Research Question: What impact has Kentucky education reform had on potential teacher burnout?
Background or Distantly Related Work: Early Ages
· 1957-1958 Frustration with US Department of Education which led to more math and science
· 1960-1965 Johnson Reform (inclusion)
· 1980’s Regan’s “A Nation at Risk” which began accountability
· Early 2000’s No Child Left Behind (Assessment)
· 2010+ Race to the Top
Narrow Categories that are closer to the work you are doing: Modern days
· How did this change education in Kentucky?
· What wad its impact on KY Teachers and profession
· Did this change how we taught?
Specific Categories: Recent Days
· KPREP – High Stakes Testing
· TPGES – Kentucky Evaluation system for teachers
Most Specific and Similar Studies: Burnout
· What causes job burnout in general?
· What causes teacher burnout?
Assessment 4 - Ethics Approval Form.docx
Application for Ethics Approval |
Student Details |
Name |
: |
Student Number |
: |
: |
Subject (Code/Name) |
: |
Supervisor Details |
Name |
: |
: |
Proposed Research Details : |
Summary of the proposed research project, including brief description of methodology (bullet points where applicable)
Ethics Checlist (Participants) |
How do you propose to select your participants ?
Will your research involve adults who might be identified by you or anyone else reading the research ? (Yes/No). If yes, how will you obtain their consent ?
Does your research involve children under eighteen years old ? (Yes/No)
Ethics Checlist (Participants) |
Will your research take place in an institution ? (Yes/No)
Are in a position of power over participants ? (Yes/No), if yes, describe any ethical implication an dhow you deal with them
Describe any risk or harm to participants which might be associated with yoru research and how would you propose to minimese these risks
Privacy and Confidentiality |
How will you protect the confidentiality and privacy of your participants ?
Will it be possible to identify participants from published data ? (Yes/No), if yes, is there any ethical issue which may arise from such identification.
Data Collection and Storage |
Who will have access to the data ?
How will you store the data in order to ensure its security
Note : Ethics Approval Form is not counted toward the word count of the assessment, only fill in this form if applicable. Include this form as appendices.
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Page 1 of 1
Application for Ethics Approval
Student Details
Student Number
Subject (Code/Name)
Supervisor Details
Proposed Research Details :
Summary of the proposed research
project, including brief description of methodology
(bullet points where applicable)
Ethics Checlist (Participants)
How do you propose to select your participants ?
Will your research involve adults who might be identified by you or
anyone else reading the
research ? (Yes/No). If yes, how will you obtain their consent ?
Page 1 of 2
Application for Ethics Approval
Student Details
Name :
Student Number :
Email :
Subject (Code/Name) :
Supervisor Details
Name :
Email :
Proposed Research Details :
Summary of the proposed research project, including brief description of methodology
(bullet points where applicable)
Ethics Checlist (Participants)
How do you propose to select your participants ?
Will your research involve adults who might be identified by you or anyone else reading the
research ? (Yes/No). If yes, how will you obtain their consent ?
Assessment 4 - INFORMATION.docx
BUS707 – Applied Business Research
ASSESSMENT 4: Research Proposal – 50%
This assessment is designed to allow students to present and justify appropriate method(s) for a research project designed to address the research question posed. This assessment relates to Learning Outcomes a, b and d.
There are two components of the assessment:
· Written proposal: 40%
· Oral presentation: 10%
Based on the Research Question developed in Assessment 2, students should develop a research design aimed at providing insights and/or answers to the question. Students should make any recommended adjustments to the content of Assessment 2, based on feedback provided, prior to including it in Assessment 4.
This assessment requires students to choose and justify the most appropriate research design, clearly explaining WHY the chosen design will best answer the research question and is most appropriate in the specific circumstances. Students should clearly justify their recommended research and analysis methods.
Note: Other than in exceptional circumstances, Assessment 4 of this subject is intended to form the basis of the student’s Research Project in BUS710 Research Project, following appropriate adjustments recommended in feedback
Written Proposal : the proposal will contain the following information :
· Title page : including research title and student’s details
· Abtract : A brief summary of key information about the research (the research questions, the theory used and methodology plan).
· Research Background (revision version of Assessment 2)
· Research Questions and Research objectives (revision version of Assesment 2)
· Literature review minimum 20 peer-reviewd articles (including the four main articles used in Assessment 3)
· Research Design : describe type of research, research approach, type of data, data collection methods, data analysis methods and sampling plan.
· Ethical Consideration : address the five ethical consideration of human research
Marks out of 40 will be awarded based on how well the following criteria is addressed:
Criteria |
% Marks |
Research Background, Research Questions and Research Objectives: adjustment to Assessment 2 and Assessment 3 elements based on feedback provided |
10% |
Addresses each of the elements of the proposal (refer to the proposal structure) |
10% |
Literature review: critically review the theoretical foundation of the research. |
30% |
Research Design: discuss and justify the choice of research methodology
30% |
Ethical Consideration: discuss five ethical research principles |
10% |
References and referencing skills: Present the research plan in a professional manner with correct referencing
10% |
Oral Presentation:
Students are to present their proposal to the class as if the audiences had the authority to grant approval for the research to ‘go ahead’. Oral presentation should be 5 minutes and supported using appropriate visual aid (template is provided, downloadable from Moodle). Presentation is scheduled at Week 11 and Week 12
The presentation should contain the following information:
· Reseach title
· Research Questions and Objectives
· Research Design
· Ethical consideration
Marks out of 10 will be awarded based on how well the following criteria is addressed:
Criteria |
% Marks |
Presentation structure: good organisation of the presented information |
20% |
Accuracy of the information presented (should align with the information in the written report) |
30% |
Communication and Presentation skills |
20% |
Visual aids and presentation slides : use appropriate visual aids or other supporting tools |
20% |
Presentation duration: present all the required information within the prescribed time frame.
10% |
Presentation Details
· Individual Assessment
· Oral Presentations should be 5 minutes
· The slides should be be supported using appropriate visual, Presentation power point template is provided (downloadable from Moddle) .
· Students should not just read their proposal – students reading rather than presenting will find it difficult to pass this part of the assessment.
· Presentation schedule Week 11 and Week 12.
· Late penalties and extensions:
An important part of business life and key to achieving KOI’s graduate outcome of Professional Skills is the ability to manage workloads and meet deadlines. Consequently, any assessment items such as in- class quizzes and assignments missed or submitted after the due date/time will attract a penalty. However, for in-class assessment, no extensions permitted or granted – a make-up test may only be permitted under very special circumstances where acceptable supporting evidence is provided. Presentation is considered as in-class assessment, therefore no extensions permitted or granted – no presentation = 0 marks. The rules for make-up presentations are the same as for missing in-class tests
· Applying for extension:
For in-class assessment, a make-up presentation may only be permitted under very special circumstances where acceptable supporting evidence is provided. If students are unable to attend an assessment when due, and extensions are possible, they must apply by completing the appropriate Application for Extension form available from the Student Information Centre in Moodle, the KOI Website (Policies and Forms) and the Reception Desk (Market St and Kent St), as soon as possible but no later than three (3) working days of the assessment due date. The completed form must be emailed with supporting documentation to [email protected].Students and lecturers / tutors will be advised of the outcome of the extension request as soon as practicable . Appropriate documentary evidence to support the request for an extension must be supplied. Please remember there is no guarantee of an extension being granted, and poor organisation is not a satisfactory reason to be granted an extension.
Guideline and Checklist for Final Proposal (A4) |
1. Title Page
Choose an interesting title for the report, the title should indicate the nature of problem/research being investigated. If client organisation is used, the name of the organisation should be part of the title.
2. Abstract/Executive Summary
Executive summary should provide key information of your research, 1 page is preferable. Provide summary of:
· The introduction of the research
· The matter being investigated
· The research design and methodology
3. Research Background
This section should give convincing background about the research and why the topic is worth to research, by providing evidences to support your arguments. Key points to be included in this section are:
· Introduce the topic of the research
· Overview of client organisation (if any)
· What real problem does the research seek to resolve and why is it important to research this topic
· Outline the structure of this proposal.
4. Research Question and Research Objectives
This section should be straightforward, state the overall research problem and research objectives based on your brief research plan (A1), revised A1 if necessary.
5. Theoretical Background/Literature review
This section is expected to be the extended version of your A3 (structure literature review), therefore, you should not copy paste your A3 into this section, instead you need to use your A3 is a basis to do a comprehensive literature review. Around 10 extra literatures are required (on top of the four articles you used in your A3). Link your literature review back to your research problem.
6. Research Design and Methodology
This section should provide detail plan of research design and research methodology. It should consist information:
· Inform and justify the type of research (exploratory, descriptive or causal)
· Inform and justify the research approach (quantitative, qualitative or mixed approach)
· Describe the type of data will be used (primary or secondary data)
· Describe how data will be collected: interview, focus group or observation for qualitative research, and/or survey and experiment for quantitative research
· Describe and justify the sample: sampling frame, sampling methods and technique, sampling characteristics and size.
· Inform how the data will be analysed : theme-based analysis for qualitative research and statistical analysis for quantitative research, or a combination of both for mixed approach)
· Explain how the methodology plan address all ethical concern.
Please note: only provide an overview of YOUR research design and methodology, do not discuss theory on research methodology.
7. Reference List: Formatted using Harvard (Anglia) style.
8. Appendix: include proposed ethical approval form and informed consent form if relevant
5 | P a g e
Application for Ethics Approval |
Student Details |
Name |
: |
Student Number |
: |
: |
Subject (Code/Name) |
: |
Supervisor Details |
Name |
: |
: |
Proposed Research Details: |
Topic: |
Summary of the proposed research project, including brief description of methodology (bullet points where applicable) |
Ethics Checlist (Participants) |
How do you propose to select your participants? |
Will your research involve adults who might be identified by you or anyone else reading the research? (Yes/No). If yes, how will you obtain their consent? |
Does your research involve children under eighteen years old? (Yes/No) |
Ethics Checlist (Participants) |
Will your research take place in an institution? (Yes/No) |
Are in a position of power over participants? (Yes/No), if yes, describe any ethical implication and how you deal with them |
Describe any risk or harm to participants which might be associated with yoru research and how would you propose to minimise these risks |
Privacy and Confidentiality |
How will you protect the confidentiality and privacy of your participants? |
Will it be possible to identify participants from published data? (Yes/No), if yes, is there any ethical issue which may arise from such identification. |
Data Collection and Storage |
Who will have access to the data? |
How will you store the data in order to ensure its security |
Note : Ethics Approval Form is not counted toward the word count of the assessment, only fill in this form if applicable. Include this form as appendices.
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Page 7 of 7
Assessment 4 - Presentation Template.pptx
Research Project title
Your name
Student Number
BUS707 Applied Business Research
Research Problem & Research Objectives
State the overall research problem and research objectives based on your brief research plan (A1), revised A1 if necessary.
Research Problem:
Research Objectives :
Present your aims or research questions in logical order
Research Design & Methodology
Inform and justify the type of research (exploratory, descriptive or causal)
Inform and justify the research approach (quantitative, qualitative or mixed approach)
Describe the type of data will be used (primary or secondary data)
Describe how data will be collected: interview, focus group or observation for qualitative research, and/or survey and experiment for quantitative research
Research Design & Methodology (cont)
Describe and justify the sample: sampling frame, sampling methods and technique, sampling characteristics and size.
Inform how the data will be analysed : theme-based analysis for qualitative research and statistical analysis for quantitative research, or a combination of both for mixed approach)
Explain how the methodology plan address all ethical concern.
Please note: only provide an overview of YOUR research design and methodology, do not discuss theory on research methodology.
Ethical considerations
What impacts could this research have on the stakeholders involved in the process? (only if applicable, insert information from your ethics approval form)
Reference List
Formatted using Harvard (Anglia) style
Minimum 14 references are expected (include the four articles you used in your A3)
BUS707 Rubrics A4 (Report and Presentation).docx
Marking Rubric BUS707 Applied Business Research
Assessment 4A : Research Proposal , written proposal – 40%
Criteria |
Fail (0 – 49%) |
Pass (50 – 64%) |
Credit (65 – 74%) |
Distinction (75 – 84%) |
High Distinction (85 – 100%) |
Research Background, Research Objectives and Research Questions (adjustment from A2 and A3) (10 marks) |
Background details are a random collection of information, largely unclear or not related to the topic. Research questions an objectives are significantly incomplete or unclear. No adjustment based on A2 and A3 feedback
Background contains some irrelevant & unclear information. Research questions an objectives are linked and relevant with the topic. There is reasonable adjustment based on A2 and A3 feedback.
Background is generally well-written & provides a reasonable context. Research Questions and research objectives are straightforward and satisfactorily linked, with an adequate adjustment based on A2 and A3 feedback |
Background is well-written & clearly provides the context. Research questions an research objectives are clear and convincing explanation of the linked between the two of them reasons, with a good adjustment based on A2 and A3 feedback |
Background is insightful, perceptive & illuminating. Research questions and research objectives are excellently explained with a strong connection between them & written with very good insights. Excellent adjustment based on A2 and A3 feedback. |
Proposal elements (10 marks) |
Not all the required elements of the proposal are addressed |
All of the required elements of the proposal are addressed, however, discussion is very theoretical and lack of empirical/practical discussion. |
All of the required elements of the proposal are addressed, theoretical and practical discussion is presented with limited details |
All of the required elements of the proposal are addressed, theoretical and practical discussion is presented with good details |
All of the required elements of the proposal are addressed, theoretical and practical discussion is presented with excellent details |
Literature Review
(30 marks) |
Literature section does not review the theory, it is only a list of summary from a number of differences references |
Literature section provide review of the literature, the variables discussed are clear however, it does not structure from general to specific. |
Literature section provide review of the literature, the variables discussed are clear however and it is structured from general to specific. However, the detail of discussion of each variable is limited. |
Literature section provide review of the literature, the variables discussed are clear and it is structured from general to specific. The detail of discussion of each variable is reasonable |
Literature section provide review of the literature, the variables discussed are clear and it is structured from general to specific with excellent and comprehensive detail of discussion. |
Research Design (30 marks) |
There is no practical discussion on research design (type of research, research approach, type of data, data collection methods, data analysis methods and sampling plan) OR only theoretical description of each component in the research design.
Research design are discussed in respect of : type of research, research approach, type of data, data collection methods, data analysis methods and sampling plan) however, the discussion are more of theoretical discussion of the tools, no practical discussion.
Research design are practically discussed in respect of: type of research, research approach, type of data, data collection methods, data analysis methods and sampling plan), however, the choice of the methods are unsuitable for the research topic.
Research design are practically discussed in respect of: type of research, research approach, type of data, data collection methods, data analysis methods and sampling plan), the choice of the methods are suitable, however, there is limited justification for the choice.
Research design are practically discussed in respect of: type of research, research approach, type of data, data collection methods, data analysis methods and sampling plan), the choice of the methods are suitable and strongly justified. |
Ethical Consideration (10 marks) |
There is no discussion on five ethical principle and/or demonstrate misunderstanding of the concept of ethics in human research. |
There is discussion on one to two ethical consideration and however, there is some misunderstanding of the concept of ethics in human research. |
There is discussion on three to four ethical consideration and demonstrate reasonable understanding of the concept of ethics in human research. |
There is discussion on five ethical consideration and demonstrate good understanding of the concept of ethics in human research. |
There is discussion on five ethical consideration and demonstrate excellent and comprehensive understanding of the concept of ethics in human research. |
Reference and referencing skills (10 marks) |
The proposal has less than twenty references and they do not meet the minimum requirement (2010 onward peer-reviewed articles) and has no in-text citations |
The proposal has 20 references but some of them do not meet the minimum requirement (2010 onward peer-reviewed articles) and has less than 10 in-text citation
The proposal has 20 references and most them meet the minimum requirement (2010 onward peer-reviewed articles), however, only between 10 to 15 in-text citation are used.
The proposal has 20 references and most them meet the minimum requirement (2010 onward peer-reviewed articles), and between 15-20 in-text citation are used.
The proposal has 20 references and all of them meet the minimum requirement (2010 onward peer-reviewed articles), and 20 in-text citation are used.
Total marks out of 100 |
Total Assessment marks :
/40 |
Comment: |
Marking Rubric BUS707 Applied Business Research
Assessment 4B : Research Proposal , oral presentation – 10%
Criteria |
Fail (0 – 49%) |
Pass (50 – 64%) |
Credit (65 – 74%) |
Distinction (75 – 84%) |
High Distinction (85 – 100%) |
Presentation structure (20 marks) |
Not all the required elements are presented. The structure and sequence of information is hard to follow
All required elements (research title, research questions and objectives, research design and ethical consideration) are presented, however, the sequence of the information is hard to follow |
All required elements (research title, research questions and objectives, research design and ethical consideration) are presented. The sequence of the information is easy to follow, however, limited details are provided. |
All required elements (research title, research questions and objectives, research design and ethical consideration) are presented. The sequence of the information is easy to follow, good details are provided. |
All required elements (research title, research questions and objectives, research design and ethical consideration) are presented. The sequence of the information is easy to follow, excellent details are provided. |
Accuracy of the information presented (30 marks) |
The information provided in each required elements are inaccurate and do not align with the proposal. |
The information provided in each required elements are accurate , however, it does not align with the proposal. |
The information provided in each required elements are accurate and it is align with the proposal, however, limited details are provided |
The information provided in each required elements are accurate and it is align with the proposal, and good details are provided |
The information provided in each required elements are accurate and it is align with the proposal, and excellent details are provided |
Communication and Presentation skills
(20 marks) |
Inaudible and spoken too quickly or too slowly and many unnecessary pauses. |
Mostly audible and reasonably well-paced speech, some unnecessary pausing |
Consistently audible an clear voice, well-paced speech and some good use of pausing |
Interesting and effective delivery, well-paced and good use of voice (tone and diction) and pausing throughout |
An excellent delivery, well-paced and effective. Speaker is entertaining and stimulating, confident and in control. |
Visual aids and presentation slides format (20 marks) |
No or lack of visual aids, presentation slides are poorly formatted. |
Basic use of visual aids, presentation slides are readable but need improvement. |
Mostly good use of visual aids, presentation slides are appropriately formatted.
Very good use of visual aids, presentation slides are effectively formatted. |
Outstanding use of visual aids, presentation slides are professionally formatted. |
Presentation duration (10 marks) |
Presentation is longer than 5 minutes and only able to present 2 out of 4 required information.
Presentation is longer than 5 minutes and only able to present 3 out of the 4 required information
Presentation is on time (5 minutes) and all the required information are presented with limited details. |
Presentation is on time (5 minutes) and all the required information are presented with reasonable details. |
Presentation is on time (5 minutes) and all the required information are presented with excellent details. |
Total marks out of 100 |
Total Assessment marks :
/10 |
Comment: |
BUS707 Applied Business Research
4A : Research Proposal , written proposal
High Distinction
Research Background,
Research Objectives and
Research Questions
(adjustment from A2 and A3)
(10 marks)
Background details are
a random collection of
information, largely
unclear or not related
to the
Research questions an
incomplete or unclear.
No adjustment based
on A2 and A3 feedback
Background contains
some irreleva
nt &
unclear information.
Research questions an
and relevant with the
topic. There is
reasonable adjustment
based on A2 and A3
Background is
generally well
written &
provides a
Questions and
objectives are
and satisfactorily
, with an
based on A2 and
A3 feedback
Background is well
written & clearly
ovides the context.
Research questions
an research objectives
are c
lear and
of the
linked between the
two of them
with a
adjustment based on
A2 and A3 feedback
Background is insightful,
perceptive & illuminating.
Research questions and
research objectives
excellently explained with
a strong connection
between them
& written
with very good insights.
Excellent adjustment
based on A2 and A3
Proposal elements
(10 marks
Not all the required
elements of the proposal
are addressed
All of the required
elements of the proposal
are addressed, however,
discussion is very
theoretical and lack of
All of the required
elements of the
proposal are
theoretical and
discussion is
presented with
limited details
All of the required
elements of the
proposal are
addressed, theoretical
and practical
discussion is
presented with
All of the required
elements of the proposal
are addressed, theoretical
and practical discussion
is presented with
Marking Rubric BUS707 Applied Business Research
Assessment 4A : Research Proposal , written proposal –
(0 – 49%)
(50 – 64%)
(65 – 74%)
(75 – 84%)
High Distinction (85
– 100%)
Research Background,
Research Objectives and
Research Questions
(adjustment from A2 and A3)
(10 marks)
Background details are
a random collection of
information, largely
unclear or not related
to the topic.
Research questions an
objectives are
incomplete or unclear.
No adjustment based
on A2 and A3 feedback
Background contains
some irrelevant &
unclear information.
Research questions an
objectives are linked
and relevant with the
topic. There is
reasonable adjustment
based on A2 and A3
Background is
generally well-
written &
provides a
Questions and
objectives are
and satisfactorily
linked, with an
based on A2 and
A3 feedback
Background is well-
written & clearly
provides the context.
Research questions
an research objectives
are clear and
explanation of the
linked between the
two of them reasons,
with a good
adjustment based on
A2 and A3 feedback
Background is insightful,
perceptive & illuminating.
Research questions and
research objectives are
excellently explained with
a strong connection
between them & written
with very good insights.
Excellent adjustment
based on A2 and A3
Proposal elements
(10 marks)
Not all the required
elements of the proposal
are addressed
All of the required
elements of the proposal
are addressed, however,
discussion is very
theoretical and lack of
All of the required
elements of the
proposal are
theoretical and
discussion is
presented with
limited details
All of the required
elements of the
proposal are
addressed, theoretical
and practical
discussion is
presented with good
All of the required
elements of the proposal
are addressed, theoretical
and practical discussion
is presented with
excellent details

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