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Capital Budgeting Case QRB/501 Version 4 |
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University of Phoenix Material
Capital Budgeting Case
Your company is thinking about acquiring another corporation. You have two choices—the cost of each choice is $250,000. You cannot spend more than that, so acquiring both corporations is not an option. The following are your critical data:
Corporation A
Revenues = $100,000 in year one, increasing by 10% each year
Expenses = $20,000 in year one, increasing by 15% each year
Depreciation expense = $5,000 each year
Tax rate = 25%
Discount rate = 10%
Corporation B
Revenues = $150,000 in year one, increasing by 8% each year
Expenses = $60,000 in year one, increasing by 10% each year
Depreciation expense = $10,000 each year
Tax rate = 25%
Discount rate = 11%
Compute and analyze items (a) through (d) using a Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet. Make sure all calculations can be seen in the background of the applicable spreadsheet cells. In other words, leave an audit trail so others can see how you arrived at your calculations and analysis. Items (a) through (d) should be submitted in Microsoft® Excel®; indicate your recommendation (e) in the Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet; the paper stated in item (f) should be submitted consistent with APA guidelines.
a. A 5-year projected income statement
b. A 5-year projected cash flow
c. Net present value (NPV)
d. Internal rate of return (IRR)
e. Based on items (a) through (d), which company would you recommend acquiring?
f. Write a paper of no more 1,050 words that defines, analyzes, and interprets the answers to items (c) and (d). Present the rationale behind each item and why it supports your decision stated in item (e). Also, attempt to describe the relationship between NPV and IRR. (Hint. The key factor is the discount rate used.) In addition to the paper, a Micosoft® Excel® spreadsheet showing your projections and calculations must be shown and attached.
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Mohammad Aldousari
Pro, Marry Shanon
English 113B
10 February 2014
The Slow Death
Have you ever heard about someone who died for eating fast food! . Most of us have been warned by Doctors or by the commercial they do from eating Junk Food. Some of us consider and listen to them and others do not even worry about it or they just have not convinced yet. Anyways, Junk food has controversial global meanings. But the question that came to my mind, Is it every fast food is junk food? . Well for me, I see that junk food is way different than fast food even though it junk food could be prepared very fast. Junk food can be found everywhere in supermarkets and fast food restaurant. It is simply any food that consists of too much of fat, sugar and calories. It is contributing lots of them with a small neuronal value. It might affect your body healthy dangerously in the long term. On the other hand, there are many healthy fast foods like Salads, soups and fruit. Most of salads have lactose free, hormone free and its do not have GMO. However, I have been through a test of not eating junk food for three days in row. During these days I have observed and learned many interesting information about food that I would like to share them.
The first day of my experience was not that tough. I think because I ate two junk food meals in the previous day. I knew this experience won’t be easy for me because of my statue. I am an international student who studies Mechanical engineering and live a far a way from his family. Back in my country, the only reason for me going to our kitchen is to eat or sometime helping my family lifting the food to eat somewhere else. In U.S I am living with a roommates who turn out to be laziest than me. Therefore, I wondered hoe can I bear three days without eating junk food as usually I do in my ordinary days. In fact, I went to the supermarket looking for healthy organic foods that I can cook in my apartment. Then, I cooked chicken and white rice of course after I talked to my family who game me the instructions. I was fine and cool the first day until second day came.
In the day after, my friends and I went to a junk food restaurant to eat. I told them that I cannot eat junk food with them and they start to make jokes on me. I advised the not to eat from this restaurant and I even show them a commercial about man who died with a Macdonald’s burger in his hand but no regard. It was hard for me to watched them eating without sharing them. I hold the menu and start to read what the restaurant has. I found many healthy foods, so I ordered a salad with a chicken breast. Thus, I learned that I can eat healthy food in a junk food restaurant. The second day past with peace but the toughest and the last day is the third one.
In the third day, I became more involved with the experience but in the same time I was missing eating my pizza that tastes like a slice of meted chees with a slight crisp and not forget the delicious barbecue sauce on it. Despite that, I have endured all my desires for the sake of my health. When I think about it, smoking cigarette and eating junk food have common cause of damage in long-term. After I successfully past the three days, I have gained the confidant and determination to avoid eating junk food or maybe eating it mindfully like I did in the second day.
Mrs. Mary Shannon
English 113B
Spring 2013
Junk Food Exercise
DUE: Wednesday, February 12 Draft due
Monday, February 17 Final
Purpose: To do primary research
To organize and think clearly about junk food
To demonstrate understanding of definition and description
Many of us eat unconsciously, barely taking time to savor or enjoy the foods we put in our mouths. In addition, we eat foods that may taste good at the moment, but are harmful to our bodies in the long run. We also tend to eat while doing other tasks such as driving, watching television, playing video games, taking notes in class, or walking. We may know that some foods are not good for our bodies, but when we get hungry, we often want to get food as soon as possible.
Task #1
Read this article from the New York Times on mindful eating: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/08/dining/mindful-eating-as-food-for-thought.html?_r=1&pagewanted=all It is also posted on Moodle.
Task #2
Choose three days in which you will try as hard as you can to eat no junk food/fast food. Be aware of the choices you make when you eat, and make an honest attempt to avoid the usual foods that you know are considered junk food. Part of this task is to define junk food and fast food. Don’t assume “everyone knows” what it is. If you do decide to consciously eat junk food, eat it mindfully, as the article describes.
Task #3
Write an essay about your experience of avoiding junk/fast food, or eating it mindfully.
In preparing to write your essay, you may find it helpful to ask such questions as: What does this experience mean to me? How can my narrative of the experience be most effectively organized? What do I want to communicate to my audience with this writing?
The essay should be two pages, which is approximately 500 to 600 words (pages are more important than word count). The paper must be typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman or similar font, one inch margins, 12 point type. Name, class, and date are to be in top left hand side, double-spaced. Insert your last name in the header, right justified, along with the page number. Read it carefully for typos and misspellings.
Is every junk food is fast sood ? Many ppl thin jf same as , but becoz we like to section thing . in my opinion they are way diff . the junk is repar quiqly, also eat it fast…, but the ff is ….. , coz a lot of helthy fast food we can find in ….., thesis how I bear I succeed the dangr of it nd the sulotion
Kids nd teen
Do not expect junk food to provide your body with vitamins, iron and calcium
Before I read this article about the hunger in LA county, I thought LA is one of the richest area in U.S. The numbers and the statistics surprised me. I saw a lot of homeless in some area in LA but I did not expect that More than 1.7 million Los Angeles County residents struggled with hunger in 2009. This means that they are in edge of the cliff. The government has to do something before its get worst. Today 408,000 hungry men, women and children are fed at 854 non governmental social service agencies providing emergency food in Los Angeles County. Two years ago only 216,000 people needed food each day. That was the latest statistics and it show as that the hunger people increasing dangerously.
The reason of the hunger is the poverty, so they have to find a solution and not temporary one. For example, make job opportunities and give the residence the right to study in the colleges with a low fees.
Shelter Partnership and Healthy City Los Angeles

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