Dissertation Development

LaMarcus Streeter

College of Doctoral Studies, Grand Canyon University

RES-815: Introduction to Research

Dr. Groth

December 13, 2023

Dissertation Development

Ozcan M. (2021). Factors Affecting Students’ Academic Achievement according to the Teachers’ Opinion. Education Reform Journal Volume 6. E-ISSN: 2602-3997. http://dx.doi.org/10.22596/erj2021.

Ozcan (2021) study sought to look at the elements influencing pupils' academic success. This qualitative study applied a case study methodology with a sample of nine male and eleven female branch instructors from various subject areas. The range of professional experience among the participants was one to thirteen years. Purposive sampling was used to choose the research group, and the instructors had to be branch teachers at schools in the province and district and employed in high schools. The study's conclusions emphasized the effects of parental education on aspects of academic support, role modeling, concern, intelligence, and drive. In addition, it has been determined that the physical environment and school administration have an impact on students' academic achievement in terms of learning, motivation, creativity, operation, and attitude. It has been discovered that the school environment affects students' academic performance in three ways: motivation, social impacts, and socioeconomic effects. Finally, the instructor was acknowledged as a critical component of the academic performance of the pupils, mostly due to their professional competence, communication skills, attitude, motivation, and direction. This study offers insightful information on the elements that influence students' academic performance, information that can help direct efforts to enhance students' educational experiences.

Evans D. Field A. Borriello G. (2018). A Review of the Academic and Psychological Impact of the Transition to Secondary Education. Front. Psychol., Sec. Educational Psychology, Volume 9. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01482

Evans Field, and Borriello (2018) examines how a young adolescent's academic and psychological health are affected by moving from primary to secondary education. This review of the research looks at the variables that might have a detrimental effect, such a higher chance of mental health problems and a drop in academic achievement. The authors consider how transition from childhood through adolescence is affected by biology, sociology and psychology. The authors analyze the relationship of psychological well-being with achievement prior to, during and post changeover. As a conclusion, the authors provide hints on how the parents and schools could assist these adolescents in this critical phase.

In this paper, the authors discuss some challenges associated with transitioning to high school and the importance of support and intervention. Scholars who want to know more about the mechanisms behind the transition of leadership should use this article as a source because the authors give a good account of the existing studies concerning the topic, having references drawn from various works. In addition, one can add keywords in the text useful not only for the searchers interested in general aspects of transition to secondary school but also scholars looking for some specific aspects of the process such as what is actually happening to students due to this or how teachers are involved here and so on. This work contributes something interesting and intelligently written with regard to the education and growing up process of adolescents.

Mathwasa, J., & Sibanda, L. (2021). Male Educator Recruitment in Early Childhood Centres: Implications for Teacher Education. IntechOpen. https://www.intechopen.com/chapters/76033

As Mathwasa and Sibanda (2021) point out, young people are vulnerable during their adolescence phase. Authors argue that over the years male role models have not played any part in the EDC programs which have resulted to lacked participation of fathers in their children’s life at an early stage. Therefore, research has shown that male involvement can have positive impact in child’s emotion, social and cognitive developments hence it becomes an issue. In fact, until now, women have prevailed over the gendered inequality in education whereby males remain underserved.

The study also outlines some deterrents that hinder males as ECD teachers, including stigmatization, biases and lack of career development opportunities. It also provides training strategies that can be used to attract and retain men as teachers in the ECD policy, influencing law and training programs. The authors also give a detailed discussion of international literature highlighting contemporary state of men involved in early childhood development globally.

Therefore, this paper highlights the importance of male teachers during the formative period of a child’s lifecycle and reinforces the requirement for their engagement in early childhood education initiatives. This is a priceless resource for academic personnel, decision makers and pedagogical advisors on overcoming the gender inequality in pre-schooling and enhancing masculine authority.

Xu, Y., & Waniganayake, M. (2018). An exploratory study of gender and male teachers in early childhood education and care centres in China. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 48(4), 518-534.

According to Xu & Waniganayake (2018), male instructors are less represented within the Chinese ECEC. Using an exploratory study, the authors explore male teachers’ thoughts, as well as possible entry and sustainability hindrances for them in this specialization. This study reveals how cultural traditions and gender discrimination affect job maintenance and employment with men in Early Childhood Educational Centers reinforcing the downgrading and subjugation of males in society. These problems should therefore be addressed if they are to help in developing an inclusive and varied workforce in the ECEC centres. The study points out that there has to be a legal change as well as the reformation of the current culture so that the issue can be addressed. It also provides enlightening insights into the specific challenges faced by the male ECEC teacher. The paper adds important and well researched knowledge in the current debate on gender and education, particularly early childhood education.

Rucinski, C. L., Brown, J. L., & Downer, J. T. (2018). Teacher–child relationships, classroom climate, and children’s social-emotional and academic development. Journal of Educational Psychology, 110(7), 992–1004. https://doi.org/10.1037/edu0000240

This peer-reviewed journal study investigates the impact of teacher-child relationships and classroom environment on socio-emotional and academic progress among young students. The impact of male presence in education on these developmental outcomes is the authors' particular area of research. Rucinski, Brown, and Downer (2018) demonstrate that enhanced social-emotional and academic development in children is strongly connected with positive teacher-child connections and a favorable classroom atmosphere through a meta-analysis of prior studies. The significance of having male instructors in the school and their ability to have a beneficial effect on kids' development are also highlighted in the essay. This study offers proof of the possible advantages of having male teachers in the classroom and would be helpful for my research on the impact of masculine presence in education on student progress. Additionally, it stresses the value of fostering healthy classroom environments and teacher-student connections, both of which are critical to fostering students' social-emotional and intellectual development. Therefore, this paper advances our knowledge of the effects of having more men in the classroom and offers insightful information to legislators and teachers.


Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership Emphasis K-12 Leadership Qualitative Research.

Research Focus

My research topic is the male presence in education and its effect on student success academically, socially and emotionally. The masculine presence in education is a study topic that strongly relates to my degree and area of specialization as a Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership. This issue, which is more broadly related to K–12 leadership, discusses the function of leadership in fostering a climate that is conducive to learning for students. My focus for this assignment is on qualitative research, which means that it involves understanding male teachers, students, and other educational stakeholders’ experiences and perceptions.

The primary goal of my degree program is to prepare leaders who will develop more equitable and inclusive education practices. My study addresses this directly and looks at how gender diversity leads to improved performance among students and the issue of masculinity in education. In my work I will try to identify the potential benefits for boys in disciplines and fields where women predominantly teach them. It fits the current focus on promoting inclusiveness and diversity in education along with appreciating how important it is to offer students different positive figures and role models.

Moreover, one must perceive the different components of student’s academic results and how effectively managers can address those factors. My study on this subject is based on the assumption that the inclusion of male teachers into classrooms benefits children’s social, mental and emotional development positively. I also aim to shed some rays on how gender disparity influences the performance of students and propose ways in which a school can take positive measures to ensure that their diversity in gender is beneficial to their developmental aspects.

Feasibility of Research Problem

This topic is definitely the research problem, which explores, among others, the impact provided by male presence on educative development. There are many researches concerning gender differences in education, however, one can observe gaps in the literature on the influence, which male teachers have upon children’s success in learning. This shows that a lot still needs to be done with regards to learning more about this topic. Research has shown that for children, especially boys, it is beneficial to have male teachers or role models who give them good support in their educational and emotional development. However, it is important to search for options that can help use this presence in promoting student success.

With regard to the importance of this topic to education today, equality and inclusivity have always been key issues at stake. Examining the consequences of male teachers may also be used in elimination of systematic disadvantages within educational programs as well as revealing the importance of inclusion in the working environment. Data supporting the research is accessible and available. The main sources of information will include interviews and surveys involving male teachers, students, and school officials. Since I am a doctorate candidate in education and have previous experience in qualitative research, I have gained necessary skills and know-how that will help me collect and assess data effectively. Possible sources of data could be obtained through my professional and personal network, by contacting schools & districts directly or otherwise.

Furthermore, the targeted population from this study is not confined to a specific geographical area nor a particular kind of people. As such, many participants can be included in the study and researchers get more insights into how boys’ presence in school impacts on girls. Through deliberate and snowball sampling, I shall reach potential respondents who would share different opinions about this issue.

Problem Statement

Since there have been several research which revealed the effect that male presence in education has upon students’ performance, this topic has attracted many scholars. However most publications that are being published focus on male teacher’s involvement and effects on students’ academic achievement while leaving the aspect of presence of male teacher unexplained. The shortage of the male educators in K-12 education is disturbing, as it leaves the children with no male role models at a time there are more female than males teachers in the industry. For a complete understanding on how males’ presence affects students’ academic development, social adjustment, and emotional maturity additional studies are necessary. The significance of such an analysis lies in shedding light on an underexplored side of manhood, which has been neglected in educational practices in most institutions across America, exploring its likely ramifications for the child’s growth and development. Moreover, appreciating the presence of male instructors in school can enable the creation of tactics and policies that aim at attracting and retaining male teachers who can eventually enhance the learning environment in schools.

Defense of Article Selection

In an attempt to find some empirical articles so that the relevant, as well as current information would be found for my dissertation concerning men in education and their impact upon learning, I primarily used academic databases such as proquest, google scholar and ERIC. I also used the snowballing approach by examining the reference lists of relevant papers. In addition, I consulted library specialists in my school to assist me locate relevant writings.

Having done detailed research, I consider these five empirical publications important for understanding the problem and relate them to the scope of my study. The following criteria were used in the selection of the articles:

1. Article importance: These articles were frequently cited as well, sometimes significantly influencing subsequent studies pertaining to this topic. The results of their researches is published by reputable scholarly journals, showing how important their researches is. The papers are essential as they outline other vital factors that facilitate students’ performance and in-depth investigations into studies on male in education.

2. Pertinence to my study area of interest: All the five articles that I selected have some impacts towards my interests and provide useful information on the role men play in education and impact on student achievements. They all talk about what men do in classrooms and its impact on students’ social, emotional and academic achievement.

3. The contribution of the article to the research topic: The different perspectives of this study resource have helped expand my understanding concerning men’s role in education and students’ achievements. This comprises a detailed review on research works encompassing the factors influencing the male labor input, the difficulties faced by male learners and teachers as well as their solutions.

4. Currency and relevance: Since they were published within the last five to ten years, the articles I selected are relevant to my investigation. There is need for recent research to reflect into male involvement in education and its effect on learning since education environments are changing fast.

5. Alignment with research focus: Each one of the selected articles is perfectly consistent for my research project about picturing boys in primary and secondary schooling. These studies highlighted the role of males in various aspects of education such as relations between teachers and pupils, academic performance and social-emotional development. The above-mentioned articles could also be useful in identifying means of closing the gaps and overcoming problems in this discipline.

To wrap up, I took time to review every article comprising my annotated bibliography to be sure it fitted into the area of my research, meaningful in the field, contributed towards understanding the issue and also up-to-date. These publications have enriched my understanding and laid strong foundations for my men-in-education’s dissertation study about how men are represented in education.

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Dissertation Development - Rubric Total 100 points

Criterion 1. 1: Unsatisfactory

2. 2: Less Than Satisfactory

3. 3: Satisfactory 4. 4: Good 5. 5: Excellent

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

0 points

An annotated

bibliography is either

missing or not evident to

the reader. Annotations

lack any discernible

overall purpose or

organizing claim.

14.6 points

An annotated

bibliography is present,

but inaccurate or

incomplete. Annotations

are insufficiently

developed and/or vague;

purpose is not clear.

16.4 points

An annotated

bibliography is

presented, but the

elements are addressed

in a cursory manner.

18.2 points

An annotated

bibliography is

presented and includes

all necessary elements.

Annotations are clear

and relatively

descriptive. They are

appropriate to the


20 points

An annotated

bibliography is

thoroughly presented

with rich detail and

includes all necessary

elements. Annotations

are clear and


Alignment and Feasibility

Alignment and Feasibility

0 points

Potential topic does not

display any discernible

alignment to the degree

program. The study

proposed is not feasible.

7.3 points

Potential topic displays

weak alignment to the

degree program. The

study proposed is not

feasible but with

significant work could be

altered to become


8.2 points

Potential topic displays

reasonable alignment to

the degree program. The

study proposed is

feasible but additional

focus will allow timely


9.1 points

Potential topic displays

solid alignment to the

degree program. The

study proposed is


10 points

Potential topic displays

purposeful alignment to

the degree program. The

study proposed is

feasible and can be

accomplished in a timely


Problem Statement

Problem Statement

0 points

The problem statement

is present but disjointed

and missing many


10.95 points

The problem statement

is present and includes

all components, but they

are not fully addressed

and not in alignment

with one another.

12.3 points

The problem statement

is present and includes

all components. Most

are addressed well, but

the alignment with one

another is weak.

13.65 points

The problem statement

is present and includes

all components. The

components are

addressed well, and the

alignment with one

another is relatively


15 points

The problem statement

is present and includes

all components. The

components are

addressed well, and the

alignment with one

another is clear and


Defense of the Need for the Study

Defense of the Need for

the Study

0 points

A defense of the need

for the study is either

missing or not evident.

7.3 points

A defense of the need

for the study is illogical

or inaccurate. Sufficient

justification of claims is

lacking. Argument lacks

consistent unity. There

are obvious flaws in the


8.2 points

A defense of the need

for the study is cursory.

Argument is orderly but

may have a few

inconsistencies. The

argument presents

minimal justification of

claims. Argument

logically, but not

thoroughly, supports the


9.1 points

A defense of the need

for the study is present.

Argument shows logical


Techniques of

argumentation are

evident. There is a

smooth progression of

claims from introduction

to conclusion.

10 points

A defense of the need

for the study is

thorough. Argument is

clear and convincing,

presenting a persuasive

claim in a distinctive and

compelling manner.

Conceptual/Theoretical Framework



0 points

A proposed


framework is either

missing or not evident.

7.3 points

A proposed


framework is illogical.

The proposed

framework does not

8.2 points

A proposed


framework is cursory.

Argument for using the

framework is orderly but

9.1 points

A proposed


framework is present.

Argument for using the

framework shows logical

10 points

A proposed


framework is thorough.

Argument for using the

framework is clear and

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align with other

components of the study

Sufficient support for

using the framework is

lacking. Argument lacks

consistent unity.

may have a few


Argument logically, but

not thoroughly, supports

the choice of the



Techniques of

argumentation are

evident. There is a

smooth progression of

claims from introduction

to conclusion that give

appropriate support to

the choice of the


convincing, presenting a

persuasive claim in a

distinctive and

compelling manner.

Reflection on the Significance of the Study

Reflection on the

Significance of the Study

0 points

A reflection on the

significance of the study

is either missing or not


7.3 points

A reflection on the

significance of the study

is illogical or

unreasoned. Critical

thought and scholarly

reflection are not

evident. Connection to

the articles read is not


8.2 points

A reflection on the

significance of the study

is cursory. Some

evidence of critical

thought and scholarly

reflection is present.

There is a vague

connection to the

articles read.

9.1 points

A reflection on the

significance of the study

is present. Clear

evidence of critical

thought and scholarly

reflection is present. The

reflection connects to

the articles read.

10 points

A reflection on the

significance of the study

is clear, thorough, and

scholarly. Clear evidence

of critical thought is

present. The reflection

connects directly to the

articles read.

Defense of Article Selection

Defense of Article


0 points

A defense of the article

selection is either

missing or not evident.

7.3 points

A defense of the article

selection is illogical or

inaccurate. Sufficient

justification of claims is

lacking. Argument lacks

consistent unity. There

are obvious flaws in the


8.2 points

A defense of the article

selection is cursory.

Argument is orderly, but

may have a few

inconsistencies. The

argument presents

minimal justification of

claims. Argument

logically, but not

thoroughly, supports the


9.1 points

A defense of the article

selection is present.

Argument shows logical


Techniques of

argumentation are

evident. There is a

smooth progression of

claims from introduction

to conclusion.

10 points

A defense of the article

selection is thorough.

Argument is clear and

convincing, presenting a

persuasive claim in a

distinctive and

compelling manner.

Mechanics of Writing

Mechanics of Writing

0 points

Mechanical errors are

pervasive enough that

they impede

communication of

meaning. Inappropriate

word choice and/or

sentence construction

are used.

7.3 points

Frequent and repetitive

mechanical errors

distract the reader.

Inconsistencies in

language choice

(register), sentence

structure, and/or word

choice are present.

8.2 points

Some mechanical errors

or typos are present, but

are not overly distracting

to the reader. Correct

sentence structure and


language are used.

9.1 points

Prose is largely free of

mechanical errors,

although a few may be

present. A variety of

sentence structures and

effective figures of

speech are used.

10 points

Writer is clearly in

command of standard,

written, academic


APA Format

APA Format

0 points

Required format is rarely

followed correctly. No

reference page is

included. No in-text

citations are used.

3.65 points

Required format

elements are missing or

incorrect. A lack of

control with formatting

is apparent. Reference

page is present.

However, in-text

citations are

inconsistently used.

4.1 points

Required format is

generally correct.

However, errors are

present (e.g. font, cover

page, margins, and in-

text citations). Reference

page is included and lists

sources used in the

paper. Sources are


documented though

some errors are present.

4.55 points

Required format is used,

but minor errors are

present (e.g. headings

and direct quotes).

Reference page is

present and includes all

cited sources.

Documentation is

appropriate and citation

style is usually correct.

5 points

The document is

correctly formatted. In-

text citations and a

reference page are

complete and correct.

The documentation of

cited sources is free of


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Title in Bold Font

Your Name Goes Here

College of Doctoral Studies, Grand Canyon University

RES-820: Name of Course

Instructor’s Name


Topic of Research

Baker, V. L., & Pifer, M. J. (2011). The role of relationships in the transition from doctor to independent scholar. Studies in Continuing Education, 33(1), 5-17. http://doi.org/10.1080/0158037X. 2010.515569

For this assignment select ten empirical, peer-reviewed research articles that are current and relevant to your dissertation topic. Provide a reference and an annotation (150-250 words) that includes important details about the article for each of the sources.

Annotations are descriptive and critical assessments of literature that help researchers evaluate texts and determine relevancy in relation to a research project. Ultimately, it is a note-taking tool that fosters critical thinking and helps you evaluate the source material for possible later use. Instead of reading articles and forgetting what you have read, you have a convenient document full of helpful information. An annotated bibliography can help you see the bigger picture of the literature you are reading. It can help you visualize the overall status of the topic, as well as where your unique question might fit into the field of literature. 

Be sure that sources are presented in alphabetic order by the first author’s last name.

Your sources should not be Class Resources, dissertations, books, reports, conference papers, legal documents, book reviews, editorials, newspaper articles, magazine articles, and other sources that are not peer-reviewed. 


Provide a sentence identifying your degree program and emphasis.

Research Focus

Articulate your research focus. How does your topic area align with your degree and emphasis area?

Feasibility of Research Problem

It is important for you to select a topic that is viable and a problem that is researchable. Justify the feasibility of your proposed research project. Make sure to identify who you are going to research. Describe the intended population for the study and your access to those subjects. How do you intended to collect data?

Problem Statement

In RES 815 you discussed what is known, what needs to be known, and what is the significance of the potential problem you are investigating. Now you will write a single sentence that encompasses all of the required components. Choose one of the formats below to write a one-sentence problem statement.

It is not known how or why…

Based on what is known in literature, _____ is still unknown/what still needs to be understood is…

While the literature indicates ____________, it is not known in (school/district/organization/community) if __________.

Need for Study

In the previous section you have presented the problem statement, but why does this need to be researched. Justify the need for the study with research that says the study is needed. (150-250 words; provide citations to demonstrate research support.)

Conceptual/Theoretical Framework

Researchers use a framework to design and conduce their specific and unique quantitative and qualitative research studies. The theoretical framework includes the laws, theories, models and concepts the researcher will use to develop the research questions. Some examples would include Law of Perceptual Organization, Self-Determination Theory, Attribution Theory of Motivation, Servant Leadership Model, or concepts like Cognitive Dissonance or Quiet Quitting. Notice that the choice of methodology (quantitative or qualitative) or design (phenomenology, correlation, narrative) are not part of the framework. In the articles that you selected review the conceptual or theoretical frameworks that the author(s) used. Choose the one that seem the most promising to use in your own research. Discuss how this framework shows potential for helping you to investigate your problem space. Using the article’s reference page, what would be the seminal work that the author(s) used that relates to the theoretical framework. (150-250 words; citations required)

Significance to the Problem

How will a researcher know whether a topic of interest and the problem are of interest to others? The significance of the problem considers how many people perceive a need for answers to this problem. How do you think your study will be significant to your field? What is the value to ongoing research in the area? What are practical applications? What are the implications that could come from the proposed study? (150-250 words)

Defense of Article Selection

The selection of the articles you choose to include is essential in developing an understanding of the literature on your topic. For this assignment you selected ten empirical articles that are important to your understanding of the problem. In this section, defend your selection of your ten articles for the annotated bibliography. Why were these ten articles important enough to annotate? How do these align with your research focus? Are they current and relevant? (250-500 words)

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