11/21/2015 Career Project, Part 3 (Research)
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Career Project, Part 3 (Research)
Due Wednesday by 5pm Points 100 Submitting a file upload
Submit Assignment
Due on or before Monday, November 25
This part of the assignment requires research. Spending time in the college library will be helpful, especially working with the librarians on the second floor. Please be sure to have the assignment in hand and know your chosen career choice before speaking to a librarian.
1. Go to the Ferguson’s career database. Find the information about your career. Answer the following questions:
a. What is the Salary Range?
b. What are the Employment Prospects?
c. Name 13 Skills/Traits needed
d. Briefly Describe the Work Environment
e. What Education/Training is needed?
f. Is a License or Certification needed?
2. Using your zip code, copy and paste one ad from the Find Jobs tab in Ferguson’s. Briefly explain why you world or would not apply for this job. (If no ad appears, use any that are listed under the Find Jobs tab.)
3. Go to the Occupational Outlook Handbook.
a. Find the information about your career. Answer the same questions above using the Handbook.
b. Discuss any differences in the information from the two sources.
This assignment is to be typed, following these formatting requirements: 12font Times New Roman, double spaced, white paper, black ink, with proper student identifying information at the top of each page.
4. Save and submit the completed document using these steps:
Save the document in Word using the naming convention below.
Please use this naming convention for your file:
LastNameFirstInitialCareerResearch For example: HeckmanPCareerResearch
5. Click the Submit Assignment button at the right; locate and upload your file then click the Submit button to turn in your assignment.
Fall 2015 QEP Artifact
SDEV 0370 – Foundations for College Learning
Artifact (Case Study) Instructions:
Student Development 0370, Foundations for College Learning, has been one of the courses selected to be assessed for Ethical Decision Making, the 2015-16 Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP). Ethical Decision-making is the ability to connect values and choices to actions and consequences. Your class has been selected to be assessed. Your assignment will include a case study and a set of questions to answer. Before you begin, make sure you have in addition to these instructions, the Refrigerator Beer case study, the Ethical Decision Making questions and the Question Pyramid.
The Questions Pyramid will be used to address question 5. The first thing you need to do is mark an X through Level 1 – Simple Reasoning on the Question Pyramid. You will only use the following levels; level 2, level 3 and/or level 4 to formulate your answers for question 5.
Now that you have read the instructions, you are ready to begin. Read the Refrigerator Beer case study. After you have read the case study, review and read all 5 questions. Before you begin to address question 1, Stop and Think to determine the facts.
Once the assignment in completed. You will send your results as an attachment via email to me. Save your assignment as follows:
Your Last name, BNR ID, fall 2015 QEP
Example: Hester 900000012 fall 2015 QEP
Refrigerator Beer
By Stresson Stoddard
Joseph and Dan are juniors who met each other their first weekend of freshmen year at Plattsburgh State. Since then the two have been inseparable. However, they are quite opposite. Dan is on a sports team, drinks a lot, is very outgoing, death defying, and an individual who believes in living in the moment and not caught up in the future. On the other hand, Joseph is a religious, conservative, family and school oriented person. In short, Dan is the life of the party, the person who consumes alcohol excessively and always has alcohol in his dorm. Joe is the opposite, but the two have grown to become great friends.
In the fall semester of junior year the two decided to live together in a suite but in separate rooms. The weekend before Columbus break, Dan decided to stock his room with alcohol. He bought two bottles of vodka, a 30 rack of beer and proceeded to concoct various alcoholic treats for him and his friends. Unable to stash all his treats in his room, he proceeded to Joseph's room to store the 30 rack in Joseph's fridge with several bottles still open. Joseph was not around. Dan knew Joseph’s code, so he punched in the code to his room and placed his 30 rack in the refrigerator without telling Joseph.
The next day Joseph decided to play a game of Mario. Joseph's roommate, Timmy, who is an exchange student here, was also playing with him. While playing the game Joseph left his room door open. Minutes later his RA came into the room and asked him to store a surprise cake he had bought for the RD in his refrigerator. Joseph did not want to stop playing the game, so he told his RA to go ahead. The RA opened the door and was surprised at the alcohol, Joseph himself was shocked. Subsequently, Joseph’s RA informed him he would be written up, as well as his roommate. They both denied they knew about it.
Timmy began to cry, because his scholarship had a clause that stated if he was to be in any form of trouble, he would lose his scholarship and any other chance of getting another from his country. Joseph was angered as well but did not blame Dan because Dan would lose his spot on the team and the scholarship which he desperately needed to finance his education. The three friends were in panic because of what was at stake. What is the morally right thing to do for each person in this case?
COPYRIGHT © 1996 - 2015 SUNY Plattsburgh • 101 Broad St. • Plattsburgh, NY 12901 • (518) 564-20 http://www.plattsburgh.edu/academics/philosophy/moralproblems.php00
Quality Enhancement Plan 2015-16 Ethical Decisions Making
Identify the facts in the case study.
1. ethical issues?
What would you do in a similar situation? Indicate how your values influenced your decision and take into consideration competing (opposing) values (personal, social, cultural, or professional).
Who are the characters in this case study? Identify the ethical perspectives of each character in the case study and state how each might have viewed the situation.
Write two questions that should be addressed/considered regarding this case study. Your questions should be a basic reasoning, critical thinking or creative thinking question. (Use the Question Pyramid handout to formulate your questions).
Answer Sheet
Habit 7 – Sharpen the Saw
Page Heading: How Do I Sharpen the Saw?
When you take time for rest, relaxation, and renewal, you are sharpening the saw. Renewal allows you to take on the challenges of daily living. Your saw consists of your body, mind, heart, and soul. It is vital to Sharpen the Saw in all four dimensions.
Apply the Weekly Compass® Card
Mark the activities/actions you do for rest, relaxation, and renewal:
Check Here |
Exercise regularly |
Eat a balanced diet |
Get the proper amount of sleep/rest |
Build healthy habits |
Cultivate personal relationships |
Build new friendships |
React positively to others |
Create an uplifting environment |
Read |
Go to the library |
Solve puzzles |
Sign up for a new activity |
Serve others |
Value nature. Watch the sunset. |
Cultivate a rich personal life |
Mediate/Yoga/Tai Chi |
551Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw®
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
The Habit of Self-Renewal
What Is the Purpose of Habit 7? Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw is based on the principle that by taking time out to nurture your body, mind, heart, and soul, you become more effective in all other areas of your life.
Key Questions Answered in This Section • How do I Sharpen the Saw?
• How well do I live the 7 Habits?
I continually improve as I take time for myself.
I am recharged.
I set and achieve goals and plan time for myself.
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How Do I Sharpen the Saw? Define the Saw When you take time for rest, relaxation, and renewal, you are sharpening the saw. Renewal allows you to take on the challenges of daily living. Your �saw consists of your body, mind, heart, and soul. It is vital to Sharpen the Saw in all four dimensions.
Apply the Weekly Compass® Card
552 Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw®
Exercise regularly.
Eat a balanced diet.
Get the proper amount of sleep/rest.
Build healthy habits.
Cultivate personal relationships.
Build new friendships.
React positively to others.
Create an uplifting environment.
Go to the library.
Solve puzzles.
Sign up for a new activity.
Serve others.
Value nature. Watch the sunset.
Cultivate a rich personal life.
Meditate/Yoga/Tai Chi.
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Reflect on Habit 7 What insights did I gain from this section?
Apply Habit 7 Apply Habit 7 in your life by choosing from one of the ideas below or creating your own.
1. Start an exercise program today. Do it faithfully for 30 days. Choose something you really enjoy.
2. Take time each day to meditate, reflect on your life, or pray. Do what works for you.
Summarize Habit 7 Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw is about taking time for self-renewal. It means preserving and enhancing the greatest asset you have�you! It means having a balanced, systematic program for self-renewal in these four areas: physical, mental, social/emotional, and spiritual.
553Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw®
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How Well Do I Live the 7 Habits®? Circle the answers using a pencil. Mark a 1 if you strongly disagree with the statement, a 3 if you somewhat agree, or a 5 if you strongly agree. Then add your points and record the results in your planner or at the bottom of this page. After you have recorded your score, erase the circles. Record a note in your planner to retake the assessment in one month. Compare the results and ask yourself, �Have I improved?
1. I feel in control of my life. ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄
2. I begin each day by planning. ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄
3. I am well organized. ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄
4. I communicate well. ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄
5. People say I am a good listener. ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄
6. I take the initiative to meet with my professors. ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄
7. I keep my promises. ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄
8. I care about the well-being of others. ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄
9. I set goals and know what I want to achieve. ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄
10. I enjoy working with others on projects. ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄
11. I do the most important things first. ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄
12. I balance all aspects of my life. ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄
13. I think other people often have valuable ideas. ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄
14. I exercise regularly and eat healthy foods. ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄
First Score: ________________________ Date _____________________
Second Score: _____________________ Date _____________________
554 Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw®
Score Result 60+ Excellent! 50+ Way to go! 40+ Not bad. Improvements can be made. 30+ Get to work! Work those 7 Habits! Below 29 Lots of room for improvement.
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