User Creation and
TEC 5323
I. Creating a User
II. User Privileges
III. User Roles
IV. Public Synonym
Data Security
User accounts provide a method of authentication
They can grant access to specific objects
They identify owners of objects
Creating a User
The CREATE USER command gives each user a user name and password
Assigning User Privileges
There are two types of privileges:
System privileges
Allow access to the database and execution of DDL operation
Object privileges
Allow a user to perform DML and query operations
Assigning User Privileges (cont)
Even with a valid user name and password, a user still needs the CREATE SESSION privilege to connect to a database
Syntax: example
System Privileges
Affect a user’s ability to create, alter, and drop objects
Use of ANY keyword with an object privilege (INSERT ANY TABLE) is considered a system privilege
List of all available system privileges available through SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP
Granting System Privileges
System privileges are given through the GRANT command
Granting System Privileges (cont)
GRANT clause – identifies system privileges being granted
TO clause – identifies receiving user or role
WITH ADMIN OPTION clause – allows a user to grant privilege to other database users
Object Privileges
SELECT – display data from table, view, or sequence
INSERT – insert data into table or view
UPDATE – change data in a table or view
DELETE – remove data from a table or view
ALTER – change definition of table or view
Granting Object Privileges
Grant object privileges through the GRANT command
Granting Object Privileges (cont)
GRANT clause – identifies object privileges
ON clause – identifies object
TO clause – identifies user or role receiving privilege
WITH GRANT OPTION clause – gives a user the ability to assign the same privilege to other users
Granting Object Privileges (cont)
GRANT command examples
Password Management
To change a user password, use the PASSWORD command or the ALTER USER command
Utilizing Roles
A role is a group, or collection, of privileges
Example: allow orderentry role to SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATE customers, orders, and orderitems tables in “scott” schema.
Utilizing Roles (cont)
Roles can be assigned to users or other roles
Utilizing Roles (cont)
A user can be assigned several roles
All roles can be enabled at one time
Only one role can be designated as the default role for each user
Default role can be assigned through the ALTER USER command
Utilizing Roles (cont)
Roles can be modified with the ALTER ROLE command
Roles can be assigned passwords
Viewing Privilege Information
ROLE_SYS_PRIVS lists all system privileges assigned to a role
SESSION_PRIVS lists a user’s currently enabled roles
Removing Privileges and Roles
Revoke system privileges with the REVOKE command
Removing Privileges and Roles
Revoking an object privilege – if the privilege was originally granted using WITH GRANT OPTION, the effect cascades and is revoked from subsequent recipients
Removing Privileges and Roles
Revoke role from user or role
Dropping a Role
Users receiving privileges via a role that is dropped will no longer have those privileges available
Dropping a User
The DROP USER command is used to remove a user account
Synonyms are aliases for referencing the database objects
Grant the CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM privilege
Drop a synonym
Example 1: Script that creates an
“AR” Schema
Explanation: Example 1
The script first connects to system account (make sure to provide the correct system password)
“ar” is created as the main schema. The same syntax for creating user is used. You may also view “ar” as the admin user.
Then, the script connects to “ar” and create tables under “ar” schema
Example 2: Script that sets up
roles and users
Explanation I: Example 2
In this example, we want to manage users for “ap” schema. This schema can be created the same way as “ar” schema in previous example.
At the beginning, we will drop all users, roles, and public synonyms. Similar to what we have done when creating tables. This should be done as a regular practice to avoid creating the same objects in the database.
Example 2: Script that sets up
roles and users (cont)
Explanation II: Example 2 (cont)
Following the DROP script in PL/SQL block, we now create three roles (ap_user, ap_manager, and ap_developer).
Then, we grant privileges to ap_user role (both system privileges and object privileges).
Example 2: Script that sets up
roles and users (cont)
Explanation III: Example 2 (cont)
Then, we grant privileges to ap_manager role. Notice in the first line, we grant ap_user role to ap_manager role. This means that ap_manager will have all privileges that ap_user has. Additional privileges for ap_manager are added in the script.
Similar to ap_manager, ap_developer will have all privileges that ap_manager has. Additional privileges are added in the script as well.
Example: Script that sets up roles
and users (cont)
Explanation IV: Example 2 (cont)
Four users are created with the same password.
Then, users are assigned their roles. You can see that Joel are allowed to create tables as a developer with the Quota of 10MB.
Example: Script that sets up roles
and users (cont)
Explanation V: Example 2 (cont)
Finally, we grant the synonym to all users. Although, we only connect to Joel user to grant the synonym. Since “PUBLIC” keyword is used, these grants will apply to all users that we create.
Database account management is only one facet of data security
System privileges are used to grant access to the database and to create, alter, and drop database objects
Object privileges allow users to manipulate data in database objects
Roles are collections of privileges
Roles can be revoked from users using the REVOKE command
TEC 5323
Assignment 10 – User Creation and Management (Extra Credits)
You will create a SQL script to accomplish the following tasks.
1. Assume that we have connected to the system account. Write a script to create “testdb” schema. Use “password” without quote as the password. You should review example in Week 14 Lecture
Slides (page 28-29).
Connect to “testdb” schema and write a script that creates tables below. Adding data is not
user_id in users table and download_id in downloads table are primary keys.
user_id in downloads table is foreign key.
Column attributes and constraints should be assigned as appropriate.
2. Continue adding to the script; create the roles for “db_user” and “db_manager” by granting the following privileges (5 points):
a. db_user: i. CREATE SESSION
ii. CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM iii. SELECT ON users iv. SELECT ON downloads
b. db_manager: i. db_user role
3. Continue adding to the script; create two users with a username and password of your choosing. Assign one user to db_user role and another user to db_manager role. Then, create public
synonym of both tables for all users. (5 points)
• You should review example script in our Week 14 Lecture Slides (page 28-39). It should be straightforward to adapt the example.
1. Create a single SQL script for the assignment (10% deduction if not in one file). Your SQL script is only in “.sql” format. The script should be run in Oracle SQL Plus as
“SQL>@filepath\filename.sql”. For example, if your SQL script is saved as myscript.sql, then we
will be able to execute it in SQL Plus as “SQL>@C:\temp\myscript.sql”.
2. Make sure to test your script before submission. Ten (10) % will be automatically taken if the script is not running (even with minor syntax error). Please note this practice is very important for
a database professional in the field.
3. Please use file convention as follows. Name your file as “firstname_lastname_user.sql”, where firstname and lastname are your first and last name, respectively. Five (5) % will be deducted if
the file name is not followed this convention. There should not be any space in your file name;
otherwise the script will not be run.
4. Submit your project in Drobpox in D2L.

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