
Due 4/17/2020

Directions for the Individual Internal Analysis

Your boss has given you the assignment to understand a company. You should choose a company that is not being done by anyone else in your group. You need to do the following:

a. Identify the company’s business model ( how they make money). Give a short history and overview of the firm’s products.

b. You need to do an internal analysis of the firm. Identify their resources and capabilities, and describe their leadership, culture, organization structure, and core competencies.

c. Analyze their current position in the market (market share) and determine what they have in their “luggage or not.” Discuss the major issues facing the company internally. Use the models of Value Chain, Business Model Canvas, VIRO and RBV perspective.

d. Tie the company’s performance using financial and other measures that to the abilities of the firm. You will need to utilize your financial analysis for some of the data necessary to understand how well the firm is doing.

Exhibits that should be attached to the report Value Chain, and VRIO for the firm. It is the quality of data and interpretation which matters. Exhibits should be referred to and discussed in the report. Do not just repeat data, instead analyze and tell your boss what the data means. Use headings to help organize your report. Please make sure you use terms developed in class and from the book. You need to cite your sources of data. Use end notes to cite your sources. Be consistent in your format. You may also include a reference page. The Maximum length is 8 pages with and additional 5 pages of exhibits. What you turn in for this assignment you should be proud to give to any boss.

The report is for a business audience and needs to fit a more business style of writing. Use the following web site for help if you are unsure about business writing style. Use headings to organize your work. http://oregonstate.edu/dept/eli/buswrite/Business_Writing_Help.html

Exhibits, preliminaries, bibliography, footnotes and endnotes, and appendices are not included in the suggested page count. Note that in several instances the Professor/Boss expects the use of exhibits, e.g., financial statements. There are multiple points at which “a graph will speak volumes.” Or a summary exhibit will efficiently summarize a discussion. The page count assumes 12-Point Times Roman font or equivalent, with one-inch margins. Double spacing is easier for the professor to read and make comments. However, generally a professional report will be single (or perhaps one and a half) spacing.

A google.com search is certainly a beginning, but is NOT sufficient. You must use sources such as Hoovers, Standard and Poor’s Net Advantage, Business Insight, Morningstar, ABI/INFORM, Books in Print (any books on the company, its competitors or industry?), Business Source Premier, EDGAR, Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Forbes, Fortune, LexisNexis, Marquis Who's Who, New York Times Article, Mergent, IBISWorld, and Wilson Business Full Text. There are also hard copy references and specialty data bases at the library as well as other sources at local libraries. Please make Limestone’s Business Reference Librarian one of your best friends. Use either MLA or APA format for your Bibliography and make sure you include title, publication, and date.

Certainly the firm is more complex than we can do justice to given our time frame and limitations on our data/information sources. As indicated in the introduction, the purpose of the overall project is to pull on as much of the perspectives as we have learned throughout our formal business training as possible in order to develop a robust understanding of a firm and its environment. As the strategic consultant you are working at very high levels in the firm to help the organization consider its current situation and what it can and should do to be better at achieving its vision/mission/ goals/objectives, an improved strategy, and a sustainable competitive advantage. In actuality such a task would draw on both primary and secondary data and might take a consultant 18 months.

Suggested Outline of Report Content

(Suggested pages of text, about 10-15)


· Purpose of analysis

· Overview/outline of written report

· Description of the company

I. Company/Organization/Internal Environment ( 6-8 pages)

**** Major thrust of the paper should be this section)************

· Brief history (suggest including a Time Line as an exhibit)

· Vision/mission statements/strategic objectives

· Describe products/services/technologies

· Organization:

· Culture (1/2-1)

Leadership (1-2) remember to include analysis of the board.

· Value Chain Analysis -

· Operations, Marketing, Supply Chain, Distribution

· Core competencies and Comparison


· Exhibits

· References

Individual Internal Analysis Report

Name:___________________________________ Firm: ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​__________________

Strategic Analysis (90%)

Category (Weight)






Overview of the firm history and product, current competitive position. (10%)

Did not provide an overview of the Firm and Historical Perspective and current situation.

Provided limited provide an overview of the firm and Historical Perspective and current situation.

Some details and appropriate facts gave a good general overview of the firm and Historical Perspective and current situation.

Included good details and appropriate facts for an overview of the firm, Historical Perspective and current situation.

Internal Environment – Mission, Vision, Leadership Culture, (25%)

Analysis did not identify many of the components of an internal analysis or major trends in the company’s abilities and behavior. Limited application of concepts.

Analysis identified and evaluated some components of the internal analysis, but mainly reported information rather than analysis of the trends and issues in the industry. It is unclear if they understood the company’s leadership, culture or organization structure Data was superficial and they lacked quality and breadth.

Analysis identified and evaluated most of the major trends and issues utilizing a majority of the internal models. Ability to integrate and synthesize the breadth of data. Analysis began to show depth and quality.

Analysis indicates a comprehensive understanding of the internal operations and the the ability to utilize the models to build a good thesis of the internal abilities of the firm. They understood the company’s leadership, culture or organization structure It is clear that they understand and could apply the concepts and model.

Internal Environment Value Chain and VIRO (30%)

Analysis did not correctly identify the firms abilities or use the models.

Analysis superficially identified and evaluated some of components involved in the Value chain.

Analysis correctly identified and evaluated most of firm’s value chian, but limited understanding of the weaknesses of the firm.

Analysis indicates a thorough understanding of the firm’s abilities both strengths and weaknesses .Accurately demonstrated an understanding of how the models.

Quality of Data and Analysis


Report provided little specific industry and firm data. Few observations. Narrow scope. The analysis did not provide a strengths and weakness Limited data sources used and logic is not complete. Lack of understanding of the material. Many logic errors that made following the logic of the write-up difficult.

Some data, but very superficial. Few observations and little if any interpretation. Identified few abilities and opportunities and threats. The logic was incomplete and had some major holes. Limited understanding of the models. Some logic errors and resulting argument was weak. Few sources.

Some non-obvious observations, sometimes interpreted well. Good Data and observations, but needs more analysis. Identified some elements The analysis provided adequate rationale for the these. Few logic holes with the beginnings of comprehensive understanding of the firm. Strong argument. Good data.

Excellent data and well researched, Many issues observed in depth. Reasonable interpretations of observations. Identified a number of abilities and external factors.. The analysis used well-reasoned supporting arguments. Strong understanding of the concepts and the organization. Virtually no logic errors and resulting excellent arguments. Wide variety of sources

Sub-total for Analysis

Writing (10%)

Category (Weight)







5 %

Many errors that interfered with understanding the write-up.

Many errors, but the write-up was generally understandable.

Some errors, but the write-up was very understandable.

Very few errors and very understandable.

Use of exhibits and bibliography, presentation


No exhibits included. Disorganized and not clearly labeled sections

Few exhibits included, but only general reference made to the exhibits. Some organization (headings, labels, table of contents, framing paragraphs)

Appropriate exhibits included each of which was referred at an appropriate point in the write-up. Good organization (headings, labels, table of contents, framing and summary paragraphs )

Included exhibits that were very well designed and each was skillfully used in reinforcing the arguments in the write-up. Good organization (headings, labels, table of contents, framing and summary paragraphs )

Sub-total for Writing





TO: BA 452 Students

RE: Directions for Individual Financial Analysis Report

You need to place yourself in the role of a financial analyst who has been hired to help your firm identify its financial weaknesses and strengths. The point of a financial analysis is to discuss the financial health and how the firm using its money. Examine if the firm is operating efficiently in comparison to the industry. Find out if the firm has the flexibility to invest in itself. Note what has been changing for the firm. You need to compare the company to its competitors. Indicate whether the firm has a competitive advantage. Make use your knowledge from your previous accounting and finance courses.

The deliverable is no more than 5 pages of text plus additional pages for bibliography and exhibits. You must utilize and refer to your exhibits in the report. Remember that your audience is the top executives of the company. The data (numbers and charts) go into tables and figures, write your analysis referring to the data. It is the interpretation which matters. You need to cite your sources of financial data. The report is for a business audience and needs to fit a more business style of writing. Use the following web site for help if you are unsure about business writing style. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/590/1/ . (Hint start by looking at the firms’ 10Ks particularly the description and managerial discussion of financials will help you understand how the firm operates. SHARE your financials with your team members to help with comparisons)

The outline of the financial analysis:

1. Title

2. Introduce the company and frame your report (make sure you state the purpose of the report)

3. Discuss the Income statement and balance sheet ( must include 5 years as exhibits)

a. Discuss the trends for the company

b. Do these trends echo the industry? If not discuss reasons why. Do the numbers differ from the competitors and why.

c. Is there anything to be concerned about?

4. Discuss the Common sized income statement (3-5 years must include as an exhibit)

a. Discuss the trends

b. Identify any changes

c. Discuss if their common sized numbers differ from their competitors and why?

d. Is there anything to be concerned about?

5. Do the Ratio Analysis (profitability, liquidity, operating/asset management, debt, industry specific) for the last 3 years. I want numbers.

a. Compare to industry averages for the last 3 years (identify who is in your average and must include ratios as an exhibit).

b. Identify the best and worst performing firm in the industry. Explain why.

6. What has earnings been and how has this effected share price. What do analysts say about the firm meeting its target earnings. What about other firms in the industry?

7. Identify business units and product categories contribution to revenues and growth or decrease of contribution.

8. Has the firm announced any moves which will change their cash/debt position. (e.g. acquisitions, licensing deals, divestitures).

9. Summarize the strengths and weakness based on the analysis.

10. At the end attach Bibliography and Exhibits. Cite the sources for your numbers.

Remember – Headings, summaries, roadmaps, page numbers. Spelling and grammar count!

Financial Analysis Rubric

Name:___________________________________ Company: ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​__________________

Strategic Analysis (75%)

Category (Weight)






Income Statement Analysis and Quarter Performance


Analysis did not identify and evaluate major trends or changes in the income statement or quarters.

Analysis identified and some of the major trends in the income statement.

Analysis identified and evaluated most of the major trends in the Income Statement and Quarters. Another Firm was used for comparison.

Analysis thoroughly identified major trends and evaluated reasons for changes or the lack of changes. Industry was used as a comparison. Demonstrated that they understood why changes occurred.

Balance Sheet Analysis


Analysis did not identify and evaluate major trends or changes in the Balance Sheet.

Analysis identified and some of the major trends in the Balance Sheet.

Analysis identified and evaluated most of the major trends in the Balance Sheet. Another Firm was used for comparison.

Analysis thoroughly identified major trends and evaluated reasons for changes or the lack of changes. Industry was used as a comparison. Demonstrated that they understood why changes occurred.

Ratio Analysis & Industry Comparison


Analysis did not fully identify and evaluate the firm’s ratios.

Analysis identified and some of the major trends in the Ratios.

Analysis identified and evaluated most of the major trends in the Ratios. Another Firm was used for comparison.

Analysis thoroughly identified major trends and evaluated reasons for changes or the lack of changes. Industry was used as a comparison. Demonstrated that they understood why changes occurred and what the numbers meant to the firm.

Share Price and Business Unit Analysis (10%)

Analysis identified the share price, but did not account for Business unit analysis.

Analysis identified trend in share price.

Analysis considered multiple indicators for share price movement or lack. Discussion of analysts opinion was included.

Analysis clearly identified what was happening in the share prices and what was happening in the strategic business units.

Strategic Discussion of Financial Data


The analysis did not provide a strengths and weakness or opinion and/or recommendation.

The analysis provided a weak discussion of strengths and weakness, opinion and/or recommendation.

The analysis provided an adequate rationale for the findings from the financial analysis.

The analysis provided well-reasoned supporting arguments in the discussion of strengths and weakness, opinion, and/or recommendation.

Sub-total for Analysis

Writing and Logic (25%)

Category (Weight)






Grammar/spel-ling/writing style (5%)

Many errors that interfered with understanding the write-up. Writing flow was incomprehensible.

Many errors, but the write-up was generally understandable. Writing flow was difficult.

Some errors, but the write-up was very understandable.

Very few errors and very understandable.



Many logic errors that made following the logic of the write-up difficult. Poor understanding of the Financial Analysis.

Many errors, but the general argument and finding were understandable. Students just reported numbers.

Some logic errors, but there was little difficulty understanding the arguments and findings. Students interpreted numbers.

Virtually no logic errors and resulting argument and findings were very strong. Students used numbers to make arguments and indicate findings.

Use of exhibits

(10 %)

Not all exhibits included.

Appropriate exhibits included, but only general reference made to the exhibits.

Appropriate exhibits included each of which was referred at an appropriate point in the write-up.

Included exhibits that were very well designed and each was skillfully used in reinforcing the arguments in the write-up

Sub-total for Writing




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