100 word minimum for each paper.. give feedback

Paper#1 John

I have lived in Knoxville, Tennessee, and have worked in law enforcement here since May 2020. I was extremely shocked when I began to learn of the number of stolen vehicles that occur here. I was even more shocked at the rate of violent crimes amongst juvenile offenders. Just in the year of 2021, we have had a substantial amount of gang violence out of one particular school. This school has had seven homicides among the students to include one officer-involved shooting inside the school. In 2020 the Department Office of Justice Programs awarded $458 million to combat violence in the United States with $700,000 of specifically going to the Easter Tennessee Region. (2020, November 3, Inidan eGov Newswire) 

I have learned over the years of law enforcement that human trafficking was a real thing that is extremely blanketed in the United States. It was not until in 2018 I went to the International Human Trafficking conference that it was truly a real crime that was not talked about. My personal reason to this is that there are a rather large amount of influential people involved in these types of crimes. That is why in 2016 Senator Doug Overby signed a new law with more harsh penalties against those that promote human trafficking. (2016, June 30, States News Service)


U.S. ATTORNEY OVERBEY ANNOUNCES $700,000 IN JUSTICE GRANTS TO COMBAT VIOLENT CRIME CRISIS. (2020, November 3). Indian eGov Newswire, NA. https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A640417636/STND?u=tel_a_bethelc&sid=ebsco&xid=e12b604e

NEW LAW TO CURB HUMAN TRAFFICKING IN TENNESSEE TO BECOME EFFECTIVE JULY 1. (2016, June 30). States News Service. https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A456656212/AONE?u=tel_a_bethelc&sid=ebsco&xid=25e27df

Paper#2 Sparks

I have and currently live in a small town, our population for the whole county is roughly 25,000. I am an active Law Enforcement officer for my county as well. In all counties no matter how big or small there is the issue with crime. Yes, crime is higher in bigger areas but we all do experience issues with adults and juveniles. Where I am from we do have a growing number of juvenile issues. These issues range from mostly juveniles from 12 to 17 years of age. 

These issues are usually associated with runaway juveniles, unruly juveniles, and minor drug issues such as marijuana. We are experiencing a growing number of other drugs in our youth, due to the high drug problem in our community. We have seen a higher number of runaway juveniles in the past few months, which have been due to relationships with parents or boyfriend and girlfriends. Unruly juveniles are a common thing as well, but that has picked up due to the child not being disciplined enough or correctly. A lot of times that juvenile is from a rough home between the guardians or it is a drug related home. Juveniles are known for trying marijuana but typically become hooked on the drug.

With the many types of juvenile issues they vary from county to county, but a lot of times we have to do a juvenile petition on the juvenile. We prefer the parent to do the juvenile petition, because it looks to the kid that the parent is taking action. For juvenile crime it is growing everywhere and will not be slowing down anytime soon, or possibly not at all.

Paper#3 Tyler

Ethics are involved in everything. I have always understood ethics as a set of rules that you follow to make sure you are doing the right thing in all situations. I was raised and taught about having strong ethics and morals. I believe most people have some type of ethic standard in their workplace. Law enforcement has an ethical and moral duty to tell the truth while performing their duties. Law enforcement officers have an ethical duty to interfere when others are running away from the danger (Pollock, 2018). For law enforcement, officers interact with the public and have access to confidential information. Most law enforcement departments have ethical codes in place that they require all personnel to read and sign in agreement to the ethical codes. Law enforcement has many ethical responsibilities with the main one’s being to serve, safeguard, protect, and to respect the rights of the people they deal with (Thompson, 2017). I don’t believe these ethics have really changed or evolved through the years. I do believe the push on ethics in law enforcement is stronger now then it used to be. I know all the old heads in my department talks about how they use to never have all these classes and training over ethics. My theory behind the reason behind this is just due to the newer generations not having strong morals or ethics. We deal with more of the younger generations than the older generations and that just backs up my theory. 




Pollock, J. M. (2018). Ethical Dilemmas and Decisions in Criminal Justice (10th Edition). Cengage Learning US. https://savantlearningsystems.vitalsource.com/books/9781337670876


Thompson, E. (2017). Definition of ethics in law enforcement. Career Trend. Retrieved from https://careertrend.com/about-6627931-definition-ethics-law-enforcement.html.


I am a detective for the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department and have been a police officer for 10 years. Everyone is undoubtedly aware of the challenges police have faced recently. Due to my profession, I often get asked my opinion about recent events involving police. Many of these discussions turn to ethics in policing. I always start by acknowledging there are bad police and that will never change. My police department tries very hard to eliminate applicants with questionable ethics, but it will never be possible to have a perfect police department. Police departments are made of people and people are imperfect. “Ethical issues are broad social questions, often concerning the government social control mechanisms and the impact on those governed” (Pollock, 2019, p 2). Ethical issues in law enforcement involve social questions and police policy. In my opinion ethical dilemmas is where police are most criticized. Police discretion allows for officers to use their judgement to make certain decisions such as to make an arrest or not (Miller, 2016). There is a perception by some that police use their discretion in unethical ways.

In my opinion police departments have become more ethical. Police have been increasingly held more accountable. I believe hiring standards have increased and there has been a greater focus on police and public relationships. I do think it is sad, despite the fact I believe police are more ethical and professional than ever before, the public’s trust for police is low. As the use of body worn cameras becomes the standard, I believe police and public relationship will strengthen.


Miller, S & Blackler, J. (2016). Ethical Issues in Policing. Routledge.

Pollock, J. M. (2019). Ethical dilemmas and decisions in criminal justice (10th ed.). Cengage Learning.

Paper#5 Jade

I used to think that I really did not enjoy reading and writing. I always thought of reading as a chore and not an enjoyable pastime. I realize now that I never gave reading a chance, and once I did, I found I really enjoy it. My favorite books are romantic, historical dramas. I find that these books are longer and as a truck driver I really appreciate when I can get into an audiobook longer than nine hours. I take an interest in historical drama books because I am learning about a different time, and sometimes not even realize it. For example, one of my favorite trilogies is by Ken Follett the books go, Fall of giants, winter of the world, and edge of eternity. These books are about World War one and two, and the Cold War respectively. Although learning about war might have seemed boring to me, these books captured my attention by Follett creating characters I can connect with and follow in their experiences of war. I think after reading these books I have found how important it is to give literature a chance. These and many other books have shown me that reading is not a chore, but can be fun and the best way to learn from others. Reading creates new ideas and writing them down can give someone else a chance to explore your ideas. I like to think that reading is like getting a letter from a person I will never meet, and writing is passing on that letter with my new ideas to another person I will never meet. I think that is kinda sweet and very powerful.

Paper#6 Gibson

My relationship with reading and writing over the years has been quite a rollercoaster. I say this because one minute I enjoy both skills, then the next minute I do not. The only time that I can genuinely recall enjoying reading and writing is throughout middle and high school. During that time, I loved to read fictional books on an app called Wattpad that allowed people to read and write books for others to enjoy. I also discovered that I liked to write poetry alongside learning new words to add to my vocabulary. 

     However, now that I am older, my feelings towards reading and writing are different, perhaps due to technology. Likewise, I hate to say it, but I read more business, health, world, or travel articles on Facebook or Google than an actual book. Although, when I feel like reading a book, I find the genres: self-help, business, or a good biography or autobiography to enjoy. I like those genres because I learn new things and empathize with the author(s). Now when I write, I jot down ideas instead of poetry. 

     No matter how I feel about reading and writing, I will continue to pursue both skills as I know they are necessary throughout life. For instance, we write to express ourselves and read to learn and gain new knowledge and perspectives. According to "Benefits of reading" (2020), reading and writing enhance the mind in many other ways, including improved memory, mental stimulation, focus, concentration, and much more. All in all, I think we can all agree reading and writing shape us in more ways than one. 


Benefits of reading: Why you should read every day. (2020, November 12). Early Times [Jammu, India], NA. https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A641243823/STND?u=tel_a_bethelc&sid=ebsco&xid=4026f280


Writing Activity: Summary Write a summary of “Fears and Phobias.” A summary is a brief retelling of a text in your own words. You should cover only the main ideas and most important details. Your summary should be no more than one-third the length of the original text.

· Review the article to identify the main Ideas

· Introduce the summary by writing a topic sentence that explains the main purpose of the article.

· Tell what a fear is, what a phobia is, and how they are different. Cite evidence from the text.

· Conclude your summary by telling why the article is useful or important.

The roller coaster hesitates for a split second at the peak of its steep track after a long, slow climb. You know what's about to happen — and there's no way to avoid it now. It's time to hang onto the handrail, palms sweating, heart racing, and brace yourself for the wild ride down.

What Is Fear?

Fear is one of the most basic human emotions. It is programmed into the nervous system and works like an instinct. From the time we're infants, we are equipped with the survival instincts necessary to respond with fear when we sense danger or feel unsafe.

Fear helps protect us. It makes us alert to danger and prepares us to deal with it. Feeling afraid is very natural — and helpful — in some situations. Fear can be like a warning, a signal that cautions us to be careful.

Like all emotions, fear can be mild, medium, or intense, depending on the situation and the person. A feeling of fear can be brief or it can last longer.

How Fear Works

When we sense danger, the brain reacts instantly, sending signals that activate the nervous system. This causes physical responses, such as a faster heartbeat, rapid breathing, and an increase in blood pressure. Blood pumps to muscle groups to prepare the body for physical action (such as running or fighting). Skin sweats to keep the body cool. Some people might notice sensations in the stomach, head, chest, legs, or hands. These physical sensations of fear can be mild or strong.

This response is known as "fight or flight" because that is exactly what the body is preparing itself to do: fight off the danger or run fast to get away. The body stays in this state of fight–flight until the brain receives an "all clear" message and turns off the response.

Sometimes fear is triggered by something that is startling or unexpected (like a loud noise), even if it's not actually dangerous. That's because the fear reaction is activated instantly — a few seconds faster than the thinking part of the brain can process or evaluate what's happening. As soon as the brain gets enough information to realize there's no danger ("Oh, it's just a balloon bursting — whew!"), it turns off the fear reaction. All this can happen in seconds.

Fears People Have

Fear is the word we use to describe our emotional reaction to something that seems dangerous. But the word "fear" is used in another way, too: to name something a person often feels afraid of.

People fear things or situations that make them feel unsafe or unsure. For instance, someone who isn't a strong swimmer might have a fear of deep water. In this case, the fear is helpful because it cautions the person to stay safe. Someone could overcome this fear by learning how to swim safely.

A fear can be healthy if it cautions a person to stay safe around something that could be dangerous. But sometimes a fear is unnecessary and causes more caution than the situation calls for.

Many people have a fear of  public speaking . Whether it's giving a report in class, speaking at an assembly, or reciting lines in the school play, speaking in front of others is one of the most common fears people have.

People tend to avoid the situations or things they fear. But this doesn't help them overcome fear — in fact, it can be the reverse. Avoiding something scary reinforces a fear and keeps it strong.

People can overcome unnecessary fears by giving themselves the chance to learn about and gradually get used to the thing or situation they're afraid of. For example, people who fly despite a fear of flying can become used to unfamiliar sensations like takeoff or turbulence. They learn what to expect and have a chance to watch what others do to relax and enjoy the flight. Gradually (and safely) facing fear helps someone overcome it.

Fears During Childhood

Certain fears are normal during childhood. That's because fear can be a natural reaction to feeling unsure and vulnerable — and much of what children experience is new and unfamiliar.

Young kids often have fears of the dark, being alone, strangers, and monsters or other scary imaginary creatures. School-aged kids might be afraid when it's stormy or at a first sleepover. As they grow and learn, with the support of adults, most kids are able to slowly conquer these fears and outgrow them.

Some kids are more sensitive to fears and may have a tough time overcoming them. When fears last beyond the expected age, it might be a sign that someone is overly fearful, worried, or anxious. People whose fears are too intense or last too long might need help and support to overcome them.


A phobia is an intense fear reaction to a particular thing or a situation. With a phobia, the fear is out of proportion to the potential danger. But to the person with the phobia, the danger feels real because the fear is so very strong.

Phobias cause people to worry about, dread, feel upset by, and avoid the things or situations they fear because the physical sensations of fear can be so intense. So having a phobia can interfere with normal activities. A person with a phobia of dogs might feel afraid to walk to school in case he or she sees a dog on the way. Someone with an elevator phobia might avoid a field trip if it involves going on an elevator.

A girl with a phobia of thunderstorms might be afraid to go to school if the weather forecast predicts a storm. She might feel terrible distress and fear when the sky turns cloudy. A guy with  social phobia  experiences intense fear of public speaking or interacting, and may be afraid to answer questions in class, give a report, or speak to classmates in the lunchroom.

It can be exhausting and upsetting to feel the intense fear that goes with having a phobia. It can be disappointing to miss out on opportunities because fear is holding you back. And it can be confusing and embarrassing to feel afraid of things that others seem to have no problem with.

Sometimes, people get teased about their fears. Even if the person doing the teasing doesn't mean to be unkind and unfair, teasing only makes the situation worse.

What Causes Phobias?

Some phobias develop when someone has a scary experience with a particular thing or situation. A tiny brain structure called the amygdala (pronounced: uh-MIG-duh-luh) keeps track of experiences that trigger strong emotions. Once a certain thing or situation triggers a strong fear reaction, the amygdala warns the person by triggering a fear reaction every time he or she encounters (or even thinks about) that thing or situation.

Someone might develop a bee phobia after being stung during a particularly scary situation. For that person, looking at a photograph of a bee, seeing a bee from a distance, or even walking near flowers where there could be a bee can all trigger the phobia.

Sometimes, though, there may be no single event that causes a particular phobia. Some people may be more sensitive to fears because of personality traits they are born with, certain genes they've inherited, or situations they've experienced. People who have had strong childhood fears or anxiety may be more likely to have one or more phobias.

Having a phobia isn't a sign of weakness or immaturity. It's a response the brain has learned in an attempt to protect the person. It's as if the brain's alert system triggers a false alarm, generating intense fear that is out of proportion to the situation. Because the fear signal is so intense, the person is convinced the danger is greater than it actually is.

Overcoming Phobias

People can learn to overcome phobias by gradually facing their fears. This is not easy at first. It takes willingness and bravery. Sometimes people need the help of a therapist to guide them through the process.

Overcoming a phobia usually starts with making a long list of the person's fears in least-to-worst order. For example, with a dog phobia, the list might start with the things the person is least afraid of, such as looking at a photo of a dog. It will then work all the way up to worst fears, such as standing next to someone who's petting a dog, petting a dog on a leash, and walking a dog.

Gradually, and with support, the person tries each fear situation on the list — one at a time, starting with the least fear. The person isn't forced to do anything and works on each fear until he or she feels comfortable, taking as long as needed.

A therapist could also show someone with a dog phobia how to approach, pet, and walk a dog, and help the person to try it, too. The person may expect terrible things to happen when near a dog. Talking about this can help, too. When people find that what they fear doesn't actually turn out to be true, it can be a great relief.

A therapist might also teach relaxation practices such as specific ways of breathing, muscle relaxation training, or soothing self-talk. These can help people feel comfortable and bold enough to face the fears on their list.

As somebody gets used to a feared object or situation, the brain adjusts how it responds and the phobia is overcome.

Often, the hardest part of overcoming a phobia is getting started. Once a person decides to go for it — and gets the right coaching and support — it can be surprising how quickly fear can melt away.

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