Miami, Fl
Table of Contents Title Page 1 Table of Contents 2 Executive Summary 3 Proposal 4
Executive Summary
This document is a response to the Request for Proposal that was posted on the RFP
website on May 15, 2018 and was forwarded to E and J Productions on May 16, 2018. The
purpose of the proposal is to answer the RFP by providing a definition of the problem, an
overview of the proposal’s contents, a description of the proposed plan, a schedule for delivery,
and a breakdown of the costs and resources. E and J Productions has been in the online course
development business for over 25 years. We feel confident that you will find our proposal
complete and affordable. We hope to hear from you soon.
Introduction and Definition of the Problem
The purpose of this document is to respond to the RFP that I received on May 16, 2018
for a company to develop an online training course on sexual harassment in the workplace for the
law firm of Johnson and Jones. As you will see from this proposal, E and E Online has the
experience and expertise to create a professionally designed online course that will meet your
Overview of Proposal’s Contents
This proposal will give a brief definition of the problem facing many organizations today.
Some companies approach this issue by writing operating procedure manuals, while others hold
live workshops for employees. Research, however, has shown that the most successful way to
teach employees about sexual harassment is through an interactive, online course that employees
can work through at their convenience. This proposal will outline our proposed plan for
development of this course as well as a schedule for development and an overview of our
qualifications for producing such a question. Finally, we will present our cost breakdown for
materials and development.
Definition of the Problem
As we know, sexual harassment is a big issue today and the more your employees know
about the subject, the less likely it will be that you will have a problem in this area. Workplace
sexual harassment is a serious problem in the United States today. For example, the largest
sexual harassment case was filed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and 350
employees were awarded $34 million against Mitsubishi Motors. This came to over $100,000
for each employee. The EEOC handles more than 5,000 sexual harassment cases each year with
some jury awards reaching over $500,000 (Bowman). The National Organization for Women
states that more than 80 percent of the women surveyed said they had been sexually assaulted in
the workplace. A study done by the Pentagon showed that two out of three women in the
military reported sexual harassment. The awards for damages have been filed against individuals
who commit the harassment and the companies that employ them.
Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or
physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when this
conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual's employment,
unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance, or creates an
intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.
Description of the Proposed Plan
Education is the key to preventing sexual harassment in the workplace. A well designed
and delivered course is one of the best ways to educate employees on this complicated topic. E
and J Productions has the experience and staff to create a course that will inform your employees
and prevent future problems in this area.
Our proposed course will cover the following topics:
• The definition of Sexual Harassment
• Why Sexual Harassment is illegal
• Identifying Sexual Harassment
• Examples of Sexual Harassment
• Internal Complaint Process
• Supervisor responsibilities
• The employer’s obligations
• Video scenarios demonstrating forms of harassment
• Quizzes & final test
The course will be divided into separate modules which will include a multi-media approach
to teaching the content. Videos, Power Point presentations, and interactive activities will be part
of each module. The course will include a tracking system and knowledge checks that will keep
an accurate record of employee participation. The amount of time an employee spends in each
module will also be recorded. Each module will contain an opportunity for employees to interact
through discussion groups and blogging.
The course will include eight separate modules. Each module will contain reading
assignments, custom made videos and other training material. Once the content has been created
our design team will program the course and place it into a course management system created
for your business.
The following timeline will result in a complete course ready to go by March 1.
• Create content for all modules by December 1.
• Program modules for loading into the system by January 1.
• Testing of course by February 1
• Final course deliverable by March 1
We have a team of lawyers who will produce the content for the course. This content will then
be given to our educational technologists to produce videos, reading materials, infographics, and
other medium to present the content.
E and J Productions was founded in 1995 by Emily Dustin for the purpose of creating
online content for educational resources. Emily Dustin has a PhD in online course design and
programming. She has created over 1000 different courses for many different businesses
including the University of Phoenix, Maryland University, Goldman Sacs, and the US Army.
She has a team of over 50 different experts who research, write, and produce content for the
online courses she produces. You can learn more about E and J Production and Emily Dustin by
visiting their website at eandjproductions.com.
Costs and Resources
• Researching Content for 8 modules will take approximately 40 hours at $100.00 per
• Turning the content into videos, presentations, infographics, etc will take approximately
100 hours at $80.00 per hour=$8,000
• Programming the online course will take 100 hours at $100 per hour=$10,000.
• Review and delivery is free.
• Total cost will be between $20,000 and $25,000.
As this proposal indicates, sexual harassment in the workplace can be very costly for an
employer. One proven way to fight sexual harassment and provide a comfortable working
situation for all employees is to educate all of the employees about sexual harassment in the
workplace. An online course will give you a way to deliver the information to your employees
without worrying about schedules and absenteeism. E and J Productions has created online
courses for over 25 years. We have the staff and the expertise to have a complete course in your
hands in four months. We have hundreds of satisfied customers and showcase some of our most
popular courses on our website. I look forward to talking with you soon about what we can do
for your firm.
Acme Advertising Agency Red Tide Solutions Ellie Bunting [Pick the date]
The main issue that we face with red tides is the fact that it's not being addressed or educated on. Red Tide is algae blooms that produce toxins into the water and killing marine life and making it impossible to eat. There are solutions on how to detect or prevent Red tides from spreading quickly. This report will address or propose some solutions or new solutions that local beaches and inland communities should consider. Lastly, a sufficient solution to maintaining a red tide will be recommended in this report.
Place-Based education
When we think about global climate change you wonder how that correlates with red tides. In fact, climate change affects the growth of algae due to water temperature increasing and nutrients from the soil being carried into the water due to heavy rain (Dobson et al.). Plant-Based education is an opportunity where students can learn the effects of global climate change has in their surrounding environment such as local communities. Helping students engage in their surroundings is an excellent way for them to ask questions and take action near local beaches. Incorporating plant-based education into local High school or university can help students contribute to their environment.
One solution that can help resolve the red tides is ozone. Ozone is a reactive molecule that kills both the red tide organism while breaking down the toxins that come with it transforming it into harmless by products (Perkins). In order to successfully use ozone without killing off plants and potentially causing tons of toxins to be dumped into the waters, it is to gather water that is infested with red tides into a reasonable size tank and proceed to treat it with ozone. The benefits of taking this measure is to ensure that we are killing to birds with one stone without killing of marine organisms. Using these tanks can put oxygen back into the water because the oxygen levels deplete when red tides are doing their job.
Underwater Vehicle (Glider)
According to Perkins, in August 2018, Weisberg and his colleagues had deposited an underwater glider with sensors to understand what triggers a red tide and how fast spreads. This invention can help us confirm that nearby waters are in fact contaminated by K brevis, which is a common red tide in Florida by collecting samples of water. The glider was able to detect that cold water plays a role in transporting K brevis to coastlines (Perkins). This solution is an excellent idea on how to detect red tides, but it isn’t sufficient enough in helping parts of Florida treat red tide.
Indeed, any solution we use benefits the red tide in a way. From supporting Plant-based education for students to engage in their environment by taking the time to understand what climate change does to red tide. To collecting a large body of water and storing it into a tank that can hold massive amounts of water to treat it with ozone, lastly investing underwater vehicles that can detect red tide by sampling and collecting water. Out of all three solutions, the one that's worth investing is collecting water in a tank and treating in with ozone. The reason why recommending this solution to the local county is so that whenever there's a need, it is a great tool to have in your hands. With Karenia brevis still infecting the Florida waters choosing the right solution can help treat this toxin and change the environment for what it is now due to the red tides (“Toxic algal blooms”).
Works Cited
Dobson, Amy, et al. "Red Tide: Harmful algal blooms and global climate change." The Science Teacher, vol. 87, no. 1, Aug., 2019, p. 35+. Gale In Context: Science, https://link-gale-com.db07.linccweb.org/apps/doc/A594924926/SCIC?u=lincclin_ecc&sid=SCIC&xid=134bfe86. Accessed 14 June 2020.
Perkins, Sid. "Inner Workings: Ramping Up the Fight Against Florida’s Red Tides." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 116, no. 14, 2019, pp. 6510. ProQuest, http://db07.linccweb.org/login?url=https://search-proquest-com.db07.linccweb.org/docview/2221233169?accountid=10674, doi: http://dx.doi.org.db07.linccweb.org/10.1073/pnas.1902219116.
“Toxic Algal Blooms Threaten Marine Life along Florida Coastlines.” Edited by AccessScience, LINCCWeb Catalog Search, www-accessscience-com.db07.linccweb.org/content/toxic-algal-blooms-threaten-marine-life-along-Florida-coastlines/BR0821181#.
Red Tides Definition of a Problem Taylum Acme 8-11-2018
According to Perkins, Florida’s red tide are toxins created by microalgae to which affects the animals due to the tint of red, green, and orange hue that it produces and the human health. The red tide is “algae bloom” that consist of “many different organisms but the most common one in Florida is Karenia brevis that impacts marine life and tourists (“Inner workings). Red tides are commonly known as Harmful algae blooms that impact the nervous system and the GI tract. Red tides usually release toxins that contaminate bivalves that are consumed which leaves people experiencing “irritated eyes, coughing, and wheezing” (Potera). Once the Harmful alga blooms, or red tides have been monitored and controlled different research can be underway to finding different solutions.
The Red tide blooms has been around Florida’s coast for many decades dating back to the 1500s. During that era many native Americans have been warned by a Spanish explorer to not indulge in catching fish near or in discolored waters. In 2017 to 2018, these harmful blooms have spread tremendously due to the currents of the ocean and the storms that help spread the toxin around the state of Florida (Perkins). In 2018 Florida suffered vast damages from harmful algal blooms due to the fact of high-water temperatures, decreased saline, and saturation which caused an expanded growth in coastal areas (Dobson et al).
In the state of Florida, red tides are caused by Karenia brevis a type of bloom that emits toxins called neurotoxins and brevetoxin into the surrounding waters. When these toxins are released into the water it leaves a stain or tint of red, or greenish-brown colors that spreads throughout the ocean. The rapid growth of these toxins spreads tremendously due to the ocean currents and the tropical storms that forces the growth and spread of those toxins. Data suggest that increased urbanization and agricultural expansion function as a nutrient availability due to the fact that the red tides are rising (Reynolds et al).
Florida red tides also known as harmful algal blooms can cause kill fish and increase the death population of many sea animals and near by wildlife. HABs can trap the oxygen in the water thus killing a variety of organisms in the sea. In addition to that harmful algal blooms affects the surrounding environment; humans can breathe in the toxin that it produces thus falling ill and eat fish that are contaminated. Pregnant women and people who are asthmatics are most likely vulnerable to red tides. Pregnant women who is exposed to those toxin may eventually pass it down to their babies and those who are asthmatic will experience tightness in the chest after a long day at the beach. According to Dobson et al., areas that close to the inland communities are also being affected, these communities suffering from “high levels of blue green algae” that contaminates the water sources. One of the many effects that the Red tides cause is global climate. Climate change “Increase water temperatures” which mean heavy rain fall can carry nutrients in soil into the water (Dobson et al.). With these red toxins poisoning are waters it takes a major toll in our economy causing our tourists and fishermen to back their bags until reopening of nearby beaches.
Red tides play a major factor in Florida’s shoreline. From storms to ocean currents the spread of red tide has rapidly increase due to those factors. Red tides do not only affect the shorelines, the beachgoers, and surrounding wildlife but also global climate. Monitoring and controlling red tide are solutions that can improve the quality in the coastal areas.
Works Cited
Dobson, Amy, et al. "Red Tide: Harmful algal blooms and global climate change." The Science Teacher, vol. 87, no. 1, Aug. 2019, p. 35+. Gale In Context: Science, https://link-gale-com.db07.linccweb.org/apps/doc/A594924926/SCIC?u=lincclin_ecc&sid=SCIC&xid=134bfe86. Accessed 14 June 2020.
Perkins, Sid. "Inner Workings: Ramping Up the Fight Against Florida’s Red Tides." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 116, no. 14, 2019, pp. 6510. ProQuest, http://db07.linccweb.org/login?url=https://search-proquest-com.db07.linccweb.org/docview/2221233169?accountid=10674, doi: http://dx.doi.org.db07.linccweb.org/10.1073/pnas.1902219116.
Potera, Carol. "Red tide chokehold." Environmental Health Perspectives, vol. 115, no. 4, 2007, p. A188. Gale In Context: Science, https://link-gale-com.db07.linccweb.org/apps/doc/A168423813/SCIC?u=lincclin_ecc&sid=SCIC&xid=24c643e2. Accessed 12 June 2020.
Reynolds, David A., et al. "Exposure to the Florida red tide dinoflagellate, Karenia brevis, and its associated brevetoxins induces ecophysiological and proteomic alterations in Porites astreoides." PLoS ONE, vol. 15, no. 2, 2020, p. e0228414. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, https://link-gale-com.db07.linccweb.org/apps/doc/A613376350/OVIC?u=lincclin_ecc&sid=OVIC&xid=496753e5. Accessed 12 June 2020.

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