Reaction Paper Format
The Ability to Formulate and
Clarify Your Position on an Issue
A large part of your grade will be your ability to write Reaction Papers on assigned topics. There are no write or wrong answers when siding on an issue; however, pick a side and remain on that side in order to enhance your critical thinking skills. Your ability to follow the format presented will significantly enhance your grade on each paper. By the end of this course, you should be able to formulate and clarify your position on various criminal justice topics.
Reaction Paper Format
- The purpose of responding to a reaction statement is to enhance critical thinking skills.
- Your Reaction Paper will have three primary components:
- Introduction- define your position
- Body-defend your position
- Conclusion-reiterate your stance. Conclude concisely
The purpose of responding to a reaction statement is to enhance critical thinking skills.
Your Reaction Paper will have three primary components:
Introduction- define your position
Body-defend your position
Conclusion-reiterate your stance. Conclude concisely
- Define your position
- Your objective in writing a response to the designated statement is to “…define an issue clearly and to formulate and clarify your position on that issue by reacting to a controversial statement.”*
- There should be no doubt where you stand on the issue in your introduction.
- Identify the 2-3 reasons in your intro why your opinion falls on a particular side.
*Johnson, W., Rettig, R., Scott, G. & Garrison, S., 2002. The Criminal Justice Student Writer’s Manual, 2e. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall
The introduction should include the following components.
- Defend your Position
- Each reason listed in the intro gets its own paragraph in which you elaborate on the reason.
- Here is where the “rubber hits the road.”
- The traction and credibility of your position rests in large measure on how well you support your stance.
Next, the Body of your paper should include the following.
- To best support your position:
- Identify the most important arguments needed to support your position and state them clearly (if you are using another source, make sure you are citing it properly in your response so that it may be verified
- Facts, facts, facts win the day, so use plenty of facts and information to support your stand; and
- Be logical, accurate, and clear in the presentation of your facts
In order to best support your position, include the following.
Conclude Concisely
- This exercise will conclude with one and no more than two paragraphs
- It will summarize your argument and position
- It should only contain information you have previously presented in the body.
- Begin you Reaction Paper conclusion with “In conclusion,” it will help you and your reader transition into the concluding paragraph.
The ability to conclude your paper is very important. I would recommend placing the statement “In conclusion” as the opening two words in your concluding paragraph in addition to the following.
Additional Resources
- Syllabus-your syllabus for this course has additional information concerning specific format information including:
- Headings, and
- Length, Font, Spacing
- Additional Textbook
- Johnson, W., Rettig, R., Scott, G. & Garrison, S., 2002. The Criminal Justice Student Writer’s Manual, 2e. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall
If you are still puzzled by what is expected, consult the syllabus or contact your instructor for more clarification. Additionally, you can consult the textbook listed on this slide.

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