Unit 8


image1.jpgUnit 8 Assignment: Research Paper Final

Name: -

Course Number: -

Section Number: -

Unit Number: - 8 Research

Date: -

Research paper

This paper must:

· Be between 2 and 3 pages (600 to 900 words) in length – double spaced.

· Use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling and follow the APA format.

· Have an introduction, a development, and a conclusion. In the development you should present your arguments or assessment of the issue you selected while staying objective. In the conclusion, however, you can take a position and state your opinion.

· This being an Economics course, your arguments should pertain to the economy.

· Your arguments should be supported as much as possible by articles or studies that have been made on the subject. If you mention statistics or any data or numbers, your source should be clearly stated; otherwise your argument will not be valid. Most sources should be less than 3 years old.

· Include a list of references (URLs, articles, books, etc.) in a separate Bibliography / Webliography.

The Grading Rubric that will be used to evaluate your paper can be found in the Syllabus in the Course Home



Microeconomics: Unit 8 Assignment: Final Research Paper

Content (125 points)

Points Possible

Points Earned

· Paper is 2 to 3 pages in length and effectively Addresses the requirements of the Final paper

· Included a working title.


· Clearly presented in an introduction.


· Well defined thesis statement that incorporates three main points.


· Three major points that are tied to the thesis statement and are succinctly discussed in the body of the paper.


· Two details for each of the three major points supported with reliable sources in the body of the paper.


· Conclusion provides a summary of the main points.


Analysis (70 points)

Work demonstrates synthesis of concepts, research, and experience


Work demonstrates the student’s ability to tie relevant information to real-life applications.


Analysis exceeds basic comprehension to demonstrate higher-order thinking.


Writing (40 points)

· Correct use of APA 6th edition format, all sources used to support the paper are referenced

· In-text citations and reference list at the end of your paper are both included.


Sentences are clear, concise, and direct; tone is appropriate, spelling, grammar, and punctuation are correct.






Research paper outline

David Bumford

Kaplan University



1). Working title

(i). Evaluating environmental regulation.

2). Thesis statement: the world is growing with the population increasing daily and the natural resources are few and continue to disintegrate thus we need to address this issue through environmental regulation. To keep our world going in the right direction, we have to search for alternative resource in energy. Current scientists have come up with ways to help in converting renewable resources which include wind turbines, biofuels water, and the sun into energy in powering the future. This paper seeks to address environmental regulation through; stating the purpose of recycling programs, assessing the impacts of these programs on consumers and firms, and evaluating the extent of these programs in achieving their purpose in environmental regulation.

3). Major points in the evaluation of environmental regulation.

(i). Purpose of recycling programs in environmental regulation.

a) Recycling diverts waste products from landfills through extension of their usefulness (Freeman, Kolstad, & NetLibrary, 2007).

b) Recycling programs which are robust improve community quality in life hence resulting to more desirable environment to live.

c) Recycling programs help to reduce greenhouse emissions in dangerous gases.

d) Conserves the natural resources through consumption of few raw materials.

(ii). Assessing the impacts of recycling programs on consumers and firms in the nation.

a) Recycling programs leads to healthy neighborhoods.

b) Recycling programs creates jobs through all the processes involved in turning the waste material into useful products.

c) They help to support sustainable industries as some companies depend of waste recycling to make business.

d) Recycling programs help to bring communities together through school participation or other programs in rebuilding environment.

e) Provides a sustainable growth in communities when waste reduction is made a priority.

f) Provides the consumers with cheap products from the recycling industries.

(iii). Evaluating the progress of the recycling programs in their effort of attaining their intention of regulating the environment.

A). Many private and government owned institution have teamed up to ensure proper adherence in rules regulating recycling programs to achieve clean environment.

4). Evidence of the major points.

i). The federal government provides regulations and rules which govern handling and disposal of waste products to ensure clean environment (Fiorino, 2006).).

a). The government provides regulation and rules governing transportation, generation, storage, treatment and the disposal of dangerous waste products through Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).

b). The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) give the regulation and manage disposal in PCB-containing waste products.

c). The Universal Waste Rule (UWR) streamline the collection requirements of hazardous waste products such as batteries, lamps, thermostats, pesticides and many more.

ii). Most of the research in waste product recycling programs show positive impacts of this program to the consumers, firms and government at large.

a). According to research by Recycling means Business of North Carolina, waste product recycling offer jobs to more people compared to bio-tech industries in that state.

b). A study by the Florida Recycling Economic Information in 2000 provides that recycling programs which are efficient, benefit community financially and improves aesthetic appeal of neighborhoods.

c). Markets for Aluminum states that many consumers buy more scrap aluminum where these plants are located and these smelted products are sold cheaper in the markets.

iii). Reports from private and government institutions in charge of environmental regulation speak positively in the progress of environmental recycling programs (Kuehr, Williams, & Workshop, 2003).

a). According to the HHS Environmental Justice Strategy, many programs of environmental regulation are making difference by giving grants to communities in the process of recruiting and training people living in vulnerable areas due to contaminants exposure.

b). Affordable Care Act provides new transformation in the community by offering grant recycling programs building the Economic Empowerment Zone Model.


Fiorino, D. J. (2006). The new environmental regulation. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.

Freeman, J., Kolstad, C. D., & NetLibrary, Inc. (2007). Moving to markets in environmental regulation: Lessons from twenty years of experience. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kuehr, R., Williams, E., & Workshop. (2003). Computers and the environment: Understanding and managing their impacts. Dordrecht [u.a.: Kluwer Acad. Publ.

Microeconomics: Unit 4 Assignment: Research Paper Outline

Content (23 points)

Points Possible

Points Earned

Included a working title



Well defined thesis statement that incorporates three main points. The thesis should be one sentence not a paragraph.



Three major points that are tied to the thesis statement



Two details (information or evidence with sources listed) for each of the three major points Your third point only has one detail.



Analysis (13 points)

Work demonstrates synthesis of concepts, research, and experience



Work demonstrates the student’s ability to tie relevant information to real-life applications.



Analysis exceeds basic comprehension to demonstrate higher-order thinking.



Writing (9 points)

Correct use of APA 6th edition format, all sources used to support the paper are referenced



Sentences are clear, concise, and direct; tone is appropriate, spelling, grammar, and punctuation are correct.






David, Good work. Continue to work on your thesis. It should be one well crafted sentence.

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