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12 days (9/17/2017 - now)
CreateCreate PowerfulPowerful SurveysSurveys
Job Stress
30.61% 30
30.61% 30
10.20% 10
19.39% 19
9.18% 9
My job often interferes with my home life Answered: 98 Skipped: 2
Comments (4)
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Disagree
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I have achievable deadlines Answered: 100 Skipped: 0
12.00% 12
59.00% 59
16.00% 16
10.00% 10
3.00% 3
Comments (0)
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Disagree
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Disagree
18.56% 18
28.87% 28
11.34% 11
27.84% 27
13.40% 13
My job stress is caused by another employee Answered: 97 Skipped: 3
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Disagree
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Comments (4)
26.00% 26
40.00% 40
16.00% 16
5.00% 5
9.00% 9
4.00% 4
I have a positive relationship with my supervisor Answered: 100 Skipped: 0
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Other (please specify)
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Disagree
ResponsesOther (please specify)
My employer provides sufficient opportunities for me to be involved in the decision making process work Answered: 99 Skipped: 1
12.12% 12
37.37% 37
18.18% 18
18.18% 18
14.14% 14
Comments (2)
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Disagree
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Disagree
36.00% 36
50.00% 50
5.00% 5
7.00% 7
2.00% 2
I am clear about what my duties and responsibilities are Answered: 100 Skipped: 0
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Disagree
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Comments (0)
13.13% 13
41.41% 41
19.19% 19
20.20% 20
6.06% 6
I am given supportive feedback at work Answered: 99 Skipped: 1
Comments (1)
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Disagree
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I feel burned out because of stress Answered: 96 Skipped: 4
32.29% 31
27.08% 26
18.75% 18
15.63% 15
6.25% 6
Comments (5)
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Disagree
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Disagree
2.02% 2
11.11% 11
17.17% 17
39.39% 39
30.30% 30
At work I feel discriminated against Answered: 99 Skipped: 1
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Disagree
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Disagree
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Comments (3)
13.13% 13
30.30% 30
15.15% 15
23.23% 23
18.18% 18
I get enough time off work Answered: 99 Skipped: 1
Comments (2)
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Disagree
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Disagree
a) Interpreting Problem Statement
Correctly identified all aspects of the problem
One minor misunderstanding
One major or two minor misunderstandings
More than one each (major and minor)
(15 pts) (10-14 pts) (4-9 pts) (0-3 pts) b) Geometric
Similarity Model Correctly identified all relationships in the model
One wrong relationship
More than one wrong relationship
No geometric similarity argument
(15 pts) (10-14 pts) (4-9 pts) (0-3 pts) c) Model fitting Correctly found
proportionality constant
Close (within 10%) Used linear regression instead of regression through origin
Unclear how estimate was made
(15 pts) (10-14 pts) (4-9 pts) (0-3 pts) c) Model analysis Correctly used
"proportionality graphs" to choose which model was best supported by data
Some confusion about what to look for in proportionality graphs
Much confusion about what to look for in proportionality graphs; or used wrong graphs
No interpretation of proportionality graphs
(15 pts) (10-14 pts) (4-9 pts) (0-3 pts)
d) Grammar and Spelling
No more than two errors.
No more than 5 errors No more than 10 errors Over 10 errors
(10 pts) (7-9 pts) (5-7 pts) (0-4 pts) e) Organization and
Clarity Very easy to understand; smooth transitions; good organization of thoughts
Easy to understand, but some transitions very rough. Good organization of thoughts
Somewhat hard to understand
Very difficult to understand
(10 pts) (7-9 pts) (5-7 pts) (0-4 pts) f) Professional
appearance Quality document - ready to give to the boss's boss!
A good draft, but some items need to be cleaned up.
Rough draft - some work needed (e.g. graphs/tables need to be merged in with text).
Very rough - a lot of work needed.
(10 pts) (7-9 pts) (5-7 pts) (0-4 pts) g) Summary of Key
Points Succinct, but covered all key points of problem and analysis (incl. model assumptios)
Too little info (left out one key point) or too much (took too much time with secondary items)
Omitted 2-3 key points, or included key points not covered in written report
Does not effectively summarize major findings of the written report.
(10 pts) (7-9 pts) (5-7 pts) (0-4 pts)
Project #2 Critique Sheet Name:
Written Report Geometric Similarity Analysis (60 pts)
Writing Skills (40 pts)
(Geometric Similarity)
- Project 3 (Geo.Simil.)
Project # 3: Proportionality and Geometric Similarity Due: 10/7/16
1. For Project 2, you will construct a proportionality model for one of the following scenarios. As a group (three or less), choose which of these scenarios (only one) that you would like to model.
2. Part A: Choose one of the above scenarios and do the following: (note: this is not for submission, but merely to get you started on the project):
a. Develop several possible Problem Identifications. Choose one and justify your choice. Hint: It should be one for which there is data provided to you to test your proportionality assumption.
b. List & briefly discuss the variables which influence the problem you have identified. Which do you think could be neglected in an initial analysis? Which appear to be critical?
3. Part B: After completing Part A, and within a few days, schedule a quick session with your instructor. During this session you should discuss your Part A solutions, and orally outline your approach to the problem. This approach includes the Model Development, i.e., the proportionality model itself. Normally, the session can be accomplished in less than 10 minutes.
a. Develop an explanatory model and prepare a report on your analysis. Your report should provide a discussion of each area of the Model Building Process (page 59 of text) and addresses the following specific topics:
1) Problem Identification statement
2) Make assumptions, identify and define variables
3) Develop the mathematical model based upon your assumptions.
4) State the final model form.
5) Test the model assumption of proportionality with the data. This is must be done with a graph. Discuss “how good” you think your model is.
6) State several strengths and weakness of the model that you designed.
7) Write a one page “executive summary” of your model results and put this as the first page after your title page.
8) Make a Title page.
b. Prepare a short presentation, about 10 minutes long. It should include the major assumptions, the final model, the proportionality graph, and any major strengths or weaknesses of the model.
As a minimum, your model development (step 3) should include :
a. Provide a brief appraisal of your model - how good do you think your assumptions are? How precise do you expect your results to be?
b. Include a graphical test of your model (submodels). A plot with discussion is REQUIRED.
c. Fit your model you developed with the data using the least squares criterion. Explain how you arrived at the coefficients. Discuss the meaning of the coefficient or coefficients.
d. Discuss how the different fitting criteria of the textbook could apply to your problem. If you could have chosen only one criteria, which one would you have chosen and why?
e. Answer all scenario-dependent questions!
Heart Rate - Birds
Warm-blooded animals use large quantities of energy to maintain body temperature because of the heat loss through the body surface. In fact, biologists believe that the primary energy drain on a resting warm-blooded animal is maintenance of body temperature.
a. Construct a model relating blood flow through the heart to body weight. Assume that the amount of energy available is proportional to the blood flow through the lungs, which is the source of oxygen. Assuming the least amount of blood needed to circulate, the amount of available energy will equal the amount of energy used to maintain the body temperature.
b. The following data relate weights of some type of birds to their heart rate measured in beats per minute. Construct a model that relates heart rate to body weight. Discuss the assumptions of your model. Use the data provided to check your model.
Bird Body Weight (g) Heart rate (Beats/min)
Canary 20 1000
Pigeon 300 185
Crow 341 378
Buzzard 658 300
Duck 1100 190
Hen 2000 312
Goose 2300 240
Turkey 8750 193
Ostrich 71000 60-70
(data from A.J. Clark, Comparative Physiology of the Heart,(New York, Macmillian, 1977), p 99.)
The data collection for my organizational survey was interesting to say the least. One final e-mail reminder this week helped me to obtain the minimum required responses I had previously set for myself. Without the required number I feared the data may be skewed or I didn’t capture exactly what I was looking. This assignment will detail and document the results of my organizational survey. First, the raw data will be posted for review.
Data Entry:
In regards to the data entry, figure 5.3 of our textbook shows data entry as the first step of the six step process (p. 158, Church & Waclawski, 2001). Using a program like Microsoft Excel, allowed the data entry process to be relatively seamless. Additionally, websites like Survey Monkey also provided easy data entry as well for a nominal fee. Shortly, the Excel spreadsheet will detail the results of the survey conducted within my organization.
Data Preparation:
Luckily, all 10 questions were answered within the survey. For data analysis purposes this is exactly what is needed as completion of all questions by all respondents does not allow for much confusion or invalidated questions. Therefore, there will not be a need to remove any incomplete responses.
Statistical Analysis:
The model of survey used required the respondents to answer from five options: strongly disagree, disagree, neither agree nor disagree, agree and strongly agree. Based on this the statistical analysis that will be used will be the mean. The text states that mean is, “the average response obtained for a given item across all respondents” (p. 173, Church & Waclawski, 2001). Each answer option is given a numerical value from 1-5; strongly disagree is 1 point with each answer moving upward to 5 points (strongly agree). Once calculated, I can rank them in order.
Table 1
Table 2
Response Patterns/Themes:
Based on the tables above, all the questions rated fairly high. As data was being gathered, it was interesting to see that many of the respondents, whether it was gender or age all felt the same way about many of the questions. The questions are ranked in order on Table 2. The good news is that most people felt like their role within the organization was valued. All in all, the survey results were positive and job satisfaction was better than expected.
Write-in Comments:
Not everyone left comments on the questions when offered the opportunity; however, the comments that were left were helpful and will be used as options to improve job satisfaction on that particular question.
Question 7 asked: Monthly teambuilding events would improve your job satisfaction.
The rating was a 3.8 overall and the following six comments were left as suggestions:
- Sports, Social grilling out, off-duty social time
- Thematic potlucks
- I am starting up a new monthly lunch-and-learn to help w/ synergy among the different sections
- Monthly lunches, quarterly sports days
- Off site somewhere fun
- Paintball BBQs Obstacle course events
Question 8 asked: I have opportunities to manage programs.
The rating was a 4.4 overall and the following three comments were left as suggestions:
- No specific programs at moment, but open to anything to improve team dynamics.
- In charge of managing several programs solely.
- Would like to lock the current programs to a clear idea as to where they are going and who is in charge.
Question 9 asked: There is a clear delineation of duties within the organization.
The rating was a 3.6 overall and the following four comments were left as suggestions:
- Clear duties are established, however, there are times when unexpected "priorities" are presented that effects pre-established duties.
Data Entry
Q1. What is your current rank? |
Response Rate |
Response Percent |
E-1 - E-4 |
6 |
37.50% |
E-5 - E-9 |
8 |
50.00% |
O-1 - O-4 |
1 |
6.25% |
O-5 - O-9 |
0 |
0.00% |
Civilian |
1 |
6.25% |
Q2. How long have you been working at the agency? |
Response Rate |
Response Percent |
less than a year |
4 |
25.00% |
1-2 years |
2 |
12.50% |
2-3 years |
8 |
50.00% |
3-4 years |
2 |
12.50% |
4 years + |
0 |
0.00% |
Q3. How satisfied are you with your job? |
Response Rate |
Response Percent |
Very Dissatisfied |
2 |
12.50% |
Dissatisfied |
2 |
12.50% |
Neither Dissatisfied Nor Satisfied |
3 |
18.75% |
Satisfied |
5 |
31.25% |
Very Satisfied |
4 |
25.00% |
Q4. How satisfied are you with the information you receive from management on what is going on in your division? |
Response Rate |
Response Percent |
Very Dissatisfied |
0 |
0.00% |
Dissatisfied |
3 |
18.75% |
Neither Dissatisfied Nor Satisfied |
3 |
18.75% |
Satisfied |
7 |
43.75% |
Very Satisfied |
3 |
18.75% |
Q5. The agency does a good job of keeping employees informed about the matters that affects us. |
Response Rate |
Response Percent |
Strongly Disagree |
0 |
0.00% |
Disagree |
3 |
18.75% |
Neither Disagree Nor Agree |
0 |
0.00% |
Agree |
9 |
56.25% |
Strongly Agree |
4 |
25.00% |
Q6. My job makes a difference in the lives of others and/or for the Air Force |
Response Rate |
Response Percent |
Strongly Disagree |
1 |
6.25% |
Disagree |
3 |
18.75% |
Neither Disagree Nor Agree |
5 |
31.25% |
Agree |
4 |
25.00% |
Strongly Agree |
3 |
18.75% |
Q7. My position in the agency makes good use of my skills and abilities. |
Response Rate |
Response Percent |
Strongly Disagree |
4 |
25.00% |
Disagree |
2 |
12.50% |
Neither Disagree Nor Agree |
3 |
18.75% |
Agree |
4 |
25.00% |
Strongly Agree |
3 |
18.75% |
Q8. How flexible is the agency with respect to your personal/family responsibilities? |
Response Rate |
Response Percent |
Very Inflexible |
0 |
0.00% |
Inflexible |
1 |
6.25% |
Neither Inflexible Nor Flexible |
1 |
6.25% |
Flexible |
3 |
18.75% |
Very Flexible |
11 |
68.75% |
You should have 10 questions.
“How flexible is the agency with respect to your personal/family responsibilities.” The responses to this question shifted to one side of the scale. A majority of the respondents agreed that the agency is very flexible to personal/family responsibilities. 68.75% very flexible and 18.75% flexible. The median of the responses is 5, which is very flexible.
After reviewing the approaches to conceptual level analysis I decided to analyze using similar scale questions.
Conceptual Level Analysis Using Similar Scale Questions |
Similar Scale Questions -Table 1 |
Mean |
Rank |
8. How flexible is the agency with respect to your personal/family responsibilities? |
4.5 |
1 |
5. The agency does a good job of keeping employees informed about the matters that affects us. |
3.88 |
2 |
4. How satisfied are you with the information you receive from management on what is going on in your division? |
3.63 |
3 |
Similar Scale Questions - Table 2 |
Mean |
Rank |
3. How satisfied are you with your job? |
3.44 |
1 |
6. My job makes a difference in the lives of others and/or for the Air Force |
3.31 |
2 |
7. My position in the agency makes good use of my skills and abilities. |
3 |
3 |
Response Patterns
For the conceptual level analysis I ranked similar questions as I felt this type of analysis applied to my survey questions the most. For the sake of this measurement, since 3 is completely neutral 3.5 would be the difference between positive and negative. It appears for the most part the results of the questions involving the agencies leadership are positive. The mean of the responses are all above 3.5, which is higher than neutral, or positive. On the questions that consider job and position the mean are below 3.5, or negative.
For the most part the opinions of the participants in my survey varied across the agency. If I were able to do smaller surveys on each individual section I bet I could get similar answers from each section in the agency. While there were differences of opinions on most of the questions there was one question in particular that most people agreed on. This was the question about the flexibility of the agency when it comes to personal responsibilities. The consensus was that not only is the agency flexible but most agreed that it was very flexible when it comes to family and personal matters.
I couldn’t help but notice that not everyone opted to write in ideas to improve the agency or brought up any issues that I may have left out. I actually got more write-in responses than I expected but it would have been nice to see more. It would also help to know why they didn’t write any comments.
Write-in Comments
As required for the survey, two of the job satisfaction questions ask for specific or additional comments. Question numbers nine and ten leave space for comments after the questions.
Question 9 asks: “What ideas do you think will improve the agency? Please list 1-3 ideas.” Twelve respondents gave 1-3 ideas and four respondents completely skipped the idea boxes. The ideas are listed here:
- “More interaction between different sections”
- “Better communication”
- “More training”
- “Consistency on direction of section”
- “Funding priorities in certain programs”
- “Improvement on Management”
- “Shut the agency down”
- “Send the agency back to DMA”
- “Fill the empty slots”
- “Deploy us at the rate the rest of PA deploys”
- “Change the location”
- “Shorter time required at the agency”
- “More events inclusive of family members”
- “We are a FOA not a wing and we need to act like it”
- “Less micro management”
- “Clear, concise ideas on what the end goal is”
- “Burn the office to the ground”
- “Give our jobs back to the Pentagon”
- “Send only experienced Airmen to the agency”
- “Allow members to do honor guard, FTAC and other special duties”
- “Shut it down”
- “Telecommuting”
- “Provide more in-house training especially of regular PA duties”
- “Use civilains instead of Airmen in Mrs. Hus section”
- “Improve Website”
- “Actual working wireless internet”
- “Bulldoze the remains”
- “Bring back AF News”
- “Alternate Schedules”
Question 10 asks: “What other issues, if any, need to be addressed in the agency?” Ten respondents chose not to write anything. I received 6 responses, two stating none or not applicable and four actual written responses. The four responses are:
- “I haven’t been here very long, and I’ve been in only one section. So, I’m not sure about the agency as a whole. As for my section, we run pretty efficiently due to the cooperation of the people that make up my section.”
- “Why we exist, no one knows.”
- “The military folks tour time should be longer than 3 years. By the time they get proficient at their job in the agency they get orders and PCS. This makes it really difficult for us that have been here and will be here for a while. We invest a lot of time into training.”
- “I think our biggest issue is that we are ran by civilians so there is almost no military structure.”
I often wonder how honest people are when filling out these types of surveys. After my coworkers completed the survey some of them asked me if I received their response. When I told them I didn’t know because everyone was labeled as respondent some of them were surprised at how anonymous it was. I know that any time I have filled out a similar survey I based my answers off of who was going to see them. If I was disgruntled and I wanted change I would write unfiltered answers but when our career field was deciding who to keep and who to release I answered my questions using the words to show how much I wanted to stay in my job and in the military. I realize I am not the only one who considers the repercussions while completing something like this.
One unique thing I considered while looking over these responses is the military rank structure. Those that outrank me might not want me seeing them “talk bad about leadership” or answer negatively on these questions, even if it was honest. The military is big on perception and rank. Higher ranking should never vent down the chain of command. If I am right in considering this then those that were the most honest with me would be the Airmen that I outrank and those holding that same rank as me.
SurveyMonkey, (last visited [May 31, 2014])
Qualtrics, (last visited [May 31, 2014])
Church, A. & Waclawski, J. (1998). Organizational surveys: A seven-step process. England: Gower Publishing Limited. |
My position in the agency makes good use of my skills and abilities
Response Rate Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Disagree Nor Agree Agree Strongly Agree 4.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 Response Percent Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Disagree Nor Agree Agree Strongly Agree 0.25 0.125 0.1875 0.25 0.1875
How flexible is the agency with personal/family responsibilities
Response Rate Very Inflexible Inflexible Neither Inflexible Nor Flexible Flexible Very Flexible 0.0 1.0 1.0 3. 0 11.0 Response Percent Very Inflexible Inflexible Neither Inflexible Nor Flexible Flexible Very Flexible 0.0 0.0625 0.0625 0.1875 0.6875

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