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Impact of Technology on Training and Learning There are three important ways in which technology has influenced training and learning. It has provided for greater collaboration, enriched learner control, and a more dynamic learning environment.

Technology Facilitates Collaboration

Digital collaboration refers to the use of technology to enhance employees’ abilities to work together regardless of their geographic proximity. Digital collaboration can be either synchronous or asynchronous. Synchronous communication refers to trainers, experts, and learners interacting with each other live and in real time akin to face-to-face classroom instruction. Additionally, asynchronous communication refers to non-real-time interactions. The learners can access information resources when they desire them.

Technology Can Create Dynamic Learning Environments

Previously, learning included a trainer and learners. The trainer was responsible for delivering content, answering questions, and testing learning. The learners were generally passive in learning. Communication was normally one way, from the trainer or instructor to the learner.

Technology has made learning environments more interactive and dynamic. Specifically, technology allows:

Greater interaction between the learners and the training content

Greater interaction between the learners and the trainers

Trainers to serve more as resources and coaches

More learning occurring through exchanges with other learners

Experts and resources becoming a part of the learning environment

More training via social media

More training via games and exercises

Excellent online learning experiences combine the advantages of the Internet with the principles of a good learning environment. These principles promote:

Including visuals and words with instruction

Aligning text with visuals

Explaining complex visuals with either audio or text, rather than by both

Omitting extraneous visuals, words, and sounds

Socially engaging learners through conversational language agents

Explaining key concepts prior to full instruction

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Providing prompts that encourage self-regulation

Providing content in short sequences over which learners have control

Connecting modules in a way that engages learners

Providing activities and exercises that parallel the work environment

Distributing exercises within and among modules

Providing explanations to responses on quizzes and exercises

Development Planning System A development planning system refers to a system to retain and motivate employees by helping to meet their development needs. Development planning systems vary in their level of sophistication and the emphasis placed on different components of the process.

The development planning process involves four primary steps (Noe, 2017):

1. Self-assessment—identifying opportunities and areas for improvement

2. Reality check—identifying what needs are most realistic to develop

3. Goal setting—identifying development objectives

4. Action planning—creating a plan to determine how goals will be achieved

Review the tabs to learn more.

Self-assessment refers to the use of information by employees to determine their career interests, values, aptitudes, and behavioral tendencies. It often involves psychological tests such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory, and the Self-Directed Search. Through this process, a development need can be identified. Employees can identify capabilities they are lacking and gain specific information about what they can do to develop skills through development experiences.


Reality Check

Goal Setting

Action Planning

Case Study

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Reference Noe, R. A. (2012). Employee training and development (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

IHG is a hotel company that operates many chains that includes 4,400 hotels in over 100 countries. It offers four promises to employees (Noe, 2012):

Room to have a great start

Room to be involved

Room to grow

Room for you

IHG is a hotel company that operates many chains that includes 4,400 hotels in over 100 countries. It offers four promises to employees (Noe, 2012):

Room to have a great start

Room to be involved

Room to grow

Room for you

Room for You:

Employees know what success is for their jobs via regular and high-quality feedback. They are encouraged to develop their current and future job roles. They are made aware of jobs around the world. IHG developed a procedure to enhance leadership skills called the Leaders’ Lounge. The Leaders’ Lounge is virtual, and it is for general managers and other employees at corporate director or higher levels. The Lounge has short and concise information, including articles, tips, videos, downloadable tools, and best practices. It also includes assessment tools and a problem solver application. Another section of the Lounge is the Academy, which is also online. This saves costs and travel time for company training. Seventy percent of the Lounge members use it an average of six times during the course of any month. Over 3,000 tools from the Lounge have been downloaded and shared around the world. Seventy-five percent of the Lounge members show that their engagement has increased by 3%.

Based on the given information, think about the following:

What are the advantages and disadvantages of IHG’s virtual leadership development program for the company? For employees?

Many companies are using a blended approach for employee development. That is, they are using both face-to-face and technology-aided training and development activities for leadership development. What more traditional development activities would you recommend the IHG include in the development program to make it more effective? Explain how these development activities will enhance the program’s effectiveness.

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Additional Materials

From the South University Online Library, read the following articles:

A Review and Critique of Research on Training and Organizational-Level Outcomes

Do Organizations Spend Wisely on Employees? Effects of Training and Development Investments on Learning and Innovation in Organizations

The Effects of Staffing and Training on Firm Productivity and Profit Growth Before, During, and After the Great Recession: Monograph

Examining the Factor Structure of Participant Reactions to Training: A Multidimensional Approach

An Examination of the Structure and Nomological Network of Trainee Reactions: A Closer Look at “Smile Sheets”

On the Level

What's the ROI of ROI?

In Search of the Holy Grail: Return on Investment Evaluation in Human Resource Development

From the Internet, read the following:

Aguinis, H., & Kraiger, K. (2009). Benefits of training and development for individuals and teams, organizations, and society. Annual Review of Psychology, 60, 451–474.

Worthen, B. (15 February, 2001). Measuring the ROI of training. Retrieved from:

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PAD3391 Principles of Crisis & Emergency Management

Assignment #2 Module 1 Discussion –

Peer Discussion Topic: After watching the following video, discuss the relationship between personal responsibility and the role of emergency management. How has this changed since the 1900's to today?

my response is done modify if you feel needed:

Personal responsibility as well as duty towards emergency management relates in the fact that when there’s awareness about the disaster, it is easier to prevent it, thus facilitating preparedness. On the other hand, if it comes unaware, it may affect the individuals in any country. Therefore, individuals should always be prepared for a disaster. In today’s world, individuals have emergency kits, emergency plans and they are informed. In 1900’s there was not the advancements as now. Ex- In Florida was are used to hurricanes so we always take extra measures during the season- we stock up on canned goods, make sure the shutters are in place, etc. Now with COVID that we were not prepared we will learn from it and prepare for the future.

Please respond to each of my peers here in 40-50 words each

Peer 1- Vin


Through the years, much has been learned about disasters and what we can do to mitigate their effects. During the early 1900s there was little help in the way of government and even less in the way of communication.

Today we have agency like FEMA and the American Red Cross to help those in need before and after a disaster. We know that FEMA is a federal agency and the Red Cross is not but works with federal agencies to provide relief.

Today we have certain luxuries that were not available once upon a time. For instance, the ability to predict and track a tropical storm or hurricane. While there's no fool proof plan, these warnings can help us prepare for a serious hit.

Media and broadcasting have taught us things like the impact a storm or other potential disaster can cause. Because of this, we have learned that preparation can help save lives.

Some prepare more than others but is our individual responsibility to plan for our families. Federal aid doesn’t come in until usually after a disaster and can be extremely delayed. That’s why it is so important for us all to be responsible and have a plan for a disaster.

The American Red Cross recommends that we discuss the types of emergencies we might face, devise a list of responsibilities for each family member, and practice as many likely scenarios as possible.

American Red Cross (2020) Make a Plan. Retrieved from

Peer 2 Bri

Disasters can happen at anytime and at any place, sometimes with little to no warning. Personal responsibility for emergency management includes being prepared, having plans in place, and staying informed. The emergency management role in disasters is to keep people informed as much as possible, assess hazards and risks, create and implement mitigation plans, and respond to disasters by coordinating equipment, personnel, and resources.

The evolution of technology since 1900 has led to a greater chance of survival of disasters for the simple fact that information is more readily available. This information includes everything from disaster planning to having a greater advance notice and ability to track events such as hurricanes. Some disasters, however, occur without warning. Today, we still have an advantage over the previous century in that we have more experience dealing with disasters and have a greater sense of what works and what doesn’t work. We are able to plan better and have the ability to analyze data from previous events to improve emergency preparedness.


Col, J. (2007). Managing Disasters: The Role of Local Government. Public Administration Review, 67, 114-124. doi:10.1111/j.1540-6210.2007.00820.x

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Traditional Methods This discussion reviews the traditional methods that can be used in training delivery. The traditional training methods addressed in this lecture are organized into three broad categories: presentation methods (lecture and audiovisual training), hands-on methods (OJT, self-directed learning, apprenticeships, simulations, case studies, business games, role-plays, and behavior modeling), and group-building methods (adventure learning, team training, and action learning).

While new technologies have changed training delivery in many respects, traditional methods are still used in virtually all organizations, often in conjunction with new innovations. Different methods are described along with their advantages and limitations.

There are a number of items we will take on including the following:

Explain how new technologies are influencing training.

Evaluate a web-based training site.

Explain how learning and transfer of training are enhanced by using new training technologies.

Explain the strengths and limitations of e-learning, mobile technology training methods (such as iPads), and simulations.

Explain the different types of social media and the conditions conducive to their use for training.

Describe to a manager the various types of distance learning.

Recommend what should be included in an electronic performance support system.

Compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of the traditional training methods with those of the technology-based training methods.

Identify and explain the benefits of learning management systems.

Statistics of Traditional Training When looking at the statistics for traditional training, it is important to recall that the type of traditional training can be a very personal choice. This choice may be based on tradition, results, personalities, environment, cost, technology available, and laws and regulations.

For your information, the following statistics exist (Noe, 2017):

We end this lecture by comparing the training methods on the basis of several

characteristics (learning outcomes, transfer enhancement,

15% Of training hours are delivered in a

virtual classroom and 29% are delivered online (p. 297).

39% Of learning hours involve

technology-based training methods (p. 42).

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cost, and overall effectiveness). We want you to understand and utilize different training methods to maximize learning, transfer, and other effectiveness criteria.

36% Of large companies deliver training

online compared to 28% of small companies (p. 333).

Additional Materials

From the South University Online Library, read the following articles:

A Review and Critique of Research on Training and Organizational-Level Outcomes

Do Organizations Spend Wisely on Employees? Effects of Training and Development Investments on Learning and Innovation in Organizations

The Effects of Staffing and Training on Firm Productivity and Profit Growth Before, During, and After the Great Recession: Monograph

Examining the Factor Structure of Participant Reactions to Training: A Multidimensional Approach

An Examination of the Structure and Nomological Network of Trainee Reactions: A Closer Look at “Smile Sheets”

On the Level

What's the ROI of ROI?

In Search of the Holy Grail: Return on Investment Evaluation in Human Resource Development

From the Internet, read the following:

Aguinis, H., & Kraiger, K. (2009). Benefits of training and development for individuals and teams, organizations, and society. Annual Review of Psychology, 60, 451–474.

Worthen, B. (15 February, 2001). Measuring the ROI of training. Retrieved from:

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Training Methods This discussion reviews the traditional methods that can be used in training delivery. The traditional training methods addressed in this lecture are organized into three broad categories: presentation methods, hands-on methods, and group-building methods.

The 70-20-10 model is a commonly used formula in the training profession to describe the optimal sources of learning. It holds that individuals obtain 70% of their knowledge from job-related experiences, 20% from interactions with others, and 10% from formal educational events.

“A Learning System” figure in your textbook shows a learning system with four quadrants. The framework crosses two dimensions. The first is competency-based learning vs. context-based learning. Competency-based learning occurs when a company has defined a set of competencies for positions for the whole company. Context-based learning is unique to an employee’s specific needs. The second dimension relates to whether learning is guided (created and guided by the company) or social (created and guided by the employee):

Guided competency learning—well-defined competencies trained via lecture and online methods

Social competency learning—well-defined competencies learned via mentoring, job experiences, and coaching

Guided contextual learning—context-dependent knowledge and skills trained via simulation, on- the-job training (OJT), behavior modeling, and experiential learning

Social contextual learning—context-dependent knowledge and skills learned via social media and informal interactions with others

The types of presentation methods include lectures, audiovisual training, OJT, self-directed learning, apprenticeships, simulations, case studies, business games, role-plays, behavior modeling, adventure learning, team training, and action learning. It goes without saying that selecting effective and efficient training is not necessarily straightforward. Many considerations should be taken into account, including:

The learning outcome, which is the most important consideration

The learning environment

The transfer of training considerations


The overall effectiveness

The following trends can be noted from the matrix for choosing training methods:

There is considerable overlap between learning outcomes across the various training methods.

Most of the hands-on methods provide a better environment for learning and transfer than the presentation methods, which are more passive.

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The presentation methods are less expensive than the hands-on methods.

If possible, trainers should use several different methods within a single training program to capitalize on the strengths of each method to facilitate learning.

Designing Training—The Steps The development of an efficient and effective training program is one of the most important tasks to be undertaken in an organization. There are considerable issues to be considered in beginning this process, which will be noted below.

Instructional system design procedure involves the following stages (Noe, 2012):

Review the stages to learn more. Stage 1

Perform a Needs Assessment

Find who needs training and what should be taught.


Orders are being sent to the wrong customers (shipping personnel issues).

Stage 2

Confirm Employees are Prepared for Training

Certify employees are prepared and motivated to attend training.


Shipping employees have been evaluated and warned and know the consequences of noncompliance and rewards for compliance.

Stage 3

Produce a Learning Atmosphere

Generate an environment that facilitates learning.


Provide environmentally pleasant conditions and people to facilitate learning and recognize learning is taking place.

Stage 4

Confirm Transfer of Training

Confirm support is in place to enable the handover of competent skills.


Provide a contact for anyone having any questions, comments, or concerns.

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Stage 5

Determine Evaluation Tools for Training

Find how the efficiency and effectiveness of training will be measured.


Competency instruments are suggested for evaluation along with customer complaints summaries.

Stage 6

Choose Training Approaches and Conduct Training

Design and conduct training.


Determine if it will be done in-house, contractor, etc.

Stage 7

Monitor and Evaluate

Assess the effectiveness/efficiency of the training.


Review results of the trainee evaluation of the program and the actual results noted above for performance improvements.

Reference Noe, R. A. (2012). Employee training and development (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

Additional Materials

From the South University Online Library, read the following articles:

A Review and Critique of Research on Training and Organizational-Level Outcomes

Do Organizations Spend Wisely on Employees? Effects of Training and Development Investments on Learning and Innovation in Organizations

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The Effects of Staffing and Training on Firm Productivity and Profit Growth Before, During, and After the Great Recession: Monograph

Examining the Factor Structure of Participant Reactions to Training: A Multidimensional Approach

An Examination of the Structure and Nomological Network of Trainee Reactions: A Closer Look at “Smile Sheets”

On the Level

What's the ROI of ROI?

In Search of the Holy Grail: Return on Investment Evaluation in Human Resource Development

From the Internet, read the following:

Aguinis, H., & Kraiger, K. (2009). Benefits of training and development for individuals and teams, organizations, and society. Annual Review of Psychology, 60, 451–474.

Worthen, B. (15 February, 2001). Measuring the ROI of training. Retrieved from:

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