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The healthcare manager plays the role of decision-making in a position of authority. They oversee multiple departments which allows them to organize the functions of each department. The manager handles staffing, day-to-day operations, and overall functions of each department. These roles include Establishing and maintaining organizational culture, the role of manager in talent management, Strategic planning and strategy, manager in ensuring high performance, manager in ensuring a positive patient experience, leadership development and succession planning, manager in innovation and change management, and the role of manager in health care policy. 

The organizational culture manager is the character, personality, and experience of organizational life. They aid in establishing the vision of the healthcare organization and see it through (Buchbinder, Shanks, & Kite, 2019). Talent management is responsible for focusing on securing talent and retaining them, finding good quality candidates that will not just fill a role. Strategic planning management is a process of identifying a desired future state of the healthcare organization and a way to achieve it. They use critical thinking skills and strategize ways to advance the departments. Managers ensuring high performance, ensure that the units and divisions lead to high performance. They value meeting and achieving goals and objectives set by the managers. Managers ensuring a positive patient experience focus on the customer service part of healthcare. They want to make sure their patients are getting the best experience possible while in their care. Managers in leadership development and succession planning focus on improving their leadership abilities. They can have training sessions and mentorship programs, which allows for lower turnover rates, improvement in your staff skills, and advancing staff leadership skills. Management of innovation and change works with the day-to-day work of the managers and how it gets conducted. And the manager of health care policy is knowledgeable in health care policies and stays updated on them. They deal more with the accounting side of healthcare management. 

A modern-day issue is ensuring a positive patient experience as a manager. Many managers are burnout by the workload they are constantly under. Now that the pandemic is over, managers are working to adapt to the new influx of patients and staff shortage. When the managers aren’t to successfully direct their nursing staff on how to provide the best customer experience, patients are the ones the suffer and they come to them in their most vulnerable hour. “A clinical interest in hospitality services by introducing a hospitality oriented patient experience… this approach to healthcare provision in which patients and care providers/staff work together to enhance individual patient’s experience across all the touchpoints of the healthcare journey” (Hunter-Jones, Line, Zhang, Malthouse, Witell & Hollis, 2020).

Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly.  For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” 1 Timothy 4:7-8. As a manager, you want to be equipped with the right skills and knowledge to handle the responsibilities of leading others. So it’s vital to have the proper training and mindset as a manager. Everything we do as believers, we want to do with excellence because we have the Lord on our side.

Buchbinder, S. B., Shanks, N. H., & Kite, B. J. (2019). Introduction to Health Care Management (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning. to an external site.

Hunter-Jones, P., Line, N., Zhang, J. J., Malthouse, E. C., Witell, L., & Hollis, B. (2020). Visioning a hospitality-oriented patient experience (HOPE) framework in health care.
Journal of Service Management
(ahead-of-print). to an external site.

1 Timothy 4:7-8 NIV - - Bible Gateway
. (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2023, from

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