
Individual work with team Project Brief to be submitted to Learnline in Discussion link

One prototyping write up report on your onedrive/MSTeams directory submission per group.

Prototyping Report

The prototyping write up will include:

· Team members

Team Member

Student Number

Dylan Kennedy


Andrew Mu


Limin Ni


Md Saharia Hossain Sajjad


· Design brief of the domain your group is exploring.

Do we add the full document or just the highlights??

· What design problem, need, point of view your group has chosen.

The design problems our group has chosen are the need for .. .

· All individual Storyboards and paper prototype artefacts:

· Digital photos of your storyboards, which should be signed by you.

Individual Storyboards & Prototypes:



Paper Prototypes



Paper Prototype



Paper Prototypes

A piece of paper with writing on it  Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Md Saharia Hossain Sajjad’s:


Paper Prototype

· Photos embedded in the file to upload

· Storyboards brought to class (internal)

· A set of digital photos of your paper prototypes, which should be signed by you

· Prototypes brought to class (internal)

· Photos to be part of the single submission document

Submit your individual digital resources via the Discussion submission link on Learnline. Ensure you clearly label your file with your team’s name.

Submit Team decisions to MSTeams or Onedrive as a record of your work for later submissions
















HIT 381 Final Individual Report Group 12 LiminNi s264102

HIT 381 Final Individual Report

Group 12

Limin Ni


Project Brief

As our world becomes more urbanised, many people are seeking ways to bring nature into their lives. Houseplants have become increasingly popular, but caring for them can be a daunting task for new plant owners. The project aims to provide a convenient, easy-to-use and practical mobile application for users who like to grow flowers. The app will provide multiple functions to help users manage and care for their flowers and plants for better growth and maintenance. The mobile app will provide various functions. including plant recognition, customised care advice, Fertilizing and watering, social connectivity, and an online flower mall.


Our team has conducted extensive research and observations on the current market trends and user needs in the field of plant care. Through our research, we have identified a growing interest in plant care and gardening among people of all ages. In recent years, many people have discovered the benefits of gardening, which include reduced stress, improved mental health, and a deeper connection with nature. As a result, more and more people are turning to indoor gardening to bring a touch of nature into their homes.

However, Through our observations, it has become clear that plant recognition is a crucial need for many people who are interested in gardening or plant care. We have noticed that there is a significant knowledge gap when it comes to identifying different plant species, particularly indoor plants, which can be challenging for those who are new to gardening. Traditional methods of identification can also be time-consuming and unreliable, leading to frustration and potentially harmful care practices.

To address this need, our mobile application will include a plant recognition feature that utilizes image recognition technology to quickly and accurately identify different types of plants. By taking a picture with their phone's camera, users will be able to access relevant information about the plant's care requirements and other important details. This feature will provide a convenient and reliable way for users to expand their knowledge of different plant species and ensure that they are providing the best possible care for their plants.

We have also observed that plant enthusiasts often share a common interest in connecting with others who share their passion for gardening. They are interested in learning from others, sharing their experiences, and building a community around their hobby. Finally, we have observed that there is a significant market for gardening tools, accessories, and plants. However, users often have to visit multiple websites or stores to find what they need, which can be time-consuming and frustrating.

Overall, our observations have led us to develop a mobile application that addresses the needs of plant enthusiasts by providing them with an easy-to-use platform for plant care, social connectivity, and access to an online flower mall.

We believe that our mobile application can help to address these challenges by providing users with the information and tools they need to care for their plants successfully. Our app will be designed with user convenience in mind, making it easy and enjoyable to use. It will provide users with customized care advice based on the specific needs of their plants, such as watering schedules, soil requirements, and light exposure. This will help new plant owners to learn how to care for their plants properly and will give them the confidence to continue gardening.


Our primary goal is to provide a mobile application that will help users to better care for their plants and improve their overall gardening experience. To achieve this goal, we have identified several specific objectives:

1. To create an app that is user-friendly and easy to navigate, with intuitive design and clear instructions.

2. To develop a plant recognition feature that accurately identifies different types of plants and provides users with relevant information about care requirements and other details.

3. To provide users with tools for fertilizing and watering their plants, including reminders and scheduling options to ensure that plants receive consistent and appropriate care.

4. To foster a sense of community among plant enthusiasts, with features that allow users to connect and share information about their plants, ask and answer questions, and offer support and encouragement to one another.

5. To provide users with access to a wide range of plants and gardening products through a convenient online marketplace, allowing them to easily purchase items needed to care for their plants.

By achieving these objectives, we believe that our mobile application will meet the needs of plant enthusiasts and help them to achieve their gardening goals more easily and effectively.

Design Inspirations

To create a mobile app for plant care and management, we need to understand the technologies currently being used in the domain. Image recognition software technologie commonly used in plant care. We can use image recognition software to identify plants. Technology can be used to provide customized care advice for users based on their specific plants and growing conditions. The app can offer reminders for watering and fertilizing. It can also provide plant care tips. Technology can integrate people and the domain of plant care and management by providing a platform for communication and collaboration. The app can allow users to share their experiences and knowledge with others, connect with plant enthusiasts, and join online plant care communities. The app can also include social features such as sharing plant photos and updates. Technology can help people improve their activity in the domain of plant care and management by providing accurate and reliable information, as well as tools and resources to support their efforts. The app can offer a plant diary for tracking plant growth and maintenance, as well as provide feedback and insights on plant care practices. The app can also include an online flower mall to allow users to purchase plants and plant care products.

Assumptions Worksheet

The mobile application is designed to meet the growing demand of urban dwellers who seek ways to bring nature into their homes and workplaces. The app provides plant identification, customized care advice, fertilizing and watering, social connectivity, and an online flower mall. The primary users are expected to be plant enthusiasts who want a convenient and easy-to-use tool for plant care and management. The app will generate revenue through in-app purchases, commissions from the online flower mall, or subscription fees for premium features. The main risk is the technology's accuracy in identifying plants and providing reliable care advice. Success will be measured through increased user engagement, positive reviews, and repeat usage of the app. Other potential risks include the market's willingness to pay for the app, the scalability of the online flower mall, and the ability to acquire and retain users. To meet user needs and preferences, the app should have a clean, user-friendly design and behavior that is easy to navigate and provides a seamless user experience. It should also incorporate appealing visuals to showcase plants and gardening supplies.

Hypothesis statement of project

We believe that there is a need for a mobile application that helps urban dwellers care for their houseplants and bring nature into their daily lives. We will know we're right when we see positive feedback from our target market, including qualitative feedback on the usefulness and ease of use of the app.

We believe that we will achieve better plant care outcomes and increase user satisfaction if our target user persona, who are new plant owners struggling with plant care, can easily access customized care advice, fertilizing and watering reminders, plant recognition, and social connectivity through the app. The business outcome we aim to achieve is to become the go-to mobile app for plant care, monetized through the online flower mall and potential partnerships with plant care product brands.


Persona 1



Storyboard of users(updated).

Diagram  Description automatically generated A drawing of two people  Description automatically generated with low confidence

1.Sophie is walking in the park and sees a beautiful flower, but doesn't know what it is.

2. she takes out his phone, opens a flower and plant identification app, and takes a photo of the flower.

A drawing of a person  Description automatically generated with medium confidence A picture containing text  Description automatically generated

4. Wow, this app is amazing! I didn't know it was a rose.

3. App: (displays identification result) This is a rose.

A drawing of two people  Description automatically generated with low confidence

6. She opens the flower and plant identification app, scans the plant

5. Sophie came home and saw a dying plant, but didn't know how to water it.

A picture containing text  Description automatically generated

7. This is a cactus and needs to be watered once a week.

8. Oh, it's a cactus. I'll water it according to the instructions on the app.

Diagram  Description automatically generated

10. I can share my gardening experience with everyone. (Joins the community and shares)

(Joins the community and shares)

9. Wow, this app has a flower and plant enthusiast community.

Diagram  Description automatically generated

12. I've selected some new varieties, (chooses plants, and places an order)

11. He sees a online marketplace he want to see what new plants are available. So many beautiful plants!

Assumptions ( 4 user story )

User story 1:

As a student who enjoys exploring nature, I often encounter unfamiliar plants on my walks and would love a user-friendly plant identification app. I want an app that accurately identifies plants by taking a photo and provides the name of the plant and relevant information, including easy-to-understand explanations and reference materials. Additionally, I hope the app offers interactive features such as plant identification games and exercises to make learning about plants more enjoyable. Ultimately, I want this app to be a helpful tool in my exploration of the natural world, allowing me to better appreciate and understand the beauty of plants while gaining knowledge and having fun.

User story 2:

As a retired elderly person, I enjoy planting a variety of plants in my garden. However, I often struggle with taking care of them properly, especially with new plants. To solve this problem, I need a care guide app that can provide easy-to-understand care suggestions tailored to each plant's needs. I also want this app to offer regular care reminders to help me stay on top of my gardening tasks. Additionally, a community feature where I can connect with other garden enthusiasts and share experiences and tips would be a valuable resource. Overall, I believe a care guide app would be a great tool to help me continue enjoying my love of gardening in my retirement years.

User story 3:

As a flower enthusiast, I'm always searching for ways to connect with others who share my passion. An online flower community would be the ideal platform to share my knowledge and experiences with like-minded individuals. The community should provide a platform for users to share their gardening experiences, photos, and videos, as well as forums for discussions on various topics related to flowers and gardening.

User story 4:

As a flower merchant, I need an online flower marketplace that allows me to showcase my products and reach a wider audience. The marketplace should have a user-friendly interface with search and filter options for customers to easily find and purchase flowers for any occasion. It should provide high-quality images and detailed descriptions of each product, along with secure payment and reliable delivery services.

Paper prototype (improved)

Testing Outline

Test Plan

Analyze the product

The product is a mobile application designed for users who are interested in growing flowers and plants. The app provides various features and functions to assist users in managing and taking care of their plants. Some of the functions that the app may offer could include features like plant identification, personalized care instructions, watering reminders, and tips on pruning and fertilizing. The app aims to provide a convenient and easy-to-use platform for users who want to maintain healthy plants and flowers. This product has a potential target audience of gardening enthusiasts, plant hobbyists, and anyone who is interested in growing plants.

The app may have a competitive advantage by offering personalized care instructions, which can provide users with specific and tailored advice based on the needs of their individual plants. The watering reminders and other features could also help users to maintain their plants better and avoid common mistakes that could lead to their plants not thriving.Overall, the product has the potential to be useful for users who are passionate about gardening and growing plants, and who are looking for a mobile app that can provide practical advice and guidance on plant care.

Needs and expectations from the application

1-I need to identify a particular plant and learn more about it. Need explanations and reference materials."

2-I struggle with caring for my plants and need help, want an easy-to-use app that provides clear care suggestions and reminders.

3-I want an app that is easy to use and provides detailed care instructions.

4-I want to connect with other flower enthusiasts through an online community. I want a platform that allows me to share their knowledge and experiences with others.

5-I need a reliable tool to help me keep track of their planting activities.

6-what types of plants would be best suited for my living space. wants to learn how to care for my plants

7-I always forget when I last watered my plants. I need an app to help me remind me to water my plants.

8-I need an online marketplace to showcase and sell my products.

Design the Test Strategy

1) Define Scope of Testing

· features and functionalities of the product that need to be tested

· test environment such as software.

2) Identify Testing Type

· functional testing

· performance testing

· security testing

· usability testing.

3) Document Risk & Issues

· risks related to the functionality of the application, such as bugs or errors that could impact user experience

4) Create Test Logistics

· Scheduling

· resource allocation

· communication

Define the Test Objectives


Define Test Criteria

Resource Planning & Plan Test Environment

Platform: iOS and Android


1. UI/UX test:

Navigate through the app prototype screens and ensure the UI/UX design is consistent and visually appealing

Test all interactive elements such as buttons, sliders, and drop-downs

Expected result: The app prototype should have a consistent and visually appealing UI/UX design on each platform

2. Functionality test:

Test all the functionalities of the app prototype, including login, registration, and navigation between screens

Test all the buttons and links, and ensure that they function as intended

Expected result: All functionalities of the app prototype should work as intended on each platform

3. Performance test:

Test the performance of the app prototype under different scenarios such as low network connectivity, high network traffic, and low battery level

Measure the response time of the app prototype in different scenarios

Expected result: The app prototype should perform well under different scenarios on each platform

Determine Test Deliverables

4. Test Plan: a document that outlines the overall testing strategy, approach, and scope of the testing activities.

5. Test Cases: a set of documented steps that define how a particular functionality or feature of the software should be tested.

6. Test Scripts: automated test cases that are designed to be executed by testing tools or frameworks.

7. Test Data: the data used in the test cases to validate the functionality of the software.

8. Test Results: the results of the executed test cases, including any defects or issues that were found during testing.

9. Test Summary Report: a document that provides an overall summary of the testing activities, including the test coverage, test results, and any issues or risks identified during testing.

10. Defect Report: a document that lists all the defects or issues found during testing, including the severity of the defect, steps to reproduce it, and any additional information required for the development team to fix the defect.

11. User Acceptance Test (UAT) Report: a document that outlines the results of the UAT phase, including feedback from the users, any issues or bugs found, and the overall satisfaction with the software.

Team Role


No. of Members


Project Manager

Cat Kutay

Develop project timeline and milestones

UI/UX Designer

Md Saharia Hossain Sajjad

Dylan Kennedy

Limin Ni

Andrew Mu

Design the application interface, flow, and user experience, create wireframes, models, and user interfaces, create design guides and style guides, and perform user testing and feedback iterations.


Md Saharia Hossain Sajjad

Dylan Kennedy

Limin Ni

Andrew Mu

New software is often tested to make sure it works in a variety of different situations.

SQA members

Md Saharia Hossain Sajjad

Dylan Kennedy

Limin Ni

Andrew Mu

Develop test cases and plans

Team Meeting

Team meetings are an essential part of the development process for a mobile app.






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Research Theory and Practical

Through studying and practicing interaction design, I can better understand the importance of user-centered design principles and the role of empathy in creating effective and engaging digital products. Interaction design requires a deep understanding of user needs, preferences, and behaviors, which can be acquired through research, observation, and user testing (Adams, 2019).

One effective way to ensure user-centered design is through UX expert reviews, a process where a trained UX expert evaluates the design of a product from the perspective of a user. As Jakob Nielsen of the Nielsen Norman Group notes, "UX expert reviews are an efficient way to identify usability issues early in the design process, before they become more expensive to fix" (Nielsen, 2021).

One of the most challenging aspects of interaction design for me has been balancing the needs of the user with the constraints of technology and business objectives. As Don Norman, a pioneer in interaction design, notes, "Design must reflect the practical and aesthetic in business, but above all... good design must primarily serve people" (Norman, 2002). Overall, studying and practicing interaction design has been a rewarding experience that has helped me to develop a deeper understanding of how design can be used to solve complex problems and improve people's lives. By staying curious, continuing to learn, and applying design thinking to real-world challenges, I hope to make a positive impact in the field of interaction design.


Adams, J. (2019). Complete Beginner's Guide to Interaction Design. UX Booth. Retrieved from

Nielsen, J. (2021). UX Expert Reviews: Benefits, Process, and Pitfalls. Nielsen Norman Group. Retrieved from

Norman, D. A. (2002). The design of everyday things. Basic books.



















HCI. Assessment 2: Individual Report 2 Ethnographic Research


Individual Report 2 Ethnographic Research

Limin Ni



Project Brief

The project aims to provide a convenient, easy-to-use and practical mobile application for users who like to grow flowers. The app will provide multiple functions to help users manage and care for their flowers and plants for better growth and maintenance.

Some activities which relate to my brief.

· Selection of flower varieties

· Plant flowers

· Fertilizing and watering

· Care for flowers

· Join the flower community.

Observe People

Person 1 (housewife)

Yesterday, I found that my aunt in her yard had some wrong behaviours with planting flowers. Among them, the most common problem is overwatering. She still insisted on watering the plants according to the original watering plan on wet or rainy days, which led to the plants being in a humid environment for a long time, causing root rot, leading to the death of the plants. Another common problem is lack of light. By placing pots in the shade of indoor corners or Windows, she ignores the plants' need for light, resulting in slow growth and even death. As well as her excessive fertilisation, resulting in the absorption of too many nutrients, fertiliser burning root situation, affecting the growth of flowers and plants health. And she pruned the flowers too much, resulting in the flowers cannot grow properly and lose beauty.

Person 2 (student)

I was standing by the window, watching a young student, about 17 years old, trying to plant a pot of green plants in the yard. The student carefully poured the soil into the pot, and then carefully transplanted the green plants into it. He put so much soil in the basin that it looked loose and not firm. This results in plants that cannot grow firmly and are easily blown over by the wind. He did not pay attention to the water quantity and frequency when watering; the water overflowed the basin bottom; he also did not pay attention to the smooth drainage hole; he lacked the necessary flower knowledge and experience.

Interview People

Interview subject: person 1: Yaya, a housewife who likes to grow flowers.

Interviewe r: Hello, Yaya. I am designing mobile software for plant flowers. Would you like to be interviewed by me?

Yaya : Well, I can do that.

Interviewer : Great, thank you. So, why did you start growing flowers? What does growing flowers mean to you?

Yaya: I started growing flowers because Growing flowers helps me feel more relaxed and in touch with my surroundings.

Interviewer: That's interesting. What kinds of flowers do you raise, and how did you choose them?

Yaya: I grow various flowers, such as roses, and cacti, mainly for their beauty. I choose them based on their colours and shapes and how they complement each other in my garden.

Interviewer : Have you encountered any difficulties while growing flowers, and how did you solve them?

Yaya: Yes, I have faced some challenges, such as improper watering, pests, and diseases. I rely on my experience in flower cultivation to solve these problems. However, sometimes I feel helpless when the issues are severe or require more knowledge than I possess.

Interviewer: can you tell me about how you take care of your plants? Any tips or experiences to share?

Yaya : Sure. I think it's important to control the amount of watering. Providing a suitable light.

Interviewer: Thank you for sharing that. How do you think growing flowers has affected your life?

Yaya: Growing flowers It's not just about adding beauty to my surroundings, but it's also a process of learning and growing.

Interviewer: Thank you for sharing your experiences with me, Yaya.

Interview subject: person 2: student

Interviewer: Hi, may I interview you about your experience planting green plants in the yard?

Student: Sure, I don't mind.

Interviewer: I noticed you were planting a pot of green plants earlier. Can you tell me a bit about the process?

Student: Yeah, I was trying to plant some green plants, but I'm not sure if I did it correctly.

Interviewer: Do you have any idea where you can find more information or resources to improve your skills?

Student: Actually, I'm not sure where to start. I've been trying to do some research online, but there's just so much information out there that it's hard to know what's reliable and what's not.

Interviewer: Do you have any idea how to solve these problems?

Student: No, I haven't thought about that.

Interviewer: Great, thanks for sharing your experience with me. Good luck with your future planting!


brainstorm user needs and goals.

Diagram  Description automatically generated with low confidence

Plant recognition: Using image recognition technology, users can obtain the basic information, maintenance methods and growth environment requirements of the plant by taking or uploading photos.

Feel frustrated if the app does not accurately identify the plant or if the information provided is confusing.

Feel grateful when they receive Accurate information

The user may think that they need to be able to identify plants for gardening or environmental purposes. Accurate information.

I need to identify a particular plant and learn more about it. Need explanations and reference materials."

User: Student

Take photos of plants and upload them to the app for identification. also use the app to search for specific plants and browse through the information provided.

Diagram  Description automatically generated with low confidence

I need to learn more about plant care to successfully maintain their garden.

Provide conservation guidelines: For each plant, provide detailed conservation guidelines, including advice and precautions on watering, fertilising, pruning, pest control, etc.

I feel relieved and grateful when they receive clear care suggestions and reminders to help me take care of my plants.

I use the app to input the types of plants I have and receive care suggestions. set reminders for watering, fertilizing, pruning, and other gardening tasks.

User 2: Retired elderly person.

I struggle with caring for my plants and need help, want an easy-to-use app that provides clear care suggestions and reminders.

Diagram  Description automatically generated with low confidence

I feel stressed when trying to keep up with their gardening tasks. I feel relieved and organized when using the app to manage their care schedules.

User: 3 busy gardeners

I want an app that is easy to use and provides detailed care instructions.

I think that they need a customized care schedule for each plant to ensure proper care.

Provide maintenance calendar: According to the growth cycle and needs of the plant, provide customized maintenance calendar to remind users when they need watering, fertilizing, pruning, etc.

I use the app to create customized care schedules for each plant and receive reminders for important tasks. may quickly add new plants and update care tasks as needed.

Diagram  Description automatically generated with low confidence

4. User Community: Provides a user community where users can share their maintenance experiences, photos, tips and problems, and get suggestions and help from other users.

I feel excited, when they connect with other flower enthusiasts

I use the online community to connect with other flower enthusiasts and share their knowledge and experiences.

I share photos and videos

I want to be able to share photos and videos of my gardening experiences. I also want to see other people gardening experiences and plants photos.

User5: flower enthusiast

I want to connect with other flower enthusiasts through an online community. I want a platform that allows me to share their knowledge and experiences with others.

Diagram  Description automatically generated with low confidence

Planting record: Allows users to record their flower plant maintenance for better tracking and management.

I feel relieved and organised when help me keep track of my planting activities.

I use the planting record tool to input and track important information about my plants.

I need a tool to input and track important information such as planting dates.

User 6: famer

I need a reliable tool to help me keep track of their planting activities.

Diagram  Description automatically generated with low confidence

Ask questions about my living space from app; find what the temperature and humidity levels.

Personalised plant recommendations: help users solve maintenance problems

Excited to care for new plants and make sure they survive.

I don't want to waste money on plants that won't survive in my living space. I'm not sure how to determine how much light my living space receives.

7.someone who loves flowers

what types of plants would be best suited for my living space.

wants to learn how to care for my plants

Diagram  Description automatically generated with low confidence

I feel confident in caring for my plants.

Excited to see my plants thrive and grow.

I want to make sure I'm doing everything right to keep my plants healthy.

Reminders for watering and fertilizing: To save time and reduce stress by having all their plant care information in one place.

To set reminders for watering and fertilising. Input information about plants to receive customised care advice.


I always forget when I last watered my plants.

Diagram  Description automatically generated with low confidence

marketplace: allows users to showcase with search and filter options for customers to easily find and purchase flowers.

I feel excited and motivated about expanding their customer base through the online marketplace.

Upload images and descriptions of my products onto the online marketplace. And interact with customers through the platform's messaging system.

The app needs to have high-quality images and detailed descriptions of each product.

User: flower merchant

I need an online marketplace to showcase and sell my products.

Improved brief

The project aims to provide a convenient, easy-to-use and practical mobile application for users who like to grow flowers. The app will provide multiple functions to help users manage and care for their flowers and plants for better growth and maintenance. The mobile app will provide various functions.


9. Water and fertilizer reminder: set reminders according to the specific situation of users to avoid excessive or insufficient maintenance.

8. Planting record: Allows users to record their flower plant maintenance for better tracking and management.

1. Plant recognition: Using image recognition technology, users can obtain the basic information, maintenance methods and growth environment requirements of the plant by taking or uploading photos.

2. Provide conservation guidelines: For each plant, provide detailed conservation guidelines, including advice and precautions on watering, fertilizing, pruning, pest control, etc.

3. Provide maintenance calendar: According to the growth cycle and needs of the plant, provide customized maintenance calendar to remind users when they need watering, fertilizing, pruning, etc.

4. User Community: Provides a user community where users can share their maintenance experiences, photos, tips and problems, and get suggestions and help from other users.

5. Expert consultation: If users encounter maintenance problems, they can ask and get answers from experts. In addition, experts can publish articles on conservation techniques and the latest plant research results to improve users' conservation level.

6. Flower mall: Classify all kinds of plants and maintenance tools, provide a variety of different varieties of flowers, soil, fertilizer, flower POTS, etc., to help users choose the right products.

7. Personalized recommendation: Recommend the most suitable plants and conservation suggestions for users based on their conservation habits, environmental conditions, local areas and other factors.

Develop user stories for the solutions from Trello with screenshots and links.

Theory and practice

Ethnography description (in your own words)

· A research method for studying and understanding human cultures and social groups.

Role of observation

· Identify, explore, and link social phenomena (BMJ 2008, Published 7 August 2008)

· The central aim of ethnography is to provide rich, holistic insights into people’s views and actions (BMJ 2008, Published 7 August 2008)

· Generating a rich understanding of social action and its subtleties in different contexts. (BMJ 2008, Published 7 August 2008)


Through studying this practice, I can better understand the needs (Smith et al., 2022) and the behaviours of users in designing products. When designing a mobile application for growing flowers, the 6 Principles of Design, can guide the development process to ensure that the app is easy to use; Feedback (Donald Norman, Enginess. 2018.) can be provided through alerts and notifications that let the user know when their actions have been successful or if they need to adjust. Constraints (Donald Norman, Enginess. 2018.) can be used to prevent users from making harmful or irreversible changes to their plants. Visibility (Donald Norman, Enginess. 2018.) is an important consideration in participant observation (BMJ 2008, Published 7 August 2008); For example, researchers should clearly explain the study's purpose to study participants and obtain their informed consent before beginning the study.

The most challenging thing for me is observation and ethnography because they require a deep understanding of the user's behaviour, needs, and preferences. In the case of designing a mobile app for growing flowers, it is important to observe how users interact with plants and how they approach plant care. This involves not only watching users but also conducting interviews to gain insights into their motivations. In addition, conducting participant observations (BMJ 2008, Published 7 August 2008) to understand how users interact with the app in their natural environment could be challenging, as it requires gaining access to their daily routines and observing them without disrupting their activities.


BMJ (Published 7 August 2008) BMJ Ethnography [PDF].

Institute of Design at Stanford. (n.d.). What to do in need finding [PDF].

Enginess. (2018). The 6 Principles of Design, a la Donald Norman.



Team overview

Note: All members are encouraged to contribute to documentation by reviewing document in question and offering ideas/suggestions
If you want good marks respond quickly to messages and respond often
Individual Hours of part-time work Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Person 1
Person 2
Person 3
Team MembersUnit Timetable
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:00-10:00am HIT343 (Chris)
Assessment overview
Deliverables Person 1 Person 1 Person 1 Person 1
Sem wk 6
Sem wk 7
Sem wk 8
Sem wk 9
Sem wk10
Sem wk 11
Sem wk 12


Week 6: Navigation Skeleton Current Project Co-ordinator: person 1
Date Person 1 person 2 person 3 person 4 Status Tracking
1. Functional Prototype MVP
Ask for web server space
Generate "Home Page"
Generate "Registration" page
Generate "Find Place" page
Generate "Plan Social" page
Generate "Most Visited" page
Generate "Navigation" page
Upload webpage to Web hosting space
2. Application concept
3. App Feasability
4 Implementation plan
Week 7: Do the next bit
1. Whatever it is
Week 8: Do the next bit
Week9: Do the next bit


Vision: Mental Model of role of app
Persona B Persona A Persona C
Desired outcomes user -list Desired outcome business - list
signature features Core Features Other features
Risks Measures of success

Growth Mindset  Due April 13 Assignment 1

Carol Dweck, a psychologist who researches achievement and success, asserts that those who have a growth mindset, or belief that their abilities are developed through dedication and hard work are more likely to be resilient when things get tough and persevere to achieve goals (Dweck, 2006). People can apply this concept to themselves to help create a culture of growth and improvement within themselves and their professional communities. 

For this week's assignment, first watch the Tedx Video: "T he Power of belief -- mindset and success" by Eduardo Briceno. Then, take the mindset test:

Reflect about your results and specific areas where you can grow. Answer each question with personal response. 

· What was one thing that resonated with you?

· What new thing did this motivate you to try? 

· Describe a time when a fixed mindset held you back from something?

· What does the growth mindset look like in your professional setting?

· How can you adopt a stronger growth mindset? 

· How can you help others do so?

CASEL (2021). Growth Mindset for Staff. Chicago, IL: CASEL.

Dweck, C. S. (2006). Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York, NY, US: Random House.

Using the document found in the Materials section or the online quiz version,  complete the quiz and submit as a pdf or word document. This will be useful when writing your Capstone Thesis.

Assignment 2

Active Listening, Managing Conflict & Improving Communication Due April 16

Conflict is an inevitable part of any organization. One way to improve outcomes is to employ active listening. In the following activities, you will explore how this can be accomplished.

There are four required sections. The entire assignment should be completed in APA format with the three items listed as your references.  500 words are required, 750 words is sufficient, 1000 words are excessive.

You may choose to include your notes for Part B as an appendix, but you are not required to do so – this would not be part of the overall word count. 

View Julian Treasure’s Ted Talk “ 5 Ways to Listen Better ”.  

Part 1:  Video Reflection

Use these three questions to write a brief reflection:

· How do you feel about what Julian Treasure says about the status of listening in our society? 

· Why is active listening important in both our professional and personal lives? 

· How will each of the 5 tips help you improve your conscious listening?

Part 2: Practice Active Listening

Review the attached UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center’s   Practice Guide for Active Listening.     /content/enforced/12268-PracticeCourseofProf.SPT/practice_active_listening-3.pdf

1. After reading it, take time to find a place where you can talk with a conversation partner (colleague or friend/family member) without interruption or distraction.

2. Invite this person to share what’s on their mind if you ask them to pick a controversial topic it will better serve your practice.

3. As they speak, try to follow the 7 steps outlined in the article (paraphrase, ask questions, express empathy, use engaged body language, avoid judgment, avoid giving advice, take turns).

4. You don’t need to cover every step, but the more you cover, the more effective this practice is likely to be.

Use the experience to write a reflection that addresses the following:

· Describe the intentional steps you took and how the conversation went.

· How was it different from other conversations you may have had where you did not use the techniques?

· Which step(s) would you say you have used the most and least in the past?

· Which steps do you think were most helpful?

· How will you use active listening in the future in your professional life?

Adapted from the University of California-Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center. (2021) Practice guide for active listening. 

Further Reading:

Active listening exercises for parents and those working in school settings:  CDC’s Essentials for Parents and Caregivers of Toddlers and Preschoolers: Active Listening 

Communication Skills for Effective Collaboration  PERTS (Project for Education Research That Scales) (2021), Stanford University.

Part 3: Theory to Practice Entry

To be completed as the final task in this module: This assignment serves as an opportunity for feedback from the instructor as you develop your thesis, the culminating assignment for this class. Write at least 1 page in APA format.

Use these references:

1. UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center’s   Practice Guide for Active Listening.

2. Julian Treasure’s Ted Talk  5 Ways to Listen Better

3. Parkay Chapter from Module 1

Address the following question: 

· How does your new learning about your personal  work style, growth mindset and  active listening align with the philosophical and psychological theories explored in module 1?

Philosophical Theories:  perennialism, existentialism, progressivism, essentialism, social constructivism. 

Psychological theories: (humanism, constructivism and behaviorism

(*Save your response to help you write your final thesis). 

Part 4: References

These 3 are required. If you use other items from the module or the further readings, please list them as well.  These are not properly formatted.

1. UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center’s   Practice Guide for Active Listening.

2. Julian Treasure’s Ted Talk  5 Ways to Listen Better

3. Parkay Chapter from Module 1

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