Workbooks with Multiple Worksheets
Homework Handout
Design and create a workbook to keep track of the payroll for hourly employees. Each worksheet will correspond to a different week. You have six employees. List them in a column. Each employee makes a different amount per hour. List the hourly pay for each employee in a new column. Now add a column for each of the seven days of the week. In these columns enter the number of hours worked by each employee each day that week. To the right add columns that give the total number of hours worked by each employee and the gross pay for each employee. The federal government asks you to deduct 20% of gross pay for federal income taxes. Your state or province asks you to deduct 5% of gross pay for state income taxes. Add columns for these. Social security deduction is 6.2% of gross pay. The deduction for medical insurance is $20 per week. Add columns for these. Each employee’s take home pay is the gross pay minus the deductions. Add a column for take home pay. Add a row to total all of the columns. Add appropriate cells with headings for the worksheet.
Now use the worksheet you just created for one week’s payroll to create a workbook for a month (four weeks). You should have an initial worksheet that gives a title and other information. There should be one worksheet for each week. Employees may work different hours from week to week. The final worksheet should be the totals for the four weeks. There should be six worksheets in all.
The only cells in which input is allowed are the employee names, hourly pay rate, and hours worked during each of the seven days. Data entry should not be allowed in any cell containing a formula or header information. Data entry should not be allowed in the totals worksheet. Lock/unlock the appropriate cells in each of the weekly payroll worksheets and the total worksheet. Protect each of the worksheets (do not use a password).
Technical skills Teamwork More graduates from Kaplan Lifelong learning |
Improving the breadth and depth of data available for analysis Taking the human factor out of the equation Increasing the subjectivity of the information Increasing the timeliness of data acquisition |
Local issue Issue that only impacts for-profit hospitals An international problem Due to very little effort to improve |
Equity Effectiveness Efficiency Effort |
Gap analysis Change Identification Clarification |
Rule-based mistakes, Knowledge-based mistakes, Adhering to norms, Skill based slips and lapses Skill based slips and lapses, Rule-based mistakes, Knowledge-based mistakes, Violation of norms Knowledge-based mistakes, Rule-based mistakes, Violation of norms, Poor education mistakes Rule-based mistakes, Knowledge-based mistakes, Skill based slips and lapses, Creating norms |
Implicit risk in all human interactions Fallible humans Systems with latent potential for failure All of the above |
Creates a culture of fear of making mistakes Involves a collaborative approach Demands value and cost reductions It doesn’t take into account fragmentation of quality care |
Risk Management Professional Organizations Social Marketing Consumers |
An individual point-of-view Students acting as role models Faculty being the “sage on the stage” Multidisciplinary team |
Organized Labor Fantastic organizational loyalty Lack of regulation High rate of personnel change |
Development of standard quality measures Pay for performance Fines for individual who do not use CQI Public reporting of quality measures |
The willingness of the organizations to hide information from the public The willingness of the organizations to follow quality control methods The willingness of the organizations to execute CQI strategies to improve the areas identified by the process The willingness of the organizations to punish the individual who make a mistake |
Links to key elements of the organization’s strategic plan Uses rigorous techniques of the scientific method and statistical process control Formation of process improvement teams Quality council made up of the institution’s front line employees |
Team members who discover the quality problems Senior managers who support the process Department managers who manage areas where quality problem is identified Governmental agencies who are supporting the change |
The teams capacity to attain Piaget’s formal operational stage Rewarding positive behavior Team member’s ability to take individual risk Meeting Maslow’s level of self-actualization |
Deming and Juran Juran and Paton Motorola and Ishikawa Shewhart and Parato |
Anecdotes Data Opinions Measurement |
All level three trauma hospital are the same Hospitals caring for the poor are allowed to have worse outcomes All physicians have the same level of expertise Each institution can have a different mix of patients |
Department-centered approach Professional approach Organization-centered approach Top-down approach |
Shewhart, PDSA Deming, PDCA Shewhart, PDCA Deming, PDSA |
Lessons learned Data Analysis Customer outcomes Holding the gains |
Brent James Donald Berwick Hubert Dreyfus Walter Shewhart |
Success and failure Progress and strength Strength and weakness Improvement and progress |
Welch and Smith Ishikawa and Berwick Berwick and James Deming and Juran |
BUMIS 333 – Module 5 Homework Handout
What If Analysis
You are on the budget committee for the formal Valentine’s Day Ball at your university. The ball includes dinner and dancing. Your committee prepared a tentative budget outlining income and expenses.
Step A – You believe between 200 and 500 students will attend. Because the ticket revenue, chair setup, catering cost, and valet parking expenses are dependent on the number of students, you decide to create a one-variable data table to compare the budget effects based on different numbers of students attending.
1. Start in cell E3. Complete the series of substitution values ranging from 200 to 500 at increments of 20 students vertically down column E.
2. Enter references to the total revenue, total expenses, and balance formulas in the correct location for a one-variable data table.
3. Complete the one-variable data table, and then format the results with Accounting Number Format with two decimal places.
4. Apply custom number formats to make the formula references appear as descriptive column headings. Format the headings and substitution values.
Step B – You now want to compare the balances of different combinations of attendees and ticket prices per person using a two-variable data table.
1. Copy the number of attendees substitution values from the one-variable data table, and then paste the values starting in cell E22.
2. Type $50 in cell F21. Complete the series of substitution values from $50 to $100 at $10 increments.
3. Enter the reference to the balance formula in the correct location for a two-variable data table.
4. Complete the two-variable data table, and then format the results with Accounting Number Format with two decimal places.
5. Apply a custom number format to make the formula reference appear as a descriptive column heading. Format the headings and substitution values.

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