MGT 101 Final Business Paper & Presentation
Professor Joseph Roazzi
Fall 2018
Format of Paper
1. 6 typed pages minimum , double-spaced in Times New Roman 12 point font. 1” margins on all sides. Visual materials do not count as a part of the page count.
2. Use the most current information available –last year’s Annual Report/10K should suffice.
3. Late or handwritten materials will not be accepted UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.
4. An electronic copy (MS Word or PDF) of your paper must be uploaded through BlackBoard.
5. The structure of your paper MUST explicitly follow the outline below. In other words your paper should be divided into sections with the headings explicitly indicated. If you are not sure what this means, please ask.
6. There is no need to restate the questions provided – just be sure to answer/address them in the paper.
7. Use page numbers on all but the first page.
8. Use the APA citation style is required in this course. BOTH IN-TEXT CITATIONS AND A LIST OF WORKS CITED ARE REQUIRED
Writing and Other Advice
1. Your job is to conduct an in-depth analysis of the company, not simply their products or product lines. Don’t describe any products or services – you can mention product lines and major product categories, but not specific product features. In other words, do not get too granular; talk about the company and its strategy, not the warrantees on dishwashers, models, makes, sneaker styles, etc.
2. Plagiarism may result in a grade of zero for the project and possible disciplinary action.
3. Your opinion, while very important in this class, is not appropriate in this type of writing assignment; so don’t editorialize. Back up everything with facts and data.
4. Avoid statements like “obviously” or “as everyone knows…” Be explicit and cite your sources.
5. Avoid a conversational tone. Be professional in your writing.
6. Avoid the use of the first person. (I, me, we, us, etc.)
7. Do not submit photocopied content – it is easy to insert graphics into a Word document.
8. Pay attention to formatting – font size, typeface, bold, etc. Be uniform/consistent throughout.
9. Use bullets where necessary – use tables when presenting numerical or comparative data
10. Be critical in your evaluation. Are there any major threats or weaknesses for this company?
This will require the creation of at least 12-15 slides to highlight each of the topics below but no more than 20 slides. The PowerPoint presentation must include: Title Slide Executive Summary, Table of Content and Conclusion.
Select a topic-must be approved by Professor Roazzi, - The topic must be on a major business or corporation. EXAMPLES: Google, Disney, Apple.
What’s involved? - Business terms, definitions, principles, and concepts found in the textbook and discussed in class must be used.
Required Elements :
1. Executive summary (1/2 page or 1 slide)
2. History & Management (1/2 page or 1-2 slides)
a. Include the company’s mission statement if available.
b. Briefly report the company’s history and provide a one-paragraph biography of the current CEO.
3. The Industry (1/2 page or 1-2 slides)
a. Briefly describe the industry in which the company operates including company rankings.
b. List and describe the key competitors.
c. What is the current state of the industry (growing, shrinking, stable)?
d. What are the key environmental forces and factors influencing this firm?
4. Marketing (1 page or 2-3 slides)
a. Describe the company’s Marketing Mix and their overall marketing strategy.
b. Briefly describe their major product/service lines.
c. Describe the branding and positioning strategies of the company (If they have a positioning statement, include it here). You should also address their competitors in this section).
5. Ethics and Social Responsibility (1/2 page or 1 slide)
a. Describe the company’s social responsibility program or policy if they have one.
b. Does the company’s performance and behaviors support their mission statement?
c. Describe any significant current or past legal or ethical issues? What do you conclude about this company based on your findings?
6. Operations, Organization and Technology (1 page or 1-2 slides)
a. Describe their organizational structure using terms from the book (i.e. departmentalization, etc.).
b. Describe their operations and key technologies. Include noteworthy IP.
c. Do they favor centralization or a decentralized structure?
7. Finance (1+ page or 2 slides)
a. Analyze the firm’s Income Statement (aka: profit and loss statement (P&L) or statement of operations) for the last three years available.
b. In a separate table include the Balance Sheet for the most recent year available.
c. In a third table, include the following:
i. Goodwill (if available). How was it calculated for this company?
ii. The Current Ratio, the Debt/Equity Ratio, and the Asset Turnover Ratio. Compare these with the Industry Ratios for this company. How do they measure up and how would you describe the reasons for the differences?
iii. EPS, P/E Ratio, Market Cap and Share Price.
d. What do these numbers say about the viability of the company? In your narrative, be sure to include ALL of the data requested above and comment on each key fact as it relates to their historical performance, their major competitors, and the industry overall.
8. Global Business Issues (1/2 pages or 1 slide)
9. a. In what countries does this firm have a major presence?
b. What challenges do they face overseas: Competition, Regulatory/Ethical, and Marketing Issues?
c. Are they in the right international markets? What others might they pursue? History – When? Where? Founders? Products? Business Philosophy,
10. Conclusion – Do you see success or failure in the future? (1/2 page or 1 slide)
Each member should know his/her part of the presentation and be able to step in if another member is not available.
Step #5
Submitting the Paper – The must be a typed, double-spaced, 6 page report. A cover sheet and a list of references must be included.
Submitting the Slides – The must be a .ppt consisting of 12-15 slides. A cover sheet and a list of references must be included.
PLEASE NOTE: I will be available to guide you along the process.
Friday, December 4, 2018 - Paper
Friday December 11, 2018- Presentations (10-15 min. presentation limit 5 min. Q&A)
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MGT 101 Business Project

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