Research paper guidelines/ RADG 101 /RADT 101

There are not stringent guidelines for you research paper. The main purpose is to help you develop your understanding of the radiologic sciences. You should select a topic that will help you achieve that. You may start your paper by giving a general synopsis and historical progression of radiography, radiation therapy, or nuclear medicine, and then narrow your research to a specific branch of those sciences. The main content of your research should be a minimum of 3 pages and a maximum of 5 pages. (So if your main content has 3 pages, the cover page and the reference page should make it 5 pages, if the main content has 5 pages, the total number of pages with the cover page and the reference page should be 7).

Please use APA style for citation and the cover page. If you are not familiar with the APA style, you can visit to find guidelines about the title page and citations. You may also find APA guidance in a document uploaded under the syllabus tab.

Those are some topics/ branches to consider ( you are free to go beyond this list):

For Radiography:

· Diagnostic imaging (generally referred as X-ray)

· Magnetic resonance Imaging ( MRI)

· Computed Tomography (CT)

· Sonography (ultrasound)

· Interventional Radiography

· Bone densitometry ( Dexa scan)

· For Nuclear Medicine:

· Mammography

· For Nuclear Medicine:

For Nuclear Medicine: - History of Nuclear Medicine and description of any procedure of your choice

For Radiation therapy:

· 3D Conformal radiation

· Imaged guided radiation therapy (IGRT)

· Brachytherapy

· Stereotactic Radiosurgery

· CyberKnife

· Mammosite and Contura

You may also choose to research on a type of cancer and explore the modalities of treatment for that specific cancer with an emphasis in Radiation therapy. The common types that use radiation therapy are :

· Cancer of the lung

· Cancer of the prostate

· Cancer of the breast

· Cancer of the skin

· Cancer of the brain (glioma, meningioma, metastatic brain cancer)

· Cancer of the pancreas

· Cancer of the bones etc…

Please use peer reviewed sources for your research. The websites given in your syllabus should also be helpful.

HORRORSTORIES.docx by HengRui Zhang

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P/V You have used the passive voice in this sentence. Depending upon what you wish to emphasize in the sentence, you may want to revise it using the active voice.

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Article Error You may need to remove this article.

Article Error You may need to remove this article.

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P/V You have used the passive voice in this sentence. Depending upon what you wish to emphasize in the sentence, you may want to revise it using the active voice.

P/V You have used the passive voice in this sentence. Depending upon what you wish to emphasize in the sentence, you may want to revise it using the active voice.

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Missing "," You may need to place a comma after this word.

P/V You have used the passive voice in this sentence. Depending upon what you wish to emphasize in the sentence, you may want to revise it using the active voice.

Article Error You may need to use an article before this word.

Article Error You may need to remove this article.

P/V You have used the passive voice in this sentence. Depending upon what you wish to emphasize in the sentence, you may want to revise it using the active voice.

Run-on This sentence may be a run-on sentence. Proofread it to see if it contains too many independent clauses or contains independent clauses that have been combined without conjunctions or punctuation. Look at the "Writer's Handbook" for advice about correcting run-on sentences.

Article Error You may need to remove this article.

Missing "," You may need to place a comma after this word.


    • by HengRui Zhang

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