• Project communications matrix – which depicts how project stakeholders will be communicated with, including the communications mode, frequency and who is responsible for that communication.

• Work breakdown structure (WBS) – a deliverable-oriented hierarchical decomposition of the work to be executed by the project team, to accomplish the project objectives and create the required deliverables. The lowest-level WBS components (work packages) can be scheduled, cost estimated, monitored and controlled and are less than 10 days of work each.

• Project schedule in Microsoft project – includes standard phases, phase gate tasks, and tasks common to all projects (status reports, closure steps,). The project schedule includes at least a planned start date and planned finish date for each schedule activity. This output will include a project schedule network diagram highlighting the critical path and a milestone chart (in Gantt chart format).

• Project risk and opportunity matrix/FMEA - risks, their likelihood, impact and chance of detection in grid or FMEA format.

• Risk management plan – outlines the process by which risks and opportunities will be monitored, evaluated and managed.

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