
Course Code Class Code Assignment Title Total Points
ELM-580 ELM-580-O500 Clinical Field Experience B: Student Needs and Instructional Planning 25.0
Criteria Percentage No Submission (0.00%) Insufficient (69.00%) Approaching (74.00%) Acceptable (87.00%) Target (100.00%) Comments Points Earned
Content 100.0%
Pre-Assessment 30.0% Not addressed. Pre-assessment is incomplete and is poorly developed in the ELA content area, with weak alignment to standards. Pre-assessment does not determine learning gaps and needs of students. Pre-assessment is complete, but is underdeveloped in the ELA content area, somewhat aligned to appropriate standards. Pre-assessment inadequately determines learning gaps and needs of students. Included is an overly simplistic book for ELA activities in the upcoming mini lesson plan. Pre-assessment is adequately developed in the ELA content area, aligned to appropriate standards, in order to determine learning gaps and needs of students. Included is an appropriate book for ELA activities in the upcoming mini lesson plan. Pre-assessment is expertly and thoughtfully developed in the ELA content area, proficiently aligned to appropriate standards, in order to determine learning gaps and needs of students. Included is book insightful for ELA activity in the upcoming mini lesson plan.
Reflection 30.0% Not addressed. Summary and reflection are missing and/or lacking in the description of the process of identifying students and how the pre-assessment provided data to determine learning gaps and needs of students, with unrelated information about the challenges when developing and delivering the pre-assessment. Summary and reflection are complete, but includes an incomplete description of the process of identifying students and how the pre-assessment provided data to determine learning gaps and needs of students, with minimal information about the challenges when developing and delivering the pre-assessment. Summary and reflection include a sufficient description of the process of identifying students and how the pre-assessment provided adequate data to determine learning gaps and needs of students, including the challenges when developing and delivering the pre-assessment. Summary and reflection include a thorough and comprehensive description of the process of identifying students and how the pre-assessment proficiently provided data to determine learning gaps and needs of students, including the challenges when developing and delivering the pre-assessment.
Future Professional Practice Application 10.0% Not addressed. Summary poorly describes reflection of future professional practice application obtained during the observation and interview with the teacher during field experience. Summary inadequately describes reflection of future professional practice application obtained during the observation and interview with the teacher during field experience. Summary provides an advanced description reflecting on future professional practice application obtained during the observation and interview with the teacher during field experience. Summary insightfully and thoroughly describes reflection of future professional practice application obtained during the observation and interview with the teacher during field experience.
Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, and language use) 30.0% Not addressed. Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction are used. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistent language or word choice is present. Sentence structure is lacking. Submission includes some mechanical errors, but they do not hinder comprehension. Varieties of effective sentence structures are used, as well as some practice and content-related language. Submission is virtually free of mechanical errors. Word choice reflects well-developed use of practice and content-related language. Sentence structures are varied and engaging.
Total Weightage 100%

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