Mert Ziyal
Pain and Pleasure (first draft)
WHIPS has always been used in various form to have a control on others, it can be anything, like- “animals or peoples”. Whips were used as the tool which was built by a long handle with the strands attached to it. It has the ability to give great stress and pain to the person who gets whipped. For a simple device such whip it changed a lot through history. Not only by its material but also its purpose of use. But the strangest thing is that, how the most feared torture device became one of the top products in sex shop and entered normal peoples bedroom.
It has been widely used since ages and is still in practice as we can see in the current scenario. In the early ages it was mainly used for the animals, to have a proper control on them, mainly while races. Peoples used it to guide the animals to keep them in the proper track. It has always been used traditionally by the humans to exert the control over the animals. Peoples used whip during the races because it can inflict pain. It works as a command for the animals which is followed by the animals, for instance if we see any animal race (example – horse race) we can see, how the horse rider uses his whip to make the horse run faster and faster so that he could win the race, hence it shows us the various use of whip which work’s to force the animal work accordingly, therefore we can say that whip is still under practice and has been used since ages. In the early ages Whips were also be used to make a loud sound which induces a fear response in the animals and this technique was used as a part of an escalation response from the animals. When some flexible type of whips was swung, a loop in that material can move down the whip rapidly to increase the speed. Hence is has been used widely since historical period.
During the ancient times flogging was a common disciplinary measures used by British navy associated with the seaman’s manly disregard for pain. Flagellation was probably originated near East but it spread throughout the ancient world. In Sparta, the young men were flogged for the test of their masculinity. But after some time the Jewish law came with the limited flagellation of forty strokes, and in practice peoples used to deliver thirty-nine, so as to avoid the possibility of breaking the law due to a miscount. Additionally they had a doctor to monitor the punishment properly, and they can stop, if it became too much for the person to bear safely. During the Roman Empire, flagellation was used as a prelude to crucifixion, and was also referred as ‘scourging’. Whips with the small pieces of metal or bone at the tips were commonly used. This Whip was capable enough to easily cause the disfigurement and serious trauma, such as ripping pieces of flesh from the body. In addition to the severe pain, it also made the victim to reach the state of hypovolemic shock due to loss of blood.
‘Torture’ has been carried out by the individuals, groups and states throughout the history from the ancient times till today, and forms of torture varies greatly in the various duration from only a few minutes to several days or even longer. The torturer may or may not intend to kill or injure the victim, but sometimes it has been seen that torture is deliberately fatal and can accompany the forms of murder The aim for the torture may be just to inflict the pain, without causing any fatal injury. There is also the torture that can be fatal eventually, but where attempts are made not to kill the victim quickly to prolong the length of time of the suffering. Whips were used as a form of discipline against the slaves. It was frequently carried out during the period of slavery in the United States, by the owners of slaves and their employees. It was used to torture the enemies once were they were surrendered. The enemies were punished by using the Whip, so that they get forced to speak out the truth. During the 19th century the flogging was used as a military punishment by the European for the common soldiers who breaks any discipline.
If we look around the religious use i.e. whip associated with the various religion it shows us the various moment that creates a uniform perception for the use of whip. In Judaism, According to the Torah and Rabbinic law lashes were given for the offenses which never permitted the capital punishment, and must not exceed 40 strokes. However in the absence of a Sanhedrin, the corporal punishment was not practiced in Jewish law. Halakha says that the lashes must be given in sets of three, so the total number must not exceed 39. Also, the person whipped was first judged whether he can withstand the punishment, if not, the number of whips was decreased. In Roman Catholicism the Flagellation was referred to the Flagellation of Christ, an episode in the Passion of Christ prior to Jesus' crucifixion. The practice of mortification of the flesh for religious purposes was utilized by many Christians throughout the Christian history, especially during the Catholic monasteries and convents. During the13th century, a group of Roman Catholics, known as the Flagellants, were habituated of this practice to the highest level, The Flagellants were later condemned by the Roman Catholic Church as a cult during 14th century because in the era church was made and had no other control over the practice. In Islam the flogging was a used as a form of punishment under the Islamic law, it had a defined punishment for the various offences also including the alcohol use and slander, and it is widely used for victims. However it has been found that few scholars says that this goes against the teachings of Islam, because in Islam it says that the lashes for the punishment of women are often related to Quran under which one arm to minimize the swing, as a reminder because they were not supposed to leave a permanent scars on the body of women. Hence if we consider all this various religious view’s a perception is created which signifies us the impact and use of Whip since ages.
Whips were also used during sexual process, it has always been noticed that sex has created a big impact on the humans life, peoples who have the greed for sex can cross out any hurdle lines to fulfill their greed, in earlier days peoples used Whip to threaten the women and girl to get agree for having sex with the man. Many times the whip was kept purely for the sexual purpose by the sex slave, either to satisfy the lust of the owner, or just to use it as a breeder to create more stock. Even in the present days we can find it practiced for the animals for the increment in their breed’s, peoples forces mainly the pet animals to have sex with the male animal to increase their breed just for their own profit. Over all we can say that since ages the use of whip has been into practice for various purposes. But finally we can conclude that as we know each and everything has both the negative as well as positive impact same is followed by this tool also, whip also have created the negative influence on few peoples who are basically fickle minded.
After the various discussion related to the impact of Whip and its use we can conclude that yes it can be practiced even in the present days but only for the animals not for the peoples because all the human beings are free enough to live there life and must not be treated with the punishment of flogging which is used for the animals presently. Our government must think about this and should take an immediate action to have proper control and limited use of Whip’s only for animals that too in minimized rate so that it can not cause any fatal move for them.
1) History book written by- L.K.Advani.
2) History book of 12th grade by- Johnson and Paul.
3) Encyclopedia book, by William Benton

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