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Research Objectives, Research Questions, and Hypotheses
After providing a brief introduction to this section, students should include research objectives, research questions, and hypotheses here. There should be 1 research objective, 1 research question, and 2 hypotheses (both a null and alternative) for each of the 6 problems described in the Statement of Problems section of the Course Project Guidance document.
Students should compose 6 short, direct, statements about the objectives of the study. Research objectives should relate directly to the 6 problems that have been described in the Statement of Problems and there should be 1 objective for each problem.
Each research objective should also have a corresponding research question and a null and alternative hypothesis as shown in the example below. Research questions and hypotheses should specifically state the variables being measured.
In total, there should be 6 research objectives, 6 research questions, and 12 hypotheses as shown below in the template.
Important Note: Students should refer to the information presented in the Unit II syllabus instructions to complete this section of the project. Delete instructions and examples highlighted in yellow before submitting this assignment.
RO1: Determine if a person’s height is related to weight.
RQ1: Is there a relationship between height and weight?
Ho1: There is no statistically significant relationship between height and weight.
Ha1: There is a statistically significant relationship between height and weight.
Include references here using hanging indentations.
Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (5th ed.). SAGE.
Professional Blueprint
Overview: Submit a complete, polished community psychology (CP) professional blueprint that incorporates revised content from the project milestones along with additional content on Systems Thinking, your role in the system, and a topic of your choice. The blueprint should address all of the topics and questions outlined below, and it must be a structured paper that includes a number of specific elements that link your expanding knowledge of CP with your professional goals and interests.
1. Systems View
Write a two-page response to the following questions:
a. As a systems thinker, how do various agencies and their goals interact in the community? Pick two agencies and demonstrate how their goals, missions, and outcomes support the community.
b. Does your community have any interagency associations that coordinate planning and social change efforts? For example, does the community have a human service association such as United Way? (These efforts may deal with prevention, crisis response, building community resilience, and so on.)
2. Your Role in the System
Write a two-page response to the following questions:
a. In your current role, what system are you part of?
b. What specific ideas and issues drive that system? (Example: the benefits of elder day-care services or of youth diversion courts.)
c. As part of the system, how do these issues impact you?
Note: If you are not currently working in this field, answer based on your intended position in the future.
3. Topic of Interest
Write a two-page response to a question of your choice that highlights your professional and career interests—a particular idea, concept, or theory that you would like to study further.
Additional Instruction: The following resources on system thinking was used in the annotated bibliography milestone submitted. Incorporate the resources below and any additional resources related to the topic of your choice under system thinking in your professional blueprint.
· BeLue, R., Carmack, C., Myers, K. R., Weinreb-Welch, L., & Lengerich, E. J. (2012). Systems thinking tools as applied to community-based participatory research: a case study. Health Education & Behavior, 39(6), 745-751.
· Gurr, D., Longmuir, F., & Reed, C. (2020). Creating successful and unique schools: leadership, context, and systems thinking perspectives. Journal of Educational Administration. https://doi.org/10.1108/JEA-02-2020-0045

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