RESPOND to the following TEN Textbook Exercise questions:
· Ch. 11: Exercise 18 Justify your response.
· Ch. 12: Exercise 13 Justify your response.
· Ch. 13: Exercises 11 "Compare" means state whether one "greater than," "less than," or "equal to" the other. Explain why.
· Ch. 13: Exercise 14 Justify your response.
· Ch. 14: Exercise 19
· Ch. 15: Exercise 28
· Ch. 16: Exercise 6
· Ch. 17: Exercise 44 Review Ch 17 "Energy and Changes of Phase." Do not refer to clouds in your response.
· Ch. 18: Exercise 11
· Ch. 18: Exercise 36 Review Ch 18 "Entropy."
SHOW WORK. Include formulas and math, OR write explanations in complete sentences. Points are earned for correct explanations. Correct answers with no explanation or faulty explanations will earn zero points.
No credit will be earned for completing an unassigned Textbook questions.
Chapter 11
18. If two protons and two neutrons are removed from the nucleus of an oxygen atom, what nucleus remains?
Chapter 12
13. Which has more mass, a liter of ice or a liter of water?
Chapter 13
11. How does water pressure 1 m beneath the surface of a lake compare with water pressure 1 m beneath the surface of a swimming pool?
14. A block of aluminum with a volume of is placed in a beaker of water filled to the brim. Water overflows. The same is done in another beaker with a 10- block of lead. Does the lead displace more, less, or the same amount of water?
Chapter 14
19. If you could somehow replace the mercury in a mercury barometer with a denser liquid, would the height of the liquid column be greater than or less than the height of the mercury? Why?
Chapter 15
28. Desert sand is very hot in the day and very cool at night. What does this indicate about its specific heat capacity?
Chapter 16
6. If you hold one end of a piece of metal against a piece of ice, the end in your hand soon becomes cold. Does cold flow from the ice to your hand? Explain.
Chapter 17
44. People who live where snowfall is common will tell you that air temperatures are higher when it’s snowing than when it’s clear. Some misinterpret this by stating that snowfall can’t occur on very cold days. Explain this misinterpretation.
Chapter 18
11. What happens to the gas pressure within a sealed gallon can when it is heated? When it is cooled? Why?
36. Is the total energy of the universe becoming more unavailable with time? Explain.
Assignment Details and Rubric
You are the executive manager of a business. It has come to your attention that some of your employees have not been accurately reporting their actual hours worked on their submitted time sheets. You will correct this issue going forward with a formal control system. Following the four steps of a formal control system, write the section of your employee handbook that consists of the standard which details how employees are to properly request leave and report time worked, followed by the other three steps, detailing the proper implementation of a formal control system suitable to this situation.
Please see the rubric below for complete instructions and details.
Minimum Submission Requirements:
● Your Assessment should be at least 2 full double-spaced pages in length, using size 12-point font in Word. ● Be sure your paper is well written in paragraph form, with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. ● Be sure to name your file according to the following Kaplan file-naming convention:
username_homework_unit#.doc (username is your Kaplan username). ● You may use external sources in addition to the required module readings. Cite any external sources used. ● Your paper must be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style,
grammar, and mechanics. ● Your paper should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose. ● Your writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful.
Plagiarism is an act of academic dishonesty. It violates the university’s honor code, and the offense is subject to disciplinary action. You are expected to be the sole author of your work. Use of another person's work or ideas must be accompanied by specific citations and references. Whether the action is intentional or not, it still constitutes plagiarism.
For more information on Kaplan University’s plagiarism policy, refer to the current Kaplan University Catalog.
AB140 Unit 6 Grading Rubric Percentage Possible Points
Content, Focus, Use of Text and Research:
Identified and discussed each of the four steps in the formal
control process as it relates to the scenario. 50% 20
Analysis and Critical Thinking:
Responses demonstrated critical thinking and analysis and
exhibited application of information.
30% 12
Spelling, Grammar, and Format:
Clear business writing. Spelling and grammar are
Formatting follows instructions.
20% 8
Total 100% 40

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