TITLE : Care Support (planning and implementing an activity for people in nursing home) sub headings 1. effective planning of the activity - (describe the planning you undertook to organise the activity,including any consultations between care team,family members, and the patient. Any special needs of the patient or equipment needed,discuss how all of the above participated in the planning of activity and discuss how all of the above communicated during the planning stage. 2. Comprenhensive description of how the activity was carried out -(did patients enjoy or not ,any problems that arose,what did care staff other do to assist during the activity and how did all involved communicate during the activity ) 3. critical evaluation of the activity - (reflect on how the activity went, was the planning right,how did activity affect patient,care staff,family members ie. enjoyable,too long,too tiring,sad,funny,etc. And finally discuss any changes you would make to improve activity for next time (planning, organising,running etc.) ACTIVITIES CAN BE (OUTING TO SHOPPING MALL ,PICTURES, ART GALLERY, ORGANISING BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR PATIENT WITH FAMILY, FRIENDS , OTHER PATIENTS AND CARE STAFF) YOU CHOOSE ! word count:800/1000 - double space - harvard reference - 4/5 references - essay style

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