Resources for Creating Multimedia Content See below for information on how to create multimedia content such as videos, infographics, brochures, flyers/poster, and slide presentations.

Resources for Creating Video Presentations:

• “Record a Slide Show with Narration and Slide Timings” (Microsoft website): slide-timings-0b9502c6-5f6c-40ae-b1e7-e47d8741161c

• “Turn your presentation into a video” (Microsoft website): c140551f-cb37-4818-b5d4-3e30815c3e83

• “Save a presentation as a video” (Microsoft website): video%E2%80%8B-in-powerpoint-ba919059-523d-40a8-b99c-08d18996c09d

• Screencast-o-matic o Main website: o Screencast-O-Matic Screen Recorder tutorial: https://screencast-o- (Shows how to use Screencast-O-Matic and how to upload to YouTube)

o “Microsoft PowerPoint with Screencast-O-Matic” https://screencast-o-

o Screencast-O-Matic. (2021). The ultimate guide on how to screen record.

• Creating Videos for your online course:

• Uploading videos to YouTube - “Upload Videos” (YouTube Help): l=en&oco=0

Resources for Creating an Infographic: • Nediger, M. (2020). How to make an infographic in 5 steps (guide). • Watts, T. (2019). How to make an infographic in Word. • Microsoft. (n.d.). Infographics templates.

us/infographics • “How to Make Infographics with PowerPoint” (CopyPress website) powerpoint-2/

Resources for Creating a Slide Presentation: • Create a presentation in PowerPoint -

us/office/create-a-presentation-in-powerpoint-422250f8-5721-4cea-92cc- 202fa7b89617

• An easy guide to creating a presentation in Canva - easy-guide-to-creating-a-presentation-in-canva/

Resources for Creating a Brochure: • “How to Make a Brochure on Word (+Best Practices) (Learning Hub

website): • “How to Design a Stunning Brochure in Microsoft Word” (Go Skills

website): brochure-in-Microsoft-Word

Resources for Creating a Flyer/Poster: • Canva: • Adobe Spark:

  • Resources for Creating Video Presentations:
  • Resources for Creating an Infographic:
  • Resources for Creating a Slide Presentation:
  • Resources for Creating a Brochure:
  • Resources for Creating a Flyer/Poster:

WEEK 3 LDR 875


Change implementation varies from one organization to another. Propose how leaders might manage tactical and strategic interventions for the implementation of organizational and systemic change.


Topics involving organizational sustainability have become a trend in research. Research continues to discover that organizational change cannot be fully achieved without the transformation of the existing culture within the organization (Palumbo & Manna, 2019 p. 735). In an educational organization, there are many challenges towards dealing with change and tailored strategies are certainly needed (p. 735).  Leaders can manage tactical and strategic interventions by using the “transitional phase model”. The transitional phase model is focused on differentiating planned change from transition and that process (Rosenbaum et al., 2018 p. 290). The learned process of this model enlightens a leader on the specific actions that should be taken during the phrases, which is where the strategic and tactical interventions will take place (p. 294). Using a model as such can help leaders decide how to manage these interventions and the transition of moving towards the end game. Overall, using the transitional phase model can become a management tool for leaders due to the nature of breaking down the process of a transitional period of change.


Palumbo, R., & Manna, R. (2019). Making educational organizations able to change: a literature review. International Journal of Educational Management, 33(4), 734–752.

Rosenbaum, D., More, E., & Steane, P. (2018). Planned organisational change management : Forward to the past? An exploratory literature review. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 31(2), 286–303. 


Employees become more comfortable with the method when they see that management supports it. Communication and interaction with workers must be accompanied by management's support for the changes to be instituted. The modification should not even be attempted if you are unwilling to support it 100 percent. It will self-destruct as soon as the staff realizes it. As a result, it's crucial to make a case for change. Different sources will make a case for a change. Information on defect rates, worker satisfaction surveys, client comment cards, and business goals are collected as part of a strategic planning process. To identify and justify areas that need to be improved, the best way to do so is to use information. Staff should be involved in all modification efforts at some level. Even the smallest of organizational changes must be explained and communicated to employees, particularly those that affect how they perform their jobs. It doesn't matter whether it's changing a piece method or increasing client satisfaction, staff has experience that will benefit from the modification coming up with and implementation method. Modifications should be communicated in a structured and systematic fashion. Management is responsible for notifying employees of changes. Modifications are more likely to be opposed when communication is poor and rumors are spread.


Renata, W. (2015). Conditions for implementing organizational changes. Acta Logistica 2(4) 21-24. 

Yu, M. (2009). Employees' perception of organizational change: the mediating effects of stress management strategies. Public Personnel Management, 38(1), 17-32.


Good evening everyone,

Understanding the organization's structure as its own entity is the first step in determining the process for organizational change (Renata, 2015). When a larger scope of the organizational entity is evident, the organizational leaders can make decisions based on three different aspects: (1) objective aspect; (2) subjective aspect; and (3) time aspect. These aspects provide organizational planning for which changes will apply to particular issues and how those will be changed, as well as which stakeholders are affected by the change, what the time frame of the change will be and when it will take place. In understanding these key components of making organizational change organizational leaders can implement change in a systematic way. Employees become more comfortable with the method when they see that management supports it. Communication and interaction with workers must be accompanied by management's support for the changes to be instituted. The modification should not even be attempted if you are unwilling to support it 100 percent. It will self-destruct as soon as the staff realizes it. As a result, it's crucial to make a case for change. Different sources will make a case for a change. Information on defect rates, worker satisfaction surveys, client comment cards, and business goals are collected as part of a strategic planning process 



Renata, W. (2015). Conditions for implementing organizational changes. Acta Logistica 2(4) 21-24

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