

· Introduction

· Guided Exercises

· Part 1: Research Remote Access Policies

· Part 2: Create a Remote Access Policy

· Challenge Exercise

Part 1: Research Remote Access Policies (0/1 completed)

Note: In this part of the lab, you will review internet resources on remote access policies in order to form a basis for their purpose and usage. Understanding the reason behind a remote access policy is key to understanding the component policies and procedures. Please take the time to review the research thoroughly and think through the concepts of the policy itself.

1. In your browser, navigate to and read the “Remote Access Policy” template at  https://www.sans.org/information-security-policy/ .

2. Using your favorite search engine, locate a remote access policy for a higher education institution.

3. Using your favorite search engine, locate a remote access policy for a healthcare provider.

4. Write a brief summary of the information during your research. In your summary, focus on the key elements of the remote access policy. You should also identify any unique elements of remote access policies for higher education and healthcare institutions. Be sure to provide links to the remote access policies you identified in steps 2 and 3.

Part 2: Create a Remote Access Policy (0/7 completed)

Note: As you found in your research, different industries have similar but different policies. When using a policy template, it is important to ensure that the template matches the needs of your specific industry and business.

1. Review the following risks and threats found in the Remote Access Domain:

· The organization is a local credit union that has several branches and locations throughout the region.

· Online banking and use of the internet are the bank’s strengths, given its limited human resources.

· The customer service department is the organization’s most critical business function.

· The organization wants to be in compliance with the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) and IT security best practices regarding its employees.

· The organization wants to monitor and control use of the internet by implementing content filtering.

· The organization wants to eliminate personal use of organization-owned IT assets and systems.

· The organization wants to monitor and control use of the e-mail system by implementing e-mail security

· The organization wants to implement security awareness training policy mandates for all new hires and existing employees. Policy definitions are to include GLBA and customer privacy data requirements, in addition to a mandate for annual security awareness training for all employees.

2. Identify a security control or countermeasure to mitigate each risk and threat identified in the Remote Access Domain. These security controls or countermeasures will become the basis of the scope of the Remote Access Domain policy definition to help mitigate the risks and threats commonly found within the Remote Access Domain.

3. Review the following characteristics of the fictional Healthwise Health Care Provider:

· Healthwise has several remote health care branches and locations throughout the region.

· Online access to patients’ medical records through the public Internet is required for remote nurses and hospices providing in-home medical services.

· Online access to patients’ medical records from remote clinics is facilitated through a virtual private network (VPN) and a secure web application front-end over the public Internet.

· The organization wants to monitor and control the use of remote access by implementing system logging.

· The organization wants to implement a security awareness training policy mandating that all new hires and existing employees obtain remote access security training. Policy definition is to include HIPAA and electronic protected health information (ePHI) security requirements and a mandate for annual security awareness training for all remote or mobile employees.

4. Create an organization-wide remote access policy for Healthwise Health Care:


Healthwise Health Care

Remote Access Policy for Remote Workers and Medical Clinics


Policy Statement Define your policy verbiage.


Purpose/Objectives Define the policy’s purpose as well as its objectives and policy definitions

Scope Define whom this policy covers and its scope. What elements, IT assets, or organization-owned assets are within this policy’s scope?


Standards Does the policy statement point to any hardware, software, or configuration standards? If so, list them here and explain the relationship of this policy to these standards. In this case, Remote Access Domain standards should be referenced, such as encryption standards and VPN standards; make any necessary assumptions.


Procedures Explain how you intend to implement this policy for the entire organization.


Guidelines Explain any roadblocks or implementation issues that you must overcome in this section and how you will surmount them per defined guidelines. Any disputes or gaps in the definition and separation of duties responsibility may need to be addressed in this section.

Challenge Exercise (0/1 completed)

Note: The following challenge exercise is provided to allow independent, unguided work - similar to what you will encounter in a real situation.


For this portion of the lab, you will create training documentation for remote employees of Healthwise Health Care. This training will provide remote employees with methods they can use to secure their home network before connecting a company computer, as well as guidance on how to access the corporate network while traveling.


Use the internet to find information about remote access policies and home network protection, and then use this information to create a training document for remote employees.

Nurse’s Touch: Wellness and Self-Care: Eating Healthy and Maintaining a Healthy Weight Case


1. How does additional body weight affect physical status?

-Additional body weight can affect the body in many ways. Because of heavy weight, the patient

can experience painful knee, back pain, and hypertension.

2. What are some of the barriers and challenges to losing weight in the U.S.?

-Some of the barriers and challenges to losing weight in the U. S is the time and sedentary

lifestyle. People who works behind the desk and works a lot of hours will have difficulty finding

time to prepare a healthy meal or to go to the gym and exercise. Instead they will buy fast food

which is convenient for them.

3. Discuss cultural considerations when discussing weight and weight loss with clients.

-The nurse should consider the patient’s culture when talking about their diet. We can’t just

change what they eat or what they grew up eating. We can teach our patient how to balance their

meal instead.

4. What would you suggest to help Mark achieve a healthy weight?

-Since he works a lot and doesn’t have time, I would start with his diet first. I will teach him how

to eat a balance meal even if it means getting it from a fast food restaurant. There’s a lot of

options for him to eat as long as he knows how much calories he needs to consume in a day.

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1. Which of the following client data are a result of or are worse because of the client’s weight

gain? (Select all that apply.)

 Painful knee  Hypertension  Sore back  Increased stress  Bloating after meals

2. The client tells the nurse practitioner that he “grabs a lot of fast food.” If the client resists

changing that pattern, which of the following accommodations should the nurse practitioner

suggest that he make?

 Have a carbohydrate snack before leaving work.  Choose grilled chicken instead of hamburger.  Choose a baked potato with broccoli and cheese.

3. Which specific risks do the results of the client’s laboratory tests indicate? (Select all that


 Type 2 diabetes mellitus  Renal disease  Liver cirrhosis  Heart attack  Stroke

4. From the data the nurse practitioner mentioned, calculate the client’s body mass index (BMI).

Which of the following BMI classifications applies to him?

 Overweight

 Obesity class I

 Obesity class II

5. What is the initial and primary purpose of having the client start a food journal?

 Pattern identification  Renewed focus on self

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 Heightened awareness

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NR228 Nutrition, Health and Wellness

Nurse’s Touch Guidelines


Nurse’s Touch provides interactives that will enhance students’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes on important topics and scenarios in nursing practice.

Course outcomes This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO 1: Assess whether nutritional intake provides basic nutrients for optimal health and wellness.

CO 2: Describe nutritional needs for optimal health and wellness throughout the lifespan.

CO 3: Discuss the psychological, sociological, economical, and cultural implications of food on nutritional status.

CO 4: Describe evidence-based practice interventions and modifications in nutrition therapy that can positively influence the outcome of disease and illness.

Due date Your faculty member will inform you when this assignment is due. The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment.

Total points possible 25 points

Preparing the assignment

1. Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions.

a. You must have an active ATI Student account and a computer with internet access.

· Firefox is the recommended browser.

· It is advised that you clear your browser history, cookies, and cache prior to beginning the assignment.

2. Log into your ATI Account

a. Select the “Learn” tab

b. Click on Nurse’s Touch and complete the Nurse's Touch: Health & Wellness: Eating Healthy and Maintaining a Healthy Weight

3. Required Criteria (25 points/100%)

a. Review “How Being Overweight or Obese Affects your Health” case study and answer these questions.

· How does additional body weight affect physical status?

· What are some of the barriers and challenges to losing weight in the U.S.?

· Discuss cultural considerations when discussing weight and weight loss with clients.

· What would you suggest to help Mark achieve a healthy weight?

b. Submit your answers to your faculty as instructed.

· Faculty may request your assignment be submitted as a hard or electronic copy.

c. Relearning Opportunity (if Unsatisfactory on first submission; 0-10% increase in points earned; total points for assignment cannot exceed 25))

· Reflect on your answers as you review the case study again. Update your answers to reflect a deeper understanding of the nurse’s role counseling individuals about obesity.

· You may use your textbook and other resources to increase your knowledge of the topic.

For writing assistance (APA, formatting, or grammar) visit the APA Citation and Writing page in the online library.

Please note that your instructor may provide you with additional assessments in any form to determine that you fully understand the concepts learned in the review module.

NR228 Nutrition, Health and Wellness

Nurse’s Touch Guidelines

NR228 Nutrition, Health and Wellness

Nurse’s Touch Guidelines

Revised: MAY21



Grading Rubric: Criteria are met when the student’s application of knowledge demonstrates achievement of the outcomes for this assignment.

Assignment Section and Required Criteria

(Points possible/% of total points available)

Highest Level of Performance

High Level of Performance

Satisfactory Level of Performance

Unsatisfactory Level of Performance

Section not present

Completes Module & Post-Test

(25 points/100%)

25 points

10 points

0 points

Required criteria

Review case video and complete four questions.

Satisfactorily completes the four questions. No remediation required.

Unsatisfactorily completes the four questions.

Did not complete assignment.

Relearning Opportunity

(0-10% of assignment value)

3 points

0 points

Required criteria

· Reflect on your answers as you review the case study again. Update your answers to reflect a deeper understanding of the nurse’s role counseling individuals about obesity.

· You may use your textbook and other resources to increase your knowledge of the topic.

Added additional insight into the case study and questions to further understand the concepts in the module.

Did not complete relearning.

Total Points Possible = 25 points

Revised: MAY21



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