Project description

- An international nonprofit organization, named Brunch For Schools (BFS), has offices in Europe, Far East, and Americas. This organization is offering brunch food services to primary, middle, and high schools throughout the world. The brunch includes bananas, milk and pistachios
- The head quarter is in Amsterdam, Holland. There are three offices in Washington DC, London, and Malaysia.
- Each region is keeping its data on Excel files, and is operating independently
- Currently, it is really hard to get a report on how much is spent worldwide on providing the brunch service, keep track of suppliers and how to fund the business
- Each region/office is covering many schools
- The BFS needs to reach schools via a school contact in each school
- School contact coordinates the brunch delivery
- The organization has only $2M dollars to spend on a new system
- The organization needs the system within two years
- The organization is lacking internal resources for system development
- The organization needs an integrated system accessible by all regions to do their operations, plus reaching schools via school contacts
- The business growth of BFS in the next 10 years is estimated to be double

Create an Information System for BFS that:

· School contacts can enter the school information using an entry form

· The BFS staff can approve or disapprove a school request for food delivery

· The food suppliers can enter their information and receive orders for food delivery

· A report can be generated showing the suppliers payments information

· Your solution should consider the existing project documents. 



Using Dia, create a data model based on question #6 and #7. Refer to week 5 and 6 slides and chapter 8 and 9 of the recommended book. [For this question, assume you are a system analyst]


Create a mockup of the school entry form, and a report form for BFS project. Refer to week 7 slides and chapter 10 and 11 of the recommended book. [For this question, assume you are a system analyst]


Create a high level WBS: Use GanttChart software to create a WBS. Refer to week 2 slides and chapter 3 of the recommended book. [For this question, assume you are a project manager]


Project effort estimation: Use one of the methods mentioned in slides week 2 to estimate the effort in terms of man hour for the BFS project. [For this question, assume you are a project manager] 


Create a work plan: Add tasks to high level WBS you did for #5, and create a schedule for project. Refer to week 2 slides and chapter 3 of the recommended book. [For this question, assume you are a project manager]


Staffing the project: Determine the number of persons that should be assigned to the project and the skills for each. Create a staffing plan. Refer to week 2 slides and chapter 3 of the recommended book. [For this question, assume you are a project manager]


Describe the environment for BFS project. What software language, database, operating system, and CASE tools? Refer to week 2 slides and chapter 3 of the recommended book. [For this question, assume you are a project manager]


Perform System Implementation: Code the user interfaces and database objects, then test your developed system. Refer to week 8 slides and chapter 13 of the recommended book. [For this question, assume you are a project manager]

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