
Course Code Class Code Assignment Title Total Points
ENT-436 ENT-436-O500 Draft Business Model Canvas 100.0
Criteria Percentage 1: Unsatisfactory (0.00%) 2: Less Than Satisfactory (65.00%) 3: Satisfactory (75.00%) 4: Good (85.00%) 5: Excellent (100.00%) Comments Points Earned
Criteria 100.0%
Key Partners 5.0% Content is not included. Content is lacking and not explained. Content is included but not explained. Content is included and briefly explained. Content is researched and explained.
Key Activities 5.0% Content is not included. Content is lacking and not explained. Content is included but not explained. Content is included and briefly explained. Content is researched and explained.
Value Propositions 5.0% Content is not included. Content is lacking and not explained. Content is included but not explained. Content is included and briefly explained. Content is researched and explained.
Customer Relationships 5.0% Content is not included. Content is lacking and not explained. Content is included but not explained. Content is included and briefly explained. Content is researched and explained.
Key Resources 5.0% Content is not included. Content is lacking and not explained. Content is included but not explained. Content is included and briefly explained. Content is researched and explained.
Channels 5.0% Content is not included. Content is lacking and not explained. Content is included but not explained. Content is included and briefly explained. Content is researched and explained.
Cost Structures 5.0% Content is not included. Content is lacking and not explained. Content is included but not explained. Content is included and briefly explained. Content is researched and explained.
Time and Expenses 5.0% Content is not included. Content is lacking and not explained. Content is included but not explained. Content is included and briefly explained. Content is researched and explained.
Revenue Streams 5.0% Content is not included. Content is lacking and not explained. Content is included but not explained. Content is included and briefly explained. Content is researched and explained.
Research 5.0% No outside sources were used to support the assignment. Few outside sources were used to support the assignment. Limited research is apparent. Research is adequate. Sources are standard in relevance, quality of outside sources, or timeliness. Research is timely and relevant, and addresses all of the issues stated in the assignment criteria. Research is supportive of the rationale presented. Sources are distinctive and address all of the issues stated in the assignment criteria.
Originality 20.0% The work is an extensive collection and rehash of the ideas, products, images, or inventions of other people. There is no evidence of new thought or inventiveness. The work is a minimal collection or rehash of the ideas, products, images, or inventions of other people. There is no evidence of new thought. The product shows evidence of originality. While based on the ideas, products, images, or inventions of other people, the work does offer some new insights. The product shows evidence of originality and inventiveness. While based somewhat on the ideas, products, images, or inventions of other people, the work extends beyond that collection to offer new insights. The product shows significant evidence of originality and inventiveness. The majority of the content and many of the ideas are fresh, original, inventive, and based upon logical conclusions and sound research.
Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, and language use) 15.0% Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction is employed. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register) or word choice are present. Sentence structure is correct but not varied. Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct and varied sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are employed. Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. The writer uses a variety of effective sentence structures and figures of speech. The writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.
Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style) 15.0% Sources are not documented. Documentation of sources is inconsistent or incorrect, as appropriate to assignment and style, with numerous formatting errors. Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although some formatting errors may be present. Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct. Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.
Total Weightage 100%

School of Computer & Information Sciences

ITS-631- Operational Excellence

Chapter 4 – Information Technology and Organizational Learning

Content from:

Primary Textbook: Jamsa, K. A. (2013). Cloud computing: SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, virtualization, business models, mobile, security and more. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Secondary Textbook: Erl, T., Mahmood, Z., & Puttini, R. (2014). Cloud computing: concepts, technology, & architecture. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.



Understanding of organizational theory

Aspects of history and context of organizational learning

Defines and explains various learning protocols and how they can be used to promote organizational learning.

Four component processes






Learning Organizations

The ability of an organization to learn faster and better than its competitors = the key to long-term business success

The learning organization is defined as a form of organization that enables the learning of its members in such a way that it creates positive outcomes (innovations, efficiencies, and improved alignment with the environment, and competitive advantage).

More dynamic decision to make in a short amount of time.


Communities of Practice

Based on the assumption that learning starts with engagement in social practice

The practice is fundamental construct by which individuals learn

Learning is a method of engaging in and contributing to practices within specific communities


Learning Preferences and Experimental Learning

Experimental learning comes from the experiences that adults have accrued over the course of their lives.

Kolb’s Learning Style Inventory


Social Discourse and the Use of Language

The successful implementation of communities of practice is dependent upon social structures

The basis for establishing a technology driven world requires the inclusion of linear and circular ways of promoting learning.

Grant’s Schema


Linear Development in Learning Approaches

The life cycle of learning you must account for the individuals and the organization

Review the maturity model with technology by reviewing:

Type of learning

Learning outcomes

Responsive organizational dynamism: cultural assimilation

Responsive organizational dynamism: strategic integration


ROD Arc with Applied Individual Learning Wheel



Langer, A. M. (2018). Information Technology and Organizational Learning. 3rd edition. Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. ISBN: 978-1-138-23858-9


School of Computer & Information Sciences

ITS-631- Operational Excellence

Chapter 5 – Information Technology and Organizational Learning

Content from:

Primary Textbook: Jamsa, K. A. (2013). Cloud computing: SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, virtualization, business models, mobile, security and more. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Secondary Textbook: Erl, T., Mahmood, Z., & Puttini, R. (2014). Cloud computing: concepts, technology, & architecture. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.


The Role of Line Management

Role of Middle/ Line Management

Possess an effective combination of skills that can provide positive strategic learning infrastructures

Understand the core issues of productivity in relation to competitive operations and ROI

Close to the day-to-day operations

Determine how new processes can be implemented


Line Management

Usually manage an entire business unit

Have ROI responsibilities

Have middle managers reporting to them

Managers of managers

Executives in training


First-Line Managers

Manage nonmanagers

Have supervisory employees who report to them

Do not carry the responsibility for a budget line unit


Lowest-level middle manager

Manage operational personnel within the department

Management Vectors /Organizational Tier


Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management = competitive advantage of organizations depends on their ability to create, transfer, utilize, and protect difficult to intimate knowledge assets.

Tacit knowledge to responsive organizational dynamism


Change Management

Organizational change is important to understand within organizational learning

The amount of change required is increasing due to ever-changing technology.

Understanding the external environment

Evaluation of the inside of the organization

Readiness of the organization

Cultural change as inevitable

Making the case for change

Sustaining change


Change Management for IT Organizations

Gain Support for change from employees and non-IT managers

Implement change along measurements for the work so that the results of the change are clearly determined.

Implement a new culture of collaboration in which employees share more information and work in more teams.

Raise the level of awareness of the technology process and work so that there is less of a tendency for reversion.

Implement an ongoing measurement process for the work to detect any problems.


Social Networks and Information Technology

The expansion of social networks through the use of innovations changes the way information flows in and out of an organization.

Controls typically manifest themselves in the form of new processes and procedures.



Langer, A. M. (2018). Information Technology and Organizational Learning. 3rd edition. Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. ISBN: 978-1-138-23858-9


School of Computer & Information Sciences

ITS-631 Operational Excellence

Chapter 5 – Information Systems for Business and Beyond (2019)

Content from:

Primary Textbook: Jamsa, K. A. (2013). Cloud computing: SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, virtualization, business models, mobile, security and more. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Secondary Textbook: Erl, T., Mahmood, Z., & Puttini, R. (2014). Cloud computing: concepts, technology, & architecture. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.


Learning Objectives

understand the history and development of networking technologies;

define the key terms associated with networking technologies;

understand the importance of broadband technologies; and

describe organizational networking.


Brief History of the Internet


The Internet and the World Wide Web


Review the Sidebar: An Internet Vocabulary Lesson

The Dot-Com Bubble

Web 2.0

Read the Sidebar: E-mail is the Killer App for the Internet AND The Internet and the World Wide Web Are Not the Same Thing


The Growth of High Speed Internet



1200bps to 56,000 bps

Started out with dial up (could take 24 minutes or more to just download a song)

High Speed

Minimum of 256,000 bps

Average home broadband =12 Mbps and 125 Mbps


Wireless Networking

Wi-Fi – takes an Internet signal and converts it to radio waves

Mobile Network

Bluetooth – enables functions on mobile devices


VOIP and Organizational Networking

VOIP – allows analog signals to be converted to digital signals then transmit over the network

Organizational Networking

LAN – local area network

WAN – wide area network


Client-Server, Intranet, and Extranet

Client- Server

Stand alone devices work together on a network


An organizational web-based resource for users internal to the organization


Used for external collaboration with an organizations users


Can be used for data storage capacity on the Internet



Bourgeous, D., Smith, J., Wang. S., Mortati, J. (2019). Information Systems for Business and Beyond. Retrieved from


Team Obesity Hypothesis

CLC Hypothesis Template

Instructions: Document the agreed-upon team problem statement above the chart and complete each row and column as directed in the assignment.

Team problem statement: __Americans Face an Increasing Problem with Obesity. Using Technology, we can overcome this problem as a nation. _______

Good Hypothesis

Better Version

Best Version

Independent Variable

Dependent Variable


The addition of fresh water wells within Rio de Janeiro will help.


The addition of fresh water wells within Rio de Janeiro will increase citizens' health.


The addition of seven fresh water wells within the shanty town of Rozinho, outside of Rio de Janeiro, will decrease the amount of necessary doctor visits by 20%.


Fresh water wells.


Amount of doctor visits.

Technology can help make changes to our lifestyle

Using apps constantly helps reduce excess weight and helps achieve greater weight loss

Apps can send information to doctors to help track one’s activity.


Reduces the excess weight

Weight loss surgery using robotic bariatric

Bariatric surgery helps people lose weight and control food consuming

Can also reduce symptoms related to diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, and severe sleep apnea.

Robotic bariatric surgery

Decrease health issues.

Intensive Multifaceted behavioral treatment will help

Intensive multifaceted behavioral treatment has been shown to improve body health

The intensive multifaceted behavioral treatment has been shown to produce significant weight loss in obese persons in America

Intensive multifaceted behavioral treatment

Significant weight loss

Using of PDAs will help

Using of PDAs will help improve body health

Exercising using PDAs will help reduce obesity levels in America by 35%

Using PDAs

Reduce obesity levels

Weight control interventions will help Americans

Weight control interventions will help produce weight loss

Weight controlled interventions delivered by video conference produce meaningful weight losses for the Americans

Weight controlled interventions

produce weight loss.

Digital signage in schools and super markets will help.

Adding digital signage that talks about health and healthy choices will help children and adults.

Providing digital signage in schools and super markets on proper nutrition and exercising will help enhance the health of all the citizens of that community.

Digital Signage

Decrease in percentage of Americans with obesity.

Websites, Apps and over the phone for deliverance of fresh food and water will help make healthier choices.

The website and app will be an asset for families to know the exact times and dates that the fresh food and water will be available.

The App will send reminders and notifications to the families of the community ahead of time notifying them of the availability of the healthier foods over the processed foods, therefore the community benefits with overall healthiness.

Notification of Fresh Food Delivery and Pick Up.

Decrease the number of processed foods bought, increase overall health to the members that participate in the community.

Smart Watch tracks eating by bites consumer takes

Smart Watch tracks consumers calorie intake by bites taken to help with obesity

Smart Watch tracks consumers calorie intake by bites taken to help moderate proper intake and reduce obesity to consumers.

Smart Watch Bites

Amount of bites of food taken in a day.

using Web-based applications will help Americans

Using Web-based Applications will help Americans keep the body fit

Using Web-based applications that offer weight control features will help Americans reduce obesity levels by 30%

web-based applications

reduce obesity levels

Sensor-based tracking will help Americans

Sensor-based Tracking will help Americans improve their health

sensor-based tacking will help Americans reduce calorie intake for weight loss by 40%.

Sensor-based tracking

calorie intake

the use of Exergames within America will help

The use of Exergames within America will help improve their health

The use of Exergames will help increase weight loss in America by 30%.

Use of Exergames

weight loss


Schneider, Benjamin M.D. (September 26, 2019) Robotic bariatric surgery: A new weapon in the fight against obesity. Retrieved from

Montgomery, K., Chester, J., Nixon, L., Levy, L., & Dorfman, L. (2019). Big Data and the transformation of food and beverage marketing: undermining efforts to reduce obesity?. Critical Public Health29(1), 110-117.

Evan M. Forman, Brittney C. Evans, Daniel Flack & Stephanie P. Goldstein (2016). Could Technology help us tackle the obesity crisis? Retrieved from <,activity%20more%20motivating%20and%20rewarding%2C>.

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