ITNE3007 Advanced Routing

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Advanced Routing


ITNE3007 Advanced Routing

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This assessment relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the unit descriptor. This assessment is

designed to evaluate student’s ability on planning, configuring and verifying the implementation of

secure enterprise LAN and WAN network solutions using multiple routing protocols.

The following ULOs are assessed in this assessment.

LO1 Explain basic routing concepts and plan the configuration and verification of routing protocols and their optimization in enterprise networks

LO2 Analyse the technologies, components, and metrics used to implement and verify routing in diverse, large-scale internetworks based on enterprise requirements.

LO3 Critically evaluate various multi-area routing functions and benefits for routing efficiencies in network operations in order to implement and verify routing in a complex enterprise network.

LO4 Implement and verify a redistribution solution in a multi-protocol network with control path selection and loop-free topology according to a given network design meeting enterprise requirements.

LO5 Evaluate common network security and performance issues and identify the tools needed to control the path


These instructions apply to the Project

Group Project (Weightage 20%) – The submissions should be uploaded on the LMS by Session 12

This Project will focus on student’s ability to implement an enterprise level network that runs multiple

routing protocols. The project should be conducted as a group task by a group of 4 students. Upon the

implementation of the network, students should produce a comprehensive report, which includes

screenshots of configuration of routers and other nodes, and brief explanation of the screenshots.

Students should implement the network based on the given scenario in a virtual environment using

GNS3. Please make sure to name the devices with the group name.

If any third-party content is used. The citation of sources is mandatory and should follow IEEE style.


ABC Pty is an Airline company which owns the public IP range and AS number 31400.

They had recently acquired a start-up software development company named XYZ Pty Ltd. The ABC

Pty Ltd and XYZ Pty Ltd have been respectively running OSPF and EIGRP as their Interior Gateway

Protocols. In order to establish connectivity between two sites, the management decided to use route


ABC Pty Ltd is connected to the internet through ISP1 with AS number 42000 using a BGP peering.

A simplified network topology is given below with the IP Allocations for each network.

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Figure 1: Topology Diagram

Table 1: IP Address Plan

Device Name Interface IP Address

ISP Router S0/0


R1 S0/0





R2 Fa0/0




R3 Fa0/0



R4 S0/1



R5 Fa0/0



ISP Router






ABC Pty Ltd XYZ Pty Ltd Fa0/0

S 0/0

S 0/1

S 0/1



Fa0/0 Fa0/0



Fa0/1 Fa1/0

S 0/0


Fa1/0 Fa1/0

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You are required to implement the given topology in GNS3 environment and configure the following

tasks to produce this topology as a proof of concept to the management of ABC Pty Ltd

Task 1: Configuring Interior Gateway Protocols

i. Configure OSPF with passive interfaces in ABC Pty Ltd network (exclude Loopback interfaces

from being advertised in OSPF process)

ii. Configure EIGRP with passive interfaces in XYZ Pty Ltd network

Task 2: Re-distribute routes into Interior Gateway Protocols

i. Re-distribute routes in ABC Pty Ltd network into EIGRP routing process running in Router 1

ii. Re-distribute routes in XYZ Pty Ltd network into OSPF routing process running in Router 1

Task 3: Configure BGP in the network

i. Configure eBGP Peering between Router 1 and ISP router

ii. Configure iBGP Peering between Router 1 and Router 2

Task 4: Securing routing table with Filtering Ingress Routes

i. Configure Ingress Filtering in ISP router

What to Submit.

During Session 3, students should present the member list and one A4 page proposal on how they

would plan and implement the network.

During Session 5, students should demonstrate the initial topology implementation on gns3 and

connectivity among the local sites. The configuration of Interior Gateway Protocols is optional at this


During Session 10, students should demonstrate the configuration of Interior Gateway Protocol and

connectivity between the two sites. Route re-distribution should be configured for Interior Gateway


During Session 12, students should demonstrate the configuration of Exterior Gateway Protocol and

connectivity between all the nodes.

Before each of the above demonstrations deadlines, students should submit the gns3 file on Moodle

submission links.

The proposal and final report should be submitted to the Moodle drop-box for Project. Note that

incidents of plagiarism will be penalized.

Please Note: All work should be submitted by the due date and time. Late submissions will be

penalized at the rate of 10% per day including weekends.

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Marking Guide: 100 Marks

Please note that the Assignment will contribute towards 20% of the final grade.

Task Decryption Marks

The Proposal 10

Proposal Layout

The proposal style, language and structure should be appropriate. The proposal should be written in A4 page (Except the cover page)

The proposal must contain i. Cover page with Unit Code, Group Name, Unit Name

and Student IDs ii. Requirement

iii. Proposed Solution iv. Step Involved v. Potential Obstacles

Final Report 60

Report Layout The report style, language and structure should be appropriate. All screenshots and descriptions need to be compiled and in a single final report and any given suggestions need to be incorporated. The report must contain

i. Cover page with Unit Code, Group Name, Unit Name and Student IDs

ii. Table of Contents iii. Introduction iv. Technical Discussion v. Critical Analysis vi. Conclusion


Introduction The students should include purpose of the report, sections covered which should convince the reader that the report is worth reading. Word count limit – 125 words


Technical Discussion

This section should include the configurations done in the virtualized network environment. You should break down this section into four tasks and include at least 7 screen shots from each of these tasks and a brief description

i. Successful configuration of task 1

ii. Successful configuration of task 2

iii. Successful configuration of task 3

iv. Successful configuration of task 4


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Critical Analysis The students are required to provide a critical analysis of the deployed network considering:

i. Evaluate performance issues (including routing loops)

related to networks that run multiple routing

protocols with route redistribution

ii. Compare and contrast Interior Gateway Protocol vs Exterior Gateway Protocol

iii. Compare and contrast OSPF vs EIGRP iv. Analyse the configuration of passive interface

command in OSPF and EIGRP assure a secured network v. Analyse the filtering of ingress router updates with

Route Maps, increase the security in the providers


vi. Evaluate WAN connection methods available for

connecting two sites


Conclusion Summarize your findings. Word count limit – 125 words


References Should follow IEEE style 3

Demonstrations 30

In class demonstration during Lesson 5

You are required to demonstrate in class i. Initial topology implementation on gns3

ii. Connectivity among the local sites


In class demonstration during Lesson 9

You are required to demonstrate in class i. The configuration of Interior Gateway Protocol

ii. Connectivity between the Melbourne and Sydney sites iii. Route re-distribution should be configured for IGP


In class demonstration during Lesson 12

You are required to demonstrate in class i. The configuration of Exterior Gateway Protocol

ii. Connectivity between all the nodes


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