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What Is Good Training? In order for training to be effective and efficient, both learning and transfer are needed. Learning is a permanent change in human proficiencies that include knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviors, and competencies. Transfer is a trainee effectively, efficiently, and continually applying what was learned in training on jobs. There are two important goals for transfer—generalization and maintenance. Effective learning and transfer require that consideration be paid to trainee characteristics, training design, and characteristics of the work environment.

Specific Learning Outcomes:

Verbal information includes names, labels, facts, and bodies of knowledge.

Intellectual skills include concepts and rules to solve problems, serve customers, and create products.

Motor skills include coordination of physical movements.

Attitudes include beliefs and feelings that prompt a person to behave in a certain way.

Cognitive strategies include strategies that regulate thinking and learning, determine what to attend to, regulate how to remember, and regulate how to solve problems.

Understand both the reinforcement and social learning theories noted in your text. A need is a deficiency that one experiences. A need motivates one to behave to satisfy the deficiency. Need theories help explain the value that one places on outcomes.

Need Theories

Effective and efficient employees provide the avenue to intensify profits, viability, and growth. Numerous theories by people, including Maslow, Herzberg, McClelland, and Alderfer, proffer employees’ satisfaction, and therefore, their performance is grounded by the efficiency and effectiveness with which the company fulfills employees’ needs.

Review each theory to learn more.

These theories suggest that understanding learners’ needs will facilitate their motivation to learn.

Implications of the learning process and transfer of training for instruction include:

Employees need to know the objectives.

Employees need meaningful training content.

Employees need opportunities to practice.

South University

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Employees need a number of pre-practice conditions.

Employees need practice involving experience.

Employees need to commit training content to memory.

Employees need feedback.

Employees learn through observation, experience, and interaction.

Employees need training programs to be properly coordinated and arranged.

Employees need encouraged trainee responsibility and self-management.

The work environment should support learning and transfer.

Additional Materials

From your course textbook, Employee Training and Development, read the following chapters:

Needs Assessment

Learning and Transfer of Training

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