11/28/22, 6:49 AM Topic: Discussion 13 - Latino Americans: Episode 5 - Prejudice and Pride

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This is a graded discussion: 10 points possible due Dec 3

Discussion 13 - Latino Americans: Episode 5 - Prejudice and Pride 3 3

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Discussion - Latino Americans: Episode 5 - Prejudice and Pride

The Documentary, Latino Americans, will give you a visual illustration to coincide with Part 6 of the 6 themes of the class. Latino Americans: Prejudice and Pride focuses on the Rise of the Chicano Movement and the various locations throughout the Southwest.

This documentary will discuss the participation of many Mexicans and Mexican Americans in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, and California. How were Chicano leaders during this time different and/or similar. Compare and contrast Chavez/Huerta in Kern County, California vs Castro in East LA vs Tijerina in Texas vs Gonzalez in Colorado and etc...

Remember to write your original comment and response by Saturday, Dec. 3, 2022. Maker sure you put in content in your original. There is plenty of information in this documentary.

Below is the link:

https://www.pbs.org/video/latino-americans-episode-5-prejudice-and-pride/ (https://www.pbs.org/video/latino-americans-episode-5-prejudice-and-pride/)

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