Describe your reasons for taking this course (Adult Learning Theory). Relate your reasons to Knowles 4 Principles of Andragogy.
Family life educators need to consider issues related theory, research, practice and context! Select one of the theories below based on the first letter of your last name. Conduct research on your theory (see the attached file for a brief overview of each theory) and create a Prezi presentation to creatively explain the key principles, concepts, meanings and example of your theory. (To create a Prezi go to www.Prezi.com. Click on Get Started and choose the BASIC level of service. The BASIC level is free to use and there is no charge.) Also address, why this theory is an important element in Family Life Education and how it is used by today's CFLEs.
Please note that in this week's discussion you must accomplish multiple tasks:
· Create a Prezi using the theory below that corresponds with your last initial.
· In the body of your initial response, provide the url for the Prezi
· Give a brief overview of your Prezi(3-5 sentences),
· Finally, end with a question to the class that they can answer after viewing your Prezi.
Family Systems Theory
This week you will engage in a point/counterpoint discussion where you are asked to argue both sides of an issue. Be sure that present 2 clear arguments – one argument for the issue and one argument against the issue. Your reader should NOT be able to identify which side you are really for in the discussion. Use at least 1 researched fact to support each side of your argument.
Issue: Quantity of family time. Present an argument for why quantity of family time together matters AND for why quantity of family time together does not matter.
This week's discussion will be on the COVID-19 global pandemic and the significant stresses and tragedies in the lives of children, families, and communities.
Important points to guide you in this week's discussion include:
· Focus on the impacts of trauma on children or their parents/ families/ communities.
· Include your ideas on services and resources you think should be available to help the population you chose (children or parents/ families/ communities).
· You can discuss the effects on both children and parents/families/communities.
· Stories from Victims: over 250,000 children in the US have lost a parent to COVID (June 2022) https://youtu.be/eXGAA7kULuA (5:10mins)
· COVID-19 threatens to cause irreversible harm to education and well-being of kids | COVID-19 Special (September 2021) https://youtu.be/0axVju9DgHQ (12:00 mins)
· Are Declining Test Scores Coming for the COVID Generation? | Perspectives on Policy (June 2022) https://youtu.be/pfCjyA36AKI (3:46 mins)
· Mitigating the Negative Effects of Covid -19 on Family Life and Youth Resilience with Evidence-Informed Tools (June 2022) https://vimeo.com/708541433 (14 mins)
Kira is a 5-year-old who is admitted to the ER following a fall from her bunk bed. The primary health care provider has ordered a X-ray. Kira is worried and keeps asking, "When can I go home? What are you going to do to me? Don't hurt me." What can you, as a CCLS, do to help alleviate Kira's stress and to teach her about the X-ray?
Poverty is perhaps the root cause of most stress within families and children. Review this website National Center for Children in Poverty (n.d.)
Use the State profile tool to find out how poverty affects the children in your state. Expand the conversation about children in poverty in your state, using the NCCP website and at least one other source. Why would poverty impact stress in nearly all situations within the family? What are the possible causes of poverty and solutions? How does poverty impact education?
· Align your posting to the discussion rubric and make sure you support your writing with facts. Your writing cannot be solely opinion.
· Do not copy the question back into your reply.
National Center for children in Poverty (n.d.) State demographic profiles. Retrieved from http://www.nccp.org/profiles/demographics.html
discuss the emergency management planning of Smith Hill in your Fundamentals of Emergency Management text. What are the problems with the Smith Hill Emergency Management organization? How can emergency planning be improved in this town?
First take a look at this website to learn about growth strategies. The main growth strategies are: Penetration Strategies, Market Development Strategies, Player Development Strategies, and Diversification Strategies. Feel free to research more about these growth strategies in our online library or elsewhere. Also, please review the resources for this week and answer the following questions:
· Discuss the significance of publicity to a sport/players.
· What procedures would you recommend to take advantage of any publicity opportunities?
· What growth strategy would you recommend for the players and why? (Penetration Strategies, Market Development Strategies, Player Development Strategies, Diversification Strategies, etc.). Please provide examples.
In the news we are constantly hearing about security breaches, invasion of personal privacy, and the increasing prevalence of our digital footprint. The increased availability of digital information presents concerns and challenges of privacy, accuracy, intellectual property rights, security, and censorship. As a global citizen, you need to be aware of these issues and how they impact your life (CO6).
Your instructor will set-up two (2) conversation groups this week in which you will select one topic to discuss which interests you.
· Conversation Group: Privacy
· Privacy, as it relates to social media, video surveillance, drones, digital footprint or other topics as they relate to digital privacy.
· How does the electronic environment impact one’s right to privacy?
· Conversation Group: Security
· Security, as it relates to social media, video surveillance, drones, digital footprint or other topics as they relate to digital privacy.
· How does the electronic environment impact one’s personal security?
Using the Richard G. Trefry Library or another credible source, locate and read a quality article regarding digital privacy or security. Be sure to provide attribution for your source in the forum. As you are formulating your initial post consider the following questions:
· What is the issue? Tell us about it as if we know nothing on the topic.
· What are the pros and cons of the issue?
· Why is the issue important?
· How might the issue impact your life?
In your own words, what is Nonfinite Loss and Ambiguous Loss?
Q 11
· You are the owner of a profitable motel whose surrounding area is experiencing rapid economic development. Why might you shut down in the short- or long-run? What kinds of costs are involved in making a decision to shut down? What key elements do you think supports our ability to build an effective learning community (CO7)?
· Share your ideas, perspectives and thoughts. How can we use this platform to evolve as learners?
Look beyond "going green" and discuss at least 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of a sustainable workplace.
Topic A: Morality Without God?
Watch the two videos by Stephen Darwall and discuss whether you find his arguments convincing or if you see some holes or flaws. If so, discuss those flaws. If not, discuss what some of the ramifications can be of his conclusions. Please try to find some scholarship to back up your assertions.
The Week 2 Lesson has two parts, exploring types of digital information and sources and fake news and disinformation (CO3). One of the most important skills we learn as adults is information literacy and the ability to evaluate sources and recognize if these sources are accurate.
For this week’s forum, we are exploring websites that check information for bias, misinformation, and possible fake news misinformation. Go to the following websites and review the methodology they use to test information for accuracy.
· Our Process at FactCheck.org
· Methodology at Media Bias/Fact Check
· Transparency at Snopes.com
After you have looked over these websites and reviewed the methodology of each website, please answer the following:
· Which website do you find has the best way to review information for accuracy?
· Do any of these websites have any gaps in their methodology?
· Why is it important for everyone to be able to evaluate information?
In a seamless posting, please incorporate the following into your initial posting:
Review recently published (within the past five years) peer-reviewed scholarly articles located in the AMU/APUS University's online library databases. Discuss a criminal justice, intelligence studies, international relations or security management topic requesting instructor approval of the topic you would like for your research proposal (term project) paper. In doing so, please remember for this class you are selecting a topic NOT for writing a research paper about, but rather for writing a proposal to do actual hands-on research using scientific research methodology. In your discussion post discuss what you have identified in the current peer-reviewed literature located in the APUS Library databases on a topic you wish to research. Briefly discuss the literature and express what still needs to be researched or requires further research on the topic you would like to address in your research proposal. In other words, did the authors of the studies already done on this topic you reviewed call for further research on the topic or something to do with the topic? Then again, perhaps you identified a problem that still needs to be researched on the topic where the current literature is lacking. If so, discuss what it is and how it pertains to the topic and why it needs to be researched and who would benefit from the research. After doing so, you are to provide a 'Working Title' to obtain (instructor approval) for your Research Proposal, as discussed in this week's lesson. Understanding this may change as your Research Proposal develops during the course
How does Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory relate to motivation in the workplace and personal life?
How do individual and cultural differences influence the hierarchy and importance of needs for different people?
What role does intrinsic motivation (motivation from within) play compared to extrinsic motivation (external rewards) in sustaining long-term commitment to goals?
How can organizations effectively use motivational theories to enhance employee engagement and performance?
How do emerging trends like remote work, gig economy jobs, and flexible scheduling impact motivation and the fulfillment of needs for workers?
In what ways do societal or economic factors affect an individual's motivation and ability to meet their needs?
How do changing life stages and transitions influence one's hierarchy of needs and motivational priorities?
How can individuals and organizations balance the pursuit of personal and organizational goals while considering the diverse needs and motivations of stakeholders?
As the U.S. healthcare system grows and evolves, various insurance networks have continued to emerge, such as health maintenance organizations (HMO), preferred provider organizations (PPO), point of service (POS) plans, exclusive provider organizations (EPO), and more.
Select one type of insurance network and describe it. How does this impact access to care? How can access to care be improved?
© 2021 Walden University, LLC 1
Competency DI4005: Meaningful Experiences with Infants and Toddlers: Develop respectful, supportive, and challenging experiences with infants and toddlers.
Assessment Rubric Rubric Criteria 0
Not Present 1
Needs Improvement 2
Meets Expectations Topic 1: Early Learning Standards/Guidelines for Infants and Toddlers Identify the early learning guideline/standard that align with the experience you are planning. LO1: Identify early learning guidelines/standards that align with specific experiences for infants or toddlers.
Response is not present.
Early learning guidelines/standards are vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete.
Early learning guidelines/standards are clear, accurate, and complete.
Explain why you chose it and what you are hoping the outcome of this experience will be for the child or children involved. LO2: Explain rationale for choosing specific early learning standards/guidelines for specific infant or toddler experiences.
Response is not present.
Explanation of rationale for choosing specific early learning standards/guidelines for specific infant or toddler experiences is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete.
Response provides a clear, explanation of the rationale for choosing specific early learning standards/guidelines for specific infant or toddler experiences.
Was there an alignment between the early learning guideline/standard you chose and the experience in which you and the children participated? What did you learn about early learning guidelines/standards? Is there anything you would do
Response is not present.
Analysis alignment and use of early learning standards/guidelines is vague, illogical, unsupported, and/or incomplete.
Response provides a clear, logical analysis of the alignment and use of early learning standards/guidelines incorporating relevant examples from field experience, Host Teacher feedback, and early
© 2021 Walden University, LLC 2
Rubric Criteria 0 Not Present
1 Needs Improvement
2 Meets Expectations
differently next time? If so, please explain. LO3: Analyze alignment and use of early learning standards/guidelines.
childhood knowledge base
Topic 2: Fostering Development and Learning Explain the focus/content/developmental areas of the experience you are planning, including the setting and materials. LO1: Explain quality early learning experiences for infants or toddlers.
Response is not present.
Explanation of quality early learning experiences is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete.
Response provides a detailed, explanation of quality learning experiences for infants or toddlers, including focus, content, developmental areas, setting, and materials.
In what ways was the focus of the experience/content/developmental area appropriate for the child/children involved? Please provide examples. Were there any ways in which the experience was inappropriate? If so, please explain. LO2: Evaluate the quality of early learning experiences for infants and/or toddlers.
Response is not present.
Evaluation of the quality of early learning experiences for infants or toddlers is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete.
Response provides a clear, accurate, logical, and complete evaluation of quality early learning experiences for infants or toddlers, incorporating relevant examples from field experience, Host Teacher feedback, and an early childhood knowledge base
Topic 3: Interacting to Support Development and Learning Explain three goals/principles related to individualization,
Response is not present.
Explanation of goals/principles related to
Response provides a clear, accurate, and
© 2021 Walden University, LLC 3
Rubric Criteria 0 Not Present
1 Needs Improvement
2 Meets Expectations
scaffolding, and/or developmentally appropriate practice you plan to incorporate in your interactions with an infant/infant during this experience. LO1: Explain goals/principles related to individualization, scaffolding, and/or developmentally appropriate practice for use in quality learning experiences with infants and/or toddlers.
individualization, scaffolding, and/or developmentally appropriate practice for use in quality learning experiences with infants or toddlers is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete.
complete explanation of goals/principles related to individualization, scaffolding, and/or developmentally appropriate practice for use in quality learning experiences with infants or toddlers.
• In what ways was the experience respectful, supportive, and challenging?
• In what ways were you able to use scaffolding as well as other developmentally appropriate strategies? Please explain using examples.
• What were your strengths in these areas? What would you do differently next time?
• How effective were you at meeting your goals of individualization, scaffolding, and developmentally appropriate practice?
Response is not present.
Evaluation of quality, early learning experiences for infants or toddlers with regard to individualization, scaffolding, and developmentally appropriate practice is vague, inaccurate, illogical, and/or incomplete.
Response provides a clear, accurate, logical, and complete evaluation of quality, early learning experiences for infants or toddlers with regard to individualization, scaffolding, and developmentally appropriate practice incorporating relevant examples from field experience, Host Teacher feedback, and an early childhood knowledge base.
© 2021 Walden University, LLC 4
Rubric Criteria 0 Not Present
1 Needs Improvement
2 Meets Expectations
• Provide examples and explain what you would do differently next time and why
LO2: Evaluate quality early learning experiences for infants or toddlers with regard to individualization, scaffolding, and developmentally appropriate practice.
Professional Skills Assessment In this Competency Assessment, you will be assessed on the following Professional Skills: Written Communication and Applied and Collaborative Learning. This skill counts toward achievement of the Competency and the Professional Skill. Written Communication: Write with clarity, coherence, and purpose. 0
Not Present 1
Needs Improvement 2
Meets Expectations LO1: Construct complete and correct sentences. (AWE 2; Sentence-Level Skills)
Sentences are incoherent and impede reader’s access to ideas.
Sentences are incomplete and/or include fragments and run-on sentences. This limits the reader’s access to ideas.
Sentence structure effectively conveys meaning to the reader.
LO2: Demonstrate the effective use of grammar and mechanics. (AWE 2; Sentence-Level Skills)
Multiple inaccuracies in grammar and mechanics impede reader’s access to ideas.
Some inaccuracies in grammar and mechanics limit reader’s access to ideas.
Use of grammar and mechanics is straightforward and effectively conveys meaning to reader.
LO3: Create cohesive paragraphs with a clear central idea. (AWE 2; Paragraph-Level Skills)
Paragraphs, or lack of paragraphs, impede reader’s access to ideas.
Construction of main idea and/or supporting paragraphs limit the reader’s access to ideas.
Main idea and/or supporting paragraphs effectively convey meaning to reader.
© 2021 Walden University, LLC 5
LO4: Use supporting material to support a claim. (AWE 2; Use of Evidence)
Supporting materials are not present.
Supporting material is used inconsistently or inappropriately.
Supporting material is used to enhance meaning. Writing is appropriately paraphrased, and it uses direct quotes as applicable.
LO6: Identify sources. (AWE 2; Credit to source)
Sources are missing. Writing inconsistently identifies or misrepresents sources.
Writing clearly identifies the source of non-original material and/or ideas.
Applied and Collaborative Learning: Apply knowledge and skills in collaboration with others to solve authentic problems. 0
Not Present 1
Needs Improvement 2
Meets Expectations LO2: Apply collaboration skills to create workable solutions to complex problems.
Application is not present.
Response applies inappropriate collaboration skills or the collaboration results in inappropriate or unrealistic solutions.
Response generally applies relevant and appropriate collaboration skills to create workable solutions to complex problems.
Mastery Rubric In order to achieve mastery of this Competency, you must achieve a “2” on every rubric row in addition to meeting the additional expectation indicated in the Mastery Rubric.
Mastery Rubric No Yes Exceeds Expectations: Reflection and Self-Assessment LO1: Evidences a developing sense of self as an early childhood teacher by applying critical analysis and reflection to strengths and challenges
Responses do not apply critical analysis and reflection to current abilities and future professional growth related to developing and implementing quality learning experiences with infants and toddlers.
Responses apply critical analysis and reflection to current abilities and future professional growth related to developing and implementing quality learning experiences with infants and toddlers.
© 2021 Walden University, LLC 6
related to developing and implementing quality learning experiences with young children.
Responses also evaluate and incorporate highly relevant examples from field experience, Host Teacher feedback, and an early childhood knowledge base.
Responses also evaluate and incorporate highly relevant examples from field experience, Host Teacher feedback, and an early childhood knowledge base.
Infant or Toddler Experience: Student Reflection
Early Learning Guideline/Standard What did you learn about early learning guidelines/standards?
Planning What might you do differently next time and why?
Fostering Development and Learning Looking back on the experience, in what ways was focus of the experience/content/developmental area appropriate for the child/children involved? Please provide examples.
What connections between your planning process and the implementation of the experience did you notice worked, and what could have been improved?
Interacting to Support Development and Learning In what ways was the experience respectful, supportive, and challenging?
How effective were you at meeting your goals of individualization, scaffolding, and developmentally appropriate practice? Please explain, using examples.
In Hindsight and Moving Forward As you think about the entire experience, what surprised you and how might you have better followed the child/children’s interests and leads?
Summarize at least two insights you gained that will help you improve your development of and participation in experiences that promote healthy development and learning.
Infant or Toddler Experience: Planning Template
Age(s) of child(ren) involved: Summarize the conversation you had with your Host Teacher, and how it will inform your thinking about the child or children with whom you’ll be working and the experience you are planning. For instance, what did the teacher tell you about the child’s or children’s interests, developmental levels, abilities, and cultural contexts that you will keep in mind as you develop this experience and interact with the children?
Early Learning Guideline/Standard: Identify the early learning guideline/standard that aligns with the experience you are planning. Explain why you chose it and what you are hoping the outcome of this experience will be for the child or children involved. |
Fostering Development and Learning Explain the focus/content/developmental areas of the experience you are planning, including the setting and materials:
Interacting to Support Development and Learning Explain three goals/principles related to individualization, scaffolding, and/or developmentally appropriate practice you plan to incorporate in your interactions with the infant(s) or toddler(s) during this experience: 1. 3.

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