Running head: PROJECT 1




Institutional Affiliation:




Part 1

Projects are usually selected by organizations to help in managing some tasks and improving the performance. There are several stages that go hand in and are sequence to follow each other consistently. There is a particular time that is usually set to complete a particular task, and resources as well are set for the purpose of the projects. After the human resource has allocated several resources, the project manager takes the responsibility of allocating the resources accordingly to the weight of the stages that are supposed to be undergone to finish the project successfully (Morais & Grygiel, 1994 August).

Project is a sequence and series of tasks that need to be completed in order to achieve specific objectives. It can further be referred to as inputs and outputs that are used to perform a certain goal. Some projects are usually simple while others are complex, and in all that they are managed according to the amount of work available, for instance, a complex project can be managed by hundreds while a simple can be managed by one person. When are divided into stages so that tasks can be tackled with a lot of accuracy and knowledge for better results? This can be achieved when the team members have a division of labor and specialization. Division of labor is the ability to distribute work equally, for instance, distribution, packaging, and manufacturing to employees that are better at that particular task for efficient and excellent work. Specialization is the ability of an expert to concentrate on one particular skill and pursuing it. This enables workers to be more effective in the work they partake as they have enough knowledge of what they are doing (Bouet, 2009).

Ongoing operations are activities that have neither been completed nor abandoned, that means that they are under construction. This is a type of operation that is most crucial as it is under activities that take place in a project. Operations usually follow a direction from the management or project manager. It is conducted with relevant procedures that enable results to be produced systematically. Operations are usually permanent, for instance, production, manufacturing, processing, packaging, and distributing. The task that currently being handled is the one that is usually known as an ongoing operation. Ongoing operations help not to produce new things but to sustain a particular system or project, so that is completed successfully. The main identification of an ongoing operation is resulted by making a profit at the end of the process, though at times, to results in a loss that has been made.

There is a huge difference between ongoing operations and projects, some people tend to confuse the two and even label them as the same, but that is not usually the case. Projects are executed to initiate a new business idea; it acts as a test to enable planners to know what to expect while ongoing operation does not yield to anything new. Furthermore, when project managers plan for projects, they make a budget that remains fixed while ongoing operations result in a profit that can be used to run an organization or company. Ongoing operation is controlled by a particular process that is fixed until it is updated, while projects are usually controlled and supervised by the project management department. Projects are unique since each project is able to produce its own new goods, services and result while ongoing operations are entitled to produce the same product each time, that can result to a profit and be able to be useful and help run the business (Thiry, 2002).

Part 2

There are several examples of projects that an organization can engage in. For example, a company can be industrial in nature that involves the construction of the building of any kind. The company will need architectures and engineers to be able to facilitate this project, and it will be guided by a project manager. The work will need to be broken down into different stages so that it can be systematic. After the whole project is finished, it will then be handed back to their client. The project can be; to build a church, a normal house, or even an industry. Another example is one that consists of the development of a new product or service. For example, Microsoft Windows Company producing Windows 10 was a project that they were working on, and it eventually was finished after a particular period of time. This was a project that was meant to solve a particular problem, and it enhanced better serves and faster and easier ways to use their computers (Adler, 1995).

The first example of an operation is the manufacturing of cars in an industry; cars will be produced daily depending on the demand and the timetable that will be set. An industry will run because of the manufacturing of cars that will be set in place. This industry will be repeating the same task daily, and it will define it as their operation that will be their ongoing operation. Manufacturing is a process that is usually done daily in an industry, and that makes it their operation. Secondly, a company that produces milk can be high on demand, and it requires more than what they produce during the normal days. They will be forced to do processing and distribution so that the demand and supply can be at an equilibrium eventually. In summary, ongoing operations are done with the aim of bringing out profits from the sales they will make. Both of them have a vital significant to an organization in one way or the other (Winch, 2009).


Adler, P. S. (1995). Interdepartmental interdependence and coordination: The case of the design/manufacturing interface. Organization Science6(2), 147-167.

Bouet, S. (2009). U.S. Patent No. 7,640,350. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Morais, B. G., & Grygiel, M. (1994, August). Application of Systems Engineering into an Ongoing Operation. In INCOSE International Symposium (Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 787-792).

Thiry, M. (2002). Combining value and project management into an effective programme management model. International journal of project management20(3), 221-227.

Winch, G. M. (2009). Managing construction projects. John Wiley & Sons.

ITS 832 Chapter 2

Information Technology in a Global Economy

Professor Miguel Buleje


• Educating Policy Managers and Policy Analysts

• Two practitioner types • Policy informatics-savvy public manager

• Policy information analyst

• Needs addressed by two graduate programs • Master of Public Administration (MPA)

• Master of Public Policy (MPP)

• Chapter focus • Role of policy informatics in preparing practitioners

Practitioner Orientations to Policy Informatics

• Two “ideal” types • Policy informatics-savvy public managers • Policy informatics analyst

• Manager • Play important roles in implementation • Instrumental in using policy informatics projects

• Analyst • Execute policy informatics initiatives • Other common role names

• Analyst • Researcher • Modeler • Programmer

Policy Informatics-savvy Manager

• May not need to • Build models • Analyze big data

• Must be able to • Lead personnel who build models and manage big data

• Necessary competencies • Systems thinker • Process orientations to public policy • Research methodologies • Performance/Financial management • Collaborative/communicative • Social media, IT, and e-Governance awareness

Policy Informatics Analyst

• Start with basic competencies of managers

• Additional necessary competencies • Advanced research methods of IT applications

• Data visualization and design

• Programming skills

• Modeling skills • Perhaps one of the most important


• Two types of practitioners • Managers • Analysts

• Managers • Leadership • Interacting with actors

• Analysts • Technical skills • Responsible for executing requirements

• University ofVermont • Distinct programs to address each role


Using exactly one hundred (100) words you will provide an elevator pitch/business case for one of the Projects you selected to review for Week 1. This pitch/case should cover the important elements of the project: who, what, where, when, and why?

This assignment should be single-spaced so do not change any of the formatting for this document.

News source (APA reference):

Web address:


Elevator Pitch (100 words):

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