Promotional Strategy Presentation Grading Guide

MKT/421 Version 15


Individual Assignment: Promotional Strategy Presentation

Purpose of Assignment

Differentiating your goods or services from the competition is a key factor in marketing success. A perceptual map shows companies where their product or service is positioned in the minds of the buyer, and lays the foundation for a company to develop an optimal positioning strategy and determine how they will place their product to compete best against other firms in the marketplace.

Resources Required

Marketing Chapter 8, Marketing Chapter 9 (Figure 9-11 example positioning map), Prince Sports Video

Grading Guide



Partially Met

Not Met


Compile the information presented in your previous papers.


Explain your promotional strategy for your product or service.

Include at least 3 of the following elements:


Public relations

Digital marketing, including social media

Sales promotion

Direct marketing

Event marketing

Outdoor advertising

Include an initial budget for your plan - prepare a pie chart showing the dollars/percentages budgeted for each included marketing activity for the first year and justify your choices.

Explain the evaluation and control methods you will use to measure the success of your plan.

Create a 15- to 20-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes or a Prezi® presentation with narration.

Total Available

Total Earned



Writing Guidelines


Partially Met

Not Met


The presentation—including tables and graphs, headings, title page, and reference page—is consistent with APA formatting guidelines and meets course-level requirements.

Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a reference page.

In narration, paragraph and sentence transitions are present, logical, and maintain the flow throughout the presentation.

In narration, sentences are complete, clear, and concise.

Rules of grammar and usage are followed including spelling and punctuation.

Total Available

Total Earned




Assignment Total




Additional comments:

Copyright © 2015 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.


Would you want a Rec Room
Yes 46
No 4
Game Type Times Occured % of Total Accumlated %
Ping-Pong 31 24.80% 24.80%
Pool 27 21.60% 46.40%
Card/Board Games 22 17.60% 64.00%
Gaming Consoles 20 16.00% 80.00%
Air Hockey 18 14.40% 94.40%
Other 7 5.60% 100.00%
Furniture Preference
Couches 31
Recliner 15
BeanBag Chair 13
Other 3
Watch TV in Rec Room
Yes 38
No 9

Strategy and Positioning Paper Grading Guide

MKT/421 Version 15


Learning Team Assignment: Strategy and Positioning Paper

Purpose of Assignment

Companies that are known as successful marketers start with a well-crafted marketing plan. A sound marketing plan captures the information required to help you develop and deliver the products and services that best meet the needs of your chosen target market, and communicate to your audience why and how your offering is the best alternative in the marketplace. A well-constructed marketing plan will serve as a set of “operational instructions” for your marketing and sales team, and help you set clear and measurable objectives for your organization.

Resources Required

Marketing Chapter 1, Marketing Chapter 2, Marketing Chapter 3, Marketing Chapter 5, Marketing Chapter 8, Marketing Chapter 9

Grading Guide



Partially Met

Not Met


Use the same product and organization you identified in your Week 3 Strategy and Positioning Paper.


Describe how your marketing efforts and marketing mix will change with each phase in the product life cycle.

Explain the packaging you will use for your product or service and how it will add value.

Analyze the appropriate pricing strategy for your product or service and the price you will set at launch.

Evaluate the channels of distribution you will use to sell your product along with a description of how each channel partner will add value.

The paper is 2,100 words in length.

Total Available

Total Earned



Writing Guidelines


Partially Met

Not Met


The paper—including tables and graphs, headings, title page, and reference page—is consistent with APA formatting guidelines and meets course-level requirements.

Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a reference page (at least four references are used, at least one of which must come from the University Library and one from the textbook).

Paragraph and sentence transitions are present, logical, and maintain the flow throughout the paper.

Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.

Rules of grammar and usage are followed including spelling and punctuation.

Total Available

Total Earned




Assignment Total




Additional comments:

Copyright © 2015 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

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