1- One of the fastest growing sectors of the population is the over-60 age group. But these customers may have limitations in their vision, hearing, and movement. How can retailers develop store designs with the older population’s needs in mind?

2- What are the different types of design that can be used in a store layout? How does this impact the types of fixtures used to display merchandise? Describe why some stores are more suited for a particular type of layout than others.

3- A department store is building an addition. The merchandise manager for furniture is trying to convince the vice president to allot this new space to the furniture department. The merchandise manager for men’s clothing is also trying to gain the space. What points should each manager use when presenting his or her rationale?

4- As an architect for retail space, you are responsible for Americans with Disabilities Act compliance. How would you make sure that a store’s retail layout meets both accessibility requirements and enables the company to reach profitability objectives?

5- Simply speaking, increasing inventory turnover is an important goal for a retail manager. What are the consequences of turnover that’s too slow? Too fast?

6- Assume you are the grocery buyer for canned fruits and vegetables at a five-store supermarket chain. Del Monte has told you and your boss that it would be responsible for making all inventory decisions for those merchandise categories. It would determine how much to order and when shipments should be made. It promises a 10 percent increase in gross margin dollars in the coming year. Would you take Del Monte up on its offer? Justify your answer.

7- Variety, assortment, and product availability are the cornerstones of the merchandise planning process. Provide examples of retailers that have done an outstanding job of positioning their stores based on one or more of these issues.

8- As the athletic shoe buyer for Sports Authority, how would you go about forecasting sales for a new Nike shoe?

9- Assume you have been hired to consult with Forever 21 on sourcing decisions for sportswear. What issues would you consider when deciding whether you should buy from Mexico or China, or finding a source within the United States?

10- What are the advantages and disadvantages of manufacturer’s brands versus private-label or store brands? Consider both the retailer's and customer's perspectives.

11- Why have retailers found exclusive store brands to be an appealing branding option? Choose a department store, a discount store, and a grocery store. What exclusive private-label brands do they offer? How are they positioned in relation to their national brand counterparts?

12- When you go shopping in which product categories do you prefer private labels or national brands? Explain your preference.

13- Reread Retailing View 14/1. Will an EDLP strategy work for JCPenney? Explain your answer?

14- Re-read Retailing View 14.5. What are your thoughts about extreme couponing? Should retailers take steps to restrict it?

15- What is the difference between bundled pricing and multi-unit pricing?

16- What are the positive and negative aspects of direct marketing from the customer’s perspective?

17- What factors should be considered in dividing up the advertising budget among a store's different merchandise areas? Which of the following should receive the highest advertising budget: staple, fad, fashion or seasonal merchandise? Why?

18- A retailer plans to open a new store near a university. It will specialize in collegiate merchandise such as apparel, accessories, and school supplies. Consider the pros and cons of each of the following media: TV, radio, city newspaper, university newspaper, local magazine, web site, blog and sponsoring an event for this retailer to capture the university market.

19- Why do some online retailers include editorial and customer reviews along with product information on their websites? Explain how this may influence the consumer’s buying behavior.

Project 1: Database Development

ACIS 5504 -- Development Project Requirements

Due Date: October 15, 2016 

(Point Value: 75 Points)

 This project involves creating a fully functioning, fully realized database from scratch.  For this project, you will document the full life cycle of database realization from business situation to requirements to design to implementation. 

Business Situation for Project 

 The business situation for the project is that of Global Computer Solutions (GCS). The detailed description of the business situation is presented on page 185-189 (# 10) of the textbook. The assignment activities that you must complete are presented below.

(Note: Ignore the last paragraph on page 189 beginning “Your assignment is…. And forms”, your assignment is the one below). 

Project Requirements

 Complete the following activities: 

· Construct an ER model for this business situation. (10 points)

· Create a relational model from your ER model. All keys should be clearly identified. (10 points)

· Demonstrate that your database is in at least 3rd Normal Form. (5 points)

· Write the DDL to create the tables for your design. (5 points)

· Implement this model in Access or other DBMS product. You are also welcome to web-enable your database (but you must find your own server space). (5 points)

· Add records to each table sufficient to demonstrate your interfaces and reports. (5 points)

· Your application should allow the user to generate a report that shows the progress on a project similar to Table P5.10c of the description. (10 points)

· Your application should allow the user to generate at least 4 other reports needed by GCS management. Each of these reports should use at least two of the tables in your database. (10 points)

· Implement one user interface that allows recording of the hours worked for an employee on a project for a time period. (5 points)

· Database should have a main interface screen (automatically opening form) with command buttons for the user to navigate the system (move to different forms) and perform data entry and generate report. (10 points)

Submission Requirements

 There are two submission requirements: 

· Project Report  -- The project report (in MS Word) must minimally consist of:

1. A description of the application suitable for users/managers to understand (at least 1-2 pages)

2. An ER model

3. A Relational model

4. A brief (paragraph) description of the normalization process (i.e. – why is this relational model in the normal form you claim)

5. DDL that implements the design

6. A description of the data entered into the tables and why it is adequate for demonstrating the sufficiency of the design. 

Please upload your report into the Development Project folder in the Assignments folder. The file naming convention should be: “Last Name_First Name_Development Project Report.docx” 

· Database  – The actual database in MS Access or other DBMS application of your choosing that includes the populated tables and working reports and queries.

Please upload your database into the Development Project folder in the Assignments folder. Please use a document naming convention that allows the DLI to determine your name.  EXAMPLE: “LastName_FirstName_DevelopmentProjectDB.mdb/accdb”

Grading Criteria

 This project will be graded on the following subjective criteria: 

The project grades are based on these criteria:

· Project reports thoroughness and attention to detail

· Design and functionality of the database

· Relative complexity of database

· Overall aesthetic appearance of the reports and database

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