11/8/2020 Practice Exam 3: 2208-PHIL-2311-006-LOGIC
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Practice Exam 3 Due No due date Points 100 Questions 25 Time Limit 40 Minutes
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LATEST Attempt 1 3 minutes 28 out of 100
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Submitted Nov 8 at 1:22pm
Guidelines This is the practice exam for Unit 3, and it consists of 25 multiple-choice questions over Chapter 8 from the textbook. While it is only for practice, it is still a timed exam, and you are only allowed 1 attempt.
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0 / 4 ptsQuestion 1IncorrectIncorrect
Replacement rules are pairs of self-contradictions.
4 / 4 ptsQuestion 2
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Indirect proof (IP) is a method that starts by assuming the antecedent of a conditional statement on a separate line and then proceeds to validly derive the consequent on a separate line.
0 / 4 ptsQuestion 3IncorrectIncorrect
In the following problems the justification, the rule of inference, is provided for the last line; however, the line itself is missing. Use the given information to determine the last line.
Reference: Ref 8-2
1. ( ~R v S ) ⊃ ~ T 2. ~ R v S 3. ______ 1, 2 MP
~ T
R v T
R v ~ T
4 / 4 ptsQuestion 4
The last line of each example gives the reference to the line or lines needed for its derivation. You are to determine the correct rule of
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Reference: Ref 8-1
1. R ⊃ (S v P) 2. ~ (S v P) 3. ~ R 1, 2, ___
0 / 4 ptsQuestion 5IncorrectIncorrect
The last line of each example gives the reference to the line or lines needed for its derivation. You are to determine the correct rule of inference.
Reference: Ref 8-1
1. Q ⊃ R 2. ~ R 3. ~ Q 1, 2, ___
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0 / 4 ptsQuestion 6IncorrectIncorrect
The last line of each example gives the reference to the line or lines needed for its derivation. You are to determine the correct rule of inference.
Reference: Ref 8-1
1. T ⊃ ( S v T ) 2. ( S v T ) ⊃ P 3. T ⊃ P 1, 2, ___
0 / 4 ptsQuestion 7IncorrectIncorrect
The last line of each example gives the reference to the line or lines needed for its derivation. You are to determine the correct rule of inference.
Reference: Ref 8-1
1. P v Q 2. R 3. ( P v Q ) · R 1, 2, ___
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0 / 4 ptsQuestion 8IncorrectIncorrect
The last line of each example gives the reference to the line or lines needed for its derivation. You are to determine the correct rule of inference.
Reference: Ref 8-1
1. ( R v Q ) ≡ S 2. [( R v Q ) ⊃ S] · [S ⊃ ( R v Q )] 1, ___
0 / 4 ptsQuestion 9IncorrectIncorrect
The last line of each example gives the reference to the line or lines needed for its derivation. You are to determine the correct rule of inference.
Reference: Ref 8-1
1. ( R v S ) ⊃ G 2. ~ G 3. ~ ( R v S ) 1, 2, ___
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0 / 4 ptsQuestion 10IncorrectIncorrect
The last line of each example gives the reference to the line or lines needed for its derivation. You are to determine the correct rule of inference.
Reference: Ref 8-1
1. S v S 2. S 1, ___
0 / 4 ptsQuestion 11IncorrectIncorrect
The last line of each example gives the reference to the line or lines needed for its derivation. You are to determine the correct rule of inference.
Reference: Ref 8-1
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1. H v ~ E 2. ~ H 3. ~ E 1, 2, ___
4 / 4 ptsQuestion 12
Determine whether the following symbolic notation translations of the arguments are correct or incorrect. (The capital letters used for the translation are provided in each case.)
Reference: Ref 8-3
Either a war will start, or terrorist attack will occur. If a war starts, then the government will curtail some of our liberties. If a terrorist attack occurs, then the government will curtail some of our liberties. Therefore, the government will curtail some of our liberties. (W, T, C) Translation: W v T
W ⊃ C
T ⊃ C / C
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4 / 4 ptsQuestion 13
Determine whether the following symbolic notation translations of the arguments are correct or incorrect. (The capital letters used for the translation are provided in each case.)
Reference: Ref 8-3
If you read a book a week, then you will have read 520 books in 10 years. If you do not read a book a week, then you might never know what some great thinkers have written. So, either you read a book a week or you might never know what some great thinkers have written. (B, R, T) Translation: B v R
~ B ⊃ ~ T / B v T
4 / 4 ptsQuestion 14
Determine the correct rule of inference for each step of the following completed proofs. Proof 6
1. T ⊃ ( P v Q )
2. S v ~ ( P v Q )
3. ~S / ~ T
4. ~ ( P v Q ) _____
5. ~ T _____ Reference: Ref 8-9
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Line 4:
2, 3, DS
2, 3, HS
2, 3, MP
2, 3, MT
0 / 4 ptsQuestion 15IncorrectIncorrect
Determine the correct rule of inference for each step of the following completed proofs. Proof 4
1. ( R v S ) ⊃ ( ~ P v ~ Q )
2. R / ~ P v ~ Q
3. R v S _____
4. ~ P v ~ Q _____ Reference: Ref 8-7
Line 4:
1, 3, DS
1, 3, HS
1, 3, MP
1, 3, MT
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4 / 4 ptsQuestion 16
Determine the correct rule of inference for each step of the following completed proofs. Proof 3
1. ( S ⊃ R ) · Q 2. R ⊃ T / S ⊃ T
3. S ⊃ R
4. S ⊃ T
Reference: Ref 8-6
Line 3:
1, Simp
1, Taut
1, DM
1, Add
4 / 4 ptsQuestion 17
Determine whether the following completed proofs are correct or incorrect.
Reference: Ref 8-10
1. T v R
2. [ ( T v R ) v ( S · P ) ] ⊃ ( Q · S ) / Q · S
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3. ( T v R ) ⊃ ( S · P ) 1, Add 4. Q · S 2, 3, MP
0 / 4 ptsQuestion 18IncorrectIncorrect
Determine whether the following completed proofs are correct or incorrect.
Reference: Ref 8-10
1. (D v E) ⊃ (F · G) 2. ( A v B) ⊃ (D · C) / A ⊃ F 3. A Assumption (CP)
4. A v B 3, Add
5. D · C 2, 4, MP 6. D 5, Simp
7. D v E 6, Add
8. F ⊃ G 1, 7, MP
9. F 8, Simp
10. A ⊃ F 3–9, CP
0 / 4 ptsQuestion 19IncorrectIncorrect
11/8/2020 Practice Exam 3: 2208-PHIL-2311-006-LOGIC
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Determine whether the following completed proofs are correct or incorrect.
Reference: Ref 8-10
1. Q v [ S ⊃ ( P ⊃ R ) ]
2. ( T ⊃ R ) ⊃ S
3. ~ Q / ( T ⊃ R ) ⊃ ( P ⊃ R )
4. S v ( P ⊃ R ) 1, 3, DS
5. ( T ⊃ R ) ⊃ ( P ⊃ R ) 2, 4, HS
0 / 4 ptsQuestion 20IncorrectIncorrect
Determine whether the following completed proofs are correct or incorrect.
Reference: Ref 8-10
1. ( C ⊃ A) ≡ D
2. A v ( ~ C · B) / D 3. ( A v ~ C ) · ( A v B) 2, Dist 4. A v ~ C 3, Simp
5. [( C ⊃ A ) ⊃ D] · [ D ⊃ ( C ⊃ A )] 1, Equiv 6. (C ⊃ A ) ⊃ D 5, Simp
7. ~ C v A 4, Com
8. C ⊃ ~ A 7, Impl
9. D 6, 8, MP
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0 / 4 ptsQuestion 21IncorrectIncorrect
Determine whether the following completed proofs are correct or incorrect.
Reference: Ref 8-10
1. ( T v S ) v ~ R
2. ~ ( T v S ) · ( P v Q ) / ~ R 3. ~ ( T v Q ) 2, Simp
4. ~ R 1, 3, DS
0 / 4 ptsQuestion 22IncorrectIncorrect
For each of the following proofs, either the justification for a derived line has been omitted or else the derivation has been omitted. Choose the correct answer for each question. Proof 7
1. ~ B · ~ C 2. ~ ( B v C) ⊃ ( D v E ) / ( D v E )
3. 1, DM
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4. D v E Reference: Ref 8-11
The justification for line 4 is:
1, 3, MP
1, 3, MT
2, 3, MP
2, 3, MT
0 / 4 ptsQuestion 23UnansweredUnanswered
For each of the following proofs, either the justification for a derived line has been omitted or else the derivation has been omitted. Choose the correct answer for each question. Proof 8
1. ~ C v ( ~ B ⊃ D )
2. ~ B
3. ~ C ⊃ B / D v E
4. ~ ~ C
5. 1, 4, DS
6. D
7. 6, Add Reference: Ref 8-12
The justification for line 4 is:
1, 3, MP
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2, 3, MP
1, 3, MT
2, 3, MT
0 / 4 ptsQuestion 24IncorrectIncorrect
For each of the following proofs, either the justification for a derived line has been omitted or else the derivation has been omitted. Choose the correct answer for each question. Proof 9
1. ~ C v ( ~ B ⊃ D )
2. ~ B
3. ~ C ⊃ B / D v E
4. 2, 3, MT
5. ~ B ⊃ D
2, 5, MP
7. D v E Reference: Ref 8-13
The derivation in line 6 is:
D · C
D ⊃ C
~ D v ~ C
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0 / 4 ptsQuestion 25IncorrectIncorrect
For each of the following proofs, either the justification for a derived line has been omitted or else the derivation has been omitted. Choose the correct answer for each question. Proof 10
1. M v ( D · L) 2. B ⊃ ~ ( M v L ) / ~ B
3. ( M v D ) · ( M v L ) 4. ( M v L ) · ( M v D ) 5. M v L
6. ~ ~ ( M v L )
7. ~ B Reference: Ref 8-14
The justification for line 4 is:
2, 3, MP
2, 3, MT
3, Simp
3, Com
The questions are roughly in the order you'll find evidence in the text. ALWAYS use examples from the text to prove your points.
2. Define the word "emulate" (as it appears on page 258). Who does Malcolm want to emulate, and why?
3. What was Malcolm's method for learning new words? Was this a good method?
4. In what ways did increasing his vocabulary have an effect on Malcolm's life? In other words, once he knew more words, what were the benefits? List some benefits and explain why they were important to Malcolm.
5. What types of books did Malcolm especially want to borrow from the library? In other words, what was the subject of the books he wanted to read? What are some things he learned from these books? Why was he interested in this subject?
6. What were three specific things Malcolm learned about slavery from his readings?
7. What were three things Malcolm learned about China from his readings? Why was he interested in China? How did this interest in China relate to his beliefs about America?
8. According to Malcolm, why was being in prison a positive experience for him? How did Malcolm's life change as a result of being in prison?
Works Cited
X, Malcolm. “Learning to Read.” 50 Essays: A Portable Anthology. Ed. Samuel Cohen. New
York: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2011. 257-266. Print.

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