1-Hello Class and Professor,
The Saying " Business ethics should be grounded in deontology more than utilitarianism", means that doing the right thing is what business ethics should be grounded on, not simply whatever creates the best result and benefit for the majority. BP and the company that wouldn’t hire Adele had business ethics grounded in utilitarianism, meaning they cared more about the shareholders and the bottom line/majority holders in their company then those that would be hurt and polluted by their companies’ actions. The expert proposed the saying above because as humans we are better then just taking care of the strong and making more money, we need to be good stewards of the planet and of those that are disabled and cannot take care of themselves. Although I would love to make a ton of money and do it quickly, I could never do it at the expense of others or the planet. I look forward to reading all of your posts on this matter, thanks for reading my post about this ethics matter.
2-Good evening Professor and class,
Deontology is very important to being ethical. It is the ability to understand right from wrong. On the other hand, utilitarianism is the part of ethics that determines what is right versus wrong is decided based on what the end results will be. This aims to satisfy the greatest number. In regards to a business is usually the shareholders, rather consumers.
In a business, it should be very important for the company to want to do right rather than wrong, but that is not always the case for a multitude of reasons. When running any business, money is the motive.
I feel that this expert proposes this view as deontology is simple to apply. It is innate for us as humans to do or want to do what is right. Following this concept if I were running a business seems as though it would be difficult. As a business owner, you have a lot of responsibility and obligations towards not only yourself, your principles, your consumers, but also your investors. It seems as though oftentimes businesses vision gets clouded green by that of money.
Overall, I disagree with the ethicists idea that a business should be grounded by deontology rather utilitarianism, because as a business owner you have an obligation to more than simply right or wrong.
8085 Module2 Assignment: Professional Development of Others
Strong leaders do not only focus on building their own capacity; they also strive to develop leadership capacity in others. Effective leaders serve as mentors, guides, and coaches who support individuals in discovery, provide tools to help solve problems, and inspire others to make decisions, feel success, and grow in their own leadership capacity. Among the great strengths of the collaborative early childhood community are commitments to developing, supporting, and nurturing young children within early childhood classrooms and commitments to developing, supporting, and nurturing staff within early childhood programs.
For this Assignment, you will assume the role of a director of an early childhood setting of your choice. Imagine that you have just been awarded a generous grant to promote the professional development and leadership capacity of your staff. The focus of this Assignment, however, focuses less on the content of your professional development, and more on how you design professional development opportunities that serve to develop, support, and nurture staff.
To prepare:
You are encouraged to delve more deeply into the advocacy topic you selected in your Module 1 Assignment as a focus of your professional development. Your goal is to share this information with personnel/emerging leaders in your setting. If this is not pertinent to your setting, work with your instructor to identify an alternative topic.
Based on the topic you have selected, review relevant, current literature (ideally, within the past five years) to identify at least five current articles that not only provide breadth and depth for the topic you chose, but also provide information you believe is meaningful and appropriate for this particular audience.
Reflect on strategies identified within the Learning Resources that are likely to cultivate leadership capacity in your staff. Identify four to five key strategies that you would like to model or incorporate into your professional development design.
Assignment Task:
Create a tool or artifact that summarizes an experience for developing others’ leadership capacity and knowledge/skills related to the topic you chose.
Topic chosen: “ Exploring Language Development in Early Childhood Education “
· Create and write a training outline that includes the purpose of the training and a general overview of the content, including specific topics, recommended resources, coaching/mentoring activities that support implementation, and how leadership capacity will be cultivated within training activities.
Be sure to cite appropriate references in APA format to substantiate your thinking.

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