Makes up 40% of the Planet!!
Antarctic: The Land Polar Feature
Country Claims
Antarctic Treaty of 1961
Plays role in the global climate
Arctic: The Water Polar Feature
Exclusive Economic Zones
Oil and Natural Gas Reserves
Issues (Melting Greenland Ice Sheet)
Northeast/Northwest Passages
Future Territorial Issues???
Disaster Recovery Plan
Student Name
A disaster recovery plan comprises enterprises' methods and facilities mainly for backing up applications, data, and resources in a cloud environment. Cloud Discovery Recovery protects the corporate resources and safeguards the continuity of the business. When a disaster hits, enterprises can restore their data using the backup versions to either cloud environments or on-premises. Besides that, a cloud discovery plan helps automate various procedures and quickly scale depending on the business's requirements and needs.
Plan Scope
The scope will start with defining terms and then describe the steps involved in disaster planning.
Term definition
The following terms are used in cloud disaster recovery:
The Recovery Point Objective (RPO) helps display the point at which the last backup was executed before the break.
Recovery Time Objective (RTO) helps determine the entire time that will be taken to be active again in case of any interruption.
The Hot Backup Site: this aspect comprises mirrors that act as standby servers that are always accessible for application work in case of a catastrophe that tends to disrupt the primary operations of the cloud functions (Abualkishik et al., 2020).
The Warm Backup Site: this site can be sustained by synchronous or asynchronous replication, depending on the amount of Recovery Point Objective required.
The Cold Backup Site helps in replicating data periodically so the Recovery Point Objective can take a certain time.
Phases to be Involved in Cloud Services Disaster Recovery Plan
This phase will involve performing a comprehensive risk assessment and the associated impacts analysis of the current IT infrastructure and workloads. Potential disasters and vulnerabilities are then identified. After collecting this information, the current infrastructure will be evaluated on how it stands against the challenges (Hamadah, 2019). Also, the Recovery Point Objectives and Recovery Time Objectives of the workloads will be determined.
Implementing helps in outlining the procedures and techniques needed to address disasters as they occur. The different steps in implementation include preparedness, prevention, response, and recovery.
The plan will be tested and updated regularly to ensure viability. Also, testing ensures that all the automated processes and technologies are functioning properly (Javed et al., 2021).
In conclusion, the above strategies will play an integral role in helping to provide a guarantee to the user organization to continue with their operations using the cloud services during power or network outages, cyberattacks, software updates, and natural disasters.
Abualkishik, A. Z., Alwan, A. A., & Gulzar, Y. (2020). Disaster recovery in cloud computing systems: An overview. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 11(9).
Hamadah, S. (2019). Cloud-based disaster recovery and planning models: An overview. ICIC Express Lett, 13(7), 593-599.
Javed, R., Anwar, S., Bibi, K., Ashraf, M. U., & Siddique, S. (2019). Prediction and monitoring agents using weblogs for improved disaster recovery in the cloud. Int. J. Inf. Technol. Comput. Sci.(IJITCS), 11(4), 9-17.
Completing the Project Paper
Please use the information below to complete the paperwork above
Paper format: 2000 words minimum; 1.5 spacing; separate title page including name, title, and
date; page numbers; if any in-text citations and works cited in APA form.
Final Project Options:
1. A project that involves research and/or implementation on a network security tool,
exploit, or security software. Provide research on the project showing implementation of
such tool/software/exploit and provide documentation for the outcome. The
documentation/research/testing analysis will need to be a minimum of 2000 words and
include screenshots or video capture of your project in action. If you submit a walkthrough
video for this portion of the project, you can use a screen capture tool and voice
over your presentation.
2. A detailed research paper that is related to one or more topics covered in the textbook.
The research paper will need to be a minimum of 2,000 words (not including title page
and references). A minimum of three library sources is required.
3. A case study involving your own industry experience and/or industry experiences of
others where security measures or best practices have been applied to create a more
secured network environment. The subject must be related to one or more topics covered
in this course, and library sources must be carefully cited. A minimum of three library
sources is required.
• All project papers will need to be a minimum of 2000 words.

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