Link to Part B:


Schultz, D.P., & Schultz, S.E. (2012). A History of Modern Psychology, (Ed. 10th),

In preparation for the Summative Part B Assignment,
you are required to submit 3-5 sentences clearly defining the focus of your summative project. One of these sentences should be a working thesis statement.

This pre-work should reveal that you have done some significant research in preparation for completing the Summative Part B Assignment.

Summative B below



Create a PowerPoint presentation of your Contemporary Famous Psychologist and include

all of the following:

(Important note: Your PowerPoint presentation does not have a minimum or maximum number of slides. In other words, you do not need to include everything about your psychologist into your PowerPoint presentation.

What is critical,

is that you include all of the information listed below and that you give a complete and accurate representation of your psychologist along with his or her main theories, concepts and/or ideas).

Give a brief history of your Famous Contemporary Psychologist. Include the main points related to your individual’s history that demonstrates his or her worldview and the factors that may have influenced the development of his or her theories, ideas or major concepts.

Briefly highlight the Zeitgeist of the times that influenced the development of your psychologist’s theories, concept and/or ideas.

Briefly note why you think that your individual chose to enter into the field of psychology.

Outline and synthesize the main theories, concepts and/or ideas that your psychologist developed related to the field of psychology (Important note: Some famous psychologists developed a larger body of work in psychology than others. The purpose of this project is to acknowledge your theorist’s major contributions, not each and every contribution he or she made to the psychological field).

Outline the important contributions your psychologist made to the field of psychology.

On the final slide of your presentation, include a reference section. This reference section on your final slide must include all

4 journal articles and the textbook

(if you cited the book in your presentation). Your reference slide must be in APA formatting. You do not need to make a notes section for your final reference slide.

On each PowerPoint slide, in the notes section, add a summary of information you would explain if you were giving an actual classroom presentation on your psychologist. Be sure to keep your notes brief, to the point, and relevant to the PowerPoint slide you are discussing.

Include a relevant image on each slide that demonstrates the point you are making about your psychologist.  Be sure that your image is clear and relevant to the point you make on each slide. You also can use multimedia. Keep your multimedia items short and relevant.

Each slide and major point you make related to your famous person and his or her theories, concepts and/or ideas,

must include a citation

from at least one of your journal articles.

Each of your 4 journal articles must be cited

at some point in your presentation. You may also cite your textbook where applicable.

Additional Instructions:

You may cite your textbook, however, your textbook does not count as one of your 4 journal articles.

Each and every side must include at least one citation, you will be graded down for each slide that is missing a citation.

A reference slide, in APA format, must be included at the end of your PowerPoint presentation.

List of Famous Contemporary Psychologists (Choose One):

Beck, Aaron (Cognitive Behavioral Psychology, Depression)

Bandura, Albert (Social Cognitive Psychology, Social Learning Theory)

Bruner, Jerome (Cognitive Psychology, Educational Psychology)

Cialdini, Robert (Psychology & Marketing, Psychology of Persuasion)

Holland, John (Career Counseling)  

Horney, Karen (Psychoanalysis, Object Relations)

Fredrickson, Barbara (Social Psychology,Positive Emotions)

Gardner, Howard (Cognitive Psychology, Multiple Intelligences)

Gessman, Hans-Werner (Humanistic Psychodrama)

Goldman, Daniel (Cognitive Psychology, Emotional Intelligence)

Gopnik, Alison (Development Psychology & Philosophy, Child Learning & AI)

Kahneman, Daniel (Psychology of Happiness and Judgment and Decision Making)

Kohlberg, Lawrence (Moral Psychology)

Loftus, Elizabeth (Cognitive Psychology, False Memories)

Maslow, Abraham, (Hierarchy of Needs)

Milner, Brenda (Neuropsychology, Founder)

Mischel, Walter (Social & Personality Psychology, Marshmallow Experiment)

Piaget, Jean (Cognitive Psychology, Theory of Child Development)

Prilleltensky, Isaac (Community and Political Psychology)

Ramachandran, Vilayanur Subramanian (Neuropsychology, Body Identity Disorder)

Seligman, Martin (Positive Psychology)

Super, Donald (Vocational Counseling & Counseling Psychology)

Sternberg, Robert (Cognitive Psychology, Triarchic Theory of Intelligence)

Vygotsky, Lev Semyonovich (Gestalt Psychology)

Zimbardo, Philip (Social Psychology, Stanford Prison Experiment)

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