Running head: Network Design
Network Design
Deyvin H. Mariscal
Grand Canyon University: ITT – 307
March 1, 2020
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Network Design
The Network Diagram explains how the designing of where to place Firewalls, IDS/IPS,
DMZ, Vlans, Border and Gateway routers, private IP addressing, Isolated Server Subnets,
Network Access Control, and VPN concentrator. It is important to have each of these devices and
where to place them within the company. Also explaining the secure network design of the
elements and justification, and to provide details of the “layered security” in the diagram.
In the diagram, there will be a cloud to start off. It will connect two routers. One of the
routers shall have private IP address that will lead to the DMZ/Subnet 1. The second router will
have private IP address as well but will be for the VPN/Subnet 2. In the VPN there will be a
Firewall, VPN concentrator, and several devices. Each of the devices will have a private IP
address set as a class B and it will be 172.16 on every device. In the DMZ, there shall be a
Firewall and an IPS after the Firewall. This will detect any data that come in and through the
DMZ. There will be a Layer 3 switch in the DMZ with two different kind of servers. The servers
will have an Active Directory and a Web Server. There will be another Firewall after the servers
and another IPS after the Firewall. Out of the DMZ area there will be a Border Gateway Routers,
that will help send packets between the autonomous system. Router 2 will connect with another
Layer 3 switch connected to the Product Support department, and Engineering department.
Router 3 will connect to another Layer 3 switch to the Administration department and Human
Resource department. Each department will have their own Vlan 10 – 40 and there will be
isolated subnets in each department will be 3 – 6. Every department will have a Wireless Access
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Network Design
Point to connect mobile devices and other devices, it will be protected by a Firewall. In all
departments, there will be workstations and printers for employees to use.
The elements in the diagram is using the application layer where people use the email,
and data transfer, such as Telnet, HTTP, and FTP. It will be within the DMZ where the data is
stored. The next element would be using the presentation layer of data encryption that translate
the application to the network. Which users will send a MPEG, JPEG, and TIFF data encryption,
that is within the DMZ. Another element would be the session layer that is manages the
connection. This is provided in the DMZ which will have deal with a SQL program. The
Transport layer is another element in the diagram, and it would be part of the Border Gateway
Router. The next element is the Network Layer, all the routing in the Border Gateway Router
(BGR) will connect and send packets. The data link will be having the packets in the BGR from
the physical layer. The next element is the Physical Layer which would have all the mechanical
devices send to the DMZ.
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NIST Enterprise framework Network:
· Identification: In this part, the enterprise network implements a risk assessment strategy.
· Protection: The enterprise executes the network access control to ensure that access is denied for unknown or known attackers and only authorized devices can access the network. The network has a firewall, DMZ to protect from intrustio.
· Detection: To detect any intrusion in the network the IDS/IPS is established in the network.
· Respond: In this part of the framework the enterprise makes the response plan by analysis and mitigation.
· Recovery: It includes communication, recovery planning such that the enterprise can improve its current situation.
Step-by-step explanation
Description of diagram:
It is implemented in the enterprise to improve cybersecurity.
The different security devices are included in the diagram like: firewall, DMZ, Gateway, layer 3 switches, etc to ensure the security of the network of 1000+clients, departments, VPN's and isolated servers.
Snip of Enterprise implementing the NIST framework:
What is 802.1X Network Access Control (NAC)? (n.d.). Retrieved September 03, 2020, from
What is a VPN Concentrator? - Definition from Techopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved September 03, 2020, from
Quantifying a System
Ivie, Omobhude
Grand Canyon University
CYB 535—0500 Policy Management for Security Solutions
July 20, 2021
NMAP is a network mapper that makes it easy to detect changes and new systems on the network. Typically, it is used in host delivery, port scanning, version detection, and OS detection. In this case, I am using the Nmap software to quantify my home network on my pc. I am using the Windows operating system; therefore, below are the steps on installing and configuring Nmap GUI software on the Windows operating system.
How hackers will try to have access to the network
The Hacker will identify the system network ports that are active. If the network ports are vulnerable, they have got a backdoor, and then the Hacker will use the address to scan the ports on my home network. The Hacker will get the information of the system by conducting passive footprinting.
Guidance in Installation and configuration of NMAP software in windows operating system;
Step 1 – Browse to and download the latest self-installer
Step 2 – Run the downloaded .exe file. In the window that opens, accepts the license terms;
Step 3 – Choose the components to install. By default, the Zenmap GUI will be installed;
Step 4 – Select the install location and click install
Step 5 – The Installation should be completed in a couple of minutes.
The number and type of system attached to the system network
Below I have taken a screenshot to show the number of devices and the type of system attached to my network;
From the above image it has been found that;
· Fifteen(15) devices have been connected to my network system and, at the same time switched on.
· Some of the clear devices include; Raspberry Pi Foundation, Amazon technologies device, Samsung device, devices manufactured by Dell, laptop, and PC. The Avaya device, Liteon technology, and Elite Group computer system some of which you need to look into to see them. Some devices are unknown and require one to perform a deep scan to the network system to identify them.
What is on the network
I have connected raspberry pi directly to my network system that I have just implemented.
Who is on the network
The Samsung device which someone is using is connected to the network system that I have just implemented, and this means that already someone is using my network that I implemented.
The Policies implemented
The organization's network policy is to keep track of the devices connected to the network, who is on their network. By knowing this, the organizations detect the device or person that is suspect to impact the network. In addition, the network policy describes an organization's security control. This aims to keep malicious users out while mitigating risky users within the home network organization. Finally, the security policy defines the policies that will be enforced.
The Network design
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Haines, J.; Ryder, D.K.; Tinnel, L.; Taylor, S. (2003-02-19). "Validation of sensor alert correlators". IEEE Security & Privacy. 99 (1): 46–56. doi:10.1109/MSECP.2003.1176995.
F. Mansmann, D. Keirn, S. North, B. Rexroad and D. Sheleheda, "Visual analysis of network traffic for resource planning interactive monitoring and interpretation of security threats", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 1105-1112, Nov 2007
F. V. Paulovich, L. G. Nonato, R. Minghim and H. Levkowitz, "Least square projection: A fast high-precision multidimensional projection technique and its application to document mapping", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 564-575, 2008.

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