Program for Improving Toddler Communication
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University Affiliation
Program for Improving Toddler Communication
Search Strategy
The research was conducted through searching for relevant keywords that relate to the topic, and that would give proper results. I searched for issues such as Toddler Communication, how to improve toddler communication, parental coaching in toddler communication, the impact of parental training to enhance the communication of children. I used two databases for their superiority in providing relevant information about the concepts I was looking for. As a result, I used both Capella Library Database Research Log and Google Scholar. The two databases have a wide variety of resources to apply for the research and will they provided relevant information for the study.
Literature Search Question
The topic for this study is what impact does the parental training has on the improvement of a toddler’s communication skills (Zhou, Xu, Li, Zhang, Wang, Rogers, and Xu, 2018). The topic refers to both parents and children to determine how the actions of the parents to teach their children how to communicate effectively. According to Ingersoll, Wainer, Berger, Pickard, & Bonter, (2016), both the male and female children have a different approach towards how they learn. The females, according to Stahmer, Brookman-Frazee, Rieth, Stoner, Feder, Searcy, & Wang, (2017), learn how to talk much faster from their parents than the male kids. Moreover, Moore, Barton, & Chironis, (2014) claim that the surrounding factors which are affecting the children determine how they will learn how to speak. Children with siblings and who have various cousins learn how to talk better and much faster than those who do not have these siblings.
The development sage depends on the children and the age determine if they can talk faster or not. According to the Shire, Goods, Shih, Distefano, Kaiser, Wright, & Kasari, (2015), children learn how to socialize and interact if they have already learned how to stand and even walk. As a result, children aged one year and above may have a better chance to learn how to talk. The ethnical identity, region which the child lives, racial identity and class will also determine whether the child can learn how to communicate faster or not. According to Kasari, Gulsrud, Paparella, Hellemann, & Berry, (2015), the health of the child also affects whether the child will understand what they are taught by their parents. As such, the children learning process may be affected by the health issues affecting them. Also, the teaching of the parents can only occur if the parents are available at home and can ensure to educate the child (Turner-Brown, Hume, Boyd, and Kainz, 2016). For the children to be educated, the parents should be available in their homes and they must ensure to spend enough time together for the education process.
Scope and Number of Sources
The number of sources which the paper will have depends on various factors. One of these factors is the diversity of the topic is the diversity of the topic and how deep the research should be. The scope of the research should evaluate how the parents react, how the parents should educate the children and the process of obtaining the information (Wetherby, Guthrie, Woods, Schatschneider, Holland, Morgan, and Lord, 2014). Therefore, depending on the scope of the paper and validity of the sources will determine the number of sources that the paper will use.
Ingersoll, B., Wainer, A. L., Berger, N. I., Pickard, K. E., & Bonter, N. (2016). Comparison of a self-directed and therapist-assisted telehealth parent-mediated intervention for children with ASD: A pilot RCT. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46(7), 2275-2284. From,5&as_ylo=2014&scillfp=10312486050969462590&oi=lle
Kasari, C., Gulsrud, A., Paparella, T., Hellemann, G., & Berry, K. (2015). Randomized comparative efficacy study of parent-mediated interventions for toddlers with autism. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 83(3), 554. From
Moore, H. W., Barton, E. E., & Chironis, M. (2014). A program for improving toddler communication through parent coaching. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 33(4), 212-224. From
Shire, S. Y., Goods, K., Shih, W., Distefano, C., Kaiser, A., Wright, C., ... & Kasari, C. (2015). Parents’ adoption of social communication intervention strategies: Families including children with autism spectrum disorder who are minimally verbal. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 45(6), 1712-1724. From,5&as_ylo=2014&scillfp=889005822095158299&oi=lle
Stahmer, A. C., Brookman-Frazee, L., Rieth, S. R., Stoner, J. T., Feder, J. D., Searcy, K., & Wang, T. (2017). Parent perceptions of an adapted evidence-based practice for toddlers with autism in a community setting. Autism, 21(2), 217-230. From
Turner-Brown, L., Hume, K., Boyd, B. A., & Kainz, K. (2016). Preliminary efficacy of family implemented TEACCH for toddlers: Effects on parents and their toddlers with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 1-14. From,5&as_ylo=2014&scillfp=10856983983622503456&oi=lle
Wetherby, A. M., Guthrie, W., Woods, J., Schatschneider, C., Holland, R. D., Morgan, L., & Lord, C. (2014). Parent-implemented social intervention for toddlers with autism: an RCT. Pediatrics, 134(6), 1084-1093. From
Zhou, B., Xu, Q., Li, H., Zhang, Y., Wang, Y., Rogers, S. J., & Xu, X. (2018). Effects of Parent‐Implemented Early Start Denver Model Intervention on Chinese Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Non‐Randomized Controlled Trial. Autism Research. From
· Annotated Bibliography
We suggest you use an organizing tool from the Capella Library: More Services and Tools page, such as RefWorks, to help you keep track of your articles. Refer to the helpful links in Resources.
Terms to know for this post:
· Current research article: This can vary depending on the nature of the LSQ; for most searches you must seek articles published in the last five years. For some topics, this restriction may not apply—for example, if writing about psychoanalysis, you will want to cite Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, who published beginning in the late 19th century up to his death in 1940. In cases where the restriction does not apply, provide a rationale for choosing an older article.
· Purpose: The purpose of a research proposal is to propose strategies for answering the research question (RQ). The purpose of a theoretical discussion is to outline the nature of a scientific dilemma and consider premises for opposing views as well as to offer possible opinions and solutions to the problem.
· Qualitative investigation: This non-empirical type of inquiry seeks socially constructed descriptions of abstract phenomena.
· Quantitative investigation: Quantitative investigations are empirical inquiries that seek answers to research questions that can be presented in numerical form.
· Research problem: This is also referred to as “the gap in the literature." Identify for each article the area of the literature that the scientists publishing their research have identified as needing further exploration. The problem refers to the challenges that the scientific community has in identifying and developing strategies for the discovery of new knowledge.
· Research question: Presented in the form of a question, it represents the foundational inquiry of the article as well as the goal of the research project that has been described in the journal article. The research question drives the investigation and signals whether the project is qualitative or quantitative.
· Seminal article: This is an article or text that has shaped the history of the field. An example in psychology is Milgram's 1965 "Some Conditions of Obedience and Disobedience to Authority," published in Human Relations, which caused research on obedience to develop in new directions and challenged long-held belief systems.
Develop and post an annotated bibliography that identifies sources that will help you to answer your literature search question (LSQ).
For this discussion:
· Put your proposed LSQ in interrogative form at the top of the annotated bibliography.
· Include a minimum of 10 articles in your annotated bibliography, eight of which should be other than those identified in your Unit 1 discussion post.
· To choose these articles, it is likely that you will have to read many more than 10 articles. An annotated bibliography involves culling the articles that do not support your LSQ.
· Be sure to select articles (published within five years) that reflect current knowledge of the topic. For some topics, the use of articles older than five years is appropriate—include a one-sentence rationale for using an older article if this is the case.
· For easy reference, be sure to number each entry in the annotated bibliography.
Research Articles
For each research journal article selected, discuss how it relates to your LSQ:
· Identify the authors’ research question.
· Identify the research problem that the authors hope to resolve.
· Identify the methods used by the authors to investigate the research question.
· Identify the results the researchers noted in the discussion of the reported research.
· Explain why you chose the article and how it will help to answer the LSQ.
· Identify whether the article is chosen for its usefulness in terms of theory of method, theory of content, or for both content and method.
Theoretical Articles
For each theoretical journal article selected discuss how it relates to your LSQ:
· Identify the contentions of the authors—the research question, if applicable.
· Identify the problem under discussion and methods used for developing their claims, premises, and suppositions.
· Explain why you believe that this article will help to answer the LSQ.
· Identify whether the article is chosen for its utility in terms of theory of method, theory of content, or for both content and method.
Upload your discussion as a Word document. In addition, please copy and paste the document content into the message box for your post submission.
Additional Requirements
· Font: New Times Roman, 12 point, double spaced.
· APA: Use APA style and format.
· Example: Annotated Bibliography Sample Entry
An annotated bibliography is a list of citations from books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed by a brief (usually between 100–150 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph: the annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited. An example follows:
Kroese, B. S., Rose, J., Heer, K., & O'Brien, A. (2013). Mental health services for adults with intellectual disabilities — What do service users and staff think of them? Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 26(1), 3–13. doi:10.1111/jar.12007
The researchers used a mixed qualitative research design with focus groups of individuals with comorbid intellectual disability (ID) and mental illness who were utilizing mental health services as well as focus groups of support staff, advocates, and social workers, and were working with individuals with ID and mental illness. The researchers also conducted individual interviews with staff members to better understand the qualities needed for staff working with individuals with comorbid ID and mental illness as well as strengths and weaknesses in the current service delivery for this population. The data collected was then interpreted via interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA), a qualitative means of understanding the meaning that people with ID attribute to their experiences. The researchers were then able to determine recurring themes and others that were not as common. The researchers found that the study supported the following: First, the most appropriate qualities for staff working with the comorbid ID and mental illness population are professional, genuine, communicate well, and are sincere while being sensitive to the needs of this population. Secondly, the style and approach in communicating with individuals with comorbid ID and mental illness is very important in providing support and establishing trust.
Additionally, empowering individuals with ID and mental illness rather than inhibiting them is important. Finally, direct care staff and mental health professionals must be cognizant of the trauma past life events may have caused individuals with comorbid ID and mental illness that may affect their current mental health conditions. In considering the results, the researchers concluded that even though there has been improvement with mental health services for people with ID, there are still challenges with accessibility and quality of services.