Running head: PROJECT 1
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Jorge Belman
Rasmussen College
Author Note
This paper is being submitted on February 25, 2017, 2016, for Cheryl Gannaway’s POT4001 Section 03 Political Thought - Online Plus - 2017 Winter Mid-Quarter.
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I chose Karl Max and Plato to focus on their political thought. I will concentrate on these two philosophers in the project for purposes of comparison and get the differences in their political thoughts. Plato believed that lack of communism would lead to a clash of ideas and the interests between objective and appetite. The basis of Plato’s communism is that property, family instincts, and personal interests bring about a distraction to a man’s attention to the responsibilities he must the community. He believed that an ideal state is comprised of the division of labor and is divided into classes. On the other hand, Marx believed that communism would bring an end to the division of labor and classes. I chose the two philosophers due to their close and contrasting ideas on communism and the foundations of a good state.