

· Review and complete at least two leadership inventories from the Learning Resources or that your place of employment recommends or uses.

· Carefully consider and reflect on your personal values and ethics. What personal factors are most important to you in decision making? How do these factors serve as a compass as you navigate challenging situations, relationships with others, and decision making?

· Consider the characteristics, approaches, styles, traits, and/or attitudes you most hope to exemplify as a leader in the field of early childhood education. As you reflect on these, draw on your personal goals, as well as those advanced in theory and research on effective leadership.

By Day 4 of Week 3

Post an analysis in which you do the following:

· Identify the leadership inventories you took.

· Summarize the insights gained from these inventories by describing how your results compare to your current leadership approach(es) and/or the type of leader you hope to become.

· Compare and contrast your personal leadership goals and those advanced in theory and research on effective leadership.

· Based on your summary of your inventory and description of the impact of your values and ethics, create four to five leadership principles that embody essential, effective leadership in early childhood settings. A leadership principle is a statement that includes or emphasizes a specific leadership quality, characteristic, approach, or style. It may also be a statement that emphasizes a trait or attitude that effective leaders embody.

· Justify the relevance of each of your principles by describing how these principles are contextually relevant within the field of early childhood education and supportive of your goals as a leader.

· Finally, explain where you are developmentally with regard to the principles. What do you see as current strengths, and what do you feel would benefit from additional knowledge and practice?


By Day 1 of Week 4

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.

Respond to one or more of your colleagues’ postings in the following ways:

· Provide additional insights related to at least one of your colleague’s principles and its unique influence on the context of and leadership in the early childhood field.

· Propose strategies for developing the leadership principles your colleague identified as needing more knowledge and practice.






Grading Guide


Points Available


Points Earned

Additional Comments:

Read the Post Graduation Adventure case on page 154 in Ch. 5 of Project Management: The Managerial Process.

Complete a response for each of the 3 subsequent questions in 200 words each. Take into consideration the requirements outlined in the project assignment instructions I have provided to you.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.


Organization / Development/ Mechanics

Points Available


Points Earned

Additional Comments:

1. Paragraph transitions are present, logical, and maintain the flow throughout the paper.

1. The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment.

1. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.

1. Sentences are well constructed, strong, and varied.

1. Section titles are used to define each of the sections of the charter.

1. The paper—including tables and graphs, headings, title page, and reference page—is consistent with APA formatting guidelines and meets course-level requirements.

1. Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a reference page.

1. Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed.

1. Spelling is correct.


Total Available

Total Earned




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