1-2 Milestone One: Justification
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MBA 750
Increasing automation in the defense sector is a concept that can be implemented to benefit defense and aerospace manufacturing companies. Creating robots reduces the workforce required in a job, increases production, and lowers the costs involved in production. Many companies are adopting automation to increase non-defective products production. Due to human error, there is the likelihood that some goods, if produced using the workforce, will be defective. For a company trying to maximize profits and minimize expenditure and costs, defective goods lower the company's profitability. Hence, robots are the best option because automation leads to uniform and non-defective products. In addition, the concept lowers the costs of the workforce because machines do not get tired or exhausted (Terry, 2019). That means it can operate for many hours, unlike human power. Therefore, the company reduces the money spent on hiring because the robots can handle many people's work. The robots also help in doing dangerous and unpleasant work. In the defense sector, there is the manufacturing of many goods. Some of the products manufactured cause harm to human beings when exposed to them. Therefore the procedure becomes more expensive for the manufacturing companies as they are forced to spend a lot on protective wear for the employees carrying out the work. Since robots do not get infected or are not affected by the reaction between the chemicals used in these harmful procedures, they can save the manufacturing companies a lot. Firstly, companies do not need to hire many people to perform these tasks since they require maximum carefulness. The costs of hiring so many staff are reduced when the robots are adopted to do the work. In addition, the company does not spend a lot on protective wear since the robots do not need it.
Automation also powers growth in companies; when covid 19 hit the planet, many companies underwent many challenges. Since there were government orders and restrictions for people to keep a distance and stay at home, many companies experienced shortages in labor. This is because f a unit comprises a certain number of people, they could not operate in such a unit anymore. Therefore the companies started experiencing losses because of low productivity and high labor costs. Due to this, companies need to adopt automation so that the production lines can continue running. Having robots do the work eliminates any chances of production stoppage since machines do not get sick or exhausted. Therefore companies do not face the dangers of running short of production when there is a contingency. There is also the assurance of stability if the automation processes are used. This is because there is always production going on, even in the presence of contingencies or crises. Therefore the companies do not stop production because they are not entirely dependent on the workforce. There is reliability in using machines, and the company's growth is increased because there is a steady flow of production (Tuomi et al., 2019). There are also other benefits stemming from the adoption of robots in production; automation has led to many opportunities, including reliance on technology. The efficiency of a company can be increased by reliance on technology; this is because technological advancements offer companies the chance to produce innovative products. This increases the market share of the company as well as its competitive advantage. In addition, artificial intelligence and robotic automation are increased in the company; the company becomes more reliant on technology and the advantages the technology advancements have to offer. Also, the company starts becoming more competitive, and the goods they produce are
competitive in the market. The company's resources are utilized to the maximum because defective goods are reduced. The company is transformed by technology because technology makes it possible to achieve its goals more quickly.
The market for artificial intelligence is growing around the world. This is because many companies in different industries adopt automation to make their work easier. The concept targets a large market since every industry can utilize the concept of automation. But most importantly, in this case, the concept targets manufacturing companies. The concept aims to ensure companies increase automation in the manufacturing process to ease the costs of production. This is a vast market that affects the economy. When there are decreased costs in production, there is a decrease in prices, or the companies can decide3 not to lower the prices so that they can enjoy large margin profits. This means growth in these companies. The market for robots has its dynamics, such as the rise in demand for the robots. Industries have been acquiring automation to ensure they reach their desired goals; since the automation process has been utilized by some companies and led them to success, then other companies in the same or different industries are also adopting the technology.
Therefore, the concept can be used in different companies because it allows employees to shift their focus from the tasks that robots can handle and focus on other essential tasks. The other market for robots apart from companies in the domestic sector (Cave et al., 2019). Automation is possible even at home. Some chores can be carried out using robots at home. This lowers the amount of time a person uses doing these chores and focuses on other essential tasks. This means the market for robots and automation technology is extensive and can be adopted at home and in companies. The market is even expected to grow with time since other sectors such as healthcare, defense, and others are adopting the technology, increasing its demand and growth. The demand is even rising due to the increase in preventing coronavirus. The health sector has been raising its demand for automation and artificial intelligence to deal with the impacts of covid 19.
The robots are made with sp0ecific features that set them apart from the other similar technologies to ensure they are competitive in the market. Firstly, the robots are manufactured according to the company's needs, and the industry company is in. since there is the production of many robots for different uses, it is possible for the production not to fit the desired use or the reason it has been manufactured for. There is an existing problem where companies make robots with no distinctive features. Therefore some become ineffective because they cannot handle some tasks. The difference in the type of robots produced by this company is that they are specifically made for their uses. There is no generalization, and the requirements are researched before the technology is developed. The robots have features similar to human beings to ensure the tasks are performed to satisfaction. Therefore it is an artificial intelligence developed to answer questions or handle a task. It is programmed in a way similar to that of human beings. The programming is done to almost suit the human being's perception to ensure perfection. In addition, the robots used in handling complex manual tasks have features that allow them to perfect on that specific task (Kaartemo & Helkkula, 2018). Due to these features, the robots can beat competition since there are many gaps in the markets, and there has been a failure in these technologies due to generalization. The main idea is to ensure there is no generalization in the making of the robots, and each can handle the tasks it is made for. Hence, the product will be able to quickly gain market share since they are efficient and lead to the fulfillment of the customers' needs.
The company prioritizes ensuring its products are innovative and competitive, even in line with its vision and mission. Hence the product is innovative. It is in line with the company's mission and vision. It can drive the company towards its goals and set strategies. The product is also innovative because it uses technology to solve an existing problem (Upchurch, 2018). It is designed to come up with easy ways to solve the existing problem of production. Through the technology, production is made easy, and also it lowers the costs incurred by companies in the production process. More time is given to the development of the product to ensure it is more specific in solving the problems it is made for. The fact that it is not generalized makes it more innovative. This is because it is made to be specific about problems, and it solves the specific problems it is made for hence making it easy to use and more effective. It is also innovative because the technology used in making it is different in that it is focused on a specific area instead of general sectors.
The following graph show the number of hours worked by a robot, this helps to explain the impact of the robots in companies and how they influence the performance of the company across different countries of the world.
Cave, S., Coughlan, K., & Dihal, K. (2019, January). " Scary Robots" Examining Public
Responses to AI. Proceedings of the 2019 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and
Society (pp. 331-337).
Kaartemo, V., & Helkkula, A. (2018). A systematic review of artificial intelligence and robots in
value co-creation: current status and future research avenues. Journal of Creating Value,
4(2), 211-228.
Terry, N. (2019). Of regulating healthcare AI and robots. Available at SSRN 3321379.
Tuomi, A., Tussyadiah, I., & Stienmetz, J. (2019). Leveraging LEGO® Serious Play® to
embrace AI and robots in tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 81, 102736.
Upchurch, M. (2018). Robots and AI at work: the prospects for singularity. New Technology,
Work and Employment, 33(3), 205-218.
MBA 705 Milestone Five Guidelines and Rubric
Overview: For the capstone assessment, you will create a business implementation plan and audiovisual presentation for the product, service, or idea you have been developing throughout your MBA coursework. In Milestone Five, you will submit the assumptions and contingency planning, in which you will clearly explain the assumptions you have made in creating your business implementation plan, any factors that may affect those assumptions or the success of the project, and how you have planned for those contingencies. At a minimum, you should discuss any cross-cultural, economic, and geopolitical factors that may impact the business environment and concept; how you will ensure that the project operates in a legally and ethically compliant environment, including relevant laws, regulations, or patents or permits that may need to be obtained; plans for incorporating stakeholder and customer diversity into planning and implementation of the concept; and the role corporate social responsibility will play in the implementation of you concept. Critical Elements:
Explain the assumptions you have made in creating your business implementation plan, including a discussion of any factors that may affect the assumptions or success of the project, and how you have planned for those contingencies.
Discuss any cross-cultural, economic, and geopolitical factors that may impact the business environment and concept.
Explain how you will ensure that the project operates in a legally and ethically compliant environment, including relevant laws, regulations, or patents or permits that may need to be obtained.
Outline plans for incorporating stakeholder and customer diversity into planning and implementation of the concept.
Discuss the role that corporate social responsibility will play in the implementation of your concept.
Academic Honesty and Plagiarism Throughout this capstone you will draw from many of your previous courses, including assignments and artifacts. You will continue to build upon these projects and ideas throughout the capstone. This is an essential part of your academic career, so it is important to avoid plagiarism, specifically self-plagiarism. Please review the Academic Honesty and Plagiarism Library Guide as well as the article What Is Considered Plagiarism And How to Avoid It for more information on the proper steps to take for citation. Southern New Hampshire University requires all students to adhere to high standards of integrity in their academic work. Activities such as plagiarism and cheating are not condoned by the university. Review the full Academic Honesty Policy for more information.
Guidelines for Submission: Your draft must contain all of the elements listed above. It should be 5 to 8 pages in length (excluding the title page, references, and appendices) using 12-point Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins. You may include summary pictures, charts, graphs, or other explanatory diagrams as needed to successfully explain the concept and implementation, but should use appendices for detailed supporting documentation. Your paper should follow APA guidelines. You must include at least 5 scholarly sources. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page.
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Not Proficient (0%) Value
Main Elements Includes most of the main elements Does not include any of the main elements 15
Critical Thinking Provides logical conclusions and defends with examples
Does not provide logical conclusions 15
Assumptions Explains the assumptions behind the plan and includes a discussion of any factors that may affect the assumptions or success of the project and contingency planning
Does not explain the assumptions behind the plan and include discussion of any factors that may affect the assumptions or success of the project
Cross-Cultural, Economic, and Geopolitical Factors
Discusses cross-cultural, economic, and geopolitical factors that may impact the business environment and concept
Does not discuss cross-cultural, economic, and geopolitical factors that may impact the business environment and concept
Legally and Ethically Compliant Environment
Explains how the project will operate in a legally and ethically compliant environment, including relevant laws, regulations, or patents or permits that may need to be obtained
Does not explain how the project will operate in a legally and ethically compliant environment, including relevant laws, regulations, or patents or permits that may need to be obtained
Stakeholder and Customer Diversity
Outlines plans for incorporating stakeholder and customer diversity into planning and implementation of the concept
Does not outline plans for incorporating stakeholder and customer diversity into planning and implementation of the concept
Corporate Social Responsibility
Discusses the role corporate social responsibility will play in the implementation of the concept
Does not discuss the role corporate social responsibility will play in the implementation of the concept
Articulation of Response Submission does not have critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas
Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas
Total 100%

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