PJM6125 Project Evaluation: The Role of Performance Evaluation
Overview and Rationale
This paper is a good opportunity for you to begin developing a strong grasp of the important role that performance evaluation plays in project management.
Program and Course Outcomes
This paper provides a baseline understanding to the course topics, and is directly related to this lesson's learning objectives:
LO4: Review and critique the role of earned value analysis in performance reporting by:
· Defining project evaluation
· Understanding the purpose of project evaluation
· Understanding different lens for evaluating project
· Understanding the project evaluation process
Essential Components
For this assignment, write a 2 - 3 page paper providing an overview of the role of performance evaluation. The pager must answers the following key topical questions:
· What is the role and purpose of performance evaluation in a project environment?
· How might one approach performance evaluation through different perspectives?
· What kind of feedback can performance evaluation provide?
Well-written papers will provide a complete, yet concise overview of the topic and address all the key points outlined above in the assignment details. These questions represent the minimal items that you would want to address. From your readings and your lectures, you will be exposed to other topics that may be relevant to the paper, and you would do well to consider those in writing the essay.
Please note that the above questions are prompts for you to address within your paper. Your paper should be written as an essay with topical headers; it should not be formatted in a Q&A format according to the above questions.
Additionally, you are required to cite at least two sources outside the course materials in writing this paper. As part of the evaluation process (see attached rubric), papers which cite peer reviewed sources as opposed to general websites or articles are considered a higher quality of source.
Below are some key guidelines you will want to ensure you follow in writing the paper. Think of this list as a quality control checklist, along with the attached grading rubric.
· Paper is 2 - 3 pages in length
· Paper format complies with APA 6 guidelines
· If you are unfamiliar with APA 6 guidelines, please review the sample paper at the following link: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/media/pdf/20090212013008_560.pdf
· Also, you will find additional resources listed in the syllabus
· No more than 15 percent of paper is comprised of outside sources or direct quotes
· Paper fully addresses the three topical questions listed above
· Paper is not written in a Question and Answer format, but makes appropriate use of headers and formatting in compliance with APA 6 guidelines
· Paper evidences reflection of the individual author relative to the broader discipline
· Paper is free of grammatical errors
Assessment Element
Above Standard
Meets Standards
(94.9 – 84%)
Approaching Standards
(83.9 – 77%)
Below Standard
(76.9 – 70%)
Not Evident
(69.9 – 0%)
Topical Content (30%)
Paper fully addresses the three key topical areas, shows thoughtful consideration of the integration between the related topics from the course readings and student’s independent research, and evidences a clear comprehension of the importance of performance evaluation to the project manager’s task
Paper fully addresses the three key topical areas and shows thoughtful consideration of the integration between the related topics from the course readings and student’s independent research, including the citation of two peer reviewed sources
Paper fully addresses the three key topical questions in a thorough manner and makes good use of research
Paper only partially addresses some or all of the three key topical areas
Paper does not fully address any of the three key topical areas and only address the areas partially
Sources & Citations (20%)
Integrates and properly cites two peer reviewed sources
Uses and properly cites two peer reviewed sources
Cites at least two non-course sources, but does not cite two peer reviewed sources or at least sources are incorrectly cited
Cites only in-class sources or does not cite sources correctly
Does not cite appropriate number of external sources, peer reviewed or otherwise
Formatting (20%)
Paper is written as a seamless essay with topical headers indicating a change in content focus
Paper is written and formatted as an essay with topical headers for each topic
Paper is written in essay format with topical headers, but each topic is not well-connected to previous/following topics.
Paper is written in essay form, but addresses each topic separately and addressed as a separate essay
Paper is not written in an essay format.
Critical Thinking
Professional insights into depth and breadth of assignment - goes WELL beyond assignment requirements to explore performance evaluation and appropriate relevant new techniques
Comprehensive explanation of the issue; exploration of expert viewpoints and use of evidence to inform interpretation and analysis; thorough evaluation the context (historical, ethical, cultural, environmental or circumstantial settings), and self and others’ assumptions and perspectives when stating a position; well-informed conclusions based on methodically prioritized evidence and perspectives.
Includes an explanation of the issue; exploration of expert viewpoints and use of evidence to inform interpretation and analysis; includes a evaluation the context (historical, ethical, cultural, environmental or circumstantial settings), and self and others’ assumptions and perspectives when stating a position; conclusions are based on methodically prioritized evidence and perspectives.
Includes a general explanation of the issue but is vague is not clearly linked to the identified risks; includes some exploration of expert viewpoints and use of evidence to inform interpretation and analysis; includes a general evaluation the context (historical, ethical, cultural, environmental or circumstantial settings), and self and others’ assumptions and perspectives when stating a position, but lack specificity; conclusions are based on prioritized evidence and perspectives
Does not explain the issue; explore expert viewpoints or use evidence to inform interpretation and analysis; does not provide an evaluation the context (historical, ethical, cultural, environmental or circumstantial settings), and self and others’ assumptions and perspectives when stating a position; conclusions are not based on prioritized evidence and perspectives.
Grammar & Clarity
All work grammatically correct with no misspellings or grammatical mistakes. Expresses ideas and opinions clearly and concisely in a manner appropriate to the assignment.
All work grammatically correct with rare misspellings.
Minimal errors in spelling, grammar, sentence structure and/or other writing conventions but the reader is able to understand what the writer meant.
Frequent errors in spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and/or other writing conventions that distract the reader.
Writing contains numerous errors in spelling, grammar, sentence structure, etc. that interfere with comprehension. The reader is unable to understand some of the intended meaning.