PCN-605 Case Study: Johnny

Johnny is a 9 y/o boy brought to the emergency room where you are employed as a crisis therapist. The patient was transported by a crisis mobile team who was called by the school. The evaluation by the ER physician as well as the urine drug screen is unremarkable: there are no acute or chronic concerns with this patient. In the chart you note the DSM-5 Parent/Guardian-Rated Level 1 Cross-Cutting Symptom Measure—Child Age 6–17 form completed by the mother (attached). Admission paperwork identifies that Johnny has had numerous visits to the principal’s office in the past year, all triggered by various disruptive behaviors. Today’s crisis started when Johnny refused to follow directions regarding an in-class assignment. When the teacher attempted to redirect his behavior things escalated rapidly: Johnny yelled at the teacher, cursed at him using vulgar language, and when the teacher grabbed him by the shoulders to take him to the principal’s office Johnny impulsively stabbed the teacher in the arm with a pencil he was clenching in his hand. Johnny was escorted to the principal’s office who immediately called the police and Johnny’s parents. The police officer was compelled to contact the county crisis hotline who dispatched a crisis mobile team. The crisis clinicians made the determination that Johnny is a danger to others and he must be taken immediately to the nearest emergency room for emergency psychiatric evaluation. Johnny has refused to speak to the ER physician or his nurse. You gather most of your clinical information from his mother who is at the bedside. Johnny’s mother reports that he has always been a clever, charming, and very playful boy. She informed that for the past year Johnny has been increasingly stubborn, repeatedly challenging his mother’s and his teacher’s authority when compliance with home and or classroom rules is required. Johnny used to an A+ student. For the past year however he has been averaging B’s in most subjects, grades which he earned effortlessly. His mother repeatedly assures you that his drop in grades is not due to lack of intellectual ability but rather because Johnny prefers play over any type of work. His mother denies any changes in sleep, appetite, or any mood fluctuations. Mom reports that Johnny is a healthy and happy boy who is interested in sports, the outdoors, and in videogames and that he wishes to become a software engineer when he grows up. She reports that the school counselor has mentioned that Johnny may be suffering from ADHD or even bipolar disorder. The thought of these diagnoses appear very disturbing to Johnny’s mom. She rapidly assures you that she has not observed Johnny to ever struggle with depression, or distractibility, and reports that he has always been a good sleeper. She reports that Johnny has never made any statements amounting to thoughts or impulses to harm self or others. Johnny’s mother presents shaken by today’s events and she assures you that she will seek any treatment you recommend. At this time Johnny looks up at you and with tears in his eyes he states that he did not mean to stab his teacher explaining that he just got mad when he grabbed him. Johnny’s mother listens then states that while he obeys her most of the times, he has always been obedient to his father who is a traveling salesman. In fact, Johnny has never challenged his father and on the weekends when he is around, Johnny manages to catch up with his schoolwork in record time and enjoy spending most of his time with his father.


1. Connor, D. F. (2011). Problems of Overdiagnosis and Overprescribing in ADHD: Are The Legitimate?. Psychiatric Times, 28(8), 14-18.

2. Biederman, J. (2012). Is ADHD Overdiagnosed in Scandinavia? Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 126(2), 85-86. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0447.2012.01878.x

3. Mota-Castillo, M. (2007, July). The Crisis of Overdiagnosed ADHD in Children. Psychiatric Times. pp. 12-13.

4. Fontanella, C., Hiance, D., Phillips, G., Bridge, J., & Campo, J. (2014). Trends in Psychotropic Medication Use for Medicaid-Enrolled Preschool Children. Journal Of Child & Family Studies, 23(4), 617-631. doi:10.1007/s10826-013-9761-y

5. Brod, M., Pohlman, B., Lasser, R., & Hodgkins, P. (2012). Comparison of the burden of illness for adults with ADHD across seven countries: a qualitative study. Health & Quality Of Life Outcomes, 10(1), 47-63. doi:10.1186/1477-7525-10-47

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© 2015. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.


Order ID Order Date Dispensed Pharmacy Rep Dispensed Region Dispensed State Dispensed Zip Code Drug Dosage Form Drug Name Drug Route Drug Supplier Market Segment TableauCeuticalSales Market Penetration % Discount Product Base Margin Market Size Rx Dollars Rx Profit Rx Quantity Unit Price
290 1/1/07 0:00 Dorris Love South North Carolina 28717 Ointment Albalon Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.36 188.73 188.73 -32.48 24 7.64
59232 1/1/07 0:00 Robert Waldorf South Virginia 23018 Ointment Propranolol Hydrochloride Intensol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.4 725.43 725.43 245.97 23 30.98
1028 1/1/07 0:00 Matt Collins Central Michigan 48001 Concentrate Amantadine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,021.15 100% 0.01 0.59 2,021.15 2,021.15 -60.39 11 205.99
57253 1/1/07 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Concentrate Alimta Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,750.11 100% 0.04 0.55 2,750.11 2,750.11 667.449 25 125.99
1028 1/1/07 0:00 Matt Collins Central Michigan 48001 Suppository Tavist-D Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 165.75 100% 0.03 0.4 165.75 165.75 -28.46 6 28.48
57253 1/1/07 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Syrup Cu-7 Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 12,635.75 100% 0.07 0.8 12,635.75 12,635.75 -335.24 48 279.48
57253 1/1/07 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Lotion Claritin-D Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 78.08 100% 0.08 0.52 78.08 78.08 1.74 43 1.81
57253 1/1/07 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Syrup Corzide Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 653.54 100% 0.06 0.78 653.54 653.54 -1,358.90 29 20.98
57253 1/1/07 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Tablet Caffeine Citrate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 240.3 100% 0.08 0.36 240.3 240.3 -154.6175 49 4.91
32418 1/1/07 0:00 Marina Lichtenstein Central Michigan 49642 Capsule Piperacillin And Tazobactam Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,244.19 100% 0.08 0.55 1,244.19 1,244.19 -131.31 5 243.98
13729 1/2/07 0:00 Matt Collister West Idaho 83877 Syrup Aminosyn 8.5% W/ Electrolytes Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.82 872.48 872.48 -342.91 9 95.99
28774 1/2/07 0:00 Jessica Myrick Central Wisconsin 53081 Syrup Zanaflex Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.68 180.36 180.36 -111.8 32 5.98
44069 1/3/07 0:00 Elizabeth Moffitt East Connecticut 6928 Ointment Dilaudid Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 614.8 100% 0.08 0.39 614.8 614.8 247.79 43 15.04
44069 1/3/07 0:00 Elizabeth Moffitt East Connecticut 6928 Ointment Erythromycin Stearate Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 137.63 100% 0.09 0.4 137.63 137.63 26.71 16 9.11
9285 1/3/07 0:00 David Philippe East New York 14210 Tablet Dextrose 7.7% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 124.81 100% 0.06 0.36 124.81 124.81 -11.937 3 40.98
37537 1/3/07 0:00 Alan Schoenberger West Colorado 80001 Syrup Isovue-300 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 4,902.38 100% 0.05 0.59 4,902.38 4,902.38 1,438.49 32 155.06
37537 1/3/07 0:00 Alan Schoenberger West Colorado 80001 Capsule Permax Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,239.06 100% 0 0.56 1,239.06 1,239.06 -193.08 4 291.73
37537 1/3/07 0:00 Alan Schoenberger West Colorado 80001 Capsule Potassium Chloride 0.11% In Dextrose 10% And Sodium Chloride 0.2% In Plastic Container Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,083.19 100% 0.07 0.69 4,083.19 4,083.19 -1,049.85 43 100.98
7909 1/4/07 0:00 Alex Russell South South Carolina 29808 Gel Iopamidol-300 In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.44 122.23 122.23 24.55 29 4.26
40354 1/4/07 0:00 Patrick Jones South Alabama 36344 Tablet Dexacen-4 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 172.51 172.51 12.5545 29 5.58
9762 1/4/07 0:00 Larry Tron South Virginia 24157 For Solution Amifostine Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.78 262.76 262.76 -146.05 12 20.98
40354 1/4/07 0:00 Patrick Jones South Alabama 36344 Spray Fludarabine Phosphate Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.09 0.64 698 698 -93.16 4 212.6
30016 1/4/07 0:00 Bill Donatelli East New York 14925 Concentrate Choloxin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 754.6555 100% 0.01 0.57 754.6555 754.6555 -212.553 8 110.99
9637 1/4/07 0:00 Andy Reiter South Maryland 20601 Cream Zinc Bacitracin,Neomycin Sulfate,Polymyxin B Sulfate & Hydrocortisone Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 28,359.40 100% 0.05 0.37 28,359.40 28,359.40 14,440.39 49 574.74
9637 1/4/07 0:00 Andy Reiter South Maryland 20601 Suppository Meti-Derm Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 522.49 100% 0.08 0.66 522.49 522.49 -236.43 12 43.22
11972 1/4/07 0:00 Ann Steele West Idaho 83810 Cream Voltaren-Xr Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 896.49 100% 0 0.59 896.49 896.49 -519.85 4 213.45
30016 1/4/07 0:00 Bill Donatelli East New York 14925 Ointment Ibu-Tab 200 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 85.56 100% 0.03 0.4 85.56 85.56 -41.58 15 5.28
9637 1/4/07 0:00 Andy Reiter South Maryland 20601 Ointment Casodex Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 123.76 100% 0.04 0.36 123.76 123.76 32.44 12 10.14
49730 1/5/07 0:00 Dave Hallsten Central Texas 78702 Capsule Urovist Meglumine Diu/Ct Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.61 1,039.56 1,039.56 -394.69 3 350.98
8710 1/5/07 0:00 Tamara Dahlen East Delaware 19936 Ointment Abilify Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 151.35 100% 0.07 0.35 151.35 151.35 8.33 42 3.71
8710 1/5/07 0:00 Tamara Dahlen East Delaware 19936 Tablet Grifulvin V Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 63.34 100% 0.03 0.4 63.34 63.34 -76.015 17 3.36
52386 1/6/07 0:00 Susan Vittorini East New Jersey 7837 Cream Glumetza Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.38 700.73 700.73 -216.76 6 120.97
28451 1/6/07 0:00 Craig Molinari Central Texas 88595 Cream Vivitrol Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0 0.56 4,913.70 4,913.70 1,054.93 33 145.45
28451 1/6/07 0:00 Craig Molinari Central Texas 88595 Syrup Coreg Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.84 325.46 325.46 -403.74 14 20.34
28451 1/6/07 0:00 Craig Molinari Central Texas 88595 Syrup Apidra Intramuscular Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.65 2,165.06 2,165.06 -617.72 6 370.98
25601 1/6/07 0:00 Valerie Dominguez Central Ohio 45999 Syrup Zanaflex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 257.41 100% 0.09 0.68 257.41 257.41 -131.08 43 5.98
23488 1/7/07 0:00 Julia Barnett South Florida 32119 Gel Trilyte Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.56 101.77 101.77 -73.19 29 3.28
23488 1/7/07 0:00 Julia West East Massachusetts 2139 Injectable Alli Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.62 26,133.39 26,133.39 -11,053.60 30 880.98
48226 1/7/07 0:00 Corey Roper West Washington 98103 Injectable Fondaparinux Sodium Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.62 2,357.45 2,357.45 -108.8 23 100.98
16961 1/7/07 0:00 Tracy Collins Central Illinois 62924 Suppository Dilantin-125 Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 46.86 100% 0.06 0.51 46.86 46.86 -37.08 27 1.7
14274 1/7/07 0:00 Craig Leslie West Idaho 83465 Concentrate Betamethasone Acetate And Betamethasone Sodium Phosphate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 61.7185 100% 0.03 0.55 61.7185 61.7185 -164.043 2 35.99
41094 1/7/07 0:00 Maribeth Schnelling Central Illinois 62924 Syrup Coreg Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 159.05 100% 0.05 0.84 159.05 159.05 -153.46 6 20.34
16961 1/7/07 0:00 Tracy Collins Central Illinois 62924 Ointment Eryzole Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,089.59 100% 0.01 0.4 1,089.59 1,089.59 433.24 34 30.98
41094 1/7/07 0:00 Maribeth Schnelling Central Illinois 62924 Ointment Hy-Pam "25" Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 298.97 100% 0.09 0.37 298.97 298.97 -225.86 46 6.48
16770 1/7/07 0:00 Muhammed Yedwab East New York 14709 Gel Amnesteem Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 37.06 100% 0.03 0.57 37.06 37.06 0.61 17 2.1
6854 1/7/07 0:00 Victor Price South North Carolina 27114 Tablet Norditropin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 22.13 100% 0.07 0.35 22.13 22.13 -2.392 1 7.68
14274 1/7/07 0:00 Craig Leslie West Idaho 83465 Syrup Levalbuterol Hydrochloride Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,413.89 100% 0.01 0.58 1,413.89 1,413.89 -40.72 46 28.28
6854 1/7/07 0:00 Victor Price South North Carolina 27114 For Solution Mydriafair Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 129.84 100% 0.05 0.37 129.84 129.84 2.39 19 6.64
14274 1/7/07 0:00 Craig Leslie West Idaho 83465 Capsule Tropicacyl Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,674.08 100% 0.01 0.74 3,674.08 3,674.08 112.44 23 150.98
3073 1/8/07 0:00 Jasper Cacioppo South North Carolina 27801 Cream Zofran Preservative Free Delayed Release Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.39 45,923.76 45,923.76 102.61 7 6,783.02
3073 1/8/07 0:00 Jasper Cacioppo South North Carolina 27801 Suspension Gencept 10/11-21 Delayed Release Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.41 2,119.67 2,119.67 -2,314.74 3 699.99
3073 1/8/07 0:00 Jasper Cacioppo South North Carolina 27801 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.2% And Potassium Chloride 20Meq (K) Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.4 10.58 10.58 -11.5805 3 1.98
32295 1/8/07 0:00 Pauline Chand East Connecticut 6439 Concentrate Primacor Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.07 0.58 607.597 607.597 -112.244 11 65.99
33923 1/8/07 0:00 Benjamin Venier South Maryland 21794 Concentrate Primacor Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.58 1,961.79 1,961.79 425.754 34 65.99
18405 1/8/07 0:00 George Ashbrook East Delaware 19934 Suppository Rubramin Pc Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 158.04 100% 0.03 0.65 158.04 158.04 -263.09 2 73.98
40704 1/8/07 0:00 Julie Kriz Central Illinois 62444 Gel Tolectin 600 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 11.57 100% 0.01 0.56 11.57 11.57 -2.06 6 1.76
43909 1/8/07 0:00 Chloris Kastensmidt East New York 14210 Tablet Neomycin Sulfate, Polymyxin B Sulfate & Hydrocortisone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 737.25 100% 0.08 0.37 737.25 737.25 -199.134 46 15.99
18405 1/8/07 0:00 George Ashbrook East Delaware 19934 Tablet Accuneb Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 610.65 100% 0.09 0.37 610.65 610.65 60.2735 30 20.98
30083 1/9/07 0:00 Luke Schmidt South Florida 32122 Solution Bucet Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.58 324.28 324.28 20.43 23 14.56
4193 1/9/07 0:00 Sandra Flanagan West Utah 84791 Suspension/Drops Copegus Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.39 64.29 64.29 14.42 16 4.13
4193 1/9/07 0:00 Sandra Flanagan West Utah 84791 For Solution Medrol Acetate Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.44 75.77 75.77 64.25 3 22.72
7203 1/9/07 0:00 Ruben Dartt East New York 10457 Tablet Naquival Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 21,752.01 100% 0.03 0.38 21,752.01 21,752.01 9,296.35 25 896.99
18561 1/10/07 0:00 Joni Blumstein East Connecticut 6817 Suspension/Drops Clinisol 15% Sulfite Free In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.39 45.87 45.87 -38.9 9 4.13
40097 1/10/07 0:00 Olvera Toch West Colorado 80621 Gel Advair Diskus 500/50 Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.58 117.88 117.88 -71 47 2.6
31715 1/10/07 0:00 Mark Haberlin West Colorado 81124 Gel Triacort Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.56 145.19 145.19 -116.87 44 3.28
31715 1/10/07 0:00 Mark Haberlin West Colorado 81124 Gel Triavil 4-25 Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.59 64.11 64.11 -4.09 24 2.78
31715 1/10/07 0:00 Mark Haberlin West Colorado 81124 Tablet Calciparine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.36 68.5 68.5 -53.8545 11 5.38
47138 1/10/07 0:00 Benjamin Patterson West Arizona 85301 Concentrate Subutex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 107.95 100% 0.04 0.59 107.95 107.95 -506.308 1 125.99
8576 1/10/07 0:00 Cynthia Voltz South Maryland 20601 Gel Estrogenic Substance Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 541.45 100% 0 0.59 541.45 541.45 -164.25 43 11.66
58343 1/10/07 0:00 Yana Sorensen West California 93456 Lotion Captopril Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 121.87 100% 0.07 0.4 121.87 121.87 11.32 39 3.29
28290 1/11/07 0:00 Maria Bertelson East New Jersey 7001 Suppository Methylergonovine Maleate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.74 1,307.35 1,307.35 -154.24 43 30.42
28290 1/11/07 0:00 Maria Bertelson East New Jersey 7001 Syrup Mirena Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.66 523.58 523.58 -179.36 3 161.55
33988 1/11/07 0:00 Rob Haberlin Central Michigan 49877 Suppository Ravocaine And Novocain W/ Levophed Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 164.78 100% 0 0.79 164.78 164.78 -128.47 30 5.02
20037 1/11/07 0:00 Michelle Moray South Virginia 23970 Cream Votrient Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 15,137.11 100% 0.03 0.57 15,137.11 15,137.11 4,913.16 49 297.64
28999 1/11/07 0:00 Giulietta Dortch South Georgia 39901 Suppository Rela Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,177.50 100% 0.02 0.45 1,177.50 1,177.50 420.05 34 33.98
31553 1/11/07 0:00 Sean Wendt East Massachusetts 1059 Solution/Drops Thyroglobulin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 4,906.85 100% 0.09 0.39 4,906.85 4,906.85 1,907.94 32 162.93
55367 1/11/07 0:00 Kristina Nunn West Arizona 86409 Gel Tirosint Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 571.17 100% 0.05 0.55 571.17 571.17 129.87 48 11.55
14596 1/11/07 0:00 Darren Powers West Utah 84741 Gel Triacort Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 63.14 100% 0.06 0.56 63.14 63.14 -53.75 19 3.28
44391 1/11/07 0:00 Ann Steele West Idaho 83810 Ointment Heparin Sodium 12,500 Units In Sodium Chloride 0.9% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 112.81 100% 0.02 0.37 112.81 112.81 -85.23 16 6.48
20037 1/11/07 0:00 Michelle Moray South Virginia 23970 For Solution Inpersol-Zm W/ Dextrose 4.25% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,009.42 100% 0.02 0.42 1,009.42 1,009.42 339.58 35 29.18
14596 1/11/07 0:00 Darren Powers West Utah 84741 For Solution Isolyte M W/ Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 199.12 100% 0.01 0.43 199.12 199.12 73.33 24 8.34
55367 1/11/07 0:00 Kristina Nunn West Arizona 86409 Injectable Polyethylene Glycol 3350 And Electrolytes Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,137.10 100% 0.05 0.56 2,137.10 2,137.10 -686.01 31 70.98
33797 1/12/07 0:00 Bradley Drucker West Washington 99403 Cream Votrient Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.08 0.57 4,531.34 4,531.34 653.68 20 297.64
33797 1/12/07 0:00 Bradley Drucker West Washington 99403 Solution Peg-Lyte Injection Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.52 262.94 262.94 -22.37 18 14.42
33797 1/12/07 0:00 Bradley Drucker West Washington 99403 Ointment Edarbi Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.36 216.87 216.87 30.53 18 11.34
33797 1/12/07 0:00 Bradley Drucker West Washington 99403 For Solution Cyanocobalamin Delayed Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.73 574.5 574.5 -449.04 44 12.99
33797 1/12/07 0:00 Bradley Drucker West Washington 99403 For Solution Lax-Lyte With Flavor Packs Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.49 138.17 138.17 -103.78 29 4.14
21830 1/12/07 0:00 Andy Gerbode Central Texas 88595 Cream Vaprisol In 5% Dextrose In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Animal 6,991.65 100% 0.08 0.56 6,991.65 6,991.65 906.8 19 399.98
19655 1/12/07 0:00 Alan Barnes Central Michigan 48001 Suppository Dextrose 5% In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,143.45 100% 0.06 0.51 1,143.45 1,143.45 304.42 31 39.24
7461 1/13/07 0:00 Greg Matthias West Washington 98601 Lotion Flecainide Acetate Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.83 90.35 90.35 -16.72 44 1.98
7461 1/13/07 0:00 Greg Matthias West Washington 98601 Solution/Drops Acephen Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.38 260.79 260.79 111.4 28 8.74
7461 1/13/07 0:00 Greg Matthias West Washington 98601 Capsule Oleptro Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.55 4,080.30 4,080.30 593.79 12 350.99
27813 1/13/07 0:00 Liz Price West Arizona 85234 Suppository Clindamycin Phosphate In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 401.14 100% 0.1 0.74 401.14 401.14 -131.03 10 40.98
20549 1/13/07 0:00 Cindy Schnelling South Alabama 36032 Syrup Minoxidil (For Women) Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,030.09 100% 0.09 0.67 1,030.09 1,030.09 -568.71 40 27.75
43362 1/13/07 0:00 Rick Reed West Idaho 83555 Gel Ablavar Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 58.48 100% 0.04 0.35 58.48 58.48 2.72 33 1.68
37862 1/13/07 0:00 Guy Thornton West New Mexico 87001 Solution Docetaxel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,603.27 100% 0.01 0.57 1,603.27 1,603.27 452.49 27 59.98
43362 1/13/07 0:00 Rick Reed West Idaho 83555 Capsule Urovist Meglumine Diu/Ct Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 15,963.09 100% 0.03 0.61 15,963.09 15,963.09 4,276.73 45 350.98
51623 1/14/07 0:00 Michelle Huthwaite West Idaho 83552 For Solution Locoid Lipocream Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.43 39.23 39.23 -66.58 17 2.08
13602 1/14/07 0:00 Brian Stugart East Connecticut 6928 Cream Vivitrol Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 445.34 100% 0.03 0.56 445.34 445.34 -434.37 3 145.45
25541 1/14/07 0:00 Mike Gockenbach Central Wisconsin 53235 Ointment Esmolol Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 297.76 100% 0.07 0.36 297.76 297.76 -111.34 50 5.98
13602 1/14/07 0:00 Brian Stugart East Connecticut 6928 Ointment Etodolac Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 660.99 100% 0.02 0.37 660.99 660.99 267.67 13 48.04
8325 1/15/07 0:00 Jennifer Patt South Florida 32099 Cream Paracort Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.4 2,364.29 2,364.29 -252.93 21 115.99
8325 1/15/07 0:00 Jennifer Patt South Florida 32099 Gel Trazodone Hydrochloride Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.56 112.57 112.57 13.92 27 4.28
34691 1/15/07 0:00 Clytie Kelty South South Carolina 29001 Cream Vanos Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.56 7,202.94 7,202.94 1,425.11 23 306.14
30567 1/15/07 0:00 Toby Swindell South Florida 32046 Gel Trazodone Hydrochloride Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.56 62.6 62.6 7.32 14 4.28
30567 1/15/07 0:00 Toby Swindell South Florida 32046 Solution Adderall Xr 15 Intramuscular Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.58 2,690.84 2,690.84 -368.02 14 208.16
30567 1/15/07 0:00 Toby Swindell South Florida 32046 Solution/Drops Depakote Er Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.4 733.55 733.55 103.13 8 90.48
34691 1/15/07 0:00 Clytie Kelty South South Carolina 29001 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.22% In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.58 217.68 217.68 -168.75 27 7.77
34691 1/15/07 0:00 Clytie Kelty South South Carolina 29001 Ointment Flovent Hfa Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.37 245.82 245.82 -7.39 13 18.97
30567 1/15/07 0:00 Toby Swindell South Florida 32046 For Solution Ilotycin Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.01 0.45 38.71 38.71 23 3 9.48
43911 1/15/07 0:00 Tamara Manning South South Carolina 29808 Cream Vistaril Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 9,920.85 100% 0 0.58 9,920.85 9,920.85 2,685.19 36 264.98
43911 1/15/07 0:00 Tamara Manning South South Carolina 29808 For Solution Clomipramine Hydrochloride Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 577.89 100% 0.06 0.6 577.89 577.89 -53.89 29 19.99
43911 1/15/07 0:00 Tamara Manning South South Carolina 29808 Capsule Pfizer-E Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 7,484.31 100% 0.06 0.57 7,484.31 7,484.31 1,278.45 23 320.98
6884 1/16/07 0:00 Skye Norling East New Jersey 7010 Ointment Clistin Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.39 296.13 296.13 119.09 47 6.35
6884 1/16/07 0:00 Skye Norling East New Jersey 7010 Ointment Ortho-Novum 1/50 21 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.36 217 217 -61.21 41 4.98
12676 1/16/07 0:00 Jennifer Jackson East New Jersey 7514 For Solution Amphetamine Sulfate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.49 201.06 201.06 -80.86 25 8.09
48773 1/16/07 0:00 Amy Cox West Washington 98625 Ointment Duo-Medihaler Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.38 51.27 51.27 3.27 7 7.04
22243 1/16/07 0:00 Amy Hunt Central Texas 73301 Gel Travasol 4.25% Sulfite Free W/ Electrolytes In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 24.76 100% 0.09 0.56 24.76 24.76 -1.82 9 2.88
37729 1/16/07 0:00 Giulietta Weimer West Arizona 86409 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.2% And Potassium Chloride 0.15% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 447.89 100% 0 0.38 447.89 447.89 -26.7835 48 8.6
49541 1/17/07 0:00 Joe Elijah Central Texas 77037 Syrup Mexate-Aq Preserved Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.57 503.75 503.75 16.46 35 13.43
39173 1/17/07 0:00 Jason Klamczynski Central Nebraska 69367 Lotion Children'S Claritin Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.52 76.48 76.48 3.23 36 2.18
39173 1/17/07 0:00 Jason Klamczynski Central Nebraska 69367 Spray Emgel Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.76 373.27 373.27 -316.25 2 179.29
30915 1/17/07 0:00 Xylona Price West New Mexico 88439 Concentrate Subutex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,836.05 100% 0.01 0.59 2,836.05 2,836.05 561.132 25 125.99
31781 1/17/07 0:00 Sylvia Foulston East New Jersey 7001 Lotion Claritin-D Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 78.49 100% 0.03 0.52 78.49 78.49 5.53 41 1.81
31781 1/17/07 0:00 Sylvia Foulston East New Jersey 7001 Tablet Methamphetamine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 249.02 100% 0.1 0.39 249.02 249.02 -282.6125 46 5.81
2370 1/17/07 0:00 Sanjit Jacobs West Idaho 83877 Ointment Darvon Compound Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 257.42 100% 0.01 0.4 257.42 257.42 59.18 30 8.01
30915 1/17/07 0:00 Xylona Price West New Mexico 88439 Gel Acephen Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 62.78 100% 0.04 0.57 62.78 62.78 -17.75 20 2.98
22147 1/17/07 0:00 Christina Anderson Central Texas 77474 For Solution Medrol Acetate Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 832.14 100% 0.04 0.44 832.14 832.14 175.07 37 22.72
2370 1/17/07 0:00 Sanjit Jacobs West Idaho 83877 For Solution Amantadine Hydrochloride Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 679.6 100% 0.02 0.69 679.6 679.6 -85.76 6 110.98
43620 1/18/07 0:00 Joel Eaton East New Jersey 7001 Ointment Resectisol In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.36 49.76 49.76 -0.13 11 4.2
43620 1/18/07 0:00 Joel Eaton East New Jersey 7001 Solution Penicillin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.43 196.22 196.22 -89.35 13 14.81
32868 1/18/07 0:00 Randy Ferguson South Florida 32119 Gel Exidine Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.55 1,101.28 1,101.28 200.53 39 28.15
12771 1/18/07 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 Gel Trasylol Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.59 78.08 78.08 -43.1 46 1.68
12771 1/18/07 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 Suspension/Drops Clobetasol Propionate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.39 1,143.49 1,143.49 -193.44 40 30.53
1921 1/18/07 0:00 Benjamin Venier South Maryland 21794 Solution Anhydron Intramuscular Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.57 7,871.91 7,871.91 541.47 24 328.14
18945 1/18/07 0:00 John Lee Central Texas 79080 Suppository Synalgos-Dc-A Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 528.54 100% 0.06 0.42 528.54 528.54 168.54 33 16.48
46884 1/18/07 0:00 Paul Prost South Florida 32119 Concentrate Anestacon Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 337.3395 100% 0 0.59 337.3395 337.3395 -509.938 3 125.99
46884 1/18/07 0:00 Paul Prost South Florida 32119 Gel Tirosint Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 280.43 100% 0.1 0.55 280.43 280.43 39.52 25 11.55
46884 1/18/07 0:00 Paul Prost South Florida 32119 Solution/Drops Arfonad Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 130.11 100% 0.1 0.36 130.11 130.11 40.3 18 7.64
10272 1/18/07 0:00 Katherine Ducich West Colorado 81653 Solution/Drops Depakote Er Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 299.08 100% 0.03 0.4 299.08 299.08 -50.43 3 90.48
10272 1/18/07 0:00 Katherine Ducich West Colorado 81653 Ointment Halflytely Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 566.39 100% 0.06 0.39 566.39 566.39 76.43 26 22.84
58784 1/19/07 0:00 Kristen Hastings East New Jersey 7981 Cream Clindamycin Phosphate In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 331.21 100% 0.04 0.49 331.21 331.21 -77.45 20 15.99
22118 1/19/07 0:00 Natalie Webber Central Ohio 43002 Tablet Delsym Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,842.54 100% 0.05 0.38 2,842.54 2,842.54 1,315.75 50 58.1
48199 1/19/07 0:00 Erica Bern Central Michigan 49971 Solution/Drops Actidil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 672.46 100% 0.1 0.4 672.46 672.46 279.74 47 15.74
58784 1/19/07 0:00 Kristen Hastings East New Jersey 7981 Solution/Drops Xylocaine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 141.9 100% 0.02 0.35 141.9 141.9 1.46 12 11.58
58784 1/19/07 0:00 Kristen Hastings East New Jersey 7981 Syrup Colestipol Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 278.76 100% 0.02 0.59 278.76 278.76 -210.09 17 15.51
58784 1/19/07 0:00 Kristen Hastings East New Jersey 7981 Ointment Enalaprilat Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,379.10 100% 0.06 0.38 1,379.10 1,379.10 573.8 29 48.91
58784 1/19/07 0:00 Kristen Hastings East New Jersey 7981 Capsule Oleptro Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 8,875.17 100% 0.05 0.55 8,875.17 8,875.17 2,372.08 25 350.99
20711 1/20/07 0:00 Chris Cortes South Florida 32046 Cream Oxtriphylline Oral TableauCeutical Animal 2,215.96 100% 0 0.39 2,215.96 2,215.96 -116.85 18 119.99
66 1/20/07 0:00 Arthur Gainer South North Carolina 27006 Gel Triesence Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 108.15 100% 0.09 0.56 108.15 108.15 7.57 41 2.88
20711 1/20/07 0:00 Chris Cortes South Florida 32046 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride-Hydrochlorothiazide-Reserpine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 98.66 100% 0.1 0.37 98.66 98.66 -19.52 5 18.97
16999 1/20/07 0:00 Stuart Calhoun West Utah 84337 Solution Ritodrine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,568.45 100% 0.09 0.55 3,568.45 3,568.45 1,081.62 18 207.48
44197 1/21/07 0:00 Cynthia Arntzen Central Texas 79080 Injectable Fluocinolone Acetonide Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.65 3,970.33 3,970.33 -229.79 27 140.98
38340 1/21/07 0:00 Tanja Norvell West Utah 84631 Solution Micronase Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,167.05 100% 0.02 0.57 2,167.05 2,167.05 684.9 36 60.22
49505 1/22/07 0:00 Harold Ryan East Connecticut 6928 Suppository Tekturna Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.43 335.59 335.59 85.83 34 9.78
49505 1/22/07 0:00 Harold Ryan East Connecticut 6928 Tablet Imitrex Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.35 97.74 97.74 -8.4985 12 7.84
32800 1/22/07 0:00 Larry Tron South Virginia 24157 Ointment Betamethasone Dipropionate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.37 751.94 751.94 69.08 40 19.98
32800 1/22/07 0:00 Larry Tron South Virginia 24157 Ointment Betamethasone Dipropionate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 354.13 354.13 8.79 19 19.98
32800 1/22/07 0:00 Larry Tron South Virginia 24157 Capsule Phenaphen W/ Codeine No. 3 Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.64 11,336.37 11,336.37 1,161.75 33 355.98
37638 1/22/07 0:00 Aaron Smayling Central Ohio 43001 Suspension/Drops Clinisol 15% Sulfite Free In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.39 139.98 139.98 -140.54 33 4.13
31138 1/22/07 0:00 Henry MacAllister Central Texas 77037 Spray Pletal Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.65 1,251.18 1,251.18 -1,228.28 37 31.76
52608 1/22/07 0:00 Thea Hudgings Central Illinois 62444 Gel Aminosyn Ii 3.5% In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 147.71 100% 0.05 0.52 147.71 147.71 40.04 36 3.98
58759 1/22/07 0:00 Andrew Allen Central Illinois 60001 Ointment Darvon Compound Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 33.44 100% 0.1 0.4 33.44 33.44 -6.88 4 8.01
38021 1/22/07 0:00 Rob Haberlin Central Michigan 49877 Solution Angio-Conray Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 4,407.03 100% 0.04 0.59 4,407.03 4,407.03 834.96 16 279.81
38021 1/22/07 0:00 Rob Haberlin Central Michigan 49877 Suspension/Drops Darbid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 173.22 100% 0.02 0.36 173.22 173.22 81.77 36 4.91
38021 1/22/07 0:00 Rob Haberlin Central Michigan 49877 Tablet Abstral Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,482.01 100% 0.02 0.37 1,482.01 1,482.01 709.325 46 30.44
35936 1/22/07 0:00 Roy Phan East New York 10501 Tablet Imitrex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 312.26 100% 0.08 0.35 312.26 312.26 -10.3845 41 7.84
35936 1/22/07 0:00 Roy Phan East New York 10501 For Solution Indium In-111 Oxyquinoline Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,152.55 100% 0.03 0.61 4,152.55 4,152.55 813.33 40 105.34
7815 1/23/07 0:00 Amy Hunt Central Texas 73301 Suppository Xalkori Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.75 187.37 187.37 -125.96 6 32.98
53891 1/23/07 0:00 Nathan Mautz South Alabama 35077 Concentrate Atracurium Besylate Preservative Free Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.58 2,570.94 2,570.94 553.356 25 115.99
53891 1/23/07 0:00 Nathan Mautz South Alabama 35077 Suppository Thioridazine Hydrochloride Intensol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.48 4,584.73 4,584.73 812.38 27 179.99
53891 1/23/07 0:00 Nathan Mautz South Alabama 35077 Tablet Nitrol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 562.8 562.8 -17.4455 36 15.22
13636 1/23/07 0:00 Sally Matthias East Massachusetts 2139 Injectable Alli Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.62 28,180.08 28,180.08 7,513.88 32 880.98
53891 1/23/07 0:00 Nathan Mautz South Alabama 35077 For Solution Inomax Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.67 4,039.72 4,039.72 -237.6 44 92.23
55360 1/23/07 0:00 Russell Applegate Central Illinois 62541 Suspension/Drops Curosurf Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.38 134.83 134.83 50.74 49 2.89
55360 1/23/07 0:00 Russell Applegate Central Illinois 62541 Spray Hetrazan Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.68 8,865.10 8,865.10 1,517.12 39 217.85
28225 1/23/07 0:00 Guy Phonely West California 90835 Syrup Halcion Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,160.59 100% 0.01 0.83 1,160.59 1,160.59 -330.14 13 80.98
28225 1/23/07 0:00 Khloe Miller East Massachusetts 2054 For Solution Gynorest Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 206.04 100% 0 0.47 206.04 206.04 -49.81 9 20.28
24802 1/24/07 0:00 Victoria Brennan East New York 14210 Suppository Rocaltrol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.67 1,383.20 1,383.20 -23.44 18 73.98
10661 1/24/07 0:00 Jocasta Rupert Central Nebraska 68001 Ointment Propranolol Hydrochloride Intensol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,312.65 100% 0.07 0.4 1,312.65 1,312.65 488.31 42 30.98
10661 1/24/07 0:00 Jocasta Rupert Central Nebraska 68001 Aerosol Cardioquin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 136.41 100% 0 0.58 136.41 136.41 -99.34 18 6.84
58277 1/25/07 0:00 Michael Dominguez West Colorado 81221 Solution Osmitrol 15% In Water Injection Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.5 294.68 294.68 -23.35 23 11.7
29319 1/25/07 0:00 Filia McAdams West Arizona 86556 Suspension Geodon Delayed Release Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.46 4,429.69 4,429.69 983.55 21 199.99
33025 1/25/07 0:00 Debra Catini West Colorado 80728 Solution Methergine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.58 318.31 318.31 -19.06 5 67.84
29319 1/25/07 0:00 Filia McAdams West Arizona 86556 Capsule Aminophylline Delayed Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.1 0.6 6,654.39 6,654.39 1,151.69 30 238.4
19234 1/25/07 0:00 Cynthia Delaney Central Illinois 60001 Solution Peg-Lyte Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 359.65 100% 0.01 0.52 359.65 359.65 -11.15 24 14.42
12869 1/26/07 0:00 Laurel Beltran South Florida 32046 Concentrate Aminosyn-Rf 5.2% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,532.48 100% 0.1 0.57 1,532.48 1,532.48 -42.999 15 125.99
7043 1/26/07 0:00 Giulietta Dortch South Georgia 39901 For Solution Levonorgestrel And Ethinyl Estradiol And Ethinyl Estradiol Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 11.08 100% 0.06 0.53 11.08 11.08 -8.93 4 1.74
55937 1/27/07 0:00 Stefanie Holloman South North Carolina 27010 Suppository Propoxyphene Compound-65 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.67 392.77 392.77 -146.2 10 39.98
55937 1/27/07 0:00 Stefanie Holloman South North Carolina 27010 Spray Flagyl I.V. Rtu In Plastic Container Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.06 0.74 7,332.09 7,332.09 53.79 24 376.13
24544 1/27/07 0:00 Tanja Norvell West Utah 84631 Cream Galzin Injection TableauCeutical Animal 4,587.30 100% 0.08 0.38 4,587.30 4,587.30 1,771.15 31 150.98
24544 1/27/07 0:00 Tanja Norvell West Utah 84631 Syrup Metoclopramide Intensol Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,243.45 100% 0.1 0.81 1,243.45 1,243.45 -1,212.55 39 32.48
20422 1/27/07 0:00 Gene Hale West Arizona 86413 Suspension/Drops Curosurf Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 15.38 100% 0.01 0.38 15.38 15.38 1.61 5 2.89
17186 1/27/07 0:00 Ken Brennan West Washington 98390 Ointment Fluothane Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 67.14 100% 0.07 0.4 67.14 67.14 -29.98 11 5.98
17186 1/27/07 0:00 Ken Brennan West Washington 98390 For Solution Klebcil Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,321.63 100% 0.08 0.74 4,321.63 4,321.63 -1,549.14 49 90.98
24544 1/27/07 0:00 Tanja Norvell West Utah 84631 Capsule Optimine Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 403.71 100% 0.03 0.6 403.71 403.71 -97.47 15 25.98
20422 1/27/07 0:00 Gene Hale West Arizona 86413 For Solution Tylenol (Geltab) Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 447.33 100% 0.03 0.49 447.33 447.33 115.21 30 14.34
11686 1/28/07 0:00 Michael Dominguez West Colorado 81221 Concentrate Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.11% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.59 6,121.20 6,121.20 1,312.34 38 205.99
10530 1/28/07 0:00 Victor Price South North Carolina 27114 Concentrate Choloxin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 377.213 100% 0.02 0.57 377.213 377.213 -411.653 4 110.99
15718 1/28/07 0:00 Sean O'Donnell South Maryland 21794 Lotion Vancocin Hydrochloride In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 55.89 100% 0.06 0.38 55.89 55.89 -3.05 50 1.14
15718 1/28/07 0:00 Sean O'Donnell South Maryland 21794 Gel Triaminic-12 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 100.87 100% 0.09 0.58 100.87 100.87 8.4 36 2.94
15718 1/28/07 0:00 Sean O'Donnell South Maryland 21794 Gel Estrace Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,863.02 100% 0.03 0.58 1,863.02 1,863.02 360.63 41 43.98
17155 1/29/07 0:00 Cari Sayre West Idaho 83877 Syrup Metoclopramide Intensol Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.81 1,065.26 1,065.26 -900.27 31 32.48
17155 1/29/07 0:00 Cari Sayre West Idaho 83877 Ointment Cefuroxime And Dextrose In Duplex Container Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.39 267.53 267.53 85.17 36 6.88
19047 1/29/07 0:00 Adam Hart East Connecticut 6001 Gel Trasylol Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 6.76 100% 0.02 0.59 6.76 6.76 -4.28 3 1.68
19047 1/29/07 0:00 Adam Hart East Connecticut 6001 Ointment Fludara Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 67.49 100% 0.06 0.37 67.49 67.49 -22.82 1 55.48
8868 1/29/07 0:00 Cindy Chapman West Arizona 85338 Solution Docetaxel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 190.45 100% 0.02 0.57 190.45 190.45 -44.05 3 59.98
8868 1/29/07 0:00 Cindy Chapman West Arizona 85338 Tablet Dostinex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 179.99 100% 0.03 0.36 179.99 179.99 -102.2695 34 5.18
20484 1/30/07 0:00 Katherine Hughes West Idaho 83877 Concentrate Citanest Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,122.64 100% 0.09 0.56 1,122.64 1,122.64 17.676 14 95.99
20480 1/30/07 0:00 Liz MacKendrick West Idaho 83552 Tablet Naftin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 16,147.61 100% 0.02 0.35 16,147.61 16,147.61 7,604.95 38 420.98
20480 1/30/07 0:00 Liz MacKendrick West Idaho 83552 Injectable Clinimix 2.75/5 Sulfite Free In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,042.63 100% 0.02 0.56 1,042.63 1,042.63 -219.93 4 240.98
35847 1/31/07 0:00 Eugene Barchas East Massachusetts 2180 Suppository Q-Pam Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 361.65 100% 0.08 0.64 361.65 361.65 -144.27 23 15.98
5316 1/31/07 0:00 Clay Rozendal East Delaware 19980 Suppository Technescan Hida Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,285.37 100% 0.1 0.42 1,285.37 1,285.37 514.07 42 31.78
21383 1/31/07 0:00 Rick Reed West Idaho 83555 Cream Zinc Bacitracin,Neomycin Sulfate,Polymyxin B Sulfate & Hydrocortisone Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 16,066.85 100% 0.07 0.37 16,066.85 16,066.85 7,416.43 31 574.74
18595 2/1/07 0:00 Art Foster Central Illinois 60001 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.15% In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Injection Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.52 451.44 451.44 -35.19 6 78.65
18595 2/1/07 0:00 Art Foster Central Illinois 60001 Aerosol Cefepime In Plastic Container Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.59 138.55 138.55 0.9 16 8.34
30341 2/1/07 0:00 Matt Abelman East Massachusetts 2139 Ointment A-Hydrocort Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.36 150.2 150.2 62.46 30 4.98
30341 2/1/07 0:00 Matt Abelman East Massachusetts 2139 Suspension/Drops Daunoxome Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.39 239.75 239.75 105.91 41 6.3
30341 2/1/07 0:00 Matt Abelman East Massachusetts 2139 Capsule Uroplus Ds Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.09 0.62 6,244.18 6,244.18 470.3 42 160.98
40101 2/1/07 0:00 John Lee Central Texas 79080 Suppository Dextrose 10% And Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,188.06 100% 0.1 0.45 2,188.06 2,188.06 33.77 46 49.99
52416 2/1/07 0:00 Dave Brooks Central Illinois 62924 Ointment Albalon Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 49.81 100% 0.05 0.36 49.81 49.81 -16.95 6 7.64
15270 2/1/07 0:00 Maria Zettner South Georgia 30002 Ointment Celestone Soluspan Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 257.91 100% 0 0.38 257.91 257.91 90.86 36 6.98
52416 2/1/07 0:00 Dave Brooks Central Illinois 62924 Spray Fazaclo Odt Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 9,141.64 100% 0.04 0.72 9,141.64 9,141.64 -381.46 40 218.75
30053 2/2/07 0:00 Marc Crier Central Texas 77474 Cream Sevoflurane Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 3,279.01 100% 0.06 0.37 3,279.01 3,279.01 349.22 41 80.97
32676 2/2/07 0:00 Joy Smith Central Michigan 48001 Suppository Dialyte Lm/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,697.44 100% 0.06 0.55 1,697.44 1,697.44 523.43 37 45.19
4454 2/2/07 0:00 Erica Bern Central Michigan 49971 Suspension/Drops Crinone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 55.45 100% 0.01 0.37 55.45 55.45 21.42 17 3.08
13604 2/3/07 0:00 Erica Bern Central Michigan 49971 Suppository Testosterone Cypionate-Estradiol Cypionate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,152.75 100% 0.04 0.45 3,152.75 3,152.75 1,166.40 38 83.1
38529 2/3/07 0:00 Darren Powers West Utah 84741 Lotion Vancocin Hydrochloride In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 44.85 100% 0.02 0.38 44.85 44.85 -0.49 38 1.14
13604 2/3/07 0:00 Erica Bern Central Michigan 49971 For Solution Klebcil Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,609.88 100% 0.07 0.74 3,609.88 3,609.88 -1,396.22 42 90.98
19493 2/3/07 0:00 Bill Overfelt West California 93456 Spray Scabene Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,713.25 100% 0.1 0.68 4,713.25 4,713.25 -983.07 31 154.13
55713 2/3/07 0:00 Alan Schoenberger West Colorado 80001 Capsule Ocl Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,718.85 100% 0.09 0.74 5,718.85 5,718.85 -2,426.55 49 122.99
39904 2/3/07 0:00 Alejandro Grove West California 90835 For Solution Amphetamine Sulfate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 363.92 100% 0 0.49 363.92 363.92 -144.56 44 8.09
21222 2/4/07 0:00 Carol Darley Central Illinois 62444 Concentrate Balziva-21 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.85 846.0815 846.0815 -120.934 26 35.99
21222 2/4/07 0:00 Carol Darley Central Illinois 62444 For Solution Sulfatrim Extended Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.1 0.51 181.39 181.39 -32.4 36 5.08
41988 2/5/07 0:00 Matt Abelman East Massachusetts 2139 Cream Vivitrol Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.56 4,610.35 4,610.35 751.58 33 145.45
14400 2/5/07 0:00 Henia Zydlo Central Illinois 62999 Ointment Histamine Phosphate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 228.8 228.8 -99.08 35 6.48
14400 2/5/07 0:00 Henia Zydlo Central Illinois 62999 Tablet Xylocaine W/ Epinephrine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.37 74.34 74.34 -166.5545 32 2.16
41988 2/5/07 0:00 Matt Abelman East Massachusetts 2139 Syrup Mexate-Aq Preserved Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.57 181.49 181.49 -29.54 14 13.43
17636 2/5/07 0:00 Dean Katz South Florida 34997 Gel Tri-Norinyl 21-Day Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.58 7.01 7.01 -4.2 2 2.94
14400 2/5/07 0:00 Henia Zydlo Central Illinois 62999 Spray Femcon Fe Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.71 6,089.05 6,089.05 -2,110.56 43 146.05
41988 2/5/07 0:00 Matt Abelman East Massachusetts 2139 Capsule Temozolomide Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.58 610.07 610.07 -157.56 18 33.94
59459 2/5/07 0:00 Christine Sundaresam West New Mexico 88134 Suppository Dilantin-125 Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.07 0.51 69.66 69.66 -51.42 40 1.7
14627 2/5/07 0:00 Sonia Sunley Central Michigan 49971 Tablet Norethin 1/50M-28 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.38 671.03 671.03 67.864 47 14.48
44387 2/5/07 0:00 Erica Bern Central Michigan 49971 Suppository Dextrose 60% Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,441.57 100% 0.07 0.5 1,441.57 1,441.57 475.26 50 29.89
35776 2/5/07 0:00 Gene McClure Central Illinois 62924 Lotion Chlorhexidine Gluconate Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 213.74 100% 0.06 0.54 213.74 213.74 -32.15 36 5.81
44387 2/5/07 0:00 Erica Bern Central Michigan 49971 Ointment Benylin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 173.09 100% 0.03 0.4 173.09 173.09 -6.71 20 8.34
35776 2/5/07 0:00 Gene McClure Central Illinois 62924 Tablet Talacen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 118.66 100% 0.05 0.35 118.66 118.66 32.6825 9 12.97
25120 2/5/07 0:00 Michael Grace South Florida 32119 Suspension/Drops Cortef Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 237.15 100% 0 0.36 237.15 237.15 123.02 46 4.91
25120 2/5/07 0:00 Michael Grace South Florida 32119 Ointment Cladribine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 179.22 100% 0.01 0.37 179.22 179.22 -139.9 22 7.28
25120 2/5/07 0:00 Michael Grace South Florida 32119 Ointment Premphase (Premarin;Cycrin 14/14) Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 71.86 100% 0.1 0.37 71.86 71.86 -35.52 10 6.68
26945 2/6/07 0:00 Mick Crebagga Central Illinois 62999 Ointment Zuplenz Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.37 221.33 221.33 77.33 29 7.28
417 2/6/07 0:00 Robert Barroso West California 96121 Cream Ozurdex Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.07 0.38 15,260.78 15,260.78 8,734.88 39 500.98
10310 2/6/07 0:00 Christina Vanderzanden West New Mexico 88044 Concentrate Adderall 5 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.58 926.585 926.585 -655.424 6 195.99
36068 2/6/07 0:00 Anthony Johnson East Delaware 19701 Solution Angio-Conray Intramuscular Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.59 6,133.18 6,133.18 1,243.17 23 279.81
10310 2/6/07 0:00 Christina Vanderzanden West New Mexico 88044 Gel Amlodipine Besylate Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.55 139.86 139.86 9.59 48 2.88
417 2/6/07 0:00 Robert Barroso West California 96121 Syrup Pradaxa Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.55 540.41 540.41 -170.98 3 178.47
35200 2/6/07 0:00 Ricardo Block South Alabama 36350 For Solution Lincomycin Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 150.24 100% 0.08 0.57 150.24 150.24 -102.93 15 9.98
25440 2/7/07 0:00 Kelly Andreada South Florida 32003 Spray Elestrin Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.65 6,589.30 6,589.30 912.48 30 259.71
26724 2/7/07 0:00 Bobby Elias South Georgia 31811 Cream Zidovudine Injection Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.36 1,838.18 1,838.18 -2,909.75 2 999.99
28772 2/7/07 0:00 Nick Zandusky South South Carolina 29684 Concentrate Cephalothin Sodium W/ Dextrose In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.6 705.687 705.687 -803.077 4 205.99
28772 2/7/07 0:00 Nick Zandusky South South Carolina 29684 Spray Sensipar Delayed Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.68 950.464 950.464 -763.8 16 71.37
41543 2/7/07 0:00 Bill Donatelli East New York 14925 Concentrate Cefzil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,318.87 100% 0.03 0.59 1,318.87 1,318.87 172.332 24 65.99
41543 2/7/07 0:00 Bill Donatelli East New York 14925 Capsule Uroplus Ds Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 7,548.65 100% 0.03 0.62 7,548.65 7,548.65 1,385.35 45 160.98
23808 2/8/07 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Concentrate Cytosar-U Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,813.85 100% 0.08 0.58 2,813.85 2,813.85 377.154 28 125.99
44002 2/8/07 0:00 John Lee Central Texas 79080 Syrup Zovia 1/50E-21 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 261.85 100% 0.03 0.59 261.85 261.85 -52.33 14 17.7
44002 2/8/07 0:00 John Lee Central Texas 79080 Ointment Extra-Strength Aim Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 320.93 100% 0.05 0.37 320.93 320.93 -66.48 46 6.68
46981 2/8/07 0:00 Robert Dilbeck South Florida 32122 Tablet Cholebrine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,398.87 100% 0.07 0.35 1,398.87 1,398.87 601.9615 46 30.56
23808 2/8/07 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Ointment Betamethasone Dipropionate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 630.14 100% 0.04 0.37 630.14 630.14 108 30 19.98
20162 2/9/07 0:00 Helen Wasserman South North Carolina 27006 Tablet Myoview 30Ml Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.39 607.42 607.42 -254.1385 38 15.16
3138 2/9/07 0:00 Bradley Nguyen Central Nebraska 68001 Suppository Thioridazine Hydrochloride Intensol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 718.03 100% 0.07 0.48 718.03 718.03 -427.47 4 179.99
59942 2/9/07 0:00 Max Engle South North Carolina 28633 Suppository Q-Pam Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 714.46 100% 0.07 0.64 714.46 714.46 -268.65 47 15.98
56581 2/9/07 0:00 Grant Donatelli Central Wisconsin 53081 For Solution Clopra-"Yellow" Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,026.01 100% 0.1 0.65 2,026.01 2,026.01 580.43 20 105.98
40128 2/10/07 0:00 Christine Abelman Central Wisconsin 53006 Injectable Clinimix 2.75/5 Sulfite Free In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 10,318.72 100% 0.01 0.56 10,318.72 10,318.72 1,445.36 43 240.98
9222 2/11/07 0:00 Ionia McGrath South Alabama 36830 Ointment Edarbi Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.36 473.67 473.67 78.2 41 11.34
52258 2/11/07 0:00 Thais Sissman Central Wisconsin 53235 For Solution Chlorpropamide Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.04 0.55 63.85 63.85 40.44 5 12.22
31078 2/11/07 0:00 Evan Bailliet Central Illinois 62924 Cream Azactam Injection TableauCeutical Animal 104.46 100% 0.01 0.39 104.46 104.46 -42.26 7 13.99
41604 2/11/07 0:00 Edward Becker West Utah 84014 Tablet Hiprex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 138.24 100% 0.06 0.38 138.24 138.24 -48.2195 22 6.37
44325 2/11/07 0:00 Maribeth Schnelling Central Illinois 62924 For Solution Gynorest Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 951.33 100% 0 0.47 951.33 951.33 -60.66 44 20.28
18790 2/12/07 0:00 Nicole Brennan West California 95503 Cream Serpasil-Esidrix #2 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 13,253.93 100% 0.01 0.55 13,253.93 13,253.93 -1,835.34 7 2,036.48
14983 2/12/07 0:00 Rick Wilson West New Mexico 88044 Concentrate Claritin Reditabs Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 8,475.96 100% 0.05 0.58 8,475.96 8,475.96 2,497.94 48 205.99
14983 2/12/07 0:00 Rick Wilson West New Mexico 88044 Concentrate Darbid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,015.49 100% 0.08 0.56 3,015.49 3,015.49 251.541 18 205.99
45414 2/12/07 0:00 George Ashbrook East Delaware 19934 Solution Mannitol 10% Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,002.73 100% 0.08 0.59 1,002.73 1,002.73 -563.86 17 60.98
47493 2/12/07 0:00 Michael Moore Central Wisconsin 53201 Capsule Nph Iletin I (Beef-Pork) Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 9,757.48 100% 0.07 0.77 9,757.48 9,757.48 -96.05 36 270.98
14211 2/13/07 0:00 Frank Hawley Central Wisconsin 53235 Cream Galzin Injection Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.38 3,220.58 3,220.58 1,046.69 22 150.98
14211 2/13/07 0:00 Frank Hawley Central Wisconsin 53235 Syrup Methotrexate Sodium Preservative Free Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.62 2,367.99 2,367.99 320.1 14 176.19
57856 2/13/07 0:00 Vivek Grady West Utah 84791 Gel Triavil 4-25 Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.59 92.18 92.18 5.7 31 2.78
833 2/13/07 0:00 Olvera Toch West Colorado 80621 Tablet Neothylline Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.38 19.32 19.32 -20.3205 1 12.53
57856 2/13/07 0:00 Vivek Grady West Utah 84791 Tablet Dopamine Hydrochloride In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.39 127.45 127.45 -42.1705 17 7.1
59104 2/13/07 0:00 Aaron Smayling Central Ohio 43001 Concentrate Cenestin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.55 3,594.74 3,594.74 1,016.97 38 115.99
59104 2/13/07 0:00 Aaron Smayling Central Ohio 43001 Lotion Calcitonin-Salmon Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.39 68.92 68.92 2.63 22 2.98
59104 2/13/07 0:00 Aaron Smayling Central Ohio 43001 Tablet Naturetin-2.5 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.38 197.61 197.61 3.4595 13 14.27
14823 2/13/07 0:00 David Smith South Maryland 20601 Gel Delflex-Lm W/ Dextrose 4.25% In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.52 124.84 124.84 10.56 20 6.7
14823 2/13/07 0:00 David Smith South Maryland 20601 Suspension/Drops Aristogel Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.38 103.62 103.62 39.98 15 7.31
42339 2/13/07 0:00 Cathy Armstrong Central Illinois 60001 Ointment Hectorol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 206.54 100% 0.02 0.36 206.54 206.54 -178.82 31 6.48
52227 2/13/07 0:00 Trudy Bell South Alabama 36072 Ointment Hydrocortone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 240.52 100% 0.05 0.37 240.52 240.52 -164.18 37 6.48
16612 2/14/07 0:00 Sally Matthias East Massachusetts 2139 Cream Paremyd Oral Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.4 3,699.22 3,699.22 565.18 45 80.97
16612 2/14/07 0:00 Sally Matthias East Massachusetts 2139 Ointment Heparin Sodium 25,000 Units In Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.37 48.93 48.93 -38.72 6 6.48
21572 2/14/07 0:00 Vicky Freymann West Arizona 85301 For Solution Lopid Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.59 8,549.04 8,549.04 2,861.01 42 194.3
54055 2/14/07 0:00 Lena Creighton West Washington 99403 Injectable Videx Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.75 5,483.96 5,483.96 -1,330.50 44 120.98
57506 2/14/07 0:00 Thais Sissman Central Wisconsin 53235 Ointment Betapace Af Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 332.55 100% 0.1 0.35 332.55 332.55 -66.87 48 7.28
13408 2/15/07 0:00 Joni Blumstein East Connecticut 6817 For Solution Constulose Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.64 256.77 256.77 173.89 4 60.65
48836 2/15/07 0:00 Nicole Brennan West California 95503 Spray Feridex I.V. Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.09 0.62 2,651.21 2,651.21 -93.85 8 348.21
14913 2/15/07 0:00 Janet Lee Central Ohio 43317 Ointment Betamethasone Dipropionate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,003.43 100% 0.01 0.37 1,003.43 1,003.43 208.06 47 19.98
56452 2/15/07 0:00 Charles Crestani South Georgia 39859 Spray Hexalen Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 6,686.34 100% 0 0.61 6,686.34 6,686.34 1,192.04 34 236.97
34498 2/16/07 0:00 Phillip Flathmann Central Nebraska 68016 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride-Hydrochlorothiazide-Reserpine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 62.89 62.89 -23.2 3 18.97
34498 2/16/07 0:00 Phillip Flathmann Central Nebraska 68016 Solution/Drops Acephen Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.38 47.12 47.12 10.8 4 8.74
33095 2/16/07 0:00 Mick Brown West California 92320 Suppository Oreticyl 50 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,846.74 100% 0.01 0.49 4,846.74 4,846.74 1,689.93 30 159.99
46119 2/16/07 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 Ointment Cephalothin Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 154.13 100% 0.07 0.35 154.13 154.13 57.31 20 7.98
46119 2/16/07 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 Tablet Janimine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 93.05 100% 0.03 0.38 93.05 93.05 15.2745 23 3.8
32741 2/16/07 0:00 Bill Eplett South North Carolina 28633 Syrup Monistat 7 Combination Pack Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 136.24 100% 0.07 0.6 136.24 136.24 -81.77 13 9.71
46119 2/16/07 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 Spray Fenofibrate (Micronized) Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 18,824.42 100% 0.07 0.79 18,824.42 18,824.42 -639.28 46 417.4
33095 2/16/07 0:00 Mick Brown West California 92320 For Solution Pravachol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,548.30 100% 0.1 0.43 2,548.30 2,548.30 875.57 34 78.69
32037 2/17/07 0:00 Edward Becker West Utah 84014 Suspension Freamine Ii 8.5% Delayed Release Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.54 9,862.51 9,862.51 325.29 15 699.99
48998 2/17/07 0:00 Sharelle Roach South South Carolina 29338 Solution/Drops Xylocaine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.35 180.39 180.39 -8.11 15 11.58
32037 2/17/07 0:00 Edward Becker West Utah 84014 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.2% And Potassium Chloride 0.15% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.38 311.66 311.66 -63.8135 37 8.6
55874 2/17/07 0:00 Erica Smith Central Wisconsin 54990 Suppository Radioiodinated Serum Albumin (Human) Ihsa I 125 Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.64 228.3 228.3 -111.72 41 4.98
55874 2/17/07 0:00 Erica Smith Central Wisconsin 54990 Tablet Dopamine Hydrochloride In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.39 208.83 208.83 -60.145 28 7.1
55874 2/17/07 0:00 Erica Smith Central Wisconsin 54990 Solution/Drops Cardiolite Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.38 129.53 129.53 33.01 24 5.68
59170 2/18/07 0:00 Frank Merwin West Idaho 83877 Cream Zirgan Injection TableauCeutical Animal 8,767.62 100% 0.04 0.38 8,767.62 8,767.62 -1,736.65 5 1,938.02
22083 2/18/07 0:00 David Bremer South Florida 32099 Ointment Cephalothin Sodium W/ Dextrose In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 16.81 100% 0.05 0.38 16.81 16.81 -4.14 2 6.04
59170 2/18/07 0:00 Frank Merwin West Idaho 83877 Tablet Diprolene Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 242.46 100% 0.02 0.38 242.46 242.46 9.299 44 5.34
59170 2/18/07 0:00 Frank Merwin West Idaho 83877 For Solution Kombiglyze Xr Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 954.57 100% 0.03 0.73 954.57 954.57 -380.9 22 41.47
59170 2/18/07 0:00 Frank Merwin West Idaho 83877 For Solution Infuvite Pediatric (Pharmacy Bulk Package) Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 607.77 100% 0.04 0.63 607.77 607.77 232 10 62.18
16547 2/19/07 0:00 Ken Dana West New Mexico 88134 Capsule Phenaphen W/ Codeine No. 3 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 10,554.63 100% 0.09 0.64 10,554.63 10,554.63 1,240.25 30 355.98
16547 2/19/07 0:00 Ken Dana West New Mexico 88134 Spray Fazaclo Odt Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,749.64 100% 0.04 0.77 1,749.64 1,749.64 -592.48 8 218.75
56483 2/20/07 0:00 Debra Catini West Colorado 80728 Ointment Gelnique Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.4 158.62 158.62 -104.57 37 4.28
36455 2/20/07 0:00 Frank Merwin West Idaho 83877 Suppository Arava Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,838.19 100% 0.03 0.54 1,838.19 1,838.19 561.43 48 39.48
18471 2/20/07 0:00 Justin Knight Central Michigan 49971 Gel T-Phyl Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 226.65 100% 0 0.6 226.65 226.65 46.41 37 5.98
18471 2/20/07 0:00 Justin Knight Central Michigan 49971 Ointment Gonal-F Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 185.61 100% 0.02 0.36 185.61 185.61 -47.12 29 5.98
18471 2/20/07 0:00 Justin Knight Central Michigan 49971 Aerosol Sarisol No. 1 Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 10.96 100% 0.02 0.55 10.96 10.96 -8.02 4 2.08
47011 2/20/07 0:00 Roland Fjeld West California 95503 Syrup Ilotycin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 373.13 100% 0.05 0.59 373.13 373.13 -35.26 33 11.29
53511 2/21/07 0:00 Anthony Johnson East Delaware 19701 Tablet Methamphetamine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.39 241.1 241.1 -243.2365 41 5.81
53511 2/21/07 0:00 Anthony Johnson East Delaware 19701 For Solution Laryngotracheal Anesthesia Kit Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.04 0.55 491.93 491.93 -53.62 49 9.65
55300 2/21/07 0:00 Sally Hughsby South Maryland 21230 Suspension/Drops Decadron-La Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 180.48 100% 0.01 0.37 180.48 180.48 82.38 48 3.75
55300 2/21/07 0:00 Sally Hughsby South Maryland 21230 Solution Luvox Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 159.89 100% 0.03 0.6 159.89 159.89 -185.17 37 4.06
58182 2/21/07 0:00 Tracy Collins Central Illinois 62924 For Solution Maxibolin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 479.13 100% 0.05 0.44 479.13 479.13 166.92 24 19.23
55300 2/21/07 0:00 Sally Hughsby South Maryland 21230 For Solution Hydro-Serp "25" Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 350.48 100% 0.02 0.6 350.48 350.48 -231.05 31 10.68
57509 2/22/07 0:00 Neola Schneider East New Jersey 7837 Suspension/Drops Cortef Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.36 199.39 199.39 101.13 39 4.91
57509 2/22/07 0:00 Neola Schneider East New Jersey 7837 Spray Elestrin Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.09 0.61 2,770.35 2,770.35 -225.09 11 259.71
38087 2/22/07 0:00 Ann Blume South Maryland 21794 Suppository Increlex Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.41 901.81 901.81 -76.89 18 49.99
54947 2/23/07 0:00 Peter Buhler Central Texas 77474 Suppository Radioiodinated Serum Albumin (Human) Ihsa I 125 Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 132.36 100% 0.05 0.64 132.36 132.36 -98.35 27 4.98
6368 2/23/07 0:00 Anthony O'Donnell South Alabama 35480 Cream Vasotec Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 19,100.45 100% 0 0.56 19,100.45 19,100.45 6,839.95 40 442.14
39072 2/23/07 0:00 Adam Shillingsburg South South Carolina 29001 Gel Prevacid 24 Hr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,633.37 100% 0.08 0.59 1,633.37 1,633.37 144.69 50 34.99
54947 2/23/07 0:00 Peter Buhler Central Texas 77474 For Solution Ortho-Novum 10/11-21 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,498.46 100% 0.02 0.55 1,498.46 1,498.46 565.37 42 34.23
58310 2/24/07 0:00 Mary O'Rourke East Massachusetts 1054 Syrup Humulin N Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.57 834.81 834.81 1.98 22 37.76
36643 2/24/07 0:00 Ruben Ausman East Delaware 19891 Syrup Meprobamate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,025.02 100% 0.04 0.61 1,025.02 1,025.02 87.03 30 33.29
28256 2/24/07 0:00 Brian Moss South Alabama 35751 Syrup Corzide Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 467.4 100% 0.01 0.78 467.4 467.4 -851.09 19 20.98
36643 2/24/07 0:00 Ruben Ausman East Delaware 19891 For Solution Atropine And Demerol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 240.87 100% 0.01 0.43 240.87 240.87 -36.77 17 13.79
37441 2/25/07 0:00 Dianna Arnett South Georgia 39859 Gel Tri-Norinyl 21-Day Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.58 3.77 3.77 -1.84 1 2.94
37441 2/25/07 0:00 Dianna Arnett South Georgia 39859 Capsule Ogen 2.5 Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.56 14,740.51 14,740.51 3,407.73 46 300.98
11008 2/25/07 0:00 Peter McVee West California 94404 Syrup Aminohippurate Sodium Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.85 2,545.89 2,545.89 -321.51 17 138.14
18816 2/25/07 0:00 Jeremy Lonsdale Central Nebraska 68770 Solution Dtic-Dome Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 580.46 100% 0.03 0.56 580.46 580.46 108.96 12 48.58
49123 2/26/07 0:00 Mick Crebagga Central Illinois 62999 Suppository Aristocort A Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 25.48 100% 0.06 0.52 25.48 25.48 -26.8 3 8.33
49123 2/26/07 0:00 Mick Crebagga Central Illinois 62999 Tablet Dianeal 137 W/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 305.76 100% 0.1 0.39 305.76 305.76 -22.5285 31 10.44
48230 2/26/07 0:00 Dana Kaydos East New Jersey 7981 Syrup Halcion Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,645.80 100% 0 0.83 2,645.80 2,645.80 -684.78 31 80.98
48230 2/26/07 0:00 Dana Kaydos East New Jersey 7981 For Solution Inpersol-Zm W/ Dextrose 4.25% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,140.26 100% 0.04 0.42 1,140.26 1,140.26 387.2 39 29.18
18819 2/26/07 0:00 Dan Campbell South Maryland 21794 For Solution Hydrogenated Ergot Alkaloids Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,102.30 100% 0.1 0.55 1,102.30 1,102.30 98.12 22 50.98
30564 2/27/07 0:00 Darrin Van Huff South Alabama 36544 Concentrate Bretylium Tosylate Extended Release Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.38 606.3985 606.3985 126.126 20 35.99
30215 2/27/07 0:00 Cathy Hwang South Florida 32099 Concentrate Cinobac Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.6 3,637.73 3,637.73 349.47 23 195.99
30215 2/27/07 0:00 Cathy Hwang South Florida 32099 Ointment Cefuroxime And Dextrose In Duplex Container Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.39 125.84 125.84 18.42 20 6.88
57890 2/27/07 0:00 Jennifer Patt South Florida 32099 Ointment Junior Strength Advil Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.37 803.04 803.04 282.32 15 55.48
18279 2/27/07 0:00 Stephanie Phelps East New York 14210 Suspension Avinza Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 10,281.79 100% 0.03 0.36 10,281.79 10,281.79 3,272.90 20 499.99
18279 2/27/07 0:00 Stephanie Phelps East New York 14210 Suppository Aristocort A Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 184.35 100% 0.07 0.52 184.35 184.35 11.95 22 8.33
43846 2/27/07 0:00 Jill Matthias South Maryland 21022 Ointment Clinimix E 5/20 Sulfite-Free W/ Elect In 20% Dextrose W/ Calcium In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 31.36 100% 0.1 0.39 31.36 31.36 -8.28 9 3.6
1059 2/27/07 0:00 Sean O'Donnell South Maryland 21794 Tablet Diprolene Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 127.33 100% 0.02 0.38 127.33 127.33 5.2955 22 5.34
1059 2/27/07 0:00 Sean O'Donnell South Maryland 21794 Tablet Doxercalciferol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 990.1 100% 0.03 0.37 990.1 990.1 310.216 24 40.98
6979 2/28/07 0:00 Keith Dawkins Central Texas 73301 Cream Cyclapen-W Injection Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.36 334.89 334.89 -1.65 28 11.99
39846 2/28/07 0:00 Cindy Schnelling South Alabama 36032 Suppository Radioiodinated Serum Albumin (Human) Ihsa I 125 Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 71.47 100% 0.06 0.64 71.47 71.47 -62.73 14 4.98
14916 2/28/07 0:00 Cari Sayre West Idaho 83877 Concentrate Cefotaxime And Dextrose 3.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,685.94 100% 0.07 0.59 1,685.94 1,685.94 21.024 16 125.99
51937 2/28/07 0:00 James Lanier East Delaware 19980 Solution Alphazine Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 11,613.13 100% 0.05 0.57 11,613.13 11,613.13 2,816.21 39 294.62
39846 2/28/07 0:00 Cindy Schnelling South Alabama 36032 Injectable Vicoprin Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,372.14 100% 0.06 0.69 1,372.14 1,372.14 -340.98 10 130.98
41888 3/1/07 0:00 Victoria Pisteka Central Texas 88595 Concentrate Dextrose 40% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,823.04 100% 0.1 0.59 2,823.04 2,823.04 372.402 29 125.99
41888 3/1/07 0:00 Victoria Pisteka Central Texas 88595 Suppository Pur-Wash Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 187.8 100% 0.08 0.74 187.8 187.8 -41.83 23 8.32
57958 3/1/07 0:00 Steven Ward Central Ohio 43270 Ointment Gleevec Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,419.83 100% 0.07 0.4 1,419.83 1,419.83 385.8 46 30.98
41888 3/1/07 0:00 Victoria Pisteka Central Texas 88595 Tablet Nogenic Hc Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,979.47 100% 0.1 0.35 1,979.47 1,979.47 690.268 18 120.98
22851 3/2/07 0:00 Denise Monton Central Ohio 43001 Concentrate Ryzolt Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.56 1,409.09 1,409.09 233.559 38 45.99
22851 3/2/07 0:00 Denise Monton Central Ohio 43001 Suppository Tavist-D Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.4 667.36 667.36 218.89 25 28.48
11302 3/2/07 0:00 Natalie Fritzler East Delaware 19810 Cream Sinemet Cr Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.36 866.66 866.66 35.29 10 90.97
22851 3/2/07 0:00 Denise Monton Central Ohio 43001 For Solution Locoid Lipocream Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.43 32.37 32.37 -48.55 13 2.08
22917 3/2/07 0:00 Nathan Mautz South Alabama 35077 Suspension Freamine 8.5% Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 3,550.28 100% 0.06 0.37 3,550.28 3,550.28 -11,769.17 1 3,499.99
19042 3/2/07 0:00 Evan Minnotte Central Michigan 49634 Tablet Doxercalciferol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 327.61 100% 0.07 0.37 327.61 327.61 54.9015 8 40.98
8258 3/2/07 0:00 James Lanier East Delaware 19980 Ointment Breathtek Ubt For H-Pylori Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 434.77 100% 0.02 0.36 434.77 434.77 -155.21 37 11.34
21703 3/3/07 0:00 Alan Hwang South Virginia 20101 Concentrate Aminosyn Ii 5% W/ Electrolytes In Dextrose 25% W/ Calcium In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.59 2,211.73 2,211.73 80.757 15 175.99
21703 3/3/07 0:00 Alan Hwang South Virginia 20101 Suspension/Drops Cyclaine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.38 12.01 12.01 -1.08 3 3.69
46021 3/3/07 0:00 Theresa Swint Central Wisconsin 54990 Injectable Ambodryl Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.66 199.48 199.48 -120.24 1 170.98
21703 3/3/07 0:00 Alan Hwang South Virginia 20101 For Solution Inomax Injection Competitor B Human - Rx 0.03 0.67 1,846.76 1,846.76 3.14 20 92.23
41153 3/3/07 0:00 Alan Barnes Central Michigan 48001 Suppository Memantine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 862.2 100% 0.1 0.75 862.2 862.2 -45.1 29 30.73
54369 3/3/07 0:00 Ryan Akin South Maryland 20601 Suppository Aristocort A Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 421.08 100% 0 0.52 421.08 421.08 82.31 47 8.33
12544 3/4/07 0:00 Jim Radford East Massachusetts 2054 For Solution Locoid Lipocream Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 74.3 100% 0.08 0.43 74.3 74.3 -129.01 34 2.08
10022 3/5/07 0:00 Delfina Latchford East Massachusetts 1001 Ointment Casodex Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.36 12.18 12.18 -3.88 1 10.14
20166 3/5/07 0:00 Mick Crebagga Central Illinois 62999 Concentrate Darbid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 973.862 100% 0.1 0.56 973.862 973.862 -693.33 6 205.99
28291 3/5/07 0:00 Carl Weiss East New York 14709 Capsule Pepcid Complete Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,950.60 100% 0.02 0.78 3,950.60 3,950.60 -477.66 14 280.98
20773 3/6/07 0:00 Denise Monton Central Ohio 43001 Tablet Otobione Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.38 479.96 479.96 122.536 44 10.91
2466 3/6/07 0:00 Quincy Jones South Alabama 36276 For Solution Colbenemid Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.65 2,553.84 2,553.84 553.7 25 107.53
5828 3/6/07 0:00 Christina DeMoss West New Mexico 88439 Spray Phisohex Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.76 6,005.21 6,005.21 -450.7 21 296.18
53152 3/6/07 0:00 Bill Eplett South North Carolina 28633 Concentrate Androgel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,051.82 100% 0.01 0.58 2,051.82 2,051.82 350.361 36 65.99
53152 3/6/07 0:00 Bill Eplett South North Carolina 28633 Suppository Methotrexate Sodium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 185.79 100% 0.02 0.76 185.79 185.79 -159.68 5 34.98
12934 3/6/07 0:00 Guy Armstrong Central Michigan 48001 Gel Triacort Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 96.99 100% 0.02 0.56 96.99 96.99 -66.35 27 3.28
12934 3/6/07 0:00 Guy Armstrong Central Michigan 48001 Solution/Drops Borofair Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 440.39 100% 0.05 0.39 440.39 440.39 186.64 45 9.78
53152 3/6/07 0:00 Bill Eplett South North Carolina 28633 Ointment Betamethasone Dipropionate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 186.67 100% 0.02 0.37 186.67 186.67 2.06 9 19.98
53152 3/6/07 0:00 Bill Eplett South North Carolina 28633 For Solution Clomipramine Hydrochloride Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 196.41 100% 0.01 0.6 196.41 196.41 27.91 9 19.99
49154 3/7/07 0:00 Joy Bell East Massachusetts 5544 Solution Mannitol 10% Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.59 1,523.50 1,523.50 -807.89 26 60.98
1799 3/7/07 0:00 Trudy Schmidt West Arizona 85321 Ointment Herplex Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.37 108.31 108.31 -52.77 16 6.48
1799 3/7/07 0:00 Trudy Schmidt West Arizona 85321 Capsule Phrenilin Forte Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.06 0.69 1,187.12 1,187.12 -127.3 10 113.98
24391 3/7/07 0:00 Raymond Book East New York 12917 Spray Foradil Certihaler Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,236.80 100% 0.08 0.6 3,236.80 3,236.80 501.69 14 230.98
49412 3/8/07 0:00 Dennis Bolton East New Jersey 7001 Cream Vyvanse Oral Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.59 9,418.14 9,418.14 909.36 20 517.48
8709 3/9/07 0:00 Rose O'Brian East Connecticut 6703 Cream Fulvicin P/G 330 Injection Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.37 2,451.41 2,451.41 773.36 50 51.98
8709 3/9/07 0:00 Rose O'Brian East Connecticut 6703 Cream Sevoflurane Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.37 851.24 851.24 -171.79 11 80.97
37510 3/9/07 0:00 Richard Bierner West Washington 98103 Syrup Mirena Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.66 2,466.02 2,466.02 243.73 15 161.55
13542 3/9/07 0:00 John Huston Central Ohio 45999 Solution/Drops Acephen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 310.44 100% 0.03 0.38 310.44 310.44 -90.21 33 8.74
13542 3/9/07 0:00 John Huston Central Ohio 45999 Capsule Ogen 2.5 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,571.84 100% 0.01 0.56 3,571.84 3,571.84 403.81 11 300.98
58434 3/10/07 0:00 Dorothy Badders East Delaware 19895 For Solution Maxibolin Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.44 843.53 843.53 268.32 42 19.23
59879 3/10/07 0:00 Karen Bern East New Jersey 8823 Concentrate Bronkaid Mist Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 987.3175 100% 0.04 0.39 987.3175 987.3175 368.559 33 35.99
59776 3/10/07 0:00 Maxwell Schwartz West New Mexico 87011 Cream Pamine Forte Oral TableauCeutical Animal 12,215.43 100% 0.07 0.36 12,215.43 12,215.43 5,255.45 33 400.97
52870 3/10/07 0:00 Ann Steele West Idaho 83810 Solution Femring Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 118.51 100% 0.03 0.56 118.51 118.51 -948.71 21 3.25
59776 3/10/07 0:00 Maxwell Schwartz West New Mexico 87011 Solution/Drops Acetaminophen, Caffeine, And Dihydrocodeine Bitartrate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 285.01 100% 0.01 0.36 285.01 285.01 124.82 35 7.64
13632 3/11/07 0:00 Nora Price East New York 14210 Cream Clindagel Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.52 608.93 608.93 -222.94 6 99.99
37095 3/11/07 0:00 Roy Phan East New York 10501 Cream Zofran Preservative Free Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 18,888 100% 0.09 0.39 18,888 18,888 -16,253.68 3 6,783.02
34497 3/11/07 0:00 Thomas Brumley West Utah 84337 Ointment Halflytely Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 590.6 100% 0 0.39 590.6 590.6 117.73 25 22.84
34497 3/11/07 0:00 Thomas Brumley West Utah 84337 Ointment Fulconazole In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 175.35 100% 0.1 0.38 175.35 175.35 -174.18 36 4.98
27111 3/12/07 0:00 Heather Kirkland East Massachusetts 1001 Suppository Dexrazoxane Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.52 1,064.23 1,064.23 -127.56 11 99.99
27111 3/12/07 0:00 Heather Kirkland East Massachusetts 1001 Concentrate Bio-Tropin Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.81 774.0525 774.0525 -96.338 44 20.99
27111 3/12/07 0:00 Heather Kirkland East Massachusetts 1001 Syrup Migergot Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.71 3,497.05 3,497.05 282.18 18 193.17
2373 3/12/07 0:00 Craig Carroll West Idaho 83201 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.2% And Potassium Chloride 0.15% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 317.59 100% 0.06 0.38 317.59 317.59 -46.115 36 8.6
12450 3/13/07 0:00 Lindsay Castell Central Nebraska 69367 Suppository Rubramin Pc Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0 0.65 1,146.41 1,146.41 -88.61 15 73.98
14176 3/13/07 0:00 Resi Polking South South Carolina 29808 Concentrate Bretylium Tosylate Extended Release Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.38 1,233.48 1,233.48 453.798 39 35.99
33217 3/13/07 0:00 Dennis Kane South North Carolina 28633 Cream Fulvicin P/G 330 Injection Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.37 1,806.65 1,806.65 599.04 34 51.98
33217 3/13/07 0:00 Dennis Kane South North Carolina 28633 Suppository Rubramin Pc Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.79 1,388.91 1,388.91 -229.87 20 73.98
45987 3/13/07 0:00 Laura Armstrong South Maryland 20667 Ointment Keftab Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.37 131.43 131.43 37.25 31 4
25574 3/13/07 0:00 Rob Beeghly South Virginia 23111 Suppository Isopto Cetapred Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,526.67 100% 0.01 0.71 1,526.67 1,526.67 118.82 31 47.98
25574 3/13/07 0:00 Rob Beeghly South Virginia 23111 Injectable Fml Forte Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,074.07 100% 0 0.78 5,074.07 5,074.07 -1,390.53 46 100.98
28258 3/14/07 0:00 Denny Blanton West California 91188 Suppository Dexrazoxane Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.52 2,493.24 2,493.24 293.66 25 99.99
28258 3/14/07 0:00 Denny Blanton West California 91188 Concentrate Priscoline Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.6 201.178 201.178 -604.406 2 125.99
40518 3/14/07 0:00 Carlos Daly East Delaware 19810 Tablet Carbatrol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.38 17.52 17.52 -12.1555 3 4.13
23398 3/14/07 0:00 Carol Adams Central Nebraska 68717 Ointment Humatin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 123.1 100% 0.06 0.37 123.1 123.1 -75.44 19 6.48
24193 3/15/07 0:00 Beth Fritzler Central Texas 79080 Concentrate Blephamide S.O.P. Extended Release Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.85 1,426.51 1,426.51 -175.175 19 85.99
24193 3/15/07 0:00 Beth Fritzler Central Texas 79080 Ointment Gelnique Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.4 109.86 109.86 -63.87 24 4.28
24193 3/15/07 0:00 Beth Fritzler Central Texas 79080 Injectable Vigamox Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.75 9,539.60 9,539.60 -163.63 45 200.98
46241 3/15/07 0:00 Thea Hudgings Central Illinois 62444 For Solution Infuvite Pediatric (Pharmacy Bulk Package) Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,932.58 100% 0.1 0.63 1,932.58 1,932.58 356.48 34 62.18
28647 3/15/07 0:00 Michael Granlund East Massachusetts 5544 Spray Scabene Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,679.59 100% 0.09 0.68 5,679.59 5,679.59 -1,233.39 38 154.13
7776 3/15/07 0:00 Michelle Moray South Virginia 23970 Capsule Omnipaque 210 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 7,223.59 100% 0.07 0.58 7,223.59 7,223.59 1,769.81 36 200.98
7776 3/15/07 0:00 Michelle Moray South Virginia 23970 Spray Emgel Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 934.216 100% 0.02 0.76 934.216 934.216 -4.34 6 179.29
53573 3/16/07 0:00 Daniel Byrd East New York 14925 For Solution Humegon Extended Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.46 93.73 93.73 51.14 6 14.2
26855 3/16/07 0:00 Naresj Patel West Utah 84001 For Solution Children'S Allegra Allergy Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.44 396.04 396.04 230.02 13 30.93
11585 3/16/07 0:00 Chuck Sachs East Connecticut 6439 Concentrate Arduan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 200.753 100% 0.09 0.55 200.753 200.753 -605.374 2 125.99
11585 3/16/07 0:00 Chuck Sachs East Connecticut 6439 Suppository Diovan Hct Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 281.84 100% 0.1 0.79 281.84 281.84 -99.55 17 17.98
28480 3/16/07 0:00 Mike Kennedy East Massachusetts 1001 Gel Tolectin 600 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 30.62 100% 0.01 0.56 30.62 30.62 -1.56 17 1.76
1952 3/16/07 0:00 Alejandro Grove West California 90835 Spray Phisohex Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 7,287.55 100% 0.04 0.76 7,287.55 7,287.55 -6.01 24 296.18
57476 3/17/07 0:00 Michael Stewart West California 95503 Solution Pentetate Zinc Trisodium Intramuscular Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.41 1,351.43 1,351.43 -550.43 20 68.81
57476 3/17/07 0:00 Michael Stewart West California 95503 Gel Eulexin Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.59 357.91 357.91 -52.12 17 21.38
36807 3/17/07 0:00 Daniel Raglin West Washington 98390 Solution/Drops Winstrol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 211.88 100% 0.1 0.38 211.88 211.88 78.45 14 15.57
9383 3/17/07 0:00 John Dryer South South Carolina 29808 For Solution Suprenza Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 82.42 100% 0.07 0.42 82.42 82.42 18.53 11 7.59
6498 3/18/07 0:00 Julie Prescott Central Wisconsin 53006 Suppository Renese Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.77 336.85 336.85 -40.76 38 8.12
9733 3/18/07 0:00 Gene McClure Central Illinois 62924 Ointment Fluothane Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.4 223.64 223.64 -90.26 39 5.98
39906 3/18/07 0:00 Sean Christensen West Colorado 80746 Ointment Dianeal Pd-2 W/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.39 82.21 82.21 15.25 25 3.38
43140 3/19/07 0:00 Marc Harrigan East Massachusetts 2180 Ointment Gemzar Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.36 130.16 130.16 -49.53 23 5.98
53920 3/19/07 0:00 Anna Chung West Arizona 85001 Syrup Corzide Intramuscular Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.78 433.31 433.31 -815.79 18 20.98
31941 3/19/07 0:00 Kimberly Carter Central Michigan 49877 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.15% In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Injection Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.52 2,564.45 2,564.45 650.73 32 78.65
31941 3/19/07 0:00 Kimberly Carter Central Michigan 49877 Ointment Hectorol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.36 53.55 53.55 -43.5 7 6.48
9894 3/19/07 0:00 Eric Barreto South Maryland 21230 Capsule Phenaphen W/ Codeine No. 3 Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.64 5,403.75 5,403.75 103.83 16 355.98
15170 3/19/07 0:00 Thomas Boland West Colorado 81124 Concentrate Ak-Fluor 25% Injection TableauCeutical Animal 356.4645 100% 0.01 0.58 356.4645 356.4645 -9.108 19 20.99
19299 3/19/07 0:00 Brendan Murry South Maryland 21290 Suspension/Drops Concerta Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 29.23 100% 0.05 0.36 29.23 29.23 8.1 10 2.88
23751 3/19/07 0:00 Ricardo Block South Alabama 36350 Injectable Fluidil Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 10,364.36 100% 0.01 0.62 10,364.36 10,364.36 1,049.03 44 220.98
49216 3/20/07 0:00 Noah Childs East Delaware 19895 Cream Low-Ogestrel-28 Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.56 2,503.86 2,503.86 -198.25 9 270.97
49216 3/20/07 0:00 Noah Childs East Delaware 19895 Gel Trilyte Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.56 96.71 96.71 -72.44 28 3.28
49216 3/20/07 0:00 Noah Childs East Delaware 19895 Ointment Capozide 50/25 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.38 374.67 374.67 30.63 29 12.28
49216 3/20/07 0:00 Noah Childs East Delaware 19895 Tablet Nitro-Dur Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.39 259.69 259.69 -45.816 11 24.92
23429 3/20/07 0:00 Beth Thompson East Massachusetts 2054 Concentrate Atarax Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,063.35 100% 0.07 0.56 1,063.35 1,063.35 107.082 19 65.99
16676 3/20/07 0:00 Sally Hughsby South Maryland 21230 Concentrate Benicar Hct Injection TableauCeutical Animal 936.802 100% 0.07 0.56 936.802 936.802 -12.078 39 28.99
23429 3/20/07 0:00 Beth Thompson East Massachusetts 2054 Tablet Acetasol Hc Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 154.61 100% 0.06 0.39 154.61 154.61 -82.823 28 5.34
38084 3/21/07 0:00 Victoria Wilson West Colorado 81124 Ointment Erythromycin Stearate Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.4 100.36 100.36 18.41 11 9.11
38084 3/21/07 0:00 Victoria Wilson West Colorado 81124 For Solution Tussicaps Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.48 404.91 404.91 65.63 33 12.64
6116 3/21/07 0:00 Barry Weirich South Maryland 21230 Suppository Dimetapp Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 150.77 100% 0.01 0.68 150.77 150.77 -72.23 7 19.98
2530 3/21/07 0:00 Rob Haberlin Central Michigan 49877 Suspension/Drops Cobavite Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 23.46 100% 0.06 0.39 23.46 23.46 4.58 9 2.61
6116 3/21/07 0:00 Barry Weirich South Maryland 21230 Aerosol Parlodel Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 9,620.82 100% 0.04 0.81 9,620.82 9,620.82 -1,759.58 6 1,637.53
11077 3/21/07 0:00 Charles Crestani South Georgia 39859 Injectable Amerscan Mdp Kit Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,620.05 100% 0.06 0.72 4,620.05 4,620.05 -229.68 30 160.98
13825 3/22/07 0:00 Christopher Conant Central Wisconsin 53001 Ointment Hepatolite Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 186.79 186.79 -88.6 30 6.48
7719 3/22/07 0:00 Tony Sayre East New York 501 Syrup Combunox Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.59 522.62 522.62 34.52 37 13.48
26470 3/22/07 0:00 Harold Ryan East Connecticut 6928 Tablet Naftin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.35 18,081.76 18,081.76 8,822.28 41 420.98
35744 3/22/07 0:00 Tonja Turnell East New York 10055 Suppository Microgestin 1/20 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,587.53 100% 0.02 0.68 2,587.53 2,587.53 401.85 44 55.94
29766 3/22/07 0:00 Emily Phan South Maryland 21290 Cream Zofran Preservative Free Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 89,061.05 100% 0 0.39 89,061.05 89,061.05 27,220.69 13 6,783.02
29766 3/22/07 0:00 Emily Phan South Maryland 21290 Concentrate Darbid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 6,636.66 100% 0.08 0.56 6,636.66 6,636.66 1,623.70 40 205.99
7136 3/23/07 0:00 Lena Cacioppo Central Michigan 49642 Suppository Arava Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.54 642.9 642.9 88.72 17 39.48
7136 3/23/07 0:00 Lena Cacioppo Central Michigan 49642 Suspension/Drops Cortef Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.36 47.28 47.28 17.05 9 4.91
48900 3/23/07 0:00 Jack O'Briant East New Jersey 8823 Ointment Capozide 50/25 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.38 337.61 337.61 15.61 27 12.28
48900 3/23/07 0:00 Jack O'Briant East New Jersey 8823 Syrup Liquamar Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.81 636.34 636.34 -99.26 42 15.14
55776 3/23/07 0:00 Dean Braden Central Texas 77037 Cream Vivitrol Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 4,856.10 100% 0.01 0.56 4,856.10 4,856.10 1,096.64 32 145.45
13252 3/23/07 0:00 Pamela Stobb Central Nebraska 69367 Suppository Solaraze Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 605.16 100% 0.09 0.37 605.16 605.16 154.65 39 15.98
8257 3/23/07 0:00 David Philippe East New York 14210 Cream Losartan Potassium Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 7,486.09 100% 0.05 0.57 7,486.09 7,486.09 -2,944.05 5 1,500.97
39301 3/23/07 0:00 Kelly Williams South Virginia 24658 Suppository Cetraxal Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,232.66 100% 0.1 0.79 2,232.66 2,232.66 -521.09 16 152.48
8257 3/23/07 0:00 David Philippe East New York 14210 Gel Trancopal Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 22.77 100% 0.03 0.58 22.77 22.77 -6.2 5 4.28
8257 3/23/07 0:00 David Philippe East New York 14210 Ointment Etodolac Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 881.32 100% 0.02 0.37 881.32 881.32 373.67 18 48.04
39301 3/23/07 0:00 Kelly Williams South Virginia 24658 Aerosol Cardioquin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 33.54 100% 0.08 0.58 33.54 33.54 -29.49 4 6.84
13252 3/23/07 0:00 Pamela Stobb Central Nebraska 69367 Capsule Uroplus Ds Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 7,312.86 100% 0.03 0.62 7,312.86 7,312.86 1,279.37 44 160.98
43650 3/24/07 0:00 William Brown South Georgia 39901 Suspension Genotropin Preservative Free Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 1,759.65 100% 0.06 0.5 1,759.65 1,759.65 -2,213.75 3 599.99
50338 3/24/07 0:00 Liz Price West Arizona 85234 Cream Azactam Injection TableauCeutical Animal 551.44 100% 0 0.39 551.44 551.44 28.7 36 13.99
57382 3/24/07 0:00 George Ashbrook East Delaware 19934 Solution/Drops Borofair Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 452.93 100% 0.07 0.35 452.93 452.93 20.14 45 9.78
57382 3/24/07 0:00 George Ashbrook East Delaware 19934 Tablet Acetohexamide Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 106.04 100% 0.09 0.35 106.04 106.04 16.898 25 4.55
34017 3/24/07 0:00 Paul Prost South Florida 32119 Gel Acuvail Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 103.39 100% 0.05 0.52 103.39 103.39 29.17 20 4.84
34017 3/24/07 0:00 Paul Prost South Florida 32119 Syrup Chlorotrianisene Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 435.39 100% 0.01 0.57 435.39 435.39 -48.97 28 14.98
43650 3/24/07 0:00 William Brown South Georgia 39901 Gel Carbocaine Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 88.59 100% 0.05 0.6 88.59 88.59 -26.29 7 11.97
32451 3/25/07 0:00 Nat Carroll West Utah 84631 Tablet Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.33% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.39 580.56 580.56 163.6335 42 14.28
37794 3/25/07 0:00 Michael Oakman Central Ohio 45999 Syrup Migergot Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.71 6,195.87 6,195.87 781.03 32 193.17
38721 3/25/07 0:00 Troy Staebel South North Carolina 27006 Solution/Drops Depakote Er Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.4 1,386.69 1,386.69 363 15 90.48
37794 3/25/07 0:00 Michael Oakman Central Ohio 45999 For Solution Ilotycin Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.45 60.67 60.67 10.29 6 9.48
58628 3/25/07 0:00 Dionis Lloyd South North Carolina 27010 Spray Dicumarol Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.09 0.74 2,527.79 2,527.79 -546.2 23 138.75
38721 3/25/07 0:00 Troy Staebel South North Carolina 27006 For Solution Mydriafair Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.1 0.37 107.56 107.56 -25 17 6.64
57415 3/25/07 0:00 Tamara Chand East Delaware 19895 Syrup Imuran Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 101.52 100% 0.02 0.59 101.52 101.52 -16.37 6 15.42
1892 3/26/07 0:00 Joe Kamberova West Washington 98625 Ointment Hexadrol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.37 64.29 64.29 -18.85 9 6.48
1892 3/26/07 0:00 Joe Kamberova West Washington 98625 Tablet Promethazine Hydrochloride And Phenylephrine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.38 193.63 193.63 -152.5245 47 3.98
323 3/26/07 0:00 Dario Medina West Arizona 85060 Ointment Fuzeon Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.39 55.34 55.34 -31.24 2 22.84
323 3/26/07 0:00 Dario Medina West Arizona 85060 Solution/Drops Cardiolite Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.38 108.09 108.09 25.76 20 5.68
10148 3/26/07 0:00 Christopher Martinez Central Illinois 62999 Injectable Isoflurane Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.66 14,357.85 14,357.85 3,309.55 27 500.98
51266 3/26/07 0:00 Michael Grace South Florida 32119 Cream Galzin Injection TableauCeutical Animal 1,610.29 100% 0.04 0.38 1,610.29 1,610.29 221.38 11 150.98
51266 3/26/07 0:00 Michael Grace South Florida 32119 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride-Hydrochlorothiazide-Reserpine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 617.51 100% 0.01 0.37 617.51 617.51 98.1 30 18.97
51266 3/26/07 0:00 Michael Grace South Florida 32119 Ointment Fernisone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 278.83 100% 0.03 0.38 278.83 278.83 35.16 23 12.28
51266 3/26/07 0:00 Michael Grace South Florida 32119 Gel Prevacid 24 Hr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,605.22 100% 0.05 0.59 1,605.22 1,605.22 230.03 46 34.99
38565 3/26/07 0:00 Justin Knight Central Michigan 49971 For Solution Lanoxin Pediatric Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 234.09 100% 0.01 0.57 234.09 234.09 -11.69 20 10.64
51554 3/27/07 0:00 Liz Pelletier Central Ohio 44197 Solution Pentetate Zinc Trisodium Intramuscular Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.41 545.04 545.04 -210.06 7 68.81
51554 3/27/07 0:00 Liz Pelletier Central Ohio 44197 Syrup Retin-A Micro Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.83 606.91 606.91 -271.77 29 20.89
31174 3/27/07 0:00 Muhammed Yedwab East New York 14709 Solution Pathilon Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 4,520.60 100% 0.07 0.42 4,520.60 4,520.60 1,944.38 20 225.04
31174 3/27/07 0:00 Muhammed Yedwab East New York 14709 Tablet Imitrex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 225.25 100% 0.03 0.35 225.25 225.25 -7.59 29 7.84
3653 3/27/07 0:00 Lynn Smith West Idaho 83465 Gel Amphadase Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 271.11 100% 0.08 0.48 271.11 271.11 64.79 41 6.68
46407 3/27/07 0:00 Rick Huthwaite West California 95503 Tablet Dostinex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 38.37 100% 0.1 0.36 38.37 38.37 -29.003 7 5.18
22562 3/28/07 0:00 Jennifer Ferguson South North Carolina 28633 Cream Voltaren-Xr Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.59 9,304.20 9,304.20 1,981.17 46 213.45
22562 3/28/07 0:00 Jennifer Ferguson South North Carolina 28633 Syrup Serostim Lq Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.59 57.48 57.48 -28.09 3 16.06
22562 3/28/07 0:00 Jennifer Ferguson South North Carolina 28633 Ointment Elixicon Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.36 1,685.05 1,685.05 518.07 31 55.98
21633 3/28/07 0:00 Keith Dawkins Central Texas 73301 For Solution Maxitrol Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.47 547.82 547.82 69.63 29 18.7
50816 3/28/07 0:00 Anthony Johnson East Delaware 19701 Suppository Talwin Compound Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.42 99.11 99.11 -12.46 6 15.28
50816 3/28/07 0:00 Anthony Johnson East Delaware 19701 Tablet Sodium Lactate In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.38 733.92 733.92 302.804 26 28.53
50816 3/28/07 0:00 Anthony Johnson East Delaware 19701 Solution Bromfenac Sodium Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.58 286.07 286.07 -35.94 25 11.97
32869 3/28/07 0:00 Christopher Schild Central Michigan 48001 Concentrate Aldoclor-150 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 5,250.66 100% 0.1 0.57 5,250.66 5,250.66 930.987 39 175.99
28354 3/28/07 0:00 Dave Kipp Central Michigan 49877 Suppository Solaraze Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 507.66 100% 0.1 0.37 507.66 507.66 106.71 34 15.98
32869 3/28/07 0:00 Christopher Schild Central Michigan 48001 Suppository Renese Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 322.03 100% 0.06 0.77 322.03 322.03 -82.83 41 8.12
39750 3/28/07 0:00 Adam Shillingsburg South South Carolina 29001 Cream Gastromark Injection TableauCeutical Animal 140.59 100% 0.01 0.4 140.59 140.59 -41.24 7 17.98
32869 3/28/07 0:00 Christopher Schild Central Michigan 48001 Gel Amphadase Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 15.26 100% 0.01 0.48 15.26 15.26 -7.51 2 6.68
53953 3/28/07 0:00 Heather Jas West Arizona 85234 Ointment Adderall Xr 25 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 307.65 100% 0.07 0.39 307.65 307.65 91.73 36 8.95
32869 3/28/07 0:00 Christopher Schild Central Michigan 48001 For Solution Indo-Lemmon Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,470.84 100% 0.05 0.65 2,470.84 2,470.84 25.04 49 51.65
33319 3/28/07 0:00 Don Weiss South South Carolina 29808 Capsule Ocufen Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,736.26 100% 0.01 0.77 1,736.26 1,736.26 -505.76 11 150.89
52576 3/29/07 0:00 Tony Sayre East New York 501 Cream Sinemet Cr Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.36 958.18 958.18 126.81 10 90.97
4516 3/29/07 0:00 Ryan Crowe Central Ohio 45999 Ointment Premphase (Premarin;Cycrin 14/14) Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.37 294.78 294.78 -113.45 42 6.68
58116 3/29/07 0:00 Nick Zandusky South South Carolina 29684 Capsule Optimine Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.01 0.6 171.77 171.77 -59.88 6 25.98
2144 3/29/07 0:00 Jonathan Doherty Central Ohio 43567 Concentrate Aminosyn Ii 5% W/ Electrolytes In Dextrose 25% W/ Calcium In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 5,945.37 100% 0.08 0.59 5,945.37 5,945.37 1,585.48 40 175.99
48357 3/29/07 0:00 Eileen Kiefer South Virginia 23970 Cream Galzin Injection TableauCeutical Animal 2,365.43 100% 0.04 0.38 2,365.43 2,365.43 619.71 16 150.98
9478 3/29/07 0:00 Philip Brown West Utah 84415 Ointment Fulvicin-U/F Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 199.46 100% 0.08 0.4 199.46 199.46 -121.2 48 4.28
9478 3/29/07 0:00 Philip Brown West Utah 84415 For Solution Mefoxin In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 522.97 100% 0.04 0.51 522.97 522.97 29.98 48 10.4
16229 3/30/07 0:00 Nora Paige Central Texas 88595 Suppository Clindamycin Phosphate In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.74 1,068.70 1,068.70 -89.5 27 40.98
16229 3/30/07 0:00 Nora Paige Central Texas 88595 Concentrate Bronkaid Mist Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.39 568.7435 568.7435 143.793 19 35.99
58688 3/30/07 0:00 Grant Carroll East Massachusetts 2139 Gel Carbocaine Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.6 215.93 215.93 -41.87 18 11.97
49125 3/30/07 0:00 Edward Becker West Utah 84014 Ointment Pre-Op Ii Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 177.41 100% 0.05 0.36 177.41 177.41 -116.05 29 5.78
22755 3/31/07 0:00 Fred Harton West Washington 98001 Concentrate Briellyn Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.8 236.878 236.878 -275.253 5 55.99
22755 3/31/07 0:00 Fred Harton West Washington 98001 Tablet Caffeine Citrate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.36 187.84 187.84 -95.0475 35 4.91
22755 3/31/07 0:00 Fred Harton West Washington 98001 Tablet Diprolene Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.38 240.6 240.6 3.451 45 5.34
10949 3/31/07 0:00 Ashley Jarboe West Arizona 85003 Cream Paremyd Oral Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.4 3,449.26 3,449.26 252.77 46 80.97
37859 3/31/07 0:00 Tom Stivers South Virginia 23970 Ointment Edarbi Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.36 29.03 29.03 -11.83 2 11.34
2915 3/31/07 0:00 Tim Brockman South South Carolina 29684 Suppository Theolair-Sr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 987.17 100% 0.01 0.7 987.17 987.17 51.59 23 39.98
2915 3/31/07 0:00 Tim Brockman South South Carolina 29684 Gel T-Phyl Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 231.26 100% 0.07 0.6 231.26 231.26 32.83 41 5.98
48035 4/1/07 0:00 Liz Pelletier Central Ohio 44197 Concentrate Ak-Fluor 25% Injection Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.58 155.924 155.924 -63.118 8 20.99
44772 4/1/07 0:00 Dorothy Wardle East Delaware 19701 Concentrate Betoptic Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 54.077 100% 0.07 0.83 54.077 54.077 -232.991 1 55.99
29127 4/1/07 0:00 Thea Hudgings Central Illinois 62444 Gel Ablavar Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 31.13 100% 0.06 0.35 31.13 31.13 -0.81 18 1.68
17795 4/2/07 0:00 Troy Staebel South North Carolina 27006 Solution Penicillin V Potassium Injection Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.42 17.62 17.62 -15.92 1 11.33
10978 4/2/07 0:00 Toby Swindell South Florida 32046 Capsule Trizivir Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.06 0.7 566.53 566.53 -209.6 9 60.98
8295 4/2/07 0:00 Karen Seio South Alabama 36759 Concentrate Priscoline Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 771.834 100% 0.01 0.6 771.834 771.834 -295.427 7 125.99
8295 4/2/07 0:00 Karen Seio South Alabama 36759 Concentrate Betamethasone Acetate And Betamethasone Sodium Phosphate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 835.1505 100% 0.09 0.55 835.1505 835.1505 158.175 30 35.99
42242 4/2/07 0:00 Thomas Boland West Colorado 81124 Cream Clindagel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,287.10 100% 0.07 0.52 2,287.10 2,287.10 231.49 23 99.99
42242 4/2/07 0:00 Thomas Boland West Colorado 81124 Suppository Orinase Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,444.88 100% 0.1 0.46 1,444.88 1,444.88 236.61 15 100.97
42242 4/2/07 0:00 Thomas Boland West Colorado 81124 Tablet Procapan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 265.31 100% 0.09 0.4 265.31 265.31 -33.189 23 11.5
2754 4/3/07 0:00 Philip Brown West Utah 84415 Solution Rimifon Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.56 1,427.67 1,427.67 422.8 16 90.24
2754 4/3/07 0:00 Philip Brown West Utah 84415 Ointment Flomax Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 499.26 499.26 144.05 11 47.9
22978 4/3/07 0:00 Anthony Garverick South Florida 34997 Capsule Onglyza Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.03 0.56 1,801.95 1,801.95 -182.07 28 60.89
48518 4/3/07 0:00 Scot Coram West Colorado 80813 Ointment Balziva-21 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 585.47 100% 0.1 0.38 585.47 585.47 178.14 17 37.94
53281 4/3/07 0:00 Philip Brown West Utah 84415 Capsule Phenaphen W/ Codeine No. 3 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 14,075.99 100% 0.08 0.64 14,075.99 14,075.99 1,894.14 40 355.98
44225 4/4/07 0:00 Nora Price East New York 14210 For Solution Infuvite Pediatric (Pharmacy Bulk Package) Injection Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.63 1,958.32 1,958.32 632.29 29 62.18
25475 4/5/07 0:00 Lena Cacioppo Central Michigan 49642 Ointment Hydropres 25 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.37 305.96 305.96 -191.49 49 6.48
13959 4/5/07 0:00 Alex Russell South South Carolina 29808 Ointment Keftab Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 77.61 77.61 16.79 19 4
13959 4/5/07 0:00 Alex Russell South South Carolina 29808 Suspension/Drops Cortef Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.36 228.46 228.46 112.06 47 4.91
46436 4/5/07 0:00 Odella Nelson West Washington 98001 Concentrate Benazepril Hydrochloride Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0 0.35 1,477.57 1,477.57 840.051 46 35.99
22371 4/5/07 0:00 Phillip Flathmann Central Nebraska 68016 Tablet Neo-Cort-Dome Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.36 70.55 70.55 -66.171 8 7.38
42693 4/5/07 0:00 Dave Brooks Central Illinois 62924 Syrup Chenodiol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,118.26 100% 0.01 0.57 2,118.26 2,118.26 554.22 33 59.76
36452 4/6/07 0:00 Eudokia Martin East Delaware 19701 Tablet Desloratadine And Pseudoephedrine Sulfate 24 Hour Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.38 564.98 564.98 -107.5135 26 22.38
36452 4/6/07 0:00 Eudokia Martin East Delaware 19701 For Solution Mycifradin Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.37 129.48 129.48 46.01 18 6.98
50016 4/6/07 0:00 Harold Dahlen Central Nebraska 68717 Concentrate Benztropine Mesylate Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 1,093.64 100% 0.05 0.55 1,093.64 1,093.64 119.169 15 85.99
13765 4/6/07 0:00 Scot Wooten Central Nebraska 69367 Gel Ismelin Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,553.38 100% 0.1 0.41 1,553.38 1,553.38 180.88 45 36.55
14530 4/7/07 0:00 Tracy Blumstein West Washington 98601 Concentrate Cytosar-U Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.58 4,851.50 4,851.50 1,371.67 44 125.99
26918 4/7/07 0:00 Russell Applegate Central Illinois 62541 Gel Acuvail Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.52 77.96 77.96 16.65 16 4.84
35361 4/7/07 0:00 Corey Lock East Connecticut 6074 Ointment Benylin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.4 313.4 313.4 -5.05 37 8.34
35361 4/7/07 0:00 Corey Lock East Connecticut 6074 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride-Hydrochlorothiazide-Reserpine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 746.93 746.93 67.03 40 18.97
14530 4/7/07 0:00 Tracy Blumstein West Washington 98601 Syrup Metoprolol Succinate Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.83 1,556.61 1,556.61 -485.55 17 89.83
14530 4/7/07 0:00 Tracy Blumstein West Washington 98601 Syrup Mexate-Aq Preserved Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.57 645.14 645.14 -26.32 49 13.43
14114 4/7/07 0:00 Dave Poirier South Florida 32003 Lotion Chloraprep One-Step Frepp Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.44 65.16 65.16 -7.04 29 2.18
14114 4/7/07 0:00 Dave Poirier South Florida 32003 For Solution Hytrin Injection Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.55 241.9 241.9 -136.7 41 5.77
14114 4/7/07 0:00 Dave Poirier South Florida 32003 Injectable Ambodryl Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.01 0.66 6,532.48 6,532.48 538.52 38 170.98
10851 4/7/07 0:00 Jenna Caffey West Washington 98103 Concentrate Amrix Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 570.5285 100% 0.02 0.57 570.5285 570.5285 3.96 14 45.99
5921 4/7/07 0:00 Maurice Satty Central Ohio 43317 Syrup Mexate-Aq Preserved Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 384.74 100% 0.01 0.57 384.74 384.74 2.69 27 13.43
10851 4/7/07 0:00 Jenna Caffey West Washington 98103 Aerosol Sulfair Forte Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 608.21 100% 0.09 0.82 608.21 608.21 -175.13 50 12.88
40544 4/7/07 0:00 Michelle Ellison West Colorado 81655 For Solution Constulose Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,413.53 100% 0.06 0.64 2,413.53 2,413.53 544.04 39 60.65
42599 4/7/07 0:00 Alex Grayson West Colorado 80230 Injectable Clinimix 5/20 Sulfite Free In Dextrose 20% In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 9,459.94 100% 0.04 0.55 9,459.94 9,459.94 2,023.75 31 300.98
34432 4/8/07 0:00 Nora Pelletier South North Carolina 27010 Syrup Pradaxa Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.55 581.42 581.42 -129.97 3 178.47
34432 4/8/07 0:00 Nora Pelletier South North Carolina 27010 Suspension/Drops Colyte With Flavor Packs Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.38 244.39 244.39 114.1 20 12.53
5509 4/8/07 0:00 Ashley Jarboe West Arizona 85003 Solution/Drops Bumex Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.35 68.46 68.46 -22.48 11 5.58
5509 4/8/07 0:00 Ashley Jarboe West Arizona 85003 For Solution Kwell Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.57 885.23 885.23 78.98 21 40.89
3777 4/8/07 0:00 Christine Kargatis West Idaho 83810 For Solution Maprotiline Hydrochloride Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.06 0.47 244.85 244.85 38.06 14 17.67
8994 4/8/07 0:00 Christopher Schild Central Michigan 48001 Suppository Rogaine (For Women) Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,423.35 100% 0.1 0.77 1,423.35 1,423.35 -580.32 36 40.48
10277 4/8/07 0:00 Grant Thornton East Connecticut 6439 Concentrate Myidyl Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,144.92 100% 0 0.59 2,144.92 2,144.92 542.25 36 65.99
31171 4/9/07 0:00 Parhena Norris East Massachusetts 5544 Tablet Acetohexamide Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.35 161.02 161.02 32.1895 37 4.55
1189 4/9/07 0:00 Aaron Smayling Central Ohio 43001 Solution/Drops Oraverse Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.38 129.1 129.1 -59.82 27 4.42
2722 4/9/07 0:00 Jay Fine South Florida 34997 Suppository Clinimix E 4.25/20 Sulfite-Free W/ Elect In Dextrose 20% W/ Calcium In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,895.55 100% 0.06 0.42 1,895.55 1,895.55 807.62 46 40.97
13028 4/9/07 0:00 Stuart Van Central Nebraska 69367 Ointment Fentanyl-75 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,357.53 100% 0.05 0.38 1,357.53 1,357.53 562.92 39 35.44
36838 4/9/07 0:00 Marc Crier Central Texas 77474 Suspension/Drops Daunoxome Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 32.76 100% 0.06 0.39 32.76 32.76 11.29 3 6.3
12768 4/9/07 0:00 Kelly Lampkin West Utah 84741 Solution Doxychel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,562.97 100% 0.01 0.56 1,562.97 1,562.97 501.59 34 42.98
58914 4/10/07 0:00 Alex Russell South South Carolina 29808 Suppository Mycelex-7 Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.55 99.94 99.94 -55.84 46 2.12
58914 4/10/07 0:00 Alex Russell South South Carolina 29808 Gel Travasol 2.75% Sulfite Free W/ Electrolytes In Dextrose 10% In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.56 18.7 18.7 -3.36 11 1.76
40258 4/10/07 0:00 Michelle Ellison West Colorado 81655 Gel Tradjenta Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.59 80.61 80.61 -8.77 29 2.78
40258 4/10/07 0:00 Michelle Ellison West Colorado 81655 Solution Penicillin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.43 449.47 449.47 -190.49 31 14.81
8646 4/10/07 0:00 Emily Ducich Central Illinois 62999 Suppository Clindamycin Phosphate In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 994.27 100% 0.09 0.74 994.27 994.27 -127.11 26 40.98
39815 4/10/07 0:00 Roy French East Delaware 19934 Concentrate Ammonul Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,075.38 100% 0.05 0.58 4,075.38 4,075.38 841.725 43 115.99
11174 4/10/07 0:00 Evan Henry South Maryland 21022 Concentrate Cefizox Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,197.00 100% 0.07 0.59 3,197.00 3,197.00 603.459 30 125.99
45120 4/10/07 0:00 Emily Phan South Maryland 21290 Cream Pamine Forte Oral TableauCeutical Animal 14,591.44 100% 0.07 0.36 14,591.44 14,591.44 5,475.80 39 400.97
8646 4/10/07 0:00 Emily Ducich Central Illinois 62999 Solution Potassium Chloride 10Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 85.85 100% 0.03 0.6 85.85 85.85 -327.65 8 4.48
27491 4/10/07 0:00 Roy Collins South Florida 32003 Solution/Drops Depakote Er Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 985.01 100% 0.04 0.4 985.01 985.01 186.05 11 90.48
27491 4/10/07 0:00 Roy Collins South Florida 32003 Gel Prevacid 24 Hr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 75.23 100% 0.09 0.59 75.23 75.23 -51.5 2 34.99
8646 4/10/07 0:00 Emily Ducich Central Illinois 62999 Capsule Oleptro Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 14,377.78 100% 0.06 0.55 14,377.78 14,377.78 4,161.98 41 350.99
8646 4/10/07 0:00 Emily Ducich Central Illinois 62999 Spray Aminosyn Ii 5% Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 9,558.65 100% 0.09 0.49 9,558.65 9,558.65 2,154.07 29 349.45
27491 4/10/07 0:00 Roy Collins South Florida 32003 For Solution Ifex Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 350.71 100% 0.02 0.48 350.71 350.71 -15.3 36 9.77
20519 4/11/07 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 Cream Akpentolate Injection Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.38 124.19 124.19 -61.26 7 15.99
27456 4/11/07 0:00 Duane Benoit East New York 501 Solution Anhydron Intramuscular Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.57 9,492.92 9,492.92 772.04 29 328.14
29219 4/11/07 0:00 Nat Carroll West Utah 84631 Gel Ancef In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.47 203.4 203.4 24.59 29 7.08
29284 4/11/07 0:00 David Kendrick South Georgia 39901 Spray Fibricor Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.71 6,449.06 6,449.06 1,116.02 20 400.98
43269 4/11/07 0:00 James Lanier East Delaware 19980 Ointment Enalaprilat Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 843.15 100% 0 0.38 843.15 843.15 355 16 48.91
43269 4/11/07 0:00 James Lanier East Delaware 19980 Tablet Namenda Xr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,978.02 100% 0.08 0.4 3,978.02 3,978.02 1,336.96 24 165.98
19975 4/11/07 0:00 Emily Phan South Maryland 21290 Solution Osmitrol 15% In Water Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 362.17 100% 0.08 0.5 362.17 362.17 -83.96 33 11.7
20838 4/11/07 0:00 Shahid Shariari West Arizona 85301 Gel Trilyte Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 20.17 100% 0.05 0.56 20.17 20.17 -15.42 5 3.28
20838 4/11/07 0:00 Shahid Shariari West Arizona 85301 Aerosol Mpi Stannous Diphosphonate Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 235.98 100% 0.03 0.57 235.98 235.98 11.82 21 10.98
51047 4/11/07 0:00 Ellis Ballard South Florida 32099 For Solution Kombiglyze Xr Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,685.07 100% 0.03 0.73 1,685.07 1,685.07 -681.97 38 41.47
51047 4/11/07 0:00 Ellis Ballard South Florida 32099 For Solution Alcohol 10% And Dextrose 5% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 65.7 100% 0.02 0.41 65.7 65.7 -83.54 28 1.76
36706 4/12/07 0:00 Brad Eason Central Michigan 49634 Ointment Aerolate Jr Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 355.97 355.97 -4.46 7 48.04
36706 4/12/07 0:00 Brad Eason Central Michigan 49634 Tablet Dextrose 25% Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.35 887.45 887.45 365.789 47 20.98
58279 4/12/07 0:00 Emily Phan South Maryland 21290 Tablet Cholebrine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,317.34 100% 0.03 0.35 1,317.34 1,317.34 555.934 44 30.56
56677 4/12/07 0:00 Roy Skaria Central Illinois 60406 For Solution Chlorpropamide Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 430.55 100% 0 0.55 430.55 430.55 120.01 35 12.22
55040 4/13/07 0:00 Dave Kipp Central Michigan 49877 Cream Lotrimin Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 4,692.26 100% 0.08 0.57 4,692.26 4,692.26 -8,474.86 2 2,550.14
55040 4/13/07 0:00 Dave Kipp Central Michigan 49877 Tablet Modicon 21 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 290.01 100% 0.03 0.4 290.01 290.01 -160.2755 34 8.04
55040 4/13/07 0:00 Dave Kipp Central Michigan 49877 Syrup Chantix Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 292.38 100% 0.05 0.58 292.38 292.38 6.11 8 35.51
55040 4/13/07 0:00 Dave Kipp Central Michigan 49877 Aerosol Cefepime In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 191.79 100% 0.1 0.59 191.79 191.79 -6.34 24 8.34
44448 4/14/07 0:00 Raymond Fair West California 93456 Suppository Rela Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.45 951.06 951.06 331.27 28 33.98
55046 4/14/07 0:00 Thais Sissman Central Wisconsin 53235 Ointment Cladribine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.37 29.32 29.32 -12.93 2 7.28
9635 4/14/07 0:00 Andy Reiter South Maryland 20601 Tablet Cefazolin And Dextrose Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3.42 100% 0.05 0.37 3.42 3.42 -2.9095 1 1.88
8422 4/15/07 0:00 Becky Martin South Maryland 21290 Suppository Buprenorphine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.78 1,003.71 1,003.71 -22.82 33 29.1
8422 4/15/07 0:00 Becky Martin South Maryland 21290 Spray Phisohex Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.76 4,212.75 4,212.75 -56.14 18 296.18
32999 4/15/07 0:00 David Flashing West Washington 98666 Injectable Fondaparinux Sodium Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.09 0.62 1,386.65 1,386.65 -193.58 14 100.98
35041 4/16/07 0:00 Jasper Cacioppo South North Carolina 27801 Tablet Myoview 30Ml Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.39 443.73 443.73 -200.859 28 15.16
58818 4/16/07 0:00 James Galang West Idaho 83552 Suppository Technetium Tc-99M Mebrofenin Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 998.05 100% 0.01 0.46 998.05 998.05 391.14 41 22.98
33220 4/16/07 0:00 Carl Weiss East New York 14709 Solution Delflex W/ Dextrose 2.5% Low Magnesium In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,291.13 100% 0.09 0.59 3,291.13 3,291.13 925.95 49 70.97
33220 4/16/07 0:00 Carl Weiss East New York 14709 For Solution Aerolate Iii Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 736.96 100% 0.1 0.49 736.96 736.96 -34.29 40 19.98
58818 4/16/07 0:00 James Galang West Idaho 83552 Capsule Plasma-Lyte 56 And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,353.02 100% 0.1 0.59 4,353.02 4,353.02 661.77 20 226.67
96 4/17/07 0:00 Keith Dawkins Central Texas 73301 Concentrate Arduan Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.55 4,158.12 4,158.12 1,228.89 37 125.99
19584 4/17/07 0:00 Maria Zettner South Georgia 30002 Cream Lotrimin Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 14,535.80 100% 0.05 0.57 14,535.80 14,535.80 -4,564.44 6 2,550.14
50337 4/17/07 0:00 Chris Cortes South Florida 32046 Cream Lotrimin Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 14,734.71 100% 0.1 0.57 14,734.71 14,734.71 -4,365.53 6 2,550.14
50337 4/17/07 0:00 Chris Cortes South Florida 32046 Tablet Doxychel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 122.99 100% 0 0.36 122.99 122.99 21.4795 37 2.78
2756 4/18/07 0:00 Denny Ordway West Washington 98390 Suppository Microgestin 1/20 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.74 1,344.88 1,344.88 -13.77 25 55.94
2756 4/18/07 0:00 Denny Ordway West Washington 98390 Suspension/Drops Codimal-L.A. 12 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.39 248.54 248.54 111.75 42 6.3
11013 4/18/07 0:00 Ruben Dartt East New York 10457 Concentrate Subutex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 226.882 100% 0.01 0.59 226.882 226.882 -582.648 2 125.99
30407 4/18/07 0:00 Patrick Ryan South North Carolina 28909 Syrup Baci-Rx Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 17,853.64 100% 0.02 0.58 17,853.64 17,853.64 6,227.33 41 419.19
2817 4/19/07 0:00 Luke Schmidt South Florida 32122 Suppository Orsythia Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.48 3,830.14 3,830.14 202.25 14 300.97
2817 4/19/07 0:00 Luke Schmidt South Florida 32122 For Solution Dermacort Extended Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.53 1,559.86 1,559.86 672.37 40 39.89
11553 4/19/07 0:00 Justin Knight Central Michigan 49971 Concentrate Benztropine Mesylate Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 1,531.41 100% 0.03 0.55 1,531.41 1,531.41 365.418 20 85.99
54753 4/19/07 0:00 Christopher Schild Central Michigan 48001 Concentrate Cipro Xr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,711.24 100% 0.06 0.55 4,711.24 4,711.24 1,380.32 36 155.99
11553 4/19/07 0:00 Justin Knight Central Michigan 49971 Syrup Oraqix Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,350.34 100% 0.1 0.81 1,350.34 1,350.34 -517.17 28 52.99
4674 4/19/07 0:00 Christina Anderson Central Texas 77474 Capsule Ultram Er Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,041.33 100% 0.02 0.78 3,041.33 3,041.33 -260.41 23 130.98
11553 4/19/07 0:00 Justin Knight Central Michigan 49971 Injectable Fml Forte Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 861.26 100% 0.07 0.78 861.26 861.26 -429.86 8 100.98
8259 4/19/07 0:00 Peter Fuller South Georgia 39901 Capsule Ondansetron Hydrochloride And Dextrose In Plastic Container Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,130.22 100% 0.09 0.66 2,130.22 2,130.22 -584.6 25 89.99
48135 4/20/07 0:00 Matt Collister West Idaho 83877 Suspension Geodon Delayed Release Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.46 3,960.99 3,960.99 631.33 20 199.99
30176 4/20/07 0:00 Amy Hunt Central Texas 73301 For Solution Ketalar Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.74 2,504.41 2,504.41 -547.89 30 79.52
48135 4/20/07 0:00 Matt Collister West Idaho 83877 For Solution Maprotiline Hydrochloride Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.47 750.14 750.14 93.68 40 17.67
53798 4/20/07 0:00 Kelly Williams South Virginia 24658 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.15% In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,317.65 100% 0 0.52 2,317.65 2,317.65 568.6 29 78.65
994 4/20/07 0:00 Kelly Lampkin West Utah 84741 Lotion Valrelease Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 132.07 100% 0.06 0.36 132.07 132.07 14 38 3.58
59745 4/20/07 0:00 Alejandro Grove West California 90835 Tablet Nalidixic Acid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 18,092.66 100% 0.09 0.37 18,092.66 18,092.66 7,917.76 36 525.98
53798 4/20/07 0:00 Kelly Williams South Virginia 24658 Capsule Ocl Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,987.73 100% 0.08 0.74 4,987.73 4,987.73 -1,867.97 41 122.99
19367 4/21/07 0:00 Amy Hunt Central Texas 73301 Solution/Drops Diastat Acudial Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.36 112.42 112.42 7.4 20 5.98
49511 4/21/07 0:00 Eugene Moren West Washington 99403 Solution/Drops Homatropine Methylbromide And Hydrocodone Bitartrate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.39 150.29 150.29 5.04 35 3.69
44834 4/21/07 0:00 Anthony Rawles Central Illinois 62999 Ointment Ifosfamide Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.38 248.76 248.76 35.09 13 19.98
44834 4/21/07 0:00 Anthony Rawles Central Illinois 62999 Spray Elestrin Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.06 0.61 10,984.05 10,984.05 785.63 43 259.71
41474 4/21/07 0:00 Matt Connell South Maryland 21022 Suppository Renoquid Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 225.94 100% 0.09 0.72 225.94 225.94 -89.13 50 4.77
41474 4/21/07 0:00 Matt Connell South Maryland 21022 Injectable Fondaparinux Sodium Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,640.83 100% 0 0.62 3,640.83 3,640.83 -6.8 35 100.98
28736 4/22/07 0:00 Lindsay Castell Central Nebraska 69367 Ointment Entocort Ec Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.36 1,029.29 1,029.29 109.16 26 40.99
40997 4/22/07 0:00 Odella Nelson West Washington 98001 Syrup Zefazone In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.57 22.61 22.61 -8.4 1 14.97
40997 4/22/07 0:00 Odella Nelson West Washington 98001 Ointment Folicet Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.4 382.29 382.29 61.47 12 30.98
40997 4/22/07 0:00 Odella Nelson West Washington 98001 Gel Excedrin (Migraine) Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.57 881.74 881.74 18.27 37 22.99
40997 4/22/07 0:00 Odella Nelson West Washington 98001 Spray Fludarabine Phosphate Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.04 0.73 7,384.18 7,384.18 -1,799.15 33 212.6
35813 4/22/07 0:00 Tracy Collins Central Illinois 62924 Solution Potassium Chloride 40Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.225% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 7,841.57 100% 0.05 0.57 7,841.57 7,841.57 2,347.18 21 363.25
56807 4/22/07 0:00 Scott Cohen West Idaho 83643 Solution Doxychel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 47.04 100% 0.06 0.56 47.04 47.04 -24.63 1 42.98
35813 4/22/07 0:00 Tracy Collins Central Illinois 62924 For Solution Suprenza Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 156.31 100% 0.06 0.42 156.31 156.31 -9.81 21 7.59
13056 4/23/07 0:00 Raymond Fair West California 93456 Suppository Sonazine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.4 3,387.32 3,387.32 1,413.52 33 100.98
17315 4/23/07 0:00 Joy Smith Central Michigan 48001 Ointment Duetact Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 159.11 100% 0.07 0.36 159.11 159.11 64.01 29 5.43
25927 4/23/07 0:00 Rick Duston Central Texas 76246 Syrup Butabarbital Sodium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 422.83 100% 0.02 0.7 422.83 422.83 -21.06 14 29.74
48257 4/23/07 0:00 Christina Anderson Central Texas 77474 Tablet Tri-Sprintec Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 221.06 100% 0.02 0.37 221.06 221.06 -124.2805 45 4.57
9669 4/23/07 0:00 Christine Abelman Central Wisconsin 53006 Syrup Inderide La 160/50 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 292.11 100% 0.04 0.58 292.11 292.11 -91.95 18 15.42
25927 4/23/07 0:00 Rick Duston Central Texas 76246 Gel Ethchlorvynol Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 945.9 100% 0.08 0.59 945.9 945.9 105.7 43 22.01
9665 4/24/07 0:00 Eugene Hildebrand Central Texas 78702 Solution Eryc 125 Injection Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.46 2,348.66 2,348.66 921.41 50 46.89
9665 4/24/07 0:00 Eugene Hildebrand Central Texas 78702 Injectable Aquasol A Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.77 2,657.12 2,657.12 -373.09 19 140.98
9665 4/24/07 0:00 Eugene Hildebrand Central Texas 78702 Spray Fludarabine Phosphate Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.1 0.73 9,579.62 9,579.62 -3,850.08 49 212.6
44517 4/24/07 0:00 Christy Brittain South Georgia 30002 Ointment Fortesta Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 32.5 100% 0.03 0.4 32.5 32.5 -16.67 5 5.28
3808 4/24/07 0:00 Lynn Smith West Idaho 83465 Suspension/Drops Adagen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 6.13 100% 0.08 0.38 6.13 6.13 -2.83 2 2.89
50625 4/24/07 0:00 Frank Merwin West Idaho 83877 Suspension/Drops Cytovene Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 29.12 100% 0.08 0.39 29.12 29.12 7.13 10 2.88
51943 4/25/07 0:00 Dorris Love South North Carolina 28717 Suspension/Drops Darbid Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.36 140.02 140.02 66.71 28 4.91
51943 4/25/07 0:00 Dorris Love South North Carolina 28717 Ointment Benzyl Benzoate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.4 113.19 113.19 -53.25 11 9.06
51943 4/25/07 0:00 Dorris Love South North Carolina 28717 Tablet Naturetin-2.5 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.38 196.04 196.04 2.125 13 14.27
24870 4/25/07 0:00 Jim Epp West Idaho 83465 Suppository Reglan Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.43 1,396.58 1,396.58 600.72 38 35.41
24870 4/25/07 0:00 Jim Epp West Idaho 83465 Syrup Serentil Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.56 6,448.69 6,448.69 1,663.35 45 142.86
18336 4/25/07 0:00 Giulietta Dortch South Georgia 39901 Gel Triesence Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 7.96 100% 0 0.56 7.96 7.96 -0.11 1 2.88
55459 4/26/07 0:00 Larry Tron South Virginia 24157 Ointment Halflytely Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.39 126.95 126.95 -4.17 5 22.84
23042 4/27/07 0:00 Nicole Brennan West California 95503 Syrup Baci-Rx Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.58 8,048.45 8,048.45 1,947.67 20 419.19
13606 4/27/07 0:00 Mike Vittorini West Arizona 85234 Gel Dexrazoxane Hydrochloride Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.48 109.86 109.86 19.04 34 3.38
11712 4/27/07 0:00 Nicole Brennan West California 95503 Gel Trazodone Hydrochloride Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 38.96 100% 0.06 0.56 38.96 38.96 0.37 9 4.28
34567 4/27/07 0:00 Katrina Bavinger Central Wisconsin 53235 Capsule Nulytely-Flavored Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,344.11 100% 0.03 0.59 3,344.11 3,344.11 588.54 18 180.98
43330 4/28/07 0:00 Fred Wasserman East Massachusetts 2054 Concentrate Arthrotec Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.58 2,205.76 2,205.76 337.041 40 65.99
12642 4/28/07 0:00 Neil Knudson West New Mexico 87001 Suppository Propoxyphene Compound-65 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.67 572.33 572.33 -62.28 14 39.98
12642 4/28/07 0:00 Neil Knudson West New Mexico 87001 Tablet Delsym Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.38 564.85 564.85 181.0245 10 58.1
14342 4/28/07 0:00 Deborah Brumfield West Colorado 81221 Suppository Orsythia Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 10,823.84 100% 0.09 0.48 10,823.84 10,823.84 3,857.43 38 300.97
29380 4/28/07 0:00 Anna Gayman East Massachusetts 2054 Ointment Fernisone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 150.13 100% 0.09 0.38 150.13 150.13 1.73 13 12.28
23524 4/29/07 0:00 Sandra Glassco West New Mexico 87001 Suspension/Drops Copegus Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.39 129.33 129.33 48.25 28 4.13
23524 4/29/07 0:00 Sandra Glassco West New Mexico 87001 Ointment Fludara Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.37 2,461.23 2,461.23 748.2 46 55.48
28839 4/29/07 0:00 Anthony Johnson East Delaware 19701 Gel Lidex Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.54 102.95 102.95 -175.86 30 3.34
54595 4/29/07 0:00 Erica Hernandez South Georgia 31811 Aerosol Cefepime In Plastic Container Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.59 250.29 250.29 6.79 30 8.34
54595 4/29/07 0:00 Erica Hernandez South Georgia 31811 Capsule Ultram Er Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.09 0.78 5,258.94 5,258.94 -421.76 41 130.98
38501 4/29/07 0:00 Guy Phonely West California 90835 Ointment Epivir-Hbv Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 78.68 100% 0.05 0.37 78.68 78.68 -29.07 11 6.48
17669 4/30/07 0:00 Corey Roper West Washington 98103 Syrup Pentids '800' Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.6 1,116.03 1,116.03 203.44 32 34.76
4514 4/30/07 0:00 Yoseph Carroll East New York 14925 Concentrate Cefizox Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,841.44 100% 0.08 0.59 2,841.44 2,841.44 374.625 28 125.99
55940 4/30/07 0:00 Janet Martin South Maryland 21794 Suppository Sonazine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,925.78 100% 0.03 0.4 2,925.78 2,925.78 1,041.29 29 100.98
44320 4/30/07 0:00 Susan Vittorini East New Jersey 7837 Spray Scabene Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 7,002.08 100% 0.1 0.68 7,002.08 7,002.08 -1,822.79 49 154.13
45380 5/1/07 0:00 Charles Crestani South Georgia 39859 Concentrate Safyral Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,170.87 100% 0 0.57 4,170.87 4,170.87 1,030.51 24 195.99
45380 5/1/07 0:00 Charles Crestani South Georgia 39859 Concentrate Androgel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,912.98 100% 0.06 0.58 1,912.98 1,912.98 288.09 34 65.99
41154 5/1/07 0:00 Roger Barcio Central Ohio 44197 Gel Virac Rex Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 938.37 100% 0.02 0.55 938.37 938.37 251.17 43 21.98
13635 5/2/07 0:00 Randy Ferguson South Florida 32119 Ointment Humatin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.37 334.29 334.29 -157.28 49 6.48
13635 5/2/07 0:00 Randy Ferguson South Florida 32119 Ointment Exjade Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.36 149 149 -119.48 28 4.98
31364 5/2/07 0:00 Beth Thompson East Massachusetts 2054 Syrup Intropin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 789.01 100% 0.07 0.57 789.01 789.01 -539.59 2 415.88
15815 5/2/07 0:00 Mitch Willingham South North Carolina 27006 Tablet Metatensin #4 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 528.6 100% 0.01 0.4 528.6 528.6 52.5895 43 11.7
15815 5/2/07 0:00 Mitch Willingham South North Carolina 27006 Tablet Acetohexamide Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 107.41 100% 0.03 0.35 107.41 107.41 20.6805 24 4.55
10146 5/2/07 0:00 Evan Henry South Maryland 21022 For Solution Ortho-Novum 10/11-21 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 596.21 100% 0.1 0.55 596.21 596.21 211.59 19 34.23
7431 5/2/07 0:00 Georgia Rosenberg West Idaho 83201 For Solution Letrozole Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 78.81 100% 0.03 0.41 78.81 78.81 -93.25 33 2.23
40998 5/3/07 0:00 Nora Paige Central Texas 88595 Suppository Dextrose 60% Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.5 1,233.22 1,233.22 385.46 43 29.89
40998 5/3/07 0:00 Nora Paige Central Texas 88595 Ointment Keftab Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.37 144.82 144.82 28.4 39 4
59363 5/3/07 0:00 Alyssa Tate South Florida 32003 Ointment Gentafair Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.37 158.91 158.91 -38.57 24 6.68
39460 5/3/07 0:00 Stephanie Ulpright West New Mexico 87199 Concentrate Priscoline Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,033.92 100% 0.02 0.6 2,033.92 2,033.92 251.199 19 125.99
39460 5/3/07 0:00 Stephanie Ulpright West New Mexico 87199 Tablet Dopamine Hydrochloride In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 172.42 100% 0.09 0.39 172.42 172.42 -71.599 25 7.1
36224 5/4/07 0:00 Robert Dilbeck South Florida 32122 Solution Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,765.45 100% 0.09 0.6 1,765.45 1,765.45 374.82 15 120.98
39141 5/4/07 0:00 Jim Kriz West California 90835 Solution/Drops Butalibital, Acetaminophen And Caffeine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,400.91 100% 0.09 0.36 1,400.91 1,400.91 -163.53 49 30.98
6310 5/4/07 0:00 Katharine Harms East New York 14210 For Solution Amphetamine Sulfate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 216.95 100% 0.08 0.49 216.95 216.95 -88.82 27 8.09
39141 5/4/07 0:00 Jim Kriz West California 90835 For Solution Lomotil Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,259.66 100% 0.03 0.57 2,259.66 2,259.66 554.77 47 49.34
4389 5/5/07 0:00 Victoria Pisteka Central Texas 88595 Concentrate Aldoril D50 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,455.28 100% 0.04 0.56 2,455.28 2,455.28 693.063 42 65.99
49607 5/5/07 0:00 Georgia Rosenberg West Idaho 83201 Concentrate Darbid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,056.64 100% 0.06 0.56 1,056.64 1,056.64 -586.201 6 205.99
4389 5/5/07 0:00 Victoria Pisteka Central Texas 88595 Tablet Acetasol Hc Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 179.45 100% 0.07 0.39 179.45 179.45 -116.3455 35 5.34
2853 5/5/07 0:00 Bill Tyler West Colorado 80728 Syrup Pradaxa Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 4,253.65 100% 0.05 0.55 4,253.65 4,253.65 943 25 178.47
4389 5/5/07 0:00 Victoria Pisteka Central Texas 88595 Capsule Uroplus Ds Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 7,987.43 100% 0.03 0.62 7,987.43 7,987.43 1,304.90 49 160.98
1824 5/5/07 0:00 Becky Pak South South Carolina 29907 Capsule Amiloride Hydrochloride Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 10,656.26 100% 0.06 0.56 10,656.26 10,656.26 3,116.54 39 276.2
1824 5/5/07 0:00 Becky Pak South South Carolina 29907 For Solution Lidocaine Hydrochloride 0.4% In Dextrose 5% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 17.06 100% 0.09 0.43 17.06 17.06 -5.2 2 6.28
27938 5/6/07 0:00 Noel Staavos West California 92320 Ointment Folicet Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.4 1,233.51 1,233.51 308.67 40 30.98
962 5/6/07 0:00 Mike Vittorini West Arizona 85234 Solution Pentetate Zinc Trisodium Intramuscular Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.41 3,213.87 3,213.87 -1,069.72 47 68.81
962 5/6/07 0:00 Mike Vittorini West Arizona 85234 Tablet Nitrofurazone Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.37 4,064.05 4,064.05 1,408.19 33 122.99
38503 5/6/07 0:00 Melanie Page West Utah 84721 Concentrate Betoptic Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 503.2935 100% 0.02 0.83 503.2935 503.2935 -222.816 10 55.99
38503 5/6/07 0:00 Melanie Page West Utah 84721 Solution Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 5,567.79 100% 0.04 0.6 5,567.79 5,567.79 1,726.66 47 120.98
38503 5/6/07 0:00 Melanie Page West Utah 84721 For Solution Dicumarol Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 796.03 100% 0.05 0.62 796.03 796.03 -133.71 32 23.99
50850 5/7/07 0:00 Greg Guthrie Central Nebraska 69141 Tablet Doxercalciferol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.37 1,599.54 1,599.54 578.1445 37 40.98
50850 5/7/07 0:00 Greg Guthrie Central Nebraska 69141 Spray Fenofibrate (Micronized) Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.79 942.42 942.42 -702.33 2 417.4
51873 5/7/07 0:00 Muhammed Yedwab East New York 14709 Ointment Erythromycin Stearate Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 265.92 100% 0.04 0.4 265.92 265.92 79.67 29 9.11
41253 5/8/07 0:00 Steve Nguyen South Maryland 21230 Suppository Orsythia Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.07 0.48 1,455.49 1,455.49 -807.59 5 300.97
33696 5/8/07 0:00 Bradley Drucker West Washington 99403 Suppository Drisdol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.75 57.73 57.73 -101.41 2 27.48
1829 5/8/07 0:00 Tom Stivers South Virginia 23970 Tablet Doxychel Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.36 133.04 133.04 6.732 48 2.78
1665 5/8/07 0:00 John Lucas South Maryland 21290 Concentrate Betamethasone Acetate And Betamethasone Sodium Phosphate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 755.6075 100% 0.05 0.55 755.6075 755.6075 149.166 26 35.99
11426 5/8/07 0:00 Laurel Beltran South Florida 32046 Suppository Synalgos-Dc-A Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 333.68 100% 0.01 0.42 333.68 333.68 81.96 19 16.48
38756 5/8/07 0:00 Benjamin Patterson West Arizona 85301 Concentrate Clindagel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,251.50 100% 0.09 0.56 2,251.50 2,251.50 308.934 43 65.99
17313 5/8/07 0:00 Scott Cohen West Idaho 83643 Ointment Dynacirc Cr Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 130.49 100% 0.07 0.39 130.49 130.49 47.09 27 4.76
24452 5/8/07 0:00 Valerie Takahito West Utah 84001 Ointment Humulin U Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 115.71 100% 0.08 0.37 115.71 115.71 -91.61 18 6.48
55525 5/9/07 0:00 Liz MacKendrick West Idaho 83552 Suppository Orsythia Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 291.4 100% 0.06 0.48 291.4 291.4 -763.16 1 300.97
7364 5/9/07 0:00 Mary Zewe East New Jersey 7024 Solution/Drops Floropryl Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 260.39 100% 0.09 0.35 260.39 260.39 -48.57 15 16.98
30759 5/9/07 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 For Solution Augmentin '500' Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 64.79 100% 0.03 0.54 64.79 64.79 -41.32 2 29.34
42631 5/10/07 0:00 Jeremy Lonsdale Central Nebraska 68770 Concentrate Prismasol Bgk 2/0 In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,148.04 100% 0.08 0.55 1,148.04 1,148.04 21.978 22 65.99
42631 5/10/07 0:00 Jeremy Lonsdale Central Nebraska 68770 Suppository Bayer Extra Strength Aspirin For Migraine Pain Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 257.66 100% 0.05 0.71 257.66 257.66 -69.23 41 6.48
42631 5/10/07 0:00 Jeremy Lonsdale Central Nebraska 68770 Ointment Foamcoat Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 287.22 100% 0.06 0.37 287.22 287.22 -72.93 44 6.68
42631 5/10/07 0:00 Jeremy Lonsdale Central Nebraska 68770 Suspension/Drops Colyte With Flavor Packs Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 211.4 100% 0.09 0.38 211.4 211.4 91.63 18 12.53
4839 5/10/07 0:00 Sally Hughsby South Maryland 21230 Ointment Hy-Pam "25" Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 159.43 100% 0.05 0.37 159.43 159.43 -120.59 24 6.48
45218 5/11/07 0:00 Robert Waldorf South Virginia 23018 Suppository Bayer Extra Strength Aspirin For Migraine Pain Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.71 309.46 309.46 -82.64 49 6.48
39908 5/11/07 0:00 Neil Knudson West New Mexico 87001 Gel Prevacid 24 Hr Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.59 753.75 753.75 31.17 23 34.99
49984 5/12/07 0:00 Sara Luxemburg West California 94404 Ointment Humulin U Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.37 227.87 227.87 -130.61 32 6.48
49984 5/12/07 0:00 Sara Luxemburg West California 94404 Tablet Janimine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.38 57.28 57.28 7.31 14 3.8
33317 5/12/07 0:00 Jay Fine South Florida 34997 Concentrate Axid Ar Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 602.4205 100% 0.09 0.55 602.4205 602.4205 10.98 13 55.99
23360 5/12/07 0:00 Jocasta Rupert Central Nebraska 68001 Solution/Drops Actahist Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 512.97 100% 0.01 0.38 512.97 512.97 261.29 30 15.67
33317 5/12/07 0:00 Jay Fine South Florida 34997 Solution Potassium Chloride 10Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 203.35 100% 0.08 0.6 203.35 203.35 -1,605.73 35 4.48
33317 5/12/07 0:00 Jay Fine South Florida 34997 Syrup Monistat 7 Combination Pack Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 58.9 100% 0.03 0.6 58.9 58.9 -36.9 5 9.71
33317 5/12/07 0:00 Jay Fine South Florida 34997 Tablet Xylocaine W/ Epinephrine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 44.52 100% 0.03 0.37 44.52 44.52 -90.5855 18 2.16
56197 5/12/07 0:00 Neil French South Virginia 23018 Spray Potassium Chloride 0.075% In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 8,014.62 100% 0.08 0.68 8,014.62 8,014.62 1,366.10 45 227.55
56197 5/12/07 0:00 Neil French South Virginia 23018 For Solution Levonorgestrel And Ethinyl Estradiol And Ethinyl Estradiol Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 28.63 100% 0.09 0.53 28.63 28.63 -21.17 11 1.74
48772 5/13/07 0:00 Aaron Smayling Central Ohio 43001 Gel Triprolidine Hydrochloride Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.56 41.97 41.97 -37.03 12 3.28
48772 5/13/07 0:00 Aaron Smayling Central Ohio 43001 Lotion Valrelease Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.36 35.64 35.64 -0.71 10 3.58
48772 5/13/07 0:00 Aaron Smayling Central Ohio 43001 Gel Trandate Hct Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.56 57.17 57.17 -24.03 18 3.28
48772 5/13/07 0:00 Aaron Smayling Central Ohio 43001 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.37 81.25 81.25 -44.54 11 6.48
48772 5/13/07 0:00 Aaron Smayling Central Ohio 43001 For Solution Pravachol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.09 0.43 3,202.25 3,202.25 991.26 44 78.69
27460 5/13/07 0:00 Evan Bailliet Central Illinois 62924 Suppository Pyrilamine Maleate Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 196.58 100% 0.04 0.75 196.58 196.58 -102.16 31 5.98
1314 5/13/07 0:00 Justin Knight Central Michigan 49971 Ointment Duranest Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 42.58 100% 0 0.38 42.58 42.58 -7.61 4 9.27
27460 5/13/07 0:00 Evan Bailliet Central Illinois 62924 Capsule Aminosyn 3.5% W/ Dextrose 25% In Plastic Container Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 855.03 100% 0.08 0.57 855.03 855.03 -1.68 7 128.24
28097 5/14/07 0:00 Claire Good South South Carolina 29907 For Solution Ketozole Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.72 2,438.70 2,438.70 -1,413.18 43 55.5
13314 5/14/07 0:00 Giulietta Dortch South Georgia 39901 Lotion Camila Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.39 89.4 89.4 22.22 34 2.62
36358 5/14/07 0:00 Dorris Love South North Carolina 28717 Suppository Methylergonovine Maleate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 865.35 100% 0.06 0.74 865.35 865.35 -159.25 28 30.42
4647 5/14/07 0:00 Carlos Meador South Florida 32119 Concentrate Briellyn Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,590.16 100% 0.01 0.8 1,590.16 1,590.16 -57.541 33 55.99
36358 5/14/07 0:00 Dorris Love South North Carolina 28717 Ointment Balziva-21 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 823.07 100% 0.02 0.38 823.07 823.07 318.25 22 37.94
4647 5/14/07 0:00 Carlos Meador South Florida 32119 Solution/Drops Xylocaine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 75.19 100% 0.01 0.35 75.19 75.19 -6.61 6 11.58
4647 5/14/07 0:00 Carlos Meador South Florida 32119 Solution/Drops Thyroglobulin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,203.73 100% 0.03 0.39 1,203.73 1,203.73 293.14 7 162.93
4647 5/14/07 0:00 Carlos Meador South Florida 32119 Aerosol Carisoprodol Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 482.93 100% 0.06 0.56 482.93 482.93 -67.59 34 13.9
8132 5/15/07 0:00 Benjamin Farhat West Arizona 85012 Suppository Symbicort Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.66 229.35 229.35 -165.45 46 4.89
36609 5/15/07 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 Ointment Forane Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.38 45.73 45.73 -23.29 8 4.98
8132 5/15/07 0:00 Benjamin Farhat West Arizona 85012 Ointment Eryped Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.37 294.86 294.86 -141.12 45 6.68
30852 5/15/07 0:00 Andrew Allen Central Illinois 60001 Concentrate Citanest Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,827.14 100% 0.01 0.56 2,827.14 2,827.14 713.88 35 95.99
10659 5/15/07 0:00 Dave Brooks Central Illinois 62924 Ointment Fortesta Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 227.37 100% 0 0.4 227.37 227.37 -92.07 40 5.28
43553 5/15/07 0:00 Bart Folk East Connecticut 6439 Ointment Fluxid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 143.29 100% 0.05 0.36 143.29 143.29 -55.54 29 4.98
6656 5/16/07 0:00 Dennis Bolton East New Jersey 7001 Tablet Promethazine Vc W/ Codeine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.37 1,802 1,802 508.963 45 39.06
6656 5/16/07 0:00 Dennis Bolton East New Jersey 7001 Tablet Dianeal Low Calcium W/ Dextrose 2.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.35 1,832.22 1,832.22 805.4345 50 37.7
41793 5/16/07 0:00 Adam Bellavance East New York 10501 For Solution Ibuprohm Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.49 1,286.87 1,286.87 384.38 48 26.48
10048 5/16/07 0:00 Sonia Sunley Central Michigan 49971 Suppository Rocaltrol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,197.45 100% 0.08 0.77 3,197.45 3,197.45 97.16 46 73.98
8353 5/16/07 0:00 Brendan Sweed Central Wisconsin 53081 Suppository Pur-Wash Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 286.9 100% 0.06 0.74 286.9 286.9 -36.63 34 8.32
18496 5/16/07 0:00 Larry Tron South Virginia 24157 Suppository Doriden Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 991.01 100% 0.01 0.64 991.01 991.01 46.29 30 30.98
10048 5/16/07 0:00 Sonia Sunley Central Michigan 49971 Aerosol Adderall 15 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 78.57 100% 0.02 0.83 78.57 78.57 -20.65 21 3.68
8353 5/16/07 0:00 Brendan Sweed Central Wisconsin 53081 Gel Tri-Norinyl 21-Day Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 46.4 100% 0.08 0.58 46.4 46.4 -2.12 16 2.94
18496 5/16/07 0:00 Larry Tron South Virginia 24157 Ointment Diflunisal Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,267.42 100% 0.01 0.36 1,267.42 1,267.42 177.79 29 40.99
24358 5/17/07 0:00 Christine Sundaresam West New Mexico 88134 Syrup Cu-7 Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.8 7,333.45 7,333.45 -207.28 27 279.48
21286 5/17/07 0:00 Denny Ordway West Washington 98390 Solution Peg-Lyte Injection Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.52 280.39 280.39 9.33 17 14.42
13218 5/17/07 0:00 Victoria Pisteka Central Texas 88595 Tablet Sodium Lactate In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 513.08 100% 0.03 0.38 513.08 513.08 198.9425 18 28.53
13218 5/17/07 0:00 Victoria Pisteka Central Texas 88595 Ointment Desonide Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 98.8 100% 0.07 0.36 98.8 98.8 -62 16 5.98
263 5/17/07 0:00 Paul Lucas West California 96061 Tablet Aminosyn 3.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 136.77 100% 0.09 0.37 136.77 136.77 -136.252 25 5.4
36131 5/18/07 0:00 Aleksandra Gannaway West Washington 98601 Gel Acth Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.44 493.43 493.43 120.18 26 19.84
36131 5/18/07 0:00 Aleksandra Gannaway West Washington 98601 Ointment Aeroseb-Hc Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.35 354.96 354.96 151.27 43 8.34
36131 5/18/07 0:00 Aleksandra Gannaway West Washington 98601 Ointment Eryc 125 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.36 130.97 130.97 -83.42 26 4.98
3553 5/18/07 0:00 Roy Skaria Central Illinois 60406 Gel Tri-Norinyl 21-Day Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 20.5 100% 0.06 0.58 20.5 20.5 -4.04 7 2.94
59779 5/18/07 0:00 Stefania Perrino South South Carolina 29338 Capsule Phrenilin Forte Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,575.23 100% 0.04 0.69 3,575.23 3,575.23 87.88 30 113.98
58147 5/19/07 0:00 Jack O'Briant East New Jersey 8823 Solution Cardizem Sr Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.58 470.74 470.74 24.09 41 10.98
38341 5/19/07 0:00 Brendan Murry South Maryland 21290 Concentrate Bactrim Ds Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 623.1265 100% 0.09 0.57 623.1265 623.1265 122.292 38 20.99
20614 5/19/07 0:00 Arthur Wiediger South Virginia 23664 Suppository Rocaltrol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,596.36 100% 0 0.67 3,596.36 3,596.36 326.25 47 73.98
59207 5/19/07 0:00 Roy Collins South Florida 32003 Lotion Calcitonin-Salmon Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 10.12 100% 0.09 0.39 10.12 10.12 -4.07 3 2.98
38341 5/19/07 0:00 Brendan Murry South Maryland 21290 Ointment Fernisone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 64.25 100% 0.07 0.38 64.25 64.25 -7.94 5 12.28
38341 5/19/07 0:00 Brendan Murry South Maryland 21290 Tablet Grifulvin V Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 62.62 100% 0.1 0.4 62.62 62.62 -67.0565 15 3.36
59207 5/19/07 0:00 Sylvia Foulston East New Jersey 7001 Spray Normosol-R And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 9,502.74 100% 0.02 0.78 9,502.74 9,502.74 -1,050.62 42 280.98
55909 5/20/07 0:00 Karen Ferguson South North Carolina 27801 Syrup Mexate-Aq Preserved Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.57 32.6 32.6 -20.57 2 13.43
55909 5/20/07 0:00 Karen Ferguson South North Carolina 27801 Tablet Product Name Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.39 526.76 526.76 -93.8285 3 172.99
8930 5/20/07 0:00 Tony Molinari West California 96002 Ointment Ortho Tri-Cyclen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 145.86 100% 0.04 0.4 145.86 145.86 -92.32 14 9.99
32355 5/21/07 0:00 Daniel Byrd East New York 14925 Ointment Ibuprin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.37 355.03 355.03 -33.31 50 6.48
32355 5/21/07 0:00 Daniel Byrd East New York 14925 Tablet Children'S Motrin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.38 211.86 211.86 -239.315 34 5.94
20261 5/21/07 0:00 Duane Huffman East Delaware 19810 Concentrate Clindagel Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.56 1,259.45 1,259.45 168.237 21 65.99
2725 5/21/07 0:00 Dave Poirier South Florida 32003 Concentrate Ammonium Chloride 0.9% In Normal Saline Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.56 2,178.43 2,178.43 396.972 39 65.99
20261 5/21/07 0:00 Duane Huffman East Delaware 19810 Ointment Clistin Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.39 220.48 220.48 81.91 36 6.35
20261 5/21/07 0:00 Duane Huffman East Delaware 19810 Tablet Norethindrone And Ethinyl Estradiol And Ferrous Fumarate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 751.52 751.52 67.1075 25 31.74
5698 5/21/07 0:00 Kristina Nunn West Arizona 86409 Solution/Drops Actahist Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 108.26 100% 0.06 0.38 108.26 108.26 25.51 7 15.67
5698 5/21/07 0:00 Kristina Nunn West Arizona 86409 Solution Rimactane Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 297.05 100% 0.09 0.58 297.05 297.05 -16.89 15 20.48
20903 5/21/07 0:00 Elizabeth Moffitt East Connecticut 6928 Injectable Fondaparinux Sodium Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 442.99 100% 0.04 0.62 442.99 442.99 -152.76 4 100.98
38726 5/22/07 0:00 Eugene Hildebrand Central Texas 78702 Tablet Kafocin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.36 92.86 92.86 -11.2815 44 2.08
13735 5/22/07 0:00 Edward Becker West Utah 84014 Solution/Drops Acetaminophen, Caffeine, And Dihydrocodeine Bitartrate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 281.71 281.71 117.38 36 7.64
31810 5/22/07 0:00 Lisa Ryan West New Mexico 87011 For Solution Sulfa-Triple #2 Extended Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.42 355.55 355.55 -166.74 46 7.28
42949 5/22/07 0:00 Adam Bellavance East New York 10501 Cream Ovcon-35 Injection Competitor B Animal 0.07 0.39 630.99 630.99 -131.77 49 12.99
28069 5/22/07 0:00 Cyma Kinney Central Wisconsin 53235 Ointment Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 10.17 10.17 -4.09 1 5.18
28069 5/22/07 0:00 Cyma Kinney Central Wisconsin 53235 Gel Dextrose 10% And Sodium Chloride 0.33% In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.49 23.58 23.58 -2.87 4 5.84
25472 5/22/07 0:00 Bill Shonely East Connecticut 6037 Ointment A-Hydrocort Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.36 194.02 194.02 80.35 40 4.98
42949 5/22/07 0:00 Adam Bellavance East New York 10501 Lotion Chirocaine Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.37 202.11 202.11 -17.49 40 5
39040 5/22/07 0:00 Astrea Jones South Georgia 39859 Concentrate Betoptic Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,204.51 100% 0.03 0.83 1,204.51 1,204.51 -221.254 26 55.99
39040 5/22/07 0:00 Astrea Jones South Georgia 39859 Lotion Flecainide Acetate Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 19.36 100% 0.04 0.83 19.36 19.36 -1 7 1.98
23170 5/22/07 0:00 Tim Brockman South South Carolina 29684 Capsule Sodium Bicarbonate In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,252.89 100% 0.06 0.57 4,252.89 4,252.89 969.42 20 218.08
46853 5/23/07 0:00 Eudokia Martin East Delaware 19701 Suppository Osmitrol 5% In Water Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.51 5,648.69 5,648.69 1,489.80 22 256.99
834 5/23/07 0:00 Eugene Moren West Washington 99403 Cream Paracort Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.4 1,813.04 1,813.04 -188.96 15 115.99
22818 5/23/07 0:00 Mitch Gastineau East New York 10501 Suppository Dimetapp Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.08 0.68 360.24 360.24 -53.82 19 19.98
57666 5/23/07 0:00 Mathew Reese South North Carolina 28909 Syrup Corzide Intramuscular Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.78 941.99 941.99 -2,111.36 44 20.98
57666 5/23/07 0:00 Mathew Reese South North Carolina 28909 Gel Euthroid-1 Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.57 1,206.15 1,206.15 304.2 45 25.98
22818 5/23/07 0:00 Mitch Gastineau East New York 10501 Capsule Ultram Er Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.1 0.78 6,277.75 6,277.75 -592.43 50 130.98
25509 5/23/07 0:00 Quincy Jones South Alabama 36276 Tablet Glycort Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 212.28 100% 0.06 0.37 212.28 212.28 -103.224 43 4.98
26758 5/24/07 0:00 Justin Ellison East New Jersey 7981 Suppository Terazosin Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.76 3,519.12 3,519.12 315.33 46 77.51
26758 5/24/07 0:00 Justin Ellison East New Jersey 7981 Gel Triesence Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.56 108.33 108.33 17 37 2.88
19431 5/24/07 0:00 Nathan Gelder West Colorado 80813 Gel Tobradex St Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.57 16.82 16.82 -5.54 4 4.13
10663 5/24/07 0:00 Emily Grady West Idaho 83201 Suspension/Drops Cotrim Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.39 104.39 104.39 38.45 40 2.61
55908 5/24/07 0:00 Tom Stivers South Virginia 23970 Tablet Diutensen-R Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,844.97 100% 0.03 0.36 1,844.97 1,844.97 807.381 44 42.8
12516 5/25/07 0:00 Vivek Grady West Utah 84791 Cream Sevoflurane Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.37 2,360.43 2,360.43 66.22 31 80.97
12516 5/25/07 0:00 Vivek Grady West Utah 84791 Ointment Ibuprin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.37 154.6 154.6 -23.53 22 6.48
5760 5/25/07 0:00 Nancy Lomonaco West Utah 84014 Capsule Noroxin Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.55 5,261.73 5,261.73 650.3 34 150.98
23205 5/25/07 0:00 Stuart Calhoun West Utah 84337 Suppository Renese Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 263.39 100% 0.08 0.77 263.39 263.39 -59.73 32 8.12
23205 5/25/07 0:00 Stuart Calhoun West Utah 84337 Solution Riomet Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 319.62 100% 0.08 0.6 319.62 319.62 -16.64 8 40.98
41091 5/25/07 0:00 Harold Dahlen Central Nebraska 68717 Capsule Sodium Bicarbonate In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 6,310.69 100% 0.1 0.57 6,310.69 6,310.69 1,318.83 32 218.08
23205 5/25/07 0:00 Stuart Calhoun West Utah 84337 Spray Edetate Disodium Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 7,208.80 100% 0.02 0.75 7,208.80 7,208.80 -57.8 26 262.11
29637 5/26/07 0:00 Bruce Degenhardt West Arizona 85295 Cream Gastromark Injection Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.4 598.19 598.19 -7.6 34 17.98
3589 5/26/07 0:00 Denise Leinenbach South Maryland 21022 Suspension/Drops Artane Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.37 72.93 72.93 28.55 23 3.15
25445 5/26/07 0:00 Tracy Hopkins West Washington 99403 Tablet Cholebrine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.35 1,444 1,444 617.0575 48 30.56
39335 5/26/07 0:00 Mitch Webber Central Nebraska 68001 Suppository Renoquid Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 113.23 100% 0.06 0.72 113.23 113.23 -45.64 24 4.77
59072 5/26/07 0:00 Dianna Vittorini West Arizona 86442 Concentrate Bicillin Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 35.666 100% 0.06 0.81 35.666 35.666 -112.189 2 20.99
59072 5/26/07 0:00 Dianna Vittorini West Arizona 86442 Concentrate Dextrose 3.3% And Sodium Chloride 0.3% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,191.56 100% 0 0.58 4,191.56 4,191.56 1,286.53 38 125.99
6880 5/26/07 0:00 Peter Buhler Central Texas 77474 Ointment Flomax Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 235.49 100% 0.06 0.37 235.49 235.49 21.78 5 47.9
39335 5/26/07 0:00 Mitch Webber Central Nebraska 68001 Solution/Drops Demadex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 889.84 100% 0.1 0.38 889.84 889.84 204.49 34 27.18
9476 5/26/07 0:00 Ruben Dartt East New York 10457 Tablet Neomycin Sulfate, Polymyxin B Sulfate & Hydrocortisone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 165.04 100% 0.08 0.37 165.04 165.04 -66.585 10 15.99
59072 5/26/07 0:00 Dianna Vittorini West Arizona 86442 Tablet Dipyridamole Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 78.94 100% 0.03 0.36 78.94 78.94 -51.704 12 5.44
59072 5/26/07 0:00 Dianna Vittorini West Arizona 86442 Ointment Elixophyllin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 576.89 100% 0.08 0.39 576.89 576.89 175.03 22 26.38
51815 5/27/07 0:00 Anthony Rawles Central Illinois 62999 Concentrate Alora Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.59 2,292.10 2,292.10 398.358 21 125.99
51815 5/27/07 0:00 Anthony Rawles Central Illinois 62999 Tablet Children'S Motrin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.38 227.5 227.5 -256.519 37 5.94
39426 5/27/07 0:00 Sara Luxemburg West California 94404 Lotion Camila Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.39 56.21 56.21 12.71 21 2.62
57153 5/27/07 0:00 Meg O'Connel East New Jersey 7514 Solution Penicillin V Potassium Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 106.05 100% 0.02 0.42 106.05 106.05 -14.52 9 11.33
57153 5/27/07 0:00 Meg O'Connel East New Jersey 7514 Solution/Drops Actahist Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 698.1 100% 0.01 0.38 698.1 698.1 336.25 45 15.67
5222 5/27/07 0:00 Tonja Turnell East New York 10055 Spray Aminosyn Ii 5% Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 14,451.75 100% 0.01 0.49 14,451.75 14,451.75 4,503.63 40 349.45
22402 5/28/07 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 Concentrate Betoptic Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.83 51.833 51.833 -235.895 1 55.99
22402 5/28/07 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 Tablet Dianeal Low Calcium W/ Dextrose 2.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.35 1,194.34 1,194.34 497.114 33 37.7
17408 5/28/07 0:00 Berenike Kampe West Colorado 80728 Concentrate Ak-Fluor 25% Injection TableauCeutical Animal 728.127 100% 0.02 0.58 728.127 728.127 49.788 41 20.99
17408 5/28/07 0:00 Berenike Kampe West Colorado 80728 Tablet Aminosyn 3.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 149.7 100% 0.05 0.37 149.7 149.7 -132.6295 26 5.4
23076 5/28/07 0:00 Dan Reichenbach Central Michigan 49634 For Solution Humegon Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 742.21 100% 0.03 0.46 742.21 742.21 122.21 50 14.2
21190 5/29/07 0:00 Aaron Smayling Central Ohio 43001 Solution/Drops Deltalin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.4 1,062.69 1,062.69 401.8 28 35.94
58337 5/29/07 0:00 Rick Duston Central Texas 76246 Gel Ionosol Mb And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 106.45 100% 0.03 0.56 106.45 106.45 -5.08 18 5.85
56486 5/29/07 0:00 Sheri Gordon Central Nebraska 68155 Ointment Fluothane Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 73.62 100% 0.03 0.4 73.62 73.62 -23.5 11 5.98
16225 5/29/07 0:00 Tanja Norvell West Utah 84631 Syrup Zovia 1/50E-21 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 550.29 100% 0.03 0.59 550.29 550.29 -82.5 30 17.7
6464 5/29/07 0:00 Ralph Arnett West Idaho 83201 Solution Deferoxamine Mesylate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 57.84 100% 0.07 0.56 57.84 57.84 -41.77 1 60.97
6464 5/29/07 0:00 Ralph Arnett West Idaho 83201 For Solution Klebcil Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,991.99 100% 0 0.74 3,991.99 3,991.99 -1,014.11 42 90.98
22342 5/30/07 0:00 Claudia Miner East Delaware 19936 Concentrate Bio-Tropin Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0 0.81 241.706 241.706 -92.961 13 20.99
50501 5/30/07 0:00 John Dryer South South Carolina 29808 Cream Cyclophosphamide Injection TableauCeutical Animal 801.45 100% 0.01 0.38 801.45 801.45 227.59 31 23.99
1895 5/30/07 0:00 Mitch Willingham South North Carolina 27006 Ointment Hydrocodone Bitartrate And Acetaminophen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 41.25 100% 0.02 0.37 41.25 41.25 -23.25 5 6.48
42981 5/31/07 0:00 Susan Vittorini East New Jersey 7837 Tablet Naquival Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.38 3,510.82 3,510.82 232.441 4 896.99
50374 5/31/07 0:00 Susan Vittorini East New Jersey 7837 Tablet Nogenic Hc Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.35 3,482.41 3,482.41 1,443.35 30 120.98
5639 6/2/07 0:00 Raymond Fair West California 93456 Syrup Lescol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.57 501.38 501.38 -71.95 31 15.31
42851 6/2/07 0:00 Robert Marley South Maryland 21022 Concentrate Benoquin Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 344.301 100% 0.04 0.35 344.301 344.301 -22.902 7 55.99
35461 6/2/07 0:00 Julie Kriz Central Illinois 62444 Aerosol Adderall 15 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 112.6 100% 0.04 0.83 112.6 112.6 -25.99 30 3.68
35461 6/2/07 0:00 Julie Kriz Central Illinois 62444 Tablet Dextrose 4% In Modified Lactated Ringer'S In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 48.75 100% 0.08 0.39 48.75 48.75 3.502 11 4.49
42851 6/2/07 0:00 Robert Marley South Maryland 21022 Lotion Zerit Xr Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 24.32 100% 0.05 0.8 24.32 24.32 -2.97 4 4.71
52487 6/2/07 0:00 Nathan Mautz South Alabama 35077 Solution/Drops Bleomycin Sulfate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 124.06 100% 0.09 0.38 124.06 124.06 15.74 17 7.78
7398 6/2/07 0:00 Craig Carroll West Idaho 83201 Syrup Betoptic Pilo Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,181.44 100% 0.07 0.8 2,181.44 2,181.44 -896.34 34 64.65
7398 6/2/07 0:00 Craig Carroll West Idaho 83201 Gel Iplex Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 55.77 100% 0.04 0.52 55.77 55.77 -4.37 6 9.11
2050 6/2/07 0:00 James Galang West Idaho 83552 Suspension/Drops Colistimethate Sodium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 44.46 100% 0.06 0.38 44.46 44.46 5.27 16 2.89
2050 6/2/07 0:00 James Galang West Idaho 83552 Ointment Fuzeon Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 542.11 100% 0.08 0.39 542.11 542.11 -14.76 25 22.84
21766 6/2/07 0:00 Steve Carroll East Massachusetts 1001 Capsule Plan B Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,178.17 100% 0.03 0.64 5,178.17 5,178.17 531.69 41 120.98
21766 6/2/07 0:00 Steve Carroll East Massachusetts 1001 For Solution Clarinex D 24 Hour Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 535.24 100% 0.01 0.46 535.24 535.24 216.43 32 15.68
48455 6/3/07 0:00 Amy Cox West Washington 98625 Cream Fortovase Injection Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.36 25.96 25.96 -33.67 2 9.99
48455 6/3/07 0:00 Amy Cox West Washington 98625 Ointment Fuzeon Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.39 817.53 817.53 76.63 34 22.84
48455 6/3/07 0:00 Amy Cox West Washington 98625 Aerosol Mpi Stannous Diphosphonate Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.57 182.47 182.47 -3.18 17 10.98
6179 6/3/07 0:00 Elpida Rittenbach Central Illinois 62541 Concentrate Aminosyn Ii 4.25% In Dextrose 10% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,690.75 100% 0 0.59 2,690.75 2,690.75 234.612 15 200.99
6179 6/3/07 0:00 Elpida Rittenbach Central Illinois 62541 Solution/Drops Borofair Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 477.53 100% 0.09 0.39 477.53 477.53 197.76 50 9.78
2150 6/3/07 0:00 Charles Sheldon East New Jersey 7837 Spray Emgel Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,905.75 100% 0.01 0.76 3,905.75 3,905.75 72.29 21 179.29
5283 6/4/07 0:00 Gary Zandusky South Virginia 24157 Concentrate Cytosar-U Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.58 2,508.67 2,508.67 417.465 23 125.99
7905 6/4/07 0:00 Meg Tillman Central Ohio 43107 Spray Elestrin Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.61 11,057.60 11,057.60 183.9 46 259.71
44294 6/4/07 0:00 Grace Kelly South Virginia 23664 Concentrate Aralen Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 447.0405 100% 0.04 0.59 447.0405 447.0405 -206.151 8 65.99
69 6/4/07 0:00 Jonathan Doherty Central Ohio 43567 Gel Timentin Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 51.53 100% 0.03 0.6 51.53 51.53 0.35 28 1.68
44294 6/4/07 0:00 Grace Kelly South Virginia 23664 Syrup Cotrim Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 305.6 100% 0.09 0.61 305.6 305.6 -445.77 13 20.98
44294 6/4/07 0:00 Grace Kelly South Virginia 23664 Ointment Hectorol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 107.86 100% 0.09 0.36 107.86 107.86 -85.29 15 6.48
8161 6/4/07 0:00 Giulietta Dortch South Georgia 39901 Suspension/Drops Cotrim Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 112.72 100% 0.09 0.39 112.72 112.72 39.19 45 2.61
47457 6/4/07 0:00 Alejandro Savely West Washington 98001 Syrup Mirena Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 8,230.77 100% 0.05 0.66 8,230.77 8,230.77 1,577.02 50 161.55
69 6/4/07 0:00 Jonathan Doherty Central Ohio 43567 For Solution Children'S Allegra Allergy Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,186.06 100% 0.09 0.44 1,186.06 1,186.06 511.69 42 30.93
11748 6/4/07 0:00 Bruce Stewart West New Mexico 87001 Spray Efidac 24 Chlorpheniramine Maleate Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,503.12 100% 0.01 0.69 3,503.12 3,503.12 -168.14 23 145.98
47009 6/5/07 0:00 Clytie Kelty South South Carolina 29001 Suppository Dextrose 10% And Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.45 1,587.16 1,587.16 -22.33 32 49.99
24647 6/5/07 0:00 Mitch Webber Central Nebraska 68001 Cream Zidovudine Injection TableauCeutical Animal 3,029.97 100% 0 0.36 3,029.97 3,029.97 -2,091.95 3 999.99
8614 6/5/07 0:00 Tom Boeckenhauer East Connecticut 6439 Concentrate Atracurium Besylate Preservative Free Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,289.13 100% 0.06 0.58 1,289.13 1,289.13 -16.335 13 115.99
24647 6/5/07 0:00 Mitch Webber Central Nebraska 68001 Ointment Hyzaar Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 241.04 100% 0.05 0.37 241.04 241.04 -28.2 34 6.48
52002 6/5/07 0:00 Cindy Stewart West Arizona 85321 Spray Fazaclo Odt Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,489.85 100% 0.06 0.77 2,489.85 2,489.85 -566.5 11 218.75
21958 6/6/07 0:00 Sally Hughsby South Maryland 21230 Solution Potassium Chloride 40Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.225% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 4,998.03 100% 0.09 0.57 4,998.03 4,998.03 1,092.94 14 363.25
55392 6/7/07 0:00 Christy Brittain South Georgia 30002 Gel Candex Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 129.3 100% 0.02 0.4 129.3 129.3 40.2 20 6.47
55392 6/7/07 0:00 Christy Brittain South Georgia 30002 Gel Amrinone Lactate Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 104.97 100% 0.07 0.54 104.97 104.97 3.21 39 2.84
46499 6/8/07 0:00 George Zrebassa South Georgia 39859 Lotion Diazoxide Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.81 12.95 12.95 -6.78 10 1.26
46499 6/8/07 0:00 George Zrebassa South Georgia 39859 Solution Camila Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.59 46.94 46.94 -26.54 1 44.01
46499 6/8/07 0:00 George Zrebassa South Georgia 39859 Solution Luvox Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.6 89.96 89.96 -115.21 22 4.06
19010 6/8/07 0:00 Grant Carroll East Massachusetts 2139 Tablet Metronidazole Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.35 23,792.93 23,792.93 10,951.31 18 1,270.99
50432 6/8/07 0:00 Jim Epp West Idaho 83465 Ointment Fludara Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.37 2,494.92 2,494.92 816.72 45 55.48
50432 6/8/07 0:00 Jim Epp West Idaho 83465 Capsule Nortrel 0.5/35-28 Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.6 2,161.36 2,161.36 -92.37 7 284.98
6434 6/8/07 0:00 Rob Haberlin Central Michigan 49877 Ointment Dynacirc Cr Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 59.58 100% 0.07 0.39 59.58 59.58 14.49 13 4.76
39780 6/8/07 0:00 Chuck Sachs East Connecticut 6439 Ointment Flaxedil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,683.69 100% 0.02 0.37 1,683.69 1,683.69 809.97 33 48.04
39780 6/8/07 0:00 Chuck Sachs East Connecticut 6439 For Solution Clozaril Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,208.31 100% 0.04 0.68 2,208.31 2,208.31 569.08 48 45.98
54342 6/9/07 0:00 Pauline Webber South South Carolina 29001 Suppository Orinase Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,439.39 100% 0.05 0.46 3,439.39 3,439.39 1,057.62 35 100.97
54342 6/9/07 0:00 Pauline Webber South South Carolina 29001 Gel Acuvail Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 10.48 100% 0.02 0.52 10.48 10.48 -5.65 2 4.84
17446 6/10/07 0:00 Ben Wallace Central Ohio 45999 Aerosol Cefepime In Plastic Container Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.59 138.84 138.84 8.75 15 8.34
36230 6/11/07 0:00 Tom Prescott Central Texas 77474 Suppository Quelicin Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0 0.68 57.03 57.03 -31.38 7 7.28
24869 6/11/07 0:00 Nat Gilpin East Connecticut 6928 Tablet Nicorette (Mint) Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 132.72 100% 0.05 0.36 132.72 132.72 -9.177 14 8.85
46627 6/12/07 0:00 Eva Jacobs West Washington 98103 Concentrate Atarax Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.56 1,388.63 1,388.63 261.522 24 65.99
46627 6/12/07 0:00 Eva Jacobs West Washington 98103 Ointment Felbatol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.4 21.46 21.46 -14.22 3 5.28
40707 6/12/07 0:00 Harold Pawlan South Virginia 23018 Concentrate Ammonium Chloride 0.9% In Normal Saline Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0 0.56 1,495.18 1,495.18 211.086 26 65.99
53476 6/12/07 0:00 Steve Nguyen South Maryland 21230 Gel Tolectin 600 Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.56 85.87 85.87 3.13 47 1.76
53476 6/12/07 0:00 Steve Nguyen South Maryland 21230 Gel Aminosyn Ii 3.5% In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.52 93.85 93.85 19.42 24 3.98
53476 6/12/07 0:00 Steve Nguyen South Maryland 21230 Syrup Migergot Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.71 8,127.32 8,127.32 1,141.07 42 193.17
59681 6/12/07 0:00 Giulietta Dortch South Georgia 39901 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.2% And Potassium Chloride 0.15% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.38 224.34 224.34 -11.9485 23 8.6
53476 6/12/07 0:00 Steve Nguyen South Maryland 21230 Ointment Fentanyl-75 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.38 481.4 481.4 150.72 14 35.44
26466 6/12/07 0:00 Rick Wilson West New Mexico 88044 Concentrate Bretylium Tosylate Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 909.721 100% 0.01 0.38 909.721 909.721 287.991 29 35.99
5155 6/12/07 0:00 Pete Takahito West Idaho 83877 Suppository Theolair-Sr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 569.21 100% 0.01 0.7 569.21 569.21 -38.51 14 39.98
48096 6/13/07 0:00 Denise Monton Central Ohio 43001 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.37 34.23 34.23 -9.5 3 6.48
48096 6/13/07 0:00 Denise Monton Central Ohio 43001 Solution/Drops Advair Diskus 250/50 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.38 383.33 383.33 27.62 22 17.07
47872 6/13/07 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 Solution Eryc 125 Injection Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.46 1,756.27 1,756.27 649.05 38 46.89
47872 6/13/07 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 For Solution Mydriafair Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.37 345.58 345.58 -38.04 50 6.64
56582 6/13/07 0:00 Harold Pawlan South Virginia 23018 For Solution Kenalog-10 Delayed Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.04 0.79 2,612.89 2,612.89 490.99 25 105.29
42308 6/13/07 0:00 Sam Zeldin South Maryland 21290 For Solution Ledercillin Vk Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.09 0.42 79.98 79.98 -56.56 16 4.86
56582 6/13/07 0:00 Harold Pawlan South Virginia 23018 Injectable Vicoprin Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.04 0.69 4,581.41 4,581.41 -904.73 36 130.98
56582 6/13/07 0:00 Harold Pawlan South Virginia 23018 Spray Pletal Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.07 0.65 1,146.99 1,146.99 -1,643.74 47 31.76
29988 6/13/07 0:00 Adam Shillingsburg South South Carolina 29001 Suspension Glucophage Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 5,177.40 100% 0.06 0.38 5,177.40 5,177.40 287.5 12 449.99
25347 6/13/07 0:00 Theone Pippenger East Massachusetts 5544 Ointment Estropipate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 967.27 100% 0.07 0.38 967.27 967.27 309.31 28 35.44
8999 6/13/07 0:00 Julia Barnett South Florida 32119 Ointment Fludara Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,676.48 100% 0 0.37 1,676.48 1,676.48 590.35 28 55.48
37348 6/14/07 0:00 Maribeth Dona Central Illinois 60001 Syrup Chloroheniramine Maleate And Phenylpropanolamine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.58 551.67 551.67 25.44 33 17.15
355 6/14/07 0:00 Henry MacAllister Central Texas 77037 Concentrate Blephamide S.O.P. Extended Release Competitor B Animal 0 0.85 1,239.63 1,239.63 -172.546 16 85.99
39430 6/14/07 0:00 Edward Becker West Utah 84014 Suppository Soyacal 10% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 877.97 100% 0.03 0.79 877.97 877.97 -144.2 29 30.98
58339 6/14/07 0:00 Rick Hansen South Georgia 39859 Tablet Kafocin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 37.64 100% 0.01 0.36 37.64 37.64 7.5225 11 2.08
58339 6/14/07 0:00 Rick Hansen South Georgia 39859 Solution Risperidone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,608.87 100% 0.07 0.56 1,608.87 1,608.87 346.98 9 177.98
53350 6/15/07 0:00 Susan Pistek South Virginia 23664 Tablet Nesacaine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.38 7,046.61 7,046.61 2,595.18 24 315.98
28001 6/15/07 0:00 Dianna Arnett South Georgia 39859 For Solution Lopid Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.59 4,201.08 4,201.08 1,162.76 21 194.3
28001 6/15/07 0:00 Dianna Arnett South Georgia 39859 For Solution Stadol Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.59 8,958.46 8,958.46 2,593.14 41 209.84
837 6/15/07 0:00 Sean O'Donnell South Maryland 21794 Gel Dextrose 10% And Sodium Chloride 0.33% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 65.7 100% 0.01 0.49 65.7 65.7 13.41 11 5.84
22242 6/16/07 0:00 Noel Staavos West California 92320 Ointment Estratab Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.37 329.91 329.91 -279.93 50 6.48
14528 6/16/07 0:00 Karl Brown West California 93456 Tablet Desyrel Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.39 78.44 78.44 11.0245 14 5.98
28161 6/16/07 0:00 Chuck Sachs East Connecticut 6439 Suppository Drisdol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,085.61 100% 0.04 0.75 1,085.61 1,085.61 -33.32 41 27.48
40006 6/16/07 0:00 Adam Shillingsburg South South Carolina 29001 Gel Triaminic-12 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 141.59 100% 0.04 0.58 141.59 141.59 20.26 48 2.94
40006 6/16/07 0:00 Adam Shillingsburg South South Carolina 29001 Tablet Chlorascrub Swabstick Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 157.99 100% 0.03 0.35 157.99 157.99 -105.547 35 4.24
28161 6/16/07 0:00 Chuck Sachs East Connecticut 6439 Capsule Urovist Meglumine Diu/Ct Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,028.31 100% 0.06 0.61 5,028.31 5,028.31 664.88 15 350.98
28161 6/16/07 0:00 Chuck Sachs East Connecticut 6439 Injectable Polyethylene Glycol 3350 And Electrolytes Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 784.08 100% 0.02 0.56 784.08 784.08 -222.77 10 70.98
24199 6/17/07 0:00 Randy Bradley South North Carolina 28633 Suppository Rogaine (For Women) Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0 0.77 706.53 706.53 -314.42 16 40.48
8545 6/18/07 0:00 Barbara Fisher South Alabama 35062 Tablet Cardene Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.38 113.75 113.75 -77.3375 25 4.13
8545 6/18/07 0:00 Barbara Fisher South Alabama 35062 Injectable Vicoprin Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.1 0.69 3,081.95 3,081.95 -662.8 24 130.98
48931 6/18/07 0:00 Charles Sheldon East New Jersey 7837 Suppository Metadate Er Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 750.66 100% 0 0.6 750.66 750.66 120.05 33 20.95
48931 6/18/07 0:00 Charles Sheldon East New Jersey 8989 Suppository Soyacal 10% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 254.32 100% 0.01 0.79 254.32 254.32 -117.39 8 30.98
32038 6/18/07 0:00 Stuart Van Central Nebraska 69367 Solution Osmitrol 15% In Water Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 342.4 100% 0 0.5 342.4 342.4 -14.06 26 11.7
224 6/18/07 0:00 Bart Folk East Connecticut 6439 Ointment Femstat 3 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 267.85 100% 0.04 0.36 267.85 267.85 -65.43 44 5.98
224 6/18/07 0:00 Bart Folk East Connecticut 6439 Syrup Inderide La 160/50 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 528.5 100% 0.04 0.58 528.5 528.5 -149.92 33 15.42
5984 6/18/07 0:00 Eric Barreto South Maryland 21230 Solution Disulfiram Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 394.62 100% 0.06 0.59 394.62 394.62 -31.39 37 10.89
57155 6/18/07 0:00 Stuart Calhoun West Utah 84337 Syrup Moduretic 5-50 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 535.54 100% 0.04 0.6 535.54 535.54 60.82 16 33.89
57155 6/18/07 0:00 Stuart Calhoun West Utah 84337 Ointment Hectorol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 155.52 100% 0.05 0.36 155.52 155.52 -133.73 23 6.48
48931 6/18/07 0:00 Charles Sheldon East New Jersey 8989 For Solution Predamide Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,149.37 100% 0.03 0.55 2,149.37 2,149.37 217.87 42 51.75
224 6/18/07 0:00 Bart Folk East Connecticut 6439 For Solution Lipo-Hepin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 184.86 100% 0.09 0.56 184.86 184.86 -33.95 25 7.38
5984 6/18/07 0:00 Eric Barreto South Maryland 21230 For Solution Capozide 25/25 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 96.68 100% 0.03 0.41 96.68 96.68 22.25 11 7.96
5984 6/18/07 0:00 Eric Barreto South Maryland 21230 For Solution Lanoxin Pediatric Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 464.64 100% 0.03 0.57 464.64 464.64 14.48 42 10.64
46919 6/19/07 0:00 Jesus Ocampo East Delaware 19964 Suppository Cetraxal Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.07 0.74 4,483.92 4,483.92 174.61 31 152.48
14276 6/19/07 0:00 Lela Donovan East Massachusetts 5544 Gel Bronkodyl Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 110.79 100% 0.1 0.6 110.79 110.79 -11.13 11 10.48
9954 6/20/07 0:00 Thais Sissman Central Wisconsin 53235 Gel Mupirocin Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 115.81 100% 0.1 0.51 115.81 115.81 22.06 30 3.98
9954 6/20/07 0:00 Thais Sissman Central Wisconsin 53235 Ointment Exjade Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 203.6 100% 0 0.36 203.6 203.6 -166.44 39 4.98
1218 6/20/07 0:00 Craig Carroll West Idaho 83201 Solution Peg-Lyte Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 46.46 100% 0.1 0.52 46.46 46.46 -25.13 3 14.42
9954 6/20/07 0:00 Thais Sissman Central Wisconsin 53235 Capsule Pepcid Complete Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 10,122.72 100% 0.07 0.78 10,122.72 10,122.72 -381.16 36 280.98
39812 6/21/07 0:00 Greg Matthias West Washington 98601 Tablet Modicon 21 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.4 323.63 323.63 -205.4935 40 8.04
42403 6/21/07 0:00 Nick Zandusky South South Carolina 29684 Gel Tradjenta Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.59 121.2 121.2 -20.2 47 2.78
42403 6/21/07 0:00 Nick Zandusky South South Carolina 29684 Suspension/Drops Colgate Total Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.37 117.84 117.84 30.76 38 3.08
5446 6/21/07 0:00 Guy Armstrong Central Michigan 48001 Solution/Drops Sulf-15 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 433.68 100% 0.07 0.36 433.68 433.68 44.1 42 10.98
23303 6/21/07 0:00 Ralph Arnett West Idaho 83201 Ointment Epivir-Hbv Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 238.49 100% 0.09 0.37 238.49 238.49 -110.56 39 6.48
26854 6/22/07 0:00 Charlotte Melton East Massachusetts 2139 For Solution Matulane Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.5 34.11 34.11 -12.95 1 25.38
47168 6/22/07 0:00 Corinna Mitchell West Washington 98310 Cream Lorcet-Hd Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 2,920.83 100% 0.02 0.36 2,920.83 2,920.83 1,068.16 24 119.99
6144 6/22/07 0:00 Ralph Kennedy West Utah 84663 Suspension/Drops Cordran-N Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 67.35 100% 0.07 0.39 67.35 67.35 22.63 24 2.88
47168 6/22/07 0:00 Corinna Mitchell West Washington 98310 Ointment Hectorol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 262.3 100% 0.09 0.36 262.3 262.3 -255.2 42 6.48
6144 6/22/07 0:00 Ralph Kennedy West Utah 84663 Spray Feridex I.V. Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,472.31 100% 0.03 0.62 1,472.31 1,472.31 -248.43 4 348.21
9088 6/23/07 0:00 Russell Applegate Central Illinois 62541 Concentrate Dextrose 2.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.58 1,637.46 1,637.46 118.152 31 65.99
9088 6/23/07 0:00 Russell Applegate Central Illinois 62541 Tablet Proklar Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.4 15,383.70 15,383.70 6,523.26 50 304.99
39488 6/23/07 0:00 Michael Dominguez West Colorado 81221 Solution/Drops Cholestyramine Light Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.37 92.4 92.4 8.6 18 4.48
14182 6/23/07 0:00 Bobby Trafton South Georgia 39901 Concentrate Cetirizine Hydrochloride And Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.57 2,433.55 2,433.55 355.932 23 125.99
3397 6/23/07 0:00 Alex Grayson West Colorado 80230 Suppository Dimetapp Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 815.89 100% 0.1 0.68 815.89 815.89 -20.25 43 19.98
29633 6/23/07 0:00 Scott Cohen West Idaho 83643 Syrup Reserpine, Hydrochlorothiazide, And Hydralazine Hydrochloride Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 96.01 100% 0.01 0.59 96.01 96.01 -43.24 11 7.98
3397 6/23/07 0:00 Alex Grayson West Colorado 80230 Tablet Dentipatch Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 30.61 100% 0.09 0.36 30.61 30.61 -3.381 11 2.88
18080 6/23/07 0:00 Sylvia Foulston East New Jersey 7001 Capsule Nulytely-Flavored Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,211.98 100% 0.1 0.59 1,211.98 1,211.98 -80.83 7 180.98
41606 6/24/07 0:00 Brad Eason Central Michigan 49634 Gel Travasol 4.25% In Dextrose 25% In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.59 79.14 79.14 -4.73 30 2.78
41606 6/24/07 0:00 Brad Eason Central Michigan 49634 Injectable Vigamox Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.09 0.75 4,514.86 4,514.86 -641.09 23 200.98
41799 6/24/07 0:00 Jonathan Doherty Central Ohio 43567 Concentrate Chronulac Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,130.81 100% 0.04 0.57 1,130.81 1,130.81 95.148 21 65.99
39078 6/24/07 0:00 Matt Connell South Maryland 21022 Suppository Osmitrol 5% In Water Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,155.84 100% 0.02 0.51 2,155.84 2,155.84 -267.63 8 256.99
39078 6/24/07 0:00 Matt Connell South Maryland 21022 Gel Triacort Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 36.91 100% 0.07 0.56 36.91 36.91 -27.72 10 3.28
39078 6/24/07 0:00 Matt Connell South Maryland 21022 Ointment Hyzaar Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 175.27 100% 0.01 0.37 175.27 175.27 -33.67 26 6.48
47938 6/25/07 0:00 Lindsay Williams Central Texas 78702 Concentrate Bicillin Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 283.6535 100% 0.09 0.81 283.6535 283.6535 -113.047 17 20.99
39136 6/25/07 0:00 Shirley Jackson West California 93456 Concentrate Cefzil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,693.51 100% 0.02 0.59 2,693.51 2,693.51 662.049 49 65.99
19073 6/25/07 0:00 Chuck Magee South Alabama 36031 Gel 8-Mop Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 115.01 100% 0.03 0.45 115.01 115.01 5.81 40 2.78
18119 6/25/07 0:00 Trudy Bell South Alabama 36072 Solution/Drops Acephen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 347.84 100% 0 0.38 347.84 347.84 -99.25 37 8.74
52006 6/25/07 0:00 Carlos Meador South Florida 32119 Gel Bronkodyl Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 392.81 100% 0.1 0.6 392.81 392.81 13.91 39 10.48
52006 6/25/07 0:00 Carlos Meador South Florida 32119 For Solution Diazoxide Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 375.76 100% 0 0.59 375.76 375.76 -241.63 42 8.37
19073 6/25/07 0:00 Chuck Magee South Alabama 36031 For Solution Lanoxin Pediatric Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 178.4 100% 0.04 0.57 178.4 178.4 20.08 16 10.64
36705 6/26/07 0:00 Sam Zeldin South Maryland 21290 Spray Sandostatin Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.06 0.72 1,032.07 1,032.07 -1,166.59 17 70.89
12228 6/26/07 0:00 Brad Norvell East New Jersey 8823 Concentrate Alcaine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 5,015.05 100% 0.05 0.59 5,015.05 5,015.05 1,090.43 30 200.99
33250 6/26/07 0:00 Guy Thornton West New Mexico 87001 Solution Risperidone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 7,381.19 100% 0.04 0.56 7,381.19 7,381.19 2,998.88 40 177.98
12228 6/26/07 0:00 Brad Norvell East New Jersey 8823 Capsule Ultram Er Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 159.51 100% 0.04 0.78 159.51 159.51 -103.63 1 130.98
32582 6/26/07 0:00 Tony Chapman West New Mexico 87537 For Solution Indium In-111 Oxyquinoline Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,780.88 100% 0.07 0.61 2,780.88 2,780.88 595.38 27 105.34
57507 6/27/07 0:00 Logan Haushalter Central Nebraska 68770 Tablet Neo-Rx Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 155.45 100% 0.03 0.39 155.45 155.45 -19.6765 10 15.01
20322 6/29/07 0:00 Seth Vernon Central Michigan 48064 Tablet Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.225% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.37 160.27 160.27 -183.356 46 3.58
20322 6/29/07 0:00 Seth Vernon Central Michigan 48064 Ointment Freamine Hbc 6.9% Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.36 89.89 89.89 -72.28 15 5.78
18919 6/29/07 0:00 Rob Williams South Alabama 36047 Solution Ergamisol Injection Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.5 739.28 739.28 43.97 39 17.52
20322 6/29/07 0:00 Seth Vernon Central Michigan 48064 Injectable Fondaparinux Sodium Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.09 0.62 4,601.02 4,601.02 -129.53 46 100.98
2211 6/30/07 0:00 Vivian Mathis West Idaho 83877 Suppository Rocaltrol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.67 1,651.09 1,651.09 -2.38 22 73.98
25063 6/30/07 0:00 Emily Grady West Idaho 83201 Concentrate Bronkaid Mist Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.39 711.875 711.875 217.332 24 35.99
2211 6/30/07 0:00 Vivian Mathis West Idaho 83877 Ointment Desonide Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.36 95.89 95.89 -46.31 14 5.98
2211 6/30/07 0:00 Vivian Mathis West Idaho 83877 Gel Dienestrol Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.59 80.38 80.38 -71.11 23 3.57
55429 6/30/07 0:00 Nathan Cano East Massachusetts 1059 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride, Hydrochlorothiazide And Reserpine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 260.59 100% 0.09 0.37 260.59 260.59 -157.76 43 6.48
31877 6/30/07 0:00 Duane Huffman East Delaware 19810 For Solution Diazoxide Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 285.06 100% 0.08 0.59 285.06 285.06 -211.54 34 8.37
42279 7/1/07 0:00 Harold Ryan East Connecticut 6928 Suppository Soyacal 10% Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.79 1,431 1,431 -55.78 44 30.98
34374 7/1/07 0:00 Frank Olsen South South Carolina 29338 Suppository Aristocort A Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.52 344.57 344.57 37.41 42 8.33
20135 7/1/07 0:00 Susan MacKendrick Central Ohio 43002 Suspension/Drops Cotrim Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 115.24 100% 0.03 0.39 115.24 115.24 43.23 44 2.61
36647 7/1/07 0:00 Christy Brittain South Georgia 30002 Lotion Carmol Hc Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 179.98 100% 0.01 0.4 179.98 179.98 38.7 21 7.89
36647 7/1/07 0:00 Christy Brittain South Georgia 30002 Aerosol Adderall 15 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 55.44 100% 0.09 0.83 55.44 55.44 -21.91 16 3.68
36647 7/1/07 0:00 Christy Brittain South Georgia 30002 Syrup Monistat 7 Combination Pack Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 174.62 100% 0.1 0.6 174.62 174.62 -119.77 18 9.71
55746 7/1/07 0:00 Georgia Rosenberg West Idaho 83201 Syrup Ilotycin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 324.75 100% 0.07 0.59 324.75 324.75 -36.87 29 11.29
20135 7/1/07 0:00 Susan MacKendrick Central Ohio 43002 Spray Aminosyn Ii 5% Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 9,601.94 100% 0.08 0.49 9,601.94 9,601.94 2,428.59 28 349.45
40224 7/1/07 0:00 Sally Hughsby South Maryland 21230 For Solution Prednisone Intensol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 890.9 100% 0.05 0.46 890.9 890.9 404.29 14 63.94
41216 7/2/07 0:00 Kean Takahito South South Carolina 29941 Tablet Epinephrine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.37 253.26 253.26 49.657 8 29.17
41216 7/2/07 0:00 Kean Takahito South South Carolina 29941 Spray Emgel Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.74 6,865.07 6,865.07 1,117.24 45 179.29
34275 7/2/07 0:00 Greg Guthrie Central Nebraska 69141 Cream Serpasil-Esidrix #2 Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.55 6,041.01 6,041.01 -5,509.20 3 2,036.48
8997 7/2/07 0:00 Tony Sayre East New York 501 Suspension Glucophage Delayed Release Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.52 17,279.62 17,279.62 4,176.25 40 449.99
34275 7/2/07 0:00 Greg Guthrie Central Nebraska 69141 Gel Acuvail Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.52 123.46 123.46 26.66 27 4.84
8997 7/2/07 0:00 Tony Sayre East New York 501 Gel Tora Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.55 120.3 120.3 20.38 20 5.84
21602 7/2/07 0:00 Jack O'Briant East New Jersey 8823 Spray Feridex I.V. Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.01 0.62 2,170.61 2,170.61 -62.29 6 348.21
47494 7/2/07 0:00 Marc Crier Central Texas 77474 Suppository Dialyte Lm/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,967.83 100% 0.04 0.55 1,967.83 1,967.83 659.6 42 45.19
54019 7/2/07 0:00 Aaron Bergman East Massachusetts 1001 Cream Glumetza Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 4,233.15 100% 0.08 0.38 4,233.15 4,233.15 1,219.87 35 120.97
47494 7/2/07 0:00 Marc Crier Central Texas 77474 Ointment Eryc 125 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 52.59 100% 0.03 0.36 52.59 52.59 -28.14 9 4.98
57827 7/3/07 0:00 Andrew Roberts Central Wisconsin 53235 Ointment Forane Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.38 147.02 147.02 -77.03 29 4.98
57827 7/3/07 0:00 Andrew Roberts Central Wisconsin 53235 Injectable Fondaparinux Sodium Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.62 2,453.30 2,453.30 -111.4 24 100.98
11527 7/3/07 0:00 Ben Wallace Central Ohio 45999 For Solution Norlestrin 21 1/50 Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.35 4,629.67 4,629.67 2,860.71 45 99.23
50373 7/3/07 0:00 Christina Vanderzanden West New Mexico 88044 Syrup Mirena Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.66 1,455.04 1,455.04 -7.58 9 161.55
29287 7/3/07 0:00 Edward Hooks East Massachusetts 2180 Cream Low-Ogestrel-28 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 12,593.91 100% 0.09 0.56 12,593.91 12,593.91 2,699.67 49 270.97
46244 7/3/07 0:00 Arthur Gainer South North Carolina 27006 Suppository Tab-Profen Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 157.42 100% 0.05 0.45 157.42 157.42 -18.68 9 17.48
29287 7/3/07 0:00 Edward Hooks East Massachusetts 2180 Tablet Epi E Z Pen Jr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 281.39 100% 0.1 0.39 281.39 281.39 -106.398 50 5.74
7782 7/3/07 0:00 Maxwell Schwartz West New Mexico 87011 Solution Deferoxamine Mesylate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,205.73 100% 0.07 0.56 1,205.73 1,205.73 310.93 20 60.97
46244 7/3/07 0:00 Arthur Gainer South North Carolina 27006 Capsule Trizivir Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 601.57 100% 0.09 0.7 601.57 601.57 -247.25 10 60.98
47713 7/4/07 0:00 Marc Harrigan East Massachusetts 2180 Concentrate Atracurium Besylate Preservative Free Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0 0.58 3,419.15 3,419.15 858.582 34 115.99
30785 7/4/07 0:00 Neil Ducich East Massachusetts 2139 Gel Yutopar Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.43 373.07 373.07 149.53 38 9.93
30785 7/4/07 0:00 Neil Ducich East Massachusetts 2139 Ointment Hy-Pam "25" Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 55.81 55.81 -35.04 7 6.48
27840 7/4/07 0:00 Maria Bertelson East New Jersey 7001 Injectable Flurandrenolide Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.09 0.65 1,209.37 1,209.37 -407.85 8 150.98
22695 7/4/07 0:00 Joy Smith Central Michigan 48001 Ointment Aldoril D50 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 444.52 100% 0.02 0.39 444.52 444.52 161.13 44 10.06
37987 7/4/07 0:00 Michael Moore Central Wisconsin 53201 Suspension/Drops Alprazolam Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 299.07 100% 0.1 0.38 299.07 299.07 137.47 26 12.53
43172 7/4/07 0:00 Liz Willingham South North Carolina 27010 Lotion Enlon Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 28.34 100% 0.09 0.37 28.34 28.34 1.68 19 1.48
37987 7/4/07 0:00 Michael Moore Central Wisconsin 53201 Spray Ellence Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 708.87 100% 0.1 0.64 708.87 708.87 -270.85 5 146.34
32706 7/5/07 0:00 Matt Abelman East Massachusetts 2139 Cream Vaprisol In 5% Dextrose In Plastic Container Oral Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.56 2,017.50 2,017.50 -762.66 5 399.98
53312 7/5/07 0:00 Edward Nazzal South Virginia 20101 Gel Lidex Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.54 105.45 105.45 -173.36 30 3.34
53312 7/5/07 0:00 Edward Nazzal South Virginia 20101 Solution Potassium Chloride 40Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.225% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.57 8,413.23 8,413.23 2,464.75 23 363.25
36067 7/5/07 0:00 Dave Poirier South Florida 32003 Syrup Kantrex Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.59 6,176.29 6,176.29 1,499.94 37 165.2
56002 7/5/07 0:00 Dave Hallsten Central Texas 78702 Solution/Drops Advil Cold And Sinus Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 514.53 100% 0.04 0.35 514.53 514.53 149.31 21 23.99
56002 7/5/07 0:00 Dave Hallsten Central Texas 78702 Syrup Mirena Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,497.93 100% 0.05 0.66 1,497.93 1,497.93 35.31 9 161.55
56002 7/5/07 0:00 Dave Hallsten Central Texas 78702 Ointment Ethmozine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 748.84 100% 0.09 0.36 748.84 748.84 286.7 14 55.98
41282 7/5/07 0:00 Eileen Kiefer South Virginia 23970 Tablet Nitro-Dur Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 916.05 100% 0.08 0.39 916.05 916.05 -21.896 39 24.92
56002 7/5/07 0:00 Dave Hallsten Central Texas 78702 Spray Phenergan Vc Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,857.56 100% 0.07 0.67 3,857.56 3,857.56 -419.79 14 290.98
1287 7/5/07 0:00 Mitch Willingham South North Carolina 27006 For Solution Kenalog-10 Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,908.65 100% 0.06 0.79 3,908.65 3,908.65 480.57 39 105.29
3649 7/6/07 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 Tablet Nascobal Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.35 79.42 79.42 -15.456 8 8.88
3649 7/6/07 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 Suspension/Drops Delaxin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.36 75.6 75.6 17.14 26 2.88
27013 7/6/07 0:00 Fred Harton West Washington 98001 Syrup Cu-7 Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.8 7,007.19 7,007.19 -274.95 26 279.48
27013 7/6/07 0:00 Fred Harton West Washington 98001 Syrup Haloperidol Lactate Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.81 2,232.15 2,232.15 -746.44 28 80.98
23844 7/7/07 0:00 Michael Granlund East Massachusetts 5544 Solution Pbz Injection Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.5 937.62 937.62 187.2 42 21.78
23844 7/7/07 0:00 Michael Granlund East Massachusetts 5544 Solution Doxychel Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.56 1,861.36 1,861.36 627.85 40 42.98
23844 7/7/07 0:00 Michael Granlund East Massachusetts 5544 Suspension/Drops Delflex-Lm W/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.37 33.02 33.02 8.4 11 3.15
58727 7/7/07 0:00 Vivian Mathis West Idaho 83877 For Solution Ibuprohm Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.49 525.78 525.78 180.64 20 26.48
48416 7/7/07 0:00 Ken Dana West New Mexico 88134 Ointment Guanidine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.37 167.66 167.66 -15.48 23 6.68
39744 7/7/07 0:00 Anne Pryor Central Ohio 43054 Concentrate Allopurinol Sodium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 519.9535 100% 0 0.55 519.9535 519.9535 -107.987 9 65.99
39744 7/7/07 0:00 Anne Pryor Central Ohio 43054 Concentrate Heparin Sodium 10,000 Units In Dextrose 5% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 5,636.31 100% 0.04 0.58 5,636.31 5,636.31 1,595.67 41 155.99
24132 7/7/07 0:00 Justin Knight Central Michigan 49971 Suppository Metadate Er Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 446.46 100% 0.04 0.6 446.46 446.46 -1.88 22 20.95
39744 7/7/07 0:00 Anne Pryor Central Ohio 43054 Ointment Aldoril D50 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 63.61 100% 0.01 0.39 63.61 63.61 7.59 6 10.06
24132 7/7/07 0:00 Justin Knight Central Michigan 49971 Syrup Colestipol Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 63.84 100% 0.02 0.59 63.84 63.84 -47.97 3 15.51
24132 7/7/07 0:00 Justin Knight Central Michigan 49971 Tablet Ditate-Ds Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 31.01 100% 0.03 0.35 31.01 31.01 -4.485 4 6.75
24132 7/7/07 0:00 Justin Knight Central Michigan 49971 Tablet Asellacrin 10 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 47.79 100% 0.04 0.38 47.79 47.79 -57.753 12 3.52
24132 7/7/07 0:00 Justin Knight Central Michigan 49971 Tablet Promethazine Vc W/ Codeine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,252.89 100% 0.05 0.37 1,252.89 1,252.89 339.745 31 39.06
24132 7/7/07 0:00 Justin Knight Central Michigan 49971 Tablet Dopamine Hydrochloride In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 331.83 100% 0.05 0.39 331.83 331.83 -101.246 46 7.1
36932 7/8/07 0:00 Troy Blackwell Central Illinois 62999 Syrup Moduretic 5-50 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.6 668.8 668.8 92.34 20 33.89
40902 7/8/07 0:00 Susan Vittorini East New Jersey 7837 Tablet Dopamine Hydrochloride In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.39 192.18 192.18 -48.875 25 7.1
10305 7/8/07 0:00 Julia Barnett South Florida 32119 For Solution Sulfamethoxazole And Trimethoprim Double Strength Extended Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.51 65.89 65.89 20.6 12 5.08
12480 7/8/07 0:00 Steve Nguyen South Maryland 21230 Injectable Vesicare Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.78 1,187.01 1,187.01 -203.27 8 137.48
53894 7/8/07 0:00 Cathy Armstrong Central Illinois 60001 Concentrate Aminosyn Ii 4.25% In Dextrose 10% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 5,159.37 100% 0.02 0.59 5,159.37 5,159.37 1,252.48 29 200.99
20513 7/8/07 0:00 Aaron Bergman East Massachusetts 1001 Gel Amrinone Lactate Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 42.27 100% 0.01 0.54 42.27 42.27 4.56 13 2.84
53894 7/8/07 0:00 Cathy Armstrong Central Illinois 60001 Spray Sensipar Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,756.17 100% 0.04 0.68 2,756.17 2,756.17 -1,735.24 37 71.37
53894 7/8/07 0:00 Cathy Armstrong Central Illinois 60001 For Solution Humegon Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 691.52 100% 0.03 0.46 691.52 691.52 107.02 47 14.2
37447 7/9/07 0:00 Noel Staavos West California 92320 Tablet Methamphetamine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.39 139.45 139.45 -137.494 23 5.81
40547 7/10/07 0:00 Craig Rider South Alabama 36585 Concentrate Dianeal Pd-1 W/ Dextrose 4.25% In Plastic Container Injection Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.57 6,944.09 6,944.09 1,820.95 45 179.99
49830 7/10/07 0:00 Ionia McGrath South Alabama 36830 Tablet Nalidixic Acid Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.37 16,949.44 16,949.44 7,858.08 31 525.98
49830 7/10/07 0:00 Ionia McGrath South Alabama 36830 Gel Exsel Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.58 519.65 519.65 26.36 16 30.98
37696 7/10/07 0:00 Valerie Dominguez Central Ohio 45999 Ointment Keftab Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 173.27 100% 0.02 0.37 173.27 173.27 51.29 41 4
37696 7/10/07 0:00 Valerie Dominguez Central Ohio 45999 Tablet Butazolidin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 24.09 100% 0.04 0.36 24.09 24.09 -20.2285 5 3.81
28933 7/10/07 0:00 Shirley Jackson West California 93456 Gel Aminosyn Ii 3.5% In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 156.2 100% 0.03 0.52 156.2 156.2 43 38 3.98
28933 7/10/07 0:00 Shirley Jackson West California 93456 Solution/Drops Bumex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 11.16 100% 0.01 0.35 11.16 11.16 -7.25 1 5.58
26629 7/11/07 0:00 Muhammed Yedwab East New York 14709 Suspension Genotropin Preservative Free Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 21,956.03 100% 0.1 0.5 21,956.03 21,956.03 5,903.09 38 599.99
26629 7/11/07 0:00 Muhammed Yedwab East New York 14709 Gel Tradjenta Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 89.89 100% 0.06 0.59 89.89 89.89 -8.16 32 2.78
47621 7/12/07 0:00 David Kendrick South Georgia 39901 For Solution Humegon Extended Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.46 230.74 230.74 27.23 16 14.2
23877 7/13/07 0:00 Nicole Brennan West California 95503 Concentrate Androgel Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.58 1,624.60 1,624.60 109.836 31 65.99
23877 7/13/07 0:00 Nicole Brennan West California 95503 Suppository Clinimix 5/35 Sulfite Free In Dextrose 35% In Plastic Container Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0 0.41 381.36 381.36 128.03 35 10.01
20706 7/13/07 0:00 Jennifer Patt South Florida 32099 For Solution Aminosyn Ii 10% In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.59 5,583.27 5,583.27 1,539.59 41 136.98
33635 7/13/07 0:00 Darrin Martin South South Carolina 29684 Cream Skelid Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.38 477.76 477.76 -198.96 5 90.97
19232 7/13/07 0:00 Cynthia Arntzen Central Texas 79080 Gel Amphadase Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.48 33.41 33.41 -3.48 5 6.68
33635 7/13/07 0:00 Darrin Martin South South Carolina 29684 Syrup Coreg Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.84 112.18 112.18 -96.16 4 20.34
19232 7/13/07 0:00 Cynthia Arntzen Central Texas 79080 For Solution Lamictal Cd Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.04 0.6 265.38 265.38 -107.59 43 6.24
19232 7/13/07 0:00 Cynthia Arntzen Central Texas 79080 Injectable Clinimix 4.25/5 Sulfite Free In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.09 0.59 7,157.16 7,157.16 1,150.33 28 260.98
19457 7/13/07 0:00 Alice McCarthy West Idaho 83201 Concentrate Angiovist 370 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 5,638.80 100% 0.09 0.58 5,638.80 5,638.80 1,406.05 33 205.99
26372 7/13/07 0:00 Ralph Kennedy West Utah 84663 Suppository Dextrose 60% Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 31.96 100% 0.01 0.5 31.96 31.96 -74.64 1 29.89
19457 7/13/07 0:00 Alice McCarthy West Idaho 83201 Suspension/Drops Daunoxome Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 203.49 100% 0.05 0.39 203.49 203.49 90.35 34 6.3
41696 7/14/07 0:00 Bryan Mills Central Michigan 49971 Solution Potassium Chloride 10Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.6 237.28 237.28 -2,088.68 45 4.48
57412 7/14/07 0:00 Carl Weiss East New York 14709 Concentrate Duragesic-75 Injection TableauCeutical Animal 223.499 100% 0.06 0.6 223.499 223.499 -122.133 34 7.99
34565 7/14/07 0:00 Valerie Takahito West Utah 84001 Concentrate Primidone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,815.86 100% 0.08 0.57 4,815.86 4,815.86 1,316.79 47 125.99
23778 7/14/07 0:00 Carlos Meador South Florida 32119 Solution Potassium Chloride 10Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 105.94 100% 0.06 0.6 105.94 105.94 -566 13 4.48
48034 7/15/07 0:00 Robert Waldorf South Virginia 23018 Gel Ethchlorvynol Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.59 945.86 945.86 31.59 47 22.01
48034 7/15/07 0:00 Robert Waldorf South Virginia 23018 Spray Hexalen Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.61 2,340.50 2,340.50 243.16 12 236.97
3175 7/15/07 0:00 Bradley Drucker West Washington 99403 Syrup Kantrex Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.59 3,553.62 3,553.62 521.69 23 165.2
41189 7/15/07 0:00 Stephanie Phelps East New York 14210 Ointment Drolban Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 189.04 100% 0.03 0.36 189.04 189.04 66.28 30 6.45
32199 7/16/07 0:00 Erica Bern Central Michigan 49971 Suspension Freamine 8.5% Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 3,672.89 100% 0.01 0.37 3,672.89 3,672.89 -3,061.82 1 3,499.99
31043 7/16/07 0:00 Bobby Odegard East New York 10501 Concentrate Azactam In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 221.4675 100% 0 0.37 221.4675 221.4675 -302.225 3 85.99
31043 7/16/07 0:00 Bobby Odegard East New York 10501 Suppository Talwin Compound Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 772.42 100% 0.02 0.42 772.42 772.42 299.33 49 15.28
32199 7/16/07 0:00 Erica Bern Central Michigan 49971 Gel Tora Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 46.97 100% 0.03 0.55 46.97 46.97 -0.01 8 5.84
32199 7/16/07 0:00 Erica Bern Central Michigan 49971 Tablet Acetaminophen, Aspirin, And Codeine Phosphate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 196.5 100% 0.08 0.38 196.5 196.5 -99.7625 40 4.91
13380 7/16/07 0:00 Rob Dowd West Arizona 85071 Gel Triphasil-28 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 66.12 100% 0.09 0.56 66.12 66.12 4.85 24 2.88
13313 7/17/07 0:00 Skye Norling East New Jersey 7010 Solution Paser Injection Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.52 1,020.61 1,020.61 -209.61 47 21.66
13313 7/17/07 0:00 Skye Norling East New Jersey 7010 Ointment Estropipate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.38 755.6 755.6 223.44 22 35.44
13313 7/17/07 0:00 Skye Norling East New Jersey 7010 Aerosol Catapres-Tts-2 Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.6 592.73 592.73 75.01 45 12.98
13313 7/17/07 0:00 Skye Norling East New Jersey 7010 For Solution Cyanocobalamin Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.73 243.51 243.51 -159.86 18 12.99
54560 7/17/07 0:00 Barbara Fisher South Alabama 35062 Concentrate Theophyl-Sr Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.08 0.58 2,404.60 2,404.60 496.89 45 65.99
54560 7/17/07 0:00 Barbara Fisher South Alabama 35062 Suppository Tavist-D Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.4 604.38 604.38 167.58 22 28.48
5572 7/17/07 0:00 Anna Gayman East Massachusetts 2054 Suppository Quinapril Hydrochloride And Hydrochlorothiazide Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 288.55 100% 0.03 0.69 288.55 288.55 -133.7 37 7.37
46656 7/17/07 0:00 Nora Pelletier South North Carolina 27010 Tablet Nitro-Dur Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 636.7 100% 0.1 0.39 636.7 636.7 -29.9115 27 24.92
24228 7/18/07 0:00 Anne Pryor Central Ohio 43054 Lotion Chloroptic S.O.P. Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.82 60.64 60.64 -66.62 31 1.86
18147 7/18/07 0:00 Bruce Degenhardt West Arizona 85295 Tablet Cefazolin And Dextrose Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.37 82.03 82.03 -15.5595 42 1.88
18147 7/18/07 0:00 Bruce Degenhardt West Arizona 85295 Ointment Geopen Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.36 290.91 290.91 -108.19 50 5.78
32070 7/18/07 0:00 Patrick Jones South Alabama 36344 For Solution Alcohol 10% And Dextrose 5% Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.41 86.7 86.7 -185.34 50 1.76
55553 7/18/07 0:00 John Castell East New York 14210 Solution/Drops Cardiolite Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.38 177.52 177.52 52.61 32 5.68
38982 7/18/07 0:00 Liz Carlisle Central Ohio 43001 Suppository Tavist-D Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,114.42 100% 0.09 0.4 1,114.42 1,114.42 425.07 43 28.48
11843 7/18/07 0:00 Cindy Chapman West Arizona 85338 Cream Oxtriphylline Oral TableauCeutical Animal 4,993.42 100% 0.03 0.39 4,993.42 4,993.42 190.14 42 119.99
11843 7/18/07 0:00 Cindy Chapman West Arizona 85338 Suppository Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.33% And Potassium Chloride 0.22% In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,059.30 100% 0.05 0.49 1,059.30 1,059.30 67.6 9 115.79
4321 7/18/07 0:00 Pauline Chand East Connecticut 6439 Suspension/Drops Clobetasol Propionate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,505.57 100% 0.02 0.39 1,505.57 1,505.57 -54.63 47 30.53
22919 7/18/07 0:00 Irene Maddox West Colorado 81655 Suspension/Drops Darbid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 98.77 100% 0.07 0.36 98.77 98.77 41.33 21 4.91
37542 7/21/07 0:00 Adam Shillingsburg South South Carolina 29001 Concentrate Cefizox Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,546.52 100% 0.09 0.59 2,546.52 2,546.52 209.997 26 125.99
25060 7/21/07 0:00 Brosina Hoffman West Utah 84631 Cream Serpasil-Esidrix #2 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 1,893.93 100% 0.07 0.55 1,893.93 1,893.93 -5,350.27 1 2,036.48
5441 7/21/07 0:00 Brendan Sweed Central Wisconsin 53081 Ointment Histamine Phosphate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 226.83 100% 0.02 0.37 226.83 226.83 -92.05 34 6.48
5441 7/21/07 0:00 Brendan Sweed Central Wisconsin 53081 Syrup Chloroheniramine Maleate And Phenylpropanolamine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 278.92 100% 0.04 0.58 278.92 278.92 6.11 16 17.15
55846 7/21/07 0:00 Cari MacIntyre South Virginia 23970 Tablet Dopamine Hydrochloride In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 221.05 100% 0.02 0.39 221.05 221.05 -66.378 30 7.1
55847 7/21/07 0:00 Neil French South Virginia 23018 Suspension/Drops Colgate Total Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 136.71 100% 0.04 0.37 136.71 136.71 34.72 45 3.08
55847 7/21/07 0:00 Neil French South Virginia 23018 Tablet Nicotrol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 133.15 100% 0.05 0.4 133.15 133.15 -51.428 21 6.28
25060 7/21/07 0:00 Brosina Hoffman West Utah 84631 Tablet Metronidazole Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 7,767.02 100% 0.03 0.35 7,767.02 7,767.02 2,070.62 6 1,270.99
43079 7/22/07 0:00 Giulietta Weimer West Arizona 86409 Suppository Memantine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.75 1,184.03 1,184.03 -20.79 40 30.73
50823 7/22/07 0:00 Nancy Lomonaco West Utah 84014 Suppository Sonazine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.4 1,244.72 1,244.72 269.94 12 100.98
33350 7/22/07 0:00 Kelly Andreada South Florida 32003 Tablet Proferdex Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.36 1,786.04 1,786.04 -924.991 1 1,889.99
6823 7/22/07 0:00 Todd Boyes West Colorado 80746 Suppository Q-Pam Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0 0.64 524.19 524.19 -135.46 31 15.98
48961 7/22/07 0:00 John Lucas South Maryland 21290 Ointment Glyburide Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.39 520.68 520.68 -143.66 24 22.84
48961 7/22/07 0:00 John Lucas South Maryland 21290 Syrup Chlorotrianisene Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.57 358.78 358.78 -76.9 25 14.98
6823 7/22/07 0:00 Todd Boyes West Colorado 80746 Tablet Seasonique Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.39 1,262.72 1,262.72 490.28 50 24.95
41316 7/22/07 0:00 John Castell East New York 14210 Concentrate Amantadine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 700.366 100% 0 0.59 700.366 700.366 -787.699 4 205.99
50917 7/22/07 0:00 Sally Hughsby South Maryland 21230 Suppository Technetium Tc 99M Hsa Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,422.31 100% 0.02 0.44 1,422.31 1,422.31 498.15 33 43.98
42310 7/22/07 0:00 Julia Dunbar West New Mexico 88044 Concentrate Darbid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,361.76 100% 0.04 0.56 3,361.76 3,361.76 394.353 20 205.99
41316 7/22/07 0:00 John Castell East New York 14210 Tablet Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.33% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 121.74 100% 0.01 0.39 121.74 121.74 21.0035 8 14.28
43813 7/22/07 0:00 Carlos Meador South Florida 32119 Syrup Colestipol Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 384.21 100% 0.04 0.59 384.21 384.21 -266.22 23 15.51
37825 7/23/07 0:00 Matt Collister West Idaho 83877 Ointment Celestone Soluspan Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.38 286.75 286.75 98.44 41 6.98
37825 7/23/07 0:00 Matt Collister West Idaho 83877 Solution Bromfenac Sodium Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.58 505.01 505.01 -43.52 44 11.97
13030 7/23/07 0:00 Nancy Lomonaco West Utah 84014 Tablet Demeclocycline Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 136.2 136.2 -154.307 32 3.89
56612 7/23/07 0:00 Joseph Airdo Central Illinois 60157 Concentrate Atracurium Besylate Preservative Free Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,008.73 100% 0 0.58 4,008.73 4,008.73 1,219.34 38 115.99
16451 7/23/07 0:00 Don Jones East Massachusetts 5544 Tablet Cholebrine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 252.79 100% 0.09 0.35 252.79 252.79 58.225 9 30.56
34882 7/25/07 0:00 Carol Triggs Central Ohio 43317 Tablet Cefazolin And Dextrose Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 84.61 84.61 -15.0995 43 1.88
34087 7/25/07 0:00 Jim Sink South South Carolina 29684 Concentrate Anthelios 20 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,077.73 100% 0.05 0.57 3,077.73 3,077.73 745.479 31 115.99
9092 7/25/07 0:00 Jeremy Pistek South Georgia 30002 Concentrate Citanest Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 599.2075 100% 0.1 0.56 599.2075 599.2075 -268.664 8 95.99
22119 7/25/07 0:00 Stewart Carmichael Central Michigan 49971 Solution Lygen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 939.39 100% 0.07 0.57 939.39 939.39 -122.77 20 49.43
9092 7/25/07 0:00 Jeremy Pistek South Georgia 30002 Syrup Crestor Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,644.24 100% 0 0.82 3,644.24 3,644.24 -457.73 33 101.41
29667 7/25/07 0:00 Astrea Jones South Georgia 39859 Tablet Aerobid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 215.31 100% 0.09 0.36 215.31 215.31 -51.75 14 15.28
14112 7/25/07 0:00 Paul Lucas West California 96061 Solution Magnesium Sulfate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 68.45 100% 0.02 0.58 68.45 68.45 -25.76 1 50.98
16768 7/26/07 0:00 Andrew Allen Central Illinois 60001 Solution Disulfiram Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 101.47 100% 0.03 0.59 101.47 101.47 -18.64 9 10.89
57794 7/27/07 0:00 Edward Becker West Utah 84014 Ointment Eryc 125 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 88.84 88.84 -46.92 16 4.98
44867 7/27/07 0:00 Max Jones West Washington 98310 Capsule Orapred Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.6 21,425.91 21,425.91 7,360.43 40 500.98
48453 7/27/07 0:00 Victoria Wilson West Colorado 81124 For Solution Capozide 25/25 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.41 387.03 387.03 -7.73 50 7.96
33699 7/27/07 0:00 Troy Staebel South North Carolina 27006 Ointment Drolban Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.36 196.81 196.81 70.39 31 6.45
33699 7/27/07 0:00 Troy Staebel South North Carolina 27006 Syrup Alphacaine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.81 290.07 290.07 -114.2 18 16.74
33699 7/27/07 0:00 Troy Staebel South North Carolina 27006 Capsule Ocl Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.74 1,619.51 1,619.51 -722.23 13 122.99
10692 7/27/07 0:00 Rob Haberlin Central Michigan 49877 Concentrate Alcaine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 8,101.99 100% 0.05 0.59 8,101.99 8,101.99 2,369.84 48 200.99
10692 7/27/07 0:00 Rob Haberlin Central Michigan 49877 Concentrate Atrovent Hfa Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,313.81 100% 0.07 0.58 1,313.81 1,313.81 -457.16 8 195.99
10692 7/27/07 0:00 Rob Haberlin Central Michigan 49877 Gel Dienestrol Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 100.41 100% 0.04 0.59 100.41 100.41 -69.91 26 3.57
902 7/27/07 0:00 Meg O'Connel East New Jersey 7514 Solution Ritodrine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,925.83 100% 0.09 0.55 1,925.83 1,925.83 359.83 10 207.48
24933 7/27/07 0:00 Shahid Shariari West Arizona 85301 Ointment Casodex Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 142.81 100% 0.01 0.36 142.81 142.81 39.64 14 10.14
24933 7/27/07 0:00 Shahid Shariari West Arizona 85301 Injectable Fml Forte Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,416.38 100% 0.01 0.78 3,416.38 3,416.38 -1,142.20 32 100.98
3459 7/28/07 0:00 Gary McGarr Central Illinois 62541 Concentrate Staphcillin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.57 2,152.40 2,152.40 218.871 24 110.99
9606 7/28/07 0:00 Darrin Martin South South Carolina 29684 Ointment Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.36 192.15 192.15 37.31 37 5.18
9606 7/28/07 0:00 Darrin Martin South South Carolina 29684 Suspension/Drops Alprazolam Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.38 493.26 493.26 263.4 39 12.53
21538 7/28/07 0:00 Mark Packer West California 91188 Gel Tri-Norinyl 21-Day Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.58 87.32 87.32 -1.18 31 2.94
44708 7/28/07 0:00 Allen Rosenblatt East Massachusetts 2180 For Solution Levonorgestrel And Ethinyl Estradiol And Ethinyl Estradiol Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.53 30.68 30.68 -37.39 15 1.74
19078 7/28/07 0:00 Brendan Dodson East Delaware 19980 Solution Bromfenac Sodium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 256.12 100% 0.03 0.58 256.12 256.12 -18.19 21 11.97
53029 7/28/07 0:00 Max Ludwig South Virginia 23664 Suspension/Drops Codimal-L.A. 12 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 223.34 100% 0.1 0.39 223.34 223.34 95.42 39 6.3
29286 7/29/07 0:00 Alan Dominguez West California 90835 Cream Velosef '125' Oral TableauCeutical Animal 13,070.20 100% 0.07 0.57 13,070.20 13,070.20 -7,958.16 4 3,502.14
24644 7/29/07 0:00 Tony Molinari West California 96002 Solution Deferoxamine Mesylate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,550.12 100% 0.01 0.56 2,550.12 2,550.12 882.45 40 60.97
24644 7/29/07 0:00 Tony Molinari West California 96002 Capsule Ocl Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,897.47 100% 0 0.74 5,897.47 5,897.47 -1,764.29 46 122.99
32420 7/30/07 0:00 Christy Brittain South Georgia 30002 Suppository Ravocaine And Novocain W/ Levophed Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 175.08 100% 0.07 0.79 175.08 175.08 -168.72 35 5.02
8551 7/30/07 0:00 Meg O'Connel East New Jersey 7514 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 225.98 100% 0.01 0.37 225.98 225.98 -135.74 34 6.48
8551 7/30/07 0:00 Meg O'Connel East New Jersey 7514 Tablet Bupivacaine Hydrochloride W/Epinephrine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 185.64 100% 0.1 0.4 185.64 185.64 -69.874 25 7.45
32420 7/30/07 0:00 Christy Brittain South Georgia 30002 Capsule Pepcid Complete Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,369.46 100% 0.07 0.78 5,369.46 5,369.46 -439.62 19 280.98
26279 7/31/07 0:00 Edward Nazzal South Virginia 20101 Concentrate Baciguent Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.36 211.7435 211.7435 -33.308 7 35.99
43399 7/31/07 0:00 Cari MacIntyre South Virginia 23970 Ointment Dilaudid Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 124.7 100% 0 0.39 124.7 124.7 31.94 8 15.04
43399 7/31/07 0:00 Cari MacIntyre South Virginia 23970 Gel Trasylol Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 59.66 100% 0.05 0.59 59.66 59.66 -33.34 35 1.68
28130 7/31/07 0:00 Guy Thornton West New Mexico 87001 Tablet Neomycin Sulfate, Polymyxin B Sulfate & Hydrocortisone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 404.24 100% 0.02 0.37 404.24 404.24 -76.9925 23 15.99
43399 7/31/07 0:00 Cari MacIntyre South Virginia 23970 Spray Fazaclo Odt Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 377.016 100% 0.1 0.77 377.016 377.016 -223.64 2 218.75
28130 7/31/07 0:00 Guy Thornton West New Mexico 87001 For Solution Precose Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,381.88 100% 0.09 0.44 1,381.88 1,381.88 598.2 32 46.94
29187 8/1/07 0:00 Rick Wilson West New Mexico 88044 Cream Oxy-Kesso-Tetra Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 26,095.13 100% 0.03 0.4 26,095.13 26,095.13 12,606.81 35 808.49
29187 8/1/07 0:00 Rick Wilson West New Mexico 88044 Ointment Hydrocortone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 75.58 100% 0 0.37 75.58 75.58 -43.26 10 6.48
29187 8/1/07 0:00 Rick Wilson West New Mexico 88044 Tablet Nitro-Dur Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 142.3 100% 0.03 0.39 142.3 142.3 -24.1845 5 24.92
29187 8/1/07 0:00 Rick Wilson West New Mexico 88044 Tablet Xylocaine W/ Epinephrine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 21.93 100% 0.09 0.37 21.93 21.93 -37.789 8 2.16
29187 8/1/07 0:00 Rick Wilson West New Mexico 88044 Aerosol Mpi Stannous Diphosphonate Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 477.53 100% 0.03 0.57 477.53 477.53 51.17 42 10.98
18753 8/1/07 0:00 Erin Creighton Central Texas 77474 Capsule Aminosyn 3.5% W/ Dextrose 25% In Plastic Container Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,945.95 100% 0.03 0.57 3,945.95 3,945.95 1,031.32 31 128.24
18753 8/1/07 0:00 Erin Creighton Central Texas 77474 Capsule Uroplus Ds Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,394.40 100% 0.01 0.62 5,394.40 5,394.40 788.79 33 160.98
33959 8/1/07 0:00 Ben Peterman East Connecticut 6439 Spray Chymex Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 367.53 100% 0.03 0.76 367.53 367.53 -536.94 23 15.23
26881 8/2/07 0:00 Ken Dana West New Mexico 88134 Spray Flovent Hfa Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.67 10,692.97 10,692.97 -410.39 26 424.21
18179 8/2/07 0:00 Liz Price West Arizona 85234 Suppository Raxar Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 3,075.83 100% 0.03 0.5 3,075.83 3,075.83 1,207.91 50 60.98
14311 8/2/07 0:00 Brian Stugart East Connecticut 6928 Tablet Hiprex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 192.41 100% 0.03 0.38 192.41 192.41 -55.9475 30 6.37
18179 8/2/07 0:00 Liz Price West Arizona 85234 Ointment Bicillin L-A Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 527.6 100% 0 0.38 527.6 527.6 221.59 50 10.31
18179 8/2/07 0:00 Liz Price West Arizona 85234 Suspension/Drops Colgate Total Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 73.37 100% 0.04 0.37 73.37 73.37 16.1 24 3.08
24294 8/3/07 0:00 Thomas Seio East New Jersey 8989 Cream Parasal Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.36 4,865.72 4,865.72 1,951.30 24 200.97
39589 8/3/07 0:00 Olvera Toch West Colorado 80621 Tablet Talacen Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.35 577.42 577.42 253.504 42 12.97
39589 8/3/07 0:00 Olvera Toch West Colorado 80621 Suspension/Drops Darbid Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.36 95.08 95.08 39.91 20 4.91
54567 8/3/07 0:00 Nicole Hansen East New Jersey 7001 For Solution Lidocaine Hydrochloride 0.2% And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.09 0.53 196.74 196.74 -61.59 31 6.28
45539 8/3/07 0:00 Grant Thornton East Connecticut 6439 Suppository Synalgos-Dc-A Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 269.2 100% 0.02 0.42 269.2 269.2 69.61 15 16.48
45539 8/3/07 0:00 Grant Thornton East Connecticut 6439 Gel Dexrazoxane Hydrochloride Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 87.33 100% 0.08 0.48 87.33 87.33 13.82 27 3.38
55298 8/3/07 0:00 Bryan Mills Central Michigan 49971 Capsule Ogen 2.5 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 368.66 100% 0.01 0.56 368.66 368.66 -165.6 1 300.98
38978 8/4/07 0:00 Nick Zandusky South South Carolina 29684 Capsule Unipen Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.69 4,547.26 4,547.26 468.27 24 180.98
56516 8/4/07 0:00 Stefania Perrino South South Carolina 29338 Concentrate Priscoline Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,560.94 100% 0.06 0.6 2,560.94 2,560.94 457.794 24 125.99
56516 8/4/07 0:00 Stefania Perrino South South Carolina 29338 Tablet Promethazine Hydrochloride And Phenylephrine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 27.89 100% 0.08 0.38 27.89 27.89 -23.805 6 3.98
37319 8/5/07 0:00 Victoria Brennan East New York 14210 Solution Disulfiram Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.59 388.9 388.9 -37.11 37 10.89
12389 8/5/07 0:00 Michael Granlund East Massachusetts 5544 Suppository Sorbitrate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,560.59 100% 0.07 0.48 2,560.59 2,560.59 670.96 34 80.98
11714 8/5/07 0:00 Tamara Willingham East New Jersey 7514 Cream Velosef '125' Oral TableauCeutical Animal 3,501.79 100% 0.01 0.57 3,501.79 3,501.79 -9,009.58 1 3,502.14
50981 8/5/07 0:00 Sean O'Donnell South Maryland 21794 Concentrate Heparin Sodium 10,000 Units In Dextrose 5% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 5,678.55 100% 0.01 0.58 5,678.55 5,678.55 1,550.88 42 155.99
16419 8/5/07 0:00 Joy Smith Central Michigan 48001 Ointment Geopen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 241.19 100% 0.08 0.36 241.19 241.19 -103.65 43 5.78
12389 8/5/07 0:00 Michael Granlund East Massachusetts 5544 Syrup Azilect Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 189.04 100% 0.08 0.57 189.04 189.04 -74.77 16 11.35
11714 8/5/07 0:00 Tamara Willingham East New Jersey 7514 Aerosol Cardizem Sr Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 141.83 100% 0.06 0.56 141.83 141.83 -35.69 9 15.73
57504 8/5/07 0:00 Sarah Brown South Florida 34997 Solution/Drops Arfonad Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 357.48 100% 0.01 0.36 357.48 357.48 160.02 44 7.64
23333 8/6/07 0:00 Michael Dominguez West Colorado 81221 Concentrate Clindagel Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.56 886.89 886.89 -23.826 16 65.99
31426 8/6/07 0:00 Greg Maxwell West Arizona 85003 Concentrate Priscoline Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.6 4,054.06 4,054.06 914.193 40 125.99
25507 8/6/07 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Syrup Betoptic Pilo Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.8 555.2 555.2 -267.86 8 64.65
23333 8/6/07 0:00 Michael Dominguez West Colorado 81221 Solution Peg-Lyte Injection Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.52 634.12 634.12 -21.65 44 14.42
23333 8/6/07 0:00 Michael Dominguez West Colorado 81221 Ointment Esmolol Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.36 196.84 196.84 -69.29 32 5.98
20007 8/6/07 0:00 Nicole Hansen East New Jersey 7001 Gel Trasylol Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.59 82.61 82.61 -46.25 49 1.68
33090 8/6/07 0:00 Deanra Eno South Florida 32003 Syrup Humulin N Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,033.93 100% 0 0.57 1,033.93 1,033.93 63.41 26 37.76
34435 8/6/07 0:00 Justin Hirsh West Arizona 85234 Gel Bronkodyl Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 447.36 100% 0.01 0.6 447.36 447.36 40.92 42 10.48
4870 8/6/07 0:00 Luke Foster West California 91188 Spray Fibricor Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 17,248.09 100% 0.08 0.71 17,248.09 17,248.09 2,048.63 44 400.98
44995 8/7/07 0:00 Maria Etezadi East New York 14709 Concentrate Benicar Hct Injection Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.56 1,219.25 1,219.25 132.786 46 28.99
49666 8/7/07 0:00 Jasper Cacioppo South North Carolina 27801 Aerosol Cefotetan And Dextrose In Duplex Container Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.56 259.25 259.25 -64.03 46 5.68
42309 8/7/07 0:00 Meg Tillman Central Ohio 43107 Concentrate Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.11% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.08 0.59 6,427.26 6,427.26 1,636.41 38 205.99
56960 8/7/07 0:00 Jim Epp West Idaho 83465 Concentrate Aminosyn-Hbc 7% Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.59 2,784.83 2,784.83 788.292 48 65.99
42309 8/7/07 0:00 Meg Tillman Central Ohio 43107 Lotion Chloroptic S.O.P. Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.82 47.91 47.91 -58.83 26 1.86
42309 8/7/07 0:00 Meg Tillman Central Ohio 43107 Solution Rimactane Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.58 854.23 854.23 67.14 41 20.48
39367 8/7/07 0:00 Dennis Bolton East New Jersey 7001 Solution/Drops Cholestyramine Light Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.37 139.59 139.59 5.9 30 4.48
29252 8/7/07 0:00 Anthony Johnson East Delaware 19701 Ointment Heparin Sodium 10,000 Units In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.37 65.81 65.81 -15.44 9 6.48
39367 8/7/07 0:00 Dennis Bolton East New Jersey 7001 Tablet Carbatrol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.38 177.88 177.88 -146.97 45 4.13
25638 8/7/07 0:00 Ivan Gibson West New Mexico 88439 Suppository Symbicort Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 163.89 100% 0.02 0.66 163.89 163.89 -108.55 31 4.89
25638 8/7/07 0:00 Ivan Gibson West New Mexico 88439 Ointment Aldoril D50 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 115.45 100% 0.07 0.39 115.45 115.45 23.53 12 10.06
24231 8/8/07 0:00 Dennis Kane South North Carolina 28633 Concentrate Proair Hfa Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.08 0.58 2,482.03 2,482.03 421.893 48 65.99
38886 8/8/07 0:00 Victoria Brennan East New York 14210 Gel Delflex-Lm W/ Dextrose 4.25% In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.52 172.01 172.01 27.47 26 6.7
57381 8/8/07 0:00 Paul Van Hugh Central Ohio 43001 Lotion Flecainide Acetate Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 41.65 100% 0.06 0.83 41.65 41.65 -13.86 22 1.98
53410 8/8/07 0:00 Christopher Schild Central Michigan 48001 Solution Penicillin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 642.8 100% 0.08 0.43 642.8 642.8 -253.11 44 14.81
57381 8/8/07 0:00 Paul Van Hugh Central Ohio 43001 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.45% And Potassium Chloride 20Meq (K) In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 515.23 100% 0.1 0.35 515.23 515.23 171.4025 13 41.94
47941 8/9/07 0:00 Evan Bailliet Central Illinois 62924 Concentrate Citanest Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,187.15 100% 0.03 0.56 1,187.15 1,187.15 33.192 15 95.99
39521 8/10/07 0:00 Jim Epp West Idaho 83465 Suspension/Drops Copegus Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.39 112.35 112.35 31.27 28 4.13
17927 8/10/07 0:00 Janet Lee Central Ohio 43317 Suppository Metadate Er Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 865.21 100% 0.07 0.65 865.21 865.21 -42.1 42 20.95
48388 8/10/07 0:00 Marina Lichtenstein Central Michigan 49642 Tablet Epi E Z Pen Jr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 21.64 100% 0.08 0.39 21.64 21.64 -13.3285 3 5.74
3136 8/10/07 0:00 Paul Prost South Florida 32119 Gel Exsel Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 238.74 100% 0.1 0.58 238.74 238.74 -38.89 8 30.98
21636 8/11/07 0:00 Fred Wasserman East Massachusetts 2054 Concentrate Bacitracin Zinc-Neomycin Sulfate-Polymyxin B Sulfate Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.59 1,665.04 1,665.04 366.507 35 55.99
48327 8/11/07 0:00 Jennifer Jackson East New Jersey 7514 Suppository Quibron-T/Sr Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.68 89.93 89.93 -44.82 14 5.98
21636 8/11/07 0:00 Fred Wasserman East Massachusetts 2054 Tablet Desloratadine And Pseudoephedrine Sulfate 24 Hour Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.38 376.65 376.65 -52.647 16 22.38
21636 8/11/07 0:00 Fred Wasserman East Massachusetts 2054 Syrup Zanaflex Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.68 40.06 40.06 -24.44 6 5.98
45731 8/11/07 0:00 Gene Hale West Arizona 86413 Concentrate Azactam In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 2,506.27 100% 0.03 0.37 2,506.27 2,506.27 1,160.58 35 85.99
10464 8/11/07 0:00 Brendan Sweed Central Wisconsin 53081 Ointment Eryc 125 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 121.73 100% 0.01 0.36 121.73 121.73 -69.07 23 4.98
54949 8/11/07 0:00 Shaun Chance South South Carolina 29374 Syrup Corzide Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 192.02 100% 0.09 0.78 192.02 192.02 -293.74 7 20.98
54949 8/11/07 0:00 Shaun Chance South South Carolina 29374 Ointment Fentanyl Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 210.94 100% 0.08 0.36 210.94 210.94 -94.59 32 6.48
45731 8/11/07 0:00 Gene Hale West Arizona 86413 Ointment Epivir-Hbv Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 146.63 100% 0.01 0.37 146.63 146.63 -30.06 19 6.48
45731 8/11/07 0:00 Matt Abelman East Massachusetts 2139 Spray Phisohex Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 12,689.87 100% 0.04 0.76 12,689.87 12,689.87 -188.03 44 296.18
46018 8/12/07 0:00 Justin Ellison East New Jersey 7981 Cream Sinemet Cr Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.36 2,797.41 2,797.41 984.3 31 90.97
56163 8/12/07 0:00 Claire Good South South Carolina 29907 Ointment Balziva-21 Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.38 119.9 119.9 -14.47 3 37.94
20709 8/12/07 0:00 Gary Mitchum South Virginia 23018 Suspension/Drops Dialyte W/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 25.1 100% 0.04 0.39 25.1 25.1 2.98 5 4.98
20709 8/12/07 0:00 Gary Mitchum South Virginia 23018 Suspension/Drops Copegus Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 16.6 100% 0.1 0.39 16.6 16.6 -2.06 4 4.13
20389 8/12/07 0:00 Liz Price West Arizona 85234 Ointment Evans Blue Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 201.35 100% 0.02 0.4 201.35 201.35 -107.37 30 5.98
20389 8/12/07 0:00 Liz Price West Arizona 85234 Injectable Clinimix 4.25/5 Sulfite Free In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 7,477.78 100% 0.09 0.59 7,477.78 7,477.78 883.29 31 260.98
20389 8/12/07 0:00 Liz Price West Arizona 85234 For Solution Dermotic Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 270.39 100% 0.01 0.52 270.39 270.39 -30.42 24 10.52
45573 8/13/07 0:00 Sonia Sunley Central Michigan 49971 Capsule Plan B Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.64 627.64 627.64 -151.46 5 120.98
18723 8/13/07 0:00 Jonathan Howell West Utah 84014 Concentrate Bancap Hc Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 52.0965 100% 0 0.83 52.0965 52.0965 -232.804 1 55.99
5894 8/13/07 0:00 Ann Chong East Massachusetts 5544 Solution Cinnasil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 239.03 100% 0.01 0.55 239.03 239.03 -68.22 3 80.48
5894 8/13/07 0:00 Ann Chong East Massachusetts 5544 Tablet Delsym Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 384.33 100% 0.1 0.38 384.33 384.33 87.6775 7 58.1
55330 8/13/07 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 For Solution Hy-Phen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 633.91 100% 0 0.43 633.91 633.91 141.17 49 12.58
18049 8/14/07 0:00 Liz Carlisle Central Ohio 43001 Ointment Gonal-F Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 65.52 100% 0.07 0.36 65.52 65.52 -22.57 10 5.98
52867 8/14/07 0:00 Jack O'Briant East New Jersey 8823 Spray E-Base Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,917.61 100% 0.03 0.63 1,917.61 1,917.61 -286.9 15 124.49
41636 8/15/07 0:00 MaryBeth Skach West New Mexico 87199 Concentrate Alphacaine Hydrochloride W/ Epinephrine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.56 2,762.86 2,762.86 722.241 27 115.99
6406 8/15/07 0:00 Mick Crebagga Central Illinois 62999 Aerosol Sarisol No. 1 Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.55 92.63 92.63 -70.8 43 2.08
41636 8/15/07 0:00 MaryBeth Skach West New Mexico 87199 Gel Biphetap Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.57 423.15 423.15 -47.28 25 16.98
41636 8/15/07 0:00 MaryBeth Skach West New Mexico 87199 For Solution Colbenemid Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.65 5,294.48 5,294.48 1,521.31 47 107.53
37760 8/15/07 0:00 Barry Gonzalez Central Nebraska 69141 Concentrate Benztropine Mesylate Extended Release Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.55 2,773.03 2,773.03 897.867 38 85.99
37760 8/15/07 0:00 Barry Gonzalez Central Nebraska 69141 Suppository Aristocort A Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.52 157.85 157.85 10.74 18 8.33
14115 8/15/07 0:00 Jim Mitchum Central Texas 88595 Concentrate Amicar Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,296.06 100% 0.06 0.58 3,296.06 3,296.06 591.912 46 85.99
15971 8/15/07 0:00 Elizabeth Moffitt East Connecticut 6928 Concentrate Aldoclor-150 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,172.52 100% 0.06 0.57 2,172.52 2,172.52 32.751 15 175.99
29956 8/15/07 0:00 Steve Carroll East Massachusetts 1001 Gel Ticlopidine Hydrochloride Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 80.33 100% 0.09 0.57 80.33 80.33 -12.95 48 1.82
11840 8/15/07 0:00 Yoseph Carroll East New York 14925 Solution/Drops Cholestyramine Light Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 181.5 100% 0.08 0.37 181.5 181.5 -6.24 43 4.48
42343 8/15/07 0:00 Berenike Kampe West Colorado 80728 Ointment Entocort Ec Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,311.68 100% 0.03 0.36 1,311.68 1,311.68 230.37 31 40.99
14115 8/15/07 0:00 Jim Mitchum Central Texas 88595 For Solution Lidocaine Hydrochloride 0.2% And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 158.78 100% 0.04 0.53 158.78 158.78 -38.38 24 6.28
42343 8/15/07 0:00 Berenike Kampe West Colorado 80728 Injectable Aminosyn Ii 7% W/ Electrolytes Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,412.08 100% 0.04 0.55 3,412.08 3,412.08 239.23 46 70.98
47910 8/16/07 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 Syrup Pradaxa Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.55 5,290.57 5,290.57 1,389.18 30 178.47
26949 8/16/07 0:00 Aaron Hawkins South Georgia 30002 For Solution Ilotycin Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.45 460.69 460.69 -103.48 48 9.48
38598 8/16/07 0:00 Chloris Kastensmidt East New York 14210 Cream Akpentolate Injection TableauCeutical Animal 451.52 100% 0.01 0.38 451.52 451.52 -81.06 27 15.99
34177 8/16/07 0:00 Toby Braunhardt South South Carolina 29945 Concentrate Bicillin Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 853.162 100% 0.1 0.81 853.162 853.162 -83.952 50 20.99
15751 8/16/07 0:00 Maya Herman South North Carolina 28717 Concentrate Avelox Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 397.732 100% 0.01 0.83 397.732 397.732 -26.048 21 20.99
50310 8/16/07 0:00 Sarah Foster West Utah 84721 Suppository Metadate Er Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 482.37 100% 0.03 0.6 482.37 482.37 34.03 22 20.95
56260 8/16/07 0:00 Julie Kriz Central Illinois 62444 Ointment Hydrocodone Bitartrate And Acetaminophen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 223.76 100% 0.03 0.37 223.76 223.76 -139.66 34 6.48
30467 8/16/07 0:00 John Castell East New York 14210 Tablet Naftin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,019.65 100% 0.05 0.35 2,019.65 2,019.65 289.8755 5 420.98
15751 8/16/07 0:00 Maya Herman South North Carolina 28717 Suspension/Drops Dialyte W/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 189.6 100% 0.02 0.39 189.6 189.6 89.65 37 4.98
34177 8/16/07 0:00 Toby Braunhardt South South Carolina 29945 Suspension/Drops Cotrim Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 34.42 100% 0.02 0.39 34.42 34.42 9.47 13 2.61
34177 8/16/07 0:00 Toby Braunhardt South South Carolina 29945 Suspension/Drops Aristogel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 172.76 100% 0.1 0.38 172.76 172.76 73.18 26 7.31
50310 8/16/07 0:00 Sarah Foster West Utah 84721 Solution Doxychel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,811.30 100% 0.07 0.56 1,811.30 1,811.30 520.41 42 42.98
38598 8/16/07 0:00 Chloris Kastensmidt East New York 14210 Injectable Alli Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 14,665.15 100% 0.04 0.62 14,665.15 14,665.15 2,860.31 17 880.98
38598 8/16/07 0:00 Chloris Kastensmidt East New York 14210 For Solution Lodosyn Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 324.97 100% 0.07 0.37 324.97 324.97 113.98 24 13.4
50310 8/16/07 0:00 Sarah Foster West Utah 84721 Capsule Ondansetron Hydrochloride And Dextrose In Plastic Container Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,095.76 100% 0.03 0.66 4,095.76 4,095.76 -444.14 43 89.99
23392 8/17/07 0:00 Jennifer Ferguson South North Carolina 28633 Spray Perforomist Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.79 4,276.10 4,276.10 -489.91 24 209.37
9893 8/17/07 0:00 Edward Nazzal South Virginia 20101 Capsule Uroplus Ds Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.62 192.49 192.49 -98.3 1 160.98
37830 8/17/07 0:00 Tamara Willingham East New Jersey 7514 Gel Extraneal Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 977.92 100% 0.05 0.56 977.92 977.92 148.89 39 25.99
46469 8/17/07 0:00 Adam Shillingsburg South South Carolina 29001 Ointment Cafcit Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 93.26 100% 0.05 0.38 93.26 93.26 -35.36 18 4.98
29346 8/17/07 0:00 Janet Martin South Maryland 21794 Solution/Drops Xylocaine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 29.06 100% 0.1 0.35 29.06 29.06 -16.15 2 11.58
46469 8/17/07 0:00 Adam Shillingsburg South South Carolina 29001 Capsule Trobicin Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,210.72 100% 0.05 0.78 1,210.72 1,210.72 -382.43 17 70.98
55840 8/18/07 0:00 Jas O'Carroll East Connecticut 6928 Ointment Esidrix Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.38 59.03 59.03 -25.21 11 4.98
40647 8/18/07 0:00 Naresj Patel West Utah 84001 Ointment Diflunisal Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,982.16 100% 0.03 0.36 1,982.16 1,982.16 267.1 47 40.99
2790 8/19/07 0:00 Maribeth Dona Central Illinois 60001 Suspension Avalide Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.35 22,319.58 22,319.58 -734.31 41 549.99
53254 8/19/07 0:00 Noel Staavos West California 92320 Concentrate Aminosyn Ii 5% W/ Electrolytes In Dextrose 25% W/ Calcium In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0 0.59 5,442.14 5,442.14 1,640.30 34 175.99
21861 8/19/07 0:00 Tom Zandusky West Utah 84721 Suppository Isopto Cetapred Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.71 244.9 244.9 -135.4 5 47.98
2790 8/19/07 0:00 Maribeth Dona Central Illinois 60001 Tablet Dipyridamole Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.36 45.91 45.91 -35.535 7 5.44
2790 8/19/07 0:00 Maribeth Dona Central Illinois 60001 Syrup Tiazac Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.57 520.65 520.65 30.63 15 34.76
2790 8/19/07 0:00 Maribeth Dona Central Illinois 60001 Gel Ethchlorvynol Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.59 330.24 330.24 8.48 15 22.01
13536 8/19/07 0:00 Aleksandra Gannaway West Washington 98601 Ointment Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.36 123.15 123.15 22.98 23 5.18
10437 8/19/07 0:00 Don Jones East Massachusetts 5544 Tablet Neomycin Sulfate, Polymyxin B Sulfate & Hydrocortisone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 820.52 100% 0.01 0.37 820.52 820.52 -191.222 50 15.99
1762 8/20/07 0:00 Lisa Hazard East New York 14925 Concentrate Betamethasone Acetate And Betamethasone Sodium Phosphate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.55 1,279.51 1,279.51 384.201 43 35.99
1762 8/20/07 0:00 Lisa Hazard East New York 14925 Suppository Technescan Hida Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.42 857.11 857.11 285.2 29 31.78
1762 8/20/07 0:00 Lisa Hazard East New York 14925 Solution/Drops Diastat Acudial Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.36 69.6 69.6 6.46 11 5.98
19175 8/20/07 0:00 Frank Merwin West Idaho 83877 Concentrate Amerge Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,133.45 100% 0.01 0.57 1,133.45 1,133.45 169.164 19 65.99
45410 8/20/07 0:00 Michael Grace South Florida 32119 Syrup Inulin And Sodium Chloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 991.36 100% 0.1 0.59 991.36 991.36 -103.11 19 54.1
33888 8/21/07 0:00 Heather Kirkland East Massachusetts 1001 Syrup Cor-Oticin Intramuscular Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.72 10,377.22 10,377.22 965.48 47 225.02
33888 8/21/07 0:00 Heather Kirkland East Massachusetts 1001 Syrup Orudis Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.6 58.33 58.33 -35.08 3 15.7
33888 8/21/07 0:00 Heather Kirkland East Massachusetts 1001 Tablet Procapan Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.4 349.43 349.43 -44.919 31 11.5
9187 8/22/07 0:00 Daniel Lacy West Idaho 83810 Concentrate Heparin Sodium 10,000 Units In Dextrose 5% Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.58 994.228 994.228 -446.578 8 155.99
43301 8/22/07 0:00 Matthew Grinstein East New York 544 Syrup Cortef Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.83 2,221.20 2,221.20 -1,127.22 43 48.91
9187 8/22/07 0:00 Daniel Lacy West Idaho 83810 Solution Macrodantin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.59 174.64 174.64 -143.23 40 4.37
43301 8/22/07 0:00 Matthew Grinstein East New York 544 Capsule Vagifem Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.61 3,537.84 3,537.84 -80.86 33 100.89
2433 8/22/07 0:00 Cari Sayre West Idaho 83877 Cream Serpasil-Esidrix #2 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 24,105.87 100% 0.07 0.55 24,105.87 24,105.87 4,073.25 14 2,036.48
43779 8/22/07 0:00 Lindsay Castell Central Nebraska 69367 For Solution Stadol Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,878.49 100% 0.09 0.59 3,878.49 3,878.49 1,397.86 20 209.84
52897 8/23/07 0:00 Larry Tron South Virginia 24157 Ointment Flomax Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.37 2,055.98 2,055.98 1,016.86 40 47.9
24162 8/23/07 0:00 Sean Braxton Central Illinois 62999 Ointment Dv Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.37 10.94 10.94 -4.35 1 9.68
24162 8/23/07 0:00 Sean Braxton Central Illinois 62999 Spray Protopic Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.04 0.7 1,755.30 1,755.30 -7.01 12 150.98
44196 8/23/07 0:00 Cynthia Delaney Central Illinois 60001 Concentrate Amerge Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 653.786 100% 0.09 0.57 653.786 653.786 -83.468 12 65.99
41825 8/23/07 0:00 Patrick Gardner South Alabama 36304 Suppository Rocaltrol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,277.39 100% 0.02 0.77 3,277.39 3,277.39 286.01 43 73.98
44196 8/23/07 0:00 Cynthia Delaney Central Illinois 60001 Ointment Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 56.91 100% 0.01 0.36 56.91 56.91 7.5 10 5.18
57542 8/23/07 0:00 John Lucas South Maryland 21290 Ointment Junior Strength Advil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,256.29 100% 0.04 0.37 1,256.29 1,256.29 517.03 23 55.48
41825 8/23/07 0:00 Sylvia Foulston East New Jersey 7001 Capsule Ocufen Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 7,817.45 100% 0.03 0.77 7,817.45 7,817.45 -1,303.60 50 150.89
6112 8/24/07 0:00 Arianne Irving Central Texas 78702 Concentrate Allopurinol Sodium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,753.96 100% 0.06 0.55 1,753.96 1,753.96 382.392 31 65.99
10886 8/24/07 0:00 Quincy Jones South Alabama 36276 Cream Oxtriphylline Oral TableauCeutical Animal 5,750.94 100% 0.01 0.39 5,750.94 5,750.94 432.98 47 119.99
43206 8/24/07 0:00 John Dryer South South Carolina 29808 Suppository Reglan Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 587.88 100% 0 0.43 587.88 587.88 135.37 16 35.41
25031 8/24/07 0:00 Sally Knutson Central Texas 78602 Ointment Cafcit Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 100.11 100% 0.07 0.38 100.11 100.11 -41.7 20 4.98
25031 8/24/07 0:00 Sally Knutson Central Texas 78602 Spray Perforomist Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,636.62 100% 0.1 0.79 4,636.62 4,636.62 -1,407.78 24 209.37
6112 8/24/07 0:00 Arianne Irving Central Texas 78702 Spray Femcon Fe Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,597.37 100% 0.02 0.71 1,597.37 1,597.37 -533.69 10 146.05
10886 8/24/07 0:00 Quincy Jones South Alabama 36276 For Solution Levonorgestrel And Ethinyl Estradiol And Ethinyl Estradiol Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 65.42 100% 0.04 0.53 65.42 65.42 -112.92 36 1.74
49799 8/25/07 0:00 Keith Dawkins Central Texas 73301 Concentrate Cinobac Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0 0.6 2,119.04 2,119.04 -6.567 12 195.99
49799 8/25/07 0:00 Keith Dawkins Central Texas 73301 Spray Flagyl I.V. Rtu In Plastic Container Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.74 1,614.97 1,614.97 -593.15 4 376.13
19429 8/25/07 0:00 Dean Katz South Florida 34997 Spray E-Base Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.63 240.24 240.24 -84.93 2 124.49
53441 8/25/07 0:00 Clytie Kelty South South Carolina 29001 Ointment Flaxedil Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.37 345.37 345.37 84.34 7 48.04
31111 8/25/07 0:00 Monica Federle East New Jersey 8989 Ointment Albalon Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 217.93 100% 0.03 0.36 217.93 217.93 -29.02 27 7.64
28897 8/25/07 0:00 Ed Ludwig West Utah 84001 Solution Luvox Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 146.15 100% 0.02 0.6 146.15 146.15 -180.26 35 4.06
28897 8/25/07 0:00 Ed Ludwig West Utah 84001 Solution/Drops Demulen 1/50-21 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 877.47 100% 0.07 0.38 877.47 877.47 151.24 14 60.98
29350 8/26/07 0:00 Eric Barreto South Maryland 21230 Gel Ismelin Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,634.17 100% 0.05 0.41 1,634.17 1,634.17 232.8 46 36.55
29350 8/26/07 0:00 Eric Barreto South Maryland 21230 Tablet Prometa Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,519.55 100% 0.05 0.39 2,519.55 2,519.55 592.5265 47 52.4
17670 8/26/07 0:00 Sean O'Donnell South Maryland 21794 Suspension/Drops Cotrim Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 36.52 100% 0.07 0.39 36.52 36.52 10.05 14 2.61
29350 8/26/07 0:00 Eric Barreto South Maryland 21230 Syrup Liquamar Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 150.33 100% 0.1 0.81 150.33 150.33 -47.88 10 15.14
13927 8/27/07 0:00 Dan Reichenbach Central Michigan 49634 Ointment Guanabenz Acetate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 188.05 100% 0.04 0.37 188.05 188.05 -21.41 26 6.48
28486 8/27/07 0:00 Carlos Daly East Delaware 19810 Syrup Intropin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 811.13 100% 0.08 0.57 811.13 811.13 -517.47 2 415.88
21985 8/27/07 0:00 Lynn Smith West Idaho 83465 Syrup Corzide Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 947.66 100% 0.08 0.78 947.66 947.66 -2,175.09 45 20.98
21985 8/27/07 0:00 Lynn Smith West Idaho 83465 Capsule Plasma-Lyte 56 And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 255.83 100% 0.07 0.59 255.83 255.83 -132.74 1 226.67
47813 8/28/07 0:00 Dianna Arnett South Georgia 39859 Ointment Extra-Strength Aim Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.37 343 343 -76.94 50 6.68
15108 8/28/07 0:00 Delfina Latchford East Massachusetts 1001 Ointment Entocort Ec Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 2,066.16 2,066.16 372.36 50 40.99
10658 8/28/07 0:00 Joni Wasserman South Georgia 39859 Concentrate Ampicillin And Sulbactam Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,332.97 100% 0.09 0.57 1,332.97 1,332.97 4.752 17 95.99
10658 8/28/07 0:00 Joni Wasserman South Georgia 39859 Cream Clindamycin Phosphate In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 190.73 100% 0.1 0.49 190.73 190.73 -80.05 12 15.99
10658 8/28/07 0:00 Joni Wasserman South Georgia 39859 Suppository Oxycodone And Aspirin Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 262.54 100% 0.04 0.49 262.54 262.54 29.24 31 8.5
32611 8/28/07 0:00 Neil Knudson West New Mexico 87001 Suppository Tylox Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 986.24 100% 0.02 0.62 986.24 986.24 68.9 18 53.98
32611 8/28/07 0:00 Neil Knudson West New Mexico 87001 Tablet Kafocin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 33.76 100% 0.04 0.36 33.76 33.76 -7.153 16 2.08
32611 8/28/07 0:00 Neil Knudson West New Mexico 87001 Ointment Gyne-Sulf Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 81.66 100% 0.05 0.38 81.66 81.66 -31.99 15 4.98
32611 8/28/07 0:00 Neil Knudson West New Mexico 87001 Capsule Unipen Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,537.39 100% 0 0.69 3,537.39 3,537.39 232.78 19 180.98
47877 8/29/07 0:00 Jennifer Patt South Florida 32099 Aerosol Monistat-Derm Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.56 273.36 273.36 32.25 16 17.24
21479 8/29/07 0:00 Patrick O'Donnell West Colorado 81124 Ointment Heparin Sodium 5,000 Units In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.37 291.16 291.16 -89.47 41 6.48
47877 8/29/07 0:00 Jennifer Patt South Florida 32099 Spray Perforomist Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.79 8,058.96 8,058.96 -1,621.38 49 209.37
47877 8/29/07 0:00 Jennifer Patt South Florida 32099 Spray Fazaclo Odt Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.77 3,240.73 3,240.73 -691.31 19 218.75
37281 8/29/07 0:00 Roy Skaria Central Illinois 60406 Concentrate Ak-Fluor 25% Injection TableauCeutical Animal 453.2455 100% 0.05 0.58 453.2455 453.2455 3.312 25 20.99
33569 8/29/07 0:00 Matthew Clasen South Georgia 39859 For Solution Humegon Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 123.92 100% 0.09 0.46 123.92 123.92 45.83 9 14.2
33732 8/29/07 0:00 Heather Jas West Arizona 85234 For Solution Laryngotracheal Anesthesia Kit Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 332.95 100% 0.05 0.55 332.95 332.95 -28.16 33 9.65
6727 8/30/07 0:00 Stuart Van Central Nebraska 69367 Suspension/Drops Curosurf Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 33.43 100% 0.06 0.38 33.43 33.43 8.47 12 2.89
18402 8/30/07 0:00 Deanra Eno South Florida 32003 For Solution Cyanocobalamin Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 56.07 100% 0 0.73 56.07 56.07 10.49 3 12.99
18402 8/30/07 0:00 Deanra Eno South Florida 32003 Capsule Nortrel 0.5/35-28 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,548.45 100% 0.03 0.6 1,548.45 1,548.45 -224.2 5 284.98
23652 8/31/07 0:00 Sara Luxemburg West California 94404 Gel Tirosint Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.55 305.48 305.48 47.14 27 11.55
20390 9/1/07 0:00 Sandra Flanagan West Utah 84791 Suppository Methotrexate Sodium Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.76 1,271.12 1,271.12 -62.82 35 34.98
20390 9/1/07 0:00 Sandra Flanagan West Utah 84791 Aerosol Ativan Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.84 58.5 58.5 -25.26 17 3.14
20128 9/1/07 0:00 Chuck Clark East New York 11769 Suppository Oxycodone And Aspirin Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 279.43 100% 0 0.49 279.43 279.43 48.47 32 8.5
53123 9/1/07 0:00 Michael Kennedy Central Texas 77037 Tablet Nasalcrom Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 265.75 100% 0.06 0.36 265.75 265.75 13.9995 25 10.98
20128 9/1/07 0:00 Chuck Clark East New York 11769 Syrup Milrinone Lactate In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 515.22 100% 0.03 0.79 515.22 515.22 -152.54 5 95.43
47974 9/1/07 0:00 Frank Merwin West Idaho 83877 Gel 8-Mop Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 18.02 100% 0.01 0.45 18.02 18.02 -3.09 6 2.78
1031 9/1/07 0:00 Sanjit Jacobs West Idaho 83877 Tablet Hiprex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 226.1 100% 0 0.38 226.1 226.1 -52.21 34 6.37
14756 9/1/07 0:00 Steve Chapman South North Carolina 27801 For Solution Maxibolin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 42.3 100% 0.06 0.44 42.3 42.3 -25.38 2 19.23
1985 9/2/07 0:00 Katherine Murray West California 92320 Cream Loxitane Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.59 15,464.01 15,464.01 4,407.44 33 535.64
1985 9/2/07 0:00 Katherine Murray West California 92320 Ointment Geopen Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.36 11.35 11.35 -7.96 1 5.78
14055 9/2/07 0:00 Keith Dawkins Central Texas 73301 For Solution Measurin Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.52 441.7 441.7 167.18 21 22.23
45988 9/2/07 0:00 David Kendrick South Georgia 39901 For Solution Klebcil Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.09 0.74 3,832.24 3,832.24 -1,570.32 43 90.98
47173 9/2/07 0:00 Aleksandra Gannaway West Washington 98601 Concentrate Duragesic-75 Injection TableauCeutical Animal 277.0745 100% 0.03 0.6 277.0745 277.0745 -128.436 41 7.99
27555 9/2/07 0:00 Ralph Knight East New Jersey 7981 Ointment Talc Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 209.42 100% 0.1 0.35 209.42 209.42 65.41 32 6.74
54464 9/2/07 0:00 Joseph Airdo Central Illinois 60157 For Solution Aerolate Iii Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 227.41 100% 0.06 0.49 227.41 227.41 44.29 11 19.98
54464 9/2/07 0:00 Joseph Airdo Central Illinois 60157 For Solution Alcohol 10% And Dextrose 5% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 87.44 100% 0.08 0.41 87.44 87.44 -184.6 50 1.76
54151 9/3/07 0:00 Amy Cox West Washington 98625 Ointment Ceptaz Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.39 205.87 205.87 65.88 35 5.68
54151 9/3/07 0:00 Amy Cox West Washington 98625 Gel Ablavar Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.35 65.12 65.12 1.42 38 1.68
51619 9/3/07 0:00 Stephanie Ulpright West New Mexico 87199 Gel Actos Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 100.6 100% 0.03 0.38 100.6 100.6 11.55 46 2.21
51619 9/3/07 0:00 Stephanie Ulpright West New Mexico 87199 Tablet Demeclocycline Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 14.75 100% 0.07 0.37 14.75 14.75 -11.4195 2 3.89
51619 9/3/07 0:00 Stephanie Ulpright West New Mexico 87199 Syrup Kantrex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 958.06 100% 0.09 0.59 958.06 958.06 -77.09 6 165.2
51619 9/3/07 0:00 Stephanie Ulpright West New Mexico 87199 Capsule Phenaphen W/ Codeine No. 3 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 11,262.04 100% 0.06 0.64 11,262.04 11,262.04 1,660.92 31 355.98
52357 9/4/07 0:00 Bobby Odegard East New York 10501 Solution/Drops Sulf-15 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 541.47 100% 0.05 0.36 541.47 541.47 90.62 49 10.98
25824 9/5/07 0:00 Christine Abelman Central Wisconsin 53006 Concentrate Citanest Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 507.5605 100% 0.04 0.56 507.5605 507.5605 -258.225 6 95.99
26567 9/5/07 0:00 Sylvia Foulston East New Jersey 7001 Concentrate Altabax Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 6,109.82 100% 0.04 0.6 6,109.82 6,109.82 1,374.95 48 155.99
26567 9/5/07 0:00 Sylvia Foulston East New Jersey 7001 Suppository Pseudo-12 Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 90.06 100% 0.09 0.79 90.06 90.06 -100.51 10 8.46
11680 9/5/07 0:00 Aleksandra Gannaway West Washington 98601 Concentrate Aldoclor-150 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 7,312.03 100% 0.06 0.57 7,312.03 7,312.03 2,031.51 50 175.99
25824 9/5/07 0:00 Christine Abelman Central Wisconsin 53006 Solution Potassium Chloride 20Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.225% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 25.27 100% 0.01 0.59 25.27 25.27 -19.93 5 3.95
25824 9/5/07 0:00 Christine Abelman Central Wisconsin 53006 Tablet Proloprim Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 14,410.78 100% 0.02 0.4 14,410.78 14,410.78 6,365.58 37 367.99
26567 9/5/07 0:00 Sylvia Foulston East New Jersey 7001 Tablet Aminosyn 3.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 50.7 100% 0.08 0.37 50.7 50.7 -44.068 8 5.4
42342 9/5/07 0:00 Bill Eplett South North Carolina 28633 Ointment Estrovis Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 318.14 100% 0.01 0.38 318.14 318.14 49.67 25 12.28
25824 9/5/07 0:00 Christine Abelman Central Wisconsin 53006 Spray Flagyl I.V. Rtu In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 15,341.46 100% 0 0.74 15,341.46 15,341.46 394.52 39 376.13
26567 9/5/07 0:00 Sylvia Foulston East New Jersey 7001 For Solution Norinyl 1+35 21-Day Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 338.52 100% 0.21 0.39 338.52 338.52 -17.75 22 14.98
42342 9/5/07 0:00 Bill Eplett South North Carolina 28633 Spray Alinia Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 9,501.62 100% 0.07 0.78 9,501.62 9,501.62 -686.45 43 286.85
51968 9/6/07 0:00 Sharelle Roach South South Carolina 29338 Concentrate Benztropine Mesylate Extended Release Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.55 3,231.56 3,231.56 1,166.09 43 85.99
51714 9/6/07 0:00 Lauren Leatherbury East New Jersey 8989 Ointment Focalin Xr Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.36 194.09 194.09 -63.35 33 5.78
49990 9/6/07 0:00 Evan Minnotte Central Michigan 49634 Cream Vasotec Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 5,155.35 100% 0 0.56 5,155.35 5,155.35 501.51 11 442.14
36867 9/6/07 0:00 Speros Goranitis Central Texas 88595 Gel Triphasil-28 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 45.57 100% 0.09 0.56 45.57 45.57 2.81 16 2.88
34311 9/6/07 0:00 Mike Pelletier East New Jersey 7837 Gel Trilyte Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 132.79 100% 0.05 0.56 132.79 132.79 -100.24 39 3.28
34311 9/6/07 0:00 Mike Pelletier East New Jersey 7837 Syrup Levo-T Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 232.85 100% 0.03 0.83 232.85 232.85 -262.62 32 6.98
11392 9/6/07 0:00 Sarah Bern West Arizona 85321 Tablet Acetohexamide Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 128.69 100% 0.04 0.35 128.69 128.69 28.288 28 4.55
36867 9/6/07 0:00 Speros Goranitis Central Texas 88595 Capsule Amiloride Hydrochloride Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,482.18 100% 0.06 0.56 5,482.18 5,482.18 1,167.38 21 276.2
39845 9/7/07 0:00 Shaun Weien East Massachusetts 2139 Ointment Ergocalciferol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.4 447.42 447.42 41.3 44 9.99
38913 9/7/07 0:00 David Kendrick South Georgia 39901 Tablet Norethindrone And Ethinyl Estradiol And Ferrous Fumarate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 230.29 230.29 -4.301 7 31.74
9668 9/7/07 0:00 Christine Sundaresam West New Mexico 88134 Tablet Dianeal Pd-1 W/ Dextrose 2.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.37 42.67 42.67 -12.719 10 4.18
48167 9/7/07 0:00 Sylvia Foulston East New Jersey 7001 Ointment Hydro-Serp "25" Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 282.98 100% 0.06 0.37 282.98 282.98 -237.47 45 6.48
48775 9/7/07 0:00 Craig Carroll West Idaho 83201 Ointment Herplex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 108.11 100% 0.09 0.37 108.11 108.11 -62.23 17 6.48
48167 9/7/07 0:00 Sylvia Foulston East New Jersey 7001 Capsule Ocl Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,041.46 100% 0.06 0.74 5,041.46 5,041.46 -2,136.66 43 122.99
48167 9/7/07 0:00 Sylvia Foulston East New Jersey 7001 Spray Aminosyn Ii 5% Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 8,817.71 100% 0.09 0.49 8,817.71 8,817.71 -3,273.39 27 349.45
10052 9/8/07 0:00 Dan Campbell South Maryland 21794 Gel Imodium Multi-Symptom Relief Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 95.9 100% 0.07 0.51 95.9 95.9 19.57 16 6.08
10052 9/8/07 0:00 Dan Campbell South Maryland 21794 Solution Paskalium Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 517.91 100% 0.08 0.4 517.91 517.91 107.11 28 19.9
10052 9/8/07 0:00 Dan Campbell South Maryland 21794 Tablet Grifulvin V Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 162.28 100% 0.02 0.4 162.28 162.28 -216.154 46 3.36
5317 9/9/07 0:00 Christopher Martinez Central Illinois 62999 Concentrate Prismasol Bk 4/2.5 In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.56 4,279.24 4,279.24 890.181 25 205.99
5317 9/9/07 0:00 Christopher Martinez Central Illinois 62999 Tablet Diprolene Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.38 212.57 212.57 9.486 38 5.34
5317 9/9/07 0:00 Christopher Martinez Central Illinois 62999 Injectable Fluocinolone Acetonide Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.07 0.65 1,469.48 1,469.48 -263.65 10 140.98
37926 9/9/07 0:00 Rick Hansen South Georgia 39859 Gel Tirosint Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 353.25 100% 0.02 0.55 353.25 353.25 60.06 31 11.55
55648 9/10/07 0:00 Sung Shariari South Virginia 24157 Gel Triphasil-28 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 14.74 100% 0.08 0.56 14.74 14.74 -2.58 5 2.88
43590 9/11/07 0:00 Harold Ryan East Connecticut 6928 Capsule Aminosyn 3.5% W/ Dextrose 25% In Plastic Container Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.57 3,118.60 3,118.60 804.2 24 128.24
3746 9/11/07 0:00 Alan Dominguez West California 90835 Concentrate Anectine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,463.10 100% 0 0.57 1,463.10 1,463.10 162.666 14 115.99
3746 9/11/07 0:00 Alan Dominguez West California 90835 Ointment Esmolol Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 246.3 100% 0.02 0.36 246.3 246.3 -67.49 38 5.98
13280 9/12/07 0:00 Grant Carroll East Massachusetts 2139 Concentrate Duragesic-75 Injection Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.6 318.7585 318.7585 -160.952 49 7.99
13280 9/12/07 0:00 Grant Carroll East Massachusetts 2139 Syrup Hydrocortisone And Acetic Acid Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.59 460.68 460.68 -116.76 40 10.9
44836 9/12/07 0:00 Tamara Willingham East New Jersey 7514 Tablet Desyrel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 125.79 100% 0.02 0.39 125.79 125.79 28.526 21 5.98
56901 9/12/07 0:00 Paul MacIntyre South Florida 34997 Gel Advair Diskus 500/50 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 100.68 100% 0 0.58 100.68 100.68 -45.21 36 2.6
44487 9/12/07 0:00 Helen Wasserman South North Carolina 27006 Syrup Liquamar Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 558.77 100% 0.03 0.81 558.77 558.77 -92.87 37 15.14
10629 9/12/07 0:00 Helen Wasserman South North Carolina 27006 Ointment Heparin Sodium 12,500 Units In Sodium Chloride 0.9% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 98.37 100% 0.09 0.37 98.37 98.37 -76.54 14 6.48
12099 9/12/07 0:00 Cindy Stewart West Arizona 85321 Ointment Clistin Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 308.81 100% 0.01 0.39 308.81 308.81 128.28 48 6.35
12099 9/12/07 0:00 Cindy Stewart West Arizona 85321 Suspension/Drops Cobavite Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 17.59 100% 0.06 0.39 17.59 17.59 10.85 1 2.61
10629 9/12/07 0:00 Helen Wasserman South North Carolina 27006 For Solution Diazoxide Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 341.55 100% 0.06 0.59 341.55 341.55 -255.65 39 8.37
44487 9/12/07 0:00 Helen Wasserman South North Carolina 27006 For Solution Lidocaine Hydrochloride 0.4% In Dextrose 5% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 28.15 100% 0.09 0.43 28.15 28.15 -10.09 4 6.28
41221 9/13/07 0:00 Eugene Hildebrand Central Texas 78702 Syrup Haloperidol Lactate Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.81 345.57 345.57 -218.77 4 80.98
1313 9/13/07 0:00 Sally Matthias East Massachusetts 2139 Ointment Gemfibrozil Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.39 840.07 840.07 -83.75 34 22.84
38145 9/13/07 0:00 Amy Cox West Washington 98625 Tablet Cefazolin And Dextrose Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.37 60.92 60.92 -17.204 33 1.88
38145 9/13/07 0:00 Amy Cox West Washington 98625 For Solution Clozaril Extended Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.01 0.68 387.17 387.17 190.6 8 45.98
40928 9/13/07 0:00 Patrick Ryan South North Carolina 28909 Concentrate Blephamide S.O.P. Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 292.3405 100% 0.01 0.85 292.3405 292.3405 -420.585 4 85.99
9888 9/13/07 0:00 Adam Shillingsburg South South Carolina 29001 Concentrate Darbid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 8,374.13 100% 0.06 0.56 8,374.13 8,374.13 2,568.10 48 205.99
49891 9/13/07 0:00 Darrin Sayre East Connecticut 6817 Tablet Desyrel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 259.83 100% 0 0.39 259.83 259.83 80.733 40 5.98
49891 9/13/07 0:00 Darrin Sayre East Connecticut 6817 Suspension/Drops Darbid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 88.4 100% 0.08 0.36 88.4 88.4 35.5 19 4.91
29860 9/14/07 0:00 Skye Norling East New Jersey 7010 Syrup Pradaxa Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.55 8,295.29 8,295.29 2,267.22 48 178.47
4772 9/14/07 0:00 Neil Knudson West New Mexico 87001 Concentrate Prismasol Bgk 2/0 In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,560.62 100% 0.04 0.55 1,560.62 1,560.62 214.29 28 65.99
10528 9/14/07 0:00 Michael Grace South Florida 32119 Syrup Zovia 1/50E-21 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 838.4 100% 0.02 0.59 838.4 838.4 -132.91 47 17.7
46721 9/14/07 0:00 Nick Radford South Georgia 31811 Syrup Miconazole Nitrate Combination Pack Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,912.76 100% 0.03 0.78 1,912.76 1,912.76 71.56 17 111.03
46721 9/14/07 0:00 Nick Radford South Georgia 31811 Tablet Neo-Cort-Dome Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 142.94 100% 0.03 0.36 142.94 142.94 -129.559 17 7.38
46721 9/14/07 0:00 Nick Radford South Georgia 31811 Ointment Hydrocodone Bitartrate And Acetaminophen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 240.61 100% 0.05 0.37 240.61 240.61 -133.12 35 6.48
25831 9/15/07 0:00 Tracy Blumstein West Washington 98601 Concentrate Ryzolt Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.56 250.376 250.376 -131.846 6 45.99
7297 9/15/07 0:00 Debra Catini West Colorado 80728 Suppository Dialyte Lm/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.08 0.55 296.84 296.84 -71.83 7 45.19
7297 9/15/07 0:00 Debra Catini West Colorado 80728 For Solution Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.03 0.55 936.95 936.95 -0.74 26 33.98
7297 9/15/07 0:00 Debra Catini West Colorado 80728 Spray Fibricor Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.1 0.6 1,620.94 1,620.94 -448.85 4 400.98
7269 9/15/07 0:00 Muhammed Yedwab East New York 14709 Concentrate Cefzil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,707.99 100% 0 0.59 1,707.99 1,707.99 391.185 29 65.99
38080 9/15/07 0:00 Jim Mitchum Central Texas 88595 Ointment Cafcit Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 125.01 100% 0.08 0.38 125.01 125.01 -56.35 26 4.98
18855 9/16/07 0:00 Ed Jacobs South Florida 32122 Tablet Cimetidine Hydrochloride In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.38 229.43 229.43 -127.052 31 7.3
44352 9/16/07 0:00 Jeremy Farry West Arizona 85234 Lotion Captopril Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.4 81.76 81.76 8.53 25 3.29
53412 9/16/07 0:00 Eric Hoffmann Central Illinois 62560 For Solution Kelnor Injection Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.64 2,544.73 2,544.73 375.87 45 54.2
35558 9/16/07 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 For Solution Atropine And Demerol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 34.88 100% 0.09 0.43 34.88 34.88 -22.12 2 13.79
46437 9/16/07 0:00 Mick Brown West California 92320 For Solution Augmentin '500' Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,488.66 100% 0 0.54 1,488.66 1,488.66 385.37 49 29.34
27330 9/17/07 0:00 Mark Cousins East Massachusetts 1001 Cream Vasotec Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.56 12,600.99 12,600.99 2,963.48 30 442.14
17764 9/17/07 0:00 Don Miller East Massachusetts 2054 Ointment Glyburide Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.39 644.4 644.4 -97.28 27 22.84
34880 9/17/07 0:00 Philip Brown West Utah 84415 Ointment Heparin Sodium 10,000 Units In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.37 284.38 284.38 -62.43 44 6.48
27330 9/17/07 0:00 Mark Cousins East Massachusetts 1001 For Solution Ketozole Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.72 507.74 507.74 -118.54 8 55.5
54243 9/17/07 0:00 Christina DeMoss West New Mexico 88439 Spray Scabene Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.68 907.24 907.24 -443.87 6 154.13
57734 9/17/07 0:00 Dan Campbell South Maryland 21794 Tablet Chlorascrub Swabstick Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.35 110.14 110.14 -89.217 26 4.24
57734 9/17/07 0:00 Dan Campbell South Maryland 21794 Solution/Drops Floropryl Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.35 453.89 453.89 -75.06 27 16.98
43974 9/17/07 0:00 Harold Dahlen Central Nebraska 68717 Solution/Drops Acetaminophen, Caffeine, And Dihydrocodeine Bitartrate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 64.23 100% 0.03 0.36 64.23 64.23 15.83 8 7.64
21121 9/17/07 0:00 Erin Mull South Alabama 36922 Tablet Metrodin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 20,175.48 100% 0 0.38 20,175.48 20,175.48 9,373.96 50 387.99
10371 9/17/07 0:00 Melanie Page West Utah 84721 Aerosol Cardizem Sr Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 156.15 100% 0.08 0.56 156.15 156.15 -37.6 10 15.73
29410 9/18/07 0:00 Linda Cazamias West Utah 84663 Cream Forteo Injection TableauCeutical Animal 4,186.53 100% 0.04 0.36 4,186.53 4,186.53 1,929.58 35 120.97
29410 9/18/07 0:00 Linda Cazamias West Utah 84663 Concentrate Anusol Hc Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 6,057.27 100% 0 0.6 6,057.27 6,057.27 1,585.50 36 195.99
31619 9/18/07 0:00 Pete Kriz Central Texas 77037 Solution Cardizem Sr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 114.87 100% 0.1 0.58 114.87 114.87 -21.03 11 10.98
41412 9/18/07 0:00 Shahid Shariari West Arizona 85301 Tablet Aminosyn 3.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 263.81 100% 0.03 0.37 263.81 263.81 -237.544 47 5.4
38915 9/18/07 0:00 Ben Ferrer West California 92320 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.22% In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 96.73 100% 0.08 0.58 96.73 96.73 -83.65 12 7.77
31619 9/18/07 0:00 Pete Kriz Central Texas 77037 For Solution Levocarnitine Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 383.23 100% 0.01 0.65 383.23 383.23 146.51 9 39.98
38915 9/18/07 0:00 Ben Ferrer West California 92320 For Solution Suprenza Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 253.6 100% 0.07 0.42 253.6 253.6 24.39 34 7.59
18371 9/19/07 0:00 Denise Monton Central Ohio 43001 Gel Estrace Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.58 1,394.36 1,394.36 271.45 30 43.98
48385 9/19/07 0:00 Phillina Ober East New York 14925 Suppository Radioiodinated Serum Albumin (Human) Ihsa I 125 Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.64 88.24 88.24 -56.6 16 4.98
37254 9/19/07 0:00 Katrina Bavinger Central Wisconsin 53235 Solution/Drops Actinex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 739.94 100% 0.01 0.38 739.94 739.94 370.23 28 26.17
19204 9/19/07 0:00 Linda Cazamias West Utah 84663 Ointment Ethmozine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,642.05 100% 0.03 0.36 1,642.05 1,642.05 829.73 28 55.98
19204 9/19/07 0:00 Linda Cazamias West Utah 84663 For Solution Lidocaine Hydrochloride Preservative Free In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 233.92 100% 0.1 0.43 233.92 233.92 -80.75 27 8.75
8320 9/20/07 0:00 Karl Brown West California 93456 Suppository Memantine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.75 1,142.36 1,142.36 72.78 35 30.73
8320 9/20/07 0:00 Karl Brown West California 93456 Ointment Hyzaar Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.37 150.34 150.34 -28.45 22 6.48
4645 9/20/07 0:00 Clytie Kelty South South Carolina 29001 Suspension Flolan Delayed Release Competitor B Animal 0 0.5 3,563.88 3,563.88 285.95 11 299.99
4645 9/20/07 0:00 Clytie Kelty South South Carolina 29001 Suppository Memantine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.08 0.75 920 920 -45.07 30 30.73
4645 9/20/07 0:00 Clytie Kelty South South Carolina 29001 Solution Bucet Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.58 104.2 104.2 -8.53 7 14.56
54436 9/20/07 0:00 Toby Knight West Utah 84415 Suppository Renese Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 321.3 100% 0 0.77 321.3 321.3 -47.23 37 8.12
54436 9/20/07 0:00 Toby Knight West Utah 84415 Suppository Arava Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 705.85 100% 0.04 0.54 705.85 705.85 151.67 17 39.48
2816 9/20/07 0:00 Ross Baird Central Ohio 43343 Gel Virac Rex Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 787.56 100% 0 0.55 787.56 787.56 220.04 35 21.98
21831 9/20/07 0:00 Pauline Webber South South Carolina 29001 Suspension/Drops Dialyte W/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 28.39 100% 0.05 0.39 28.39 28.39 3.84 6 4.98
59238 9/20/07 0:00 Paul Prost South Florida 32119 Gel Amipaque Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 455.88 100% 0.03 0.59 455.88 455.88 9.15 11 40.97
54694 9/20/07 0:00 Jonathan Howell West Utah 84014 Solution/Drops Septisol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 112.63 100% 0.08 0.36 112.63 112.63 -201.6 43 2.66
548 9/21/07 0:00 Sung Chung South South Carolina 29941 Concentrate Dextrose 40% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.59 2,753.19 2,753.19 510.489 26 125.99
548 9/21/07 0:00 Sung Chung South South Carolina 29941 Ointment Gencept 10/11-28 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.37 202.95 202.95 -50.64 29 6.48
548 9/21/07 0:00 Sung Chung South South Carolina 29941 Suspension/Drops Colgate Total Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.37 129.49 129.49 36.02 41 3.08
49059 9/21/07 0:00 Christina DeMoss West New Mexico 88439 Ointment Enalaprilat Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.38 252.66 252.66 32.86 5 48.91
49059 9/21/07 0:00 Christina DeMoss West New Mexico 88439 Suspension/Drops Curosurf Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.38 128 128 45.51 48 2.89
960 9/21/07 0:00 Jim Kriz West California 90835 For Solution Imodium A-D Ez Chews Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 605.97 100% 0.07 0.54 605.97 605.97 -22.72 46 13.73
6020 9/22/07 0:00 Arianne Irving Central Texas 78702 Suspension/Drops Delaxin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 66.09 100% 0.09 0.36 66.09 66.09 13.71 23 2.88
13378 9/22/07 0:00 Paul Knutson Central Texas 76901 Aerosol Carisoprodol Compound Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 96.04 100% 0.05 0.55 96.04 96.04 -50.75 16 5.74
41440 9/23/07 0:00 Alejandro Savely West Washington 98001 Suspension/Drops Cortef Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 92.94 100% 0.09 0.36 92.94 92.94 37.77 20 4.91
41440 9/23/07 0:00 Alejandro Savely West Washington 98001 Spray Phisohex Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 6,070.96 100% 0.01 0.76 6,070.96 6,070.96 173.48 19 296.18
55265 9/24/07 0:00 Scot Coram West Colorado 80813 Concentrate Azopt Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 706.3925 100% 0.06 0.37 706.3925 706.3925 346.14 39 20.99
49088 9/24/07 0:00 Kristina Nunn West Arizona 86409 Suppository Renese Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 130.11 100% 0.03 0.77 130.11 130.11 -47.69 16 8.12
49735 9/24/07 0:00 Mitch Willingham South North Carolina 27006 Solution Deferoxamine Mesylate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,929.19 100% 0.04 0.56 1,929.19 1,929.19 570.67 32 60.97
53153 9/24/07 0:00 Paul Prost South Florida 32119 Solution Methylphenidate Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 575.36 100% 0.1 0.57 575.36 575.36 84.05 29 20.27
49088 9/24/07 0:00 Kristina Nunn West Arizona 86409 Syrup Cu-7 Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 4,012.58 100% 0.05 0.8 4,012.58 4,012.58 -425.14 15 279.48
49088 9/24/07 0:00 Kristina Nunn West Arizona 86409 Ointment Entocort Ec Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,295.54 100% 0.06 0.36 1,295.54 1,295.54 214.23 31 40.99
53190 9/25/07 0:00 Michelle Arnett Central Michigan 49971 Concentrate Cefzil Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.59 477.054 477.054 -170.533 9 65.99
42022 9/25/07 0:00 Eugene Hildebrand Central Texas 78702 Lotion Children'S Fexofenadine Hydrochloride Hives Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.53 43.25 43.25 -9.68 11 3.95
42022 9/25/07 0:00 Eugene Hildebrand Central Texas 78702 Tablet Cimetidine Hydrochloride In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.38 338.85 338.85 -170.177 45 7.3
53190 9/25/07 0:00 Michelle Arnett Central Michigan 49971 Tablet Sodium Lactate In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.38 268.18 268.18 74.6385 10 28.53
29826 9/25/07 0:00 Cathy Armstrong Central Illinois 60001 Suppository Diovan Hct Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 157.63 100% 0.06 0.79 157.63 157.63 -78.13 9 17.98
28420 9/25/07 0:00 Bill Donatelli East New York 14925 Solution/Drops Winstrol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 45.64 100% 0.08 0.38 45.64 45.64 -0.11 2 15.57
55138 9/25/07 0:00 Jim Sink South South Carolina 29684 Syrup Cortef Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,132.54 100% 0 0.83 1,132.54 1,132.54 -628.38 22 48.91
4583 9/25/07 0:00 Maxwell Schwartz West New Mexico 87011 Capsule Trovan Preservative Free Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,021.64 100% 0.07 0.73 3,021.64 3,021.64 -720.2 44 70.98
23136 9/26/07 0:00 Barry Blumstein Central Illinois 62924 Suppository Radioiodinated Serum Albumin (Human) Ihsa I 125 Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.64 220.47 220.47 -135.16 43 4.98
18754 9/26/07 0:00 Roland Black East Massachusetts 1059 Concentrate Clindagel Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.08 0.56 1,725.03 1,725.03 206.352 32 65.99
16133 9/26/07 0:00 Erin Mull South Alabama 36922 Cream Parasal Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.36 3,083.04 3,083.04 872.13 16 200.97
23136 9/26/07 0:00 Barry Blumstein Central Illinois 62924 Capsule Sodium Bicarbonate In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.01 0.57 9,312.52 9,312.52 3,039.37 41 218.08
16133 9/26/07 0:00 Matt Abelman East Massachusetts 2139 For Solution Cyclacillin Delayed Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.17 0.58 27.96 27.96 -9.13 1 14.89
18754 9/26/07 0:00 Roland Black East Massachusetts 1059 Injectable Aquasol A Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.03 0.77 1,217.62 1,217.62 -221.5 8 140.98
12903 9/26/07 0:00 Sue Ann Reed Central Ohio 44197 Concentrate Aviane-28 Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 63.427 100% 0.07 0.82 63.427 63.427 -191.785 2 35.99
3522 9/26/07 0:00 James Galang West Idaho 83552 Suppository Dextrose 60% Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 812.68 100% 0.05 0.5 812.68 812.68 235.88 27 29.89
28135 9/26/07 0:00 Jeremy Lonsdale Central Nebraska 68770 Solution Eryc 125 Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,601.24 100% 0.08 0.46 1,601.24 1,601.24 520.69 37 46.89
28135 9/26/07 0:00 Jeremy Lonsdale Central Nebraska 68770 Aerosol Catapres-Tts-2 Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 501.31 100% 0.05 0.6 501.31 501.31 38.23 40 12.98
3522 9/26/07 0:00 James Galang West Idaho 83552 Solution Mannitol 10% Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,935.17 100% 0.09 0.59 1,935.17 1,935.17 -991.07 33 60.98
19075 9/27/07 0:00 Joseph Holt South South Carolina 29941 Suppository Theophylline 0.32% And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.73 1,841.60 1,841.60 12.95 36 50.98
31175 9/27/07 0:00 William Brown South Georgia 39901 Ointment Firazyr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 539.66 100% 0 0.38 539.66 539.66 147.08 26 19.98
20069 9/27/07 0:00 Jack Garza Central Illinois 62924 For Solution Kwell Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 247.15 100% 0.07 0.57 247.15 247.15 -88.35 6 40.89
41542 9/27/07 0:00 Marc Crier Central Texas 77474 Spray E-Base Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 6,181.48 100% 0.03 0.63 6,181.48 6,181.48 -194.83 47 124.49
49441 9/28/07 0:00 Mary O'Rourke East Massachusetts 1054 For Solution Inflamase Forte Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.76 1,981.26 1,981.26 100.8 49 41.32
25953 9/28/07 0:00 Liz Carlisle Central Ohio 43001 Concentrate Cytosar-U Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,972.88 100% 0.04 0.58 1,972.88 1,972.88 140.913 19 125.99
25953 9/28/07 0:00 Liz Carlisle Central Ohio 43001 Gel Spectazole Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 258.54 100% 0.1 0.47 258.54 258.54 -16.3 27 9.85
12007 9/28/07 0:00 Victoria Pisteka Central Texas 88595 Suspension/Drops Compazine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 152.26 100% 0.04 0.38 152.26 152.26 64.99 42 3.69
231 9/29/07 0:00 Sean Braxton Central Illinois 62999 Solution Potassium Chloride 40Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.225% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.57 689.74 689.74 -490.84 2 363.25
55461 9/29/07 0:00 Meg O'Connel East New Jersey 7514 For Solution Sudafed 24 Hour Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.06 0.47 84.01 84.01 -34.12 16 4.82
9219 9/29/07 0:00 Craig Leslie West Idaho 83465 Suppository Theophylline 0.32% And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,239.81 100% 0.04 0.73 1,239.81 1,239.81 -13.28 24 50.98
9219 9/29/07 0:00 Craig Leslie West Idaho 83465 Ointment Hyzaar Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 273.32 100% 0.02 0.37 273.32 273.32 -48.68 41 6.48
16771 9/29/07 0:00 Dan Lawera South Virginia 23664 For Solution Levocarnitine Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,737.06 100% 0.02 0.65 1,737.06 1,737.06 339.17 42 39.98
19716 9/30/07 0:00 Nat Carroll West Utah 84631 Concentrate Aplenzin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.59 616.1055 616.1055 -458.744 5 140.99
58151 9/30/07 0:00 Michelle Huthwaite West Idaho 83552 Syrup Serentil Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.56 5,601.10 5,601.10 1,515.70 38 142.86
58151 9/30/07 0:00 Michelle Huthwaite West Idaho 83552 Tablet Ditate-Ds Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.35 211.48 211.48 18.1475 33 6.75
44775 9/30/07 0:00 Dennis Kane South North Carolina 28633 Gel Ancef In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.47 209.3 209.3 30.49 29 7.08
26913 9/30/07 0:00 Amy Hunt Central Texas 73301 Concentrate Ceradon Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 642.9145 100% 0.01 0.6 642.9145 642.9145 -118.8 11 65.99
4354 9/30/07 0:00 Erin Creighton Central Texas 77474 For Solution Lipo-Hepin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 49.04 100% 0.02 0.56 49.04 49.04 7.74 6 7.38
26689 9/30/07 0:00 Tamara Willingham East New Jersey 7514 For Solution Norlestrin 21 1/50 Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 198.44 100% 0.01 0.35 198.44 198.44 -87.46 2 99.23
30278 10/1/07 0:00 Ionia McGrath South Alabama 36830 Concentrate Atarax Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.56 2,860.93 2,860.93 832.617 50 65.99
900 10/1/07 0:00 Karen Carlisle South Florida 34997 Tablet Dextrose 7.7% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.36 1,193.65 1,193.65 507.5775 29 40.98
19140 10/1/07 0:00 Ann Steele West Idaho 83810 Lotion Captopril Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 155.54 100% 0.09 0.4 155.54 155.54 15.66 50 3.29
19140 10/1/07 0:00 Ann Steele West Idaho 83810 Tablet Dricort Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 314 100% 0.07 0.36 314 314 -66.0445 47 6.54
4708 10/1/07 0:00 Michelle Tran West Idaho 83465 Ointment Hydropres 25 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 180.38 100% 0.08 0.37 180.38 180.38 -119.32 29 6.48
41728 10/1/07 0:00 Alejandro Grove West California 90835 Tablet Naquival Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 23,106.46 100% 0.08 0.38 23,106.46 23,106.46 9,527.47 28 896.99
4451 10/1/07 0:00 Tanja Norvell West Utah 84631 Gel Eulexin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 992.95 100% 0.04 0.59 992.95 992.95 -65.21 47 21.38
41728 10/1/07 0:00 Alejandro Grove West California 90835 Capsule Physiosol In Plastic Container Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,549.58 100% 0.02 0.57 2,549.58 2,549.58 41.53 10 243.98
49056 10/2/07 0:00 Cathy Hwang South Florida 32099 Concentrate Briellyn Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.8 248.3955 248.3955 -260.348 5 55.99
49056 10/2/07 0:00 Cathy Hwang South Florida 32099 Ointment Humulin U Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.37 300.07 300.07 -209.58 46 6.48
37473 10/2/07 0:00 Tom Prescott Central Texas 77474 Ointment Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.36 43.72 43.72 2.12 8 5.18
37473 10/2/07 0:00 Tom Prescott Central Texas 77474 Aerosol Acylanid Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.81 88.23 88.23 -195.93 42 2.18
53797 10/2/07 0:00 Doug Bickford South Alabama 36925 Injectable Veriloid Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.01 0.61 623.71 623.71 -213.32 10 58.14
16321 10/2/07 0:00 Roy Skaria Central Illinois 60406 Syrup Serentil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 7,156.56 100% 0.03 0.56 7,156.56 7,156.56 1,871.26 50 142.86
33701 10/2/07 0:00 Carl Weiss East New York 14709 Tablet Helicosol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,333.06 100% 0.08 0.4 2,333.06 2,333.06 473.3905 35 67.28
51072 10/3/07 0:00 Anna Andreadi South Alabama 35244 Syrup Mirena Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.66 7,036.11 7,036.11 1,268.65 43 161.55
15654 10/3/07 0:00 Duane Noonan West Washington 98625 Cream Lotrimin Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 9,396.41 100% 0.02 0.57 9,396.41 9,396.41 -5,737.27 4 2,550.14
18788 10/3/07 0:00 Joy Smith Central Michigan 48001 For Solution Clomipramine Hydrochloride Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 566.12 100% 0.03 0.6 566.12 566.12 -19.33 27 19.99
15654 10/3/07 0:00 Duane Noonan West Washington 98625 Injectable Clinimix 5/20 Sulfite Free In Dextrose 20% In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 7,937.59 100% 0.03 0.55 7,937.59 7,937.59 1,383.24 27 300.98
30214 10/5/07 0:00 Keith Dawkins Central Texas 73301 Tablet Dianeal 137 W/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.39 375.61 375.61 -21.2635 38 10.44
49313 10/5/07 0:00 Grant Carroll East Massachusetts 2139 Concentrate Baciguent Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.36 1,129.93 1,129.93 574.155 36 35.99
3841 10/5/07 0:00 John Stevenson South North Carolina 28717 Concentrate Cephalothin Sodium W/ Dextrose In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.6 7,308.28 7,308.28 1,680.23 43 205.99
3841 10/5/07 0:00 John Stevenson South North Carolina 28717 Solution Mannitol 10% Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.59 1,184.45 1,184.45 -552.1 19 60.98
3841 10/5/07 0:00 John Stevenson South North Carolina 28717 Tablet Metronidazole Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.35 25,409.63 25,409.63 11,535.28 20 1,270.99
49313 10/5/07 0:00 Grant Carroll East Massachusetts 2139 For Solution Lamisil At Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.1 0.57 307.76 307.76 -22.88 34 9.38
15075 10/5/07 0:00 Natalie Webber Central Ohio 43002 Suppository Ravocaine And Novocain W/ Levophed Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 54.84 100% 0.01 0.79 54.84 54.84 -56.3 10 5.02
19111 10/5/07 0:00 Bart Pistole Central Nebraska 69358 Suppository Aristocort A Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 195.83 100% 0.04 0.52 195.83 195.83 10.79 24 8.33
50051 10/5/07 0:00 Jas O'Carroll East Connecticut 6928 Tablet Depen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 103.72 100% 0.02 0.39 103.72 103.72 -72.059 17 5.53
44583 10/5/07 0:00 Deanra Eno South Florida 32003 Solution Potassium Chloride 15Meq In Dextrose 5% And Lactated Ringer'S In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 17.59 100% 0.1 0.55 17.59 17.59 -19.74 6 2.22
15075 10/5/07 0:00 Natalie Webber Central Ohio 43002 For Solution Prednisone Intensol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,548.43 100% 0.02 0.46 1,548.43 1,548.43 622.89 24 63.94
50051 10/5/07 0:00 Jas O'Carroll East Connecticut 6928 For Solution Kombiglyze Xr Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 185.15 100% 0.09 0.73 185.15 185.15 10.2 4 41.47
50051 10/5/07 0:00 Jas O'Carroll East Connecticut 6928 For Solution Lastacaft Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 308.64 100% 0.03 0.56 308.64 308.64 91.08 15 19.04
44583 10/5/07 0:00 Deanra Eno South Florida 32003 For Solution Humegon Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 315.07 100% 0.02 0.46 315.07 315.07 95 21 14.2
41764 10/6/07 0:00 Carl Jackson Central Michigan 49634 Spray Heparin Sodium 25,000 Units And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.66 5,105.06 5,105.06 610.62 16 320.64
20518 10/6/07 0:00 Paul Knutson Central Texas 76901 Cream Votrient Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 2,205.84 100% 0.01 0.6 2,205.84 2,205.84 -359.92 7 297.48
20518 10/6/07 0:00 Paul Knutson Central Texas 76901 Concentrate Alcaine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 8,252.36 100% 0.07 0.59 8,252.36 8,252.36 2,418.56 49 200.99
9923 10/6/07 0:00 Chad Sievert East New Jersey 8823 Syrup Apidra Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 5,388.80 100% 0.03 0.65 5,388.80 5,388.80 -115.08 14 370.98
9923 10/6/07 0:00 Chad Sievert East New Jersey 8823 For Solution Locoid Lipocream Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 63.71 100% 0.01 0.43 63.71 63.71 -96.03 27 2.08
57511 10/7/07 0:00 Duane Noonan West Washington 98625 Concentrate Briellyn Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 569.636 100% 0 0.8 569.636 569.636 -173.25 11 55.99
46881 10/7/07 0:00 Nick Crebassa South Virginia 24157 Tablet Dostinex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 176.28 100% 0.07 0.36 176.28 176.28 -80.3045 31 5.18
57511 10/7/07 0:00 Duane Noonan West Washington 98625 Suspension/Drops Curosurf Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 98.46 100% 0.01 0.38 98.46 98.46 41.54 32 2.89
46533 10/8/07 0:00 John Murray East New York 11769 Concentrate Cefzil Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.59 654.874 654.874 -82.06 12 65.99
8162 10/8/07 0:00 Mathew Reese South North Carolina 28909 Suppository Drisdol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.75 670.39 670.39 -82.26 25 27.48
8162 10/8/07 0:00 Mathew Reese South North Carolina 28909 Suppository Thioridazine Hydrochloride Intensol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.48 5,618.40 5,618.40 1,314.12 32 179.99
8162 10/8/07 0:00 Mathew Reese South North Carolina 28909 Syrup Minocycline Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.73 5,450.60 5,450.60 10.86 42 140.85
46533 10/8/07 0:00 John Murray East New York 11769 For Solution Ketozole Injection Competitor B Human - Rx 0.04 0.72 215.24 215.24 49.76 3 55.5
26016 10/8/07 0:00 Ken Lonsdale South Georgia 31811 Concentrate Ryzolt Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,642.64 100% 0.08 0.56 1,642.64 1,642.64 314.838 44 45.99
26016 10/8/07 0:00 Ken Lonsdale South Georgia 31811 Suppository Terazosin Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 154.94 100% 0.09 0.76 154.94 154.94 -358.43 2 77.51
47520 10/8/07 0:00 Liz Price West Arizona 85234 Ointment Ifosfamide Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 925.3 100% 0.04 0.38 925.3 925.3 257.31 47 19.98
47520 10/8/07 0:00 Liz Price West Arizona 85234 Tablet Norditropin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 277.88 100% 0.09 0.35 277.88 277.88 -64.4115 36 7.68
47520 10/8/07 0:00 Liz Price West Arizona 85234 Capsule Permax Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,939.89 100% 0.05 0.56 3,939.89 3,939.89 598.24 13 291.73
50147 10/9/07 0:00 Denise Monton Central Ohio 43001 Ointment Zantac 25 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.36 163.62 163.62 16.34 13 11.48
50147 10/9/07 0:00 Denise Monton Central Ohio 43001 Solution/Drops Ribavirin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.4 1,504.01 1,504.01 211.04 42 35.89
28675 10/9/07 0:00 Ralph Knight East New Jersey 7981 Concentrate Allopurinol Sodium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 822.8425 100% 0.1 0.55 822.8425 822.8425 4.392 15 65.99
36739 10/9/07 0:00 Pamela Stobb Central Nebraska 69367 Tablet Promethazine Hydrochloride And Phenylephrine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 68.04 100% 0.07 0.38 68.04 68.04 -55.522 16 3.98
35136 10/9/07 0:00 Peter Fuller South Georgia 39901 Gel Zylet Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 68.73 100% 0.07 0.4 68.73 68.73 17.17 23 2.94
36739 10/9/07 0:00 Pamela Stobb Central Nebraska 69367 For Solution Chlorpropamide Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 331.17 100% 0.07 0.55 331.17 331.17 97.19 27 12.22
21541 10/9/07 0:00 Quincy Jones South Alabama 36276 Injectable Polycillin Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,044.70 100% 0.04 0.6 3,044.70 3,044.70 -78.36 43 70.98
59591 10/10/07 0:00 Jennifer Jackson East New Jersey 7514 Cream Panheprin Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.37 3,361.84 3,361.84 1,211.76 34 100.97
59591 10/10/07 0:00 Jennifer Jackson East New Jersey 7514 Ointment Hydro-Reserp Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.37 195.82 195.82 -91.7 29 6.48
13920 10/10/07 0:00 Allen Armold West Washington 98103 Ointment Balziva-21 Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.38 901.32 901.32 338.01 25 37.94
13920 10/10/07 0:00 Allen Armold West Washington 98103 Aerosol Cefotan Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.59 207.21 207.21 -78.64 24 8.57
18308 10/10/07 0:00 Ann Chong East Massachusetts 5544 Concentrate Cetirizine Hydrochloride And Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 5,247.48 100% 0 0.57 5,247.48 5,247.48 1,465.87 49 125.99
18308 10/10/07 0:00 Ann Chong East Massachusetts 5544 Suppository Memantine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 436.05 100% 0.09 0.75 436.05 436.05 -92.58 15 30.73
23008 10/10/07 0:00 Erin Ashbrook West Utah 84121 Suppository Cetraxal Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 325.81 100% 0.02 0.74 325.81 325.81 -522.78 2 152.48
2791 10/10/07 0:00 Eugene Barchas East Massachusetts 2180 Tablet Demeclocycline Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 191.67 100% 0 0.37 191.67 191.67 -236.2675 47 3.89
18308 10/10/07 0:00 Ann Chong East Massachusetts 5544 Tablet Janimine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 114.12 100% 0.05 0.38 114.12 114.12 15.725 30 3.8
2791 10/10/07 0:00 Eugene Barchas East Massachusetts 2180 Ointment Propranolol Hydrochloride Intensol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 507.64 100% 0.1 0.4 507.64 507.64 118.94 18 30.98
14785 10/10/07 0:00 Nicole Brennan West California 95503 Suspension/Drops Cortef Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 94.86 100% 0.08 0.36 94.86 94.86 39.69 20 4.91
23008 10/10/07 0:00 Erin Ashbrook West Utah 84121 Tablet Nogenic Hc Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,136.47 100% 0.1 0.35 1,136.47 1,136.47 323.323 10 120.98
14785 10/10/07 0:00 Nicole Brennan West California 95503 Gel Exidine Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 744.12 100% 0.02 0.55 744.12 744.12 146.51 25 28.15
2791 10/10/07 0:00 Eugene Barchas East Massachusetts 2180 Capsule Plan B Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,586.33 100% 0.09 0.64 5,586.33 5,586.33 80.44 49 120.98
28002 10/11/07 0:00 Jason Klamczynski Central Nebraska 69367 Ointment Erythromycin Stearate Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.4 43.55 43.55 -3.64 5 9.11
54819 10/11/07 0:00 Phillip Flathmann Central Nebraska 68016 Concentrate Androgel Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.58 2,710.51 2,710.51 624.123 46 65.99
54819 10/11/07 0:00 Phillip Flathmann Central Nebraska 68016 Lotion Camila Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.39 64.03 64.03 11.42 26 2.62
54819 10/11/07 0:00 Phillip Flathmann Central Nebraska 68016 For Solution Imipramine Hydrochloride Injection Competitor B Human - Rx 0.07 0.54 53.32 53.32 -20.68 10 4.97
16610 10/11/07 0:00 Thomas Boland West Colorado 81124 Solution/Drops Deltalin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 659.13 100% 0.09 0.4 659.13 659.13 187.57 19 35.94
9926 10/12/07 0:00 Mick Hernandez South Maryland 21794 For Solution Hytrin Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.55 158.83 158.83 -56.97 25 5.77
46756 10/12/07 0:00 Chuck Magee South Alabama 36031 Ointment Cladribine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 33.64 100% 0.01 0.37 33.64 33.64 -22.45 3 7.28
26146 10/12/07 0:00 John Dryer South South Carolina 29808 Solution Magnesium Sulfate In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,351.76 100% 0.03 0.58 1,351.76 1,351.76 107.31 13 104.65
26146 10/12/07 0:00 John Dryer South South Carolina 29808 Gel Prevpac Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 595.4 100% 0.03 0.58 595.4 595.4 -148.85 49 11.66
48420 10/12/07 0:00 Berenike Kampe West Colorado 80728 For Solution Maxibolin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 863.26 100% 0.09 0.44 863.26 863.26 229.6 46 19.23
50786 10/13/07 0:00 Cindy Stewart West Arizona 85321 Cream Lorcet-Hd Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 487.72 100% 0.06 0.36 487.72 487.72 -221.03 4 119.99
40708 10/13/07 0:00 Toby Knight West Utah 84415 Gel Amphadase Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 103.55 100% 0.03 0.48 103.55 103.55 19.59 15 6.68
22208 10/14/07 0:00 Sean Christensen West Colorado 80746 Suppository Theobid Jr. Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.74 1,138.43 1,138.43 18.59 37 30.97
22208 10/14/07 0:00 Sean Christensen West Colorado 80746 Concentrate Cytosar-U Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.58 5,271.05 5,271.05 1,379.76 50 125.99
43360 10/14/07 0:00 Max Jones West Washington 98310 For Solution Locoid Lipocream Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.43 112.16 112.16 -178.29 48 2.08
17024 10/14/07 0:00 Tamara Dahlen East Delaware 19936 Solution Doxychel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,401.75 100% 0.02 0.56 1,401.75 1,401.75 426.44 31 42.98
8835 10/14/07 0:00 James Lanier East Delaware 19980 For Solution Chirhostim Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 153.44 100% 0.05 0.43 153.44 153.44 -6.15 12 12.2
53766 10/14/07 0:00 Anna Haberlin West Utah 84014 Spray Efidac 24 Chlorpheniramine Maleate Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,122.55 100% 0.07 0.69 3,122.55 3,122.55 -401.79 22 145.98
17028 10/16/07 0:00 Jennifer Jackson East New Jersey 7514 Gel Extraneal Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.56 513.5 513.5 82.96 19 25.99
47108 10/16/07 0:00 Justin Hirsh West Arizona 85234 Cream Gastromark Injection TableauCeutical Animal 131.55 100% 0.06 0.4 131.55 131.55 -50.28 7 17.98
47108 10/16/07 0:00 Justin Hirsh West Arizona 85234 Concentrate Aldoclor-150 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,288.52 100% 0.08 0.57 1,288.52 1,288.52 -382.569 9 175.99
57248 10/16/07 0:00 Damala Kotsonis South Maryland 21230 Tablet Glycort Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 167.5 100% 0.04 0.37 167.5 167.5 -84.4215 34 4.98
8165 10/16/07 0:00 Cari Sayre West Idaho 83877 Ointment Exjade Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 183.45 100% 0.01 0.36 183.45 183.45 -149.66 35 4.98
56995 10/16/07 0:00 Sarah Foster West Utah 84721 Tablet Epi E Z Pen Jr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 157.57 100% 0.08 0.39 157.57 157.57 -57.063 27 5.74
47108 10/16/07 0:00 Justin Hirsh West Arizona 85234 Ointment Ergocalciferol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 258.11 100% 0.1 0.4 258.11 258.11 9.95 26 9.99
40160 10/16/07 0:00 Julia West East Massachusetts 2139 For Solution Prednisone Intensol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,404.22 100% 0.1 0.46 1,404.22 1,404.22 202.87 23 63.94
47108 10/16/07 0:00 Justin Hirsh West Arizona 85234 For Solution Aminosyn 3.5% W/ Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 359.68 100% 0.07 0.39 359.68 359.68 187.15 19 18.65
43044 10/18/07 0:00 Laurel Workman West California 93456 Cream Zofran Preservative Free Delayed Release Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.39 19,707.20 19,707.20 -14,434.48 3 6,783.02
13761 10/18/07 0:00 Katherine Nockton South Maryland 21230 Syrup Beyaz Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.83 2,421.44 2,421.44 -949.09 32 78.8
43044 10/18/07 0:00 Laurel Workman West California 93456 Tablet Chlorascrub Swabstick Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.35 103.5 103.5 -73.071 23 4.24
31493 10/18/07 0:00 Gary McGarr Central Illinois 62541 For Solution Chirhostim Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.43 112.47 112.47 46.74 8 12.2
7906 10/18/07 0:00 Beth Paige East Massachusetts 2180 Solution Aminocaproic Acid Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,003.06 100% 0.03 0.5 1,003.06 1,003.06 271.78 37 25.98
26342 10/19/07 0:00 Khloe Miller East Massachusetts 2054 Ointment Ortho Tri-Cyclen Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.4 265.35 265.35 -128.69 24 9.99
26342 10/19/07 0:00 Khloe Miller East Massachusetts 2054 Ointment Flaxedil Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.37 1,993.94 1,993.94 931.7 41 48.04
26342 10/19/07 0:00 Khloe Miller East Massachusetts 2054 Ointment Guanidine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.37 24.73 24.73 -10.77 3 6.68
2086 10/19/07 0:00 Brian Moss South Alabama 35751 Concentrate Clindagel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,115.24 100% 0.04 0.56 2,115.24 2,115.24 371.412 38 65.99
2086 10/19/07 0:00 Brian Moss South Alabama 35751 Ointment Ethmozine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,411.58 100% 0.01 0.36 1,411.58 1,411.58 699.31 24 55.98
41255 10/19/07 0:00 Christine Abelman Central Wisconsin 53006 For Solution Constulose Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,333.19 100% 0.01 0.64 1,333.19 1,333.19 331.48 22 60.65
2086 10/19/07 0:00 Brian Moss South Alabama 35751 Capsule Aminosyn 3.5% W/ Dextrose 25% In Plastic Container Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,246.68 100% 0.01 0.57 1,246.68 1,246.68 218.48 9 128.24
53222 10/20/07 0:00 Nora Price East New York 14210 Ointment Estratab Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.37 21.71 21.71 -15.13 2 6.48
39649 10/20/07 0:00 Karen Carlisle South Florida 34997 Concentrate Heparin Sodium 10,000 Units In Dextrose 5% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,351.65 100% 0.01 0.58 1,351.65 1,351.65 -202.851 10 155.99
28614 10/20/07 0:00 Tanja Norvell West Utah 84631 Suppository Oreticyl 50 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 7,827.51 100% 0.05 0.49 7,827.51 7,827.51 2,992.80 50 159.99
52615 10/20/07 0:00 Liz Pelletier Central Ohio 44197 Solution Potassium Chloride 10Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 67.22 100% 0.05 0.6 67.22 67.22 -139.53 4 4.48
52615 10/20/07 0:00 Liz Pelletier Central Ohio 44197 Tablet Chlorascrub Swabstick Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 76.85 100% 0.1 0.35 76.85 76.85 -64.078 18 4.24
39649 10/20/07 0:00 Karen Carlisle South Florida 34997 Ointment Gonal-F Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 63 100% 0.01 0.36 63 63 -17.48 9 5.98
16196 10/21/07 0:00 Magdelene Morse West Utah 84121 Concentrate Cefotaxime And Dextrose 3.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.59 3,925.97 3,925.97 671.949 39 125.99
36835 10/21/07 0:00 William Brown South Georgia 39901 Tablet Nesacaine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.38 12,073.06 12,073.06 5,081.87 39 315.98
36835 10/21/07 0:00 William Brown South Georgia 39901 Capsule Amiloride Hydrochloride Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.09 0.56 6,685.05 6,685.05 1,653.60 25 276.2
36835 10/21/07 0:00 William Brown South Georgia 39901 For Solution Prednisone Intensol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.46 1,175.53 1,175.53 257.59 18 63.94
16196 10/21/07 0:00 Magdelene Morse West Utah 84121 Capsule Potassium Chloride 0.075% In Dextrose 10% And Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.55 14,521.39 14,521.39 5,034.15 44 320.98
12581 10/21/07 0:00 Steven Roelle East New York 12917 Concentrate Primacor Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0 0.58 1,768.97 1,768.97 341.1 31 65.99
50626 10/21/07 0:00 Dean Percer South Florida 32099 Suspension Genotropin Preservative Free Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 26,126.92 100% 0.04 0.5 26,126.92 26,126.92 9,498.60 42 599.99
19522 10/21/07 0:00 Alan Haines Central Ohio 45999 Gel Tolectin 600 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 64.36 100% 0.06 0.56 64.36 64.36 -1.53 37 1.76
19522 10/21/07 0:00 Alan Haines Central Ohio 45999 Tablet Janimine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 161.8 100% 0.06 0.38 161.8 161.8 21.335 44 3.8
50626 10/21/07 0:00 Dean Percer South Florida 32099 Injectable Ambodryl Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,267.41 100% 0 0.66 3,267.41 3,267.41 248.19 18 170.98
6246 10/22/07 0:00 Philip Brown West Utah 84415 Lotion Carisoprodol Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.39 52.38 52.38 11.72 13 3.93
11335 10/22/07 0:00 Maya Herman South North Carolina 28717 Cream Lorcet-Hd Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 922.47 100% 0.09 0.36 922.47 922.47 -15.06 8 119.99
26565 10/22/07 0:00 Cathy Prescott South Virginia 23664 Syrup Baci-Rx Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 21,337.27 100% 0.02 0.58 21,337.27 21,337.27 7,606 49 419.19
11335 10/22/07 0:00 Maya Herman South North Carolina 28717 Suspension/Drops Dialyte W/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 14.84 100% 0.08 0.39 14.84 14.84 -2.42 3 4.98
58693 10/22/07 0:00 Bruce Stewart West New Mexico 87001 Tablet Neomycin Sulfate, Polymyxin B Sulfate & Hydrocortisone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 876.64 100% 0 0.37 876.64 876.64 -126.684 50 15.99
48929 10/23/07 0:00 Sara Luxemburg West California 94404 Ointment Edurant Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.38 55.43 55.43 -48.91 1 35.44
48929 10/23/07 0:00 Sara Luxemburg West California 94404 Ointment Flomax Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 2,096.70 2,096.70 939.67 45 47.9
34631 10/24/07 0:00 Brendan Dodson East Delaware 19980 Suspension Gencept 10/11-21 Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 12,616.20 100% 0.07 0.41 12,616.20 12,616.20 2,808.22 19 699.99
34631 10/24/07 0:00 Brendan Dodson East Delaware 19980 Tablet Grifulvin V Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 22.06 100% 0.06 0.4 22.06 22.06 -22.2755 5 3.36
34918 10/24/07 0:00 Amy Cox West Washington 98625 For Solution Sulfa-Triple #2 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 200.77 100% 0.01 0.42 200.77 200.77 -60.61 25 7.28
34918 10/24/07 0:00 Amy Cox West Washington 98625 Capsule Nulytely-Flavored Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,230.97 100% 0.06 0.59 2,230.97 2,230.97 273.27 12 180.98
4835 10/25/07 0:00 Eugene Moren West Washington 99403 Aerosol Serophene Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.82 9.4 9.4 -7.6 3 2.52
38887 10/25/07 0:00 Trudy Bell South Alabama 36072 Gel Isocaine Hydrochloride Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 264.05 100% 0.07 0.46 264.05 264.05 25.05 50 5.58
38887 10/25/07 0:00 Trudy Bell South Alabama 36072 Tablet Calderol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 378.9 100% 0.02 0.38 378.9 378.9 28.458 25 14.45
17124 10/26/07 0:00 William Brown South Georgia 39901 Aerosol Ativan Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.84 128.31 128.31 -55.72 39 3.14
50656 10/26/07 0:00 Patrick Bzostek West California 94404 Solution Macrodantin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 194.2 100% 0 0.59 194.2 194.2 -139.13 42 4.37
50656 10/26/07 0:00 Patrick Bzostek West California 94404 For Solution Insulin Nordisk Mixtard (Pork) Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 109.71 100% 0.1 0.52 109.71 109.71 -20.95 15 7.7
50656 10/26/07 0:00 Patrick Bzostek West California 94404 Capsule Orapred Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 16,451.33 100% 0.01 0.6 16,451.33 16,451.33 5,325.14 31 500.98
50656 10/26/07 0:00 Patrick Bzostek West California 94404 For Solution Hy-Phen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 485.97 100% 0.02 0.43 485.97 485.97 48.6 39 12.58
38599 10/27/07 0:00 Chuck Sachs East Connecticut 6439 Syrup Crestor Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,651.23 100% 0.09 0.82 2,651.23 2,651.23 -741.81 27 101.41
17251 10/28/07 0:00 Clay Cheatham Central Wisconsin 53006 Concentrate Aminosyn-Rf 5.2% Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0 0.57 2,951.44 2,951.44 667.278 26 125.99
15904 10/28/07 0:00 Trudy Brown South Florida 34997 Gel Trilyte Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.56 124.01 124.01 -109.02 39 3.28
15904 10/28/07 0:00 Trudy Brown South Florida 34997 Gel Amipaque Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.59 1,836.84 1,836.84 129.95 49 40.97
48896 10/29/07 0:00 Patrick Jones South Alabama 36344 Ointment Flovent Hfa Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.37 856.9 856.9 106.93 43 18.97
32737 10/29/07 0:00 Victoria Wilson West Colorado 81124 Tablet Sodium Lactate In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.38 367.11 367.11 116.7985 14 28.53
7623 10/29/07 0:00 Sheri Gordon Central Nebraska 68155 Suppository Dextrose 10% And Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,793.42 100% 0.06 0.45 1,793.42 1,793.42 21.5 37 49.99
7623 10/29/07 0:00 Sheri Gordon Central Nebraska 68155 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.11% In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 5,459.32 100% 0.03 0.52 5,459.32 5,459.32 1,603.12 18 300.65
7623 10/29/07 0:00 Sheri Gordon Central Nebraska 68155 Ointment Fluocinonide Emulsified Base Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,080.07 100% 0.1 0.37 3,080.07 3,080.07 1,480.15 32 104.85
19105 10/29/07 0:00 Max Ludwig South Virginia 23664 Ointment Gonal-F Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 172.98 100% 0.08 0.36 172.98 172.98 -59.75 29 5.98
19105 10/29/07 0:00 Max Ludwig South Virginia 23664 Ointment Etrafon-A Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,370.56 100% 0.1 0.38 1,370.56 1,370.56 511.51 31 48.91
56064 10/30/07 0:00 William Brown South Georgia 39901 Tablet Sodium Lactate In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.38 1,169.26 1,169.26 515.6185 41 28.53
31910 10/30/07 0:00 Craig Molinari Central Texas 88595 Concentrate Balziva-21 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.85 187.6375 187.6375 -190.025 6 35.99
52291 10/30/07 0:00 Michelle Tran West Idaho 83465 Concentrate Bactrim Ds Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 88.315 100% 0.01 0.57 88.315 88.315 -72.402 5 20.99
3395 10/30/07 0:00 Cathy Armstrong Central Illinois 60001 Solution/Drops Winstrol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 107.88 100% 0.02 0.38 107.88 107.88 25.59 7 15.57
3395 10/30/07 0:00 Cathy Armstrong Central Illinois 60001 Syrup Retin-A Micro Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 623.02 100% 0.02 0.83 623.02 623.02 -255.66 29 20.89
3395 10/30/07 0:00 Cathy Armstrong Central Illinois 60001 Ointment Adderall Xr 5 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 13.16 100% 0.03 0.38 13.16 13.16 -10.29 1 7.35
3395 10/30/07 0:00 Cathy Armstrong Central Illinois 60001 Tablet Calan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 181.17 100% 0.06 0.36 181.17 181.17 -59.8805 31 5.38
52291 10/30/07 0:00 Michelle Tran West Idaho 83465 Gel T-Phyl Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 287.54 100% 0.04 0.6 287.54 287.54 57.28 48 5.98
22628 10/30/07 0:00 Lynn Smith West Idaho 83465 Capsule Enablex Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,951.70 100% 0.02 0.57 2,951.70 2,951.70 -1,111.45 30 95.95
20229 10/31/07 0:00 Gary Hwang Central Illinois 62444 Lotion Camila Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.39 116.06 116.06 25.2 47 2.62
26627 10/31/07 0:00 Larry Tron South Virginia 24157 Gel Android 10 Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.42 38.37 38.37 -13.88 25 1.6
44134 10/31/07 0:00 Gary McGarr Central Illinois 62541 For Solution Maprotiline Hydrochloride Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.47 620.02 620.02 50.04 35 17.67
43554 10/31/07 0:00 Rachel Payne Central Wisconsin 54990 Ointment Clinimix E 5/20 Sulfite-Free W/ Elect In 20% Dextrose W/ Calcium In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 34.18 100% 0.06 0.39 34.18 34.18 -5.46 9 3.6
24003 11/1/07 0:00 Dan Campbell South Maryland 21794 Concentrate Bretylium Tosylate Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 129.7865 100% 0.05 0.38 129.7865 129.7865 -116.512 4 35.99
28419 11/1/07 0:00 Rachel Payne Central Wisconsin 54990 Syrup Combunox Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 133.85 100% 0.03 0.59 133.85 133.85 -5.28 9 13.48
24003 11/1/07 0:00 Dan Campbell South Maryland 21794 Gel Tolectin 600 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 87.44 100% 0.06 0.56 87.44 87.44 1.33 49 1.76
24003 11/1/07 0:00 Dan Campbell South Maryland 21794 Lotion Diazoxide Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 11.89 100% 0.06 0.81 11.89 11.89 -6.12 9 1.26
24003 11/1/07 0:00 Dan Campbell South Maryland 21794 Syrup Alfenta Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,318.49 100% 0.02 0.66 1,318.49 1,318.49 4.69 50 24.98
38852 11/2/07 0:00 Eric Barreto South Maryland 21230 Tablet Desyrel Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.39 152.31 152.31 38.08 25 5.98
38564 11/3/07 0:00 Vivek Grady West Utah 84791 Suppository Theobid Jr. Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.74 904.93 904.93 -53.4 31 30.97
21314 11/3/07 0:00 Patrick Jones South Alabama 36344 Lotion Valrelease Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.36 107.96 107.96 13.24 30 3.58
21314 11/3/07 0:00 Patrick Jones South Alabama 36344 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.2% And Potassium Chloride 0.15% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.38 56.22 56.22 -20.3895 6 8.6
38564 11/3/07 0:00 Vivek Grady West Utah 84791 Suspension/Drops Cytadren Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.39 98.51 98.51 45.93 21 4.13
38564 11/3/07 0:00 Sylvia Foulston East New Jersey 7001 Capsule Pepcid Complete Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.09 0.78 9,517.60 9,517.60 -1,262.44 37 280.98
21314 11/3/07 0:00 Patrick Jones South Alabama 36344 Spray Diclofenac Sodium Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.75 3,169.99 3,169.99 -973.3 40 105.49
18178 11/3/07 0:00 Naresj Patel West Utah 84001 Solution Potassium Chloride 10Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.6 235.09 235.09 -1,987.49 43 4.48
18178 11/3/07 0:00 Naresj Patel West Utah 84001 For Solution Maprotiline Hydrochloride Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.47 187.46 187.46 49.85 10 17.67
42338 11/3/07 0:00 Adam Hart East Connecticut 6001 Concentrate Aralen Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,909.01 100% 0.01 0.59 1,909.01 1,909.01 344.133 32 65.99
8103 11/3/07 0:00 Bill Stewart South Virginia 23018 Tablet Epinephrine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 457.68 100% 0.07 0.37 457.68 457.68 107.3805 16 29.17
42338 11/3/07 0:00 Adam Hart East Connecticut 6001 For Solution Lax-Lyte With Flavor Packs Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 63.91 100% 0.04 0.49 63.91 63.91 -44.47 14 4.14
28389 11/4/07 0:00 Mark Cousins East Massachusetts 1001 Cream Votrient Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.6 4,657.35 4,657.35 322.66 16 297.48
44231 11/4/07 0:00 Alex Avila South Alabama 35004 Suppository Diovan Hct Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.79 784.72 784.72 -87.96 43 17.98
44231 11/4/07 0:00 Alex Avila South Alabama 35004 Concentrate Ammonul Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.58 2,343.08 2,343.08 311.643 24 115.99
28389 11/4/07 0:00 Mark Cousins East Massachusetts 1001 Spray Phisohex Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.76 2,097.94 2,097.94 -448.94 7 296.18
28389 11/4/07 0:00 Mark Cousins East Massachusetts 1001 For Solution Children'S Allegra Allergy Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.44 668.39 668.39 344.61 22 30.93
44231 11/4/07 0:00 Alex Avila South Alabama 35004 Capsule Uroplus Ds Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.62 1,865.94 1,865.94 116.1 11 160.98
15105 11/4/07 0:00 Giulietta Dortch South Georgia 39901 Syrup Adriamycin Rdf Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.57 460.43 460.43 -76.18 39 12.28
36896 11/4/07 0:00 Xylona Price West New Mexico 88439 Syrup U-Gencin Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,508.33 100% 0.04 0.85 3,508.33 3,508.33 -546.98 21 167.27
36896 11/4/07 0:00 Xylona Price West New Mexico 88439 Suspension/Drops Cotrim Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 34.01 100% 0 0.39 34.01 34.01 10.58 12 2.61
32675 11/4/07 0:00 Jonathan Doherty Central Ohio 43567 Spray Aminosyn Ii 5% Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 6,865.19 100% 0.09 0.49 6,865.19 6,865.19 1,541.68 20 349.45
50081 11/4/07 0:00 Guy Armstrong Central Michigan 48001 Injectable Polycillin Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 538.51 100% 0 0.6 538.51 538.51 -88.75 7 70.98
36896 11/4/07 0:00 Xylona Price West New Mexico 88439 For Solution Matulane Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,008.95 100% 0.04 0.5 1,008.95 1,008.95 69.31 41 25.38
37731 11/5/07 0:00 Pierre Wener West California 96061 Ointment Folicet Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.4 752.63 752.63 172.94 24 30.98
37731 11/5/07 0:00 Pierre Wener West California 96061 Suspension/Drops Creon Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 88.37 88.37 33.68 25 3.75
9057 11/5/07 0:00 Michael Granlund East Massachusetts 5544 For Solution Suprenza Extended Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.42 160.29 160.29 1.35 20 7.59
28259 11/5/07 0:00 Thea Hudgings Central Illinois 62444 Suppository Tenuate Dospan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 249.24 100% 0.06 0.64 249.24 249.24 -92.1 22 10.97
34883 11/5/07 0:00 Pete Takahito West Idaho 83877 Concentrate Bretylium Tosylate Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 906.015 100% 0.05 0.38 906.015 906.015 248.67 31 35.99
40261 11/5/07 0:00 Evan Bailliet Central Illinois 62924 Gel Travasol 4.25% In Dextrose 10% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 78.03 100% 0.05 0.58 78.03 78.03 0.51 26 2.94
50336 11/5/07 0:00 Joseph Airdo Central Illinois 60157 Tablet Demi-Regroton Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 58.98 100% 0 0.35 58.98 58.98 -17.7905 9 5.77
40261 11/5/07 0:00 Evan Bailliet Central Illinois 62924 Ointment Benzyl Benzoate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 331.37 100% 0.03 0.4 331.37 331.37 -172.17 36 9.06
3332 11/5/07 0:00 Ben Peterman East Connecticut 6439 Gel Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 22.19 100% 0.01 0.41 22.19 22.19 -3.51 6 3.26
32291 11/6/07 0:00 Doug O'Connell West Colorado 80230 Syrup Liquamar Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.81 68.03 68.03 -29.42 4 15.14
5856 11/6/07 0:00 Christopher Martinez Central Illinois 62999 Spray Foradil Certihaler Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.6 10,307.01 10,307.01 3,025.59 42 230.98
32291 11/6/07 0:00 Doug O'Connell West Colorado 80230 For Solution Cyanocobalamin Delayed Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.01 0.73 183.22 183.22 -100.89 13 12.99
26374 11/6/07 0:00 Art Miller Central Illinois 62999 Concentrate Bio-Tropin Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 90.9415 100% 0.05 0.81 90.9415 90.9415 -109.417 5 20.99
18247 11/6/07 0:00 Rob Haberlin Central Michigan 49877 For Solution Suprenza Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 155.8 100% 0 0.42 155.8 155.8 27.22 20 7.59
18533 11/7/07 0:00 Larry Hughes East Delaware 19885 Concentrate Duragesic-75 Injection Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.6 53.737 53.737 -28.435 5 7.99
18533 11/7/07 0:00 Larry Hughes East Delaware 19885 Syrup Lescol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.57 442.57 442.57 -60.73 27 15.31
26944 11/8/07 0:00 Eva Jacobs West Washington 98103 Suppository Rubramin Pc Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.65 453.87 453.87 -217.69 6 73.98
26337 11/8/07 0:00 Henry Goldwyn Central Illinois 62560 Suspension/Drops Compazine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.38 153.27 153.27 60.29 45 3.69
31873 11/9/07 0:00 Shahid Collister West Colorado 80621 Concentrate Cephalothin Sodium W/ Dextrose In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.6 2,465.50 2,465.50 13.014 14 205.99
31873 11/9/07 0:00 Shahid Collister West Colorado 80621 Concentrate Darbid Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.56 8,558.47 8,558.47 2,539.46 50 205.99
31873 11/9/07 0:00 Shahid Collister West Colorado 80621 Ointment Felbatol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.4 236.89 236.89 -125.29 42 5.28
31873 11/9/07 0:00 Shahid Collister West Colorado 80621 Solution Delflex W/ Dextrose 2.5% Low Magnesium In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.59 141.59 141.59 -91.09 2 70.97
38371 11/9/07 0:00 Dennis Kane South North Carolina 28633 Suppository Testosterone Cypionate-Estradiol Cypionate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.45 2,004.40 2,004.40 544.3 24 83.1
16679 11/9/07 0:00 Ryan Crowe Central Ohio 45999 Capsule Piperacillin And Tazobactam Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.09 0.55 6,481.95 6,481.95 846.23 29 243.98
37793 11/9/07 0:00 Dorothy Wardle East Delaware 19701 Aerosol Carisoprodol Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 224.47 100% 0.08 0.56 224.47 224.47 -49.31 16 13.9
46151 11/9/07 0:00 Tony Molinari West California 96002 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.2% And Potassium Chloride 0.15% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 203.91 100% 0.02 0.38 203.91 203.91 -35.443 23 8.6
34788 11/10/07 0:00 Alan Hwang South Virginia 20101 Ointment Femstat 3 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 30.47 100% 0.02 0.36 30.47 30.47 -10.7 4 5.98
46848 11/11/07 0:00 John Castell East New York 14210 Syrup Milrinone Lactate In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.79 3,842.99 3,842.99 -67.68 39 95.43
41415 11/11/07 0:00 Debra Catini West Colorado 80728 Ointment Albalon Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.36 80.92 80.92 -20.16 10 7.64
53508 11/11/07 0:00 Joy Smith Central Michigan 48001 Cream Azactam Injection TableauCeutical Animal 342.85 100% 0.06 0.39 342.85 342.85 -37.26 25 13.99
56706 11/11/07 0:00 Adrian Shami Central Wisconsin 53001 Cream Clindagel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 754.92 100% 0 0.52 754.92 754.92 -148.93 7 99.99
53508 11/11/07 0:00 Joy Smith Central Michigan 48001 Suppository Sorbitrate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,072.22 100% 0.03 0.48 1,072.22 1,072.22 149.64 13 80.98
37025 11/11/07 0:00 Tracy Collins Central Illinois 62924 Suppository Tab-Profen Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 641.89 100% 0.03 0.45 641.89 641.89 207.3 37 17.48
53508 11/11/07 0:00 Joy Smith Central Michigan 48001 Ointment Dilaudid Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 62.48 100% 0.06 0.39 62.48 62.48 1.06 4 15.04
21922 11/12/07 0:00 Jason Fortune Central Wisconsin 53235 Gel Travasol 3.5% W/ Electrolytes Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 157.47 100% 0.09 0.59 157.47 157.47 8.07 49 3.28
10562 11/12/07 0:00 Yana Sorensen West California 93456 Syrup Aminosyn 8.5% W/ Electrolytes Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 994.04 100% 0.03 0.82 994.04 994.04 -335.06 10 95.99
21922 11/12/07 0:00 Jason Fortune Central Wisconsin 53235 For Solution Ifex Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 108.85 100% 0.08 0.48 108.85 108.85 10.58 11 9.77
21922 11/12/07 0:00 Jason Fortune Central Wisconsin 53235 Capsule Orapred Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 8,937.38 100% 0.01 0.6 8,937.38 8,937.38 2,383.42 17 500.98
51392 11/13/07 0:00 Jamie Frazer Central Illinois 62541 Suppository Terramycin W/ Polymyxin B Sulfate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.75 254.89 254.89 -106.58 10 26.31
28583 11/13/07 0:00 Jim Epp West Idaho 83465 Tablet Naphcon-A Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.38 5,811.72 5,811.72 2,431.60 25 223.98
42144 11/13/07 0:00 Anne Pryor Central Ohio 43054 Syrup Betoptic Pilo Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 670.03 100% 0.01 0.8 670.03 670.03 -326.47 10 64.65
27463 11/14/07 0:00 Tonja Turnell East New York 10055 Ointment Fluxid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 54.52 100% 0.01 0.36 54.52 54.52 -20.57 10 4.98
27463 11/14/07 0:00 Tonja Turnell East New York 10055 For Solution Matulane Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 835.11 100% 0 0.5 835.11 835.11 213.79 31 25.38
47943 11/15/07 0:00 Don Miller East Massachusetts 2054 Suspension/Drops Clorazepate Dipotassium Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.36 61.09 61.09 24.06 12 4.91
47943 11/15/07 0:00 Don Miller East Massachusetts 2054 Gel Estradiol Cypionate Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.55 777.76 777.76 63.46 48 15.94
59396 11/15/07 0:00 Brian Dahlen Central Texas 78602 Suppository Cetraxal Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.07 0.74 5,930.34 5,930.34 427.68 41 152.48
20263 11/15/07 0:00 Bryan Mills Central Michigan 49971 Concentrate Bayer Extra Strength Aspirin For Migraine Pain Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.08 0.83 553.5625 553.5625 -76.857 33 20.99
20263 11/15/07 0:00 Bryan Mills Central Michigan 49971 Tablet Nexium Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.39 473.7 473.7 72.5135 8 59.78
13091 11/16/07 0:00 Arthur Wiediger South Virginia 23664 Syrup Coreg Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 883.15 100% 0.01 0.84 883.15 883.15 -1,148.19 39 20.34
13091 11/16/07 0:00 Arthur Wiediger South Virginia 23664 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride, Hydrochlorothiazide And Reserpine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 81.43 100% 0.08 0.37 81.43 81.43 -44.66 12 6.48
55554 11/17/07 0:00 Alyssa Tate South Florida 32003 Gel Triesence Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.56 150.06 150.06 30.97 49 2.88
55554 11/17/07 0:00 Alyssa Tate South Florida 32003 Ointment Flovent Hfa Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.37 122.09 122.09 -15.2 6 18.97
55554 11/17/07 0:00 Alyssa Tate South Florida 32003 Aerosol Mpi Stannous Diphosphonate Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.57 95.09 95.09 -13.53 9 10.98
4931 11/17/07 0:00 Giulietta Dortch South Georgia 39901 Concentrate Choloxin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,282.73 100% 0.03 0.57 4,282.73 4,282.73 1,371.74 45 110.99
49504 11/17/07 0:00 Larry Blacks South Florida 32119 Suppository Quinapril Hydrochloride And Hydrochlorothiazide Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 318.94 100% 0.1 0.69 318.94 318.94 -195.6 45 7.37
11332 11/17/07 0:00 Liz Price West Arizona 85234 Concentrate Bretylium Tosylate Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 184.331 100% 0.07 0.38 184.331 184.331 -89.199 6 35.99
11332 11/17/07 0:00 Liz Price West Arizona 85234 Concentrate Proair Hfa Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,223.38 100% 0.08 0.58 1,223.38 1,223.38 83.565 23 65.99
32710 11/17/07 0:00 John Lee Central Texas 79080 Syrup Lialda Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 540.33 100% 0.04 0.57 540.33 540.33 -59.06 43 12.44
4931 11/17/07 0:00 Giulietta Dortch South Georgia 39901 Ointment Duraquin Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 168.31 100% 0.1 0.38 168.31 168.31 46.49 22 8.17
55490 11/17/07 0:00 Becky Pak South South Carolina 29907 Spray Sandostatin Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 246.2 100% 0.04 0.72 246.2 246.2 -184.16 3 70.89
21445 11/18/07 0:00 Clytie Kelty South South Carolina 29001 Cream Azdone Injection Competitor B Animal 0.07 0.39 400.45 400.45 -44.34 43 9.49
21445 11/18/07 0:00 Clytie Kelty South South Carolina 29001 Solution Luvox Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.6 75.15 75.15 -63.53 14 4.06
9126 11/18/07 0:00 Sylvia Foulston East New Jersey 7001 Solution Cam-Metrazine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,799.70 100% 0.04 0.55 2,799.70 2,799.70 884.08 47 62.05
22407 11/18/07 0:00 Sung Shariari South Virginia 24157 Ointment Elestat Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 128.02 100% 0.02 0.38 128.02 128.02 -7.9 10 12.28
7744 11/18/07 0:00 Kean Nguyen South Maryland 21794 Tablet Product Name Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 4,286.55 100% 0.07 0.39 4,286.55 4,286.55 1,416.70 26 172.99
22407 11/18/07 0:00 Sung Shariari South Virginia 24157 Tablet Neurolite Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 676.44 100% 0.07 0.37 676.44 676.44 48.756 20 34.54
7744 11/18/07 0:00 Kean Nguyen South Maryland 21794 Solution/Drops Acetaminophen, Caffeine, And Dihydrocodeine Bitartrate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 8.34 100% 0.09 0.36 8.34 8.34 -3.44 1 7.64
22407 11/18/07 0:00 Sung Shariari South Virginia 24157 Gel Visine-A Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 526.82 100% 0.06 0.56 526.82 526.82 32.34 15 34.58
17282 11/19/07 0:00 Denise Monton Central Ohio 43001 Tablet Epinephrine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 988.42 988.42 253.9375 37 29.17
14336 11/19/07 0:00 Steven Ward Central Ohio 43270 Suppository Inderide La 160/50 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 174.55 100% 0.05 0.55 174.55 174.55 -114.39 4 39.99
56608 11/19/07 0:00 Linda Southworth Central Wisconsin 53001 Lotion Aldactazide Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 42.23 100% 0.1 0.83 42.23 42.23 -15.11 23 1.89
15139 11/20/07 0:00 Guy Armstrong Central Michigan 48001 Syrup Cotrim Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 744.12 100% 0.01 0.61 744.12 744.12 -1,163.21 33 20.98
5920 11/20/07 0:00 Nat Gilpin East Connecticut 6928 Syrup Isovue-300 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 582.59 100% 0.07 0.59 582.59 582.59 -121.75 4 155.06
15139 11/20/07 0:00 Guy Armstrong Central Michigan 48001 Capsule Ogen 2.5 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,203.90 100% 0.07 0.56 5,203.90 5,203.90 636.2 17 300.98
48198 11/21/07 0:00 Sean Christensen West Colorado 80746 Cream Vasotec Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.56 2,813.34 2,813.34 -791.31 7 442.14
48198 11/21/07 0:00 Sean Christensen West Colorado 80746 Solution Micronase Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.57 2,682.80 2,682.80 860.22 45 60.22
57409 11/21/07 0:00 John Castell East New York 14210 Concentrate Angiovist 370 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.58 6,236.48 6,236.48 1,928.66 34 205.99
57409 11/21/07 0:00 John Castell East New York 14210 Suppository Sonazine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.4 90.88 90.88 -259.63 1 100.98
40965 11/21/07 0:00 Mark Cousins East Massachusetts 1001 Concentrate Betoptic Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,836.19 100% 0.06 0.83 1,836.19 1,836.19 -139.843 39 55.99
33189 11/21/07 0:00 Roger Demir West Idaho 83643 Suppository Drisdol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 87.21 100% 0.02 0.75 87.21 87.21 -96.54 3 27.48
40965 11/21/07 0:00 Mark Cousins East Massachusetts 1001 Ointment Gleevec Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 843.55 100% 0.08 0.4 843.55 843.55 168.76 29 30.98
3042 11/21/07 0:00 Christy Brittain South Georgia 30002 Gel Iopamidol-300 In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 103.87 100% 0.1 0.44 103.87 103.87 15.42 26 4.26
25926 11/21/07 0:00 Michelle Moray South Virginia 23970 Tablet Naturetin-2.5 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 331.54 100% 0.05 0.38 331.54 331.54 9.4095 23 14.27
33189 11/21/07 0:00 Roger Demir West Idaho 83643 Ointment Aldoril D50 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 50.19 100% 0.08 0.39 50.19 50.19 0.15 5 10.06
12706 11/21/07 0:00 Dave Kipp Central Michigan 49877 Injectable Veriloid Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,494.69 100% 0.09 0.61 2,494.69 2,494.69 -937.06 46 58.14
40965 11/21/07 0:00 Mark Cousins East Massachusetts 1001 Spray Potassium Chloride Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 7,227.42 100% 0.09 0.55 7,227.42 7,227.42 -176.98 48 159.31
25926 11/21/07 0:00 Michelle Moray South Virginia 23970 Spray Fazaclo Odt Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,300.22 100% 0.1 0.77 3,300.22 3,300.22 -855.03 20 218.75
24614 11/22/07 0:00 Ionia McGrath South Alabama 36830 Suppository Theophylline 0.32% And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.73 1,644.59 1,644.59 -52.92 33 50.98
23971 11/22/07 0:00 Cynthia Arntzen Central Texas 79080 Solution Bromfenac Sodium Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.58 66.63 66.63 -16.92 5 11.97
646 11/22/07 0:00 Duane Huffman East Delaware 19810 Aerosol Cefmax Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.56 173.2 173.2 -10.9 18 9.31
10309 11/22/07 0:00 Trudy Brown South Florida 34997 Tablet Dextrose 25% Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.35 496.15 496.15 213.3755 23 20.98
55045 11/23/07 0:00 Luke Schmidt South Florida 32122 Syrup Metoclopramide Intensol Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.81 632.05 632.05 -626.61 20 32.48
11584 11/23/07 0:00 Sean Miller West Colorado 80746 Concentrate Benazepril Hydrochloride Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.35 1,497.32 1,497.32 836.505 48 35.99
3585 11/23/07 0:00 Ann Blume South Maryland 21794 Gel Trasylol Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 54.69 100% 0.07 0.59 54.69 54.69 -35.75 34 1.68
3585 11/23/07 0:00 Ann Blume South Maryland 21794 Ointment Aldoril D50 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 259.72 100% 0.07 0.39 259.72 259.72 78.05 27 10.06
19521 11/24/07 0:00 Frank Hawley Central Wisconsin 53235 Syrup Drize Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.85 351.06 351.06 -306.32 9 35.48
22885 11/24/07 0:00 Neil Ducich East Massachusetts 2139 Aerosol Sulfair Forte Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.82 56.47 56.47 -29.9 4 12.88
34689 11/24/07 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 Syrup Conray Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.58 572.4 572.4 -39.5 36 16.91
48295 11/24/07 0:00 Bryan Mills Central Michigan 49971 Cream Beepen-Vk Injection Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.37 10,051.52 10,051.52 4,938.78 48 204.1
3492 11/24/07 0:00 Roy Skaria Central Illinois 60406 Gel Tradjenta Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 94.6 100% 0.04 0.59 94.6 94.6 -6.34 33 2.78
3492 11/24/07 0:00 Roy Skaria Central Illinois 60406 Tablet Helicosol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,393.63 100% 0.04 0.4 2,393.63 2,393.63 524.875 35 67.28
6211 11/24/07 0:00 Nona Balk South Virginia 23664 Tablet Xylocaine W/ Epinephrine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 67.72 100% 0.01 0.37 67.72 67.72 -142.669 28 2.16
6211 11/24/07 0:00 Nona Balk South Virginia 23664 Gel Eulexin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 68.64 100% 0.07 0.59 68.64 68.64 -38.93 3 21.38
3492 11/24/07 0:00 Roy Skaria Central Illinois 60406 Injectable Vicoprin Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 6,177.53 100% 0.1 0.69 6,177.53 6,177.53 -1,195.12 49 130.98
46052 11/24/07 0:00 Bill Overfelt West California 93456 For Solution Atrovent Hfa Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 729.21 100% 0 0.54 729.21 729.21 194.15 39 17.78
46052 11/24/07 0:00 Bill Overfelt West California 93456 For Solution Prednisone Intensol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,374.35 100% 0.05 0.46 2,374.35 2,374.35 878.21 37 63.94
40835 11/25/07 0:00 Jennifer Braxton Central Michigan 49634 Suppository Rogaine (For Women) Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.77 551.18 551.18 -326.97 14 40.48
40835 11/25/07 0:00 Jennifer Braxton Central Michigan 49634 Syrup Adriamycin Rdf Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.57 18.73 18.73 -6.68 1 12.28
40835 11/25/07 0:00 Jennifer Braxton Central Michigan 49634 Tablet Neo-Rx Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.39 393.59 393.59 -8.0845 26 15.01
11909 11/25/07 0:00 Stephanie Phelps East New York 14210 Concentrate Bactrim Ds Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 194.174 100% 0.03 0.57 194.174 194.174 -20.911 11 20.99
10183 11/25/07 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Capsule Optimine Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,210.02 100% 0.06 0.6 1,210.02 1,210.02 -279.44 48 25.98
19943 11/25/07 0:00 Benjamin Patterson West Arizona 85301 Spray E-Base Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,959.92 100% 0.07 0.63 1,959.92 1,959.92 -374.96 16 124.49
48710 11/26/07 0:00 Cynthia Arntzen Central Texas 79080 Ointment Celestone Soluspan Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.38 29.24 29.24 -1.73 4 6.98
30726 11/26/07 0:00 Harold Ryan East Connecticut 6928 Solution Methylphenidate Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.57 725.15 725.15 140.57 35 20.27
32195 11/26/07 0:00 Michelle Huthwaite West Idaho 83552 Solution/Drops Xylocaine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.35 86.29 86.29 -14.03 7 11.58
55875 11/26/07 0:00 Brad Eason Central Michigan 49634 Syrup Zanaflex Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.68 178.45 178.45 -104.96 31 5.98
998 11/26/07 0:00 Allen Rosenblatt East Massachusetts 2180 Solution/Drops Actidil Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.4 248.26 248.26 93.8 16 15.74
55875 11/26/07 0:00 Brad Eason Central Michigan 49634 For Solution Suprenza Extended Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.42 413.86 413.86 39.29 50 7.59
17668 11/26/07 0:00 Erin Creighton Central Texas 77474 Cream Zoloft Injection TableauCeutical Animal 6,930.97 100% 0.05 0.39 6,930.97 6,930.97 2,574.12 24 300.98
17668 11/26/07 0:00 Erin Creighton Central Texas 77474 Concentrate Zavesca Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,219.73 100% 0.04 0.59 2,219.73 2,219.73 -69.784 13 205.99
17668 11/26/07 0:00 Erin Creighton Central Texas 77474 Suppository Tab-Profen Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 848.92 100% 0.04 0.45 848.92 848.92 296.06 49 17.48
10884 11/26/07 0:00 Cindy Chapman West Arizona 85338 Concentrate Arduan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,525.99 100% 0.09 0.55 2,525.99 2,525.99 416.673 24 125.99
55906 11/27/07 0:00 Saphhira Shifley West Washington 98625 Ointment Cephalothin Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 120.52 100% 0.06 0.35 120.52 120.52 43.92 15 7.98
55906 11/27/07 0:00 Saphhira Shifley West Washington 98625 Syrup Inulin And Sodium Chloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,269.01 100% 0.02 0.59 2,269.01 2,269.01 -19.37 42 54.1
55906 11/27/07 0:00 Saphhira Shifley West Washington 98625 Tablet Dexacen-4 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 276.3 100% 0.02 0.37 276.3 276.3 14.841 49 5.58
52035 11/28/07 0:00 Roy Skaria Central Illinois 60406 Suspension Gencept 10/11-21 Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 20,872.16 100% 0.03 0.41 20,872.16 20,872.16 -4,437.91 29 699.99
5511 11/29/07 0:00 Art Ferguson East New Jersey 7001 Concentrate Cerumenex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,829.39 100% 0.02 0.55 1,829.39 1,829.39 482.445 32 65.99
5511 11/29/07 0:00 Art Ferguson East New Jersey 7001 Gel Iontocaine Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 129.44 100% 0.02 0.59 129.44 129.44 -5.54 46 2.58
15074 11/29/07 0:00 Tim Brockman South South Carolina 29684 Ointment Fentanyl-75 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 941.4 100% 0.05 0.38 941.4 941.4 369.48 27 35.44
39717 11/29/07 0:00 Jennifer Ferguson South North Carolina 28633 Syrup Daypro Alta Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 835.48 100% 0.06 0.55 835.48 835.48 -58.13 20 43.57
36707 11/30/07 0:00 Charlotte Melton East Massachusetts 2139 Lotion Busulfex Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.39 181.78 181.78 71.56 47 3.78
37924 11/30/07 0:00 Philip Fox South Florida 32046 Syrup Kantrex Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.59 8,094.55 8,094.55 2,008.71 49 165.2
37924 11/30/07 0:00 Philip Fox South Florida 32046 Gel Theroxidil Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.57 352.44 352.44 -80.53 21 17.99
38947 11/30/07 0:00 Chris Selesnick South Virginia 23111 For Solution Hydroxyurea Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.48 307.46 307.46 4.91 20 14.58
20710 11/30/07 0:00 Dennis Kane South North Carolina 28633 Suppository Quibron-T/Sr Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.68 180.7 180.7 -94.61 31 5.98
20710 11/30/07 0:00 Dennis Kane South North Carolina 28633 Suspension/Drops Cotrim Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.39 67.4 67.4 22.71 26 2.61
12258 12/1/07 0:00 Kelly Lampkin West Utah 84741 Solution Femring Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.56 55.6 55.6 -52.54 2 3.25
12258 12/1/07 0:00 Kelly Lampkin West Utah 84741 Lotion Children'S Fexofenadine Hydrochloride Hives Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.53 113.4 113.4 -5.02 27 3.95
12258 12/1/07 0:00 Kelly Lampkin West Utah 84741 For Solution Amantadine Hydrochloride Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.69 2,431.13 2,431.13 660.63 22 110.98
12258 12/1/07 0:00 Kelly Lampkin West Utah 84741 Capsule Unipen Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.69 561.65 561.65 -264.94 3 180.98
57061 12/1/07 0:00 Dionis Lloyd South North Carolina 27010 Tablet Desloratadine And Pseudoephedrine Sulfate 24 Hour Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.38 470.79 470.79 -80.109 21 22.38
57061 12/1/07 0:00 Dionis Lloyd South North Carolina 27010 Suspension/Drops Daunoxome Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.39 36.56 36.56 6.22 6 6.3
57061 12/1/07 0:00 Dionis Lloyd South North Carolina 27010 For Solution Atrovent Hfa Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.06 0.54 55.17 55.17 46.84 3 17.78
36416 12/1/07 0:00 Sean O'Donnell South Maryland 21794 Gel Amlodipine Besylate Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 132.01 100% 0.04 0.55 132.01 132.01 6.93 46 2.88
36416 12/1/07 0:00 Sean O'Donnell South Maryland 21794 Ointment Heparin Sodium 25,000 Units In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 276 100% 0.08 0.37 276 276 -98.53 44 6.48
38594 12/2/07 0:00 Roland Fjeld West California 95503 Suppository Arava Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,011.90 100% 0.07 0.54 1,011.90 1,011.90 247.94 26 39.48
52070 12/2/07 0:00 Natalie Webber Central Ohio 43002 Gel Equetro Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 67.97 100% 0.06 0.41 67.97 67.97 -109.94 29 2.28
6592 12/2/07 0:00 Tamara Chand East Delaware 19895 Syrup Cortef Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,621.10 100% 0.07 0.83 1,621.10 1,621.10 -971.36 33 48.91
6592 12/2/07 0:00 Tamara Chand East Delaware 19895 Aerosol Cardioquin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 194.29 100% 0.09 0.58 194.29 194.29 -177.17 29 6.84
39844 12/2/07 0:00 Jim Sink South South Carolina 29684 Syrup Milrinone Lactate In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 4,387.24 100% 0.09 0.79 4,387.24 4,387.24 -286.47 47 95.43
36355 12/3/07 0:00 Anne Pryor Central Ohio 43054 Gel Tirosint Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.55 125.95 125.95 15.73 10 11.55
36355 12/3/07 0:00 Anne Pryor Central Ohio 43054 Tablet Aminosyn 3.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 61.43 61.43 -42.9755 9 5.4
36355 12/3/07 0:00 Anne Pryor Central Ohio 43054 Aerosol Sarisol No. 1 Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.55 90.93 90.93 -72.5 43 2.08
49668 12/3/07 0:00 Michelle Ellison West Colorado 81655 Lotion Alsuma Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.83 93.22 93.22 -15.37 25 3.74
36355 12/3/07 0:00 Anne Pryor Central Ohio 43054 For Solution Aureomycin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.53 129.5 129.5 65.49 6 20.28
46113 12/3/07 0:00 Nick Zandusky South South Carolina 29684 For Solution Aminosyn Ii 10% In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.59 2,567.13 2,567.13 945.54 18 136.98
645 12/3/07 0:00 Harold Engle Central Michigan 49634 Tablet Mymethazine Fortis Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 557.85 100% 0.05 0.4 557.85 557.85 89.4455 42 12.95
21635 12/3/07 0:00 Laurel Beltran South Florida 32046 Tablet Nitro-Dur Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 65.31 100% 0 0.39 65.31 65.31 -34.4195 2 24.92
17317 12/4/07 0:00 Laurel Elliston West Idaho 83810 Solution/Drops Oraverse Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 34.66 100% 0.06 0.38 34.66 34.66 -20.87 7 4.42
29889 12/5/07 0:00 Odella Nelson West Washington 98001 Gel Isoetharine Hydrochloride Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.51 243.5 243.5 23.87 44 5.98
13479 12/5/07 0:00 Erin Ashbrook West Utah 84121 Concentrate Prismasol Bk 4/2.5 In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,206.99 100% 0.04 0.56 2,206.99 2,206.99 -1.628 13 205.99
13479 12/5/07 0:00 Erin Ashbrook West Utah 84121 Suppository Dexrazoxane Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 292.96 100% 0.09 0.52 292.96 292.96 -322.95 3 99.99
15040 12/5/07 0:00 Carl Weiss East New York 14709 Ointment Erythromycin Stearate Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 410.35 100% 0.1 0.4 410.35 410.35 114.02 48 9.11
50275 12/6/07 0:00 Gary Hwang Central Illinois 62444 Cream Zirgan Injection Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.38 9,704.37 9,704.37 -1,799.90 5 1,938.02
1444 12/6/07 0:00 Noel Staavos West California 92320 Suspension Gencept 10/11-21 Delayed Release Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.41 21,717.36 21,717.36 8,249.86 32 699.99
1444 12/6/07 0:00 Noel Staavos West California 92320 Cream V-Cillin K Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.59 15,823.27 15,823.27 1,759.34 13 1,360.14
50275 12/6/07 0:00 Gary Hwang Central Illinois 62444 Ointment Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.37 211.94 211.94 -56.39 31 6.48
1444 12/6/07 0:00 Noel Staavos West California 92320 Ointment Griseofulvin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 21.44 21.44 -13.67 2 6.48
1444 12/6/07 0:00 Noel Staavos West California 92320 Syrup Chloroheniramine Maleate And Phenylpropanolamine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.58 416.4 416.4 24.33 24 17.15
1444 12/6/07 0:00 Noel Staavos West California 92320 Ointment Gleevec Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.4 772.24 772.24 181.98 25 30.98
36069 12/6/07 0:00 Ashley Jarboe West Arizona 85003 Ointment Exjade Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.36 102.61 102.61 -92.01 20 4.98
36069 12/6/07 0:00 Ashley Jarboe West Arizona 85003 Solution/Drops Deltalin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.4 453.09 453.09 107.74 13 35.94
16032 12/6/07 0:00 Brian Thompson South North Carolina 27801 For Solution Tussicaps Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.48 436.98 436.98 75.61 35 12.64
36069 12/6/07 0:00 Ashley Jarboe West Arizona 85003 For Solution Clorpres Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.75 2,758.22 2,758.22 966.81 15 170.98
24455 12/7/07 0:00 Fred Wasserman East Massachusetts 2054 Suppository Propafenone Hydrochloride Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0 0.48 169.11 169.11 -10.59 8 20.89
24455 12/7/07 0:00 Fred Wasserman East Massachusetts 2054 Gel Mupirocin Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.51 152.59 152.59 27.38 41 3.98
46528 12/7/07 0:00 Edward Nazzal South Virginia 20101 Ointment Flovent Hfa Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.37 476.04 476.04 57.25 23 18.97
46528 12/7/07 0:00 Edward Nazzal South Virginia 20101 For Solution Codeine, Aspirin, Apap Formula No. 2 Extended Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.78 2,980.15 2,980.15 -865.98 43 70.71
24737 12/7/07 0:00 Sonia Sunley Central Michigan 49971 Ointment Heparin Sodium 10,000 Units In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.37 182.09 182.09 -28.15 26 6.48
24737 12/7/07 0:00 Sonia Sunley Central Michigan 49971 Capsule Nulytely-Flavored Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.09 0.59 549.92 549.92 -210.97 3 180.98
39015 12/7/07 0:00 Lycoris Saunders Central Ohio 45999 Cream Vaprisol In 5% Dextrose In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Animal 5,236.14 100% 0.05 0.56 5,236.14 5,236.14 567.59 13 399.98
45959 12/7/07 0:00 Roy Collins South Florida 32003 Suppository Increlex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,822.13 100% 0 0.41 1,822.13 1,822.13 155.17 35 49.99
39015 12/7/07 0:00 Lycoris Saunders Central Ohio 45999 Ointment Heparin Sodium 1,000 Units And Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 74.02 100% 0.07 0.37 74.02 74.02 -28.45 11 6.48
16480 12/7/07 0:00 Nat Gilpin East Connecticut 6928 Tablet Aminosyn 3.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 87.23 100% 0.09 0.37 87.23 87.23 -69.529 14 5.4
45959 12/7/07 0:00 Roy Collins South Florida 32003 Tablet Neothylline Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 201.74 100% 0.08 0.38 201.74 201.74 -2.6335 15 12.53
41185 12/7/07 0:00 Ben Ferrer West California 92320 Ointment Freamine Hbc 6.9% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 18.81 100% 0.08 0.36 18.81 18.81 -12.83 2 5.78
45824 12/7/07 0:00 Duane Huffman East Delaware 19810 Capsule Potassium Chloride 0.037% In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 6,123.48 100% 0.08 0.57 6,123.48 6,123.48 1,232.79 44 140.81
59365 12/8/07 0:00 Sanjit Engle Central Illinois 60001 Cream Loxitane Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.59 534.3 534.3 -1,403.35 1 535.64
8229 12/8/07 0:00 Patrick O'Brill West Arizona 85071 Cream Vecuronium Bromide Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.56 3,565.27 3,565.27 -577.94 7 510.14
54755 12/8/07 0:00 Matt Collister West Idaho 83877 Suppository Rocaltrol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0 0.77 3,421.88 3,421.88 443.52 44 73.98
8229 12/8/07 0:00 Patrick O'Brill West Arizona 85071 Ointment Datscan Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.36 241.01 241.01 -4.69 50 4.76
35457 12/8/07 0:00 Georgia Rosenberg West Idaho 83201 Solution Delflex W/ Dextrose 2.5% Low Magnesium In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,286.27 100% 0.02 0.59 3,286.27 3,286.27 1,102.58 45 70.97
36992 12/8/07 0:00 Aleksandra Gannaway West Washington 98601 Aerosol Catapres-Tts-2 Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 459.08 100% 0.04 0.6 459.08 459.08 61.57 34 12.98
47617 12/9/07 0:00 Sylvia Foulston East New Jersey 7001 Tablet Proklar Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 5,001.29 100% 0.09 0.4 5,001.29 5,001.29 1,680.92 17 304.99
37700 12/9/07 0:00 Shaun Chance South South Carolina 29374 Tablet Nitrofurazone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,390.51 100% 0.05 0.37 3,390.51 3,390.51 1,169.71 27 122.99
41765 12/10/07 0:00 Victoria Wilson West Colorado 81124 Tablet Glycort Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 204.99 204.99 -95.9905 41 4.98
8290 12/10/07 0:00 Patrick O'Brill West Arizona 85071 Suspension/Drops Codimal-L.A. 12 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.39 209.02 209.02 101.8 32 6.3
50754 12/10/07 0:00 Becky Castell East Massachusetts 1001 Concentrate Duragesic-75 Injection TableauCeutical Animal 64.0305 100% 0.06 0.6 64.0305 64.0305 -58.344 9 7.99
59297 12/10/07 0:00 Annie Thurman West Idaho 83465 Cream Oxtriphylline Oral TableauCeutical Animal 1,582.47 100% 0.05 0.39 1,582.47 1,582.47 -235.66 13 119.99
51233 12/10/07 0:00 Eleni McCrary East Connecticut 6074 For Solution Suprenza Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 26.5 100% 0.05 0.42 26.5 26.5 20.12 3 7.59
5735 12/11/07 0:00 Art Foster Central Illinois 60001 Spray Normosol-R And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.1 0.66 2,665.64 2,665.64 -107.49 10 280.98
56803 12/11/07 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 Ointment Gencept 10/11-28 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.37 258.19 258.19 -103.27 42 6.48
48483 12/11/07 0:00 Steve Nguyen South Maryland 21230 Gel Actos Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.38 47.55 47.55 10.01 18 2.21
49283 12/12/07 0:00 Shaun Weien East Massachusetts 2139 Ointment Elestat Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.38 334.71 334.71 31.74 25 12.28
7527 12/12/07 0:00 Nora Price East New York 14210 Concentrate Clarinex D 24 Hour Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.56 7,062.62 7,062.62 2,288.64 42 195.99
7527 12/12/07 0:00 Nora Price East New York 14210 For Solution Clarinex D 24 Hour Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.46 560.39 560.39 186.87 37 15.68
2818 12/12/07 0:00 Ross Baird Central Ohio 43343 Ointment Enduronyl Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 89.23 100% 0.02 0.36 89.23 89.23 -42.72 2 38.76
39076 12/12/07 0:00 Tom Stivers South Virginia 23970 Ointment Felbatol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 222.65 100% 0.02 0.4 222.65 222.65 -131.16 41 5.28
2818 12/12/07 0:00 Ross Baird Central Ohio 43343 For Solution Norinyl 1+35 21-Day Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 593.21 100% 0 0.39 593.21 593.21 44.71 39 14.98
2818 12/12/07 0:00 Ross Baird Central Ohio 43343 For Solution Clarinex D 24 Hour Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 565.91 100% 0.05 0.46 565.91 565.91 192.39 37 15.68
12224 12/13/07 0:00 Joni Blumstein East Connecticut 6817 Concentrate Aviane-28 Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 842.6135 100% 0.1 0.82 842.6135 842.6135 -208.428 29 35.99
36999 12/13/07 0:00 Cari MacIntyre South Virginia 23970 Suspension Avalide Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 14,475.74 100% 0.06 0.35 14,475.74 14,475.74 4,963.89 28 549.99
36999 12/13/07 0:00 Cari MacIntyre South Virginia 23970 Concentrate Aktob Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 306.6205 100% 0.08 0.57 306.6205 306.6205 -479.083 3 115.99
35364 12/13/07 0:00 Lisa DeCherney West Idaho 83201 Concentrate Cinobac Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,265.29 100% 0.06 0.6 1,265.29 1,265.29 -554.444 8 195.99
21091 12/13/07 0:00 Bill Donatelli East New York 14925 Tablet Nascobal Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 270.73 100% 0.1 0.35 270.73 270.73 -54.5675 32 8.88
52391 12/13/07 0:00 Alan Hwang South Virginia 20101 Ointment Bancap Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,072.36 100% 0.04 0.38 1,072.36 1,072.36 440.48 36 29.14
52391 12/13/07 0:00 Alan Hwang South Virginia 20101 Syrup Retin-A Micro Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 857.84 100% 0.02 0.83 857.84 857.84 -309.43 39 20.89
35364 12/13/07 0:00 Lisa DeCherney West Idaho 83201 Ointment Habitrol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 72.08 100% 0.04 0.4 72.08 72.08 -54.75 16 4.28
28037 12/13/07 0:00 Maxwell Schwartz West New Mexico 87011 Ointment Premphase (Premarin;Cycrin 14/14) Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 203.53 100% 0.06 0.37 203.53 203.53 -101.28 31 6.68
12224 12/13/07 0:00 Joni Blumstein East Connecticut 6817 Spray E-Base Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 302.91 100% 0.04 0.63 302.91 302.91 -206.81 2 124.49
29857 12/13/07 0:00 Angele Hood South Alabama 35020 Injectable Aquasol A Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,572.92 100% 0.07 0.77 5,572.92 5,572.92 -639.47 41 140.98
35364 12/13/07 0:00 Lisa DeCherney West Idaho 83201 Spray Flagyl I.V. Rtu In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 10,338.93 100% 0.06 0.74 10,338.93 10,338.93 -968.35 29 376.13
35364 12/13/07 0:00 Lisa DeCherney West Idaho 83201 Spray Flovent Hfa Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 15,897.01 100% 0.06 0.67 15,897.01 15,897.01 455.02 37 424.21
16102 12/14/07 0:00 Aaron Hawkins South Georgia 30002 Capsule Orapred Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.6 13,255.93 13,255.93 4,089.27 25 500.98
7845 12/14/07 0:00 Todd Boyes West Colorado 80746 Tablet Caffeine Citrate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.36 118.56 118.56 -63.3765 22 4.91
7845 12/14/07 0:00 Todd Boyes West Colorado 80746 Ointment Etoposide Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.35 2,145.05 2,145.05 1,012.67 45 48.94
1891 12/15/07 0:00 Jeremy Ellison West Utah 84415 For Solution Colbenemid Injection Competitor B Human - Rx 0.09 0.65 302.36 302.36 290.31 3 107.53
13120 12/15/07 0:00 Joy Smith Central Michigan 48001 Tablet Nitro-Dur Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 216.33 100% 0 0.39 216.33 216.33 -17.365 8 24.92
5765 12/15/07 0:00 Jonathan Doherty Central Ohio 43567 Ointment Edurant Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 849.46 100% 0.04 0.38 849.46 849.46 9.06 23 35.44
13120 12/15/07 0:00 Joy Smith Central Michigan 48001 Tablet Mymethazine Fortis Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 590.43 100% 0.09 0.4 590.43 590.43 82.5945 46 12.95
38882 12/15/07 0:00 Hunter Lopez South Maryland 20601 Ointment Emla Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,169.49 100% 0.06 0.37 2,169.49 2,169.49 1,043.43 40 55.48
54468 12/15/07 0:00 Valerie Takahito West Utah 84001 Suspension/Drops Cotrim Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 40.75 100% 0.03 0.39 40.75 40.75 12.76 15 2.61
54468 12/15/07 0:00 Valerie Takahito West Utah 84001 Gel Prevpac Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 424.09 100% 0.01 0.58 424.09 424.09 -114.18 35 11.66
38400 12/15/07 0:00 Candace McMahon South Virginia 24658 For Solution Imodium A-D Ez Chews Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 114.73 100% 0.03 0.54 114.73 114.73 28.08 8 13.73
38882 12/15/07 0:00 Hunter Lopez South Maryland 20601 Capsule Ocl Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,411.50 100% 0.1 0.74 4,411.50 4,411.50 -1,799.35 37 122.99
59556 12/16/07 0:00 Mark Van Huff South Virginia 24658 Concentrate Darbid Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0 0.56 927.9875 927.9875 -615.912 5 205.99
59556 12/16/07 0:00 Mark Van Huff South Virginia 24658 Lotion Enlon Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.37 43.46 43.46 6.81 27 1.48
930 12/17/07 0:00 Phillina Ober East New York 14925 Ointment Cefuroxime And Dextrose In Duplex Container Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.39 79.19 79.19 13.91 11 6.88
58144 12/17/07 0:00 Muhammed MacIntyre East New Jersey 7514 Ointment Fexofenadine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.39 778.38 778.38 257.32 29 26.38
930 12/17/07 0:00 Phillina Ober East New York 14925 For Solution Inflamase Forte Injection Competitor B Human - Rx 0.03 0.76 922.39 922.39 -41.64 22 41.32
3110 12/17/07 0:00 Helen Andreada West Colorado 81653 Cream Lorcet-Hd Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 1,601.32 100% 0.04 0.36 1,601.32 1,601.32 377.81 13 119.99
19300 12/17/07 0:00 Denny Joy South South Carolina 29945 Ointment Albalon Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 78.72 100% 0.1 0.36 78.72 78.72 -22.36 10 7.64
48192 12/17/07 0:00 Jill Matthias South Maryland 21022 Injectable Aquasol A Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,277.67 100% 0 0.77 2,277.67 2,277.67 -173.96 15 140.98
25027 12/17/07 0:00 Mick Brown West California 92320 Spray Ellence Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,585.91 100% 0.06 0.65 3,585.91 3,585.91 -178.54 25 146.34
23936 12/18/07 0:00 Darrin Van Huff South Alabama 36544 Gel Advair Diskus 500/50 Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.58 71.39 71.39 -39.33 27 2.6
46341 12/18/07 0:00 Astrea Jones South Georgia 39859 Gel Trasylol Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 39.13 100% 0.1 0.59 39.13 39.13 -23.14 23 1.68
15111 12/18/07 0:00 Juliana Krohn West Utah 84631 Solution Rifampin And Isoniazid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 970.47 100% 0.1 0.57 970.47 970.47 192.38 13 81.32
51975 12/19/07 0:00 Michael Granlund East Massachusetts 5544 Concentrate Isolyte S Ph 7.4 In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.58 1,064.79 1,064.79 -181.005 12 115.99
31847 12/19/07 0:00 Amy Hunt Central Texas 73301 Suppository Theolair-Sr Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.7 1,692.28 1,692.28 61 46 39.98
47203 12/19/07 0:00 Bill Eplett South North Carolina 28633 Suppository Solaraze Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 129.18 100% 0.04 0.37 129.18 129.18 -30.02 8 15.98
47207 12/19/07 0:00 Ken Lonsdale South Georgia 31811 Suppository Doriden Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 437.87 100% 0.09 0.64 437.87 437.87 -111.94 15 30.98
47203 12/19/07 0:00 Bill Eplett South North Carolina 28633 Ointment Femcon Fe Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,016.26 100% 0.06 0.39 1,016.26 1,016.26 337.97 44 22.84
22947 12/19/07 0:00 Sarah Jordon East Massachusetts 1441 For Solution Chlorpropamide Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 216.25 100% 0.09 0.55 216.25 216.25 58.84 19 12.22
359 12/19/07 0:00 Cari Sayre West Idaho 83877 Spray E-Base Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,659.66 100% 0.08 0.63 3,659.66 3,659.66 -500.38 30 124.49
36033 12/20/07 0:00 Michael Stewart West California 95503 Suppository Radioiodinated Serum Albumin (Human) Ihsa I 125 Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.64 83.02 83.02 -54.01 15 4.98
26240 12/20/07 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 Suppository Arava Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,483.44 100% 0.04 0.54 1,483.44 1,483.44 439.77 38 39.48
38240 12/20/07 0:00 Ken Lonsdale South Georgia 31811 Suppository Clindamycin Phosphate In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,651.07 100% 0.09 0.74 1,651.07 1,651.07 -100.49 42 40.98
40356 12/20/07 0:00 Sylvia Foulston East New Jersey 7001 Solution Luvox Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 201.98 100% 0.05 0.6 201.98 201.98 -245.67 48 4.06
38240 12/20/07 0:00 Ken Lonsdale South Georgia 31811 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.2% And Potassium Chloride 0.15% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 41.53 100% 0.04 0.38 41.53 41.53 -15.525 4 8.6
41607 12/20/07 0:00 Barry Franz West Washington 98001 Tablet Nogenic Hc Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 4,115.74 100% 0.1 0.35 4,115.74 4,115.74 1,719.47 36 120.98
26240 12/20/07 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 For Solution Amikin Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 145.68 100% 0.04 0.44 145.68 145.68 12 39 3.7
6369 12/20/07 0:00 Guy Thornton West New Mexico 87001 Spray Hepatasol 8% Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 14,922.16 100% 0.1 0.71 14,922.16 14,922.16 713.33 30 550.98
1411 12/21/07 0:00 Ed Jacobs South Florida 32122 Concentrate Aminosyn Ii 5% W/ Electrolytes In Dextrose 25% W/ Calcium In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.59 6,717.93 6,717.93 1,717.89 47 175.99
1411 12/21/07 0:00 Ed Jacobs South Florida 32122 Injectable Amerscan Mdp Kit Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.09 0.72 5,748.20 5,748.20 -459.86 39 160.98
6562 12/21/07 0:00 Brendan Sweed Central Wisconsin 53081 Cream V-Cillin K Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 17,274.87 100% 0.02 0.59 17,274.87 17,274.87 2,028.12 12 1,360.14
20965 12/21/07 0:00 Michelle Tran West Idaho 83465 Concentrate Clarinex D 24 Hour Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,264.23 100% 0.07 0.56 1,264.23 1,264.23 -444.686 8 195.99
10624 12/21/07 0:00 Darren Powers West Utah 84741 Suppository Isopto Cetapred Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,082.43 100% 0.06 0.71 1,082.43 1,082.43 23.97 23 47.98
42852 12/21/07 0:00 Brendan Sweed Central Wisconsin 53081 Ointment Benzyl Benzoate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 129.9 100% 0.02 0.4 129.9 129.9 -63.51 13 9.06
20965 12/21/07 0:00 Michelle Tran West Idaho 83465 Syrup Chenodiol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,315.11 100% 0.06 0.57 2,315.11 2,315.11 532.21 38 59.76
13830 12/22/07 0:00 Michael Nguyen East Delaware 19977 Solution/Drops Depakote Er Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.4 2,609.53 2,609.53 911.66 27 90.48
3458 12/22/07 0:00 Lisa DeCherney West Idaho 83201 Suppository Talwin Compound Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 627.91 100% 0.03 0.42 627.91 627.91 222.08 41 15.28
3458 12/22/07 0:00 Lisa DeCherney West Idaho 83201 Gel Travasol 2.75% Sulfite Free W/ Electrolytes In Dextrose 10% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 46.89 100% 0.09 0.56 46.89 46.89 -3.83 28 1.76
36934 12/23/07 0:00 Brooke Gillingham South South Carolina 29684 Cream Galzin Injection Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.38 1,120.86 1,120.86 17.4 7 150.98
22279 12/23/07 0:00 Lena Radford Central Wisconsin 53554 Ointment Fluocinolone Acetonide Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.36 2,463.60 2,463.60 1,040.65 43 54.96
36934 12/23/07 0:00 Brooke Gillingham South South Carolina 29684 Ointment Duetact Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.36 11.51 11.51 -5.16 2 5.43
36934 12/23/07 0:00 Brooke Gillingham South South Carolina 29684 Spray Emgel Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.01 0.74 6,668.86 6,668.86 871.97 45 179.29
37888 12/23/07 0:00 Hilary Holden Central Michigan 49971 Tablet Dextrose 25% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 639.19 100% 0.09 0.35 639.19 639.19 274.8985 31 20.98
59845 12/23/07 0:00 Ed Ludwig West Utah 84001 Lotion Zerit Xr Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 200.1 100% 0.04 0.8 200.1 200.1 3.02 42 4.71
59845 12/23/07 0:00 Ed Ludwig West Utah 84001 Ointment Resectisol In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 120.54 100% 0.06 0.36 120.54 120.54 6.52 28 4.2
9248 12/24/07 0:00 Russell Applegate Central Illinois 62541 Spray Sensipar Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.09 0.68 2,811.70 2,811.70 -2,149.84 41 71.37
10434 12/24/07 0:00 Michelle Ellison West Colorado 81655 Capsule Nulytely-Flavored Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.06 0.59 383.45 383.45 -244.47 2 180.98
36677 12/24/07 0:00 Jack Lebron Central Michigan 49877 Suspension Foscavir Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 23,255.61 100% 0 0.44 23,255.61 23,255.61 -734.33 38 599.99
18689 12/25/07 0:00 Steven Roelle East New York 12917 Tablet Dopamine Hydrochloride In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.39 281.17 281.17 -78.3725 38 7.1
18689 12/25/07 0:00 Steven Roelle East New York 12917 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride-Hydrochlorothiazide-Reserpine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.37 194.65 194.65 -3.78 10 18.97
36834 12/25/07 0:00 Rob Dowd West Arizona 85071 Injectable Ambodryl Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,935.10 100% 0.01 0.66 1,935.10 1,935.10 -42.96 11 170.98
44576 12/26/07 0:00 Greg Guthrie Central Nebraska 69141 Concentrate Amerge Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.57 1,653.61 1,653.61 294.966 30 65.99
47876 12/26/07 0:00 Greg Guthrie Central Nebraska 69141 Solution Eryc 125 Injection Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.46 365.22 365.22 58.08 8 46.89
45986 12/26/07 0:00 Suzanne McNair South Virginia 24658 Solution/Drops Homatropine Methylbromide And Hydrocodone Bitartrate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.39 71.07 71.07 -15.09 20 3.69
44576 12/26/07 0:00 Greg Guthrie Central Nebraska 69141 Spray E-Base Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.01 0.63 5,016.25 5,016.25 -186.74 38 124.49
21442 12/26/07 0:00 Thea Hudgings Central Illinois 62444 Solution/Drops Winstrol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 782.93 100% 0.03 0.38 782.93 782.93 401.07 48 15.57
11777 12/26/07 0:00 Jack O'Briant East New Jersey 8823 Syrup Zovia 1/50E-21 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 651.45 100% 0.07 0.59 651.45 651.45 -160.56 39 17.7
21442 12/26/07 0:00 Thea Hudgings Central Illinois 62444 Injectable Veriloid Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,962.96 100% 0.02 0.61 2,962.96 2,962.96 -612.94 48 58.14
20262 12/27/07 0:00 Patrick O'Donnell West Colorado 81124 For Solution Medrol Acetate Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.44 652.24 652.24 185.04 27 22.72
37734 12/27/07 0:00 Mathew Reese South North Carolina 28909 Suppository Orinase Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.08 0.46 1,393.39 1,393.39 84.15 15 100.97
37734 12/27/07 0:00 Mathew Reese South North Carolina 28909 For Solution Lodosyn Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.37 601.52 601.52 171.98 42 13.4
32101 12/27/07 0:00 Liz MacKendrick West Idaho 83552 Capsule Permax Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 14,567.15 100% 0.04 0.56 14,567.15 14,567.15 3,799.59 48 291.73
13824 12/28/07 0:00 George Zrebassa South Georgia 39859 Suspension/Drops Curosurf Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.38 55.27 55.27 19.12 19 2.89
40485 12/28/07 0:00 David Bremer South Florida 32099 Concentrate Cefzil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 388.7135 100% 0.01 0.59 388.7135 388.7135 -190.421 7 65.99
53382 12/28/07 0:00 Paul MacIntyre South Florida 34997 Solution Femring Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 88.17 100% 0.1 0.56 88.17 88.17 -572.49 13 3.25
40485 12/28/07 0:00 David Bremer South Florida 32099 Ointment Gonal-F Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 222.25 100% 0.05 0.36 222.25 222.25 -63.77 36 5.98
53382 12/28/07 0:00 Paul MacIntyre South Florida 34997 Capsule Ogen 2.5 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,760.02 100% 0 0.56 4,760.02 4,760.02 658.88 15 300.98
4550 12/29/07 0:00 Gary Zandusky South Virginia 24157 Cream Loraz Oral Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.35 3,730.54 3,730.54 1,369.09 32 119.99
57378 12/29/07 0:00 Sibella Parks East Connecticut 6703 Suppository Dextrose 60% Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.5 266.27 266.27 -5.7 9 29.89
30725 12/29/07 0:00 Dennis Kane South North Carolina 28633 Suspension Glucophage Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.08 0.38 16,468.55 16,468.55 5,638.75 39 449.99
11206 12/29/07 0:00 Eric Barreto South Maryland 21230 Suppository Increlex Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.41 1,285.55 1,285.55 -17.03 26 49.99
44962 12/29/07 0:00 Toby Swindell South Florida 32046 Suppository Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.2% And Potassium Chloride 40Meq Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.43 575.74 575.74 152.6 27 22.24
57378 12/29/07 0:00 Sibella Parks East Connecticut 6703 Gel Triacort Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.56 38.44 38.44 -26.19 10 3.28
59937 12/29/07 0:00 John Stevenson South North Carolina 28717 Ointment Gastrocrom Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.4 235.98 235.98 -32.28 7 30.98
11206 12/29/07 0:00 Eric Barreto South Maryland 21230 Tablet Sodium Lactate In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.38 177.67 177.67 39.627 6 28.53
47201 12/29/07 0:00 Tim Taslimi Central Texas 76901 Suppository Radioiodinated Serum Albumin (Human) Ihsa I 125 Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 99.55 100% 0.03 0.64 99.55 99.55 -60.9 18 4.98
6241 12/30/07 0:00 Henry Goldwyn Central Illinois 62560 Concentrate Cephalothin Sodium W/ Dextrose In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0 0.6 5,433.09 5,433.09 1,365.28 29 205.99
6241 12/30/07 0:00 Henry Goldwyn Central Illinois 62560 Gel Acylanid Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.38 133.94 133.94 45 24 5.84
26432 12/31/07 0:00 Logan Haushalter Central Nebraska 68770 Suspension Oxacillin Sodium Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 27,820.34 100% 0.08 0.37 27,820.34 27,820.34 11,630.15 48 599.99
26432 12/31/07 0:00 Logan Haushalter Central Nebraska 68770 Ointment Dexacidin Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 45.18 100% 0.1 0.35 45.18 45.18 -10.77 11 3.98
26432 12/31/07 0:00 Logan Haushalter Central Nebraska 68770 Solution Mithracin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,420.89 100% 0.06 0.56 1,420.89 1,420.89 389.67 37 38.06
46597 1/1/08 0:00 Michael Chen Central Nebraska 68717 Concentrate Cinobac Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 8,216.59 100% 0.01 0.6 8,216.59 8,216.59 2,463.46 47 195.99
46597 1/1/08 0:00 Michael Chen Central Nebraska 68717 Tablet Mymethazine Fortis Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 130.36 100% 0.06 0.4 130.36 130.36 2.431 10 12.95
46597 1/1/08 0:00 Michael Chen Central Nebraska 68717 Capsule Ocl Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 200.57 100% 0 0.74 200.57 200.57 -83.63 1 122.99
39841 1/2/08 0:00 Benjamin Venier South Maryland 21794 Ointment Eryped Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.37 294.13 294.13 -123.07 43 6.68
59174 1/2/08 0:00 Emily Ducich Central Illinois 62999 Cream Beepen-Vk Injection TableauCeutical Animal 1,193.10 100% 0.09 0.37 1,193.10 1,193.10 -160.34 6 204.1
710 1/2/08 0:00 Susan MacKendrick Central Ohio 43002 Cream Vivitrol Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 4,192.88 100% 0.02 0.56 4,192.88 4,192.88 731.32 29 145.45
710 1/2/08 0:00 Susan MacKendrick Central Ohio 43002 Tablet Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.225% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 161.77 100% 0.01 0.37 161.77 161.77 -150.374 42 3.58
710 1/2/08 0:00 Susan MacKendrick Central Ohio 43002 For Solution Inflamase Forte Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 447.09 100% 0.09 0.76 447.09 447.09 89.03 11 41.32
54145 1/3/08 0:00 Joni Blumstein East Connecticut 6817 For Solution Locoid Lipocream Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.1 0.43 70.25 70.25 -133.06 34 2.08
38215 1/3/08 0:00 Dennis Pardue Central Ohio 44197 Concentrate Ak-Fluor 25% Injection Competitor B Animal 0.07 0.58 756.7295 756.7295 64.782 42 20.99
38215 1/3/08 0:00 Dennis Pardue Central Ohio 44197 Ointment Thiothixene Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 3,676.96 3,676.96 1,233.45 38 104.85
25860 1/3/08 0:00 Elpida Rittenbach Central Illinois 62541 Concentrate Proventil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,288.78 100% 0.07 0.59 1,288.78 1,288.78 -185.889 23 65.99
25860 1/3/08 0:00 Elpida Rittenbach Central Illinois 62541 Solution/Drops Cholebrine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 740.2 100% 0.05 0.38 740.2 740.2 239.94 9 83.98
48480 1/3/08 0:00 Sean Wendt East Massachusetts 1059 Syrup Apidra Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 11,103.75 100% 0.1 0.65 11,103.75 11,103.75 -522.59 32 370.98
20449 1/4/08 0:00 Nora Paige Central Texas 88595 Tablet Helicosol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.4 1,216.50 1,216.50 162.18 19 67.28
8998 1/4/08 0:00 Linda Southworth Central Wisconsin 53001 Suppository Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.2% And Potassium Chloride 40Meq Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 277.42 100% 0.01 0.43 277.42 277.42 49.82 12 22.24
57606 1/4/08 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Suppository Rau-Sed Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 294.48 100% 0.08 0.61 294.48 294.48 -64.24 37 8.46
8998 1/4/08 0:00 Linda Southworth Central Wisconsin 53001 Syrup Mexate-Aq Preserved Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 178.13 100% 0.04 0.57 178.13 178.13 -19.75 13 13.43
8998 1/4/08 0:00 Linda Southworth Central Wisconsin 53001 Solution Magnesium Sulfate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,767.88 100% 0.07 0.58 1,767.88 1,767.88 66.47 37 50.98
29058 1/4/08 0:00 Valerie Takahito West Utah 84001 Gel Acylanid Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 128.52 100% 0.06 0.38 128.52 128.52 42.8 23 5.84
29058 1/4/08 0:00 Valerie Takahito West Utah 84001 Ointment Hepatolite Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 287.61 100% 0.02 0.37 287.61 287.61 -101.5 43 6.48
29058 1/4/08 0:00 Valerie Takahito West Utah 84001 Syrup Alfenta Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,011.67 100% 0.04 0.66 1,011.67 1,011.67 -74.64 41 24.98
29058 1/4/08 0:00 Valerie Takahito West Utah 84001 Injectable Alli Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 28,389.14 100% 0.07 0.62 28,389.14 28,389.14 7,132.18 33 880.98
46050 1/5/08 0:00 Julie Prescott Central Wisconsin 53006 Suspension Glucophage Delayed Release Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.52 2,249.05 2,249.05 -571.24 5 449.99
46050 1/5/08 0:00 Julie Prescott Central Wisconsin 53006 Solution Potassium Chloride 20Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.56 876.75 876.75 -248.69 3 289.53
46050 1/5/08 0:00 Julie Prescott Central Wisconsin 53006 Syrup Milrinone Lactate In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.79 4,813.67 4,813.67 44.58 48 95.43
56293 1/6/08 0:00 Michelle Arnett Central Michigan 49971 Syrup Conray Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.58 712.64 712.64 -27.72 44 16.91
56293 1/6/08 0:00 Michelle Arnett Central Michigan 49971 For Solution Clomipramine Hydrochloride Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.6 702.79 702.79 -44.81 34 19.99
5504 1/6/08 0:00 Anna Andreadi South Alabama 35244 Concentrate Ryzolt Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.56 606.56 606.56 20.232 15 45.99
5504 1/6/08 0:00 Anna Andreadi South Alabama 35244 Ointment Pre-Op Ii Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.36 49.55 49.55 -20.33 6 5.78
14755 1/6/08 0:00 Steve Nguyen South Maryland 21230 Concentrate Aminosyn-Hbc 7% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,322.81 100% 0.1 0.59 2,322.81 2,322.81 454.383 44 65.99
14755 1/6/08 0:00 Steve Nguyen South Maryland 21230 Gel Dexilant Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 111.48 100% 0.09 0.44 111.48 111.48 29.57 31 3.85
33218 1/7/08 0:00 Eric Hoffmann Central Illinois 62560 Tablet Tri-Sprintec Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.37 113.8 113.8 -84.0765 25 4.57
33218 1/7/08 0:00 Eric Hoffmann Central Illinois 62560 For Solution Hydrocodone Bitartrate And Ibuprofen Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.04 0.5 480.13 480.13 53.67 29 16.16
44133 1/7/08 0:00 Mark Packer West California 91188 For Solution Sulfalar Extended Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.06 0.54 181.15 181.15 -46.68 35 5.28
5510 1/8/08 0:00 Denise Leinenbach South Maryland 21022 Ointment Dv Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.37 116.38 116.38 29.68 12 9.68
47171 1/8/08 0:00 Sandra Glassco West New Mexico 87001 Gel Erythro-Statin Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.57 50.07 50.07 -0.53 19 2.67
47171 1/8/08 0:00 Sandra Glassco West New Mexico 87001 Ointment Humulin U Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.37 147.16 147.16 -92.55 21 6.48
47171 1/8/08 0:00 Sandra Glassco West New Mexico 87001 Spray Hetrazan Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.68 6,982.87 6,982.87 875.55 32 217.85
48935 1/8/08 0:00 Jill Matthias South Maryland 21022 Suspension/Drops Darbid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 106.2 100% 0 0.36 106.2 106.2 48.76 21 4.91
12708 1/8/08 0:00 Yana Sorensen West California 93456 Gel Hydro-D Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 159.41 100% 0 0.52 159.41 159.41 34.68 44 3.28
58053 1/9/08 0:00 Susan Gilcrest South Georgia 31733 Ointment Foscavir Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.37 287.75 287.75 -136.02 42 6.68
37668 1/9/08 0:00 Victoria Pisteka Central Texas 88595 Cream Azactam Injection TableauCeutical Animal 478.27 100% 0.01 0.39 478.27 478.27 -5.57 33 13.99
13447 1/9/08 0:00 Pamela Coakley South Maryland 21290 Concentrate Ak-Fluor 25% Injection TableauCeutical Animal 436.4835 100% 0.01 0.58 436.4835 436.4835 0.846 24 20.99
2244 1/9/08 0:00 Elpida Rittenbach Central Illinois 62541 Tablet Janimine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 88.61 100% 0.01 0.38 88.61 88.61 21.471 19 3.8
4611 1/10/08 0:00 Steven Ward Central Ohio 43270 Cream Ozurdex Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 16,172.44 100% 0.03 0.38 16,172.44 16,172.44 7,176.12 32 500.98
32932 1/10/08 0:00 Karen Carlisle South Florida 34997 Suspension Foscavir Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 29,884.60 100% 0.05 0.44 29,884.60 29,884.60 12,748.86 49 599.99
10247 1/11/08 0:00 Edward Becker West Utah 84014 Suppository Tekturna Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.43 231.95 231.95 44.14 24 9.78
10247 1/11/08 0:00 Edward Becker West Utah 84014 Ointment Forane Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.38 111.66 111.66 -53.33 21 4.98
8227 1/11/08 0:00 Christina Vanderzanden West New Mexico 88044 Suppository Renoquid Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.72 162.25 162.25 -43.21 32 4.77
57318 1/11/08 0:00 Eric Barreto South Maryland 21230 Suspension/Drops Darbid Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 158.79 158.79 74.14 33 4.91
57318 1/11/08 0:00 Eric Barreto South Maryland 21230 Ointment Eryped Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.37 79.06 79.06 -47 12 6.68
1280 1/11/08 0:00 Harold Dahlen Central Nebraska 68717 Suppository Thallous Chloride Tl 201 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 827.27 100% 0.05 0.78 827.27 827.27 -170.87 40 20.97
24740 1/11/08 0:00 Logan Haushalter Central Nebraska 68770 Gel Triprolidine And Pseudoephedrine Hydrochlorides Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 112.59 100% 0.09 0.56 112.59 112.59 -126.7 35 3.28
23782 1/11/08 0:00 Justin MacKendrick South North Carolina 28609 Syrup Coreg Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 169.75 100% 0.09 0.84 169.75 169.75 -194.85 7 20.34
24740 1/11/08 0:00 Logan Haushalter Central Nebraska 68770 For Solution Inomax Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,091.47 100% 0.04 0.67 1,091.47 1,091.47 160.48 11 92.23
23782 1/11/08 0:00 Justin MacKendrick South North Carolina 28609 Capsule Orapred Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 21,390.44 100% 0.09 0.6 21,390.44 21,390.44 5,365.43 46 500.98
48487 1/12/08 0:00 Carol Triggs Central Ohio 43317 Tablet Talacen Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.35 360.7 360.7 146.166 27 12.97
59270 1/12/08 0:00 Deborah Brumfield West Colorado 81221 Cream Vyvanse Oral Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.59 25,312 25,312 8,788.81 48 517.48
59270 1/12/08 0:00 Deborah Brumfield West Colorado 81221 Suppository Technescan Hida Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.42 1,597.02 1,597.02 749.03 47 31.78
56327 1/12/08 0:00 Victoria Brennan East New York 14210 Solution Clinimix E 5/15 Sulfite-Free W/ Elect In Dextrose 15% W/ Calcium In Plastic Container Intramuscular Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.57 2,164.07 2,164.07 59.73 11 180.98
56327 1/12/08 0:00 Victoria Brennan East New York 14210 Ointment Entocort Ec Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.36 1,767.47 1,767.47 331.56 42 40.99
59270 1/12/08 0:00 Deborah Brumfield West Colorado 81221 Syrup Serentil Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.56 2,138.63 2,138.63 453.03 14 142.86
42567 1/12/08 0:00 Tom Prescott Central Texas 77474 Spray Ellence Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.65 1,940.32 1,940.32 -18.81 12 146.34
56327 1/12/08 0:00 Victoria Brennan East New York 14210 For Solution Inpersol-Zm W/ Dextrose 4.25% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.42 1,276.73 1,276.73 357.23 47 29.18
59270 1/12/08 0:00 Deborah Brumfield West Colorado 81221 Capsule Ocl Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.74 647.27 647.27 -404.77 5 122.99
34948 1/13/08 0:00 Catherine Glotzbach South South Carolina 29374 Solution Pentetate Zinc Trisodium Intramuscular Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.41 1,057.06 1,057.06 -403.74 15 68.81
19494 1/13/08 0:00 Clytie Kelty South South Carolina 29001 Gel Alocril Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.58 8.87 8.87 -6.79 2 2.74
19494 1/13/08 0:00 Clytie Kelty South South Carolina 29001 For Solution Meclodium Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.41 857.32 857.32 195.71 39 22.23
1857 1/13/08 0:00 Roy Phan East New York 10501 Gel Isocaine Hydrochloride Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 199.76 100% 0.07 0.46 199.76 199.76 20 37 5.58
38369 1/13/08 0:00 Eric Barreto South Maryland 21230 Spray Sensipar Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 224.744 100% 0.02 0.68 224.744 224.744 -143.03 3 71.37
17825 1/14/08 0:00 Larry Hughes East Delaware 19885 Syrup Humulin N Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.57 981.9 981.9 11.38 26 37.76
59552 1/14/08 0:00 Pierre Wener West California 96061 Tablet Bupivacaine Hydrochloride W/Epinephrine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.4 314.26 314.26 -71.047 39 7.45
12580 1/14/08 0:00 Dave Poirier South Florida 32003 Gel Trilyte Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.56 140.72 140.72 -115.53 43 3.28
12580 1/14/08 0:00 Dave Poirier South Florida 32003 Tablet Product Name Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.39 8,038.08 8,038.08 2,821.41 50 172.99
23586 1/15/08 0:00 Anthony Garverick South Florida 34997 Ointment Heparin Sodium 1,000 Units And Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 210.9 210.9 -62.46 32 6.48
2213 1/15/08 0:00 Sam Zeldin South Maryland 21290 Ointment E-Z Scrub Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.36 40.31 40.31 -32.27 6 5.78
58599 1/15/08 0:00 Dianna Wilson South Georgia 31569 Capsule Plan B Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.64 2,328.62 2,328.62 45.54 19 120.98
58599 1/15/08 0:00 Dianna Wilson South Georgia 31569 Capsule Phrenilin Forte Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.06 0.69 5,332.42 5,332.42 -219.2 49 113.98
20961 1/15/08 0:00 Lela Donovan East Massachusetts 5544 Suspension Geodon Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 6,607.92 100% 0.06 0.46 6,607.92 6,607.92 1,462.72 34 199.99
28289 1/15/08 0:00 Carl Ludwig Central Michigan 48001 Ointment Ortho-Novum 1/50 21 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 166.76 100% 0.01 0.36 166.76 166.76 -46.03 31 4.98
37250 1/15/08 0:00 Grant Thornton East Connecticut 6439 Solution/Drops Deltalin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 473.46 100% 0.03 0.4 473.46 473.46 128.11 13 35.94
37125 1/15/08 0:00 Sanjit Jacobs West Idaho 83877 Lotion Enlon Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 72.18 100% 0 0.37 72.18 72.18 11.83 46 1.48
19524 1/15/08 0:00 Amy Cox West Washington 98625 Aerosol Ceenu Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 92.02 100% 0.07 0.59 92.02 92.02 -24.88 9 10.23
2852 1/16/08 0:00 Luke Schmidt South Florida 32122 Concentrate Alphacaine Hydrochloride W/ Epinephrine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.56 3,931.32 3,931.32 1,025.45 42 115.99
2852 1/16/08 0:00 Luke Schmidt South Florida 32122 Ointment Hydrocortone Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.37 74.87 74.87 -43.97 10 6.48
15079 1/16/08 0:00 Erica Hackney South South Carolina 29941 Suppository Sorbitrate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0 0.48 3,753.42 3,753.42 1,276.25 45 80.98
21574 1/16/08 0:00 Eric Barreto South Maryland 21230 Suppository Mycelex-7 Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0 0.55 77.55 77.55 -37.2 33 2.12
15079 1/16/08 0:00 Erica Hackney South South Carolina 29941 Ointment Etrafon-A Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.38 1,130.79 1,130.79 468.19 23 48.91
36161 1/17/08 0:00 Chad McGuire Central Nebraska 69367 Tablet Dextrose 4% In Modified Lactated Ringer'S In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.39 29.19 29.19 0.646 6 4.49
4545 1/17/08 0:00 Pauline Chand East Connecticut 6439 Ointment Keftab Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.37 126.38 126.38 26.64 33 4
4545 1/17/08 0:00 Pauline Chand East Connecticut 6439 Ointment Griseofulvin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.36 33.1 33.1 -24.15 4 6.48
8642 1/17/08 0:00 Patrick Ryan South North Carolina 28909 Suspension/Drops Cyclocort Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 133.04 100% 0.04 0.37 133.04 133.04 49.69 13 10.35
8642 1/17/08 0:00 Patrick Ryan South North Carolina 28909 Tablet Diltzac Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 151.05 100% 0.09 0.4 151.05 151.05 -76.1415 26 5.8
26182 1/17/08 0:00 Doug Bickford South Alabama 36925 Capsule Omnipaque 210 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 770.76 100% 0.08 0.58 770.76 770.76 -192.51 4 200.98
26182 1/17/08 0:00 Doug Bickford South Alabama 36925 Injectable Flurandrenolide Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,684.90 100% 0.01 0.65 4,684.90 4,684.90 -549.27 30 150.98
18853 1/18/08 0:00 Gary Hwang Central Illinois 62444 Gel Amphadase Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.48 223.88 223.88 55.21 33 6.68
55139 1/18/08 0:00 Bobby Elias South Georgia 31811 Gel Hydro-D Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.52 85.71 85.71 9.32 26 3.28
55139 1/18/08 0:00 Bobby Elias South Georgia 31811 Aerosol Carisoprodol Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.56 576.58 576.58 -81.55 41 13.9
35139 1/19/08 0:00 Lauren Leatherbury East New Jersey 8989 Cream Velosef '125' Oral Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.57 10,380.34 10,380.34 -9,643.07 3 3,502.14
35139 1/19/08 0:00 Lauren Leatherbury East New Jersey 8989 Tablet Gyne-Lotrimin 3 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.39 264.78 264.78 53.0485 29 8.69
35139 1/19/08 0:00 Lauren Leatherbury East New Jersey 8989 Syrup Zonalon Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.58 389.98 389.98 -14.98 32 12.21
35139 1/19/08 0:00 Lauren Leatherbury East New Jersey 8989 Gel Visine-A Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.56 854.9 854.9 76.87 25 34.58
39267 1/19/08 0:00 Sam Craven South Georgia 31569 Syrup Levalbuterol Hydrochloride Injection Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.58 1,221.47 1,221.47 -233.14 46 28.28
24610 1/19/08 0:00 Dean Katz South Florida 34997 Capsule Omnipaque 210 Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.58 883.31 883.31 -79.96 4 200.98
39267 1/19/08 0:00 Sam Craven South Georgia 31569 For Solution Atrovent Hfa Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.54 430.33 430.33 85.48 26 17.78
34753 1/19/08 0:00 Barbara Fisher South Alabama 35062 Concentrate Bactrim Ds Extended Release Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.57 117.062 117.062 -63.701 7 20.99
50048 1/19/08 0:00 Chad Sievert East New Jersey 8823 Gel Iontocaine Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 35.48 100% 0.09 0.59 35.48 35.48 -9.19 14 2.58
50048 1/19/08 0:00 Chad Sievert East New Jersey 8823 Aerosol Cardioquin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 15 100% 0.05 0.58 15 15 -11.02 1 6.84
54497 1/20/08 0:00 Philip Fox South Florida 32046 Syrup Serentil Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.56 155.51 155.51 -87.34 1 142.86
55398 1/21/08 0:00 Lena Radford Central Wisconsin 53554 Solution Potassium Chloride 10Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.6 154.99 154.99 -1,085.52 24 4.48
55398 1/21/08 0:00 Lena Radford Central Wisconsin 53554 Gel Amnesteem Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.57 46.42 46.42 2.38 21 2.1
20934 1/21/08 0:00 Bill Eplett South North Carolina 28633 Cream Vistaril Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 1,253.89 100% 0.09 0.58 1,253.89 1,253.89 -663.77 5 264.98
25155 1/21/08 0:00 John Dryer South South Carolina 29808 Ointment Duracillin A.S. Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 114.01 100% 0.08 0.36 114.01 114.01 6.99 17 6.69
25155 1/21/08 0:00 John Dryer South South Carolina 29808 Ointment Forane Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 30.37 100% 0.01 0.38 30.37 30.37 -1.74 3 4.98
29185 1/21/08 0:00 Rob Dowd West Arizona 85071 Ointment Entocort Ec Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 217.85 100% 0.02 0.36 217.85 217.85 -25.31 5 40.99
29185 1/21/08 0:00 Rob Dowd West Arizona 85071 Solution Hydrocodone Bitartrate And Acetaminophen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 468.49 100% 0.03 0.56 468.49 468.49 -6.37 8 56.96
25155 1/21/08 0:00 John Dryer South South Carolina 29808 For Solution Sporanox Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,038.99 100% 0 0.57 1,038.99 1,038.99 -180.45 48 19.94
34661 1/21/08 0:00 Nathan Mautz South Alabama 35077 For Solution Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 864.16 100% 0.09 0.55 864.16 864.16 -175.47 26 33.98
29185 1/21/08 0:00 Rob Dowd West Arizona 85071 For Solution Diazoxide Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 446.53 100% 0.04 0.59 446.53 446.53 -261.45 48 8.37
42405 1/22/08 0:00 Skye Norling East New Jersey 7010 Ointment Femstat 3 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.36 81.68 81.68 -25.22 13 5.98
55270 1/23/08 0:00 Edward Nazzal South Virginia 20101 Tablet Epinephrine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.37 35.14 35.14 -12.7535 1 29.17
35812 1/23/08 0:00 Barbara Fisher South Alabama 35062 Suppository Memantine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.75 59.93 59.93 -147.81 2 30.73
44999 1/23/08 0:00 Mike Kennedy East Massachusetts 1001 Ointment Hydropres 25 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 110.74 110.74 -70.31 17 6.48
35812 1/23/08 0:00 Barbara Fisher South Alabama 35062 Ointment Flomax Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.37 851.52 851.52 307.64 19 47.9
35812 1/23/08 0:00 Barbara Fisher South Alabama 35062 Capsule Phrenilin Forte Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.69 2,722.85 2,722.85 -112.62 24 113.98
49925 1/23/08 0:00 Adam Hart East Connecticut 6001 Gel Triphasil-28 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3.41 100% 0.06 0.56 3.41 3.41 -1.78 1 2.88
640 1/23/08 0:00 Tamara Chand East Delaware 19895 Ointment Flovent Hfa Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 464.77 100% 0.01 0.37 464.77 464.77 29.42 24 18.97
24135 1/23/08 0:00 Ed Ludwig West Utah 84001 Tablet Abstral Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 345.19 100% 0.1 0.37 345.19 345.19 111.588 12 30.44
640 1/23/08 0:00 Tamara Chand East Delaware 19895 Injectable Videx Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,913.69 100% 0.02 0.75 4,913.69 4,913.69 -1,153.90 39 120.98
44295 1/24/08 0:00 Alex Russell South South Carolina 29808 Concentrate Cenestin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.55 4,524.91 4,524.91 1,464.87 47 115.99
41472 1/24/08 0:00 Helen Wasserman South North Carolina 27006 Tablet Calciparine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.36 280.87 280.87 -214.153 48 5.38
13958 1/24/08 0:00 Jill Matthias South Maryland 21022 Concentrate Benztropine Mesylate Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 808.673 100% 0.06 0.55 808.673 808.673 -10.67 11 85.99
14661 1/25/08 0:00 Lauren Leatherbury East New Jersey 8989 Suppository Proquin Xr Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.75 1,325.06 1,325.06 -180.23 38 35.77
40162 1/25/08 0:00 Penelope Sewall Central Ohio 45999 Ointment Ferrlecit Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.36 1,581.23 1,581.23 760.79 28 55.98
38048 1/25/08 0:00 Ted Butterfield Central Nebraska 69367 Concentrate Aldoril D50 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,252.26 100% 0.1 0.56 2,252.26 2,252.26 478.107 42 65.99
38048 1/25/08 0:00 Ted Butterfield Central Nebraska 69367 For Solution Hytrin Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 279.01 100% 0.05 0.55 279.01 279.01 -136.84 47 5.77
2305 1/26/08 0:00 Maribeth Dona Central Illinois 60001 Ointment Extra-Strength Aim Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.37 12.41 12.41 -9.08 1 6.68
2305 1/26/08 0:00 Maribeth Dona Central Illinois 60001 Syrup Prostep Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.59 1,382.80 1,382.80 141.31 11 120.33
14819 1/26/08 0:00 Carl Jackson Central Michigan 49634 Solution Ritodrine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.55 9,062.73 9,062.73 3,122.78 48 207.48
14819 1/26/08 0:00 Carl Jackson Central Michigan 49634 Injectable Veriloid Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.61 1,584.10 1,584.10 -478.22 27 58.14
2305 1/26/08 0:00 Maribeth Dona Central Illinois 60001 Injectable Fml Forte Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.1 0.78 3,116.47 3,116.47 -1,578.26 33 100.98
1253 1/26/08 0:00 Tanja Norvell West Utah 84631 Syrup Mephyton Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 494.34 100% 0.05 0.75 494.34 494.34 -30.19 15 31.98
34785 1/26/08 0:00 Jim Sink South South Carolina 29684 Spray Fibricor Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 15,468.22 100% 0.01 0.71 15,468.22 15,468.22 4,209.58 45 400.98
611 1/27/08 0:00 Arthur Prichep West California 91188 Syrup Zovia 1/50E-21 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.59 840.04 840.04 -131.27 47 17.7
27680 1/27/08 0:00 Delfina Latchford East Massachusetts 1001 Ointment Histamine Phosphate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.37 137.02 137.02 -46.89 19 6.48
27680 1/27/08 0:00 Delfina Latchford East Massachusetts 1001 Solution Disulfiram Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.59 324.4 324.4 -46.98 32 10.89
27808 1/27/08 0:00 Michelle Ellison West Colorado 81655 Suppository Propafenone Hydrochloride Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 196.12 100% 0.01 0.48 196.12 196.12 4.41 9 20.89
24961 1/27/08 0:00 Ken Black Central Texas 88595 Injectable Veriloid Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 487.59 100% 0.04 0.61 487.59 487.59 -205.29 8 58.14
44098 1/28/08 0:00 John Grady East New York 14709 Aerosol Ativan Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 5.06 100% 0.01 0.84 5.06 5.06 -2.64 1 3.14
5381 1/29/08 0:00 Edward Nazzal South Virginia 20101 Ointment Cholovue Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.38 63.87 63.87 -149.93 27 2.18
5381 1/29/08 0:00 Edward Nazzal South Virginia 20101 For Solution Colbenemid Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.65 4,888.14 4,888.14 1,545.09 47 107.53
27810 1/29/08 0:00 Julia Dunbar West New Mexico 88044 Suspension/Drops Daunoxome Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 216.51 100% 0.02 0.39 216.51 216.51 109.29 32 6.3
97 1/29/08 0:00 Craig Yedwab West Arizona 85354 Suspension/Drops Curosurf Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 75.57 100% 0.03 0.38 75.57 75.57 28.24 26 2.89
6279 1/30/08 0:00 Katrina Willman Central Nebraska 68155 Tablet Helicosol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,283.74 100% 0.01 0.4 3,283.74 3,283.74 723.333 49 67.28
30336 1/30/08 0:00 Caroline Jumper Central Ohio 43567 Syrup Migergot Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 5,155.07 100% 0.06 0.71 5,155.07 5,155.07 368.79 28 193.17
31780 1/30/08 0:00 Max Ludwig South Virginia 23664 Solution Doxychel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 734.25 100% 0.08 0.56 734.25 734.25 160.58 17 42.98
13413 1/30/08 0:00 Karen Daniels West California 91188 Ointment Cafcit Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 150.28 100% 0.04 0.38 150.28 150.28 -50.86 29 4.98
3461 1/31/08 0:00 Susan Gilcrest South Georgia 31733 Concentrate Cenestin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.55 3,206.40 3,206.40 784.773 35 115.99
3461 1/31/08 0:00 Susan Gilcrest South Georgia 31733 Concentrate Benoquin Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.35 2,053.38 2,053.38 1,040.40 47 55.99
52196 1/31/08 0:00 Adam Hart East Connecticut 6001 Concentrate Cerumenex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 547.0005 100% 0.08 0.55 547.0005 547.0005 -97.196 10 65.99
52196 1/31/08 0:00 Adam Hart East Connecticut 6001 Suspension/Drops Colgate Total Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3.85 100% 0.08 0.37 3.85 3.85 -1.36 1 3.08
12449 2/1/08 0:00 Anthony Rawles Central Illinois 62999 Suppository Theolair-Sr Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.7 1,400.10 1,400.10 88.68 36 39.98
14338 2/1/08 0:00 Mike Kennedy East Massachusetts 1001 Cream Parasal Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.36 6,580.16 6,580.16 2,786.35 34 200.97
16166 2/1/08 0:00 Anthony Rawles Central Illinois 62999 Lotion Chloraprep One-Step Frepp Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.44 78.51 78.51 -10.06 36 2.18
50304 2/1/08 0:00 Jonathan Doherty Central Ohio 43567 Solution/Drops Esimil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 887.98 100% 0.04 0.4 887.98 887.98 239.94 22 39.98
14375 2/1/08 0:00 Rick Duston Central Texas 76246 Ointment Geopen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 44.05 100% 0.07 0.36 44.05 44.05 -21.77 7 5.78
14375 2/1/08 0:00 Rick Duston Central Texas 76246 Solution/Drops Chloroptic Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,872.38 100% 0.1 0.38 3,872.38 3,872.38 1,110.35 50 83.93
50304 2/1/08 0:00 Jonathan Doherty Central Ohio 43567 Spray Chymex Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 72.46 100% 0.05 0.76 72.46 72.46 -60.74 3 15.23
48642 2/2/08 0:00 Matt Collister West Idaho 83877 Suppository Sonazine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.4 519.69 519.69 -122.09 5 100.98
48642 2/2/08 0:00 Matt Collister West Idaho 83877 Concentrate Citanest Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.56 4,159.63 4,159.63 1,332.91 50 95.99
48642 2/2/08 0:00 Matt Collister West Idaho 83877 Gel Triaminic-12 Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.58 111.83 111.83 19.36 36 2.94
48642 2/2/08 0:00 Matt Collister West Idaho 83877 Solution Brevital Sodium Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.58 37.73 37.73 -13.72 4 8.67
58788 2/2/08 0:00 Christopher Schild Central Michigan 48001 Suppository Doriden Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 983.78 100% 0.04 0.64 983.78 983.78 43.72 31 30.98
27524 2/2/08 0:00 Jay Fine South Florida 34997 Ointment Humatin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 343.94 100% 0.02 0.37 343.94 343.94 -157.4 50 6.48
8292 2/2/08 0:00 Ellis Ballard South Florida 32099 Solution/Drops Actidil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 299.87 100% 0.02 0.4 299.87 299.87 130.04 18 15.74
3687 2/3/08 0:00 Marc Harrigan East Massachusetts 2180 Lotion Captopril Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.4 79.37 79.37 6.14 25 3.29
32164 2/3/08 0:00 Erica Smith Central Wisconsin 54990 Gel Triacort Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.56 111.83 111.83 -92.16 34 3.28
32164 2/3/08 0:00 Erica Smith Central Wisconsin 54990 Ointment Erythromycin Ethylsuccinate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 77.01 77.01 -19.04 12 5.78
43781 2/3/08 0:00 Claudia Miner East Delaware 19936 Tablet Dextrose 7.7% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 917.39 917.39 393.4055 21 40.98
43781 2/3/08 0:00 Claudia Miner East Delaware 19936 Solution/Drops Diethylpropion Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.35 497.14 497.14 240.41 45 10.94
32164 2/3/08 0:00 Erica Smith Central Wisconsin 54990 Spray Phisohex Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.1 0.76 6,552.90 6,552.90 -461.45 23 296.18
18307 2/3/08 0:00 Dennis Pardue Central Ohio 44197 Gel Ancef In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 245.19 100% 0.03 0.47 245.19 245.19 37.99 34 7.08
18307 2/3/08 0:00 Dennis Pardue Central Ohio 44197 Ointment Betamethasone Dipropionate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 441.99 100% 0.08 0.37 441.99 441.99 32.36 23 19.98
52322 2/3/08 0:00 Joni Blumstein East Connecticut 6817 Lotion Children'S Fexofenadine Hydrochloride Hives Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 5.7 100% 0.1 0.53 5.7 5.7 -2.34 1 3.95
55877 2/3/08 0:00 Erin Mull South Alabama 36922 Suspension/Drops Deferoxamine Mesylate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 144.28 100% 0.01 0.37 144.28 144.28 52.94 40 3.08
55877 2/3/08 0:00 Erin Mull South Alabama 36922 Ointment Evans Blue Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 126.53 100% 0.03 0.4 126.53 126.53 -73.38 19 5.98
56931 2/4/08 0:00 Dionis Lloyd South North Carolina 27010 Concentrate Duragesic-75 Injection Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.6 232.4155 232.4155 -110.594 34 7.99
24197 2/4/08 0:00 David Smith South Maryland 20601 Suppository Microgestin 1/20 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0 0.68 2,354.40 2,354.40 246.54 41 55.94
24197 2/4/08 0:00 David Smith South Maryland 20601 Concentrate Bayer Extra Strength Aspirin For Migraine Pain Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.83 35.6405 35.6405 -110.396 2 20.99
1222 2/5/08 0:00 Nicole Brennan West California 95503 Ointment Glucoscan Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.4 257.39 257.39 -121.91 48 5.28
12067 2/5/08 0:00 Toby Swindell South Florida 32046 Concentrate Proventil Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.08 0.59 407.116 407.116 -289.806 7 65.99
12067 2/5/08 0:00 Toby Swindell South Florida 32046 Ointment Albalon Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.36 75.26 75.26 -17.24 9 7.64
12067 2/5/08 0:00 Toby Swindell South Florida 32046 Tablet Epi E Z Pen Jr Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.39 271.06 271.06 -76.6015 45 5.74
12067 2/5/08 0:00 Toby Swindell South Florida 32046 For Solution Norlestrin 21 1/50 Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.04 0.35 1,211.72 1,211.72 587.84 12 99.23
12067 2/5/08 0:00 Toby Swindell South Florida 32046 For Solution Hydroserpine Plus (R-H-H) Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.4 58.84 58.84 4.29 6 9.48
18055 2/5/08 0:00 Maribeth Schnelling Central Illinois 62924 Ointment Ortho-Novum 1/50 21 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 19.98 100% 0.02 0.36 19.98 19.98 -9.61 3 4.98
27141 2/5/08 0:00 Patrick Ryan South North Carolina 28909 Syrup Chenodiol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,645.51 100% 0.06 0.57 1,645.51 1,645.51 300.34 28 59.76
10630 2/5/08 0:00 Pauline Johnson East New York 11769 Injectable Veriloid Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,773.84 100% 0 0.61 2,773.84 2,773.84 -513.76 44 58.14
27141 2/5/08 0:00 Patrick Ryan South North Carolina 28909 For Solution Lastacaft Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 495.8 100% 0.03 0.56 495.8 495.8 107.82 25 19.04
42500 2/6/08 0:00 Michelle Arnett Central Michigan 49971 Tablet Gyne-Lotrimin 3 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.39 21.03 21.03 -10.4765 2 8.69
42500 2/6/08 0:00 Michelle Arnett Central Michigan 49971 Solution Miacalcin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.59 1,836.06 1,836.06 437.07 39 48.92
39110 2/6/08 0:00 Eva Jacobs West Washington 98103 For Solution Lopid Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.1 0.59 2,595.07 2,595.07 1,217.19 14 194.3
15397 2/7/08 0:00 Troy Blackwell Central Illinois 62999 Suppository Clindamycin Phosphate In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.74 1,178.04 1,178.04 -53.81 29 40.98
15397 2/7/08 0:00 Troy Blackwell Central Illinois 62999 Suppository Isopaque 440 Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0 0.64 223.33 223.33 -111.89 42 4.98
15397 2/7/08 0:00 Troy Blackwell Central Illinois 62999 Gel Advair Diskus 500/50 Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.58 121.94 121.94 -51.3 43 2.6
54276 2/7/08 0:00 Chad Cunningham East Delaware 19734 Ointment Butalan Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.38 756.6 756.6 299.59 21 35.44
10913 2/7/08 0:00 Alejandro Ballentine South South Carolina 29684 Capsule Unipen Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.03 0.69 5,149.06 5,149.06 605.44 27 180.98
33703 2/7/08 0:00 Carl Ludwig Central Michigan 48001 Suppository Raxar Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 242.36 100% 0.08 0.5 242.36 242.36 -131.48 4 60.98
42561 2/7/08 0:00 Beth Paige East Massachusetts 2180 Concentrate Augmentin '500' Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,062.96 100% 0.07 0.35 1,062.96 1,062.96 298.476 15 85.99
33703 2/7/08 0:00 Carl Ludwig Central Michigan 48001 Syrup Butabarbital Sodium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 802.19 100% 0 0.7 802.19 802.19 56.26 25 29.74
33703 2/7/08 0:00 Carl Ludwig Central Michigan 48001 Syrup Zonalon Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 63.52 100% 0.08 0.58 63.52 63.52 -8.47 4 12.21
36292 2/8/08 0:00 Christine Abelman Central Wisconsin 53006 Ointment Fulconazole In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 109.87 100% 0.05 0.38 109.87 109.87 -98.17 21 4.98
36292 2/8/08 0:00 Christine Abelman Central Wisconsin 53006 Ointment Glyburide Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 816.65 100% 0.09 0.39 816.65 816.65 -182.8 37 22.84
45542 2/8/08 0:00 Robert Marley South Maryland 21022 Ointment Albalon Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 281.79 100% 0.04 0.36 281.79 281.79 -50.96 37 7.64
34245 2/8/08 0:00 Grace Kelly South Virginia 23664 Ointment Fulvicin-U/F Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 189.22 100% 0.05 0.4 189.22 189.22 -92.42 42 4.28
45542 2/8/08 0:00 Robert Marley South Maryland 21022 Spray E-Base Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,064.27 100% 0.01 0.63 4,064.27 4,064.27 -258.9 40 124.49
7175 2/8/08 0:00 Helen Andreada West Colorado 81653 Injectable Polycillin Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 748.25 100% 0.05 0.6 748.25 748.25 -86.99 10 70.98
10114 2/9/08 0:00 Michael Paige Central Texas 76246 Tablet Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.225% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.37 147.88 147.88 -142.9105 39 3.58
7079 2/9/08 0:00 Brenda Bowman Central Ohio 44197 Ointment M.V.I. Adult Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 128.13 128.13 -34.91 18 6.48
7079 2/9/08 0:00 Brenda Bowman Central Ohio 44197 Capsule Pepcid Complete Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.01 0.78 12,296.49 12,296.49 -416.7 44 280.98
30625 2/9/08 0:00 Pauline Johnson East New York 11769 Tablet Neothylline Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 478.94 100% 0.04 0.38 478.94 478.94 10.557 37 12.53
30625 2/9/08 0:00 Pauline Johnson East New York 11769 For Solution Kenalog-10 Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,429.09 100% 0.06 0.79 2,429.09 2,429.09 -20.67 24 105.29
44900 2/10/08 0:00 Joni Sundaresam East Delaware 19977 Ointment Norlestrin 28 1/50 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.37 47.03 47.03 -12.03 4 11.19
20577 2/10/08 0:00 Patrick O'Donnell West Colorado 81124 Tablet Promethazine Vc W/ Codeine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.37 611.68 611.68 134.7505 15 39.06
12704 2/10/08 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 Suspension Avinza Delayed Release Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.36 21,506.77 21,506.77 1,260.51 44 499.99
12704 2/10/08 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 Syrup Corzide Intramuscular Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.78 669.02 669.02 -1,274.02 28 20.98
20704 2/11/08 0:00 Justin Ellison East New Jersey 7981 Lotion Zerit Xr Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.8 5.63 5.63 -3.55 1 4.71
20704 2/11/08 0:00 Justin Ellison East New Jersey 7981 Suspension/Drops Colgate Total Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.37 16.48 16.48 -0.33 5 3.08
20704 2/11/08 0:00 Justin Ellison East New Jersey 7981 Syrup Baci-Rx Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.58 15,655.24 15,655.24 4,818.29 38 419.19
47329 2/11/08 0:00 Greg Matthias West Washington 98601 Gel Tirosint Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.55 26.64 26.64 -13.88 2 11.55
47329 2/11/08 0:00 Greg Matthias West Washington 98601 Ointment Fluxid Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.36 88.19 88.19 -25.97 16 4.98
7654 2/11/08 0:00 Resi Polking South South Carolina 29808 Suspension/Drops Clinisol 15% Sulfite Free In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.39 19.47 19.47 -14.29 3 4.13
6311 2/11/08 0:00 Anna Gayman East Massachusetts 2054 Concentrate Amicar Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,297.45 100% 0.04 0.58 1,297.45 1,297.45 4.212 18 85.99
15014 2/11/08 0:00 Ted Trevino East Delaware 19891 Injectable Veriloid Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 633.13 100% 0.05 0.61 633.13 633.13 -203.9 10 58.14
20103 2/12/08 0:00 Thais Sissman Central Wisconsin 53235 Cream Fortovase Injection Competitor B Animal 0 0.36 314.93 314.93 -20.12 30 9.99
20103 2/12/08 0:00 Thais Sissman Central Wisconsin 53235 Suppository Methylergonovine Maleate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.74 726.82 726.82 -173.88 25 30.42
19555 2/12/08 0:00 Carol Darley Central Illinois 62444 Ointment Erythromycin Stearate Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.4 78.67 78.67 14.1 8 9.11
19555 2/12/08 0:00 Carol Darley Central Illinois 62444 Ointment Foscavir Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.37 246.24 246.24 -118.9 36 6.68
14245 2/12/08 0:00 Brian Dahlen Central Texas 78602 Gel Exidine Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.55 454.09 454.09 29.7 17 28.15
6850 2/12/08 0:00 Chuck Clark East New York 11769 Cream Fulvicin P/G 330 Injection TableauCeutical Animal 2,088.50 100% 0.08 0.37 2,088.50 2,088.50 675.07 41 51.98
6850 2/12/08 0:00 Chuck Clark East New York 11769 Suppository Clinimix 5/35 Sulfite Free In Dextrose 35% In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 81.56 100% 0.08 0.41 81.56 81.56 -7.23 8 10.01
6850 2/12/08 0:00 Chuck Clark East New York 11769 Syrup Mepergan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,126.72 100% 0.05 0.73 2,126.72 2,126.72 150.04 34 64.98
3078 2/12/08 0:00 Paul Lucas West California 96061 Gel Triesence Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 33.86 100% 0.05 0.56 33.86 33.86 0.35 12 2.88
6850 2/12/08 0:00 Chuck Clark East New York 11769 Spray Dicumarol Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,753.72 100% 0.05 0.74 3,753.72 3,753.72 -556.25 26 138.75
3078 2/12/08 0:00 Paul Lucas West California 96061 Capsule Permax Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 316.61 100% 0.1 0.56 316.61 316.61 -187.29 1 291.73
26054 2/13/08 0:00 Resi Polking South South Carolina 29808 For Solution Diazoxide Delayed Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.09 0.59 396.78 396.78 -321.21 47 8.37
10080 2/13/08 0:00 Grant Thornton East Connecticut 6439 Suppository Memantine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 637.04 100% 0 0.75 637.04 637.04 -26.83 20 30.73
57159 2/13/08 0:00 Hilary Holden Central Michigan 49971 Ointment Ortho Tri-Cyclen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 460.2 100% 0.01 0.4 460.2 460.2 -214.39 42 9.99
58502 2/13/08 0:00 Harold Engle Central Michigan 49634 Capsule Plasma-Lyte 56 And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,186.31 100% 0.03 0.59 5,186.31 5,186.31 1,009.38 23 226.67
57159 2/13/08 0:00 Hilary Holden Central Michigan 49971 Capsule Pepcid Complete Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,621.10 100% 0.09 0.78 4,621.10 4,621.10 -635.65 17 280.98
59619 2/14/08 0:00 Maureen Gastineau West California 93456 Ointment Desonide Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 76.04 100% 0.04 0.36 76.04 76.04 -47.55 12 5.98
59619 2/14/08 0:00 Maureen Gastineau West California 93456 Ointment Humulin U Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 225.4 100% 0.08 0.37 225.4 225.4 -165.48 35 6.48
14791 2/15/08 0:00 Lisa DeCherney West Idaho 83201 Concentrate Cytoxan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,576.22 100% 0.05 0.57 1,576.22 1,576.22 286.119 29 65.99
12259 2/15/08 0:00 Muhammed Yedwab East New York 14709 Syrup Mephyton Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,379.62 100% 0.1 0.75 1,379.62 1,379.62 -66.07 45 31.98
12259 2/15/08 0:00 Muhammed Yedwab East New York 14709 Injectable Anthelios 40 Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,007.69 100% 0.07 0.65 5,007.69 5,007.69 -899.34 45 114.98
47778 2/15/08 0:00 Frank Merwin West Idaho 83877 For Solution Imodium A-D Ez Chews Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 174.11 100% 0.06 0.54 174.11 174.11 -24.52 12 13.73
32931 2/16/08 0:00 Shaun Chance South South Carolina 29374 Syrup Lialda Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 298.11 100% 0.08 0.57 298.11 298.11 -60.79 25 12.44
32931 2/16/08 0:00 Shaun Chance South South Carolina 29374 Suspension/Drops Colovage Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 86.1 100% 0.06 0.36 86.1 86.1 32.7 31 2.88
37349 2/16/08 0:00 Bill Stewart South Virginia 23018 For Solution Pravachol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 631.73 100% 0.03 0.43 631.73 631.73 122.43 8 78.69
57127 2/17/08 0:00 Ralph Knight East New Jersey 7981 Ointment Fludara Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 735.54 100% 0 0.37 735.54 735.54 171.82 13 55.48
42820 2/17/08 0:00 Ted Trevino East Delaware 19891 Tablet Diovan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 141.56 100% 0.1 0.37 141.56 141.56 -2.852 27 5.28
36065 2/18/08 0:00 Dionis Lloyd South North Carolina 27010 Solution/Drops Floropryl Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.35 538.3 538.3 -63.98 31 16.98
39333 2/18/08 0:00 Michelle Ellison West Colorado 81655 Ointment Cafcit Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 95.22 100% 0.01 0.38 95.22 95.22 -33.4 18 4.98
54304 2/18/08 0:00 Justin Hirsh West Arizona 85234 Solution Dtic-Dome Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 558.62 100% 0.03 0.56 558.62 558.62 118.32 11 48.58
39333 2/18/08 0:00 Michelle Ellison West Colorado 81655 Capsule Potassium Chloride 0.075% In Dextrose 10% And Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 8,955.34 100% 0.1 0.55 8,955.34 8,955.34 2,081.48 31 320.98
6980 2/19/08 0:00 Ralph Knight East New Jersey 7981 Tablet Cimetidine Hydrochloride In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 136.29 100% 0.05 0.38 136.29 136.29 -77.28 18 7.3
33060 2/20/08 0:00 Keith Dawkins Central Texas 73301 Tablet Carafate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.35 15.88 15.88 -11.04 3 3.74
22368 2/20/08 0:00 Sarah Jordon East Massachusetts 1441 Cream Oxtriphylline Oral TableauCeutical Animal 3,917.61 100% 0.08 0.39 3,917.61 3,917.61 40.76 33 119.99
22368 2/20/08 0:00 Sarah Jordon East Massachusetts 1441 Suppository Dextrose 5% In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 192.12 100% 0.04 0.51 192.12 192.12 -74.85 5 39.24
22368 2/20/08 0:00 Sarah Jordon East Massachusetts 1441 Syrup Halcion Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,788.04 100% 0.01 0.83 2,788.04 2,788.04 -849.18 34 80.98
25091 2/20/08 0:00 Lena Creighton West Washington 99403 Tablet Neurolite Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 156.97 100% 0.01 0.37 156.97 156.97 -25.4265 4 34.54
59780 2/21/08 0:00 Art Foster Central Illinois 60001 Cream Vanos Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0 0.56 6,776.92 6,776.92 1,395.02 21 306.14
56835 2/21/08 0:00 Roland Murray Central Ohio 43270 Gel Iplex Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.52 10.94 10.94 -5.16 1 9.11
37157 2/21/08 0:00 Nathan Mautz South Alabama 35077 Ointment Clenz-Lyte Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.37 213 213 -71.09 39 5.28
57538 2/21/08 0:00 Christina Vanderzanden West New Mexico 88044 For Solution Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.55 1,370.49 1,370.49 -244.63 40 33.98
1060 2/21/08 0:00 Harold Dahlen Central Nebraska 68717 Tablet Dianeal Low Calcium W/ Dextrose 2.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,187.55 100% 0 0.35 1,187.55 1,187.55 532.61 30 37.7
38496 2/21/08 0:00 Pauline Chand East Connecticut 6439 Ointment Fluxid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 116.57 100% 0.07 0.36 116.57 116.57 -43.18 23 4.98
4739 2/21/08 0:00 Lynn Smith West Idaho 83465 Gel Triaminic-12 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 48.57 100% 0.04 0.58 48.57 48.57 4.21 16 2.94
14023 2/21/08 0:00 Edward Becker West Utah 84014 Ointment Fluoxetine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 498.16 100% 0.03 0.4 498.16 498.16 40.61 48 9.99
14023 2/21/08 0:00 Edward Becker West Utah 84014 Tablet Bupivacaine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 711.1 100% 0.08 0.36 711.1 711.1 241.077 36 21.38
41122 2/22/08 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 For Solution Levonorgestrel And Ethinyl Estradiol And Ethinyl Estradiol Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.53 61.22 61.22 -76.88 29 1.74
43940 2/22/08 0:00 Anne Pryor Central Ohio 43054 Concentrate Alcaine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,940.21 100% 0.09 0.59 1,940.21 1,940.21 -215.336 12 200.99
43940 2/22/08 0:00 Anne Pryor Central Ohio 43054 Gel Amipaque Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,717.21 100% 0.08 0.59 1,717.21 1,717.21 176.13 44 40.97
17632 2/22/08 0:00 Liz Thompson East New Jersey 8823 Lotion Flecainide Acetate Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 71.12 100% 0.1 0.83 71.12 71.12 -21.89 38 1.98
26499 2/22/08 0:00 Sylvia Foulston East New Jersey 7001 Suspension/Drops Cytovene Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 32.4 100% 0.05 0.39 32.4 32.4 8.78 11 2.88
39872 2/23/08 0:00 Sandra Glassco West New Mexico 87001 Suspension/Drops Delaxin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.36 16.24 16.24 0.35 5 2.88
29475 2/23/08 0:00 Gary Zandusky South Virginia 24157 Injectable Alli Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.62 1,814.82 1,814.82 -1,128.66 2 880.98
29475 2/23/08 0:00 Gary Zandusky South Virginia 24157 For Solution Desloratadine And Pseudoephedrine Sulfate 24 Hour Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.09 0.52 235.12 235.12 -29.62 49 4.91
4487 2/23/08 0:00 Scott Williamson East Massachusetts 5544 Tablet Dricort Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.36 325.24 325.24 -79.419 50 6.54
51362 2/23/08 0:00 Tim Taslimi Central Texas 76901 Suppository Theobid Jr. Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,501.80 100% 0.02 0.74 1,501.80 1,501.80 112.78 47 30.97
2279 2/23/08 0:00 Rob Haberlin Central Michigan 49877 Syrup Butalbital, Acetaminophen And Caffeine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 845.9 100% 0.04 0.66 845.9 845.9 52.53 39 20.98
37606 2/23/08 0:00 Patrick Bzostek West California 94404 Gel Trilyte Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 70.66 100% 0.06 0.56 70.66 70.66 -57.84 21 3.28
37606 2/23/08 0:00 Patrick Bzostek West California 94404 Ointment Esidrix Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 19.96 100% 0.05 0.38 19.96 19.96 3.25 1 4.98
37606 2/23/08 0:00 Patrick Bzostek West California 94404 Gel Dienestrol Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 148.99 100% 0.03 0.59 148.99 148.99 -115.48 41 3.57
2279 2/23/08 0:00 Rob Haberlin Central Michigan 49877 Capsule Uticillin Vk Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,577.18 100% 0 0.61 4,577.18 4,577.18 205.83 49 90.98
27426 2/24/08 0:00 William Brown South Georgia 39901 Aerosol Sulfair Forte Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.82 416.99 416.99 -93.62 32 12.88
27426 2/24/08 0:00 William Brown South Georgia 39901 Ointment Ergocalciferol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.4 438.66 438.66 58.86 41 9.99
42528 2/24/08 0:00 Alex Grayson West Colorado 80230 Suppository Tekturna Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 313.05 100% 0.02 0.43 313.05 313.05 81.87 31 9.78
42528 2/24/08 0:00 Alex Grayson West Colorado 80230 Lotion Valmid Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 161.28 100% 0.01 0.39 161.28 161.28 56.73 46 3.49
42528 2/24/08 0:00 Alex Grayson West Colorado 80230 Ointment Heparin Sodium 12,500 Units In Sodium Chloride 0.9% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 200.7 100% 0.02 0.37 200.7 200.7 -147.72 29 6.48
42528 2/24/08 0:00 Alex Grayson West Colorado 80230 Ointment Edurant Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,356.45 100% 0.02 0.38 1,356.45 1,356.45 47.65 37 35.44
42528 2/24/08 0:00 Alex Grayson West Colorado 80230 Syrup Zovia 1/50E-21 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 250.75 100% 0.02 0.59 250.75 250.75 -43.52 13 17.7
29156 2/25/08 0:00 Denise Monton Central Ohio 43001 Suppository Thallous Chloride Tl 201 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.77 208.77 208.77 -76.58 10 20.97
10627 2/25/08 0:00 Matt Collister West Idaho 83877 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.22% In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.58 40.23 40.23 -30.26 4 7.77
53344 2/25/08 0:00 Nora Paige Central Texas 88595 Tablet Desmopressin Acetate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.39 181.95 181.95 -132.2615 36 4.89
11878 2/25/08 0:00 Jesus Ocampo East Delaware 19964 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride, Hydrochlorothiazide And Reserpine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.37 101.82 101.82 -52.55 15 6.48
11878 2/25/08 0:00 Jesus Ocampo East Delaware 19964 Suspension/Drops Codimal-L.A. 12 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.39 102.06 102.06 36.23 18 6.3
48609 2/25/08 0:00 Pauline Johnson East New York 11769 Gel Android-F Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 186.5 100% 0.04 0.46 186.5 186.5 4.16 5 37.44
48609 2/25/08 0:00 Pauline Johnson East New York 11769 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 176.34 100% 0 0.37 176.34 176.34 -103.32 26 6.48
12803 2/26/08 0:00 Patrick Jones South Alabama 36344 Syrup Zonalon Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.58 383.81 383.81 -21.15 32 12.21
8807 2/26/08 0:00 Natalie Webber Central Ohio 43002 Concentrate Primidone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,379.34 100% 0.08 0.57 1,379.34 1,379.34 -78.54 14 125.99
11747 2/26/08 0:00 David Wiener Central Illinois 62444 Cream Clindagel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 315.28 100% 0.08 0.52 315.28 315.28 -300.63 3 99.99
8807 2/26/08 0:00 Natalie Webber Central Ohio 43002 Ointment Fuzeon Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 428.14 100% 0.04 0.39 428.14 428.14 -6.04 19 22.84
678 2/27/08 0:00 Dorothy Badders East Delaware 19895 Ointment Glipizide And Metformin Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.38 228.41 228.41 -226.36 44 4.98
37541 2/27/08 0:00 Claudia Miner East Delaware 19936 Suppository Metadate Er Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.65 71.94 71.94 -70.68 3 20.95
37541 2/27/08 0:00 Claudia Miner East Delaware 19936 Syrup Haloperidol Lactate Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.81 1,373.11 1,373.11 -599.54 18 80.98
37541 2/27/08 0:00 Claudia Miner East Delaware 19936 Ointment Elixicon Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.36 550.61 550.61 98.32 10 55.98
27879 2/27/08 0:00 Anemone Ratner West Utah 84121 Solution/Drops Actidil Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.4 669.01 669.01 299.35 44 15.74
27879 2/27/08 0:00 Anemone Ratner West Utah 84121 For Solution Laryngotracheal Anesthesia Kit Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.01 0.55 301.6 301.6 -24.93 30 9.65
38979 2/27/08 0:00 Steve Chapman South North Carolina 27801 Suppository Testosterone Cypionate-Estradiol Cypionate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,864.55 100% 0.06 0.44 2,864.55 2,864.55 1,021.07 34 82.99
38979 2/27/08 0:00 Steve Chapman South North Carolina 27801 Gel Dexamethasone Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 65.61 100% 0.02 0.46 65.61 65.61 -16.63 31 1.95
27461 2/27/08 0:00 Candace McMahon South Virginia 24658 Ointment Diflunisal Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,096.17 100% 0.01 0.36 1,096.17 1,096.17 110.78 26 40.99
36836 2/27/08 0:00 Karen Carlisle South Florida 34997 Tablet Metrodin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 16,116.33 100% 0.08 0.38 16,116.33 16,116.33 6,919.87 43 387.99
27461 2/27/08 0:00 Candace McMahon South Virginia 24658 Suspension/Drops Cytovene Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 121.92 100% 0.09 0.39 121.92 121.92 51.23 40 2.88
20038 2/27/08 0:00 Sally Knutson Central Texas 78602 For Solution Lax-Lyte With Flavor Packs Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 173.44 100% 0.05 0.49 173.44 173.44 -172.4 42 4.14
38979 2/27/08 0:00 Steve Chapman South North Carolina 27801 Capsule Azmacort Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,355.10 100% 0.07 0.6 3,355.10 3,355.10 -1,701.96 48 70.98
55394 2/27/08 0:00 Benjamin Patterson West Arizona 85301 Spray Chymex Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 340.7 100% 0.05 0.76 340.7 340.7 -485.12 21 15.23
33922 2/28/08 0:00 Carlos Daly East Delaware 19810 Cream Ludiomil Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.37 15,251.50 15,251.50 5,353.19 31 500.97
58820 2/28/08 0:00 Patricia Hirasaki West Washington 99403 For Solution Chirhostim Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.43 307.49 307.49 61.51 24 12.2
9701 2/28/08 0:00 Herbert Flentye West California 91188 Concentrate Choloxin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.57 855.865 855.865 -153.923 9 110.99
9701 2/28/08 0:00 Herbert Flentye West California 91188 Tablet Talacen Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.35 103.75 103.75 25.1345 8 12.97
47942 2/28/08 0:00 Harold Dahlen Central Nebraska 68717 Suspension Oxacillin Sodium Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 17,034.92 100% 0.09 0.37 17,034.92 17,034.92 5,916.34 30 599.99
47942 2/28/08 0:00 Harold Dahlen Central Nebraska 68717 Concentrate Cytosar-U Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 918.7395 100% 0.06 0.58 918.7395 918.7395 -303.556 9 125.99
6272 2/28/08 0:00 Randy Ferguson South Florida 32119 Concentrate Bancap Hc Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 358.4195 100% 0.09 0.83 358.4195 358.4195 -275.055 8 55.99
47942 2/28/08 0:00 Harold Dahlen Central Nebraska 68717 Ointment Centany Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 22.6 100% 0.04 0.36 22.6 22.6 -4.63 3 5.88
16230 2/28/08 0:00 Sonia Sunley Central Michigan 49971 Syrup Miconazole Nitrate Combination Pack Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 4,538.66 100% 0 0.78 4,538.66 4,538.66 506.86 40 111.03
16230 2/28/08 0:00 Sonia Sunley Central Michigan 49971 Ointment Enalaprilat Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 687.52 100% 0.08 0.38 687.52 687.52 223.76 15 48.91
16230 2/28/08 0:00 Sonia Sunley Central Michigan 49971 Suspension/Drops Aristogel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 13.3 100% 0.09 0.38 13.3 13.3 -7.86 2 7.31
20386 2/28/08 0:00 Mike Kennedy East Massachusetts 1001 Lotion Diazoxide Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 41.23 100% 0.09 0.81 41.23 41.23 -21.51 35 1.26
4166 2/28/08 0:00 Patrick Ryan South North Carolina 28909 Tablet Dopamine Hydrochloride In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 138.85 100% 0.08 0.39 138.85 138.85 -49.3465 19 7.1
16230 2/28/08 0:00 Sonia Sunley Central Michigan 49971 Injectable Vicoprin Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,379.01 100% 0.06 0.69 3,379.01 3,379.01 -801.09 27 130.98
6272 2/28/08 0:00 Randy Ferguson South Florida 32119 For Solution Clopra-"Yellow" Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,232.68 100% 0.03 0.65 3,232.68 3,232.68 875.45 31 105.98
6272 2/28/08 0:00 Randy Ferguson South Florida 32119 Spray E-Base Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,965.38 100% 0 0.63 4,965.38 4,965.38 -175.46 48 124.49
6272 2/28/08 0:00 Randy Ferguson South Florida 32119 For Solution Norinyl 1+35 21-Day Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 497.4 100% 0.05 0.39 497.4 497.4 37.9 33 14.98
17506 2/29/08 0:00 Susan Vittorini East New Jersey 7837 Solution Alphazine Intramuscular Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.57 9,473.31 9,473.31 1,939.11 33 294.62
34787 2/29/08 0:00 Sean Wendt East Massachusetts 1059 Gel Exsel Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 453.99 100% 0.05 0.58 453.99 453.99 14.61 14 30.98
36517 3/1/08 0:00 Katherine Nockton South Maryland 21230 Suppository Metadate Er Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 190.1 100% 0.06 0.6 190.1 190.1 -63.78 9 20.95
738 3/1/08 0:00 Caroline Jumper Central Ohio 43567 Solution Domeboro Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 560.51 100% 0.04 0.59 560.51 560.51 32.6 7 80.98
738 3/1/08 0:00 Caroline Jumper Central Ohio 43567 Ointment Hyzaar Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 189.95 100% 0.08 0.37 189.95 189.95 -56.68 31 6.48
36517 3/1/08 0:00 Katherine Nockton South Maryland 21230 Solution Dtic-Dome Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 877.64 100% 0.03 0.56 877.64 877.64 218.97 18 48.58
24577 3/1/08 0:00 Steve Chapman South North Carolina 27801 Ointment Femcon Fe Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 180.79 100% 0.05 0.39 180.79 180.79 20.09 8 22.84
19813 3/2/08 0:00 Lena Cacioppo Central Michigan 49642 Concentrate Citanest Plain Dental Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.56 1,098.51 1,098.51 218.727 29 45.99
4359 3/2/08 0:00 Kelly Andreada South Florida 32003 Syrup Hydrocortisone And Acetic Acid Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.59 215.76 215.76 -97.75 21 10.9
27236 3/2/08 0:00 Alan Hwang South Virginia 20101 Ointment Ethril 500 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.38 393.31 393.31 84.3 20 19.98
55424 3/2/08 0:00 Victoria Brennan East New York 14210 For Solution Alcohol 10% And Dextrose 5% Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.04 0.41 25.84 25.84 -4.13 6 1.76
35300 3/2/08 0:00 Dan Reichenbach Central Michigan 49634 Ointment Adderall Xr 25 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 119.03 100% 0.06 0.39 119.03 119.03 29.62 13 8.95
35300 3/2/08 0:00 Dan Reichenbach Central Michigan 49634 Suspension/Drops Adagen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 28.81 100% 0.02 0.38 28.81 28.81 7.15 10 2.89
1600 3/2/08 0:00 Liz MacKendrick West Idaho 83552 Ointment Exjade Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 191.6 100% 0.04 0.36 191.6 191.6 -150.74 36 4.98
2914 3/2/08 0:00 Maureen Gastineau West California 93456 Ointment Flovent Hfa Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 62.88 100% 0.09 0.37 62.88 62.88 -24.74 3 18.97
35300 3/2/08 0:00 Dan Reichenbach Central Michigan 49634 For Solution Inflamase Forte Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,445.60 100% 0.08 0.76 1,445.60 1,445.60 126.03 35 41.32
1600 3/2/08 0:00 Liz MacKendrick West Idaho 83552 For Solution Laryngotracheal Anesthesia Kit Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 303.59 100% 0.1 0.55 303.59 303.59 -45.99 32 9.65
47169 3/3/08 0:00 Doug Jacobs South Florida 32046 Concentrate Atarax Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.56 803.267 803.267 -19.965 15 65.99
11429 3/3/08 0:00 Jason Klamczynski Central Nebraska 69367 Tablet Nasalcrom Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.36 446.04 446.04 59.041 39 10.98
11429 3/3/08 0:00 Jason Klamczynski Central Nebraska 69367 Spray Fibricor Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.71 18,421.20 18,421.20 2,567.31 46 400.98
43271 3/3/08 0:00 Brenda Bowman Central Ohio 44197 Gel Advair Diskus 500/50 Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.58 7.75 7.75 -5.27 2 2.6
34599 3/3/08 0:00 John Castell East New York 14210 Ointment Gastrocrom Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.4 938.86 938.86 22.21 29 30.98
34599 3/3/08 0:00 John Castell East New York 14210 For Solution Insulin Nordisk Mixtard (Pork) Extended Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.52 191.55 191.55 7.17 26 7.7
44064 3/3/08 0:00 Theresa Swint Central Wisconsin 54990 Ointment Breathtek Ubt For H-Pylori Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 468.48 100% 0.07 0.36 468.48 468.48 -213.49 43 11.34
44064 3/3/08 0:00 Theresa Swint Central Wisconsin 54990 Gel Estrogenic Substance Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 284.14 100% 0.05 0.59 284.14 284.14 -104.18 23 11.66
27712 3/4/08 0:00 Speros Goranitis Central Texas 88595 Ointment Fernisone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 246.63 100% 0.08 0.38 246.63 246.63 31.54 20 12.28
8101 3/4/08 0:00 Maureen Gastineau West California 93456 Gel Visine-A Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 485.16 100% 0.1 0.56 485.16 485.16 -9.32 15 34.58
8101 3/4/08 0:00 Maureen Gastineau West California 93456 Capsule Enablex Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,491.71 100% 0.04 0.57 3,491.71 3,491.71 -1,216.64 35 95.95
54692 3/5/08 0:00 Tom Ashbrook Central Texas 73301 Concentrate Ammonul Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.58 2,478.48 2,478.48 249.102 27 115.99
54692 3/5/08 0:00 Tom Ashbrook Central Texas 73301 Gel Travasol 4.25% In Dextrose 25% In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.59 43.65 43.65 -3.67 16 2.78
8870 3/5/08 0:00 Mathew Reese South North Carolina 28909 Ointment Eryzole Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.4 441.58 441.58 117.39 15 30.98
46855 3/5/08 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Gel Timentin Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 53.34 100% 0.04 0.6 53.34 53.34 -4.68 32 1.68
52193 3/5/08 0:00 Mike Pelletier East New Jersey 7837 Gel Tri-Norinyl 21-Day Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 137.18 100% 0.07 0.58 137.18 137.18 6.04 47 2.94
52193 3/5/08 0:00 Mike Pelletier East New Jersey 7837 Suspension/Drops Cordran-N Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 17.89 100% 0.04 0.39 17.89 17.89 10.51 1 2.88
26852 3/6/08 0:00 Jim Kriz West California 90835 Ointment Eryc 125 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 15.81 100% 0.06 0.36 15.81 15.81 -9.88 2 4.98
46949 3/7/08 0:00 Mick Crebagga Central Illinois 62999 Suppository Rau-Sed Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.61 319.39 319.39 -39.33 37 8.46
14147 3/7/08 0:00 Theresa Coyne East Delaware 19810 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.45% And Potassium Chloride 20Meq (K) In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.35 351.49 351.49 107.321 8 41.94
14147 3/7/08 0:00 Theresa Coyne East Delaware 19810 Ointment Fansidar Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.4 74.13 74.13 -69.34 16 4.28
14147 3/7/08 0:00 Theresa Coyne East Delaware 19810 Ointment Fortaz In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.4 195.03 195.03 -148.87 45 4.28
58720 3/7/08 0:00 Nathan Gelder West Colorado 80813 Ointment Gleevec Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.4 202.62 202.62 13.87 6 30.98
58720 3/7/08 0:00 Nathan Gelder West Colorado 80813 Tablet Prometa Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.39 2,378.82 2,378.82 597.159 43 52.4
55269 3/7/08 0:00 Adam Bellavance East New York 10501 Ointment Gastrocrom Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.4 49.61 49.61 -41.82 1 30.98
19329 3/7/08 0:00 Max Engle South North Carolina 28633 Concentrate Ryzolt Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 231.7525 100% 0.03 0.56 231.7525 231.7525 -155.947 6 45.99
13121 3/7/08 0:00 Xylona Price West New Mexico 88439 Suppository Soyacal 10% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,211 100% 0 0.79 1,211 1,211 -27.99 36 30.98
13121 3/7/08 0:00 Xylona Price West New Mexico 88439 Concentrate Claritin Reditabs Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,924.14 100% 0.07 0.58 4,924.14 4,924.14 1,049.54 28 205.99
56610 3/7/08 0:00 Justin Hirsh West Arizona 85234 Suppository Meti-Derm Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 857.95 100% 0.08 0.64 857.95 857.95 51.85 20 43.22
9568 3/7/08 0:00 John Lucas South Maryland 21290 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.15% In Dextrose 10% And Sodium Chloride 0.2% In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,725.53 100% 0 0.54 3,725.53 3,725.53 748.67 46 76.72
43329 3/7/08 0:00 Doug Bickford South Alabama 36925 Solution Docetaxel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,475.83 100% 0.09 0.57 2,475.83 2,475.83 752.37 42 59.98
19329 3/7/08 0:00 Max Engle South North Carolina 28633 For Solution Capozide 25/25 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 281.59 100% 0.07 0.41 281.59 281.59 -6.39 37 7.96
28482 3/8/08 0:00 Jennifer Halladay East Connecticut 6439 Ointment Fansidar Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.4 177.92 177.92 -167.92 40 4.28
896 3/8/08 0:00 Edward Nazzal South Virginia 20101 Tablet Nitro-Dur Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.39 1,246.52 1,246.52 52.479 50 24.92
28482 3/8/08 0:00 Jennifer Halladay East Connecticut 6439 For Solution Sulfatrim Extended Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.51 119.63 119.63 -27.39 22 5.08
12736 3/8/08 0:00 Henry MacAllister Central Texas 77037 For Solution Laryngotracheal Anesthesia Kit Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.01 0.55 25.52 25.52 21.77 2 9.65
14406 3/8/08 0:00 Charles Sheldon East New Jersey 8989 Concentrate Blephamide S.O.P. Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 2,329.65 100% 0.1 0.85 2,329.65 2,329.65 -310.244 35 85.99
14406 3/8/08 0:00 Charles Sheldon East New Jersey 8989 Cream Galzin Injection TableauCeutical Animal 5,610.84 100% 0.07 0.38 5,610.84 5,610.84 2,366.51 37 150.98
3908 3/8/08 0:00 Dorothy Wardle East Delaware 19701 Concentrate Anectine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 820.284 100% 0 0.57 820.284 820.284 -180.202 8 115.99
14406 3/8/08 0:00 Charles Sheldon East New Jersey 8989 Syrup Corzide Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 455.34 100% 0.06 0.78 455.34 455.34 -932.55 20 20.98
47909 3/9/08 0:00 Dean Percer South Florida 32099 Concentrate Azopt Extended Release Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.37 843.03 843.03 419.895 48 20.99
47909 3/9/08 0:00 Dean Percer South Florida 32099 Ointment Exjade Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.36 185.19 185.19 -175.62 38 4.98
47909 3/9/08 0:00 Dean Percer South Florida 32099 Aerosol Ceenu Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.59 220.26 220.26 -35.95 22 10.23
43367 3/9/08 0:00 Anemone Ratner West Utah 84121 Syrup Betoptic Pilo Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.8 1,221.62 1,221.62 -468.64 18 64.65
43367 3/9/08 0:00 Anemone Ratner West Utah 84121 Ointment Hyzaar Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.37 23.38 23.38 -12.19 3 6.48
43367 3/9/08 0:00 Anemone Ratner West Utah 84121 Aerosol Cefepime In Plastic Container Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.59 139.37 139.37 1.72 16 8.34
21735 3/9/08 0:00 Liz Pelletier Central Ohio 44197 Concentrate Sterane Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,819.15 100% 0.02 0.58 1,819.15 1,819.15 -35.497 14 155.99
44897 3/9/08 0:00 Kelly Collister Central Ohio 43270 Ointment Cladribine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 85.62 100% 0.07 0.37 85.62 85.62 -81.22 11 7.28
31682 3/9/08 0:00 Carlos Meador South Florida 32119 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.15% In Dextrose 10% And Sodium Chloride 0.2% In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,186.77 100% 0.09 0.54 3,186.77 3,186.77 455.42 42 76.72
48263 3/9/08 0:00 Alex Grayson West Colorado 80230 Ointment Celexa Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 135.91 100% 0.07 0.4 135.91 135.91 37.5 25 5.68
48263 3/9/08 0:00 Alex Grayson West Colorado 80230 Ointment Evans Blue Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 164.22 100% 0.1 0.4 164.22 164.22 -124.72 28 5.98
21735 3/9/08 0:00 Liz Pelletier Central Ohio 44197 For Solution Lincomycin Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 239.49 100% 0.04 0.57 239.49 239.49 -159.35 23 9.98
52098 3/10/08 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Tablet Promethazine Vc W/ Codeine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 812.06 100% 0 0.37 812.06 812.06 220.065 19 39.06
4737 3/10/08 0:00 Roy Collins South Florida 32003 Ointment Centany Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 314.21 100% 0 0.36 314.21 314.21 49.77 49 5.88
24993 3/11/08 0:00 Beth Fritzler Central Texas 79080 Concentrate Bancap Hc Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.83 1,561.22 1,561.22 -226.82 36 55.99
15234 3/12/08 0:00 Toby Knight West Utah 84415 Concentrate Stoxil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,323.54 100% 0 0.57 1,323.54 1,323.54 -34.727 12 125.99
15234 3/12/08 0:00 Toby Knight West Utah 84415 Concentrate Cetrotide Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,185.95 100% 0.1 0.55 2,185.95 2,185.95 268.011 21 125.99
1412 3/12/08 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 Lotion Zerit Xr Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 97.48 100% 0.05 0.8 97.48 97.48 -5.77 21 4.71
1412 3/12/08 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 Suspension/Drops Delflex W/ Dextrose 2.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 59.03 100% 0.1 0.38 59.03 59.03 26.92 13 3.69
40804 3/12/08 0:00 Barry French Central Michigan 49634 Capsule Ocl Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,273.80 100% 0.06 0.74 4,273.80 4,273.80 -1,775.83 36 122.99
42884 3/12/08 0:00 Muhammed Yedwab East New York 14709 Spray Fibricor Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 12,098.87 100% 0.04 0.71 12,098.87 12,098.87 1,807.65 29 400.98
2149 3/12/08 0:00 Lori Olson South Alabama 36761 For Solution Lamisil At Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 43.56 100% 0.01 0.57 43.56 43.56 21.21 4 9.38
33632 3/13/08 0:00 Alex Avila South Alabama 35004 Concentrate Anthelios 20 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.57 763.6485 763.6485 -277.783 8 115.99
29957 3/13/08 0:00 Dave Brooks Central Illinois 62924 Ointment Embeline Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,447.62 100% 0.07 0.37 1,447.62 1,447.62 576.39 31 48.04
43936 3/13/08 0:00 Carl Weiss East New York 14709 Gel Estradiol Cypionate Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 670.65 100% 0.08 0.55 670.65 670.65 41.66 42 15.94
7938 3/13/08 0:00 Carlos Meador South Florida 32119 Gel Yutopar Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 334.66 100% 0.05 0.43 334.66 334.66 132.56 34 9.93
7938 3/13/08 0:00 Carlos Meador South Florida 32119 Ointment Desonide Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 139.19 100% 0.04 0.36 139.19 139.19 -86.73 23 5.98
29957 3/13/08 0:00 Dave Brooks Central Illinois 62924 Capsule Novamine 8.5% Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,555.37 100% 0.08 0.58 2,555.37 2,555.37 -824.91 28 95.98
47554 3/13/08 0:00 John Dryer South South Carolina 29808 For Solution Suprenza Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 364.23 100% 0.01 0.42 364.23 364.23 41.58 47 7.59
47554 3/13/08 0:00 John Dryer South South Carolina 29808 Capsule Novolog Mix 70/30 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 436.3 100% 0.08 0.56 436.3 436.3 -50.31 9 50.98
7938 3/13/08 0:00 Carlos Meador South Florida 32119 Capsule Norvasc Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,026.05 100% 0.1 0.76 2,026.05 2,026.05 -357.65 16 135.99
38791 3/14/08 0:00 Nathan Mautz South Alabama 35077 Spray Sandostatin Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.69 1,457.71 1,457.71 -1,565.89 24 70.89
51524 3/14/08 0:00 Pauline Chand East Connecticut 6439 Concentrate Avelox Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.83 347.2675 347.2675 -71.093 20 20.99
51524 3/14/08 0:00 Pauline Chand East Connecticut 6439 Syrup U-Gencin Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.85 2,723.10 2,723.10 -446.31 16 167.27
19744 3/14/08 0:00 Natalie Webber Central Ohio 43002 Solution Bromfenac Sodium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 478.38 100% 0.09 0.58 478.38 478.38 -34.39 41 11.97
27077 3/15/08 0:00 Frank Carlisle East Delaware 19936 Cream Frova Injection Competitor B Animal 0 0.37 1,612.93 1,612.93 321.25 11 140.99
36737 3/15/08 0:00 Harold Dahlen Central Nebraska 68717 Suppository Dexrazoxane Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 999.89 100% 0.02 0.52 999.89 999.89 -119.92 10 99.99
36737 3/15/08 0:00 Harold Dahlen Central Nebraska 68717 Concentrate Primacor Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,462.16 100% 0.03 0.58 1,462.16 1,462.16 215.433 26 65.99
36737 3/15/08 0:00 Harold Dahlen Central Nebraska 68717 Gel Triprolidine Hydrochloride Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 35.69 100% 0.04 0.56 35.69 35.69 -31.24 10 3.28
43877 3/15/08 0:00 Dorris Love South North Carolina 28717 Syrup Conray Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 580.04 100% 0.09 0.58 580.04 580.04 -31.86 36 16.91
47749 3/16/08 0:00 Cari Schnelling East Delaware 19701 Aerosol Lorabid Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.55 399.58 399.58 -188.53 46 8.45
43972 3/16/08 0:00 Chris Cortes South Florida 32046 Concentrate Arthrotec Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 714.391 100% 0 0.58 714.391 714.391 -62.326 12 65.99
2084 3/16/08 0:00 Andy Reiter South Maryland 20601 Ointment Entocort Ec Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 692.73 100% 0.01 0.36 692.73 692.73 94.97 16 40.99
49538 3/17/08 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Ointment Elixophyllin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 730.51 100% 0.08 0.39 730.51 730.51 217.57 29 26.38
53025 3/17/08 0:00 Justin Hirsh West Arizona 85234 Ointment Evans Blue Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 195.57 100% 0.09 0.4 195.57 195.57 -132.93 32 5.98
10754 3/17/08 0:00 Saphhira Shifley West Washington 98625 Ointment M.V.I. Adult Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 48.04 100% 0.09 0.37 48.04 48.04 -23.28 7 6.48
50118 3/18/08 0:00 Dianna Vittorini West Arizona 86442 Spray Chymex Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 337.38 100% 0 0.76 337.38 337.38 -409.79 19 15.23
12643 3/19/08 0:00 Ann Blume South Maryland 21794 Ointment Dilaudid Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.39 345.69 345.69 143.23 22 15.04
50759 3/19/08 0:00 Deborah Brumfield West Colorado 81221 Concentrate Clindagel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,422.72 100% 0.1 0.56 2,422.72 2,422.72 366.183 46 65.99
44162 3/19/08 0:00 Julie Creighton Central Michigan 49822 Aerosol Mpi Stannous Diphosphonate Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 507.64 100% 0.04 0.57 507.64 507.64 42.76 46 10.98
33283 3/20/08 0:00 Frank Hawley Central Wisconsin 53235 Spray Fazaclo Odt Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.77 10,462.54 10,462.54 -1,402.68 48 218.75
8387 3/20/08 0:00 Tamara Manning South South Carolina 29808 Tablet Norethindrone And Ethinyl Estradiol And Ferrous Fumarate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,133.96 100% 0.02 0.37 1,133.96 1,133.96 185.0875 35 31.74
32641 3/21/08 0:00 Fred Harton West Washington 98001 Tablet Nicorette (Mint) Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.36 167.53 167.53 -9.568 18 8.85
30374 3/21/08 0:00 Michelle Moray South Virginia 23970 Suppository Tavist-D Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,220.08 100% 0 0.4 1,220.08 1,220.08 515.64 42 28.48
15744 3/21/08 0:00 Jas O'Carroll East Connecticut 6928 Ointment Junior Strength Advil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 838.81 100% 0.09 0.37 838.81 838.81 290.77 16 55.48
44290 3/21/08 0:00 Peter Fuller South Georgia 39901 Ointment Benzyl Benzoate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 281.09 100% 0.01 0.4 281.09 281.09 -114.58 28 9.06
44290 3/21/08 0:00 Peter Fuller South Georgia 39901 Ointment Hypaque Sodium 20% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 276.65 100% 0.02 0.37 276.65 276.65 -75.28 41 6.48
30374 3/21/08 0:00 Michelle Moray South Virginia 23970 Solution Docetaxel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 709.54 100% 0.07 0.57 709.54 709.54 131.44 12 59.98
30308 3/21/08 0:00 George Bell South Virginia 23970 Tablet Diucardin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 30.38 100% 0.08 0.37 30.38 30.38 -59.179 15 1.8
44290 3/21/08 0:00 Peter Fuller South Georgia 39901 For Solution Mefoxin In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 508.38 100% 0.06 0.51 508.38 508.38 4.68 49 10.4
53060 3/22/08 0:00 Eric Barreto South Maryland 21230 Suppository Metadate Er Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 739.07 100% 0.1 0.65 739.07 739.07 -71.55 36 20.95
29671 3/22/08 0:00 Duane Huffman East Delaware 19810 Gel Prevacid 24 Hr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,511.70 100% 0.02 0.59 1,511.70 1,511.70 221.63 43 34.99
53060 3/22/08 0:00 Eric Barreto South Maryland 21230 Ointment Erythromycin Stearate Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 38.58 100% 0.02 0.4 38.58 38.58 -2.82 4 9.11
4037 3/23/08 0:00 Bruce Stewart West New Mexico 87001 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 188.07 100% 0 0.37 188.07 188.07 -101.85 27 6.48
44546 3/24/08 0:00 Vivek Sundaresam South Virginia 24658 Lotion Valrelease Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.36 55.2 55.2 4.26 15 3.58
52135 3/24/08 0:00 Jeremy Ellison West Utah 84415 Suppository Depo-Subq Provera 104 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.5 3,922.96 3,922.96 863.57 38 99.99
36866 3/24/08 0:00 Brian Stugart East Connecticut 6928 Syrup Allay Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 6,245.76 100% 0.1 0.6 6,245.76 6,245.76 1,462.42 32 210.55
5414 3/24/08 0:00 Michelle Tran West Idaho 83465 Syrup Butalbital, Acetaminophen And Caffeine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 284.62 100% 0.1 0.66 284.62 284.62 -27.08 14 20.98
5830 3/24/08 0:00 Shirley Jackson West California 93456 For Solution Hydro-Ride Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,012.14 100% 0.07 0.57 2,012.14 2,012.14 241.74 49 40.97
35430 3/25/08 0:00 Liz Willingham South North Carolina 27010 Concentrate Ammonium Chloride 0.9% In Normal Saline Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.56 1,655.37 1,655.37 173.934 31 65.99
35430 3/25/08 0:00 Liz Willingham South North Carolina 27010 Gel Amrinone Lactate Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.54 133.43 133.43 9.5 48 2.84
19815 3/25/08 0:00 Karen Carlisle South Florida 34997 Ointment Eryc 125 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.36 167.07 167.07 -102.36 33 4.98
35430 3/25/08 0:00 Liz Willingham South North Carolina 27010 For Solution Amantadine Hydrochloride Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.69 1,835.84 1,835.84 608.74 16 110.98
18017 3/25/08 0:00 Benjamin Venier South Maryland 21794 Spray Phisohex Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.76 5,202.90 5,202.90 64.67 22 296.18
42597 3/25/08 0:00 Paul Prost South Florida 32119 Suppository Isopaque 440 Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 29.66 100% 0.04 0.64 29.66 29.66 -32.78 5 4.98
7169 3/26/08 0:00 Lela Donovan East Massachusetts 5544 Concentrate Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,580.60 100% 0.07 0.56 1,580.60 1,580.60 303.525 30 65.99
27875 3/26/08 0:00 Muhammed Yedwab East New York 14709 Solution Potassium Chloride 40Meq In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 64.97 100% 0.1 0.59 64.97 64.97 -190.3 5 3.48
7169 3/26/08 0:00 Lela Donovan East Massachusetts 5544 For Solution Gynorest Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 446.72 100% 0.05 0.47 446.72 446.72 -39 22 20.28
58657 3/27/08 0:00 Kelly Williams South Virginia 24658 Suppository Technescan Hida Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,338.12 100% 0.04 0.42 1,338.12 1,338.12 519.7 43 31.78
10919 3/27/08 0:00 Ross DeVincentis West Idaho 83213 Syrup Cortef Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,040.95 100% 0.07 0.83 2,040.95 2,040.95 -1,231.87 42 48.91
37923 3/27/08 0:00 Paul Stevenson West New Mexico 88439 Ointment Fentanyl Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 198.43 100% 0.01 0.36 198.43 198.43 -79.67 29 6.48
35425 3/28/08 0:00 Tracy Blumstein West Washington 98601 Lotion Claritin-D Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.52 75.68 75.68 -4.04 45 1.81
35425 3/28/08 0:00 Tracy Blumstein West Washington 98601 Tablet Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.225% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.37 100.34 100.34 -88.1935 25 3.58
6050 3/28/08 0:00 Phillip Flathmann Central Nebraska 68016 Cream Sevoflurane Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.37 261.94 261.94 -252.62 3 80.97
5094 3/28/08 0:00 Mark Haberlin West Colorado 81124 Gel Android-F Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.46 79.58 79.58 -38.28 2 37.44
6050 3/28/08 0:00 Phillip Flathmann Central Nebraska 68016 Spray Perforomist Delayed Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.79 9,574.82 9,574.82 -1,860.83 47 209.37
21988 3/28/08 0:00 Jeremy Pistek South Georgia 30002 Solution Anhydron Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,337.19 100% 0.06 0.57 1,337.19 1,337.19 -431.45 4 328.14
40832 3/29/08 0:00 Erin Mull South Alabama 36922 For Solution Hypaque Sodium 20% Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.03 0.49 447.23 447.23 122.78 22 20.24
51558 3/29/08 0:00 Greg Guthrie Central Nebraska 69141 Ointment Eryped Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 245.4 100% 0 0.37 245.4 245.4 -87.27 34 6.68
42209 3/29/08 0:00 Alan Barnes Central Michigan 48001 Solution Methergine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 324.55 100% 0.08 0.58 324.55 324.55 -12.82 5 67.84
42209 3/29/08 0:00 Alan Barnes Central Michigan 48001 Capsule Amiloride Hydrochloride Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 8,901.78 100% 0.04 0.56 8,901.78 8,901.78 2,795.36 31 276.2
51558 3/29/08 0:00 Greg Guthrie Central Nebraska 69141 Spray Diflucan In Sodium Chloride 0.9% Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,177.66 100% 0.04 0.56 4,177.66 4,177.66 -1,057.75 47 85.29
4743 3/30/08 0:00 Gary Zandusky South Virginia 24157 Syrup Retin-A Micro Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.83 719.64 719.64 -245.62 32 20.89
4743 3/30/08 0:00 Gary Zandusky South Virginia 24157 Tablet Talacen Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.35 352.55 352.55 128.9875 29 12.97
33921 3/30/08 0:00 Daniel Lacy West Idaho 83810 Capsule Novolog Mix 70/30 Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.56 1,794.03 1,794.03 196.21 35 50.98
38659 3/30/08 0:00 Jonathan Doherty Central Ohio 43567 Suppository Testosterone Cypionate-Estradiol Cypionate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,982.42 100% 0.04 0.45 3,982.42 3,982.42 1,560.82 48 83.1
44706 3/30/08 0:00 Ritsa Hightower East Connecticut 6817 Lotion Enlon Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 47.48 100% 0.07 0.37 47.48 47.48 3.35 33 1.48
19206 3/30/08 0:00 Michelle Moray South Virginia 23970 Tablet Kafocin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 88.02 100% 0 0.36 88.02 88.02 -6.5435 40 2.08
38659 3/30/08 0:00 Jonathan Doherty Central Ohio 43567 Spray E-Base Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,025.66 100% 0.05 0.63 4,025.66 4,025.66 -395.12 32 124.49
44706 3/30/08 0:00 Ritsa Hightower East Connecticut 6817 Spray Flovent Hfa Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 7,556.61 100% 0.08 0.67 7,556.61 7,556.61 -391.38 18 424.21
19206 3/30/08 0:00 Michelle Moray South Virginia 23970 Capsule Optimine Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 800 100% 0.1 0.6 800 800 -210.3 32 25.98
23238 3/31/08 0:00 Bradley Drucker West Washington 99403 Cream Paracort Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.4 2,976.19 2,976.19 -51.17 25 115.99
53668 3/31/08 0:00 Dorris Love South North Carolina 28717 Aerosol Mpi Stannous Diphosphonate Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 98.24 100% 0.04 0.57 98.24 98.24 -10.38 9 10.98
52964 3/31/08 0:00 Jim Radford East Massachusetts 2054 For Solution Aminosyn Ii 10% In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,735.79 100% 0.08 0.59 5,735.79 5,735.79 828.27 44 136.98
44358 4/1/08 0:00 Theresa Coyne East Delaware 19810 Spray Potassium Chloride 0.075% In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.68 5,288.89 5,288.89 715.08 22 227.55
34371 4/1/08 0:00 Scott Cohen West Idaho 83643 Cream Vecuronium Bromide Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 8,334.03 100% 0.05 0.56 8,334.03 8,334.03 1,886.66 18 510.14
46434 4/1/08 0:00 David Philippe East New York 14210 Tablet Seasonique Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 800.39 100% 0.06 0.39 800.39 800.39 270.2915 34 24.95
21889 4/1/08 0:00 Becky Castell East Massachusetts 1001 Syrup Aerolate Sr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 817.18 100% 0.1 0.59 817.18 817.18 103.38 16 55.29
21889 4/1/08 0:00 Becky Castell East Massachusetts 1001 For Solution Predamide Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,049.79 100% 0.08 0.55 1,049.79 1,049.79 135.79 21 51.75
19812 4/2/08 0:00 Alex Russell South South Carolina 29808 Spray Hepatasol 8% Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.71 1,358.78 1,358.78 -163.2 3 550.98
38596 4/2/08 0:00 Aleksandra Gannaway West Washington 98601 Gel Spectazole Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 193.7 100% 0.06 0.47 193.7 193.7 -14.99 20 9.85
22022 4/3/08 0:00 Hallie Redmond South South Carolina 29907 Cream Losartan Potassium Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.07 0.57 1,409.86 1,409.86 -3,978.30 1 1,500.97
22627 4/3/08 0:00 Bill Shonely East Connecticut 6037 For Solution Prednisone Intensol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.09 0.46 1,934.60 1,934.60 614.03 33 63.94
22627 4/3/08 0:00 Bill Shonely East Connecticut 6037 Injectable Flurandrenolide Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.03 0.65 6,803 6,803 -1,061.68 46 150.98
5318 4/3/08 0:00 Matt Collins Central Michigan 48001 Concentrate Alcaine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 5,010.74 100% 0.03 0.59 5,010.74 5,010.74 1,196.37 29 200.99
5318 4/3/08 0:00 Matt Collins Central Michigan 48001 Solution Robaxin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,042.25 100% 0.08 0.55 1,042.25 1,042.25 195.16 8 131.12
12999 4/3/08 0:00 Georgia Rosenberg West Idaho 83201 Syrup Milrinone Lactate In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,712.07 100% 0.09 0.79 2,712.07 2,712.07 -435.56 31 95.43
39847 4/4/08 0:00 Jennifer Patt South Florida 32099 Concentrate Heparin Sodium 10,000 Units In Dextrose 5% Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.58 2,488.48 2,488.48 142.551 20 155.99
39847 4/4/08 0:00 Jennifer Patt South Florida 32099 Syrup Mepergan Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.73 3,170.52 3,170.52 379.11 49 64.98
39847 4/4/08 0:00 Jennifer Patt South Florida 32099 Tablet Bronkosol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.37 125.41 125.41 -127.006 29 4.38
21600 4/4/08 0:00 Ashley Jarboe West Arizona 85003 Ointment Casodex Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.36 169.48 169.48 48.55 17 10.14
7936 4/5/08 0:00 Pete Takahito West Idaho 83877 Syrup Lialda Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 183.43 100% 0.06 0.57 183.43 183.43 -41.86 15 12.44
7936 4/5/08 0:00 Pete Takahito West Idaho 83877 Injectable Veriloid Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,851.17 100% 0.06 0.61 2,851.17 2,851.17 -868.88 50 58.14
29700 4/6/08 0:00 Eric Barreto South Maryland 21230 Suspension/Drops Colgate Total Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 30.35 100% 0.01 0.37 30.35 30.35 5.02 9 3.08
22881 4/6/08 0:00 Melanie Page West Utah 84721 Syrup Actifed W/ Codeine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 476.06 100% 0.04 0.56 476.06 476.06 -120.48 33 14.03
56003 4/6/08 0:00 Katrina Willman Central Nebraska 68155 Spray Protopic Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,835.47 100% 0.1 0.7 1,835.47 1,835.47 -48.54 13 150.98
5990 4/7/08 0:00 Eric Murdock South Maryland 21794 Ointment Hepatolite Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.37 63.91 63.91 -27.78 9 6.48
9664 4/7/08 0:00 Matthew Grinstein East New York 544 Ointment Humulin U Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.37 88.38 88.38 -64.95 13 6.48
57889 4/7/08 0:00 Trudy Bell South Alabama 36072 Concentrate Bactrim Ds Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 723.3075 100% 0.01 0.57 723.3075 723.3075 216.702 39 20.99
11943 4/7/08 0:00 Stephanie Phelps East New York 14210 Tablet Calderol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 657.94 100% 0.09 0.38 657.94 657.94 7.3525 49 14.45
26786 4/7/08 0:00 Evan Henry South Maryland 21022 Solution Cardizem Sr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 296.94 100% 0.08 0.58 296.94 296.94 -25.41 29 10.98
11943 4/7/08 0:00 Stephanie Phelps East New York 14210 Capsule Trovan Preservative Free Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,270.73 100% 0.08 0.73 1,270.73 1,270.73 -425.72 19 70.98
26951 4/8/08 0:00 Kean Takahito South South Carolina 29941 Cream Galzin Injection Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.38 451.81 451.81 -366.2 3 150.98
28007 4/8/08 0:00 Deborah Brumfield West Colorado 81221 Solution Potassium Chloride 40Meq In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.59 128.97 128.97 -1,045.25 23 3.48
28007 4/8/08 0:00 Deborah Brumfield West Colorado 81221 Gel Prevpac Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.58 238.77 238.77 -78.81 20 11.66
28007 4/8/08 0:00 Deborah Brumfield West Colorado 81221 Aerosol Catapres-Tts-2 Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.6 257.34 257.34 12.82 20 12.98
54917 4/9/08 0:00 Anthony Rawles Central Illinois 62999 Suspension Avinza Delayed Release Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.36 6,034.68 6,034.68 -517.08 12 499.99
29478 4/9/08 0:00 Russell D'Ascenzo Central Wisconsin 53006 Concentrate Bactrim Ds Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 272.8925 100% 0.01 0.57 272.8925 272.8925 19.611 15 20.99
24581 4/9/08 0:00 George Ashbrook East Delaware 19934 Tablet Acetohexamide Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 38.56 100% 0.03 0.35 38.56 38.56 4.08 8 4.55
19296 4/10/08 0:00 Eric Murdock South Maryland 21794 Gel Trasylol Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.59 75.73 75.73 -37.76 43 1.68
45605 4/10/08 0:00 Nora Paige Central Texas 88595 Spray Fludarabine Phosphate Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.64 1,494.27 1,494.27 -248.78 7 212.6
5472 4/10/08 0:00 Karl Brown West California 93456 Concentrate Atracurium Besylate Preservative Free Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,098.15 100% 0.09 0.58 1,098.15 1,098.15 -182.974 12 115.99
12613 4/10/08 0:00 Richard Eichhorn South Virginia 24658 Tablet Nexium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,751.08 100% 0 0.39 1,751.08 1,751.08 587.01 28 59.78
12613 4/10/08 0:00 Richard Eichhorn South Virginia 24658 Tablet Grifulvin V Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 15.64 100% 0.08 0.4 15.64 15.64 -16.008 3 3.36
45158 4/10/08 0:00 Juliana Krohn West Utah 84631 Lotion Busulfex Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 63.84 100% 0.03 0.39 63.84 63.84 23.52 15 3.78
45158 4/10/08 0:00 Juliana Krohn West Utah 84631 Ointment Dv Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 375.52 100% 0.09 0.37 375.52 375.52 131.7 40 9.68
5472 4/10/08 0:00 Karl Brown West California 93456 Ointment Gallium Citrate Ga 67 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 216.08 100% 0 0.36 216.08 216.08 -84.33 32 6.48
5472 4/10/08 0:00 Karl Brown West California 93456 Syrup Combunox Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 339.03 100% 0.09 0.59 339.03 339.03 -24.44 27 13.48
40164 4/10/08 0:00 Chuck Clark East New York 11769 For Solution Atropen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 184.07 100% 0.04 0.51 184.07 184.07 75.63 8 22.98
12613 4/10/08 0:00 Richard Eichhorn South Virginia 24658 For Solution Chlorpropamide Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 225.37 100% 0.04 0.55 225.37 225.37 77.53 18 12.22
53349 4/10/08 0:00 Alejandro Grove West California 90835 Capsule Piperacillin And Tazobactam Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 11,002.66 100% 0.07 0.55 11,002.66 11,002.66 2,349.29 46 243.98
52839 4/11/08 0:00 Catherine Glotzbach South South Carolina 29374 Concentrate Bancap Hc Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.83 1,158.60 1,158.60 -155.298 25 55.99
52839 4/11/08 0:00 Catherine Glotzbach South South Carolina 29374 Gel Triacort Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.56 30.17 30.17 -22.84 8 3.28
16643 4/11/08 0:00 Quincy Jones South Alabama 36276 Ointment Aldoril D50 Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.39 441.4 441.4 146.04 46 10.06
16643 4/11/08 0:00 Quincy Jones South Alabama 36276 Suspension/Drops Aristogel Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.38 312.63 312.63 167.3 40 7.31
55203 4/11/08 0:00 Natalie Webber Central Ohio 43002 Concentrate Amoxicillin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 994.4745 100% 0.05 0.59 994.4745 994.4745 0.711 18 65.99
29121 4/11/08 0:00 Jack Lebron Central Michigan 49877 Concentrate Cytosar-U Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,206.97 100% 0.08 0.58 3,206.97 3,206.97 575.334 31 125.99
3040 4/11/08 0:00 Tracy Zic Central Wisconsin 53001 Ointment Histamine Phosphate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 98.39 100% 0.01 0.37 98.39 98.39 -31.54 13 6.48
7078 4/11/08 0:00 Ricardo Block South Alabama 36350 Solution Penicillin V Potassium Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 112.12 100% 0.01 0.42 112.12 112.12 -8.45 9 11.33
7078 4/11/08 0:00 Ricardo Block South Alabama 36350 Tablet Grifulvin V Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 49.58 100% 0.1 0.4 49.58 49.58 -47.0235 11 3.36
7078 4/11/08 0:00 Ricardo Block South Alabama 36350 Capsule Ocl Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,939.65 100% 0.05 0.74 1,939.65 1,939.65 -885.73 16 122.99
7078 4/11/08 0:00 Ricardo Block South Alabama 36350 For Solution Norinyl 1+35 21-Day Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 465.52 100% 0.02 0.39 465.52 465.52 65.35 29 14.98
56001 4/12/08 0:00 Alex Avila South Alabama 35004 Ointment Humatin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.37 118.36 118.36 -60.65 17 6.48
20899 4/12/08 0:00 Arthur Prichep West California 91188 Ointment Fluocinolone Acetonide Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.36 495.1 495.1 110.36 9 54.96
45409 4/12/08 0:00 Damala Kotsonis South Maryland 21230 Concentrate Bayer Extra Strength Aspirin For Migraine Pain Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 893.1375 100% 0 0.83 893.1375 893.1375 10.998 50 20.99
45409 4/12/08 0:00 Damala Kotsonis South Maryland 21230 Gel Triacort Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 36.26 100% 0.08 0.56 36.26 36.26 -28.37 10 3.28
2272 4/12/08 0:00 Grant Donatelli Central Wisconsin 53081 Spray Fludarabine Phosphate Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 7,680.29 100% 0.08 0.64 7,680.29 7,680.29 -87.21 39 212.6
11456 4/12/08 0:00 Doug Bickford South Alabama 36925 For Solution Indium In-111 Oxyquinoline Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,519.90 100% 0.09 0.61 1,519.90 1,519.90 399.37 15 105.34
45409 4/12/08 0:00 Damala Kotsonis South Maryland 21230 Capsule Pfizer-E Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,427.31 100% 0.1 0.57 3,427.31 3,427.31 124.36 11 320.98
22629 4/15/08 0:00 Sonia Sunley Central Michigan 49971 Suppository Rubramin Pc Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.65 365.93 365.93 -243.02 5 73.98
19559 4/15/08 0:00 Matthew Grinstein East New York 544 Concentrate Benztropine Mesylate Extended Release Competitor B Animal 0.07 0.55 1,032.03 1,032.03 97.398 14 85.99
19559 4/15/08 0:00 Matthew Grinstein East New York 544 Concentrate Heparin Sodium 10,000 Units In Dextrose 5% Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.58 2,445.21 2,445.21 275.769 18 155.99
37443 4/15/08 0:00 Mark Packer West California 91188 Concentrate Anectine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.57 2,172.70 2,172.70 481.743 21 115.99
19559 4/15/08 0:00 Matthew Grinstein East New York 544 Ointment Benylin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.4 260.77 260.77 -8.75 31 8.34
18465 4/15/08 0:00 Laura Armstrong South Maryland 20667 Syrup Betoptic Pilo Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.8 816.23 816.23 -353.71 12 64.65
37443 4/15/08 0:00 Mark Packer West California 91188 Solution Docetaxel Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.57 2,869.44 2,869.44 840.55 50 59.98
47524 4/15/08 0:00 Jeremy Lonsdale Central Nebraska 68770 Suppository Proquin Xr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 269.14 100% 0.1 0.75 269.14 269.14 -160.72 8 35.77
47524 4/15/08 0:00 Jeremy Lonsdale Central Nebraska 68770 Ointment Drolban Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 245.82 100% 0.08 0.36 245.82 245.82 86.44 40 6.45
16932 4/15/08 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 Gel Delflex-Lm W/ Dextrose 4.25% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 127.16 100% 0.09 0.52 127.16 127.16 12.88 20 6.7
16932 4/15/08 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 Ointment E-Z Scrub Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 144.84 100% 0.09 0.36 144.84 144.84 -120.99 25 5.78
37318 4/15/08 0:00 Nat Gilpin East Connecticut 6928 For Solution Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,031.23 100% 0.07 0.55 1,031.23 1,031.23 -138.54 32 33.98
54336 4/15/08 0:00 Alejandro Savely West Washington 98001 For Solution Mucinex D Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 952.21 100% 0.05 0.43 952.21 952.21 403.83 50 18.84
23232 4/16/08 0:00 Penelope Sewall Central Ohio 45999 Suppository Propoxyphene Compound-65 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.67 614.15 614.15 -54.37 15 39.98
23232 4/16/08 0:00 Penelope Sewall Central Ohio 45999 Suspension/Drops Dialyte W/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.39 154.24 154.24 68.88 31 4.98
23232 4/16/08 0:00 Penelope Sewall Central Ohio 45999 Ointment Griseofulvin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.36 140.31 140.31 -94.11 20 6.48
6661 4/16/08 0:00 Clytie Kelty South South Carolina 29001 Suspension Glucophage Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.38 19,224.92 19,224.92 6,635.15 47 449.99
6661 4/16/08 0:00 Clytie Kelty South South Carolina 29001 For Solution Maxibolin Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.44 778.62 778.62 247.24 39 19.23
772 4/16/08 0:00 Pamela Stobb Central Nebraska 69367 Solution Ergamisol Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 589.24 100% 0.08 0.5 589.24 589.24 -38.35 35 17.52
772 4/16/08 0:00 Pamela Stobb Central Nebraska 69367 Solution/Drops Actiq Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 233.05 100% 0.1 0.37 233.05 233.05 86.93 25 9.9
56321 4/16/08 0:00 Shahid Shariari West Arizona 85301 Tablet Diltzac Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 135.88 100% 0.1 0.4 135.88 135.88 -75.394 24 5.8
38630 4/17/08 0:00 Vivek Sundaresam South Virginia 24658 Concentrate Adderall 5 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.58 2,175.22 2,175.22 44.55 13 195.99
56992 4/18/08 0:00 Maria Zettner South Georgia 30002 Ointment Gastrocrom Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 315.42 100% 0.1 0.4 315.42 315.42 -41.26 10 30.98
12451 4/19/08 0:00 Thais Sissman Central Wisconsin 53235 Syrup Liquamar Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.81 329.37 329.37 -53.57 21 15.14
12451 4/19/08 0:00 Thais Sissman Central Wisconsin 53235 Injectable Vicoprin Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.01 0.69 3,662.16 3,662.16 -372.82 26 130.98
4774 4/19/08 0:00 Lindsay Williams Central Texas 78702 Suppository Xalkori Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 126.87 100% 0.08 0.75 126.87 126.87 -125.99 4 32.98
47078 4/19/08 0:00 Karen Seio South Alabama 36759 Ointment Cephalothin Sodium W/ Dextrose In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 279.83 100% 0.01 0.38 279.83 279.83 77.04 43 6.04
47078 4/19/08 0:00 Karen Seio South Alabama 36759 Suspension/Drops Cortef Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 84.74 100% 0.06 0.36 84.74 84.74 34.1 18 4.91
47078 4/19/08 0:00 Karen Seio South Alabama 36759 Ointment Gyne-Sulf Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 98.57 100% 0.07 0.38 98.57 98.57 -49.64 20 4.98
38117 4/20/08 0:00 Mick Hernandez South Maryland 21794 Syrup Orudis Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.6 481.27 481.27 -128.89 28 15.7
40068 4/20/08 0:00 Jennifer Patt South Florida 32099 Syrup Mepergan Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.73 128.52 128.52 -110.07 2 64.98
40068 4/20/08 0:00 Jennifer Patt South Florida 32099 Capsule Uroplus Ds Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.62 200.38 200.38 -90.41 1 160.98
40068 4/20/08 0:00 Jennifer Patt South Florida 32099 Spray Feridex I.V. Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.62 6,717.78 6,717.78 1,903.10 24 348.21
38944 4/20/08 0:00 Mitch Gastineau East New York 10501 Concentrate Stoxil Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.57 1,873.35 1,873.35 194.211 17 125.99
9895 4/20/08 0:00 Adam Bellavance East New York 10501 Gel Ionosol Mb And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.56 54.79 54.79 -6.82 9 5.85
38944 4/20/08 0:00 Mitch Gastineau East New York 10501 Ointment Bancap Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.38 921.3 921.3 353.16 32 29.14
7910 4/20/08 0:00 Erica Hackney South South Carolina 29941 Ointment Fentanyl-75 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.38 729.57 729.57 250.43 22 35.44
38944 4/20/08 0:00 Mitch Gastineau East New York 10501 Capsule Orapred Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.01 0.6 24,639.80 24,639.80 8,614.79 46 500.98
7910 4/20/08 0:00 Erica Hackney South South Carolina 29941 For Solution Clozaril Extended Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.01 0.68 1,871.13 1,871.13 346.43 41 45.98
11846 4/20/08 0:00 Ken Dana West New Mexico 88134 Suppository Cetraxal Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 7,319.85 100% 0.03 0.79 7,319.85 7,319.85 611.43 49 152.48
57281 4/20/08 0:00 Andy Yotov Central Wisconsin 53006 Tablet Desloratadine And Pseudoephedrine Sulfate 24 Hour Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 561.66 100% 0.07 0.38 561.66 561.66 -111.3315 26 22.38
11846 4/20/08 0:00 Ken Dana West New Mexico 88134 Syrup Alfenta Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 707.44 100% 0.01 0.66 707.44 707.44 -50.27 28 24.98
11841 4/20/08 0:00 Melanie Page West Utah 84721 Ointment Fluocinolone Acetonide Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,339.52 100% 0.1 0.36 2,339.52 2,339.52 886.03 44 54.96
11841 4/20/08 0:00 Melanie Page West Utah 84721 Gel Carbocaine Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 533.25 100% 0.07 0.6 533.25 533.25 -88.32 46 11.97
18758 4/20/08 0:00 Liz Pelletier Central Ohio 44197 For Solution Sprx-105 Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,022.18 100% 0.09 0.59 2,022.18 2,022.18 594.44 20 102.3
57281 4/20/08 0:00 Andy Yotov Central Wisconsin 53006 Injectable Fondaparinux Sodium Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,851.62 100% 0.09 0.62 1,851.62 1,851.62 -220.84 19 100.98
27687 4/22/08 0:00 Maribeth Yedwab South Virginia 20101 Tablet Dopamine Hydrochloride In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.39 251.3 251.3 -112.723 38 7.1
45412 4/22/08 0:00 Arianne Irving Central Texas 78702 Concentrate Betamethasone Acetate And Betamethasone Sodium Phosphate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 586.619 100% 0.06 0.55 586.619 586.619 83.07 20 35.99
13088 4/22/08 0:00 Ben Ferrer West California 92320 Solution Femring Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 187.92 100% 0.08 0.56 187.92 187.92 -2,149.80 46 3.25
35142 4/22/08 0:00 Joel Jenkins East New York 14709 For Solution Hypaque Sodium 20% Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 231.27 100% 0.03 0.49 231.27 231.27 89.29 11 20.24
13347 4/23/08 0:00 Vivek Gonzalez South Virginia 24157 Tablet Janimine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 104.89 100% 0.07 0.38 104.89 104.89 22.8395 24 3.8
58854 4/24/08 0:00 Arthur Gainer South North Carolina 27006 Concentrate Ak-Fluor 25% Injection TableauCeutical Animal 193.205 100% 0 0.58 193.205 193.205 -52.239 10 20.99
58854 4/24/08 0:00 Arthur Gainer South North Carolina 27006 Injectable Ambodryl Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 6,130.90 100% 0.03 0.66 6,130.90 6,130.90 583.15 35 170.98
1058 4/25/08 0:00 Jim Epp West Idaho 83465 Concentrate Cinobac Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.07 0.6 469.438 469.438 -888.162 3 195.99
47461 4/25/08 0:00 Christopher Martinez Central Illinois 62999 Gel Ancef In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.47 322.8 322.8 53.15 45 7.08
47461 4/25/08 0:00 Christopher Martinez Central Illinois 62999 Ointment Duraquin Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.38 318.28 318.28 114.95 39 8.17
47461 4/25/08 0:00 Christopher Martinez Central Illinois 62999 Tablet Gyne-Lotrimin 3 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.39 289.53 289.53 46.971 34 8.69
47175 4/25/08 0:00 Jeremy Lonsdale Central Nebraska 68770 Gel Hydrocortisone Valerate Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 70.45 100% 0.1 0.4 70.45 70.45 -2.31 40 1.82
46624 4/26/08 0:00 Keith Dawkins Central Texas 73301 Suspension/Drops Cytadren Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.39 110.2 110.2 42.84 28 4.13
46624 4/26/08 0:00 Keith Dawkins Central Texas 73301 Ointment Fansidar Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.4 54.86 54.86 -50.6 12 4.28
49989 4/26/08 0:00 Dianna Wilson South Georgia 31569 Suppository Orsythia Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.48 1,854.94 1,854.94 -559.78 6 300.97
1383 4/26/08 0:00 Frank Merwin West Idaho 83877 Syrup Intropin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 17,129.97 100% 0.07 0.57 17,129.97 17,129.97 5,616.08 43 415.88
28512 4/27/08 0:00 Lindsay Castell Central Nebraska 69367 Suppository Memantine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 323.91 100% 0.09 0.75 323.91 323.91 -96.53 11 30.73
28512 4/27/08 0:00 Lindsay Castell Central Nebraska 69367 Syrup Baci-Rx Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 7,168.15 100% 0.05 0.58 7,168.15 7,168.15 1,593.61 18 419.19
28512 4/27/08 0:00 Lindsay Castell Central Nebraska 69367 Ointment Ifosfamide Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 185.59 100% 0.1 0.38 185.59 185.59 12.01 10 19.98
28643 4/27/08 0:00 Thomas Thornton West California 96121 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.45% And Potassium Chloride 20Meq (K) In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 659.5 100% 0.09 0.35 659.5 659.5 248.982 16 41.94
40678 4/28/08 0:00 Daniel Byrd East New York 14925 Tablet Helicosol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.4 2,753.07 2,753.07 551.3355 42 67.28
14854 4/28/08 0:00 Robert Marley South Maryland 21022 Syrup Conray Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 391.23 100% 0.07 0.58 391.23 391.23 -27.98 24 16.91
17090 4/28/08 0:00 Greg Guthrie Central Nebraska 69141 Capsule Ocl Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,351.08 100% 0.05 0.74 3,351.08 3,351.08 -1,086.43 26 122.99
17090 4/28/08 0:00 Greg Guthrie Central Nebraska 69141 Injectable Aquasol A Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,177.52 100% 0.04 0.77 4,177.52 4,177.52 -443.78 30 140.98
33857 4/29/08 0:00 Troy Blackwell Central Illinois 62999 Ointment Duo-Medihaler Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.38 130.16 130.16 28.87 18 7.04
38850 4/29/08 0:00 Corey Lock East Connecticut 6074 Spray Feridex I.V. Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.62 12,570.74 12,570.74 -4,560.43 34 348.21
23394 4/29/08 0:00 Kean Nguyen South Maryland 21794 Tablet Alphatrex Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.38 101.57 101.57 -5.9915 45 2.08
21319 4/29/08 0:00 Chuck Sachs East Connecticut 6439 Suspension Glucophage Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 2,361.10 100% 0.01 0.38 2,361.10 2,361.10 -1,042.71 5 449.99
21319 4/29/08 0:00 Chuck Sachs East Connecticut 6439 Syrup Chlorotrianisene Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 167.53 100% 0.03 0.57 167.53 167.53 -40.94 11 14.98
21319 4/29/08 0:00 Chuck Sachs East Connecticut 6439 For Solution Dicumarol Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,060.34 100% 0.04 0.62 1,060.34 1,060.34 -174.94 42 23.99
5569 4/29/08 0:00 Frank Price East Massachusetts 1001 For Solution Laryngotracheal Anesthesia Kit Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 118.97 100% 0.09 0.55 118.97 118.97 -0.06 12 9.65
28928 4/30/08 0:00 Nora Pelletier South North Carolina 27010 Concentrate Aviane-28 Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 1,397.38 100% 0.01 0.82 1,397.38 1,397.38 -135.861 46 35.99
28928 4/30/08 0:00 Nora Pelletier South North Carolina 27010 Suppository Osmitrol 5% In Water Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 5,144.94 100% 0.09 0.51 5,144.94 5,144.94 729.06 22 256.99
14855 4/30/08 0:00 John Lee Central Texas 79080 Tablet Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.225% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 174.9 100% 0.06 0.37 174.9 174.9 -150.903 44 3.58
28928 4/30/08 0:00 Nora Pelletier South North Carolina 27010 Solution Docetaxel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 185.16 100% 0.02 0.57 185.16 185.16 -49.34 3 59.98
57766 4/30/08 0:00 Julia Dunbar West New Mexico 88044 Suspension/Drops Clobetasol Propionate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 517.98 100% 0.05 0.39 517.98 517.98 -85.32 17 30.53
14855 4/30/08 0:00 John Lee Central Texas 79080 Spray E-Base Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,557.51 100% 0.01 0.63 2,557.51 2,557.51 -168.48 19 124.49
14855 4/30/08 0:00 John Lee Central Texas 79080 For Solution Letrozole Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 103.8 100% 0.1 0.41 103.8 103.8 -150.53 48 2.23
43904 5/1/08 0:00 Michael Oakman Central Ohio 45999 Concentrate Cytosar-U Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.58 3,339.65 3,339.65 788.508 30 125.99
43904 5/1/08 0:00 Michael Oakman Central Ohio 45999 Suppository Clinimix 5/35 Sulfite Free In Dextrose 35% In Plastic Container Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.08 0.41 413.83 413.83 111.74 43 10.01
57857 5/1/08 0:00 Anthony Rawles Central Illinois 62999 For Solution Aminosyn 3.5% W/ Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.1 0.39 314.96 314.96 153.48 18 18.65
57092 5/1/08 0:00 David Philippe East New York 14210 Concentrate Staphcillin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,820.70 100% 0.03 0.57 2,820.70 2,820.70 601.335 29 110.99
29408 5/2/08 0:00 Neil Knudson West New Mexico 87001 Cream Oxtriphylline Oral Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.39 4,260.73 4,260.73 251.58 44 119.99
34402 5/2/08 0:00 Mitch Willingham South North Carolina 27006 Syrup Haloperidol Lactate Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,016.85 100% 0.05 0.81 3,016.85 3,016.85 -967.67 38 80.98
34402 5/2/08 0:00 Mitch Willingham South North Carolina 27006 Suspension/Drops Delflex-Lm W/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 48.5 100% 0.07 0.37 48.5 48.5 23.88 11 3.15
51488 5/2/08 0:00 Liz MacKendrick West Idaho 83552 Solution Magnesium Sulfate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,561.96 100% 0.03 0.58 1,561.96 1,561.96 119.92 31 50.98
8131 5/3/08 0:00 Helen Abelman Central Michigan 49822 Suppository Dextrose 60% Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.5 717.29 717.29 191.29 24 29.89
2656 5/3/08 0:00 Nathan Cano East Massachusetts 1059 Concentrate Avandamet Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 913.41 100% 0.01 0.57 913.41 913.41 237.141 29 35.99
12900 5/3/08 0:00 Laurel Elliston West Idaho 83810 Cream Vanos Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 4,096.21 100% 0.08 0.56 4,096.21 4,096.21 308.22 18 306.14
2656 5/3/08 0:00 Nathan Cano East Massachusetts 1059 Spray Potassium Chloride Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 523.11 100% 0.05 0.55 523.11 523.11 -238.37 3 159.31
12900 5/3/08 0:00 Laurel Elliston West Idaho 83810 For Solution Tussicaps Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 627.12 100% 0.08 0.48 627.12 627.12 100.04 50 12.64
18946 5/4/08 0:00 Kelly Andreada South Florida 32003 Ointment Heparin Sodium 25,000 Units In Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.37 202.89 202.89 -201.91 32 6.48
42912 5/4/08 0:00 Craig Molinari Central Texas 88595 Syrup Azilect Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.57 52.59 52.59 -30.39 4 11.35
3012 5/4/08 0:00 Maxwell Schwartz West New Mexico 87011 Tablet Doxychel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 120.03 100% 0 0.36 120.03 120.03 10.4975 41 2.78
27776 5/4/08 0:00 Liz Price West Arizona 85234 Ointment E-Z Scrub 241 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 226.68 100% 0.04 0.38 226.68 226.68 -159.35 41 4.98
32099 5/5/08 0:00 Emily Burns East Connecticut 6928 Ointment Elestat Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.38 506.73 506.73 25.58 41 12.28
3621 5/5/08 0:00 Eric Barreto South Maryland 21230 Solution/Drops Bumex Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.35 83.87 83.87 -28.83 14 5.58
8384 5/5/08 0:00 Meg Tillman Central Ohio 43107 Injectable Aquasol A Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.07 0.77 4,935.72 4,935.72 -698.09 37 140.98
48832 5/5/08 0:00 Bobby Trafton South Georgia 39901 Capsule Uticillin Vk Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.61 4,480.89 4,480.89 195.04 48 90.98
30243 5/5/08 0:00 Hilary Holden Central Michigan 49971 Suspension Geodon Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 4,242.76 100% 0.07 0.46 4,242.76 4,242.76 340.88 21 199.99
30243 5/5/08 0:00 Hilary Holden Central Michigan 49971 Solution Micronase Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,435.32 100% 0.09 0.57 2,435.32 2,435.32 650.56 44 60.22
34657 5/5/08 0:00 Fred Chung South North Carolina 28909 Solution/Drops Butalibital, Acetaminophen And Caffeine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,396.75 100% 0.04 0.36 1,396.75 1,396.75 -75.7 46 30.98
24515 5/6/08 0:00 Eugene Barchas East Massachusetts 2180 Cream Sevoflurane Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.37 3,051.27 3,051.27 121.48 41 80.97
31392 5/6/08 0:00 George Zrebassa South Georgia 39859 Syrup Beyaz Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.83 3,249.09 3,249.09 -1,326.29 44 78.8
31392 5/6/08 0:00 George Zrebassa South Georgia 39859 Ointment Guanabenz Acetate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.37 128.86 128.86 -42.81 21 6.48
15778 5/6/08 0:00 Barry Blumstein Central Illinois 62924 Tablet Promethazine Hydrochloride And Phenylephrine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.38 43.23 43.23 -29.532 9 3.98
13351 5/6/08 0:00 Karl Brown West California 93456 Suppository Thioridazine Hydrochloride Intensol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,331.81 100% 0.08 0.48 3,331.81 3,331.81 484.15 20 179.99
4004 5/6/08 0:00 Sheri Gordon Central Nebraska 68155 Gel Acuvail Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 63.52 100% 0.1 0.52 63.52 63.52 8.66 14 4.84
4004 5/6/08 0:00 Sheri Gordon Central Nebraska 68155 Gel Visine-A Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,512.25 100% 0.05 0.56 1,512.25 1,512.25 195.48 44 34.58
25830 5/6/08 0:00 Justin Hirsh West Arizona 85234 Tablet Aerobid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 178.57 100% 0.05 0.36 178.57 178.57 -37.3865 11 15.28
25830 5/6/08 0:00 Justin Hirsh West Arizona 85234 Solution Luvox Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 25.34 100% 0.1 0.6 25.34 25.34 -21.29 5 4.06
45766 5/7/08 0:00 Charlotte Melton East Massachusetts 2139 Cream Frova Injection Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.37 4,181.82 4,181.82 1,765.48 28 140.99
7553 5/7/08 0:00 Tony Sayre East New York 501 Ointment Fansidar Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.4 19.05 19.05 -14.81 3 4.28
22529 5/7/08 0:00 Vivian Mathis West Idaho 83877 Solution Hydrocodone Bitartrate And Acetaminophen Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.56 1,623.09 1,623.09 245.88 28 56.96
7553 5/7/08 0:00 Tony Sayre East New York 501 For Solution Inomax Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.67 1,079.19 1,079.19 46.8 12 92.23
45766 5/7/08 0:00 Charlotte Melton East Massachusetts 2139 For Solution Prednisone Intensol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.46 2,522.21 2,522.21 1,026.07 37 63.94
53572 5/7/08 0:00 Marina Lichtenstein Central Michigan 49642 Solution/Drops Acetazolamide Sodium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 184.09 100% 0.07 0.36 184.09 184.09 4.79 17 11.09
32743 5/7/08 0:00 Grant Carroll East Massachusetts 2139 Solution Risperidone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,548.67 100% 0.01 0.56 3,548.67 3,548.67 1,280.19 19 177.98
58150 5/7/08 0:00 Susan Vittorini East New Jersey 7837 Tablet Xylocaine W/ Epinephrine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 60.36 100% 0.03 0.37 60.36 60.36 -119.623 24 2.16
39265 5/7/08 0:00 Dorothy Dickinson West New Mexico 88134 Gel Trazodone Hydrochloride Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 198.08 100% 0.02 0.56 198.08 198.08 32.69 47 4.28
55107 5/8/08 0:00 Julie Prescott Central Wisconsin 53006 Solution/Drops Cardiolite Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.38 171.52 171.52 46.61 32 5.68
41350 5/8/08 0:00 Erica Hernandez South Georgia 31811 Syrup Baci-Rx Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.58 423.3 423.3 -259.01 1 419.19
44615 5/9/08 0:00 Edward Becker West Utah 84014 Tablet Cefazolin And Dextrose Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.37 36.37 36.37 -10.258 19 1.88
16545 5/9/08 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 Aerosol Adderall 15 Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.83 4.99 4.99 -3.06 1 3.68
13731 5/9/08 0:00 Tom Prescott Central Texas 77474 Ointment Bilopaque Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.36 44.08 44.08 6.79 10 4.48
16545 5/9/08 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 Gel Humorsol Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.56 50.97 50.97 4.45 10 5.16
16641 5/10/08 0:00 Bryan Spruell South Georgia 31811 Spray Phentermine Resin Complex Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.67 1,209.17 1,209.17 -1,052.79 33 44.43
24352 5/10/08 0:00 Toby Swindell South Florida 32046 Ointment Cefpiramide Sodium Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.4 103.48 103.48 20.53 32 3.14
45632 5/10/08 0:00 Michelle Ellison West Colorado 81655 For Solution Isolyte M W/ Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.43 442.31 442.31 231.68 50 8.34
16326 5/10/08 0:00 Bill Donatelli East New York 14925 Suppository Arava Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,538.33 100% 0.03 0.54 1,538.33 1,538.33 471.35 39 39.48
16326 5/10/08 0:00 Bill Donatelli East New York 14925 Ointment Abilify Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 147.46 100% 0.06 0.35 147.46 147.46 14.13 39 3.71
2241 5/10/08 0:00 Sarah Brown South Florida 34997 Tablet Seasonique Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 967.78 100% 0.04 0.39 967.78 967.78 369.325 38 24.95
9857 5/11/08 0:00 Bruce Degenhardt West Arizona 85295 Concentrate Azactam In Plastic Container Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.37 3,615.84 3,615.84 1,861.35 50 85.99
9857 5/11/08 0:00 Bruce Degenhardt West Arizona 85295 Concentrate Bio-Tropin Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.81 292.978 292.978 -93.61 16 20.99
9857 5/11/08 0:00 Bruce Degenhardt West Arizona 85295 Solution/Drops Thyroglobulin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.39 2,366.18 2,366.18 703.8 16 162.93
9857 5/11/08 0:00 Bruce Degenhardt West Arizona 85295 For Solution Atropine And Demerol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.43 675.71 675.71 -17.49 49 13.79
56710 5/11/08 0:00 Jim Mitchum Central Texas 88595 Concentrate Cefzil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 833.9265 100% 0.08 0.59 833.9265 833.9265 -39.215 16 65.99
56710 5/11/08 0:00 Jim Mitchum Central Texas 88595 Suppository Doriden Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 182.64 100% 0.08 0.64 182.64 182.64 -99.24 6 30.98
56710 5/11/08 0:00 Jim Mitchum Central Texas 88595 Suppository Reglan Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 736.17 100% 0.01 0.43 736.17 736.17 232.99 21 35.41
56710 5/11/08 0:00 Jim Mitchum Central Texas 88595 Syrup Mexate-Aq Preserved Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 479.84 100% 0.02 0.57 479.84 479.84 5.71 34 13.43
58371 5/11/08 0:00 Barry Pond East Connecticut 6074 Gel Ismelin Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,661.80 100% 0.07 0.41 1,661.80 1,661.80 202.68 48 36.55
58371 5/11/08 0:00 Barry Pond East Connecticut 6074 Tablet Naftin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,168.05 100% 0 0.35 2,168.05 2,168.05 416.0155 5 420.98
58371 5/11/08 0:00 Barry Pond East Connecticut 6074 Ointment Hectorol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 303.07 100% 0.02 0.36 303.07 303.07 -238.45 44 6.48
58913 5/11/08 0:00 Sarah Bern West Arizona 85321 Ointment M.V.I. Adult Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 144.55 100% 0.07 0.37 144.55 144.55 -60.17 23 6.48
24356 5/11/08 0:00 Barry Gonzalez Central Nebraska 69141 Capsule Oleptro Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 12,612.66 100% 0.06 0.55 12,612.66 12,612.66 3,325.03 37 350.99
44480 5/12/08 0:00 Vivek Sundaresam South Virginia 24658 Ointment Fluocinolone Acetonide Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.36 1,321.55 1,321.55 448.24 25 54.96
41383 5/12/08 0:00 Fred McMath East Connecticut 6703 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.45% And Potassium Chloride 20Meq (K) In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.35 1,449.45 1,449.45 620.0665 36 41.94
47842 5/12/08 0:00 Anthony Garverick South Florida 34997 Ointment Fortaz In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.4 230.23 230.23 -150.93 50 4.28
41383 5/12/08 0:00 Fred McMath East Connecticut 6703 Capsule Azmacort Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.03 0.6 2,702.30 2,702.30 -1,330.78 38 70.98
28995 5/12/08 0:00 Hilary Holden Central Michigan 49971 Ointment Propranolol Hydrochloride Intensol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 298.52 100% 0 0.4 298.52 298.52 73.19 9 30.98
28995 5/12/08 0:00 Hilary Holden Central Michigan 49971 Ointment Betamethasone Dipropionate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 667.35 100% 0.04 0.37 667.35 667.35 80.92 34 19.98
29120 5/12/08 0:00 James Galang West Idaho 83552 Tablet Doxercalciferol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,677.27 100% 0.08 0.37 1,677.27 1,677.27 528.7935 43 40.98
29120 5/12/08 0:00 James Galang West Idaho 83552 Injectable Polycillin Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,556.08 100% 0.05 0.6 1,556.08 1,556.08 -41.77 21 70.98
1286 5/13/08 0:00 Lena Creighton West Washington 99403 Concentrate Azactam In Plastic Container Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.37 1,000.36 1,000.36 229.779 14 85.99
1286 5/13/08 0:00 Lena Creighton West Washington 99403 Tablet Dostinex Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.36 234.37 234.37 -144.6815 46 5.18
43170 5/13/08 0:00 Bobby Elias South Georgia 31811 Cream Vanos Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.56 7,667.78 7,667.78 1,494.01 25 306.14
12515 5/13/08 0:00 Michael Stewart West California 95503 Concentrate Probampacin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.08 0.56 1,702.50 1,702.50 133.452 16 125.99
47012 5/13/08 0:00 Michael Oakman Central Ohio 45999 Gel Duraprep Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.56 584.42 584.42 -97.21 35 16.99
43170 5/13/08 0:00 Bobby Elias South Georgia 31811 Ointment Gastrocrom Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.4 1,305.85 1,305.85 65.01 40 30.98
10981 5/14/08 0:00 Claire Good South South Carolina 29907 Concentrate Cetrotide Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.55 3,630.15 3,630.15 951.678 33 125.99
44229 5/14/08 0:00 Erin Smith East Delaware 19891 Gel Acuvail Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.52 185.69 185.69 50.16 39 4.84
10981 5/14/08 0:00 Claire Good South South Carolina 29907 Lotion Chloroptic S.O.P. Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.82 73.36 73.36 -94.95 41 1.86
22338 5/14/08 0:00 Bill Tyler West Colorado 80728 Suppository Proquin Xr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 790.24 100% 0.09 0.75 790.24 790.24 -213.18 24 35.77
9254 5/14/08 0:00 Craig Leslie West Idaho 83465 Suspension/Drops Clorazepate Dipotassium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 131.65 100% 0.01 0.36 131.65 131.65 67.41 24 4.91
22338 5/14/08 0:00 Bill Tyler West Colorado 80728 Ointment Clenz-Lyte Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 200.08 100% 0.05 0.37 200.08 200.08 -62.97 36 5.28
51073 5/14/08 0:00 Luke Weiss Central Michigan 49634 For Solution Aminosyn Ii 10% In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,475.08 100% 0 0.59 2,475.08 2,475.08 958.8 17 136.98
51073 5/14/08 0:00 Luke Weiss Central Michigan 49634 For Solution Children'S Allegra Allergy Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,610.42 100% 0 0.44 1,610.42 1,610.42 813.35 49 30.93
10502 5/14/08 0:00 Karen Seio South Alabama 36759 Capsule Piperacillin And Tazobactam Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 7,869.22 100% 0.1 0.55 7,869.22 7,869.22 1,523.46 33 243.98
10502 5/14/08 0:00 Karen Seio South Alabama 36759 For Solution Matulane Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 912.44 100% 0.04 0.5 912.44 912.44 182.72 36 25.38
34337 5/14/08 0:00 Bill Eplett South North Carolina 28633 For Solution Norlestrin 21 1/50 Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,610.85 100% 0.04 0.35 3,610.85 3,610.85 2,235.37 36 99.23
36772 5/15/08 0:00 Frank Hawley Central Wisconsin 53235 Cream Oxy-Kesso-Tetra Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.4 12,007.05 12,007.05 2,713.95 16 808.49
36772 5/15/08 0:00 Frank Hawley Central Wisconsin 53235 Suspension/Drops Clonidine Hydrochloride And Chlorthalidone Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.36 22.85 22.85 0.88 8 2.88
36772 5/15/08 0:00 Frank Hawley Central Wisconsin 53235 Ointment Hepatolite Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.37 280.45 280.45 -143.65 47 6.48
5703 5/15/08 0:00 Joni Blumstein East Connecticut 6817 Ointment Elestat Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 357.96 100% 0.06 0.38 357.96 357.96 10.44 29 12.28
50087 5/15/08 0:00 Patrick Ryan South North Carolina 28909 Lotion Captopril Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 58.86 100% 0.03 0.4 58.86 58.86 6.96 17 3.29
38372 5/15/08 0:00 Dean Percer South Florida 32099 Ointment Dv Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 310.99 100% 0.07 0.37 310.99 310.99 106.45 33 9.68
38372 5/15/08 0:00 Dean Percer South Florida 32099 For Solution Amifostine Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,053.84 100% 0 0.78 1,053.84 1,053.84 -632.16 46 20.98
6438 5/16/08 0:00 Anna Haberlin West Utah 84014 Ointment Haloperidol Decanoate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 225.21 100% 0.06 0.36 225.21 225.21 -66.16 38 5.98
6438 5/16/08 0:00 Anna Haberlin West Utah 84014 For Solution Ifex Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 75.72 100% 0.02 0.48 75.72 75.72 20.29 7 9.77
14048 5/17/08 0:00 Nora Paige Central Texas 88595 Concentrate Benoquin Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.35 2,035.39 2,035.39 1,152.69 40 55.99
14048 5/17/08 0:00 Nora Paige Central Texas 88595 Syrup Crestor Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.82 540.22 540.22 -253.38 5 101.41
14048 5/17/08 0:00 Nora Paige Central Texas 88595 Gel Amipaque Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.59 1,837.15 1,837.15 196.58 47 40.97
20132 5/17/08 0:00 Darrin Sayre East Connecticut 6817 Cream Low-Ogestrel-28 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 8,719.69 100% 0.01 0.56 8,719.69 8,719.69 2,241.71 30 270.97
50594 5/17/08 0:00 Shui Tom East New York 14925 Concentrate Androgel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,832.88 100% 0.01 0.58 2,832.88 2,832.88 668.961 48 65.99
22020 5/17/08 0:00 Harold Dahlen Central Nebraska 68717 Syrup Combunox Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 498.28 100% 0.01 0.59 498.28 498.28 10.18 37 13.48
50594 5/17/08 0:00 Shui Tom East New York 14925 Gel Epipen Jr. Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 173.47 100% 0.05 0.52 173.47 173.47 -4.96 39 4.63
31907 5/18/08 0:00 Sanjit Jacobs West Idaho 83877 Suppository Rau-Sed Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 331.53 100% 0 0.61 331.53 331.53 -35.97 38 8.46
22501 5/18/08 0:00 Alan Barnes Central Michigan 48001 Solution/Drops Acetaminophen, Caffeine, And Dihydrocodeine Bitartrate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 30.83 100% 0.04 0.36 30.83 30.83 7.27 2 7.64
56646 5/19/08 0:00 Duane Benoit East New York 501 Concentrate Priscoline Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.6 4,257.28 4,257.28 1,059.08 41 125.99
9249 5/19/08 0:00 Alejandro Ballentine South South Carolina 29684 Syrup Humulin N Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.57 1,546.80 1,546.80 25.51 42 37.76
9249 5/19/08 0:00 Alejandro Ballentine South South Carolina 29684 Gel Dienestrol Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.59 176.5 176.5 -119.35 46 3.57
9249 5/19/08 0:00 Alejandro Ballentine South South Carolina 29684 Spray E-Base Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.63 3,457.56 3,457.56 -365.44 35 124.49
44519 5/19/08 0:00 Dorothy Wardle East Delaware 19701 Cream Vasotec Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 16,073.03 100% 0.01 0.56 16,073.03 16,073.03 5,386.32 34 442.14
44519 5/19/08 0:00 Dorothy Wardle East Delaware 19701 Tablet Tri-Sprintec Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 224.58 100% 0.03 0.37 224.58 224.58 -144.762 48 4.57
44519 5/19/08 0:00 Dorothy Wardle East Delaware 19701 Solution/Drops Seconal Sodium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 365.77 100% 0.07 0.39 365.77 365.77 155.69 34 10.67
59906 5/20/08 0:00 Lindsay Shagiari South Maryland 20601 Ointment Erythromycin Stearate Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.4 284.92 284.92 81.29 32 9.11
3877 5/20/08 0:00 Paul Knutson Central Texas 76901 Ointment Embeline Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 700.46 100% 0.02 0.37 700.46 700.46 254.31 14 48.04
58725 5/20/08 0:00 Joel Jenkins East New York 14709 Ointment Duo-Medihaler Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 148.31 100% 0.03 0.38 148.31 148.31 37.33 20 7.04
58725 5/20/08 0:00 Joel Jenkins East New York 14709 Solution/Drops Acephen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 335.35 100% 0.05 0.38 335.35 335.35 -134.97 39 8.74
59651 5/20/08 0:00 Brendan Dodson East Delaware 19980 Tablet Modicon 21 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 283.21 100% 0.08 0.4 283.21 283.21 -196.0635 36 8.04
46948 5/20/08 0:00 Mike Kennedy East Massachusetts 1001 Tablet Dricort Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 64.13 100% 0.1 0.36 64.13 64.13 -28.9685 10 6.54
3331 5/20/08 0:00 Neil Knudson West New Mexico 87001 Suspension/Drops Darbid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 153.28 100% 0.05 0.36 153.28 153.28 73.16 31 4.91
36102 5/20/08 0:00 Gene McClure Central Illinois 62924 For Solution Lidopen Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 461.4 100% 0.03 0.52 461.4 461.4 36.39 36 12.07
59651 5/20/08 0:00 Brendan Dodson East Delaware 19980 For Solution Letrozole Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 45.8 100% 0.04 0.41 45.8 45.8 -52.92 18 2.23
28357 5/21/08 0:00 Daniel Byrd East New York 14925 Lotion Campral Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.38 113.43 113.43 24.27 43 2.47
28357 5/21/08 0:00 Daniel Byrd East New York 14925 Tablet Cimetidine Hydrochloride In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.38 390.46 390.46 -171.166 50 7.3
20033 5/21/08 0:00 Jack Lebron Central Michigan 49877 Suspension Avinza Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 2,543.95 100% 0.04 0.36 2,543.95 2,543.95 -1,011.32 5 499.99
27205 5/21/08 0:00 Jason Fortune Central Wisconsin 53235 Suppository Quelicin Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 87.11 100% 0.08 0.68 87.11 87.11 -43.65 12 7.28
58308 5/21/08 0:00 William Brown South Georgia 39901 Suppository Soma Compound Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 623.29 100% 0 0.51 623.29 623.29 57.44 20 29.99
11169 5/21/08 0:00 Christine Abelman Central Wisconsin 53006 Ointment Cafcit Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 28.59 100% 0.05 0.38 28.59 28.59 -14.33 5 4.98
11169 5/21/08 0:00 Christine Abelman Central Wisconsin 53006 Tablet Nicorette (Mint) Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 398.86 100% 0.08 0.36 398.86 398.86 -26.45 46 8.85
11169 5/21/08 0:00 Christine Abelman Central Wisconsin 53006 Suspension/Drops Cobavite Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 109.18 100% 0.09 0.39 109.18 109.18 37.17 44 2.61
58308 5/21/08 0:00 William Brown South Georgia 39901 For Solution Hydrocodone Bitartrate And Ibuprofen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 40.34 100% 0.03 0.5 40.34 40.34 -23.62 2 16.16
58308 5/21/08 0:00 William Brown South Georgia 39901 Injectable Veriloid Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,173.26 100% 0 0.61 2,173.26 2,173.26 -465.66 35 58.14
54119 5/22/08 0:00 Monica Federle East New Jersey 8989 Lotion Chlorhexidine Gluconate Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 261 100% 0.04 0.54 261 261 -43.45 45 5.81
54119 5/22/08 0:00 Monica Federle East New Jersey 8989 Syrup Butabarbital Sodium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 127.56 100% 0.05 0.7 127.56 127.56 -41.75 4 29.74
9089 5/23/08 0:00 Steven Roelle East New York 12917 Concentrate Cefotaxime And Dextrose 3.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.59 822.3495 822.3495 -360.305 8 125.99
13540 5/23/08 0:00 Theresa Swint Central Wisconsin 54990 Concentrate Chronulac Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,484.19 100% 0.02 0.57 1,484.19 1,484.19 239.247 27 65.99
13540 5/23/08 0:00 Theresa Swint Central Wisconsin 54990 Suppository Oxycodone And Aspirin Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 259.59 100% 0.06 0.49 259.59 259.59 34.79 31 8.5
40866 5/23/08 0:00 Rick Duston Central Texas 76246 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.11% In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 907.18 100% 0.06 0.52 907.18 907.18 -236.6 3 300.65
13540 5/23/08 0:00 Theresa Swint Central Wisconsin 54990 Lotion Children'S Claritin Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 34.93 100% 0.04 0.52 34.93 34.93 -0.05 16 2.18
11877 5/23/08 0:00 David Wiener Central Illinois 62444 Ointment Didanosine Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 142.96 100% 0.09 0.36 142.96 142.96 33.59 31 4.73
13540 5/23/08 0:00 Theresa Swint Central Wisconsin 54990 Syrup Adriamycin Rdf Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 431.06 100% 0.02 0.57 431.06 431.06 -26.78 33 12.28
11877 5/23/08 0:00 David Wiener Central Illinois 62444 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.45% And Potassium Chloride 20Meq (K) In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 796.14 100% 0.03 0.35 796.14 796.14 320.0675 19 41.94
13540 5/23/08 0:00 Theresa Swint Central Wisconsin 54990 Suspension/Drops Decadron-La Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 121 100% 0.09 0.37 121 121 51.21 33 3.75
10212 5/23/08 0:00 Tonja Turnell East New York 10055 Ointment Junior Strength Advil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,276.17 100% 0 0.37 1,276.17 1,276.17 564.22 22 55.48
10212 5/23/08 0:00 Tonja Turnell East New York 10055 For Solution Sulfatrim Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 74.02 100% 0.02 0.51 74.02 74.02 -2.91 14 5.08
42691 5/24/08 0:00 Noel Staavos West California 92320 Syrup Mirena Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.66 1,069.64 1,069.64 -139.75 7 161.55
42691 5/24/08 0:00 Noel Staavos West California 92320 For Solution Precose Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.44 2,447.65 2,447.65 1,170.35 50 46.94
50183 5/24/08 0:00 Dario Medina West Arizona 85060 Solution/Drops Bumex Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.35 116.55 116.55 -39.67 20 5.58
19840 5/24/08 0:00 Dianna Vittorini West Arizona 86442 Cream Pamine Forte Oral TableauCeutical Animal 8,270.57 100% 0.08 0.36 8,270.57 8,270.57 2,851.46 25 400.97
2535 5/24/08 0:00 Roland Fjeld West California 95503 Suppository Clinimix 4.25/10 Sulfite Free In Dextrose 10% In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 82.72 100% 0.08 0.49 82.72 82.72 -29.71 6 14.48
4935 5/24/08 0:00 Xylona Price West New Mexico 88439 Aerosol Adderall 15 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 106.64 100% 0.1 0.83 106.64 106.64 -31.95 30 3.68
3778 5/25/08 0:00 Deirdre Greer South North Carolina 27006 Concentrate Aminosyn Ii 5% W/ Electrolytes In Dextrose 25% W/ Calcium In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.59 5,133.92 5,133.92 1,313.95 34 175.99
3778 5/25/08 0:00 Deirdre Greer South North Carolina 27006 Suppository Dialyte Lm/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.55 557.03 557.03 8.95 12 45.19
3778 5/25/08 0:00 Deirdre Greer South North Carolina 27006 Suppository Pur-Wash Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.74 268.09 268.09 -63.76 34 8.32
3778 5/25/08 0:00 Deirdre Greer South North Carolina 27006 Ointment Eryped Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.37 26.53 26.53 -15 3 6.68
31522 5/25/08 0:00 Max Jones West Washington 98310 Capsule Optimine Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.6 1,083.37 1,083.37 -226.41 42 25.98
31522 5/25/08 0:00 Max Jones West Washington 98310 For Solution Measurin Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.52 302.4 302.4 134.21 14 22.23
35877 5/25/08 0:00 Erin Creighton Central Texas 77474 Ointment Habitrol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 129.71 100% 0.08 0.4 129.71 129.71 -100.61 30 4.28
50278 5/25/08 0:00 Beth Thompson East Massachusetts 2054 Tablet Accuneb Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 51.21 100% 0 0.37 51.21 51.21 -27.531 2 20.98
25157 5/25/08 0:00 Tony Molinari West California 96002 Gel Tora Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 271.78 100% 0.07 0.55 271.78 271.78 52.74 47 5.84
25157 5/25/08 0:00 Tony Molinari West California 96002 Ointment Halflytely Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 545.38 100% 0.02 0.39 545.38 545.38 89.6 24 22.84
11908 5/25/08 0:00 Marc Crier Central Texas 77474 Capsule Pepcid Complete Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,386.60 100% 0.09 0.78 1,386.60 1,386.60 -556.18 5 280.98
50278 5/25/08 0:00 Beth Thompson East Massachusetts 2054 Spray Dificid Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,195.55 100% 0.01 0.59 2,195.55 2,195.55 -395.49 20 100.8
7429 5/26/08 0:00 Art Foster Central Illinois 60001 Suppository Rogaine (For Women) Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.77 1,379.34 1,379.34 -470.85 33 40.48
48294 5/26/08 0:00 Aaron Hawkins South Georgia 30002 Solution Rimifon Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.56 4,072.01 4,072.01 1,675.98 43 90.24
7429 5/26/08 0:00 Art Foster Central Illinois 60001 For Solution Ibuprohm Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.09 0.49 168.25 168.25 101.78 6 26.48
17859 5/26/08 0:00 Jack O'Briant East New Jersey 8823 Suppository Drisdol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 182.89 100% 0.07 0.75 182.89 182.89 -99.3 7 27.48
24902 5/26/08 0:00 Mike Gockenbach Central Wisconsin 53235 Ointment Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 224.58 100% 0.03 0.36 224.58 224.58 46.31 43 5.18
43526 5/26/08 0:00 Barry Gonzalez Central Nebraska 69141 Syrup Lescol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 320.03 100% 0 0.57 320.03 320.03 -43.22 19 15.31
43526 5/26/08 0:00 Barry Gonzalez Central Nebraska 69141 Solution/Drops Xylocaine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 561.06 100% 0.07 0.35 561.06 561.06 -2.23 49 11.58
7904 5/27/08 0:00 Tom Boeckenhauer East Connecticut 6439 Suspension/Drops Daunoxome Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 298.3 100% 0.08 0.39 298.3 298.3 146.72 47 6.3
14978 5/27/08 0:00 Randy Bradley South North Carolina 28633 Syrup Combunox Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 195.12 100% 0 0.59 195.12 195.12 -6.32 14 13.48
35940 5/27/08 0:00 James Galang West Idaho 83552 Suspension/Drops Depodur Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 136.63 100% 0.03 0.36 136.63 136.63 -162.61 47 2.88
14978 5/27/08 0:00 Randy Bradley South North Carolina 28633 Injectable Alli Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 12,043.88 100% 0.07 0.62 12,043.88 12,043.88 2,011.31 14 880.98
57190 5/28/08 0:00 Dave Poirier South Florida 32003 Cream Cleocin Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.54 2,052.83 2,052.83 395.85 48 40.99
57190 5/28/08 0:00 Dave Poirier South Florida 32003 Suppository Teebacin Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.46 620.45 620.45 171.94 36 17.48
59584 5/28/08 0:00 Joy Smith Central Michigan 48001 Cream Galzin Injection TableauCeutical Animal 1,120.27 100% 0 0.38 1,120.27 1,120.27 16.81 7 150.98
4195 5/28/08 0:00 Art Miller Central Illinois 62999 Suppository Oxycodone And Aspirin Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 255.74 100% 0.07 0.49 255.74 255.74 37.09 30 8.5
38657 5/28/08 0:00 Elizabeth Moffitt East Connecticut 6928 Suppository Technescan Hida Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,279.25 100% 0.01 0.42 1,279.25 1,279.25 569.3 38 31.78
59584 5/28/08 0:00 Joy Smith Central Michigan 48001 Injectable Fondaparinux Sodium Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 336.84 100% 0.08 0.62 336.84 336.84 -160.46 3 100.98
35840 5/29/08 0:00 Ashley Jarboe West Arizona 85003 Concentrate Benztropine Mesylate Extended Release Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.55 3,492.66 3,492.66 1,181.81 49 85.99
35840 5/29/08 0:00 Ashley Jarboe West Arizona 85003 Suspension/Drops Darbid Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.36 173.08 173.08 81.63 36 4.91
2341 5/29/08 0:00 Sara Luxemburg West California 94404 Ointment Erythromycin Ethylsuccinate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.36 157.49 157.49 -58.25 29 5.78
12707 5/29/08 0:00 Alejandro Ballentine South South Carolina 29684 For Solution Clopra-"Yellow" Injection Competitor B Human - Rx 0.03 0.65 2,213.92 2,213.92 768.34 20 105.98
7335 5/29/08 0:00 Maureen Grace Central Ohio 43040 Concentrate Citanest Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,681.75 100% 0.01 0.56 3,681.75 3,681.75 1,196.44 43 95.99
15332 5/30/08 0:00 Maria Bertelson East New Jersey 7001 Tablet Prometa Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.39 321.71 321.71 -2.7255 6 52.4
13537 5/30/08 0:00 Lena Creighton West Washington 99403 Ointment Revlimid Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.4 316.61 316.61 110.34 41 7.4
28455 5/30/08 0:00 Jack O'Briant East New Jersey 8823 Suppository Metadate Er Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.65 254.12 254.12 -64.97 12 20.95
28455 5/30/08 0:00 Jack O'Briant East New Jersey 8823 Suppository Propafenone Hydrochloride Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.48 767.04 767.04 238.84 37 20.89
22880 5/30/08 0:00 Bradley Talbott South Florida 32099 Suppository Dilantin-125 Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.51 24.96 24.96 -20.68 13 1.7
14119 5/31/08 0:00 Troy Blackwell Central Illinois 62999 Concentrate Balziva-21 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.85 968.235 968.235 -158.609 31 35.99
14119 5/31/08 0:00 Troy Blackwell Central Illinois 62999 Concentrate Bacitracin Zinc-Neomycin Sulfate-Polymyxin B Sulfate Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.59 1,599.07 1,599.07 296.658 35 55.99
14119 5/31/08 0:00 Troy Blackwell Central Illinois 62999 For Solution Lithium Carbonate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.49 103.11 103.11 -95.41 24 4.18
3456 5/31/08 0:00 Anthony Johnson East Delaware 19701 Spray Normosol-R And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.07 0.66 5,418.68 5,418.68 434.38 20 280.98
41476 5/31/08 0:00 Mark Cousins East Massachusetts 1001 Lotion Chloroptic S.O.P. Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 92.25 100% 0.07 0.82 92.25 92.25 -104.8 48 1.86
769 6/1/08 0:00 Roy French East Delaware 19934 Cream Paracort Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 4,261.94 100% 0.02 0.4 4,261.94 4,261.94 4.15 37 115.99
31330 6/1/08 0:00 Paul Stevenson West New Mexico 88439 Gel Isoetharine Hydrochloride Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 13.5 100% 0.04 0.51 13.5 13.5 -7.9 2 5.98
31330 6/1/08 0:00 Paul Stevenson West New Mexico 88439 Syrup Mexate-Aq Preserved Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 540.64 100% 0.02 0.57 540.64 540.64 13.89 38 13.43
4033 6/1/08 0:00 Bill Tyler West Colorado 80728 Syrup Pentids '800' Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 763.12 100% 0.03 0.6 763.12 763.12 140.33 21 34.76
4033 6/1/08 0:00 Bill Tyler West Colorado 80728 Injectable Isoflurane Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 19,269.05 100% 0 0.66 19,269.05 19,269.05 4,127.79 38 500.98
12196 6/2/08 0:00 Tracy Zic Central Wisconsin 53001 Cream Gastromark Injection TableauCeutical Animal 599.52 100% 0.04 0.4 599.52 599.52 25.14 32 17.98
898 6/2/08 0:00 Sanjit Jacobs West Idaho 83877 Suppository Solaraze Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 676.13 100% 0.03 0.48 676.13 676.13 45.39 40 15.98
12196 6/2/08 0:00 Tracy Zic Central Wisconsin 53001 Syrup Baci-Rx Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 10,330.94 100% 0.07 0.58 10,330.94 10,330.94 2,914.56 25 419.19
898 6/2/08 0:00 Sanjit Jacobs West Idaho 83877 Spray Phisohex Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 7,668.55 100% 0.04 0.76 7,668.55 7,668.55 -183.45 26 296.18
53863 6/3/08 0:00 Christina DeMoss West New Mexico 88439 Syrup Mirena Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.66 7,807.45 7,807.45 1,660.15 46 161.55
21447 6/3/08 0:00 Sean Christensen West Colorado 80746 Aerosol Mpi Stannous Diphosphonate Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.57 176.24 176.24 9.85 15 10.98
29572 6/3/08 0:00 Sandra Glassco West New Mexico 87001 Spray Protopic Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.1 0.7 2,657.56 2,657.56 165.07 18 150.98
57125 6/3/08 0:00 Raymond Book East New York 12917 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.2% And Potassium Chloride 5Meq Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 61.02 100% 0 0.36 61.02 61.02 -71.0355 19 2.84
57125 6/3/08 0:00 Raymond Book East New York 12917 Tablet Sodium Lactate In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 878.77 100% 0.08 0.38 878.77 878.77 373.524 31 28.53
35201 6/4/08 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 Suppository Tenuate Dospan Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.64 211.44 211.44 -75.81 18 10.97
6916 6/4/08 0:00 Andrew Gjertsen East Delaware 19701 Syrup Hydrocortisone And Acetic Acid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 436.17 100% 0.08 0.59 436.17 436.17 -141.27 40 10.9
49218 6/4/08 0:00 Ann Steele West Idaho 83810 Tablet Promethazine Hydrochloride And Phenylephrine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 86.64 100% 0.09 0.38 86.64 86.64 -73.071 21 3.98
26947 6/4/08 0:00 Bruce Money West Idaho 83810 Spray Dificid Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 467.15 100% 0.01 0.59 467.15 467.15 -212.34 4 100.8
54628 6/5/08 0:00 Fred Wasserman East Massachusetts 2054 Suppository Technetium Tc-99M Mebrofenin Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.46 471.24 471.24 115.54 21 22.98
8960 6/5/08 0:00 Christine Phan South Virginia 24157 Suppository Dexrazoxane Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.07 0.52 4,335.34 4,335.34 524.09 46 99.99
8960 6/5/08 0:00 Christine Phan South Virginia 24157 Concentrate Bromatapp Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.39 1,150.53 1,150.53 361.647 15 85.99
35111 6/5/08 0:00 Sung Pak South South Carolina 29684 Solution/Drops Advil Cold And Sinus Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.35 893.29 893.29 256.16 39 23.99
31590 6/5/08 0:00 Luke Foster West California 91188 Suppository Aristocort A Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 43.49 100% 0.06 0.52 43.49 43.49 -21.44 5 8.33
31590 6/5/08 0:00 Luke Foster West California 91188 Syrup Miconazole Nitrate Combination Pack Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,854.76 100% 0.06 0.78 2,854.76 2,854.76 61.13 27 111.03
13410 6/6/08 0:00 Bobby Odegard East New York 10501 Cream Cyclophosphamide Injection TableauCeutical Animal 701.94 100% 0.01 0.38 701.94 701.94 158.91 29 23.99
13410 6/6/08 0:00 Bobby Odegard East New York 10501 Suppository Renese Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 33.64 100% 0.07 0.77 33.64 33.64 -35.17 4 8.12
51011 6/6/08 0:00 Thomas Thornton West California 96121 Concentrate Cipro Xr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 5,144.87 100% 0.09 0.55 5,144.87 5,144.87 1,435.83 41 155.99
26695 6/6/08 0:00 Justin Deggeller South Alabama 36868 Ointment Aeroseb-Hc Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 367.11 100% 0.01 0.35 367.11 367.11 163.42 43 8.34
14018 6/6/08 0:00 Annie Thurman West Idaho 83465 Suspension/Drops Dialyte W/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 160.68 100% 0.08 0.39 160.68 160.68 77.75 30 4.98
40036 6/7/08 0:00 Heather Kirkland East Massachusetts 1001 Concentrate Arthrotec Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.58 568.3355 568.3355 -147.356 10 65.99
2720 6/7/08 0:00 Christopher Martinez Central Illinois 62999 Concentrate Cefzil Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.59 2,051.02 2,051.02 483.966 36 65.99
35302 6/7/08 0:00 Dennis Kane South North Carolina 28633 Concentrate Cefizox Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.59 1,265.50 1,265.50 -228.184 13 125.99
30211 6/7/08 0:00 Sibella Parks East Connecticut 6703 Ointment Revlimid Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.4 141.96 141.96 38.43 19 7.4
35302 6/7/08 0:00 Dennis Kane South North Carolina 28633 Ointment Propranolol Hydrochloride Intensol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.4 188.44 188.44 17.57 6 30.98
58851 6/7/08 0:00 Alan Hwang South Virginia 20101 Cream Frova Injection TableauCeutical Animal 2,027.55 100% 0.04 0.37 2,027.55 2,027.55 537.4 14 140.99
58851 6/7/08 0:00 Alan Hwang South Virginia 20101 For Solution Isolyte M W/ Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 23.93 100% 0.1 0.43 23.93 23.93 -6.39 3 8.34
27969 6/8/08 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Suppository Testosterone Cypionate-Estradiol Cypionate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.45 732.72 732.72 8.6 9 83.1
27969 6/8/08 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Syrup Corzide Intramuscular Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.78 687.47 687.47 -1,533.15 32 20.98
27969 6/8/08 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Injectable Vicoprin Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.69 5,677.87 5,677.87 -824.09 43 130.98
36646 6/8/08 0:00 Muhammed MacIntyre East New Jersey 7514 Syrup Cortef Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.83 1,168.15 1,168.15 -743.96 24 48.91
45413 6/8/08 0:00 Eric Barreto South Maryland 21230 Tablet Bronkosol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 85.74 85.74 -73.5655 18 4.38
45413 6/8/08 0:00 Eric Barreto South Maryland 21230 Tablet Diovan Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.37 131.94 131.94 2.3205 24 5.28
45413 6/8/08 0:00 Eric Barreto South Maryland 21230 Tablet Nogenic Hc Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.35 2,031.98 2,031.98 778.6 17 120.98
7430 6/8/08 0:00 Barry Weirich South Maryland 21230 Solution/Drops Actahist Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 751.77 100% 0.05 0.38 751.77 751.77 353.2 50 15.67
25889 6/8/08 0:00 Chris McAfee West Washington 98601 For Solution Tylenol (Geltab) Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 321.63 100% 0.04 0.49 321.63 321.63 73.7 23 14.34
35047 6/9/08 0:00 Charlotte Melton East Massachusetts 2139 Lotion Children'S Advil Allergy Sinus Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.85 148.17 148.17 -7.06 31 4.71
59943 6/9/08 0:00 Ionia McGrath South Alabama 36830 Tablet Neo-Rx Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.39 679.65 679.65 31.2035 43 15.01
30433 6/9/08 0:00 Nathan Gelder West Colorado 80813 Aerosol Carisoprodol Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.56 253.38 253.38 -35.78 17 13.9
6309 6/9/08 0:00 Art Miller Central Illinois 62999 Suspension/Drops Clonidine Hydrochloride And Chlorthalidone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 29.79 100% 0.01 0.36 29.79 29.79 3.76 10 2.88
43207 6/9/08 0:00 Julia Dunbar West New Mexico 88044 Gel Amlodipine Besylate And Benazepril Hydrochloride Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 139.93 100% 0.05 0.42 139.93 139.93 -3.06 41 3.28
43207 6/9/08 0:00 Julia Dunbar West New Mexico 88044 Lotion Humalog Kwikpen Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 15.45 100% 0.05 0.49 15.45 15.45 -7.75 8 1.81
51395 6/9/08 0:00 Lena Creighton West Washington 99403 Suspension/Drops Colovage Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 78.22 100% 0.03 0.36 78.22 78.22 32.5 26 2.88
51395 6/9/08 0:00 Lena Creighton West Washington 99403 Ointment Forane Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 51.65 100% 0.1 0.38 51.65 51.65 -32.13 10 4.98
43207 6/9/08 0:00 Julia Dunbar West New Mexico 88044 For Solution Lomotil Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,207.90 100% 0.02 0.57 2,207.90 2,207.90 579.76 45 49.34
29349 6/10/08 0:00 Bobby Trafton South Georgia 39901 Concentrate Anafranil Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.55 2,526.54 2,526.54 772.11 46 65.99
22468 6/10/08 0:00 Steve Nguyen South Maryland 21230 Ointment Ceptaz Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.39 65.1 65.1 13.31 11 5.68
22468 6/10/08 0:00 Steve Nguyen South Maryland 21230 Tablet Accuneb Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.37 323.11 323.11 41.5225 14 20.98
29349 6/10/08 0:00 Bobby Trafton South Georgia 39901 Ointment Glucoscan Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.4 162.39 162.39 -101.68 33 5.28
22468 6/10/08 0:00 Steve Nguyen South Maryland 21230 For Solution Capozide 25/25 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.41 163.75 163.75 23.61 19 7.96
132 6/10/08 0:00 Emily Phan South Maryland 21290 Concentrate Duragesic-75 Injection TableauCeutical Animal 192.814 100% 0.03 0.6 192.814 192.814 -86.196 27 7.99
132 6/10/08 0:00 Emily Phan South Maryland 21290 Injectable Vicoprin Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,011.65 100% 0.05 0.69 4,011.65 4,011.65 -603.8 30 130.98
46211 6/11/08 0:00 Gary Hwang Central Illinois 62444 For Solution Ibuprohm Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.49 1,243.52 1,243.52 360.94 47 26.48
21795 6/13/08 0:00 Jessica Myrick Central Wisconsin 53081 Suppository Drisdol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.75 278.66 278.66 -77.36 10 27.48
21795 6/13/08 0:00 Jessica Myrick Central Wisconsin 53081 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride-Hydrochlorothiazide-Reserpine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.37 491.85 491.85 4.54 28 18.97
14275 6/13/08 0:00 Gene Hale West Arizona 86413 Tablet Kafocin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 42.22 100% 0.04 0.36 42.22 42.22 -7.728 20 2.08
35588 6/13/08 0:00 Cathy Prescott South Virginia 23664 Injectable Veriloid Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,727.79 100% 0.1 0.61 1,727.79 1,727.79 -694.9 32 58.14
14275 6/13/08 0:00 Gene Hale West Arizona 86413 Capsule Uroplus Ds Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 653.44 100% 0.06 0.62 653.44 653.44 -187.75 4 160.98
33894 6/14/08 0:00 Doug Bickford South Alabama 36925 Suppository Xalkori Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 438.93 100% 0.04 0.75 438.93 438.93 -119.02 13 32.98
44614 6/14/08 0:00 George Bell South Virginia 23970 Suppository Terramycin W/ Polymyxin B Sulfate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 700.35 100% 0.06 0.75 700.35 700.35 -123.01 27 26.31
33894 6/14/08 0:00 Doug Bickford South Alabama 36925 Suppository Radioiodinated Serum Albumin (Human) Ihsa I 125 Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 226.5 100% 0.09 0.64 226.5 226.5 -173.15 48 4.98
53703 6/14/08 0:00 Guy Armstrong Central Michigan 48001 Syrup Minocycline Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,966.26 100% 0.06 0.73 1,966.26 1,966.26 -34.79 14 140.85
33894 6/14/08 0:00 Doug Bickford South Alabama 36925 Ointment Duranest Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 140.66 100% 0 0.38 140.66 140.66 11.34 14 9.27
44614 6/14/08 0:00 George Bell South Virginia 23970 Solution Potassium Chloride 15Meq In Dextrose 5% And Lactated Ringer'S In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 55.35 100% 0 0.55 55.35 55.35 -56.63 18 2.22
33894 6/14/08 0:00 Doug Bickford South Alabama 36925 Aerosol Cardioquin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 42.89 100% 0.02 0.58 42.89 42.89 -32.48 5 6.84
33478 6/14/08 0:00 Natalie DeCherney West Idaho 83552 Ointment Centany Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 125.9 100% 0.04 0.36 125.9 125.9 5.85 21 5.88
42658 6/15/08 0:00 Sung Chung South South Carolina 29941 Tablet Diovan Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.37 146.68 146.68 -8.326 29 5.28
59712 6/15/08 0:00 Sonia Sunley Central Michigan 49971 Lotion Camila Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.39 67.58 67.58 16.8 25 2.62
22115 6/15/08 0:00 Eric Barreto South Maryland 21230 Cream Vivitrol Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 751.94 100% 0.02 0.56 751.94 751.94 -326.37 5 145.45
23011 6/15/08 0:00 Kelly Williams South Virginia 24658 Suppository Clinimix 5/35 Sulfite Free In Dextrose 35% In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 12.2 100% 0.01 0.41 12.2 12.2 -33.93 1 10.01
21671 6/15/08 0:00 Thomas Brumley West Utah 84337 Suppository Dialyte Lm/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 670.94 100% 0.02 0.55 670.94 670.94 87.51 15 45.19
47750 6/15/08 0:00 Sally Knutson Central Texas 78602 Syrup U-Gencin Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 195.04 100% 0.08 0.85 195.04 195.04 -149.41 1 167.27
47750 6/15/08 0:00 Sally Knutson Central Texas 78602 Suspension/Drops Cordran-N Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 102.46 100% 0.08 0.39 102.46 102.46 36.64 37 2.88
47750 6/15/08 0:00 Sally Knutson Central Texas 78602 For Solution Matulane Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,097.60 100% 0.05 0.5 1,097.60 1,097.60 216.12 43 25.38
3648 6/16/08 0:00 Philip Brown West Utah 84415 Concentrate Safyral Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.57 5,488.53 5,488.53 1,382.45 34 195.99
3648 6/16/08 0:00 Philip Brown West Utah 84415 Suspension/Drops Artane Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.37 134.81 134.81 52.36 46 3.15
43076 6/16/08 0:00 Vivek Sundaresam South Virginia 24658 Capsule Phrenilin Forte Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.69 3,636.37 3,636.37 -176.91 33 113.98
12039 6/16/08 0:00 Carlos Meador South Florida 32119 Concentrate Darbid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,048.57 100% 0.1 0.56 2,048.57 2,048.57 -259.985 13 205.99
54407 6/16/08 0:00 Maureen Fritzler West Washington 98625 Tablet Naftin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 9,396.27 100% 0.07 0.35 9,396.27 9,396.27 3,857.57 24 420.98
29730 6/16/08 0:00 Ken Brennan West Washington 98390 Spray Protopic Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,072.86 100% 0.08 0.75 3,072.86 3,072.86 -431.29 21 150.98
45184 6/17/08 0:00 Victoria Wilson West Colorado 81124 Suspension Oxacillin Sodium Delayed Release Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.37 14,647.26 14,647.26 5,485.15 25 599.99
16806 6/17/08 0:00 Vicky Freymann West Arizona 85301 Concentrate Provocholine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0 0.59 1,026.64 1,026.64 -201.047 18 65.99
16806 6/17/08 0:00 Vicky Freymann West Arizona 85301 Suppository Meti-Derm Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.64 167.37 167.37 -132.15 4 43.22
45184 6/17/08 0:00 Victoria Wilson West Colorado 81124 Lotion Camila Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.39 26.11 26.11 2.65 10 2.62
4610 6/17/08 0:00 Odella Nelson West Washington 98001 Suppository Aristocort A Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.52 66.88 66.88 -17.01 8 8.33
57568 6/17/08 0:00 Jim Epp West Idaho 83465 Solution/Drops Actahist Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.38 592.54 592.54 282.11 38 15.67
4610 6/17/08 0:00 Odella Nelson West Washington 98001 Solution/Drops Actahist Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.38 447.34 447.34 203.01 29 15.67
4007 6/17/08 0:00 Jack Lebron Central Michigan 49877 Syrup Cu-7 Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 305.82 100% 0.05 0.8 305.82 305.82 -232.24 1 279.48
4007 6/17/08 0:00 Jack Lebron Central Michigan 49877 Solution Hydrocodone Bitartrate And Acetaminophen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,038.40 100% 0.01 0.56 1,038.40 1,038.40 112.36 18 56.96
44864 6/17/08 0:00 Lena Creighton West Washington 99403 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.22% In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 187.55 100% 0.1 0.58 187.55 187.55 -171.41 25 7.77
23396 6/18/08 0:00 Quincy Jones South Alabama 36276 Cream Vaprisol In 5% Dextrose In Plastic Container Oral Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.56 11,481.03 11,481.03 2,799.65 30 399.98
43233 6/19/08 0:00 Vivian Mathis West Idaho 83877 Ointment Hepatolite Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.37 203.48 203.48 -71.91 30 6.48
33122 6/19/08 0:00 Roland Black East Massachusetts 1059 Cream Pamine Forte Oral Competitor B Animal 0 0.36 8,468.63 8,468.63 2,819.96 21 400.97
50469 6/19/08 0:00 Harry Marie Central Illinois 60001 Cream Gastromark Injection TableauCeutical Animal 839.19 100% 0 0.4 839.19 839.19 76.38 44 17.98
2503 6/19/08 0:00 Maria Zettner South Georgia 30002 Concentrate Ak-Fluor 25% Injection TableauCeutical Animal 162.1545 100% 0.08 0.58 162.1545 162.1545 -73.744 9 20.99
42439 6/19/08 0:00 Pamela Stobb Central Nebraska 69367 Gel Acylanid Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 164.5 100% 0.01 0.38 164.5 164.5 62.68 28 5.84
870 6/19/08 0:00 Valerie Dominguez Central Ohio 45999 Solution Delflex W/ Dextrose 2.5% Low Magnesium In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,661.04 100% 0.04 0.59 1,661.04 1,661.04 475.54 23 70.97
2503 6/19/08 0:00 Maria Zettner South Georgia 30002 Tablet Cardene Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 91.15 100% 0.03 0.38 91.15 91.15 -71.5415 21 4.13
2503 6/19/08 0:00 Maria Zettner South Georgia 30002 Suspension/Drops Cytadren Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 171.48 100% 0.1 0.39 171.48 171.48 66.13 46 4.13
2020 6/20/08 0:00 Sandra Glassco West New Mexico 87001 Suppository Ravocaine And Novocain W/ Levophed Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.79 213.75 213.75 -188.77 42 5.02
58273 6/20/08 0:00 Liz MacKendrick West Idaho 83552 Suppository Rau-Sed Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 244.9 100% 0.08 0.61 244.9 244.9 -61.14 31 8.46
45728 6/21/08 0:00 Keith Herrera West Colorado 81221 Suppository Dextrose 5% In Lactated Ringer'S In Plastic Container Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.41 1,711.79 1,711.79 812.32 49 33.29
51171 6/21/08 0:00 Mark Packer West California 91188 Tablet Desloratadine And Pseudoephedrine Sulfate 24 Hour Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.38 783.48 783.48 -73.4045 34 22.38
45728 6/21/08 0:00 Keith Herrera West Colorado 81221 Suspension/Drops Depodur Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 38.24 38.24 -37.55 11 2.88
30885 6/21/08 0:00 Victoria Pisteka Central Texas 88595 Syrup Monistat 7 Combination Pack Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 234.24 100% 0.09 0.6 234.24 234.24 -151.8 24 9.71
7105 6/21/08 0:00 Brian Moss South Alabama 35751 Solution Luvox Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 77.19 100% 0.03 0.6 77.19 77.19 -81.35 17 4.06
13762 6/21/08 0:00 Denny Joy South South Carolina 29945 Tablet Nicotrol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 55 100% 0.05 0.4 55 55 -23.621 8 6.28
13762 6/21/08 0:00 Denny Joy South South Carolina 29945 Solution/Drops Arfonad Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 51.66 100% 0.06 0.36 51.66 51.66 7.4 7 7.64
13762 6/21/08 0:00 Denny Joy South South Carolina 29945 Suspension/Drops Delflex-Lm W/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 107.73 100% 0.08 0.37 107.73 107.73 39.81 37 3.15
28519 6/22/08 0:00 Trudy Bell South Alabama 36072 Concentrate Benztropine Mesylate Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 268.7105 100% 0.09 0.55 268.7105 268.7105 -337.656 4 85.99
33862 6/22/08 0:00 Vivek Gonzalez South Virginia 24157 Solution/Drops Bumex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 125.57 100% 0.03 0.35 125.57 125.57 -45.16 22 5.58
48484 6/23/08 0:00 Barbara Fisher South Alabama 35062 Concentrate Cetrotide Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.55 5,067.57 5,067.57 1,275.91 50 125.99
48484 6/23/08 0:00 Barbara Fisher South Alabama 35062 Suppository Synalgos-Dc-A Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.42 346.42 346.42 67.96 22 16.48
48484 6/23/08 0:00 Barbara Fisher South Alabama 35062 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride-Hydrochlorothiazide-Reserpine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.37 881.84 881.84 153.8 43 18.97
48484 6/23/08 0:00 Barbara Fisher South Alabama 35062 For Solution Hypaque Sodium 20% Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.49 773.44 773.44 133.83 41 20.24
12743 6/23/08 0:00 Mark Cousins East Massachusetts 1001 Concentrate Bactrim Ds Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 677.518 100% 0.09 0.57 677.518 677.518 168.219 39 20.99
40321 6/23/08 0:00 Andy Gerbode Central Texas 88595 Tablet Helicosol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,484.49 100% 0.09 0.4 1,484.49 1,484.49 230.503 23 67.28
40321 6/23/08 0:00 Andy Gerbode Central Texas 88595 Syrup Aminosyn Ii 3.5% In Dextrose 25% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 740.49 100% 0.1 0.59 740.49 740.49 88.9 18 42.76
37440 6/23/08 0:00 Rick Wilson West New Mexico 88044 Solution Adderall Xr 15 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 8,407.08 100% 0.04 0.58 8,407.08 8,407.08 629.4 39 208.16
37440 6/23/08 0:00 Rick Wilson West New Mexico 88044 For Solution Lamisil At Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 295.45 100% 0.03 0.57 295.45 295.45 -4.36 31 9.38
33255 6/24/08 0:00 Russell Applegate Central Illinois 62541 Ointment Ibu-Tab 200 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.4 108.21 108.21 -50.02 19 5.28
11941 6/24/08 0:00 Jamie Kunitz East Massachusetts 1059 Syrup Orudis Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 73.07 100% 0.08 0.6 73.07 73.07 -41.01 4 15.7
11941 6/24/08 0:00 Jamie Kunitz East Massachusetts 1059 Spray Emgel Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,679.10 100% 0.05 0.74 4,679.10 4,679.10 111.52 26 179.29
26978 6/25/08 0:00 Seth Vernon Central Michigan 48064 Suspension Foscavir Delayed Release Competitor A Animal 0 0.44 27,875.54 27,875.54 -635.69 46 599.99
26978 6/25/08 0:00 Seth Vernon Central Michigan 48064 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride-Hydrochlorothiazide-Reserpine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.37 48.84 48.84 -21.2 2 18.97
26978 6/25/08 0:00 Seth Vernon Central Michigan 48064 Ointment Eurax Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.36 2,030.44 2,030.44 938.26 49 40.99
26978 6/25/08 0:00 Seth Vernon Central Michigan 48064 Syrup Lescol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.57 695.99 695.99 -157.44 47 15.31
39172 6/25/08 0:00 Nancy Lomonaco West Utah 84014 Ointment Evans Blue Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.4 175.42 175.42 -93.73 26 5.98
39172 6/25/08 0:00 Nancy Lomonaco West Utah 84014 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.15% In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.59 9,013.58 9,013.58 2,574.36 38 232.58
22913 6/25/08 0:00 Giulietta Dortch South Georgia 39901 Concentrate Bretylium Tosylate Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 1,579.03 100% 0.02 0.38 1,579.03 1,579.03 624.978 50 35.99
10373 6/25/08 0:00 Sally Hughsby South Maryland 21230 Ointment Histamine Phosphate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 193.16 100% 0.03 0.37 193.16 193.16 -71.73 28 6.48
42823 6/25/08 0:00 Steve Chapman South North Carolina 27801 Ointment Glucagen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 49.14 100% 0.05 0.4 49.14 49.14 -22.56 8 4.28
22913 6/25/08 0:00 Giulietta Dortch South Georgia 39901 Ointment Fluxid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 176.77 100% 0.06 0.36 176.77 176.77 -41.6 32 4.98
12965 6/25/08 0:00 Shirley Jackson West California 93456 Tablet Epi E Z Pen Jr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 44.74 100% 0.04 0.39 44.74 44.74 -20.102 7 5.74
12965 6/25/08 0:00 Shirley Jackson West California 93456 Tablet Chlorascrub Swabstick Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 90.78 100% 0.06 0.35 90.78 90.78 -71.8405 21 4.24
22913 6/25/08 0:00 Giulietta Dortch South Georgia 39901 Spray Feridex I.V. Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 6,568.02 100% 0.06 0.62 6,568.02 6,568.02 1,715.90 24 348.21
29797 6/26/08 0:00 Mark Packer West California 91188 For Solution Cyclacillin Delayed Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.58 742.05 742.05 -337.98 50 14.89
59392 6/26/08 0:00 Pauline Chand East Connecticut 6439 Suppository Tavist-D Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,305.31 100% 0.03 0.4 1,305.31 1,305.31 589.2 45 28.48
59392 6/26/08 0:00 Pauline Chand East Connecticut 6439 Suppository Mycelex-7 Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 39.42 100% 0.08 0.55 39.42 39.42 -29.02 19 2.12
9123 6/26/08 0:00 Matt Collins Central Michigan 48001 Syrup Actifed W/ Codeine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 384.9 100% 0.07 0.56 384.9 384.9 -108.28 27 14.03
26051 6/27/08 0:00 Annie Cyprus East Delaware 19891 Suppository Aristocort A Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.52 251.75 251.75 22.46 31 8.33
26051 6/27/08 0:00 Annie Cyprus East Delaware 19891 Capsule Temozolomide Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.58 795.74 795.74 -127.39 22 33.94
3942 6/27/08 0:00 Keith Herrera West Colorado 81221 Concentrate Blephamide S.O.P. Extended Release Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.85 1,559.78 1,559.78 -247.181 22 85.99
3942 6/27/08 0:00 Keith Herrera West Colorado 81221 Gel Eutron Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.58 225.14 225.14 -42.61 11 20.15
39749 6/27/08 0:00 Ed Ludwig West Utah 84001 Cream Vistaril Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 11,277.05 100% 0.01 0.58 11,277.05 11,277.05 3,497.45 45 264.98
39749 6/27/08 0:00 Ed Ludwig West Utah 84001 Gel Advair Diskus 500/50 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 110.64 100% 0.06 0.58 110.64 110.64 -62.6 43 2.6
39749 6/27/08 0:00 Ed Ludwig West Utah 84001 For Solution Capozide 25/25 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 125.31 100% 0 0.41 125.31 125.31 26.24 14 7.96
53568 6/28/08 0:00 Gary Hwang Central Illinois 62444 Capsule Ocl Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.74 4,281.13 4,281.13 -1,446.08 34 122.99
261 6/28/08 0:00 Sonia Sunley Central Michigan 49971 Concentrate Aplenzin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.59 5,677.61 5,677.61 1,680.79 47 140.99
20455 6/28/08 0:00 Dana Kaydos East New Jersey 7981 Concentrate Dextrose 2.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 381.1995 100% 0.08 0.58 381.1995 381.1995 -233.563 7 65.99
2307 6/28/08 0:00 Carol Adams Central Nebraska 68717 Tablet Desyrel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 182.33 100% 0.1 0.39 182.33 182.33 40.851 32 5.98
22626 6/29/08 0:00 John Lucas South Maryland 21290 Ointment Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 90.93 90.93 14.19 17 5.18
22626 6/29/08 0:00 John Lucas South Maryland 21290 Spray Fazaclo Odt Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.04 0.77 6,170.91 6,170.91 -837.82 35 218.75
11779 6/29/08 0:00 Alex Grayson West Colorado 80230 Suppository Tenuate Dospan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 452.93 100% 0.09 0.64 452.93 452.93 -172.34 43 10.97
11779 6/29/08 0:00 Alex Grayson West Colorado 80230 Ointment Cefuroxime And Dextrose In Duplex Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 311.1 100% 0.04 0.39 311.1 311.1 86.6 45 6.88
56288 6/30/08 0:00 Mathew Reese South North Carolina 28909 Solution/Drops Ribavirin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.4 1,287.94 1,287.94 140.35 37 35.89
56288 6/30/08 0:00 Mathew Reese South North Carolina 28909 Solution/Drops Winstrol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.38 585.36 585.36 269.26 39 15.57
28515 6/30/08 0:00 Frank Atkinson South Georgia 30002 Suppository Pur-Wash Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 379.78 100% 0.1 0.74 379.78 379.78 -71.59 48 8.32
34338 6/30/08 0:00 Sonia Cooley East Connecticut 6817 Ointment Enduronyl Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,050.16 100% 0.04 0.36 1,050.16 1,050.16 265.09 26 38.76
28515 6/30/08 0:00 Frank Atkinson South Georgia 30002 Tablet Bupivacaine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 750.86 100% 0 0.36 750.86 750.86 302.124 33 21.38
44065 7/3/08 0:00 Keith Herrera West Colorado 81221 Cream Sevoflurane Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.37 1,914.16 1,914.16 128.43 23 80.97
20325 7/3/08 0:00 Sara Luxemburg West California 94404 Cream Oxtriphylline Oral Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.39 4,043.29 4,043.29 -39.43 35 119.99
20325 7/3/08 0:00 Sara Luxemburg West California 94404 Gel Ismelin Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.41 870.48 870.48 104.37 24 36.55
49221 7/3/08 0:00 Maureen Fritzler West Washington 98625 Cream Gastromark Injection TableauCeutical Animal 399.64 100% 0.04 0.4 399.64 399.64 -17.72 22 17.98
23361 7/3/08 0:00 Benjamin Patterson West Arizona 85301 Concentrate Atarax Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 373.2775 100% 0.07 0.56 373.2775 373.2775 -204.93 7 65.99
21285 7/3/08 0:00 Adrian Hane East Massachusetts 2054 Gel Trasylol Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 54.78 100% 0.02 0.59 54.78 54.78 -30.54 32 1.68
54913 7/3/08 0:00 Tonja Turnell East New York 10055 Ointment Dynacirc Cr Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 54.61 100% 0.08 0.39 54.61 54.61 14.99 11 4.76
21285 7/3/08 0:00 Adrian Hane East Massachusetts 2054 Gel Ancef In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 304.83 100% 0.1 0.47 304.83 304.83 23.82 47 7.08
46880 7/3/08 0:00 Karen Carlisle South Florida 34997 Ointment Biphetamine 7.5 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 29.99 100% 0.07 0.39 29.99 29.99 -8.88 1 21.98
23361 7/3/08 0:00 Benjamin Patterson West Arizona 85301 Syrup Haloperidol Lactate Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,861.66 100% 0.04 0.81 2,861.66 2,861.66 -921.68 36 80.98
23361 7/3/08 0:00 Benjamin Patterson West Arizona 85301 Lotion Diazoxide Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3.23 100% 0.06 0.81 3.23 3.23 -2.73 2 1.26
49221 7/3/08 0:00 Maureen Fritzler West Washington 98625 Ointment Heparin Sodium 5,000 Units In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 277.35 100% 0.02 0.37 277.35 277.35 -103.28 41 6.48
45029 7/3/08 0:00 Gene McClure Central Illinois 62924 Spray Edetate Disodium Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,304.42 100% 0.01 0.75 5,304.42 5,304.42 -406.25 20 262.11
43236 7/3/08 0:00 Jamie Kunitz East Massachusetts 1059 For Solution Ifex Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 205.33 100% 0 0.48 205.33 205.33 10.68 20 9.77
11682 7/4/08 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 Suppository Dimetapp Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.68 102.18 102.18 -65.67 5 19.98
21318 7/4/08 0:00 Lisa Hazard East New York 14925 Tablet Dianeal Low Calcium W/ Dextrose 2.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.35 1,384.34 1,384.34 562.309 40 37.7
52743 7/4/08 0:00 Ashley Jarboe West Arizona 85003 Cream Galzin Injection Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.38 5,699.22 5,699.22 2,812.63 46 150.98
41824 7/4/08 0:00 Art Miller Central Illinois 62999 Gel Acephen Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 97.78 100% 0.09 0.57 97.78 97.78 -31.22 33 2.98
41824 7/4/08 0:00 Art Miller Central Illinois 62999 Tablet Multaq Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 157.51 100% 0.01 0.35 157.51 157.51 46.478 8 18.94
21892 7/4/08 0:00 Justin Knight Central Michigan 49971 Tablet Acetaminophen, Aspirin, And Codeine Phosphate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 34.88 100% 0.06 0.38 34.88 34.88 -18.3425 6 4.91
55140 7/4/08 0:00 Candace McMahon South Virginia 24658 Solution Osmitrol 15% In Water Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 438.8 100% 0.09 0.5 438.8 438.8 -84.19 39 11.7
10784 7/5/08 0:00 Vivian Mathis West Idaho 83877 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.33% And Potassium Chloride 30Meq In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 206.27 206.27 -54.441 30 6.81
10784 7/5/08 0:00 Vivian Mathis West Idaho 83877 Ointment Chlorofair Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.39 19.36 19.36 -11.85 2 6.78
30887 7/7/08 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 Concentrate Atracurium Besylate Preservative Free Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.58 4,357.12 4,357.12 1,192.98 44 115.99
46374 7/7/08 0:00 Herbert Flentye West California 91188 Spray Elestrin Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.65 1,822.83 1,822.83 -344.96 7 259.71
45763 7/7/08 0:00 Lisa DeCherney West Idaho 83201 Suspension/Drops Cotrim Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 67.45 100% 0.05 0.39 67.45 67.45 24.28 25 2.61
21539 7/9/08 0:00 Christy Brittain South Georgia 30002 Ointment Biphetamine 7.5 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 388.13 100% 0.04 0.39 388.13 388.13 40.11 18 21.98
59750 7/9/08 0:00 Jim Sink South South Carolina 29684 Ointment Heparin Sodium 1,000 Units And Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 223.59 100% 0.04 0.37 223.59 223.59 -66.05 34 6.48
15202 7/9/08 0:00 Darrin Sayre East Connecticut 6817 For Solution Levocarnitine Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,340.93 100% 0.09 0.65 1,340.93 1,340.93 154.16 36 39.98
21539 7/9/08 0:00 Christy Brittain South Georgia 30002 Spray Sensipar Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,339.84 100% 0.05 0.68 2,339.84 2,339.84 -1,730.30 39 71.37
48839 7/10/08 0:00 Carlos Daly East Delaware 19810 Suspension/Drops Isolyte R In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 97.13 100% 0.05 0.36 97.13 97.13 -37.06 1 98.31
47712 7/13/08 0:00 Gary McGarr Central Illinois 62541 Tablet Calciparine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.36 274.04 274.04 -243.869 50 5.38
17255 7/14/08 0:00 Dorris Love South North Carolina 28717 Syrup Calcibind Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.57 158.19 158.19 -75.22 17 9.38
2438 7/14/08 0:00 Andrew Allen Central Illinois 60001 Concentrate Benazepril Hydrochloride Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 717.468 100% 0.01 0.35 717.468 717.468 316.476 23 35.99
37920 7/14/08 0:00 Andy Reiter South Maryland 20601 Suppository Pseudo-12 Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 414.42 100% 0.04 0.79 414.42 414.42 -380.2 48 8.46
2438 7/14/08 0:00 Andrew Allen Central Illinois 60001 Tablet Norethin 1/50M-28 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 278.68 100% 0.06 0.38 278.68 278.68 8.8995 20 14.48
39235 7/14/08 0:00 Lauren Leatherbury East New Jersey 8989 Solution Paser Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 801.98 100% 0 0.52 801.98 801.98 -99.95 34 21.66
30947 7/14/08 0:00 Charles McCrossin East Delaware 19895 Suspension/Drops Aristogel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 345.2 100% 0.01 0.38 345.2 345.2 183.53 45 7.31
30947 7/14/08 0:00 Charles McCrossin East Delaware 19895 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.45% And Potassium Chloride 20Meq (K) In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 691.59 100% 0.03 0.35 691.59 691.59 261.239 17 41.94
40833 7/15/08 0:00 Michelle Huthwaite West Idaho 83552 Concentrate Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.3% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.56 2,688.08 2,688.08 844.821 48 65.99
294 7/15/08 0:00 Sanjit Chand Central Michigan 49634 Syrup Migergot Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.71 6,375.28 6,375.28 489.02 35 193.17
38405 7/15/08 0:00 Laura Armstrong South Maryland 20667 For Solution Suprenza Extended Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.1 0.42 208.04 208.04 14.77 29 7.59
26368 7/15/08 0:00 Shahid Shariari West Arizona 85301 Concentrate Augmentin '500' Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,809.01 100% 0.01 0.35 1,809.01 1,809.01 795.051 25 85.99
24069 7/16/08 0:00 Kimberly Carter Central Michigan 49877 Spray Flagyl I.V. Rtu In Plastic Container Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.74 7,981.20 7,981.20 -414.35 21 376.13
19174 7/16/08 0:00 Fred McMath East Connecticut 6703 Concentrate Dianeal Pd-1 W/ Dextrose 4.25% In Plastic Container Injection Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.57 5,311.97 5,311.97 1,142.08 35 179.99
19174 7/16/08 0:00 Fred McMath East Connecticut 6703 Concentrate Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.3% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.56 1,061.91 1,061.91 152.748 19 65.99
19174 7/16/08 0:00 Fred McMath East Connecticut 6703 Suppository Rela Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0 0.45 1,631.04 1,631.04 665.63 48 33.98
49472 7/16/08 0:00 Robert Barroso West California 96121 Suppository Tekturna Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.43 144.14 144.14 12.09 15 9.78
19174 7/16/08 0:00 Fred McMath East Connecticut 6703 Tablet Chlorascrub Swabstick Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.35 214.62 214.62 -151.4205 49 4.24
49472 7/16/08 0:00 Robert Barroso West California 96121 Gel Trazodone Hydrochloride Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.56 103.2 103.2 17.89 23 4.28
49472 7/16/08 0:00 Robert Barroso West California 96121 Lotion Captopril Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.4 30.65 30.65 0.08 9 3.29
24833 7/16/08 0:00 Mike Vittorini West Arizona 85234 Spray E-Base Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.63 5,205.83 5,205.83 -909.74 45 124.49
31842 7/16/08 0:00 Joy Daniels South Georgia 39901 Suppository Tab-Profen Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 157.26 100% 0.06 0.45 157.26 157.26 -18.84 9 17.48
1604 7/16/08 0:00 Rick Wilson West New Mexico 88044 For Solution Tussicaps Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 622.82 100% 0 0.48 622.82 622.82 128.88 47 12.64
35137 7/17/08 0:00 Joe Elijah Central Texas 77037 Tablet Diprolene Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.38 225.06 225.06 7.3015 41 5.34
35137 7/17/08 0:00 Joe Elijah Central Texas 77037 Solution/Drops Advil Cold And Sinus Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.35 1,041.78 1,041.78 283.79 47 23.99
6531 7/17/08 0:00 Jill Fjeld West Colorado 80001 Gel Acth Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.44 541.95 541.95 143.04 28 19.84
6531 7/17/08 0:00 Jill Fjeld West Colorado 80001 Solution Macrodantin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.59 188.23 188.23 -145.1 42 4.37
16289 7/17/08 0:00 John Lee Central Texas 79080 Concentrate Dextrose 3.3% And Sodium Chloride 0.3% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 5,610.61 100% 0.01 0.58 5,610.61 5,610.61 2,040.87 49 125.99
39330 7/17/08 0:00 Andy Yotov Central Wisconsin 53006 Aerosol Carisoprodol Compound Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 184.77 100% 0 0.55 184.77 184.77 -71.96 29 5.74
16289 7/17/08 0:00 John Lee Central Texas 79080 For Solution Chlorpropamide Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 426.64 100% 0.09 0.55 426.64 426.64 96.95 37 12.22
23559 7/18/08 0:00 Cynthia Arntzen Central Texas 79080 Cream Gastromark Injection Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.4 173.44 173.44 -39.8 9 17.98
23559 7/18/08 0:00 Cynthia Arntzen Central Texas 79080 Tablet Sodium Lactate In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.38 425.67 425.67 166.5745 14 28.53
34499 7/18/08 0:00 Joel Eaton East New Jersey 7001 Capsule Physiosol In Plastic Container Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.57 555.68 555.68 -336.3 2 243.98
14534 7/18/08 0:00 Valerie Dominguez Central Ohio 45999 Suppository Solaraze Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 745.99 100% 0.02 0.37 745.99 745.99 226.09 46 15.98
18341 7/18/08 0:00 Bradley Nguyen Central Nebraska 68001 Ointment Freamine Hbc 6.9% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 237.89 100% 0 0.36 237.89 237.89 -165.26 39 5.78
35043 7/19/08 0:00 Maribeth Yedwab South Virginia 20101 Concentrate Stoxil Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.57 924.1115 924.1115 -287.991 9 125.99
50210 7/19/08 0:00 Michelle Arnett Central Michigan 49971 Lotion Chloroptic S.O.P. Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.82 31.32 31.32 -30.26 15 1.86
50210 7/19/08 0:00 Michelle Arnett Central Michigan 49971 Suspension/Drops Decadron-La Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.37 178.51 178.51 82.3 47 3.75
35043 7/19/08 0:00 Maribeth Yedwab South Virginia 20101 Lotion Camila Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.39 125.21 125.21 37.99 45 2.62
50242 7/19/08 0:00 Ross Baird Central Ohio 43343 Concentrate Darbid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,391.76 100% 0.08 0.56 1,391.76 1,391.76 -426.074 8 205.99
17344 7/19/08 0:00 Rob Dowd West Arizona 85071 Concentrate Amoxicillin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,405.46 100% 0.01 0.59 2,405.46 2,405.46 571.536 40 65.99
56101 7/19/08 0:00 Bill Donatelli East New York 14925 Solution Peg-Lyte Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 21.45 100% 0.01 0.52 21.45 21.45 -7.22 1 14.42
56101 7/19/08 0:00 Bill Donatelli East New York 14925 Tablet Nitrofurazone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 5,347.13 100% 0.08 0.37 5,347.13 5,347.13 1,886.41 44 122.99
38017 7/20/08 0:00 Seth Vernon Central Michigan 48064 Concentrate Cefizox Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.59 2,846.36 2,846.36 453.654 27 125.99
38017 7/20/08 0:00 Seth Vernon Central Michigan 48064 Ointment A-Hydrocort Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.36 122.51 122.51 45.14 26 4.98
57249 7/20/08 0:00 David Kendrick South Georgia 39901 For Solution Constulose Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.64 1,775.33 1,775.33 365.25 30 60.65
16065 7/20/08 0:00 Ruben Ausman East Delaware 19891 Suspension Glucophage Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 6,933.45 100% 0.04 0.38 6,933.45 6,933.45 1,200.21 15 449.99
32002 7/20/08 0:00 Jim Kriz West California 90835 Suppository Soyacal 10% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,196.20 100% 0.03 0.79 1,196.20 1,196.20 -73.77 37 30.98
23041 7/20/08 0:00 Tracy Zic Central Wisconsin 53001 Tablet Norditropin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 173.7 100% 0.02 0.35 173.7 173.7 -31.5905 21 7.68
23041 7/20/08 0:00 Tracy Zic Central Wisconsin 53001 Tablet Proloprim Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,811.25 100% 0.08 0.4 1,811.25 1,811.25 203.439 5 367.99
16065 7/20/08 0:00 Ruben Ausman East Delaware 19891 Ointment Keftab Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 54.99 100% 0.06 0.37 54.99 54.99 8.07 14 4
23041 7/20/08 0:00 Tracy Zic Central Wisconsin 53001 Spray Edetate Disodium Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,642.95 100% 0.08 0.75 2,642.95 2,642.95 -474.49 10 262.11
32002 7/20/08 0:00 Jim Kriz West California 90835 For Solution Atropine And Demerol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 98.55 100% 0.07 0.43 98.55 98.55 23.16 7 13.79
46310 7/21/08 0:00 Annie Thurman West Idaho 83465 Syrup Prostep Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.59 5,423.58 5,423.58 1,361.56 42 120.33
46310 7/21/08 0:00 Annie Thurman West Idaho 83465 Tablet Nandrolone Phenpropionate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.38 1,935.25 1,935.25 652.188 29 63.98
46310 7/21/08 0:00 Annie Thurman West Idaho 83465 Gel Ethchlorvynol Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.59 278.5 278.5 -6.23 13 22.01
45762 7/21/08 0:00 Barry Weirich South Maryland 21230 Ointment Balziva-21 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 793.85 100% 0.01 0.38 793.85 793.85 308.53 21 37.94
28932 7/21/08 0:00 Gary Mitchum South Virginia 23018 Gel Ionosol Mb And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 98.94 100% 0.1 0.56 98.94 98.94 -12.59 18 5.85
41569 7/21/08 0:00 Kean Nguyen South Maryland 21794 Ointment Elestat Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 617.34 100% 0.06 0.38 617.34 617.34 47.1 49 12.28
57639 7/21/08 0:00 John Castell East New York 14210 For Solution Loestrin 21 1/20 Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,239.52 100% 0.04 0.56 2,239.52 2,239.52 330.5 24 95.46
41569 7/21/08 0:00 Khloe Miller East Massachusetts 2054 For Solution Amikin Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 60.76 100% 0.03 0.44 60.76 60.76 5.25 16 3.7
10306 7/21/08 0:00 Lela Donovan East Massachusetts 5544 For Solution Hydroxyurea Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 310.31 100% 0.02 0.48 310.31 310.31 51.5 20 14.58
28932 7/21/08 0:00 Gary Mitchum South Virginia 23018 For Solution Mefoxin In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 269.57 100% 0 0.51 269.57 269.57 33.47 24 10.4
42086 7/22/08 0:00 Erin Smith East Delaware 19891 Gel Triavil 4-25 Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.59 50.15 50.15 -2.39 18 2.78
16165 7/22/08 0:00 Hallie Redmond South South Carolina 29907 Suppository Memantine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.75 136.68 136.68 -125.16 4 30.73
26373 7/22/08 0:00 Anna Andreadi South Alabama 35244 Solution Diutensen-R Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.57 285.08 285.08 2.3 7 40.98
16165 7/22/08 0:00 Hallie Redmond South South Carolina 29907 Syrup Migergot Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.71 3,555.29 3,555.29 183.28 19 193.17
16165 7/22/08 0:00 Hallie Redmond South South Carolina 29907 For Solution Infuvite Pediatric (Pharmacy Bulk Package) Injection Competitor B Human - Rx 0.07 0.63 1,452.48 1,452.48 376.52 24 62.18
57440 7/23/08 0:00 Rob Williams South Alabama 36047 Concentrate Isolyte S Ph 7.4 In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.58 1,171.23 1,171.23 -43.252 12 115.99
32323 7/23/08 0:00 Lena Radford Central Wisconsin 53554 Concentrate Duragesic-75 Injection Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.6 259.7175 259.7175 -118.481 38 7.99
32323 7/23/08 0:00 Lena Radford Central Wisconsin 53554 Suppository Rau-Sed Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.61 28.75 28.75 -31.43 3 8.46
32323 7/23/08 0:00 Lena Radford Central Wisconsin 53554 Ointment Halflytely Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.39 75.81 75.81 -21.13 3 22.84
26784 7/23/08 0:00 Christy Brittain South Georgia 30002 Cream Azactam Injection TableauCeutical Animal 440.23 100% 0.09 0.39 440.23 440.23 -43.61 33 13.99
3109 7/23/08 0:00 Liz MacKendrick West Idaho 83552 Concentrate Claritin Reditabs Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 6,477.74 100% 0.01 0.58 6,477.74 6,477.74 1,653.97 37 205.99
56869 7/23/08 0:00 Natalie Webber Central Ohio 43002 Solution Domeboro Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 842.19 100% 0 0.59 842.19 842.19 157.45 10 80.98
26784 7/23/08 0:00 Christy Brittain South Georgia 30002 Capsule Plan B Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,466.95 100% 0.02 0.64 1,466.95 1,466.95 -64.14 12 120.98
3109 7/23/08 0:00 Liz MacKendrick West Idaho 83552 For Solution Meclodium Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,005.74 100% 0.1 0.41 1,005.74 1,005.74 199.3 47 22.23
15463 7/24/08 0:00 Evan Minnotte Central Michigan 49634 Ointment Evans Blue Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 293.3 100% 0.04 0.4 293.3 293.3 -193.48 48 5.98
51780 7/24/08 0:00 Rob Beeghly South Virginia 23111 Ointment Resectisol In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 185.82 100% 0.05 0.36 185.82 185.82 11.45 44 4.2
51780 7/24/08 0:00 Rob Beeghly South Virginia 23111 Solution Pentetate Zinc Trisodium Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,846.20 100% 0.04 0.41 1,846.20 1,846.20 -584.93 26 68.81
51780 7/24/08 0:00 Rob Beeghly South Virginia 23111 Tablet Modicon 21 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 372.69 100% 0.01 0.4 372.69 372.69 -177.031 42 8.04
45030 7/24/08 0:00 Giulietta Dortch South Georgia 39901 Syrup Adriamycin Rdf Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 18.16 100% 0.03 0.57 18.16 18.16 -7.25 1 12.28
51780 7/24/08 0:00 Rob Beeghly South Virginia 23111 Suspension/Drops Delflex-Lm W/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 32.03 100% 0.09 0.37 32.03 32.03 7.41 11 3.15
35046 7/24/08 0:00 Cari Sayre West Idaho 83877 Tablet Dopamine Hydrochloride In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 151.86 100% 0.1 0.39 151.86 151.86 -54.671 21 7.1
35046 7/24/08 0:00 Cari Sayre West Idaho 83877 For Solution Colbenemid Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,951.36 100% 0.03 0.65 4,951.36 4,951.36 1,759.72 45 107.53
35046 7/24/08 0:00 Cari Sayre West Idaho 83877 Capsule Nortrel 0.5/35-28 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,583.87 100% 0.07 0.6 3,583.87 3,583.87 -113.08 13 284.98
24064 7/25/08 0:00 Sanjit Chand Central Michigan 49634 Cream Votrient Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.57 6,366.52 6,366.52 935.8 23 297.64
47556 7/25/08 0:00 Vivek Sundaresam South Virginia 24658 Suppository Solaraze Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.37 475.58 475.58 108.21 29 15.98
31073 7/25/08 0:00 Arthur Prichep West California 91188 Syrup U-Gencin Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.85 4,322.26 4,322.26 -618.95 26 167.27
5445 7/25/08 0:00 Michael Dominguez West Colorado 81221 Gel Epipen Jr. Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.52 46.48 46.48 -1.82 9 4.63
5445 7/25/08 0:00 Michael Dominguez West Colorado 81221 Suspension/Drops Delflex W/ Dextrose 2.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.38 29.42 29.42 14.43 4 3.69
31073 7/25/08 0:00 Arthur Prichep West California 91188 For Solution Precose Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.44 1,818.76 1,818.76 843.12 39 46.94
40005 7/25/08 0:00 Mark Packer West California 91188 Syrup Combunox Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.59 130.43 130.43 -8.7 9 13.48
40005 7/25/08 0:00 Mark Packer West California 91188 For Solution Clozaril Extended Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.1 0.68 873.82 873.82 244.45 20 45.98
15271 7/25/08 0:00 Elpida Rittenbach Central Illinois 62541 Concentrate Avandamet Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 222.258 100% 0.03 0.57 222.258 222.258 -77.902 7 35.99
23719 7/25/08 0:00 Brian Stugart East Connecticut 6928 Ointment Betapace Af Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 122.74 100% 0.08 0.35 122.74 122.74 -28.13 17 7.28
15271 7/25/08 0:00 Elpida Rittenbach Central Illinois 62541 Capsule Aminosyn 3.5% W/ Dextrose 25% In Plastic Container Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,389.30 100% 0.01 0.57 2,389.30 2,389.30 589.38 18 128.24
35271 7/26/08 0:00 Dean Percer South Florida 32099 Concentrate Ammonium Chloride 0.9% In Normal Saline Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.56 1,083.40 1,083.40 64.53 19 65.99
45254 7/26/08 0:00 Corey Lock East Connecticut 6074 Spray Sandostatin Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.69 3,327.84 3,327.84 -3,033.57 45 70.89
19205 7/26/08 0:00 Odella Nelson West Washington 98001 Gel Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.41 107.97 107.97 2.36 31 3.26
19205 7/26/08 0:00 Odella Nelson West Washington 98001 Ointment Fexofenadine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.39 1,291.35 1,291.35 479.62 47 26.38
13090 7/26/08 0:00 David Bremer South Florida 32099 Ointment Duranest Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 150.2 100% 0.02 0.38 150.2 150.2 12.97 15 9.27
20225 7/26/08 0:00 Kean Thornton West Colorado 81655 Gel Dextrose 10% And Sodium Chloride 0.33% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 123.4 100% 0.1 0.49 123.4 123.4 30.5 22 5.84
20225 7/26/08 0:00 Kean Thornton West Colorado 81655 Tablet Promethazine Hydrochloride And Phenylephrine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 124.78 100% 0.09 0.38 124.78 124.78 -122.6705 33 3.98
18241 7/27/08 0:00 Denny Blanton West California 91188 Suppository Propafenone Hydrochloride Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.48 64.5 64.5 -55.11 3 20.89
47584 7/27/08 0:00 Bryan Spruell South Georgia 31811 Gel Ticlopidine Hydrochloride Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.57 74.99 74.99 -8.95 43 1.82
47584 7/27/08 0:00 Bryan Spruell South Georgia 31811 Suspension/Drops Darbid Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.36 20.19 20.19 1.3 4 4.91
52480 7/27/08 0:00 Anne Pryor Central Ohio 43054 For Solution Medrol Acetate Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.44 1,020.88 1,020.88 173.94 47 22.72
18241 7/27/08 0:00 Denny Blanton West California 91188 Spray Fibricor Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.6 9,944.49 9,944.49 1,218.58 25 400.98
36262 7/27/08 0:00 Aaron Bergman East Massachusetts 1001 Concentrate Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.11% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,701.69 100% 0 0.59 4,701.69 4,701.69 1,148.90 26 205.99
36262 7/27/08 0:00 Aaron Bergman East Massachusetts 1001 Ointment Ganciclovir Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 164.02 100% 0.03 0.37 164.02 164.02 -47.64 23 6.68
36262 7/27/08 0:00 Aaron Bergman East Massachusetts 1001 Aerosol Cefotetan And Dextrose In Duplex Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 136.81 100% 0.01 0.56 136.81 136.81 -30.51 23 5.68
16640 7/27/08 0:00 Stewart Visinsky Central Nebraska 68016 Capsule Phrenilin Forte Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 652.33 100% 0.09 0.69 652.33 652.33 -227.51 6 113.98
55234 7/28/08 0:00 Tiffany House West Washington 98103 Suppository Tylox Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 600.86 100% 0.09 0.62 600.86 600.86 -82.67 12 53.98
31809 7/28/08 0:00 Lauren Leatherbury East New Jersey 8989 Solution/Drops Borofair Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 15 100% 0.1 0.35 15 15 -13.74 1 9.78
55234 7/28/08 0:00 Tiffany House West Washington 98103 Gel Acephen Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 17.06 100% 0.03 0.57 17.06 17.06 -7.54 5 2.98
26341 7/28/08 0:00 Adrian Hane East Massachusetts 2054 Spray E-Base Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,095.27 100% 0.03 0.63 1,095.27 1,095.27 -196.66 8 124.49
51041 7/29/08 0:00 Neil Ducich East Massachusetts 2139 Concentrate Allopurinol Sodium Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.55 2,766.82 2,766.82 846.945 47 65.99
19843 7/29/08 0:00 Eugene Moren West Washington 99403 Concentrate Sterane Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.58 4,416.65 4,416.65 1,020.41 33 155.99
25634 7/29/08 0:00 Mike Pelletier East New Jersey 7837 Suppository Metadate Er Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 593.32 100% 0.03 0.6 593.32 593.32 28.99 29 20.95
57216 7/29/08 0:00 Ruben Dartt East New York 10457 Gel An-Dtpa Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 109.78 100% 0.03 0.41 109.78 109.78 4.48 48 2.2
25634 7/29/08 0:00 Mike Pelletier East New Jersey 7837 Solution/Drops Advil Cold And Sinus Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 626.07 100% 0.03 0.35 626.07 626.07 185.32 26 23.99
48321 7/29/08 0:00 Tim Brockman South South Carolina 29684 Syrup Pradaxa Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 5,875.66 100% 0.02 0.55 5,875.66 5,875.66 1,856.12 31 178.47
57216 7/29/08 0:00 Ruben Dartt East New York 10457 Capsule Pepcid Complete Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 12,719.70 100% 0.03 0.78 12,719.70 12,719.70 -545.82 46 280.98
22054 7/29/08 0:00 Candace McMahon South Virginia 24658 For Solution Mycifradin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 216.79 100% 0.07 0.37 216.79 216.79 57.55 32 6.98
20832 7/30/08 0:00 Eugene Moren West Washington 99403 Gel Amrinone Lactate Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.54 105.89 105.89 4.13 39 2.84
24196 7/30/08 0:00 Nat Carroll West Utah 84631 Syrup Daypro Alta Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.55 1,049.49 1,049.49 -5.41 24 43.57
20832 7/30/08 0:00 Eugene Moren West Washington 99403 Tablet Cefazolin And Dextrose Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.37 88.7 88.7 -20.447 47 1.88
24196 7/30/08 0:00 Nat Carroll West Utah 84631 Ointment Gelnique Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.4 13.44 13.44 -8.88 2 4.28
56128 7/30/08 0:00 Hallie Redmond South South Carolina 29907 Gel Excedrin (Migraine) Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.57 902.19 902.19 -49.66 41 22.99
39650 7/30/08 0:00 Jessica Myrick Central Wisconsin 53081 For Solution Sulfa-Triple #2 Extended Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.42 329.06 329.06 -175.15 47 7.28
39650 7/30/08 0:00 Jessica Myrick Central Wisconsin 53081 Capsule Ondansetron Hydrochloride And Dextrose In Plastic Container Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.66 1,004.89 1,004.89 -189.02 10 89.99
56128 7/30/08 0:00 Hallie Redmond South South Carolina 29907 Spray Phentermine Resin Complex Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.1 0.67 657.232 657.232 -673.69 19 44.43
13127 7/31/08 0:00 Sam Craven South Georgia 31569 Solution Pentetate Zinc Trisodium Intramuscular Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.41 951.31 951.31 -333.07 13 68.81
43200 7/31/08 0:00 Sara Luxemburg West California 94404 Concentrate Blephamide S.O.P. Extended Release Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.85 1,073.57 1,073.57 -305.965 15 85.99
43200 7/31/08 0:00 Sara Luxemburg West California 94404 Tablet Product Name Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.39 554.32 554.32 -62.1345 3 172.99
34407 7/31/08 0:00 Rachel Payne Central Wisconsin 54990 Solution/Drops Ribavirin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,484.89 100% 0.03 0.4 1,484.89 1,484.89 220.99 41 35.89
22151 7/31/08 0:00 Beth Thompson East Massachusetts 2054 Tablet Nitro-Dur Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 515.37 100% 0.04 0.39 515.37 515.37 9.8175 20 24.92
22151 7/31/08 0:00 Beth Thompson East Massachusetts 2054 For Solution Laryngotracheal Anesthesia Kit Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 465.83 100% 0.1 0.55 465.83 465.83 -79.72 49 9.65
28321 8/1/08 0:00 Steve Nguyen South Maryland 21230 Suspension/Drops Deferoxamine Mesylate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 90.5 100% 0.03 0.37 90.5 90.5 24.71 28 3.08
47270 8/2/08 0:00 Denise Monton Central Ohio 43001 Concentrate Angiovist 370 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0 0.58 3,559.61 3,559.61 747.738 19 205.99
47270 8/2/08 0:00 Denise Monton Central Ohio 43001 Ointment Duranest Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.38 382.65 382.65 47.61 40 9.27
47270 8/2/08 0:00 Denise Monton Central Ohio 43001 Ointment Fentanyl Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.36 61 61 -34.25 9 6.48
34980 8/2/08 0:00 Victoria Pisteka Central Texas 88595 Solution Eryc 125 Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 562.15 100% 0.01 0.46 562.15 562.15 148.34 12 46.89
34980 8/2/08 0:00 Victoria Pisteka Central Texas 88595 Syrup Pentids '800' Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 848.19 100% 0.06 0.6 848.19 848.19 120.02 25 34.76
34980 8/2/08 0:00 Victoria Pisteka Central Texas 88595 For Solution Aminosyn 3.5% W/ Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 140.77 100% 0.01 0.39 140.77 140.77 100.77 7 18.65
26244 8/3/08 0:00 Michael Dominguez West Colorado 81221 Suppository Rau-Sed Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.61 131.72 131.72 -42.61 16 8.46
29762 8/3/08 0:00 Philip Brown West Utah 84415 Lotion Enlon Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 22.45 22.45 0.78 15 1.48
29762 8/3/08 0:00 Philip Brown West Utah 84415 Capsule Enablex Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.57 3,268.56 3,268.56 -1,181.71 33 95.95
33154 8/3/08 0:00 Harold Dahlen Central Nebraska 68717 Concentrate Aminosyn-Hbc 7% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 368.0245 100% 0.09 0.59 368.0245 368.0245 -218.812 7 65.99
27744 8/3/08 0:00 Pete Kriz Central Texas 77037 Tablet Dianeal Low Calcium W/ Dextrose 3.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 106.69 100% 0.01 0.36 106.69 106.69 -76.6015 22 4.54
37572 8/3/08 0:00 Jas O'Carroll East Connecticut 6928 Tablet Diprolene Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 123.95 100% 0.01 0.38 123.95 123.95 2.4225 22 5.34
53605 8/3/08 0:00 Karen Seio South Alabama 36759 Solution Aminocaproic Acid Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 506.49 100% 0.06 0.5 506.49 506.49 105.69 19 25.98
53605 8/3/08 0:00 Karen Seio South Alabama 36759 For Solution Kombiglyze Xr Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 74.31 100% 0.07 0.73 74.31 74.31 -73.1 1 41.47
53605 8/3/08 0:00 Karen Seio South Alabama 36759 Injectable Ambodryl Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 8,367.68 100% 0.06 0.66 8,367.68 8,367.68 886.35 48 170.98
12483 8/4/08 0:00 Tom Zandusky West Utah 84721 Tablet Nogenic Hc Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.35 1,676.44 1,676.44 607.495 14 120.98
12483 8/4/08 0:00 Tom Zandusky West Utah 84721 Syrup Chenodiol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.57 1,771.67 1,771.67 338.95 30 59.76
12483 8/4/08 0:00 Tom Zandusky West Utah 84721 Injectable Fml Forte Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.1 0.78 1,406.07 1,406.07 -701.91 14 100.98
24097 8/4/08 0:00 Anthony Johnson East Delaware 19701 Suppository Depo-Subq Provera 104 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.5 2,689.48 2,689.48 399.93 27 99.99
24097 8/4/08 0:00 Anthony Johnson East Delaware 19701 Suppository Clinimix 4.25/10 Sulfite Free In Dextrose 10% In Plastic Container Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0 0.49 17.19 17.19 -35.34 1 14.48
24097 8/4/08 0:00 Anthony Johnson East Delaware 19701 Ointment Esidrix Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.38 15.31 15.31 -8.15 2 4.98
15618 8/4/08 0:00 Joy Smith Central Michigan 48001 Concentrate Cefzil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 782.4505 100% 0.06 0.59 782.4505 782.4505 -11.396 14 65.99
19136 8/4/08 0:00 Michelle Moray South Virginia 23970 Concentrate Avandamet Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,372.95 100% 0 0.57 1,372.95 1,372.95 429.885 44 35.99
3108 8/4/08 0:00 Jack Garza Central Illinois 62924 Gel Hydrocortisone Valerate Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 65.39 100% 0.09 0.4 65.39 65.39 -0.46 36 1.82
15618 8/4/08 0:00 Joy Smith Central Michigan 48001 Ointment Felbatol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 50.93 100% 0.06 0.4 50.93 50.93 -34.98 9 5.28
15618 8/4/08 0:00 Joy Smith Central Michigan 48001 Ointment Flovent Hfa Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 792.8 100% 0.08 0.37 792.8 792.8 26.27 44 18.97
52326 8/4/08 0:00 Dennis Bolton East New Jersey 7001 Tablet Butazolidin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 152.28 100% 0.06 0.36 152.28 152.28 -154.813 41 3.81
56166 8/4/08 0:00 Nicole Brennan West California 95503 Solution Peg-Lyte Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 615.68 100% 0.08 0.52 615.68 615.68 -54.34 45 14.42
19748 8/4/08 0:00 Maxwell Schwartz West New Mexico 87011 Ointment Emete-Con Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 124.65 100% 0.01 0.37 124.65 124.65 13.34 6 18.97
31495 8/4/08 0:00 Gary Hansen West Utah 84663 Syrup Tiazac Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,234.85 100% 0.03 0.57 1,234.85 1,234.85 212.2 34 34.76
31495 8/4/08 0:00 Gary Hansen West Utah 84663 Tablet Gyne-Lotrimin 3 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 191.43 100% 0.06 0.39 191.43 191.43 39.4995 20 8.69
56166 8/4/08 0:00 Nicole Brennan West California 95503 Capsule Vagifem Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 142.24 100% 0.08 0.61 142.24 142.24 -62.19 1 100.89
42369 8/5/08 0:00 Patricia Hirasaki West Washington 99403 Suppository Teebacin Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.46 786.26 786.26 274.98 44 17.48
58789 8/5/08 0:00 Christina Vanderzanden West New Mexico 88044 Tablet Cimetidine Hydrochloride In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.38 195.51 195.51 -105.7195 26 7.3
58789 8/5/08 0:00 Christina Vanderzanden West New Mexico 88044 For Solution Ifex Injection Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.48 377.13 377.13 -10.29 38 9.77
17956 8/5/08 0:00 Kelly Lampkin West Utah 84741 Ointment Balziva-21 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,567.51 100% 0.01 0.38 1,567.51 1,567.51 711.74 40 37.94
17956 8/5/08 0:00 Kelly Lampkin West Utah 84741 Syrup Miconazole Nitrate Combination Pack Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,914.65 100% 0.01 0.78 1,914.65 1,914.65 73.45 17 111.03
18598 8/6/08 0:00 Fred Harton West Washington 98001 Tablet Norethin 1/50M-28 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.38 349.65 349.65 28.5515 24 14.48
18598 8/6/08 0:00 Fred Harton West Washington 98001 For Solution Sprx-105 Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.59 4,814.12 4,814.12 855.14 46 102.3
18210 8/6/08 0:00 Greg Guthrie Central Nebraska 69141 Gel Travasol 4.25% Sulfite Free W/ Electrolytes In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.56 80.79 80.79 12.58 27 2.88
18210 8/6/08 0:00 Greg Guthrie Central Nebraska 69141 Solution Potassium Chloride 40Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.225% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.57 9,293.82 9,293.82 2,437.17 27 363.25
8416 8/6/08 0:00 Nicole Fjeld South Virginia 23970 Ointment Equetro Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.4 22.07 22.07 -15.45 2 5.98
49638 8/7/08 0:00 Jack O'Briant East New Jersey 8823 Suppository Tenuate Dospan Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.64 196.07 196.07 -77.66 17 10.97
10081 8/7/08 0:00 Sanjit Engle Central Illinois 60001 For Solution Aureomycin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.53 1,058.43 1,058.43 245 49 20.28
12485 8/7/08 0:00 Eugene Barchas East Massachusetts 2180 Capsule Plasma-Lyte 56 And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.59 5,407.31 5,407.31 1,068.48 24 226.67
9985 8/7/08 0:00 Raymond Book East New York 12917 Ointment Gentafair Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 81.9 100% 0.08 0.37 81.9 81.9 -23.52 12 6.68
193 8/7/08 0:00 Justin Hirsh West Arizona 85234 Syrup Lialda Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 174.89 100% 0.06 0.57 174.89 174.89 -37.04 14 12.44
57669 8/8/08 0:00 Cyra Reiten South Virginia 23018 Solution Diutensen-R Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,803.12 100% 0 0.57 1,803.12 1,803.12 544.93 41 40.98
44224 8/9/08 0:00 Natalie Webber Central Ohio 43002 Suppository Bayer Extra Strength Aspirin For Migraine Pain Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 198.7 100% 0.1 0.71 198.7 198.7 -62.13 32 6.48
50146 8/9/08 0:00 Shui Tom East New York 14925 Concentrate Antagonate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,288.64 100% 0.05 0.58 2,288.64 2,288.64 519.588 32 85.99
4932 8/9/08 0:00 Bobby Odegard East New York 10501 Ointment Bicillin L-A Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 109.37 100% 0.07 0.38 109.37 109.37 25.96 11 10.31
45570 8/9/08 0:00 Bart Watters East New Jersey 8989 Tablet Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.225% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 77.57 100% 0 0.37 77.57 77.57 -67.4935 19 3.58
55558 8/9/08 0:00 Mick Brown West California 92320 Solution/Drops Advair Diskus 250/50 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 392.57 100% 0.04 0.38 392.57 392.57 22.25 23 17.07
34916 8/9/08 0:00 Theresa Swint Central Wisconsin 54990 For Solution Sudafed 24 Hour Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 24.36 100% 0.08 0.47 24.36 24.36 10.04 3 4.82
55558 8/9/08 0:00 Mick Brown West California 92320 Injectable Flurandrenolide Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,294.04 100% 0.05 0.65 1,294.04 1,294.04 -323.18 8 150.98
19104 8/10/08 0:00 Quincy Jones South Alabama 36276 Concentrate Cetirizine Hydrochloride And Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.57 5,085.91 5,085.91 1,366.69 48 125.99
10435 8/10/08 0:00 Evan Minnotte Central Michigan 49634 Gel Prevpac Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 537.87 100% 0.05 0.58 537.87 537.87 -162.24 46 11.66
10435 8/10/08 0:00 Evan Minnotte Central Michigan 49634 Gel Excedrin (Migraine) Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 871.25 100% 0.06 0.57 871.25 871.25 -14.31 38 22.99
31650 8/11/08 0:00 Elizabeth Moffitt East Connecticut 6928 Suppository Terazosin Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,504.97 100% 0.02 0.76 1,504.97 1,504.97 -0.31 19 77.51
13861 8/11/08 0:00 Andy Yotov Central Wisconsin 53006 Gel Acuvail Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 37.3 100% 0 0.52 37.3 37.3 5.03 7 4.84
22117 8/12/08 0:00 Rick Hansen South Georgia 39859 Gel Trilyte Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.56 19.17 19.17 -16.42 5 3.28
22117 8/12/08 0:00 Rick Hansen South Georgia 39859 Ointment Estropipate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.38 581.52 581.52 175.16 16 35.44
42563 8/12/08 0:00 Jeremy Pistek South Georgia 30002 Tablet Chlorascrub Swabstick Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 44.25 100% 0.07 0.35 44.25 44.25 -14.3635 7 4.24
59074 8/12/08 0:00 Jack Lebron Central Michigan 49877 For Solution Norinyl 1+35 21-Day Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 589.63 100% 0.03 0.39 589.63 589.63 70.8 37 14.98
33537 8/13/08 0:00 Mick Crebagga Central Illinois 62999 Concentrate Bio-Tropin Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 163.3105 100% 0.02 0.81 163.3105 163.3105 -105.094 9 20.99
19687 8/13/08 0:00 George Ashbrook East Delaware 19934 Concentrate Amrix Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 829.617 100% 0.1 0.57 829.617 829.617 25.533 23 45.99
33537 8/13/08 0:00 Mick Crebagga Central Illinois 62999 Gel Tolectin 600 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 45.38 100% 0.07 0.56 45.38 45.38 -1.97 26 1.76
5061 8/13/08 0:00 Sean Wendt East Massachusetts 1059 Gel Triphasil-28 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 12.8 100% 0 0.56 12.8 12.8 -2.21 4 2.88
19687 8/13/08 0:00 George Ashbrook East Delaware 19934 Lotion Enlon Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 47.99 100% 0.06 0.37 47.99 47.99 3.86 33 1.48
35878 8/13/08 0:00 Cari MacIntyre South Virginia 23970 Ointment Clinimix E 5/20 Sulfite-Free W/ Elect In 20% Dextrose W/ Calcium In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 161.67 100% 0.08 0.39 161.67 161.67 -7.71 45 3.6
35878 8/13/08 0:00 Cari MacIntyre South Virginia 23970 Ointment Entocort Ec Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 485.46 100% 0.03 0.36 485.46 485.46 48.88 11 40.99
20679 8/14/08 0:00 Tracy Hopkins West Washington 99403 Syrup Mirena Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.66 4,976.60 4,976.60 601.88 32 161.55
35079 8/14/08 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Solution/Drops Demulen 1/50-21 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,062.75 100% 0.01 0.38 2,062.75 2,062.75 559.59 32 60.98
35079 8/14/08 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Tablet Glycort Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 71.57 100% 0.02 0.37 71.57 71.57 -30.6935 13 4.98
17381 8/14/08 0:00 Rick Wilson West New Mexico 88044 Suspension/Drops Creon Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 101.25 100% 0.05 0.37 101.25 101.25 40.9 28 3.75
19686 8/15/08 0:00 Alan Barnes Central Michigan 48001 Cream Gastromark Injection TableauCeutical Animal 42.31 100% 0.06 0.4 42.31 42.31 -61.01 2 17.98
19686 8/15/08 0:00 Alan Barnes Central Michigan 48001 Tablet Mymethazine Fortis Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 152.67 100% 0.04 0.4 152.67 152.67 12.7585 11 12.95
38176 8/15/08 0:00 Nathan Mautz South Alabama 35077 Gel Iplex Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 428.36 100% 0.06 0.52 428.36 428.36 74.75 48 9.11
38176 8/15/08 0:00 Nathan Mautz South Alabama 35077 Ointment Glucoscan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 231.08 100% 0.01 0.4 231.08 231.08 -79.08 39 5.28
6625 8/15/08 0:00 Roy Skaria Central Illinois 60406 Injectable Alli Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 21,062.91 100% 0.01 0.62 21,062.91 21,062.91 5,713.53 23 880.98
1382 8/16/08 0:00 Corey Catlett West Colorado 80001 Concentrate Bicillin Extended Release Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.81 89.335 89.335 -107.096 5 20.99
1382 8/16/08 0:00 Corey Catlett West Colorado 80001 Tablet Promethazine Hydrochloride And Phenylephrine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.38 158.46 158.46 -130.663 39 3.98
1382 8/16/08 0:00 Corey Catlett West Colorado 80001 Injectable Fluidil Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.62 7,180.83 7,180.83 487.17 31 220.98
30114 8/16/08 0:00 Caroline Jumper Central Ohio 43567 Suspension Gencept 10/11-21 Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 4,667.28 100% 0.09 0.41 4,667.28 4,667.28 -362.88 7 699.99
24227 8/16/08 0:00 Karen Seio South Alabama 36759 Concentrate Antagonate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,840.85 100% 0.01 0.58 1,840.85 1,840.85 424.638 24 85.99
47040 8/16/08 0:00 Rob Beeghly South Virginia 23111 Tablet Neothylline Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 487.98 100% 0.01 0.38 487.98 487.98 8.1005 38 12.53
11491 8/17/08 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Suppository Alphagan P Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.66 165.37 165.37 -80.11 26 6.6
11491 8/17/08 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Ointment Embeline Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 1,785.74 1,785.74 739.48 38 48.04
17409 8/17/08 0:00 Muhammed MacIntyre East New Jersey 7514 Suppository Thallous Chloride Tl 201 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.78 633.56 633.56 -158.87 31 20.97
12710 8/17/08 0:00 John Castell East New York 14210 Ointment Elixicon Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.36 2,116.62 2,116.62 745.45 37 55.98
22820 8/17/08 0:00 Craig Yedwab West Arizona 85354 Suppository Pyrilamine Maleate Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 209.12 100% 0.05 0.75 209.12 209.12 -116.21 34 5.98
47232 8/17/08 0:00 Brian Moss South Alabama 35751 Syrup Liquamar Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 546.4 100% 0.1 0.81 546.4 546.4 -138.82 39 15.14
22820 8/17/08 0:00 Craig Yedwab West Arizona 85354 Lotion Carmol Hc Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 144.84 100% 0 0.4 144.84 144.84 21.49 18 7.89
3463 8/17/08 0:00 Julia Dunbar West New Mexico 88044 Ointment Humulin U Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 264.75 100% 0.08 0.37 264.75 264.75 -212.51 43 6.48
26688 8/18/08 0:00 Laurel Workman West California 93456 Gel Yutopar Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.43 69.4 69.4 12.02 7 9.93
26688 8/18/08 0:00 Laurel Workman West California 93456 Solution Methylphenidate Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.57 424.13 424.13 57.17 21 20.27
57921 8/18/08 0:00 Arthur Gainer South North Carolina 27006 Suppository Radioiodinated Serum Albumin (Human) Ihsa I 125 Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 45.24 100% 0.01 0.64 45.24 45.24 -42.12 8 4.98
57921 8/18/08 0:00 Arthur Gainer South North Carolina 27006 Gel Eulexin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 148.05 100% 0.08 0.59 148.05 148.05 -45.94 7 21.38
13094 8/18/08 0:00 Craig Leslie West Idaho 83465 Ointment Balziva-21 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 283.57 100% 0.02 0.38 283.57 283.57 71.21 7 37.94
27232 8/18/08 0:00 Ralph Arnett West Idaho 83201 Gel Prevacid 24 Hr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 639.3 100% 0.05 0.59 639.3 639.3 30.21 19 34.99
50246 8/18/08 0:00 Darren Powers West Utah 84741 Ointment Humatin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 102.04 100% 0.05 0.37 102.04 102.04 -47.67 14 6.48
2368 8/19/08 0:00 Sally Hughsby South Maryland 21230 Solution Penicillin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 508.73 100% 0.08 0.43 508.73 508.73 -229.67 36 14.81
59783 8/19/08 0:00 Cindy Chapman West Arizona 85338 Aerosol Sarisol No. 1 Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 77.43 100% 0.01 0.55 77.43 77.43 -60.07 36 2.08
9152 8/20/08 0:00 Steven Cartwright Central Nebraska 68770 Concentrate Duragesic-75 Injection Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.6 292.808 292.808 -129.69 43 7.99
25154 8/20/08 0:00 Giulietta Baptist Central Michigan 49822 Gel Amphadase Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.48 102.5 102.5 13.84 16 6.68
15045 8/20/08 0:00 Logan Currie Central Texas 78602 Capsule Ocl Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.07 0.74 1,378.72 1,378.72 -640.6 11 122.99
59233 8/20/08 0:00 Jack Lebron Central Michigan 49877 Gel Ablavar Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 85.79 100% 0 0.35 85.79 85.79 4.62 49 1.68
59233 8/20/08 0:00 Jack Lebron Central Michigan 49877 Syrup Apidra Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 11,450.99 100% 0.1 0.65 11,450.99 11,450.99 -855.63 34 370.98
26023 8/20/08 0:00 Charles McCrossin East Delaware 19895 Lotion Campral Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 120.77 100% 0.03 0.38 120.77 120.77 19.86 49 2.47
30883 8/21/08 0:00 Alex Avila South Alabama 35004 Ointment Celestone Soluspan Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.38 201.37 201.37 59.84 30 6.98
31204 8/21/08 0:00 Christopher Martinez Central Illinois 62999 Lotion Vancocin Hydrochloride In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.38 10.46 10.46 -0.89 8 1.14
31204 8/21/08 0:00 Christopher Martinez Central Illinois 62999 For Solution Tylenol (Geltab) Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.49 215.52 215.52 75.83 14 14.34
26693 8/21/08 0:00 William Brown South Georgia 39901 Concentrate Axid Ar Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 2,094.98 100% 0.06 0.55 2,094.98 2,094.98 697.293 44 55.99
22053 8/21/08 0:00 Sean Wendt East Massachusetts 1059 Tablet Ziac Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 563.08 100% 0.1 0.37 563.08 563.08 112.965 32 18.99
45511 8/21/08 0:00 Sonia Cooley East Connecticut 6817 Spray Pletal Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 951.31 100% 0.08 0.65 951.31 951.31 -1,099.46 31 31.76
40257 8/21/08 0:00 Brosina Hoffman West Utah 84631 Capsule Potassium Chloride 0.037% In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,201.16 100% 0.06 0.57 3,201.16 3,201.16 405.5 24 140.81
42950 8/22/08 0:00 Theresa Swint Central Wisconsin 54990 Concentrate Avandamet Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.57 1,142.49 1,142.49 303.399 38 35.99
31238 8/22/08 0:00 Joseph Airdo Central Illinois 60157 Solution Potassium Chloride 40Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.225% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 7,512.03 100% 0.09 0.57 7,512.03 7,512.03 2,017.64 21 363.25
36480 8/22/08 0:00 Lela Donovan East Massachusetts 5544 Tablet Sodium Lactate In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,190.80 100% 0.07 0.38 1,190.80 1,190.80 502.486 44 28.53
11907 8/23/08 0:00 Mark Cousins East Massachusetts 1001 Cream Panheprin Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.37 4,729.85 4,729.85 2,014.82 45 100.97
3493 8/23/08 0:00 Patrick Jones South Alabama 36344 Suppository Cetraxal Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.74 7,518.12 7,518.12 1,027.63 48 152.48
49831 8/23/08 0:00 Brenda Bowman Central Ohio 44197 Syrup Liquamar Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.81 274.32 274.32 -58.24 18 15.14
45989 8/23/08 0:00 Matthew Grinstein East New York 544 Solution/Drops Bumex Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.35 148.12 148.12 -51.62 26 5.58
50470 8/23/08 0:00 Ken Dana West New Mexico 88134 Gel Excedrin (Migraine) Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.57 827.83 827.83 -57.73 38 22.99
10789 8/23/08 0:00 Jamie Kunitz East Massachusetts 1059 Gel Acth Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 308.54 100% 0 0.44 308.54 308.54 76.42 15 19.84
11460 8/24/08 0:00 Carl Jackson Central Michigan 49634 Suspension/Drops Compazine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.38 102.24 102.24 37.79 30 3.69
34562 8/24/08 0:00 John Lucas South Maryland 21290 Suppository Symlin Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.51 561.92 561.92 57.82 22 28.38
34562 8/24/08 0:00 John Lucas South Maryland 21290 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride-Hydrochlorothiazide-Reserpine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 365.64 365.64 22.77 19 18.97
10819 8/24/08 0:00 Mike Vittorini West Arizona 85234 Ointment Estratab Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.37 233.39 233.39 -197.39 35 6.48
51879 8/24/08 0:00 Monica Federle East New Jersey 8989 Ointment Betamethasone Dipropionate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 991.36 100% 0.01 0.37 991.36 991.36 212.06 46 19.98
34209 8/24/08 0:00 Ritsa Hightower East Connecticut 6817 Ointment Butalan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,041.72 100% 0.03 0.38 1,041.72 1,041.72 437.61 29 35.44
42754 8/24/08 0:00 Paul Gonzalez East Delaware 19936 Tablet Nasalcrom Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 341.71 100% 0.04 0.36 341.71 341.71 32.1895 31 10.98
34209 8/24/08 0:00 Ritsa Hightower East Connecticut 6817 For Solution Humegon Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 705.44 100% 0.04 0.46 705.44 705.44 165.9 48 14.2
51879 8/24/08 0:00 Monica Federle East New Jersey 8989 For Solution Pralidoxime Chloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,382.31 100% 0.03 0.44 1,382.31 1,382.31 372.26 26 51.94
14117 8/25/08 0:00 Nathan Mautz South Alabama 35077 Lotion Vancocin Hydrochloride In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 5.31 100% 0 0.38 5.31 5.31 -1.5 4 1.14
46375 8/26/08 0:00 Parhena Norris East Massachusetts 5544 Concentrate Alimta Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.55 1,702.50 1,702.50 162.108 16 125.99
24007 8/26/08 0:00 Joy Bell East Massachusetts 5544 Suppository Propafenone Hydrochloride Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.48 531.66 531.66 135.65 26 20.89
42947 8/26/08 0:00 Patrick O'Brill West Arizona 85071 Suppository Reglan Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0 0.43 177.05 177.05 -50.67 5 35.41
46375 8/26/08 0:00 Parhena Norris East Massachusetts 5544 Ointment Fentanyl-75 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.38 905.32 905.32 389.07 24 35.44
24007 8/26/08 0:00 Joy Bell East Massachusetts 5544 Solution/Drops Xylocaine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.35 317.85 317.85 -13.95 28 11.58
24007 8/26/08 0:00 Joy Bell East Massachusetts 5544 Suspension/Drops Cytadren Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.39 163.08 163.08 66.17 42 4.13
28068 8/26/08 0:00 Julie Creighton Central Michigan 49822 Suppository Drisdol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 631.99 100% 0.08 0.75 631.99 631.99 -43.96 23 27.48
13767 8/26/08 0:00 Nona Balk South Virginia 23664 Concentrate Sterane Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,246.36 100% 0.06 0.58 1,246.36 1,246.36 -339.108 10 155.99
13767 8/26/08 0:00 Nona Balk South Virginia 23664 Concentrate Bronkaid Mist Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,403.74 100% 0.01 0.39 1,403.74 1,403.74 622.251 45 35.99
48032 8/26/08 0:00 John Lee Central Texas 79080 Syrup Liquamar Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 412.86 100% 0.07 0.81 412.86 412.86 -104.43 29 15.14
48032 8/26/08 0:00 John Lee Central Texas 79080 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.22% In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 309.17 100% 0.09 0.58 309.17 309.17 -283.31 42 7.77
13767 8/26/08 0:00 Nona Balk South Virginia 23664 Solution Paser Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 597.66 100% 0.08 0.52 597.66 597.66 -178 29 21.66
52933 8/26/08 0:00 Liz Price West Arizona 85234 Tablet Dextrose 4% In Modified Lactated Ringer'S In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 210.46 100% 0.03 0.39 210.46 210.46 50.0395 44 4.49
13767 8/26/08 0:00 Nona Balk South Virginia 23664 Spray Fazaclo Odt Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,050.71 100% 0.05 0.72 2,050.71 2,050.71 -381.04 12 218.75
32834 8/27/08 0:00 Noah Childs East Delaware 19895 Concentrate Atracurium Besylate Preservative Free Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.58 3,460.56 3,460.56 573.057 39 115.99
23362 8/27/08 0:00 Randy Bradley South North Carolina 28633 For Solution Aerolate Iii Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.1 0.49 852.05 852.05 -20.6 45 19.98
55750 8/27/08 0:00 Nick Zandusky South South Carolina 29684 Spray Fazaclo Odt Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.77 5,445.99 5,445.99 -791.66 31 218.75
37860 8/27/08 0:00 Mike Pelletier East New Jersey 7837 For Solution Ketozole Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 104.85 100% 0.07 0.72 104.85 104.85 -98.31 1 55.5
55200 8/28/08 0:00 Joe Elijah Central Texas 77037 Concentrate Loratadine Redidose Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.58 649.2385 649.2385 -830.72 4 205.99
55200 8/28/08 0:00 Joe Elijah Central Texas 77037 Tablet Zegerid Otc Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.38 505.08 505.08 -56.9135 33 15.15
28769 8/28/08 0:00 Mike Gockenbach Central Wisconsin 53235 Suppository Dextrose 5% In Lactated Ringer'S In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 195.75 100% 0.02 0.41 195.75 195.75 -31.24 6 33.29
31239 8/28/08 0:00 Eleni McCrary East Connecticut 6074 Suppository Rela Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 677.9 100% 0.05 0.45 677.9 677.9 196.36 20 33.98
515 8/28/08 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 Solution Pbz Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 394.27 100% 0.08 0.5 394.27 394.27 30.94 19 21.78
31616 8/28/08 0:00 Sanjit Jacobs West Idaho 83877 Suspension/Drops Colgate Total Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 141.08 100% 0.04 0.37 141.08 141.08 36.96 46 3.08
31616 8/28/08 0:00 Sanjit Jacobs West Idaho 83877 Tablet Chlorascrub Swabstick Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 182.7 100% 0.08 0.35 182.7 182.7 -156.4115 45 4.24
515 8/28/08 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 For Solution Mydriafair Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 146.69 100% 0.05 0.37 146.69 146.69 4.43 21 6.64
39907 8/29/08 0:00 Jennifer Patt South Florida 32099 Suppository Memantine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.75 378.84 378.84 -99.38 12 30.73
58595 8/29/08 0:00 Neil Knudson West New Mexico 87001 For Solution Gynorest Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.47 812.21 812.21 -128.02 41 20.28
9251 8/29/08 0:00 Giulietta Dortch South Georgia 39901 Capsule Ondansetron Hydrochloride And Dextrose In Plastic Container Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,632.60 100% 0 0.66 3,632.60 3,632.60 -400.33 38 89.99
44613 8/30/08 0:00 Neoma Murray South North Carolina 28909 Concentrate Duragesic-75 Injection Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.6 120.751 120.751 -71.39 17 7.99
44613 8/30/08 0:00 Neoma Murray South North Carolina 28909 Ointment Furadantin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.4 245.55 245.55 -227.25 45 5.28
44613 8/30/08 0:00 Neoma Murray South North Carolina 28909 Ointment Ferrlecit Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.36 1,911.69 1,911.69 939.43 34 55.98
32229 8/30/08 0:00 Carlos Daly East Delaware 19810 Cream Galzin Injection TableauCeutical Animal 1,219.19 100% 0.02 0.38 1,219.19 1,219.19 44.37 8 150.98
34530 8/30/08 0:00 Karen Daniels West California 91188 Suppository Tab-Profen Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 612.49 100% 0.09 0.45 612.49 612.49 168.04 38 17.48
32229 8/30/08 0:00 Carlos Daly East Delaware 19810 Gel Tolectin 600 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 28.68 100% 0 0.56 28.68 28.68 -0.12 15 1.76
12929 8/30/08 0:00 Jim Radford East Massachusetts 2054 Ointment Bilopaque Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 95.3 100% 0 0.36 95.3 95.3 29.68 20 4.48
14597 8/30/08 0:00 Lauren Leatherbury East New Jersey 8989 Tablet Norditropin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 320.42 100% 0.03 0.35 320.42 320.42 -66.3665 41 7.68
34530 8/30/08 0:00 Karen Daniels West California 91188 Solution Methergine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,516.13 100% 0.06 0.58 1,516.13 1,516.13 493.03 22 67.84
30372 8/30/08 0:00 Christopher Schild Central Michigan 48001 For Solution Chlorpropamide Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 14.4 100% 0.1 0.55 14.4 14.4 -7.39 1 12.22
12929 8/30/08 0:00 Jim Radford East Massachusetts 2054 Capsule Nph Iletin I (Beef-Pork) Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,297.47 100% 0.02 0.77 5,297.47 5,297.47 -158.93 19 270.98
14597 8/30/08 0:00 Lauren Leatherbury East New Jersey 8989 For Solution Capozide 25/25 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 266.64 100% 0.07 0.41 266.64 266.64 -36.76 35 7.96
34530 8/30/08 0:00 Karen Daniels West California 91188 Spray Protopic Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,092.42 100% 0.03 0.7 1,092.42 1,092.42 -61.41 7 150.98
33634 8/31/08 0:00 Brooke Gillingham South South Carolina 29684 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.37 271.34 271.34 -151.92 40 6.48
17542 8/31/08 0:00 Charles Crestani South Georgia 39859 Suspension/Drops Concerta Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 105.99 100% 0.01 0.36 105.99 105.99 43.37 37 2.88
50882 8/31/08 0:00 Trudy Bell South Alabama 36072 Aerosol Ceenu Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 366.84 100% 0.08 0.59 366.84 366.84 -50.1 37 10.23
17410 9/1/08 0:00 Noel Staavos West California 92320 Concentrate Ammonium Chloride 0.9% In Normal Saline Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.56 284.6735 284.6735 -247.236 5 65.99
17410 9/1/08 0:00 Noel Staavos West California 92320 Aerosol Lorabid Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.55 372.01 372.01 -203.68 45 8.45
59939 9/1/08 0:00 Nicole Fjeld South Virginia 23970 Aerosol Ativan Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.84 130.96 130.96 -66.74 42 3.14
45217 9/1/08 0:00 Ralph Knight East New Jersey 7981 Concentrate Alcaine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 6,789.93 100% 0.08 0.59 6,789.93 6,789.93 1,864.66 40 200.99
47683 9/1/08 0:00 Harold Dahlen Central Nebraska 68717 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.2% And Potassium Chloride 20Meq (K) Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 81.97 100% 0.05 0.4 81.97 81.97 -148.7985 38 1.98
28064 9/2/08 0:00 Arthur Prichep West California 91188 Gel Acth Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.44 856.45 856.45 265.1 43 19.84
28064 9/2/08 0:00 Arthur Prichep West California 91188 Gel Acylanid Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.38 6.75 6.75 -2.31 1 5.84
2055 9/3/08 0:00 Nora Paige Central Texas 88595 Solution/Drops Acephen Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.38 66.41 66.41 -32.35 7 8.74
16513 9/3/08 0:00 Dennis Kane South North Carolina 28633 Capsule Ocufen Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.77 1,642.43 1,642.43 -423.2 10 150.89
44005 9/3/08 0:00 Shaun Chance South South Carolina 29374 Suppository Dexrazoxane Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 733.36 100% 0.02 0.52 733.36 733.36 -270.48 7 99.99
2593 9/3/08 0:00 John Dryer South South Carolina 29808 Tablet Naftin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,004.12 100% 0.1 0.35 2,004.12 2,004.12 276.675 5 420.98
2593 9/3/08 0:00 John Dryer South South Carolina 29808 Capsule Piperacillin And Tazobactam Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,841.72 100% 0.03 0.55 3,841.72 3,841.72 691.13 15 243.98
25952 9/4/08 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Concentrate Prismasol Bgk 2/0 In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.55 2,864.10 2,864.10 697.824 50 65.99
999 9/4/08 0:00 Max Jones West Washington 98310 Syrup Milrinone Lactate In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.79 583.64 583.64 -179.5 6 95.43
18145 9/4/08 0:00 Lauren Leatherbury East New Jersey 8989 Cream Clindamycin Phosphate In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 361.98 100% 0 0.49 361.98 361.98 -63.92 21 15.99
18145 9/4/08 0:00 Lauren Leatherbury East New Jersey 8989 Lotion Chlorhexidine Gluconate Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 270.32 100% 0.06 0.54 270.32 270.32 -47.15 47 5.81
36295 9/4/08 0:00 Nora Pelletier South North Carolina 27010 Tablet Cholebrine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 278.1 100% 0.09 0.35 278.1 278.1 68.102 10 30.56
27843 9/5/08 0:00 Lisa Hazard East New York 14925 Suppository Symbicort Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.66 139.61 139.61 -92.04 26 4.89
9639 9/5/08 0:00 Becky Pak South South Carolina 29907 Concentrate Asbron Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,610.89 100% 0 0.6 2,610.89 2,610.89 516.186 23 125.99
9639 9/5/08 0:00 Becky Pak South South Carolina 29907 Suspension/Drops Copegus Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 43.57 100% 0.09 0.39 43.57 43.57 6.7 11 4.13
36449 9/5/08 0:00 Bruce Stewart West New Mexico 87001 Lotion Zerit Xr Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 123.37 100% 0.09 0.8 123.37 123.37 -6.69 27 4.71
9639 9/5/08 0:00 Becky Pak South South Carolina 29907 Capsule Optimine Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,124.30 100% 0.1 0.6 1,124.30 1,124.30 -335.22 47 25.98
36449 9/5/08 0:00 Bruce Stewart West New Mexico 87001 For Solution Cyanocobalamin Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 90.75 100% 0.02 0.73 90.75 90.75 -26.39 6 12.99
36449 9/5/08 0:00 Bruce Stewart West New Mexico 87001 For Solution Hypaque Sodium 20% Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 927.82 100% 0.02 0.49 927.82 927.82 255.03 43 20.24
31872 9/6/08 0:00 Vicky Freymann West Arizona 85301 Solution/Drops Cholebrine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.38 2,833.19 2,833.19 1,409.87 34 83.98
31872 9/6/08 0:00 Vicky Freymann West Arizona 85301 Spray Potassium Chloride Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.09 0.55 4,452.65 4,452.65 -294.58 30 159.31
24806 9/6/08 0:00 Filia McAdams West Arizona 86556 Tablet Dostinex Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.36 112.03 112.03 -57.9945 20 5.18
50054 9/6/08 0:00 Cynthia Delaney Central Illinois 60001 Cream Clindagel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 5,369.46 100% 0 0.52 5,369.46 5,369.46 1,370.26 50 99.99
5702 9/6/08 0:00 Grant Thornton East Connecticut 6439 Suppository Dexrazoxane Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,039.39 100% 0.01 0.52 2,039.39 2,039.39 199.73 20 99.99
50054 9/6/08 0:00 Cynthia Delaney Central Illinois 60001 Syrup Meprobamate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,439.96 100% 0.02 0.61 1,439.96 1,439.96 182.46 41 33.29
58241 9/7/08 0:00 Patrick Jones South Alabama 36344 Ointment Keftab Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.37 146.71 146.71 38.63 36 4
58241 9/7/08 0:00 Patrick Jones South Alabama 36344 Aerosol Sulfair Forte Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.82 475.92 475.92 -95.3 36 12.88
11014 9/7/08 0:00 Victoria Pisteka Central Texas 88595 Tablet Metatensin #4 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 158.79 100% 0.05 0.4 158.79 158.79 1.156 13 11.7
11014 9/7/08 0:00 Victoria Pisteka Central Texas 88595 Solution/Drops Acetaminophen, Caffeine, And Dihydrocodeine Bitartrate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 286.81 100% 0.07 0.36 286.81 286.81 110.05 39 7.64
29894 9/7/08 0:00 Matt Connell South Maryland 21022 Ointment Eryped Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 301.62 100% 0.09 0.37 301.62 301.62 -162.54 48 6.68
27876 9/7/08 0:00 Sarah Foster West Utah 84721 Gel Duraprep Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 777.63 100% 0.03 0.56 777.63 777.63 -70.54 44 16.99
29894 9/7/08 0:00 Matt Connell South Maryland 21022 For Solution Imodium A-D Ez Chews Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 606.98 100% 0.05 0.54 606.98 606.98 21.08 43 13.73
17666 9/8/08 0:00 Sam Craven South Georgia 31569 Ointment Keftab Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.37 82.56 82.56 21.74 19 4
35777 9/8/08 0:00 Dianna Arnett South Georgia 39859 Gel Travase Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.55 136.72 136.72 5.91 35 4.13
17666 9/8/08 0:00 Sam Craven South Georgia 31569 Aerosol Catapres-Tts-2 Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.6 141.07 141.07 -5.1 11 12.98
50756 9/9/08 0:00 Ionia McGrath South Alabama 36830 Suppository Terramycin W/ Polymyxin B Sulfate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.75 470.39 470.39 -147.99 19 26.31
6720 9/9/08 0:00 Patrick Jones South Alabama 36344 Suspension/Drops Codimal-L.A. 12 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.39 53.89 53.89 17.63 8 6.3
50756 9/9/08 0:00 Ionia McGrath South Alabama 36830 Suspension/Drops Aristogel Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.38 15.04 15.04 -6.12 2 7.31
6720 9/9/08 0:00 Patrick Jones South Alabama 36344 Tablet Dostinex Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.36 164.62 164.62 -93.7135 31 5.18
6720 9/9/08 0:00 Patrick Jones South Alabama 36344 Injectable Videx Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.75 4,225.77 4,225.77 -1,393.69 36 120.98
59428 9/9/08 0:00 Katrina Willman Central Nebraska 68155 Capsule Potassium Chloride 0.11% In Dextrose 10% And Sodium Chloride 0.2% In Plastic Container Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,602.12 100% 0.05 0.69 3,602.12 3,602.12 -728.18 36 100.98
59428 9/9/08 0:00 Katrina Willman Central Nebraska 68155 For Solution Prefrin-A Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,174.94 100% 0.02 0.44 1,174.94 1,174.94 -125.79 43 27.42
9796 9/10/08 0:00 Alan Dominguez West California 90835 Suppository Clinimix E 4.25/20 Sulfite-Free W/ Elect In Dextrose 20% W/ Calcium In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,222.59 100% 0.02 0.42 1,222.59 1,222.59 501.99 29 40.97
50209 9/10/08 0:00 Brendan Sweed Central Wisconsin 53081 Syrup Retin-A Micro Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 53.3 100% 0 0.83 53.3 53.3 -46.2 2 20.89
50209 9/10/08 0:00 Brendan Sweed Central Wisconsin 53081 Ointment Junior Strength Advil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,863.02 100% 0.03 0.37 1,863.02 1,863.02 823.26 34 55.48
36448 9/10/08 0:00 Allen Golden South Virginia 24157 Gel Imodium Multi-Symptom Relief Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 36.65 100% 0.03 0.51 36.65 36.65 0.43 6 6.08
36448 9/10/08 0:00 Allen Golden South Virginia 24157 Gel Ethchlorvynol Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 964.09 100% 0.02 0.59 964.09 964.09 105.37 44 22.01
36800 9/10/08 0:00 Barry Franz West Washington 98001 Solution Disulfiram Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 58.44 100% 0.05 0.59 58.44 58.44 -7.04 4 10.89
18213 9/10/08 0:00 Guy Phonely West California 90835 Ointment Diflunisal Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,111.23 100% 0.1 0.36 1,111.23 1,111.23 21.6 29 40.99
52448 9/10/08 0:00 Barry Weirich South Maryland 21230 Capsule Pfizer-E Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 6,767.43 100% 0.05 0.57 6,767.43 6,767.43 803.48 22 320.98
21025 9/11/08 0:00 George Ashbrook East Delaware 19934 Suppository Solaraze Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.48 553.02 553.02 -49.38 38 15.98
35141 9/11/08 0:00 Jennifer Braxton Central Michigan 49634 Tablet Helicosol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.4 2,046.81 2,046.81 469.2765 29 67.28
6115 9/11/08 0:00 Matt Collins Central Michigan 48001 For Solution Atrovent Hfa Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 409.08 100% 0.1 0.54 409.08 409.08 78.86 25 17.78
26276 9/12/08 0:00 Janet Martin South Maryland 21794 Cream Zidovudine Injection TableauCeutical Animal 20,329.80 100% 0 0.36 20,329.80 20,329.80 9,224.10 19 999.99
21862 9/12/08 0:00 Roger Demir West Idaho 83643 Cream Zofran Preservative Free Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 19,014.24 100% 0.06 0.39 19,014.24 19,014.24 -11,797.31 4 6,783.02
21862 9/12/08 0:00 Roger Demir West Idaho 83643 Gel Dexone 0.5 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 385.05 100% 0 0.45 385.05 385.05 56.75 46 8.14
21862 9/12/08 0:00 Roger Demir West Idaho 83643 Tablet Naturetin-2.5 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 28.75 100% 0.09 0.38 28.75 28.75 -14.352 1 14.27
52102 9/12/08 0:00 Philip Brown West Utah 84415 Gel Carbocaine Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 104.27 100% 0.03 0.6 104.27 104.27 -23.61 8 11.97
26276 9/12/08 0:00 Janet Martin South Maryland 21794 For Solution Clorpres Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,685.38 100% 0 0.75 3,685.38 3,685.38 1,040.62 21 170.98
36673 9/13/08 0:00 Annie Thurman West Idaho 83465 Concentrate Briellyn Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0 0.8 984.6315 984.6315 -129.14 20 55.99
15303 9/13/08 0:00 Fred Harton West Washington 98001 Suppository Regonol Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.7 526.45 526.45 -108.14 18 28.48
22882 9/13/08 0:00 Luke Schmidt South Florida 32122 Ointment Duracillin A.S. Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.36 71.24 71.24 2.78 10 6.69
15303 9/13/08 0:00 Fred Harton West Washington 98001 Tablet Dianeal Low Calcium W/ Dextrose 3.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 101.13 101.13 -74.405 21 4.54
46599 9/13/08 0:00 Victoria Brennan East New York 14210 For Solution Infuvite Pediatric (Pharmacy Bulk Package) Injection Competitor B Human - Rx 0.01 0.63 284 284 208.31 4 62.18
6848 9/13/08 0:00 Kelly Collister Central Ohio 43270 Tablet Aminosyn 3.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 116.84 100% 0.1 0.37 116.84 116.84 -125.442 22 5.4
41059 9/14/08 0:00 Lycoris Saunders Central Ohio 45999 Cream Zoloft Injection TableauCeutical Animal 12,571.63 100% 0.09 0.39 12,571.63 12,571.63 5,455.96 45 300.98
31040 9/14/08 0:00 Caroline Jumper Central Ohio 43567 Suppository Theolair-Sr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 872.97 100% 0.1 0.7 872.97 872.97 -22.63 23 39.98
28033 9/14/08 0:00 Dan Lawera South Virginia 23664 Suppository Alphagan P Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 127.56 100% 0.01 0.66 127.56 127.56 -57.11 18 6.6
41059 9/14/08 0:00 Lycoris Saunders Central Ohio 45999 Gel Tora Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 128.86 100% 0 0.55 128.86 128.86 24.53 21 5.84
1542 9/14/08 0:00 Linda Southworth Central Wisconsin 53001 Solution Dtic-Dome Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,150.25 100% 0.06 0.56 2,150.25 2,150.25 586.93 47 48.58
1542 9/14/08 0:00 Linda Southworth Central Wisconsin 53001 Syrup Chantix Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 448 100% 0.08 0.58 448 448 27.2 13 35.51
41059 9/14/08 0:00 Lycoris Saunders Central Ohio 45999 Tablet Naturetin-2.5 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 363.16 100% 0.08 0.38 363.16 363.16 3.9185 26 14.27
31040 9/14/08 0:00 Caroline Jumper Central Ohio 43567 Syrup Butabarbital Sodium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 545.71 100% 0.1 0.7 545.71 545.71 -35.47 19 29.74
41059 9/14/08 0:00 Lycoris Saunders Central Ohio 45999 Spray Fibricor Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 17,884.53 100% 0.04 0.71 17,884.53 17,884.53 2,357.86 45 400.98
28033 9/14/08 0:00 Dan Lawera South Virginia 23664 Capsule Polytrim Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 7,834.77 100% 0.04 0.59 7,834.77 7,834.77 297.79 37 216.6
28033 9/14/08 0:00 Dan Lawera South Virginia 23664 Capsule Nulytely-Flavored Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,826.90 100% 0.07 0.59 2,826.90 2,826.90 337.29 16 180.98
23168 9/15/08 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Suspension Avinza Delayed Release Competitor A Animal 0 0.36 23,949.51 23,949.51 -1,312.84 46 499.99
23328 9/15/08 0:00 Resi Polking South South Carolina 29808 Cream Vivitrol Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.56 5,740.32 5,740.32 1,285.74 39 145.45
20517 9/15/08 0:00 Trudy Brown South Florida 34997 Gel Tri-Norinyl 21-Day Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.58 116.63 116.63 6.81 39 2.94
3104 9/15/08 0:00 David Wiener Central Illinois 62444 Ointment Hydro-Serp "25" Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 336.06 100% 0.01 0.37 336.06 336.06 -240.78 50 6.48
3104 9/15/08 0:00 David Wiener Central Illinois 62444 Gel Estradiol Cypionate Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 380.38 100% 0.06 0.55 380.38 380.38 7.29 24 15.94
7968 9/15/08 0:00 Gene Hale West Arizona 86413 Capsule Tropicacyl Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,449.21 100% 0.06 0.74 1,449.21 1,449.21 -270 10 150.98
36099 9/17/08 0:00 Neil Ducich East Massachusetts 2139 Syrup Betoptic Pilo Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.8 926.3 926.3 -503.8 15 64.65
36099 9/17/08 0:00 Neil Ducich East Massachusetts 2139 Gel Triesence Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.56 85.49 85.49 5.72 32 2.88
40512 9/17/08 0:00 Greg Hansen East New York 12917 Solution/Drops Actiq Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.37 405.83 405.83 178.86 41 9.9
22212 9/17/08 0:00 Catherine Glotzbach South South Carolina 29374 Tablet Desyrel Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.39 116.22 116.22 26.894 19 5.98
59559 9/17/08 0:00 Greg Hansen East New York 12917 For Solution Tylenol (Geltab) Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.1 0.49 397.17 397.17 7.69 30 14.34
47527 9/17/08 0:00 Greg Maxwell West Arizona 85003 Capsule Piperacillin And Tazobactam Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.55 12,072.90 12,072.90 3,064.51 48 243.98
36005 9/17/08 0:00 Fred McMath East Connecticut 6703 Syrup Chlorotrianisene Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.57 29.65 29.65 -16.54 1 14.98
25254 9/17/08 0:00 Christine Phan South Virginia 24157 Tablet Nicorette (Mint) Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.36 299.68 299.68 -29.3595 35 8.85
15335 9/17/08 0:00 Thea Hudgings Central Illinois 62444 Suppository Technescan Hida Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 765.96 100% 0.1 0.42 765.96 765.96 240.06 26 31.78
23842 9/17/08 0:00 Yoseph Carroll East New York 14925 Ointment Eryped Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 127.16 100% 0.1 0.37 127.16 127.16 -74.03 20 6.68
50692 9/17/08 0:00 Shirley Schmidt West New Mexico 88439 Tablet Nasalcrom Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 327.95 100% 0 0.36 327.95 327.95 43.6815 28 10.98
50692 9/17/08 0:00 Shirley Schmidt West New Mexico 88439 Spray E-Base Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,606.91 100% 0.06 0.63 5,606.91 5,606.91 -769.4 47 124.49
49155 9/18/08 0:00 Meg Tillman Central Ohio 43107 Concentrate Cinobac Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.6 3,760.31 3,760.31 593.181 22 195.99
20966 9/18/08 0:00 Mike Gockenbach Central Wisconsin 53235 Suppository Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.2% And Potassium Chloride 40Meq Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 801.44 100% 0.01 0.43 801.44 801.44 308.12 35 22.24
20966 9/18/08 0:00 Mike Gockenbach Central Wisconsin 53235 Gel Dexilant Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 39.42 100% 0.06 0.44 39.42 39.42 7.78 10 3.85
20966 9/18/08 0:00 Mike Gockenbach Central Wisconsin 53235 For Solution Hibistat Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,194.06 100% 0.04 0.54 1,194.06 1,194.06 326.97 22 54.74
45863 9/19/08 0:00 Patrick Jones South Alabama 36344 Concentrate Anusol Hc Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.6 845.614 845.614 -653.488 5 195.99
18215 9/19/08 0:00 Eugene Moren West Washington 99403 Suppository Sonorx Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.49 965.82 965.82 169.15 29 34.99
55654 9/19/08 0:00 Toby Carlisle South Florida 32122 For Solution Mycifradin Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.37 17.3 17.3 -7.49 2 6.98
53314 9/19/08 0:00 Cari Sayre West Idaho 83877 For Solution Pravachol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.43 2,667.92 2,667.92 1,049.02 33 78.69
53314 9/19/08 0:00 Cari Sayre West Idaho 83877 Spray Efidac 24 Chlorpheniramine Maleate Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.69 2,236.15 2,236.15 -345.5 15 145.98
21249 9/19/08 0:00 Barry Gonzalez Central Nebraska 69141 Concentrate Cephalothin Sodium W/ Dextrose In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.6 1,260.20 1,260.20 -522.995 7 205.99
21249 9/19/08 0:00 Barry Gonzalez Central Nebraska 69141 Solution Dtic-Dome Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.56 1,082.80 1,082.80 299.35 22 48.58
8000 9/19/08 0:00 John Stevenson South North Carolina 28717 Tablet Doxycycline Hyclate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.39 10.14 10.14 -7.613 1 4.82
8000 9/19/08 0:00 John Stevenson South North Carolina 28717 Tablet Neo-Rx Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.39 149.25 149.25 -26.8065 10 15.01
358 9/19/08 0:00 Ricardo Block South Alabama 36350 Suppository Arava Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,235.87 100% 0.07 0.54 1,235.87 1,235.87 269.27 33 39.48
4612 9/19/08 0:00 Jim Radford East Massachusetts 2054 Solution Potassium Chloride 10Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 89.55 100% 0.06 0.6 89.55 89.55 -375.64 9 4.48
358 9/19/08 0:00 Ricardo Block South Alabama 36350 Injectable Velosulin Br Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,640.90 100% 0.02 0.69 1,640.90 1,640.90 -1,348.06 33 48.58
27745 9/20/08 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 Spray Femcon Fe Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.71 6,126.93 6,126.93 -1,704.89 41 146.05
14529 9/20/08 0:00 Lena Hernandez West Arizona 86504 For Solution Sulfamethoxazole And Trimethoprim Double Strength Extended Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.51 208.78 208.78 24.87 42 5.08
14529 9/20/08 0:00 Lena Hernandez West Arizona 86504 Capsule Ondansetron Hydrochloride And Dextrose In Plastic Container Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.1 0.66 3,819.42 3,819.42 -821.87 44 89.99
46725 9/20/08 0:00 Anne Pryor Central Ohio 43054 Gel Tora Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 80 100% 0.03 0.55 80 80 10.96 13 5.84
46725 9/20/08 0:00 Anne Pryor Central Ohio 43054 Syrup Conray Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 137.42 100% 0.04 0.58 137.42 137.42 -24.86 8 16.91
23906 9/20/08 0:00 Alyssa Crouse Central Nebraska 68001 Solution Brevital Sodium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 321.02 100% 0.1 0.58 321.02 321.02 -11.88 37 8.67
41574 9/20/08 0:00 Brendan Murry South Maryland 21290 Gel Carbocaine Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 283.82 100% 0.01 0.6 283.82 283.82 -38.94 23 11.97
45957 9/21/08 0:00 Neola Schneider East New Jersey 7837 Suppository Dextrose 5% In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.51 759.84 759.84 162.83 20 39.24
45957 9/21/08 0:00 Neola Schneider East New Jersey 7837 Ointment Albalon Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.36 147.39 147.39 -30.92 19 7.64
11780 9/21/08 0:00 Tom Prescott Central Texas 77474 Ointment Betapace Af Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.35 54.23 54.23 -16.46 7 7.28
17286 9/21/08 0:00 Muhammed MacIntyre East New Jersey 7514 Capsule Nph Iletin I (Beef-Pork) Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.09 0.77 1,810.67 1,810.67 -541.87 7 270.98
30851 9/21/08 0:00 Emily Phan South Maryland 21290 Gel Eulexin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 336.29 100% 0.08 0.59 336.29 336.29 -52.14 16 21.38
25056 9/21/08 0:00 Phillip Breyer West Washington 98601 Ointment Hydrocortone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 295.12 100% 0 0.37 295.12 295.12 -151.93 41 6.48
35652 9/21/08 0:00 Rick Wilson West New Mexico 88044 Injectable Phenelzine Sulfate Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,251.56 100% 0.01 0.6 2,251.56 2,251.56 226.63 21 100.98
42565 9/22/08 0:00 Joe Elijah Central Texas 77037 Tablet Gyne-Lotrimin 3 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.39 283.8 283.8 47.5235 33 8.69
17988 9/22/08 0:00 Anthony Garverick South Florida 34997 Concentrate Ammonium Chloride 0.9% In Normal Saline Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.56 2,660.61 2,660.61 618.066 46 65.99
1863 9/22/08 0:00 Sung Pak South South Carolina 29684 Capsule Enablex Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.57 2,415.38 2,415.38 -1,131.60 26 95.95
36773 9/23/08 0:00 John Murray East New York 11769 Solution/Drops Cholebrine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.38 2,048.78 2,048.78 994.68 24 83.98
29504 9/23/08 0:00 Richard Bierner West Washington 98103 Ointment Enduronyl Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.36 1,211.18 1,211.18 208.4 34 38.76
29504 9/23/08 0:00 Richard Bierner West Washington 98103 Injectable Aminosyn Ii 7% W/ Electrolytes Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.04 0.55 1,485.06 1,485.06 25.32 20 70.98
33763 9/23/08 0:00 Evan Minnotte Central Michigan 49634 Suspension Avinza Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 10,791.38 100% 0.08 0.36 10,791.38 10,791.38 -234.79 23 499.99
2631 9/23/08 0:00 Jack Garza Central Illinois 62924 Suppository Mustargen Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,078.49 100% 0.08 0.55 1,078.49 1,078.49 252.66 27 40.96
32455 9/23/08 0:00 Peter Fuller South Georgia 39901 Suppository Dexrazoxane Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,620.53 100% 0 0.52 4,620.53 4,620.53 1,025.23 43 99.99
41351 9/23/08 0:00 Katherine Hughes West Idaho 83877 Concentrate Darbid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 8,273.28 100% 0.08 0.56 8,273.28 8,273.28 2,461.31 48 205.99
51814 9/24/08 0:00 Michael Granlund East Massachusetts 5544 Tablet Imitrex Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.35 104.51 104.51 -9.2805 13 7.84
27654 9/24/08 0:00 Lindsay Shagiari South Maryland 20601 Solution/Drops Arfonad Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 94.83 94.83 29.87 12 7.64
41508 9/24/08 0:00 Liz Willingham South North Carolina 27010 Capsule Orapred Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.6 18,561.31 18,561.31 4,822.42 39 500.98
40103 9/24/08 0:00 Amy Cox West Washington 98625 Solution Eryc 125 Injection Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.46 353.02 353.02 72.55 7 46.89
57344 9/24/08 0:00 Sylvia Foulston East New Jersey 7001 Concentrate Benicar Hct Injection TableauCeutical Animal 1,060.06 100% 0.1 0.56 1,060.06 1,060.06 -71.027 47 28.99
28832 9/24/08 0:00 Dave Kipp Central Michigan 49877 Tablet Alphatrex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 98.64 100% 0.03 0.38 98.64 98.64 -9.361 45 2.08
28832 9/24/08 0:00 Dave Kipp Central Michigan 49877 Solution/Drops Ribavirin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,500.84 100% 0.1 0.4 1,500.84 1,500.84 91.56 46 35.89
5543 9/24/08 0:00 Fred Chung South North Carolina 28909 Aerosol Acylanid Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 67.3 100% 0.02 0.81 67.3 67.3 -115.38 27 2.18
5543 9/24/08 0:00 Fred Chung South North Carolina 28909 Ointment Bicillin L-A Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 65.93 100% 0.04 0.38 65.93 65.93 11.06 6 10.31
5543 9/24/08 0:00 Fred Chung South North Carolina 28909 Solution Dtic-Dome Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 703.54 100% 0.04 0.56 703.54 703.54 138.46 15 48.58
773 9/25/08 0:00 Helen Abelman Central Michigan 49822 Concentrate Clindagel Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.56 2,071.34 2,071.34 324.927 38 65.99
17858 9/25/08 0:00 Becky Castell East Massachusetts 1001 Suppository Soyacal 10% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 385.7 100% 0 0.79 385.7 385.7 -109.91 12 30.98
33505 9/25/08 0:00 Pete Armstrong East Connecticut 6703 Concentrate Amicar Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,463.24 100% 0.07 0.58 2,463.24 2,463.24 310.572 35 85.99
17858 9/25/08 0:00 Becky Castell East Massachusetts 1001 Suppository Aristocort A Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 187.14 100% 0.02 0.52 187.14 187.14 21.07 21 8.33
17249 9/25/08 0:00 Matt Connell South Maryland 21022 Suppository Rubramin Pc Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,911.64 100% 0.02 0.65 2,911.64 2,911.64 225.28 37 73.98
33505 9/25/08 0:00 Pete Armstrong East Connecticut 6703 Ointment Keftab Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 117.78 100% 0.09 0.37 117.78 117.78 20.82 32 4
10657 9/25/08 0:00 James Galang West Idaho 83552 Ointment Epivir-Hbv Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 289.94 100% 0.07 0.37 289.94 289.94 -102.19 44 6.48
17858 9/25/08 0:00 Becky Castell East Massachusetts 1001 For Solution Atropen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,048.39 100% 0.06 0.51 1,048.39 1,048.39 206.56 46 22.98
10657 9/25/08 0:00 James Galang West Idaho 83552 Spray Fazaclo Odt Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,848.52 100% 0.05 0.77 1,848.52 1,848.52 -493.6 8 218.75
57477 9/26/08 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Concentrate Augmentin '500' Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.35 3,086.51 3,086.51 1,560.96 45 85.99
57477 9/26/08 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Solution Bucet Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.58 745.48 745.48 119.12 50 14.56
14950 9/26/08 0:00 Giulietta Dortch South Georgia 39901 Gel Bronkodyl Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.6 525 525 63.5 48 10.48
6753 9/26/08 0:00 Robert Barroso West California 96121 For Solution Mydriafair Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.04 0.37 53.14 53.14 14.57 7 6.64
37925 9/26/08 0:00 Luke Weiss Central Michigan 49634 Cream Sinemet Cr Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 3,780.16 100% 0.1 0.36 3,780.16 3,780.16 1,265.82 46 90.97
37925 9/26/08 0:00 Luke Weiss Central Michigan 49634 Concentrate Cefzil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,784.05 100% 0.05 0.59 1,784.05 1,784.05 394.452 31 65.99
416 9/26/08 0:00 Stuart Calhoun West Utah 84337 Concentrate Amoxicillin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,156.67 100% 0.01 0.59 1,156.67 1,156.67 88.524 20 65.99
18597 9/26/08 0:00 Andy Gerbode Central Texas 88595 Suspension/Drops Cyclopentolate Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 101.2 100% 0.1 0.36 101.2 101.2 38.58 37 2.88
22661 9/26/08 0:00 Dianna Vittorini West Arizona 86442 Gel Timentin Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 18.26 100% 0.05 0.6 18.26 18.26 -3.89 11 1.68
53381 9/26/08 0:00 Juliana Krohn West Utah 84631 Solution/Drops Sulf-15 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 287.43 100% 0.01 0.36 287.43 287.43 37.9 26 10.98
39238 9/26/08 0:00 Tracy Poddar West Idaho 83465 Tablet Dextrose 7.7% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 373.48 100% 0.1 0.36 373.48 373.48 112.0555 9 40.98
30884 9/26/08 0:00 Carlos Meador South Florida 32119 Spray Femcon Fe Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 763.448 100% 0.05 0.71 763.448 763.448 -295.11 6 146.05
15906 9/27/08 0:00 Ross Baird Central Ohio 43343 Cream Vistaril Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 2,174.96 100% 0.05 0.58 2,174.96 2,174.96 -257.35 8 264.98
39140 9/27/08 0:00 Tonja Turnell East New York 10055 Injectable Vertavis Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,268.91 100% 0.02 0.6 2,268.91 2,268.91 -624.29 26 81.94
42690 9/28/08 0:00 Olvera Toch West Colorado 80621 Tablet Naftin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.35 18,697.24 18,697.24 8,918.74 44 420.98
42690 9/28/08 0:00 Olvera Toch West Colorado 80621 Syrup Alphacaine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.81 786.13 786.13 -236.12 48 16.74
3745 9/28/08 0:00 Erin Smith East Delaware 19891 For Solution Inpersol-Zm W/ Dextrose 4.25% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.42 1,143.35 1,143.35 411.1 38 29.18
34979 9/28/08 0:00 Quincy Jones South Alabama 36276 Suppository Arava Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0 0.54 609.97 609.97 62.93 15 39.48
59008 9/29/08 0:00 Lycoris Saunders Central Ohio 45999 Cream Sinemet Cr Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 3,451.85 100% 0.05 0.36 3,451.85 3,451.85 1,264.75 39 90.97
29445 9/29/08 0:00 Harold Engle Central Michigan 49634 Cream Skelid Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 2,531.35 100% 0.09 0.38 2,531.35 2,531.35 415.55 28 90.97
45347 9/29/08 0:00 Ritsa Hightower East Connecticut 6817 Suspension Oxacillin Sodium Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 24,051.49 100% 0.07 0.37 24,051.49 24,051.49 9,791.04 41 599.99
34244 9/29/08 0:00 Duane Huffman East Delaware 19810 Suppository Quinapril Hydrochloride And Hydrochlorothiazide Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 205.3 100% 0 0.69 205.3 205.3 -89.56 25 7.37
34244 9/29/08 0:00 Duane Huffman East Delaware 19810 Suppository Technescan Hida Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 125.7 100% 0.04 0.42 125.7 125.7 -62.77 4 31.78
37829 9/29/08 0:00 Eleni McCrary East Connecticut 6074 Solution/Drops Acephen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 257.9 100% 0 0.38 257.9 257.9 -84.69 28 8.74
10563 9/29/08 0:00 Julia Barnett South Florida 32119 Ointment Hexadrol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 312.42 100% 0.08 0.37 312.42 312.42 -90.42 50 6.48
10563 9/29/08 0:00 Julia Barnett South Florida 32119 Solution Potassium Chloride 20Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 10,223.19 100% 0.08 0.56 10,223.19 10,223.19 2,723.31 38 289.53
45347 9/29/08 0:00 Ritsa Hightower East Connecticut 6817 Injectable Alli Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 8,704.08 100% 0.05 0.62 8,704.08 8,704.08 1,034.54 10 880.98
32998 9/29/08 0:00 Guy Thornton West New Mexico 87001 Injectable Vicoprin Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,663.83 100% 0.1 0.69 1,663.83 1,663.83 -484.64 13 130.98
7489 9/30/08 0:00 Kimberly Carter Central Michigan 49877 Injectable Vimovo Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.74 6,900.13 6,900.13 552.97 38 180.98
7457 9/30/08 0:00 Eric Hoffmann Central Illinois 62560 Gel Tirosint Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.55 548.11 548.11 124.24 46 11.55
7457 9/30/08 0:00 Eric Hoffmann Central Illinois 62560 Solution/Drops Demulen 1/50-21 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.38 2,300.45 2,300.45 624.64 36 60.98
16741 9/30/08 0:00 Nicole Hansen East New Jersey 7001 Ointment Glyburide Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.39 157.97 157.97 -42.38 6 22.84
41187 9/30/08 0:00 Edward Nazzal South Virginia 20101 Gel Torsemide Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.6 52.93 52.93 5.34 9 5.58
41187 9/30/08 0:00 Edward Nazzal South Virginia 20101 Ointment Erythromycin Ethylsuccinate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.36 145.13 145.13 -42.45 25 5.78
24710 9/30/08 0:00 Jonathan Howell West Utah 84014 Ointment Exjade Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 22.06 100% 0.05 0.36 22.06 22.06 -15.6 3 4.98
42375 10/1/08 0:00 Jas O'Carroll East Connecticut 6928 Gel Triaminic-12 Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.58 138.45 138.45 24.34 45 2.94
14535 10/1/08 0:00 Gene Hale West Arizona 86413 Syrup Ilotycin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 245.96 100% 0.03 0.59 245.96 245.96 -33.82 22 11.29
57984 10/2/08 0:00 Toby Carlisle South Florida 32122 Suspension Oxacillin Sodium Delayed Release Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.37 11,829.40 11,829.40 3,899.72 20 599.99
57984 10/2/08 0:00 Toby Carlisle South Florida 32122 Suppository Theobid Jr. Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.74 192.99 192.99 -123.37 6 30.97
35686 10/2/08 0:00 Andrew Roberts Central Wisconsin 53235 Ointment Heparin Sodium 12,500 Units In Sodium Chloride 0.9% Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.37 313.52 313.52 -254.68 48 6.48
5764 10/2/08 0:00 Daniel Lacy West Idaho 83810 Tablet Modicon 21 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.4 193.79 193.79 -117.162 23 8.04
37127 10/2/08 0:00 John Dryer South South Carolina 29808 Ointment Erythromycin Stearate Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 178.44 100% 0.03 0.4 178.44 178.44 50.13 19 9.11
57478 10/3/08 0:00 Greg Hansen East New York 12917 Lotion Captopril And Hydrochlorothiazide Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.5 63.53 63.53 -2.51 36 1.88
49764 10/3/08 0:00 Benjamin Farhat West Arizona 85012 Aerosol Mpi Stannous Diphosphonate Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.57 395.37 395.37 17.15 37 10.98
52292 10/3/08 0:00 Corey Catlett West Colorado 80001 Capsule Ultram Er Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.78 2,379.15 2,379.15 -261.77 18 130.98
35426 10/3/08 0:00 Phillina Ober East New York 14925 Ointment Bicillin L-A Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.38 53.01 53.01 3.85 5 10.31
24260 10/3/08 0:00 Roger Barcio Central Ohio 44197 Solution Bromfenac Sodium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 548.3 100% 0.09 0.58 548.3 548.3 -47.92 48 11.97
57475 10/4/08 0:00 Tony Sayre East New York 501 Tablet Caffeine Citrate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.36 167.07 167.07 -93.2305 32 4.91
57475 10/4/08 0:00 Tony Sayre East New York 501 Tablet Dricort Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.36 309.65 309.65 -79.81 48 6.54
57475 10/4/08 0:00 Tony Sayre East New York 501 Tablet Neomycin Sulfate, Polymyxin B Sulfate & Hydrocortisone Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.37 554.88 554.88 -145.3255 34 15.99
57475 10/4/08 0:00 Tony Sayre East New York 501 Ointment Histamine Phosphate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 152.37 152.37 -76.53 24 6.48
30150 10/4/08 0:00 Aaron Hawkins South Georgia 30002 Solution/Drops Winstrol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.38 443.46 443.46 193.12 30 15.57
54563 10/4/08 0:00 Fred Hopkins Central Texas 79080 For Solution Ibuprin Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.46 523.56 523.56 43.87 24 20.24
55969 10/4/08 0:00 Meg O'Connel East New Jersey 7514 Syrup Mepergan Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.73 2,329.40 2,329.40 189.77 37 64.98
33573 10/4/08 0:00 Juliana Krohn West Utah 84631 Spray Protopic Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,272.56 100% 0.06 0.7 2,272.56 2,272.56 145.16 15 150.98
56099 10/5/08 0:00 Michelle Moray South Virginia 23970 Solution Cardizem Sr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 122.35 100% 0.02 0.58 122.35 122.35 -13.55 11 10.98
56099 10/5/08 0:00 Michelle Moray South Virginia 23970 Syrup Orudis Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 96.03 100% 0.1 0.6 96.03 96.03 -59.39 6 15.7
20192 10/6/08 0:00 Henia Zydlo Central Illinois 62999 Suppository Dialyte Lm/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.55 1,624.67 1,624.67 504.35 35 45.19
14081 10/6/08 0:00 Carlos Daly East Delaware 19810 Spray Phentermine Resin Complex Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.67 1,476.12 1,476.12 -979.84 31 44.43
40194 10/6/08 0:00 Barry Gonzalez Central Nebraska 69141 Concentrate Balziva-21 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,094.91 100% 0.02 0.85 1,094.91 1,094.91 -112.123 34 35.99
40194 10/6/08 0:00 Barry Gonzalez Central Nebraska 69141 Cream Oxtriphylline Oral TableauCeutical Animal 2,110.37 100% 0 0.39 2,110.37 2,110.37 -16.57 16 119.99
55235 10/6/08 0:00 Jane Waco East Connecticut 6817 Concentrate Antagonate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,532.62 100% 0 0.58 2,532.62 2,532.62 730.512 33 85.99
33600 10/6/08 0:00 Sonia Sunley Central Michigan 49971 Ointment Fulvicin-U/F Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 187.28 100% 0.06 0.4 187.28 187.28 -94.36 42 4.28
23046 10/6/08 0:00 Adam Shillingsburg South South Carolina 29001 Ointment Adderall Xr 25 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 292.75 100% 0.08 0.39 292.75 292.75 93.33 33 8.95
40194 10/6/08 0:00 Barry Gonzalez Central Nebraska 69141 Capsule Uroplus Ds Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,506.85 100% 0.1 0.62 4,506.85 4,506.85 290.66 30 160.98
27974 10/7/08 0:00 Art Foster Central Illinois 60001 Suppository Tavist-D Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.4 813.41 813.41 284.65 31 28.48
34246 10/7/08 0:00 Thomas Seio East New Jersey 8989 Cream Clindagel Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.52 1,888.02 1,888.02 192.33 18 99.99
34246 10/7/08 0:00 Thomas Seio East New Jersey 8989 Solution/Drops Xylocaine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.35 322.69 322.69 1.91 27 11.58
34246 10/7/08 0:00 Thomas Seio East New Jersey 8989 Solution Luvox Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.6 199.86 199.86 -257.11 49 4.06
27974 10/7/08 0:00 Art Foster Central Illinois 60001 For Solution Lidopen Extended Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.52 306.02 306.02 -6.7 27 12.07
27974 10/7/08 0:00 Art Foster Central Illinois 60001 Capsule Aminosyn Ii 3.5% M In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.57 897.42 897.42 127.17 35 26.64
16194 10/7/08 0:00 Benjamin Venier South Maryland 21794 Concentrate Dextrose 40% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.08 0.59 2,435.51 2,435.51 315.486 24 125.99
8933 10/7/08 0:00 Lori Olson South Alabama 36761 Tablet Diutensen-R Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,520.26 100% 0.04 0.36 1,520.26 1,520.26 640.8405 37 42.8
8933 10/7/08 0:00 Lori Olson South Alabama 36761 For Solution Atropen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 688.02 100% 0.06 0.51 688.02 688.02 154.99 30 22.98
17568 10/8/08 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 Suppository Synalgos-Dc-A Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0 0.42 512.87 512.87 170.69 31 16.48
47360 10/8/08 0:00 Frank Hawley Central Wisconsin 53235 Capsule Ondansetron Hydrochloride And Dextrose In Plastic Container Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.66 2,200.64 2,200.64 -514.18 25 89.99
7619 10/8/08 0:00 Sally Hughsby South Maryland 21230 Suppository Tab-Profen Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 141.77 100% 0.02 0.45 141.77 141.77 -24.48 8 17.48
52641 10/8/08 0:00 Julia Dunbar West New Mexico 88044 Concentrate Altabax Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 834.2155 100% 0.02 0.6 834.2155 834.2155 -449.416 6 155.99
32519 10/8/08 0:00 Jill Stevenson Central Illinois 62560 Solution Disulfiram Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 85.36 100% 0.09 0.59 85.36 85.36 -23.82 8 10.89
10147 10/9/08 0:00 Jennifer Halladay East Connecticut 6439 Tablet Chlorascrub Swabstick Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.35 96.75 96.75 -72.91 22 4.24
20868 10/9/08 0:00 Rob Williams South Alabama 36047 Syrup Pradaxa Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.55 1,609.19 1,609.19 188.91 9 178.47
55136 10/9/08 0:00 William Brown South Georgia 39901 Ointment Cafcit Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.38 134.68 134.68 -66.46 29 4.98
20545 10/9/08 0:00 Denny Ordway West Washington 98390 Ointment Eurax Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 1,276.04 1,276.04 554.95 31 40.99
20545 10/9/08 0:00 Denny Ordway West Washington 98390 Spray Sensipar Delayed Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.68 2,894.68 2,894.68 -1,949.32 40 71.37
20545 10/9/08 0:00 Denny Ordway West Washington 98390 Capsule Nortrel 0.5/35-28 Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.6 361.94 361.94 -163.58 1 284.98
44450 10/9/08 0:00 Sean Wendt East Massachusetts 1059 Concentrate Ceradon Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,326.51 100% 0.03 0.6 1,326.51 1,326.51 58.167 24 65.99
44450 10/9/08 0:00 Sean Wendt East Massachusetts 1059 Suppository Tab-Profen Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 243.23 100% 0.07 0.45 243.23 243.23 35.33 14 17.48
48452 10/9/08 0:00 Giulietta Weimer West Arizona 86409 Suppository Depo-Subq Provera 104 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,781.11 100% 0.1 0.5 1,781.11 1,781.11 51.44 19 99.99
5350 10/9/08 0:00 Carl Weiss East New York 14709 Solution Penicillin V Potassium Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 434.73 100% 0.03 0.42 434.73 434.73 -12.2 39 11.33
5350 10/9/08 0:00 Carl Weiss East New York 14709 Syrup Minocycline Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 7,017.42 100% 0.08 0.73 7,017.42 7,017.42 595.2 50 140.85
48452 10/9/08 0:00 Giulietta Weimer West Arizona 86409 Lotion Enlon Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 43.66 100% 0.04 0.37 43.66 43.66 5.77 28 1.48
48452 10/9/08 0:00 Giulietta Weimer West Arizona 86409 Tablet Acetaminophen, Aspirin, And Codeine Phosphate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 73.41 100% 0.08 0.38 73.41 73.41 -44.7925 15 4.91
48452 10/9/08 0:00 Giulietta Weimer West Arizona 86409 Capsule Trizivir Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,859.01 100% 0.09 0.7 1,859.01 1,859.01 -588.9 32 60.98
48452 10/9/08 0:00 Giulietta Weimer West Arizona 86409 For Solution Lithium Carbonate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 185.32 100% 0.03 0.49 185.32 185.32 -192.56 44 4.18
9860 10/10/08 0:00 Kimberly Carter Central Michigan 49877 Suppository Quelicin Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0 0.68 319.69 319.69 -73.66 43 7.28
42529 10/10/08 0:00 Bobby Elias South Georgia 31811 Gel Triavil 4-25 Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.59 6.34 6.34 -4.44 2 2.78
42529 10/10/08 0:00 Bobby Elias South Georgia 31811 Ointment Evans Blue Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.4 57.15 57.15 -33.95 8 5.98
42529 10/10/08 0:00 Bobby Elias South Georgia 31811 Solution Micronase Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.57 2,996.93 2,996.93 1,060.87 48 60.22
52800 10/10/08 0:00 Todd Boyes West Colorado 80746 Lotion Chloroptic S.O.P. Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.82 26.08 26.08 -27.29 13 1.86
4455 10/10/08 0:00 Michael Paige Central Texas 76246 For Solution Suprenza Extended Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.07 0.42 279.29 279.29 14.15 39 7.59
47460 10/10/08 0:00 Jamie Kunitz East Massachusetts 1059 Gel Amrinone Lactate Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 31.6 100% 0.1 0.54 31.6 31.6 -3.64 12 2.84
17952 10/11/08 0:00 Ken Dana West New Mexico 88134 Solution Peg-Lyte Injection Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.52 430.13 430.13 2.33 28 14.42
22469 10/11/08 0:00 Jack Lebron Central Michigan 49877 Concentrate Duragesic-75 Injection TableauCeutical Animal 275.91 100% 0.1 0.6 275.91 275.91 -162.371 44 7.99
22469 10/11/08 0:00 Jack Lebron Central Michigan 49877 Solution Mannitol 10% Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,482.81 100% 0.03 0.59 1,482.81 1,482.81 -678.63 24 60.98
47972 10/11/08 0:00 Brendan Murry South Maryland 21290 Syrup Kantrex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 7,685.62 100% 0.02 0.59 7,685.62 7,685.62 1,952.15 46 165.2
22469 10/11/08 0:00 Jack Lebron Central Michigan 49877 Spray Phenergan Vc Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 6,693.28 100% 0.02 0.67 6,693.28 6,693.28 40.32 23 290.98
7015 10/12/08 0:00 Matt Abelman East Massachusetts 2139 Concentrate Clarinex D 24 Hour Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.56 7,143.93 7,143.93 2,374.73 42 195.99
7015 10/12/08 0:00 Matt Abelman East Massachusetts 2139 Suppository Repronex Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.44 1,880.80 1,880.80 775.88 47 40.98
57314 10/12/08 0:00 Patrick O'Brill West Arizona 85071 Concentrate Antagonate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0 0.58 1,976.39 1,976.39 473.355 26 85.99
34849 10/12/08 0:00 Lycoris Saunders Central Ohio 45999 Ointment Didanosine Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.36 100.13 100.13 19.77 22 4.73
34849 10/12/08 0:00 Lycoris Saunders Central Ohio 45999 Syrup Baci-Rx Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.58 1,192.93 1,192.93 -434.81 3 419.19
34849 10/12/08 0:00 Lycoris Saunders Central Ohio 45999 Suspension/Drops Cytadren Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.39 11.76 11.76 -2.83 3 4.13
57314 10/12/08 0:00 Patrick O'Brill West Arizona 85071 Ointment Balziva-21 Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.38 846.35 846.35 341.53 22 37.94
37410 10/12/08 0:00 Chuck Clark East New York 11769 Cream Pamine Forte Oral TableauCeutical Animal 18,775.76 100% 0.03 0.36 18,775.76 18,775.76 8,504.47 45 400.97
40259 10/12/08 0:00 Theone Pippenger East Massachusetts 5544 Suppository Isopaque 440 Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 29.05 100% 0.08 0.64 29.05 29.05 -20.9 4 4.98
7559 10/12/08 0:00 Patrick Ryan South North Carolina 28909 Suppository Metadate Er Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 806.05 100% 0.04 0.65 806.05 806.05 -63.39 39 20.95
7559 10/12/08 0:00 Patrick Ryan South North Carolina 28909 Solution Potassium Chloride 10Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 90.37 100% 0.05 0.6 90.37 90.37 -374.82 9 4.48
1507 10/13/08 0:00 Harold Ryan East Connecticut 6928 Suppository Cetraxal Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.79 4,345.86 4,345.86 126.62 29 152.48
3 10/13/08 0:00 Muhammed MacIntyre East New Jersey 7514 Syrup Keppra Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.8 261.54 261.54 -213.25 6 38.94
26401 10/13/08 0:00 Dave Poirier South Florida 32003 Tablet Naftin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.35 415 415 -199.3065 1 420.98
13440 10/13/08 0:00 Jim Mitchum Central Texas 88595 Suppository Technetium Tc 99M Hsa Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 971.82 100% 0.07 0.44 971.82 971.82 326.39 22 43.98
42467 10/14/08 0:00 Julia Barnett South Florida 32119 Suppository Doriden Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0 0.64 1,235.29 1,235.29 53.63 39 30.98
42467 10/14/08 0:00 Julia Barnett South Florida 32119 Concentrate Cinobac Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.6 1,928.33 1,928.33 -253.374 12 195.99
42467 10/14/08 0:00 Julia Barnett South Florida 32119 Tablet Desloratadine And Pseudoephedrine Sulfate 24 Hour Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.38 238.88 238.88 -48.208 10 22.38
14402 10/14/08 0:00 Jessica Myrick Central Wisconsin 53081 Capsule Uroplus Ds Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.62 184.46 184.46 -106.33 1 160.98
49986 10/14/08 0:00 Joseph Airdo Central Illinois 60157 Gel Amrinone Lactate Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 110.36 100% 0.05 0.54 110.36 110.36 8.6 39 2.84
31492 10/15/08 0:00 Nicole Hansen East New Jersey 7001 Syrup Milrinone Lactate In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.79 2,149.03 2,149.03 -235.56 23 95.43
31492 10/15/08 0:00 Nicole Hansen East New Jersey 7001 Solution Bromfenac Sodium Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.58 321.68 321.68 -12.25 26 11.97
31492 10/15/08 0:00 Nicole Hansen East New Jersey 7001 Syrup Butabarbital Sodium Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.7 971.95 971.95 -21.1 34 29.74
30023 10/15/08 0:00 Giulietta Dortch South Georgia 39901 Suspension Glucophage Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 16,193.16 100% 0.02 0.38 16,193.16 16,193.16 6,463.34 34 449.99
30023 10/15/08 0:00 Giulietta Dortch South Georgia 39901 Cream Pamine Forte Oral TableauCeutical Animal 10,253.75 100% 0.1 0.36 10,253.75 10,253.75 3,256.81 28 400.97
50307 10/15/08 0:00 Bill Overfelt West California 93456 Suppository Tab-Profen Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 536.83 100% 0.06 0.45 536.83 536.83 161.37 31 17.48
30023 10/15/08 0:00 Giulietta Dortch South Georgia 39901 Syrup Azilect Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 157.33 100% 0.1 0.57 157.33 157.33 -76.34 14 11.35
30023 10/15/08 0:00 Giulietta Dortch South Georgia 39901 Gel Eulexin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 840.24 100% 0 0.59 840.24 840.24 19.73 36 21.38
50307 10/15/08 0:00 Bill Overfelt West California 93456 Ointment Fluocinolone Acetonide Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,734.31 100% 0.06 0.36 1,734.31 1,734.31 647.25 32 54.96
13476 10/16/08 0:00 Noel Staavos West California 92320 Suppository Memantine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.75 972.35 972.35 10.96 31 30.73
13476 10/16/08 0:00 Noel Staavos West California 92320 Syrup Oraqix Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.81 173.33 173.33 -121.39 3 52.99
13476 10/16/08 0:00 Noel Staavos West California 92320 Tablet Caffeine Citrate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.36 231.29 231.29 -147.8555 47 4.91
325 10/16/08 0:00 Craig Yedwab West Arizona 85354 Concentrate Alphacaine Hydrochloride W/ Epinephrine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 884.1275 100% 0.06 0.56 884.1275 884.1275 -178.706 9 115.99
22912 10/16/08 0:00 Juliana Krohn West Utah 84631 Tablet Proklar Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 10,168.23 100% 0.03 0.4 10,168.23 10,168.23 4,141.80 33 304.99
41826 10/16/08 0:00 Chuck Sachs East Connecticut 6439 For Solution Ifex Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 63.93 100% 0.03 0.48 63.93 63.93 40.63 4 9.77
41826 10/16/08 0:00 Chuck Sachs East Connecticut 6439 Capsule Nph Insulin Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 570.98 100% 0.05 0.55 570.98 570.98 -340.48 2 258.98
51584 10/17/08 0:00 Rob Haberlin Central Michigan 49877 Capsule Valisone Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,620.20 100% 0.01 0.71 5,620.20 5,620.20 176.04 48 110.98
54467 10/18/08 0:00 Bradley Drucker West Washington 99403 Solution/Drops Xylocaine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.35 436.67 436.67 51.91 37 11.58
54467 10/18/08 0:00 Bradley Drucker West Washington 99403 Solution Luvox Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.6 74.83 74.83 -83.71 17 4.06
54467 10/18/08 0:00 Bradley Drucker West Washington 99403 For Solution Sulfamethoxazole And Trimethoprim Double Strength Extended Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.06 0.51 146.72 146.72 18.26 30 5.08
36323 10/18/08 0:00 Maurice Satty Central Ohio 43317 Suppository Solaraze Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 85.89 100% 0.08 0.48 85.89 85.89 -48.88 5 15.98
54146 10/18/08 0:00 Laurel Elliston West Idaho 83810 Suppository Mustargen Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 124.75 100% 0.06 0.55 124.75 124.75 -112.64 3 40.96
31301 10/18/08 0:00 Duane Huffman East Delaware 19810 Suspension/Drops Decadron-La Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 109.78 100% 0.06 0.37 109.78 109.78 43.77 31 3.75
48963 10/19/08 0:00 David Flashing West Washington 98666 Ointment M.V.I. Adult Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.37 81.87 81.87 -31.14 12 6.48
55297 10/19/08 0:00 Jamie Frazer Central Illinois 62541 Ointment Betamethasone Dipropionate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.37 566.66 566.66 60.59 29 19.98
24903 10/19/08 0:00 Paul Prost South Florida 32119 Ointment Enalaprilat Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,646.47 100% 0.05 0.38 1,646.47 1,646.47 743.59 33 48.91
29895 10/20/08 0:00 Theresa Coyne East Delaware 19810 Injectable Amerscan Mdp Kit Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.72 7,286.65 7,286.65 474.89 43 160.98
32193 10/20/08 0:00 Chad Cunningham East Delaware 19734 Lotion Carisoprodol Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.39 113.3 113.3 37.33 27 3.93
32193 10/20/08 0:00 Chad Cunningham East Delaware 19734 Ointment Premphase (Premarin;Cycrin 14/14) Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.37 40.72 40.72 -10.25 4 6.68
23106 10/20/08 0:00 Liz MacKendrick West Idaho 83552 Cream Veinamine 8% Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 25,313.34 100% 0.05 0.56 25,313.34 25,313.34 8,612.11 35 810.98
14086 10/20/08 0:00 Alan Haines Central Ohio 45999 Ointment Datscan Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 238.34 100% 0.04 0.36 238.34 238.34 -7.36 50 4.76
4965 10/20/08 0:00 Paul Lucas West California 96061 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.15% In Dextrose 10% And Sodium Chloride 0.2% In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,068.79 100% 0.07 0.54 1,068.79 1,068.79 56.05 14 76.72
4965 10/20/08 0:00 Paul Lucas West California 96061 Ointment Freamine Hbc 6.9% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 287.13 100% 0 0.36 287.13 287.13 -186.31 46 5.78
14086 10/20/08 0:00 Alan Haines Central Ohio 45999 Injectable Vicoprin Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,764.97 100% 0.07 0.69 1,764.97 1,764.97 -383.5 13 130.98
21696 10/21/08 0:00 Marc Crier Central Texas 77474 Tablet Narcan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 278.27 100% 0.02 0.39 278.27 278.27 -51.911 14 19.35
2628 10/21/08 0:00 Eileen Kiefer South Virginia 23970 Aerosol Acylanid Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 34.59 100% 0.04 0.81 34.59 34.59 -60.13 14 2.18
2628 10/21/08 0:00 Eileen Kiefer South Virginia 23970 Spray Fazaclo Odt Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,029.22 100% 0.02 0.77 5,029.22 5,029.22 -836.48 29 218.75
48800 10/22/08 0:00 Parhena Norris East Massachusetts 5544 Suspension Freamine 8.5% Delayed Release Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.37 28,761.52 28,761.52 285.113 8 3,499.99
52896 10/22/08 0:00 Lena Creighton West Washington 99403 Ointment Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.36 48.26 48.26 2.76 9 5.18
52896 10/22/08 0:00 Lena Creighton West Washington 99403 Tablet Proloprim Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.4 8,920.08 8,920.08 3,545.89 24 367.99
52896 10/22/08 0:00 Lena Creighton West Washington 99403 Suspension/Drops Cytadren Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.39 188.7 188.7 77.02 49 4.13
52896 10/22/08 0:00 Lena Creighton West Washington 99403 Spray Elestrin Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.65 1,718.43 1,718.43 -213.88 6 259.71
52896 10/22/08 0:00 Lena Creighton West Washington 99403 Spray Fibricor Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.6 14,358.64 14,358.64 2,146.19 36 400.98
48994 10/22/08 0:00 Christy Brittain South Georgia 30002 Syrup U-Gencin Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,086.39 100% 0.03 0.85 1,086.39 1,086.39 -311.23 6 167.27
23207 10/22/08 0:00 Ralph Kennedy West Utah 84663 Ointment Gleevec Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 336.91 100% 0.1 0.4 336.91 336.91 42.5 11 30.98
31077 10/23/08 0:00 Bryan Mills Central Michigan 49971 Concentrate Cerumenex Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.55 1,955.08 1,955.08 470.826 36 65.99
10498 10/23/08 0:00 Jesus Ocampo East Delaware 19964 Gel Amipaque Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.59 1,968.47 1,968.47 327.9 47 40.97
16834 10/23/08 0:00 Sue Ann Reed Central Ohio 44197 Ointment Duo-Medihaler Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 158.78 100% 0.07 0.38 158.78 158.78 33.26 23 7.04
16834 10/23/08 0:00 Sue Ann Reed Central Ohio 44197 Tablet Calderol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 463.42 100% 0.08 0.38 463.42 463.42 14.2035 33 14.45
12261 10/23/08 0:00 Ritsa Hightower East Connecticut 6817 Gel Mupirocin Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 20.59 100% 0.02 0.51 20.59 20.59 1.19 4 3.98
12261 10/23/08 0:00 Ritsa Hightower East Connecticut 6817 Solution/Drops Acephen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 217.35 100% 0 0.38 217.35 217.35 -67.19 23 8.74
12261 10/23/08 0:00 Ritsa Hightower East Connecticut 6817 Syrup Pradaxa Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,746.57 100% 0.03 0.55 2,746.57 2,746.57 617.4 15 178.47
12261 10/23/08 0:00 Ritsa Hightower East Connecticut 6817 Solution Bucet Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 281.74 100% 0.06 0.58 281.74 281.74 25.67 19 14.56
12261 10/23/08 0:00 Ritsa Hightower East Connecticut 6817 Capsule Omnipaque 210 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,237.76 100% 0.1 0.58 2,237.76 2,237.76 151.86 12 200.98
58659 10/24/08 0:00 Tom Stivers South Virginia 23970 Ointment Hydrocortone Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 21.01 21.01 -13.13 2 6.48
28836 10/24/08 0:00 Erica Bern Central Michigan 49971 Concentrate Anusol Hc Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 8,221.29 100% 0.06 0.6 8,221.29 8,221.29 2,342.21 50 195.99
28836 10/24/08 0:00 Erica Bern Central Michigan 49971 Tablet Product Name Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,158.26 100% 0.06 0.39 1,158.26 1,158.26 170.0765 7 172.99
12417 10/24/08 0:00 Cathy Prescott South Virginia 23664 Ointment Revlimid Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 137.84 100% 0.06 0.4 137.84 137.84 34.31 19 7.4
32516 10/24/08 0:00 Robert Marley South Maryland 21022 Solution/Drops Bleomycin Sulfate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 60.19 100% 0.01 0.38 60.19 60.19 6.44 7 7.78
32516 10/24/08 0:00 Robert Marley South Maryland 21022 Tablet Canasa Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 43.96 100% 0.03 0.39 43.96 43.96 -0.2415 15 2.78
35522 10/25/08 0:00 Michael Granlund East Massachusetts 5544 Suppository Dexrazoxane Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.52 2,575.01 2,575.01 231.46 27 99.99
51271 10/25/08 0:00 Tim Brockman South South Carolina 29684 Concentrate Zavesca Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,882.71 100% 0.02 0.59 2,882.71 2,882.71 303.228 16 205.99
51271 10/25/08 0:00 Tim Brockman South South Carolina 29684 Injectable Aquasol A Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,969.43 100% 0.1 0.77 3,969.43 3,969.43 -796.51 31 140.98
10852 10/26/08 0:00 Harold Engle Central Michigan 49634 Tablet Aerobid Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 285.84 285.84 -27.255 17 15.28
38050 10/26/08 0:00 Luke Schmidt South Florida 32122 Gel Triesence Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.56 104.21 104.21 15.19 36 2.88
38050 10/26/08 0:00 Luke Schmidt South Florida 32122 Gel Isoetharine Hydrochloride Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.51 187.18 187.18 28.91 31 5.98
53027 10/26/08 0:00 Sharelle Roach South South Carolina 29338 Solution/Drops Ribavirin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.4 1,323.31 1,323.31 146.64 38 35.89
14981 10/26/08 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Syrup Tiazac Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.57 279.77 279.77 -14.02 8 34.76
10852 10/26/08 0:00 Harold Engle Central Michigan 49634 Injectable Clinimix 5/20 Sulfite Free In Dextrose 20% In Plastic Container Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.55 12,450.48 12,450.48 3,030.16 40 300.98
38050 10/26/08 0:00 Luke Schmidt South Florida 32122 Spray Peridex Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.63 1,331.22 1,331.22 -401.42 14 111.96
14981 10/26/08 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Spray Chymex Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.76 154.21 154.21 -160.39 8 15.23
230 10/26/08 0:00 Erin Creighton Central Texas 77474 Concentrate Cetirizine Hydrochloride And Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,118.40 100% 0.06 0.57 1,118.40 1,118.40 -212.333 11 125.99
230 10/26/08 0:00 Erin Creighton Central Texas 77474 Gel Estrace Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,029.75 100% 0.06 0.58 2,029.75 2,029.75 320.37 47 43.98
51328 10/26/08 0:00 Sarah Jordon East Massachusetts 1441 For Solution Maxitrol Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 689.67 100% 0.07 0.47 689.67 689.67 51.47 38 18.7
42882 10/27/08 0:00 Michael Dominguez West Colorado 81221 Solution Bromfenac Sodium Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.58 204.07 204.07 -22.55 17 11.97
58528 10/27/08 0:00 Janet Martin South Maryland 21794 Solution Eryc 125 Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 700.95 100% 0 0.46 700.95 700.95 233.8 14 46.89
58528 10/27/08 0:00 Janet Martin South Maryland 21794 Solution/Drops Homatropine Methylbromide And Hydrocodone Bitartrate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 159.74 100% 0.08 0.39 159.74 159.74 -9.14 41 3.69
2374 10/28/08 0:00 Vivek Gonzalez South Virginia 24157 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.2% And Potassium Chloride 5Meq Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 78.17 100% 0.01 0.36 78.17 78.17 -72.703 21 2.84
12902 10/29/08 0:00 Daniel Byrd East New York 14925 Suppository Doriden Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0 0.64 302.05 302.05 -58.81 9 30.98
53248 10/29/08 0:00 Fred Hopkins Central Texas 79080 Spray Feridex I.V. Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.62 2,423.06 2,423.06 -65.92 7 348.21
12902 10/29/08 0:00 Daniel Byrd East New York 14925 Injectable Vermidol Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.68 3,645.45 3,645.45 -765.5 30 120.98
57986 10/29/08 0:00 Dennis Bolton East New Jersey 7001 Solution Penicillin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.43 199.93 199.93 -105.33 14 14.81
48391 10/29/08 0:00 Nick Crebassa South Virginia 24157 Ointment Gonal-F Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 254.92 100% 0.1 0.36 254.92 254.92 -99.62 45 5.98
37669 10/29/08 0:00 Alejandro Grove West California 90835 Syrup Lescol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 70.02 100% 0 0.57 70.02 70.02 -30.63 4 15.31
37669 10/29/08 0:00 Alejandro Grove West California 90835 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.15% In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 9,081.98 100% 0.02 0.59 9,081.98 9,081.98 2,485.54 39 232.58
37669 10/29/08 0:00 Alejandro Grove West California 90835 Solution/Drops Actinex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 806.08 100% 0.08 0.38 806.08 806.08 402.37 31 26.17
11236 10/30/08 0:00 Robert Barroso West California 96121 Gel Epoprostenol Sodium Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.44 44.32 44.32 -41.55 15 2.52
11236 10/30/08 0:00 Robert Barroso West California 96121 Ointment Cefuroxime And Dextrose In Duplex Container Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.39 298.57 298.57 74.07 45 6.88
11236 10/30/08 0:00 Robert Barroso West California 96121 Tablet Glycort Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.37 261.02 261.02 -94.047 49 4.98
11236 10/30/08 0:00 Robert Barroso West California 96121 Syrup Intropin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.57 1,629.75 1,629.75 -195.7 4 415.88
25062 10/30/08 0:00 Sally Hughsby South Maryland 21230 Solution Peg-Lyte Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 78.79 100% 0.03 0.52 78.79 78.79 -21.29 5 14.42
25062 10/30/08 0:00 Sally Hughsby South Maryland 21230 Tablet Naftin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,928.25 100% 0.04 0.35 3,928.25 3,928.25 1,343.25 9 420.98
36548 10/30/08 0:00 Max Engle South North Carolina 28633 Ointment Fulconazole In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 44.99 100% 0.06 0.38 44.99 44.99 -40.43 8 4.98
1888 10/30/08 0:00 Kean Thornton West Colorado 81655 Tablet Tri-Sprintec Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 158.25 100% 0.09 0.37 158.25 158.25 -114.7355 35 4.57
20741 10/30/08 0:00 Frank Merwin West Idaho 83877 Gel Estrace Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,711.02 100% 0.1 0.58 1,711.02 1,711.02 139.63 43 43.98
1888 10/30/08 0:00 Kean Thornton West Colorado 81655 Spray Pletal Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,264.46 100% 0 0.65 1,264.46 1,264.46 -1,249.39 38 31.76
32389 10/31/08 0:00 Dave Poirier South Florida 32003 Concentrate Androgel Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.58 65.467 65.467 -257.411 1 65.99
32389 10/31/08 0:00 Dave Poirier South Florida 32003 Suppository Inderide La 160/50 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.07 0.55 934.07 934.07 -7.5 23 39.99
43844 10/31/08 0:00 Deborah Brumfield West Colorado 81221 Concentrate Ryzolt Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.56 1,009.87 1,009.87 170.568 25 45.99
32326 10/31/08 0:00 Jason Klamczynski Central Nebraska 69367 For Solution Clomipramine Hydrochloride Delayed Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.09 0.6 929.81 929.81 -188.41 50 19.99
32389 10/31/08 0:00 Dave Poirier South Florida 32003 Spray Chymex Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.76 121.624 121.624 -147.34 8 15.23
36003 10/31/08 0:00 Linda Southworth Central Wisconsin 53001 Ointment Ifosfamide Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,031.18 100% 0.01 0.38 1,031.18 1,031.18 349.82 48 19.98
36003 10/31/08 0:00 Linda Southworth Central Wisconsin 53001 Tablet Caffeine Citrate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 207.42 100% 0.04 0.36 207.42 207.42 -115.345 40 4.91
38337 10/31/08 0:00 Tracy Poddar West Idaho 83465 Gel Triesence Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 130.9 100% 0.09 0.56 130.9 130.9 18.75 46 2.88
58855 10/31/08 0:00 Jeremy Pistek South Georgia 30002 For Solution Levonorgestrel And Ethinyl Estradiol And Ethinyl Estradiol Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 69.26 100% 0.07 0.53 69.26 69.26 -113.86 38 1.74
55014 11/1/08 0:00 Quincy Jones South Alabama 36276 Gel Ionosol Mb And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.56 235.15 235.15 12.7 38 5.85
30917 11/1/08 0:00 Marc Crier Central Texas 77474 Cream Benadryl Preservative Free Injection TableauCeutical Animal 753.8 100% 0.06 0.38 753.8 753.8 -37.13 8 96.45
30917 11/1/08 0:00 Marc Crier Central Texas 77474 Suppository Renese Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 86.79 100% 0.06 0.77 86.79 86.79 -45.6 11 8.12
43745 11/1/08 0:00 Laurel Elliston West Idaho 83810 Concentrate Citanest Plain Dental Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,250.43 100% 0.02 0.56 1,250.43 1,250.43 303.3 32 45.99
43745 11/1/08 0:00 Laurel Elliston West Idaho 83810 Suppository Theophylline 0.32% And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,368.03 100% 0.04 0.73 1,368.03 1,368.03 27.51 26 50.98
34721 11/1/08 0:00 Bart Watters East New Jersey 8989 Aerosol Ceenu Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 503.17 100% 0.01 0.59 503.17 503.17 -10.21 46 10.23
26631 11/1/08 0:00 Jeremy Pistek South Georgia 30002 Ointment Equetro Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 231.65 100% 0 0.4 231.65 231.65 -241.28 37 5.98
43745 11/1/08 0:00 Laurel Elliston West Idaho 83810 Lotion Budesonide Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 4.97 100% 0.04 0.38 4.97 4.97 -4.91 1 3.55
43745 11/1/08 0:00 Laurel Elliston West Idaho 83810 Solution Aminocaproic Acid Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 128.59 100% 0.07 0.5 128.59 128.59 -15.17 5 25.98
43745 11/1/08 0:00 Laurel Elliston West Idaho 83810 Solution Diphenoxylate Hydrochloride W/ Atropine Sulfate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,433.53 100% 0.02 0.57 2,433.53 2,433.53 946.7 43 54.48
43745 11/1/08 0:00 Laurel Elliston West Idaho 83810 Ointment Ganciclovir Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 260.64 100% 0.08 0.37 260.64 260.64 -106.21 41 6.68
23271 11/3/08 0:00 Ann Blume South Maryland 21794 Cream Oxy-Kesso-Tetra Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.4 794.58 794.58 -2,009.59 1 808.49
19974 11/3/08 0:00 Rick Wilson West New Mexico 88044 Solution Angio-Conray Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,830.84 100% 0.1 0.59 3,830.84 3,830.84 635.33 14 279.81
19974 11/3/08 0:00 Rick Wilson West New Mexico 88044 Syrup Adriamycin Rdf Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 267.43 100% 0.07 0.57 267.43 267.43 -45.98 22 12.28
28802 11/4/08 0:00 Sanjit Chand Central Michigan 49634 Concentrate Angiovist 370 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.58 4,001.47 4,001.47 884.907 22 205.99
32228 11/4/08 0:00 Andrew Roberts Central Wisconsin 53235 Gel Tora Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.55 209.63 209.63 43.53 35 5.84
28802 11/4/08 0:00 Sanjit Chand Central Michigan 49634 Ointment Benylin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.4 336.25 336.25 25.95 36 8.34
28802 11/4/08 0:00 Sanjit Chand Central Michigan 49634 For Solution Maprotiline Hydrochloride Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.47 413.8 413.8 51.36 23 17.67
15206 11/4/08 0:00 Rob Lucas West California 94404 Injectable Flurandrenolide Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.65 5,287.16 5,287.16 -769.05 35 150.98
52256 11/4/08 0:00 Cari MacIntyre South Virginia 23970 Concentrate Aminosyn-Hbc 7% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,236.95 100% 0.06 0.59 1,236.95 1,236.95 119.889 23 65.99
15878 11/4/08 0:00 Mike Kennedy East Massachusetts 1001 Ointment Cladribine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 275.06 100% 0.05 0.37 275.06 275.06 -237.87 36 7.28
48165 11/5/08 0:00 Dennis Bolton East New Jersey 7001 Ointment Estratab Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.37 199.94 199.94 -147.27 28 6.48
37957 11/5/08 0:00 Bobby Trafton South Georgia 39901 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.33% And Potassium Chloride 30Meq In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.37 229.26 229.26 -37.2025 31 6.81
34816 11/5/08 0:00 Sally Knutson Central Texas 78602 Solution Menest Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,158.45 100% 0.1 0.56 1,158.45 1,158.45 267.16 29 41.71
34816 11/5/08 0:00 Sally Knutson Central Texas 78602 Solution/Drops Demulen 1/50-21 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,568.71 100% 0.1 0.38 2,568.71 2,568.71 590.77 43 60.98
33889 11/6/08 0:00 Christina Vanderzanden West New Mexico 88044 Solution Clinimix E 5/15 Sulfite-Free W/ Elect In Dextrose 15% W/ Calcium In Plastic Container Intramuscular Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.57 9,046.33 9,046.33 1,398.03 46 180.98
33889 11/6/08 0:00 Christina Vanderzanden West New Mexico 88044 Suspension/Drops Concerta Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.36 116.14 116.14 50.44 39 2.88
33889 11/6/08 0:00 Christina Vanderzanden West New Mexico 88044 Solution/Drops Diastat Acudial Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.36 159.05 159.05 21.46 27 5.98
33889 11/6/08 0:00 Christina Vanderzanden West New Mexico 88044 Solution Brevital Sodium Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.58 367.96 367.96 -16.11 43 8.67
27335 11/6/08 0:00 Karl Brown West California 93456 Solution/Drops Septisol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 67.47 100% 0.03 0.36 67.47 67.47 -100.6 23 2.66
23680 11/6/08 0:00 Ivan Liston South Maryland 21230 Spray Heparin Sodium 25,000 Units And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,029.50 100% 0.1 0.63 2,029.50 2,029.50 251.64 8 320.64
20193 11/7/08 0:00 Harry Greene Central Wisconsin 54990 Tablet Asellacrin 10 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 82.12 100% 0.07 0.38 82.12 82.12 -121.5895 23 3.52
5506 11/7/08 0:00 Beth Thompson East Massachusetts 2054 Ointment Centany Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 129.62 100% 0.05 0.36 129.62 129.62 4.41 22 5.88
13348 11/7/08 0:00 Jim Kriz West California 90835 Syrup Minocycline Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 4,890.58 100% 0.05 0.73 4,890.58 4,890.58 310.51 35 140.85
52737 11/8/08 0:00 Alex Avila South Alabama 35004 Tablet Norditropin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.35 125.54 125.54 -15.7435 14 7.68
49767 11/8/08 0:00 John Murray East New York 11769 Cream Frova Injection Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.37 5,196.19 5,196.19 2,052.13 39 140.99
49767 11/8/08 0:00 John Murray East New York 11769 Ointment Hydropres 25 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.37 50.47 50.47 -31.7 7 6.48
49767 11/8/08 0:00 John Murray East New York 11769 Solution/Drops Actidil Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.4 634.38 634.38 272.4 43 15.74
8834 11/8/08 0:00 Ken Lonsdale South Georgia 31811 Cream Galzin Injection TableauCeutical Animal 6,688.11 100% 0.08 0.38 6,688.11 6,688.11 2,872.88 45 150.98
1792 11/8/08 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 Syrup Combunox Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 370.48 100% 0.04 0.59 370.48 370.48 -5.45 28 13.48
8834 11/8/08 0:00 Ken Lonsdale South Georgia 31811 For Solution Tussicaps Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 16.73 100% 0.08 0.48 16.73 16.73 -6.96 1 12.64
5059 11/9/08 0:00 Randy Bradley South North Carolina 28633 Tablet Dipyridamole Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.36 41.18 41.18 -19.3085 5 5.44
22498 11/9/08 0:00 Sarah Brown South Florida 34997 Suppository Dilantin-125 Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 34.94 100% 0.05 0.51 34.94 34.94 -30.7 20 1.7
12097 11/9/08 0:00 Tanja Norvell West Utah 84631 Concentrate Blephamide S.O.P. Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 1,831.53 100% 0 0.85 1,831.53 1,831.53 -139.975 25 85.99
39682 11/9/08 0:00 Aaron Bergman East Massachusetts 1001 Ointment Fludara Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,337.89 100% 0.09 0.37 2,337.89 2,337.89 729.34 43 55.48
15078 11/9/08 0:00 Katherine Nockton South Maryland 21230 Ointment Erythromycin Ethylsuccinate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 207.01 100% 0.01 0.36 207.01 207.01 -36.9 33 5.78
50663 11/9/08 0:00 Jim Kriz West California 90835 Solution Mannitol 10% Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,614.84 100% 0.02 0.59 1,614.84 1,614.84 -716.55 26 60.98
12097 11/9/08 0:00 Tanja Norvell West Utah 84631 Ointment Eryc 125 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 49.89 100% 0.06 0.36 49.89 49.89 -30.84 9 4.98
7363 11/9/08 0:00 Sung Shariari South Virginia 24157 For Solution Klor-Con Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 875.52 100% 0.09 0.67 875.52 875.52 5.71 24 37.93
41633 11/9/08 0:00 Bill Eplett South North Carolina 28633 Capsule Ocl Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,636.91 100% 0 0.74 3,636.91 3,636.91 -1,284.24 29 122.99
11911 11/10/08 0:00 Edward Hooks East Massachusetts 2180 Tablet Nitrol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 397.84 100% 0 0.36 397.84 397.84 -14.7545 25 15.22
43585 11/10/08 0:00 Stephanie Ulpright West New Mexico 87199 Ointment Junior Strength Advil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,004.18 100% 0.08 0.37 1,004.18 1,004.18 374.19 19 55.48
9091 11/11/08 0:00 Adam Hart East Connecticut 6001 Ointment Gleevec Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,480.91 100% 0 0.4 1,480.91 1,480.91 489.14 44 30.98
9091 11/11/08 0:00 Adam Hart East Connecticut 6001 For Solution Tylenol (Geltab) Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 605.77 100% 0.05 0.49 605.77 605.77 129.33 42 14.34
59553 11/12/08 0:00 Raymond Fair West California 93456 Concentrate Ammonium Chloride 0.9% In Normal Saline Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.56 2,170.31 2,170.31 264.321 42 65.99
59553 11/12/08 0:00 Raymond Fair West California 93456 Ointment Edarbi Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.36 171.57 171.57 12.5 15 11.34
8992 11/12/08 0:00 Shahid Shariari West Arizona 85301 Concentrate Antagonate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,341.96 100% 0 0.58 1,341.96 1,341.96 180.783 18 85.99
8992 11/12/08 0:00 Shahid Shariari West Arizona 85301 Concentrate Anusol Hc Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,145.70 100% 0.08 0.6 2,145.70 2,145.70 -176.792 14 195.99
8992 11/12/08 0:00 Shahid Shariari West Arizona 85301 Capsule Potassium Chloride 0.037% In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 441.43 100% 0.06 0.57 441.43 441.43 -154.45 3 140.81
39139 11/13/08 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Concentrate Stoxil Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.57 627.453 627.453 -408.254 6 125.99
39139 11/13/08 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 For Solution Stadol Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.09 0.59 6,118.38 6,118.38 2,042.58 31 209.84
39139 11/13/08 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Injectable Veriloid Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.61 3,000.88 3,000.88 -719.17 50 58.14
4034 11/13/08 0:00 Christine Sundaresam West New Mexico 88134 For Solution Ketalar Injection Competitor B Human - Rx 0.07 0.74 3,367.24 3,367.24 -1,183.69 44 79.52
4034 11/13/08 0:00 Christine Sundaresam West New Mexico 88134 Spray Efidac 24 Chlorpheniramine Maleate Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.69 5,723.24 5,723.24 -216.63 37 145.98
43782 11/13/08 0:00 Rick Bensley Central Wisconsin 53081 Tablet Ditate-Ds Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 194.35 100% 0 0.35 194.35 194.35 30.8805 27 6.75
56135 11/13/08 0:00 Theone Pippenger East Massachusetts 5544 Lotion Humalog Kwikpen Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 79.75 100% 0.1 0.49 79.75 79.75 -41.32 48 1.81
19430 11/13/08 0:00 Helen Andreada West Colorado 81653 Syrup U-Gencin Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 6,742.49 100% 0.03 0.85 6,742.49 6,742.49 -502.05 39 167.27
56135 11/13/08 0:00 Theone Pippenger East Massachusetts 5544 Injectable Aquasol A Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,118.82 100% 0.04 0.77 1,118.82 1,118.82 -320.3 8 140.98
47873 11/13/08 0:00 Doug Bickford South Alabama 36925 For Solution Lidocaine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 52.39 100% 0.08 0.41 52.39 52.39 -17.38 8 5.89
38789 11/14/08 0:00 Mathew Reese South North Carolina 28909 For Solution Dicumarol Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.04 0.62 115.17 115.17 40.93 4 23.99
38789 11/14/08 0:00 Mathew Reese South North Carolina 28909 For Solution Lanoxin Pediatric Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.1 0.57 96.52 96.52 16.78 9 10.64
14499 11/14/08 0:00 Harry Marie Central Illinois 60001 Suppository Thallous Chloride Tl 201 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 574.99 100% 0.06 0.78 574.99 574.99 -148.87 28 20.97
2048 11/14/08 0:00 Deanra Eno South Florida 32003 Solution Alphazine Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,752.61 100% 0.01 0.57 3,752.61 3,752.61 637.93 12 294.62
2048 11/14/08 0:00 Deanra Eno South Florida 32003 Solution Deferoxamine Mesylate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 548.36 100% 0.1 0.56 548.36 548.36 78.63 9 60.97
4580 11/14/08 0:00 Steve Carroll East Massachusetts 1001 Spray Normosol-R And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 7,384.54 100% 0.09 0.78 7,384.54 7,384.54 -1,609.46 28 280.98
22404 11/16/08 0:00 Joseph Holt South South Carolina 29941 Capsule Sodium Bicarbonate In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.57 7,264.64 7,264.64 1,845.68 35 218.08
10117 11/16/08 0:00 Brian Stugart East Connecticut 6928 Suspension Glucophage Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 4,588.55 100% 0.01 0.52 4,588.55 4,588.55 -266.624 10 449.99
10117 11/16/08 0:00 Brian Stugart East Connecticut 6928 Tablet Nicorette (Mint) Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 64.37 100% 0.07 0.36 64.37 64.37 -6.9575 6 8.85
10499 11/16/08 0:00 Doug Bickford South Alabama 36925 Spray Edetate Disodium Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 6,250.94 100% 0.01 0.75 6,250.94 6,250.94 31.21 29 262.11
39393 11/17/08 0:00 Troy Staebel South North Carolina 27006 Cream Azdone Injection Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.39 218.29 218.29 -37.28 23 9.49
29382 11/17/08 0:00 Greg Guthrie Central Nebraska 69141 Solution/Drops Cardiolite Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.38 239.35 239.35 78.96 42 5.68
29382 11/17/08 0:00 Greg Guthrie Central Nebraska 69141 For Solution Aerolate Iii Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.07 0.49 684.66 684.66 35.09 34 19.98
38625 11/17/08 0:00 Chad Sievert East New Jersey 8823 Suppository Dexrazoxane Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,752 100% 0.06 0.52 2,752 2,752 336.47 28 99.99
38625 11/17/08 0:00 Chad Sievert East New Jersey 8823 Solution/Drops Diastat Acudial Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 72.82 100% 0.02 0.36 72.82 72.82 5.03 12 5.98
44935 11/17/08 0:00 Arthur Gainer South North Carolina 27006 Lotion Camila Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 99.65 100% 0.01 0.39 99.65 99.65 27 37 2.62
44935 11/17/08 0:00 Arthur Gainer South North Carolina 27006 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.15% In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 9,362.73 100% 0 0.59 9,362.73 9,362.73 2,766.29 39 232.58
44935 11/17/08 0:00 Arthur Gainer South North Carolina 27006 Suspension/Drops Crinone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 125.33 100% 0.06 0.37 125.33 125.33 58.5 37 3.08
40775 11/17/08 0:00 Liz MacKendrick West Idaho 83552 For Solution Hy-Phen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 279.63 100% 0.07 0.43 279.63 279.63 61.69 23 12.58
22887 11/18/08 0:00 Eugene Moren West Washington 99403 Capsule Amiloride Hydrochloride Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.56 9,107.27 9,107.27 2,463.36 34 276.2
13607 11/18/08 0:00 Matthew Grinstein East New York 544 Suppository Arava Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.07 0.54 440.6 440.6 2.97 12 39.48
2752 11/18/08 0:00 Todd Boyes West Colorado 80746 Concentrate Aldoril D50 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.56 575.569 575.569 -86.515 10 65.99
2752 11/18/08 0:00 Todd Boyes West Colorado 80746 Suppository Technetium Tc-99M Mebrofenin Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.46 695.47 695.47 226.73 30 22.98
2563 11/18/08 0:00 Brenda Bowman Central Ohio 44197 Gel T-Phyl Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.6 208.05 208.05 46.01 33 5.98
2563 11/18/08 0:00 Brenda Bowman Central Ohio 44197 Suspension/Drops Cotrim Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.39 31.77 31.77 8.34 12 2.61
13607 11/18/08 0:00 Matthew Grinstein East New York 544 Syrup Coreg Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.84 315.29 315.29 -361.82 13 20.34
13607 11/18/08 0:00 Matthew Grinstein East New York 544 Suspension/Drops Cobavite Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.39 109.9 109.9 48.52 37 2.61
2752 11/18/08 0:00 Todd Boyes West Colorado 80746 Lotion Busulfex Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.39 152.59 152.59 55.48 41 3.78
2752 11/18/08 0:00 Todd Boyes West Colorado 80746 Syrup Tiazac Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.57 365.62 365.62 15.77 10 34.76
34658 11/18/08 0:00 Alan Hwang South Virginia 20101 Injectable Vertavis Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.6 2,701.69 2,701.69 -926.33 33 81.94
45190 11/19/08 0:00 George Ashbrook East Delaware 19934 Capsule Noroxin Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.55 2,084.96 2,084.96 135.26 13 150.98
23366 11/19/08 0:00 Tim Taslimi Central Texas 76901 Syrup Inulin And Sodium Chloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 297.85 100% 0.04 0.59 297.85 297.85 -69.89 5 54.1
8001 11/19/08 0:00 Charles Crestani South Georgia 39859 Ointment Cholovue Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 37.7 100% 0.1 0.38 37.7 37.7 -81.08 15 2.18
8001 11/19/08 0:00 Charles Crestani South Georgia 39859 Syrup Butalbital, Acetaminophen And Caffeine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,059.72 100% 0.01 0.66 1,059.72 1,059.72 112.22 47 20.98
23366 11/19/08 0:00 Tim Taslimi Central Texas 76901 For Solution Dermotic Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 136.1 100% 0.06 0.52 136.1 136.1 -3.78 12 10.52
59393 11/20/08 0:00 Seth Vernon Central Michigan 48064 Solution/Drops Xylocaine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.35 398.76 398.76 0.82 34 11.58
8582 11/20/08 0:00 David Kendrick South Georgia 39901 For Solution Indium In-111 Oxyquinoline Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.61 1,556.55 1,556.55 436.02 15 105.34
13895 11/20/08 0:00 Michelle Ellison West Colorado 81655 Syrup Actifed W/ Codeine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.56 614.34 614.34 -171.7 44 14.03
5988 11/21/08 0:00 Sanjit Chand Central Michigan 49634 Suspension Avinza Delayed Release Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.36 19,109.61 19,109.61 -379.29 40 499.99
21863 11/21/08 0:00 Christine Sundaresam West New Mexico 88134 Tablet Nasalcrom Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.36 149.31 149.31 7.769 13 10.98
21863 11/21/08 0:00 Christine Sundaresam West New Mexico 88134 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.2% And Potassium Chloride 5Meq Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.36 85.77 85.77 -102.0165 27 2.84
33152 11/21/08 0:00 Caroline Jumper Central Ohio 43567 Concentrate Adcirca Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,569.63 100% 0 0.55 2,569.63 2,569.63 398.007 19 155.99
38917 11/21/08 0:00 Joseph Airdo Central Illinois 60157 Concentrate Androgel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 618.1965 100% 0.02 0.58 618.1965 618.1965 -132.528 11 65.99
5863 11/21/08 0:00 Guy Thornton West New Mexico 87001 For Solution Atropen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 933.21 100% 0.05 0.51 933.21 933.21 207.18 40 22.98
45088 11/22/08 0:00 Christopher Conant Central Wisconsin 53001 Concentrate Anusol Hc Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.6 1,418.96 1,418.96 -447.414 9 195.99
36134 11/22/08 0:00 Grant Carroll East Massachusetts 2139 Concentrate Adcirca Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 826.9735 100% 0.01 0.55 826.9735 826.9735 -413.325 6 155.99
27047 11/22/08 0:00 Patrick Bzostek West California 94404 Suspension Genotropin Preservative Free Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 14,240.76 100% 0.06 0.5 14,240.76 14,240.76 3,128.69 25 599.99
52128 11/22/08 0:00 Sanjit Jacobs West Idaho 83877 Suppository Banthine Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 13.52 100% 0.03 0.61 13.52 13.52 -27.66 11 0.99
41186 11/22/08 0:00 Aleksandra Gannaway West Washington 98601 Concentrate Avelox Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 553.3415 100% 0.08 0.83 553.3415 553.3415 -67.705 33 20.99
41186 11/22/08 0:00 Aleksandra Gannaway West Washington 98601 Solution/Drops Borofair Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 142.12 100% 0.01 0.39 142.12 142.12 54.91 13 9.78
27047 11/22/08 0:00 Patrick Bzostek West California 94404 Ointment Fansidar Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 167.41 100% 0.05 0.4 167.41 167.41 -161.57 38 4.28
807 11/23/08 0:00 Neola Schneider East New Jersey 7837 Lotion Children'S Fexofenadine Hydrochloride Hives Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.53 124.56 124.56 -14.33 32 3.95
807 11/23/08 0:00 Neola Schneider East New Jersey 7837 Ointment Glucagen Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.4 196.85 196.85 -166.85 45 4.28
51075 11/23/08 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 Concentrate Aviane-28 Extended Release Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.82 1,290.21 1,290.21 -160.677 43 35.99
25828 11/23/08 0:00 Michael Oakman Central Ohio 45999 Gel Acylanid Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.38 163.04 163.04 58 29 5.84
25828 11/23/08 0:00 Michael Oakman Central Ohio 45999 Aerosol Cefadyl Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.58 241.43 241.43 -65.8 35 6.84
25828 11/23/08 0:00 Michael Oakman Central Ohio 45999 Spray Alinia Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.01 0.78 9,041.26 9,041.26 -383.03 31 286.85
50725 11/23/08 0:00 Muhammed Yedwab East New York 14709 Concentrate Adcirca Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,441.14 100% 0.05 0.55 2,441.14 2,441.14 261.963 19 155.99
24128 11/23/08 0:00 Eugene Barchas East Massachusetts 2180 Concentrate Heparin Sodium 12,500 Units In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 6,583.91 100% 0.09 0.59 6,583.91 6,583.91 1,459.79 43 195.99
24128 11/23/08 0:00 Eugene Barchas East Massachusetts 2180 Ointment Biphetamine 7.5 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 270.63 100% 0.1 0.39 270.63 270.63 7.07 13 21.98
54274 11/23/08 0:00 Don Jones East Massachusetts 5544 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.15% In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,583.06 100% 0.05 0.52 1,583.06 1,583.06 328 20 78.65
50725 11/23/08 0:00 Muhammed Yedwab East New York 14709 Capsule Valisone Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 129.88 100% 0.1 0.71 129.88 129.88 -89.9 1 110.98
27681 11/24/08 0:00 Dave Hallsten Central Texas 78702 Gel Hispril Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.56 183.28 183.28 33.88 30 6.08
27681 11/24/08 0:00 Dave Hallsten Central Texas 78702 Ointment Cafcit Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.38 37.8 37.8 -18.31 7 4.98
2759 11/24/08 0:00 Brenda Bowman Central Ohio 44197 Suppository Doriden Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0 0.64 827.47 827.47 45.37 25 30.98
11427 11/24/08 0:00 Nora Price East New York 14210 Gel Actos Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.38 58.64 58.64 4.55 27 2.21
11427 11/24/08 0:00 Nora Price East New York 14210 Tablet Hiprex Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.38 136.06 136.06 -33.2235 20 6.37
35910 11/24/08 0:00 Kristen Hastings East New Jersey 7981 Concentrate Bronkaid Mist Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 881.501 100% 0.02 0.39 881.501 881.501 334.53 28 35.99
35910 11/24/08 0:00 Kristen Hastings East New Jersey 7981 Concentrate Bayer Extra Strength Aspirin For Migraine Pain Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 660.059 100% 0.05 0.83 660.059 660.059 -0.649 36 20.99
20900 11/24/08 0:00 Ellis Ballard South Florida 32099 Concentrate Amrix Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,978.37 100% 0 0.57 1,978.37 1,978.37 483.597 50 45.99
37603 11/24/08 0:00 Liz Price West Arizona 85234 Suppository Dialyte Lm/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 2,440.26 100% 0 0.55 2,440.26 2,440.26 917.28 50 45.19
37603 11/24/08 0:00 Liz Price West Arizona 85234 Suppository Dialyte Lm/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,008.19 100% 0.03 0.55 1,008.19 1,008.19 210.01 23 45.19
35910 11/24/08 0:00 Kristen Hastings East New Jersey 7981 Ointment Humulin U Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 161.72 100% 0.09 0.37 161.72 161.72 -121.18 25 6.48
4675 11/24/08 0:00 Rick Wilson West New Mexico 88044 Gel Aminosyn Ii 3.5% In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 17.89 100% 0 0.52 17.89 17.89 -1.15 4 3.98
33123 11/24/08 0:00 Roy Skaria Central Illinois 60406 Injectable Flurandrenolide Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 6,045.98 100% 0.08 0.65 6,045.98 6,045.98 -996.67 41 150.98
32135 11/25/08 0:00 Magdelene Morse West Utah 84121 Cream Cyclapen-W Injection Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.36 187.78 187.78 -25.08 16 11.99
32135 11/25/08 0:00 Magdelene Morse West Utah 84121 Suppository Propoxyphene Compound-65 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0 0.67 1,575.14 1,575.14 160.68 37 39.98
30754 11/25/08 0:00 David Flashing West Washington 98666 Spray Perforomist Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.09 0.79 4,108.17 4,108.17 -998.62 20 209.37
15015 11/25/08 0:00 Matthew Grinstein East New York 544 For Solution Lamictal Cd Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.03 0.6 306.77 306.77 -102.06 47 6.24
5189 11/25/08 0:00 Evan Henry South Maryland 21022 Suppository Rubramin Pc Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 900.06 100% 0.05 0.65 900.06 900.06 -221.12 12 73.98
52807 11/25/08 0:00 Andrew Gjertsen East Delaware 19701 Gel Virac Rex Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 667.55 100% 0 0.55 667.55 667.55 204.74 28 21.98
5189 11/25/08 0:00 Evan Henry South Maryland 21022 Syrup Minocycline Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,066.63 100% 0.03 0.73 2,066.63 2,066.63 65.58 14 140.85
5189 11/25/08 0:00 Evan Henry South Maryland 21022 Gel Alocril Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 24.72 100% 0.06 0.58 24.72 24.72 -21.47 8 2.74
55653 11/26/08 0:00 Benjamin Farhat West Arizona 85012 Cream Ozurdex Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.38 15,152.55 15,152.55 7,719.21 34 500.98
41861 11/26/08 0:00 Kalyca Meade West Washington 98310 Ointment Firazyr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 475.9 100% 0.02 0.38 475.9 475.9 110.44 24 19.98
45249 11/27/08 0:00 Roland Black East Massachusetts 1059 Concentrate Briellyn Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.8 1,155.58 1,155.58 -126.995 24 55.99
48195 11/27/08 0:00 Ruben Ausman East Delaware 19891 Concentrate Bretylium Tosylate Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 1,018.40 100% 0.09 0.38 1,018.40 1,018.40 296.865 35 35.99
48195 11/27/08 0:00 Ruben Ausman East Delaware 19891 Concentrate Provocholine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,679.12 100% 0.01 0.59 2,679.12 2,679.12 47.277 47 65.99
48195 11/27/08 0:00 Ruben Ausman East Delaware 19891 Concentrate Angeliq Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,337.52 100% 0.07 0.57 3,337.52 3,337.52 850.536 35 115.99
31718 11/27/08 0:00 Nona Balk South Virginia 23664 Concentrate Amoxicillin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,390.69 100% 0.03 0.59 1,390.69 1,390.69 168.462 24 65.99
31718 11/27/08 0:00 Nona Balk South Virginia 23664 Concentrate Ceradon Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,017.29 100% 0.1 0.6 1,017.29 1,017.29 -115.302 20 65.99
26630 11/27/08 0:00 Logan Haushalter Central Nebraska 68770 Ointment Humatin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 65.67 100% 0.02 0.37 65.67 65.67 -35.2 9 6.48
44359 11/29/08 0:00 Keith Dawkins Central Texas 73301 Gel Imodium Multi-Symptom Relief Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.51 113.2 113.2 24.83 19 6.08
35265 11/29/08 0:00 Sean Braxton Central Illinois 62999 Cream Azdone Injection Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.39 24.53 24.53 -32.35 2 9.49
35265 11/29/08 0:00 Sean Braxton Central Illinois 62999 Tablet Cholebrine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.35 125.78 125.78 8.432 4 30.56
1953 11/29/08 0:00 Sam Zeldin South Maryland 21290 Tablet Otobione Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.38 137.64 137.64 19.5925 13 10.91
35265 11/29/08 0:00 Sean Braxton Central Illinois 62999 Capsule Temozolomide Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.04 0.58 577 577 -112.88 16 33.94
14789 11/29/08 0:00 Sarah Brown South Florida 34997 Solution Disulfiram Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 438.07 100% 0 0.59 438.07 438.07 12.06 37 10.89
14789 11/29/08 0:00 Sarah Brown South Florida 34997 Solution/Drops Bumex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 116.37 100% 0.03 0.35 116.37 116.37 -32.6 19 5.58
31072 11/29/08 0:00 Sean O'Donnell South Maryland 21794 Tablet Product Name Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 701.16 100% 0.08 0.39 701.16 701.16 4.556 4 172.99
10209 11/29/08 0:00 Barry Franz West Washington 98001 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.2% And Potassium Chloride 0.15% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 418.82 100% 0.02 0.38 418.82 418.82 -60.214 48 8.6
56769 11/29/08 0:00 Cindy Stewart West Arizona 85321 For Solution Klor-Con Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 455.59 100% 0.02 0.67 455.59 455.59 98.02 11 37.93
10209 11/29/08 0:00 Barry Franz West Washington 98001 For Solution Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 461.55 100% 0.09 0.55 461.55 461.55 -12 14 33.98
37216 11/30/08 0:00 Eudokia Martin East Delaware 19701 Tablet Accuneb Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.37 527.25 527.25 74.0095 24 20.98
24102 11/30/08 0:00 Fred McMath East Connecticut 6703 Syrup Humulin N Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.57 1,844.26 1,844.26 47.58 50 37.76
9957 11/30/08 0:00 Suzanne McNair South Virginia 24658 Gel Equetro Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 74.75 100% 0.06 0.41 74.75 74.75 -115.43 31 2.28
27527 11/30/08 0:00 Rob Haberlin Central Michigan 49877 For Solution Mefoxin In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 376.58 100% 0.09 0.51 376.58 376.58 1.33 37 10.4
41632 12/1/08 0:00 Patrick Jones South Alabama 36344 Concentrate Betoptic Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.83 1,541.46 1,541.46 -238.161 34 55.99
1831 12/1/08 0:00 Ken Brennan West Washington 98390 Syrup Apidra Intramuscular Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.65 12,586.19 12,586.19 619.71 33 370.98
13799 12/1/08 0:00 Sibella Parks East Connecticut 6703 For Solution Mazanor Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.41 118.06 118.06 2.63 5 22.23
51426 12/1/08 0:00 Saphhira Shifley West Washington 98625 Suppository Aristocort A Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 357.01 100% 0.01 0.52 357.01 357.01 64.5 41 8.33
25092 12/1/08 0:00 Katrina Willman Central Nebraska 68155 Gel Acylanid Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 242.8 100% 0.07 0.38 242.8 242.8 95.91 42 5.84
25092 12/1/08 0:00 Katrina Willman Central Nebraska 68155 Lotion Claritin-D Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 16.02 100% 0.09 0.52 16.02 16.02 -2.82 9 1.81
25092 12/1/08 0:00 Katrina Willman Central Nebraska 68155 Tablet Deapril-St Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 141.27 100% 0.08 0.37 141.27 141.27 28.1435 6 21.38
35042 12/2/08 0:00 Michael Dominguez West Colorado 81221 Suppository Theophylline 0.32% And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.73 1,196.86 1,196.86 -12.51 23 50.98
26305 12/2/08 0:00 Max Jones West Washington 98310 Tablet Desloratadine And Pseudoephedrine Sulfate 24 Hour Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.38 1,118.21 1,118.21 -122.7855 50 22.38
26305 12/2/08 0:00 Max Jones West Washington 98310 Spray Edetate Disodium Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.75 3,503.56 3,503.56 -391.85 13 262.11
38406 12/2/08 0:00 Denny Ordway West Washington 98390 Injectable Veriloid Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.01 0.61 754.94 754.94 -226.24 12 58.14
25315 12/2/08 0:00 Joy Smith Central Michigan 48001 Gel Amrinone Lactate Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 61.76 100% 0 0.54 61.76 61.76 4.34 21 2.84
25315 12/2/08 0:00 Joy Smith Central Michigan 48001 Solution Pathilon Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 7,783.36 100% 0.07 0.42 7,783.36 7,783.36 3,506.24 36 225.04
25315 12/2/08 0:00 Joy Smith Central Michigan 48001 Spray Pletal Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,280.34 100% 0 0.65 1,280.34 1,280.34 -1,164.72 36 31.76
25350 12/3/08 0:00 Troy Blackwell Central Illinois 62999 Gel Amnesteem Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.57 48.83 48.83 1 23 2.1
25350 12/3/08 0:00 Troy Blackwell Central Illinois 62999 Solution Domeboro Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.59 2,477.99 2,477.99 747.68 30 80.98
44390 12/3/08 0:00 Noel Staavos West California 92320 For Solution Norlestrin 21 1/50 Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.35 3,234.10 3,234.10 2,033.50 32 99.23
55172 12/3/08 0:00 Katherine Nockton South Maryland 21230 Suppository Reglan Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 37.89 100% 0 0.43 37.89 37.89 -120.97 1 35.41
41570 12/3/08 0:00 Harold Engle Central Michigan 49634 Ointment Fluocinonide Emulsified Base Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,289.92 100% 0.09 0.37 2,289.92 2,289.92 1,037.55 24 104.85
19139 12/3/08 0:00 Helen Wasserman South North Carolina 27006 Ointment Femstat 3 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 94.84 100% 0.01 0.36 94.84 94.84 -26.66 15 5.98
3586 12/4/08 0:00 Lena Cacioppo Central Michigan 49642 For Solution Hy-Phen Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.43 383.57 383.57 70.51 32 12.58
3586 12/4/08 0:00 Lena Cacioppo Central Michigan 49642 For Solution Tylenol (Geltab) Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.49 461.1 461.1 116.96 31 14.34
1825 12/4/08 0:00 Aaron Smayling Central Ohio 43001 Gel Tolectin 600 Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.56 38.26 38.26 -2.34 22 1.76
58656 12/4/08 0:00 Doug O'Connell West Colorado 80230 Tablet Ditate-Ds Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.35 39.44 39.44 -0.943 5 6.75
58656 12/4/08 0:00 Doug O'Connell West Colorado 80230 For Solution Locoid Lipocream Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.09 0.43 11.01 11.01 -1.42 3 2.08
27746 12/4/08 0:00 Jenna Caffey West Washington 98103 Suspension Avinza Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 1,540.77 100% 0.04 0.36 1,540.77 1,540.77 -1,572.64 3 499.99
40800 12/4/08 0:00 Jim Sink South South Carolina 29684 Ointment Hydrocodone Bitartrate And Acetaminophen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 260.31 100% 0.05 0.37 260.31 260.31 -175.26 41 6.48
40800 12/4/08 0:00 Jim Sink South South Carolina 29684 Solution/Drops Cardiolite Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 101.34 100% 0.06 0.38 101.34 101.34 26.11 18 5.68
27746 12/4/08 0:00 Jenna Caffey West Washington 98103 Ointment Dynacirc Cr Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 196.1 100% 0.07 0.39 196.1 196.1 71.65 42 4.76
27746 12/4/08 0:00 Jenna Caffey West Washington 98103 For Solution Augmentin '500' Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 87.09 100% 0.1 0.54 87.09 87.09 -42.73 3 29.34
44738 12/5/08 0:00 Max Jones West Washington 98310 Gel Amnesteem Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.57 75.57 75.57 6.87 34 2.1
20036 12/5/08 0:00 John Lee Central Texas 79080 Concentrate Citanest Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,745.12 100% 0.03 0.56 1,745.12 1,745.12 307.251 21 95.99
20036 12/5/08 0:00 John Lee Central Texas 79080 Suppository Terramycin W/ Polymyxin B Sulfate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,207.40 100% 0.03 0.75 1,207.40 1,207.40 -25.23 44 26.31
3783 12/5/08 0:00 Jonathan Doherty Central Ohio 43567 Suppository Renese Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 92.14 100% 0.01 0.77 92.14 92.14 -40.25 11 8.12
18887 12/5/08 0:00 Clay Rozendal East Delaware 19980 Concentrate Azopt Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 173.417 100% 0 0.37 173.417 173.417 18.234 9 20.99
3783 12/5/08 0:00 Jonathan Doherty Central Ohio 43567 Ointment Hy-Pam "25" Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 257.43 100% 0.05 0.37 257.43 257.43 -200.63 40 6.48
46177 12/5/08 0:00 Rick Duston Central Texas 76246 Tablet Naquival Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 11,169.95 100% 0.07 0.38 11,169.95 11,169.95 3,982.22 13 896.99
20036 12/5/08 0:00 John Lee Central Texas 79080 Solution Bromfenac Sodium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 290.46 100% 0.1 0.58 290.46 290.46 -31.55 25 11.97
36997 12/5/08 0:00 Tim Brockman South South Carolina 29684 Suspension/Drops Cotrim Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 104.33 100% 0 0.39 104.33 104.33 39.91 39 2.61
7746 12/5/08 0:00 Roger Demir West Idaho 83643 Ointment Betamethasone Dipropionate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 28.96 100% 0.06 0.37 28.96 28.96 -27.07 1 19.98
54950 12/5/08 0:00 Stephanie Ulpright West New Mexico 87199 Aerosol Cefadyl Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 174.58 100% 0.08 0.58 174.58 174.58 -57.17 26 6.84
46177 12/5/08 0:00 Rick Duston Central Texas 76246 For Solution Cyanocobalamin Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 468.46 100% 0.01 0.73 468.46 468.46 -292.7 33 12.99
20036 12/5/08 0:00 John Lee Central Texas 79080 Injectable Flurandrenolide Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,371.92 100% 0.03 0.65 4,371.92 4,371.92 -533.44 28 150.98
46177 12/5/08 0:00 Rick Duston Central Texas 76246 Spray Fazaclo Odt Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 9,708.64 100% 0.1 0.77 9,708.64 9,708.64 -2,156.58 48 218.75
54950 12/5/08 0:00 Stephanie Ulpright West New Mexico 87199 Spray Flovent Hfa Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 8,789.54 100% 0.07 0.67 8,789.54 8,789.54 -736.14 22 424.21
41123 12/6/08 0:00 Frank Gastineau West Idaho 83810 Ointment Edarbi Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.36 322.46 322.46 54.29 27 11.34
54564 12/6/08 0:00 Brendan Murry South Maryland 21290 Concentrate Allopurinol Sodium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,553.87 100% 0.04 0.55 1,553.87 1,553.87 322.506 27 65.99
45733 12/6/08 0:00 Maya Herman South North Carolina 28717 Tablet Desloratadine And Pseudoephedrine Sulfate 24 Hour Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 851.17 100% 0.07 0.38 851.17 851.17 -131.284 39 22.38
35490 12/7/08 0:00 Victoria Brennan East New York 14210 Concentrate Betamethasone Acetate And Betamethasone Sodium Phosphate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.55 1,289.62 1,289.62 432.522 41 35.99
35490 12/7/08 0:00 Victoria Brennan East New York 14210 Gel Tora Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.55 44.64 44.64 2.08 7 5.84
3591 12/7/08 0:00 Herbert Flentye West California 91188 Solution Clinimix E 2.75/5 Sulfite-Free W/ Elect In Dextrose 5% W/ Calcium In Plastic Container Intramuscular Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.57 321.57 321.57 -100.05 3 100.98
3591 12/7/08 0:00 Herbert Flentye West California 91188 Capsule Ondansetron Hydrochloride And Dextrose In Plastic Container Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.66 1,085.16 1,085.16 -311.54 12 89.99
12452 12/7/08 0:00 Bill Donatelli East New York 14925 Suppository Alphagan P Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 112.86 100% 0.04 0.66 112.86 112.86 -56.78 17 6.6
23264 12/7/08 0:00 Clay Rozendal East Delaware 19980 Ointment Fentanyl Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 108.42 100% 0.02 0.36 108.42 108.42 -50.82 16 6.48
12452 12/7/08 0:00 Bill Donatelli East New York 14925 Ointment Ferrlecit Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,063.42 100% 0.03 0.36 2,063.42 2,063.42 989.95 38 55.98
23264 12/7/08 0:00 Clay Rozendal East Delaware 19980 Suspension/Drops Clonidine Hydrochloride And Chlorthalidone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 78.47 100% 0.06 0.36 78.47 78.47 17.99 27 2.88
12452 12/7/08 0:00 Bill Donatelli East New York 14925 Tablet Metrodin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 356.95 100% 0.08 0.38 356.95 356.95 -228.2405 1 387.99
20674 12/8/08 0:00 Philip Brown West Utah 84415 Cream Ludiomil Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 17,717.34 100% 0 0.37 17,717.34 17,717.34 8,291.08 37 500.97
27396 12/8/08 0:00 Sean Wendt East Massachusetts 1059 For Solution Ifex Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 138.31 100% 0.07 0.48 138.31 138.31 -31.16 14 9.77
6978 12/9/08 0:00 Art Foster Central Illinois 60001 Suppository Renese Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.77 371.95 371.95 -87.4 47 8.12
8097 12/9/08 0:00 Doug Jacobs South Florida 32046 Solution/Drops Thyroglobulin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.39 7,522.80 7,522.80 3,187.37 48 162.93
6948 12/9/08 0:00 Phillip Breyer West Washington 98601 Suppository Rubramin Pc Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,143.88 100% 0.04 0.79 1,143.88 1,143.88 -88.7 15 73.98
2976 12/9/08 0:00 Edward Hooks East Massachusetts 2180 Capsule Orapred Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 14,223.82 100% 0.09 0.6 14,223.82 14,223.82 3,424.22 30 500.98
11047 12/10/08 0:00 Ionia McGrath South Alabama 36830 Solution Pentetate Zinc Trisodium Intramuscular Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.41 1,991.26 1,991.26 -528.09 27 68.81
11047 12/10/08 0:00 Ionia McGrath South Alabama 36830 Spray Heparin Sodium 5,000 Units In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.66 10,480.27 10,480.27 2,271.68 24 550.98
52194 12/11/08 0:00 Greg Tran Central Nebraska 68001 Tablet Nitro-Dur Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.39 612.93 612.93 -5.037 25 24.92
52194 12/11/08 0:00 Greg Tran Central Nebraska 68001 Injectable Videx Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.75 1,551.34 1,551.34 -483.12 12 120.98
34438 12/11/08 0:00 Harold Engle Central Michigan 49634 Gel Eutron Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 588.54 100% 0.04 0.58 588.54 588.54 -30.72 28 20.15
6053 12/11/08 0:00 Maureen Fritzler West Washington 98625 Tablet Janimine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 16.08 100% 0.04 0.38 16.08 16.08 -3.749 4 3.8
59777 12/12/08 0:00 Sam Craven South Georgia 31569 Suppository Dextrose 10% And Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.45 917.31 917.31 -139.86 19 49.99
10242 12/12/08 0:00 Maria Bertelson East New Jersey 7001 For Solution Atropen Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.51 690.88 690.88 119.25 32 22.98
35908 12/12/08 0:00 Brad Eason Central Michigan 49634 Ointment Pre-Op Ii Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.36 240.18 240.18 -160.21 40 5.78
35908 12/12/08 0:00 Brad Eason Central Michigan 49634 Syrup Zonalon Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.58 529.28 529.28 -30.27 45 12.21
19492 12/12/08 0:00 Jason Gross East New York 544 Gel Virac Rex Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.55 713.7 713.7 176.09 33 21.98
16992 12/12/08 0:00 Ed Jacobs South Florida 32122 Solution Brevital Sodium Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.58 126.74 126.74 -18.53 15 8.67
19492 12/12/08 0:00 Jason Gross East New York 544 For Solution Pravachol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.43 691.09 691.09 364.03 9 78.69
12160 12/12/08 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Solution Adderall Xr 15 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 10,341.47 100% 0.03 0.58 10,341.47 10,341.47 865.02 48 208.16
12160 12/12/08 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Tablet Grifulvin V Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 38.3 100% 0.01 0.4 38.3 38.3 -42.4925 9 3.36
12160 12/12/08 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Syrup Alfenta Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 55.21 100% 0.08 0.66 55.21 55.21 -45.3 2 24.98
30149 12/12/08 0:00 Mark Cousins East Massachusetts 1001 Tablet Alphatrex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 16.47 100% 0.1 0.38 16.47 16.47 -6.8195 8 2.08
16579 12/12/08 0:00 Saphhira Shifley West Washington 98625 Gel Dexone 0.5 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 177.23 100% 0.07 0.45 177.23 177.23 4.94 23 8.14
16579 12/12/08 0:00 Saphhira Shifley West Washington 98625 Tablet Cefazolin And Dextrose Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 63.96 100% 0.05 0.37 63.96 63.96 -13.708 33 1.88
38210 12/12/08 0:00 Ben Ferrer West California 92320 Ointment Exjade Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 52.76 100% 0.09 0.36 52.76 52.76 -49.53 10 4.98
30149 12/12/08 0:00 Mark Cousins East Massachusetts 1001 Capsule Temozolomide Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 173.62 100% 0.09 0.58 173.62 173.62 -88.64 5 33.94
30149 12/12/08 0:00 Mark Cousins East Massachusetts 1001 For Solution Atropine And Demerol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 690.97 100% 0.03 0.43 690.97 690.97 -16.94 50 13.79
45668 12/12/08 0:00 Shaun Chance South South Carolina 29374 Injectable Vertavis Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 704.77 100% 0.01 0.6 704.77 704.77 -298.9 8 81.94
47844 12/12/08 0:00 Tanja Norvell West Utah 84631 Capsule Tropicacyl Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,824.01 100% 0.1 0.74 5,824.01 5,824.01 -288.68 41 150.98
55331 12/13/08 0:00 Jennifer Braxton Central Michigan 49634 Solution/Drops Homatropine Methylbromide And Hydrocodone Bitartrate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.39 50.35 50.35 -8.24 13 3.69
54727 12/13/08 0:00 Bradley Drucker West Washington 99403 Ointment Embeline Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.37 1,427.14 1,427.14 605.92 29 48.04
13125 12/13/08 0:00 Alejandro Savely West Washington 98001 Suppository Memantine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 990.73 100% 0.02 0.75 990.73 990.73 56.39 30 30.73
46849 12/13/08 0:00 Sarah Bern West Arizona 85321 Suppository Aristocort A Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 188.54 100% 0.09 0.52 188.54 188.54 9.82 23 8.33
59714 12/13/08 0:00 Julia West East Massachusetts 2139 Spray Aminosyn Ii 5% Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 9,225.65 100% 0.03 0.49 9,225.65 9,225.65 2,165.31 26 349.45
15109 12/14/08 0:00 Maria Bertelson East New Jersey 7001 Suppository Metadate Er Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.65 230.72 230.72 -68.76 11 20.95
15109 12/14/08 0:00 Maria Bertelson East New Jersey 7001 Gel Epoprostenol Sodium Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.44 88.7 88.7 -89.13 33 2.52
15109 12/14/08 0:00 Maria Bertelson East New Jersey 7001 Ointment Humulin U Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.37 293.47 293.47 -205.38 45 6.48
15109 12/14/08 0:00 Maria Bertelson East New Jersey 7001 Syrup Actifed W/ Codeine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.56 142.15 142.15 -58.18 10 14.03
15109 12/14/08 0:00 Maria Bertelson East New Jersey 7001 Aerosol Mpi Stannous Diphosphonate Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.57 262.78 262.78 19.36 23 10.98
2339 12/14/08 0:00 Jennifer Braxton Central Michigan 49634 Syrup Minocycline Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.73 1,634.98 1,634.98 -120.45 12 140.85
15808 12/14/08 0:00 Bill Donatelli East New York 14925 Concentrate Ak-Fluor 25% Injection TableauCeutical Animal 58.14 100% 0.01 0.58 58.14 58.14 -96.25 3 20.99
15808 12/14/08 0:00 Bill Donatelli East New York 14925 Suppository Dimetapp Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 882.96 100% 0.06 0.68 882.96 882.96 11.65 45 19.98
36805 12/14/08 0:00 Shahid Shariari West Arizona 85301 Concentrate Myidyl Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,546.40 100% 0.07 0.59 1,546.40 1,546.40 226.719 28 65.99
15808 12/14/08 0:00 Bill Donatelli East New York 14925 Tablet Desloratadine And Pseudoephedrine Sulfate 24 Hour Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 906.64 100% 0.07 0.38 906.64 906.64 -148.925 42 22.38
15808 12/14/08 0:00 Bill Donatelli East New York 14925 For Solution Amikin Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 126.88 100% 0.05 0.44 126.88 126.88 12.63 33 3.7
56837 12/14/08 0:00 Steve Nguyen South Maryland 21230 Capsule Uticillin Vk Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 965.46 100% 0.03 0.61 965.46 965.46 -71.48 10 90.98
36805 12/14/08 0:00 Shahid Shariari West Arizona 85301 For Solution Ortho-Novum 10/11-21 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 263.8 100% 0 0.55 263.8 263.8 165.33 7 34.23
23746 12/15/08 0:00 Emily Grady West Idaho 83201 Suppository Clinimix E 4.25/20 Sulfite-Free W/ Elect In Dextrose 20% W/ Calcium In Plastic Container Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.42 408.23 408.23 52.38 10 40.97
42151 12/15/08 0:00 Tim Brockman South South Carolina 29684 Concentrate Cipro Xr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,408.67 100% 0.05 0.55 4,408.67 4,408.67 1,140.67 35 155.99
59815 12/15/08 0:00 Christy Brittain South Georgia 30002 Ointment Abilify Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 51.56 100% 0.09 0.35 51.56 51.56 -1.06 14 3.71
34597 12/16/08 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 Concentrate Dextrose 3.3% And Sodium Chloride 0.3% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.58 849.337 849.337 -258.852 8 125.99
49575 12/16/08 0:00 Kalyca Meade West Washington 98310 Tablet Diutensen-R Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 507.44 100% 0.05 0.36 507.44 507.44 170.901 12 42.8
57891 12/17/08 0:00 Corey Lock East Connecticut 6074 Concentrate Allopurinol Sodium Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.55 934.9405 934.9405 47.097 17 65.99
70 12/17/08 0:00 Helen Wasserman South North Carolina 27006 Concentrate Amantadine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.59 7,804.53 7,804.53 2,057.17 46 205.99
70 12/17/08 0:00 Helen Wasserman South North Carolina 27006 Lotion Chloroptic S.O.P. Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.82 90.05 90.05 -107 48 1.86
21702 12/17/08 0:00 Nathan Mautz South Alabama 35077 Capsule Ocl Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.74 5,232.83 5,232.83 -1,461.65 40 122.99
32996 12/17/08 0:00 Janet Lee Central Ohio 43317 Concentrate Cerumenex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 116.314 100% 0.04 0.55 116.314 116.314 -300.85 2 65.99
2659 12/17/08 0:00 Alice McCarthy West Idaho 83201 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride-Hydrochlorothiazide-Reserpine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 881.65 100% 0.08 0.37 881.65 881.65 41.27 50 18.97
32996 12/17/08 0:00 Janet Lee Central Ohio 43317 For Solution Atrovent Hfa Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 262.29 100% 0.09 0.54 262.29 262.29 7.26 15 17.78
16995 12/18/08 0:00 Darrin Sayre East Connecticut 6817 Lotion Vancocin Hydrochloride In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 48.41 100% 0.06 0.38 48.41 48.41 -1.46 42 1.14
36741 12/19/08 0:00 Fred Hopkins Central Texas 79080 Concentrate Betoptic Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.83 303.909 303.909 -254.364 6 55.99
36741 12/19/08 0:00 Fred Hopkins Central Texas 79080 Ointment Ceptaz Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.39 141.4 141.4 34.48 26 5.68
33826 12/19/08 0:00 Ashley Jarboe West Arizona 85003 For Solution Tylenol (Geltab) Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.03 0.49 185.83 185.83 58.16 13 14.34
54437 12/19/08 0:00 Logan Haushalter Central Nebraska 68770 Concentrate Betoptic Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 653.871 100% 0.09 0.83 653.871 653.871 -311.047 15 55.99
39842 12/19/08 0:00 Chris Cortes South Florida 32046 Concentrate Cefzil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,295.50 100% 0.01 0.59 1,295.50 1,295.50 224.856 22 65.99
37218 12/19/08 0:00 Frank Merwin West Idaho 83877 Solution Deferoxamine Mesylate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,768.13 100% 0 0.56 1,768.13 1,768.13 525.54 29 60.97
37218 12/19/08 0:00 Frank Merwin West Idaho 83877 Ointment Heparin Sodium 25,000 Units In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 147.05 100% 0.08 0.37 147.05 147.05 -54.91 23 6.48
39842 12/19/08 0:00 Chris Cortes South Florida 32046 For Solution Inflamase Forte Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,554.21 100% 0.08 0.76 1,554.21 1,554.21 114.45 38 41.32
49988 12/20/08 0:00 Helen Wasserman South North Carolina 27006 Concentrate Loratadine Redidose Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.58 5,834.65 5,834.65 1,619.66 33 205.99
49988 12/20/08 0:00 Helen Wasserman South North Carolina 27006 Syrup U-Gencin Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.85 7,731.09 7,731.09 -222.17 43 167.27
59173 12/20/08 0:00 Jennifer Patt South Florida 32099 Injectable Fondaparinux Sodium Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.62 2,896.99 2,896.99 36.94 27 100.98
49988 12/20/08 0:00 Helen Wasserman South North Carolina 27006 Spray Fibricor Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.71 10,162.58 10,162.58 1,504.12 33 400.98
18627 12/20/08 0:00 Phillip Flathmann Central Nebraska 68016 Suspension/Drops Compazine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.38 15.7 15.7 0.71 4 3.69
3169 12/20/08 0:00 Liz Carlisle Central Ohio 43001 Solution/Drops Oraverse Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 35.58 100% 0.04 0.38 35.58 35.58 -19.95 7 4.42
3905 12/20/08 0:00 Muhammed Lee Central Texas 78602 Capsule Onglyza Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,537.88 100% 0.03 0.56 2,537.88 2,537.88 -377.25 42 60.89
12612 12/21/08 0:00 Julia Barnett South Florida 32119 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.15% In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Injection Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.52 2,360.98 2,360.98 611.93 29 78.65
12612 12/21/08 0:00 Julia Barnett South Florida 32119 Suspension/Drops Creon Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 182.2 182.2 82.21 49 3.75
18822 12/21/08 0:00 Cynthia Arntzen Central Texas 79080 Concentrate Clindagel Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.56 1,950.04 1,950.04 361.89 34 65.99
9028 12/21/08 0:00 Michael Nguyen East Delaware 19977 Cream Vanos Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.56 14,556.67 14,556.67 3,829.63 48 306.14
8515 12/21/08 0:00 Trudy Schmidt West Arizona 85321 Suppository Metadate Er Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0 0.6 729.92 729.92 99.31 33 20.95
40519 12/21/08 0:00 Phillina Ober East New York 14925 Lotion Chloraprep One-Step Frepp Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.44 82.93 82.93 -10.32 38 2.18
42465 12/21/08 0:00 Tamara Dahlen East Delaware 19936 Ointment Heparin Sodium 1,000 Units And Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 102.32 100% 0.08 0.37 102.32 102.32 -32.7 15 6.48
45924 12/21/08 0:00 Laurel Elliston West Idaho 83810 Tablet Seasonique Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 27.44 100% 0.02 0.39 27.44 27.44 -11.7645 1 24.95
39043 12/22/08 0:00 Luke Schmidt South Florida 32122 Syrup Coreg Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.84 750.89 750.89 -1,176.28 37 20.34
39043 12/22/08 0:00 Luke Schmidt South Florida 32122 Suspension/Drops Cyclaine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.38 50.8 50.8 16.79 14 3.69
42695 12/22/08 0:00 Delfina Latchford East Massachusetts 1001 Concentrate Amerge Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.57 710.328 710.328 -10.296 12 65.99
22656 12/22/08 0:00 Evan Minnotte Central Michigan 49634 Suppository Doriden Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 309.3 100% 0.05 0.64 309.3 309.3 -77.89 10 30.98
41702 12/22/08 0:00 Corinna Mitchell West Washington 98310 Suppository Cetraxal Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,323.44 100% 0.03 0.79 3,323.44 3,323.44 99.88 21 152.48
41702 12/22/08 0:00 Corinna Mitchell West Washington 98310 Ointment Fansidar Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 27.9 100% 0.02 0.4 27.9 27.9 -22.82 5 4.28
1761 12/23/08 0:00 Carl Ludwig Central Michigan 48001 Suspension Glucophage Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 12,028.23 100% 0.01 0.38 12,028.23 12,028.23 -547.61 25 449.99
54850 12/24/08 0:00 Nat Carroll West Utah 84631 Concentrate Cetirizine Hydrochloride And Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.57 953.989 953.989 -249.326 9 125.99
54850 12/24/08 0:00 Nat Carroll West Utah 84631 Syrup Pradaxa Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.55 2,834.96 2,834.96 587.64 16 178.47
51169 12/24/08 0:00 Cari Schnelling East Delaware 19701 For Solution Aminosyn Ii 10% In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.59 291.66 291.66 -192.92 2 136.98
16613 12/24/08 0:00 Nancy Lomonaco West Utah 84014 For Solution Levonorgestrel And Ethinyl Estradiol And Ethinyl Estradiol Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.53 51.14 51.14 -81.96 28 1.74
42112 12/24/08 0:00 Bill Eplett South North Carolina 28633 Concentrate Cinobac Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,744.36 100% 0.01 0.6 2,744.36 2,744.36 201.033 16 195.99
5538 12/24/08 0:00 Julia Dunbar West New Mexico 88044 Concentrate Asbron Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 430.848 100% 0.06 0.6 430.848 430.848 -492.767 4 125.99
5538 12/24/08 0:00 Julia Dunbar West New Mexico 88044 Tablet Epinephrine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,281.28 100% 0.05 0.37 1,281.28 1,281.28 415.854 43 29.17
5538 12/24/08 0:00 Julia Dunbar West New Mexico 88044 Spray Femcon Fe Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,940.31 100% 0.03 0.71 1,940.31 1,940.31 -742.43 13 146.05
5346 12/25/08 0:00 Khloe Miller East Massachusetts 2054 For Solution Klebcil Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.74 2,932.99 2,932.99 -1,448.83 34 90.98
5346 12/25/08 0:00 Khloe Miller East Massachusetts 2054 Injectable Aquasol A Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.77 2,285.12 2,285.12 -455.8 17 140.98
5346 12/25/08 0:00 Khloe Miller East Massachusetts 2054 Spray Fazaclo Odt Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.1 0.77 9,194.80 9,194.80 -1,956.19 45 218.75
41605 12/25/08 0:00 Nora Price East New York 14210 Tablet Nitro-Dur Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.39 114.57 114.57 -29.9805 4 24.92
38976 12/25/08 0:00 Paul Knutson Central Texas 76901 Suspension Glucophage Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 6,813.93 100% 0.09 0.38 6,813.93 6,813.93 358.19 16 449.99
38976 12/25/08 0:00 Paul Knutson Central Texas 76901 Ointment Betamethasone Dipropionate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 944.76 100% 0.03 0.37 944.76 944.76 165.46 46 19.98
45408 12/26/08 0:00 Maribeth Dona Central Illinois 60001 Suppository Dextrose 60% Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.5 716.99 716.99 174.06 25 29.89
23329 12/26/08 0:00 Maris LaWare West Colorado 81124 Concentrate Duragesic-75 Injection Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.6 31.1185 31.1185 -46.904 4 7.99
23329 12/26/08 0:00 Maris LaWare West Colorado 81124 Concentrate Arduan Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.55 4,829.45 4,829.45 1,235.15 47 125.99
12420 12/26/08 0:00 Joel Eaton East New Jersey 7001 Ointment A-Hydrocort Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.36 5.73 5.73 -1.84 1 4.98
12420 12/26/08 0:00 Joel Eaton East New Jersey 7001 Tablet Neomycin Sulfate, Polymyxin B Sulfate & Hydrocortisone Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.37 536.25 536.25 -166.75 34 15.99
30757 12/26/08 0:00 Claire Good South South Carolina 29907 Gel Dexrazoxane Hydrochloride Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.48 21.32 21.32 2.2 5 3.38
30757 12/26/08 0:00 Claire Good South South Carolina 29907 Gel Prevpac Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.58 457.51 457.51 -183.75 42 11.66
5957 12/26/08 0:00 Ionia McGrath South Alabama 36830 Concentrate Ak-Fluor 25% Injection Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.58 391.8755 391.8755 -38.016 23 20.99
5957 12/26/08 0:00 Ionia McGrath South Alabama 36830 Ointment Fansidar Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.4 68.32 68.32 -66.72 15 4.28
5957 12/26/08 0:00 Ionia McGrath South Alabama 36830 Injectable Flurandrenolide Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.03 0.65 536.38 536.38 -258.8 3 150.98
19841 12/26/08 0:00 Tom Stivers South Virginia 23970 Concentrate Stoxil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,687.67 100% 0.06 0.57 4,687.67 4,687.67 1,304.56 43 125.99
19841 12/26/08 0:00 Tom Stivers South Virginia 23970 Concentrate Anusol Hc Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,126.49 100% 0.08 0.6 1,126.49 1,126.49 -557.953 7 195.99
56103 12/26/08 0:00 Saphhira Shifley West Washington 98625 Concentrate Atracurium Besylate Preservative Free Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,332.60 100% 0.07 0.58 2,332.60 2,332.60 366.858 24 115.99
19841 12/26/08 0:00 Tom Stivers South Virginia 23970 Gel Carbocaine Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 213.06 100% 0.03 0.6 213.06 213.06 -31.74 17 11.97
195 12/27/08 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 Gel Ismelin Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.41 1,315.74 1,315.74 260.87 34 36.55
32131 12/27/08 0:00 David Smith South Maryland 20601 Lotion Busulfex Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.39 126.62 126.62 44.8 34 3.78
258 12/28/08 0:00 Liz Willingham South North Carolina 27010 Syrup Corzide Intramuscular Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.78 201.36 201.36 -284.4 7 20.98
258 12/28/08 0:00 Liz Willingham South North Carolina 27010 Ointment Griseofulvin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.36 154.35 154.35 -91.14 21 6.48
258 12/28/08 0:00 Liz Willingham South North Carolina 27010 Tablet Dricort Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 216.77 216.77 -55.108 33 6.54
7301 12/28/08 0:00 Logan Haushalter Central Nebraska 68770 Concentrate Anafranil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 959.089 100% 0.06 0.55 959.089 959.089 124.992 17 65.99
21024 12/28/08 0:00 Stewart Carmichael Central Michigan 49971 Gel Tora Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 195.49 100% 0.05 0.55 195.49 195.49 33.8 34 5.84
229 12/28/08 0:00 Peter Fuller South Georgia 39901 Tablet Nitro-Dur Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 599.1 100% 0.02 0.39 599.1 599.1 3.8165 24 24.92
55363 12/28/08 0:00 Ralph Arnett West Idaho 83201 Syrup Isovue-300 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,232.06 100% 0.03 0.59 2,232.06 2,232.06 542.16 14 155.06
229 12/28/08 0:00 Matt Abelman East Massachusetts 2139 For Solution Tussicaps Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 586.11 100% 0.11 0.48 586.11 586.11 98.44 43 12.64
23399 12/29/08 0:00 Randy Bradley South North Carolina 28633 Syrup Combunox Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.59 209.3 209.3 7.86 14 13.48
59684 12/29/08 0:00 Susan MacKendrick Central Ohio 43002 Suppository Pur-Wash Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 368.17 100% 0 0.74 368.17 368.17 -15.12 41 8.32
59684 12/29/08 0:00 Susan MacKendrick Central Ohio 43002 Ointment Resectisol In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 14.46 100% 0.06 0.36 14.46 14.46 -5.26 3 4.2
59684 12/29/08 0:00 Susan MacKendrick Central Ohio 43002 Solution Clinimix E 5/15 Sulfite-Free W/ Elect In Dextrose 15% W/ Calcium In Plastic Container Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 9,059.90 100% 0.07 0.57 9,059.90 9,059.90 778.01 50 180.98
59684 12/29/08 0:00 Susan MacKendrick Central Ohio 43002 Ointment Hectorol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 168.39 100% 0.03 0.36 168.39 168.39 -144.89 25 6.48
47267 12/29/08 0:00 Theone Pippenger East Massachusetts 5544 Ointment Betamethasone Dipropionate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 492.71 100% 0.02 0.37 492.71 492.71 67.01 24 19.98
1699 12/29/08 0:00 Art Ferguson East New Jersey 7001 Solution/Drops Acetazolamide Sodium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 430.88 100% 0.05 0.36 430.88 430.88 39 40 11.09
47267 12/29/08 0:00 Theone Pippenger East Massachusetts 5544 Spray Sandostatin Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,042.06 100% 0.04 0.69 1,042.06 1,042.06 -1,034.72 14 70.89
27011 12/30/08 0:00 Anne Pryor Central Ohio 43054 Solution/Drops Diethylpropion Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.35 53.66 53.66 5.69 5 10.94
353 12/30/08 0:00 Dean Percer South Florida 32099 Gel Actos Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.38 46.94 46.94 3.88 21 2.21
36293 12/30/08 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 Suppository Sonazine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.4 1,272.83 1,272.83 250.47 13 100.98
36293 12/30/08 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 Ointment Hydropres 25 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 165.36 165.36 -94.79 25 6.48
19556 12/30/08 0:00 Charles Crestani South Georgia 39859 Concentrate Alphacaine Hydrochloride W/ Epinephrine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,238.14 100% 0.08 0.56 3,238.14 3,238.14 727.362 35 115.99
19556 12/30/08 0:00 Charles Crestani South Georgia 39859 Ointment Ethmozine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,131.93 100% 0.09 0.36 1,131.93 1,131.93 469.69 22 55.98
25735 12/30/08 0:00 Lisa DeCherney West Idaho 83201 Gel Isocaine Hydrochloride Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 260.37 100% 0.02 0.46 260.37 260.37 44.15 45 5.58
19556 12/30/08 0:00 Charles Crestani South Georgia 39859 Capsule Ultram Er Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,785.59 100% 0.07 0.78 5,785.59 5,785.59 -423.77 45 130.98
43392 12/31/08 0:00 Doug Bickford South Alabama 36925 Solution/Drops Thyroglobulin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.39 6,553.45 6,553.45 2,969.81 39 162.93
28262 12/31/08 0:00 Brooke Gillingham South South Carolina 29684 Ointment Edarbi Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.36 299.11 299.11 40.03 26 11.34
18530 12/31/08 0:00 Grant Thornton East Connecticut 6439 Concentrate Primacor Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,491.52 100% 0 0.58 1,491.52 1,491.52 286.362 25 65.99
18530 12/31/08 0:00 Grant Thornton East Connecticut 6439 For Solution Gynorest Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 56.13 100% 0.02 0.47 56.13 56.13 48.85 2 20.28
2277 1/1/09 0:00 Don Miller East Massachusetts 2054 Suppository Pyrilamine Maleate Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.75 66.54 66.54 -46.03 10 5.98
17058 1/1/09 0:00 Gary Hwang Central Illinois 62444 Ointment Fansidar Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.4 72.67 72.67 -62.37 15 4.28
2277 1/1/09 0:00 Don Miller East Massachusetts 2054 Ointment Diflunisal Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.36 845.32 845.32 33.67 21 40.99
16262 1/1/09 0:00 Linda Southworth Central Wisconsin 53001 Ointment Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 62.84 100% 0.06 0.36 62.84 62.84 9.53 11 5.18
52640 1/1/09 0:00 Steven Ward Central Ohio 43270 Tablet Neosar Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,163.75 100% 0.05 0.36 1,163.75 1,163.75 222.173 18 63.98
10144 1/2/09 0:00 Sonia Sunley Central Michigan 49971 Cream Paracort Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 2,235.13 100% 0.07 0.4 2,235.13 2,235.13 -279.55 20 115.99
10144 1/2/09 0:00 Sonia Sunley Central Michigan 49971 Cream Oxtriphylline Oral TableauCeutical Animal 410.49 100% 0.08 0.39 410.49 410.49 -378.28 3 119.99
10144 1/2/09 0:00 Sonia Sunley Central Michigan 49971 Suppository Synalgos-Dc-A Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 677.6 100% 0.01 0.42 677.6 677.6 246.3 41 16.48
10436 1/2/09 0:00 Karl Brown West California 93456 Gel Acylanid Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 138.75 100% 0.09 0.38 138.75 138.75 49.81 24 5.84
24033 1/2/09 0:00 Steven Ward Central Ohio 43270 For Solution Dicumarol Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,227.18 100% 0 0.62 1,227.18 1,227.18 -252.53 50 23.99
25188 1/3/09 0:00 Valerie Mitchum West Idaho 83643 Concentrate Augmentin '500' Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0 0.35 1,564.16 1,564.16 682.479 20 85.99
9221 1/3/09 0:00 Christopher Conant Central Wisconsin 53001 Solution Femring Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 79.64 100% 0.03 0.56 79.64 79.64 -377.74 9 3.25
9221 1/3/09 0:00 Christopher Conant Central Wisconsin 53001 Solution/Drops Demulen 1/50-21 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,527.42 100% 0.04 0.38 1,527.42 1,527.42 326.4 25 60.98
4006 1/3/09 0:00 Jas O'Carroll East Connecticut 6928 Ointment Balziva-21 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,441.61 100% 0.06 0.38 1,441.61 1,441.61 624.84 38 37.94
52486 1/4/09 0:00 Dorris Love South North Carolina 28717 Suppository Orsythia Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.48 11,883.20 11,883.20 4,160.88 41 300.97
44198 1/4/09 0:00 Greg Matthias West Washington 98601 Concentrate Bio-Tropin Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.81 625.9485 625.9485 -87.021 35 20.99
802 1/4/09 0:00 Kean Nguyen South Maryland 21794 Cream Clindamycin Phosphate In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 38.5 100% 0.09 0.49 38.5 38.5 -59.93 2 15.99
802 1/4/09 0:00 Kean Nguyen South Maryland 21794 Tablet Metatensin #4 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 378.6 100% 0.08 0.4 378.6 378.6 12.7245 33 11.7
6560 1/4/09 0:00 Max Ludwig South Virginia 23664 Solution Brevital Sodium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 169.18 100% 0.09 0.58 169.18 169.18 -18.73 20 8.67
33473 1/4/09 0:00 Michelle Moray South Virginia 23970 Aerosol Catapres-Tts-2 Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 600.22 100% 0.08 0.6 600.22 600.22 27.86 50 12.98
54528 1/4/09 0:00 Ralph Arnett West Idaho 83201 Gel Imodium Multi-Symptom Relief Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 92.03 100% 0.03 0.51 92.03 92.03 19.71 15 6.08
54528 1/4/09 0:00 Ralph Arnett West Idaho 83201 Gel Estrogenic Substance Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 207.19 100% 0.01 0.59 207.19 207.19 -85.91 17 11.66
54528 1/4/09 0:00 Ralph Arnett West Idaho 83201 Gel Bronkodyl Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 88 100% 0.06 0.6 88 88 -6.38 8 10.48
58054 1/4/09 0:00 David Philippe East New York 14210 For Solution Locoid Lipocream Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 61.4 100% 0.04 0.43 61.4 61.4 -92.11 26 2.08
6560 1/4/09 0:00 Max Ludwig South Virginia 23664 Spray Normosol-R And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 8,252.39 100% 0.04 0.66 8,252.39 8,252.39 1,853.19 37 280.98
25028 1/5/09 0:00 Anthony Jacobs West Idaho 83552 Ointment Balziva-21 Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.38 552.08 552.08 203.24 14 37.94
25028 1/5/09 0:00 Anthony Jacobs West Idaho 83552 Injectable Vertavis Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.6 477.39 477.39 -211.36 5 81.94
43808 1/6/09 0:00 Christine Sundaresam West New Mexico 88134 For Solution Lamictal Cd Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.04 0.6 108.73 108.73 -22.21 16 6.24
29958 1/6/09 0:00 Barry Gonzalez Central Nebraska 69141 Tablet Hiprex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 307.57 100% 0 0.38 307.57 307.57 -72.3005 47 6.37
8195 1/6/09 0:00 Ralph Arnett West Idaho 83201 Gel Triacort Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 87.52 100% 0.03 0.56 87.52 87.52 -70.02 26 3.28
8195 1/6/09 0:00 Ralph Arnett West Idaho 83201 Ointment Cladribine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 51.3 100% 0.05 0.37 51.3 51.3 -32.48 5 7.28
29958 1/6/09 0:00 Barry Gonzalez Central Nebraska 69141 Capsule Orapred Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 14,861.07 100% 0.1 0.6 14,861.07 14,861.07 3,408.29 32 500.98
8195 1/6/09 0:00 Ralph Arnett West Idaho 83201 For Solution Sulfatrim Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 8.48 100% 0.1 0.51 8.48 8.48 -7.9 1 5.08
35845 1/6/09 0:00 Mike Caudle West Utah 84663 Spray Flagyl I.V. Rtu In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,713.48 100% 0.05 0.74 5,713.48 5,713.48 -498.27 15 376.13
50945 1/7/09 0:00 Vicky Freymann West Arizona 85301 Concentrate Avandamet Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.57 834.0625 834.0625 192.294 27 35.99
3488 1/7/09 0:00 Mick Crebagga Central Illinois 62999 Gel Virac Rex Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.55 133.4 133.4 -0.31 6 21.98
3488 1/7/09 0:00 Mick Crebagga Central Illinois 62999 Capsule Ocl Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.74 4,669.19 4,669.19 -1,864.08 39 122.99
52672 1/8/09 0:00 Jack O'Briant East New Jersey 8823 Concentrate Atarax Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.56 1,499.53 1,499.53 188.982 29 65.99
7840 1/8/09 0:00 Peter Buhler Central Texas 77474 Suppository Symbicort Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 157.56 100% 0.1 0.66 157.56 157.56 -139.35 34 4.89
46402 1/8/09 0:00 Ryan Akin South Maryland 20601 Concentrate Vinblastine Sulfate Injection TableauCeutical Animal 1,777.47 100% 0.01 0.6 1,777.47 1,777.47 166.365 29 66.99
46402 1/8/09 0:00 Ryan Akin South Maryland 20601 Concentrate Cenestin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,219.15 100% 0.01 0.55 1,219.15 1,219.15 52.929 12 115.99
58340 1/8/09 0:00 Sylvia Foulston East New Jersey 7001 Solution Magnesium Sulfate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,936.30 100% 0.03 0.58 1,936.30 1,936.30 278.12 36 50.98
46402 1/8/09 0:00 Ryan Akin South Maryland 20601 For Solution Inpersol-Zm W/ Dextrose 4.25% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 826.27 100% 0.03 0.42 826.27 826.27 322.88 27 29.18
19654 1/9/09 0:00 Maribeth Yedwab South Virginia 20101 For Solution Precose Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.44 381.69 381.69 256.18 8 46.94
40225 1/9/09 0:00 Frank Gastineau West Idaho 83810 Tablet Neo-Hydeltrasol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.36 839.07 839.07 212.7295 50 16.74
40225 1/9/09 0:00 Frank Gastineau West Idaho 83810 Capsule Ocl Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.74 5,643.49 5,643.49 -1,857.06 45 122.99
43814 1/9/09 0:00 Grant Thornton East Connecticut 6439 Ointment Resectisol In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 199.48 100% 0.03 0.36 199.48 199.48 13.8 47 4.2
43814 1/9/09 0:00 Grant Thornton East Connecticut 6439 Tablet Diovan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 197.1 100% 0.09 0.37 197.1 197.1 -12.88 40 5.28
23556 1/9/09 0:00 Patrick Gardner South Alabama 36304 Solution Potassium Chloride 40Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.225% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 11,747.97 100% 0.05 0.57 11,747.97 11,747.97 3,302.03 34 363.25
14693 1/9/09 0:00 Darren Powers West Utah 84741 Syrup Cotrim Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 847.82 100% 0.05 0.61 847.82 847.82 -1,348.50 38 20.98
1445 1/9/09 0:00 Shahid Shariari West Arizona 85301 Tablet Naftin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,326.09 100% 0 0.35 1,326.09 1,326.09 -20.5505 3 420.98
14693 1/9/09 0:00 Darren Powers West Utah 84741 Ointment Hydropres 50 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 268.94 100% 0.02 0.37 268.94 268.94 -87.52 39 6.48
1445 1/9/09 0:00 Shahid Shariari West Arizona 85301 Gel Carbocaine Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 339.49 100% 0.08 0.6 339.49 339.49 -74.21 30 11.97
20805 1/10/09 0:00 Sandra Glassco West New Mexico 87001 Gel Dexilant Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.44 45.61 45.61 9.18 12 3.85
20805 1/10/09 0:00 Sandra Glassco West New Mexico 87001 Ointment Fulvicin-U/F Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.4 17.7 17.7 -10.37 3 4.28
20805 1/10/09 0:00 Sandra Glassco West New Mexico 87001 Tablet Depen Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.39 69.98 69.98 -58.328 12 5.53
20805 1/10/09 0:00 Sandra Glassco West New Mexico 87001 For Solution Hy-Phen Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.43 418.34 418.34 73.57 35 12.58
42081 1/10/09 0:00 Christine Phan South Virginia 24157 Concentrate Androgel Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.58 1,493.86 1,493.86 183.24 26 65.99
42081 1/10/09 0:00 Christine Phan South Virginia 24157 Tablet Dostinex Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.36 188.34 188.34 -110.1585 36 5.18
42081 1/10/09 0:00 Christine Phan South Virginia 24157 Solution/Drops Diethylpropion Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.35 32.49 32.49 -5.05 3 10.94
40420 1/10/09 0:00 Jeremy Pistek South Georgia 30002 Concentrate Azopt Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 886.363 100% 0.08 0.37 886.363 886.363 450.018 50 20.99
41895 1/10/09 0:00 Tony Chapman West New Mexico 87537 Suspension Freamine 8.5% Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 27,663.92 100% 0.05 0.37 27,663.92 27,663.92 -391.92 8 3,499.99
35266 1/10/09 0:00 Beth Thompson East Massachusetts 2054 Gel Tora Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 217.25 100% 0.07 0.55 217.25 217.25 33.5 39 5.84
40420 1/10/09 0:00 Jeremy Pistek South Georgia 30002 Tablet Dentipatch Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 59.08 100% 0.1 0.36 59.08 59.08 -2.6105 22 2.88
32901 1/10/09 0:00 Neil Knudson West New Mexico 87001 Suspension/Drops Creon Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 49.74 100% 0 0.37 49.74 49.74 17.7 13 3.75
41254 1/10/09 0:00 Mitch Webber Central Nebraska 68001 For Solution Colbenemid Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,782.68 100% 0.08 0.65 1,782.68 1,782.68 280.64 17 107.53
35266 1/10/09 0:00 Beth Thompson East Massachusetts 2054 Spray Fazaclo Odt Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,993.74 100% 0.07 0.77 5,993.74 5,993.74 -1,109.93 28 218.75
46468 1/11/09 0:00 Vivek Grady West Utah 84791 Suppository Arava Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.54 1,618.31 1,618.31 504.71 41 39.48
46468 1/11/09 0:00 Vivek Grady West Utah 84791 Ointment Hexadrol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.37 11.87 11.87 -8.89 1 6.48
46468 1/11/09 0:00 Vivek Grady West Utah 84791 Tablet Namenda Xr Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.4 7,535.96 7,535.96 2,745.87 46 165.98
21670 1/11/09 0:00 Joni Blumstein East Connecticut 6817 For Solution Pravachol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.43 1,965.21 1,965.21 830.75 24 78.69
4134 1/11/09 0:00 Anthony Garverick South Florida 34997 Suppository Theobid Jr. Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.74 757.91 757.91 -16.05 23 30.97
4134 1/11/09 0:00 Anthony Garverick South Florida 34997 Injectable Vicoprin Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.01 0.69 6,403.39 6,403.39 -824.15 48 130.98
12773 1/11/09 0:00 Greg Guthrie Central Nebraska 69141 Gel Trilyte Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 77.62 100% 0.01 0.56 77.62 77.62 -50.88 21 3.28
12773 1/11/09 0:00 Greg Guthrie Central Nebraska 69141 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 130.67 100% 0.05 0.37 130.67 130.67 -77.18 19 6.48
12773 1/11/09 0:00 Greg Guthrie Central Nebraska 69141 Tablet Canasa Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 17 100% 0.07 0.39 17 17 -4.6115 6 2.78
12773 1/11/09 0:00 Greg Guthrie Central Nebraska 69141 For Solution Lax-Lyte With Flavor Packs Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 67.41 100% 0.04 0.49 67.41 67.41 -49.6 15 4.14
29409 1/13/09 0:00 Sally Matthias East Massachusetts 2139 Suppository Dilantin-125 Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.51 38.99 38.99 -33.52 23 1.7
18370 1/13/09 0:00 Rick Wilson West New Mexico 88044 Concentrate Balziva-21 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,271.05 100% 0 0.85 1,271.05 1,271.05 -158.235 41 35.99
55815 1/13/09 0:00 Cynthia Voltz South Maryland 20601 For Solution Kenalog-10 Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,860.19 100% 0.04 0.79 2,860.19 2,860.19 458.4 28 105.29
21379 1/14/09 0:00 Charles Sheldon East New Jersey 7837 Capsule Ocufen Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,428.49 100% 0.05 0.77 5,428.49 5,428.49 -1,046.78 35 150.89
49189 1/15/09 0:00 Brian Thompson South North Carolina 27801 Solution/Drops Arfonad Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.36 249.59 249.59 101.82 32 7.64
46147 1/15/09 0:00 Mick Crebagga Central Illinois 62999 Tablet Nitro-Dur Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 925.8 100% 0.01 0.39 925.8 925.8 30.685 37 24.92
46147 1/15/09 0:00 Mick Crebagga Central Illinois 62999 Tablet Dopamine Hydrochloride In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 282.48 100% 0.08 0.39 282.48 282.48 -87.009 39 7.1
46147 1/15/09 0:00 Mick Crebagga Central Illinois 62999 Spray Heparin Sodium 5,000 Units In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 6,502.46 100% 0.09 0.66 6,502.46 6,502.46 261.66 12 550.98
25669 1/16/09 0:00 Ann Blume South Maryland 21794 Suspension/Drops Compazine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.38 45.63 45.63 15.42 12 3.69
19365 1/16/09 0:00 Filia McAdams West Arizona 86556 Ointment Haloperidol Decanoate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.36 181.83 181.83 -43.36 29 5.98
46980 1/17/09 0:00 Monica Federle East New Jersey 8989 Suspension/Drops Daunoxome Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 216.3 100% 0.01 0.39 216.3 216.3 103.16 34 6.3
35780 1/17/09 0:00 Chris McAfee West Washington 98601 Gel Trancopal Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 28.55 100% 0.01 0.58 28.55 28.55 -4.5 6 4.28
11111 1/17/09 0:00 Guy Phonely West California 90835 Ointment Humatin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 176.5 100% 0.1 0.37 176.5 176.5 -119.72 29 6.48
11111 1/17/09 0:00 Guy Phonely West California 90835 For Solution Kombiglyze Xr Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 308.52 100% 0.1 0.73 308.52 308.52 -59.85 7 41.47
15719 1/18/09 0:00 Troy Blackwell Central Illinois 62999 Capsule Ogen 2.5 Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.56 5,405.44 5,405.44 604.46 18 300.98
28642 1/18/09 0:00 Pauline Chand East Connecticut 6439 Concentrate Provocholine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,592.04 100% 0 0.59 1,592.04 1,592.04 -52.701 27 65.99
28642 1/18/09 0:00 Pauline Chand East Connecticut 6439 Tablet Diovan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 230.29 100% 0 0.37 230.29 230.29 14.484 41 5.28
10722 1/19/09 0:00 Dorris Love South North Carolina 28717 Ointment Habitrol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.4 40.26 40.26 -27.44 8 4.28
36931 1/19/09 0:00 Ashley Jarboe West Arizona 85003 Gel Trancopal Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.58 180.56 180.56 -15.79 46 4.28
49987 1/19/09 0:00 Tanja Norvell West Utah 84631 Concentrate Azopt Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 242.284 100% 0.03 0.37 242.284 242.284 51.75 14 20.99
16096 1/19/09 0:00 Roy French East Delaware 19934 Suspension/Drops Clonidine Hydrochloride And Chlorthalidone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 42.21 100% 0 0.36 42.21 42.21 18.21 9 2.88
49987 1/19/09 0:00 Tanja Norvell West Utah 84631 Spray Fludarabine Phosphate Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 926.58 100% 0.03 0.64 926.58 926.58 -251.68 4 212.6
49987 1/19/09 0:00 Tanja Norvell West Utah 84631 Injectable Antepar Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,795.49 100% 0.05 0.76 1,795.49 1,795.49 -626.04 15 114.98
22561 1/20/09 0:00 David Wiener Central Illinois 62444 Suppository Depo-Subq Provera 104 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 504.79 100% 0.03 0.5 504.79 504.79 -245.09 5 99.99
22561 1/20/09 0:00 David Wiener Central Illinois 62444 Solution Brevital Sodium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 424 100% 0.03 0.58 424 424 -19.77 50 8.67
22561 1/20/09 0:00 David Wiener Central Illinois 62444 For Solution Maprotiline Hydrochloride Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 128.62 100% 0.07 0.47 128.62 128.62 -27.78 7 17.67
6564 1/21/09 0:00 Anne McFarland South Florida 34771 Suppository Solaraze Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 448.23 100% 0.01 0.37 448.23 448.23 110.6 26 15.98
57217 1/21/09 0:00 Alan Haines Central Ohio 45999 Gel Prevpac Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 422.25 100% 0.06 0.58 422.25 422.25 -116.02 35 11.66
35399 1/21/09 0:00 Karen Bern East New Jersey 8823 Tablet Caffeine Citrate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 188.38 100% 0.04 0.36 188.38 188.38 -120.1175 38 4.91
16837 1/21/09 0:00 Jill Stevenson Central Illinois 62560 Capsule Nph Insulin Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 997 100% 0.09 0.55 997 997 -307.96 4 258.98
21606 1/22/09 0:00 Troy Staebel South North Carolina 27006 Suppository Xalkori Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.75 1,374.70 1,374.70 -90.3 43 32.98
21606 1/22/09 0:00 Troy Staebel South North Carolina 27006 Suppository Teebacin Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.46 516.62 516.62 138.33 29 17.48
2883 1/22/09 0:00 Rob Haberlin Central Michigan 49877 Syrup Mepergan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,154.34 100% 0.1 0.73 2,154.34 2,154.34 177.66 34 64.98
9824 1/22/09 0:00 Thomas Thornton West California 96121 Gel Amlodipine Besylate Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 115.81 100% 0.1 0.55 115.81 115.81 -1.49 43 2.88
9824 1/22/09 0:00 Thomas Thornton West California 96121 Suspension/Drops Cytadren Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 21.56 100% 0 0.39 21.56 21.56 2.75 5 4.13
9824 1/22/09 0:00 Thomas Thornton West California 96121 Solution Miacalcin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,939.66 100% 0.03 0.59 1,939.66 1,939.66 540.67 39 48.92
50208 1/22/09 0:00 Sarah Bern West Arizona 85321 Tablet Dextrose 2.5% And Sodium Chloride 0.11% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 38.76 100% 0.1 0.36 38.76 38.76 -12.1325 4 6.23
49443 1/23/09 0:00 Nicole Brennan West California 95503 Gel Spectazole Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.47 396.15 396.15 -10.98 41 9.85
21890 1/24/09 0:00 Amy Cox West Washington 98625 Gel Tri-Norinyl 21-Day Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.58 81.9 81.9 4.06 27 2.94
47136 1/24/09 0:00 Deborah Brumfield West Colorado 81221 Tablet Delflex W/ Dextrose 4.25% Low Magnesium Low Calcium In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.36 89.99 89.99 18.955 18 4.82
21890 1/24/09 0:00 Amy Cox West Washington 98625 Solution/Drops Xylocaine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.35 495.5 495.5 -12.67 44 11.58
49761 1/24/09 0:00 Lisa DeCherney West Idaho 83201 Cream Cyclophosphamide Injection TableauCeutical Animal 1,090.60 100% 0.07 0.38 1,090.60 1,090.60 300.91 45 23.99
386 1/24/09 0:00 Tracy Poddar West Idaho 83465 Gel Dexilant Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 15.69 100% 0.09 0.44 15.69 15.69 -1.59 4 3.85
386 1/24/09 0:00 Tracy Poddar West Idaho 83465 Suspension/Drops Cyclaine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 14.96 100% 0.02 0.38 14.96 14.96 -0.03 4 3.69
33091 1/25/09 0:00 Robert Waldorf South Virginia 23018 Ointment Ortho Tri-Cyclen Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.4 265.35 265.35 -128.69 24 9.99
25095 1/25/09 0:00 Brian Stugart East Connecticut 6928 Cream Paracort Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 4,475.03 100% 0.08 0.4 4,475.03 4,475.03 -192.91 41 115.99
25095 1/25/09 0:00 Brian Stugart East Connecticut 6928 Solution/Drops Esimil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 693.06 100% 0.06 0.4 693.06 693.06 148.3 18 39.98
49601 1/26/09 0:00 Mark Cousins East Massachusetts 2180 Capsule Phrenilin Forte Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.69 1,756.46 1,756.46 -101.19 15 113.98
51974 1/26/09 0:00 Trudy Brown South Florida 34997 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.15% In Dextrose 3.3% And Sodium Chloride 0.3% In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.46 1,290.37 1,290.37 231.16 10 123.38
51974 1/26/09 0:00 Trudy Brown South Florida 34997 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.2% And Potassium Chloride 0.15% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.38 23.18 23.18 -14.881 2 8.6
24388 1/26/09 0:00 Erica Bern Central Michigan 49971 Suspension Avalide Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 8,662.34 100% 0 0.35 8,662.34 8,662.34 -704.66 15 549.99
52199 1/26/09 0:00 Adam Shillingsburg South South Carolina 29001 Tablet Doxycycline Hyclate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 92.24 100% 0.05 0.39 92.24 92.24 -60.582 19 4.82
15106 1/27/09 0:00 Dorothy Badders East Delaware 19895 Cream Vivitrol Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.56 5,403.37 5,403.37 948.79 39 145.45
59652 1/27/09 0:00 Anna Chung West Arizona 85001 Concentrate Avelox Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.83 312.035 312.035 -55.935 17 20.99
15106 1/27/09 0:00 Dorothy Badders East Delaware 19895 Gel Travasol 2.75% Sulfite Free W/ Electrolytes In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.58 82.15 82.15 -6.33 35 2.21
15106 1/27/09 0:00 Dorothy Badders East Delaware 19895 For Solution Mydriafair Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.37 283.58 283.58 -14.23 42 6.64
24960 1/27/09 0:00 Cynthia Arntzen Central Texas 79080 Suppository Methotrexate Sodium Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.76 1,760.35 1,760.35 -17.08 48 34.98
24960 1/27/09 0:00 Cynthia Arntzen Central Texas 79080 Concentrate Alcaine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.59 5,797.68 5,797.68 1,366.57 35 200.99
24960 1/27/09 0:00 Cynthia Arntzen Central Texas 79080 Ointment Balziva-21 Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.38 1,436.94 1,436.94 639.66 37 37.94
24960 1/27/09 0:00 Cynthia Arntzen Central Texas 79080 Ointment Hypaque Sodium 20% Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 125.8 125.8 -35.98 18 6.48
59047 1/28/09 0:00 Beth Thompson East Massachusetts 2054 Suppository Tavist-D Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 266.94 100% 0.09 0.4 266.94 266.94 19.2 10 28.48
26529 1/28/09 0:00 Pauline Webber South South Carolina 29001 Cream Votrient Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 12,125.14 100% 0.08 0.57 12,125.14 12,125.14 3,376.03 41 297.64
26529 1/28/09 0:00 Pauline Webber South South Carolina 29001 Ointment Breathtek Ubt For H-Pylori Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 201.72 100% 0.05 0.36 201.72 201.72 -81.61 17 11.34
59047 1/28/09 0:00 Beth Thompson East Massachusetts 2054 For Solution Lax-Lyte With Flavor Packs Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 113.85 100% 0.06 0.49 113.85 113.85 -93.93 26 4.14
59139 1/29/09 0:00 Helen Wasserman South North Carolina 27006 Solution Delflex W/ Dextrose 2.5% Low Magnesium In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.59 849.51 849.51 163.1 12 70.97
59139 1/29/09 0:00 Helen Wasserman South North Carolina 27006 Tablet Diprolene Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.38 189.49 189.49 -13.708 38 5.34
30151 1/29/09 0:00 Karl Brown West California 93456 Tablet Nitro-Dur Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.39 792.76 792.76 33.371 31 24.92
24640 1/29/09 0:00 Patrick O'Donnell West Colorado 81124 Capsule Phrenilin Forte Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.69 1,379.98 1,379.98 -151.73 12 113.98
8480 1/29/09 0:00 Robert Marley South Maryland 21022 Concentrate Cytosar-U Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 309.9015 100% 0.09 0.58 309.9015 309.9015 -558.415 3 125.99
8480 1/29/09 0:00 Robert Marley South Maryland 21022 Ointment Griseofulvin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 76.36 100% 0.07 0.36 76.36 76.36 -58.4 11 6.48
21760 1/30/09 0:00 Nicole Brennan West California 95503 For Solution Lipo-Hepin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.56 71.2 71.2 1.87 9 7.38
8802 1/31/09 0:00 Suzanne McNair South Virginia 24658 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.15% In Dextrose 3.3% And Sodium Chloride 0.3% In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.46 1,866.12 1,866.12 400.69 15 123.38
27430 1/31/09 0:00 Anthony Garverick South Florida 34997 Gel Ancef In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.47 82.64 82.64 0.35 12 7.08
27430 1/31/09 0:00 Anthony Garverick South Florida 34997 For Solution Clopra-"Yellow" Injection Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.65 315.27 315.27 278.6 3 105.98
52482 1/31/09 0:00 Greg Guthrie Central Nebraska 69141 Solution Diutensen-R Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 848.2 100% 0.06 0.57 848.2 848.2 163.78 21 40.98
58981 1/31/09 0:00 Tamara Manning South South Carolina 29808 Solution Eryc 125 Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,262.75 100% 0.07 0.46 1,262.75 1,262.75 422.23 28 46.89
52482 1/31/09 0:00 Greg Guthrie Central Nebraska 69141 For Solution Measurin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 717.21 100% 0 0.52 717.21 717.21 217.06 30 22.23
24160 2/1/09 0:00 Amy Hunt Central Texas 73301 Concentrate Citanest Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.56 3,644.60 3,644.60 1,104.32 44 95.99
31140 2/1/09 0:00 Susan Pistek South Virginia 23664 Suspension/Drops Colgate Total Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 13.42 13.42 -1.26 4 3.08
55075 2/1/09 0:00 Lena Hernandez West Arizona 86504 Capsule Optimine Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.6 556.45 556.45 -124.42 21 25.98
6791 2/1/09 0:00 Lindsay Castell Central Nebraska 69367 Cream Fulvicin P/G 330 Injection Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.37 730.33 730.33 110.77 14 51.98
21956 2/1/09 0:00 Natalie Webber Central Ohio 43002 Concentrate Ammonium Chloride 0.9% In Normal Saline Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 125.273 100% 0.02 0.56 125.273 125.273 -301.906 2 65.99
21639 2/2/09 0:00 Tom Ashbrook Central Texas 73301 Syrup Levo-T Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.83 158.99 158.99 -197.13 23 6.98
21639 2/2/09 0:00 Tom Ashbrook Central Texas 73301 Tablet Children'S Motrin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.38 145.15 145.15 -169.165 24 5.94
21639 2/2/09 0:00 Tom Ashbrook Central Texas 73301 For Solution Lopid Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.59 7,814.59 7,814.59 3,408.46 38 194.3
21639 2/2/09 0:00 Tom Ashbrook Central Texas 73301 For Solution Levocarnitine Extended Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.65 131.5 131.5 105.9 3 39.98
33958 2/2/09 0:00 Mark Haberlin West Colorado 81124 Concentrate Bio-Tropin Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.81 462.366 462.366 -120.054 27 20.99
33958 2/2/09 0:00 Mark Haberlin West Colorado 81124 Gel Extraneal Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.56 336.48 336.48 5.56 14 25.99
12326 2/2/09 0:00 Troy Staebel South North Carolina 27006 For Solution Augmentin '500' Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.54 123.82 123.82 -0.37 4 29.34
45543 2/2/09 0:00 Naresj Patel West Utah 84001 Spray Sandostatin Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,223.43 100% 0.01 0.69 1,223.43 1,223.43 -1,129.78 16 70.89
38784 2/3/09 0:00 Mark Cousins East Massachusetts 2180 Suspension/Drops Daunoxome Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.39 298.12 298.12 137.67 50 6.3
21057 2/3/09 0:00 Justin MacKendrick South North Carolina 28609 Suppository Arava Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,103.67 100% 0.04 0.54 1,103.67 1,103.67 253.61 28 39.48
45059 2/3/09 0:00 Tony Chapman West New Mexico 87537 Suppository Methylergonovine Maleate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 130.14 100% 0.04 0.74 130.14 130.14 -116.18 4 30.42
40102 2/3/09 0:00 Alice McCarthy West Idaho 83201 Solution Brevital Sodium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 412.37 100% 0.06 0.58 412.37 412.37 2.71 46 8.67
45059 2/3/09 0:00 Tony Chapman West New Mexico 87537 Syrup Milrinone Lactate In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,401.80 100% 0.09 0.79 3,401.80 3,401.80 -508.87 39 95.43
45059 2/3/09 0:00 Tony Chapman West New Mexico 87537 Gel Vincrex Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,327.59 100% 0.05 0.59 1,327.59 1,327.59 371.28 35 37.74
50949 2/4/09 0:00 Guy Thornton West New Mexico 87001 Concentrate Cefotaxime And Dextrose 3.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,804.04 100% 0.08 0.59 4,804.04 4,804.04 1,077.92 46 125.99
34978 2/4/09 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 Tablet Asellacrin 10 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 165.51 100% 0.08 0.38 165.51 165.51 -269.905 49 3.52
50949 2/4/09 0:00 Guy Thornton West New Mexico 87001 Lotion Children'S Claritin Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 73.55 100% 0.09 0.52 73.55 73.55 7.95 32 2.18
32484 2/4/09 0:00 William Brown South Georgia 39901 Capsule Ogen 2.5 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,502.67 100% 0.1 0.56 2,502.67 2,502.67 -198.8 9 300.98
11719 2/5/09 0:00 Keith Dawkins Central Texas 73301 Concentrate Benicar Hct Injection Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.56 438.6085 438.6085 -56.045 17 28.99
11719 2/5/09 0:00 Keith Dawkins Central Texas 73301 Cream Ludiomil Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.37 1,566.80 1,566.80 -1,201.06 3 500.97
11719 2/5/09 0:00 Keith Dawkins Central Texas 73301 Gel Eulexin Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.59 616.01 616.01 -74.88 30 21.38
29767 2/5/09 0:00 Eva Jacobs West Washington 98103 Solution Rimifon Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.56 4,153.06 4,153.06 1,499.41 48 90.24
41926 2/5/09 0:00 Harold Pawlan South Virginia 23018 Syrup Tiazac Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.57 1,562.69 1,562.69 287.74 43 34.76
41926 2/5/09 0:00 Harold Pawlan South Virginia 23018 Ointment Hyzaar Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.37 112.57 112.57 -28.53 17 6.48
29028 2/5/09 0:00 Marc Crier Central Texas 77474 Cream Lo-Trol Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 17,131.36 100% 0.08 0.59 17,131.36 17,131.36 4,722.77 43 400.97
21155 2/5/09 0:00 Muhammed Yedwab East New York 14709 Ointment Firazyr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 81.78 100% 0.07 0.38 81.78 81.78 -12.43 4 19.98
14503 2/5/09 0:00 Bruce Stewart West New Mexico 87001 Tablet Cholebrine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 438.47 100% 0.02 0.35 438.47 438.47 157.8875 14 30.56
32007 2/5/09 0:00 Tonja Turnell East New York 10055 Spray Fenofibrate (Micronized) Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 17,448.75 100% 0.06 0.79 17,448.75 17,448.75 9.93 41 417.4
39270 2/6/09 0:00 Greg Matthias West Washington 98601 Lotion Chlorhexidine Gluconate Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.54 65.78 65.78 -17.42 11 5.81
12066 2/6/09 0:00 Denny Ordway West Washington 98390 Concentrate Aminosyn Ii 4.25% In Dextrose 10% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.59 4,442.05 4,442.05 720.954 27 200.99
2053 2/6/09 0:00 Ken Lonsdale South Georgia 31811 Concentrate Aplenzin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 771.783 100% 0.08 0.59 771.783 771.783 -449.526 7 140.99
43110 2/6/09 0:00 Maxwell Schwartz West New Mexico 87011 Suspension Freamine 8.5% Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 3,457.99 100% 0.05 0.37 3,457.99 3,457.99 -11,861.46 1 3,499.99
54882 2/6/09 0:00 Natalie Webber Central Ohio 43002 Gel Ismelin Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 86.92 100% 0.03 0.41 86.92 86.92 -43.93 2 36.55
54882 2/6/09 0:00 Natalie Webber Central Ohio 43002 Suspension/Drops Dialyte W/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 86.29 100% 0.02 0.39 86.29 86.29 34.98 17 4.98
56711 2/6/09 0:00 Trudy Bell South Alabama 36072 Ointment Embeline Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,279.45 100% 0.01 0.37 1,279.45 1,279.45 558.25 25 48.04
30497 2/6/09 0:00 Steve Chapman South North Carolina 27801 Tablet Accuneb Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 706.91 100% 0.03 0.37 706.91 706.91 85.68 34 20.98
30497 2/6/09 0:00 Steve Chapman South North Carolina 27801 Ointment Fluothane Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 190.06 100% 0.06 0.4 190.06 190.06 -61.9 31 5.98
43110 2/6/09 0:00 Maxwell Schwartz West New Mexico 87011 Ointment Gyne-Sulf Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 21.01 100% 0 0.38 21.01 21.01 -9.69 3 4.98
46307 2/6/09 0:00 Jonathan Howell West Utah 84014 Syrup Aminosyn Ii 3.5% In Dextrose 25% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,217.77 100% 0.01 0.59 1,217.77 1,217.77 283.14 27 42.76
46307 2/6/09 0:00 Jonathan Howell West Utah 84014 Ointment Ifosfamide Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 643.53 100% 0.05 0.38 643.53 643.53 175.97 32 19.98
57633 2/6/09 0:00 Speros Goranitis Central Texas 88595 For Solution Children'S Allegra Allergy Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 351.12 100% 0.09 0.44 351.12 351.12 202.63 12 30.93
2053 2/6/09 0:00 Ken Lonsdale South Georgia 31811 Capsule Orapred Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 19,342.84 100% 0.01 0.6 19,342.84 19,342.84 5,603.95 39 500.98
27622 2/6/09 0:00 Michelle Tran West Idaho 83465 Spray Heparin Sodium 25,000 Units And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,280.73 100% 0.09 0.63 1,280.73 1,280.73 -342.84 4 320.64
29953 2/7/09 0:00 Brian Thompson South North Carolina 27801 Tablet Calderol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.38 619.77 619.77 50.2435 42 14.45
21824 2/7/09 0:00 Dave Hallsten Central Texas 78702 For Solution Klebcil Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.74 3,351.55 3,351.55 -1,036.92 37 90.98
31046 2/7/09 0:00 Erin Creighton Central Texas 77474 Concentrate Choloxin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,900.53 100% 0.08 0.57 3,900.53 3,900.53 1,144.63 42 110.99
1637 2/7/09 0:00 Aleksandra Gannaway West Washington 98601 Suppository Dexrazoxane Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,024.29 100% 0.07 0.52 1,024.29 1,024.29 -95.52 10 99.99
34881 2/7/09 0:00 Caroline Jumper Central Ohio 43567 Tablet Glycort Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 187.37 100% 0.01 0.37 187.37 187.37 -85.008 37 4.98
31046 2/7/09 0:00 Erin Creighton Central Texas 77474 Aerosol Cefadyl Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 248.42 100% 0.02 0.58 248.42 248.42 -58.81 35 6.84
1637 2/7/09 0:00 Aleksandra Gannaway West Washington 98601 Syrup Drize Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,225.52 100% 0.1 0.85 1,225.52 1,225.52 -1,191.13 36 35.48
1637 2/7/09 0:00 Aleksandra Gannaway West Washington 98601 Gel Exsel Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,348.57 100% 0.08 0.58 1,348.57 1,348.57 19.57 47 30.98
15300 2/8/09 0:00 Cari Sayre West Idaho 83877 Ointment Clenz-Lyte Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.37 229.88 229.88 -75.25 42 5.28
22532 2/8/09 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 Tablet Nicorette (Mint) Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 121.66 100% 0.03 0.36 121.66 121.66 -11.799 13 8.85
57922 2/8/09 0:00 Guy Armstrong Central Michigan 48001 Aerosol Cardioquin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 343.26 100% 0.04 0.58 343.26 343.26 -287.28 50 6.84
15428 2/9/09 0:00 Sibella Parks East Connecticut 6703 Concentrate Staphcillin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.57 941.6215 941.6215 -186.67 10 110.99
15428 2/9/09 0:00 Sibella Parks East Connecticut 6703 Suppository Buprenorphine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.78 1,444.96 1,444.96 -6.34 50 29.1
21989 2/10/09 0:00 Lena Creighton West Washington 99403 Concentrate Primidone Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.57 3,814.17 3,814.17 1,077.13 35 125.99
21989 2/10/09 0:00 Lena Creighton West Washington 99403 For Solution Lidopen Extended Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.52 118.95 118.95 30.8 9 12.07
33764 2/10/09 0:00 Tony Sayre East New York 501 Concentrate Darbid Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.56 1,029.89 1,029.89 -620.829 6 205.99
28773 2/10/09 0:00 Mitch Gastineau East New York 10501 Concentrate Betoptic Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.83 2,174.42 2,174.42 -211.695 48 55.99
33764 2/10/09 0:00 Tony Sayre East New York 501 Gel Ancef In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.47 226.15 226.15 35.98 31 7.08
33764 2/10/09 0:00 Tony Sayre East New York 501 Syrup Prostep Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.59 539.82 539.82 -64.78 4 120.33
49892 2/10/09 0:00 Bill Eplett South North Carolina 28633 Solution Potassium Chloride 10Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 171.14 100% 0.02 0.6 171.14 171.14 -1,172.75 26 4.48
51461 2/10/09 0:00 Greg Guthrie Central Nebraska 69141 For Solution Clomipramine Hydrochloride Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 858.53 100% 0.07 0.6 858.53 858.53 -97.54 43 19.99
34243 2/11/09 0:00 Tom Ashbrook Central Texas 73301 Syrup Drize Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.85 1,264.13 1,264.13 -1,087.36 35 35.48
34243 2/11/09 0:00 Tom Ashbrook Central Texas 73301 Ointment Cladribine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.37 297.34 297.34 -270.96 40 7.28
34243 2/11/09 0:00 Tom Ashbrook Central Texas 73301 For Solution Lidocaine Hydrochloride Preservative Free In Plastic Container Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.43 89.04 89.04 -16.49 10 8.75
18244 2/11/09 0:00 Chris Selesnick South Virginia 23111 Capsule Potassium Chloride 0.037% In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.57 172.34 172.34 -73.22 1 140.81
6403 2/11/09 0:00 John Lucas South Maryland 21290 Syrup Baci-Rx Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.58 17,874.26 17,874.26 6,247.95 41 419.19
45156 2/12/09 0:00 Luke Schmidt South Florida 32122 Solution Rimactane Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.58 663.24 663.24 76.33 30 20.48
45156 2/12/09 0:00 Luke Schmidt South Florida 32122 Tablet Ditate-Ds Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.35 238.08 238.08 31.654 35 6.75
45156 2/12/09 0:00 Luke Schmidt South Florida 32122 Suspension/Drops Colyte With Flavor Packs Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.38 174.3 174.3 75.58 14 12.53
46562 2/12/09 0:00 Anne Pryor Central Ohio 43054 Spray Efidac 24 Chlorpheniramine Maleate Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.69 5,407.90 5,407.90 -26.48 35 145.98
9537 2/13/09 0:00 Jennifer Braxton Central Michigan 49634 Tablet Butazolidin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.36 170.88 170.88 -149.086 43 3.81
59045 2/13/09 0:00 Chad Cunningham East Delaware 19734 Tablet Acetohexamide Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.35 140.24 140.24 32.8695 30 4.55
9537 2/13/09 0:00 Jennifer Braxton Central Michigan 49634 Injectable Flurandrenolide Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.1 0.65 906.02 906.02 -382.38 6 150.98
7171 2/13/09 0:00 Andy Gerbode Central Texas 88595 Concentrate Azopt Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 303.1865 100% 0.02 0.37 303.1865 303.1865 92.592 17 20.99
7171 2/13/09 0:00 Andy Gerbode Central Texas 88595 Concentrate Arthrotec Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,703.85 100% 0 0.58 1,703.85 1,703.85 316.062 28 65.99
49763 2/13/09 0:00 Brad Norvell East New Jersey 8823 Solution/Drops Cardiolite Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 49.04 100% 0.02 0.38 49.04 49.04 9.29 8 5.68
10245 2/13/09 0:00 Astrea Jones South Georgia 39859 Tablet Depen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 127.17 100% 0.1 0.39 127.17 127.17 -108.1345 23 5.53
47015 2/13/09 0:00 Jeremy Lonsdale Central Nebraska 68770 Spray Alinia Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,441.06 100% 0.06 0.78 5,441.06 5,441.06 -557.2 19 286.85
49763 2/13/09 0:00 Brad Norvell East New Jersey 8823 Spray Feridex I.V. Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,320.35 100% 0 0.66 2,320.35 2,320.35 -264.02 6 348.21
10245 2/13/09 0:00 Astrea Jones South Georgia 39859 Capsule Ocl Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,573.29 100% 0.04 0.74 2,573.29 2,573.29 -896.94 20 122.99
10245 2/13/09 0:00 Astrea Jones South Georgia 39859 Injectable Fml Forte Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,645.88 100% 0.06 0.78 2,645.88 2,645.88 -1,231.98 27 100.98
55808 2/14/09 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Concentrate Ak-Fluor 25% Injection Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.58 837.386 837.386 104.328 45 20.99
58500 2/14/09 0:00 Christina DeMoss West New Mexico 88439 Concentrate Staphcillin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.57 1,529.01 1,529.01 14.013 17 110.99
55808 2/14/09 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Capsule Ocl Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.74 830.28 830.28 -382.98 6 122.99
50276 2/14/09 0:00 Bradley Talbott South Florida 32099 Gel Tirosint Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.55 390.35 390.35 71.03 34 11.55
22849 2/14/09 0:00 Erin Creighton Central Texas 77474 Concentrate Angiovist 370 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,366.35 100% 0.05 0.58 4,366.35 4,366.35 940.572 25 205.99
22849 2/14/09 0:00 Erin Creighton Central Texas 77474 Gel 8-Mop Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 104.24 100% 0 0.45 104.24 104.24 10.59 34 2.78
22849 2/14/09 0:00 Erin Creighton Central Texas 77474 Syrup Levo-T Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 198.13 100% 0.01 0.83 198.13 198.13 -219.92 27 6.98
22849 2/14/09 0:00 Erin Creighton Central Texas 77474 Tablet Metatensin #4 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 304.98 100% 0.08 0.4 304.98 304.98 2.7285 27 11.7
45991 2/14/09 0:00 George Ashbrook East Delaware 19934 Suspension/Drops Cytadren Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 196.39 100% 0.07 0.39 196.39 196.39 82.6 50 4.13
45991 2/14/09 0:00 George Ashbrook East Delaware 19934 Injectable Fondaparinux Sodium Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 131.27 100% 0.1 0.62 131.27 131.27 -68.16 1 100.98
35494 2/14/09 0:00 Joni Wasserman South Georgia 39859 Spray Peridex Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,731.10 100% 0.01 0.63 1,731.10 1,731.10 -459.71 18 111.96
30981 2/15/09 0:00 Nathan Gelder West Colorado 80813 Solution Angio-Conray Intramuscular Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.59 7,837.44 7,837.44 1,817.76 29 279.81
30981 2/15/09 0:00 Nathan Gelder West Colorado 80813 Capsule Unipen Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.09 0.69 3,653.22 3,653.22 -116.02 22 180.98
5636 2/15/09 0:00 Dennis Kane South North Carolina 28633 Gel Ionosol Mb And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.56 138.17 138.17 -1.09 23 5.85
14434 2/15/09 0:00 Tim Taslimi Central Texas 76901 Cream Oxtriphylline Oral TableauCeutical Animal 4,733.88 100% 0.02 0.39 4,733.88 4,733.88 239.41 39 119.99
45155 2/15/09 0:00 Ralph Kennedy West Utah 84663 Aerosol Ativan Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 111.55 100% 0.05 0.84 111.55 111.55 -54.25 35 3.14
45155 2/15/09 0:00 Ralph Kennedy West Utah 84663 Tablet Cardene Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 181.61 100% 0.03 0.38 181.61 181.61 -150.259 44 4.13
27105 2/16/09 0:00 Sanjit Chand Central Michigan 49634 Solution/Drops Diastat Acudial Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.36 223.74 223.74 39.63 37 5.98
27105 2/16/09 0:00 Sanjit Chand Central Michigan 49634 For Solution Mefoxin In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.51 26.82 26.82 26.21 2 10.4
52868 2/16/09 0:00 Ken Heidel South South Carolina 29945 Suppository Quinapril Hydrochloride And Hydrochlorothiazide Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 138.05 100% 0.09 0.69 138.05 138.05 -100.49 19 7.37
23426 2/16/09 0:00 Erin Ashbrook West Utah 84121 Suppository Technetium Tc-99M Mebrofenin Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,009.80 100% 0.07 0.46 1,009.80 1,009.80 352.64 45 22.98
23426 2/16/09 0:00 Erin Ashbrook West Utah 84121 Aerosol Serophene Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 29.71 100% 0.09 0.82 29.71 29.71 -23.17 12 2.52
49921 2/17/09 0:00 Claudia Miner East Delaware 19936 Cream Vivitrol Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.56 756.15 756.15 -322.16 5 145.45
49921 2/17/09 0:00 Claudia Miner East Delaware 19936 Syrup Adriamycin Rdf Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.57 18.15 18.15 -7.26 1 12.28
10213 2/17/09 0:00 Dianna Vittorini West Arizona 86442 Suppository Theolair-Sr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 464.57 100% 0.04 0.7 464.57 464.57 -79.18 12 39.98
40386 2/18/09 0:00 Jesus Ocampo East Delaware 19964 Suspension/Drops Isolyte R In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.36 2,905.30 2,905.30 1,704 28 98.31
36454 2/18/09 0:00 Anthony Garverick South Florida 34997 Syrup Reserpine, Hydrochlorothiazide, And Hydralazine Hydrochloride Injection Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.59 69.57 69.57 -36.06 8 7.98
16481 2/18/09 0:00 Paul Van Hugh Central Ohio 43001 Cream Vasotec Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 20,265.22 100% 0.08 0.56 20,265.22 20,265.22 6,168.64 47 442.14
16481 2/18/09 0:00 Paul Van Hugh Central Ohio 43001 Solution Hydrocodone Bitartrate And Acetaminophen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,089.06 100% 0 0.56 3,089.06 3,089.06 719.26 50 56.96
51777 2/19/09 0:00 Mike Kennedy East Massachusetts 1001 Suppository Orinase Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.46 1,307.88 1,307.88 206.86 13 100.97
51777 2/19/09 0:00 Mike Kennedy East Massachusetts 1001 Tablet Naquival Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.38 3,465.97 3,465.97 194.3185 4 896.99
9696 2/19/09 0:00 Harold Dahlen Central Nebraska 68717 Tablet Ditate-Ds Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 110.15 100% 0.02 0.35 110.15 110.15 13.906 15 6.75
9696 2/19/09 0:00 Harold Dahlen Central Nebraska 68717 Capsule Piperacillin And Tazobactam Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,335.27 100% 0.03 0.55 3,335.27 3,335.27 539.69 13 243.98
7462 2/20/09 0:00 Lena Radford Central Wisconsin 53554 Gel Ethchlorvynol Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.59 72.63 72.63 -26.94 3 22.01
40962 2/20/09 0:00 Mary Zewe East New Jersey 7024 Concentrate Subutex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,277.00 100% 0 0.59 3,277.00 3,277.00 653.058 30 125.99
21475 2/20/09 0:00 Giulietta Dortch South Georgia 39901 Suppository Clinimix 4.25/10 Sulfite Free In Dextrose 10% In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 538.14 100% 0.06 0.49 538.14 538.14 111.42 39 14.48
58117 2/20/09 0:00 Erica Bern Central Michigan 49971 Aerosol Ativan Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 134.86 100% 0.04 0.84 134.86 134.86 -62.84 42 3.14
12486 2/20/09 0:00 Dave Kipp Central Michigan 49877 Solution Riomet Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,692.56 100% 0.04 0.6 1,692.56 1,692.56 275.5 42 40.98
40962 2/20/09 0:00 Mary Zewe East New Jersey 7024 Solution Diphenoxylate Hydrochloride W/ Atropine Sulfate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,553.66 100% 0.03 0.57 1,553.66 1,553.66 547.48 28 54.48
12486 2/20/09 0:00 Dave Kipp Central Michigan 49877 Injectable Fml Forte Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,081.33 100% 0.08 0.78 3,081.33 3,081.33 -1,341.11 31 100.98
21475 2/20/09 0:00 Giulietta Dortch South Georgia 39901 Spray Fenofibrate (Micronized) Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,956.78 100% 0.06 0.79 4,956.78 4,956.78 -296.06 15 417.4
5347 2/21/09 0:00 Kelly Williams South Virginia 24658 Concentrate Duragesic-75 Injection TableauCeutical Animal 276.029 100% 0.05 0.6 276.029 276.029 -108.185 39 7.99
5347 2/21/09 0:00 Kelly Williams South Virginia 24658 Concentrate Prismasol Bk 4/2.5 In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 187.204 100% 0.01 0.56 187.204 187.204 -796.763 1 205.99
5347 2/21/09 0:00 Kelly Williams South Virginia 24658 Concentrate Bromatapp Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 525.555 100% 0.04 0.39 525.555 525.555 -60.665 7 85.99
49312 2/21/09 0:00 Deanra Eno South Florida 32003 Ointment Fulconazole In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 164.41 100% 0 0.38 164.41 164.41 -128.52 30 4.98
3814 2/21/09 0:00 Thomas Thornton West California 96121 Syrup Levalbuterol Hydrochloride Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,225.41 100% 0.04 0.58 1,225.41 1,225.41 -138.02 43 28.28
49312 2/21/09 0:00 Deanra Eno South Florida 32003 For Solution Colbenemid Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,882.18 100% 0.09 0.65 1,882.18 1,882.18 336.26 19 107.53
12641 2/22/09 0:00 Annie Thurman West Idaho 83465 Ointment Fexofenadine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.39 676.24 676.24 219.78 25 26.38
12641 2/22/09 0:00 Annie Thurman West Idaho 83465 Syrup Isovue-300 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.59 3,668.60 3,668.60 993.15 24 155.06
12641 2/22/09 0:00 Annie Thurman West Idaho 83465 Ointment Ethmozine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.36 107.12 107.12 -54.87 2 55.98
11651 2/22/09 0:00 Erica Smith Central Wisconsin 54990 Gel Travasol 3.5% W/ Electrolytes Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.59 65.85 65.85 3.9 19 3.28
33794 2/22/09 0:00 Ryan Crowe Central Ohio 45999 For Solution Desloratadine And Pseudoephedrine Sulfate 24 Hour Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.06 0.52 92.77 92.77 -17.91 18 4.91
3749 2/23/09 0:00 Ken Black Central Texas 88595 Tablet Talacen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 353.62 100% 0.01 0.35 353.62 353.62 140.148 27 12.97
39909 2/24/09 0:00 Chris Selesnick South Virginia 23111 Concentrate Aminosyn Ii 5% W/ Electrolytes In Dextrose 25% W/ Calcium In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0 0.59 7,778.76 7,778.76 2,547.30 50 175.99
18023 2/24/09 0:00 Valerie Mitchum West Idaho 83643 Cream Glumetza Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.38 4,502.26 4,502.26 1,272.17 38 120.97
54787 2/24/09 0:00 Cassandra Brandow South South Carolina 29808 Ointment Glyburide Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.39 170.02 170.02 -56.1 7 22.84
37863 2/24/09 0:00 Aaron Hawkins South Georgia 30002 Aerosol Mpi Stannous Diphosphonate Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.57 305.05 305.05 23.12 27 10.98
18023 2/24/09 0:00 Valerie Mitchum West Idaho 83643 Ointment Pre-Op Ii Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.36 192.23 192.23 -149.84 34 5.78
40001 2/24/09 0:00 Aimee Bixby West Utah 84001 Solution Ditropan Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.56 1,736.53 1,736.53 457.03 46 39.48
32965 2/24/09 0:00 Michael Paige Central Texas 76246 Suppository Dexrazoxane Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.52 2,427.25 2,427.25 227.67 25 99.99
32965 2/24/09 0:00 Michael Paige Central Texas 76246 Ointment Dexacidin Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.35 11.15 11.15 -5.54 2 3.98
25799 2/24/09 0:00 Saphhira Shifley West Washington 98625 Gel Lidex Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 136.5 100% 0.05 0.54 136.5 136.5 -216.66 38 3.34
21350 2/24/09 0:00 Ralph Kennedy West Utah 84663 Ointment Benzyl Benzoate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 278.94 100% 0.01 0.4 278.94 278.94 -143.7 30 9.06
19558 2/25/09 0:00 Ellis Ballard South Florida 32099 Lotion Captopril Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 7.98 100% 0.04 0.4 7.98 7.98 -3.93 2 3.29
4960 2/25/09 0:00 Corinna Mitchell West Washington 98310 Ointment Griseofulvin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 40.87 100% 0.04 0.36 40.87 40.87 -16.38 4 6.48
4960 2/25/09 0:00 Corinna Mitchell West Washington 98310 Capsule Ogen 2.5 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 8,363.65 100% 0.09 0.56 8,363.65 8,363.65 763.33 30 300.98
15462 2/26/09 0:00 Luke Schmidt South Florida 32122 Tablet Anspor Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.39 862.64 862.64 320.807 20 43.41
21125 2/26/09 0:00 Matt Hagelstein West Utah 84415 Ointment Duranest Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.38 155.17 155.17 2.12 17 9.27
4642 2/26/09 0:00 Shahid Shariari West Arizona 85301 Suppository Quelicin Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 65.61 100% 0.08 0.68 65.61 65.61 -39.74 9 7.28
43137 2/26/09 0:00 Linda Southworth Central Wisconsin 53001 Syrup Isovue-300 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 6,069.05 100% 0.05 0.59 6,069.05 6,069.05 1,816.71 40 155.06
8133 2/26/09 0:00 Neil French South Virginia 23018 Ointment Fentanyl-75 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 405.53 100% 0.04 0.38 405.53 405.53 130.52 11 35.44
4642 2/26/09 0:00 Shahid Shariari West Arizona 85301 Syrup Actifed W/ Codeine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 309.62 100% 0 0.56 309.62 309.62 -80.2 21 14.03
46372 2/26/09 0:00 Tanja Norvell West Utah 84631 Tablet Prometa Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 375.57 100% 0.02 0.39 375.57 375.57 12.7075 7 52.4
46372 2/26/09 0:00 Tanja Norvell West Utah 84631 Ointment Glipizide And Metformin Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 81.97 100% 0.07 0.38 81.97 81.97 -81.33 15 4.98
50145 2/26/09 0:00 Michael Grace South Florida 32119 For Solution Mucinex D Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 325.58 100% 0.06 0.43 325.58 325.58 152.28 18 18.84
50145 2/26/09 0:00 Michael Grace South Florida 32119 For Solution Precose Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 458.8 100% 0 0.44 458.8 458.8 305.87 9 46.94
7521 2/27/09 0:00 Mark Packer West California 91188 Concentrate Cenestin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0 0.55 1,942.17 1,942.17 400.824 19 115.99
20068 2/28/09 0:00 Carol Triggs Central Ohio 43317 Tablet Depen Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.39 53.18 53.18 -46.1265 9 5.53
28741 2/28/09 0:00 Craig Molinari Central Texas 88595 Ointment Duetact Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 70.13 70.13 21.51 13 5.43
28741 2/28/09 0:00 Craig Molinari Central Texas 88595 Aerosol Mpi Stannous Diphosphonate Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.57 59.76 59.76 -10.34 5 10.98
40612 2/28/09 0:00 Shaun Chance South South Carolina 29374 Gel Travasol 2.75% Sulfite Free W/ Electrolytes In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 19.2 100% 0.1 0.58 19.2 19.2 -6.84 9 2.21
5188 3/1/09 0:00 Bradley Drucker West Washington 99403 Ointment Darvon Compound Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.4 192.8 192.8 31 24 8.01
12194 3/1/09 0:00 Maxwell Schwartz West New Mexico 87011 Concentrate Adderall 5 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,355.15 100% 0 0.58 3,355.15 3,355.15 658.503 19 195.99
12868 3/1/09 0:00 Muhammed Lee Central Texas 78602 Gel Tolectin 600 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 53.33 100% 0.09 0.56 53.33 53.33 -2.44 31 1.76
12868 3/1/09 0:00 Muhammed Lee Central Texas 78602 Ointment Bilopaque Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 9.37 100% 0.09 0.36 9.37 9.37 -5.26 2 4.48
928 3/1/09 0:00 Anthony O'Donnell South Alabama 35480 Solution Docetaxel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,222.68 100% 0.06 0.57 1,222.68 1,222.68 300.97 21 59.98
928 3/1/09 0:00 Anthony O'Donnell South Alabama 35480 For Solution Hydroxyurea Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 390.2 100% 0.02 0.48 390.2 390.2 45 26 14.58
46115 3/2/09 0:00 Tom Stivers South Virginia 23970 Suppository Dimetapp Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.68 677.43 677.43 -37.99 35 19.98
46115 3/2/09 0:00 Tom Stivers South Virginia 23970 Ointment Elestat Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.38 491.78 491.78 44.04 38 12.28
16642 3/2/09 0:00 Adam Hart East Connecticut 6001 Concentrate Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.11% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 7,640.23 100% 0.07 0.59 7,640.23 7,640.23 2,027.68 46 205.99
40165 3/2/09 0:00 Bradley Nguyen Central Nebraska 68001 Solution Calmurid Hc Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 421.36 100% 0.07 0.59 421.36 421.36 -75.17 50 8.62
33824 3/2/09 0:00 Katrina Edelman South Virginia 23111 Gel 8-Mop Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 50.99 100% 0.06 0.45 50.99 50.99 -3.8 19 2.78
22433 3/3/09 0:00 Bryan Spruell South Georgia 31811 Concentrate Bactrim Ds Extended Release Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.57 797.98 797.98 237.474 44 20.99
48071 3/3/09 0:00 Emily Burns East Connecticut 6928 For Solution Tussicaps Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.48 22.74 22.74 -13.59 1 12.64
47525 3/3/09 0:00 Anthony Rawles Central Illinois 62999 Suppository Solaraze Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.37 649.46 649.46 189.04 40 15.98
26723 3/3/09 0:00 Roy Phan East New York 10501 Concentrate Amoxicillin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 441.8045 100% 0.03 0.59 441.8045 441.8045 -201.487 8 65.99
53955 3/4/09 0:00 Matt Abelman East Massachusetts 2139 Capsule Ultram Er Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.78 5,544.99 5,544.99 -3,404.24 43 130.98
27811 3/4/09 0:00 Odella Nelson West Washington 98001 Tablet Neomycin Sulfate, Polymyxin B Sulfate & Hydrocortisone Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.37 73.9 73.9 -39.6405 4 15.99
27811 3/4/09 0:00 Odella Nelson West Washington 98001 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.33% And Potassium Chloride 30Meq In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 197.59 197.59 -73.623 31 6.81
35555 3/4/09 0:00 James Lanier East Delaware 19980 Suppository Symbicort Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 71.61 100% 0.1 0.66 71.61 71.61 -70.31 15 4.89
450 3/4/09 0:00 Matt Collins Central Michigan 48001 Syrup Orudis Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 543.72 100% 0.05 0.6 543.72 543.72 -211.13 35 15.7
450 3/4/09 0:00 Matt Collins Central Michigan 48001 Gel Visine-A Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,000.78 100% 0.05 0.56 1,000.78 1,000.78 109.33 29 34.58
35555 3/4/09 0:00 James Lanier East Delaware 19980 Ointment A-Hydrocort Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 10.43 100% 0.07 0.36 10.43 10.43 -4.72 2 4.98
23968 3/4/09 0:00 Tracy Poddar West Idaho 83465 Ointment Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 127.48 100% 0.05 0.37 127.48 127.48 -41.99 19 6.48
35555 3/4/09 0:00 James Lanier East Delaware 19934 Capsule Piperacillin And Tazobactam Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 11,266.40 100% 0.08 0.55 11,266.40 11,266.40 1,902.99 50 243.98
18688 3/5/09 0:00 Emily Grady West Idaho 83201 Concentrate Primidone Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.57 3,951.68 3,951.68 812.241 41 125.99
18688 3/5/09 0:00 Emily Grady West Idaho 83201 Tablet Proklar Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.4 14,346.73 14,346.73 5,762.52 49 304.99
18688 3/5/09 0:00 Emily Grady West Idaho 83201 Suspension/Drops Curosurf Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.38 40.34 40.34 10.59 15 2.89
25603 3/5/09 0:00 Alyssa Crouse Central Nebraska 68001 Solution/Drops Ribavirin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 862.64 100% 0.04 0.4 862.64 862.64 122.11 23 35.89
20486 3/5/09 0:00 Alejandro Grove West California 90835 Gel Dexilant Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 163.98 100% 0.01 0.44 163.98 163.98 55.73 42 3.85
20486 3/5/09 0:00 Alejandro Grove West California 90835 Ointment Duranest Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 306.3 100% 0.07 0.38 306.3 306.3 18.73 34 9.27
39878 3/5/09 0:00 Mike Kennedy East Massachusetts 1001 Spray Protopic Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 7,663.74 100% 0 0.75 7,663.74 7,663.74 -262.47 50 150.98
49600 3/7/09 0:00 Troy Blackwell Central Illinois 62999 Ointment Fluocinolone Acetonide Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.36 1,692.03 1,692.03 574.44 33 54.96
14021 3/7/09 0:00 Ken Heidel South South Carolina 29945 Gel Ticlopidine Hydrochloride Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 27.05 100% 0 0.57 27.05 27.05 1 12 1.82
49026 3/7/09 0:00 Roland Fjeld West California 95503 Gel Estrogenic Substance Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 411.75 100% 0.05 0.59 411.75 411.75 -182.87 36 11.66
16100 3/7/09 0:00 Paul Gonzalez East Delaware 19936 For Solution Sudafed 24 Hour Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 226.18 100% 0.01 0.47 226.18 226.18 -115.54 44 4.82
52578 3/7/09 0:00 Pauline Webber South South Carolina 29001 Spray Perforomist Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,391.82 100% 0.05 0.79 1,391.82 1,391.82 -344.82 8 209.37
52578 3/7/09 0:00 Pauline Webber South South Carolina 29001 Spray Hetrazan Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 6,230.68 100% 0.09 0.68 6,230.68 6,230.68 835.46 38 217.85
59809 3/8/09 0:00 Denise Monton Central Ohio 43001 Suppository Doriden Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.64 506.84 506.84 -38.32 16 30.98
59809 3/8/09 0:00 Denise Monton Central Ohio 43001 Tablet Metatensin #4 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.4 138.67 138.67 -9.7175 12 11.7
49797 3/8/09 0:00 Lena Radford Central Wisconsin 53554 Solution Bromfenac Sodium Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.58 341.1 341.1 -4.75 27 11.97
49797 3/8/09 0:00 Lena Radford Central Wisconsin 53554 Ointment Hydrocortone Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.37 171.68 171.68 -116.56 26 6.48
29095 3/8/09 0:00 Delfina Latchford East Massachusetts 1001 Tablet Ditate-Ds Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.35 291.67 291.67 54.4595 40 6.75
59686 3/8/09 0:00 Shaun Chance South South Carolina 29374 Tablet Diltzac Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 243.37 100% 0.01 0.4 243.37 243.37 -106.421 41 5.8
57029 3/8/09 0:00 Vivek Gonzalez South Virginia 24157 Tablet Promethazine Hydrochloride And Phenylephrine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 74.25 100% 0.01 0.38 74.25 74.25 -56.166 17 3.98
57029 3/8/09 0:00 Vivek Gonzalez South Virginia 24157 Ointment Fansidar Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 23.23 100% 0.09 0.4 23.23 23.23 -19.06 4 4.28
1539 3/9/09 0:00 Carl Ludwig Central Michigan 48001 Suppository Symbicort Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 184.99 100% 0.05 0.66 184.99 184.99 -144.55 38 4.89
1539 3/9/09 0:00 Carl Ludwig Central Michigan 48001 Tablet Neomycin Sulfate, Polymyxin B Sulfate & Hydrocortisone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 511.83 100% 0.1 0.37 511.83 511.83 -172.8795 33 15.99
54081 3/10/09 0:00 Seth Vernon Central Michigan 48064 Suppository Tavist-D Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.4 57.5 57.5 -83.18 2 28.48
20453 3/10/09 0:00 Magdelene Morse West Utah 84121 Concentrate Benztropine Mesylate Extended Release Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.55 1,193.12 1,193.12 137.592 17 85.99
20453 3/10/09 0:00 Magdelene Morse West Utah 84121 For Solution Maxibolin Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.44 450.39 450.39 152.79 23 19.23
10916 3/10/09 0:00 Trudy Schmidt West Arizona 85321 Tablet Epi E Z Pen Jr Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.39 135.31 135.31 -49.3235 23 5.74
27554 3/10/09 0:00 Benjamin Venier South Maryland 21794 Spray Feridex I.V. Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.62 12,685.54 12,685.54 3,985.11 45 348.21
40034 3/10/09 0:00 Yoseph Carroll East New York 14925 Ointment Fernisone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 603.69 100% 0 0.38 603.69 603.69 131.39 47 12.28
58086 3/10/09 0:00 Arthur Gainer South North Carolina 27006 Tablet Depen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 154.62 100% 0.04 0.39 154.62 154.62 -118.5995 27 5.53
44610 3/10/09 0:00 Hunter Lopez South Maryland 20601 Suspension/Drops Cytadren Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 127.9 100% 0.07 0.39 127.9 127.9 54.21 31 4.13
58086 3/10/09 0:00 Arthur Gainer South North Carolina 27006 Ointment Elixicon Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,638.20 100% 0.1 0.36 1,638.20 1,638.20 471.22 31 55.98
47714 3/10/09 0:00 Philip Brown West Utah 84415 Tablet Depen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 176.15 100% 0.01 0.39 176.15 176.15 -125.3615 30 5.53
47714 3/10/09 0:00 Philip Brown West Utah 84415 Spray Diclofenac Sodium Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,946.05 100% 0.06 0.75 2,946.05 2,946.05 -766.9 29 105.49
50465 3/11/09 0:00 Thais Sissman Central Wisconsin 53235 Syrup Cortef Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.83 1,337.08 1,337.08 -953 29 48.91
12867 3/11/09 0:00 Thais Sissman Central Wisconsin 53235 Suppository Dimetapp Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 127.49 100% 0.08 0.68 127.49 127.49 -57.95 6 19.98
55271 3/11/09 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 Capsule Vagifem Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,648.33 100% 0.07 0.61 1,648.33 1,648.33 -210.14 16 100.89
20134 3/12/09 0:00 James Lanier East Delaware 19980 Suppository Thallous Chloride Tl 201 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 583.56 100% 0.02 0.78 583.56 583.56 -94.59 26 20.97
50789 3/12/09 0:00 Tracy Collins Central Illinois 62924 Tablet Metrodin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 8,673.90 100% 0.1 0.38 8,673.90 8,673.90 3,440.05 23 387.99
18432 3/12/09 0:00 Art Ferguson East New Jersey 7001 Gel Dextrose 10% And Sodium Chloride 0.33% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 76.42 100% 0.02 0.49 76.42 76.42 20.44 12 5.84
18432 3/12/09 0:00 Art Ferguson East New Jersey 7001 Solution Peg-Lyte Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 217.66 100% 0.1 0.52 217.66 217.66 -24.91 15 14.42
18432 3/12/09 0:00 Art Ferguson East New Jersey 7001 Solution Angio-Conray Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,374.67 100% 0.08 0.59 1,374.67 1,374.67 -126.34 5 279.81
20134 3/12/09 0:00 James Lanier East Delaware 19980 Ointment Humatin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 281.47 100% 0.1 0.37 281.47 281.47 -190.57 47 6.48
18432 3/12/09 0:00 Art Ferguson East New Jersey 7001 For Solution Lanoxin Pediatric Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 451.32 100% 0.04 0.57 451.32 451.32 1.16 42 10.64
23270 3/13/09 0:00 Mick Crebagga Central Illinois 62999 Concentrate Heparin Sodium 12,500 Units In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.59 6,659.74 6,659.74 1,647.75 42 195.99
23270 3/13/09 0:00 Mick Crebagga Central Illinois 62999 Solution Pentetate Zinc Trisodium Intramuscular Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.41 1,460.42 1,460.42 -441.44 20 68.81
44612 3/13/09 0:00 Dean Braden Central Texas 77037 Concentrate Bromatapp Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 428.723 100% 0.06 0.39 428.723 428.723 -147.719 6 85.99
1767 3/13/09 0:00 Roger Barcio Central Ohio 44197 Lotion Zerit Xr Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 46.34 100% 0.05 0.8 46.34 46.34 -7.76 10 4.71
34727 3/13/09 0:00 Dorris Love South North Carolina 28717 Tablet Modicon 21 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 159.71 100% 0.1 0.4 159.71 159.71 -114.4135 20 8.04
24548 3/14/09 0:00 Deanra Eno South Florida 32003 For Solution Capozide 25/25 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 269.3 100% 0.04 0.41 269.3 269.3 22.38 32 7.96
55621 3/15/09 0:00 Neil Knudson West New Mexico 87001 Gel Trazodone Hydrochloride Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.56 193.15 193.15 27.76 47 4.28
55621 3/15/09 0:00 Neil Knudson West New Mexico 87001 Capsule Aminosyn 3.5% W/ Dextrose 25% In Plastic Container Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.57 6,356.68 6,356.68 1,812.86 50 128.24
20967 3/15/09 0:00 Deborah Brumfield West Colorado 81221 Suspension Oxacillin Sodium Delayed Release Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.37 28,664.52 28,664.52 13,340.26 50 599.99
20967 3/15/09 0:00 Deborah Brumfield West Colorado 81221 Concentrate Stoxil Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.57 635.7405 635.7405 -397.529 6 125.99
50309 3/15/09 0:00 Michael Nguyen East Delaware 19977 Syrup Levo-T Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.83 243.18 243.18 -314.22 36 6.98
3526 3/15/09 0:00 Tom Prescott Central Texas 77474 For Solution Lidopen Extended Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.52 246.06 246.06 20.67 20 12.07
24070 3/15/09 0:00 Sonia Sunley Central Michigan 49971 Gel Torsemide Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 294.26 100% 0 0.6 294.26 294.26 88.8 48 5.58
24070 3/15/09 0:00 Sonia Sunley Central Michigan 49971 Tablet Acetaminophen, Aspirin, And Codeine Phosphate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 170.42 100% 0.1 0.38 170.42 170.42 -98.3135 36 4.91
11109 3/15/09 0:00 Saphhira Shifley West Washington 98625 Ointment Revlimid Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 130.38 100% 0.08 0.4 130.38 130.38 31.52 18 7.4
57479 3/15/09 0:00 Amy Cox West Washington 98625 Suspension/Drops Creon Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 132.12 100% 0.07 0.37 132.12 132.12 54.78 37 3.75
24070 3/15/09 0:00 Sonia Sunley Central Michigan 49971 Capsule Potassium Chloride 0.037% In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 431.29 100% 0.1 0.57 431.29 431.29 -164.59 3 140.81
37121 3/15/09 0:00 Bill Donatelli East New York 14925 Capsule Polytrim Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 9,499.30 100% 0.01 0.59 9,499.30 9,499.30 618.36 44 216.6
43239 3/16/09 0:00 Lycoris Saunders Central Ohio 45999 Tablet Multaq Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.35 270.25 270.25 100.895 14 18.94
18789 3/16/09 0:00 Craig Rider South Alabama 36585 Ointment Folicet Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.4 1,558.18 1,558.18 417.62 50 30.98
3911 3/16/09 0:00 Bobby Elias South Georgia 31811 Syrup Orudis Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.6 370.72 370.72 -156.76 24 15.7
11968 3/16/09 0:00 Christopher Schild Central Michigan 48001 Gel Dexrazoxane Hydrochloride Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 109.49 100% 0.04 0.48 109.49 109.49 26.09 31 3.38
3266 3/16/09 0:00 Edward Becker West Utah 84014 Tablet Janimine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 17.12 100% 0.03 0.38 17.12 17.12 -2.553 4 3.8
5444 3/17/09 0:00 Frank Carlisle East Delaware 19936 Suspension Glucophage Delayed Release Competitor B Animal 0.08 0.52 885.94 885.94 -2,024.08 2 449.99
775 3/17/09 0:00 Peter McVee West California 94404 Gel Iopamidol-300 In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.44 31.87 31.87 -1.25 8 4.26
775 3/17/09 0:00 Peter McVee West California 94404 Lotion Diazoxide Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.81 43.57 43.57 -19.17 35 1.26
65 3/17/09 0:00 Tamara Dahlen East Delaware 19936 Suppository Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.33% And Potassium Chloride 0.22% In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 3,812.73 100% 0.02 0.49 3,812.73 3,812.73 1,470.30 32 115.79
53637 3/17/09 0:00 Erin Ashbrook West Utah 84121 Solution/Drops Esimil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 451.09 100% 0.1 0.4 451.09 451.09 61.27 12 39.98
15205 3/17/09 0:00 Julia West East Massachusetts 2139 For Solution Levocarnitine Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,753.51 100% 0.02 0.65 1,753.51 1,753.51 155.72 42 39.98
15205 3/17/09 0:00 Julia West East Massachusetts 2139 Capsule Piperacillin And Tazobactam Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,605.36 100% 0.02 0.55 4,605.36 4,605.36 678.26 18 243.98
32546 3/18/09 0:00 Greg Tran Central Nebraska 68001 Concentrate Baciguent Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.36 1,294.02 1,294.02 607.257 47 35.99
3588 3/18/09 0:00 Patrick Jones South Alabama 36344 Cream Sinemet Cr Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.36 1,531.93 1,531.93 326.56 18 90.97
3588 3/18/09 0:00 Patrick Jones South Alabama 36344 Suppository Rubramin Pc Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.79 1,557.42 1,557.42 -123.81 21 73.98
32546 3/18/09 0:00 Greg Tran Central Nebraska 68001 Tablet Desloratadine And Pseudoephedrine Sulfate 24 Hour Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.38 156.09 156.09 -34.845 6 22.38
3588 3/18/09 0:00 Patrick Jones South Alabama 36344 Solution Brevital Sodium Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.58 374.38 374.38 -1.16 42 8.67
3588 3/18/09 0:00 Patrick Jones South Alabama 36344 For Solution Children'S Allegra Allergy Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.44 410.27 410.27 226.72 14 30.93
48261 3/18/09 0:00 Michael Dominguez West Colorado 81221 Capsule Ultram Er Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.78 2,130.66 2,130.66 -113.77 15 130.98
51361 3/18/09 0:00 Meg O'Connel East New Jersey 7514 Ointment Habitrol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 76.06 100% 0.02 0.4 76.06 76.06 -35.99 14 4.28
51361 3/18/09 0:00 Meg O'Connel East New Jersey 7514 Spray Aminosyn Ii 5% Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 18,056.68 100% 0 0.49 18,056.68 18,056.68 -7,194.06 50 349.45
26304 3/19/09 0:00 Art Ferguson East New Jersey 7001 Concentrate Amantadine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 7,452.14 100% 0.02 0.59 7,452.14 7,452.14 2,028.36 43 205.99
28003 3/19/09 0:00 Charles McCrossin East Delaware 19895 Ointment Eryc 125 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 157.79 100% 0.09 0.36 157.79 157.79 -95.92 31 4.98
51713 3/19/09 0:00 Bill Overfelt West California 93456 Lotion Alsuma Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 133.07 100% 0.02 0.83 133.07 133.07 -15.96 35 3.74
31303 3/20/09 0:00 Dianna Arnett South Georgia 39859 Tablet Desyrel Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.39 306.13 306.13 87.601 50 5.98
28550 3/20/09 0:00 Cindy Schnelling South Alabama 36032 Cream Ludiomil Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 21,532.26 100% 0.09 0.37 21,532.26 21,532.26 8,323.39 44 500.97
9062 3/20/09 0:00 Eric Barreto South Maryland 21230 Lotion Carisoprodol Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 119.2 100% 0.06 0.39 119.2 119.2 30.61 32 3.93
28550 3/20/09 0:00 Cindy Schnelling South Alabama 36032 Ointment Datscan Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 7.64 100% 0.1 0.36 7.64 7.64 -6.6 1 4.76
9062 3/20/09 0:00 Eric Barreto South Maryland 21230 For Solution Norlestrin 21 1/50 Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,825.42 100% 0.06 0.35 1,825.42 1,825.42 1,193.19 19 99.23
42213 3/21/09 0:00 Ann Blume South Maryland 21794 Suspension/Drops Cotrim Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.39 110.96 110.96 35.92 46 2.61
35296 3/21/09 0:00 Evan Henry South Maryland 21022 Concentrate Cefzil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 407.8725 100% 0.02 0.59 407.8725 407.8725 -165.627 7 65.99
58884 3/21/09 0:00 Chuck Clark East New York 11769 Suspension/Drops Clonidine Hydrochloride And Chlorthalidone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 87.68 100% 0.03 0.36 87.68 87.68 23.14 29 2.88
58884 3/21/09 0:00 Chuck Clark East New York 11769 Spray Diflucan In Sodium Chloride 0.9% Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,732.25 100% 0.1 0.56 3,732.25 3,732.25 -1,395.40 46 85.29
49824 3/22/09 0:00 Erica Hernandez South Georgia 31811 Concentrate Amerge Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.57 1,900.23 1,900.23 440.199 33 65.99
8580 3/22/09 0:00 Joseph Airdo Central Illinois 60157 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.22% In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 308.22 100% 0 0.58 308.22 308.22 -215.57 37 7.77
8580 3/22/09 0:00 Joseph Airdo Central Illinois 60157 Solution/Drops Xylocaine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 151.49 100% 0 0.35 151.49 151.49 -3.95 12 11.58
38304 3/22/09 0:00 Pauline Webber South South Carolina 29001 Tablet Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.225% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 30.1 100% 0.09 0.37 30.1 30.1 -28.313 7 3.58
55361 3/23/09 0:00 Chad McGuire Central Nebraska 69367 Syrup Calcibind Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.57 293.52 293.52 -116.66 31 9.38
55361 3/23/09 0:00 Chad McGuire Central Nebraska 69367 For Solution Alcohol 10% And Dextrose 5% Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.06 0.41 51.39 51.39 -64.37 22 1.76
57095 3/23/09 0:00 Paul Prost South Florida 32119 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.33% And Potassium Chloride 30Meq In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 254.93 100% 0.01 0.37 254.93 254.93 -62.882 37 6.81
24871 3/23/09 0:00 Carl Ludwig Central Michigan 48001 For Solution Medrol Acetate Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 143.78 100% 0.04 0.44 143.78 143.78 75.3 6 22.72
30369 3/24/09 0:00 Denny Blanton West California 91188 Ointment Fulconazole In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.38 76.81 76.81 -55.77 13 4.98
30369 3/24/09 0:00 Denny Blanton West California 91188 Aerosol Cefepime In Plastic Container Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.59 174.22 174.22 -1.23 21 8.34
54245 3/24/09 0:00 Cari MacIntyre South Virginia 23970 Concentrate Bicillin Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 83.3 100% 0.09 0.81 83.3 83.3 -114.906 5 20.99
643 3/24/09 0:00 Monica Federle East New Jersey 8989 Syrup Aminohippurate Sodium Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,781.82 100% 0.07 0.85 2,781.82 2,781.82 -695.26 21 138.14
4257 3/24/09 0:00 Liz Price West Arizona 85234 Solution/Drops Bumex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 253.89 100% 0.01 0.35 253.89 253.89 -83.66 45 5.58
55686 3/25/09 0:00 Suzanne McNair South Virginia 24658 Suppository Solaraze Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 423.14 100% 0.03 0.37 423.14 423.14 85.51 26 15.98
55686 3/25/09 0:00 Suzanne McNair South Virginia 24658 Solution Rifampin And Isoniazid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 162.49 100% 0.03 0.57 162.49 162.49 -94.83 2 81.32
55686 3/25/09 0:00 Suzanne McNair South Virginia 24658 Ointment Eryzole Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 628.39 100% 0.1 0.4 628.39 628.39 181.83 22 30.98
24384 3/26/09 0:00 Linda Southworth Central Wisconsin 53001 Concentrate Heparin Sodium 10,000 Units In Dextrose 5% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,458.24 100% 0.1 0.58 2,458.24 2,458.24 110.538 20 155.99
30658 3/26/09 0:00 Charles McCrossin East Delaware 19895 Suspension Avinza Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 17,387.65 100% 0.08 0.36 17,387.65 17,387.65 6,907.61 35 499.99
50404 3/26/09 0:00 Guy Armstrong Central Michigan 48001 Syrup Allay Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,780.43 100% 0.05 0.6 3,780.43 3,780.43 905.57 18 210.55
24384 3/26/09 0:00 Linda Southworth Central Wisconsin 53001 Suspension/Drops Darbid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 205.11 100% 0.06 0.36 205.11 205.11 95.52 44 4.91
24384 3/26/09 0:00 Linda Southworth Central Wisconsin 53001 Syrup Migergot Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,981.23 100% 0.07 0.71 3,981.23 3,981.23 294.94 21 193.17
30658 3/26/09 0:00 Charles McCrossin East Delaware 19895 Syrup Aminohippurate Sodium Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 6,040.22 100% 0.05 0.85 6,040.22 6,040.22 -942.5 44 138.14
48548 3/26/09 0:00 Astrea Jones South Georgia 39859 Gel Triacort Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 13.71 100% 0.03 0.56 13.71 13.71 -10.27 3 3.28
50404 3/26/09 0:00 Guy Armstrong Central Michigan 48001 Spray Sectral Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,961.68 100% 0.04 0.72 1,961.68 1,961.68 -407.78 10 182.55
25376 3/26/09 0:00 Greg Guthrie Central Nebraska 69141 For Solution Lidocaine Hydrochloride 0.4% In Dextrose 5% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 76.61 100% 0.09 0.43 76.61 76.61 -31.83 12 6.28
56804 3/27/09 0:00 Rick Hansen South Georgia 39859 Ointment Esidrix Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.38 121.81 121.81 -50.21 24 4.98
56804 3/27/09 0:00 Rick Hansen South Georgia 39859 Tablet Grifulvin V Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.4 136.45 136.45 -202.078 41 3.36
36001 3/28/09 0:00 Michelle Lonsdale East New Jersey 7001 Tablet Desloratadine And Pseudoephedrine Sulfate 24 Hour Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.38 1,038.82 1,038.82 -78.361 45 22.38
36001 3/28/09 0:00 Michelle Lonsdale East New Jersey 7001 Tablet Mymethazine Fortis Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.4 564.39 564.39 51.8245 47 12.95
34048 3/28/09 0:00 Christopher Schild Central Michigan 48001 For Solution Measurin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 26.68 100% 0.04 0.52 26.68 26.68 -10.74 1 22.23
24965 3/29/09 0:00 Jack Lebron Central Michigan 49877 Tablet Naftin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,528.49 100% 0.07 0.35 2,528.49 2,528.49 580.1505 6 420.98
24965 3/29/09 0:00 Jack Lebron Central Michigan 49877 For Solution Inpersol-Zm W/ Dextrose 4.25% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,146.11 100% 0.09 0.42 1,146.11 1,146.11 330.63 42 29.18
25191 3/30/09 0:00 Sibella Parks East Connecticut 6703 Concentrate Cenestin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.55 4,091.15 4,091.15 1,303.92 42 115.99
20646 3/30/09 0:00 Lauren Leatherbury East New Jersey 8989 Concentrate Betamethasone Acetate And Betamethasone Sodium Phosphate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,204.08 100% 0.04 0.55 1,204.08 1,204.08 341.955 41 35.99
40961 3/30/09 0:00 Bill Donatelli East New York 14925 Suspension/Drops Delflex-Lm W/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 23.84 100% 0.02 0.37 23.84 23.84 5.88 7 3.15
32454 3/31/09 0:00 Ryan Akin South Maryland 20601 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.33% And Potassium Chloride 30Meq In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 83.89 100% 0.05 0.37 83.89 83.89 -29.5895 12 6.81
28807 3/31/09 0:00 Patrick Bzostek West California 94404 Ointment Glipizide And Metformin Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 59.35 100% 0.02 0.38 59.35 59.35 -42.61 9 4.98
37380 4/1/09 0:00 Fred Harton West Washington 98001 Lotion Budesonide Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.38 151.19 151.19 27.37 42 3.55
37380 4/1/09 0:00 Fred Harton West Washington 98001 Ointment Ergocalciferol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.4 507.18 507.18 74.73 47 9.99
37380 4/1/09 0:00 Fred Harton West Washington 98001 Capsule Aminosyn Ii 3.5% M In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.57 737.38 737.38 90.04 29 26.64
58342 4/1/09 0:00 Rick Bensley Central Wisconsin 53081 Suppository Repronex Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,718.87 100% 0.02 0.44 1,718.87 1,718.87 754.1 40 40.98
58372 4/2/09 0:00 Brian Stugart East Connecticut 6928 Gel Aminosyn Ii 3.5% In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 184.1 100% 0.04 0.52 184.1 184.1 43.2 48 3.98
58372 4/2/09 0:00 Brian Stugart East Connecticut 6928 Gel Actos Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 38.2 100% 0.07 0.38 38.2 38.2 4.34 16 2.21
55715 4/2/09 0:00 Eugene Barchas East Massachusetts 2180 Tablet Diovan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 168.57 100% 0.02 0.37 168.57 168.57 16.6515 28 5.28
28805 4/2/09 0:00 Bill Stewart South Virginia 23018 Solution Potassium Chloride 40Meq In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 97.93 100% 0.07 0.59 97.93 97.93 -616.81 14 3.48
28805 4/2/09 0:00 Bill Stewart South Virginia 23018 Tablet Desyrel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 25.52 100% 0.07 0.39 25.52 25.52 -1.9895 4 5.98
28805 4/2/09 0:00 Bill Stewart South Virginia 23018 Aerosol Ceenu Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 487.5 100% 0.05 0.59 487.5 487.5 -25.88 46 10.23
12323 4/2/09 0:00 Lisa DeCherney West Idaho 83201 Tablet Zegerid Otc Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 513.74 100% 0.02 0.38 513.74 513.74 -28.681 32 15.15
12323 4/2/09 0:00 Lisa DeCherney West Idaho 83201 For Solution Lipo-Hepin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 36.8 100% 0 0.56 36.8 36.8 14.19 4 7.38
45377 4/3/09 0:00 Kimberly Carter Central Michigan 49877 Tablet Alphatrex Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.38 91.43 91.43 -22.8965 47 2.08
9922 4/3/09 0:00 Jack O'Briant East New Jersey 8823 Concentrate Cefzil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,176.86 100% 0.03 0.59 1,176.86 1,176.86 137.862 21 65.99
9922 4/3/09 0:00 Jack O'Briant East New Jersey 8823 Suppository Propoxyphene Compound-65 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,075.91 100% 0.03 0.67 1,075.91 1,075.91 34.42 26 39.98
9286 4/3/09 0:00 Tonja Turnell East New York 10055 Ointment A-Hydrocort Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 123.16 100% 0.1 0.36 123.16 123.16 45.79 26 4.98
38370 4/3/09 0:00 Sean O'Donnell South Maryland 21794 Ointment Cefpiramide Sodium Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 169.13 100% 0 0.4 169.13 169.13 43.05 50 3.14
9922 4/3/09 0:00 Jack O'Briant East New Jersey 8823 Spray Normosol-R And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 6,408.30 100% 0.1 0.66 6,408.30 6,408.30 539.54 24 280.98
38212 4/4/09 0:00 Eva Jacobs West Washington 98103 Concentrate Cenestin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0 0.55 3,821.40 3,821.40 1,256.97 38 115.99
38212 4/4/09 0:00 Eva Jacobs West Washington 98103 Syrup Halcion Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.83 3,533.97 3,533.97 -1,329.81 46 80.98
38212 4/4/09 0:00 Eva Jacobs West Washington 98103 Suspension/Drops Dialyte W/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.39 123.75 123.75 55.42 24 4.98
17287 4/5/09 0:00 Shui Tom East New York 14925 Cream Galzin Injection Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.38 5,793.46 5,793.46 2,477.77 38 150.98
17287 4/5/09 0:00 Shui Tom East New York 14925 Concentrate Clarinex D 24 Hour Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.56 4,361.70 4,361.70 1,069.79 26 195.99
40643 4/5/09 0:00 Ben Wallace Central Ohio 45999 Solution/Drops Xylocaine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.35 258.74 258.74 10.8 23 11.58
17287 4/5/09 0:00 Shui Tom East New York 14925 Syrup Intropin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.57 4,558.21 4,558.21 993.81 11 415.88
37988 4/5/09 0:00 Khloe Miller East Massachusetts 2054 Syrup Serostim Lq Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.59 189.19 189.19 -56.71 12 16.06
22787 4/5/09 0:00 Ricardo Block South Alabama 36350 Lotion Diazoxide Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 46.44 100% 0.06 0.81 46.44 46.44 -16.3 35 1.26
197 4/6/09 0:00 Penelope Sewall Central Ohio 45999 Aerosol Catapres-Tts-2 Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.6 310.52 310.52 33.22 23 12.98
17860 4/6/09 0:00 Adam Bellavance East New York 10501 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.22% In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.58 139 139 -96.33 16 7.77
21601 4/6/09 0:00 Nat Gilpin East Connecticut 6928 Syrup Aminess 5.2% Essential Amino Acids W/ Histadine Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,227.34 100% 0.09 0.84 2,227.34 2,227.34 -609.09 20 113.64
22375 4/7/09 0:00 Christine Abelman Central Wisconsin 53006 Ointment Flovent Hfa Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 816.11 100% 0.04 0.37 816.11 816.11 66.14 43 18.97
33700 4/7/09 0:00 Chuck Clark East New York 11769 Ointment Hydrocortone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 260.13 100% 0 0.37 260.13 260.13 -133.98 36 6.48
56550 4/8/09 0:00 Frank Hawley Central Wisconsin 53235 Concentrate Clindagel Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0 0.56 469.8375 469.8375 -159.236 8 65.99
56550 4/8/09 0:00 Frank Hawley Central Wisconsin 53235 Ointment Ifosfamide Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.38 647.77 647.77 166.85 33 19.98
23940 4/8/09 0:00 Khloe Miller East Massachusetts 2054 Solution Potassium Chloride 10Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.6 138.52 138.52 -895.24 20 4.48
56550 4/8/09 0:00 Frank Hawley Central Wisconsin 53235 For Solution Mazanor Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.41 823.78 823.78 343.05 37 22.23
23940 4/8/09 0:00 Khloe Miller East Massachusetts 2054 Capsule Ocufen Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.77 1,735.59 1,735.59 -506.43 11 150.89
52929 4/8/09 0:00 Muhammed MacIntyre East New Jersey 7514 Cream Clindamycin Phosphate In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.49 701.46 701.46 -103.61 43 15.99
50083 4/8/09 0:00 John Castell East New York 14210 Cream Pamine Forte Oral Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.36 13,671.94 13,671.94 5,711.96 33 400.97
7680 4/8/09 0:00 Jim Karlsson Central Nebraska 68016 Ointment Edurant Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.38 1,141.37 1,141.37 -0.14 32 35.44
52929 4/8/09 0:00 Muhammed MacIntyre East New Jersey 7514 Gel Candex Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.4 46.94 46.94 7.34 7 6.47
52929 4/8/09 0:00 Muhammed MacIntyre East New Jersey 7514 Lotion Carisoprodol Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.39 77.99 77.99 19.68 20 3.93
52929 4/8/09 0:00 Muhammed MacIntyre East New Jersey 7514 Gel Tradjenta Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.59 53.94 53.94 -6.53 19 2.78
16291 4/8/09 0:00 Gary Hansen West Utah 84663 For Solution Prefrin-A Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 894.64 100% 0.01 0.44 894.64 894.64 -27.79 31 27.42
51652 4/9/09 0:00 Rachel Payne Central Wisconsin 54990 Suspension/Drops Dialyte W/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.39 195.51 195.51 95.56 37 4.98
51652 4/9/09 0:00 Rachel Payne Central Wisconsin 54990 Syrup Minocycline Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.73 4,992.63 4,992.63 44.13 38 140.85
19424 4/9/09 0:00 Sibella Parks East Connecticut 6703 Concentrate Betamethasone Acetate And Betamethasone Sodium Phosphate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.55 1,129.06 1,129.06 337.725 37 35.99
30820 4/9/09 0:00 Cynthia Arntzen Central Texas 79080 Gel Travasol 2.75% Sulfite Free W/ Electrolytes In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.58 48.01 48.01 -6.85 21 2.21
19424 4/9/09 0:00 Sibella Parks East Connecticut 6703 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.2% And Potassium Chloride 20Meq (K) Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.4 60.68 60.68 -115.713 29 1.98
23104 4/9/09 0:00 Trudy Brown South Florida 34997 Lotion Chlorhexidine Gluconate Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.54 142.8 142.8 -25 24 5.81
23104 4/9/09 0:00 Trudy Brown South Florida 34997 For Solution Mycifradin Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.37 30.92 30.92 28.64 3 6.98
11648 4/9/09 0:00 Brian DeCherney West Idaho 83201 Suppository Reglan Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 32.51 100% 0.1 0.43 32.51 32.51 -90.94 1 35.41
53825 4/9/09 0:00 Joy Smith Central Michigan 48001 Ointment Embeline Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,646.05 100% 0.08 0.37 1,646.05 1,646.05 649.8 36 48.04
11648 4/9/09 0:00 Brian DeCherney West Idaho 83201 Syrup Alphacaine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 570.51 100% 0 0.81 570.51 570.51 -142.75 33 16.74
13795 4/10/09 0:00 Muhammed MacIntyre East New Jersey 7514 Ointment Fentanyl-75 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.38 1,302.99 1,302.99 545.49 37 35.44
13795 4/10/09 0:00 Muhammed MacIntyre East New Jersey 7514 Tablet Neomycin Sulfate, Polymyxin B Sulfate & Hydrocortisone Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.37 501.32 501.32 -119.0825 30 15.99
13795 4/10/09 0:00 Muhammed MacIntyre East New Jersey 7514 Ointment Edarbi Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.36 275.16 275.16 43.35 23 11.34
18182 4/10/09 0:00 Anna Haberlin West Utah 84014 Suppository Depo-Subq Provera 104 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,598.73 100% 0.04 0.5 4,598.73 4,598.73 1,049.45 45 99.99
13569 4/10/09 0:00 Carlos Meador South Florida 32119 Solution Riomet Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 563.18 100% 0.02 0.6 563.18 563.18 67.98 13 40.98
13569 4/10/09 0:00 Carlos Meador South Florida 32119 Tablet Dentipatch Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 47.45 100% 0.05 0.36 47.45 47.45 1.071 16 2.88
18182 4/10/09 0:00 Anna Haberlin West Utah 84014 Syrup Meprobamate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 396.69 100% 0.09 0.61 396.69 396.69 -18.45 12 33.29
18182 4/10/09 0:00 Anna Haberlin West Utah 84014 For Solution Ketozole Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,673.08 100% 0.01 0.72 2,673.08 2,673.08 -1,363.12 45 55.5
6180 4/11/09 0:00 Sung Chung South South Carolina 29941 Concentrate Cefzil Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.59 2,443.34 2,443.34 590.319 44 65.99
52423 4/11/09 0:00 Allen Armold West Washington 98103 Suppository Reglan Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.43 1,734.40 1,734.40 749.16 49 35.41
15907 4/11/09 0:00 Thomas Seio East New Jersey 8989 Ointment Duo-Medihaler Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.38 28.05 28.05 -5.41 4 7.04
52423 4/11/09 0:00 Allen Armold West Washington 98103 Syrup Aminosyn Ii 3.5% In Dextrose 25% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.59 1,128.03 1,128.03 256.3 25 42.76
15907 4/11/09 0:00 Thomas Seio East New Jersey 8989 For Solution Clopra-"Yellow" Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.65 3,722.29 3,722.29 950.68 36 105.98
15907 4/11/09 0:00 Thomas Seio East New Jersey 8989 Injectable Velosulin Br Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.69 1,837.44 1,837.44 -1,414.41 36 48.58
49027 4/11/09 0:00 Fred Harton West Washington 98001 For Solution Maprotiline Hydrochloride Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.47 708.83 708.83 35.08 41 17.67
23522 4/11/09 0:00 Alan Shonely West Colorado 80230 Concentrate Ammonium Chloride 0.9% In Normal Saline Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.56 1,077.81 1,077.81 17.253 20 65.99
23522 4/11/09 0:00 Alan Shonely West Colorado 80230 Suppository Oreticyl 50 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.49 2,899.98 2,899.98 666.01 19 159.99
23522 4/11/09 0:00 Alan Shonely West Colorado 80230 Ointment Hy-Pam "25" Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.37 233.38 233.38 -180.17 36 6.48
23522 4/11/09 0:00 Alan Shonely West Colorado 80230 For Solution Clomipramine Hydrochloride Delayed Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.6 180.43 180.43 -44.86 8 19.99
5251 4/11/09 0:00 Tamara Dahlen East Delaware 19936 Concentrate Aktob Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,821.04 100% 0.05 0.57 3,821.04 3,821.04 1,057.89 38 115.99
45025 4/11/09 0:00 Mike Kennedy East Massachusetts 1001 Tablet Dentipatch Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 73.82 100% 0.08 0.36 73.82 73.82 2.006 26 2.88
17985 4/12/09 0:00 Duane Benoit East New York 501 Concentrate Bio-Tropin Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.81 849.031 849.031 -133.309 50 20.99
26406 4/12/09 0:00 Edward Becker West Utah 84014 Tablet Chlorascrub Swabstick Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.35 167.46 167.46 -134.297 40 4.24
17985 4/12/09 0:00 Duane Benoit East New York 501 Capsule Valisone Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.71 473.88 473.88 -183.26 4 110.98
4769 4/13/09 0:00 Ben Wallace Central Ohio 45999 Suspension/Drops Concerta Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.36 117.4 117.4 48.63 41 2.88
11975 4/13/09 0:00 Max Jones West Washington 98310 Tablet Dostinex Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.36 210.66 210.66 -145.7165 43 5.18
40803 4/13/09 0:00 Jim Karlsson Central Nebraska 68016 Tablet Janimine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.38 83.02 83.02 9.2395 22 3.8
40803 4/13/09 0:00 Jim Karlsson Central Nebraska 68016 Capsule Ogen 2.5 Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.04 0.56 10,278.79 10,278.79 1,512.07 35 300.98
15780 4/13/09 0:00 Thomas Boland West Colorado 81124 Lotion Busulfex Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 71.77 100% 0.03 0.39 71.77 71.77 22.71 19 3.78
9216 4/14/09 0:00 Roy French East Delaware 19934 Solution Clinimix E 5/15 Sulfite-Free W/ Elect In Dextrose 15% W/ Calcium In Plastic Container Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 5,977.63 100% 0.1 0.57 5,977.63 5,977.63 -86.68 36 180.98
29510 4/15/09 0:00 Don Miller East Massachusetts 2054 Injectable Clinimix 4.25/5 Sulfite Free In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.59 6,123.94 6,123.94 1,292.44 22 260.98
24646 4/15/09 0:00 Trudy Brown South Florida 34997 Gel Triesence Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.56 61.18 61.18 6.85 21 2.88
24646 4/15/09 0:00 Trudy Brown South Florida 34997 Solution/Drops Actahist Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.38 662.51 662.51 293.32 46 15.67
21063 4/15/09 0:00 Mike Gockenbach Central Wisconsin 53235 Gel Ancef In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 377.02 100% 0 0.47 377.02 377.02 84.66 49 7.08
21444 4/15/09 0:00 Maurice Satty Central Ohio 43317 Gel Amnesteem Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 34.16 100% 0.09 0.57 34.16 34.16 -2.29 17 2.1
52293 4/15/09 0:00 Ken Lonsdale South Georgia 31811 Ointment Estrace Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 31.14 100% 0.08 0.36 31.14 31.14 -14.59 4 6.48
21063 4/15/09 0:00 Mike Gockenbach Central Wisconsin 53235 Spray Efidac 24 Chlorpheniramine Maleate Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 7,339.24 100% 0 0.69 7,339.24 7,339.24 -279.74 48 145.98
40770 4/16/09 0:00 Cassandra Brandow South South Carolina 29808 Solution Penicillin V Potassium Injection Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.42 217.69 217.69 -11.66 19 11.33
41157 4/16/09 0:00 Nicole Brennan West California 95503 For Solution Colbenemid Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.09 0.65 3,854.40 3,854.40 1,116.98 39 107.53
45248 4/16/09 0:00 Mark Cousins East Massachusetts 2180 Concentrate Cinobac Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,941.77 100% 0.1 0.6 4,941.77 4,941.77 704.889 32 195.99
47367 4/16/09 0:00 Rob Haberlin Central Michigan 49877 Tablet Janimine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 27.99 100% 0.06 0.38 27.99 27.99 -0.1725 7 3.8
47367 4/16/09 0:00 Rob Haberlin Central Michigan 49877 Suspension/Drops Delflex W/ Dextrose 2.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 21.07 100% 0.08 0.38 21.07 21.07 2.28 6 3.69
45248 4/16/09 0:00 Mark Cousins East Massachusetts 2180 Solution Potassium Chloride 20Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.225% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 154.85 100% 0.05 0.59 154.85 154.85 -136.55 38 3.95
38530 4/17/09 0:00 Dave Hallsten Central Texas 78702 Tablet Dextrose 7.7% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.36 1,980.37 1,980.37 904.825 47 40.98
38530 4/17/09 0:00 Dave Hallsten Central Texas 78702 Solution Lygen Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.57 642.66 642.66 -82.35 13 49.43
39492 4/17/09 0:00 Jason Fortune Central Wisconsin 53235 Concentrate Alcaine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 5,347.99 100% 0.01 0.59 5,347.99 5,347.99 1,332.44 31 200.99
39492 4/17/09 0:00 Jason Fortune Central Wisconsin 53235 Suppository Rogaine (For Women) Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,541.92 100% 0.03 0.77 1,541.92 1,541.92 -564.06 38 40.48
39492 4/17/09 0:00 Jason Fortune Central Wisconsin 53235 Ointment Habitrol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 169.48 100% 0.08 0.4 169.48 169.48 -134.76 40 4.28
39527 4/17/09 0:00 Nathan Mautz South Alabama 35077 Ointment Cefuroxime And Dextrose In Duplex Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 213.35 100% 0.01 0.39 213.35 213.35 63.78 29 6.88
29639 4/17/09 0:00 Patrick Ryan South North Carolina 28909 Gel Advair Diskus 500/50 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 22.37 100% 0.04 0.58 22.37 22.37 -14.09 8 2.6
38118 4/18/09 0:00 Jack O'Briant East New Jersey 8823 Suppository Dimetapp Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.68 138.91 138.91 -64.11 7 19.98
13634 4/18/09 0:00 Bradley Nguyen Central Nebraska 68001 Suppository Propoxyphene Compound-65 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,824.13 100% 0.05 0.67 1,824.13 1,824.13 104.51 46 39.98
23301 4/18/09 0:00 Adam Hart East Connecticut 6001 Suppository Quibron-T/Sr Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 28.46 100% 0.02 0.68 28.46 28.46 -27.13 4 5.98
13634 4/18/09 0:00 Bradley Nguyen Central Nebraska 68001 Solution/Drops Bumex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 151.38 100% 0.04 0.35 151.38 151.38 -55.61 27 5.58
23301 4/18/09 0:00 Adam Hart East Connecticut 6001 Ointment Haloperidol Decanoate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 23.44 100% 0.05 0.36 23.44 23.44 -10.58 3 5.98
35360 4/18/09 0:00 Yana Sorensen West California 93456 Tablet Nascobal Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 41.06 100% 0.04 0.35 41.06 41.06 -16.3875 4 8.88
41026 4/19/09 0:00 Duane Benoit East New York 501 Aerosol Ativan Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.84 59.76 59.76 -33.11 19 3.14
41026 4/19/09 0:00 Duane Benoit East New York 501 Capsule Ondansetron Hydrochloride And Dextrose In Plastic Container Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.1 0.66 709.37 709.37 -281.76 8 89.99
21799 4/19/09 0:00 Lynn Smith West Idaho 83465 Gel Advair Diskus 500/50 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 115.99 100% 0.05 0.58 115.99 115.99 -53.35 42 2.6
16802 4/20/09 0:00 Nora Price East New York 14210 Syrup Aminosyn 8.5% W/ Electrolytes Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.82 2,703.45 2,703.45 -445.04 26 95.99
16802 4/20/09 0:00 Nora Price East New York 14210 Ointment Premphase (Premarin;Cycrin 14/14) Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.37 302.59 302.59 -124.44 44 6.68
48354 4/20/09 0:00 Lisa Ryan West New Mexico 87011 Ointment Fludara Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 1,387.29 1,387.29 405.64 25 55.48
10308 4/20/09 0:00 Dennis Pardue Central Ohio 44197 Concentrate Aldoclor-150 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.57 5,554.04 5,554.04 1,153.84 40 175.99
31271 4/20/09 0:00 Clay Cheatham Central Wisconsin 53006 For Solution Diazoxide Delayed Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.03 0.59 43.29 43.29 -0.36 4 8.37
37828 4/20/09 0:00 Mike Caudle West Utah 84663 Suppository Thallous Chloride Tl 201 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 490.17 100% 0.04 0.77 490.17 490.17 -57.09 23 20.97
55362 4/20/09 0:00 Cindy Schnelling South Alabama 36032 Suspension/Drops Clonidine Hydrochloride And Chlorthalidone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 67.84 100% 0.07 0.36 67.84 67.84 13.44 24 2.88
37828 4/20/09 0:00 Mike Caudle West Utah 84663 Suspension/Drops Darbid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 206.2 100% 0.01 0.36 206.2 206.2 101.14 42 4.91
7812 4/20/09 0:00 Karl Brown West California 93456 For Solution Prefrin-A Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 475.9 100% 0.04 0.44 475.9 475.9 -5.18 17 27.42
7812 4/20/09 0:00 Karl Brown West California 93456 Spray Heparin Sodium 25,000 Units And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,635.63 100% 0.09 0.66 3,635.63 3,635.63 104.48 12 320.64
52261 4/21/09 0:00 Bruce Degenhardt West Arizona 85295 Spray Fludarabine Phosphate Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.64 10,261.25 10,261.25 611.11 49 212.6
26503 4/21/09 0:00 Thais Sissman Central Wisconsin 53235 Solution/Drops Winstrol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.38 671.78 671.78 297.23 47 15.57
26503 4/21/09 0:00 Thais Sissman Central Wisconsin 53235 For Solution Aerolate Iii Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.01 0.49 262.09 262.09 58.69 12 19.98
40454 4/21/09 0:00 Cynthia Delaney Central Illinois 60001 Gel Exsel Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,243.88 100% 0.1 0.58 1,243.88 1,243.88 22.71 43 30.98
43013 4/22/09 0:00 Lauren Leatherbury East New Jersey 8989 Syrup Tiazac Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.57 1,438.33 1,438.33 163.38 43 34.76
43013 4/22/09 0:00 Lauren Leatherbury East New Jersey 8989 For Solution Hydrogenated Ergot Alkaloids Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.55 2,437.67 2,437.67 25.68 50 50.98
33287 4/22/09 0:00 Mike Vittorini West Arizona 85234 Cream Low-Ogestrel-28 Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0 0.56 11,904.55 11,904.55 3,909.33 44 270.97
24486 4/22/09 0:00 Pete Armstrong East Connecticut 6703 Suppository Renese Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 28.11 100% 0.03 0.77 28.11 28.11 -31.62 3 8.12
25863 4/22/09 0:00 George Bell South Virginia 23970 Concentrate Ak-Fluor 25% Injection TableauCeutical Animal 340.6885 100% 0 0.58 340.6885 340.6885 -10.846 18 20.99
24486 4/22/09 0:00 Pete Armstrong East Connecticut 6703 Gel Tolectin 600 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 27.06 100% 0 0.56 27.06 27.06 -0.06 14 1.76
39268 4/22/09 0:00 Maureen Fritzler West Washington 98625 Lotion Alsuma Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 156.95 100% 0.1 0.83 156.95 156.95 -32.52 45 3.74
39268 4/22/09 0:00 Maureen Fritzler West Washington 98625 Tablet Dopamine Hydrochloride In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 324.2 100% 0.02 0.39 324.2 324.2 -89.746 44 7.1
37826 4/23/09 0:00 Amy Hunt Central Texas 73301 Ointment Chlorofair Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 325.8 100% 0.03 0.39 325.8 325.8 -84.85 45 6.78
29539 4/23/09 0:00 Neil French South Virginia 23018 Solution/Drops Borofair Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 223.2 100% 0.1 0.39 223.2 223.2 78.74 24 9.78
6402 4/23/09 0:00 Nathan Mautz South Alabama 35077 Aerosol Ceenu Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 373.33 100% 0.01 0.59 373.33 373.33 -22.18 35 10.23
38311 4/23/09 0:00 Craig Leslie West Idaho 83465 Syrup Minocycline Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,201.51 100% 0.1 0.73 1,201.51 1,201.51 -185.48 9 140.85
16710 4/24/09 0:00 Alex Grayson West Colorado 80230 Cream Vivitrol Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 5,549.79 100% 0.09 0.56 5,549.79 5,549.79 1,300.80 47 145.45
43398 4/24/09 0:00 John Lee Central Texas 79080 Spray Potassium Chloride Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,600.85 100% 0.07 0.55 1,600.85 1,600.85 -193.97 10 159.31
2947 4/25/09 0:00 Pete Armstrong East Connecticut 6703 Ointment Fentanyl Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 57.04 100% 0.05 0.36 57.04 57.04 -29.06 8 6.48
52611 4/25/09 0:00 Cathy Prescott South Virginia 23664 Lotion Chloraprep One-Step Frepp Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 24.95 100% 0.09 0.44 24.95 24.95 -5.14 11 2.18
30626 4/25/09 0:00 Nathan Mautz South Alabama 35077 Gel Yutopar Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 220.82 100% 0.1 0.43 220.82 220.82 77.68 23 9.93
59271 4/25/09 0:00 Lynn Smith West Idaho 83465 Ointment Haloperidol Decanoate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 144.03 100% 0.02 0.36 144.03 144.03 -37.04 23 5.98
59271 4/25/09 0:00 Lynn Smith West Idaho 83465 Solution Penicillin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 630.38 100% 0.02 0.43 630.38 630.38 -186.77 40 14.81
56162 4/25/09 0:00 Julia Barnett South Florida 32119 Capsule Unipen Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,217.79 100% 0.09 0.69 5,217.79 5,217.79 209.54 30 180.98
25697 4/26/09 0:00 Joni Blumstein East Connecticut 6817 Suppository Rau-Sed Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 400.25 100% 0.02 0.61 400.25 400.25 -37.5 46 8.46
10054 4/28/09 0:00 Helen Wasserman South North Carolina 27006 Concentrate Probampacin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.56 196.8515 196.8515 -606.595 2 125.99
10054 4/28/09 0:00 Helen Wasserman South North Carolina 27006 For Solution Ketalar Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.74 203.3 203.3 148.25 2 79.52
35238 4/28/09 0:00 Jack O'Briant East New Jersey 8823 Concentrate Aldoril D50 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.56 1,403.03 1,403.03 153.801 27 65.99
25479 4/28/09 0:00 Bill Eplett South North Carolina 28633 Concentrate Bromatapp Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 210.5025 100% 0.04 0.39 210.5025 210.5025 -315.326 3 85.99
34694 4/28/09 0:00 Elizabeth Moffitt East Connecticut 6928 For Solution Bioscrub Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 55.49 100% 0.04 0.54 55.49 55.49 -37.32 11 4.48
39008 4/28/09 0:00 Nick Radford South Georgia 31811 Capsule Ocl Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,582.79 100% 0 0.74 3,582.79 3,582.79 -1,177.14 28 122.99
26791 4/29/09 0:00 Harold Engle Central Michigan 49634 Syrup Ilotycin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.59 500.48 500.48 -48.2 45 11.29
3750 4/29/09 0:00 Aaron Smayling Central Ohio 43001 Ointment Haloperidol Decanoate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.36 76.16 76.16 -24.03 12 5.98
16674 4/29/09 0:00 Robert Barroso West California 96121 Solution Doxychel Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.56 1,959.43 1,959.43 467.72 49 42.98
16674 4/29/09 0:00 Robert Barroso West California 96121 Capsule Phenaphen W/ Codeine No. 3 Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.64 14,072.64 14,072.64 2,177.54 39 355.98
17252 4/29/09 0:00 Ivan Liston South Maryland 21230 Ointment Etrafon-A Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,283.22 100% 0.03 0.38 2,283.22 2,283.22 1,006.72 48 48.91
42727 4/29/09 0:00 Saphhira Shifley West Washington 98625 Aerosol Lorabid Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 177.06 100% 0.1 0.55 177.06 177.06 -100.61 21 8.45
17252 4/29/09 0:00 Ivan Liston South Maryland 21230 Spray Phisohex Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 11,365.62 100% 0.08 0.76 11,365.62 11,365.62 229.22 49 296.18
42727 4/29/09 0:00 Saphhira Shifley West Washington 98625 Capsule Orapred Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,510.23 100% 0.01 0.6 5,510.23 5,510.23 915.8 11 500.98
2208 4/30/09 0:00 Jack O'Briant East New Jersey 8823 Suspension Oxacillin Sodium Delayed Release Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.37 23,281.05 23,281.05 9,097.65 41 599.99
22850 4/30/09 0:00 Allen Armold West Washington 98103 Suppository Drisdol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.75 105.13 105.13 -103.23 4 27.48
2208 4/30/09 0:00 Jack O'Briant East New Jersey 8823 Tablet Procapan Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.4 82.06 82.06 -26.9905 7 11.5
513 4/30/09 0:00 Arthur Prichep West California 91188 Capsule Ocufen Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.77 5,437.92 5,437.92 -684.57 33 150.89
38305 4/30/09 0:00 Michael Chen Central Nebraska 68717 Concentrate Altabax Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,561.67 100% 0.08 0.6 2,561.67 2,561.67 88.767 21 155.99
18528 4/30/09 0:00 Jas O'Carroll East Connecticut 6928 Ointment Freamine Hbc 6.9% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 136.24 100% 0.03 0.36 136.24 136.24 -96.22 22 5.78
18528 4/30/09 0:00 Jas O'Carroll East Connecticut 6928 Solution Cardizem Sr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 340.97 100% 0.07 0.58 340.97 340.97 -22.82 33 10.98
6755 5/1/09 0:00 Kelly Lampkin West Utah 84741 Tablet Dopamine Hydrochloride In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.39 156.47 156.47 -39.2265 20 7.1
2311 5/1/09 0:00 Fred Harton West Washington 98001 For Solution Kwell Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.57 1,324.09 1,324.09 94.96 31 40.89
56834 5/1/09 0:00 Darren Powers West Utah 84741 Cream Paremyd Oral TableauCeutical Animal 1,900.47 100% 0 0.4 1,900.47 1,900.47 202.73 22 80.97
7878 5/1/09 0:00 Meg O'Connel East New Jersey 7514 Lotion Chlorhexidine Gluconate Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 256.64 100% 0.03 0.54 256.64 256.64 -28.29 42 5.81
56834 5/1/09 0:00 Darren Powers West Utah 84741 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride, Hydrochlorothiazide And Reserpine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 205.52 100% 0.09 0.37 205.52 205.52 -118.55 33 6.48
30848 5/1/09 0:00 Speros Goranitis Central Texas 88595 Spray Feridex I.V. Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,324.29 100% 0.09 0.62 4,324.29 4,324.29 298.83 13 348.21
7878 5/1/09 0:00 Meg O'Connel East New Jersey 7514 Injectable Vertavis Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,904.12 100% 0.07 0.6 3,904.12 3,904.12 -1,508.46 50 81.94
7878 5/1/09 0:00 Meg O'Connel East New Jersey 7514 For Solution Hyzaar Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 343.64 100% 0.06 0.49 343.64 343.64 13.29 41 8.57
42979 5/1/09 0:00 Maxwell Schwartz West New Mexico 87011 Capsule Uticillin Vk Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,770.79 100% 0.02 0.61 2,770.79 2,770.79 109.39 29 90.98
2978 5/2/09 0:00 Alan Schoenberger West Colorado 80001 Concentrate Protostat Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 6,264.19 100% 0.01 0.6 6,264.19 6,264.19 1,312.04 34 205.99
2978 5/2/09 0:00 Alan Schoenberger West Colorado 80001 Concentrate Alcaine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,671.15 100% 0.07 0.59 4,671.15 4,671.15 947.313 28 200.99
10695 5/2/09 0:00 Deborah Brumfield West Colorado 81221 Concentrate Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.11% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 6,330.09 100% 0.1 0.59 6,330.09 6,330.09 1,421.89 39 205.99
42725 5/2/09 0:00 Frank Merwin West Idaho 83877 Syrup Adriamycin Rdf Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 231.06 100% 0.04 0.57 231.06 231.06 -29.83 18 12.28
32929 5/2/09 0:00 Liz MacKendrick West Idaho 83552 Solution/Drops Cardiolite Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 44.56 100% 0.05 0.38 44.56 44.56 4.81 8 5.68
2978 5/2/09 0:00 Alan Schoenberger West Colorado 80001 Solution/Drops Thyroglobulin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 5,410.95 100% 0.09 0.39 5,410.95 5,410.95 2,077.91 36 162.93
32929 5/2/09 0:00 Liz MacKendrick West Idaho 83552 Syrup Zonalon Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 152.14 100% 0.09 0.58 152.14 152.14 -26.87 13 12.21
44871 5/3/09 0:00 Denise Monton Central Ohio 43001 Gel Triprolidine Hydrochloride Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.56 94.46 94.46 -75.09 27 3.28
33925 5/3/09 0:00 Catherine Glotzbach South South Carolina 29374 Ointment Gynazole-1 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.4 1,488.86 1,488.86 -95.05 47 30.98
5696 5/3/09 0:00 Theresa Swint Central Wisconsin 54990 Suppository Quibron-T/Sr Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 175.92 100% 0.09 0.68 175.92 175.92 -93.41 31 5.98
44960 5/3/09 0:00 Tamara Chand East Delaware 19895 Suppository Dilantin-125 Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 31.68 100% 0.04 0.51 31.68 31.68 -23.69 17 1.7
41539 5/3/09 0:00 Charles Crestani South Georgia 39859 Concentrate Dextrose 2.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,303.71 100% 0.04 0.58 2,303.71 2,303.71 398.223 41 65.99
5696 5/3/09 0:00 Theresa Swint Central Wisconsin 54990 Tablet Nalidixic Acid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,206.17 100% 0.02 0.37 2,206.17 2,206.17 251.43 4 525.98
5696 5/3/09 0:00 Theresa Swint Central Wisconsin 54990 Tablet Rifadin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 621.12 100% 0.1 0.37 621.12 621.12 190.5275 40 16.51
44960 5/3/09 0:00 Tamara Chand East Delaware 19895 Ointment Humulin U Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 112.91 100% 0.04 0.37 112.91 112.91 -72.81 16 6.48
35584 5/3/09 0:00 Joel Jenkins East New York 14709 Syrup Monistat 7 Combination Pack Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 150.33 100% 0.08 0.6 150.33 150.33 -98.23 15 9.71
44960 5/3/09 0:00 Tamara Chand East Delaware 19895 Aerosol Cefotan Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 180.92 100% 0.1 0.59 180.92 180.92 -82.54 22 8.57
41539 5/3/09 0:00 Charles Crestani South Georgia 39859 Gel Android 10 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 41.85 100% 0.04 0.42 41.85 41.85 -8.44 24 1.6
37314 5/4/09 0:00 Michelle Huthwaite West Idaho 83552 For Solution Ifex Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.48 210.86 210.86 5.5 21 9.77
21414 5/4/09 0:00 Harry Marie Central Illinois 60001 Concentrate Asbron Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,491.61 100% 0.05 0.6 3,491.61 3,491.61 717.696 33 125.99
39745 5/4/09 0:00 Ralph Kennedy West Utah 84663 Cream Paracort Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 955.29 100% 0.05 0.4 955.29 955.29 -328.96 8 115.99
21414 5/4/09 0:00 Harry Marie Central Illinois 60001 Syrup Haloperidol Lactate Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,644.60 100% 0.05 0.81 3,644.60 3,644.60 -1,144.67 46 80.98
21414 5/4/09 0:00 Harry Marie Central Illinois 60001 Ointment Dianeal Pd-2 W/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 117.91 100% 0.05 0.39 117.91 117.91 29.27 34 3.38
21414 5/4/09 0:00 Harry Marie Central Illinois 60001 Aerosol Serophene Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 103.6 100% 0.09 0.82 103.6 103.6 -72.86 43 2.52
19649 5/4/09 0:00 Janet Lee Central Ohio 43317 Solution Peg-Lyte Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 375.74 100% 0.05 0.52 375.74 375.74 -9.31 25 14.42
25955 5/4/09 0:00 Janet Martin South Maryland 21794 Syrup Serostim Lq Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 170.35 100% 0.03 0.59 170.35 170.35 -39.92 10 16.06
19649 5/4/09 0:00 Janet Lee Central Ohio 43317 Spray Pletal Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,095.11 100% 0.1 0.65 1,095.11 1,095.11 -1,286.43 36 31.76
18503 5/5/09 0:00 Sarah Brown South Florida 34997 Cream Vivitrol Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 6,637.63 100% 0.03 0.56 6,637.63 6,637.63 1,487.94 46 145.45
18503 5/5/09 0:00 Sarah Brown South Florida 34997 Concentrate Antagonate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 928.9055 100% 0.06 0.58 928.9055 928.9055 -23.925 13 85.99
49346 5/5/09 0:00 Rick Hansen South Georgia 39859 Ointment Glucoscan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 276.75 100% 0.04 0.4 276.75 276.75 -117.91 50 5.28
23617 5/5/09 0:00 Christy Brittain South Georgia 30002 Tablet Dianeal Low Calcium W/ Dextrose 2.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 247.34 100% 0.04 0.35 247.34 247.34 63.6055 6 37.7
42628 5/5/09 0:00 Ken Lonsdale South Georgia 31811 Spray Aminosyn Ii 5% Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,199.34 100% 0.01 0.49 1,199.34 1,199.34 224.8 4 349.45
49346 5/5/09 0:00 Rick Hansen South Georgia 39859 For Solution Chlorpropamide Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 94.35 100% 0.1 0.55 94.35 94.35 42.22 8 12.22
1702 5/6/09 0:00 Annie Cyprus East Delaware 19891 Gel Amrinone Lactate Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.54 67.24 67.24 4.9 23 2.84
41857 5/6/09 0:00 Lycoris Saunders Central Ohio 45999 For Solution Laryngotracheal Anesthesia Kit Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.55 461.05 461.05 -38.39 45 9.65
14883 5/6/09 0:00 Jason Fortune Central Wisconsin 53235 Concentrate Priscoline Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 5,126.42 100% 0.03 0.6 5,126.42 5,126.42 1,557.64 47 125.99
58407 5/6/09 0:00 John Grady East New York 14709 Ointment Fludara Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,669.88 100% 0.02 0.37 1,669.88 1,669.88 548.92 29 55.48
14883 5/6/09 0:00 Jason Fortune Central Wisconsin 53235 Capsule Optimine Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 978.4 100% 0.07 0.6 978.4 978.4 -211.58 38 25.98
34791 5/7/09 0:00 Mary O'Rourke East Massachusetts 1054 Ointment Thiothixene Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.37 1,010.26 1,010.26 271.5 9 104.85
34791 5/7/09 0:00 Mary O'Rourke East Massachusetts 1054 For Solution Suprenza Extended Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.42 284.58 284.58 33.81 37 7.59
55520 5/7/09 0:00 Dario Medina West Arizona 85060 Cream Cyclapen-W Injection Competitor B Animal 0.08 0.36 525.77 525.77 34.63 43 11.99
43686 5/7/09 0:00 Tom Boeckenhauer East Connecticut 6439 Suppository Testosterone Cypionate-Estradiol Cypionate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,313.64 100% 0.05 0.45 1,313.64 1,313.64 284.84 16 83.1
24679 5/7/09 0:00 Janet Molinari East New York 544 Suppository Renoquid Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 33.99 100% 0.09 0.72 33.99 33.99 -25.86 7 4.77
31876 5/7/09 0:00 Brian Moss South Alabama 35751 Syrup Aminosyn 8.5% W/ Electrolytes Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 741.49 100% 0.08 0.82 741.49 741.49 -360.18 8 95.99
28035 5/8/09 0:00 Don Miller East Massachusetts 2054 Tablet Ziac Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 376.21 376.21 89.556 19 18.99
35841 5/8/09 0:00 Mathew Reese South North Carolina 28909 Concentrate Stoxil Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.07 0.57 5,163.01 5,163.01 1,448.33 48 125.99
35841 5/8/09 0:00 Mathew Reese South North Carolina 28909 Solution/Drops Actiq Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.37 230.41 230.41 94.39 23 9.9
14242 5/8/09 0:00 Dennis Pardue Central Ohio 44197 Suppository Memantine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,078.58 100% 0.03 0.75 1,078.58 1,078.58 9 35 30.73
55616 5/8/09 0:00 Joni Wasserman South Georgia 39859 Suppository Pyrilamine Maleate Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 184.74 100% 0 0.75 184.74 184.74 -102.25 29 5.98
55616 5/8/09 0:00 Joni Wasserman South Georgia 39859 Concentrate Bayer Extra Strength Aspirin For Migraine Pain Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 437.478 100% 0.02 0.83 437.478 437.478 -42.229 24 20.99
16128 5/8/09 0:00 Michael Grace South Florida 32119 For Solution Prednisone Intensol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,968.66 100% 0.07 0.46 2,968.66 2,968.66 1,077.49 46 63.94
34434 5/9/09 0:00 Barbara Fisher South Alabama 35062 Suspension/Drops Dialyte W/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.39 116.56 116.56 50.66 23 4.98
34434 5/9/09 0:00 Barbara Fisher South Alabama 35062 Tablet Diucardin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.37 32.35 32.35 -63.1925 16 1.8
8288 5/9/09 0:00 Marc Crier Central Texas 77474 Tablet Nexium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,337.81 100% 0.02 0.39 1,337.81 1,337.81 407.116 22 59.78
13730 5/9/09 0:00 Ricardo Emerson West Arizona 85071 Spray Ellence Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,617.64 100% 0.07 0.64 3,617.64 3,617.64 -247.64 26 146.34
30657 5/10/09 0:00 Paul Stevenson West New Mexico 88439 Suppository Meti-Derm Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 273.38 100% 0.06 0.66 273.38 273.38 -170.91 6 43.22
30657 5/10/09 0:00 Paul Stevenson West New Mexico 88439 Suppository Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.2% And Potassium Chloride 40Meq Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 179.66 100% 0.01 0.43 179.66 179.66 -1.73 8 22.24
12322 5/11/09 0:00 Jay Kimmel West California 92320 For Solution Inomax Injection Competitor B Human - Rx 0.03 0.67 3,436.90 3,436.90 -398.11 36 92.23
53127 5/11/09 0:00 Tony Chapman West New Mexico 87537 Concentrate Proventil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,628.05 100% 0.05 0.59 2,628.05 2,628.05 -137.951 49 65.99
53127 5/11/09 0:00 Tony Chapman West New Mexico 87537 Tablet Dianeal Low Calcium W/ Dextrose 2.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,893.29 100% 0.07 0.35 1,893.29 1,893.29 857.344 50 37.7
10662 5/12/09 0:00 Aaron Hawkins South Georgia 30002 Ointment Fentanyl Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.36 283.13 283.13 -141.26 45 6.48
8064 5/12/09 0:00 Gary McGarr Central Illinois 62541 Capsule Physiosol In Plastic Container Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.57 10,445.95 10,445.95 1,069.61 44 243.98
31973 5/12/09 0:00 Richard Bierner West Washington 98103 Ointment Cladribine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.37 124.89 124.89 -111.17 16 7.28
31973 5/12/09 0:00 Richard Bierner West Washington 98103 Capsule Aminosyn Ii 3.5% M In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Injection Competitor B Human - Rx 0.03 0.57 404.54 404.54 43.99 15 26.64
48486 5/12/09 0:00 Frank Merwin West Idaho 83877 Ointment Hydrocodone Bitartrate And Acetaminophen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 271.14 100% 0.07 0.37 271.14 271.14 -174.74 42 6.48
43397 5/12/09 0:00 Damala Kotsonis South Maryland 21230 Capsule Onglyza Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,130.31 100% 0.08 0.56 2,130.31 2,130.31 -319.26 35 60.89
40327 5/13/09 0:00 Erica Bern Central Michigan 49971 Solution/Drops Homatropine Methylbromide And Hydrocodone Bitartrate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 152.55 100% 0.06 0.39 152.55 152.55 -20.27 42 3.69
40327 5/13/09 0:00 Erica Bern Central Michigan 49971 Ointment Fortaz In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 152.96 100% 0.09 0.4 152.96 152.96 -123.87 36 4.28
9921 5/14/09 0:00 Amy Hunt Central Texas 73301 Solution/Drops Actahist Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.38 356.09 356.09 155.82 23 15.67
34215 5/14/09 0:00 Cari Schnelling East Delaware 19701 Tablet Diprolene Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.38 35.65 35.65 -5.9225 6 5.34
39590 5/14/09 0:00 Jason Gross East New York 544 Ointment Albalon Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.36 79.25 79.25 -13.25 9 7.64
57444 5/14/09 0:00 Barry Pond East Connecticut 6074 Tablet Norditropin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 178.92 100% 0.09 0.35 178.92 178.92 -56.1085 24 7.68
965 5/14/09 0:00 Jas O'Carroll East Connecticut 6928 Spray Normosol-R And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 11,230.25 100% 0.07 0.66 11,230.25 11,230.25 -2,505.30 42 280.98
16450 5/15/09 0:00 Dennis Bolton East New Jersey 7001 Solution/Drops Diastat Acudial Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.36 73.5 73.5 5.71 12 5.98
26887 5/15/09 0:00 Adam Bellavance East New York 10501 Tablet Modicon 21 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.4 193.84 193.84 -117.1045 23 8.04
26887 5/15/09 0:00 Adam Bellavance East New York 10501 Solution Doxychel Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.56 1,637.78 1,637.78 461.65 38 42.98
43267 5/16/09 0:00 Fred Wasserman East Massachusetts 2054 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.15% In Dextrose 10% And Sodium Chloride 0.2% In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.54 1,368.14 1,368.14 171.26 17 76.72
48544 5/16/09 0:00 Jack O'Briant East New Jersey 8823 Concentrate Bactrim Ds Extended Release Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.57 831.5805 831.5805 273.051 44 20.99
14951 5/17/09 0:00 Denise Monton Central Ohio 43001 Suppository Sorbitrate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.48 2,779.20 2,779.20 889.57 34 80.98
14951 5/17/09 0:00 Denise Monton Central Ohio 43001 Gel Advair Diskus 500/50 Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.58 65.21 65.21 -41.6 26 2.6
51938 5/17/09 0:00 Jim Radford East Massachusetts 2054 Concentrate Asbron Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 503.3275 100% 0.06 0.6 503.3275 503.3275 -488.312 5 125.99
8995 5/17/09 0:00 Beth Paige East Massachusetts 2180 Lotion Aldactazide Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 89.41 100% 0.01 0.83 89.41 89.41 -21.49 46 1.89
8995 5/17/09 0:00 Beth Paige East Massachusetts 2180 Ointment Hydrocortone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 266.36 100% 0.07 0.37 266.36 266.36 -191.28 42 6.48
8995 5/17/09 0:00 Beth Paige East Massachusetts 2180 Tablet Cefazolin And Dextrose Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 24.16 100% 0.08 0.37 24.16 24.16 8.0495 5 1.88
8995 5/17/09 0:00 Beth Paige East Massachusetts 2180 Ointment Estrace Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 270.84 100% 0.1 0.36 270.84 270.84 -78.02 41 6.48
8995 5/17/09 0:00 Beth Paige East Massachusetts 2180 For Solution Sprx-105 Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,389.93 100% 0.08 0.59 3,389.93 3,389.93 737.94 35 102.3
1317 5/18/09 0:00 Janet Lee Central Ohio 43317 Ointment Glucoscan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 156.7 100% 0.06 0.4 156.7 156.7 -76.64 29 5.28
1317 5/18/09 0:00 Janet Lee Central Ohio 43317 Tablet Metatensin #4 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 523.42 100% 0.06 0.4 523.42 523.42 39.423 44 11.7
1317 5/18/09 0:00 Janet Lee Central Ohio 43317 Ointment Exjade Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 192.54 100% 0.08 0.36 192.54 192.54 -186.73 40 4.98
512 5/19/09 0:00 Sam Craven South Georgia 31569 Syrup Inderide La 160/50 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.58 806.37 806.37 -166.4 48 15.42
512 5/19/09 0:00 Sam Craven South Georgia 31569 Capsule Sodium Bicarbonate In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.57 1,309.53 1,309.53 19.18 6 218.08
7585 5/19/09 0:00 Darren Koutras East New York 14709 Concentrate Bayer Extra Strength Aspirin For Migraine Pain Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 650.1395 100% 0 0.83 650.1395 650.1395 22.572 34 20.99
31687 5/19/09 0:00 Arianne Irving Central Texas 78702 Gel 8-Mop Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 123.06 100% 0.07 0.45 123.06 123.06 3.5 44 2.78
39586 5/19/09 0:00 Lauren Leatherbury East New Jersey 8989 Tablet Asellacrin 10 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 10.48 100% 0.04 0.38 10.48 10.48 -5.4395 1 3.52
964 5/19/09 0:00 Stefania Perrino South South Carolina 29338 Gel Yutopar Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 40.02 100% 0.02 0.43 40.02 40.02 -1.28 4 9.93
964 5/19/09 0:00 Stefania Perrino South South Carolina 29338 Tablet Desyrel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 315.02 100% 0.02 0.39 315.02 315.02 95.1575 50 5.98
26976 5/20/09 0:00 Thea Hendricks South North Carolina 28909 Concentrate Aminosyn-Rf 5.2% Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.57 1,154.94 1,154.94 -176.055 11 125.99
17312 5/20/09 0:00 Nancy Lomonaco West Utah 84014 Concentrate Priscoline Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0 0.6 4,610.29 4,610.29 1,432.86 41 125.99
52900 5/20/09 0:00 Helen Wasserman South North Carolina 27006 Ointment Gonal-F Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.36 101.14 101.14 -32.62 16 5.98
26976 5/20/09 0:00 Thea Hendricks South North Carolina 28909 Solution/Drops Actahist Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.38 729.75 729.75 375.25 44 15.67
17312 5/20/09 0:00 Nancy Lomonaco West Utah 84014 Ointment Foscavir Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.37 258.54 258.54 -116.37 37 6.68
26976 5/20/09 0:00 Thea Hendricks South North Carolina 28909 For Solution Indo-Lemmon Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.65 1,417.21 1,417.21 63.88 28 51.65
56387 5/20/09 0:00 Brian Dahlen Central Texas 78602 Ointment Heparin Sodium 25,000 Units In Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.37 67.46 67.46 -57.53 9 6.48
56387 5/20/09 0:00 Brian Dahlen Central Texas 78602 Tablet Demeclocycline Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.37 128.14 128.14 -163.576 32 3.89
50306 5/20/09 0:00 Anemone Ratner West Utah 84121 Tablet Nandrolone Phenpropionate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.38 2,010.89 2,010.89 564.0685 34 63.98
27364 5/20/09 0:00 Joseph Airdo Central Illinois 60157 Concentrate Cefzil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,529.06 100% 0.06 0.59 1,529.06 1,529.06 201.726 29 65.99
24099 5/20/09 0:00 Max Engle South North Carolina 28633 Suppository Soyacal 10% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 205.24 100% 0.01 0.79 205.24 205.24 -135.51 6 30.98
27364 5/20/09 0:00 Joseph Airdo Central Illinois 60157 Tablet Dentipatch Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 74.07 100% 0.04 0.36 74.07 74.07 4.369 25 2.88
24099 5/20/09 0:00 Max Engle South North Carolina 28633 Syrup Coreg Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 825.82 100% 0 0.84 825.82 825.82 -1,049.26 36 20.34
21477 5/21/09 0:00 Jennifer Jackson East New Jersey 7514 Ointment Cefuroxime And Dextrose In Duplex Container Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.39 278.8 278.8 77.71 40 6.88
21477 5/21/09 0:00 Jennifer Jackson East New Jersey 7514 Tablet Seasonique Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.39 189.73 189.73 43.1715 7 24.95
38403 5/21/09 0:00 Michelle Huthwaite West Idaho 83552 Suspension/Drops Clonidine Hydrochloride And Chlorthalidone Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.36 142.1 142.1 37.03 49 2.88
6566 5/21/09 0:00 Kean Thornton West Colorado 81655 Suppository Rela Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 748.83 100% 0.01 0.45 748.83 748.83 250.01 21 33.98
25280 5/21/09 0:00 Stefania Perrino South South Carolina 29338 Gel Tobradex St Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 202.64 100% 0.03 0.57 202.64 202.64 28.75 47 4.13
25280 5/21/09 0:00 Stefania Perrino South South Carolina 29338 Tablet Otobione Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 179.26 100% 0.01 0.38 179.26 179.26 36.7795 16 10.91
21542 5/21/09 0:00 Frank Atkinson South Georgia 30002 Gel Eulexin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 404.3 100% 0.04 0.59 404.3 404.3 -27.34 18 21.38
4422 5/21/09 0:00 Scott Cohen West Idaho 83643 Gel Eulexin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 390.11 100% 0.02 0.59 390.11 390.11 -19.92 17 21.38
21542 5/21/09 0:00 Frank Atkinson South Georgia 30002 Spray Feridex I.V. Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 11,674.97 100% 0.05 0.66 11,674.97 11,674.97 715.18 43 348.21
4422 5/21/09 0:00 Scott Cohen West Idaho 83643 For Solution Matulane Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 313.43 100% 0.02 0.5 313.43 313.43 104.03 12 25.38
46117 5/22/09 0:00 Maria Bertelson East New Jersey 7001 Capsule Novolog Mix 70/30 Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.56 1,168.28 1,168.28 126.07 22 50.98
42918 5/22/09 0:00 Logan Haushalter Central Nebraska 68770 Cream Azdone Injection TableauCeutical Animal 410.43 100% 0.1 0.39 410.43 410.43 -62.74 46 9.49
37152 5/22/09 0:00 Thomas Boland West Colorado 81124 Concentrate Androgel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,503.33 100% 0.04 0.58 2,503.33 2,503.33 447.12 45 65.99
42918 5/22/09 0:00 Logan Haushalter Central Nebraska 68770 Tablet Procapan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 468.95 100% 0.02 0.4 468.95 468.95 -2.3805 38 11.5
42918 5/22/09 0:00 Logan Haushalter Central Nebraska 68770 Tablet Naturetin-2.5 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 648.26 100% 0.07 0.38 648.26 648.26 30.481 46 14.27
41891 5/22/09 0:00 Tamara Dahlen East Delaware 19936 For Solution Kwell Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 846.59 100% 0.08 0.57 846.59 846.59 -1.95 22 40.89
47553 5/22/09 0:00 Dan Campbell South Maryland 21794 Spray Hepatasol 8% Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 20,701.93 100% 0.08 0.71 20,701.93 20,701.93 3,918.54 49 550.98
37152 5/22/09 0:00 Thomas Boland West Colorado 81124 Capsule Phrenilin Forte Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,647.69 100% 0.02 0.69 4,647.69 4,647.69 182.53 39 113.98
48161 5/23/09 0:00 Vivian Mathis West Idaho 83877 Concentrate Atrovent Hfa Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.58 6,030.58 6,030.58 1,197.86 39 195.99
48161 5/23/09 0:00 Vivian Mathis West Idaho 83877 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.22% In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.58 139.69 139.69 -95.64 16 7.77
39937 5/23/09 0:00 Raymond Book East New York 12917 Tablet Canasa Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 113.33 100% 0.07 0.39 113.33 113.33 -0.4025 42 2.78
40964 5/23/09 0:00 Nick Radford South Georgia 31811 Aerosol Cardioquin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 301.12 100% 0 0.58 301.12 301.12 -206.05 40 6.84
57185 5/23/09 0:00 Matt Connell South Maryland 21022 For Solution Lomotil Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,360.82 100% 0.06 0.57 1,360.82 1,360.82 385.03 28 49.34
225 5/24/09 0:00 Karen Ferguson South North Carolina 27801 Gel Acth Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.44 23.7 23.7 -8.97 1 19.84
225 5/24/09 0:00 Karen Ferguson South North Carolina 27801 Gel Torsemide Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.6 126.58 126.58 18.27 24 5.58
42214 5/24/09 0:00 Randy Ferguson South Florida 32119 Ointment Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.37 183.65 183.65 -59.96 28 6.48
42214 5/24/09 0:00 Randy Ferguson South Florida 32119 For Solution Chlorpropamide Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.55 569.92 569.92 154.09 46 12.22
20259 5/24/09 0:00 Anna Haberlin West Utah 84014 Aerosol Sulfair Forte Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 539.06 100% 0.05 0.82 539.06 539.06 -123.07 42 12.88
49924 5/25/09 0:00 Edward Nazzal South Virginia 20101 Tablet Chlorascrub Swabstick Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.35 204.15 204.15 -155.526 48 4.24
49924 5/25/09 0:00 Edward Nazzal South Virginia 20101 For Solution Letrozole Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.41 33.11 33.11 -35.96 13 2.23
45958 5/25/09 0:00 Dario Medina West Arizona 85060 Suspension Genotropin Preservative Free Delayed Release Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.5 17,599.39 17,599.39 5,513.86 28 599.99
57350 5/25/09 0:00 Tracy Hopkins West Washington 99403 Concentrate Cefotaxime And Dextrose 3.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.59 4,872.67 4,872.67 851.31 50 125.99
45958 5/25/09 0:00 Dario Medina West Arizona 85060 Ointment Duracillin A.S. Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 115.34 115.34 13.83 16 6.69
57350 5/25/09 0:00 Tracy Hopkins West Washington 99403 Ointment Habitrol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.4 140.63 140.63 -111.87 33 4.28
33665 5/25/09 0:00 Lisa DeCherney West Idaho 83201 Capsule Nortrel 0.5/35-28 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 12,457.63 100% 0.08 0.6 12,457.63 12,457.63 1,063.46 45 284.98
31751 5/26/09 0:00 Todd Boyes West Colorado 80746 Tablet Naturetin-2.5 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.38 413.12 413.12 -10.2235 31 14.27
45893 5/26/09 0:00 Patrick Ryan South North Carolina 28909 Tablet Dextrose 4% In Modified Lactated Ringer'S In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 68.03 100% 0.05 0.39 68.03 68.03 8.8655 15 4.49
14471 5/26/09 0:00 Ralph Kennedy West Utah 84663 Ointment Hydropres 25 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 286.73 100% 0.05 0.37 286.73 286.73 -141.51 42 6.48
14471 5/26/09 0:00 Ralph Kennedy West Utah 84663 For Solution Aminosyn 3.5% W/ Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 823.63 100% 0.03 0.39 823.63 823.63 375.02 44 18.65
41794 5/27/09 0:00 Larry Tron South Virginia 24157 Concentrate Ak-Fluor 25% Injection Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.58 891.6075 891.6075 100.593 49 20.99
24804 5/27/09 0:00 Roland Murray Central Ohio 43270 Syrup Monistat 7 Combination Pack Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.6 211.42 211.42 -113.52 20 9.71
41794 5/27/09 0:00 Larry Tron South Virginia 24157 Gel Travasol 4.25% In Dextrose 25% In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.59 58.14 58.14 -2.23 21 2.78
41794 5/27/09 0:00 Larry Tron South Virginia 24157 Gel Theroxidil Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.57 836.59 836.59 -106.8 48 17.99
56515 5/27/09 0:00 Sara Luxemburg West California 94404 Suspension/Drops Daunoxome Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.39 126.62 126.62 60.79 18 6.3
56515 5/27/09 0:00 Sara Luxemburg West California 94404 Injectable Veriloid Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.1 0.61 979.52 979.52 -362.04 17 58.14
10535 5/27/09 0:00 Doug Bickford South Alabama 36925 Gel Travasol 2.75% Sulfite Free W/ Electrolytes In Dextrose 10% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 80.27 100% 0.09 0.56 80.27 80.27 -0.79 46 1.76
10535 5/27/09 0:00 Doug Bickford South Alabama 36925 For Solution Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 854.88 100% 0.09 0.55 854.88 854.88 -44.14 25 33.98
14948 5/28/09 0:00 Shahid Hopkins West Arizona 85321 Injectable Fondaparinux Sodium Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.62 647.78 647.78 -144.87 6 100.98
8993 5/28/09 0:00 Stewart Visinsky Central Nebraska 68016 Suspension/Drops Delflex W/ Dextrose 2.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 172.15 100% 0.02 0.38 172.15 172.15 86.78 41 3.69
4132 5/28/09 0:00 Aaron Bergman East Massachusetts 1001 Suspension/Drops Concerta Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 14.76 100% 0.01 0.36 14.76 14.76 1.32 5 2.88
28898 5/28/09 0:00 Mark Cousins East Massachusetts 2180 Ointment Freamine Hbc 6.9% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 246 100% 0.1 0.36 246 246 -207.36 44 5.78
12355 5/28/09 0:00 Ken Heidel South South Carolina 29945 Syrup Zefazone In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 225.47 100% 0 0.57 225.47 225.47 -29.07 14 14.97
12355 5/28/09 0:00 Ken Heidel South South Carolina 29945 Ointment Geopen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 209.53 100% 0.03 0.36 209.53 209.53 -81.06 36 5.78
12355 5/28/09 0:00 Ken Heidel South South Carolina 29945 Solution Potassium Chloride 20Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.225% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 168.66 100% 0.08 0.59 168.66 168.66 -167.06 45 3.95
995 5/30/09 0:00 Neola Schneider East New Jersey 7837 For Solution Dermacort Extended Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.53 1,815.49 1,815.49 782.91 46 39.89
36135 5/30/09 0:00 Beth Paige East Massachusetts 2180 Concentrate Bronkaid Mist Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 999.226 100% 0.02 0.39 999.226 999.226 381.168 33 35.99
44007 5/30/09 0:00 Nathan Cano East Massachusetts 1059 Gel T-Phyl Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 281.81 100% 0.07 0.6 281.81 281.81 42.45 50 5.98
59971 5/31/09 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 Suppository Q-Pam Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.64 437.77 437.77 -125.8 26 15.98
38438 5/31/09 0:00 Emily Grady West Idaho 83201 Suppository Theolair-Sr Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.7 621.93 621.93 -49.77 16 39.98
59971 5/31/09 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 Ointment Elestat Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.38 514.86 514.86 -10.84 45 12.28
59971 5/31/09 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 Ointment Eryzole Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.4 356.27 356.27 84.53 12 30.98
38438 5/31/09 0:00 Emily Grady West Idaho 83201 Ointment Extra-Strength Aim Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.37 121.09 121.09 -30.51 17 6.68
23557 5/31/09 0:00 Keith Dawkins Central Texas 73301 For Solution Aminosyn Ii 10% In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.59 1,011.16 1,011.16 547.96 7 136.98
50533 5/31/09 0:00 Adam Bellavance East New York 10501 Syrup Betoptic Pilo Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.8 1,974.66 1,974.66 -929.68 32 64.65
50533 5/31/09 0:00 Adam Bellavance East New York 10501 Spray Chymex Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.76 73.44 73.44 -59.76 3 15.23
13953 5/31/09 0:00 Jenna Caffey West Washington 98103 Ointment Edarbi Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 381.24 100% 0.04 0.36 381.24 381.24 67.6 32 11.34
49349 6/1/09 0:00 Olvera Toch West Colorado 80621 Solution Pentetate Zinc Trisodium Intramuscular Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.41 1,642.47 1,642.47 -524.03 23 68.81
49349 6/1/09 0:00 Olvera Toch West Colorado 80621 Ointment Edarbi Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.36 123.34 123.34 0.64 11 11.34
51650 6/1/09 0:00 Rachel Payne Central Wisconsin 54990 Cream Low-Ogestrel-28 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 10,854.83 100% 0.08 0.56 10,854.83 10,854.83 2,039.41 43 270.97
51650 6/1/09 0:00 Rachel Payne Central Wisconsin 54990 Gel Tri-Norinyl 21-Day Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 51.23 100% 0.1 0.58 51.23 51.23 -5.29 19 2.94
51650 6/1/09 0:00 Rachel Payne Central Wisconsin 54990 Ointment Firazyr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 470.11 100% 0.08 0.38 470.11 470.11 91.09 25 19.98
57059 6/1/09 0:00 Liz MacKendrick West Idaho 83552 Tablet Promethazine Hydrochloride And Phenylephrine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 212.12 100% 0.01 0.38 212.12 212.12 -154.629 50 3.98
57059 6/1/09 0:00 Liz MacKendrick West Idaho 83552 Suspension/Drops Isolyte R In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,455.54 100% 0.03 0.36 2,455.54 2,455.54 1,361.88 25 98.31
39457 6/2/09 0:00 Julia West East Massachusetts 2139 Capsule Ocl Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.74 4,842.21 4,842.21 -1,975.26 40 122.99
57063 6/2/09 0:00 Matthew Grinstein East New York 544 Lotion Captopril And Hydrochlorothiazide Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.5 41.18 41.18 -0.64 22 1.88
57063 6/2/09 0:00 Matthew Grinstein East New York 544 Ointment Hydropres 25 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.37 173.78 173.78 -96.26 26 6.48
8996 6/2/09 0:00 Tanja Norvell West Utah 84631 Concentrate Aralen Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 772.2675 100% 0.02 0.59 772.2675 772.2675 -48.851 13 65.99
37505 6/3/09 0:00 Bryan Spruell South Georgia 31811 Cream Azdone Injection Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.39 384.41 384.41 -50.92 42 9.49
37505 6/3/09 0:00 Bryan Spruell South Georgia 31811 Solution Pathilon Injection Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.42 2,007.24 2,007.24 600.4 9 225.04
37505 6/3/09 0:00 Bryan Spruell South Georgia 31811 Solution/Drops Floropryl Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.35 29.19 29.19 -23.1 1 16.98
50117 6/3/09 0:00 Allen Rosenblatt East Massachusetts 2180 Suspension/Drops Curosurf Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.38 47.44 47.44 14.49 17 2.89
44579 6/3/09 0:00 Clytie Kelty South South Carolina 29001 Capsule Sodium Bicarbonate In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.1 0.57 3,896.39 3,896.39 755.28 19 218.08
326 6/3/09 0:00 Michelle Tran West Idaho 83465 Lotion Chlorhexidine Gluconate Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 100.95 100% 0.05 0.54 100.95 100.95 -21.3 17 5.81
8006 6/3/09 0:00 Stuart Calhoun West Utah 84337 Ointment Gentafair Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 197.15 100% 0 0.37 197.15 197.15 -23.34 27 6.68
326 6/3/09 0:00 Michelle Tran West Idaho 83465 Tablet Janumet Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 218.27 100% 0.03 0.38 218.27 218.27 -44.137 34 5.99
27264 6/4/09 0:00 Henry Goldwyn Central Illinois 62560 For Solution Clomipramine Hydrochloride Delayed Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.6 74.05 74.05 44.54 3 19.99
38948 6/5/09 0:00 Julia Barnett South Florida 32119 Concentrate Dianeal Pd-1 W/ Dextrose 4.25% In Plastic Container Injection Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.57 6,862.24 6,862.24 1,839.20 44 179.99
38948 6/5/09 0:00 Julia Barnett South Florida 32119 Syrup Isovue-300 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.59 1,394.28 1,394.28 197.16 9 155.06
7367 6/5/09 0:00 Raymond Fair West California 93456 Suppository Bayer Extra Strength Aspirin For Migraine Pain Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.71 303.62 303.62 -59.98 46 6.48
20102 6/5/09 0:00 Christine Sundaresam West New Mexico 88134 Suppository Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.2% And Potassium Chloride 40Meq Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.43 333.3 333.3 71.04 15 22.24
7367 6/5/09 0:00 Raymond Fair West California 93456 Ointment Duetact Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.36 269.93 269.93 119.64 48 5.43
5568 6/6/09 0:00 Randy Ferguson South Florida 32119 For Solution Tylenol (Geltab) Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.49 120.22 120.22 52.69 8 14.34
33540 6/6/09 0:00 Barry Gonzalez Central Nebraska 69141 Gel Spectazole Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 190.99 100% 0.1 0.47 190.99 190.99 -27.15 21 9.85
25412 6/6/09 0:00 Katrina Edelman South Virginia 23111 Ointment Hectorol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 129.77 100% 0.01 0.36 129.77 129.77 -99.42 18 6.48
41571 6/6/09 0:00 Katherine Nockton South Maryland 21230 Gel Eutron Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 906.07 100% 0 0.58 906.07 906.07 -2.66 42 20.15
18144 6/7/09 0:00 Dorothy Wardle East Delaware 19701 Concentrate Briellyn Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,779.89 100% 0.09 0.8 1,779.89 1,779.89 -250.173 41 55.99
46885 6/7/09 0:00 Mike Kennedy East Massachusetts 1001 Lotion Humalog Kwikpen Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 90.96 100% 0.02 0.49 90.96 90.96 -30.11 48 1.81
18144 6/7/09 0:00 Dorothy Wardle East Delaware 19701 Syrup Levalbuterol Hydrochloride Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 234.28 100% 0.09 0.58 234.28 234.28 -65.42 8 28.28
18144 6/7/09 0:00 Dorothy Wardle East Delaware 19701 Ointment Gelnique Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 207.08 100% 0.09 0.4 207.08 207.08 -131.82 48 4.28
21159 6/7/09 0:00 Joni Wasserman South Georgia 39859 Gel Acephen Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 20.28 100% 0.05 0.57 20.28 20.28 -4.32 5 2.98
21346 6/7/09 0:00 Joni Wasserman South Georgia 39859 Ointment Benzyl Benzoate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 400.49 100% 0.09 0.4 400.49 400.49 -237.89 46 9.06
46885 6/7/09 0:00 Mike Kennedy East Massachusetts 1001 For Solution Prednisone Intensol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,997.13 100% 0.05 0.46 1,997.13 1,997.13 720.45 32 63.94
46885 6/7/09 0:00 Mike Kennedy East Massachusetts 1001 For Solution Medrol Acetate Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 632.55 100% 0.05 0.44 632.55 632.55 165.35 27 22.72
58470 6/8/09 0:00 Barry Blumstein Central Illinois 62924 Ointment Abilify Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.35 49.08 49.08 -0.31 13 3.71
58470 6/8/09 0:00 Barry Blumstein Central Illinois 62924 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride-Hydrochlorothiazide-Reserpine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.37 854.14 854.14 94 45 18.97
58470 6/8/09 0:00 Barry Blumstein Central Illinois 62924 Ointment M.V.I. Adult Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.37 236.19 236.19 -76.92 36 6.48
58470 6/8/09 0:00 Barry Blumstein Central Illinois 62924 Solution Rifampin And Isoniazid Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.57 1,811.55 1,811.55 512.69 24 81.32
58470 6/8/09 0:00 Barry Blumstein Central Illinois 62924 Syrup Mephyton Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.75 159.5 159.5 -57.98 5 31.98
5221 6/8/09 0:00 Robert Dilbeck South Florida 32122 Suppository Tavist-D Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,347.63 100% 0.07 0.4 1,347.63 1,347.63 562.89 48 28.48
31169 6/9/09 0:00 Michelle Lonsdale East New Jersey 7001 For Solution Hydro-Ride Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.57 254.76 254.76 109.88 6 40.97
11074 6/9/09 0:00 Cynthia Delaney Central Illinois 60001 Concentrate Amantadine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 7,164.74 100% 0.07 0.59 7,164.74 7,164.74 1,609.29 44 205.99
11074 6/9/09 0:00 Cynthia Delaney Central Illinois 60001 Aerosol Cefotetan And Dextrose In Duplex Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 114.53 100% 0.07 0.56 114.53 114.53 -39.23 21 5.68
47462 6/9/09 0:00 Susan Vittorini East New Jersey 7837 Lotion Captopril Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 137.51 100% 0.02 0.4 137.51 137.51 21.62 41 3.29
47462 6/9/09 0:00 Susan Vittorini East New Jersey 7837 Gel Ionosol Mb And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 110.31 100% 0.05 0.56 110.31 110.31 -1.22 18 5.85
47462 6/9/09 0:00 Susan Vittorini East New Jersey 7837 Tablet Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.225% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 154.18 100% 0.08 0.37 154.18 154.18 -166.9225 43 3.58
16519 6/10/09 0:00 Alan Hwang South Virginia 20101 Gel Triesence Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.56 138.96 138.96 19.87 49 2.88
53671 6/10/09 0:00 Laura Armstrong South Maryland 20667 Syrup Minocycline Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.73 6,255.81 6,255.81 693.26 43 140.85
53671 6/10/09 0:00 Laura Armstrong South Maryland 20667 Tablet Neo-Rx Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.39 616.5 616.5 25.993 39 15.01
53671 6/10/09 0:00 Laura Armstrong South Maryland 20667 Tablet Epi E Z Pen Jr Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.39 236.68 236.68 -82.7885 41 5.74
16519 6/10/09 0:00 Alan Hwang South Virginia 20101 Tablet Dianeal Pd-1 W/ Dextrose 2.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.37 158.97 158.97 -30.268 39 4.18
9095 6/10/09 0:00 Tracy Hopkins West Washington 99403 Syrup Lialda Injection Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.57 294.91 294.91 -37.27 23 12.44
38274 6/10/09 0:00 Todd Sumrall West New Mexico 87537 Concentrate Axid Ar Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 484.2195 100% 0.02 0.55 484.2195 484.2195 -33.792 10 55.99
37702 6/10/09 0:00 Linda Southworth Central Wisconsin 53001 Syrup Combunox Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 601.78 100% 0.05 0.59 601.78 601.78 26.44 44 13.48
38274 6/10/09 0:00 Todd Sumrall West New Mexico 87537 Syrup Daypro Alta Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,199.57 100% 0.06 0.55 1,199.57 1,199.57 23.7 27 43.57
38274 6/10/09 0:00 Todd Sumrall West New Mexico 87537 Capsule Potassium Chloride 0.037% In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,225.37 100% 0.08 0.57 1,225.37 1,225.37 0.98 9 140.81
4070 6/11/09 0:00 Joe Elijah Central Texas 77037 Suppository Tavist-D Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.4 646.07 646.07 237.75 22 28.48
58496 6/11/09 0:00 Dionis Lloyd South North Carolina 27010 Ointment Heparin Sodium 25,000 Units In Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.37 137.97 137.97 -123.94 20 6.48
24519 6/11/09 0:00 Duane Huffman East Delaware 19810 Tablet Acetasol Hc Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 127.56 100% 0.03 0.39 127.56 127.56 -60.72 22 5.34
23107 6/11/09 0:00 Lori Olson South Alabama 36761 Tablet Calciparine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 43.29 100% 0.07 0.36 43.29 43.29 -39.123 7 5.38
4871 6/11/09 0:00 Neil French South Virginia 23018 Aerosol Cefmax Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 238.34 100% 0.06 0.56 238.34 238.34 -19.31 26 9.31
4871 6/11/09 0:00 Neil French South Virginia 23018 Capsule Ondansetron Hydrochloride And Dextrose In Plastic Container Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 775.74 100% 0.02 0.66 775.74 775.74 -215.39 8 89.99
50852 6/12/09 0:00 Nick Zandusky South South Carolina 29684 Tablet Neo-Cort-Dome Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.36 188.47 188.47 -191.2335 24 7.38
54592 6/12/09 0:00 Erica Hernandez South Georgia 31811 For Solution Lithium Carbonate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.03 0.49 154.43 154.43 -133.77 34 4.18
54592 6/12/09 0:00 Erica Hernandez South Georgia 31811 Injectable Aminosyn Ii 7% W/ Electrolytes Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.55 1,971.56 1,971.56 -15.29 28 70.98
45671 6/12/09 0:00 Charles Crestani South Georgia 39859 For Solution Ifex Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 126.68 100% 0.05 0.48 126.68 126.68 7 13 9.77
30048 6/13/09 0:00 Helen Abelman Central Michigan 49822 Solution Clinimix E 5/15 Sulfite-Free W/ Elect In Dextrose 15% W/ Calcium In Plastic Container Intramuscular Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.57 7,765.13 7,765.13 433.63 44 180.98
29249 6/13/09 0:00 Joy Daniels South Georgia 39901 Ointment Clistin Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 302.69 100% 0.05 0.39 302.69 302.69 125.65 47 6.35
29249 6/13/09 0:00 Joy Daniels South Georgia 39901 Capsule Amiloride Hydrochloride Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,156.60 100% 0.1 0.56 3,156.60 3,156.60 454.26 12 276.2
38693 6/14/09 0:00 Lycoris Saunders Central Ohio 45999 Suspension Gencept 10/11-21 Delayed Release Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.41 2,222.61 2,222.61 196.08 3 699.99
52642 6/14/09 0:00 Magdelene Morse West Utah 84121 Suppository Cetraxal Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.79 2,070.68 2,070.68 -281.67 14 152.48
52642 6/14/09 0:00 Magdelene Morse West Utah 84121 Ointment Ethmozine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.36 764.13 764.13 276.98 15 55.98
52642 6/14/09 0:00 Magdelene Morse West Utah 84121 Capsule Azmacort Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.6 742.84 742.84 -320.7 9 70.98
35875 6/14/09 0:00 Cynthia Delaney Central Illinois 60001 Aerosol Mpi Stannous Diphosphonate Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 348.92 100% 0.06 0.57 348.92 348.92 28.47 31 10.98
44292 6/14/09 0:00 Frank Atkinson South Georgia 30002 Ointment Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 10.48 100% 0 0.36 10.48 10.48 -3.78 1 5.18
29506 6/14/09 0:00 Scott Cohen West Idaho 83643 Tablet Acetohexamide Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 221.13 100% 0.01 0.35 221.13 221.13 59.704 46 4.55
29506 6/14/09 0:00 Scott Cohen West Idaho 83643 Tablet Cefazolin And Dextrose Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 16.35 100% 0.05 0.37 16.35 16.35 -5.6235 8 1.88
11910 6/15/09 0:00 Christopher Conant Central Wisconsin 53001 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.2% And Potassium Chloride 20Meq (K) Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.4 49.23 49.23 -77.7055 21 1.98
49762 6/15/09 0:00 Fred Chung South North Carolina 28909 Gel Zylet Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 99.13 100% 0.09 0.4 99.13 99.13 23.74 35 2.94
9472 6/16/09 0:00 Greg Tran Central Nebraska 68001 Suspension/Drops Artane Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.37 53.91 53.91 19.47 17 3.15
771 6/16/09 0:00 Darrin Van Huff South Alabama 36544 Ointment Fluxid Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.36 88.84 88.84 -38.35 18 4.98
26050 6/16/09 0:00 Edward Nazzal South Virginia 20101 Solution/Drops Acephen Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.38 365.24 365.24 -163.13 44 8.74
36704 6/16/09 0:00 Annie Thurman West Idaho 83465 Ointment Cefpiramide Sodium Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.4 134.33 134.33 25.02 43 3.14
12579 6/16/09 0:00 Patrick O'Brill West Arizona 85071 Ointment Dilaudid Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.39 70.33 70.33 1.07 5 15.04
36704 6/16/09 0:00 Annie Thurman West Idaho 83465 Gel Dienestrol Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.59 70.32 70.32 -56.07 19 3.57
3554 6/16/09 0:00 Ken Heidel South South Carolina 29945 Ointment Elestat Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 288.91 100% 0.08 0.38 288.91 288.91 -14.06 25 12.28
1538 6/17/09 0:00 Ted Trevino East Delaware 19891 Concentrate Citanest Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,297.30 100% 0 0.56 1,297.30 1,297.30 149.823 15 95.99
613 6/17/09 0:00 Carl Jackson Central Michigan 49634 Tablet Cimetidine Hydrochloride In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 93.54 100% 0.03 0.38 93.54 93.54 -54.0385 12 7.3
613 6/17/09 0:00 Carl Jackson Central Michigan 49634 Syrup Aminosyn Ii 3.5% In Dextrose 25% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 905.08 100% 0.09 0.59 905.08 905.08 127.7 22 42.76
18340 6/17/09 0:00 Jack O'Briant East New Jersey 8823 Ointment Heparin Sodium 25,000 Units In Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 198.21 100% 0.01 0.37 198.21 198.21 -163.28 28 6.48
18340 6/17/09 0:00 Jack O'Briant East New Jersey 8823 Ointment Cladribine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 148.65 100% 0.1 0.37 148.65 148.65 -142.78 20 7.28
36994 6/17/09 0:00 Mitch Gastineau East New York 10501 Capsule Ultram Er Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,264.48 100% 0.03 0.78 5,264.48 5,264.48 -284.06 40 130.98
47398 6/17/09 0:00 Peter Fuller South Georgia 39901 Spray Edetate Disodium Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,307.18 100% 0.03 0.75 1,307.18 1,307.18 -184.06 6 262.11
12293 6/18/09 0:00 Harold Engle Central Michigan 49634 Solution/Drops Acephen Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.38 283.17 283.17 119.64 31 8.74
44609 6/18/09 0:00 Michael Oakman Central Ohio 45999 Lotion Enlon Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.37 61.77 61.77 12.65 37 1.48
44609 6/18/09 0:00 Michael Oakman Central Ohio 45999 Gel Acth Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.44 525.4 525.4 126.49 28 19.84
38786 6/18/09 0:00 Thomas Brumley West Utah 84337 For Solution Dicumarol Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 236.17 100% 0.09 0.62 236.17 236.17 -21.39 10 23.99
57376 6/19/09 0:00 Mike Vittorini West Arizona 85234 Concentrate Amerge Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.07 0.57 326.893 326.893 -223.212 6 65.99
57376 6/19/09 0:00 Mike Vittorini West Arizona 85234 For Solution Dermotic Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.07 0.52 442.72 442.72 -168.38 44 10.52
29862 6/19/09 0:00 Maria Zettner South Georgia 30002 Ointment Estrace Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 214.64 100% 0.08 0.36 214.64 214.64 -76.88 34 6.48
8902 6/19/09 0:00 Georgia Rosenberg West Idaho 83201 Ointment M.V.I. Adult Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 180.46 100% 0.05 0.37 180.46 180.46 -57.62 27 6.48
16737 6/20/09 0:00 Toby Grace South Georgia 30002 Solution/Drops Depakote Er Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.4 1,390.49 1,390.49 366.8 15 90.48
24038 6/20/09 0:00 Jack Lebron Central Michigan 49877 Concentrate Atarax Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 896.1805 100% 0 0.56 896.1805 896.1805 82.044 15 65.99
26531 6/20/09 0:00 Michelle Lonsdale East New Jersey 7001 Concentrate Prismasol Bk 4/2.5 In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,688.95 100% 0 0.56 4,688.95 4,688.95 1,215.44 26 205.99
24038 6/20/09 0:00 Jack Lebron Central Michigan 49877 Gel 8-Mop Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 103.07 100% 0.1 0.45 103.07 103.07 -0.95 38 2.78
51360 6/20/09 0:00 Jack O'Briant East New Jersey 8823 Suspension/Drops Cyclaine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 46.55 100% 0 0.38 46.55 46.55 16.34 12 3.69
42850 6/21/09 0:00 Julie Prescott Central Wisconsin 53006 Suppository Soma Compound Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.51 822.7 822.7 141.28 27 29.99
32806 6/21/09 0:00 Lycoris Saunders Central Ohio 45999 Ointment Gentafair Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.37 221.23 221.23 -45.29 33 6.68
32806 6/21/09 0:00 Lycoris Saunders Central Ohio 45999 Suspension/Drops Compazine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.38 175.99 175.99 77.3 48 3.69
32806 6/21/09 0:00 Julia West East Massachusetts 2139 For Solution Ibuprin Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.46 178.78 178.78 -28.34 8 20.24
46565 6/22/09 0:00 Laurel Elliston West Idaho 83810 Syrup Betoptic Pilo Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.8 567.51 567.51 -255.55 8 64.65
46565 6/22/09 0:00 Laurel Elliston West Idaho 83810 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.11% In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.52 4,691.27 4,691.27 1,196.72 16 300.65
10340 6/22/09 0:00 Sandra Glassco West New Mexico 87001 Gel Ethchlorvynol Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.59 311.98 311.98 -9.78 15 22.01
10340 6/22/09 0:00 Sandra Glassco West New Mexico 87001 Capsule Potassium Chloride 0.075% In Dextrose 10% And Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.55 7,547.14 7,547.14 2,080.48 24 320.98
10340 6/22/09 0:00 Sandra Glassco West New Mexico 87001 For Solution Amantadine Hydrochloride Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.69 224.32 224.32 -178.77 2 110.98
46565 6/22/09 0:00 Laurel Elliston West Idaho 83810 For Solution Maprotiline Hydrochloride Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.1 0.47 804.14 804.14 -25.27 50 17.67
51462 6/22/09 0:00 Philisse Overcash West Utah 84791 Gel Evans Blue Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.57 417.88 417.88 -13.95 15 28.15
54150 6/22/09 0:00 Bart Watters East New Jersey 8989 Concentrate Heparin Sodium 12,500 Units In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,011.64 100% 0.01 0.59 2,011.64 2,011.64 -53.691 12 195.99
11425 6/22/09 0:00 Patrick Bzostek West California 94404 Concentrate Heparin Sodium 10,000 Units In Dextrose 5% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,969.64 100% 0.04 0.58 2,969.64 2,969.64 383.454 23 155.99
59812 6/22/09 0:00 Muhammed Lee Central Texas 78602 Syrup Migergot Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 9,261.24 100% 0 0.71 9,261.24 9,261.24 1,646.43 46 193.17
30944 6/22/09 0:00 Saphhira Shifley West Washington 98625 Tablet Neo-Hydeltrasol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 546.01 100% 0.01 0.36 546.01 546.01 133.5605 32 16.74
11425 6/22/09 0:00 Patrick Bzostek West California 94404 Syrup Conray Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 482.91 100% 0.1 0.58 482.91 482.91 -16.59 29 16.91
59812 6/22/09 0:00 Muhammed Lee Central Texas 78602 For Solution Tussicaps Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 28.98 100% 0.06 0.48 28.98 28.98 -18.39 2 12.64
56743 6/22/09 0:00 Arianne Irving Central Texas 78702 For Solution Meclodium Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 524.25 100% 0.06 0.41 524.25 524.25 152.31 23 22.23
23169 6/23/09 0:00 Karl Brown West California 93456 Suppository Sorbitrate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.48 1,683.57 1,683.57 346.54 22 80.98
23169 6/23/09 0:00 Karl Brown West California 93456 Ointment Ibuprin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.37 172.7 172.7 -42.97 27 6.48
10210 6/23/09 0:00 Liz Carlisle Central Ohio 43001 Suppository Rubramin Pc Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 767.34 100% 0.04 0.65 767.34 767.34 -154.65 10 73.98
2465 6/23/09 0:00 Rob Haberlin Central Michigan 49877 Suppository Arava Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,082.45 100% 0.04 0.54 1,082.45 1,082.45 271.87 28 39.48
23943 6/23/09 0:00 Cindy Stewart West Arizona 85321 Gel Estradiol Cypionate Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 376.53 100% 0.03 0.55 376.53 376.53 3.44 24 15.94
18884 6/24/09 0:00 Nora Pelletier South North Carolina 27010 Suspension Glucophage Delayed Release Competitor A Animal 0 0.52 13,571.70 13,571.70 3,825.69 29 449.99
18884 6/24/09 0:00 Nora Pelletier South North Carolina 27010 Capsule Optimine Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.1 0.6 131.27 131.27 -70.43 5 25.98
14500 6/24/09 0:00 Tracy Collins Central Illinois 62924 Ointment Ifosfamide Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 839.7 100% 0.07 0.38 839.7 839.7 211.79 44 19.98
14500 6/24/09 0:00 Tracy Collins Central Illinois 62924 Gel Visine-A Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,662.50 100% 0.01 0.56 1,662.50 1,662.50 289.02 46 34.58
31939 6/25/09 0:00 Ashley Jarboe West Arizona 85003 Concentrate Aplenzin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.07 0.59 1,506.84 1,506.84 -75.009 13 140.99
7846 6/25/09 0:00 Dave Hallsten Central Texas 78702 Suppository Terramycin W/ Polymyxin B Sulfate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 552.87 100% 0.01 0.75 552.87 552.87 -64.82 20 26.31
7846 6/25/09 0:00 Dave Hallsten Central Texas 78702 Tablet Helicosol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,926.33 100% 0.09 0.4 2,926.33 2,926.33 499.273 47 67.28
7846 6/25/09 0:00 Dave Hallsten Central Texas 78702 Tablet Kafocin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 40.05 100% 0.1 0.36 40.05 40.05 -10.2235 20 2.08
7846 6/25/09 0:00 Dave Hallsten Central Texas 78702 For Solution Alcohol 10% And Dextrose 5% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 26.33 100% 0.05 0.41 26.33 26.33 -33.61 12 1.76
31524 6/26/09 0:00 Ed Jacobs South Florida 32122 Capsule Vagifem Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.61 1,025.88 1,025.88 -211.33 10 100.89
8135 6/26/09 0:00 Rick Wilson West New Mexico 88044 Concentrate Briellyn Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 772.412 100% 0.03 0.8 772.412 772.412 -184.69 16 55.99
26277 6/27/09 0:00 Art Miller Central Illinois 62999 Suppository Dextrose 10% And Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 877.81 100% 0.02 0.45 877.81 877.81 -44.4 17 49.99
54176 6/27/09 0:00 Jack O'Briant East New Jersey 8823 Suppository Rubramin Pc Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,492.97 100% 0.06 0.65 2,492.97 2,492.97 131.02 33 73.98
31461 6/27/09 0:00 Adam Hart East Connecticut 6001 Solution Docetaxel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,463.42 100% 0.08 0.57 1,463.42 1,463.42 350.82 26 59.98
50983 6/28/09 0:00 Bruce Degenhardt West Arizona 85295 Syrup Haloperidol Lactate Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.81 3,063.10 3,063.10 -1,022.02 39 80.98
50983 6/28/09 0:00 Bruce Degenhardt West Arizona 85295 Syrup Colocort Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.6 229.03 229.03 -28.58 15 15.51
8961 6/28/09 0:00 Jessica Myrick Central Wisconsin 53081 Suppository Theolair-Sr Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0 0.7 627.69 627.69 -12.02 15 39.98
8961 6/28/09 0:00 Jessica Myrick Central Wisconsin 53081 Spray Dificid Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.59 4,644.87 4,644.87 -1,291.39 48 100.8
15619 6/28/09 0:00 Tony Molinari West California 96002 Lotion Captopril Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 123.13 100% 0.05 0.4 123.13 123.13 20.57 36 3.29
15619 6/28/09 0:00 Tony Molinari West California 96002 Capsule Uroplus Ds Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,425.21 100% 0.1 0.62 1,425.21 1,425.21 -65.02 9 160.98
27844 6/29/09 0:00 Rose O'Brian East Connecticut 6703 Ointment Forane Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.38 135.86 135.86 -73.42 27 4.98
27844 6/29/09 0:00 Rose O'Brian East Connecticut 6703 Tablet Diltzac Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.4 11.08 11.08 -9.6945 1 5.8
44516 6/29/09 0:00 Andrew Roberts Central Wisconsin 53235 Gel Trilyte Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.56 57.96 57.96 -47.32 17 3.28
7239 6/29/09 0:00 Craig Carroll West Idaho 83201 Syrup Prostep Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.59 6,206.16 6,206.16 1,416.27 50 120.33
18951 6/29/09 0:00 Astrea Jones South Georgia 39859 Concentrate Balziva-21 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 324.3175 100% 0.03 0.85 324.3175 324.3175 -169.741 10 35.99
18951 6/29/09 0:00 Astrea Jones South Georgia 39859 Ointment Dexacidin Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 61.5 100% 0.09 0.35 61.5 61.5 -16.27 16 3.98
8704 6/30/09 0:00 Quincy Jones South Alabama 36276 Gel Yutopar Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.43 449.17 449.17 198.83 43 9.93
8704 6/30/09 0:00 Quincy Jones South Alabama 36276 Gel Actos Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.38 79.81 79.81 5.48 38 2.21
29318 6/30/09 0:00 Bobby Odegard East New York 10501 Concentrate Cetirizine Hydrochloride And Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,375.31 100% 0.1 0.57 3,375.31 3,375.31 562.131 34 125.99
29318 6/30/09 0:00 Bobby Odegard East New York 10501 Syrup Aminohippurate Sodium Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,954.14 100% 0.04 0.85 2,954.14 2,954.14 -522.94 21 138.14
12037 6/30/09 0:00 Muhammed Yedwab East New York 14709 Ointment Duranest Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 135.21 100% 0.04 0.38 135.21 135.21 5.89 14 9.27
11270 6/30/09 0:00 Tanja Norvell West Utah 84631 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.2% And Potassium Chloride 0.15% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 140.07 100% 0.04 0.38 140.07 140.07 -21.85 15 8.6
58433 7/1/09 0:00 Dean Katz South Florida 34997 Ointment Flaxedil Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.37 1,533.46 1,533.46 730.44 30 48.04
58433 7/1/09 0:00 Dean Katz South Florida 34997 Capsule Unipen Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.69 2,020.58 2,020.58 -45.02 11 180.98
58433 7/1/09 0:00 Dean Katz South Florida 34997 Spray Fibricor Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.09 0.71 5,989.05 5,989.05 541.01 20 400.98
30566 7/1/09 0:00 Barry Blumstein Central Illinois 62924 Ointment Estratab Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.37 225.45 225.45 -193.39 34 6.48
6918 7/1/09 0:00 Erin Ashbrook West Utah 84121 Suppository Arava Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,559.50 100% 0.01 0.54 1,559.50 1,559.50 515.83 38 39.48
50405 7/2/09 0:00 Theresa Swint Central Wisconsin 54990 Syrup Miconazole Nitrate Combination Pack Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.78 876.01 876.01 -108 8 111.03
38950 7/2/09 0:00 Nora Price East New York 14210 Lotion Aldactazide Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.83 74 74 -20.6 39 1.89
38950 7/2/09 0:00 Nora Price East New York 14210 Tablet Bronkosol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.37 109.23 109.23 -100.579 24 4.38
38950 7/2/09 0:00 Nora Price East New York 14210 Aerosol Cefmax Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.56 288.45 288.45 -5.98 30 9.31
31844 7/2/09 0:00 Harold Pawlan South Virginia 23018 Injectable Flurandrenolide Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.09 0.65 2,085.93 2,085.93 -517.73 14 150.98
32129 7/2/09 0:00 Dave Kipp Central Michigan 49877 Cream Serpasil-Esidrix #2 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 8,467.68 100% 0.01 0.55 8,467.68 8,467.68 -4,217.30 4 2,036.48
32129 7/2/09 0:00 Dave Kipp Central Michigan 49877 Ointment Griseofulvin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 129.27 100% 0.07 0.36 129.27 129.27 -105.15 20 6.48
11876 7/3/09 0:00 Joni Blumstein East Connecticut 6817 For Solution Colbenemid Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.65 5,051.89 5,051.89 1,708.84 47 107.53
36675 7/3/09 0:00 Christine Sundaresam West New Mexico 88134 Gel Zylet Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.4 113.09 113.09 29.76 39 2.94
52160 7/3/09 0:00 Jack Garza Central Illinois 62924 Concentrate Stoxil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 631.499 100% 0.09 0.57 631.499 631.499 -403.018 6 125.99
29569 7/3/09 0:00 Raymond Book East New York 12917 Suspension Oxacillin Sodium Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 27,720.98 100% 0.07 0.37 27,720.98 27,720.98 11,984.40 46 599.99
3393 7/3/09 0:00 Steve Carroll East Massachusetts 1001 Suppository Solaraze Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 127.74 100% 0.04 0.37 127.74 127.74 -5.57 7 15.98
52160 7/3/09 0:00 Jack Garza Central Illinois 62924 Lotion Children'S Claritin Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 15.6 100% 0.09 0.52 15.6 15.6 1.67 5 2.18
22727 7/3/09 0:00 Lycoris Saunders Central Ohio 45999 Ointment Gallium Citrate Ga 67 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 296.82 100% 0.07 0.36 296.82 296.82 -120.37 45 6.48
29569 7/3/09 0:00 Raymond Book East New York 12917 Ointment Emete-Con Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 520.13 100% 0.1 0.37 520.13 520.13 127.55 29 18.97
29986 7/3/09 0:00 Rob Dowd West Arizona 85071 Tablet Dianeal Low Calcium W/ Dextrose 2.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,477.39 100% 0.03 0.35 1,477.39 1,477.39 641.4015 40 37.7
3393 7/3/09 0:00 Steve Carroll East Massachusetts 1001 For Solution Ilotycin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 325.92 100% 0.03 0.45 325.92 325.92 -36.47 33 9.48
17382 7/4/09 0:00 Lena Hernandez West Arizona 86504 Concentrate Subutex Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.59 2,162.82 2,162.82 223.254 20 125.99
805 7/4/09 0:00 Toby Swindell South Florida 32046 For Solution Imipramine Hydrochloride Injection Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.54 197.56 197.56 -119.86 39 4.97
57447 7/4/09 0:00 Grant Carroll East Massachusetts 2139 Suppository Soyacal 10% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 258.11 100% 0.06 0.79 258.11 258.11 -113.6 8 30.98
57447 7/4/09 0:00 Grant Carroll East Massachusetts 2139 Suppository Rau-Sed Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 315.88 100% 0.09 0.61 315.88 315.88 -60.4 39 8.46
26145 7/4/09 0:00 George Bell South Virginia 23970 Tablet Caffeine Citrate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 99.36 100% 0 0.36 99.36 99.36 -51.198 18 4.91
11495 7/4/09 0:00 Brendan Dodson East Delaware 19980 Spray Ellence Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 965.69 100% 0 0.65 965.69 965.69 -160.22 6 146.34
26145 7/4/09 0:00 George Bell South Virginia 23970 For Solution Lincomycin Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 510.15 100% 0.04 0.57 510.15 510.15 -362.11 49 9.98
26145 7/4/09 0:00 George Bell South Virginia 23970 For Solution Augmentin '500' Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 735.09 100% 0.1 0.54 735.09 735.09 153.5 27 29.34
23235 7/5/09 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Suspension/Drops Cyclopentolate Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 17.43 17.43 2.45 6 2.88
19363 7/5/09 0:00 Randy Ferguson South Florida 32119 Gel T-Phyl Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.6 248.1 248.1 49.67 41 5.98
19363 7/5/09 0:00 Randy Ferguson South Florida 32119 Ointment Extra-Strength Aim Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.37 286.06 286.06 -85.09 44 6.68
15714 7/5/09 0:00 MaryBeth Skach West New Mexico 87199 Solution Lygen Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.57 2,510.71 2,510.71 3.6 50 49.43
36482 7/5/09 0:00 Erica Smith Central Wisconsin 54990 Solution Anhydron Intramuscular Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.57 14,588.28 14,588.28 861.78 47 328.14
36482 7/5/09 0:00 Erica Smith Central Wisconsin 54990 Ointment Femstat 3 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.36 55.68 55.68 -7.4 7 5.98
36482 7/5/09 0:00 Erica Smith Central Wisconsin 54990 For Solution Indium In-111 Oxyquinoline Delayed Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.07 0.61 2,675.08 2,675.08 489.58 27 105.34
34663 7/6/09 0:00 Nick Crebassa South Virginia 24157 Cream Oxy-Kesso-Tetra Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 29,186.49 100% 0.05 0.4 29,186.49 29,186.49 11,562.08 38 808.49
16258 7/6/09 0:00 Nona Balk South Virginia 23664 Gel Ancef In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 331.99 100% 0.03 0.47 331.99 331.99 45.31 48 7.08
12263 7/6/09 0:00 Dan Lawera South Virginia 23664 Solution Ditropan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 515.65 100% 0 0.56 515.65 515.65 123.5 12 39.48
16258 7/6/09 0:00 Nona Balk South Virginia 23664 Ointment Fluxid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 9.69 100% 0.05 0.36 9.69 9.69 -6.78 1 4.98
51493 7/6/09 0:00 Helen Andreada West Colorado 81653 Ointment Telepaque Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 286.26 100% 0.01 0.38 286.26 286.26 8.34 31 8.56
27936 7/7/09 0:00 Irene Maddox West Colorado 81655 Cream Velosef '125' Oral TableauCeutical Animal 9,172.32 100% 0.06 0.57 9,172.32 9,172.32 -9,851.09 3 3,502.14
27936 7/7/09 0:00 Irene Maddox West Colorado 81655 Concentrate Benoquin Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,028.16 100% 0.07 0.35 1,028.16 1,028.16 405.162 23 55.99
52512 7/7/09 0:00 Jim Kriz West California 90835 Tablet Epi E Z Pen Jr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 197.49 100% 0.08 0.39 197.49 197.49 -52.8425 32 5.74
52512 7/7/09 0:00 Jim Kriz West California 90835 Solution Bromfenac Sodium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 49.86 100% 0.09 0.58 49.86 49.86 -21.77 4 11.97
27558 7/7/09 0:00 Cindy Chapman West Arizona 85338 Tablet Deapril-St Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 423.24 100% 0.1 0.37 423.24 423.24 128.8345 21 21.38
5284 7/8/09 0:00 Annie Cyprus East Delaware 19891 Tablet Gyne-Lotrimin 3 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.39 59.38 59.38 -3.0475 7 8.69
42855 7/8/09 0:00 Sonia Cooley East Connecticut 6817 Syrup Reserpine, Hydrochlorothiazide, And Hydralazine Hydrochloride Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 135.38 100% 0.05 0.59 135.38 135.38 -71.12 17 7.98
54977 7/10/09 0:00 Karen Carlisle South Florida 34997 Gel Acylanid Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.38 64.77 64.77 14.46 12 5.84
54977 7/10/09 0:00 Karen Carlisle South Florida 34997 Tablet Norethin 1/50M-28 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.38 344.25 344.25 23.9615 24 14.48
43298 7/10/09 0:00 Tonja Turnell East New York 10055 Suspension Geodon Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 5,964.19 100% 0.1 0.46 5,964.19 5,964.19 988.199 33 199.99
483 7/10/09 0:00 Clay Rozendal East Delaware 19980 Concentrate Adderall 5 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,965.76 100% 0.08 0.58 4,965.76 4,965.76 1,198.97 30 195.99
12481 7/10/09 0:00 Chuck Clark East New York 11769 Concentrate Benazepril Hydrochloride Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 388.8665 100% 0.01 0.35 388.8665 388.8665 103.05 12 35.99
12481 7/10/09 0:00 Chuck Clark East New York 11769 Suppository Propafenone Hydrochloride Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 744 100% 0.04 0.48 744 744 215.8 37 20.89
43298 7/10/09 0:00 Tonja Turnell East New York 10055 Ointment Humatin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 109.2 100% 0.03 0.37 109.2 109.2 -50.27 15 6.48
49126 7/10/09 0:00 Mark Cousins East Massachusetts 2180 Capsule Uroplus Ds Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,661.08 100% 0 0.62 5,661.08 5,661.08 1,055.47 33 160.98
31618 7/11/09 0:00 Roy Skaria Central Illinois 60406 Tablet Sodium Lactate In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 403.17 100% 0.02 0.38 403.17 403.17 147.4495 14 28.53
57572 7/12/09 0:00 Helen Wasserman South North Carolina 27006 Suppository Radioiodinated Serum Albumin (Human) Ihsa I 125 Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.64 139.08 139.08 -120.04 30 4.98
57572 7/12/09 0:00 Helen Wasserman South North Carolina 27006 Ointment Albalon Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.36 75.28 75.28 -17.22 9 7.64
55013 7/12/09 0:00 Brian Thompson South North Carolina 27801 Suspension/Drops Darbid Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 24.3 24.3 3.14 5 4.91
55013 7/12/09 0:00 Brian Thompson South North Carolina 27801 Gel Ethchlorvynol Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.59 322.61 322.61 19.37 14 22.01
36933 7/12/09 0:00 Todd Boyes West Colorado 80746 Suspension/Drops Cyclaine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.38 115.81 115.81 47.56 32 3.69
39232 7/12/09 0:00 Adam Hart East Connecticut 6001 Ointment Fludara Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,451.59 100% 0.06 0.37 1,451.59 1,451.59 435.11 26 55.48
35366 7/12/09 0:00 Raymond Book East New York 12917 Ointment Hexa-Germ Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 149.31 100% 0.06 0.37 149.31 149.31 -98.42 23 6.48
39232 7/12/09 0:00 Adam Hart East Connecticut 6001 Ointment Edurant Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 391.9 100% 0.1 0.38 391.9 391.9 -47.01 11 35.44
57760 7/12/09 0:00 Rick Huthwaite West California 95503 Gel Acephen Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 102.34 100% 0.01 0.57 102.34 102.34 -30.39 34 2.98
57760 7/12/09 0:00 Rick Huthwaite West California 95503 For Solution Suprenza Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 275.11 100% 0.06 0.42 275.11 275.11 17.15 38 7.59
21412 7/13/09 0:00 Nora Pelletier South North Carolina 27010 Ointment Eryderm Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.39 203.99 203.99 -8.51 28 7.28
21412 7/13/09 0:00 Nora Pelletier South North Carolina 27010 Tablet Asellacrin 10 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.38 137.07 137.07 -199.295 38 3.52
13764 7/13/09 0:00 Ken Brennan West Washington 98390 Gel Trazodone Hydrochloride Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.56 123.93 123.93 11.93 31 4.28
27845 7/13/09 0:00 Craig Molinari Central Texas 88595 Suspension/Drops Daunoxome Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.39 220.45 220.45 101.4 36 6.3
41217 7/13/09 0:00 Nathan Cano East Massachusetts 1059 Ointment Junior Strength Advil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,314.64 100% 0.03 0.37 1,314.64 1,314.64 575.38 23 55.48
3300 7/14/09 0:00 Bryan Spruell South Georgia 31811 Suppository Solaraze Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.37 92.02 92.02 -47.36 6 15.98
6274 7/14/09 0:00 Eugene Moren West Washington 99403 For Solution Levonorgestrel And Ethinyl Estradiol And Ethinyl Estradiol Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.53 46.36 46.36 -56.73 22 1.74
23907 7/14/09 0:00 Julie Creighton Central Michigan 49822 Concentrate Anoquan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 384.2 100% 0.05 0.55 384.2 384.2 -164.461 7 65.99
29827 7/14/09 0:00 Raymond Book East New York 12917 Suppository Terramycin W/ Polymyxin B Sulfate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 926.65 100% 0.01 0.75 926.65 926.65 -75.38 35 26.31
10338 7/14/09 0:00 Barry Franz West Washington 98001 Cream Sinemet Cr Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 799.98 100% 0.04 0.36 799.98 799.98 15.36 9 90.97
10338 7/14/09 0:00 Barry Franz West Washington 98001 Spray Phentermine Resin Complex Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 363.57 100% 0.02 0.67 363.57 363.57 -259.8 7 44.43
33061 7/15/09 0:00 Valerie Mitchum West Idaho 83643 Syrup Miconazole Nitrate Combination Pack Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.78 5,318.89 5,318.89 525.15 48 111.03
8513 7/15/09 0:00 Fred McMath East Connecticut 6703 Cream Gastromark Injection Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.4 163.78 163.78 -49.46 9 17.98
8513 7/15/09 0:00 Fred McMath East Connecticut 6703 Solution Calmurid Hc Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.59 84.64 84.64 -9.29 8 8.62
32 7/15/09 0:00 Liz Pelletier Central Ohio 44197 Concentrate Duragesic-75 Injection TableauCeutical Animal 160.2335 100% 0.04 0.6 160.2335 160.2335 -85.129 23 7.99
2467 7/15/09 0:00 Caroline Jumper Central Ohio 43567 Cream Vivitrol Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 4,147.47 100% 0.09 0.56 4,147.47 4,147.47 586.61 30 145.45
32 7/15/09 0:00 Liz Pelletier Central Ohio 44197 Suppository Pseudo-12 Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 140.56 100% 0.04 0.79 140.56 140.56 -128.38 15 8.46
740 7/15/09 0:00 Thomas Boland West Colorado 81124 Suspension/Drops Dialyte W/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 28.01 100% 0.09 0.39 28.01 28.01 3.46 6 4.98
32 7/15/09 0:00 Liz Pelletier Central Ohio 44197 For Solution Colbenemid Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,808.08 100% 0.07 0.65 2,808.08 2,808.08 1,054.82 26 107.53
32 7/15/09 0:00 Liz Pelletier Central Ohio 44197 Spray Sandostatin Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,761.40 100% 0.09 0.72 1,761.40 1,761.40 -1,748.56 24 70.89
50790 7/16/09 0:00 Christopher Conant Central Wisconsin 53001 For Solution Imipramine Hydrochloride Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.54 255.65 255.65 -148.8 47 4.97
50563 7/16/09 0:00 Alejandro Ballentine South South Carolina 29684 Concentrate Cytosar-U Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0 0.58 2,197.41 2,197.41 305.964 20 125.99
50563 7/16/09 0:00 Alejandro Ballentine South South Carolina 29684 Syrup Allay Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.6 423.04 423.04 -270.7 2 210.55
4324 7/16/09 0:00 Dan Campbell South Maryland 21794 Gel Amipaque Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.59 1,165.33 1,165.33 154.85 28 40.97
26243 7/16/09 0:00 Eleni McCrary East Connecticut 6074 Gel Hydrocortisone Valerate Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 71.32 100% 0.08 0.4 71.32 71.32 -4.9 42 1.82
47301 7/17/09 0:00 Eileen Kiefer South Virginia 23970 Syrup Asendin Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 460.71 100% 0.02 0.8 460.71 460.71 -231.95 6 70.98
20482 7/18/09 0:00 Steven Roelle East New York 12917 Ointment Estrovis Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.38 497.52 497.52 92.46 39 12.28
20482 7/18/09 0:00 Steven Roelle East New York 12917 Injectable An-Sulfur Colloid Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.04 0.71 4,650.07 4,650.07 -1,143.15 38 120.98
40422 7/18/09 0:00 Jim Kriz West California 90835 Concentrate Cefzil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,192.44 100% 0.06 0.59 2,192.44 2,192.44 517.815 39 65.99
48837 7/18/09 0:00 Tanja Norvell West Utah 84631 Concentrate Cipro Xr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,799.79 100% 0.09 0.55 4,799.79 4,799.79 1,231.89 39 155.99
32452 7/18/09 0:00 Joseph Airdo Central Illinois 60157 Suspension/Drops Cytovene Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 8.6 100% 0.09 0.39 8.6 8.6 -2.03 3 2.88
22534 7/18/09 0:00 Kelly Williams South Virginia 24658 Solution/Drops Chloroptic Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 279.33 100% 0 0.38 279.33 279.33 -44.18 3 83.93
12897 7/18/09 0:00 Edward Becker West Utah 84014 Suspension/Drops Compazine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 141.49 100% 0.03 0.38 141.49 141.49 59.92 39 3.69
12897 7/18/09 0:00 Edward Becker West Utah 84014 Ointment Hydrocodone Bitartrate And Acetaminophen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 211.55 100% 0.05 0.37 211.55 211.55 -120.95 31 6.48
6947 7/19/09 0:00 Logan Currie Central Texas 78602 For Solution Indo-Lemmon Injection Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.65 520.49 520.49 -51.01 9 51.65
2757 7/19/09 0:00 Lycoris Saunders Central Ohio 45999 Aerosol Catapres-Tts-2 Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 569.32 100% 0.05 0.6 569.32 569.32 84.38 42 12.98
2757 7/19/09 0:00 Julia West East Massachusetts 2139 Capsule Enablex Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,554.46 100% 0.07 0.57 3,554.46 3,554.46 -1,766.01 39 95.95
449 7/19/09 0:00 Candace McMahon South Virginia 24658 For Solution Lipo-Hepin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 356.7 100% 0.02 0.56 356.7 356.7 -48.97 45 7.38
59044 7/20/09 0:00 Phillip Flathmann Central Nebraska 68016 Suspension/Drops Colgate Total Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.37 20.19 20.19 1.25 6 3.08
54083 7/21/09 0:00 Don Miller East Massachusetts 2054 Solution Angio-Conray Intramuscular Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.59 2,700.41 2,700.41 258.01 10 279.81
55845 7/21/09 0:00 Lauren Leatherbury East New Jersey 8989 Injectable Flurandrenolide Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.1 0.65 4,203.88 4,203.88 -865.88 29 150.98
54912 7/21/09 0:00 Harold Pawlan South Virginia 23018 Ointment Duracillin A.S. Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.36 117.33 117.33 10.31 17 6.69
6596 7/21/09 0:00 Chad Sievert East New Jersey 8823 Cream Ozurdex Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 18,028.07 100% 0.02 0.38 18,028.07 18,028.07 8,157.70 36 500.98
41409 7/21/09 0:00 Beth Thompson East Massachusetts 2054 Tablet Procapan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 18.92 100% 0 0.4 18.92 18.92 -18.2505 1 11.5
7142 7/21/09 0:00 Cari Sayre West Idaho 83877 Suspension/Drops Cyclaine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 132.86 100% 0.06 0.38 132.86 132.86 57 36 3.69
25536 7/22/09 0:00 Amy Cox West Washington 98625 Gel Yutopar Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.43 193.25 193.25 71.55 19 9.93
28867 7/22/09 0:00 Maxwell Schwartz West New Mexico 87011 Concentrate Ampicillin And Sulbactam Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,169.75 100% 0.02 0.57 2,169.75 2,169.75 374.751 26 95.99
28867 7/22/09 0:00 Maxwell Schwartz West New Mexico 87011 Suppository Thallous Chloride Tl 201 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 866.73 100% 0.1 0.78 866.73 866.73 -199.98 43 20.97
14976 7/22/09 0:00 Quincy Jones South Alabama 36276 Ointment Cafcit Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 231.35 100% 0.03 0.38 231.35 231.35 -81.86 46 4.98
28867 7/22/09 0:00 Maxwell Schwartz West New Mexico 87011 Ointment Thiothixene Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 642.42 100% 0.03 0.37 642.42 642.42 80.01 6 104.85
48288 7/22/09 0:00 Nicole Brennan West California 95503 Injectable Vicoprin Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,308.28 100% 0.08 0.69 3,308.28 3,308.28 -581.59 25 130.98
31558 7/23/09 0:00 Cari Schnelling East Delaware 19701 Suppository Dialyte Lm/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.55 1,763.60 1,763.60 455.37 42 45.19
31558 7/23/09 0:00 Cari Schnelling East Delaware 19701 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.11% In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.52 3,671.30 3,671.30 900.06 12 300.65
16160 7/23/09 0:00 Larry Hughes East Delaware 19885 Solution Disulfiram Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.59 514.86 514.86 -53.18 50 10.89
29152 7/23/09 0:00 Ashley Jarboe West Arizona 85003 Suppository Tab-Profen Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0 0.45 58.63 58.63 -40.86 3 17.48
29152 7/23/09 0:00 Ashley Jarboe West Arizona 85003 Syrup Levo-T Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.83 94.99 94.99 -106.29 13 6.98
47492 7/23/09 0:00 Bill Overfelt West California 93456 Suppository Methylergonovine Maleate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 649.71 100% 0.07 0.74 649.71 649.71 -157.51 22 30.42
9792 7/23/09 0:00 Sally Knutson Central Texas 78602 Tablet Aminosyn 3.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 84.09 100% 0.02 0.37 84.09 84.09 -73.14 14 5.4
5575 7/23/09 0:00 Rick Hansen South Georgia 39859 Ointment Equetro Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 254.69 100% 0.06 0.4 254.69 254.69 -269.37 41 5.98
56420 7/24/09 0:00 Carl Weiss East New York 14709 Concentrate Aminosyn-Rf 5.2% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,403.14 100% 0 0.57 2,403.14 2,403.14 377.622 22 125.99
56420 7/24/09 0:00 Carl Weiss East New York 14709 Concentrate Cetirizine Hydrochloride And Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 5,138.34 100% 0.02 0.57 5,138.34 5,138.34 1,422.20 48 125.99
26851 7/24/09 0:00 Heather Jas West Arizona 85234 Suppository Dilantin-125 Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 73.64 100% 0.07 0.51 73.64 73.64 -58.87 44 1.7
56420 7/24/09 0:00 Carl Weiss East New York 14709 Solution Mithracin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 597.44 100% 0.09 0.56 597.44 597.44 108.3 16 38.06
56420 7/24/09 0:00 Carl Weiss East New York 14709 For Solution Sulfamethoxazole And Trimethoprim Double Strength Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 132.23 100% 0.07 0.51 132.23 132.23 22.25 26 5.08
36516 7/25/09 0:00 Giulietta Baptist Central Michigan 49822 Suppository Sonazine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.4 883.37 883.37 51.3 9 100.98
15425 7/25/09 0:00 Larry Tron South Virginia 24157 Suppository Depo-Subq Provera 104 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.5 2,896.14 2,896.14 366.63 29 99.99
30593 7/25/09 0:00 Jim Karlsson Central Nebraska 68016 Gel Visine-A Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.56 1,408.34 1,408.34 176.63 41 34.58
30593 7/25/09 0:00 Jim Karlsson Central Nebraska 68016 For Solution Lithium Carbonate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.04 0.49 97.65 97.65 -90.07 20 4.18
46311 7/25/09 0:00 Peter Fuller South Georgia 39901 Suppository Tavist-D Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,244.01 100% 0 0.4 1,244.01 1,244.01 539.57 42 28.48
39111 7/25/09 0:00 Cindy Stewart West Arizona 85321 Suppository Orsythia Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 6,004.35 100% 0.05 0.48 6,004.35 6,004.35 1,767.56 20 300.97
2306 7/25/09 0:00 Liz Thompson East New Jersey 8823 Tablet Bupivacaine Hydrochloride W/Epinephrine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 113.5 100% 0.05 0.4 113.5 113.5 -46.345 15 7.45
46311 7/25/09 0:00 Peter Fuller South Georgia 39901 Ointment Humulin U Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 302.07 100% 0 0.37 302.07 302.07 -185.98 44 6.48
39111 7/25/09 0:00 Cindy Stewart West Arizona 85321 Syrup Pradaxa Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 182.4 100% 0.09 0.55 182.4 182.4 -114.22 1 178.47
46311 7/25/09 0:00 Peter Fuller South Georgia 39901 For Solution Measurin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 981.73 100% 0.03 0.52 981.73 981.73 388.23 42 22.23
30565 7/26/09 0:00 Roy Collins South Florida 32122 Suppository Microgestin 1/20 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,785.02 100% 0.04 0.74 1,785.02 1,785.02 52.66 32 55.94
19041 7/26/09 0:00 Grant Thornton East Connecticut 6439 Solution Doxychel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,849.80 100% 0.04 0.56 1,849.80 1,849.80 530.22 43 42.98
19041 7/26/09 0:00 Grant Thornton East Connecticut 6439 Solution Disulfiram Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 36.06 100% 0.08 0.59 36.06 36.06 -18.5 3 10.89
30853 7/27/09 0:00 Meg Tillman Central Ohio 43107 Ointment Cholovue Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.38 41.52 41.52 -85.17 16 2.18
30853 7/27/09 0:00 Meg Tillman Central Ohio 43107 Suspension/Drops Codimal-L.A. 12 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.39 254.02 254.02 123.14 40 6.3
34725 7/27/09 0:00 Fred McMath East Connecticut 6703 Syrup Aminohippurate Sodium Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.85 1,885.41 1,885.41 -524.74 14 138.14
56768 7/27/09 0:00 Giulietta Dortch South Georgia 39901 Cream Sinemet Cr Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 1,207.02 100% 0.03 0.36 1,207.02 1,207.02 235.4 13 90.97
49479 7/27/09 0:00 Victor Price South North Carolina 27114 Cream Glumetza Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 5,615.40 100% 0.07 0.38 5,615.40 5,615.40 1,807.16 46 120.97
56768 7/27/09 0:00 Giulietta Dortch South Georgia 39901 Gel Travasol 4.25% Sulfite Free W/ Electrolytes In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 111.39 100% 0.02 0.56 111.39 111.39 20.06 37 2.88
52934 7/27/09 0:00 Sara Luxemburg West California 94404 Suspension/Drops Darbid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 92.15 100% 0.08 0.36 92.15 92.15 36.98 20 4.91
31556 7/27/09 0:00 Kelly Collister Central Ohio 43270 For Solution Insulin Nordisk Mixtard (Pork) Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 269.35 100% 0.07 0.52 269.35 269.35 -14.99 35 7.7
31938 7/27/09 0:00 Shahid Shariari West Arizona 85301 For Solution Suprenza Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 363.23 100% 0.05 0.42 363.23 363.23 40.58 47 7.59
31938 7/27/09 0:00 Shahid Shariari West Arizona 85301 Capsule Ondansetron Hydrochloride And Dextrose In Plastic Container Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,193.62 100% 0.08 0.66 1,193.62 1,193.62 -304.47 13 89.99
3362 7/28/09 0:00 Christina Vanderzanden West New Mexico 88044 Suppository Repronex Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.44 1,699.52 1,699.52 734.75 40 40.98
3362 7/28/09 0:00 Christina Vanderzanden West New Mexico 88044 Syrup Liquamar Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.81 760.85 760.85 -109.1 50 15.14
47271 7/28/09 0:00 Liz MacKendrick West Idaho 83552 Suppository Radioiodinated Serum Albumin (Human) Ihsa I 125 Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 221.42 100% 0.03 0.64 221.42 221.42 -142.02 44 4.98
21089 7/28/09 0:00 Vivek Grady West Utah 84791 Capsule Ocl Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 559.75 100% 0.07 0.74 559.75 559.75 -331.08 4 122.99
31237 7/29/09 0:00 Frank Olsen South South Carolina 29338 Tablet Diutensen-R Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.36 589.78 589.78 225.2585 13 42.8
56838 7/29/09 0:00 Roy Collins South Florida 32003 Suppository Sonazine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,326.27 100% 0.09 0.4 4,326.27 4,326.27 1,728.20 44 100.98
46336 7/29/09 0:00 Carl Weiss East New York 14709 Gel Acuvail Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 143.85 100% 0.1 0.52 143.85 143.85 34.14 31 4.84
23202 7/30/09 0:00 Naresj Patel West Utah 84001 Ointment Duraquin Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.38 307.42 307.42 104.09 39 8.17
23202 7/30/09 0:00 Naresj Patel West Utah 84001 Gel Carbocaine Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.6 608.29 608.29 -39.27 48 11.97
54279 7/30/09 0:00 Harry Greene Central Wisconsin 54990 Cream Vistaril Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 10,071.09 100% 0.1 0.58 10,071.09 10,071.09 1,977.69 41 264.98
9574 7/30/09 0:00 Joy Smith Central Michigan 48001 Tablet Procapan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 434.62 100% 0.08 0.4 434.62 434.62 -68.977 40 11.5
46305 7/30/09 0:00 Sue Ann Reed Central Ohio 44197 Tablet Dianeal 137 W/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 299.66 100% 0.08 0.39 299.66 299.66 -18.2505 30 10.44
31812 7/31/09 0:00 Laura Armstrong South Maryland 20667 Lotion Diazoxide Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.81 38.52 38.52 -17.34 31 1.26
31812 7/31/09 0:00 Laura Armstrong South Maryland 20667 Ointment Diflunisal Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 593.62 593.62 25.19 14 40.99
33377 7/31/09 0:00 Beth Thompson East Massachusetts 2054 Ointment Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 100.4 100% 0.06 0.36 100.4 100.4 11.94 20 5.18
33377 7/31/09 0:00 Beth Thompson East Massachusetts 2054 Aerosol Monistat-Derm Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 327.15 100% 0.04 0.56 327.15 327.15 47.3 19 17.24
610 8/1/09 0:00 Joe Elijah Central Texas 77037 Ointment Foamcoat Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.37 283.65 283.65 -29.21 38 6.68
25633 8/1/09 0:00 Christina DeMoss West New Mexico 88439 Spray Efidac 24 Chlorpheniramine Maleate Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.69 5,140.08 5,140.08 -647.14 36 145.98
17345 8/2/09 0:00 Cynthia Arntzen Central Texas 79080 Ointment Albalon Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.36 195.61 195.61 -17.02 23 7.64
5799 8/2/09 0:00 Jack O'Briant East New Jersey 8823 Solution Alphazine Intramuscular Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.57 9,626.86 9,626.86 1,882.20 34 294.62
20448 8/2/09 0:00 Luke Weiss Central Michigan 49634 Solution/Drops Homatropine Methylbromide And Hydrocodone Bitartrate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 104.82 100% 0.02 0.39 104.82 104.82 6.84 23 3.69
16356 8/2/09 0:00 Victoria Pisteka Central Texas 88595 Solution Dorzolamide Hydrochloride And Timolol Maleate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 157.94 100% 0.04 0.55 157.94 157.94 9.15 6 22.98
56647 8/3/09 0:00 Tony Sayre East New York 501 For Solution Lincomycin Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.57 417.53 417.53 -309.06 41 9.98
51494 8/3/09 0:00 Justin Hirsh West Arizona 85234 Cream Cyclapen-W Injection TableauCeutical Animal 493.56 100% 0.06 0.36 493.56 493.56 12.73 42 11.99
35684 8/3/09 0:00 Cari Sayre West Idaho 83877 Cream Benadryl Preservative Free Injection TableauCeutical Animal 910.98 100% 0.07 0.38 910.98 910.98 18.77 10 96.45
48512 8/3/09 0:00 Cyra Reiten South Virginia 23018 Gel Zylet Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 148.26 100% 0.04 0.4 148.26 148.26 49.04 47 2.94
48512 8/3/09 0:00 Cyra Reiten South Virginia 23018 Ointment Fluxid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 238.79 100% 0.04 0.36 238.79 238.79 -83.78 48 4.98
14113 8/4/09 0:00 Noah Childs East Delaware 19895 Spray Flagyl I.V. Rtu In Plastic Container Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.09 0.74 8,218.16 8,218.16 -541.36 22 376.13
14401 8/4/09 0:00 Jason Klamczynski Central Nebraska 69367 Concentrate Choloxin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.57 931.1495 931.1495 -128.832 10 110.99
6788 8/4/09 0:00 Bobby Elias South Georgia 31811 Gel Tri-Norinyl 21-Day Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.58 127.84 127.84 12.69 41 2.94
6788 8/4/09 0:00 Bobby Elias South Georgia 31811 Lotion Claritin-D Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.52 11.15 11.15 -2.62 6 1.81
35782 8/5/09 0:00 Julie Kriz Central Illinois 62444 Tablet Namenda Xr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 6,427.18 100% 0.09 0.4 6,427.18 6,427.18 2,097.10 42 165.98
38787 8/5/09 0:00 Trudy Bell South Alabama 36072 Gel Triprolidine And Pseudoephedrine Hydrochlorides Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 79.04 100% 0.05 0.56 79.04 79.04 -77.93 22 3.28
35782 8/5/09 0:00 Julie Kriz Central Illinois 62444 Spray Diclofenac Sodium Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,330.73 100% 0.06 0.75 1,330.73 1,330.73 -450.1 13 105.49
30144 8/6/09 0:00 Joe Kamberova West Washington 98625 Spray Fazaclo Odt Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.77 5,503.39 5,503.39 -886.05 25 218.75
36196 8/6/09 0:00 Christy Brittain South Georgia 30002 Suppository Isopaque 440 Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 39.01 100% 0.07 0.64 39.01 39.01 -38.44 7 4.98
36196 8/6/09 0:00 Christy Brittain South Georgia 30002 For Solution Ifex Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 62.03 100% 0.09 0.48 62.03 62.03 17.31 6 9.77
28324 8/7/09 0:00 Edward Nazzal South Virginia 20101 Solution Brevital Sodium Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.58 385.99 385.99 -40.72 48 8.67
21378 8/7/09 0:00 Jack Lebron Central Michigan 49877 Suppository Depo-Subq Provera 104 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,616.64 100% 0.07 0.5 1,616.64 1,616.64 26.94 17 99.99
6374 8/7/09 0:00 Ricardo Emerson West Arizona 85071 Suppository Pyocidin Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 857.42 100% 0.07 0.64 857.42 857.42 51.18 29 31.11
21378 8/7/09 0:00 Jack Lebron Central Michigan 49877 Tablet Sodium Lactate In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 937.04 100% 0.08 0.38 937.04 937.04 391.6035 34 28.53
6374 8/7/09 0:00 Ricardo Emerson West Arizona 85071 Lotion Enlon Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2.24 100% 0.01 0.37 2.24 2.24 -1.97 1 1.48
7110 8/7/09 0:00 Grant Carroll East Massachusetts 2139 Capsule Amiloride Hydrochloride Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 6,396.20 100% 0.02 0.56 6,396.20 6,396.20 1,902.24 22 276.2
26370 8/8/09 0:00 Fred Wasserman East Massachusetts 2054 Ointment Femcon Fe Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.39 270.23 270.23 52.02 12 22.84
26370 8/8/09 0:00 Fred Wasserman East Massachusetts 2054 Syrup Pentids '800' Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.6 660.27 660.27 63.83 20 34.76
9700 8/8/09 0:00 Sue Ann Reed Central Ohio 44197 Aerosol Ativan Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 106.06 100% 0.08 0.84 106.06 106.06 -59.74 35 3.14
53956 8/8/09 0:00 Elpida Rittenbach Central Illinois 62541 Ointment Entocort Ec Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,779.87 100% 0.01 0.36 1,779.87 1,779.87 311.72 43 40.99
19811 8/8/09 0:00 Mitch Webber Central Nebraska 68001 Aerosol Cefotan Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 450.66 100% 0.01 0.59 450.66 450.66 -115.1 49 8.57
23427 8/8/09 0:00 Cindy Chapman West Arizona 85338 Tablet Nogenic Hc Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,684.98 100% 0.03 0.35 2,684.98 2,684.98 1,115.14 22 120.98
23427 8/8/09 0:00 Cindy Chapman West Arizona 85338 Tablet Neo-Rx Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 442.76 100% 0.09 0.39 442.76 442.76 -17.112 30 15.01
23558 8/9/09 0:00 Julie Prescott Central Wisconsin 53006 Ointment Fluxid Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.36 25.82 25.82 -10.19 4 4.98
23558 8/9/09 0:00 Julie Prescott Central Wisconsin 53006 Spray Pletal Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.65 579.71 579.71 -576.67 17 31.76
15972 8/9/09 0:00 Naresj Patel West Utah 84001 Lotion Calcitonin-Salmon Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.39 10.33 10.33 -3.86 3 2.98
15972 8/9/09 0:00 Naresj Patel West Utah 84001 Lotion Chlorhexidine Gluconate Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.54 14.39 14.39 -10.24 2 5.81
1440 8/9/09 0:00 Stefanie Holloman South North Carolina 27010 For Solution Maprotiline Hydrochloride Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.01 0.47 726.22 726.22 52.47 41 17.67
24583 8/9/09 0:00 Becky Pak South South Carolina 29907 Tablet Xylocaine W/ Epinephrine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 42.29 100% 0.06 0.37 42.29 42.29 -85.2725 17 2.16
52288 8/10/09 0:00 Kimberly Carter Central Michigan 49877 For Solution Pravachol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.43 1,410.44 1,410.44 545.11 19 78.69
24387 8/10/09 0:00 Bryan Mills Central Michigan 49971 For Solution Hydro-Ride Delayed Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.01 0.57 1,003.31 1,003.31 51.9 23 40.97
24387 8/10/09 0:00 Bryan Mills Central Michigan 49971 Spray Aminosyn Ii 5% Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.04 0.49 6,048.18 6,048.18 1,418.36 17 349.45
39683 8/10/09 0:00 Jeremy Lonsdale Central Nebraska 68770 Lotion Children'S Claritin Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 68.14 100% 0 0.52 68.14 68.14 6.37 30 2.18
39683 8/10/09 0:00 Jeremy Lonsdale Central Nebraska 68770 Tablet Ziac Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 615.58 100% 0.04 0.37 615.58 615.58 168.0025 31 18.99
39683 8/10/09 0:00 Jeremy Lonsdale Central Nebraska 68770 Capsule Sodium Bicarbonate In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 8,387.10 100% 0.1 0.57 8,387.10 8,387.10 2,113.95 41 218.08
39683 8/10/09 0:00 Jeremy Lonsdale Central Nebraska 68770 For Solution Hypaque Sodium 20% Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 126.02 100% 0.09 0.49 126.02 126.02 66.97 6 20.24
31620 8/11/09 0:00 Maribeth Yedwab South Virginia 20101 Concentrate Anafranil Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.55 1,108.37 1,108.37 178.308 20 65.99
17958 8/11/09 0:00 Jasper Cacioppo South North Carolina 27801 For Solution Hydramine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.49 1,053.74 1,053.74 359.53 33 32.48
6754 8/11/09 0:00 Bill Overfelt West California 93456 Concentrate Prismasol Bk 4/2.5 In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,388.64 100% 0.01 0.56 2,388.64 2,388.64 190.998 13 205.99
6304 8/11/09 0:00 Adam Shillingsburg South South Carolina 29001 Ointment Gallium Citrate Ga 67 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 199.11 100% 0.01 0.36 199.11 199.11 -83.33 30 6.48
54051 8/11/09 0:00 Alice McCarthy West Idaho 83201 Suspension/Drops Copegus Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 126.95 100% 0.06 0.39 126.95 126.95 45.87 28 4.13
54051 8/11/09 0:00 Alice McCarthy West Idaho 83201 Injectable Aquasol A Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,301.33 100% 0.05 0.77 3,301.33 3,301.33 -307.46 23 140.98
6465 8/12/09 0:00 Alan Shonely West Colorado 80230 Ointment Cefuroxime And Dextrose In Duplex Container Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.39 240.14 240.14 57.78 36 6.88
27553 8/12/09 0:00 Jim Radford East Massachusetts 2054 Concentrate Dianeal Pd-1 W/ Dextrose 4.25% In Plastic Container Injection TableauCeutical Animal 2,631.11 100% 0 0.57 2,631.11 2,631.11 297.108 16 179.99
27553 8/12/09 0:00 Jim Radford East Massachusetts 2054 Syrup Apidra Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 18,235.47 100% 0.03 0.65 18,235.47 18,235.47 1,166.93 48 370.98
31846 8/13/09 0:00 Jennifer Ferguson South North Carolina 28633 Capsule Temozolomide Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.58 261.17 261.17 -78.84 7 33.94
49220 8/13/09 0:00 Evan Bailliet Central Illinois 62924 Solution Menopur Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 409.97 100% 0.07 0.59 409.97 409.97 39.36 13 33.62
9763 8/13/09 0:00 Alan Barnes Central Michigan 48001 Suspension/Drops Cytadren Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 176.26 100% 0.07 0.39 176.26 176.26 75.13 44 4.13
47810 8/14/09 0:00 Ionia McGrath South Alabama 36830 Gel Tora Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.55 19.57 19.57 -5.35 3 5.84
56580 8/14/09 0:00 Karen Daniels West California 91188 Syrup Corzide Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 950.3 100% 0.1 0.78 950.3 950.3 -2,103.05 44 20.98
56580 8/14/09 0:00 Karen Daniels West California 91188 Ointment Benylin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 73.05 100% 0.1 0.4 73.05 73.05 -17.03 9 8.34
17379 8/14/09 0:00 Harry Marie Central Illinois 60001 Injectable Antepar Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,218.42 100% 0.08 0.76 3,218.42 3,218.42 -1,248.58 29 114.98
56580 8/14/09 0:00 Karen Daniels West California 91188 Spray Alinia Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 8,122.53 100% 0.05 0.78 8,122.53 8,122.53 -730.76 29 286.85
28674 8/15/09 0:00 Susan Gilcrest South Georgia 31733 Ointment Geopen Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.36 161.96 161.96 -51.12 26 5.78
1414 8/15/09 0:00 Carol Darley Central Illinois 62444 Spray Diclofenac Sodium Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.07 0.75 4,530.96 4,530.96 -993.35 44 105.49
54659 8/15/09 0:00 Carol Adams Central Nebraska 68717 Ointment Gentafair Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 262.9 100% 0.06 0.37 262.9 262.9 -41.98 38 6.68
14247 8/16/09 0:00 Denny Blanton West California 91188 Lotion Captopril Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.4 14.75 14.75 -2.49 4 3.29
49409 8/16/09 0:00 Natalie Webber Central Ohio 43002 Suppository Dextrose 10% And Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,457.78 100% 0.04 0.45 1,457.78 1,457.78 68.23 28 49.99
9927 8/16/09 0:00 Grant Carroll East Massachusetts 2139 Suppository Theophylline 0.32% And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,608.08 100% 0.09 0.73 1,608.08 1,608.08 -82.16 34 50.98
9927 8/16/09 0:00 Grant Carroll East Massachusetts 2139 Capsule Sodium Bicarbonate In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 10,087.60 100% 0.01 0.57 10,087.60 10,087.60 3,387.35 44 218.08
9927 8/16/09 0:00 Grant Carroll East Massachusetts 2139 Injectable Fluocinolone Acetonide Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,655.07 100% 0 0.65 4,655.07 4,655.07 -270.63 32 140.98
47459 8/17/09 0:00 Denise Leinenbach South Maryland 21022 Tablet Dextrose 25% Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.35 197.21 197.21 56.882 10 20.98
38466 8/17/09 0:00 Jane Waco East Connecticut 6817 Ointment Humatin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 105.48 100% 0.02 0.37 105.48 105.48 -53.99 15 6.48
38466 8/17/09 0:00 Jane Waco East Connecticut 6817 Suspension/Drops Curosurf Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 111.37 100% 0.04 0.38 111.37 111.37 46.46 37 2.89
38466 8/17/09 0:00 Jane Waco East Connecticut 6817 Ointment Gonal-F Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 136.18 100% 0.08 0.36 136.18 136.18 -43.26 22 5.98
17253 8/17/09 0:00 Roy Phan East New York 10501 Tablet Asellacrin 10 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 50.19 100% 0.08 0.38 50.19 50.19 -64.3885 13 3.52
42373 8/17/09 0:00 Emily Phan South Maryland 21290 Tablet Otobione Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 127.32 100% 0.1 0.38 127.32 127.32 22.9585 11 10.91
13381 8/17/09 0:00 Vivian Mathis West Idaho 83877 Spray Elestrin Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 10,714.78 100% 0 0.65 10,714.78 10,714.78 540.62 41 259.71
43424 8/18/09 0:00 Maria Bertelson East New Jersey 7001 Solution Dorzolamide Hydrochloride And Timolol Maleate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.55 772.56 772.56 143.87 34 22.98
8768 8/18/09 0:00 Resi Polking South South Carolina 29808 Concentrate Amerge Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.57 2,422.44 2,422.44 568.179 44 65.99
33604 8/18/09 0:00 Yana Sorensen West California 93456 Tablet Aminosyn 3.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 59.62 100% 0.04 0.37 59.62 59.62 -56.304 10 5.4
1639 8/19/09 0:00 Sean Christensen West Colorado 80746 Ointment Chlorofair Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.39 163.14 163.14 -62.2 24 6.78
10791 8/19/09 0:00 Anthony Johnson East Delaware 19701 Ointment Ifosfamide Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.38 400.57 400.57 93.36 20 19.98
16967 8/19/09 0:00 Brad Norvell East New Jersey 8823 Suppository Testosterone Cypionate-Estradiol Cypionate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 397.55 100% 0.08 0.45 397.55 397.55 -152.47 5 83.1
16967 8/19/09 0:00 Brad Norvell East New Jersey 8823 Ointment Ifosfamide Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 676.26 100% 0.06 0.38 676.26 676.26 181.98 34 19.98
31648 8/20/09 0:00 Greg Hansen East New York 12917 Suppository Pur-Wash Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0 0.74 68.94 68.94 -32.63 8 8.32
24899 8/20/09 0:00 Maria Bertelson East New Jersey 7001 Gel Ancef In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.47 252.99 252.99 28.76 37 7.08
31648 8/20/09 0:00 Greg Hansen East New York 12917 Ointment Foscavir Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 74.04 74.04 -37.04 10 6.68
6502 8/20/09 0:00 Max Jones West Washington 98310 Ointment Albalon Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.36 116.11 116.11 -36.46 16 7.64
6502 8/20/09 0:00 Max Jones West Washington 98310 Ointment Fluoxetine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.4 306.92 306.92 13.46 30 9.99
8901 8/20/09 0:00 Barry Pond East Connecticut 6074 Cream Fortovase Injection TableauCeutical Animal 168.9 100% 0.09 0.36 168.9 168.9 -18.61 15 9.99
448 8/20/09 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 Concentrate Provocholine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,162.40 100% 0.09 0.59 1,162.40 1,162.40 -284.625 22 65.99
51008 8/20/09 0:00 Michael Chen Central Nebraska 68717 Aerosol Sulfair Forte Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 269.66 100% 0.02 0.82 269.66 269.66 -59.13 20 12.88
36133 8/20/09 0:00 Katrina Willman Central Nebraska 68155 Ointment Betamethasone Dipropionate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 128.56 100% 0 0.37 128.56 128.56 -7.84 6 19.98
45381 8/21/09 0:00 Michael Oakman Central Ohio 45999 Suppository Tylox Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.62 1,316.87 1,316.87 204.7 23 53.98
17445 8/21/09 0:00 Resi Polking South South Carolina 29808 Suppository Pur-Wash Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.74 249.48 249.48 -73.83 33 8.32
45381 8/21/09 0:00 Michael Oakman Central Ohio 45999 Tablet Epi E Z Pen Jr Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.39 164.1 164.1 -41.216 26 5.74
45381 8/21/09 0:00 Michael Oakman Central Ohio 45999 For Solution Lidocaine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.01 0.41 11.81 11.81 -7.95 1 5.89
46531 8/21/09 0:00 Chuck Sachs East Connecticut 6439 Concentrate Loratadine Redidose Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,064.66 100% 0.01 0.58 3,064.66 3,064.66 447.336 17 205.99
2882 8/21/09 0:00 Yoseph Carroll East New York 14925 Suppository Repronex Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 356.72 100% 0.07 0.44 356.72 356.72 12.61 9 40.98
46531 8/21/09 0:00 Chuck Sachs East Connecticut 6439 Tablet Janimine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 84.47 100% 0.06 0.38 84.47 84.47 7.9815 23 3.8
46531 8/21/09 0:00 Chuck Sachs East Connecticut 6439 Tablet Dopamine Hydrochloride In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 19.34 100% 0.1 0.39 19.34 19.34 -14.375 2 7.1
1095 8/21/09 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Ointment Fluxid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 142.18 100% 0.07 0.36 142.18 142.18 -50.14 28 4.98
46531 8/21/09 0:00 Chuck Sachs East Connecticut 6439 Spray Peridex Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,211 100% 0.07 0.63 4,211 4,211 -1,454.78 39 111.96
2882 8/21/09 0:00 Yoseph Carroll East New York 14925 Capsule Uroplus Ds Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,872.87 100% 0.03 0.62 3,872.87 3,872.87 565.34 23 160.98
58598 8/22/09 0:00 Edward Nazzal South Virginia 20101 Lotion Chloromycetin Hydrocortisone Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.37 89.32 89.32 33.46 25 3.41
58598 8/22/09 0:00 Edward Nazzal South Virginia 20101 Capsule Ogen 2.5 Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.1 0.56 13,608.83 13,608.83 1,342.93 50 300.98
28545 8/23/09 0:00 Kelly Andreada South Florida 32003 Solution Potassium Chloride 40Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.225% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.57 5,296.19 5,296.19 1,164.05 15 363.25
43302 8/23/09 0:00 Damala Kotsonis South Maryland 21230 Concentrate Azopt Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 720.613 100% 0.07 0.37 720.613 720.613 329.679 43 20.99
43302 8/23/09 0:00 Damala Kotsonis South Maryland 21230 Concentrate Zavesca Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 6,888.66 100% 0.03 0.59 6,888.66 6,888.66 1,925.58 39 205.99
58566 8/23/09 0:00 Julia Dunbar West New Mexico 88044 Concentrate Theophyl-Sr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,414.99 100% 0.01 0.58 2,414.99 2,414.99 624.708 42 65.99
43302 8/23/09 0:00 Damala Kotsonis South Maryland 21230 Gel Dexamethasone Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 8.87 100% 0.09 0.46 8.87 8.87 -5.14 4 1.95
53189 8/23/09 0:00 Duane Noonan West Washington 98625 Ointment M.V.I. Adult Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 214.19 100% 0 0.37 214.19 214.19 -40.56 29 6.48
58566 8/23/09 0:00 Julia Dunbar West New Mexico 88044 For Solution Kenalog-10 Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,680.89 100% 0.07 0.79 4,680.89 4,680.89 693.01 45 105.29
55202 8/24/09 0:00 Bobby Elias South Georgia 31811 Concentrate Sterane Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.08 0.58 6,335.86 6,335.86 1,620.23 49 155.99
55202 8/24/09 0:00 Bobby Elias South Georgia 31811 Syrup Aminosyn 8.5% W/ Electrolytes Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.82 3,093.76 3,093.76 -850.71 33 95.99
51302 8/24/09 0:00 Tracy Collins Central Illinois 62924 Suspension/Drops Bacitracin Zinc-Neomycin Sulfate-Polymyxin B Sulfate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 167.55 100% 0.03 0.37 167.55 167.55 -223.5 44 3.75
5153 8/25/09 0:00 Helen Abelman Central Michigan 49822 Capsule Aminosyn 3.5% W/ Dextrose 25% In Plastic Container Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.57 4,896.93 4,896.93 1,467.82 37 128.24
45861 8/25/09 0:00 Allen Rosenblatt East Massachusetts 2180 Concentrate Azopt Extended Release Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.37 680.8585 680.8585 319.104 39 20.99
49319 8/25/09 0:00 Karen Bern East New Jersey 8823 Suppository Quinapril Hydrochloride And Hydrochlorothiazide Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 98.82 100% 0.09 0.69 98.82 98.82 -68.66 13 7.37
36676 8/25/09 0:00 Mitch Willingham South North Carolina 27006 Cream Panheprin Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 3,046.01 100% 0.08 0.37 3,046.01 3,046.01 998.65 32 100.97
15622 8/25/09 0:00 Cathy Armstrong Central Illinois 60001 Ointment Hectorol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 135.99 100% 0.09 0.36 135.99 135.99 -129.24 21 6.48
49319 8/25/09 0:00 Karen Bern East New Jersey 8823 Ointment Ganciclovir Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 289.19 100% 0.01 0.37 289.19 289.19 -69.03 40 6.68
56640 8/25/09 0:00 Anthony O'Donnell South Alabama 35480 Ointment Zantac 25 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 29.31 100% 0 0.36 29.31 29.31 -12.78 2 11.48
36676 8/25/09 0:00 Mitch Willingham South North Carolina 27006 Ointment Halflytely Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 353.52 100% 0.04 0.39 353.52 353.52 51.53 15 22.84
56640 8/25/09 0:00 Anthony O'Donnell South Alabama 35480 Ointment Extra-Strength Aim Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 80.26 100% 0.06 0.37 80.26 80.26 -22.55 11 6.68
15622 8/25/09 0:00 Cathy Armstrong Central Illinois 60001 Injectable Clinimix 2.75/5 Sulfite Free In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 8,581.25 100% 0 0.56 8,581.25 8,581.25 1,464.23 34 240.98
39169 8/26/09 0:00 Noel Staavos West California 92320 Gel Acuvail Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.52 24.91 24.91 -0.9 5 4.84
53767 8/26/09 0:00 Sibella Parks East Connecticut 6703 Ointment Propranolol Hydrochloride Intensol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.4 1,131.15 1,131.15 433.87 35 30.98
30276 8/26/09 0:00 Carlos Meador South Florida 32119 Concentrate Betamethasone Acetate And Betamethasone Sodium Phosphate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,453.70 100% 0 0.55 1,453.70 1,453.70 549.837 44 35.99
17924 8/26/09 0:00 Richard Eichhorn South Virginia 24658 Solution Deferoxamine Mesylate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,507.48 100% 0.04 0.56 2,507.48 2,507.48 762.53 42 60.97
30276 8/26/09 0:00 Carlos Meador South Florida 32119 Spray Phisohex Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 7,656.30 100% 0.1 0.76 7,656.30 7,656.30 -219.17 34 296.18
6336 8/28/09 0:00 Joseph Holt South South Carolina 29941 Tablet Dopamine Hydrochloride In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.39 320.26 320.26 -84.134 43 7.1
54914 8/28/09 0:00 Duane Huffman East Delaware 19810 Syrup Lialda Injection Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.57 90.58 90.58 -27.83 7 12.44
54914 8/28/09 0:00 Duane Huffman East Delaware 19810 Ointment Gonal-F Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.36 197.93 197.93 -57.64 32 5.98
48709 8/28/09 0:00 Helen Andreada West Colorado 81653 Gel Epoprostenol Sodium Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 47.12 100% 0.01 0.44 47.12 47.12 -47.01 17 2.52
8391 8/28/09 0:00 Sylvia Foulston East New Jersey 7001 Capsule Ogen 2.5 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,266.72 100% 0.04 0.56 1,266.72 1,266.72 -268.36 4 300.98
38561 8/30/09 0:00 Mark Van Huff South Virginia 24658 For Solution Ilotycin Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.1 0.45 169.4 169.4 -59.64 19 9.48
36679 8/30/09 0:00 Anna Haberlin West Utah 84014 Concentrate Clindagel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,491.83 100% 0.1 0.56 1,491.83 1,491.83 124.83 28 65.99
11233 8/30/09 0:00 Kalyca Meade West Washington 98310 Solution/Drops Sulf-15 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 276.5 100% 0.02 0.36 276.5 276.5 35.72 25 10.98
49828 8/30/09 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Ointment Histamine Phosphate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 272.39 100% 0.03 0.37 272.39 272.39 -91.48 39 6.48
4676 8/31/09 0:00 Annie Cyprus East Delaware 19891 Concentrate Sterane Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.58 4,253.01 4,253.01 1,115.69 30 155.99
4676 8/31/09 0:00 Annie Cyprus East Delaware 19891 Concentrate Cytosar-U Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.58 1,210.05 1,210.05 -104.247 11 125.99
4676 8/31/09 0:00 Annie Cyprus East Delaware 19891 Suspension/Drops Decadron-La Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 187.83 187.83 85.96 50 3.75
4676 8/31/09 0:00 Annie Cyprus East Delaware 19891 Ointment Elestat Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.38 49.59 49.59 -8.38 3 12.28
57799 8/31/09 0:00 Janet Lee Central Ohio 43317 Cream Ludiomil Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 12,343.07 100% 0.02 0.37 12,343.07 12,343.07 3,972.72 25 500.97
34596 8/31/09 0:00 James Galang West Idaho 83552 Tablet Norditropin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 302.09 100% 0.05 0.35 302.09 302.09 -67.091 39 7.68
6337 8/31/09 0:00 Justin Knight Central Michigan 49971 For Solution Codeine, Aspirin, Apap Formula No. 2 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,397.72 100% 0.01 0.78 3,397.72 3,397.72 -912.08 48 70.71
6337 8/31/09 0:00 Justin Knight Central Michigan 49971 Spray Flagyl I.V. Rtu In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 449.42 100% 0.07 0.74 449.42 449.42 -290.68 1 376.13
51906 9/1/09 0:00 Art Foster Central Illinois 60001 Suppository Rau-Sed Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.61 206.34 206.34 -38.23 24 8.46
34112 9/1/09 0:00 Dennis Pardue Central Ohio 44197 Concentrate Benicar Hct Injection Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.56 315.792 315.792 -105.765 13 28.99
27778 9/2/09 0:00 Roy Skaria Central Illinois 60406 Suspension Genotropin Preservative Free Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 6,350.29 100% 0.02 0.5 6,350.29 6,350.29 -735.97 10 599.99
9027 9/2/09 0:00 Roy French East Delaware 19934 Concentrate Benazepril Hydrochloride Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 932.892 100% 0.05 0.35 932.892 932.892 458.982 30 35.99
27778 9/2/09 0:00 Roy Skaria Central Illinois 60406 Tablet Naphcon-A Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 232.67 100% 0.02 0.38 232.67 232.67 -105.1445 1 223.98
40896 9/2/09 0:00 Tracy Poddar West Idaho 83465 Ointment Revlimid Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 155.73 100% 0.03 0.4 155.73 155.73 42.86 21 7.4
27778 9/2/09 0:00 Roy Skaria Central Illinois 60406 Injectable Aquasol A Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,805.92 100% 0.07 0.77 4,805.92 4,805.92 -393.96 34 140.98
8578 9/2/09 0:00 Lisa DeCherney West Idaho 83201 For Solution Brethine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 366.87 100% 0.1 0.41 366.87 366.87 -1.79 40 9.74
42274 9/3/09 0:00 Lena Creighton West Washington 99403 Suppository Dexrazoxane Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.52 2,296.76 2,296.76 241.15 23 99.99
34660 9/3/09 0:00 Tracy Blumstein West Washington 98601 Tablet Caffeine Citrate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.36 24.77 24.77 -17.066 4 4.91
42274 9/3/09 0:00 Lena Creighton West Washington 99403 For Solution Lidopen Extended Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.1 0.52 508.49 508.49 -28.81 45 12.07
34660 9/3/09 0:00 Tracy Blumstein West Washington 98601 For Solution Colbenemid Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.65 3,832.37 3,832.37 1,322.07 36 107.53
27904 9/3/09 0:00 Anthony O'Donnell South Alabama 35480 Concentrate Clindagel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 460.5895 100% 0.02 0.56 460.5895 460.5895 -171.204 8 65.99
34180 9/3/09 0:00 Marc Crier Central Texas 77474 Ointment E-Z Scrub Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 27 100% 0.02 0.36 27 27 -4.9 2 5.78
41152 9/3/09 0:00 Bobby Trafton South Georgia 39901 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.15% In Dextrose 10% And Sodium Chloride 0.2% In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,702.92 100% 0.03 0.54 3,702.92 3,702.92 541.92 49 76.72
2309 9/3/09 0:00 Eric Barreto South Maryland 21230 Tablet Janimine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 27.01 100% 0.05 0.38 27.01 27.01 -1.2995 7 3.8
41152 9/3/09 0:00 Bobby Trafton South Georgia 39901 Tablet Cefazolin And Dextrose Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 53.99 100% 0.1 0.37 53.99 53.99 -15.1225 29 1.88
9863 9/4/09 0:00 Sean Christensen West Colorado 80746 Gel Tolectin 600 Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.56 33.96 33.96 0.1 18 1.76
17573 9/4/09 0:00 Clytie Kelty South South Carolina 29001 Suspension Glucophage Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.38 21,555.60 21,555.60 8,965.83 47 449.99
53895 9/4/09 0:00 Amy Hunt Central Texas 73301 Syrup Baci-Rx Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.58 7,922.69 7,922.69 1,558.79 21 419.19
13889 9/4/09 0:00 John Murray East New York 11769 Capsule Nph Insulin Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.03 0.55 12,979.10 12,979.10 2,820.44 49 258.98
17573 9/4/09 0:00 Clytie Kelty South South Carolina 29001 For Solution Ilotycin Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.45 220.97 220.97 -25.86 23 9.48
9955 9/4/09 0:00 Liz Pelletier Central Ohio 44197 Concentrate Citanest Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,912.02 100% 0.09 0.56 2,912.02 2,912.02 698.166 37 95.99
51969 9/4/09 0:00 Irene Maddox West Colorado 81655 Concentrate Androgel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,756.70 100% 0.1 0.58 1,756.70 1,756.70 164.97 33 65.99
51969 9/4/09 0:00 Irene Maddox West Colorado 81655 Ointment Elestat Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 196.98 100% 0.04 0.38 196.98 196.98 -5.76 16 12.28
19138 9/5/09 0:00 Carlos Daly East Delaware 19810 Syrup Adriamycin Rdf Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.57 387 387 -31.45 30 12.28
43363 9/5/09 0:00 Luke Schmidt South Florida 32122 Capsule Oleptro Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.55 12,908.40 12,908.40 4,084.86 35 350.99
58179 9/5/09 0:00 Ed Jacobs South Florida 32122 Solution/Drops Xylocaine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.35 39.49 39.49 -12.99 3 11.58
27684 9/5/09 0:00 John Lucas South Maryland 21290 Gel Bronkodyl Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 13.04 100% 0.06 0.6 13.04 13.04 -6.62 1 10.48
8323 9/6/09 0:00 Jas O'Carroll East Connecticut 6928 Concentrate Bicillin Extended Release Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.81 766.9635 766.9635 -88.253 45 20.99
40806 9/6/09 0:00 Barbara Fisher South Alabama 35062 Tablet Aminosyn 3.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.37 53.14 53.14 -41.262 8 5.4
50500 9/6/09 0:00 Lisa DeCherney West Idaho 83201 Ointment Duetact Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 64.86 100% 0 0.36 64.86 64.86 22.05 11 5.43
50500 9/6/09 0:00 Lisa DeCherney West Idaho 83201 Lotion Campral Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 109.39 100% 0.07 0.38 109.39 109.39 16.31 45 2.47
47333 9/7/09 0:00 Sally Matthias East Massachusetts 2139 Concentrate Bacitracin Zinc-Neomycin Sulfate-Polymyxin B Sulfate Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.59 760.2485 760.2485 29.799 16 55.99
2626 9/7/09 0:00 Christine Kargatis West Idaho 83810 Suspension/Drops Cyclopentolate Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 48.37 48.37 18.02 16 2.88
39079 9/7/09 0:00 Debra Catini West Colorado 80728 Tablet Humulin R Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 75.6 75.6 -225.2505 46 1.68
19621 9/7/09 0:00 Marc Crier Central Texas 77474 Aerosol Ativan Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 67.03 100% 0.04 0.84 67.03 67.03 -30.4 20 3.14
19621 9/7/09 0:00 Marc Crier Central Texas 77474 Syrup Reserpine, Hydrochlorothiazide, And Hydralazine Hydrochloride Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 140.82 100% 0.08 0.59 140.82 140.82 -43.26 15 7.98
50566 9/7/09 0:00 Dan Lawera South Virginia 23664 Solution Brevital Sodium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 389.28 100% 0.1 0.58 389.28 389.28 -37.43 48 8.67
2823 9/8/09 0:00 Robert Waldorf South Virginia 23018 Suppository Thallous Chloride Tl 201 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.78 357.43 357.43 -135.98 17 20.97
2823 9/8/09 0:00 Robert Waldorf South Virginia 23018 Syrup Cor-Oticin Intramuscular Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.72 4,754.08 4,754.08 299.88 21 225.02
27266 9/8/09 0:00 Art Ferguson East New Jersey 7001 Suppository Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.33% And Potassium Chloride 0.22% In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,031.06 100% 0.03 0.49 1,031.06 1,031.06 39.36 9 115.79
706 9/8/09 0:00 Sarah Jordon East Massachusetts 1441 Gel Travasol 2.75% Sulfite Free W/ Electrolytes In Dextrose 10% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 75.14 100% 0.05 0.56 75.14 75.14 0.82 42 1.76
6054 9/8/09 0:00 Aleksandra Gannaway West Washington 98601 Syrup Inderide La 160/50 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 643.31 100% 0.08 0.58 643.31 643.31 -231.34 43 15.42
58593 9/8/09 0:00 Ricardo Emerson West Arizona 85071 For Solution Codeine, Aspirin, Apap Formula No. 2 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,018.45 100% 0.08 0.78 2,018.45 2,018.45 -812.25 29 70.71
6054 9/8/09 0:00 Aleksandra Gannaway West Washington 98601 For Solution Locoid Lipocream Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 27.32 100% 0.05 0.43 27.32 27.32 -5.87 6 2.08
56257 9/9/09 0:00 Gary McGarr Central Illinois 62541 For Solution Imipramine Hydrochloride Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.54 266.3 266.3 -135.06 49 4.97
37414 9/9/09 0:00 Ben Wallace Central Ohio 45999 Spray Heparin Sodium 5,000 Units In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.09 0.66 20,596.58 20,596.58 2,793.38 39 550.98
34151 9/9/09 0:00 Craig Yedwab West Arizona 85354 Concentrate Darbid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,097.14 100% 0.1 0.56 4,097.14 4,097.14 501.543 26 205.99
13702 9/10/09 0:00 Grant Carroll East Massachusetts 2139 Ointment Estropipate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.38 209 209 12.32 6 35.44
10752 9/10/09 0:00 Dianna Wilson South Georgia 31569 Tablet Neomycin Sulfate, Polymyxin B Sulfate & Hydrocortisone Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 95.38 95.38 -36.892 5 15.99
2436 9/10/09 0:00 Adam Hart East Connecticut 6001 Ointment Femcon Fe Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 330.21 100% 0.07 0.39 330.21 330.21 83.24 14 22.84
14368 9/10/09 0:00 Ivan Liston South Maryland 21230 Gel Visine-A Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,218.08 100% 0.1 0.56 1,218.08 1,218.08 99.79 37 34.58
54084 9/10/09 0:00 Lauren Leatherbury East New Jersey 8989 Capsule Novolog Mix 70/30 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 160.52 100% 0.08 0.56 160.52 160.52 -69.66 3 50.98
14368 9/10/09 0:00 Ivan Liston South Maryland 21230 For Solution Clopra-"Yellow" Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 522.06 100% 0.06 0.65 522.06 522.06 319.64 5 105.98
55809 9/10/09 0:00 Michelle Ellison West Colorado 81655 Capsule Potassium Chloride 0.11% In Dextrose 10% And Sodium Chloride 0.2% In Plastic Container Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 250.7 100% 0.03 0.69 250.7 250.7 -180.61 2 100.98
44451 9/11/09 0:00 Eva Jacobs West Washington 98103 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.2% And Potassium Chloride 20Meq (K) Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.4 12.49 12.49 -13.501 4 1.98
44451 9/11/09 0:00 Khloe Miller East Massachusetts 2054 For Solution Atropen Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.51 103.9 103.9 -19.26 4 22.98
51687 9/11/09 0:00 Craig Molinari Central Texas 88595 Solution/Drops Bumex Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.35 248.92 248.92 -66.87 42 5.58
47109 9/11/09 0:00 Tom Stivers South Virginia 23970 Capsule Aminosyn 3.5% W/ Dextrose 25% In Plastic Container Injection Competitor B Human - Rx 0.06 0.57 6,131.54 6,131.54 1,844.96 47 128.24
166 9/11/09 0:00 Valerie Takahito West Utah 84001 Concentrate Prismasol Bgk 2/0 In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 567.936 100% 0.02 0.55 567.936 567.936 -126.093 10 65.99
27169 9/11/09 0:00 Helen Andreada West Colorado 81653 Tablet Dricort Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 109.9 100% 0.01 0.36 109.9 109.9 -28.9455 16 6.54
48101 9/12/09 0:00 Fred Wasserman East Massachusetts 2054 Ointment Glyburide Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.39 108.87 108.87 -39.92 4 22.84
2181 9/12/09 0:00 Kelly Lampkin West Utah 84741 Lotion Valmid Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.39 15.87 15.87 2.53 3 3.49
2181 9/12/09 0:00 Kelly Lampkin West Utah 84741 Suspension/Drops Cotrim Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.39 102.56 102.56 36.62 40 2.61
10278 9/12/09 0:00 Rick Hansen South Georgia 39859 Injectable Polycillin Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.6 1,907.71 1,907.71 32.55 25 70.98
1575 9/12/09 0:00 Dave Poirier South Florida 32003 Concentrate Atarax Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.08 0.56 525.674 525.674 -147.015 10 65.99
1575 9/12/09 0:00 Dave Poirier South Florida 32003 Ointment A-Hydrocort Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.36 133.65 133.65 56.28 26 4.98
43111 9/12/09 0:00 Sally Knutson Central Texas 78602 Tablet Namenda Xr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 4,722.83 100% 0.01 0.4 4,722.83 4,722.83 1,749.78 27 165.98
11815 9/12/09 0:00 Mike Gockenbach Central Wisconsin 53235 Aerosol Cardizem Sr Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 351.27 100% 0.08 0.56 351.27 351.27 -37.22 22 15.73
9671 9/12/09 0:00 Sung Shariari South Virginia 24157 Tablet Cefazolin And Dextrose Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 12.61 100% 0.07 0.37 12.61 12.61 -4.899 6 1.88
59171 9/12/09 0:00 Phillip Breyer West Washington 98601 Gel Triesence Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 105.07 100% 0.08 0.56 105.07 105.07 9.11 39 2.88
39331 9/13/09 0:00 Gene McClure Central Illinois 62924 Tablet Methamphetamine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.39 149.4 149.4 -126.0515 23 5.81
30659 9/13/09 0:00 Kelly Williams South Virginia 24658 Concentrate Blephamide S.O.P. Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 3,116.77 100% 0.08 0.85 3,116.77 3,116.77 -106.513 45 85.99
40871 9/13/09 0:00 Joy Smith Central Michigan 48001 Tablet Nicorette (Mint) Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 294.04 100% 0.03 0.36 294.04 294.04 -5.5315 32 8.85
40871 9/13/09 0:00 Joy Smith Central Michigan 48001 Capsule Valisone Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,022.65 100% 0.05 0.71 2,022.65 2,022.65 -157.63 18 110.98
17283 9/14/09 0:00 Dorothy Badders East Delaware 19895 Cream V-Cillin K Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.59 5,472.12 5,472.12 -3,237.17 4 1,360.14
27271 9/14/09 0:00 Speros Goranitis Central Texas 88595 Capsule Temozolomide Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 301.57 100% 0 0.58 301.57 301.57 -77.31 8 33.94
5958 9/15/09 0:00 Giulietta Dortch South Georgia 39901 Suspension Gencept 10/11-21 Delayed Release Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.41 2,036.97 2,036.97 -2,397.44 3 699.99
17765 9/15/09 0:00 Dennis Kane South North Carolina 28633 Tablet Xylocaine W/ Epinephrine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.37 79.02 79.02 -192.6825 36 2.16
27781 9/15/09 0:00 Shahid Hopkins West Arizona 85321 Solution/Drops Homatropine Methylbromide And Hydrocodone Bitartrate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.39 181.13 181.13 -11.39 47 3.69
5958 9/15/09 0:00 Giulietta Dortch South Georgia 39901 Spray Potassium Chloride Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.09 0.55 2,629.66 2,629.66 27.74 21 159.31
18273 9/15/09 0:00 Jack Lebron Central Michigan 49877 Suppository Increlex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 925.03 100% 0.06 0.41 925.03 925.03 -3.68 18 49.99
27589 9/15/09 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Suppository Arava Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 845.7 100% 0.02 0.54 845.7 845.7 221.6 20 39.48
26439 9/15/09 0:00 Justin Deggeller South Alabama 36868 Suppository Doriden Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,230.83 100% 0 0.64 1,230.83 1,230.83 75.5 38 30.98
26439 9/15/09 0:00 Justin Deggeller South Alabama 36868 Concentrate Theophyl-Sr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,176.94 100% 0.1 0.58 1,176.94 1,176.94 53.649 23 65.99
17539 9/15/09 0:00 Pauline Webber South South Carolina 29001 Concentrate Cinobac Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,529.31 100% 0.1 0.6 1,529.31 1,529.31 -491.26 10 195.99
24705 9/15/09 0:00 Annie Thurman West Idaho 83465 Suppository Dextrose 60% Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 466.28 100% 0 0.5 466.28 466.28 92.7 15 29.89
27589 9/15/09 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Tablet Cefazolin And Dextrose Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 64.43 100% 0.07 0.37 64.43 64.43 -20.7115 36 1.88
32580 9/15/09 0:00 Paul MacIntyre South Florida 34997 Ointment Revlimid Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 166.8 100% 0.03 0.4 166.8 166.8 44.59 23 7.4
26439 9/15/09 0:00 Justin Deggeller South Alabama 36868 Ointment Fortaz In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 169.93 100% 0.04 0.4 169.93 169.93 -114.35 37 4.28
32580 9/15/09 0:00 Paul MacIntyre South Florida 34997 Ointment Griseofulvin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 261.38 100% 0.05 0.36 261.38 261.38 -172.35 38 6.48
23078 9/15/09 0:00 Jay Fine South Florida 34997 Ointment Diflunisal Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 342.27 100% 0.09 0.36 342.27 342.27 -17.68 8 40.99
23078 9/15/09 0:00 Jay Fine South Florida 34997 Solution/Drops Borofair Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 168.95 100% 0.1 0.35 168.95 168.95 -15.9 18 9.78
23078 9/15/09 0:00 Jay Fine South Florida 34997 Aerosol Cardizem Sr Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 577.95 100% 0.07 0.56 577.95 577.95 -86.43 39 15.73
24705 9/15/09 0:00 Annie Thurman West Idaho 83465 Tablet Cimetidine Hydrochloride In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 260.51 100% 0.03 0.38 260.51 260.51 -127.5235 34 7.3
27589 9/15/09 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 For Solution Maprotiline Hydrochloride Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 467 100% 0.04 0.47 467 467 69.97 25 17.67
17539 9/15/09 0:00 Pauline Webber South South Carolina 29001 For Solution Tylenol (Geltab) Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 381.79 100% 0.08 0.49 381.79 381.79 73.73 28 14.34
47174 9/16/09 0:00 Maria Bertelson East New Jersey 7001 Cream Azactam Injection TableauCeutical Animal 642.1 100% 0 0.39 642.1 642.1 41.56 42 13.99
20071 9/17/09 0:00 Cari Schnelling East Delaware 19701 Capsule Optimine Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.1 0.6 789.94 789.94 -190.41 31 25.98
1127 9/18/09 0:00 Stuart Calhoun West Utah 84337 For Solution Amantadine Hydrochloride Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,340.50 100% 0.01 0.69 5,340.50 5,340.50 1,215.28 48 110.98
18852 9/19/09 0:00 Theresa Swint Central Wisconsin 54990 Ointment Firazyr Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.38 351.25 351.25 80.73 17 19.98
26787 9/19/09 0:00 Jamie Frazer Central Illinois 62541 Ointment Flaxedil Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.37 1,119.91 1,119.91 434.71 25 48.04
55492 9/19/09 0:00 Stewart Visinsky Central Nebraska 68016 Concentrate Cytosar-U Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,124.24 100% 0.03 0.58 1,124.24 1,124.24 -126.445 10 125.99
36708 9/19/09 0:00 William Brown South Georgia 39901 Cream Ovcon-35 Injection TableauCeutical Animal 636.5 100% 0.01 0.39 636.5 636.5 -82.74 46 12.99
36708 9/19/09 0:00 William Brown South Georgia 39901 Concentrate Cytosar-U Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,614.37 100% 0.07 0.58 2,614.37 2,614.37 384.012 25 125.99
22210 9/19/09 0:00 Tracy Collins Central Illinois 62924 Ointment Bancap Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,033.44 100% 0.1 0.38 1,033.44 1,033.44 385.63 37 29.14
27715 9/19/09 0:00 Darrin Sayre East Connecticut 6817 Tablet Bupivacaine Hydrochloride W/Epinephrine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 94.52 100% 0.06 0.4 94.52 94.52 -36.225 12 7.45
28992 9/19/09 0:00 Craig Yedwab West Arizona 85354 Syrup Pradaxa Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 6,863.95 100% 0.1 0.55 6,863.95 6,863.95 1,662.92 41 178.47
19462 9/20/09 0:00 Mark Cousins East Massachusetts 2180 Syrup Haloperidol Lactate Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.81 206.68 206.68 -156.47 2 80.98
21188 9/21/09 0:00 Matthew Grinstein East New York 544 Suspension Freamine Ii 8.5% Delayed Release Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.54 21,046.74 21,046.74 5,217.27 29 699.99
41184 9/22/09 0:00 Charlotte Melton East Massachusetts 2139 Syrup Orudis Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.6 120.03 120.03 -56.06 7 15.7
3363 9/22/09 0:00 Gary Zandusky South Virginia 24157 Syrup Intropin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.57 8,185.89 8,185.89 2,137.28 21 415.88
18375 9/22/09 0:00 Theresa Swint Central Wisconsin 54990 Suspension/Drops Decadron-La Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 76.89 76.89 31.64 20 3.75
2658 9/22/09 0:00 Bill Shonely East Connecticut 6037 Ointment Estratab Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.37 229.51 229.51 -189.33 34 6.48
2658 9/22/09 0:00 Bill Shonely East Connecticut 6037 Syrup Inderide La 160/50 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.58 473 473 -185.8 32 15.42
18593 9/22/09 0:00 Tamara Manning South South Carolina 29808 Suppository Orsythia Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 6,572.04 100% 0.06 0.48 6,572.04 6,572.04 1,579.34 23 300.97
6086 9/22/09 0:00 Michael Kennedy Central Texas 77037 Ointment Edurant Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,734.72 100% 0.04 0.38 1,734.72 1,734.72 57.89 48 35.44
45606 9/22/09 0:00 Jim Sink South South Carolina 29684 Gel Ionosol Mb And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 136.42 100% 0.09 0.56 136.42 136.42 -8.38 24 5.85
18593 9/22/09 0:00 Tamara Manning South South Carolina 29808 Spray Sandostatin Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,051.99 100% 0.09 0.72 1,051.99 1,051.99 -1,280.60 19 70.89
45606 9/22/09 0:00 Jim Sink South South Carolina 29684 For Solution Lidocaine Hydrochloride Preservative Free In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 325.75 100% 0.1 0.43 325.75 325.75 -124.25 38 8.75
52711 9/23/09 0:00 Aimee Bixby West Utah 84001 Suppository Theobid Jr. Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0 0.74 220.79 220.79 -91.51 7 30.97
58247 9/23/09 0:00 Christopher Martinez Central Illinois 62999 Solution Robaxin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.55 1,058.82 1,058.82 211.73 8 131.12
58247 9/23/09 0:00 Christopher Martinez Central Illinois 62999 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 92.07 92.07 -64.5 14 6.48
52711 9/23/09 0:00 Aimee Bixby West Utah 84001 Lotion Chlorhexidine Gluconate Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.54 201.14 201.14 -51.25 37 5.81
52711 9/23/09 0:00 Aimee Bixby West Utah 84001 For Solution Maprotiline Hydrochloride Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.47 755.19 755.19 81.44 41 17.67
22149 9/23/09 0:00 Bobby Trafton South Georgia 39901 Gel Iopamidol-300 In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.44 191.13 191.13 38.11 47 4.26
22149 9/23/09 0:00 Bobby Trafton South Georgia 39901 Gel Amlodipine Besylate Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.55 48.24 48.24 -1.62 17 2.88
31233 9/24/09 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 Suppository Technescan Hida Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.42 1,298.29 1,298.29 542.33 41 31.78
31233 9/24/09 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 Ointment Gyne-Sulf Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.38 19.34 19.34 -11.36 3 4.98
31233 9/24/09 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 Gel Duraprep Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.56 590.32 590.32 -91.31 35 16.99
31233 9/24/09 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 Spray Perforomist Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.79 4,245.93 4,245.93 -626.45 19 209.37
45794 9/24/09 0:00 Rick Bensley Central Wisconsin 53081 Suppository Inderide La 160/50 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,208.35 100% 0 0.55 1,208.35 1,208.35 145.54 28 39.99
38758 9/24/09 0:00 Justin Hirsh West Arizona 85234 Solution Mannitol 10% Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 497.2 100% 0 0.59 497.2 497.2 -219.61 7 60.98
15621 9/24/09 0:00 Gene Hale West Arizona 86413 Gel Trasylol Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 35.51 100% 0.02 0.59 35.51 35.51 -13.95 18 1.68
15621 9/24/09 0:00 Gene Hale West Arizona 86413 Syrup Levalbuterol Hydrochloride Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,105.66 100% 0.02 0.58 1,105.66 1,105.66 -136.2 39 28.28
24996 9/25/09 0:00 Roy Phan East New York 10501 Concentrate Bromatapp Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 143.667 100% 0.09 0.39 143.667 143.667 -363.55 2 85.99
18085 9/25/09 0:00 Lisa DeCherney West Idaho 83201 Concentrate Safyral Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 5,352.93 100% 0.09 0.57 5,352.93 5,352.93 1,343.21 33 195.99
24996 9/25/09 0:00 Roy Phan East New York 10501 Solution Eryc 125 Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,793.24 100% 0.01 0.46 1,793.24 1,793.24 739.36 36 46.89
18085 9/25/09 0:00 Lisa DeCherney West Idaho 83201 Spray Feridex I.V. Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 8,127.51 100% 0.01 0.62 8,127.51 8,127.51 1,541.25 23 348.21
56929 9/26/09 0:00 Claire Good South South Carolina 29907 Suppository Tekturna Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.43 205.88 205.88 20.68 22 9.78
58947 9/26/09 0:00 Helen Abelman Central Michigan 49822 Ointment Darvon Compound Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.4 410.15 410.15 102.58 48 8.01
58947 9/26/09 0:00 Helen Abelman Central Michigan 49822 Ointment Gyne-Sulf Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.38 135.72 135.72 -67.79 28 4.98
45601 9/26/09 0:00 Dan Reichenbach Central Michigan 49634 Ointment Firazyr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 945.03 100% 0 0.38 945.03 945.03 267.64 47 19.98
30787 9/27/09 0:00 Sandra Glassco West New Mexico 87001 Concentrate Aldoclor-150 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.57 6,477.46 6,477.46 1,836.46 43 175.99
14884 9/27/09 0:00 Michael Moore Central Wisconsin 53201 Concentrate Citanest Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 473.9855 100% 0.06 0.56 473.9855 473.9855 -301.675 6 95.99
50464 9/27/09 0:00 Natalie Webber Central Ohio 43002 Tablet Calderol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 105.94 100% 0.07 0.38 105.94 105.94 -13.3285 7 14.45
36930 9/28/09 0:00 Michelle Arnett Central Michigan 49971 Concentrate Azactam In Plastic Container Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.37 2,632.48 2,632.48 1,325.82 34 85.99
36608 9/28/09 0:00 Mitch Gastineau East New York 10501 Solution/Drops Depakote Er Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.4 4,273.95 4,273.95 1,340.07 49 90.48
36608 9/28/09 0:00 Mitch Gastineau East New York 10501 Gel Virac Rex Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.55 825.8 825.8 183.48 40 21.98
52805 9/28/09 0:00 Vivek Grady West Utah 84791 Suppository Soma Compound Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 596.56 100% 0.04 0.51 596.56 596.56 60.7 20 29.99
44997 9/28/09 0:00 Katherine Hughes West Idaho 83877 For Solution Alcohol 10% And Dextrose 5% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 88.1 100% 0.03 0.41 88.1 88.1 -161.61 46 1.76
8419 9/29/09 0:00 Nicole Hansen East New Jersey 7001 Ointment Firazyr Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.38 368.04 368.04 70.39 19 19.98
8419 9/29/09 0:00 Nicole Hansen East New Jersey 7001 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride, Hydrochlorothiazide And Reserpine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.37 152.6 152.6 -86.62 24 6.48
34853 9/29/09 0:00 Matt Abelman East Massachusetts 2139 For Solution Imodium A-D Ez Chews Extended Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.16 0.54 651.9 651.9 -74.51 49 13.73
24326 9/29/09 0:00 Cindy Schnelling South Alabama 36032 Gel Amphadase Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 78.36 100% 0.06 0.48 78.36 78.36 8.52 12 6.68
19264 9/29/09 0:00 Ivan Liston South Maryland 21230 Ointment Didanosine Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 107.75 100% 0.07 0.36 107.75 107.75 24.17 23 4.73
24326 9/29/09 0:00 Cindy Schnelling South Alabama 36032 Solution Camila Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,596.86 100% 0.05 0.59 1,596.86 1,596.86 418.6 37 44.01
19264 9/29/09 0:00 Ivan Liston South Maryland 21230 Tablet Promethazine Hydrochloride And Phenylephrine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 161.72 100% 0.09 0.38 161.72 161.72 -134.711 40 3.98
56322 9/30/09 0:00 Sean Braxton Central Illinois 62999 Concentrate Stoxil Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.07 0.57 1,689.14 1,689.14 71.064 16 125.99
56322 9/30/09 0:00 Sean Braxton Central Illinois 62999 Suppository Pyocidin Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.08 0.64 799.84 799.84 64.13 26 31.11
13638 9/30/09 0:00 Steve Nguyen South Maryland 21230 Suppository Clinimix 4.25/10 Sulfite Free In Dextrose 10% In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 682.77 100% 0.05 0.49 682.77 682.77 165.2 49 14.48
49760 10/1/09 0:00 Denise Monton Central Ohio 43001 Concentrate Atracurium Besylate Preservative Free Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.58 1,281.18 1,281.18 -26.62 13 115.99
49760 10/1/09 0:00 Denise Monton Central Ohio 43001 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride-Hydrochlorothiazide-Reserpine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 710.33 710.33 62.53 38 18.97
49760 10/1/09 0:00 Denise Monton Central Ohio 43001 For Solution Humegon Extended Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.09 0.46 44.84 44.84 37.74 3 14.2
16582 10/1/09 0:00 Katherine Nockton South Maryland 21230 Spray Heparin Sodium 25,000 Units And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.63 6,766.86 6,766.86 1,753.03 26 320.64
56006 10/1/09 0:00 Bill Shonely East Connecticut 6037 Concentrate Bromatapp Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.39 1,429.09 1,429.09 500.049 20 85.99
56006 10/1/09 0:00 Bill Shonely East Connecticut 6037 Ointment Hectorol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.36 102.99 102.99 -102.17 16 6.48
47236 10/2/09 0:00 Michael Dominguez West Colorado 81221 Solution Delflex W/ Dextrose 2.5% Low Magnesium In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.59 70.91 70.91 -45.43 1 70.97
29317 10/2/09 0:00 Becky Pak South South Carolina 29907 Cream Veinamine 8% Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 15,703.82 100% 0.06 0.56 15,703.82 15,703.82 3,055.72 20 810.98
49223 10/2/09 0:00 Chuck Clark East New York 11769 Syrup Calcibind Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 238.25 100% 0.05 0.57 238.25 238.25 -83.55 24 9.38
44965 10/2/09 0:00 Peter Fuller South Georgia 39901 Lotion Enlon Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 28.82 100% 0 0.37 28.82 28.82 2.16 19 1.48
44965 10/2/09 0:00 Peter Fuller South Georgia 39901 Gel Timentin Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 75.39 100% 0.05 0.6 75.39 75.39 -4.83 45 1.68
29317 10/2/09 0:00 Becky Pak South South Carolina 29907 Lotion Children'S Advil Allergy Sinus Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 140.69 100% 0.06 0.85 140.69 140.69 -14.54 31 4.71
3460 10/2/09 0:00 Steve Nguyen South Maryland 21230 Syrup Zanaflex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 153.23 100% 0.08 0.68 153.23 153.23 -95.15 27 5.98
29317 10/2/09 0:00 Becky Pak South South Carolina 29907 Capsule Omnipaque 210 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 7,789.63 100% 0.08 0.58 7,789.63 7,789.63 1,774.53 40 200.98
28737 10/3/09 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 Concentrate Alphacaine Hydrochloride W/ Epinephrine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.56 1,721.64 1,721.64 242.442 17 115.99
51971 10/3/09 0:00 Dorothy Badders East Delaware 19895 Syrup Metoclopramide Intensol Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.81 1,326.04 1,326.04 -1,129.96 39 32.48
46916 10/3/09 0:00 Nora Price East New York 14210 Gel Triavil 4-25 Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.59 115.51 115.51 5.54 40 2.78
46916 10/3/09 0:00 Nora Price East New York 14210 Suspension/Drops Cobavite Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.39 103.79 103.79 37.85 40 2.61
28737 10/3/09 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 Aerosol Lorabid Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.55 413.37 413.37 -224.41 50 8.45
51971 10/3/09 0:00 Dorothy Badders East Delaware 19895 Spray Sectral Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.72 3,881.89 3,881.89 -892.8 22 182.55
46916 10/3/09 0:00 Nora Price East New York 14210 For Solution Predamide Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.55 2,108.21 2,108.21 273.61 40 51.75
42657 10/3/09 0:00 Eileen Kiefer South Virginia 23970 Ointment Firazyr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 945.54 100% 0.03 0.38 945.54 945.54 254.58 48 19.98
22211 10/3/09 0:00 Peter Fuller South Georgia 39901 Ointment Gynazole-1 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 943.44 100% 0.08 0.4 943.44 943.44 -89.98 30 30.98
29351 10/3/09 0:00 Sanjit Jacobs West Idaho 83877 Tablet Proklar Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 5,122.61 100% 0.05 0.4 5,122.61 5,122.61 1,784.04 17 304.99
47010 10/3/09 0:00 Robert Dilbeck South Florida 32122 Capsule Ultram Er Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,479.14 100% 0.06 0.78 1,479.14 1,479.14 -236.63 11 130.98
22211 10/3/09 0:00 Peter Fuller South Georgia 39901 Spray Flagyl I.V. Rtu In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 14,493.84 100% 0 0.74 14,493.84 14,493.84 634.76 47 376.13
10979 10/4/09 0:00 Amy Hunt Central Texas 73301 Ointment Ethril 500 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.38 144.95 144.95 10.82 7 19.98
12871 10/4/09 0:00 Michael Oakman Central Ohio 45999 Aerosol Ceenu Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.59 459.26 459.26 -54.12 46 10.23
10979 10/4/09 0:00 Amy Hunt Central Texas 73301 For Solution Children'S Allegra Allergy Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.44 486.43 486.43 285.35 15 30.93
55077 10/4/09 0:00 Stewart Visinsky Central Nebraska 68016 Suppository Clinimix 4.25/10 Sulfite Free In Dextrose 10% In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 31.7 100% 0.05 0.49 31.7 31.7 -44.39 2 14.48
55077 10/4/09 0:00 Stewart Visinsky Central Nebraska 68016 Concentrate Bancap Hc Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 143.9815 100% 0.08 0.83 143.9815 143.9815 -283.228 3 55.99
1988 10/5/09 0:00 Paul Knutson Central Texas 76901 Syrup Combunox Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 122.14 100% 0.04 0.59 122.14 122.14 -16.99 9 13.48
32036 10/5/09 0:00 Pauline Chand East Connecticut 6439 Ointment Fluocinolone Acetonide Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 338.89 100% 0.07 0.36 338.89 338.89 45.76 6 54.96
32036 10/5/09 0:00 Pauline Chand East Connecticut 6439 Syrup Zefazone In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 362.52 100% 0.07 0.57 362.52 362.52 -68.49 25 14.97
13156 10/5/09 0:00 Jennifer Ferguson South North Carolina 28633 For Solution Levocarnitine Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 502.01 100% 0.04 0.65 502.01 502.01 159.73 12 39.98
42919 10/6/09 0:00 David Bremer South Florida 32099 Concentrate Clarinex D 24 Hour Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,143.43 100% 0.04 0.56 1,143.43 1,143.43 -475.662 7 195.99
19911 10/6/09 0:00 Brosina Hoffman West Utah 84631 Cream Galzin Injection TableauCeutical Animal 4,859.37 100% 0.07 0.38 4,859.37 4,859.37 2,472.32 39 150.98
4128 10/6/09 0:00 Allen Golden South Virginia 24157 Ointment Fluoxetine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 391.42 100% 0.04 0.4 391.42 391.42 25.03 38 9.99
19911 10/6/09 0:00 Brosina Hoffman West Utah 84631 Solution Aminocaproic Acid Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,054.70 100% 0.07 0.5 1,054.70 1,054.70 213.26 43 25.98
19911 10/6/09 0:00 Brosina Hoffman West Utah 84631 Capsule Norvasc Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,349.21 100% 0.01 0.76 5,349.21 5,349.21 61.9 38 135.99
35077 10/7/09 0:00 Michael Dominguez West Colorado 81221 Gel Tri-Norinyl 21-Day Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.58 81.1 81.1 -2.07 29 2.94
835 10/7/09 0:00 Duane Huffman East Delaware 19810 Ointment Hyzaar Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.37 125.16 125.16 -23.48 18 6.48
59108 10/7/09 0:00 Edward Becker West Utah 84014 Concentrate Subutex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,215.83 100% 0.02 0.59 4,215.83 4,215.83 972.189 39 125.99
22181 10/7/09 0:00 Alan Hwang South Virginia 20101 Lotion Bupivacaine Hydrochloride And Epinephrine Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 258.13 100% 0.03 0.35 258.13 258.13 84.1 41 6.08
59108 10/7/09 0:00 Edward Becker West Utah 84014 Gel Trilyte Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 68.53 100% 0.09 0.56 68.53 68.53 -59.97 21 3.28
27174 10/8/09 0:00 Alex Avila South Alabama 35004 Concentrate Balziva-21 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 477.5045 100% 0.09 0.85 477.5045 477.5045 -245.564 17 35.99
53443 10/8/09 0:00 Jenna Caffey West Washington 98103 Gel Candex Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 148.8 100% 0.04 0.4 148.8 148.8 52.08 22 6.47
53443 10/8/09 0:00 Jenna Caffey West Washington 98103 Suspension/Drops Daunoxome Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 19.46 100% 0.01 0.39 19.46 19.46 -2.01 3 6.3
53443 10/8/09 0:00 Jenna Caffey West Washington 98103 Solution Doxychel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,477.63 100% 0.04 0.56 1,477.63 1,477.63 387.56 35 42.98
22689 10/9/09 0:00 Benjamin Farhat West Arizona 85012 Solution Methergine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.58 2,405 2,405 696.17 39 67.84
40134 10/9/09 0:00 Shahid Hopkins West Arizona 85321 Suppository Technescan Hida Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.42 1,461.10 1,461.10 674.46 43 31.78
16422 10/9/09 0:00 Beth Fritzler Central Texas 79080 Ointment Hyzaar Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.37 272.01 272.01 -42.45 40 6.48
16422 10/9/09 0:00 Beth Fritzler Central Texas 79080 Aerosol Ceenu Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.59 171.5 171.5 -20.41 16 10.23
14116 10/9/09 0:00 Doug Bickford South Alabama 36925 Tablet Nebcin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 40.1 40.1 -16.0655 1 30.98
14116 10/9/09 0:00 Doug Bickford South Alabama 36925 Tablet Neurolite Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 1,414.05 1,414.05 161.483 42 34.54
40134 10/9/09 0:00 Shahid Hopkins West Arizona 85321 Ointment Fluxid Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.36 9.75 9.75 -6.72 1 4.98
40134 10/9/09 0:00 Shahid Hopkins West Arizona 85321 Solution Disulfiram Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.59 109.37 109.37 -21.66 10 10.89
41318 10/9/09 0:00 Brian Stugart East Connecticut 6928 Solution Hydrocodone Bitartrate And Acetaminophen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,223.11 100% 0 0.56 1,223.11 1,223.11 161.72 21 56.96
35649 10/9/09 0:00 Justin Hirsh West Arizona 85234 Ointment Heparin Sodium 1,000 Units And Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 174.03 100% 0.02 0.37 174.03 174.03 -42.37 25 6.48
35649 10/9/09 0:00 Justin Hirsh West Arizona 85234 Tablet Delflex W/ Dextrose 4.25% Low Magnesium Low Calcium In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 43.26 100% 0.1 0.36 43.26 43.26 3.9015 9 4.82
39332 10/9/09 0:00 Khloe Miller East Massachusetts 2054 For Solution Hydro-Ride Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 198.72 100% 0.01 0.57 198.72 198.72 -34.43 4 40.97
52675 10/10/09 0:00 Christopher Martinez Central Illinois 62999 Suppository Renoquid Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.72 20.25 20.25 -22.13 4 4.77
52675 10/10/09 0:00 Christopher Martinez Central Illinois 62999 Gel Travasol 2.75% Sulfite Free W/ Electrolytes In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.58 52.62 52.62 -4.64 22 2.21
2532 10/10/09 0:00 Alan Barnes Central Michigan 48001 Concentrate Bicillin Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 426.037 100% 0.01 0.81 426.037 426.037 -78.958 24 20.99
9127 10/10/09 0:00 Bryan Davis Central Michigan 49877 Syrup Cu-7 Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,039.56 100% 0.04 0.8 2,039.56 2,039.56 -329.49 7 279.48
2532 10/10/09 0:00 Alan Barnes Central Michigan 48001 Suspension/Drops Aristogel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 282.07 100% 0.03 0.38 282.07 282.07 140.01 39 7.31
7075 10/10/09 0:00 Shirley Jackson West California 93456 Lotion Chloroptic S.O.P. Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 83.34 100% 0.01 0.82 83.34 83.34 -93.18 43 1.86
7075 10/10/09 0:00 Shirley Jackson West California 93456 Syrup Inderide La 160/50 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 241.89 100% 0.02 0.58 241.89 241.89 -83.3 15 15.42
10339 10/11/09 0:00 Bradley Drucker West Washington 99403 For Solution Stadol Delayed Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.09 0.59 9,752.25 9,752.25 3,066.17 49 209.84
13986 10/11/09 0:00 Kristina Nunn West Arizona 86409 Suppository Arava Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,905.79 100% 0.01 0.54 1,905.79 1,905.79 675.65 46 39.48
33571 10/11/09 0:00 Steven Ward Central Ohio 43270 For Solution Sulfamethoxazole And Trimethoprim Double Strength Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 7.15 100% 0.03 0.51 7.15 7.15 -2.55 1 5.08
28641 10/12/09 0:00 Liz Pelletier Central Ohio 44197 Suppository Pur-Wash Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.74 278.65 278.65 -36.34 33 8.32
5217 10/12/09 0:00 Lycoris Saunders Central Ohio 45999 Solution Diutensen-R Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.57 339.35 339.35 27.88 8 40.98
5217 10/12/09 0:00 Lycoris Saunders Central Ohio 45999 Suspension/Drops Colgate Total Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 33.67 33.67 4.08 11 3.08
44322 10/12/09 0:00 Max Jones West Washington 98310 Syrup Aminosyn Ii 3.5% In Dextrose 25% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.59 600.8 600.8 43.55 15 42.76
50499 10/12/09 0:00 Brian Derr East New Jersey 7514 Solution Clinimix E 2.75/5 Sulfite-Free W/ Elect In Dextrose 5% W/ Calcium In Plastic Container Intramuscular Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.57 1,758.41 1,758.41 238.52 18 100.98
42788 10/13/09 0:00 Amy Hunt Central Texas 73301 Ointment Casodex Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.36 241.92 241.92 67.71 26 10.14
27872 10/13/09 0:00 Shaun Chance South South Carolina 29374 Tablet Naturetin-2.5 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 388.71 100% 0.01 0.38 388.71 388.71 36.431 25 14.27
5989 10/14/09 0:00 Ellis Ballard South Florida 32099 Gel 8-Mop Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 56.77 100% 0.06 0.45 56.77 56.77 -3.2 21 2.78
5989 10/14/09 0:00 Ellis Ballard South Florida 32099 Solution Aminocaproic Acid Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 155.48 100% 0.1 0.5 155.48 155.48 -6.64 6 25.98
51300 10/15/09 0:00 Toby Carlisle South Florida 32122 Suppository Aristocort A Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.52 344.24 344.24 30.76 43 8.33
12611 10/15/09 0:00 Justin Ellison East New Jersey 7981 Tablet Talacen Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.35 189.99 189.99 72.8195 13 12.97
12419 10/15/09 0:00 Sylvia Foulston East New Jersey 7001 Cream Zirgan Injection TableauCeutical Animal 22,079.47 100% 0.06 0.38 22,079.47 22,079.47 5,322.14 12 1,938.02
2657 10/16/09 0:00 Troy Blackwell Central Illinois 62999 Concentrate Prismasol Bgk 2/0 In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.55 2,143.22 2,143.22 464.355 37 65.99
2657 10/16/09 0:00 Troy Blackwell Central Illinois 62999 Solution Angio-Conray Intramuscular Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.59 8,316.76 8,316.76 2,108.80 30 279.81
9124 10/16/09 0:00 Henry Goldwyn Central Illinois 62560 Suppository Cetraxal Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.74 2,637.78 2,637.78 -0.84 17 152.48
9124 10/16/09 0:00 Henry Goldwyn Central Illinois 62560 Ointment E-Z Scrub 241 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.38 157.4 157.4 -118.56 29 4.98
47075 10/17/09 0:00 Mick Crebagga Central Illinois 62999 Injectable Fondaparinux Sodium Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.62 4,346.98 4,346.98 10.22 42 100.98
33734 10/17/09 0:00 Jamie Kunitz East Massachusetts 1059 Ointment Bancap Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 371.94 100% 0.05 0.38 371.94 371.94 106.53 13 29.14
1666 10/17/09 0:00 Nona Balk South Virginia 23664 Tablet Nesacaine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 5,642.18 100% 0.09 0.38 5,642.18 5,642.18 1,996.68 19 315.98
27363 10/18/09 0:00 Deborah Brumfield West Colorado 81221 Syrup Crestor Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.82 646.14 646.14 -265.62 6 101.41
27363 10/18/09 0:00 Deborah Brumfield West Colorado 81221 For Solution Hypaque Sodium 20% Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.06 0.49 323.26 323.26 98.34 16 20.24
35110 10/18/09 0:00 Mike Caudle West Utah 84663 Suppository Dextrose 60% Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,435.32 100% 0.02 0.5 1,435.32 1,435.32 485.95 49 29.89
11271 10/18/09 0:00 Berenike Kampe West Colorado 80728 Gel Triacort Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 157.87 100% 0 0.56 157.87 157.87 -115.8 46 3.28
35110 10/18/09 0:00 Mike Caudle West Utah 84663 Tablet Naquival Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 12,805.25 100% 0.01 0.38 12,805.25 12,805.25 5,065.51 14 896.99
31777 10/19/09 0:00 Logan Currie Central Texas 78602 Ointment Elestat Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.38 137.77 137.77 1.85 10 12.28
31777 10/19/09 0:00 Logan Currie Central Texas 78602 Capsule Omnipaque 210 Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.07 0.58 6,483.42 6,483.42 1,590.95 32 200.98
13126 10/19/09 0:00 Raymond Book East New York 12917 Suspension Genotropin Preservative Free Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 24,233.54 100% 0.07 0.5 24,233.54 24,233.54 6,492.67 43 599.99
13126 10/19/09 0:00 Raymond Book East New York 12917 Capsule Norvasc Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 6,325.65 100% 0.02 0.76 6,325.65 6,325.65 114.46 45 135.99
13126 10/19/09 0:00 Raymond Book East New York 12917 Spray Emgel Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 380.62 100% 0.02 0.74 380.62 380.62 -301.73 2 179.29
18532 10/20/09 0:00 Jasper Cacioppo South North Carolina 27801 Syrup Inderide La 160/50 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.58 507.58 507.58 -131.59 31 15.42
18532 10/20/09 0:00 Jasper Cacioppo South North Carolina 27801 Aerosol Lorabid Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.55 230.77 230.77 -146.24 29 8.45
29158 10/20/09 0:00 Matt Abelman East Massachusetts 2139 Capsule Omnipaque 210 Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.58 2,266.70 2,266.70 180.8 12 200.98
37891 10/20/09 0:00 Steven Roelle East New York 12917 Concentrate Dianeal Pd-1 W/ Dextrose 4.25% In Plastic Container Injection Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.57 5,154.01 5,154.01 1,184.68 33 179.99
16320 10/20/09 0:00 Filia McAdams West Arizona 86556 Concentrate Stoxil Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0 0.57 1,856.97 1,856.97 176.868 17 125.99
11493 10/20/09 0:00 Dennis Bolton East New Jersey 7001 Gel Candex Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.4 111.9 111.9 38.03 16 6.47
37891 10/20/09 0:00 Steven Roelle East New York 12917 Lotion Flecainide Acetate Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.83 44.08 44.08 -9.09 21 1.98
37891 10/20/09 0:00 Steven Roelle East New York 12917 Ointment Histamine Phosphate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.37 163.36 163.36 -65.54 24 6.48
37891 10/20/09 0:00 Steven Roelle East New York 12917 Spray Elestrin Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.61 1,135.64 1,135.64 -284.15 4 259.71
135 10/20/09 0:00 Anne Pryor Central Ohio 43054 Suppository Radioiodinated Serum Albumin (Human) Ihsa I 125 Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 125.85 100% 0.09 0.64 125.85 125.85 -89.25 25 4.98
55744 10/20/09 0:00 Sarah Brown South Florida 34997 Concentrate Avelox Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 415.055 100% 0.02 0.83 415.055 415.055 -44.132 23 20.99
42148 10/20/09 0:00 Jeremy Pistek South Georgia 30002 Ointment Dexacidin Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 45.31 100% 0.07 0.35 45.31 45.31 -10.64 11 3.98
57380 10/20/09 0:00 Pauline Webber South South Carolina 29001 Spray Fludarabine Phosphate Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 545.88 100% 0.05 0.64 545.88 545.88 -95.04 3 212.6
55650 10/21/09 0:00 Steven Cartwright Central Nebraska 68770 Suppository Xalkori Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.75 1,258.97 1,258.97 -112.58 41 32.98
54215 10/21/09 0:00 Denny Ordway West Washington 98390 Suppository Technetium Tc-99M Mebrofenin Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.46 321.21 321.21 53.44 14 22.98
52389 10/21/09 0:00 Justin Deggeller South Alabama 36868 Gel Eulexin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 655.33 100% 0.08 0.59 655.33 655.33 -57.16 31 21.38
41987 10/21/09 0:00 Shaun Chance South South Carolina 29374 Spray Heparin Sodium 25,000 Units And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 6,481.05 100% 0.05 0.66 6,481.05 6,481.05 1,760.11 25 320.64
8773 10/22/09 0:00 Sally Matthias East Massachusetts 2139 Concentrate Betoptic Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.83 220.7875 220.7875 -305.316 5 55.99
20160 10/22/09 0:00 Chad Cunningham East Delaware 19734 Ointment Bicillin L-A Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.38 435.24 435.24 174.89 42 10.31
35 10/22/09 0:00 Julie Creighton Central Michigan 49822 Concentrate Heparin Sodium 10,000 Units In Dextrose 5% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,892.85 100% 0.01 0.58 1,892.85 1,892.85 48.987 14 155.99
35 10/22/09 0:00 Julie Creighton Central Michigan 49822 Gel Iplex Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 288.56 100% 0.03 0.52 288.56 288.56 60.72 30 9.11
53728 10/22/09 0:00 Paul MacIntyre South Florida 34997 Tablet Delsym Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,502.66 100% 0.07 0.38 1,502.66 1,502.66 637.602 27 58.1
4387 10/22/09 0:00 Bobby Odegard East New York 10501 Spray Protopic Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 640.21 100% 0.07 0.75 640.21 640.21 -271.69 4 150.98
11040 10/23/09 0:00 Scot Coram West Colorado 80813 Solution/Drops Advil Cold And Sinus Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,102.28 100% 0.03 0.35 1,102.28 1,102.28 389.61 44 23.99
21893 10/24/09 0:00 Gary Zandusky South Virginia 24157 Solution/Drops Advair Diskus 250/50 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.38 532.11 532.11 59.47 30 17.07
4512 10/24/09 0:00 Sandra Flanagan West Utah 84791 Spray Ellence Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.64 6,077.11 6,077.11 -124.1 43 146.34
47106 10/25/09 0:00 Becky Martin South Maryland 21290 Concentrate Amantadine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.59 6,618.46 6,618.46 1,489.96 40 205.99
47106 10/25/09 0:00 Becky Martin South Maryland 21290 Solution Docetaxel Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.57 2,192.63 2,192.63 660.06 37 59.98
33987 10/25/09 0:00 Sara Luxemburg West California 94404 Concentrate Cefzil Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.07 0.59 1,521.13 1,521.13 270.603 27 65.99
33987 10/25/09 0:00 Sara Luxemburg West California 94404 Capsule Uticillin Vk Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.1 0.61 1,616.87 1,616.87 -189.55 19 90.98
20384 10/25/09 0:00 Mitch Webber Central Nebraska 68001 Syrup Actifed W/ Codeine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 396.6 100% 0.08 0.56 396.6 396.6 -148.26 30 14.03
20384 10/25/09 0:00 Mitch Webber Central Nebraska 68001 Spray Fludarabine Phosphate Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 6,902.51 100% 0.04 0.73 6,902.51 6,902.51 -2,015.43 32 212.6
13472 10/26/09 0:00 Corey Catlett West Colorado 80001 Suspension/Drops Cytadren Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.39 106.03 106.03 42.89 26 4.13
26144 10/26/09 0:00 Lindsay Castell Central Nebraska 69367 Suspension/Drops Clonidine Hydrochloride And Chlorthalidone Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.36 75.74 75.74 13.23 28 2.88
52195 10/26/09 0:00 Alyssa Tate South Florida 32003 Tablet Calderol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.38 267 267 -2.829 19 14.45
27717 10/26/09 0:00 Tracy Collins Central Illinois 62924 Suspension/Drops Bacitracin Zinc-Neomycin Sulfate-Polymyxin B Sulfate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 75.19 100% 0.05 0.37 75.19 75.19 -93.67 19 3.75
39041 10/26/09 0:00 Adam Hart East Connecticut 6001 For Solution Humegon Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 336.86 100% 0.06 0.46 336.86 336.86 36.32 23 14.2
39041 10/26/09 0:00 Adam Hart East Connecticut 6001 For Solution Amphetamine Sulfate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 418.03 100% 0 0.49 418.03 418.03 -158.58 47 8.09
58055 10/27/09 0:00 Julia West East Massachusetts 2139 For Solution Lipo-Hepin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 208.6 100% 0 0.56 208.6 208.6 -56.45 26 7.38
53283 10/28/09 0:00 Corey Lock East Connecticut 6074 Cream Azdone Injection Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.39 25.07 25.07 -31.81 2 9.49
32001 10/28/09 0:00 Chad McGuire Central Nebraska 69367 Cream Zoloft Injection Competitor B Animal 0 0.39 3,443.21 3,443.21 794.2 11 300.98
31109 10/28/09 0:00 Sung Pak South South Carolina 29684 Tablet Norethindrone And Ethinyl Estradiol And Ferrous Fumarate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.37 1,515 1,515 219.0365 49 31.74
32001 10/28/09 0:00 Chad McGuire Central Nebraska 69367 For Solution Measurin Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.07 0.52 494.84 494.84 205.13 22 22.23
57287 10/28/09 0:00 Randy Ferguson South Florida 32119 Suppository Clinimix E 4.25/20 Sulfite-Free W/ Elect In Dextrose 20% W/ Calcium In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 472.12 100% 0.03 0.42 472.12 472.12 56.1 11 40.97
17377 10/28/09 0:00 Erin Creighton Central Texas 77474 Gel 8-Mop Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 110.38 100% 0.05 0.58 110.38 110.38 -4.86 39 2.78
34082 10/28/09 0:00 Dan Lawera South Virginia 23664 Tablet Cefazolin And Dextrose Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 38.56 100% 0.07 0.37 38.56 38.56 -10.2465 20 1.88
34082 10/28/09 0:00 Dan Lawera South Virginia 23664 Syrup Serentil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,536.18 100% 0.1 0.56 2,536.18 2,536.18 350.62 19 142.86
34082 10/28/09 0:00 Dan Lawera South Virginia 23664 Gel Eulexin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 764.32 100% 0.02 0.59 764.32 764.32 -34.59 35 21.38
38628 10/29/09 0:00 Nora Price East New York 14210 Concentrate Baciguent Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.36 667.998 667.998 251.262 23 35.99
48164 10/29/09 0:00 Christine Sundaresam West New Mexico 88134 Gel Triesence Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.56 94.39 94.39 12.31 33 2.88
22657 10/29/09 0:00 Ralph Kennedy West Utah 84663 Suppository Osmitrol 5% In Water Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 9,544.18 100% 0 0.51 9,544.18 9,544.18 3,392.88 36 256.99
5092 10/29/09 0:00 John Castell East New York 14210 Ointment Enduronyl Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 978.77 100% 0.06 0.36 978.77 978.77 220.91 25 38.76
22657 10/29/09 0:00 Ralph Kennedy West Utah 84663 Lotion Children'S Fexofenadine Hydrochloride Hives Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 32.92 100% 0.05 0.53 32.92 32.92 -7.73 8 3.95
5092 10/29/09 0:00 John Castell East New York 14210 Injectable Fluidil Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 709.04 100% 0.1 0.62 709.04 709.04 -337.92 3 220.98
27559 10/30/09 0:00 Aaron Hawkins South Georgia 30002 Ointment Fernisone Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.38 465.9 465.9 79.34 38 12.28
420 10/30/09 0:00 Tony Sayre East New York 501 Ointment Focalin Xr Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.36 41.7 41.7 -14.56 6 5.78
420 10/30/09 0:00 Tony Sayre East New York 501 Ointment Esidrix Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.38 43.29 43.29 -20.69 8 4.98
20898 10/30/09 0:00 Dave Kipp Central Michigan 49877 Concentrate Aldoril D50 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,756.59 100% 0.09 0.56 1,756.59 1,756.59 298.206 33 65.99
19557 10/30/09 0:00 Valerie Dominguez Central Ohio 45999 Lotion Camila Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 66.6 100% 0.08 0.39 66.6 66.6 13.99 26 2.62
19557 10/30/09 0:00 Valerie Dominguez Central Ohio 45999 Syrup Moduretic 5-50 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 312.25 100% 0.05 0.6 312.25 312.25 15.56 9 33.89
57091 10/31/09 0:00 Vivek Grady West Utah 84791 Lotion Chloroptic S.O.P. Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.81 14.85 14.85 -2.79 6 1.68
23781 10/31/09 0:00 Ashley Jarboe West Arizona 85003 Ointment Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.37 200.24 200.24 -59.85 30 6.48
59205 10/31/09 0:00 Neil Knudson West New Mexico 87001 Suspension/Drops Clinisol 15% Sulfite Free In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.39 54.59 54.59 -47.18 11 4.13
59205 10/31/09 0:00 Neil Knudson West New Mexico 87001 Syrup Alphacaine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.81 597.04 597.04 -157.42 35 16.74
50726 10/31/09 0:00 Ruben Dartt East New York 10457 Suspension/Drops Copegus Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 98.88 100% 0.07 0.39 98.88 98.88 36.01 21 4.13
51557 10/31/09 0:00 Craig Carroll West Idaho 83201 Gel Advair Diskus 500/50 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 37.9 100% 0.08 0.58 37.9 37.9 -22.01 14 2.6
51557 10/31/09 0:00 Craig Carroll West Idaho 83201 Ointment Flaxedil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,749.07 100% 0.04 0.37 1,749.07 1,749.07 804.66 36 48.04
50726 10/31/09 0:00 Ruben Dartt East New York 10457 Capsule Omnipaque 210 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 9,248.74 100% 0 0.58 9,248.74 9,248.74 2,532 45 200.98
52162 11/1/09 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Lotion Captopril Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.4 155.22 155.22 23.34 47 3.29
52162 11/1/09 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Ointment Hectorol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.36 261.16 261.16 -220.3 39 6.48
54368 11/1/09 0:00 Kimberly Carter Central Michigan 49877 Concentrate Ryzolt Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.56 1,680.98 1,680.98 383.094 43 45.99
54368 11/1/09 0:00 Kimberly Carter Central Michigan 49877 Ointment Albalon Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.36 233.2 233.2 -48.07 31 7.64
54368 11/1/09 0:00 Kimberly Carter Central Michigan 49877 Ointment Forane Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.38 79.53 79.53 -48.55 16 4.98
55425 11/1/09 0:00 Paul Knutson Central Texas 76901 Concentrate Cefizox Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,373.85 100% 0.04 0.59 4,373.85 4,373.85 963.675 42 125.99
55425 11/1/09 0:00 Paul Knutson Central Texas 76901 Suppository Orsythia Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,302.36 100% 0.05 0.48 2,302.36 2,302.36 -114.68 8 300.97
55425 11/1/09 0:00 Paul Knutson Central Texas 76901 Syrup Monistat 7 Combination Pack Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 73.86 100% 0.08 0.6 73.86 73.86 -52.49 7 9.71
5281 11/1/09 0:00 Irene Maddox West Colorado 81655 For Solution Stadol Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,718.07 100% 0.1 0.59 2,718.07 2,718.07 1,107.53 14 209.84
5281 11/1/09 0:00 Irene Maddox West Colorado 81655 Capsule Plan B Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,733.70 100% 0 0.64 4,733.70 4,733.70 624.36 36 120.98
36 11/2/09 0:00 Sample Company A East Connecticut 6074 Concentrate Anexsia 5/325 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.55 2,484.75 2,484.75 657.477 46 65.99
55206 11/2/09 0:00 Kimberly Carter Central Michigan 49877 Tablet Diucardin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 52.7 52.7 -64.883 20 1.8
56577 11/2/09 0:00 Quincy Jones South Alabama 36276 Spray Phisohex Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.76 7,497.08 7,497.08 698.67 30 296.18
56577 11/2/09 0:00 Quincy Jones South Alabama 36276 Injectable Veriloid Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.61 1,134.20 1,134.20 -351.51 19 58.14
34179 11/2/09 0:00 Brian DeCherney West Idaho 83201 Suppository Clinimix 4.25/10 Sulfite Free In Dextrose 10% In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 293.27 100% 0.07 0.49 293.27 293.27 44.56 21 14.48
33254 11/3/09 0:00 Keith Dawkins Central Texas 73301 For Solution Levocarnitine Extended Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.65 466.35 466.35 159.25 11 39.98
54116 11/3/09 0:00 Frank Gastineau West Idaho 83810 Spray Protopic Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.7 3,329.27 3,329.27 350 22 150.98
53056 11/3/09 0:00 Helen Andreada West Colorado 81653 Cream Cleocin Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 509.49 100% 0.07 0.54 509.49 509.49 -58.83 13 40.99
52321 11/5/09 0:00 Doug Bickford South Alabama 36925 Syrup Adriamycin Rdf Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.57 617.26 617.26 -37.52 48 12.28
58690 11/5/09 0:00 Roland Black East Massachusetts 1059 Spray Fazaclo Odt Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.09 0.77 3,023.73 3,023.73 -746.86 14 218.75
52321 11/5/09 0:00 Doug Bickford South Alabama 36925 Spray Aminosyn Ii 5% Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.03 0.49 13,104.99 13,104.99 5,626.42 45 349.45
31399 11/5/09 0:00 Adrian Shami Central Wisconsin 53001 Concentrate Ryzolt Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 337.2035 100% 0.09 0.56 337.2035 337.2035 -120.934 9 45.99
51009 11/5/09 0:00 Scot Wooten Central Nebraska 69367 For Solution Lithium Carbonate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 48 100% 0.09 0.49 48 48 -29.14 10 4.18
1191 11/6/09 0:00 Karl Brown West California 93456 Spray Dificid Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.59 3,532.96 3,532.96 -850.16 35 100.8
46503 11/6/09 0:00 Meg O'Connel East New Jersey 7514 Concentrate Axid Ar Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.07 0.55 1,196.79 1,196.79 265.392 26 55.99
4672 11/6/09 0:00 Alan Dominguez West California 90835 For Solution Insulin Nordisk Mixtard (Pork) Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 152.44 100% 0.08 0.52 152.44 152.44 -16.64 20 7.7
51525 11/7/09 0:00 Patrick O'Brill West Arizona 85071 Suppository Dimetapp Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.68 360.24 360.24 -36.24 18 19.98
24931 11/7/09 0:00 MaryBeth Skach West New Mexico 87199 Tablet Neo-Hydeltrasol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.36 149.64 149.64 13.77 9 16.74
51525 11/7/09 0:00 Patrick O'Brill West Arizona 85071 Syrup Tiazac Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.57 1,463.27 1,463.27 104.22 46 34.76
43459 11/7/09 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Cream Zinc Bacitracin,Neomycin Sulfate,Polymyxin B Sulfate & Hydrocortisone Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 13,905.88 100% 0.05 0.37 13,905.88 13,905.88 6,441.18 26 574.74
36387 11/7/09 0:00 Brian DeCherney West Idaho 83201 Suppository Propafenone Hydrochloride Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 616.39 100% 0.09 0.48 616.39 616.39 148.28 32 20.89
3008 11/7/09 0:00 Charles Crestani South Georgia 39859 Solution/Drops Thyroglobulin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 6,831.72 100% 0.01 0.39 6,831.72 6,831.72 3,081.02 41 162.93
12448 11/8/09 0:00 Dennis Kane South North Carolina 28633 Tablet Neo-Cort-Dome Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.36 240.27 240.27 -269.8015 33 7.38
12448 11/8/09 0:00 Dennis Kane South North Carolina 28633 Capsule Nortrel 0.5/35-28 Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.6 6,802.37 6,802.37 459.5 24 284.98
52930 11/8/09 0:00 Sarah Foster West Utah 84721 Concentrate Benoquin Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,865.59 100% 0.02 0.35 1,865.59 1,865.59 972.9 40 55.99
52930 11/8/09 0:00 Sarah Foster West Utah 84721 Concentrate Bacitracin Zinc-Neomycin Sulfate-Polymyxin B Sulfate Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,112.16 100% 0.09 0.59 1,112.16 1,112.16 140.805 24 55.99
52930 11/8/09 0:00 Sarah Foster West Utah 84721 Solution/Drops Acephen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 136.98 100% 0.04 0.38 136.98 136.98 44.12 16 8.74
52930 11/8/09 0:00 Sarah Foster West Utah 84721 Ointment E-Z Scrub Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 225.17 100% 0.1 0.36 225.17 225.17 -183.05 39 5.78
10369 11/9/09 0:00 Kimberly Carter Central Michigan 49877 Suppository Regonol Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0 0.7 683.68 683.68 -95.54 23 28.48
3141 11/9/09 0:00 Matt Collister West Idaho 83877 Suppository Promethazine W/ Codeine Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.69 534.96 534.96 -26.72 30 18.89
10369 11/9/09 0:00 Kimberly Carter Central Michigan 49877 Ointment Erythromycin Ethylsuccinate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.36 27.34 27.34 -12.38 4 5.78
32198 11/9/09 0:00 Joseph Airdo Central Illinois 60157 Suppository Quinapril Hydrochloride And Hydrochlorothiazide Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 240.63 100% 0.02 0.69 240.63 240.63 -117.92 31 7.37
11652 11/10/09 0:00 Olvera Toch West Colorado 80621 Concentrate Clindagel Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.56 61.4635 61.4635 -261.349 1 65.99
37223 11/10/09 0:00 Victoria Wilson West Colorado 81124 Concentrate Sterane Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.58 2,731.73 2,731.73 310.59 21 155.99
11652 11/10/09 0:00 Olvera Toch West Colorado 80621 Suppository Xalkori Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.75 1,154.14 1,154.14 -36 35 32.98
37223 11/10/09 0:00 Victoria Wilson West Colorado 81124 Syrup Cupric Chloride In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.84 5,176.27 5,176.27 -743.45 38 135.31
11652 11/10/09 0:00 Olvera Toch West Colorado 80621 Ointment Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.36 122.09 122.09 14.11 25 5.18
11652 11/10/09 0:00 Olvera Toch West Colorado 80621 Ointment Equetro Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.4 223.82 223.82 -249.11 37 5.98
37223 11/10/09 0:00 Victoria Wilson West Colorado 81124 Syrup Zovia 1/50E-21 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.59 679.52 679.52 -152.4 40 17.7
28870 11/10/09 0:00 Cindy Schnelling South Alabama 36032 Suppository Theophylline And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,154.89 100% 0.03 0.64 1,154.89 1,154.89 66.36 27 40.98
28870 11/10/09 0:00 Cindy Schnelling South Alabama 36032 Concentrate Anectine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,310.95 100% 0.05 0.57 3,310.95 3,310.95 822.402 35 115.99
17926 11/10/09 0:00 Sally Knutson Central Texas 78602 Syrup Lescol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 608.33 100% 0.02 0.57 608.33 608.33 -70.04 37 15.31
6432 11/10/09 0:00 Lena Creighton West Washington 99403 Solution Disulfiram Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 311.08 100% 0.08 0.59 311.08 311.08 -38.45 30 10.89
35587 11/10/09 0:00 Barry Pond East Connecticut 6074 For Solution Sudafed 24 Hour Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 208.77 100% 0.03 0.47 208.77 208.77 -144.24 43 4.82
51783 11/11/09 0:00 Brian Stugart East Connecticut 6928 Ointment Flaxedil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 646.55 100% 0.05 0.37 646.55 646.55 244.13 13 48.04
51783 11/11/09 0:00 Brian Stugart East Connecticut 6928 Spray Sandostatin Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,587.72 100% 0 0.69 3,587.72 3,587.72 -3,050.12 47 70.89
51783 11/11/09 0:00 Brian Stugart East Connecticut 6928 Spray Emgel Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,875.18 100% 0.01 0.74 1,875.18 1,875.18 -102.25 10 179.29
5925 11/12/09 0:00 Joy Bell East Massachusetts 5544 Concentrate Blephamide S.O.P. Extended Release Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.85 1,733.36 1,733.36 -267.014 25 85.99
5925 11/12/09 0:00 Joy Bell East Massachusetts 5544 For Solution Inomax Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.67 3,922.42 3,922.42 -354.9 44 92.23
10944 11/12/09 0:00 Mike Vittorini West Arizona 85234 Cream Gastromark Injection Competitor B Animal 0 0.4 181.66 181.66 -31.58 9 17.98
35239 11/12/09 0:00 Barry Blumstein Central Illinois 62924 Syrup Chenodiol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.57 2,257.88 2,257.88 474.98 38 59.76
35239 11/12/09 0:00 Barry Blumstein Central Illinois 62924 Ointment Felbatol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.4 109.29 109.29 -77.08 21 5.28
33126 11/12/09 0:00 Deborah Brumfield West Colorado 81221 Suspension/Drops Daunoxome Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.39 175.76 175.76 80.36 28 6.3
33126 11/12/09 0:00 Deborah Brumfield West Colorado 81221 Capsule Aminosyn 3.5% W/ Dextrose 25% In Plastic Container Injection Competitor B Human - Rx 0.01 0.57 5,979.84 5,979.84 1,779.01 46 128.24
57700 11/12/09 0:00 Paul MacIntyre South Florida 34997 Suppository Isopto Cetapred Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,806.43 100% 0.04 0.71 1,806.43 1,806.43 134.85 38 47.98
40934 11/13/09 0:00 Carol Triggs Central Ohio 43317 Concentrate Amrix Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.57 404.1495 404.1495 -107.503 11 45.99
40934 11/13/09 0:00 Carol Triggs Central Ohio 43317 Gel Travasol 2.75% Sulfite Free W/ Electrolytes In Dextrose 10% In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.56 49.49 49.49 -1.23 28 1.76
16260 11/13/09 0:00 Cari MacIntyre South Virginia 23970 Spray Fibricor Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 14,960.10 100% 0.01 0.71 14,960.10 14,960.10 2,920 47 400.98
871 11/14/09 0:00 David Kendrick South Georgia 39901 For Solution Lamictal Cd Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.6 104.94 104.94 -34.97 17 6.24
3235 11/14/09 0:00 James Lanier East Delaware 19980 Lotion Children'S Advil Allergy Sinus Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 142.97 100% 0.1 0.85 142.97 142.97 -12.26 31 4.71
59973 11/15/09 0:00 Suzanne McNair South Virginia 24658 Cream Lo-Trol Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.59 11,039.75 11,039.75 2,148.97 29 400.97
59973 11/15/09 0:00 Suzanne McNair South Virginia 24658 Spray Hetrazan Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.07 0.68 4,982.94 4,982.94 693.69 30 217.85
59554 11/15/09 0:00 Karen Daniels West California 91188 Suppository Diovan Hct Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 718.6 100% 0.08 0.79 718.6 718.6 -81.49 40 17.98
38272 11/15/09 0:00 Sarah Foster West Utah 84721 Tablet Cefazolin And Dextrose Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 71.04 100% 0.07 0.37 71.04 71.04 -20.654 39 1.88
16993 11/16/09 0:00 Erin Mull South Alabama 36922 Concentrate Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.11% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.59 1,383.92 1,383.92 -433.488 8 205.99
41413 11/16/09 0:00 Art Miller Central Illinois 62999 Suspension Oxacillin Sodium Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 10,134.55 100% 0.08 0.37 10,134.55 10,134.55 -597.21 17 599.99
6982 11/16/09 0:00 Dorothy Wardle East Delaware 19701 Suppository Arava Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,311.25 100% 0 0.54 1,311.25 1,311.25 407.44 32 39.48
57121 11/16/09 0:00 Grace Kelly South Virginia 23664 Concentrate Clarinex D 24 Hour Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 504.6705 100% 0.01 0.56 504.6705 504.6705 -800.888 3 195.99
14662 11/16/09 0:00 Karl Brown West California 93456 Concentrate Subutex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 5,139.88 100% 0.01 0.59 5,139.88 5,139.88 1,275.67 48 125.99
41413 11/16/09 0:00 Art Miller Central Illinois 62999 Ointment Heparin Sodium 5,000 Units In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 156.5 100% 0.01 0.37 156.5 156.5 -49.6 23 6.48
57121 11/16/09 0:00 Grace Kelly South Virginia 23664 Ointment Fluxid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 199.24 100% 0.07 0.36 199.24 199.24 -84.26 42 4.98
14662 11/16/09 0:00 Karl Brown West California 93456 Gel Ablavar Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 39.69 100% 0.05 0.35 39.69 39.69 -1.78 24 1.68
14662 11/16/09 0:00 Karl Brown West California 93456 Ointment Ortho-Novum 1/50 21 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 257.75 100% 0.02 0.36 257.75 257.75 -66.26 48 4.98
41413 11/16/09 0:00 Art Miller Central Illinois 62999 For Solution Hydro-Ride Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,765.64 100% 0.08 0.57 1,765.64 1,765.64 108.65 46 40.97
6982 11/16/09 0:00 Dorothy Wardle East Delaware 19701 For Solution Aerolate Iii Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 844.09 100% 0.04 0.49 844.09 844.09 52.56 41 19.98
6982 11/16/09 0:00 Dorothy Wardle East Delaware 19701 Injectable Fml Forte Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 544.41 100% 0.09 0.78 544.41 544.41 -338.27 5 100.98
15264 11/17/09 0:00 Ben Wallace Central Ohio 45999 Suspension/Drops Aristogel Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.38 90.15 90.15 33.05 13 7.31
15264 11/17/09 0:00 Ben Wallace Central Ohio 45999 Tablet Metronidazole Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.35 3,581.52 3,581.52 -408.2155 3 1,270.99
44003 11/17/09 0:00 Maris LaWare West Colorado 81124 Tablet Diprolene Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.38 202.42 202.42 0.8585 38 5.34
46951 11/17/09 0:00 Katherine Ducich West Colorado 81653 Concentrate Atracurium Besylate Preservative Free Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,379.33 100% 0.09 0.58 2,379.33 2,379.33 284.589 26 115.99
35687 11/18/09 0:00 Gary Hwang Central Illinois 62444 For Solution Tussicaps Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.48 620.23 620.23 115.24 48 12.64
51200 11/18/09 0:00 Tom Prescott Central Texas 77474 Suppository Tylox Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0 0.62 1,617.88 1,617.88 271.9 29 53.98
32647 11/18/09 0:00 Rick Bensley Central Wisconsin 53081 Suppository Thallous Chloride Tl 201 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 671.75 100% 0.07 0.77 671.75 671.75 -56.83 32 20.97
29383 11/18/09 0:00 Jas O'Carroll East Connecticut 6928 Concentrate Isolyte S Ph 7.4 In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,738.79 100% 0.07 0.58 2,738.79 2,738.79 556.83 29 115.99
29383 11/18/09 0:00 Jas O'Carroll East Connecticut 6928 Suppository Pur-Wash Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 157.13 100% 0.07 0.74 157.13 157.13 -46.89 20 8.32
20960 11/18/09 0:00 Giulietta Weimer West Arizona 86409 Suppository Tenuate Dospan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 195.96 100% 0.1 0.64 195.96 195.96 -104.82 19 10.97
36640 11/18/09 0:00 Benjamin Patterson West Arizona 85301 Suppository Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.2% And Potassium Chloride 40Meq Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 416.39 100% 0.06 0.43 416.39 416.39 119.47 18 22.24
29383 11/18/09 0:00 Jas O'Carroll East Connecticut 6928 Ointment Hy-Pam "25" Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 195.11 100% 0.04 0.37 195.11 195.11 -129.42 28 6.48
59009 11/18/09 0:00 Sally Hughsby South Maryland 21230 Ointment Gastrocrom Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 614.91 100% 0.02 0.4 614.91 614.91 -7.02 19 30.98
32647 11/18/09 0:00 Rick Bensley Central Wisconsin 53081 Spray Feridex I.V. Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 9,541.04 100% 0.06 0.66 9,541.04 9,541.04 348.84 27 348.21
29383 11/18/09 0:00 Jas O'Carroll East Connecticut 6928 For Solution Suprenza Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 217.42 100% 0.09 0.42 217.42 217.42 16.97 30 7.59
21859 11/18/09 0:00 Kalyca Meade West Washington 98310 For Solution Brethine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 401.37 100% 0.07 0.41 401.37 401.37 13.31 42 9.74
26176 11/19/09 0:00 Gary McGarr Central Illinois 62541 Concentrate Ak-Fluor 25% Injection Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.58 554.4295 554.4295 34.011 30 20.99
26176 11/19/09 0:00 Gary McGarr Central Illinois 62541 Ointment Hydrocortone Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.37 94.32 94.32 -66.87 14 6.48
27298 11/19/09 0:00 Philisse Overcash West Utah 84791 Suspension Geodon Delayed Release Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.46 7,813.70 7,813.70 2,154.33 40 199.99
27298 11/19/09 0:00 Philisse Overcash West Utah 84791 Ointment Esidrix Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.38 164.92 164.92 -54.36 31 4.98
25318 11/19/09 0:00 Ken Dana West New Mexico 88134 Tablet Cefazolin And Dextrose Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 3.2 3.2 -3.1625 1 1.88
25318 11/19/09 0:00 Julia West East Massachusetts 2139 For Solution Aerolate Iii Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.49 440.92 440.92 -65.18 22 19.98
32069 11/19/09 0:00 Gene McClure Central Illinois 62924 Cream Vivitrol Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 1,100 100% 0.07 0.56 1,100 1,100 -276.22 8 145.45
55873 11/19/09 0:00 Bart Watters East New Jersey 8989 Cream Vanos Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 15,602.93 100% 0 0.56 15,602.93 15,602.93 4,875.89 48 306.14
37252 11/19/09 0:00 Steve Chapman South North Carolina 27801 Suppository Dextrose 10% And Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,337.03 100% 0.1 0.45 2,337.03 2,337.03 -37.19 50 49.99
37252 11/19/09 0:00 Steve Chapman South North Carolina 27801 Suppository Pur-Wash Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 10.62 100% 0.02 0.74 10.62 10.62 -31.2 1 8.32
44256 11/19/09 0:00 Sally Knutson Central Texas 78602 Ointment Darvon Compound Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 301.36 100% 0.09 0.4 301.36 301.36 48.45 39 8.01
44256 11/19/09 0:00 Sally Knutson Central Texas 78602 Ointment Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 114.28 100% 0.08 0.37 114.28 114.28 -38.72 17 6.48
32069 11/19/09 0:00 Gene McClure Central Illinois 62924 Ointment Hectorol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 114.94 100% 0.09 0.36 114.94 114.94 -102.24 17 6.48
44256 11/19/09 0:00 Sally Knutson Central Texas 78602 Gel Amipaque Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,889.04 100% 0.1 0.59 1,889.04 1,889.04 182.15 49 40.97
37252 11/19/09 0:00 Steve Chapman South North Carolina 27801 Solution Delflex W/ Dextrose 2.5% Low Magnesium In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,503.49 100% 0.03 0.59 1,503.49 1,503.49 408.73 21 70.97
49952 11/19/09 0:00 Beth Thompson East Massachusetts 2054 For Solution Colbenemid Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,323.67 100% 0.04 0.65 1,323.67 1,323.67 630.28 12 107.53
37252 11/19/09 0:00 Steve Chapman South North Carolina 27801 Injectable Alli Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 29,345.27 100% 0.03 0.62 29,345.27 29,345.27 7,497.55 34 880.98
26214 11/20/09 0:00 Beth Fritzler Central Texas 79080 Solution/Drops Actidil Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.4 305.68 305.68 128.17 19 15.74
26214 11/20/09 0:00 Beth Fritzler Central Texas 79080 For Solution Precose Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.44 1,901.29 1,901.29 870.8 41 46.94
42370 11/21/09 0:00 Catherine Glotzbach South South Carolina 29374 Tablet Buticaps Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.4 125.27 125.27 -105.8345 33 3.81
56484 11/21/09 0:00 Bobby Trafton South Georgia 39901 Suppository Rocaltrol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0 0.67 1,121.84 1,121.84 -173.66 15 73.98
56484 11/21/09 0:00 Bobby Trafton South Georgia 39901 Tablet Cholebrine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.35 176.58 176.58 28.339 6 30.56
47747 11/21/09 0:00 Patrick Gardner South Alabama 36304 For Solution Locoid Lipocream Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 102.15 100% 0.03 0.43 102.15 102.15 -138.51 40 2.08
34913 11/22/09 0:00 William Brown South Georgia 39901 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.33% And Potassium Chloride 30Meq In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.37 107.63 107.63 -29.8885 15 6.81
26948 11/22/09 0:00 Matt Collister West Idaho 83877 Gel Iplex Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.52 203.55 203.55 38.6 21 9.11
6433 11/22/09 0:00 Matt Collister West Idaho 83877 Suspension/Drops Compazine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.38 159.26 159.26 73.89 41 3.69
26948 11/22/09 0:00 Matt Collister West Idaho 83877 Tablet Cimetidine Hydrochloride In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.38 273.89 273.89 -160.402 38 7.3
10342 11/22/09 0:00 Michelle Ellison West Colorado 81655 Suspension Flolan Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 10,567.45 100% 0.1 0.5 10,567.45 10,567.45 2,925.37 38 299.99
10342 11/22/09 0:00 Michelle Ellison West Colorado 81655 Cream Zidovudine Injection TableauCeutical Animal 2,055.97 100% 0.05 0.36 2,055.97 2,055.97 -2,691.96 2 999.99
10342 11/22/09 0:00 Michelle Ellison West Colorado 81655 For Solution Hydro-Ride Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,679.04 100% 0.01 0.57 1,679.04 1,679.04 324.47 38 40.97
10342 11/22/09 0:00 Michelle Ellison West Colorado 81655 Injectable Antepar Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,181.08 100% 0.01 0.76 5,181.08 5,181.08 -1,623.60 45 114.98
36359 11/23/09 0:00 Ken Heidel South South Carolina 29945 Ointment Propranolol Hydrochloride Intensol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 68.66 100% 0.06 0.4 68.66 68.66 -29.6 2 30.98
37893 11/24/09 0:00 Bart Folk East Connecticut 6439 Suppository Soma Compound Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 436.78 100% 0.04 0.51 436.78 436.78 25.69 14 29.99
12930 11/24/09 0:00 Grant Thornton East Connecticut 6439 Solution Dorzolamide Hydrochloride And Timolol Maleate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,147.64 100% 0.06 0.55 1,147.64 1,147.64 261.87 49 22.98
56039 11/25/09 0:00 Erica Smith Central Wisconsin 54990 Ointment Gentafair Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.37 156.66 156.66 -33.15 23 6.68
29795 11/25/09 0:00 Grant Carroll East Massachusetts 2139 Tablet Metrodin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.38 19,325.20 19,325.20 8,793.54 49 387.99
29795 11/25/09 0:00 Grant Carroll East Massachusetts 2139 Injectable Amerscan Mdp Kit Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.72 8,380.22 8,380.22 813.83 48 160.98
22304 11/25/09 0:00 Joseph Airdo Central Illinois 60157 Gel Tolectin 600 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 40.24 100% 0.1 0.56 40.24 40.24 -3.73 24 1.76
30532 11/26/09 0:00 Victoria Wilson West Colorado 81124 Tablet Nitrol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.36 431.37 431.37 -28.6695 28 15.22
30532 11/26/09 0:00 Victoria Wilson West Colorado 81124 Solution/Drops Acetazolamide Sodium Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.36 262.31 262.31 27.55 23 11.09
30532 11/26/09 0:00 Victoria Wilson West Colorado 81124 Ointment Edarbi Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.36 514.03 514.03 82.19 45 11.34
30532 11/26/09 0:00 Victoria Wilson West Colorado 81124 Injectable Vimovo Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.74 1,696.70 1,696.70 -82.81 9 180.98
20804 11/26/09 0:00 Sean Miller West Colorado 80746 Cream Vasotec Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.08 0.56 4,393.75 4,393.75 215.31 13 442.14
56900 11/26/09 0:00 Bradley Talbott South Florida 32099 Lotion Chloromycetin Hydrocortisone Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 54.32 54.32 16.11 16 3.41
3622 11/26/09 0:00 Steven Ward Central Ohio 43270 Tablet Chlorascrub Swabstick Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 76.6 100% 0.01 0.35 76.6 76.6 -48.507 16 4.24
21731 11/26/09 0:00 Liz MacKendrick West Idaho 83552 Solution Mannitol 10% Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,580.57 100% 0.08 0.59 1,580.57 1,580.57 -750.82 26 60.98
51553 11/27/09 0:00 Adrian Barton South South Carolina 29945 Cream Zofran Preservative Free Delayed Release Competitor B Animal 0 0.39 21,366.51 21,366.51 -13,775.17 3 6,783.02
51553 11/27/09 0:00 Adrian Barton South South Carolina 29945 Ointment Duranest Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.38 320.04 320.04 32.47 34 9.27
51553 11/27/09 0:00 Adrian Barton South South Carolina 29945 Ointment Ganciclovir Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 88.57 88.57 -28.25 12 6.68
51553 11/27/09 0:00 Adrian Barton South South Carolina 29945 Ointment Geopen Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.36 73.97 73.97 -38.35 13 5.78
52071 11/27/09 0:00 Annie Thurman West Idaho 83465 Tablet Nicorette (Mint) Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 136.85 100% 0.01 0.36 136.85 136.85 -4.4275 14 8.85
52071 11/27/09 0:00 Annie Thurman West Idaho 83465 For Solution Capozide 25/25 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 12.74 100% 0.05 0.41 12.74 12.74 -11.39 1 7.96
51842 11/28/09 0:00 Tamara Manning South South Carolina 29808 Syrup Crestor Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 431.11 100% 0.07 0.82 431.11 431.11 -244.33 4 101.41
51842 11/28/09 0:00 Tamara Manning South South Carolina 29808 Ointment Enalaprilat Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 54.22 100% 0.02 0.38 54.22 54.22 -19.09 1 48.91
26437 11/28/09 0:00 Sara Luxemburg West California 94404 Gel Torsemide Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 254.51 100% 0.08 0.6 254.51 254.51 49.05 48 5.58
31520 11/28/09 0:00 Rob Beeghly South Virginia 23111 For Solution Lidocaine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 138.71 100% 0.09 0.41 138.71 138.71 -33.16 23 5.89
26437 11/28/09 0:00 Sara Luxemburg West California 94404 For Solution Laryngotracheal Anesthesia Kit Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 52.43 100% 0.03 0.55 52.43 52.43 -12.98 4 9.65
53411 11/29/09 0:00 Brenda Bowman Central Ohio 44197 Suppository Drisdol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.08 0.75 667.64 667.64 -57.53 25 27.48
3046 11/29/09 0:00 Sung Pak South South Carolina 29684 Tablet Naftin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.35 10,094.43 10,094.43 4,451.01 24 420.98
49477 11/29/09 0:00 Grant Carroll East Massachusetts 2139 Ointment Albalon Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 75.94 100% 0.01 0.36 75.94 75.94 -16.56 9 7.64
56130 11/29/09 0:00 David Bremer South Florida 32099 Gel Trasylol Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 41.87 100% 0.05 0.59 41.87 41.87 -25.52 25 1.68
56130 11/29/09 0:00 David Bremer South Florida 32099 For Solution Maxitrol Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 246.06 100% 0.08 0.47 246.06 246.06 52.33 13 18.7
33253 11/30/09 0:00 Katherine Murray West California 92320 Concentrate Bronkaid Mist Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.39 524.212 524.212 127.854 17 35.99
33253 11/30/09 0:00 Katherine Murray West California 92320 Gel Tobradex St Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.57 24.2 24.2 -5.2 6 4.13
4579 11/30/09 0:00 Dennis Bolton East New Jersey 7001 Tablet Anspor Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.39 1,765.05 1,765.05 749.2155 40 43.41
19523 11/30/09 0:00 Jim Sink South South Carolina 29684 Ointment Clinimix E 5/20 Sulfite-Free W/ Elect In 20% Dextrose W/ Calcium In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 155.78 100% 0.04 0.39 155.78 155.78 -10 44 3.6
27106 12/1/09 0:00 Lena Creighton West Washington 99403 Gel Amphadase Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.48 64.19 64.19 3.77 10 6.68
27106 12/1/09 0:00 Lena Creighton West Washington 99403 Tablet Otobione Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.38 13.96 13.96 -4.7035 1 10.91
27106 12/1/09 0:00 Lena Creighton West Washington 99403 Solution/Drops Seconal Sodium Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.39 531.48 531.48 232.58 50 10.67
27106 12/1/09 0:00 Lena Creighton West Washington 99403 Capsule Ultram Er Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.78 3,524.55 3,524.55 -570.18 29 130.98
27106 12/1/09 0:00 Lena Creighton West Washington 99403 For Solution Measurin Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.52 890.61 890.61 297.11 42 22.23
25248 12/1/09 0:00 Christina Vanderzanden West New Mexico 88044 Suppository Aristocort A Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.52 271.14 271.14 29.21 33 8.33
25248 12/1/09 0:00 Christina Vanderzanden West New Mexico 88044 Ointment Enalaprilat Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.38 1,150.30 1,150.30 418.19 26 48.91
14563 12/2/09 0:00 Becky Pak South South Carolina 29907 Concentrate Bretylium Tosylate Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 953.0455 100% 0.02 0.38 953.0455 953.0455 298.467 31 35.99
32065 12/2/09 0:00 Laurel Elliston West Idaho 83810 Cream Gastromark Injection TableauCeutical Animal 450.28 100% 0.09 0.4 450.28 450.28 -14.19 25 17.98
45376 12/2/09 0:00 Vivek Gonzalez South Virginia 24157 Syrup Apidra Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 6,648.58 100% 0.08 0.65 6,648.58 6,648.58 -555.98 19 370.98
37667 12/2/09 0:00 Peter Fuller South Georgia 39901 Tablet Norethin 1/50M-28 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 472.35 100% 0.03 0.38 472.35 472.35 61.676 31 14.48
33510 12/2/09 0:00 Vivek Grady West Utah 84791 Ointment Entocort Ec Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 449.79 100% 0.06 0.36 449.79 449.79 13.21 11 40.99
33510 12/2/09 0:00 Vivek Grady West Utah 84791 For Solution Lamictal Cd Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 267.06 100% 0.03 0.6 267.06 267.06 -96.95 42 6.24
58755 12/3/09 0:00 Denise Monton Central Ohio 43001 Ointment Cholovue Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.38 47.11 47.11 -95.42 18 2.18
58755 12/3/09 0:00 Denise Monton Central Ohio 43001 Tablet Alphatrex Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.38 15.61 15.61 -5.1865 7 2.08
774 12/3/09 0:00 Sibella Parks East Connecticut 6703 Solution Potassium Chloride 10Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.6 126.57 126.57 -752.13 17 4.48
56868 12/3/09 0:00 Bobby Trafton South Georgia 39901 Concentrate Allopurinol Sodium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,947.43 100% 0.03 0.55 1,947.43 1,947.43 473.265 34 65.99
29255 12/3/09 0:00 Sally Hughsby South Maryland 21230 Concentrate Arthrotec Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 617.219 100% 0.03 0.58 617.219 617.219 -136.092 11 65.99
28963 12/4/09 0:00 Joel Eaton East New Jersey 7001 Concentrate Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.11% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.59 6,072.19 6,072.19 1,372.09 37 205.99
54401 12/4/09 0:00 Dave Hallsten Central Texas 78702 Tablet Dextrose 25% Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.35 670.02 670.02 278.579 34 20.98
17376 12/4/09 0:00 Joy Smith Central Michigan 48001 Suppository Tavist-D Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,127.81 100% 0.1 0.4 1,127.81 1,127.81 425.08 44 28.48
41664 12/4/09 0:00 Janet Molinari East New York 544 Suppository Tekturna Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 54.8 100% 0 0.43 54.8 54.8 -15.3 5 9.78
41664 12/4/09 0:00 Janet Molinari East New York 544 Gel Euthroid-1 Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,038.19 100% 0.07 0.57 1,038.19 1,038.19 230.69 40 25.98
38531 12/5/09 0:00 Ionia McGrath South Alabama 36830 Ointment Resectisol In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 118.43 118.43 11.96 26 4.2
48641 12/5/09 0:00 Benjamin Venier South Maryland 21794 Ointment A-Hydrocort Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.36 66.83 66.83 23.16 13 4.98
47303 12/5/09 0:00 Xylona Price West New Mexico 88439 Solution/Drops Acetaminophen, Caffeine, And Dihydrocodeine Bitartrate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 56.9 100% 0.03 0.36 56.9 56.9 12.64 7 7.64
47303 12/5/09 0:00 Xylona Price West New Mexico 88439 Ointment Humatin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 308.92 100% 0.04 0.37 308.92 308.92 -143.58 45 6.48
47303 12/5/09 0:00 Xylona Price West New Mexico 88439 Tablet Nebcin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,413.82 100% 0.1 0.37 1,413.82 1,413.82 226.5335 47 30.98
9344 12/6/09 0:00 Christy Brittain South Georgia 30002 Concentrate Arduan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,448.65 100% 0.02 0.55 3,448.65 3,448.65 900.414 31 125.99
18400 12/6/09 0:00 Ralph Arnett West Idaho 83201 Suppository Metadate Er Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 598.49 100% 0.05 0.6 598.49 598.49 34.16 29 20.95
9344 12/6/09 0:00 Christy Brittain South Georgia 30002 Syrup Aminosyn 8.5% W/ Electrolytes Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,733.10 100% 0.09 0.82 1,733.10 1,733.10 -505.69 18 95.99
20864 12/6/09 0:00 Dianna Vittorini West Arizona 86442 For Solution Lodosyn Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 251.45 100% 0.06 0.37 251.45 251.45 90 19 13.4
28581 12/7/09 0:00 Carol Triggs Central Ohio 43317 Ointment A-Hydrocort Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.36 176.35 176.35 73.05 36 4.98
40480 12/7/09 0:00 Harold Engle Central Michigan 49634 Tablet Naftin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.35 7,608.88 7,608.88 3,049.45 19 420.98
28581 12/7/09 0:00 Carol Triggs Central Ohio 43317 Tablet Nitro-Dur Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.39 36.4 36.4 -41.561 1 24.92
40480 12/7/09 0:00 Harold Engle Central Michigan 49634 For Solution Ibuprohm Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.1 0.49 1,270.03 1,270.03 221.81 50 26.48
38146 12/7/09 0:00 Erica Hackney South South Carolina 29941 Tablet Norditropin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.35 341.39 341.39 -82.9495 45 7.68
38146 12/7/09 0:00 Erica Hackney South South Carolina 29941 For Solution Sporanox Delayed Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.57 782.05 782.05 -253.74 41 19.94
43875 12/7/09 0:00 Adam Hart East Connecticut 6001 Cream Gastromark Injection TableauCeutical Animal 727.64 100% 0.01 0.4 727.64 727.64 27.64 40 17.98
43875 12/7/09 0:00 Adam Hart East Connecticut 6001 Concentrate Atrovent Hfa Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,795.00 100% 0.02 0.58 2,795.00 2,795.00 311.094 16 195.99
43875 12/7/09 0:00 Adam Hart East Connecticut 6001 Concentrate Cytosar-U Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,564.58 100% 0.07 0.58 2,564.58 2,564.58 331.29 25 125.99
30279 12/7/09 0:00 Ellis Ballard South Florida 32099 Cream Vyvanse Oral TableauCeutical Animal 19,539.94 100% 0.06 0.59 19,539.94 19,539.94 4,914.24 39 517.48
43875 12/7/09 0:00 Adam Hart East Connecticut 6001 Solution Peg-Lyte Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 382.19 100% 0.03 0.52 382.19 382.19 11.39 24 14.42
30279 12/7/09 0:00 Ellis Ballard South Florida 32099 Solution Deferoxamine Mesylate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,412.98 100% 0.1 0.56 1,412.98 1,412.98 324.96 25 60.97
43875 12/7/09 0:00 Adam Hart East Connecticut 6001 Capsule Noroxin Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,573.92 100% 0.07 0.55 2,573.92 2,573.92 117.23 17 150.98
55042 12/8/09 0:00 Russell Applegate Central Illinois 62541 Concentrate Anafranil Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.55 1,978.43 1,978.43 471.087 38 65.99
55042 12/8/09 0:00 Russell Applegate Central Illinois 62541 Solution Deferoxamine Mesylate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.56 1,717.88 1,717.88 513.93 28 60.97
20098 12/8/09 0:00 Chuck Sachs East Connecticut 6439 Cream Clindamycin Phosphate In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 183.32 100% 0.04 0.49 183.32 183.32 -70.23 11 15.99
9829 12/8/09 0:00 Valerie Takahito West Utah 84001 Tablet Nebcin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 750.39 100% 0.04 0.37 750.39 750.39 133.705 23 30.98
9829 12/8/09 0:00 Valerie Takahito West Utah 84001 Suspension/Drops Darbid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 18.46 100% 0.06 0.36 18.46 18.46 -0.43 4 4.91
20098 12/8/09 0:00 Chuck Sachs East Connecticut 6439 For Solution Medrol Acetate Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 194.11 100% 0.03 0.44 194.11 194.11 87.66 8 22.72
59200 12/9/09 0:00 Maria Bertelson East New Jersey 7001 Solution Doxychel Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.56 170.45 170.45 -30.27 4 42.98
59200 12/9/09 0:00 Maria Bertelson East New Jersey 7001 Gel Carbocaine Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.6 350.42 350.42 -37.3 28 11.97
44452 12/9/09 0:00 Susan Pistek South Virginia 23664 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.37 330.27 330.27 -195.57 50 6.48
12130 12/9/09 0:00 Grace Kelly South Virginia 23664 Concentrate Bretylium Tosylate Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 1,274.52 100% 0.05 0.38 1,274.52 1,274.52 444.15 42 35.99
9093 12/9/09 0:00 Cyra Reiten South Virginia 23018 Suppository Renese Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 268.55 100% 0.1 0.77 268.55 268.55 -99.02 36 8.12
12130 12/9/09 0:00 Grace Kelly South Virginia 23664 For Solution Mucinex D Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 686.2 100% 0.04 0.43 686.2 686.2 290.2 37 18.84
22848 12/10/09 0:00 Nicole Brennan West California 95503 Suppository Solaraze Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.48 68.16 68.16 -52.44 4 15.98
47265 12/10/09 0:00 Ben Wallace Central Ohio 45999 Ointment Gonal-F Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 187.13 187.13 -60.83 31 5.98
22848 12/10/09 0:00 Nicole Brennan West California 95503 Solution Potassium Chloride 10Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.6 140.37 140.37 -893.39 20 4.48
21927 12/10/09 0:00 Karen Carlisle South Florida 34997 Capsule Urovist Meglumine Diu/Ct Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.61 8,225.24 8,225.24 1,909.03 23 350.98
12262 12/10/09 0:00 Julia Barnett South Florida 32119 Spray Pletal Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.65 1,212.93 1,212.93 -1,460.77 45 31.76
22848 12/10/09 0:00 Nicole Brennan West California 95503 Capsule Ultram Er Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.78 5,921.74 5,921.74 -287.62 45 130.98
6912 12/10/09 0:00 Alan Shonely West Colorado 80230 Solution Pbz Injection Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.5 294.52 294.52 15.34 14 21.78
57510 12/10/09 0:00 Liz Carlisle Central Ohio 43001 Ointment Gentafair Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 48.05 100% 0.01 0.37 48.05 48.05 -11.34 6 6.68
33219 12/10/09 0:00 Duane Huffman East Delaware 19810 Capsule Polytrim Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 7,341.96 100% 0 0.59 7,341.96 7,341.96 764.95 32 216.6
15941 12/10/09 0:00 Michelle Tran West Idaho 83465 Injectable Veriloid Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 951.09 100% 0.02 0.61 951.09 951.09 -246.32 15 58.14
40870 12/11/09 0:00 Justin MacKendrick South North Carolina 28609 Suppository Orsythia Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 12,858.88 100% 0.08 0.48 12,858.88 12,858.88 4,833.27 43 300.97
42083 12/11/09 0:00 Sue Ann Reed Central Ohio 44197 Ointment Epivir-Hbv Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 236.89 100% 0.04 0.37 236.89 236.89 -86.3 36 6.48
42083 12/11/09 0:00 Sue Ann Reed Central Ohio 44197 Aerosol Sarisol No. 1 Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 68.42 100% 0.05 0.55 68.42 68.42 -57.97 33 2.08
26464 12/11/09 0:00 Tamara Willingham East New Jersey 7514 Solution Disulfiram Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 268.58 100% 0.03 0.59 268.58 268.58 -26.33 25 10.89
42083 12/11/09 0:00 Sue Ann Reed Central Ohio 44197 Capsule Potassium Chloride 0.037% In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,526.16 100% 0.03 0.57 5,526.16 5,526.16 1,263.98 38 140.81
26464 12/11/09 0:00 Tamara Willingham East New Jersey 7514 For Solution Hydrogenated Ergot Alkaloids Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,280.65 100% 0.06 0.55 1,280.65 1,280.65 75.36 26 50.98
40870 12/11/09 0:00 Justin MacKendrick South North Carolina 28609 For Solution Lidocaine Hydrochloride 0.8% In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 146.69 100% 0 0.41 146.69 146.69 -64.05 28 4.95
41956 12/12/09 0:00 Mark Hamilton South Virginia 23970 Suppository Symbicort Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0 0.66 86.3 86.3 -68.67 16 4.89
41956 12/12/09 0:00 Mark Hamilton South Virginia 23970 Syrup Conray Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.58 364.69 364.69 -22.4 22 16.91
2595 12/13/09 0:00 Art Miller Central Illinois 62999 Ointment Griseofulvin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 208.47 100% 0.01 0.36 208.47 208.47 -125.6 29 6.48
2595 12/13/09 0:00 Art Miller Central Illinois 62999 Injectable Alli Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 11,764.25 100% 0.04 0.62 11,764.25 11,764.25 2,322.44 13 880.98
2595 12/13/09 0:00 Art Miller Central Illinois 62999 For Solution Children'S Motrin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 25.17 100% 0.09 0.42 25.17 25.17 5.88 4 5.47
12199 12/14/09 0:00 Justin Knight Central Michigan 49971 Syrup Isovue-300 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 8,289.51 100% 0.01 0.59 8,289.51 8,289.51 3,051.62 50 155.06
12199 12/14/09 0:00 Justin Knight Central Michigan 49971 Tablet Dricort Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 19 100% 0.01 0.36 19 19 -10.7295 2 6.54
13089 12/14/09 0:00 Damala Kotsonis South Maryland 21230 Injectable Antepar Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,577.11 100% 0.1 0.76 3,577.11 3,577.11 -1,620.41 34 114.98
22086 12/15/09 0:00 Jamie Frazer Central Illinois 62541 Capsule Enablex Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.57 2,039.33 2,039.33 -862.44 21 95.95
20743 12/15/09 0:00 Roger Demir West Idaho 83643 Ointment Furadantin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 231.21 100% 0 0.4 231.21 231.21 -179.96 39 5.28
50688 12/16/09 0:00 Joy Bell East Massachusetts 5544 Aerosol Catapres-Tts-2 Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.6 600.22 600.22 27.86 50 12.98
47079 12/16/09 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Spray Pletal Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.65 1,069.85 1,069.85 -1,179.39 34 31.76
32613 12/16/09 0:00 Michael Chen Central Nebraska 68717 Concentrate Adderall 5 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 7,174.94 100% 0.02 0.58 7,174.94 7,174.94 2,373.24 41 195.99
32613 12/16/09 0:00 Michael Chen Central Nebraska 68717 Syrup Cupric Chloride In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 5,228.20 100% 0 0.84 5,228.20 5,228.20 -691.52 38 135.31
51201 12/16/09 0:00 Jonathan Doherty Central Ohio 43567 Tablet Neo-Cort-Dome Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 312.05 100% 0.04 0.36 312.05 312.05 -342.378 42 7.38
32613 12/16/09 0:00 Michael Chen Central Nebraska 68717 Gel Estrace Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,359.74 100% 0.01 0.58 1,359.74 1,359.74 202.33 31 43.98
32803 12/16/09 0:00 James Lanier East Delaware 19980 Solution/Drops Cholestyramine Light Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 96.07 100% 0.06 0.37 96.07 96.07 -4.36 22 4.48
32803 12/16/09 0:00 James Lanier East Delaware 19980 Tablet Imitrex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 371.95 100% 0.08 0.35 371.95 371.95 -10.327 49 7.84
30081 12/17/09 0:00 Denise Monton Central Ohio 43001 Tablet Modicon 21 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.4 213.49 213.49 -136.4475 26 8.04
41349 12/17/09 0:00 Jennifer Patt South Florida 32099 Syrup Lialda Injection Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.57 475.52 475.52 -70.43 39 12.44
41349 12/17/09 0:00 Jennifer Patt South Florida 32099 Tablet Neo-Cort-Dome Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.36 346.2 346.2 -335.685 44 7.38
41349 12/17/09 0:00 Jennifer Patt South Florida 32099 For Solution Ibuprin Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.46 85.96 85.96 -7.48 4 20.24
39617 12/17/09 0:00 Bradley Drucker West Washington 99403 Gel Tora Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.55 169.46 169.46 34.24 28 5.84
39617 12/17/09 0:00 Bradley Drucker West Washington 99403 For Solution Levocarnitine Extended Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.65 1,283.68 1,283.68 202.47 33 39.98
50854 12/17/09 0:00 Dan Lawera South Virginia 23664 Cream Ozurdex Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 5,744.24 100% 0.09 0.38 5,744.24 5,744.24 1,118.17 12 500.98
51463 12/17/09 0:00 Liz Willingham South North Carolina 27010 Concentrate Cerumenex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 405.3395 100% 0.01 0.55 405.3395 405.3395 -147.884 7 65.99
47717 12/17/09 0:00 Andy Gerbode Central Texas 88595 Suspension/Drops Cortef Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 173.22 100% 0.04 0.36 173.22 173.22 84.03 35 4.91
51463 12/17/09 0:00 Liz Willingham South North Carolina 27010 Ointment Exjade Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 28.34 100% 0.01 0.36 28.34 28.34 -18.55 4 4.98
50854 12/17/09 0:00 Dan Lawera South Virginia 23664 Tablet Glycort Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 137.5 100% 0.07 0.37 137.5 137.5 -64.239 27 4.98
50854 12/17/09 0:00 Dan Lawera South Virginia 23664 Aerosol Mpi Stannous Diphosphonate Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 452.15 100% 0.06 0.57 452.15 452.15 25.79 42 10.98
24966 12/17/09 0:00 Deborah Brumfield West Colorado 81221 Syrup Prostep Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 4,152.12 100% 0 0.59 4,152.12 4,152.12 817.98 34 120.33
31878 12/18/09 0:00 Lisa Hazard East New York 14925 Concentrate Adcirca Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.55 5,678.55 5,678.55 1,727.78 42 155.99
31878 12/18/09 0:00 Lisa Hazard East New York 14925 Ointment Duranest Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.38 138.95 138.95 9.63 14 9.27
25061 12/18/09 0:00 Noah Childs East Delaware 19895 Ointment Embeline Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.37 941.13 941.13 344.95 20 48.04
42082 12/18/09 0:00 Kean Nguyen South Maryland 21794 Ointment Datscan Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.36 76.42 76.42 -3.95 15 4.76
25378 12/18/09 0:00 Tim Taslimi Central Texas 76901 Concentrate Adderall 10 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,713.01 100% 0.09 0.57 3,713.01 3,713.01 803.601 48 95.99
59911 12/18/09 0:00 Arianne Irving Central Texas 78702 Ointment Erythromycin Stearate Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 10.59 100% 0.1 0.4 10.59 10.59 -4.31 1 9.11
21894 12/18/09 0:00 Katrina Bavinger Central Wisconsin 53235 Ointment Dv Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 54.3 100% 0.1 0.37 54.3 54.3 1.27 6 9.68
54533 12/18/09 0:00 Marc Crier Central Texas 77474 Tablet Dopamine Hydrochloride In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 162.25 100% 0.03 0.39 162.25 162.25 -42.7225 21 7.1
50657 12/18/09 0:00 Aleksandra Gannaway West Washington 98601 Ointment Abilify Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 60.02 100% 0.1 0.35 60.02 60.02 0.94 16 3.71
50657 12/18/09 0:00 Aleksandra Gannaway West Washington 98601 Tablet Neo-Cort-Dome Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 315.45 100% 0.01 0.36 315.45 315.45 -305.877 40 7.38
41991 12/18/09 0:00 Philip Brown West Utah 84415 For Solution Clozaril Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 813.9 100% 0.06 0.68 813.9 813.9 256.66 18 45.98
41991 12/18/09 0:00 Philip Brown West Utah 84415 Capsule Novolog Mix 70/30 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,773.86 100% 0.06 0.56 1,773.86 1,773.86 133.3 36 50.98
41991 12/18/09 0:00 Philip Brown West Utah 84415 For Solution Hydroxyurea Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 543.22 100% 0 0.48 543.22 543.22 68.44 35 14.58
50657 12/18/09 0:00 Aleksandra Gannaway West Washington 98601 Spray Protopic Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 7,413.29 100% 0.01 0.7 7,413.29 7,413.29 1,148.23 49 150.98
32450 12/19/09 0:00 Barry Gonzalez Central Nebraska 69141 Spray Sandostatin Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.1 0.69 2,638.79 2,638.79 -2,616.91 37 70.89
56032 12/19/09 0:00 Harold Dahlen Central Nebraska 68717 Cream Benadryl Preservative Free Injection TableauCeutical Animal 2,893.31 100% 0.1 0.38 2,893.31 2,893.31 937.64 31 96.45
19040 12/19/09 0:00 Adam Hart East Connecticut 6001 Gel Eulexin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 211.97 100% 0.06 0.59 211.97 211.97 -46.83 10 21.38
56032 12/19/09 0:00 Harold Dahlen Central Nebraska 68717 Spray Potassium Chloride Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,923.27 100% 0.03 0.55 3,923.27 3,923.27 -85.86 25 159.31
52327 12/20/09 0:00 Patrick O'Donnell West Colorado 81124 Suppository Cetraxal Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.74 3,853.47 3,853.47 21.5 27 152.48
18562 12/20/09 0:00 Noel Staavos West California 92320 Ointment Dexacidin Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.35 160.11 160.11 -26.73 41 3.98
52327 12/20/09 0:00 Patrick O'Donnell West Colorado 81124 Ointment Cafcit Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.38 28.23 28.23 -14.69 5 4.98
38528 12/20/09 0:00 Russell Applegate Central Illinois 62541 Concentrate Blephamide S.O.P. Extended Release Competitor B Animal 0.07 0.85 2,544.99 2,544.99 -113.058 36 85.99
38528 12/20/09 0:00 Russell Applegate Central Illinois 62541 Suspension/Drops Delcobese Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.38 70.02 70.02 22.62 10 7.31
42692 12/20/09 0:00 Scott Williamson East Massachusetts 5544 Ointment Hy-Pam "25" Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 278.01 278.01 -202.31 42 6.48
42692 12/20/09 0:00 Scott Williamson East Massachusetts 5544 Ointment Evans Blue Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.4 248.86 248.86 -168.67 41 5.98
48515 12/20/09 0:00 Barry Gonzalez Central Nebraska 69141 Ointment Dilaudid Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 725.8 100% 0.01 0.39 725.8 725.8 327.45 47 15.04
12320 12/20/09 0:00 Tracy Poddar West Idaho 83465 Spray Chymex Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 539.21 100% 0.05 0.76 539.21 539.21 -837.16 35 15.23
3525 12/21/09 0:00 Bryan Spruell South Georgia 31811 Gel 8-Mop Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.45 115.43 115.43 11.41 38 2.78
51203 12/21/09 0:00 Fred Hopkins Central Texas 79080 Spray Hepatasol 8% Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.71 26,622.55 26,622.55 4,112.70 49 550.98
15009 12/21/09 0:00 Erica Hernandez South Georgia 31811 Solution/Drops Bleomycin Sulfate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.38 229.43 229.43 61.09 28 7.78
15009 12/21/09 0:00 Erica Hernandez South Georgia 31811 Gel Evans Blue Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.57 1,200.13 1,200.13 -7.8 46 28.15
22950 12/21/09 0:00 Mike Caudle West Utah 84663 Syrup Betoptic Pilo Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,756.11 100% 0.1 0.8 1,756.11 1,756.11 -888.07 29 64.65
7077 12/21/09 0:00 Georgia Rosenberg West Idaho 83201 Solution Pbz Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 304.52 100% 0.04 0.5 304.52 304.52 25.34 14 21.78
4773 12/22/09 0:00 Liz Willingham South North Carolina 27010 Solution/Drops Xylocaine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.35 311.38 311.38 34.12 26 11.58
4773 12/22/09 0:00 Liz Willingham South North Carolina 27010 Spray Emgel Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.76 6,746.31 6,746.31 311.02 48 179.29
26658 12/22/09 0:00 Tom Prescott Central Texas 77474 Tablet Promethazine Hydrochloride And Phenylephrine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.38 72.75 72.75 -57.891 17 3.98
19616 12/22/09 0:00 Katherine Nockton South Maryland 21230 Gel Tradjenta Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 116.94 100% 0.06 0.59 116.94 116.94 -10.01 42 2.78
19616 12/22/09 0:00 Katherine Nockton South Maryland 21230 Gel Exidine Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 92.31 100% 0 0.55 92.31 92.31 -28.95 3 28.15
12806 12/24/09 0:00 Sonia Sunley Central Michigan 49971 Solution/Drops Ribavirin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.4 761.23 761.23 107.93 20 35.89
6148 12/24/09 0:00 Mathew Reese South North Carolina 28909 For Solution Aureomycin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.53 389.52 389.52 116.37 18 20.28
6148 12/24/09 0:00 Mathew Reese South North Carolina 28909 For Solution Lanoxin Pediatric Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.57 510.56 510.56 -29.4 50 10.64
12289 12/24/09 0:00 Brendan Dodson East Delaware 19980 Cream Forteo Injection TableauCeutical Animal 3,019.41 100% 0.04 0.36 3,019.41 3,019.41 1,269.05 25 120.97
14852 12/24/09 0:00 Angele Hood South Alabama 35020 Tablet Naftin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,800.40 100% 0.03 0.35 3,800.40 3,800.40 1,234.57 9 420.98
10243 12/24/09 0:00 Patrick Gardner South Alabama 36304 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.2% And Potassium Chloride 20Meq (K) Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 28.41 100% 0.07 0.4 28.41 28.41 -44.0795 12 1.98
52833 12/24/09 0:00 Todd Sumrall West New Mexico 87537 Syrup Humulin N Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 317.82 100% 0.02 0.57 317.82 317.82 -33.09 8 37.76
11687 12/25/09 0:00 Dean Percer South Florida 32099 Ointment Zuplenz Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.37 188.93 188.93 58.32 26 7.28
20737 12/25/09 0:00 Aaron Hawkins South Georgia 30002 Injectable Aquasol A Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.77 1,410.93 1,410.93 -317.48 10 140.98
20737 12/25/09 0:00 Aaron Hawkins South Georgia 30002 Spray Alinia Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.1 0.78 3,364.25 3,364.25 -364.09 15 286.85
56423 12/25/09 0:00 Dennis Pardue Central Ohio 44197 Suspension/Drops Cyclaine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 170.82 100% 0 0.38 170.82 170.82 85.45 41 3.69
56423 12/25/09 0:00 Dennis Pardue Central Ohio 44197 Syrup Baci-Rx Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,609.69 100% 0.04 0.58 1,609.69 1,609.69 -281.17 4 419.19
36356 12/25/09 0:00 Christy Brittain South Georgia 30002 Suspension/Drops Decadron-La Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 117.77 100% 0.08 0.37 117.77 117.77 47.98 33 3.75
36356 12/25/09 0:00 Christy Brittain South Georgia 30002 Capsule Potassium Chloride 0.11% In Dextrose 10% And Sodium Chloride 0.2% In Plastic Container Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,768.59 100% 0.01 0.69 4,768.59 4,768.59 -593.8 45 100.98
454 12/26/09 0:00 Darrin Martin South South Carolina 29684 Lotion Bupivacaine Hydrochloride And Epinephrine Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.35 234.2 234.2 56.22 42 6.08
45506 12/26/09 0:00 Neil French South Virginia 23018 Concentrate Aldoclor-150 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 448.3665 100% 0.03 0.57 448.3665 448.3665 -748.407 3 175.99
10820 12/27/09 0:00 Cyma Kinney Central Wisconsin 53235 Lotion Children'S Advil Allergy Sinus Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.85 151.19 151.19 -13.45 33 4.71
10820 12/27/09 0:00 Cyma Kinney Central Wisconsin 53235 Gel Amipaque Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.59 2,072.12 2,072.12 365.23 49 40.97
37861 12/28/09 0:00 Patrick Ryan South North Carolina 28909 Ointment Propranolol Hydrochloride Intensol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 980.07 100% 0.09 0.4 980.07 980.07 337.25 32 30.98
46662 12/29/09 0:00 Aaron Hawkins South Georgia 30002 Concentrate Benztropine Mesylate Extended Release Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.55 3,410.16 3,410.16 1,137.91 48 85.99
46662 12/29/09 0:00 Aaron Hawkins South Georgia 30002 Gel Acuvail Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.52 162 162 45.84 33 4.84
46662 12/29/09 0:00 Aaron Hawkins South Georgia 30002 Ointment Histamine Phosphate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.37 57.22 57.22 -27.72 8 6.48
37792 12/29/09 0:00 Eleni McCrary East Connecticut 6074 Gel Triavil 4-25 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 36.74 100% 0.09 0.59 36.74 36.74 -5.36 14 2.78
37792 12/29/09 0:00 Eleni McCrary East Connecticut 6074 Suspension/Drops Cyclaine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 183.08 100% 0.01 0.38 183.08 183.08 82.49 49 3.69
39585 12/29/09 0:00 Max Engle South North Carolina 28633 For Solution Sulfatrim Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 166.17 100% 0.01 0.51 166.17 166.17 -22.74 32 5.08
24422 12/29/09 0:00 Craig Yedwab West Arizona 85354 Spray Emgel Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,467.28 100% 0.06 0.76 3,467.28 3,467.28 -200.71 20 179.29
58626 12/30/09 0:00 Henry Goldwyn Central Illinois 62560 Suppository Dialyte Lm/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.55 835.55 835.55 171.59 18 45.19
29666 12/30/09 0:00 Dave Poirier South Florida 32003 Suppository Pur-Wash Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.08 0.74 362.75 362.75 -54.47 44 8.32
29666 12/30/09 0:00 Dave Poirier South Florida 32003 Ointment Furadantin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.4 155.86 155.86 -152.59 29 5.28
58626 12/30/09 0:00 Henry Goldwyn Central Illinois 62560 Capsule Ogen 2.5 Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.56 6,641.14 6,641.14 673.77 23 300.98
58626 12/30/09 0:00 Henry Goldwyn Central Illinois 62560 Capsule Orapred Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.07 0.6 10,469.03 10,469.03 2,608.72 21 500.98
57959 12/30/09 0:00 Sally Knutson Central Texas 78602 Suppository Terramycin W/ Polymyxin B Sulfate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,269.79 100% 0.08 0.75 1,269.79 1,269.79 -65.33 48 26.31
18534 12/30/09 0:00 Tracy Poddar West Idaho 83465 Suppository Aristocort A Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 282.58 100% 0.1 0.52 282.58 282.58 21.68 36 8.33
57959 12/30/09 0:00 Sally Knutson Central Texas 78602 Lotion Chlorhexidine Gluconate Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 239.86 100% 0.04 0.54 239.86 239.86 -32.06 40 5.81
22051 12/30/09 0:00 Michael Moore Central Wisconsin 53201 Ointment Exjade Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 209.33 100% 0.01 0.36 209.33 209.33 -160.71 39 4.98
16805 12/30/09 0:00 Alice McCarthy West Idaho 83201 Ointment Heparin Sodium 1,000 Units And Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 172.33 100% 0.04 0.37 172.33 172.33 -52.21 26 6.48
16805 12/30/09 0:00 Alice McCarthy West Idaho 83201 Tablet Abstral Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 852.75 100% 0.08 0.37 852.75 852.75 358.734 29 30.44
5607 12/31/09 0:00 Michelle Lonsdale East New Jersey 7001 Concentrate Duragesic-75 Injection Competitor A Animal 0 0.6 61.8715 61.8715 -50.325 8 7.99
3271 12/31/09 0:00 Joni Blumstein East Connecticut 6817 Cream Vistaril Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.58 11,532.99 11,532.99 2,753.39 45 264.98
3271 12/31/09 0:00 Joni Blumstein East Connecticut 6817 Ointment Aeroseb-Hc Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.35 146.1 146.1 51.14 18 8.34
27015 12/31/09 0:00 Maria Bertelson East New Jersey 7001 Solution Hydrocodone Bitartrate And Acetaminophen Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.56 1,339.25 1,339.25 142.51 24 56.96
37543 12/31/09 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Gel Ismelin Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.41 241.85 241.85 -4.5 6 36.55
27137 12/31/09 0:00 Alyssa Tate South Florida 32003 Concentrate Betamethasone Acetate And Betamethasone Sodium Phosphate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.55 60.5625 60.5625 -165.539 2 35.99
51648 1/1/10 0:00 Roy Skaria Central Illinois 60406 Suppository Increlex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,354.80 100% 0.03 0.41 2,354.80 2,354.80 332.97 45 49.99
51648 1/1/10 0:00 Roy Skaria Central Illinois 60406 Ointment Dexacidin Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 187.88 100% 0.08 0.35 187.88 187.88 -38.23 50 3.98
54214 1/2/10 0:00 Resi Polking South South Carolina 29808 Suspension Geodon Delayed Release Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.46 7,325.63 7,325.63 1,899.23 38 199.99
47591 1/2/10 0:00 Dario Medina West Arizona 85060 Syrup Chenix Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.58 279.4 279.4 -92.25 27 10.48
29030 1/2/10 0:00 Roy Skaria Central Illinois 60406 Gel Acth Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 192.58 100% 0.05 0.44 192.58 192.58 24.6 10 19.84
16164 1/3/10 0:00 Eva Jacobs West Washington 98103 Cream Sinemet Cr Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.36 2,354.15 2,354.15 774.79 26 90.97
16164 1/3/10 0:00 Eva Jacobs West Washington 98103 Gel Epoprostenol Sodium Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.44 69.38 69.38 -70.73 26 2.52
16164 1/3/10 0:00 Eva Jacobs West Washington 98103 Solution/Drops Thyroglobulin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.39 3,353.54 3,353.54 1,189.96 22 162.93
10945 1/3/10 0:00 Ralph Knight East New Jersey 7981 Concentrate Ampicillin And Sulbactam Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,170.03 100% 0.04 0.57 1,170.03 1,170.03 4.221 14 95.99
43494 1/3/10 0:00 Jill Matthias South Maryland 21022 Cream Zirgan Injection TableauCeutical Animal 3,668.28 100% 0.09 0.38 3,668.28 3,668.28 -5,584.68 2 1,938.02
35811 1/3/10 0:00 Chuck Clark East New York 11769 Gel Tolectin 600 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 10.39 100% 0.1 0.56 10.39 10.39 -3.24 6 1.76
35811 1/3/10 0:00 Chuck Clark East New York 11769 Solution/Drops Winstrol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 741.57 100% 0.1 0.38 741.57 741.57 352.41 49 15.57
50471 1/3/10 0:00 Deborah Brumfield West Colorado 81221 Capsule Plasma-Lyte 56 And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,859.25 100% 0.02 0.59 5,859.25 5,859.25 1,358.53 25 226.67
31555 1/4/10 0:00 Jill Fjeld West Colorado 80001 Cream Skelid Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.38 500.5 500.5 -176.22 5 90.97
44646 1/4/10 0:00 Mark Van Huff South Virginia 24658 Syrup Cu-7 Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.8 12,723.95 12,723.95 11.54 47 279.48
31555 1/4/10 0:00 Jill Fjeld West Colorado 80001 For Solution Spectrobid Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.59 3,531.75 3,531.75 572.26 38 88.84
55011 1/4/10 0:00 Alejandro Ballentine South South Carolina 29684 Gel Zylet Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.4 55.82 55.82 14.19 18 2.94
55011 1/4/10 0:00 Alejandro Ballentine South South Carolina 29684 Gel Spectazole Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.47 452.28 452.28 -21 48 9.85
7107 1/4/10 0:00 Steve Chapman South North Carolina 27801 Ointment Balziva-21 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 113.14 100% 0.06 0.38 113.14 113.14 -21.23 3 37.94
7107 1/4/10 0:00 Steve Chapman South North Carolina 27801 Syrup Aerolate Sr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,724.82 100% 0.1 0.59 1,724.82 1,724.82 407.8 32 55.29
39619 1/4/10 0:00 Ken Black Central Texas 88595 For Solution Lomotil Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 742.8 100% 0.02 0.57 742.8 742.8 265.87 15 49.34
7107 1/4/10 0:00 Steve Chapman South North Carolina 27801 For Solution Kelnor Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 172.04 100% 0.02 0.64 172.04 172.04 143.08 3 54.2
25442 1/5/10 0:00 George Zrebassa South Georgia 39859 Ointment Edarbi Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 453.98 453.98 67.6 40 11.34
25442 1/5/10 0:00 George Zrebassa South Georgia 39859 Ointment Emla Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.37 1,666 1,666 742.96 32 55.48
16036 1/5/10 0:00 Harold Dahlen Central Nebraska 68717 Concentrate Probenecid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,319.42 100% 0.07 0.6 1,319.42 1,319.42 -268.873 10 155.99
10432 1/5/10 0:00 Sonia Sunley Central Michigan 49971 Suppository Thioridazine Hydrochloride Intensol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,323.36 100% 0.08 0.48 2,323.36 2,323.36 220.39 13 179.99
52516 1/5/10 0:00 Scot Coram West Colorado 80813 Cream Oxtriphylline Oral TableauCeutical Animal 4,962.05 100% 0.08 0.39 4,962.05 4,962.05 335.29 50 119.99
16036 1/5/10 0:00 Harold Dahlen Central Nebraska 68717 Syrup Haloperidol Lactate Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,160.27 100% 0.09 0.81 2,160.27 2,160.27 -818.32 28 80.98
16036 1/5/10 0:00 Harold Dahlen Central Nebraska 68717 Tablet Methamphetamine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 169.22 100% 0.05 0.39 169.22 169.22 -165.1055 28 5.81
16036 1/5/10 0:00 Harold Dahlen Central Nebraska 68717 Syrup Zovia 1/50E-21 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 550.93 100% 0.1 0.59 550.93 550.93 -141.6 33 17.7
13444 1/5/10 0:00 Pete Armstrong East Connecticut 6703 Ointment Dynacirc Cr Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 154.44 100% 0.06 0.39 154.44 154.44 54.62 33 4.76
4800 1/5/10 0:00 Max Engle South North Carolina 28633 Gel Tirosint Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 79.81 100% 0.07 0.55 79.81 79.81 -4.28 7 11.55
4800 1/5/10 0:00 Max Engle South North Carolina 28633 Suspension/Drops Cortef Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 89.25 100% 0.01 0.36 89.25 89.25 40.88 17 4.91
4800 1/5/10 0:00 Max Engle South North Carolina 28633 Tablet Modicon 21 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 41.94 100% 0.05 0.4 41.94 41.94 -26.174 4 8.04
52516 1/5/10 0:00 Scot Coram West Colorado 80813 Aerosol Ceenu Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 192.39 100% 0.08 0.59 192.39 192.39 -31.67 19 10.23
5601 1/5/10 0:00 Gary Hansen West Utah 84663 For Solution Chlorpropamide Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 120.53 100% 0.1 0.55 120.53 120.53 49.26 10 12.22
56645 1/6/10 0:00 Harold Engle Central Michigan 49634 Ointment Gastrocrom Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.4 1,483.49 1,483.49 65.82 46 30.98
57698 1/6/10 0:00 Patrick Jones South Alabama 36344 Solution Potassium Chloride 40Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.225% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.57 4,805.36 4,805.36 1,127.31 13 363.25
57698 1/6/10 0:00 Patrick Jones South Alabama 36344 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.22% In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.58 86 86 -66.91 10 7.77
56645 1/6/10 0:00 Harold Engle Central Michigan 49634 Spray Feridex I.V. Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.62 14,729.36 14,729.36 3,277.57 42 348.21
54115 1/7/10 0:00 Brian Moss South Alabama 35751 Solution Macrodantin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 114.17 100% 0.01 0.59 114.17 114.17 -80.05 24 4.37
54115 1/7/10 0:00 Brian Moss South Alabama 35751 Tablet Glycort Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 197.11 100% 0.03 0.37 197.11 197.11 -89.424 39 4.98
45284 1/7/10 0:00 Roger Demir West Idaho 83643 Gel Estrogenic Substance Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 91.43 100% 0 0.59 91.43 91.43 -42.98 7 11.66
59456 1/8/10 0:00 Justin Ellison East New Jersey 7981 Solution Potassium Chloride 10Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.6 182.92 182.92 -1,367.72 30 4.48
7042 1/8/10 0:00 Dean Katz South Florida 34997 Spray Flagyl I.V. Rtu In Plastic Container Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.74 1,187.86 1,187.86 -347.16 4 376.13
26818 1/8/10 0:00 Dionis Lloyd South North Carolina 27010 Solution Bromfenac Sodium Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.58 78.39 78.39 -5.16 5 11.97
26818 1/8/10 0:00 Dionis Lloyd South North Carolina 27010 Tablet Nicorette (Mint) Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.36 202.84 202.84 -19.481 23 8.85
26818 1/8/10 0:00 Dionis Lloyd South North Carolina 27010 Tablet Cimetidine Hydrochloride In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.38 251.34 251.34 -162.196 36 7.3
14726 1/8/10 0:00 Ralph Knight East New Jersey 7981 Suppository Metadate Er Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 310.87 100% 0.07 0.6 310.87 310.87 -21.48 15 20.95
5409 1/8/10 0:00 Don Jones East Massachusetts 5544 Ointment Dexacidin Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 48.91 100% 0.01 0.35 48.91 48.91 -7.04 11 3.98
42886 1/8/10 0:00 Kristen Hastings East New Jersey 7981 Suspension/Drops Decadron-La Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 162.57 100% 0.02 0.37 162.57 162.57 75.8 42 3.75
54307 1/8/10 0:00 Lauren Leatherbury East New Jersey 8989 Tablet Caffeine Citrate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 198.29 100% 0.08 0.36 198.29 198.29 -134.412 41 4.91
54307 1/8/10 0:00 Lauren Leatherbury East New Jersey 8989 For Solution Cyclacillin Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 243.52 100% 0.01 0.58 243.52 243.52 -59.64 15 14.89
54307 1/8/10 0:00 Lauren Leatherbury East New Jersey 8989 Spray Normosol-R And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,849.80 100% 0.04 0.66 3,849.80 3,849.80 192.2 14 280.98
48704 1/9/10 0:00 Kelly Andreada South Florida 32003 Concentrate Aminosyn-Rf 5.2% Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.57 1,247.86 1,247.86 -55.803 11 125.99
14820 1/9/10 0:00 Michael Dominguez West Colorado 81221 Concentrate Duragesic-75 Injection Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.6 278.902 278.902 -104.467 39 7.99
51424 1/9/10 0:00 Tony Sayre East New York 501 Lotion Camila Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.39 113.98 113.98 21.29 48 2.62
51424 1/9/10 0:00 Tony Sayre East New York 501 Syrup Alphacaine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.81 88.94 88.94 -47.54 5 16.74
10053 1/10/10 0:00 Craig Molinari Central Texas 88595 Suppository Symbicort Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0 0.66 162.58 162.58 -109.86 31 4.89
10053 1/10/10 0:00 Craig Molinari Central Texas 88595 Spray Protopic Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.75 6,815.23 6,815.23 -196.07 44 150.98
34662 1/10/10 0:00 Darrin Sayre East Connecticut 6817 Syrup Apidra Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 12,741.81 100% 0.09 0.65 12,741.81 12,741.81 95.06 35 370.98
44033 1/10/10 0:00 Dean Braden Central Texas 77037 Spray E-Base Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,811.97 100% 0.03 0.63 5,811.97 5,811.97 -303.6 45 124.49
18275 1/10/10 0:00 Helen Andreada West Colorado 81653 For Solution Lodosyn Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 322.73 100% 0.07 0.37 322.73 322.73 101.83 25 13.4
54786 1/11/10 0:00 Maribeth Yedwab South Virginia 20101 Syrup Combunox Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.59 380.28 380.28 -20.58 30 13.48
59969 1/11/10 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Syrup Orudis Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.6 275.01 275.01 -87.11 16 15.7
59969 1/11/10 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Solution/Drops Actiq Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.37 437.73 437.73 205.7 42 9.9
51970 1/11/10 0:00 Allen Rosenblatt East Massachusetts 2180 Cream Paracort Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.4 171.71 171.71 -394.79 1 115.99
22663 1/11/10 0:00 Maria Bertelson East New Jersey 7001 Cream Ozurdex Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 7,190.06 100% 0.08 0.38 7,190.06 7,190.06 1,908.45 15 500.98
44036 1/11/10 0:00 Alan Haines Central Ohio 45999 Gel Tora Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 250.13 100% 0.01 0.55 250.13 250.13 61.97 40 5.84
47879 1/11/10 0:00 Tamara Willingham East New Jersey 7514 Ointment Erythromycin Stearate Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 172.54 100% 0.08 0.4 172.54 172.54 44.23 19 9.11
22663 1/11/10 0:00 Maria Bertelson East New Jersey 7001 Capsule Pepcid Complete Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 9,843.11 100% 0.07 0.78 9,843.11 9,843.11 -384.6 35 280.98
51269 1/12/10 0:00 Mitch Gastineau East New York 10501 Tablet Gyne-Lotrimin 3 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.39 21.07 21.07 -10.4305 2 8.69
51269 1/12/10 0:00 Mitch Gastineau East New York 10501 For Solution Atropen Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.51 430.41 430.41 -1.55 20 22.98
21382 1/12/10 0:00 Andy Reiter South Maryland 20601 Suppository Soma Compound Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 312.03 100% 0.08 0.51 312.03 312.03 -66.66 11 29.99
7783 1/12/10 0:00 Evan Bailliet Central Illinois 62924 Tablet Nicorette (Mint) Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 31.35 100% 0.03 0.36 31.35 31.35 -14.6165 3 8.85
28485 1/12/10 0:00 Giulietta Dortch South Georgia 39901 Gel Trazodone Hydrochloride Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 49.18 100% 0.07 0.56 49.18 49.18 0.58 12 4.28
21382 1/12/10 0:00 Andy Reiter South Maryland 20601 Ointment Exjade Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 145.93 100% 0 0.36 145.93 145.93 -113.32 27 4.98
292 1/12/10 0:00 Valerie Takahito West Utah 84001 Solution/Drops Actiq Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 412.62 100% 0.08 0.37 412.62 412.62 175.54 43 9.9
21382 1/12/10 0:00 Andy Reiter South Maryland 20601 Capsule Ogen 2.5 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 6,435.87 100% 0.04 0.56 6,435.87 6,435.87 935.06 21 300.98
5382 1/12/10 0:00 Michelle Tran West Idaho 83465 For Solution Tussigon Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 260.12 100% 0.05 0.43 260.12 260.12 36.54 30 8.98
6501 1/13/10 0:00 Arianne Irving Central Texas 78702 Concentrate Cytosar-U Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,617.34 100% 0.09 0.58 4,617.34 4,617.34 978.354 46 125.99
52068 1/13/10 0:00 Peter Fuller South Georgia 39901 Cream Vyvanse Oral TableauCeutical Animal 24,559.91 100% 0.01 0.59 24,559.91 24,559.91 7,358.66 47 517.48
6501 1/13/10 0:00 Arianne Irving Central Texas 78702 Ointment Hydra-Zide Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 236.99 100% 0.06 0.37 236.99 236.99 -95.79 35 6.48
22914 1/13/10 0:00 Adam Hart East Connecticut 6001 Solution Osmitrol 15% In Water Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 336.65 100% 0.07 0.5 336.65 336.65 -71.05 30 11.7
52068 1/13/10 0:00 Peter Fuller South Georgia 39901 Tablet Diovan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 163.27 100% 0.04 0.37 163.27 163.27 -0.621 31 5.28
52068 1/13/10 0:00 Peter Fuller South Georgia 39901 Capsule Optimine Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 441.53 100% 0.07 0.6 441.53 441.53 -119.55 17 25.98
52068 1/13/10 0:00 Peter Fuller South Georgia 39901 Injectable Veriloid Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,217.50 100% 0.07 0.61 1,217.50 1,217.50 -412.36 21 58.14
36357 1/14/10 0:00 Clay Cheatham Central Wisconsin 53006 Suspension Glucophage Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.38 17,605.77 17,605.77 -370.04 38 449.99
13027 1/15/10 0:00 Fred McMath East Connecticut 6703 Ointment Chlorofair Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.39 290.68 290.68 -93.5 42 6.78
16807 1/15/10 0:00 Quincy Jones South Alabama 36276 Ointment Revlimid Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.4 215.85 215.85 60.95 30 7.4
16807 1/15/10 0:00 Quincy Jones South Alabama 36276 Ointment Butalan Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.38 1,585.60 1,585.60 632.13 48 35.44
9632 1/16/10 0:00 Andrew Roberts Central Wisconsin 53235 Tablet Nogenic Hc Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.35 3,633.03 3,633.03 1,440.27 33 120.98
23268 1/16/10 0:00 Pierre Wener West California 96061 Ointment Clinimix E 5/20 Sulfite-Free W/ Elect In 20% Dextrose W/ Calcium In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.39 50.85 50.85 -6.81 14 3.6
23268 1/16/10 0:00 Pierre Wener West California 96061 Ointment Flaxedil Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.37 255.31 255.31 41.41 5 48.04
29573 1/16/10 0:00 Michael Dominguez West Colorado 81221 Ointment Flovent Hfa Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.37 792.21 792.21 42.24 43 18.97
3685 1/16/10 0:00 Mike Vittorini West Arizona 85234 Gel Triprolidine And Pseudoephedrine Hydrochlorides Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.56 106.78 106.78 -98.05 29 3.28
29090 1/16/10 0:00 Muhammed Lee Central Texas 78602 Suspension/Drops Copegus Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 99.1 100% 0.02 0.39 99.1 99.1 28.42 24 4.13
29090 1/16/10 0:00 Muhammed Lee Central Texas 78602 Syrup Chenix Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 380.34 100% 0.02 0.58 380.34 380.34 -108.2 36 10.48
15491 1/18/10 0:00 Michael Oakman Central Ohio 45999 Concentrate Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.11% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.59 901.374 901.374 -648.648 5 205.99
42753 1/18/10 0:00 Anthony Rawles Central Illinois 62999 Concentrate Dextrose 5% And Electrolyte No 75 In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.59 4,072.82 4,072.82 897.363 45 115.99
51044 1/18/10 0:00 Linda Southworth Central Wisconsin 53001 Gel Dextrose 10% And Sodium Chloride 0.33% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 117.27 100% 0.01 0.49 117.27 117.27 35.45 19 5.84
52837 1/18/10 0:00 Julie Kriz Central Illinois 62444 Syrup Migergot Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 5,934.39 100% 0.08 0.71 5,934.39 5,934.39 519.55 32 193.17
51044 1/18/10 0:00 Linda Southworth Central Wisconsin 53001 Solution/Drops Actiq Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 155.89 100% 0.1 0.37 155.89 155.89 50.19 17 9.9
51044 1/18/10 0:00 Linda Southworth Central Wisconsin 53001 Capsule Novolog Mix 70/30 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,333.18 100% 0.07 0.56 1,333.18 1,333.18 120.01 26 50.98
50433 1/19/10 0:00 Jennifer Halladay East Connecticut 6439 Cream Vivitrol Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.56 6,628.55 6,628.55 1,081.65 50 145.45
33285 1/19/10 0:00 Michael Oakman Central Ohio 45999 Syrup Adriamycin Rdf Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.57 66.92 66.92 -23.29 5 12.28
33956 1/19/10 0:00 Aaron Smayling Central Ohio 43001 For Solution Suprenza Extended Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.42 109.58 109.58 31.32 13 7.59
8034 1/19/10 0:00 Dennis Pardue Central Ohio 44197 Solution Cardizem Sr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 354.45 100% 0.01 0.58 354.45 354.45 11.38 31 10.98
8034 1/19/10 0:00 Dennis Pardue Central Ohio 44197 Gel Duraprep Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 238.43 100% 0.02 0.56 238.43 238.43 -36.11 13 16.99
11969 1/19/10 0:00 Ivan Liston South Maryland 21230 Syrup Harmonyl Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,684.96 100% 0.08 0.82 1,684.96 1,684.96 -553.06 16 110.98
6886 1/19/10 0:00 Maureen Gastineau West California 93456 Syrup Pradaxa Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 8,177.07 100% 0.08 0.55 8,177.07 8,177.07 2,385.30 46 178.47
8034 1/19/10 0:00 Dennis Pardue Central Ohio 44197 Spray Phentermine Resin Complex Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,606.40 100% 0.08 0.67 1,606.40 1,606.40 -1,231.35 36 44.43
11969 1/19/10 0:00 Ivan Liston South Maryland 21230 Spray Aminosyn Ii 5% Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 11,460.76 100% 0.1 0.49 11,460.76 11,460.76 4,264.82 42 349.45
11969 1/19/10 0:00 Ivan Liston South Maryland 21230 Spray Fludarabine Phosphate Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,662.05 100% 0.03 0.73 1,662.05 1,662.05 -523.62 9 212.6
6016 1/20/10 0:00 Skye Norling East New Jersey 7010 Ointment Zantac 25 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.36 208.28 208.28 3.63 19 11.48
29223 1/20/10 0:00 Greg Tran Central Nebraska 68001 Capsule Orapred Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.6 24,701.12 24,701.12 8,022.94 48 500.98
19617 1/20/10 0:00 Jack Lebron Central Michigan 49877 Cream Cyclophosphamide Injection TableauCeutical Animal 952.47 100% 0.03 0.38 952.47 952.47 270.69 38 23.99
19617 1/20/10 0:00 Jack Lebron Central Michigan 49877 Concentrate Dextrose 2.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 171.9635 100% 0.07 0.58 171.9635 171.9635 -296.373 3 65.99
38690 1/20/10 0:00 Shahid Shariari West Arizona 85301 Cream Cyclophosphamide Injection TableauCeutical Animal 697.5 100% 0.02 0.38 697.5 697.5 169.89 28 23.99
40706 1/21/10 0:00 Nora Pelletier South North Carolina 27010 Suspension/Drops Cotrim Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.39 111.04 111.04 45.1 40 2.61
11428 1/21/10 0:00 Bill Donatelli East New York 14925 Solution/Drops Depakote Er Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.4 1,554.53 1,554.53 474.66 16 90.48
55618 1/21/10 0:00 Brian Moss South Alabama 35751 Concentrate Avandamet Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,494.23 100% 0.04 0.57 1,494.23 1,494.23 479.952 48 35.99
28582 1/22/10 0:00 Alex Avila South Alabama 35004 Suppository Dextrose 5% In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.51 1,500.17 1,500.17 423.87 40 39.24
28582 1/22/10 0:00 Alex Avila South Alabama 35004 Ointment Darvon Compound Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.4 377.31 377.31 87.96 45 8.01
9761 1/22/10 0:00 Todd Boyes West Colorado 80746 Cream Sinemet Cr Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.36 202.64 202.64 -254.74 2 90.97
44549 1/22/10 0:00 Bill Shonely East Connecticut 6037 Tablet Alphatrex Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.38 11.25 11.25 -4.9565 5 2.08
9761 1/22/10 0:00 Todd Boyes West Colorado 80746 Ointment Desonide Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.36 133.69 133.69 -92.23 23 5.98
6373 1/23/10 0:00 Denise Leinenbach South Maryland 21022 Solution Deferoxamine Mesylate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.56 62.77 62.77 -36.84 1 60.97
2688 1/23/10 0:00 Thais Sissman Central Wisconsin 53235 Concentrate Cipro Xr Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.55 1,559.44 1,559.44 61.236 11 155.99
2688 1/23/10 0:00 Thais Sissman Central Wisconsin 53235 Suppository Thallous Chloride Tl 201 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.78 145.42 145.42 -98.46 7 20.97
2688 1/23/10 0:00 Thais Sissman Central Wisconsin 53235 Concentrate Bromatapp Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.39 2,080.04 2,080.04 844.902 31 85.99
41441 1/23/10 0:00 Tom Stivers South Virginia 23970 Tablet Caffeine Citrate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 221.08 100% 0 0.36 221.08 221.08 -108.2035 41 4.91
26053 1/24/10 0:00 Cynthia Delaney Central Illinois 60001 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride-Hydrochlorothiazide-Reserpine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 878.75 100% 0.07 0.37 878.75 878.75 70.46 48 18.97
46243 1/24/10 0:00 Maria Bertelson East New Jersey 7001 Gel Travasol 4.25% Sulfite Free W/ Electrolytes In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3.63 100% 0.03 0.56 3.63 3.63 -1.56 1 2.88
46243 1/24/10 0:00 Maria Bertelson East New Jersey 7001 Gel Acylanid Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 172.99 100% 0.05 0.38 172.99 172.99 61.51 31 5.84
46243 1/24/10 0:00 Maria Bertelson East New Jersey 7001 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride-Hydrochlorothiazide-Reserpine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 614.35 100% 0.02 0.37 614.35 614.35 78.89 31 18.97
44647 1/24/10 0:00 Ross DeVincentis West Idaho 83213 Syrup Adriamycin Rdf Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 302.91 100% 0.05 0.57 302.91 302.91 -36.76 24 12.28
44647 1/24/10 0:00 Ross DeVincentis West Idaho 83213 Capsule Orapred Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 23,239.96 100% 0.06 0.6 23,239.96 23,239.96 6,888.36 47 500.98
54177 1/25/10 0:00 Maria Bertelson East New Jersey 7001 Ointment Humatin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.37 159 159 -98.15 25 6.48
54177 1/25/10 0:00 Maria Bertelson East New Jersey 7001 Tablet Diutensen-R Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.36 480.73 480.73 148.1975 12 42.8
26759 1/25/10 0:00 Bobby Odegard East New York 10501 Tablet Imitrex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 251.11 100% 0.03 0.35 251.11 251.11 10.0385 30 7.84
32966 1/26/10 0:00 Steven Cartwright Central Nebraska 68770 Cream Low-Ogestrel-28 Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.56 1,035.20 1,035.20 -767.89 4 270.97
32966 1/26/10 0:00 Steven Cartwright Central Nebraska 68770 Gel Android 10 Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.42 74.17 74.17 -13.4 43 1.6
28129 1/26/10 0:00 Nora Paige Central Texas 88595 Ointment Ethril 500 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.38 107.41 107.41 0.19 5 19.98
48003 1/26/10 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Suppository Pyrilamine Maleate Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 183.33 100% 0.05 0.75 183.33 183.33 -106.54 30 5.98
48003 1/26/10 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Ointment Hectorol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 88.06 100% 0.04 0.36 88.06 88.06 -69.05 12 6.48
41760 1/27/10 0:00 Erica Smith Central Wisconsin 54990 Concentrate Ampicillin And Sulbactam Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.57 3,232.13 3,232.13 696.951 40 95.99
41760 1/27/10 0:00 Erica Smith Central Wisconsin 54990 Concentrate Anectine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.08 0.57 685.7205 685.7205 -278.872 7 115.99
41760 1/27/10 0:00 Erica Smith Central Wisconsin 54990 Tablet Nesacaine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.38 6,688.66 6,688.66 2,648.08 21 315.98
41760 1/27/10 0:00 Erica Smith Central Wisconsin 54990 For Solution Lincomycin Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.57 247.45 247.45 -133.18 22 9.98
31170 1/27/10 0:00 Suzanne McNair South Virginia 24658 Suppository Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 320.57 100% 0.09 0.55 320.57 320.57 27.95 32 10.13
4804 1/27/10 0:00 Kean Thornton West Colorado 81655 Suppository Rela Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 463.83 100% 0 0.45 463.83 463.83 103.26 13 33.98
45984 1/27/10 0:00 Janet Martin South Maryland 21794 Gel Tri-Norinyl 21-Day Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 80.33 100% 0.01 0.58 80.33 80.33 2.49 27 2.94
36418 1/27/10 0:00 Robert Marley South Maryland 21022 Tablet Dextrose 2.5% And Sodium Chloride 0.11% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 207.92 100% 0.08 0.36 207.92 207.92 -124.844 33 6.23
8070 1/28/10 0:00 Rick Hansen South Georgia 39859 Gel Amipaque Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.59 622.72 622.72 76.51 14 40.97
46852 1/28/10 0:00 Sean Braxton Central Illinois 62999 Suppository Methotrexate Sodium Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.76 1,591.89 1,591.89 -117.31 46 34.98
46852 1/28/10 0:00 Sean Braxton Central Illinois 62999 Suppository Symbicort Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.66 220.07 220.07 -158.42 44 4.89
36484 1/28/10 0:00 Cari MacIntyre South Virginia 23970 Concentrate Cerumenex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,380.57 100% 0.01 0.55 2,380.57 2,380.57 740.475 41 65.99
3168 1/29/10 0:00 Jasper Cacioppo South North Carolina 27801 For Solution Sulfalar Extended Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.54 80.6 80.6 -4.2 14 5.28
53795 1/30/10 0:00 Sandra Flanagan West Utah 84791 Concentrate Anusol Hc Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.6 3,356.74 3,356.74 370.332 21 195.99
53795 1/30/10 0:00 Sandra Flanagan West Utah 84791 Ointment Epivir-Hbv Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.37 264.6 264.6 -93.06 40 6.48
44167 1/30/10 0:00 Jim Epp West Idaho 83465 Syrup Serentil Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.56 3,194.05 3,194.05 608.52 23 142.86
9253 1/30/10 0:00 Daniel Lacy West Idaho 83810 For Solution Precose Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.44 1,644.22 1,644.22 563.09 36 46.94
20003 1/30/10 0:00 Shirley Schmidt West New Mexico 88439 Suppository Dimetapp Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 796.08 100% 0.05 0.68 796.08 796.08 30.29 39 19.98
20003 1/30/10 0:00 Shirley Schmidt West New Mexico 88439 Concentrate Benazepril Hydrochloride Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 141.9755 100% 0.09 0.35 141.9755 141.9755 -88.935 5 35.99
9925 1/30/10 0:00 Chad Sievert East New Jersey 8823 Tablet Diovan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 86.47 100% 0.07 0.37 86.47 86.47 -9.3495 17 5.28
9925 1/30/10 0:00 Chad Sievert East New Jersey 8823 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.45% And Potassium Chloride 20Meq (K) In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,751.68 100% 0.1 0.35 1,751.68 1,751.68 771.8255 43 41.94
9925 1/30/10 0:00 Chad Sievert East New Jersey 8823 Gel Eulexin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 684.5 100% 0.02 0.59 684.5 684.5 -27.99 31 21.38
20256 1/31/10 0:00 Roland Black East Massachusetts 1059 Syrup Retin-A Micro Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.83 512.83 512.83 -221.56 24 20.89
41312 1/31/10 0:00 Jonathan Howell West Utah 84014 Suppository Arava Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 787.63 100% 0.05 0.54 787.63 787.63 140.22 21 39.48
57280 1/31/10 0:00 Dennis Pardue Central Ohio 44197 Ointment Heparin Sodium 25,000 Units In Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 299.85 100% 0.03 0.37 299.85 299.85 -260.8 44 6.48
54020 1/31/10 0:00 Jennifer Ferguson South North Carolina 28633 Ointment Emete-Con Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 648.58 100% 0.05 0.37 648.58 648.58 182.63 35 18.97
54020 1/31/10 0:00 Jennifer Ferguson South North Carolina 28633 Ointment Herplex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 270.56 100% 0.09 0.37 270.56 270.56 -140.48 43 6.48
34470 2/1/10 0:00 Vivek Sundaresam South Virginia 24658 Injectable Fml Forte Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.78 2,966.13 2,966.13 -1,456.31 31 100.98
58113 2/1/10 0:00 Anemone Ratner West Utah 84121 Concentrate Alcaine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.59 2,077.19 2,077.19 -38.071 12 200.99
6757 2/1/10 0:00 Brooke Gillingham South South Carolina 29684 Syrup Tiazac Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.57 869.78 869.78 43.36 27 34.76
58113 2/1/10 0:00 Anemone Ratner West Utah 84121 Tablet Norditropin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.35 362.71 362.71 -88.9525 48 7.68
6757 2/1/10 0:00 Brooke Gillingham South South Carolina 29684 Spray Alinia Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.1 0.78 2,503.01 2,503.01 -298.62 11 286.85
50148 2/1/10 0:00 Roy Phan East New York 10501 Cream Zirgan Injection TableauCeutical Animal 17,965.45 100% 0 0.38 17,965.45 17,965.45 3,459.43 9 1,938.02
41345 2/2/10 0:00 Magdelene Morse West Utah 84121 Lotion Captopril And Hydrochlorothiazide Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.5 66.41 66.41 0.37 36 1.88
8832 2/2/10 0:00 Giulietta Dortch South Georgia 39901 For Solution Maprotiline Hydrochloride Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.1 0.47 647.81 647.81 8.65 39 17.67
32513 2/2/10 0:00 Andrew Allen Central Illinois 60001 Gel Android 10 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 66.55 100% 0.01 0.42 66.55 66.55 -15.13 40 1.6
32513 2/2/10 0:00 Andrew Allen Central Illinois 60001 Tablet Namenda Xr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,982.21 100% 0.03 0.4 3,982.21 3,982.21 1,413.94 23 165.98
39813 2/2/10 0:00 Tonja Turnell East New York 10055 Ointment Histamine Phosphate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 314.34 100% 0.03 0.37 314.34 314.34 -130.5 48 6.48
22916 2/2/10 0:00 Pete Takahito West Idaho 83877 Ointment Heparin Sodium 25,000 Units In Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 122.02 100% 0.04 0.37 122.02 122.02 -115 18 6.48
40100 2/4/10 0:00 Sandra Flanagan West Utah 84791 Ointment Ifosfamide Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.38 1,001.17 1,001.17 333.18 47 19.98
7072 2/4/10 0:00 Maureen Fritzler West Washington 98625 Tablet Nicorette (Mint) Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 258.61 100% 0.07 0.36 258.61 258.61 -15.962 29 8.85
50567 2/5/10 0:00 Vivek Sundaresam South Virginia 24658 Capsule Trovan Preservative Free Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.1 0.73 1,505.67 1,505.67 -436.23 22 70.98
34083 2/5/10 0:00 Barry Blumstein Central Illinois 62924 Concentrate Briellyn Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.8 1,415.15 1,415.15 -64.944 29 55.99
16548 2/5/10 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Gel Trilyte Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 75.19 100% 0.06 0.56 75.19 75.19 -59.12 22 3.28
40098 2/5/10 0:00 Dianna Vittorini West Arizona 86442 Ointment Dv Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 490.87 100% 0 0.37 490.87 490.87 190.93 50 9.68
40098 2/5/10 0:00 Dianna Vittorini West Arizona 86442 Tablet Procapan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 557.35 100% 0 0.4 557.35 557.35 -9.1885 46 11.5
16548 2/5/10 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Spray Sensipar Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,028.86 100% 0.04 0.68 3,028.86 3,028.86 -1,815.14 40 71.37
16866 2/6/10 0:00 Penelope Sewall Central Ohio 45999 Concentrate Cefzil Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.59 2,357.91 2,357.91 538.488 43 65.99
2755 2/6/10 0:00 Jane Waco East Connecticut 6817 Ointment Estrace Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 346.06 100% 0 0.36 346.06 346.06 -76.54 50 6.48
2755 2/6/10 0:00 Jane Waco East Connecticut 6817 Tablet Seasonique Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 736.3 100% 0.03 0.39 736.3 736.3 259.0715 30 24.95
58978 2/6/10 0:00 Kristina Nunn West Arizona 86409 Ointment Femstat 3 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 75.89 100% 0.09 0.36 75.89 75.89 -31.01 13 5.98
24448 2/6/10 0:00 Roy Skaria Central Illinois 60406 Spray Hexalen Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 11,036.16 100% 0.05 0.61 11,036.16 11,036.16 1,187.80 46 236.97
50822 2/7/10 0:00 Carol Darley Central Illinois 62444 Suppository Renese Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.77 316.35 316.35 -52.18 37 8.12
34117 2/7/10 0:00 Tony Sayre East New York 501 Tablet Ditate-Ds Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.35 299.94 299.94 38.743 45 6.75
50822 2/7/10 0:00 Carol Darley Central Illinois 62444 Capsule Amiloride Hydrochloride Delayed Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.1 0.56 1,635.29 1,635.29 7.92 6 276.2
28390 2/7/10 0:00 Chad McGuire Central Nebraska 69367 For Solution Aureomycin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.1 0.53 809.77 809.77 83.48 44 20.28
11683 2/7/10 0:00 Fred Chung South North Carolina 28909 Concentrate Primacor Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,650.41 100% 0.03 0.58 1,650.41 1,650.41 335.079 28 65.99
8224 2/7/10 0:00 John Grady East New York 14709 Gel Actos Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 89.77 100% 0.03 0.38 89.77 89.77 9.92 41 2.21
27909 2/7/10 0:00 Monica Federle East New Jersey 8989 Lotion Diazoxide Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 58.53 100% 0.07 0.81 58.53 58.53 -24.86 47 1.26
27909 2/7/10 0:00 Monica Federle East New Jersey 8989 Ointment Fluocinolone Acetonide Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 62.26 100% 0.09 0.36 62.26 62.26 -23.24 1 54.96
23140 2/8/10 0:00 MaryBeth Skach West New Mexico 87199 Gel Ancef In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.47 116.69 116.69 11.69 16 7.08
23140 2/8/10 0:00 MaryBeth Skach West New Mexico 87199 For Solution Norlestrin 21 1/50 Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.35 1,713.80 1,713.80 1,125.29 18 99.23
27109 2/8/10 0:00 Barry French Central Michigan 49634 Suppository Tenuate Dospan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 538.22 100% 0.01 0.64 538.22 538.22 -154.66 48 10.97
43906 2/8/10 0:00 Valerie Dominguez Central Ohio 45999 Suppository Rubramin Pc Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,601.07 100% 0.04 0.65 3,601.07 3,601.07 174.8 50 73.98
37763 2/8/10 0:00 Alan Haines Central Ohio 45999 Concentrate Anoquan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,247.93 100% 0.1 0.55 1,247.93 1,247.93 186.417 24 65.99
28198 2/8/10 0:00 Georgia Rosenberg West Idaho 83201 Concentrate Aldoclor-150 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 7,703.97 100% 0 0.57 7,703.97 7,703.97 2,446.50 50 175.99
37763 2/8/10 0:00 Alan Haines Central Ohio 45999 Tablet Children'S Motrin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 169.61 100% 0.1 0.38 169.61 169.61 -211.0595 29 5.94
27557 2/8/10 0:00 Robert Marley South Maryland 21022 Suspension/Drops Depodur Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 56.13 100% 0.02 0.36 56.13 56.13 -58.47 18 2.88
51111 2/9/10 0:00 Eric Murdock South Maryland 21794 Concentrate Allopurinol Sodium Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.55 61.098 61.098 -257.719 1 65.99
4162 2/9/10 0:00 Alyssa Tate South Florida 32003 Syrup Migergot Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.71 381.6 381.6 -319.02 2 193.17
11239 2/9/10 0:00 Jay Kimmel West California 92320 Spray Emgel Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.03 0.74 6,170.02 6,170.02 469.25 33 179.29
29507 2/9/10 0:00 Sally Hughsby South Maryland 21230 Concentrate Betamethasone Acetate And Betamethasone Sodium Phosphate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,274.95 100% 0.05 0.55 1,274.95 1,274.95 416.988 41 35.99
29507 2/9/10 0:00 Sally Hughsby South Maryland 21230 Spray Normosol-R And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,049.63 100% 0.04 0.66 3,049.63 3,049.63 435.42 14 280.98
33414 2/10/10 0:00 Phillina Ober East New York 14925 Gel Tobradex St Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.57 37.22 37.22 -2.76 9 4.13
50784 2/10/10 0:00 Chuck Magee South Alabama 36031 Suppository Xalkori Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 638.72 100% 0.04 0.75 638.72 638.72 -130.88 20 32.98
10917 2/10/10 0:00 Alice McCarthy West Idaho 83201 Concentrate Aktob Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,281.36 100% 0.09 0.57 1,281.36 1,281.36 -90.123 14 115.99
30599 2/10/10 0:00 Michael Kennedy Central Texas 77037 Ointment Dynacirc Cr Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 105.93 100% 0.05 0.39 105.93 105.93 33.47 23 4.76
35492 2/10/10 0:00 Janet Martin South Maryland 21794 For Solution Tussicaps Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 455.93 100% 0.02 0.48 455.93 455.93 83.51 36 12.64
54981 2/11/10 0:00 Bart Pistole Central Nebraska 69358 Tablet Norethindrone And Ethinyl Estradiol And Ferrous Fumarate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 1,024.31 1,024.31 174.7175 31 31.74
18500 2/11/10 0:00 Toby Swindell South Florida 32046 Suppository Xalkori Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.75 1,052.68 1,052.68 -19.27 30 32.98
18500 2/11/10 0:00 Toby Swindell South Florida 32046 Syrup Haloperidol Lactate Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.81 2,536.31 2,536.31 -643.46 30 80.98
18500 2/11/10 0:00 Toby Swindell South Florida 32046 Injectable Veriloid Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.61 2,507.79 2,507.79 -779.81 44 58.14
13157 2/11/10 0:00 Deanra Eno South Florida 32003 Concentrate Ak-Fluor 25% Injection TableauCeutical Animal 38.93 100% 0.07 0.58 38.93 38.93 -102.432 2 20.99
8007 2/11/10 0:00 Maya Herman South North Carolina 28717 Concentrate Cephalothin Sodium W/ Dextrose In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 820.5645 100% 0.09 0.6 820.5645 820.5645 -800.25 5 205.99
8007 2/11/10 0:00 Maya Herman South North Carolina 28717 Cream Clindagel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,332.06 100% 0.09 0.52 3,332.06 3,332.06 412.63 35 99.99
56514 2/11/10 0:00 Shirley Daniels Central Nebraska 68001 Ointment Fulconazole In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 186.89 100% 0.02 0.38 186.89 186.89 -153.2 35 4.98
56514 2/11/10 0:00 Shirley Daniels Central Nebraska 68001 Tablet Nebcin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 110 100% 0.02 0.37 110 110 -24.426 3 30.98
17093 2/11/10 0:00 Janet Martin South Maryland 21794 Capsule Novamine 8.5% Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,550.06 100% 0.1 0.58 4,550.06 4,550.06 -1,335.32 50 95.98
10593 2/12/10 0:00 Sally Matthias East Massachusetts 2139 Suppository Q-Pam Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.64 435.27 435.27 -147.51 27 15.98
14272 2/12/10 0:00 Vivian Mathis West Idaho 83877 Solution Domeboro Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.59 2,409.96 2,409.96 575.1 32 80.98
10593 2/12/10 0:00 Sally Matthias East Massachusetts 2139 For Solution Prefrin-A Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.44 723.82 723.82 -40.98 26 27.42
38661 2/12/10 0:00 Duane Noonan West Washington 98625 Concentrate Benazepril Hydrochloride Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 170.374 100% 0.09 0.35 170.374 170.374 -67.133 6 35.99
38661 2/12/10 0:00 Duane Noonan West Washington 98625 Ointment Histamine Phosphate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 326.1 100% 0.04 0.37 326.1 326.1 -118.74 48 6.48
4199 2/12/10 0:00 Bruce Money West Idaho 83810 For Solution Humegon Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 639.71 100% 0.01 0.46 639.71 639.71 102.53 43 14.2
33184 2/13/10 0:00 Dennis Pardue Central Ohio 44197 Tablet Metatensin #4 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.4 402.49 402.49 41.7945 32 11.7
33184 2/13/10 0:00 Dennis Pardue Central Ohio 44197 Tablet Proferdex Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.36 1,754.29 1,754.29 -961.5035 1 1,889.99
34211 2/13/10 0:00 Alan Hwang South Virginia 20101 Gel Yutopar Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.43 136.49 136.49 36.23 15 9.93
40772 2/13/10 0:00 Pauline Webber South South Carolina 29001 Lotion Carmol Hc Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 128.27 100% 0 0.4 128.27 128.27 22.85 15 7.89
43203 2/14/10 0:00 Susan Vittorini East New Jersey 7837 Ointment Gentafair Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.37 225.16 225.16 -33.69 32 6.68
1154 2/14/10 0:00 Thea Hendricks South North Carolina 28909 Solution Delflex W/ Dextrose 2.5% Low Magnesium In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.59 516.65 516.65 57.1 7 70.97
1154 2/14/10 0:00 Thea Hendricks South North Carolina 28909 Suspension/Drops Cortef Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 115.1 115.1 53.13 23 4.91
1154 2/14/10 0:00 Sylvia Foulston East New Jersey 7001 Spray Sensipar Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.25 0.68 663.784 663.784 -534.49 11 71.37
1154 2/14/10 0:00 Sylvia Foulston East New Jersey 7001 Injectable Phenelzine Sulfate Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.6 4,462.23 4,462.23 440.72 44 100.98
54053 2/14/10 0:00 Alex Grayson West Colorado 80230 Concentrate Aminosyn Ii 4.25% In Dextrose 10% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 5,634.35 100% 0.03 0.59 5,634.35 5,634.35 1,185.41 34 200.99
54053 2/14/10 0:00 Alex Grayson West Colorado 80230 Concentrate Briellyn Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 821.7885 100% 0.06 0.8 821.7885 821.7885 -230.34 18 55.99
1537 2/14/10 0:00 Grant Thornton East Connecticut 6439 Tablet Xylocaine W/ Epinephrine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 16.6 100% 0.07 0.37 16.6 16.6 -20.2975 5 2.16
29473 2/15/10 0:00 Katrina Willman Central Nebraska 68155 Concentrate Duragesic-75 Injection TableauCeutical Animal 206.2865 100% 0.05 0.6 206.2865 206.2865 -111.98 31 7.99
32292 2/15/10 0:00 Ben Peterman East Connecticut 6439 Concentrate Aktob Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 5,008.76 100% 0.04 0.57 5,008.76 5,008.76 1,601.64 49 115.99
38052 2/15/10 0:00 Erin Ashbrook West Utah 84121 Suppository Repronex Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 542.6 100% 0.03 0.44 542.6 542.6 118.4 13 40.98
32292 2/15/10 0:00 Ben Peterman East Connecticut 6439 Gel Tirosint Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 13.53 100% 0.07 0.55 13.53 13.53 -6.73 1 11.55
54371 2/15/10 0:00 Toby Knight West Utah 84415 Lotion Busulfex Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 115.02 100% 0 0.39 115.02 115.02 46.3 28 3.78
54371 2/15/10 0:00 Toby Knight West Utah 84415 Tablet Neo-Hydeltrasol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 118.63 100% 0.05 0.36 118.63 118.63 6.2985 7 16.74
29473 2/15/10 0:00 Katrina Willman Central Nebraska 68155 Spray Heparin Sodium 25,000 Units And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 13,367.82 100% 0 0.66 13,367.82 13,367.82 3,093.64 40 320.64
14212 2/16/10 0:00 Cyma Kinney Central Wisconsin 53235 Suspension/Drops Cobavite Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.39 21.99 21.99 4.63 8 2.61
14212 2/16/10 0:00 Cyma Kinney Central Wisconsin 53235 For Solution Lamictal Cd Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.6 31.18 31.18 -17.16 4 6.24
31106 2/16/10 0:00 Nick Crebassa South Virginia 24157 Concentrate Asbron Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,697.03 100% 0 0.6 4,697.03 4,697.03 1,263.01 43 125.99
31106 2/16/10 0:00 Nick Crebassa South Virginia 24157 Suspension/Drops Cotrim Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 101.9 100% 0 0.39 101.9 101.9 40.52 37 2.61
31106 2/16/10 0:00 Nick Crebassa South Virginia 24157 Aerosol Cefotetan And Dextrose In Duplex Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 259.17 100% 0.01 0.56 259.17 259.17 -57.33 45 5.68
31106 2/16/10 0:00 Nick Crebassa South Virginia 24157 For Solution Lidosite Topical System Kit Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 187.33 100% 0.03 0.58 187.33 187.33 66.47 7 25.13
41830 2/17/10 0:00 Deirdre Greer South North Carolina 27006 Cream Glumetza Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0 0.38 5,361.08 5,361.08 1,841.92 42 120.97
4391 2/17/10 0:00 Eugene Moren West Washington 99403 Concentrate Cipro Xr Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.55 2,592.43 2,592.43 428.472 20 155.99
40673 2/17/10 0:00 Art Foster Central Illinois 60001 Solution/Drops Diethylpropion Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.35 157.49 157.49 62.54 14 10.94
24775 2/17/10 0:00 Tracy Blumstein West Washington 98601 For Solution Hydroxyurea Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.48 96.21 96.21 -19.34 6 14.58
24775 2/17/10 0:00 Tracy Blumstein West Washington 98601 Injectable Phenelzine Sulfate Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.6 1,616.66 1,616.66 112.58 15 100.98
40067 2/17/10 0:00 Alan Barnes Central Michigan 48001 Concentrate Amerge Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,157.31 100% 0 0.57 2,157.31 2,157.31 519.246 38 65.99
40065 2/17/10 0:00 Craig Leslie West Idaho 83465 Suspension Glucophage Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 21,141.07 100% 0.06 0.52 21,141.07 21,141.07 6,225.36 49 449.99
40065 2/17/10 0:00 Craig Leslie West Idaho 83465 Concentrate Azopt Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 76.8655 100% 0.04 0.37 76.8655 76.8655 -54.505 4 20.99
801 2/17/10 0:00 Thais Sissman Central Wisconsin 53235 Gel Alocril Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 59.85 100% 0.03 0.58 59.85 59.85 -47.41 20 2.74
14240 2/17/10 0:00 Ralph Kennedy West Utah 84663 Tablet Canasa Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 68.88 100% 0 0.39 68.88 68.88 1.309 24 2.78
42115 2/18/10 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Suppository Technescan Hida Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.42 673.92 673.92 224.71 21 31.78
42115 2/18/10 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Syrup Levalbuterol Hydrochloride Injection Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.58 540.56 540.56 -93.46 19 28.28
12418 2/18/10 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Syrup Reserpine, Hydrochlorothiazide, And Hydralazine Hydrochloride Injection Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.59 299.01 299.01 -142.86 38 7.98
32192 2/18/10 0:00 Brooke Gillingham South South Carolina 29684 Concentrate Citanest Plain Dental Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.56 159.256 159.256 -171.171 4 45.99
37123 2/18/10 0:00 Lena Radford Central Wisconsin 53554 Spray Chymex Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.76 794.58 794.58 -1,171.66 50 15.23
52003 2/18/10 0:00 Charles Crestani South Georgia 39859 Concentrate Betoptic Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 93.3385 100% 0.1 0.83 93.3385 93.3385 -300.388 2 55.99
37445 2/18/10 0:00 Anthony O'Donnell South Alabama 35480 Solution Micronase Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,180.23 100% 0.05 0.57 2,180.23 2,180.23 660.25 37 60.22
52003 2/18/10 0:00 Charles Crestani South Georgia 39859 Spray Fludarabine Phosphate Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,884.21 100% 0.04 0.73 1,884.21 1,884.21 -776.72 11 212.6
1057 2/19/10 0:00 Anthony Witt West Utah 84663 Suppository Rau-Sed Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 341.36 100% 0.09 0.61 341.36 341.36 -52.48 41 8.46
35905 2/19/10 0:00 Deanra Eno South Florida 32003 Gel Trasylol Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 37.4 100% 0.09 0.59 37.4 37.4 -17.18 20 1.68
39075 2/19/10 0:00 Quincy Jones South Alabama 36276 Suspension/Drops Cyclocort Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 512.33 100% 0.01 0.37 512.33 512.33 250.66 50 10.35
12711 2/19/10 0:00 Sung Shariari South Virginia 24157 Gel Estrace Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,486.72 100% 0 0.58 1,486.72 1,486.72 294.81 32 43.98
12711 2/19/10 0:00 Sung Shariari South Virginia 24157 Aerosol Catapres-Tts-2 Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 558.04 100% 0.05 0.6 558.04 558.04 40.32 45 12.98
5860 2/19/10 0:00 Annie Thurman West Idaho 83465 Gel Acuvail Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 56.73 100% 0.09 0.52 56.73 56.73 8.33 12 4.84
26309 2/19/10 0:00 Alan Dominguez West California 90835 Suspension/Drops Colgate Total Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 128.13 100% 0.09 0.37 128.13 128.13 32.53 42 3.08
6 2/20/10 0:00 Ruben Dartt East New York 10457 Aerosol Sarisol No. 1 Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 6.93 100% 0.01 0.55 6.93 6.93 -4.64 2 2.08
46466 2/21/10 0:00 Matt Hagelstein West Utah 84415 For Solution Klor-Con Extended Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.67 271.27 271.27 71.31 7 37.93
8388 2/23/10 0:00 Olvera Toch West Colorado 80621 Ointment Celestone Soluspan Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.38 288.9 288.9 96.34 42 6.98
8388 2/23/10 0:00 Olvera Toch West Colorado 80621 Tablet Metatensin #4 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.4 434.11 434.11 24.854 37 11.7
8388 2/23/10 0:00 Olvera Toch West Colorado 80621 For Solution Suprenza Extended Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.42 290.3 290.3 25.16 39 7.59
9281 2/23/10 0:00 Alan Hwang South Virginia 20101 Gel Triavil 4-25 Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.59 68.97 68.97 0.77 24 2.78
35392 2/23/10 0:00 Erin Mull South Alabama 36922 Ointment Hectorol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.36 70.88 70.88 -50.2 9 6.48
9281 2/23/10 0:00 Alan Hwang South Virginia 20101 Ointment Fentanyl Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.36 199.8 199.8 -96.59 31 6.48
41921 2/23/10 0:00 Katharine Harms East New York 14210 Solution/Drops Xylocaine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 337.38 100% 0.04 0.35 337.38 337.38 -5.45 29 11.58
40132 2/23/10 0:00 Hunter Glantz East Massachusetts 2054 Tablet Desloratadine And Pseudoephedrine Sulfate 24 Hour Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 347.47 100% 0.09 0.38 347.47 347.47 -86.204 16 22.38
40132 2/23/10 0:00 Hunter Glantz East Massachusetts 2054 Capsule Novolog Mix 70/30 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,363 100% 0.04 0.56 1,363 1,363 149.83 26 50.98
41921 2/23/10 0:00 Katharine Harms East New York 14210 Capsule Orapred Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 16,313.51 100% 0.04 0.6 16,313.51 16,313.51 4,860.73 32 500.98
51239 2/23/10 0:00 Katharine Harms East New York 14210 Spray Diflucan In Sodium Chloride 0.9% Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,046.25 100% 0.09 0.56 4,046.25 4,046.25 -1,296.93 48 85.29
40132 2/23/10 0:00 Hunter Glantz East Massachusetts 2054 Spray E-Base Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,698.50 100% 0.04 0.63 4,698.50 4,698.50 -243.75 36 124.49
13668 2/24/10 0:00 Jill Fjeld West Colorado 80001 For Solution Lamictal Cd Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.6 282.61 282.61 -106.36 42 6.24
11776 2/24/10 0:00 Christina Vanderzanden West New Mexico 88044 Lotion Diazoxide Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.81 57.24 57.24 -14.1 40 1.26
25314 2/24/10 0:00 Nick Crebassa South Virginia 24157 Concentrate Zavesca Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 7,679.51 100% 0 0.59 7,679.51 7,679.51 2,307.42 43 205.99
25637 2/25/10 0:00 Erin Mull South Alabama 36922 Spray Elestrin Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.1 0.61 2,409.42 2,409.42 50.95 12 259.71
59075 2/26/10 0:00 David Smith South Maryland 20601 Suppository Renoquid Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.72 21.84 21.84 -25.31 4 4.77
59075 2/26/10 0:00 David Smith South Maryland 20601 Ointment Norlestrin 28 1/50 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.37 425.91 425.91 55.06 38 11.19
53026 2/26/10 0:00 Adrian Shami Central Wisconsin 53001 Aerosol Cefmax Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 322.82 100% 0.05 0.56 322.82 322.82 -17.58 35 9.31
57157 2/26/10 0:00 Maya Herman South North Carolina 28717 Solution Cardizem Sr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 203.57 100% 0.01 0.58 203.57 203.57 -4.84 18 10.98
53221 2/26/10 0:00 Art Ferguson East New Jersey 7001 For Solution Clarinex D 24 Hour Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 433.44 100% 0.1 0.46 433.44 433.44 147.46 29 15.68
49954 2/27/10 0:00 Claire Good South South Carolina 29907 Concentrate Clindagel Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.56 1,921.13 1,921.13 248.58 36 65.99
1282 2/27/10 0:00 Emily Grady West Idaho 83201 Suppository Technescan Hida Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0 0.42 892.38 892.38 366.48 26 31.78
50721 2/27/10 0:00 Jennifer Halladay East Connecticut 6439 Tablet Proklar Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.4 9,758.70 9,758.70 3,793.70 33 304.99
1282 2/27/10 0:00 Emily Grady West Idaho 83201 Gel 8-Mop Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.45 29.41 29.41 -2.06 10 2.78
18950 2/27/10 0:00 Barry Gonzalez Central Nebraska 69141 Cream Sinemet Cr Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.36 3,008.50 3,008.50 1,101.90 33 90.97
36257 2/27/10 0:00 Phillina Ober East New York 14925 Suppository Propafenone Hydrochloride Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.08 0.48 894.51 894.51 294.21 43 20.89
7653 2/27/10 0:00 Jill Stevenson Central Illinois 62560 Ointment Etodolac Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,425.06 100% 0.1 0.37 1,425.06 1,425.06 597.31 32 48.04
56261 2/27/10 0:00 Paul Van Hugh Central Ohio 43001 Spray Flagyl I.V. Rtu In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 16,886.76 100% 0.02 0.74 16,886.76 16,886.76 483.95 43 376.13
19332 2/27/10 0:00 Barry Gonzalez Central Nebraska 69141 Spray Emgel Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 8,246.86 100% 0.06 0.74 8,246.86 8,246.86 441.59 46 179.29
59204 3/1/10 0:00 Corey Catlett West Colorado 80001 Ointment Balziva-21 Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.38 251.59 251.59 39.23 7 37.94
59204 3/1/10 0:00 Corey Catlett West Colorado 80001 Tablet Diltzac Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.4 151.75 151.75 -66.24 25 5.8
59204 3/1/10 0:00 Corey Catlett West Colorado 80001 Tablet Norethindrone And Ethinyl Estradiol And Ferrous Fumarate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.37 250.29 250.29 -9.315 8 31.74
45317 3/2/10 0:00 Trudy Schmidt West Arizona 85321 Suppository Dextrose 5% In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.51 1,435.95 1,435.95 486.9 36 39.24
33606 3/2/10 0:00 Theresa Swint Central Wisconsin 54990 For Solution Lidocaine Hydrochloride Preservative Free In Plastic Container Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.43 410.03 410.03 -138.39 46 8.75
45317 3/2/10 0:00 Trudy Schmidt West Arizona 85321 For Solution Ortho-Novum 10/11-21 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.55 961.06 961.06 361.82 28 34.23
8035 3/2/10 0:00 Don Weiss South South Carolina 29808 Solution Peg-Lyte Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 104.38 100% 0.07 0.52 104.38 104.38 -24.2 7 14.42
56358 3/2/10 0:00 Anne McFarland South Florida 34771 For Solution Lidocaine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 11.7 100% 0 0.41 11.7 11.7 -8.06 1 5.89
47042 3/3/10 0:00 Maria Bertelson East New Jersey 7001 Concentrate Bronkaid Mist Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.39 1,375.38 1,375.38 592.218 45 35.99
56967 3/3/10 0:00 Ken Brennan West Washington 98390 Suppository Testosterone Cypionate-Estradiol Cypionate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.45 1,383.90 1,383.90 311.58 17 83.1
21478 3/3/10 0:00 Keith Dawkins Central Texas 73301 Ointment Flaxedil Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.37 1,602.21 1,602.21 728.49 33 48.04
50564 3/3/10 0:00 Julie Prescott Central Wisconsin 53006 Tablet Metrodin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.38 11,041.42 11,041.42 4,456.25 30 387.99
21478 3/3/10 0:00 Keith Dawkins Central Texas 73301 For Solution Matulane Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.5 423.07 423.07 126.95 16 25.38
58917 3/3/10 0:00 John Stevenson South North Carolina 28717 Suspension Avinza Delayed Release Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.36 14,300.26 14,300.26 6,279.18 27 499.99
58917 3/3/10 0:00 John Stevenson South North Carolina 28717 Gel Virac Rex Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.55 62.88 62.88 -25.96 3 21.98
27392 3/3/10 0:00 Frank Price East Massachusetts 1001 Cream Galzin Injection TableauCeutical Animal 5,753.85 100% 0 0.38 5,753.85 5,753.85 2,509.52 37 150.98
384 3/3/10 0:00 Sonia Cooley East Connecticut 6817 Spray Femcon Fe Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 7,666.04 100% 0.02 0.71 7,666.04 7,666.04 -1,820.84 50 146.05
32902 3/4/10 0:00 Corey Lock East Connecticut 6074 Gel Iopamidol-300 In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.44 145.48 145.48 32.43 34 4.26
32902 3/4/10 0:00 Corey Lock East Connecticut 6074 Solution Pentetate Zinc Trisodium Intramuscular Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.41 1,638.67 1,638.67 -527.83 23 68.81
32902 3/4/10 0:00 Corey Lock East Connecticut 6074 Aerosol Cardioquin Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.58 64.1 64.1 -48.28 8 6.84
41666 3/4/10 0:00 Corey Roper West Washington 98103 Concentrate Benicar Hct Injection Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.56 596.156 596.156 -97.922 26 28.99
4230 3/4/10 0:00 Tamara Willingham East New Jersey 7514 Concentrate Ammonium Chloride 0.9% In Normal Saline Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,508.32 100% 0.07 0.56 2,508.32 2,508.32 456.813 46 65.99
25767 3/4/10 0:00 Ann Chong East Massachusetts 5544 Suppository Arava Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 261.88 100% 0.08 0.54 261.88 261.88 -59.2 7 39.48
25767 3/4/10 0:00 Ann Chong East Massachusetts 5544 Ointment Enduronyl Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 593.73 100% 0.04 0.36 593.73 593.73 108.01 15 38.76
35968 3/4/10 0:00 Barry Weirich South Maryland 21230 Tablet Dextrose 2.5% And Sodium Chloride 0.11% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 141.2 100% 0.05 0.36 141.2 141.2 -74.4395 21 6.23
43296 3/4/10 0:00 Larry Tron South Virginia 24157 Tablet Doxercalciferol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,665.81 100% 0.06 0.37 1,665.81 1,665.81 557.5235 41 40.98
51489 3/4/10 0:00 Berenike Kampe West Colorado 80728 Lotion Humalog Kwikpen Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 38.88 100% 0.09 0.49 38.88 38.88 -18.57 22 1.81
51489 3/4/10 0:00 Berenike Kampe West Colorado 80728 Ointment Fulconazole In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 32.69 100% 0 0.38 32.69 32.69 -24.43 5 4.98
4230 3/4/10 0:00 Tamara Willingham East New Jersey 7514 For Solution Medrol Acetate Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 409.16 100% 0.05 0.44 409.16 409.16 21.96 18 22.72
51489 3/4/10 0:00 Berenike Kampe West Colorado 80728 For Solution Amantadine Hydrochloride Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,846.68 100% 0.04 0.69 4,846.68 4,846.68 820.94 42 110.98
44199 3/5/10 0:00 Seth Vernon Central Michigan 48064 Lotion Children'S Fexofenadine Hydrochloride Hives Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.53 50.69 50.69 -6.33 12 3.95
37188 3/5/10 0:00 Carol Triggs Central Ohio 43317 Ointment Glipizide And Metformin Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.38 132.02 132.02 -123.28 24 4.98
46404 3/5/10 0:00 John Lucas South Maryland 21290 Concentrate Citanest Plain Dental Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.56 1,875.41 1,875.41 507.33 50 45.99
1925 3/5/10 0:00 Brian Moss South Alabama 35751 Suppository Technetium Tc-99M Mebrofenin Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 909.82 100% 0.02 0.46 909.82 909.82 292.49 40 22.98
48322 3/5/10 0:00 Paul Van Hugh Central Ohio 43001 Gel Triaminic-12 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 41.37 100% 0.05 0.58 41.37 41.37 1.82 14 2.94
51559 3/5/10 0:00 David Philippe East New York 14210 Gel Euthroid-1 Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 823.98 100% 0.09 0.57 823.98 823.98 129.81 34 25.98
1925 3/5/10 0:00 Brian Moss South Alabama 35751 Capsule Amiloride Hydrochloride Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,874.37 100% 0.08 0.56 1,874.37 1,874.37 67.84 7 276.2
42437 3/6/10 0:00 Denny Joy South South Carolina 29945 Suspension Glucophage Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 19,461.80 100% 0.06 0.38 19,461.80 19,461.80 7,752.01 43 449.99
24677 3/6/10 0:00 Joni Wasserman South Georgia 39859 Suppository Oxycodone And Aspirin Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 364.4 100% 0.05 0.49 364.4 364.4 51.08 44 8.5
42437 3/6/10 0:00 Denny Joy South South Carolina 29945 Gel Eulexin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 313.85 100% 0.03 0.59 313.85 313.85 -31.37 14 21.38
2240 3/6/10 0:00 Sarah Brown South Florida 34997 Gel Exidine Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 142.44 100% 0.06 0.55 142.44 142.44 -22.12 5 28.15
2240 3/6/10 0:00 Sarah Brown South Florida 34997 For Solution Lanoxin Pediatric Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 186.02 100% 0.01 0.57 186.02 186.02 16.48 17 10.64
15044 3/7/10 0:00 Erica Bern Central Michigan 49971 Suppository Inderide La 160/50 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,681.60 100% 0.07 0.55 1,681.60 1,681.60 167.37 42 39.99
13991 3/7/10 0:00 Cynthia Voltz South Maryland 20601 Suppository Bayer Extra Strength Aspirin For Migraine Pain Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 170.7 100% 0 0.71 170.7 170.7 -37.88 24 6.48
51876 3/7/10 0:00 Victor Price South North Carolina 27114 Concentrate Betoptic Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 95.0555 100% 0.1 0.83 95.0555 95.0555 -298.166 2 55.99
13991 3/7/10 0:00 Cynthia Voltz South Maryland 20601 Spray Peridex Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,839.45 100% 0.07 0.63 1,839.45 1,839.45 -742.88 21 111.96
55651 3/8/10 0:00 Helen Andreada West Colorado 81653 Concentrate Choloxin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 995.724 100% 0.05 0.57 995.724 995.724 -117.612 11 110.99
52645 3/8/10 0:00 Alan Hwang South Virginia 20101 Gel Ionosol Mb And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 64.34 100% 0.09 0.56 64.34 64.34 -8.37 11 5.85
52645 3/8/10 0:00 Alan Hwang South Virginia 20101 Solution Delflex W/ Dextrose 2.5% Low Magnesium In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 693.02 100% 0.07 0.59 693.02 693.02 97.36 10 70.97
55651 3/8/10 0:00 Helen Andreada West Colorado 81653 Syrup Minoxidil (For Women) Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 79.93 100% 0 0.67 79.93 79.93 -52.73 2 27.75
59586 3/8/10 0:00 Jenna Caffey West Washington 98103 Ointment Foamcoat Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 167.23 100% 0.05 0.37 167.23 167.23 -43.17 25 6.68
55651 3/8/10 0:00 Helen Andreada West Colorado 81653 For Solution Ibuprin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 830.53 100% 0.01 0.46 830.53 830.53 120.69 41 20.24
31523 3/9/10 0:00 Joni Sundaresam East Delaware 19977 Suppository Bayer Extra Strength Aspirin For Migraine Pain Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.71 105.85 105.85 -44.86 17 6.48
31523 3/9/10 0:00 Joni Sundaresam East Delaware 19977 Solution/Drops Acephen Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.38 179.33 179.33 -58.76 19 8.74
49602 3/9/10 0:00 Andrew Roberts Central Wisconsin 53235 Injectable Flurandrenolide Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.65 4,878.64 4,878.64 -519.94 31 150.98
51620 3/9/10 0:00 Ben Peterman East Connecticut 6439 Syrup Combunox Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 173.97 100% 0.03 0.59 173.97 173.97 -2.55 12 13.48
2848 3/10/10 0:00 Emily Grady West Idaho 83201 Concentrate Arduan Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.55 863.583 863.583 -264.275 8 125.99
22085 3/10/10 0:00 Gary Hwang Central Illinois 62444 Syrup Zovia 1/50E-21 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.59 485.03 485.03 -88.02 27 17.7
22085 3/10/10 0:00 Gary Hwang Central Illinois 62444 Ointment Humatin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.37 265.61 265.61 -147.82 41 6.48
2848 3/10/10 0:00 Emily Grady West Idaho 83201 For Solution Kefurox Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.75 1,476.39 1,476.39 -303.62 35 43.31
42471 3/10/10 0:00 Darrin Sayre East Connecticut 6817 Gel Dexamethasone Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 44.89 100% 0.09 0.46 44.89 44.89 -17.13 23 1.95
55779 3/11/10 0:00 Katherine Nockton South Maryland 21230 Capsule Uroplus Ds Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.62 4,073.17 4,073.17 376.21 26 160.98
51237 3/11/10 0:00 John Lucas South Maryland 21290 Concentrate Amantadine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.59 4,769.07 4,769.07 1,138.58 26 205.99
53156 3/11/10 0:00 Bryan Davis Central Michigan 49877 Suspension/Drops Copegus Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 186.93 100% 0.07 0.39 186.93 186.93 56.44 47 4.13
24707 3/11/10 0:00 Don Weiss South South Carolina 29808 Lotion Enlon Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 4.94 100% 0.1 0.37 4.94 4.94 -1.76 3 1.48
16804 3/11/10 0:00 Ed Ludwig West Utah 84001 Ointment Erythromycin Ethylsuccinate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 218.6 100% 0.05 0.36 218.6 218.6 -46.43 36 5.78
16804 3/11/10 0:00 Ed Ludwig West Utah 84001 Ointment Elixicon Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,430.34 100% 0.08 0.36 2,430.34 2,430.34 752.87 46 55.98
24707 3/11/10 0:00 Don Weiss South South Carolina 29808 For Solution Aminosyn Ii 10% In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,961.39 100% 0 0.59 1,961.39 1,961.39 761.04 14 136.98
7174 3/11/10 0:00 Thomas Thornton West California 96121 For Solution Imipramine Pamoate Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 141.92 100% 0.06 0.49 141.92 141.92 12.2 10 13.73
42243 3/12/10 0:00 Phillip Flathmann Central Nebraska 68016 Tablet Anspor Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.39 1,876.09 1,876.09 809.7355 42 43.41
42243 3/12/10 0:00 Phillip Flathmann Central Nebraska 68016 Ointment Adderall Xr 5 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.38 145.26 145.26 -35.75 19 7.35
2912 3/12/10 0:00 Tamara Dahlen East Delaware 19936 Cream Lotrimin Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 16,587.13 100% 0.08 0.57 16,587.13 16,587.13 -3,996.39 7 2,550.14
46631 3/12/10 0:00 Harold Dahlen Central Nebraska 68717 Ointment Gemfibrozil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 930.84 100% 0.05 0.39 930.84 930.84 -122.12 39 22.84
2912 3/12/10 0:00 Tamara Dahlen East Delaware 19936 Ointment Ethmozine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 507.98 100% 0.05 0.36 507.98 507.98 170.9 9 55.98
17152 3/13/10 0:00 Dave Hallsten Central Texas 78702 Syrup Levo-T Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.83 236.45 236.45 -259.02 32 6.98
32067 3/13/10 0:00 Christina Vanderzanden West New Mexico 88044 Concentrate Cytosar-U Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.58 2,853.88 2,853.88 492.237 27 125.99
23584 3/13/10 0:00 Alan Barnes Central Michigan 48001 Cream Parasal Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 2,671.21 100% 0.06 0.36 2,671.21 2,671.21 636.18 14 200.97
44099 3/13/10 0:00 Alan Schoenberger West Colorado 80001 Tablet Chlorascrub Swabstick Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 80.81 100% 0.1 0.35 80.81 80.81 -67.459 19 4.24
44099 3/13/10 0:00 Alan Schoenberger West Colorado 80001 Tablet Proloprim Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 11,823.52 100% 0.1 0.4 11,823.52 11,823.52 4,592.74 34 367.99
29607 3/14/10 0:00 Ken Brennan West Washington 98390 Ointment Estrovis Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.38 240.74 240.74 21.05 20 12.28
35173 3/14/10 0:00 Mike Pelletier East New Jersey 7837 Concentrate Cetirizine Hydrochloride And Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,446.21 100% 0.02 0.57 1,446.21 1,446.21 29.556 13 125.99
35173 3/14/10 0:00 Mike Pelletier East New Jersey 7837 Injectable Clinimix 2.75/5 Sulfite Free In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 6,483.26 100% 0.09 0.56 6,483.26 6,483.26 341.98 29 240.98
20194 3/14/10 0:00 Dennis Bolton East New Jersey 7001 For Solution Hypaque Sodium 20% Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 194.29 100% 0.1 0.49 194.29 194.29 68.89 10 20.24
43138 3/15/10 0:00 Matt Collister West Idaho 83877 Tablet Cholebrine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.35 1,334.05 1,334.05 581.7655 43 30.56
43138 3/15/10 0:00 Matt Collister West Idaho 83877 Injectable Vesicare Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.78 6,552.86 6,552.86 -692.82 50 137.48
14784 3/15/10 0:00 Brenda Bowman Central Ohio 44197 Spray Phentermine Resin Complex Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.04 0.67 2,009.05 2,009.05 -1,363.21 43 44.43
2022 3/15/10 0:00 Alan Hwang South Virginia 20101 Solution Potassium Chloride 20Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.225% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 186.44 100% 0 0.59 186.44 186.44 -157.18 45 3.95
27490 3/15/10 0:00 Daniel Raglin West Washington 98390 Tablet Norethindrone And Ethinyl Estradiol And Ferrous Fumarate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 611.71 100% 0.02 0.37 611.71 611.71 93.228 18 31.74
21607 3/16/10 0:00 Heather Kirkland East Massachusetts 1001 Gel Ismelin Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.41 618.9 618.9 54.92 17 36.55
53571 3/16/10 0:00 Dan Campbell South Maryland 21794 Tablet Otobione Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.38 238.06 238.06 56.4315 21 10.91
17571 3/16/10 0:00 Thomas Thornton West California 96121 Suppository Xalkori Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,695.65 100% 0.02 0.75 1,695.65 1,695.65 51.98 50 32.98
52995 3/16/10 0:00 Nat Gilpin East Connecticut 6928 Tablet Grifulvin V Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 33.39 100% 0.03 0.4 33.39 33.39 -35.512 8 3.36
19207 3/16/10 0:00 Cindy Chapman West Arizona 85338 Lotion Diazoxide Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 15.53 100% 0 0.81 15.53 15.53 -5.92 11 1.26
17571 3/16/10 0:00 Thomas Thornton West California 96121 Lotion Calcitonin-Salmon Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 102.59 100% 0.01 0.39 102.59 102.59 8.88 32 2.98
19207 3/16/10 0:00 Cindy Chapman West Arizona 85338 Suspension/Drops Deferoxamine Mesylate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 66.02 100% 0.1 0.37 66.02 66.02 10.88 23 3.08
21223 3/16/10 0:00 Harold Engle Central Michigan 49634 For Solution Indo-Lemmon Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 435.29 100% 0.03 0.65 435.29 435.29 122.41 8 51.65
21223 3/16/10 0:00 Harold Engle Central Michigan 49634 Injectable Phenelzine Sulfate Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 317.95 100% 0.1 0.6 317.95 317.95 -144.43 3 100.98
55458 3/17/10 0:00 Shahid Collister West Colorado 80621 Syrup Chlorotrianisene Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.57 210.22 210.22 -30.71 13 14.98
55458 3/17/10 0:00 Shahid Collister West Colorado 80621 Tablet Asellacrin 10 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.38 115.78 115.78 -167.417 32 3.52
18112 3/17/10 0:00 Henry MacAllister Central Texas 77037 Ointment Drolban Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.36 83.31 83.31 22.8 13 6.45
4515 3/17/10 0:00 Vivian Mathis West Idaho 83877 Cream Forteo Injection TableauCeutical Animal 887.94 100% 0.02 0.36 887.94 887.94 49.45 7 120.97
49953 3/18/10 0:00 Toby Carlisle South Florida 32122 Suppository Solaraze Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.48 283.5 283.5 -51.47 18 15.98
55268 3/18/10 0:00 Patrick O'Brill West Arizona 85071 Suppository Symbicort Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.66 61.46 61.46 -47.83 11 4.89
49953 3/18/10 0:00 Toby Carlisle South Florida 32122 Ointment Histamine Phosphate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 242.13 242.13 -94.74 36 6.48
24672 3/18/10 0:00 Stuart Van Central Nebraska 69367 Syrup Cu-7 Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 10,532.94 100% 0.06 0.8 10,532.94 10,532.94 406.37 37 279.48
24672 3/18/10 0:00 Stuart Van Central Nebraska 69367 Ointment Duetact Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 192.92 100% 0.09 0.36 192.92 192.92 74.58 37 5.43
11202 3/18/10 0:00 Barry Weirich South Maryland 21230 Tablet Anspor Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 339.81 100% 0.05 0.39 339.81 339.81 79.5855 8 43.41
24672 3/18/10 0:00 Stuart Van Central Nebraska 69367 For Solution Suprenza Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 44.17 100% 0.02 0.42 44.17 44.17 23.41 5 7.59
26660 3/19/10 0:00 Carol Triggs Central Ohio 43317 Ointment Adderall Xr 25 Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.39 10.23 10.23 -4.22 1 8.95
322 3/19/10 0:00 Giulietta Weimer West Arizona 86409 Concentrate Probenecid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,634.86 100% 0.08 0.6 2,634.86 2,634.86 257.76 20 155.99
322 3/19/10 0:00 Giulietta Weimer West Arizona 86409 Ointment Heparin Sodium 25,000 Units In Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 281 100% 0.1 0.37 281 281 -291.59 46 6.48
1856 3/20/10 0:00 Alex Avila South Alabama 35004 Concentrate Stoxil Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.57 4,374.69 4,374.69 973.161 43 125.99
1856 3/20/10 0:00 Alex Avila South Alabama 35004 Concentrate Cefotaxime And Dextrose 3.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.59 4,283.24 4,283.24 676.125 44 125.99
1856 3/20/10 0:00 Alex Avila South Alabama 35004 Solution Mannitol 10% Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.59 1,449.30 1,449.30 -712.14 24 60.98
324 3/20/10 0:00 Frank Gastineau West Idaho 83810 Concentrate Dianeal Pd-1 W/ Dextrose 4.25% In Plastic Container Injection Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.57 3,872.63 3,872.63 667.332 25 179.99
54534 3/20/10 0:00 Tracy Hopkins West Washington 99403 Ointment Adderall Xr 5 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.38 124.71 124.71 -30.04 16 7.35
24865 3/20/10 0:00 Valerie Takahito West Utah 84001 Solution/Drops Homatropine Methylbromide And Hydrocodone Bitartrate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 175.23 100% 0.04 0.39 175.23 175.23 -13.35 46 3.69
30051 3/21/10 0:00 Catherine Glotzbach South South Carolina 29374 Gel Ionosol Mb And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.56 243.06 243.06 -1.57 42 5.85
58051 3/21/10 0:00 Pauline Chand East Connecticut 6439 Suppository Propoxyphene Compound-65 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 256.6 100% 0 0.67 256.6 256.6 -106.76 6 39.98
55073 3/21/10 0:00 Kelly Lampkin West Utah 84741 Concentrate Cytoxan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,376.71 100% 0.01 0.57 2,376.71 2,376.71 721.809 40 65.99
49510 3/21/10 0:00 Luke Weiss Central Michigan 49634 Gel Iontocaine Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 44.1 100% 0.04 0.59 44.1 44.1 -6.22 16 2.58
26535 3/21/10 0:00 Candace McMahon South Virginia 24658 Tablet Promethazine Hydrochloride And Phenylephrine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 141.7 100% 0.02 0.38 141.7 141.7 -103.2125 33 3.98
31586 3/22/10 0:00 Amy Hunt Central Texas 73301 Concentrate Prismasol Bk 4/2.5 In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0 0.56 4,390.03 4,390.03 1,007.49 25 205.99
31586 3/22/10 0:00 Amy Hunt Central Texas 73301 Suppository Meti-Derm Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.64 963.45 963.45 94.03 22 43.22
4705 3/22/10 0:00 Adrian Hane East Massachusetts 2054 Syrup Reserpine, Hydrochlorothiazide, And Hydralazine Hydrochloride Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 123.85 100% 0.09 0.59 123.85 123.85 -71.44 16 7.98
11301 3/23/10 0:00 Tony Chapman West New Mexico 87537 Suppository Theolair-Sr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,194.96 100% 0.04 0.7 1,194.96 1,194.96 107.45 29 39.98
9826 3/23/10 0:00 Irene Maddox West Colorado 81655 Suppository Tab-Profen Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 131.61 100% 0.01 0.45 131.61 131.61 -7.3 7 17.48
29926 3/23/10 0:00 Roy Phan East New York 10501 Tablet Alphatrex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 20.21 100% 0 0.38 20.21 20.21 -5.1405 9 2.08
38853 3/24/10 0:00 Duane Benoit East New York 501 Concentrate Anafranil Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.55 728.025 728.025 19.998 13 65.99
29921 3/24/10 0:00 Sonia Sunley Central Michigan 49971 Tablet Nogenic Hc Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.35 3,977.97 3,977.97 1,733.47 33 120.98
39655 3/24/10 0:00 Roy Skaria Central Illinois 60406 Suppository Quelicin Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 253.15 100% 0.03 0.68 253.15 253.15 -72.43 35 7.28
49634 3/24/10 0:00 Sally Knutson Central Texas 78602 Suppository Tavist-D Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 86.85 100% 0.05 0.4 86.85 86.85 -67.22 3 28.48
15616 3/24/10 0:00 Carlos Meador South Florida 32119 Suppository Doriden Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 386.71 100% 0.01 0.64 386.71 386.71 -84.12 12 30.98
44261 3/24/10 0:00 Juliana Krohn West Utah 84631 Concentrate Bretylium Tosylate Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 306.663 100% 0.07 0.38 306.663 306.663 -17.413 10 35.99
44261 3/24/10 0:00 Juliana Krohn West Utah 84631 Cream Velosef '125' Oral TableauCeutical Animal 3,360.30 100% 0.05 0.57 3,360.30 3,360.30 -9,151.07 1 3,502.14
49634 3/24/10 0:00 Sally Knutson Central Texas 78602 Tablet Dentipatch Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 132.31 100% 0.02 0.36 132.31 132.31 10.914 45 2.88
49634 3/24/10 0:00 Sally Knutson Central Texas 78602 Solution Disulfiram Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 403.73 100% 0.06 0.59 403.73 403.73 -44.13 39 10.89
12352 3/24/10 0:00 Hunter Glantz East Massachusetts 2054 Tablet Methamphetamine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 36.86 100% 0.07 0.39 36.86 36.86 -32.821 5 5.81
15616 3/24/10 0:00 Carlos Meador South Florida 32119 Gel Tobradex St Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 134.06 100% 0.09 0.57 134.06 134.06 5.98 34 4.13
7941 3/24/10 0:00 Neil Knudson West New Mexico 87001 Syrup Aerolate Sr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,796.67 100% 0.01 0.59 2,796.67 2,796.67 801.04 50 55.29
44261 3/24/10 0:00 Juliana Krohn West Utah 84631 Tablet Naftin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 13,064.06 100% 0.01 0.35 13,064.06 13,064.06 5,979.56 31 420.98
3973 3/24/10 0:00 Bobby Odegard East New York 10501 For Solution Clarinex D 24 Hour Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 316.35 100% 0.06 0.46 316.35 316.35 117.91 21 15.68
44261 3/24/10 0:00 Juliana Krohn West Utah 84631 Injectable Aquasol A Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,771.89 100% 0.05 0.77 4,771.89 4,771.89 -427.99 34 140.98
59491 3/25/10 0:00 Greg Hansen East New York 12917 Tablet Neo-Cort-Dome Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.36 57.9 57.9 -48.139 6 7.38
59491 3/25/10 0:00 Greg Hansen East New York 12917 Tablet Metrodin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.38 12,470.31 12,470.31 5,528.50 31 387.99
59491 3/25/10 0:00 Greg Hansen East New York 12917 Tablet Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.225% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 32.31 32.31 -33.5915 8 3.58
59491 3/25/10 0:00 Greg Hansen East New York 12917 For Solution Chlorpropamide Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.55 562.95 562.95 147.12 46 12.22
46023 3/25/10 0:00 Resi Polking South South Carolina 29808 Solution Paser Injection Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.52 1,101.76 1,101.76 -204.22 50 21.66
1764 3/25/10 0:00 Hallie Redmond South South Carolina 29907 Ointment Benylin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.4 59.99 59.99 -13.78 7 8.34
5473 3/25/10 0:00 Shahid Hopkins West Arizona 85321 Solution/Drops Acephen Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.38 355.69 355.69 -149.46 42 8.74
16390 3/25/10 0:00 Frank Merwin West Idaho 83877 Aerosol Mpi Stannous Diphosphonate Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 86.38 100% 0.1 0.57 86.38 86.38 -12.61 8 10.98
9794 3/25/10 0:00 Scott Cohen West Idaho 83643 Aerosol Cefotetan And Dextrose In Duplex Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 135.23 100% 0.1 0.56 135.23 135.23 -45.65 25 5.68
11045 3/26/10 0:00 Eugene Moren West Washington 99403 Ointment Firazyr Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.38 710.86 710.86 196.22 35 19.98
6950 3/27/10 0:00 Dianna Arnett South Georgia 39859 Concentrate Bacitracin Zinc-Neomycin Sulfate-Polymyxin B Sulfate Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.59 187.3995 187.3995 -225.302 4 55.99
3970 3/27/10 0:00 Christina DeMoss West New Mexico 88439 Suppository Tavist-D Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.4 1,032.97 1,032.97 397.15 39 28.48
24546 3/27/10 0:00 Edward Nazzal South Virginia 20101 Aerosol Mpi Stannous Diphosphonate Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.57 81.58 81.58 -7.78 7 10.98
3970 3/27/10 0:00 Christina DeMoss West New Mexico 88439 Syrup Cotrim Intramuscular Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.61 324.83 324.83 -426.54 13 20.98
41056 3/27/10 0:00 Dario Medina West Arizona 85060 Suppository Methotrexate Sodium Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.08 0.76 137.54 137.54 -138.84 4 34.98
55462 3/28/10 0:00 Shaun Weien East Massachusetts 2139 Suppository Propoxyphene Compound-65 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.67 1,184.53 1,184.53 -26.49 31 39.98
55462 3/28/10 0:00 Shaun Weien East Massachusetts 2139 Concentrate Subutex Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.59 3,683.73 3,683.73 708.759 35 125.99
55462 3/28/10 0:00 Shaun Weien East Massachusetts 2139 Tablet Dexacen-4 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.37 75.27 75.27 -1.84 13 5.58
35814 3/28/10 0:00 Karen Carlisle South Florida 34997 For Solution Inpersol-Zm W/ Dextrose 4.25% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.42 324.52 324.52 154.02 11 29.18
20995 3/28/10 0:00 Jill Matthias South Maryland 21022 Injectable Flurandrenolide Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,817.88 100% 0.01 0.65 5,817.88 5,817.88 -567.14 37 150.98
40611 3/29/10 0:00 Darrin Van Huff South Alabama 36544 Concentrate Bronkaid Mist Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0 0.39 1,407.52 1,407.52 657.45 43 35.99
40611 3/29/10 0:00 Darrin Van Huff South Alabama 36544 Ointment Gelnique Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.4 66.83 66.83 -24.31 12 4.28
29280 3/29/10 0:00 Bill Shonely East Connecticut 6037 Suppository Symlin Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.51 856.34 856.34 248.91 30 28.38
18464 3/29/10 0:00 Brian Derr East New Jersey 7514 Lotion Aldactazide Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.83 80.54 80.54 -18.72 41 1.89
18464 3/29/10 0:00 Brian Derr East New Jersey 7514 Ointment Drolban Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.36 206.49 206.49 80.07 31 6.45
18464 3/29/10 0:00 Brian Derr East New Jersey 7514 Solution Clinimix E 5/15 Sulfite-Free W/ Elect In Dextrose 15% W/ Calcium In Plastic Container Intramuscular Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.57 4,891.86 4,891.86 253.14 27 180.98
29280 3/29/10 0:00 Bill Shonely East Connecticut 6037 Gel Prevpac Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.58 238.35 238.35 -64.51 19 11.66
36512 3/29/10 0:00 Sean Braxton Central Illinois 62999 For Solution Clomipramine Hydrochloride Delayed Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.06 0.6 71.49 71.49 41.98 3 19.99
36512 3/29/10 0:00 Sean Braxton Central Illinois 62999 Capsule Phenaphen W/ Codeine No. 3 Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.04 0.64 10,413.67 10,413.67 1,099.29 30 355.98
18464 3/29/10 0:00 Brian Derr East New Jersey 7514 Injectable Flurandrenolide Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.01 0.65 6,039.10 6,039.10 -345.92 37 150.98
10439 3/29/10 0:00 Raymond Book East New York 12917 Suppository Diovan Hct Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 569.61 100% 0.02 0.79 569.61 569.61 -48.44 30 17.98
26979 3/29/10 0:00 Tom Boeckenhauer East Connecticut 6439 Concentrate Probenecid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 6,093.24 100% 0.09 0.6 6,093.24 6,093.24 1,174.38 50 155.99
22466 3/29/10 0:00 Tamara Willingham East New Jersey 7514 Ointment Bicillin L-A Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 430.19 100% 0.02 0.38 430.19 430.19 181.26 40 10.31
26979 3/29/10 0:00 Tom Boeckenhauer East Connecticut 6439 Ointment Cephalothin Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 337.01 100% 0.05 0.35 337.01 337.01 147.2 43 7.98
10439 3/29/10 0:00 Raymond Book East New York 12917 Tablet Multaq Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 823.13 100% 0 0.35 823.13 823.13 384.5145 41 18.94
10439 3/29/10 0:00 Raymond Book East New York 12917 Suspension/Drops Curosurf Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 75.06 100% 0.09 0.38 75.06 75.06 26.13 27 2.89
22373 3/29/10 0:00 Candace McMahon South Virginia 24658 Solution/Drops Acephen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 233.03 100% 0.05 0.38 233.03 233.03 -86.34 26 8.74
22466 3/29/10 0:00 Tamara Willingham East New Jersey 7514 Capsule Unipen Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,404.18 100% 0.07 0.69 5,404.18 5,404.18 241.06 31 180.98
10439 3/29/10 0:00 Raymond Book East New York 12917 For Solution Bioscrub Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 225.13 100% 0.01 0.54 225.13 225.13 -205.75 46 4.48
34279 3/29/10 0:00 Joni Wasserman South Georgia 39859 Spray Aminosyn Ii 5% Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 840.552 100% 0.1 0.49 840.552 840.552 7.55 3 349.45
10567 3/30/10 0:00 Susan Pistek South Virginia 23664 Spray Ellence Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.09 0.65 1,111.01 1,111.01 -146.29 10 146.34
15104 3/30/10 0:00 Resi Polking South South Carolina 29808 Tablet Delflex W/ Dextrose 4.25% Low Magnesium Low Calcium In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.36 109.43 109.43 21.7685 23 4.82
29831 3/30/10 0:00 Sara Luxemburg West California 94404 Solution Pentetate Zinc Trisodium Intramuscular Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.41 2,175.22 2,175.22 -520.55 29 68.81
32642 3/30/10 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Suppository Tavist-D Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,507.16 100% 0.02 0.4 1,507.16 1,507.16 724.14 50 28.48
46787 3/30/10 0:00 Caroline Jumper Central Ohio 43567 Ointment Heparin Sodium 12,500 Units In Sodium Chloride 0.9% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 174.1 100% 0.1 0.37 174.1 174.1 -162.75 28 6.48
46787 3/30/10 0:00 Caroline Jumper Central Ohio 43567 Gel Excedrin (Migraine) Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 693.17 100% 0.07 0.57 693.17 693.17 -59.83 32 22.99
37895 3/31/10 0:00 Barry Gonzalez Central Nebraska 69141 Ointment Biphetamine 7.5 Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.39 304.65 304.65 24.2 14 21.98
15782 3/31/10 0:00 Jim Karlsson Central Nebraska 68016 Spray Sensipar Delayed Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.1 0.68 2,339.64 2,339.64 -1,916.71 35 71.37
37124 3/31/10 0:00 Julie Kriz Central Illinois 62444 Suspension Gencept 10/11-21 Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 21,205.50 100% 0.1 0.41 21,205.50 21,205.50 241.3 33 699.99
11173 3/31/10 0:00 Janet Molinari East New York 544 Suppository Quibron-T/Sr Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 221.66 100% 0.08 0.68 221.66 221.66 -95.17 37 5.98
20964 3/31/10 0:00 Patrick Gardner South Alabama 36304 Concentrate Dextrose 2.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 629.5865 100% 0.04 0.58 629.5865 629.5865 -120.087 11 65.99
49351 3/31/10 0:00 Michelle Moray South Virginia 23970 Gel Mupirocin Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 109.92 100% 0.06 0.51 109.92 109.92 24.75 27 3.98
55299 3/31/10 0:00 Quincy Jones South Alabama 36276 Lotion Vancocin Hydrochloride In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 22.28 100% 0.09 0.38 22.28 22.28 -2.66 20 1.14
28835 4/1/10 0:00 Phillip Flathmann Central Nebraska 68016 Syrup Pradaxa Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.55 184.18 184.18 -112.44 1 178.47
40839 4/1/10 0:00 Guy Phonely West California 90835 Cream Oxtriphylline Oral TableauCeutical Animal 2,732.01 100% 0.04 0.39 2,732.01 2,732.01 -115.48 23 119.99
50978 4/1/10 0:00 Cindy Stewart West Arizona 85321 Syrup Allay Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 816.09 100% 0.05 0.6 816.09 816.09 -150.29 4 210.55
33284 4/1/10 0:00 Lela Donovan East Massachusetts 5544 For Solution Meclodium Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 480.39 100% 0.01 0.41 480.39 480.39 144.66 21 22.23
47041 4/2/10 0:00 Cynthia Arntzen Central Texas 79080 Gel Epipen Jr. Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.52 154 154 -7.08 35 4.63
21604 4/2/10 0:00 Magdelene Morse West Utah 84121 Tablet Metrodin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.38 2,478.88 2,478.88 593.589 6 387.99
8546 4/2/10 0:00 Nora Price East New York 14210 Suppository Clinimix 5/35 Sulfite Free In Dextrose 35% In Plastic Container Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.41 51.94 51.94 -12.48 4 10.01
18208 4/2/10 0:00 Roy Collins South Florida 32003 Gel Equetro Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 82.98 100% 0.08 0.41 82.98 82.98 -137.87 36 2.28
18208 4/2/10 0:00 Roy Collins South Florida 32003 Solution/Drops Cardiolite Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 197.45 100% 0.06 0.38 197.45 197.45 65.44 34 5.68
35045 4/3/10 0:00 Darrin Martin South South Carolina 29684 Syrup Combunox Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.59 565.01 565.01 -10.33 44 13.48
57894 4/4/10 0:00 Jennifer Patt South Florida 32099 Cream Vanos Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.56 13,382.01 13,382.01 2,852.94 47 306.14
52518 4/4/10 0:00 Roy Phan East New York 10501 Suppository Metadate Er Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 168.99 100% 0.08 0.6 168.99 168.99 -47.37 8 20.95
33605 4/4/10 0:00 John Lee Central Texas 79080 Tablet Asellacrin 10 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 153.01 100% 0.04 0.38 153.01 153.01 -218.5345 42 3.52
13633 4/4/10 0:00 Alan Hwang South Virginia 20101 Syrup Keppra Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,538.17 100% 0.02 0.8 1,538.17 1,538.17 -1,119.64 39 38.94
13633 4/4/10 0:00 Alan Hwang South Virginia 20101 Capsule Isoetharine Hydrochloride S/F Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,703.37 100% 0.09 0.59 2,703.37 2,703.37 -231.6 18 150.98
7458 4/5/10 0:00 Karen Carlisle South Florida 34997 Suppository Tenuate Dospan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 511.07 100% 0.01 0.64 511.07 511.07 -165.74 46 10.97
7458 4/5/10 0:00 Karen Carlisle South Florida 34997 Suppository Arava Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 337.34 100% 0.06 0.54 337.34 337.34 -69.84 9 39.48
15142 4/5/10 0:00 Meg O'Connel East New Jersey 7514 Tablet Aerobid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 330.22 100% 0.07 0.36 330.22 330.22 -51.7155 21 15.28
194 4/5/10 0:00 Maria Zettner South Georgia 30002 Aerosol Ativan Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 20.19 100% 0.04 0.84 20.19 20.19 -13.44 6 3.14
7458 4/5/10 0:00 Karen Carlisle South Florida 34997 Tablet Calderol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 226.81 100% 0.05 0.38 226.81 226.81 -5.3705 16 14.45
194 4/5/10 0:00 Maria Zettner South Georgia 30002 For Solution Sulfa-Triple #2 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 329.03 100% 0.1 0.42 329.03 329.03 -197.25 49 7.28
17986 4/6/10 0:00 George Ashbrook East Delaware 19934 Tablet Kafocin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.36 87.31 87.31 -15.088 43 2.08
28868 4/6/10 0:00 Anna Andreadi South Alabama 35244 Ointment Hy-Pam "25" Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.37 204.49 204.49 -142.3 30 6.48
8005 4/6/10 0:00 Craig Carroll West Idaho 83201 Tablet Neurolite Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.37 790.63 790.63 52.3175 24 34.54
21856 4/6/10 0:00 Sonia Sunley Central Michigan 49971 Aerosol Ativan Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 77.03 100% 0.08 0.84 77.03 77.03 -47.75 26 3.14
21856 4/6/10 0:00 Sonia Sunley Central Michigan 49971 Suspension/Drops Compazine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 168.55 100% 0.05 0.38 168.55 168.55 71.77 47 3.69
29411 4/7/10 0:00 Naresj Patel West Utah 84001 Cream Cyclophosphamide Injection TableauCeutical Animal 1,084.12 100% 0.04 0.38 1,084.12 1,084.12 294.43 45 23.99
29411 4/7/10 0:00 Naresj Patel West Utah 84001 Cream Pamine Forte Oral TableauCeutical Animal 15,174.95 100% 0.02 0.36 15,174.95 15,174.95 7,251.92 38 400.97
29411 4/7/10 0:00 Naresj Patel West Utah 84001 Solution/Drops Actahist Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 542.24 100% 0.02 0.38 542.24 542.24 268.53 33 15.67
29411 4/7/10 0:00 Naresj Patel West Utah 84001 Solution Potassium Chloride 15Meq In Dextrose 5% And Lactated Ringer'S In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 67.87 100% 0.07 0.55 67.87 67.87 -112.54 29 2.22
39143 4/7/10 0:00 Richard Eichhorn South Virginia 24658 Injectable Flurandrenolide Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 6,730.07 100% 0.05 0.65 6,730.07 6,730.07 -1,134.61 46 150.98
4738 4/8/10 0:00 David Kendrick South Georgia 39901 Lotion Zerit Xr Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.8 10.39 10.39 -7.97 2 4.71
45635 4/8/10 0:00 Denny Joy South South Carolina 29945 Suppository Technetium Tc 99M Hsa Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 2,018.68 100% 0.1 0.44 2,018.68 2,018.68 731.72 50 43.98
25793 4/8/10 0:00 James Galang West Idaho 83552 Concentrate Sterane Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,436.77 100% 0.04 0.58 3,436.77 3,436.77 520.002 27 155.99
43364 4/8/10 0:00 Susan Vittorini East New Jersey 7837 Solution/Drops Advil Cold And Sinus Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 524.2 100% 0.04 0.35 524.2 524.2 158.98 21 23.99
21605 4/9/10 0:00 Brian Dahlen Central Texas 78602 Capsule Trizivir Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.7 1,932.97 1,932.97 -514.94 32 60.98
21605 4/9/10 0:00 Brian Dahlen Central Texas 78602 For Solution Lanoxin Pediatric Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.1 0.57 476.49 476.49 -18.57 46 10.64
54370 4/9/10 0:00 Carol Adams Central Nebraska 68717 Suppository Dexrazoxane Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,968.50 100% 0 0.52 4,968.50 4,968.50 1,041.28 49 99.99
44386 4/10/10 0:00 Chris Selesnick South Virginia 23111 Suppository Tavist-D Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.4 1,236.64 1,236.64 518.81 43 28.48
46566 4/10/10 0:00 Patrick O'Donnell West Colorado 81124 Suppository Pyocidin Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.64 1,534.70 1,534.70 258.25 49 31.11
44386 4/10/10 0:00 Chris Selesnick South Virginia 23111 Tablet Acetaminophen, Aspirin, And Codeine Phosphate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.38 129.06 129.06 -75.1295 27 4.91
15236 4/10/10 0:00 Lena Creighton West Washington 99403 Tablet Otobione Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.38 341.42 341.42 71.502 33 10.91
36132 4/10/10 0:00 Hallie Redmond South South Carolina 29907 Spray Hexalen Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.61 604.576 604.576 -92.63 3 236.97
15236 4/10/10 0:00 Lena Creighton West Washington 99403 For Solution Lidopen Extended Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.52 381.39 381.39 31.24 30 12.07
15687 4/10/10 0:00 Benjamin Venier South Maryland 21794 Injectable Polyethylene Glycol 3350 And Electrolytes Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.56 3,400.63 3,400.63 -892.79 48 70.98
16193 4/10/10 0:00 Frank Price East Massachusetts 1001 Concentrate Betoptic Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,364.80 100% 0.07 0.83 1,364.80 1,364.80 -183.678 29 55.99
48293 4/10/10 0:00 Victoria Pisteka Central Texas 88595 Solution/Drops Acetaminophen, Caffeine, And Dihydrocodeine Bitartrate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 370.6 100% 0.03 0.36 370.6 370.6 160.72 47 7.64
16193 4/10/10 0:00 Frank Price East Massachusetts 1001 Syrup Tiazac Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 300.2 100% 0 0.57 300.2 300.2 6.41 8 34.76
53574 4/10/10 0:00 Scot Coram West Colorado 80813 Syrup Haloperidol Lactate Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 669.69 100% 0.03 0.81 669.69 669.69 -297.02 8 80.98
13894 4/11/10 0:00 Rose O'Brian East Connecticut 6703 Concentrate Baciguent Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.36 1,540.29 1,540.29 829.647 50 35.99
13894 4/11/10 0:00 Rose O'Brian East Connecticut 6703 Gel Zylet Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.4 89.18 89.18 21.73 31 2.94
27939 4/11/10 0:00 Bruce Money West Idaho 83810 Ointment Extra-Strength Aim Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 60.17 100% 0 0.37 60.17 60.17 -18.24 8 6.68
3205 4/11/10 0:00 Alan Haines Central Ohio 45999 Spray Sensipar Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,907.63 100% 0.04 0.68 2,907.63 2,907.63 -2,171.44 42 71.37
3205 4/11/10 0:00 Alan Haines Central Ohio 45999 For Solution Clarinex D 24 Hour Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 136.61 100% 0.01 0.46 136.61 136.61 80.43 8 15.68
49062 4/12/10 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Gel Acephen Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.57 103.32 103.32 -25.68 33 2.98
59589 4/12/10 0:00 Magdelene Morse West Utah 84121 Syrup Mepergan Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.73 1,610.26 1,610.26 122.42 25 64.98
57767 4/12/10 0:00 Liz Pelletier Central Ohio 44197 Concentrate Staphcillin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,373.71 100% 0.01 0.57 3,373.71 3,373.71 861.723 34 110.99
56453 4/12/10 0:00 Dorothy Wardle East Delaware 19701 Cream Lotrimin Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 2,728.65 100% 0 0.57 2,728.65 2,728.65 -6,405.05 1 2,550.14
48128 4/12/10 0:00 Laurel Beltran South Florida 32046 Suspension Avinza Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 2,600.44 100% 0.03 0.36 2,600.44 2,600.44 -921.94 5 499.99
19044 4/12/10 0:00 Rob Dowd West Arizona 85071 Cream Galzin Injection TableauCeutical Animal 4,800.44 100% 0.08 0.38 4,800.44 4,800.44 1,912.92 32 150.98
19044 4/12/10 0:00 Rob Dowd West Arizona 85071 Syrup Monistat 7 Combination Pack Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 271.33 100% 0.07 0.6 271.33 271.33 -191.09 29 9.71
45575 4/13/10 0:00 Eric Barreto South Maryland 21230 Solution/Drops Cholebrine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.38 3,849.17 3,849.17 1,982.78 46 83.98
2052 4/13/10 0:00 Rob Lucas West California 94404 Tablet Cardene Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.38 107.93 107.93 -68.1375 23 4.13
52225 4/13/10 0:00 Dana Kaydos East New Jersey 7981 Ointment Fluocinolone Acetonide Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,817.90 100% 0.06 0.36 1,817.90 1,817.90 700.31 33 54.96
56418 4/13/10 0:00 John Lucas South Maryland 21290 Syrup Tiazac Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,613.84 100% 0.09 0.57 1,613.84 1,613.84 226.76 47 34.76
18373 4/13/10 0:00 Tracy Poddar West Idaho 83465 Solution Ritodrine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 6,608.24 100% 0.09 0.55 6,608.24 6,608.24 2,164.64 35 207.48
52225 4/13/10 0:00 Dana Kaydos East New Jersey 7981 For Solution Chlorpropamide Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 131.09 100% 0.01 0.55 131.09 131.09 10.94 10 12.22
17702 4/14/10 0:00 Mark Cousins East Massachusetts 1001 Suppository Drisdol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.75 264.63 264.63 -66.78 9 27.48
17702 4/14/10 0:00 Mark Cousins East Massachusetts 2180 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.22% In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.58 368.99 368.99 -305.91 48 7.77
8450 4/14/10 0:00 Eva Jacobs West Washington 98103 Solution Diphenoxylate Hydrochloride W/ Atropine Sulfate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.57 1,307 1,307 428.99 24 54.48
8450 4/14/10 0:00 Eva Jacobs West Washington 98103 Tablet Cefazolin And Dextrose Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 41.39 41.39 -12.0175 22 1.88
24066 4/14/10 0:00 Gary Hwang Central Illinois 62444 Injectable Flurandrenolide Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.65 4,278.61 4,278.61 -955.56 30 150.98
52164 4/14/10 0:00 John Lucas South Maryland 21290 Concentrate Androgel Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0 0.58 1,824.85 1,824.85 364.23 30 65.99
51202 4/14/10 0:00 Jim Epp West Idaho 83465 Ointment Pre-Op Ii Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.36 30.89 30.89 -19.55 4 5.78
51202 4/14/10 0:00 Jim Epp West Idaho 83465 Ointment Ibu-Tab 200 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.4 170.46 170.46 -104.35 34 5.28
44422 4/14/10 0:00 Thais Sissman Central Wisconsin 53235 Concentrate Azopt Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 201.5945 100% 0.04 0.37 201.5945 201.5945 32.31 11 20.99
44422 4/14/10 0:00 Thais Sissman Central Wisconsin 53235 Solution Disulfiram Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 15.72 100% 0 0.59 15.72 15.72 -6.1 1 10.89
39876 4/14/10 0:00 Jill Stevenson Central Illinois 62560 Tablet Ziac Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 876.59 100% 0.05 0.37 876.59 876.59 233.597 46 18.99
39876 4/14/10 0:00 Jill Stevenson Central Illinois 62560 Tablet Metrodin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 16,269.82 100% 0.08 0.38 16,269.82 16,269.82 7,050.33 43 387.99
44422 4/14/10 0:00 Thais Sissman Central Wisconsin 53235 Tablet Gyne-Lotrimin 3 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 313.83 100% 0.08 0.39 313.83 313.83 56.78 36 8.69
39876 4/14/10 0:00 Jill Stevenson Central Illinois 62560 Spray E-Base Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,000.87 100% 0.04 0.63 5,000.87 5,000.87 -593.23 41 124.49
56161 4/15/10 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Suppository Inderide La 160/50 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.55 1,504.22 1,504.22 118.97 38 39.99
59905 4/15/10 0:00 Daniel Lacy West Idaho 83810 Suppository Oxycodone And Aspirin Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.49 159.24 159.24 8.3 19 8.5
59905 4/15/10 0:00 Daniel Lacy West Idaho 83810 Ointment Revlimid Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.4 48.77 48.77 5.95 6 7.4
59905 4/15/10 0:00 Daniel Lacy West Idaho 83810 Gel Iopamidol-300 In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.44 26.5 26.5 2.61 5 4.26
8609 4/15/10 0:00 Roy Phan East New York 10501 Concentrate Bicillin Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 72.0035 100% 0.04 0.81 72.0035 72.0035 -108.075 4 20.99
38310 4/15/10 0:00 Jack Lebron Central Michigan 49877 Solution Potassium Chloride 40Meq In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 62.45 100% 0.08 0.59 62.45 62.45 -141.76 4 3.48
43043 4/15/10 0:00 Adam Hart East Connecticut 6001 Solution Pathilon Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 904.12 100% 0.07 0.42 904.12 904.12 28.81 4 225.04
52007 4/15/10 0:00 Alejandro Grove West California 90835 Suspension/Drops Cytovene Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 68.54 100% 0.1 0.39 68.54 68.54 22.2 25 2.88
52007 4/15/10 0:00 Alejandro Grove West California 90835 Spray Hepatasol 8% Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 10,351.01 100% 0.08 0.71 10,351.01 10,351.01 948.03 19 550.98
20615 4/16/10 0:00 Benjamin Farhat West Arizona 85012 Ointment Datscan Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 151.09 151.09 4.59 29 4.76
28871 4/16/10 0:00 Claudia Miner East Delaware 19936 Suppository Ravocaine And Novocain W/ Levophed Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.08 0.79 55.02 55.02 -56.12 10 5.02
44071 4/16/10 0:00 Frank Price East Massachusetts 1001 Concentrate Arthrotec Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,163.12 100% 0 0.58 1,163.12 1,163.12 83.835 20 65.99
1344 4/16/10 0:00 Jim Radford East Massachusetts 2054 Concentrate Sterane Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,480.92 100% 0.01 0.58 2,480.92 2,480.92 313.578 18 155.99
1344 4/16/10 0:00 Jim Radford East Massachusetts 2054 Concentrate Myidyl Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 834.904 100% 0.06 0.59 834.904 834.904 -11.682 15 65.99
54183 4/16/10 0:00 Mike Caudle West Utah 84663 Suppository Testosterone Cypionate-Estradiol Cypionate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,773.71 100% 0.02 0.44 2,773.71 2,773.71 1,097.25 32 82.99
44071 4/16/10 0:00 Frank Price East Massachusetts 1001 Tablet Janumet Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 110.67 100% 0.08 0.38 110.67 110.67 -43.746 19 5.99
1826 4/16/10 0:00 Susan Vittorini East New Jersey 7837 Ointment Ortho-Novum 1/50 21 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 28.32 100% 0.09 0.36 28.32 28.32 -14.35 5 4.98
54183 4/16/10 0:00 Mike Caudle West Utah 84663 Gel Estrogenic Substance Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 113.89 100% 0.02 0.59 113.89 113.89 -52.25 9 11.66
21638 4/17/10 0:00 Suzanne McNair South Virginia 24658 Ointment Gleevec Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.4 418.93 418.93 82.25 13 30.98
50982 4/17/10 0:00 Clay Ludtke South North Carolina 28909 Suspension/Drops Decadron-La Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 86.53 100% 0.05 0.37 86.53 86.53 35.62 23 3.75
5028 4/17/10 0:00 Art Miller Central Illinois 62999 For Solution Insulin Nordisk Mixtard (Pork) Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 79.68 100% 0.06 0.52 79.68 79.68 18.24 10 7.7
24098 4/18/10 0:00 Erin Mull South Alabama 36922 Concentrate Sterane Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.58 4,158.07 4,158.07 836.145 32 155.99
21253 4/18/10 0:00 Jim Karlsson Central Nebraska 68016 Solution/Drops Chloroptic Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.38 455.08 455.08 27.8 5 83.93
24098 4/18/10 0:00 Erin Mull South Alabama 36922 Ointment Albalon Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.36 80.59 80.59 -20.49 10 7.64
24098 4/18/10 0:00 Erin Mull South Alabama 36922 Tablet Delflex W/ Dextrose 4.25% Low Magnesium Low Calcium In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.36 199.58 199.58 46.308 42 4.82
22688 4/18/10 0:00 Maureen Fritzler West Washington 98625 Concentrate Aldoril D50 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,044.28 100% 0.1 0.56 2,044.28 2,044.28 334.53 40 65.99
25895 4/18/10 0:00 Candace McMahon South Virginia 24658 Tablet Narcan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 709.91 100% 0.09 0.39 709.91 709.91 -93.426 37 19.35
48742 4/18/10 0:00 Roger Demir West Idaho 83643 Tablet Multaq Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 825.63 100% 0.03 0.35 825.63 825.63 379.7375 42 18.94
32386 4/19/10 0:00 Christopher Conant Central Wisconsin 53001 Cream Zirgan Injection Competitor A Animal 0 0.38 1,996.16 1,996.16 -4,568.34 1 1,938.02
35040 4/19/10 0:00 Jack O'Briant East New Jersey 8823 Syrup Hydrocortisone And Acetic Acid Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.59 486.63 486.63 -146.37 44 10.9
45476 4/19/10 0:00 Ashley Jarboe West Arizona 85003 Solution Pbz Injection Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.5 1,055.98 1,055.98 204.58 48 21.78
1221 4/19/10 0:00 Lela Donovan East Massachusetts 5544 Tablet Naquival Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 10,145.14 100% 0.03 0.38 10,145.14 10,145.14 3,724.57 11 896.99
1221 4/19/10 0:00 Lela Donovan East Massachusetts 5544 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.2% And Potassium Chloride 0.15% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 14.68 100% 0.06 0.38 14.68 14.68 -13.777 1 8.6
1221 4/19/10 0:00 Lela Donovan East Massachusetts 5544 Tablet Chlorascrub Swabstick Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 68.45 100% 0.08 0.35 68.45 68.45 -57.8795 16 4.24
832 4/19/10 0:00 Alice McCarthy West Idaho 83201 Ointment Gencept 10/11-28 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 53.46 100% 0.02 0.37 53.46 53.46 -17.58 7 6.48
45315 4/21/10 0:00 Peter Buhler Central Texas 77474 Syrup Tiazac Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,141.90 100% 0.02 0.57 1,141.90 1,141.90 175.32 32 34.76
8390 4/22/10 0:00 Emily Grady West Idaho 83201 Suppository Soyacal 10% Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.8 715.4 715.4 -99.34 24 30.98
5986 4/22/10 0:00 Filia McAdams West Arizona 86556 Suppository Symbicort Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.66 205.24 205.24 -148.77 41 4.89
5986 4/22/10 0:00 Filia McAdams West Arizona 86556 Solution Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.6 5,556.18 5,556.18 1,638.48 48 120.98
5986 4/22/10 0:00 Filia McAdams West Arizona 86556 Capsule Novolog Mix 70/30 Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.56 1,021.55 1,021.55 64.81 20 50.98
5095 4/22/10 0:00 Lauren Leatherbury East New Jersey 8989 Concentrate Cefotaxime And Dextrose 3.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 786.675 100% 0.01 0.59 786.675 786.675 -315.029 7 125.99
39300 4/23/10 0:00 Emily Burns East Connecticut 6928 Solution Luvox Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.6 44.51 44.51 -43.48 9 4.06
35104 4/23/10 0:00 Bill Donatelli East New York 14925 Suppository Soma Compound Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.51 36.31 36.31 -74.45 1 29.99
59395 4/23/10 0:00 Cari Schnelling East Delaware 19701 Ointment Embeline Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.37 963.3 963.3 367.12 20 48.04
35104 4/23/10 0:00 Bill Donatelli East New York 14925 For Solution Sporanox Delayed Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.57 388.15 388.15 -44.21 18 19.94
57638 4/23/10 0:00 Christy Brittain South Georgia 30002 Ointment Zantac 25 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 570.43 100% 0.07 0.36 570.43 570.43 78.89 49 11.48
57638 4/23/10 0:00 Christy Brittain South Georgia 30002 Aerosol Sarisol No. 1 Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 100.08 100% 0.08 0.55 100.08 100.08 -85.58 49 2.08
57638 4/23/10 0:00 Christy Brittain South Georgia 30002 Spray Hetrazan Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,740.62 100% 0.09 0.68 5,740.62 5,740.62 754.6 35 217.85
45698 4/24/10 0:00 Jay Kimmel West California 92320 Ointment Eryderm Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.39 263.37 263.37 -5.68 36 7.28
45698 4/24/10 0:00 Jay Kimmel West California 92320 Tablet Product Name Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.39 6,559.01 6,559.01 2,307.57 40 172.99
51872 4/24/10 0:00 Shui Tom East New York 14925 Concentrate Cipro Xr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,657.65 100% 0.06 0.55 4,657.65 4,657.65 1,242.85 37 155.99
51872 4/24/10 0:00 Shui Tom East New York 14925 Concentrate Bromatapp Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 812.498 100% 0 0.39 812.498 812.498 128.952 11 85.99
22183 4/24/10 0:00 Speros Goranitis Central Texas 88595 Gel Acylanid Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 177.22 100% 0.06 0.38 177.22 177.22 68.96 30 5.84
51872 4/24/10 0:00 Shui Tom East New York 14925 Capsule Aminophylline Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,193.93 100% 0.09 0.6 2,193.93 2,193.93 41.83 10 238.4
23172 4/25/10 0:00 Alex Russell South South Carolina 29808 Cream Benadryl Preservative Free Injection Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.38 1,191.73 1,191.73 147.6 13 96.45
12931 4/25/10 0:00 Doug Jacobs South Florida 32046 Syrup Chenodiol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.57 653.92 653.92 52.89 11 59.76
4805 4/25/10 0:00 Tony Sayre East New York 501 Ointment Humatin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.37 55.38 55.38 -25.95 7 6.48
8033 4/25/10 0:00 Michelle Ellison West Colorado 81655 Solution Luvox Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.6 118.18 118.18 -133.62 27 4.06
25478 4/25/10 0:00 Jim Kriz West California 90835 Concentrate Angeliq Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,725.09 100% 0.01 0.57 4,725.09 4,725.09 1,578.70 47 115.99
46368 4/25/10 0:00 Cynthia Voltz South Maryland 20601 Gel Triacort Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 166.13 100% 0 0.56 166.13 166.13 -119.16 48 3.28
25478 4/25/10 0:00 Jim Kriz West California 90835 Lotion Bupivacaine Hydrochloride And Epinephrine Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 286.76 100% 0.09 0.35 286.76 286.76 77.2 50 6.08
52999 4/26/10 0:00 Eugene Hildebrand Central Texas 78702 Ointment Erythromycin Stearate Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.4 343.05 343.05 98.86 39 9.11
52999 4/26/10 0:00 Eugene Hildebrand Central Texas 78702 Ointment Geopen Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.36 44.63 44.63 -21.19 7 5.78
52999 4/26/10 0:00 Eugene Hildebrand Central Texas 78702 For Solution Suprenza Extended Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.42 43.61 43.61 22.85 5 7.59
29861 4/26/10 0:00 Brad Eason Central Michigan 49634 Suspension/Drops Colgate Total Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 35.17 35.17 5.58 11 3.08
16711 4/26/10 0:00 Jeremy Farry West Arizona 85234 Lotion Vancocin Hydrochloride In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.38 3.96 3.96 -1.72 3 1.14
1217 4/26/10 0:00 Sung Shariari South Virginia 24157 Suppository Tavist-D Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 662.16 100% 0.07 0.4 662.16 662.16 185.21 25 28.48
3845 4/26/10 0:00 Stephanie Phelps East New York 14210 Solution Potassium Chloride 40Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.225% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,064.27 100% 0.09 0.57 3,064.27 3,064.27 294.39 9 363.25
21573 4/26/10 0:00 Don Weiss South South Carolina 29808 Suspension/Drops Deferoxamine Mesylate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 96.23 100% 0.05 0.37 96.23 96.23 24.05 31 3.08
3845 4/26/10 0:00 Stephanie Phelps East New York 14210 For Solution Isolyte M W/ Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 123.91 100% 0.09 0.43 123.91 123.91 39.04 15 8.34
3845 4/26/10 0:00 Stephanie Phelps East New York 14210 For Solution Aerolate Iii Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 475.72 100% 0.02 0.49 475.72 475.72 -10.4 22 19.98
21573 4/26/10 0:00 Don Weiss South South Carolina 29808 Spray Sandostatin Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 234.768 100% 0.04 0.69 234.768 234.768 -192.07 3 70.89
21573 4/26/10 0:00 Don Weiss South South Carolina 29808 For Solution Hydroserpine Plus (R-H-H) Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 70.08 100% 0 0.4 70.08 70.08 8.02 7 9.48
48673 4/27/10 0:00 Penelope Sewall Central Ohio 45999 Syrup Lescol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.57 570.14 570.14 -90.72 36 15.31
42246 4/27/10 0:00 Ted Trevino East Delaware 19891 Suppository Terazosin Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,060.37 100% 0.07 0.76 3,060.37 3,060.37 234.03 40 77.51
30310 4/27/10 0:00 Thomas Brumley West Utah 84337 Concentrate Cefotaxime And Dextrose 3.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,024.03 100% 0.1 0.59 2,024.03 2,024.03 4.896 21 125.99
42246 4/27/10 0:00 Ted Trevino East Delaware 19891 Gel Acuvail Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 25.31 100% 0.05 0.52 25.31 25.31 -0.5 5 4.84
13892 4/28/10 0:00 Frank Hawley Central Wisconsin 53235 Suppository Dextrose 60% Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0 0.5 1,446.97 1,446.97 531.47 47 29.89
26912 4/28/10 0:00 Noel Staavos West California 92320 Concentrate Prismasol Bk 4/2.5 In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.56 3,136.20 3,136.20 439.776 18 205.99
26912 4/28/10 0:00 Noel Staavos West California 92320 Suppository Tylox Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.62 1,090.11 1,090.11 55.87 21 53.98
33670 4/28/10 0:00 Mick Crebagga Central Illinois 62999 Gel Travase Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.55 207.54 207.54 24.21 50 4.13
33670 4/28/10 0:00 Mick Crebagga Central Illinois 62999 Gel Triprolidine And Pseudoephedrine Hydrochlorides Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.56 17.33 17.33 -16.58 4 3.28
15329 4/28/10 0:00 Rob Haberlin Central Michigan 49877 Suppository Dextrose 60% Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,014.87 100% 0.04 0.5 1,014.87 1,014.87 319.52 34 29.89
38498 4/28/10 0:00 Grant Carroll East Massachusetts 2139 Suppository Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.33% And Potassium Chloride 0.22% In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 3,295.15 100% 0.07 0.49 3,295.15 3,295.15 1,070.18 30 115.79
33159 4/28/10 0:00 Cindy Schnelling South Alabama 36032 Concentrate Azopt Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 56.695 100% 0.01 0.37 56.695 56.695 -70.972 3 20.99
33378 4/28/10 0:00 Joseph Airdo Central Illinois 60157 Solution/Drops Esimil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 945.36 100% 0.1 0.4 945.36 945.36 219.85 25 39.98
38498 4/28/10 0:00 Grant Carroll East Massachusetts 2139 Gel Android-F Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 43.9 100% 0.02 0.46 43.9 43.9 -15.03 1 37.44
46337 4/28/10 0:00 Liz Willingham South North Carolina 27010 Gel Travasol 2.75% Sulfite Free W/ Electrolytes In Dextrose 10% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 61.45 100% 0.06 0.56 61.45 61.45 0.62 34 1.76
30405 4/29/10 0:00 Justin Ellison East New Jersey 7981 Spray Fibricor Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.71 2,789.03 2,789.03 -303.44 7 400.98
5767 4/29/10 0:00 Jessica Myrick Central Wisconsin 53081 Suppository Testosterone Cypionate-Estradiol Cypionate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.08 0.44 2,390.54 2,390.54 756.1 31 82.99
5767 4/29/10 0:00 Jessica Myrick Central Wisconsin 53081 Tablet Carbatrol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.38 163.54 163.54 -95.059 36 4.13
26982 4/29/10 0:00 Clytie Kelty South South Carolina 29001 Ointment Fludara Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.37 1,984.61 1,984.61 585.03 37 55.48
22497 4/29/10 0:00 Brendan Murry South Maryland 21290 Cream Skelid Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 3,259.25 100% 0.04 0.38 3,259.25 3,259.25 580.33 37 90.97
21860 4/29/10 0:00 Larry Blacks South Florida 32119 For Solution Suprenza Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 73.7 100% 0.06 0.42 73.7 73.7 1.42 9 7.59
36103 4/30/10 0:00 Nathan Mautz South Alabama 35077 Concentrate Benazepril Hydrochloride Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.35 1,335.32 1,335.32 701.658 45 35.99
36103 4/30/10 0:00 Nathan Mautz South Alabama 35077 For Solution Sudafed 24 Hour Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.47 55.82 55.82 -28.85 10 4.82
34086 4/30/10 0:00 Nat Gilpin East Connecticut 6928 Concentrate Anoquan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,251.91 100% 0.04 0.55 2,251.91 2,251.91 655.911 41 65.99
24643 4/30/10 0:00 Ben Ferrer West California 92320 Concentrate Bromatapp Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 2,368.17 100% 0 0.39 2,368.17 2,368.17 1,181.30 30 85.99
52519 4/30/10 0:00 Bill Eplett South North Carolina 28633 Solution Rimactane Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 120.38 100% 0.09 0.58 120.38 120.38 -29.77 6 20.48
28742 4/30/10 0:00 Rick Hansen South Georgia 39859 Syrup Conray Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 587.92 100% 0.09 0.58 587.92 587.92 -7.92 35 16.91
38279 4/30/10 0:00 Tom Boeckenhauer East Connecticut 6439 For Solution Suprenza Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 11.64 100% 0.05 0.42 11.64 11.64 -10.73 1 7.59
2691 4/30/10 0:00 Ted Trevino East Delaware 19891 Injectable Clinimix 4.25/5 Sulfite Free In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,363.14 100% 0.1 0.59 3,363.14 3,363.14 98.75 14 260.98
28742 4/30/10 0:00 Rick Hansen South Georgia 39859 Spray Flagyl I.V. Rtu In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,171.46 100% 0.04 0.74 2,171.46 2,171.46 -209.56 7 376.13
134 5/1/10 0:00 Michael Dominguez West Colorado 81221 Syrup Aminosyn 8.5% W/ Electrolytes Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.82 1,132.60 1,132.60 -310.21 11 95.99
644 5/1/10 0:00 Bill Eplett South North Carolina 28633 Capsule Pfizer-E Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,679.58 100% 0.01 0.57 1,679.58 1,679.58 -171.92 5 320.98
9952 5/2/10 0:00 Maribeth Dona Central Illinois 60001 Syrup U-Gencin Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.85 7,890.89 7,890.89 -771.09 47 167.27
21410 5/2/10 0:00 Lindsay Castell Central Nebraska 69367 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.15% In Dextrose 3.3% And Sodium Chloride 0.3% In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,101.59 100% 0.01 0.46 2,101.59 2,101.59 554.91 16 123.38
40131 5/3/10 0:00 Katherine Murray West California 92320 Ointment Benzyl Benzoate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.4 222.43 222.43 -119.31 24 9.06
3524 5/3/10 0:00 Nicole Hansen East New Jersey 7001 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride-Hydrochlorothiazide-Reserpine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.37 427.32 427.32 52.35 21 18.97
57093 5/3/10 0:00 John Murray East New York 11769 Syrup Imuran Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.59 744.64 744.64 31.93 47 15.42
57093 5/3/10 0:00 John Murray East New York 11769 Tablet Diprolene Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.38 18.97 18.97 -7.7855 3 5.34
54339 5/3/10 0:00 Alan Hwang South Virginia 20101 Concentrate Amerge Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,209.52 100% 0.06 0.57 2,209.52 2,209.52 458.622 41 65.99
54339 5/3/10 0:00 Alan Hwang South Virginia 20101 Solution Docetaxel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,005.74 100% 0.02 0.57 3,005.74 3,005.74 1,053.21 48 59.98
51267 5/4/10 0:00 Corey Lock East Connecticut 6074 Injectable Fondaparinux Sodium Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.62 4,394.78 4,394.78 -335.77 46 100.98
18917 5/4/10 0:00 Steve Nguyen South Maryland 21230 Tablet Alphatrex Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.38 28.82 28.82 -8.3605 14 2.08
22951 5/4/10 0:00 Lena Creighton West Washington 99403 Concentrate Ceradon Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,304.03 100% 0.1 0.6 1,304.03 1,304.03 34.362 24 65.99
30375 5/4/10 0:00 Christina Anderson Central Texas 77474 Tablet Grifulvin V Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 71.45 100% 0.03 0.4 71.45 71.45 -92.9545 20 3.36
7488 5/4/10 0:00 Chuck Clark East New York 11769 Gel Amrinone Lactate Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 26.09 100% 0.08 0.54 26.09 26.09 -1.76 9 2.84
55749 5/4/10 0:00 Brad Norvell East New Jersey 8823 Solution/Drops Acephen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 364.8 100% 0.01 0.38 364.8 364.8 149.45 42 8.74
8833 5/5/10 0:00 Nicole Hansen East New Jersey 7001 Syrup Haloperidol Lactate Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.81 3,338.98 3,338.98 -846.73 40 80.98
49380 5/5/10 0:00 Jocasta Rupert Central Nebraska 68001 Cream Zirgan Injection TableauCeutical Animal 22,145.37 100% 0.02 0.38 22,145.37 22,145.37 6,138.48 11 1,938.02
39652 5/5/10 0:00 Valerie Takahito West Utah 84001 Concentrate Cinobac Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 665.7625 100% 0.03 0.6 665.7625 665.7625 -773.344 4 195.99
10470 5/5/10 0:00 Guy Phonely West California 90835 Concentrate Aminosyn Ii 5% W/ Electrolytes In Dextrose 25% W/ Calcium In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,913.15 100% 0.09 0.59 2,913.15 2,913.15 333.72 20 175.99
10470 5/5/10 0:00 Guy Phonely West California 90835 Solution Camila Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,757.43 100% 0.02 0.59 1,757.43 1,757.43 490.77 40 44.01
39652 5/5/10 0:00 Valerie Takahito West Utah 84001 Suspension/Drops Cyclopentolate Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 14.61 100% 0.03 0.36 14.61 14.61 1.17 5 2.88
10470 5/5/10 0:00 Guy Phonely West California 90835 Tablet Neomycin Sulfate, Polymyxin B Sulfate & Hydrocortisone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 137.26 100% 0.03 0.37 137.26 137.26 -54.6135 8 15.99
10470 5/5/10 0:00 Khloe Miller East Massachusetts 2054 For Solution Lipo-Hepin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 246.98 100% 0.1 0.56 246.98 246.98 -94.78 35 7.38
2023 5/6/10 0:00 Sam Craven South Georgia 31569 Suppository Rocaltrol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.67 294.89 294.89 -321.84 4 73.98
9409 5/6/10 0:00 Vicky Freymann West Arizona 85301 Suppository Cetraxal Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.79 1,712.66 1,712.66 -390.77 12 152.48
2023 5/6/10 0:00 Sam Craven South Georgia 31569 Ointment Forane Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.38 246.57 246.57 -132.51 50 4.98
16257 5/6/10 0:00 Greg Maxwell West Arizona 85003 Solution/Drops Diastat Acudial Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.36 102.73 102.73 16.33 16 5.98
53477 5/6/10 0:00 Roland Fjeld West California 95503 Ointment Balziva-21 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,314.65 100% 0.06 0.38 1,314.65 1,314.65 536.87 36 37.94
53477 5/6/10 0:00 Roland Fjeld West California 95503 Syrup Mirena Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 4,479.16 100% 0.07 0.66 4,479.16 4,479.16 610.9 28 161.55
48197 5/6/10 0:00 Anthony O'Donnell South Alabama 35480 For Solution Hydro-Ride Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,282.49 100% 0.07 0.57 1,282.49 1,282.49 154.74 32 40.97
53477 5/6/10 0:00 Roland Fjeld West California 95503 Capsule Enablex Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,114.05 100% 0.01 0.57 3,114.05 3,114.05 -1,207.18 32 95.95
53477 5/6/10 0:00 Roland Fjeld West California 95503 Capsule Ogen 2.5 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 8,161.93 100% 0.06 0.56 8,161.93 8,161.93 1,261.44 27 300.98
22272 5/7/10 0:00 Edward Nazzal South Virginia 20101 Suppository Cetraxal Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.79 5,382.24 5,382.24 14.85 37 152.48
22272 5/7/10 0:00 Edward Nazzal South Virginia 20101 Suppository Reglan Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.43 1,035.95 1,035.95 342.41 30 35.41
21796 5/7/10 0:00 Vivek Grady West Utah 84791 Concentrate Ak-Fluor 25% Injection Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.58 40.8255 40.8255 -99.979 2 20.99
21796 5/7/10 0:00 Vivek Grady West Utah 84791 Suppository Dexrazoxane Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.52 4,744.64 4,744.64 1,033.38 46 99.99
8679 5/7/10 0:00 Roland Murray Central Ohio 43270 Ointment Erythromycin Stearate Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.4 446.06 446.06 161.32 46 9.11
21796 5/7/10 0:00 Vivek Grady West Utah 84791 Lotion Vancocin Hydrochloride In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.38 34.22 34.22 -3.19 31 1.14
21796 5/7/10 0:00 Vivek Grady West Utah 84791 Solution/Drops Actahist Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.38 607.13 607.13 274.66 41 15.67
6785 5/7/10 0:00 Nathan Mautz South Alabama 35077 For Solution Matulane Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.5 181.32 181.32 80.32 7 25.38
27265 5/7/10 0:00 Christina Anderson Central Texas 77474 Suspension Flolan Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 14,981.74 100% 0.02 0.5 14,981.74 14,981.74 -1,791.50 49 299.99
27265 5/7/10 0:00 Christina Anderson Central Texas 77474 Solution/Drops Thyroglobulin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 5,587.20 100% 0.05 0.39 5,587.20 5,587.20 2,254.16 36 162.93
27265 5/7/10 0:00 Christina Anderson Central Texas 77474 For Solution Isolyte M W/ Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 401.39 100% 0.03 0.43 401.39 401.39 161.95 49 8.34
58435 5/8/10 0:00 Arthur Prichep West California 91188 Tablet Desloratadine And Pseudoephedrine Sulfate 24 Hour Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.38 273.44 273.44 -35.6155 11 22.38
30784 5/8/10 0:00 Tom Stivers South Virginia 23970 Gel Delflex-Lm W/ Dextrose 4.25% In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.52 335.64 335.64 80.13 48 6.7
30784 5/8/10 0:00 Tom Stivers South Virginia 23970 Injectable Polycillin Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.06 0.6 707.3 707.3 -127.94 10 70.98
130 5/8/10 0:00 Roy Collins South Florida 32003 Cream Galzin Injection TableauCeutical Animal 461.89 100% 0.05 0.38 461.89 461.89 -356.12 3 150.98
46977 5/8/10 0:00 Allen Golden South Virginia 24157 Concentrate Aldoclor-150 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,980.37 100% 0.02 0.57 2,980.37 2,980.37 494.631 19 175.99
17862 5/8/10 0:00 Neil Knudson West New Mexico 87001 Suppository Thallous Chloride Tl 201 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 28.73 100% 0 0.78 28.73 28.73 -57.04 1 20.97
130 5/8/10 0:00 Roy Collins South Florida 32003 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride-Hydrochlorothiazide-Reserpine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 575.11 100% 0.02 0.37 575.11 575.11 71.75 29 18.97
130 5/8/10 0:00 Roy Collins South Florida 32003 Syrup Monistat 7 Combination Pack Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 236.46 100% 0.05 0.6 236.46 236.46 -134.31 23 9.71
46977 5/8/10 0:00 Allen Golden South Virginia 24157 Tablet Delflex W/ Dextrose 4.25% Low Magnesium Low Calcium In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 50.42 100% 0.06 0.36 50.42 50.42 7.2505 10 4.82
17862 5/8/10 0:00 Neil Knudson West New Mexico 87001 Gel Amnesteem Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 67.88 100% 0.08 0.57 67.88 67.88 4.87 31 2.1
38437 5/9/10 0:00 Cynthia Arntzen Central Texas 79080 Gel Trandate Hct Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.56 55.66 55.66 -21.4 17 3.28
38437 5/9/10 0:00 Cynthia Arntzen Central Texas 79080 Spray Fludarabine Phosphate Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.04 0.64 4,201.47 4,201.47 199.25 19 212.6
21510 5/9/10 0:00 Alyssa Crouse Central Nebraska 68001 Suppository Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.2% And Potassium Chloride 40Meq Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 372.09 100% 0.04 0.43 372.09 372.09 98.28 16 22.24
52673 5/9/10 0:00 Ruben Dartt East New York 10457 Concentrate Aldoclor-150 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,045.07 100% 0.07 0.57 2,045.07 2,045.07 -4.675 14 175.99
52673 5/9/10 0:00 Ruben Dartt East New York 10457 Tablet Dostinex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 26.41 100% 0.05 0.36 26.41 26.41 -16.5255 4 5.18
25348 5/10/10 0:00 Ryan Crowe Central Ohio 45999 Concentrate Benoquin Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.35 309.2215 309.2215 -68.299 7 55.99
25348 5/10/10 0:00 Ryan Crowe Central Ohio 45999 Solution Hydrocodone Bitartrate And Acetaminophen Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.56 343.36 343.36 -41.27 6 56.96
57058 5/10/10 0:00 Jack Garza Central Illinois 62924 Suppository Proquin Xr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 979.06 100% 0.07 0.75 979.06 979.06 -131.9 27 35.77
13282 5/10/10 0:00 Roy Phan East New York 10501 Suppository Methotrexate Sodium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 763.85 100% 0.09 0.76 763.85 763.85 -126.6 22 34.98
57058 5/10/10 0:00 Jack Garza Central Illinois 62924 Tablet Dricort Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 205.43 100% 0 0.36 205.43 205.43 -24.2995 28 6.54
13282 5/10/10 0:00 Roy Phan East New York 10501 Suspension/Drops Daunoxome Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 12.59 100% 0.02 0.39 12.59 12.59 -5.92 2 6.3
7106 5/11/10 0:00 Shaun Weien East Massachusetts 2139 Suppository Oreticyl 50 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.49 4,910.09 4,910.09 1,669.38 31 159.99
26756 5/11/10 0:00 Giulietta Weimer West Arizona 86409 Suppository Theobid Jr. Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.74 767.26 767.26 -29.56 25 30.97
7106 5/11/10 0:00 Shaun Weien East Massachusetts 2139 Syrup Minoxidil (For Women) Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.67 1,058.45 1,058.45 -386.02 36 27.75
7106 5/11/10 0:00 Shaun Weien East Massachusetts 2139 Tablet Naturetin-2.5 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.38 118.98 118.98 -12.765 8 14.27
26756 5/11/10 0:00 Giulietta Weimer West Arizona 86409 Ointment Humatin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.37 127.9 127.9 -80.41 20 6.48
26756 5/11/10 0:00 Giulietta Weimer West Arizona 86409 Ointment Epivir-Hbv Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 253.89 253.89 -103.77 40 6.48
43493 5/11/10 0:00 Nick Crebassa South Virginia 24157 Concentrate Betoptic Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,699.98 100% 0.1 0.83 1,699.98 1,699.98 -202.862 37 55.99
5121 5/11/10 0:00 Ralph Kennedy West Utah 84663 Concentrate Axid Ar Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,991.70 100% 0.07 0.55 1,991.70 1,991.70 559.107 45 55.99
43493 5/11/10 0:00 Nick Crebassa South Virginia 24157 Ointment M.V.I. Adult Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 152.52 100% 0.03 0.37 152.52 152.52 -43.87 22 6.48
43493 5/11/10 0:00 Nick Crebassa South Virginia 24157 Ointment Cafcit Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 71.6 100% 0.05 0.38 71.6 71.6 -30.65 14 4.98
16454 5/12/10 0:00 Chris Selesnick South Virginia 23111 Tablet Dopamine Hydrochloride In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.39 94.39 94.39 -29.486 12 7.1
14851 5/12/10 0:00 Juliana Krohn West Utah 84631 Suspension Foscavir Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 3,378.18 100% 0.08 0.44 3,378.18 3,378.18 -1,352.68 6 599.99
14851 5/12/10 0:00 Juliana Krohn West Utah 84631 Concentrate Clindagel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,443.27 100% 0.08 0.56 1,443.27 1,443.27 156.114 26 65.99
15524 5/12/10 0:00 John Huston Central Ohio 45999 Aerosol Cefotetan And Dextrose In Duplex Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 156.82 100% 0.03 0.56 156.82 156.82 -37.62 27 5.68
31393 5/12/10 0:00 Cindy Schnelling South Alabama 36032 Aerosol Adderall 15 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 110.32 100% 0.09 0.83 110.32 110.32 -32.65 31 3.68
31393 5/12/10 0:00 Cindy Schnelling South Alabama 36032 For Solution Sporanox Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 97.57 100% 0.04 0.57 97.57 97.57 -27.31 4 19.94
52932 5/13/10 0:00 Joni Blumstein East Connecticut 6817 Ointment Histamine Phosphate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.37 26.23 26.23 -13.72 3 6.48
25733 5/13/10 0:00 Eugene Barchas East Massachusetts 2180 Tablet Nitro-Dur Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.39 557.23 557.23 -42.987 24 24.92
53024 5/13/10 0:00 Ritsa Hightower East Connecticut 6817 Concentrate Briellyn Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 2,255.19 100% 0.03 0.8 2,255.19 2,255.19 74.511 46 55.99
56672 5/13/10 0:00 Clay Ludtke South North Carolina 28909 Concentrate Ceradon Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,438.37 100% 0.1 0.6 2,438.37 2,438.37 317.196 45 65.99
4069 5/13/10 0:00 Harold Dahlen Central Nebraska 68717 Lotion Camila Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 78.46 100% 0.05 0.39 78.46 78.46 18.57 30 2.62
4069 5/13/10 0:00 Harold Dahlen Central Nebraska 68717 Gel 8-Mop Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 124.94 100% 0.1 0.45 124.94 124.94 -2.4 47 2.78
30886 5/13/10 0:00 Linda Southworth Central Wisconsin 53001 Syrup Migergot Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 5,320.57 100% 0.02 0.71 5,320.57 5,320.57 534.29 28 193.17
4069 5/13/10 0:00 Harold Dahlen Central Nebraska 68717 Ointment Hydra-Zide Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 54.43 100% 0.08 0.37 54.43 54.43 -31.63 8 6.48
56672 5/13/10 0:00 Clay Ludtke South North Carolina 28909 Gel Ismelin Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,132.32 100% 0.1 0.41 1,132.32 1,132.32 77.45 34 36.55
50403 5/13/10 0:00 Katherine Ducich West Colorado 81653 Ointment Celestone Soluspan Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 142.88 100% 0.08 0.38 142.88 142.88 35.37 22 6.98
50403 5/13/10 0:00 Katherine Ducich West Colorado 81653 Tablet Dopamine Hydrochloride In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 264.92 100% 0.05 0.39 264.92 264.92 -97.06 38 7.1
53024 5/13/10 0:00 Ritsa Hightower East Connecticut 6817 For Solution Gynorest Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 187.13 100% 0.09 0.47 187.13 187.13 12.4 9 20.28
56672 5/13/10 0:00 Clay Ludtke South North Carolina 28909 Spray Diflucan In Sodium Chloride 0.9% Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 593.64 100% 0.02 0.56 593.64 593.64 -205.34 8 85.29
10688 5/13/10 0:00 Craig Yedwab West Arizona 85354 For Solution Kombiglyze Xr Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 618.84 100% 0.05 0.73 618.84 618.84 -200.84 14 41.47
58853 5/14/10 0:00 Eugene Hildebrand Central Texas 78702 Capsule Omnipaque 210 Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.09 0.58 5,307.50 5,307.50 1,116.67 27 200.98
15399 5/14/10 0:00 Benjamin Venier South Maryland 21794 Concentrate Dextrose 40% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.59 3,988.09 3,988.09 969.858 38 125.99
15399 5/14/10 0:00 Benjamin Venier South Maryland 21794 Concentrate Chronulac Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.57 2,514.51 2,514.51 601.65 46 65.99
11011 5/14/10 0:00 Fred McMath East Connecticut 6703 Solution/Drops Acephen Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.38 305.62 305.62 -129.86 36 8.74
11011 5/14/10 0:00 Fred McMath East Connecticut 6703 Suspension/Drops Aristogel Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.38 251.05 251.05 118.79 36 7.31
47014 5/14/10 0:00 Meg Tillman Central Ohio 43107 Capsule Optimine Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.6 803.11 803.11 -237.13 33 25.98
11011 5/14/10 0:00 Fred McMath East Connecticut 6703 Injectable Clinimix 2.75/5 Sulfite Free In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.04 0.56 8,305.19 8,305.19 1,383.32 33 240.98
15399 5/14/10 0:00 Benjamin Venier South Maryland 21794 Capsule Nortrel 0.5/35-28 Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.01 0.6 2,202.45 2,202.45 -51.28 7 284.98
17698 5/14/10 0:00 Michael Kennedy Central Texas 77037 Concentrate Arthrotec Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,118.25 100% 0.1 0.58 1,118.25 1,118.25 -59.587 22 65.99
36644 5/14/10 0:00 Dorothy Wardle East Delaware 19701 Suppository Depo-Subq Provera 104 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,298.32 100% 0.06 0.5 2,298.32 2,298.32 218.72 24 99.99
8130 5/14/10 0:00 Russell D'Ascenzo Central Wisconsin 53006 Tablet Carbatrol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 66.33 100% 0.03 0.38 66.33 66.33 -47.2305 15 4.13
17698 5/14/10 0:00 Michael Kennedy Central Texas 77037 Tablet Aerobid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 609.4 100% 0.04 0.36 609.4 609.4 -89.2285 40 15.28
17698 5/14/10 0:00 Michael Kennedy Central Texas 77037 Solution Camila Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,883.82 100% 0.08 0.59 1,883.82 1,883.82 528.77 43 44.01
39365 5/15/10 0:00 Cynthia Arntzen Central Texas 79080 Suppository Dextrose 60% Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.5 931.08 931.08 269.6 32 29.89
16359 5/15/10 0:00 Grant Donatelli Central Wisconsin 53081 Gel Lidex Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 35.28 100% 0 0.54 35.28 35.28 -39.07 8 3.34
16359 5/15/10 0:00 Grant Donatelli Central Wisconsin 53081 Solution/Drops Ribavirin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,343.60 100% 0.06 0.4 1,343.60 1,343.60 137.86 39 35.89
16039 5/17/10 0:00 Michelle Lonsdale East New Jersey 7001 Suppository Technetium Tc 99M Hsa Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.44 121.12 121.12 -118.82 3 43.98
58145 5/17/10 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Gel Tora Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 203.49 100% 0 0.55 203.49 203.49 46.21 33 5.84
59425 5/18/10 0:00 Giulietta Baptist Central Michigan 49822 Suppository Testosterone Cypionate-Estradiol Cypionate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0 0.45 2,094.12 2,094.12 717.12 24 83.1
13572 5/18/10 0:00 Pierre Wener West California 96061 Suppository Ravocaine And Novocain W/ Levophed Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.79 40.11 40.11 -43.71 7 5.02
59425 5/18/10 0:00 Giulietta Baptist Central Michigan 49822 Ointment Balziva-21 Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.38 1,714.02 1,714.02 741.27 46 37.94
39168 5/18/10 0:00 Natalie Fritzler East Delaware 19810 Ointment Betamethasone Dipropionate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.37 1,027.66 1,027.66 184.07 50 19.98
39168 5/18/10 0:00 Natalie Fritzler East Delaware 19810 Tablet Dianeal Low Calcium W/ Dextrose 2.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.35 809.91 809.91 321.674 22 37.7
39168 5/18/10 0:00 Natalie Fritzler East Delaware 19810 Gel Bronkodyl Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.6 301.38 301.38 5.08 30 10.48
53667 5/18/10 0:00 Steve Carroll East Massachusetts 1001 Concentrate Betamethasone Acetate And Betamethasone Sodium Phosphate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 481.049 100% 0.09 0.55 481.049 481.049 46.512 16 35.99
57602 5/18/10 0:00 Rachel Payne Central Wisconsin 54990 Suspension/Drops Colovage Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 130.36 100% 0.02 0.36 130.36 130.36 58.52 43 2.88
53667 5/18/10 0:00 Steve Carroll East Massachusetts 1001 Tablet Grifulvin V Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 112.36 100% 0.08 0.4 112.36 112.36 -159.735 33 3.36
53120 5/18/10 0:00 Cindy Chapman West Arizona 85338 Ointment Dynacirc Cr Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 22.75 100% 0.09 0.39 22.75 22.75 -0.45 5 4.76
54181 5/19/10 0:00 Duane Benoit East New York 501 Cream Voltaren-Xr Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.59 2,608.79 2,608.79 67.36 12 213.45
17447 5/19/10 0:00 Carol Darley Central Illinois 62444 Ointment Flovent Hfa Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.37 861.41 861.41 128 42 18.97
9312 5/19/10 0:00 Steven Cartwright Central Nebraska 68770 Capsule Optimine Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.6 1,160.55 1,160.55 -179.17 43 25.98
1701 5/19/10 0:00 Ed Ludwig West Utah 84001 Suppository Repronex Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 2,047.58 100% 0.01 0.44 2,047.58 2,047.58 902.62 49 40.98
1701 5/19/10 0:00 Ed Ludwig West Utah 84001 For Solution Hydro-Ride Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 56.61 100% 0.02 0.57 56.61 56.61 -22.16 1 40.97
20642 5/20/10 0:00 Darren Koutras East New York 14709 Syrup Cotrim Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,078.98 100% 0.02 0.61 1,078.98 1,078.98 -1,637.52 47 20.98
20642 5/20/10 0:00 Darren Koutras East New York 14709 Suspension/Drops Cytadren Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 135.2 100% 0.02 0.39 135.2 135.2 59.4 32 4.13
23681 5/20/10 0:00 Jenna Caffey West Washington 98103 Syrup Aminosyn 8.5% W/ Electrolytes Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 4,182.52 100% 0 0.82 4,182.52 4,182.52 -785.36 42 95.99
37350 5/21/10 0:00 Kelly Andreada South Florida 32003 Gel Excedrin (Migraine) Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.57 163.14 163.14 -37.5 7 22.99
22563 5/21/10 0:00 Laurel Workman West California 93456 For Solution Insulin Nordisk Mixtard (Pork) Extended Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.52 251.51 251.51 -9.78 32 7.7
14497 5/21/10 0:00 Sung Pak South South Carolina 29684 Ointment Freamine Hbc 6.9% Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 214.03 214.03 -138.92 34 5.78
1088 5/21/10 0:00 Muhammed Yedwab East New York 14709 Suppository Thallous Chloride Tl 201 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 269.02 100% 0.1 0.78 269.02 269.02 -112 13 20.97
49029 5/21/10 0:00 Jim Sink South South Carolina 29684 Concentrate Heparin Sodium 12,500 Units In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 8,223.07 100% 0.06 0.59 8,223.07 8,223.07 2,549.40 49 195.99
38817 5/21/10 0:00 Valerie Takahito West Utah 84001 Suppository Radioiodinated Serum Albumin (Human) Ihsa I 125 Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 9.7 100% 0.02 0.64 9.7 9.7 -18.03 1 4.98
7841 5/21/10 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Ointment Aldoril D50 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 178.14 100% 0.01 0.39 178.14 178.14 56.3 17 10.06
7841 5/21/10 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 For Solution Lomotil Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,002.77 100% 0.07 0.57 1,002.77 1,002.77 295.6 21 49.34
17701 5/22/10 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 Tablet Carafate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.35 80.45 80.45 -60.9615 21 3.74
52290 5/22/10 0:00 Dennis Kane South North Carolina 28633 Concentrate Chronulac Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.57 1,470.05 1,470.05 185.94 28 65.99
52290 5/22/10 0:00 Dennis Kane South North Carolina 28633 Tablet Product Name Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.39 1,134.05 1,134.05 149.498 7 172.99
30343 5/22/10 0:00 Craig Carreira Central Ohio 43567 Cream Zofran Preservative Free Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 41,343.21 100% 0.09 0.39 41,343.21 41,343.21 3,852.19 8 6,783.02
18466 5/22/10 0:00 Deanra Eno South Florida 32003 Cream Forteo Injection TableauCeutical Animal 2,694.01 100% 0.08 0.36 2,694.01 2,694.01 994.31 24 120.97
30343 5/22/10 0:00 Brian DeCherney West Idaho 83201 Suppository Methylergonovine Maleate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,556.42 100% 0 0.74 1,556.42 1,556.42 -60.98 48 30.42
37634 5/22/10 0:00 Brendan Dodson East Delaware 19980 Syrup Zonalon Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 368.18 100% 0.07 0.58 368.18 368.18 -36.78 32 12.21
18466 5/22/10 0:00 Deanra Eno South Florida 32003 Solution/Drops Acetazolamide Sodium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 270.16 100% 0.09 0.36 270.16 270.16 16.92 25 11.09
30343 5/22/10 0:00 Brian DeCherney West Idaho 83201 Suspension/Drops Clorazepate Dipotassium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 130.28 100% 0.08 0.36 130.28 130.28 56.97 28 4.91
38182 5/23/10 0:00 Randy Ferguson South Florida 32119 Syrup Betoptic Pilo Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.8 2,848.83 2,848.83 -1,182.87 45 64.65
28294 5/23/10 0:00 Lindsay Castell Central Nebraska 69367 Lotion Diazoxide Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 63.47 100% 0 0.81 63.47 63.47 -19.92 47 1.26
18757 5/23/10 0:00 Matthew Clasen South Georgia 39859 Ointment Celestone Soluspan Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 319.96 100% 0.01 0.38 319.96 319.96 123.15 43 6.98
18757 5/23/10 0:00 Matthew Clasen South Georgia 39859 Tablet Children'S Motrin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 39.9 100% 0.02 0.38 39.9 39.9 -37.8005 5 5.94
18757 5/23/10 0:00 Matthew Clasen South Georgia 39859 Tablet Desloratadine And Pseudoephedrine Sulfate 24 Hour Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 222.2 100% 0.03 0.38 222.2 222.2 -40.25 9 22.38
32608 5/23/10 0:00 Xylona Price West New Mexico 88439 Solution Delflex W/ Dextrose 2.5% Low Magnesium In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,361.91 100% 0.05 0.59 1,361.91 1,361.91 312.52 20 70.97
13670 5/24/10 0:00 Art Foster Central Illinois 60001 Suspension/Drops Cyclaine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.38 116.37 116.37 57.63 27 3.69
43523 5/24/10 0:00 Anna Andreadi South Alabama 35244 Ointment Gonal-F Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.36 295.37 295.37 -97.23 50 5.98
32100 5/24/10 0:00 Liz Carlisle Central Ohio 43001 Suppository Repronex Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,104.28 100% 0.08 0.44 1,104.28 1,104.28 359.75 29 40.98
25447 5/24/10 0:00 Randy Ferguson South Florida 32119 Spray Phisohex Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,428.56 100% 0.03 0.76 4,428.56 4,428.56 213.62 18 296.18
25447 5/24/10 0:00 Randy Ferguson South Florida 32119 For Solution Medrol Acetate Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 536.21 100% 0.09 0.44 536.21 536.21 106.98 25 22.72
53285 5/25/10 0:00 Eudokia Martin East Delaware 19701 Tablet Namenda Xr Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.4 1,042.96 1,042.96 163.8035 6 165.98
35842 5/25/10 0:00 Susan Pistek South Virginia 23664 Suspension/Drops Clonidine Hydrochloride And Chlorthalidone Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.36 53.79 53.79 11.55 18 2.88
6693 5/25/10 0:00 Astrea Jones South Georgia 39859 Lotion Camila Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 40.85 100% 0.09 0.39 40.85 40.85 6.46 16 2.62
12804 5/26/10 0:00 Philip Fox South Florida 32046 Lotion Claritin-D Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.52 84.01 84.01 -4.17 50 1.81
12804 5/26/10 0:00 Philip Fox South Florida 32046 Suspension/Drops Crinone Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.37 69.06 69.06 28.47 21 3.08
12804 5/26/10 0:00 Philip Fox South Florida 32046 Syrup Serostim Lq Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.59 592.92 592.92 -44.92 34 16.06
36929 5/26/10 0:00 Amy Cox West Washington 98625 Syrup Meprobamate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.61 1,326.69 1,326.69 185.37 37 33.29
36929 5/26/10 0:00 Amy Cox West Washington 98625 Solution Domeboro Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.59 3,638.27 3,638.27 1,123.79 45 80.98
17543 5/26/10 0:00 Tracy Collins Central Illinois 62924 Concentrate Aminosyn Ii 4.25% In Dextrose 10% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,300.63 100% 0.06 0.59 4,300.63 4,300.63 685.206 26 200.99
17543 5/26/10 0:00 Tracy Collins Central Illinois 62924 Ointment Estratab Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 15.73 100% 0.09 0.37 15.73 15.73 -9.17 1 6.48
17543 5/26/10 0:00 Tracy Collins Central Illinois 62924 Ointment Gastrocrom Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,041.74 100% 0.1 0.4 1,041.74 1,041.74 -51.74 35 30.98
20451 5/26/10 0:00 Bill Overfelt West California 93456 Ointment Adderall Xr 25 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 53.72 100% 0.1 0.39 53.72 53.72 2.82 6 8.95
20451 5/26/10 0:00 Bill Overfelt West California 93456 Syrup Aerolate Sr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,809.21 100% 0.04 0.59 1,809.21 1,809.21 454.49 33 55.29
20451 5/26/10 0:00 Bill Overfelt West California 93456 Spray Hepatasol 8% Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 9,150.09 100% 0.1 0.71 9,150.09 9,150.09 620.9 17 550.98
11269 5/27/10 0:00 Harold Engle Central Michigan 49634 Concentrate Primacor Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.58 2,083.05 2,083.05 354.96 39 65.99
26336 5/27/10 0:00 Benjamin Farhat West Arizona 85012 Suppository Clindamycin Phosphate In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.74 1,516.82 1,516.82 -83.28 39 40.98
11269 5/27/10 0:00 Harold Engle Central Michigan 49634 Suspension/Drops Cortef Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.36 233.28 233.28 112.35 49 4.91
11269 5/27/10 0:00 Harold Engle Central Michigan 49634 Syrup Minoxidil (For Women) Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.67 47.01 47.01 -19.32 1 27.75
55460 5/27/10 0:00 Patrick Jones South Alabama 36344 Solution Menest Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.56 1,944.87 1,944.87 496.43 49 41.71
55460 5/27/10 0:00 Patrick Jones South Alabama 36344 Tablet Diprolene Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.38 61.82 61.82 -10.4535 12 5.34
26336 5/27/10 0:00 Benjamin Farhat West Arizona 85012 Syrup Methylprednisolone Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.58 2,752.68 2,752.68 430.32 45 62.18
59015 5/27/10 0:00 Andrew Roberts Central Wisconsin 53235 Suppository Oxycodone And Aspirin Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.49 254.46 254.46 23.5 32 8.5
59015 5/27/10 0:00 Andrew Roberts Central Wisconsin 53235 Ointment Enalaprilat Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.38 1,662.33 1,662.33 783.84 32 48.91
59015 5/27/10 0:00 Andrew Roberts Central Wisconsin 53235 For Solution Isolyte M W/ Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.43 278.19 278.19 149.39 32 8.34
44768 5/27/10 0:00 Mark Cousins East Massachusetts 1001 Capsule Phenaphen W/ Codeine No. 3 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 16,699.56 100% 0.02 0.64 16,699.56 16,699.56 3,083.98 45 355.98
3650 5/28/10 0:00 Denise Monton Central Ohio 43001 Tablet Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.225% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.37 139.95 139.95 -128.593 36 3.58
3650 5/28/10 0:00 Denise Monton Central Ohio 43001 Capsule Polytrim Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.59 5,207.50 5,207.50 166.44 24 216.6
17216 5/28/10 0:00 Eric Barreto South Maryland 21230 Capsule Pfizer-E Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.57 2,236.16 2,236.16 -99.16 7 320.98
40933 5/28/10 0:00 Jenna Caffey West Washington 98103 Gel Epoprostenol Sodium Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 95.43 100% 0.06 0.44 95.43 95.43 -103.96 37 2.52
45125 5/29/10 0:00 Erin Smith East Delaware 19891 Concentrate Aminosyn Ii 5% W/ Electrolytes In Dextrose 25% W/ Calcium In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0 0.59 4,834.80 4,834.80 1,193.11 32 175.99
45125 5/29/10 0:00 Erin Smith East Delaware 19891 Injectable Amerscan Mdp Kit Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.09 0.72 975.5 975.5 -252.01 6 160.98
21763 5/29/10 0:00 Adrian Barton South South Carolina 29945 Concentrate Cefzil Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.07 0.59 1,239.44 1,239.44 165.501 22 65.99
34757 5/29/10 0:00 Neoma Murray South North Carolina 28909 Ointment Epivir-Hbv Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.37 250.6 250.6 -107.06 40 6.48
59878 5/29/10 0:00 Ivan Gibson West New Mexico 88439 Cream Gastromark Injection TableauCeutical Animal 112.4 100% 0.1 0.4 112.4 112.4 -53.73 6 17.98
59878 5/29/10 0:00 Ivan Gibson West New Mexico 88439 Syrup Hydrocortisone And Acetic Acid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 249.64 100% 0.08 0.59 249.64 249.64 -91.65 23 10.9
29218 5/30/10 0:00 Andrew Roberts Central Wisconsin 53235 Concentrate Claritin Reditabs Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.58 2,252.98 2,252.98 -54.362 13 205.99
29218 5/30/10 0:00 Andrew Roberts Central Wisconsin 53235 Gel Triesence Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.56 74.02 74.02 8.13 26 2.88
56802 5/30/10 0:00 Thea Hendricks South North Carolina 28909 Gel Ablavar Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.35 78.2 78.2 -4.56 50 1.68
29218 5/30/10 0:00 Andrew Roberts Central Wisconsin 53235 For Solution Inomax Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.67 1,823.02 1,823.02 80.8 19 92.23
25635 5/30/10 0:00 Sally Knutson Central Texas 78602 Solution Doxychel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 633.08 100% 0.04 0.56 633.08 633.08 145.48 14 42.98
29221 5/30/10 0:00 Jay Fine South Florida 34997 Ointment Albalon Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 325.33 100% 0 0.36 325.33 325.33 -41.75 41 7.64
23363 5/30/10 0:00 Robert Dilbeck South Florida 32122 Tablet Acetaminophen, Aspirin, And Codeine Phosphate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 241.81 100% 0.02 0.38 241.81 241.81 -94.829 46 4.91
25635 5/30/10 0:00 Sally Knutson Central Texas 78602 For Solution Sulfatrim Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 110.42 100% 0.09 0.51 110.42 110.42 -36.6 22 5.08
27138 5/31/10 0:00 Cari Sayre West Idaho 83877 Concentrate Dextrose 2.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.58 1,894.17 1,894.17 134.73 37 65.99
27138 5/31/10 0:00 Cari Sayre West Idaho 83877 Injectable Fondaparinux Sodium Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.62 2,976.21 2,976.21 -277.63 31 100.98
42177 5/31/10 0:00 Shahid Hopkins West Arizona 85321 Concentrate Benicar Hct Injection Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.56 1,201.93 1,201.93 47.421 49 28.99
42177 5/31/10 0:00 Shahid Hopkins West Arizona 85321 For Solution Ifex Injection Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.48 395.84 395.84 8.42 38 9.77
50181 5/31/10 0:00 Odella Nelson West Washington 98001 Capsule Norvasc Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.04 0.76 289.73 289.73 -246.21 2 135.99
38914 5/31/10 0:00 Alyssa Crouse Central Nebraska 68001 For Solution Lanoxin Pediatric Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 447.12 100% 0.08 0.57 447.12 447.12 -14.27 43 10.64
48614 6/1/10 0:00 Nathan Mautz South Alabama 35077 Concentrate Cinobac Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 7,965.90 100% 0.01 0.6 7,965.90 7,965.90 2,311.96 46 195.99
33029 6/1/10 0:00 Scott Cohen West Idaho 83643 Concentrate Anectine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 738.2505 100% 0.1 0.57 738.2505 738.2505 -286.363 8 115.99
48993 6/1/10 0:00 Russell D'Ascenzo Central Wisconsin 53006 Ointment Epivir-Hbv Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 122.42 100% 0.08 0.37 122.42 122.42 -37.04 17 6.48
47456 6/1/10 0:00 Brian DeCherney West Idaho 83201 Ointment Hydrocodone Bitartrate And Acetaminophen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 277.08 100% 0.08 0.37 277.08 277.08 -179.11 43 6.48
1285 6/1/10 0:00 Don Weiss South South Carolina 29808 Injectable Vicoprin Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,874.12 100% 0 0.69 3,874.12 3,874.12 -305.98 27 130.98
1285 6/1/10 0:00 Don Weiss South South Carolina 29808 Spray Fazaclo Odt Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,452.22 100% 0.05 0.77 1,452.22 1,452.22 -308.1 8 218.75
33029 6/1/10 0:00 Scott Cohen West Idaho 83643 Spray Fenofibrate (Micronized) Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 16,028.26 100% 0.02 0.79 16,028.26 16,028.26 -600.6 39 417.4
23911 6/2/10 0:00 Christopher Conant Central Wisconsin 53001 Suppository Theophylline 0.32% And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.73 955.46 955.46 -79.05 19 50.98
23911 6/2/10 0:00 Christopher Conant Central Wisconsin 53001 Ointment Estropipate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.38 121.26 121.26 -12.52 3 35.44
23911 6/2/10 0:00 Christopher Conant Central Wisconsin 53001 Capsule Ocl Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.1 0.74 2,580.67 2,580.67 -1,050.77 21 122.99
36832 6/2/10 0:00 Bobby Trafton South Georgia 39901 Suppository Mycelex-7 Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.55 60.69 60.69 -25.65 24 2.12
36832 6/2/10 0:00 Bobby Trafton South Georgia 39901 Tablet Talacen Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.35 532.89 532.89 210.528 43 12.97
53762 6/2/10 0:00 Ivan Liston South Maryland 21230 Suspension/Drops Dialyte W/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 136.16 100% 0.07 0.39 136.16 136.16 58.1 28 4.98
50883 6/2/10 0:00 Pauline Chand East Connecticut 6439 Capsule Unipen Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 6,739.92 100% 0.01 0.69 6,739.92 6,739.92 957.29 35 180.98
9024 6/3/10 0:00 Katherine Murray West California 92320 Concentrate Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.56 2,318.21 2,318.21 583.749 44 65.99
9024 6/3/10 0:00 Katherine Murray West California 92320 Suppository Theophylline And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.64 1,136.44 1,136.44 -9.3 30 40.98
9024 6/3/10 0:00 Katherine Murray West California 92320 Ointment Duetact Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.36 12.12 12.12 -4.55 2 5.43
1027 6/3/10 0:00 Hallie Redmond South South Carolina 29907 Injectable Polyethylene Glycol 3350 And Electrolytes Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.56 1,406.15 1,406.15 -379.1 19 70.98
46055 6/3/10 0:00 Marc Crier Central Texas 77474 Suppository Theophylline 0.32% And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,291.20 100% 0.04 0.73 1,291.20 1,291.20 -5.6 25 50.98
19652 6/3/10 0:00 Tamara Manning South South Carolina 29808 Concentrate Cytoxan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,829.87 100% 0.05 0.57 1,829.87 1,829.87 367.461 34 65.99
12292 6/3/10 0:00 Ken Lonsdale South Georgia 31811 Suppository Terramycin W/ Polymyxin B Sulfate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 824.24 100% 0.1 0.75 824.24 824.24 -127.23 32 26.31
3654 6/3/10 0:00 Karl Brown West California 93456 Cream Beepen-Vk Injection TableauCeutical Animal 7,338.79 100% 0.03 0.37 7,338.79 7,338.79 4,031.62 39 204.1
3172 6/3/10 0:00 Annie Thurman West Idaho 83465 Concentrate Bio-Tropin Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 584.511 100% 0.05 0.81 584.511 584.511 -95.975 33 20.99
3654 6/3/10 0:00 Karl Brown West California 93456 Solution Angio-Conray Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 12,569.31 100% 0.1 0.59 12,569.31 12,569.31 3,160.63 47 279.81
19652 6/3/10 0:00 Tamara Manning South South Carolina 29808 Capsule Ondansetron Hydrochloride And Dextrose In Plastic Container Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,711.14 100% 0.01 0.66 2,711.14 2,711.14 -307.86 28 89.99
3654 6/3/10 0:00 Karl Brown West California 93456 For Solution Locoid Lipocream Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 95.73 100% 0 0.43 95.73 95.73 -151.15 41 2.08
44679 6/4/10 0:00 Debra Catini West Colorado 80728 Tablet Desyrel Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.39 127.51 127.51 26.741 22 5.98
44679 6/4/10 0:00 Debra Catini West Colorado 80728 For Solution Constulose Injection Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.64 2,004.22 2,004.22 338.91 35 60.65
23809 6/5/10 0:00 Nora Price East New York 14210 Tablet Talacen Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.35 86.61 86.61 15.691 7 12.97
34754 6/5/10 0:00 Patrick Jones South Alabama 36344 Ointment Balziva-21 Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.38 623.35 623.35 235.51 16 37.94
36354 6/6/10 0:00 Henia Zydlo Central Illinois 62999 Solution Potassium Chloride 40Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.225% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.57 4,567.36 4,567.36 889.31 13 363.25
56805 6/6/10 0:00 Craig Molinari Central Texas 88595 Syrup Apidra Intramuscular Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.65 14,753.08 14,753.08 1,085.91 38 370.98
37315 6/6/10 0:00 Luke Weiss Central Michigan 49634 Concentrate Aminosyn Ii 5% W/ Electrolytes In Dextrose 25% W/ Calcium In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,726.60 100% 0.05 0.59 4,726.60 4,726.60 1,176.48 31 175.99
37315 6/6/10 0:00 Luke Weiss Central Michigan 49634 Ointment Gelnique Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 170.81 100% 0.1 0.4 170.81 170.81 -133.68 43 4.28
24390 6/7/10 0:00 Katherine Nockton South Maryland 21230 Suppository Theophylline 0.32% And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.73 107.67 107.67 -234.66 2 50.98
37762 6/7/10 0:00 Anemone Ratner West Utah 84121 Ointment Hydra-Zide Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.37 135.02 135.02 -60.69 20 6.48
15591 6/7/10 0:00 Brad Eason Central Michigan 49634 For Solution Hy-Phen Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.43 426.34 426.34 73.53 31 12.58
9505 6/8/10 0:00 Maribeth Dona Central Illinois 60001 Suppository Cetraxal Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.79 316.52 316.52 -542.32 2 152.48
9505 6/8/10 0:00 Maribeth Dona Central Illinois 60001 Suppository Xalkori Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.75 155.39 155.39 -127.7 5 32.98
50144 6/8/10 0:00 Michael Dominguez West Colorado 81221 Tablet Nogenic Hc Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.35 4,169.93 4,169.93 1,765.54 36 120.98
39943 6/8/10 0:00 Rick Wilson West New Mexico 88044 Suppository Dilantin-125 Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 28.65 100% 0.02 0.51 28.65 28.65 -23.86 16 1.7
39943 6/8/10 0:00 Rick Wilson West New Mexico 88044 Concentrate Bio-Tropin Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 201.535 100% 0.09 0.81 201.535 201.535 -122.617 12 20.99
2054 6/8/10 0:00 Katrina Willman Central Nebraska 68155 Solution Potassium Chloride 40Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.225% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 343.78 100% 0.09 0.57 343.78 343.78 -246.51 1 363.25
21028 6/8/10 0:00 Gary Mitchum South Virginia 23018 Solution/Drops Xylocaine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 437.86 100% 0.04 0.35 437.86 437.86 -4.17 38 11.58
2054 6/8/10 0:00 Katrina Willman Central Nebraska 68155 For Solution Atropen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 826.09 100% 0.03 0.51 826.09 826.09 215.86 34 22.98
868 6/9/10 0:00 Carlos Daly East Delaware 19810 Suppository Isopto Cetapred Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.71 1,474.33 1,474.33 114.46 31 47.98
39686 6/9/10 0:00 Philip Fox South Florida 32046 Concentrate Atarax Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0 0.56 2,750.71 2,750.71 791.901 48 65.99
868 6/9/10 0:00 Carlos Daly East Delaware 19810 Solution Pbz Injection Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.5 716.84 716.84 134.72 32 21.78
39686 6/9/10 0:00 Philip Fox South Florida 32046 Solution Anhydron Intramuscular Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.57 738.8 738.8 -473.66 2 328.14
19874 6/9/10 0:00 Mathew Reese South North Carolina 28909 Syrup Monistat 7 Combination Pack Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.6 310.46 310.46 -182.52 31 9.71
35012 6/9/10 0:00 Thomas Boland West Colorado 81124 Concentrate Clarinex D 24 Hour Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,770.20 100% 0.08 0.56 1,770.20 1,770.20 -165.946 11 195.99
29856 6/9/10 0:00 Lisa DeCherney West Idaho 83201 Ointment A-Hydrocort Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 115.54 100% 0.04 0.36 115.54 115.54 43.35 24 4.98
55431 6/9/10 0:00 Kean Thornton West Colorado 81655 Gel Android 10 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 61.94 100% 0.1 0.42 61.94 61.94 -17.78 39 1.6
55431 6/9/10 0:00 Kean Thornton West Colorado 81655 Solution Potassium Chloride 20Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,723.99 100% 0.03 0.56 3,723.99 3,723.99 777.28 13 289.53
35012 6/9/10 0:00 Thomas Boland West Colorado 81124 Solution Bromfenac Sodium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 126.79 100% 0.04 0.58 126.79 126.79 -16.38 10 11.97
45664 6/10/10 0:00 Karen Carlisle South Florida 34997 For Solution Aerolate Iii Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.09 0.49 473.03 473.03 26.27 24 19.98
43874 6/11/10 0:00 Mick Hernandez South Maryland 21794 Gel Triprolidine And Pseudoephedrine Hydrochlorides Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.56 153.28 153.28 -161.21 46 3.28
42887 6/11/10 0:00 Tracy Collins Central Illinois 62924 Solution/Drops Borofair Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 35.68 100% 0.01 0.35 35.68 35.68 -11.43 3 9.78
42887 6/11/10 0:00 Tracy Collins Central Illinois 62924 Gel Eulexin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 234.76 100% 0.04 0.59 234.76 234.76 -45.65 11 21.38
38851 6/11/10 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 Tablet Carafate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 8.49 100% 0.06 0.35 8.49 8.49 -5.7385 1 3.74
39938 6/11/10 0:00 Cindy Chapman West Arizona 85338 Gel Visine-A Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 169.27 100% 0.1 0.56 169.27 169.27 -41.66 5 34.58
42887 6/11/10 0:00 Tracy Collins Central Illinois 62924 Spray Efidac 24 Chlorpheniramine Maleate Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 498.49 100% 0.01 0.69 498.49 498.49 -251.41 3 145.98
12551 6/12/10 0:00 George Ashbrook East Delaware 19934 Concentrate Alimta Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.55 5,023.25 5,023.25 1,665.23 46 125.99
28901 6/12/10 0:00 Trudy Schmidt West Arizona 85321 Ointment Eurax Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.36 871.32 871.32 315.16 23 40.99
58658 6/12/10 0:00 Julia Dunbar West New Mexico 88044 Concentrate Azopt Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 760.801 100% 0.1 0.37 760.801 760.801 348.588 46 20.99
58658 6/12/10 0:00 Julia Dunbar West New Mexico 88044 Suppository Thallous Chloride Tl 201 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 917.25 100% 0.01 0.78 917.25 917.25 -103.75 41 20.97
43460 6/12/10 0:00 Astrea Jones South Georgia 39859 Tablet Modicon 21 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 25.09 100% 0.07 0.4 25.09 25.09 -17.595 2 8.04
50977 6/12/10 0:00 Thomas Thornton West California 96121 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride-Hydrochlorothiazide-Reserpine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 34.09 100% 0.05 0.37 34.09 34.09 -19.9 1 18.97
44839 6/12/10 0:00 Julia West East Massachusetts 2139 For Solution Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 899.97 100% 0.09 0.55 899.97 899.97 -246.3 27 33.98
58658 6/12/10 0:00 Julia Dunbar West New Mexico 88044 Injectable Videx Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 883.23 100% 0.09 0.75 883.23 883.23 -404.36 7 120.98
10823 6/13/10 0:00 Helen Wasserman South North Carolina 27006 Tablet Anspor Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.39 133.9 133.9 -14.582 3 43.41
26853 6/13/10 0:00 Russell Applegate Central Illinois 62541 Solution/Drops Septisol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.36 64.44 64.44 -89.02 21 2.66
17507 6/13/10 0:00 Lela Donovan East Massachusetts 5544 Cream Low-Ogestrel-28 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 5,393.27 100% 0.1 0.56 5,393.27 5,393.27 353.72 22 270.97
17507 6/13/10 0:00 Lela Donovan East Massachusetts 5544 Solution Bucet Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 399.76 100% 0.04 0.58 399.76 399.76 48.13 27 14.56
6535 6/13/10 0:00 Adrian Hane East Massachusetts 2054 Gel Evans Blue Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 312.36 100% 0.07 0.57 312.36 312.36 -19.33 11 28.15
26274 6/13/10 0:00 Alan Schoenberger West Colorado 80001 Ointment Erythromycin Stearate Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 377.83 100% 0.06 0.4 377.83 377.83 122.06 41 9.11
43815 6/14/10 0:00 Corey Catlett West Colorado 80001 Syrup Beyaz Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.83 3,577.81 3,577.81 -1,097.97 45 78.8
9573 6/14/10 0:00 Emily Grady West Idaho 83201 Aerosol Ativan Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.84 133.23 133.23 -59.91 41 3.14
9573 6/14/10 0:00 Emily Grady West Idaho 83201 Ointment Clistin Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.39 146.25 146.25 60.12 21 6.35
43815 6/14/10 0:00 Corey Catlett West Colorado 80001 Ointment Junior Strength Advil Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.37 1,251.40 1,251.40 539.45 22 55.48
43815 6/14/10 0:00 Corey Catlett West Colorado 80001 Tablet Rifadin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.37 635.59 635.59 202.827 40 16.51
48868 6/14/10 0:00 Paul Stevenson West New Mexico 88439 Concentrate Heparin Sodium 12,500 Units In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 6,861.85 100% 0.07 0.59 6,861.85 6,861.85 1,754.08 43 195.99
48868 6/14/10 0:00 Paul Stevenson West New Mexico 88439 Syrup U-Gencin Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 7,647.97 100% 0.05 0.85 7,647.97 7,647.97 -1,014.01 47 167.27
14241 6/15/10 0:00 MaryBeth Skach West New Mexico 87199 Gel Tirosint Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.55 263.63 263.63 48.86 22 11.55
28899 6/15/10 0:00 Janet Lee Central Ohio 43317 Concentrate Zavesca Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,488.26 100% 0.06 0.59 4,488.26 4,488.26 750.546 27 205.99
43045 6/15/10 0:00 Neil Knudson West New Mexico 87001 For Solution Kenalog-10 Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,301.20 100% 0.01 0.79 5,301.20 5,301.20 1,126.72 47 105.29
43045 6/15/10 0:00 Neil Knudson West New Mexico 87001 Spray Pletal Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 418.44 100% 0.05 0.65 418.44 418.44 -407.17 12 31.76
6183 6/16/10 0:00 Ionia McGrath South Alabama 36830 Ointment Etoposide Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.35 1,991.93 1,991.93 951.5 41 48.94
13383 6/16/10 0:00 Duane Huffman East Delaware 19810 Syrup Coreg Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 750.03 100% 0.07 0.84 750.03 750.03 -1,072.97 35 20.34
16897 6/16/10 0:00 Sally Hughsby South Maryland 21230 Gel Actos Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 107.7 100% 0.06 0.38 107.7 107.7 14.97 48 2.21
16897 6/16/10 0:00 Sally Hughsby South Maryland 21230 Capsule Pfizer-E Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 379.8 100% 0.02 0.57 379.8 379.8 -183.09 1 320.98
29893 6/17/10 0:00 Michael Paige Central Texas 76246 Syrup Cor-Oticin Intramuscular Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.72 5,452.90 5,452.90 426.67 24 225.02
53698 6/17/10 0:00 Tamara Chand East Delaware 19895 Gel Acuvail Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 55.33 100% 0 0.52 55.33 55.33 13.38 10 4.84
19972 6/17/10 0:00 Liz Price West Arizona 85234 For Solution Norinyl 1+35 21-Day Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 97.86 100% 0.04 0.39 97.86 97.86 -21.09 6 14.98
30147 6/18/10 0:00 Cathy Armstrong Central Illinois 60001 For Solution Aerolate Iii Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 740.14 100% 0.06 0.49 740.14 740.14 29.73 37 19.98
1346 6/18/10 0:00 Theone Pippenger East Massachusetts 5544 Injectable Phenelzine Sulfate Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,789.89 100% 0.09 0.6 4,789.89 4,789.89 421.15 48 100.98
43488 6/19/10 0:00 Michelle Huthwaite West Idaho 83552 Suspension Otobiotic Delayed Release Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.4 1,294.35 1,294.35 -1,569.06 3 449.99
43488 6/19/10 0:00 Michelle Huthwaite West Idaho 83552 Solution/Drops Winstrol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.38 766.36 766.36 399.12 46 15.57
43488 6/19/10 0:00 Michelle Huthwaite West Idaho 83552 Tablet Norethin 1/50M-28 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.38 192.44 192.44 6.7745 13 14.48
43488 6/19/10 0:00 Michelle Huthwaite West Idaho 83552 Solution Miacalcin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.59 2,116.20 2,116.20 483.67 46 48.92
43488 6/19/10 0:00 Michelle Huthwaite West Idaho 83552 For Solution Hypaque Sodium 20% Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.1 0.49 547.32 547.32 42.39 28 20.24
59680 6/19/10 0:00 Katherine Hughes West Idaho 83877 Suppository Banthine Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 17.77 100% 0.05 0.61 17.77 17.77 -37.67 15 0.99
26407 6/20/10 0:00 Karen Ferguson South North Carolina 27801 Concentrate Adcirca Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.55 1,985.69 1,985.69 35.649 16 155.99
26407 6/20/10 0:00 Karen Ferguson South North Carolina 27801 Syrup Cu-7 Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.8 9,522.12 9,522.12 171.3 34 279.48
33222 6/20/10 0:00 Nicole Brennan West California 95503 Gel Travasol 4.25% Sulfite Free W/ Electrolytes In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.56 145.66 145.66 28.89 48 2.88
33222 6/20/10 0:00 Nicole Brennan West California 95503 Tablet Desloratadine And Pseudoephedrine Sulfate 24 Hour Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.38 420.76 420.76 -56.212 18 22.38
33222 6/20/10 0:00 Nicole Brennan West California 95503 Capsule Trizivir Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.1 0.7 1,676.46 1,676.46 -626.08 30 60.98
33541 6/20/10 0:00 John Lucas South Maryland 21290 For Solution Chirhostim Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.43 512.78 512.78 16.14 43 12.2
6885 6/20/10 0:00 Damala Kotsonis South Maryland 21230 Cream Cyclophosphamide Injection TableauCeutical Animal 879.54 100% 0.09 0.38 879.54 879.54 166.93 40 23.99
46497 6/20/10 0:00 Jane Waco East Connecticut 6817 Gel Eutron Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 630.54 100% 0.03 0.58 630.54 630.54 -30.07 30 20.15
6885 6/20/10 0:00 Damala Kotsonis South Maryland 21230 Capsule Phrenilin Forte Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 481.27 100% 0.02 0.69 481.27 481.27 -181.27 4 113.98
8294 6/21/10 0:00 Gary Hwang Central Illinois 62444 Concentrate Duragesic-75 Injection Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.6 197.574 197.574 -90.838 28 7.99
41667 6/21/10 0:00 Richard Bierner West Washington 98103 Concentrate Amerge Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.57 1,062.22 1,062.22 132.372 18 65.99
967 6/21/10 0:00 Maureen Gastineau West California 93456 Cream Azactam Injection TableauCeutical Animal 90.56 100% 0.03 0.39 90.56 90.56 -43.2 6 13.99
967 6/21/10 0:00 Maureen Gastineau West California 93456 Gel Vincrex Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,634.90 100% 0.01 0.59 1,634.90 1,634.90 502.42 42 37.74
967 6/21/10 0:00 Maureen Gastineau West California 93456 Spray Potassium Chloride 0.075% In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 11,278.18 100% 0.01 0.68 11,278.18 11,278.18 1,836.81 48 227.55
25986 6/23/10 0:00 Barry Pond East Connecticut 6074 Ointment Erythromycin Ethylsuccinate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 278.07 100% 0.08 0.36 278.07 278.07 -71.45 48 5.78
49255 6/23/10 0:00 Mark Cousins East Massachusetts 1001 Injectable Aminosyn Ii 7% W/ Electrolytes Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,357.44 100% 0.09 0.55 1,357.44 1,357.44 -102.3 20 70.98
24580 6/24/10 0:00 Mark Cousins East Massachusetts 1001 Gel Estrace Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,081.22 100% 0.08 0.58 1,081.22 1,081.22 130.8 25 43.98
24580 6/24/10 0:00 Mark Cousins East Massachusetts 1001 For Solution Letrozole Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 36.41 100% 0.01 0.41 36.41 36.41 -31.45 14 2.23
12005 6/25/10 0:00 Dean Percer South Florida 32099 Syrup Intropin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.57 1,660.86 1,660.86 -164.59 4 415.88
11044 6/25/10 0:00 Sandra Glassco West New Mexico 87001 Gel Triprolidine And Pseudoephedrine Hydrochlorides Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.56 14.49 14.49 -12.58 3 3.28
46691 6/25/10 0:00 Debra Catini West Colorado 80728 For Solution Lopressidone Delayed Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.04 0.58 1,676.25 1,676.25 -458.33 47 36.65
19718 6/25/10 0:00 Victor Price South North Carolina 27114 Cream Azactam Injection TableauCeutical Animal 89.75 100% 0.03 0.39 89.75 89.75 -44.01 6 13.99
55494 6/26/10 0:00 Michael Stewart West California 95503 Solution/Drops Sulf-15 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.36 57.82 57.82 0.85 4 10.98
55494 6/26/10 0:00 Michael Stewart West California 95503 Gel Carbocaine Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.6 544.89 544.89 -115.66 49 11.97
19074 6/26/10 0:00 Sonia Sunley Central Michigan 49971 Solution Adderall Xr 15 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,816.59 100% 0.01 0.58 3,816.59 3,816.59 191.47 17 208.16
14210 6/27/10 0:00 Helen Wasserman South North Carolina 27006 Suppository Dextrose 5% In Lactated Ringer'S In Plastic Container Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0 0.41 676.79 676.79 213.2 19 33.29
24386 6/27/10 0:00 Bruce Stewart West New Mexico 87001 Suppository Clindamycin Phosphate In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 503.08 100% 0.01 0.74 503.08 503.08 -102.74 12 40.98
24386 6/27/10 0:00 Bruce Stewart West New Mexico 87001 Suppository Orinase Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,256.51 100% 0.03 0.46 4,256.51 4,256.51 1,653.96 41 100.97
47620 6/27/10 0:00 Charles McCrossin East Delaware 19895 Aerosol Mpi Stannous Diphosphonate Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 302.2 100% 0.04 0.57 302.2 302.2 20.27 27 10.98
57025 6/27/10 0:00 Fred Chung South North Carolina 28909 Tablet Gyne-Lotrimin 3 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 71.1 100% 0.03 0.39 71.1 71.1 2.2865 8 8.69
24386 6/27/10 0:00 Bruce Stewart West New Mexico 87001 Suspension/Drops Copegus Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 76.94 100% 0 0.39 76.94 76.94 29.67 15 4.13
33793 6/28/10 0:00 Joel Eaton East New Jersey 7001 Tablet Myoview 30Ml Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.39 267.58 267.58 -137.747 17 15.16
46626 6/28/10 0:00 Magdelene Morse West Utah 84121 Capsule Novamine 8.5% Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.58 825.96 825.96 -276.95 8 95.98
16706 6/28/10 0:00 Beth Thompson East Massachusetts 2054 Concentrate Cipro Xr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 6,175.78 100% 0.07 0.55 6,175.78 6,175.78 1,881.58 49 155.99
17508 6/28/10 0:00 Roy Skaria Central Illinois 60406 Gel Tolectin 600 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 99.08 100% 0.01 0.56 99.08 99.08 11.28 50 1.76
43751 6/28/10 0:00 Michael Kennedy Central Texas 77037 Syrup Liquamar Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 621.44 100% 0.08 0.81 621.44 621.44 -130.96 43 15.14
6695 6/28/10 0:00 Natalie Webber Central Ohio 43002 Tablet Methamphetamine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 295.24 100% 0.08 0.39 295.24 295.24 -279.933 49 5.81
16706 6/28/10 0:00 Beth Thompson East Massachusetts 2054 Gel 8-Mop Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 18.37 100% 0.01 0.58 18.37 18.37 -4.06 6 2.78
16706 6/28/10 0:00 Beth Thompson East Massachusetts 2054 For Solution Kombiglyze Xr Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,943.72 100% 0.03 0.73 1,943.72 1,943.72 -1,003.58 47 41.47
50466 6/29/10 0:00 Toby Grace South Georgia 30002 Tablet Naphcon-A Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.38 6,892.07 6,892.07 2,754.16 32 223.98
29191 6/29/10 0:00 Penelope Sewall Central Ohio 45999 Spray Phisohex Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.09 0.76 7,201.89 7,201.89 -650.11 26 296.18
44037 6/29/10 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 Concentrate Axid Ar Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,799.61 100% 0.07 0.55 1,799.61 1,799.61 557.595 38 55.99
44037 6/29/10 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 For Solution Mazanor Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 835.55 100% 0.07 0.41 835.55 835.55 326.43 39 22.23
24743 6/29/10 0:00 Sylvia Foulston East New Jersey 7001 Capsule Potassium Chloride 0.037% In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,758.77 100% 0 0.57 3,758.77 3,758.77 753.61 26 140.81
24743 6/29/10 0:00 Sylvia Foulston East New Jersey 7001 Capsule Polytrim Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 9,633.59 100% 0.06 0.59 9,633.59 9,633.59 176.67 47 216.6
26272 6/30/10 0:00 Carlos Daly East Delaware 19810 Capsule Potassium Chloride 0.037% In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.57 905.94 905.94 -4.19 6 140.81
48067 6/30/10 0:00 Jennifer Braxton Central Michigan 49634 Concentrate Cinobac Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0 0.6 4,010.94 4,010.94 630.702 24 195.99
48067 6/30/10 0:00 Jennifer Braxton Central Michigan 49634 Concentrate Alora Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.59 3,229.66 3,229.66 695.061 31 125.99
52324 6/30/10 0:00 Hallie Redmond South South Carolina 29907 Capsule Unipen Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.07 0.69 757.11 757.11 -224.35 4 180.98
23685 6/30/10 0:00 Cynthia Delaney Central Illinois 60001 Concentrate Zavesca Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 7,928.56 100% 0.08 0.59 7,928.56 7,928.56 2,229.48 46 205.99
17414 6/30/10 0:00 Katherine Nockton South Maryland 21230 Suppository Dexrazoxane Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,755.43 100% 0.07 0.52 3,755.43 3,755.43 448.07 39 99.99
4416 6/30/10 0:00 Erica Bern Central Michigan 49971 Tablet Namenda Xr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 7,441.29 100% 0.1 0.4 7,441.29 7,441.29 2,665.40 46 165.98
17414 6/30/10 0:00 Katherine Nockton South Maryland 21230 Ointment Edarbi Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 347.93 100% 0.1 0.36 347.93 347.93 34.29 32 11.34
28387 6/30/10 0:00 Maureen Gastineau West California 93456 Solution/Drops Chloroptic Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,212.97 100% 0.03 0.38 3,212.97 3,212.97 1,125.42 37 83.93
28387 6/30/10 0:00 Maureen Gastineau West California 93456 Ointment Femcon Fe Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 292.95 100% 0.06 0.39 292.95 292.95 60.36 13 22.84
17826 7/1/10 0:00 Michelle Arnett Central Michigan 49971 Tablet Demeclocycline Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.37 78.93 78.93 -88.6075 18 3.89
46912 7/1/10 0:00 Joy Bell East Massachusetts 5544 For Solution Hibistat Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.54 294 294 181.53 5 54.74
40801 7/2/10 0:00 Sarah Bern West Arizona 85321 Ointment Epivir-Hbv Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 129.16 100% 0.07 0.37 129.16 129.16 -56.15 20 6.48
4103 7/3/10 0:00 Denise Leinenbach South Maryland 21022 Gel Estrogenic Substance Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.59 42.5 42.5 -28.43 3 11.66
55938 7/3/10 0:00 Mark Haberlin West Colorado 81124 Syrup Aminosyn 8.5% W/ Electrolytes Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.82 1,769.90 1,769.90 -468.89 18 95.99
55938 7/3/10 0:00 Mark Haberlin West Colorado 81124 Ointment Firazyr Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.38 802.46 802.46 192.88 42 19.98
37313 7/3/10 0:00 Liz MacKendrick West Idaho 83552 Concentrate Dextrose 2.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 908.412 100% 0.07 0.58 908.412 908.412 -71.192 17 65.99
23297 7/3/10 0:00 Adam Hart East Connecticut 6001 Solution Aminocaproic Acid Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 498.68 100% 0.06 0.5 498.68 498.68 79.52 20 25.98
23297 7/3/10 0:00 Adam Hart East Connecticut 6001 Syrup Isovue-300 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 5,208.78 100% 0.05 0.59 5,208.78 5,208.78 1,547.78 34 155.06
4096 7/3/10 0:00 Bill Eplett South North Carolina 28633 Suspension/Drops Daunoxome Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 128.28 100% 0.04 0.39 128.28 128.28 53.58 21 6.3
55526 7/3/10 0:00 Guy Thornton West New Mexico 87001 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride-Hydrochlorothiazide-Reserpine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 445.17 100% 0.02 0.37 445.17 445.17 38.11 23 18.97
37313 7/3/10 0:00 Liz MacKendrick West Idaho 83552 For Solution Codeine, Aspirin, Apap Formula No. 2 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,304.38 100% 0 0.78 3,304.38 3,304.38 -634.49 44 70.71
50914 7/4/10 0:00 Carlos Daly East Delaware 19810 Concentrate Atrovent Hfa Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 8,551.54 100% 0.03 0.58 8,551.54 8,551.54 2,763.13 49 195.99
29761 7/4/10 0:00 Ken Dana West New Mexico 88134 Concentrate Avandamet Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,463.11 100% 0.06 0.57 1,463.11 1,463.11 446.994 48 35.99
21509 7/4/10 0:00 Dennis Bolton East New Jersey 7001 Suspension/Drops Compazine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 47.93 100% 0.04 0.38 47.93 47.93 15.82 13 3.69
43555 7/4/10 0:00 Sung Shariari South Virginia 24157 Lotion Diazoxide Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 43.54 100% 0 0.81 43.54 43.54 -17.48 34 1.26
29761 7/4/10 0:00 Ken Dana West New Mexico 88134 Solution Aminocaproic Acid Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,085.40 100% 0.02 0.5 1,085.40 1,085.40 262.32 42 25.98
29761 7/4/10 0:00 Ken Dana West New Mexico 88134 For Solution Lamictal Cd Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 123.67 100% 0.03 0.6 123.67 123.67 -34.17 19 6.24
46726 7/6/10 0:00 Meg O'Connel East New Jersey 7514 Tablet Acetohexamide Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.35 49.65 49.65 8.2705 10 4.55
46726 7/6/10 0:00 Meg O'Connel East New Jersey 7514 Aerosol Cardioquin Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.58 325.97 325.97 -255.22 46 6.84
51747 7/6/10 0:00 Harold Pawlan South Virginia 23018 Suspension/Drops Delflex W/ Dextrose 2.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.38 12.11 12.11 -0.98 3 3.69
4741 7/7/10 0:00 Anthony O'Donnell South Alabama 35480 For Solution Lidocaine Hydrochloride Preservative Free In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 342.97 100% 0.09 0.43 342.97 342.97 -131.63 40 8.75
32835 7/8/10 0:00 Joy Smith Central Michigan 48001 Concentrate Ryzolt Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 572.4325 100% 0.05 0.56 572.4325 572.4325 -19.437 15 45.99
41120 7/8/10 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Suspension/Drops Deferoxamine Mesylate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 43.37 100% 0.02 0.37 43.37 43.37 9.53 13 3.08
30436 7/8/10 0:00 Dave Hallsten Central Texas 78702 Tablet Demeclocycline Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 121.19 100% 0.09 0.37 121.19 121.19 -152.1335 30 3.89
41120 7/8/10 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Capsule Aminosyn Ii 3.5% M In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 870.75 100% 0.09 0.57 870.75 870.75 100.5 35 26.64
13923 7/9/10 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Cream Parasal Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.36 4,332.30 4,332.30 2,066.12 28 200.97
13923 7/9/10 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Solution Potassium Chloride 10Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.6 220.09 220.09 -1,795.74 39 4.48
13923 7/9/10 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Syrup Cor-Oticin Intramuscular Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.72 6,152.80 6,152.80 554.55 27 225.02
13923 7/9/10 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Ointment Fuzeon Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.39 1,220.23 1,220.23 172.62 49 22.84
48577 7/9/10 0:00 Roy Collins South Florida 32003 Ointment Eryzole Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 201.83 100% 0.02 0.4 201.83 201.83 34.98 6 30.98
44486 7/10/10 0:00 Tom Prescott Central Texas 77474 Ointment Erythromycin Ethylsuccinate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.36 198.1 198.1 -66.93 36 5.78
25569 7/10/10 0:00 Frank Carlisle East Delaware 19936 Ointment Elestat Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.38 311.21 311.21 -14.03 27 12.28
2209 7/10/10 0:00 Pete Armstrong East Connecticut 6703 Concentrate Alora Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,265.50 100% 0.1 0.59 1,265.50 1,265.50 -161.117 13 125.99
52706 7/10/10 0:00 Harry Greene Central Wisconsin 54990 Tablet Sodium Lactate In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,041.66 100% 0.02 0.38 1,041.66 1,041.66 480.5305 34 28.53
2209 7/10/10 0:00 Pete Armstrong East Connecticut 6703 Ointment Dynacirc Cr Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 5.68 100% 0.02 0.39 5.68 5.68 -1.82 1 4.76
2209 7/10/10 0:00 Pete Armstrong East Connecticut 6703 Gel Trazodone Hydrochloride Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 174.59 100% 0.08 0.56 174.59 174.59 25.88 42 4.28
28165 7/10/10 0:00 Grant Carroll East Massachusetts 2139 Tablet Otobione Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 24.96 100% 0.05 0.38 24.96 24.96 -12.7995 2 10.91
58368 7/10/10 0:00 Doug Bickford South Alabama 36925 Ointment Estratab Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 272.07 100% 0.02 0.37 272.07 272.07 -206.46 39 6.48
58368 7/10/10 0:00 Doug Bickford South Alabama 36925 Syrup Mepergan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 325.43 100% 0.09 0.73 325.43 325.43 -76.11 5 64.98
24450 7/10/10 0:00 Kristina Nunn West Arizona 86409 Solution Bromfenac Sodium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 443.35 100% 0.02 0.58 443.35 443.35 -21.73 37 11.97
24450 7/10/10 0:00 Kristina Nunn West Arizona 86409 Ointment Esmolol Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 30.85 100% 0.03 0.36 30.85 30.85 -12.88 4 5.98
2209 7/10/10 0:00 Pete Armstrong East Connecticut 6703 Capsule Pfizer-E Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 9,418.73 100% 0 0.57 9,418.73 9,418.73 2,245.24 27 320.98
58368 7/10/10 0:00 Doug Bickford South Alabama 36925 For Solution Locoid Lipocream Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 14.23 100% 0 0.43 14.23 14.23 -4.43 4 2.08
24450 7/10/10 0:00 Kristina Nunn West Arizona 86409 For Solution Ilotycin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 392.61 100% 0.08 0.45 392.61 392.61 -100.15 41 9.48
17797 7/11/10 0:00 Vivek Grady West Utah 84791 Solution/Drops Homatropine Methylbromide And Hydrocodone Bitartrate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.39 61.52 61.52 -8.89 16 3.69
30403 7/11/10 0:00 Emily Grady West Idaho 83201 Tablet Cimetidine Hydrochloride In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.38 305.01 305.01 -160.816 41 7.3
30403 7/11/10 0:00 Emily Grady West Idaho 83201 Syrup Mirena Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.66 3,583.52 3,583.52 221.71 24 161.55
17797 7/11/10 0:00 Vivek Grady West Utah 84791 Injectable Fml Forte Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.78 1,077.28 1,077.28 -486.12 10 100.98
53600 7/11/10 0:00 Roland Black East Massachusetts 1059 Tablet Dostinex Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.36 55.59 55.59 -17.9515 8 5.18
34822 7/11/10 0:00 Nathan Cano East Massachusetts 1059 Suppository Technetium Tc 99M Hsa Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 990.5 100% 0.04 0.44 990.5 990.5 323.73 23 43.98
45767 7/11/10 0:00 Nick Crebassa South Virginia 24157 Syrup Conray Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 841.51 100% 0.05 0.58 841.51 841.51 20.86 49 16.91
36833 7/12/10 0:00 Harold Ryan East Connecticut 6928 Ointment Foscavir Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.37 184.32 184.32 -73.33 25 6.68
1793 7/12/10 0:00 Joni Blumstein East Connecticut 6817 Tablet Nicotrol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.4 233.43 233.43 -71.898 36 6.28
28228 7/12/10 0:00 Meg Tillman Central Ohio 43107 Solution/Drops Demulen 1/50-21 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.38 346.23 346.23 8.46 5 60.98
29985 7/12/10 0:00 Guy Phonely West California 90835 Tablet Modicon 21 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 24.51 100% 0.06 0.4 24.51 24.51 -18.262 2 8.04
29985 7/12/10 0:00 Khloe Miller East Massachusetts 2054 For Solution Capozide 25/25 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 196.75 100% 0.03 0.41 196.75 196.75 0.13 22 7.96
14016 7/12/10 0:00 Tom Boeckenhauer East Connecticut 6439 Spray E-Base Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,137.62 100% 0.05 0.63 1,137.62 1,137.62 -284.68 9 124.49
21925 7/13/10 0:00 Patrick Jones South Alabama 36344 Suppository Terazosin Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.76 236.32 236.32 -339.95 3 77.51
50758 7/13/10 0:00 Ritsa Hightower East Connecticut 6817 Ointment Premphase (Premarin;Cycrin 14/14) Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 128.5 100% 0.02 0.37 128.5 128.5 -44.69 17 6.68
549 7/13/10 0:00 Ken Brennan West Washington 98390 Syrup Keppra Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,150.88 100% 0.05 0.8 1,150.88 1,150.88 -911.56 30 38.94
17735 7/13/10 0:00 Ed Ludwig West Utah 84001 Lotion Busulfex Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 101.19 100% 0.06 0.39 101.19 101.19 32.47 28 3.78
549 7/13/10 0:00 Ken Brennan West Washington 98390 Ointment Exjade Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 70.24 100% 0.03 0.36 70.24 70.24 -59.75 13 4.98
17735 7/13/10 0:00 Ed Ludwig West Utah 84001 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.33% And Potassium Chloride 30Meq In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 311.65 100% 0.03 0.37 311.65 311.65 -71.254 45 6.81
549 7/13/10 0:00 Ken Brennan West Washington 98390 Ointment Griseofulvin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 40.75 100% 0.05 0.36 40.75 40.75 -27.57 5 6.48
41927 7/14/10 0:00 Matt Abelman East Massachusetts 2139 Ointment Embeline Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.37 2,332.23 2,332.23 1,085.93 46 48.04
14215 7/14/10 0:00 Karl Brown West California 93456 Ointment Junior Strength Advil Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.37 2,277.03 2,277.03 964.1 44 55.48
5858 7/14/10 0:00 Sibella Parks East Connecticut 6703 Concentrate Claritin Reditabs Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0 0.58 5,382.31 5,382.31 1,419.05 29 205.99
5858 7/14/10 0:00 Sibella Parks East Connecticut 6703 Solution Magnesium Sulfate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.58 2,531.66 2,531.66 354.74 48 50.98
53378 7/14/10 0:00 Mitch Willingham South North Carolina 27006 Suspension Flolan Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 13,934.53 100% 0.1 0.5 13,934.53 13,934.53 4,352.83 50 299.99
53378 7/14/10 0:00 Mitch Willingham South North Carolina 27006 Concentrate Betoptic Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 2,377.28 100% 0.04 0.83 2,377.28 2,377.28 -5.786 49 55.99
53378 7/14/10 0:00 Mitch Willingham South North Carolina 27006 For Solution Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,233.76 100% 0.06 0.55 1,233.76 1,233.76 -168.08 38 33.98
14980 7/15/10 0:00 Lori Olson South Alabama 36761 Suppository Technescan Hida Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 898.9 100% 0.03 0.42 898.9 898.9 325.88 27 31.78
53223 7/15/10 0:00 Stewart Visinsky Central Nebraska 68016 Tablet Chlorascrub Swabstick Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 13.29 100% 0.08 0.35 13.29 13.29 -10.327 2 4.24
52325 7/15/10 0:00 Paul MacIntyre South Florida 34997 Tablet Naphcon-A Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 5,126.30 100% 0.07 0.38 5,126.30 5,126.30 2,019.19 23 223.98
55683 7/16/10 0:00 Meg Tillman Central Ohio 43107 Lotion Captopril Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.4 172.23 172.23 32.35 50 3.29
55683 7/16/10 0:00 Meg Tillman Central Ohio 43107 For Solution Predamide Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.55 1,198.10 1,198.10 187.19 23 51.75
16103 7/16/10 0:00 Maria Zettner South Georgia 30002 Gel Acth Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 426.7 100% 0.06 0.44 426.7 426.7 104.77 22 19.84
16103 7/16/10 0:00 Maria Zettner South Georgia 30002 Ointment Epivir-Hbv Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 217.14 100% 0 0.37 217.14 217.14 -62.97 31 6.48
24613 7/17/10 0:00 Jasper Cacioppo South North Carolina 27801 Suspension Oxacillin Sodium Delayed Release Competitor A Animal 0 0.37 9,695.84 9,695.84 2,752.11 16 599.99
30208 7/17/10 0:00 Lindsay Shagiari South Maryland 20601 Concentrate Amrix Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.57 1,752.10 1,752.10 356.346 46 45.99
24613 7/17/10 0:00 Jasper Cacioppo South North Carolina 27801 Gel Acth Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.44 777.78 777.78 237.75 39 19.84
24613 7/17/10 0:00 Jasper Cacioppo South North Carolina 27801 Ointment Histamine Phosphate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.37 246.79 246.79 -90.08 36 6.48
33666 7/17/10 0:00 Eugene Barchas East Massachusetts 2180 Spray Perforomist Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.79 3,801.27 3,801.27 -602.31 17 209.37
59558 7/17/10 0:00 Henry Goldwyn Central Illinois 62560 Suspension/Drops Cobavite Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.39 94.56 94.56 37.73 34 2.61
30786 7/17/10 0:00 Quincy Jones South Alabama 36276 Gel 8-Mop Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.45 65.91 65.91 0.76 23 2.78
30786 7/17/10 0:00 Quincy Jones South Alabama 36276 Syrup Inderide La 160/50 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.58 72.72 72.72 -36.61 4 15.42
46979 7/17/10 0:00 Neil French South Virginia 23018 Cream Vanos Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 8,718.46 100% 0.09 0.56 8,718.46 8,718.46 1,554.85 30 306.14
9892 7/17/10 0:00 Kelly Williams South Virginia 24658 Solution/Drops Demadex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,406.64 100% 0.02 0.38 1,406.64 1,406.64 424.36 50 27.18
46979 7/17/10 0:00 Neil French South Virginia 23018 Ointment Forane Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 135.88 100% 0.05 0.38 135.88 135.88 -66.02 26 4.98
42374 7/18/10 0:00 Dennis Pardue Central Ohio 44197 Suppository Clinimix 5/35 Sulfite Free In Dextrose 35% In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 205.32 100% 0.08 0.41 205.32 205.32 37.3 21 10.01
24039 7/18/10 0:00 Sean Wendt East Massachusetts 1059 Suppository Repronex Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 199.16 100% 0.1 0.44 199.16 199.16 -64.87 5 40.98
42374 7/18/10 0:00 Dennis Pardue Central Ohio 44197 Tablet Nexium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 694.17 100% 0 0.39 694.17 694.17 174.216 11 59.78
42374 7/18/10 0:00 Dennis Pardue Central Ohio 44197 Tablet Neo-Hydeltrasol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 807.6 100% 0 0.36 807.6 807.6 214.302 47 16.74
45734 7/18/10 0:00 Amy Hunt Central Texas 73301 Gel Prevpac Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 557.52 100% 0.03 0.58 557.52 557.52 -157.3 47 11.66
38532 7/18/10 0:00 Pamela Coakley South Maryland 21290 Gel Triaminic-12 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 128.22 100% 0.07 0.58 128.22 128.22 16.51 44 2.94
53635 7/19/10 0:00 Raymond Fair West California 93456 Aerosol Ativan Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.84 103.92 103.92 -52.76 33 3.14
43907 7/19/10 0:00 Melanie Page West Utah 84721 Spray Pletal Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,392.77 100% 0 0.65 1,392.77 1,392.77 -1,385.70 42 31.76
11745 7/20/10 0:00 Mark Cousins East Massachusetts 1001 Suppository Rogaine (For Women) Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.77 686.27 686.27 -345.36 17 40.48
14727 7/20/10 0:00 Bobby Trafton South Georgia 39901 Solution Delflex W/ Dextrose 2.5% Low Magnesium In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.59 2,269.41 2,269.41 630.18 33 70.97
34595 7/20/10 0:00 Dave Poirier South Florida 32003 Ointment Entocort Ec Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.36 488.65 488.65 19.83 12 40.99
14727 7/20/10 0:00 Bobby Trafton South Georgia 39901 Spray Fludarabine Phosphate Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.04 0.64 8,532.15 8,532.15 1,039.39 50 212.6
25825 7/20/10 0:00 Michael Granlund East Massachusetts 5544 Ointment Bicillin L-A Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 483.74 100% 0.02 0.38 483.74 483.74 206.27 45 10.31
25825 7/20/10 0:00 Michael Granlund East Massachusetts 5544 Gel Ionosol Mb And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 159.65 100% 0.06 0.56 159.65 159.65 -1.79 27 5.85
49927 7/21/10 0:00 Parhena Norris East Massachusetts 5544 Lotion Children'S Claritin Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.52 85.66 85.66 6.67 39 2.18
49927 7/21/10 0:00 Parhena Norris East Massachusetts 5544 Tablet Glycort Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.37 139.54 139.54 -54.0845 26 4.98
49927 7/21/10 0:00 Parhena Norris East Massachusetts 5544 For Solution Suprenza Extended Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.42 199.52 199.52 13.44 28 7.59
5408 7/21/10 0:00 Bobby Elias South Georgia 31811 Suspension/Drops Cytadren Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.39 88.82 88.82 38.35 20 4.13
5408 7/21/10 0:00 Bobby Elias South Georgia 31811 For Solution Stadol Delayed Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.04 0.59 2,392.23 2,392.23 1,216.74 11 209.84
40357 7/22/10 0:00 Emily Grady West Idaho 83201 Solution Hydrocodone Bitartrate And Acetaminophen Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.56 240.49 240.49 -53.9 4 56.96
16098 7/22/10 0:00 Patricia Hirasaki West Washington 99403 Tablet Seasonique Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.39 1,001.99 1,001.99 333.5315 44 24.95
22465 7/22/10 0:00 Thea Hendricks South North Carolina 28909 Capsule Nph Iletin I (Beef-Pork) Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.77 1,121.78 1,121.78 -454.8 4 270.98
16098 7/22/10 0:00 Patricia Hirasaki West Washington 99403 For Solution Norinyl 1+35 21-Day Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.06 0.39 480.43 480.43 50.59 31 14.98
17091 7/22/10 0:00 Kean Nguyen South Maryland 21794 Concentrate Atarax Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0 0.56 2,604.32 2,604.32 750.87 45 65.99
33568 7/22/10 0:00 Frank Olsen South South Carolina 29338 Syrup Colocort Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.6 385.81 385.81 7.35 23 15.51
33568 7/22/10 0:00 Frank Olsen South South Carolina 29338 For Solution Ketozole Injection Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.72 628.73 628.73 -181.87 10 55.5
41831 7/22/10 0:00 Muhammed Lee Central Texas 78602 Cream Paremyd Oral TableauCeutical Animal 3,441.09 100% 0.03 0.4 3,441.09 3,441.09 431.95 43 80.97
20807 7/22/10 0:00 Justin Hirsh West Arizona 85234 Concentrate Bronkaid Mist Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 466.9475 100% 0.1 0.39 466.9475 466.9475 82.818 16 35.99
41831 7/22/10 0:00 Muhammed Lee Central Texas 78602 Ointment Ibu-Tab 200 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 209.61 100% 0.05 0.4 209.61 209.61 -96.29 38 5.28
6182 7/22/10 0:00 Grant Carroll East Massachusetts 2139 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 130.32 100% 0.04 0.37 130.32 130.32 -67.28 18 6.48
6182 7/22/10 0:00 Grant Carroll East Massachusetts 2139 Ointment Gallium Citrate Ga 67 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 255.48 100% 0.04 0.36 255.48 255.48 -116.79 40 6.48
11396 7/22/10 0:00 Matt Connell South Maryland 21022 Tablet Proklar Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 12,270.30 100% 0.07 0.4 12,270.30 12,270.30 4,842.37 42 304.99
17634 7/22/10 0:00 Alan Hwang South Virginia 20101 Capsule Ondansetron Hydrochloride And Dextrose In Plastic Container Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 489.07 100% 0.08 0.66 489.07 489.07 -197.88 5 89.99
20807 7/22/10 0:00 Justin Hirsh West Arizona 85234 Capsule Uroplus Ds Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 6,152.52 100% 0.08 0.62 6,152.52 6,152.52 768.06 39 160.98
29764 7/23/10 0:00 Barry Gonzalez Central Nebraska 69141 Tablet Neo-Rx Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.39 165.09 165.09 -8.5905 10 15.01
54023 7/23/10 0:00 Sean Miller West Colorado 80746 Tablet Nicorette (Mint) Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.36 405.6 405.6 -8.5905 45 8.85
43556 7/23/10 0:00 Saphhira Shifley West Washington 98625 Ointment Dilaudid Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 477.16 100% 0.02 0.39 477.16 477.16 204.18 31 15.04
17218 7/24/10 0:00 Clay Ludtke South North Carolina 28909 Ointment Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 157.85 100% 0.06 0.36 157.85 157.85 22.54 32 5.18
57574 7/24/10 0:00 Russell D'Ascenzo Central Wisconsin 53006 For Solution Dicumarol Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 466.36 100% 0.07 0.62 466.36 466.36 -192.7 20 23.99
40388 7/25/10 0:00 Luke Schmidt South Florida 32122 Gel Trazodone Hydrochloride Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.56 67.73 67.73 2.44 17 4.28
30727 7/26/10 0:00 Kean Nguyen South Maryland 21794 Solution Menest Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.56 1,166.29 1,166.29 302.86 28 41.71
5254 7/26/10 0:00 William Brown South Georgia 39901 Concentrate Ammonium Chloride 0.9% In Normal Saline Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,735.35 100% 0.08 0.56 1,735.35 1,735.35 258.624 31 65.99
27201 7/26/10 0:00 Scot Coram West Colorado 80813 Capsule Orapred Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,056.89 100% 0.02 0.6 5,056.89 5,056.89 789.05 10 500.98
27201 7/26/10 0:00 Scot Coram West Colorado 80813 Spray Sandostatin Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,500.10 100% 0.01 0.72 3,500.10 3,500.10 -2,957.02 45 70.89
32903 7/27/10 0:00 Daniel Lacy West Idaho 83810 Syrup Lescol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.57 454.58 454.58 -118.75 31 15.31
37831 7/27/10 0:00 Cynthia Voltz South Maryland 20601 Suppository Solaraze Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 453.87 100% 0.08 0.37 453.87 453.87 76.59 30 15.98
23174 7/27/10 0:00 Harry Marie Central Illinois 60001 Syrup Alphacaine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 138.24 100% 0.03 0.81 138.24 138.24 -60.04 8 16.74
23174 7/27/10 0:00 Harry Marie Central Illinois 60001 Capsule Polytrim Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,549.90 100% 0.06 0.59 3,549.90 3,549.90 44.8 16 216.6
23812 7/28/10 0:00 Toby Grace South Georgia 30002 Cream Parasal Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.36 5,845.82 5,845.82 2,227.89 32 200.97
42982 7/28/10 0:00 Brendan Sweed Central Wisconsin 53081 For Solution Indium In-111 Oxyquinoline Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,318.34 100% 0.02 0.61 1,318.34 1,318.34 464.05 12 105.34
42982 7/28/10 0:00 Brendan Sweed Central Wisconsin 53081 For Solution Dermacort Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,587.59 100% 0.08 0.53 1,587.59 1,587.59 651.74 42 39.89
11684 7/28/10 0:00 Jenna Caffey West Washington 98103 Capsule Potassium Chloride 0.037% In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,173.50 100% 0 0.57 1,173.50 1,173.50 53.87 8 140.81
49153 7/29/10 0:00 Barbara Fisher South Alabama 35062 Capsule Trovan Preservative Free Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.73 2,245.78 2,245.78 -432.46 31 70.98
11782 7/29/10 0:00 Marina Lichtenstein Central Michigan 49642 Concentrate Vinblastine Sulfate Injection TableauCeutical Animal 1,541.78 100% 0.07 0.6 1,541.78 1,541.78 14.346 27 66.99
16161 7/29/10 0:00 Kristina Nunn West Arizona 86409 Concentrate Anexsia 5/325 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,692.69 100% 0.03 0.55 2,692.69 2,692.69 768.321 49 65.99
11782 7/29/10 0:00 Marina Lichtenstein Central Michigan 49642 Ointment Ortho-Novum 1/50 21 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 247.21 100% 0.02 0.36 247.21 247.21 -63.72 46 4.98
16161 7/29/10 0:00 Kristina Nunn West Arizona 86409 Lotion Busulfex Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 151.19 100% 0.03 0.39 151.19 151.19 60.63 38 3.78
55813 7/29/10 0:00 Darren Powers West Utah 84741 For Solution Codeine, Aspirin, Apap Formula No. 2 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,650.77 100% 0.08 0.78 2,650.77 2,650.77 -824.43 39 70.71
40901 7/30/10 0:00 Darrin Van Huff South Alabama 36544 Concentrate Altabax Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.6 3,100.11 3,100.11 567.369 22 155.99
40901 7/30/10 0:00 Darrin Van Huff South Alabama 36544 Suppository Alphagan P Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.66 273.14 273.14 -96.9 40 6.6
36864 7/30/10 0:00 Toby Carlisle South Florida 32122 Gel Imodium Multi-Symptom Relief Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.51 55.49 55.49 7.23 9 6.08
20932 7/30/10 0:00 Raymond Fair West California 93456 Gel Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.41 123.26 123.26 -4.73 38 3.26
5699 7/30/10 0:00 Sean Miller West Colorado 80746 Suspension/Drops Copegus Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.39 9.25 9.25 -4.21 2 4.13
5699 7/30/10 0:00 Sean Miller West Colorado 80746 Syrup Chlorotrianisene Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.57 573.89 573.89 -121.44 41 14.98
52678 7/30/10 0:00 Jonathan Doherty Central Ohio 43567 Syrup Corzide Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 112.79 100% 0.06 0.78 112.79 112.79 -95.39 3 20.98
59234 7/30/10 0:00 Michelle Lonsdale East New Jersey 7001 Solution Risperidone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 5,686.25 100% 0.04 0.56 5,686.25 5,686.25 2,109.21 32 177.98
26310 7/30/10 0:00 Neil French South Virginia 23018 Solution/Drops Actahist Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 77.41 100% 0.05 0.38 77.41 77.41 9.35 5 15.67
26310 7/30/10 0:00 Neil French South Virginia 23018 Ointment Gemzar Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 112.67 100% 0.09 0.36 112.67 112.67 -37.85 19 5.98
59234 7/30/10 0:00 Michelle Lonsdale East New Jersey 7001 Capsule Novolog Mix 70/30 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 797.24 100% 0.04 0.56 797.24 797.24 11.46 16 50.98
44423 7/30/10 0:00 Nona Balk South Virginia 23664 For Solution Lidocaine Hydrochloride 0.4% In Dextrose 5% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 248.64 100% 0.08 0.43 248.64 248.64 -69.27 39 6.28
27616 7/31/10 0:00 Susan Pistek South Virginia 23664 Suspension Geodon Delayed Release Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.46 614.14 614.14 -735.27 3 199.99
26469 7/31/10 0:00 Arthur Prichep West California 91188 Tablet Proferdex Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.36 7,406.49 7,406.49 701.216 4 1,889.99
26469 7/31/10 0:00 Arthur Prichep West California 91188 Ointment Premphase (Premarin;Cycrin 14/14) Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.37 350.01 350.01 -133.43 50 6.68
16352 7/31/10 0:00 Logan Haushalter Central Nebraska 68770 Ointment Gallium Citrate Ga 67 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 113.25 100% 0.03 0.36 113.25 113.25 -43.43 16 6.48
56384 8/1/10 0:00 Steven Roelle East New York 12917 Solution Potassium Chloride 10Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.6 257.2 257.2 -2,172.14 47 4.48
56384 8/1/10 0:00 Steven Roelle East New York 12917 Spray Fazaclo Odt Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.77 6,139.34 6,139.34 -1,202.41 29 218.75
2562 8/1/10 0:00 Cindy Chapman West Arizona 85338 Suppository Mycelex-7 Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 64.82 100% 0.02 0.55 64.82 64.82 -32.03 28 2.12
2562 8/1/10 0:00 Cindy Chapman West Arizona 85338 Ointment Enalaprilat Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 821.18 100% 0.04 0.38 821.18 821.18 308.63 17 48.91
2562 8/1/10 0:00 Cindy Chapman West Arizona 85338 Ointment Breathtek Ubt For H-Pylori Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 77.6 100% 0.08 0.36 77.6 77.6 -37.07 6 11.34
11808 8/1/10 0:00 Paul Prost South Florida 32119 Spray Protopic Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 148.344 100% 0.06 0.75 148.344 148.344 32.95 1 150.98
13988 8/2/10 0:00 MaryBeth Skach West New Mexico 87199 Syrup Chlorotrianisene Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.57 626.96 626.96 -35.92 39 14.98
13988 8/2/10 0:00 MaryBeth Skach West New Mexico 87199 Solution Bromfenac Sodium Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.58 236.31 236.31 -2.24 18 11.97
13988 8/2/10 0:00 MaryBeth Skach West New Mexico 87199 For Solution Lidocaine Hydrochloride 0.8% In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.41 180.27 180.27 -59.71 34 4.95
11431 8/2/10 0:00 Eric Hoffmann Central Illinois 62560 Concentrate Claritin Reditabs Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.58 1,273.27 1,273.27 -615.67 8 205.99
2247 8/2/10 0:00 Clay Cheatham Central Wisconsin 53006 Cream Velosef '125' Oral Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.57 21,134.71 21,134.71 -4,903.55 6 3,502.14
31302 8/2/10 0:00 Jim Epp West Idaho 83465 Suppository Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.33% And Potassium Chloride 0.22% In Plastic Container Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.49 4,648.64 4,648.64 1,777.67 41 115.79
11431 8/2/10 0:00 Eric Hoffmann Central Illinois 62560 Ointment Darvon Compound Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.4 39.68 39.68 -6.71 5 8.01
47399 8/2/10 0:00 Rick Bensley Central Wisconsin 53081 Tablet Diovan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 145.76 100% 0 0.37 145.76 145.76 5.6695 26 5.28
33445 8/3/10 0:00 Victoria Brennan East New York 14210 Spray Sectral Delayed Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.72 2,982.50 2,982.50 -589.58 16 182.55
33445 8/3/10 0:00 Victoria Brennan East New York 14210 Injectable Polycillin Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.01 0.6 3,642.14 3,642.14 103.11 49 70.98
33445 8/3/10 0:00 Victoria Brennan East New York 14210 Injectable Fondaparinux Sodium Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.07 0.62 1,776.96 1,776.96 -197.06 18 100.98
52039 8/3/10 0:00 Justin MacKendrick South North Carolina 28609 Suppository Repronex Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 2,006.38 100% 0 0.44 2,006.38 2,006.38 840.46 48 40.98
26691 8/4/10 0:00 Liz Thompson East New Jersey 8823 Tablet Norditropin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 270.43 100% 0.07 0.35 270.43 270.43 -83.1565 37 7.68
37412 8/4/10 0:00 Steve Carroll East Massachusetts 1001 Aerosol Mpi Stannous Diphosphonate Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 191.67 100% 0.03 0.57 191.67 191.67 6.02 17 10.98
1540 8/5/10 0:00 Don Miller East Massachusetts 2054 Gel Travasol 4.25% Sulfite Free W/ Electrolytes In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.56 80.9 80.9 5.76 30 2.88
33761 8/5/10 0:00 Pierre Wener West California 96061 Gel Bronkodyl Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.6 463.93 463.93 29.96 45 10.48
8167 8/5/10 0:00 Jim Karlsson Central Nebraska 68016 Concentrate Avandamet Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.57 1,449.30 1,449.30 432.378 48 35.99
8167 8/5/10 0:00 Jim Karlsson Central Nebraska 68016 Ointment Epivir-Hbv Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.37 30.95 30.95 -16.48 4 6.48
933 8/5/10 0:00 Claudia Miner East Delaware 19936 Tablet Diovan Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.37 80.61 80.61 -4.715 15 5.28
54886 8/5/10 0:00 Doug O'Connell West Colorado 80230 For Solution Lanoxin Pediatric Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.57 419.95 419.95 -39.1 39 10.64
36803 8/5/10 0:00 Ralph Kennedy West Utah 84663 Concentrate Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.3% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 103.105 100% 0.09 0.56 103.105 103.105 -316.316 2 65.99
52197 8/5/10 0:00 Maxwell Schwartz West New Mexico 87011 Lotion Children'S Fexofenadine Hydrochloride Hives Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 91.94 100% 0.01 0.53 91.94 91.94 -10.11 23 3.95
36803 8/5/10 0:00 Ralph Kennedy West Utah 84663 Suspension/Drops Delaxin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 121.65 100% 0.05 0.36 121.65 121.65 30.76 42 2.88
52197 8/5/10 0:00 Maxwell Schwartz West New Mexico 87011 Syrup Mepergan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 377.03 100% 0.06 0.73 377.03 377.03 -78.82 6 64.98
36803 8/5/10 0:00 Ralph Kennedy West Utah 84663 For Solution Locoid Lipocream Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 19.02 100% 0.05 0.43 19.02 19.02 10.73 2 2.08
59909 8/6/10 0:00 Christina Vanderzanden West New Mexico 88044 Cream Paracort Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.4 1,255.48 1,255.48 -336.38 11 115.99
59909 8/6/10 0:00 Christina Vanderzanden West New Mexico 88044 Syrup Calcibind Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.57 411.56 411.56 -188.02 46 9.38
16423 8/6/10 0:00 Bryan Davis Central Michigan 49877 Ointment Heparin Sodium 5,000 Units In Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 128.21 100% 0.05 0.37 128.21 128.21 -55.13 19 6.48
18849 8/6/10 0:00 Deanra Eno South Florida 32003 Solution/Drops Acetazolamide Sodium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 471.87 100% 0.05 0.36 471.87 471.87 52.27 43 11.09
18849 8/6/10 0:00 Deanra Eno South Florida 32003 Solution Robaxin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 751.71 100% 0.09 0.55 751.71 751.71 50.83 6 131.12
30597 8/6/10 0:00 Michelle Ellison West Colorado 81655 Syrup Liquamar Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 639.84 100% 0.03 0.81 639.84 639.84 -95.76 42 15.14
27299 8/6/10 0:00 Liz Willingham South North Carolina 27010 For Solution Sporanox Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 802.16 100% 0.1 0.57 802.16 802.16 -293.45 41 19.94
18849 8/6/10 0:00 Deanra Eno South Florida 32003 For Solution Atropine And Demerol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 539.6 100% 0.06 0.43 539.6 539.6 -6.5 39 13.79
30597 8/6/10 0:00 Michelle Ellison West Colorado 81655 For Solution Sulfamethoxazole And Trimethoprim Double Strength Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 93.02 100% 0.07 0.51 93.02 93.02 20.01 18 5.08
11398 8/7/10 0:00 Nathan Gelder West Colorado 80813 Gel Zylet Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.4 80.89 80.89 23.37 26 2.94
11398 8/7/10 0:00 Nathan Gelder West Colorado 80813 Ointment Equetro Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.4 109.7 109.7 -106.77 16 5.98
28454 8/7/10 0:00 Sean O'Donnell South Maryland 21794 Ointment Hydra-Zide Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 157.4 100% 0.07 0.37 157.4 157.4 -84 25 6.48
25861 8/8/10 0:00 Brooke Gillingham South South Carolina 29684 Cream Loxitane Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.59 23,775.56 23,775.56 7,080.99 44 535.64
32327 8/8/10 0:00 Ionia McGrath South Alabama 36830 Spray Heparin Sodium 5,000 Units In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.8 20,333.82 20,333.82 -1,589.39 45 550.98
44323 8/8/10 0:00 Barry Weirich South Maryland 21230 Cream Veinamine 8% Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 21,320.58 100% 0.09 0.56 21,320.58 21,320.58 5,381.02 27 810.98
15296 8/8/10 0:00 Nick Radford South Georgia 31811 Syrup Mirena Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 6,216.60 100% 0.02 0.66 6,216.60 6,216.60 1,082.21 38 161.55
45670 8/8/10 0:00 Barry Franz West Washington 98001 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 20.16 100% 0.06 0.37 20.16 20.16 -13.32 2 6.48
51365 8/8/10 0:00 Theone Pippenger East Massachusetts 5544 For Solution Lidocaine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 195.23 100% 0.08 0.41 195.23 195.23 -72.46 35 5.89
51365 8/8/10 0:00 Theone Pippenger East Massachusetts 5544 Spray E-Base Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,051.80 100% 0.1 0.63 4,051.80 4,051.80 -760.08 35 124.49
13543 8/9/10 0:00 Andy Reiter South Maryland 20601 Syrup Monistat 7 Combination Pack Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 27.83 100% 0.09 0.6 27.83 27.83 -22.14 2 9.71
42400 8/10/10 0:00 Giulietta Baptist Central Michigan 49822 Suppository Dimetapp Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.68 865.27 865.27 11.55 44 19.98
42400 8/10/10 0:00 Giulietta Baptist Central Michigan 49822 Suppository Tenuate Dospan Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.64 429.28 429.28 -168.95 41 10.97
48774 8/10/10 0:00 Dionis Lloyd South North Carolina 27010 Capsule Physiosol In Plastic Container Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.04 0.57 7,323.78 7,323.78 573.55 31 243.98
42436 8/10/10 0:00 Becky Pak South South Carolina 29907 Cream Pamine Forte Oral TableauCeutical Animal 10,994.74 100% 0.09 0.36 10,994.74 10,994.74 3,612.58 30 400.97
9347 8/10/10 0:00 Michelle Tran West Idaho 83465 Solution Potassium Chloride 20Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.225% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 131.2 100% 0.01 0.59 131.2 131.2 -107.98 31 3.95
49442 8/10/10 0:00 Brian DeCherney West Idaho 83201 Tablet Procapan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 131.12 100% 0.03 0.4 131.12 131.12 -24.8055 11 11.5
45440 8/10/10 0:00 Michelle Lonsdale East New Jersey 7001 Capsule Norvasc Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 748.29 100% 0.02 0.76 748.29 748.29 -183.6 5 135.99
54630 8/11/10 0:00 Rob Williams South Alabama 36047 Ointment Epivir-Hbv Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.37 73.22 73.22 -34.53 11 6.48
8293 8/11/10 0:00 Jason Klamczynski Central Nebraska 69367 Concentrate Betamethasone Acetate And Betamethasone Sodium Phosphate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.55 1,497.76 1,497.76 483.66 50 35.99
8293 8/11/10 0:00 Jason Klamczynski Central Nebraska 69367 Aerosol Ativan Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.84 75.03 75.03 -31.52 22 3.14
28738 8/11/10 0:00 Nora Price East New York 14210 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.2% And Potassium Chloride 0.15% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.38 23.54 23.54 -14.467 2 8.6
28738 8/11/10 0:00 Nora Price East New York 14210 Syrup Kantrex Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.59 1,539.83 1,539.83 34.85 10 165.2
23748 8/11/10 0:00 Naresj Patel West Utah 84001 Syrup Cor-Oticin Intramuscular Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.72 6,163.52 6,163.52 755.95 26 225.02
35299 8/11/10 0:00 Randy Bradley South North Carolina 28633 Suppository Dexrazoxane Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,359 100% 0.02 0.52 4,359 4,359 907.67 41 99.99
8801 8/11/10 0:00 Thomas Brumley West Utah 84337 Concentrate Alora Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,529.40 100% 0.06 0.59 2,529.40 2,529.40 371.214 25 125.99
38656 8/11/10 0:00 John Castell East New York 14210 Suspension/Drops Clorazepate Dipotassium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 64.46 100% 0.01 0.36 64.46 64.46 25.16 13 4.91
38656 8/11/10 0:00 John Castell East New York 14210 Tablet Cardene Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 162.51 100% 0.09 0.38 162.51 162.51 -148.396 41 4.13
38656 8/11/10 0:00 John Castell East New York 14210 Capsule Nulytely-Flavored Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 561.43 100% 0.07 0.59 561.43 561.43 -199.46 3 180.98
8801 8/11/10 0:00 Thomas Brumley West Utah 84337 For Solution Ketalar Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,593.08 100% 0 0.74 2,593.08 2,593.08 -673.31 32 79.52
47846 8/12/10 0:00 Hilary Holden Central Michigan 49971 Ointment Premphase (Premarin;Cycrin 14/14) Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 241.14 100% 0.08 0.37 241.14 241.14 -120.08 37 6.68
29376 8/12/10 0:00 Karen Seio South Alabama 36759 Syrup Isovue-300 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,850.31 100% 0.09 0.59 2,850.31 2,850.31 569.08 20 155.06
47846 8/12/10 0:00 Hilary Holden Central Michigan 49971 For Solution Hydro-Serp "25" Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 66.43 100% 0.01 0.6 66.43 66.43 -9.45 5 10.68
47846 8/12/10 0:00 Hilary Holden Central Michigan 49971 For Solution Clopra-"Yellow" Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,513.82 100% 0.03 0.65 5,513.82 5,513.82 1,581.93 50 105.98
47846 8/12/10 0:00 Hilary Holden Central Michigan 49971 For Solution Amantadine Hydrochloride Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,674.18 100% 0.06 0.69 2,674.18 2,674.18 631.99 25 110.98
19905 8/13/10 0:00 Matt Abelman East Massachusetts 2139 Suspension/Drops Cytadren Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.39 82.97 82.97 32.5 20 4.13
19905 8/13/10 0:00 Matt Abelman East Massachusetts 2139 Spray Heparin Sodium 5,000 Units In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.66 13,701.35 13,701.35 -4,097.39 25 550.98
39490 8/13/10 0:00 Ashley Jarboe West Arizona 85003 Gel Carbocaine Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.6 456.03 456.03 -61.61 38 11.97
39490 8/13/10 0:00 Ashley Jarboe West Arizona 85003 Spray Potassium Chloride Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.03 0.55 2,844.64 2,844.64 16.47 17 159.31
20002 8/13/10 0:00 Dianna Vittorini West Arizona 86442 Suppository Renoquid Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 41.03 100% 0.1 0.72 41.03 41.03 -30.47 9 4.77
13284 8/13/10 0:00 Muhammed Lee Central Texas 78602 Tablet Naftin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 9,062.44 100% 0.05 0.35 9,062.44 9,062.44 3,858.28 22 420.98
13284 8/13/10 0:00 Muhammed Lee Central Texas 78602 Tablet Dianeal Low Calcium W/ Dextrose 2.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,662.57 100% 0.1 0.35 1,662.57 1,662.57 674.9935 49 37.7
45860 8/13/10 0:00 Matthew Clasen South Georgia 39859 Ointment Duetact Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 69.97 100% 0.01 0.36 69.97 69.97 24.25 12 5.43
58883 8/13/10 0:00 Maya Herman South North Carolina 28717 Suspension/Drops Copegus Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 161.56 100% 0 0.39 161.56 161.56 59.67 36 4.13
27078 8/13/10 0:00 Nathan Mautz South Alabama 35077 Ointment Estrace Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 152.44 100% 0.03 0.36 152.44 152.44 -40.76 22 6.48
29347 8/13/10 0:00 Tanja Norvell West Utah 84631 Ointment Diflunisal Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,040.39 100% 0.07 0.36 2,040.39 2,040.39 221.09 50 40.99
48000 8/14/10 0:00 Victoria Brennan East New York 14210 Suppository Tab-Profen Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.45 214.94 214.94 26.75 12 17.48
10948 8/14/10 0:00 Dan Campbell South Maryland 21794 Tablet Demeclocycline Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 193.11 100% 0.08 0.37 193.11 193.11 -263.764 50 3.89
24608 8/15/10 0:00 Quincy Jones South Alabama 36276 Tablet Dianeal Pd-1 W/ Dextrose 2.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.37 197.36 197.36 -43.5045 50 4.18
2500 8/15/10 0:00 Bobby Elias South Georgia 31811 Tablet Grifulvin V Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.4 22.56 22.56 -25.5645 5 3.36
50532 8/15/10 0:00 Richard Bierner West Washington 98103 Ointment Keftab Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 82.98 82.98 13.82 22 4
50532 8/15/10 0:00 Richard Bierner West Washington 98103 Tablet Seasonique Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.39 267.06 267.06 76.466 10 24.95
4294 8/15/10 0:00 Mike Vittorini West Arizona 85234 For Solution Levonorgestrel And Ethinyl Estradiol And Ethinyl Estradiol Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.53 17.72 17.72 -15.34 8 1.74
51175 8/15/10 0:00 Katherine Hughes West Idaho 83877 Suspension Gencept 10/11-21 Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 2,136.93 100% 0.04 0.41 2,136.93 2,136.93 -2,297.48 3 699.99
42596 8/15/10 0:00 Liz Thompson East New Jersey 8823 Gel Torsemide Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 51.75 100% 0.05 0.6 51.75 51.75 4.16 9 5.58
51175 8/15/10 0:00 Katherine Hughes West Idaho 83877 Solution Menest Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,135.24 100% 0.06 0.56 1,135.24 1,135.24 271.81 28 41.71
54209 8/16/10 0:00 Arthur Prichep West California 91188 Concentrate Bretylium Tosylate Extended Release Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.38 664.989 664.989 170.46 21 35.99
8454 8/16/10 0:00 Christine Phan South Virginia 24157 Tablet Aminosyn 3.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 218.77 218.77 -188.1285 38 5.4
5635 8/16/10 0:00 Nick Radford South Georgia 31811 Tablet Procapan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 198.78 100% 0.02 0.4 198.78 198.78 -28.3475 17 11.5
5635 8/16/10 0:00 Nick Radford South Georgia 31811 For Solution Hytrin Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 281.58 100% 0.09 0.55 281.58 281.58 -161.56 50 5.77
36038 8/17/10 0:00 Alex Russell South South Carolina 29808 Gel Triprolidine And Pseudoephedrine Hydrochlorides Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.56 95.26 95.26 -89.06 26 3.28
39877 8/17/10 0:00 Nathan Mautz South Alabama 35077 Lotion Children'S Claritin Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.52 90.88 90.88 8.06 41 2.18
39425 8/17/10 0:00 Mitch Gastineau East New York 10501 Concentrate Primacor Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.58 1,267.46 1,267.46 128.79 23 65.99
11108 8/17/10 0:00 Cynthia Arntzen Central Texas 79080 Ointment Heparin Sodium 1,000 Units And Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.37 131.71 131.71 -44 20 6.48
13601 8/17/10 0:00 Joni Blumstein East Connecticut 6817 Solution Lygen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 822.91 100% 0.09 0.57 822.91 822.91 -94.76 17 49.43
56930 8/18/10 0:00 Eva Jacobs West Washington 98103 Syrup Crestor Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.82 987.54 987.54 -396.84 10 101.41
56930 8/18/10 0:00 Eva Jacobs West Washington 98103 Lotion Zerit Xr Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.8 228.31 228.31 8.89 47 4.71
487 8/18/10 0:00 Valerie Dominguez Central Ohio 45999 Solution Disulfiram Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 210.4 100% 0.07 0.59 210.4 210.4 -18.96 19 10.89
38884 8/18/10 0:00 Edward Hooks East Massachusetts 2180 Ointment Ibu-Tab 200 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 256 100% 0.03 0.4 256 256 -119.84 47 5.28
38884 8/18/10 0:00 Edward Hooks East Massachusetts 2180 Spray Phisohex Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 6,067.76 100% 0.06 0.76 6,067.76 6,067.76 -108.94 20 296.18
6018 8/19/10 0:00 Toby Grace South Georgia 30002 Ointment Elixicon Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.36 124.25 124.25 -55.78 2 55.98
6018 8/19/10 0:00 Toby Grace South Georgia 30002 For Solution Sulfamethoxazole And Trimethoprim Double Strength Extended Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.51 206.09 206.09 36.04 39 5.08
3907 8/19/10 0:00 Christopher Martinez Central Illinois 62999 Suppository Soma Compound Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.51 1,083.19 1,083.19 214.61 36 29.99
3907 8/19/10 0:00 Christopher Martinez Central Illinois 62999 Solution Potassium Chloride 10Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.6 218.12 218.12 -1,642.65 36 4.48
3907 8/19/10 0:00 Christopher Martinez Central Illinois 62999 Tablet Desloratadine And Pseudoephedrine Sulfate 24 Hour Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.38 729.83 729.83 -135.102 34 22.38
31173 8/19/10 0:00 Sally Hughsby South Maryland 21230 Concentrate Duragesic-75 Injection TableauCeutical Animal 169.354 100% 0.09 0.6 169.354 169.354 -84.139 24 7.99
25571 8/19/10 0:00 Cathy Armstrong Central Illinois 60001 Syrup Metoprolol Succinate Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,749 100% 0.08 0.83 3,749 3,749 -1,032.13 42 89.83
31297 8/19/10 0:00 Mike Kennedy East Massachusetts 1001 Ointment Butalan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,579.56 100% 0.01 0.38 1,579.56 1,579.56 699.64 44 35.44
31297 8/19/10 0:00 Mike Kennedy East Massachusetts 1001 Gel Theroxidil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 679.95 100% 0.08 0.57 679.95 679.95 -93.3 39 17.99
58084 8/20/10 0:00 Raymond Fair West California 93456 Ointment Zuplenz Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 266.16 266.16 90.91 36 7.28
58084 8/20/10 0:00 Raymond Fair West California 93456 Suspension/Drops Aristogel Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.38 21.55 21.55 -2.87 3 7.31
32610 8/20/10 0:00 Yoseph Carroll East New York 14925 Concentrate Cytosar-U Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,991.90 100% 0.07 0.58 1,991.90 1,991.90 88.362 20 125.99
32610 8/20/10 0:00 Yoseph Carroll East New York 14925 Aerosol Cardioquin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 316.99 100% 0.04 0.58 316.99 316.99 -276.54 47 6.84
40608 8/20/10 0:00 Bill Eplett South North Carolina 28633 Ointment Ibu-Tab 200 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 223.79 100% 0.01 0.4 223.79 223.79 -89.88 39 5.28
40608 8/20/10 0:00 Bill Eplett South North Carolina 28633 Ointment Flovent Hfa Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 573.97 100% 0.05 0.37 573.97 573.97 55.82 29 18.97
20096 8/20/10 0:00 Peter Buhler Central Texas 77474 Spray Emgel Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 6,116.11 100% 0.03 0.74 6,116.11 6,116.11 91.57 35 179.29
32230 8/20/10 0:00 David Philippe East New York 14210 For Solution Levocarnitine Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,753.75 100% 0.07 0.65 1,753.75 1,753.75 215.11 46 39.98
17953 8/21/10 0:00 Troy Staebel South North Carolina 27006 Gel Tora Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.55 105.44 105.44 18.76 17 5.84
17953 8/21/10 0:00 Troy Staebel South North Carolina 27006 Solution Pentetate Zinc Trisodium Intramuscular Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.41 1,490.56 1,490.56 -499.51 21 68.81
17953 8/21/10 0:00 Troy Staebel South North Carolina 27006 Solution/Drops Butalibital, Acetaminophen And Caffeine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.03 0.36 975.12 975.12 -6.72 30 30.98
11875 8/21/10 0:00 Shahid Hopkins West Arizona 85301 Syrup Lialda Injection Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.57 242.63 242.63 -36.11 19 12.44
4099 8/21/10 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Concentrate Staphcillin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,607.85 100% 0.05 0.57 3,607.85 3,607.85 784.494 39 110.99
4099 8/21/10 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Solution/Drops Borofair Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 122.93 100% 0.04 0.35 122.93 122.93 -6.83 12 9.78
36294 8/21/10 0:00 Yana Sorensen West California 93456 Tablet Mymethazine Fortis Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 611.16 100% 0.04 0.4 611.16 611.16 100.215 46 12.95
4099 8/21/10 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Syrup Aminosyn Ii 3.5% In Dextrose 25% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,691.51 100% 0.08 0.59 1,691.51 1,691.51 285.16 42 42.76
36101 8/21/10 0:00 Ann Steele West Idaho 83810 Injectable Fluocinolone Acetonide Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 446.05 100% 0.09 0.65 446.05 446.05 -271.26 3 140.98
4099 8/21/10 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 For Solution Ilotycin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 47.86 100% 0 0.45 47.86 47.86 -17.32 4 9.48
4896 8/22/10 0:00 Michael Stewart West California 95503 Concentrate Probampacin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.56 1,089.87 1,089.87 -124.509 10 125.99
4896 8/22/10 0:00 Michael Stewart West California 95503 Suppository Reglan Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.07 0.43 831.52 831.52 259.47 25 35.41
34148 8/22/10 0:00 Theresa Swint Central Wisconsin 54990 Suspension/Drops Copegus Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.39 136.79 136.79 42.71 33 4.13
4896 8/22/10 0:00 Michael Stewart West California 95503 Tablet Diltzac Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.4 121.3 121.3 -64.8715 21 5.8
25313 8/22/10 0:00 Karl Brown West California 93456 Gel Ethchlorvynol Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 418.7 100% 0.05 0.59 418.7 418.7 22.88 19 22.01
49350 8/23/10 0:00 Laura Armstrong South Maryland 20667 Ointment Cladribine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.37 375.11 375.11 -331.63 50 7.28
24067 8/23/10 0:00 Frank Atkinson South Georgia 30002 Concentrate Allopurinol Sodium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,640.69 100% 0.03 0.55 2,640.69 2,640.69 751.383 46 65.99
3361 8/23/10 0:00 Michael Granlund East Massachusetts 5544 Gel Ionosol Mb And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 133.66 100% 0.07 0.56 133.66 133.66 -5.6 23 5.85
44869 8/23/10 0:00 Sonia Cooley East Connecticut 6817 Ointment Hydropres 25 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 283.18 100% 0.03 0.37 283.18 283.18 -154.95 43 6.48
3361 8/23/10 0:00 Michael Granlund East Massachusetts 5544 Ointment Fansidar Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 213.71 100% 0.06 0.4 213.71 213.71 -208.02 49 4.28
24067 8/23/10 0:00 Frank Atkinson South Georgia 30002 Ointment Evans Blue Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 120.56 100% 0.07 0.4 120.56 120.56 -79.35 19 5.98
24067 8/23/10 0:00 Frank Atkinson South Georgia 30002 Tablet Promethazine Hydrochloride And Phenylephrine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 128.25 100% 0.07 0.38 128.25 128.25 -95.312 30 3.98
1185 8/24/10 0:00 Ionia McGrath South Alabama 36830 Ointment Fludara Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 374.78 374.78 20.03 7 55.48
16452 8/24/10 0:00 David Flashing West Washington 98666 Gel Amlodipine Besylate Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.55 134.42 134.42 9.34 46 2.88
8039 8/24/10 0:00 Phillip Flathmann Central Nebraska 68016 Solution/Drops Butalibital, Acetaminophen And Caffeine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.36 1,199.70 1,199.70 3.22 37 30.98
36709 8/24/10 0:00 Jennifer Ferguson South North Carolina 28633 Concentrate Prismasol Bgk 2/0 In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,245.69 100% 0.05 0.55 2,245.69 2,245.69 369.081 42 65.99
33031 8/25/10 0:00 Tony Sayre East New York 501 Ointment Gallium Citrate Ga 67 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 120.96 120.96 -53.69 18 6.48
33031 8/25/10 0:00 Tony Sayre East New York 501 For Solution Dicumarol Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.62 550.68 550.68 -134.63 24 23.99
2497 8/27/10 0:00 Michael Moore Central Wisconsin 53201 Concentrate Prismasol Bk 4/2.5 In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,629.12 100% 0.06 0.56 3,629.12 3,629.12 636.03 21 205.99
20933 8/27/10 0:00 Alan Hwang South Virginia 20101 Concentrate Briellyn Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 2,079.47 100% 0.05 0.8 2,079.47 2,079.47 -81.565 45 55.99
31460 8/27/10 0:00 Benjamin Patterson West Arizona 85301 Syrup Harmonyl Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 990.67 100% 0.08 0.82 990.67 990.67 -365.32 9 110.98
39266 8/28/10 0:00 Dan Campbell South Maryland 21794 Solution Mannitol 10% Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.59 981.26 981.26 -500.35 16 60.98
39266 8/28/10 0:00 Dan Campbell South Maryland 21794 Solution/Drops Winstrol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.38 64.09 64.09 3.72 4 15.57
39266 8/28/10 0:00 Dan Campbell South Maryland 21794 Suspension/Drops Cotrim Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.39 36.41 36.41 9.94 14 2.61
43682 8/28/10 0:00 Tim Taslimi Central Texas 76901 Concentrate Adcirca Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,849.60 100% 0.06 0.55 1,849.60 1,849.60 62.163 14 155.99
1504 8/28/10 0:00 Maribeth Schnelling Central Illinois 62924 Suppository Clinimix 5/35 Sulfite Free In Dextrose 35% In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 293.18 100% 0.08 0.41 293.18 293.18 64.22 31 10.01
23616 8/29/10 0:00 Becky Martin South Maryland 21290 Suspension Geodon Delayed Release Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.46 9,262.35 9,262.35 2,787.59 47 199.99
52676 8/29/10 0:00 Amy Hunt Central Texas 73301 Ointment Ethril 500 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.38 979.44 979.44 320.67 46 19.98
33186 8/29/10 0:00 Don Jones East Massachusetts 5544 Concentrate Atarax Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,350.53 100% 0.01 0.56 1,350.53 1,350.53 221.184 24 65.99
23489 8/29/10 0:00 Ritsa Hightower East Connecticut 6817 Suppository Isopto Cetapred Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 2,004.60 100% 0.02 0.71 2,004.60 2,004.60 230.3 42 47.98
52580 8/29/10 0:00 Katherine Ducich West Colorado 81653 Suppository Technetium Tc-99M Mebrofenin Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 367.09 100% 0.04 0.46 367.09 367.09 74.2 16 22.98
7267 8/29/10 0:00 Muhammed Yedwab East New York 14709 Tablet Norethin 1/50M-28 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 262.32 100% 0.07 0.38 262.32 262.32 5.1595 19 14.48
52580 8/29/10 0:00 Katherine Ducich West Colorado 81653 Solution/Drops Cardiolite Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 139.66 100% 0.02 0.38 139.66 139.66 46.69 23 5.68
28544 8/29/10 0:00 Annie Thurman West Idaho 83465 Tablet Doxychel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 68.5 100% 0.07 0.36 68.5 68.5 2.686 24 2.78
18113 8/29/10 0:00 Becky Castell East Massachusetts 1001 Capsule Ultram Er Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,316.08 100% 0.08 0.78 3,316.08 3,316.08 -514.32 27 130.98
31232 8/30/10 0:00 Mark Cousins East Massachusetts 1001 Spray Alinia Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.78 2,643.15 2,643.15 -500.08 9 286.85
13575 8/30/10 0:00 Cynthia Arntzen Central Texas 79080 Ointment Hydrocortone Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 106.1 106.1 -65.67 15 6.48
38178 8/30/10 0:00 Sibella Parks East Connecticut 6703 Suspension/Drops Cortef Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 153.98 153.98 71.6 32 4.91
59361 8/30/10 0:00 Thea Hudgings Central Illinois 62444 Cream Cyclophosphamide Injection TableauCeutical Animal 1,008.34 100% 0.09 0.38 1,008.34 1,008.34 218.65 45 23.99
22434 8/30/10 0:00 Allen Golden South Virginia 24157 Gel Triacort Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 140.74 100% 0.01 0.56 140.74 140.74 -92.29 39 3.28
22434 8/30/10 0:00 Allen Golden South Virginia 24157 Tablet Dianeal Low Calcium W/ Dextrose 3.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 18.7 100% 0.1 0.36 18.7 18.7 -14.6855 3 4.54
58369 8/31/10 0:00 Allen Armold West Washington 98103 Cream Oxtriphylline Oral Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.39 2,013.80 2,013.80 -113.14 16 119.99
26981 8/31/10 0:00 Vicky Freymann West Arizona 85301 Concentrate Benoquin Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.35 603.347 603.347 142.983 13 55.99
40007 8/31/10 0:00 Larry Tron South Virginia 24157 Gel Tobradex St Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.57 188.77 188.77 21.93 45 4.13
26981 8/31/10 0:00 Vicky Freymann West Arizona 85301 Syrup Conray Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.58 770.53 770.53 30.17 44 16.91
58369 8/31/10 0:00 Allen Armold West Washington 98103 Tablet Dopamine Hydrochloride In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.39 320.57 320.57 -114.195 46 7.1
50565 8/31/10 0:00 Sylvia Foulston East New Jersey 7001 Solution/Drops Floropryl Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 683.46 100% 0.09 0.35 683.46 683.46 -138.82 43 16.98
9155 8/31/10 0:00 Ken Lonsdale South Georgia 31811 Tablet Nebcin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 518.8 100% 0.1 0.37 518.8 518.8 54.6295 17 30.98
14439 8/31/10 0:00 Cindy Stewart West Arizona 85321 Ointment Fluocinolone Acetonide Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,428.64 100% 0.09 0.36 1,428.64 1,428.64 494.26 27 54.96
52230 8/31/10 0:00 Adrian Shami Central Wisconsin 53001 Capsule Novamine 8.5% Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,700.78 100% 0.06 0.58 2,700.78 2,700.78 -793.36 29 95.98
43588 9/2/10 0:00 Jennifer Patt South Florida 32099 Ointment Dianeal Pd-2 W/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.39 20.47 20.47 -0.74 6 3.38
43588 9/2/10 0:00 Jennifer Patt South Florida 32099 Spray Hexalen Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.61 3,075.75 3,075.75 347.05 16 236.97
37253 9/2/10 0:00 Muhammed MacIntyre East New Jersey 7514 Suppository Terramycin W/ Polymyxin B Sulfate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.75 1,184.32 1,184.32 -99.55 46 26.31
25797 9/2/10 0:00 Roland Fjeld West California 95503 Suppository Technescan Hida Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 925.43 100% 0 0.42 925.43 925.43 368.86 28 31.78
43270 9/2/10 0:00 Sarah Brown South Florida 34997 Suspension/Drops Cyclocort Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 343.92 100% 0.06 0.37 343.92 343.92 154.54 35 10.35
30054 9/2/10 0:00 Alejandro Grove West California 90835 For Solution Lamisil At Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 311.19 100% 0.03 0.57 311.19 311.19 -9.18 33 9.38
20066 9/3/10 0:00 Anna Chung West Arizona 85001 Ointment Gleevec Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.4 524.25 524.25 124.18 16 30.98
20066 9/3/10 0:00 Anna Chung West Arizona 85001 Solution/Drops Xylocaine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.35 40.79 40.79 -11.69 3 11.58
25985 9/3/10 0:00 Tony Sayre East New York 501 Lotion Busulfex Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.39 80.79 80.79 25.18 22 3.78
25985 9/3/10 0:00 Tony Sayre East New York 501 For Solution Desloratadine And Pseudoephedrine Sulfate 24 Hour Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.1 0.52 230.63 230.63 -39.71 50 4.91
13345 9/3/10 0:00 Bill Donatelli East New York 14925 Suppository Renoquid Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 116.82 100% 0.02 0.72 116.82 116.82 -42.05 24 4.77
39808 9/3/10 0:00 Brendan Murry South Maryland 21290 Concentrate Priscoline Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,413.46 100% 0.03 0.6 3,413.46 3,413.46 868.473 31 125.99
40193 9/3/10 0:00 Maria Zettner South Georgia 30002 Concentrate Angeliq Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,130.20 100% 0.07 0.57 3,130.20 3,130.20 692.775 34 115.99
33702 9/3/10 0:00 Adam Hart East Connecticut 6001 Suspension/Drops Curosurf Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 56.26 100% 0 0.38 56.26 56.26 28.11 14 2.89
13345 9/3/10 0:00 Bill Donatelli East New York 14925 Aerosol Mpi Stannous Diphosphonate Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 483.64 100% 0.1 0.57 483.64 483.64 28.39 45 10.98
39808 9/3/10 0:00 Brendan Murry South Maryland 21290 Solution/Drops Esimil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,026.42 100% 0.03 0.4 2,026.42 2,026.42 655.36 50 39.98
25666 9/3/10 0:00 Hunter Lopez South Maryland 20601 Syrup Minocycline Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 5,072.34 100% 0.06 0.73 5,072.34 5,072.34 369.46 36 140.85
25666 9/3/10 0:00 Hunter Lopez South Maryland 20601 Syrup Zonalon Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 260.08 100% 0.1 0.58 260.08 260.08 -37.85 23 12.21
15781 9/4/10 0:00 David Flashing West Washington 98666 Suppository Drisdol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.75 824.51 824.51 0.9 29 27.48
57152 9/4/10 0:00 Christopher Conant Central Wisconsin 53001 Solution/Drops Winstrol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.38 271.85 271.85 109.19 18 15.57
57152 9/4/10 0:00 Christopher Conant Central Wisconsin 53001 Tablet Janimine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.38 22.89 22.89 -2.6565 6 3.8
4581 9/4/10 0:00 Thea Hendricks South North Carolina 28909 Solution/Drops Depakote Er Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.4 2,325.42 2,325.42 739.91 25 90.48
49094 9/4/10 0:00 Brian Stugart East Connecticut 6928 Suppository Drisdol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 846.85 100% 0.03 0.75 846.85 846.85 -25.98 31 27.48
40802 9/4/10 0:00 Scott Cohen West Idaho 83643 Cream Paracort Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 3,361.02 100% 0.04 0.4 3,361.02 3,361.02 26.05 28 115.99
2560 9/5/10 0:00 Harold Ryan East Connecticut 6928 Suppository Thallous Chloride Tl 201 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0 0.78 731.22 731.22 -84.07 32 20.97
2560 9/5/10 0:00 Harold Ryan East Connecticut 6928 Ointment Forane Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.38 114.14 114.14 -65.62 23 4.98
39555 9/5/10 0:00 Naresj Patel West Utah 84001 Solution/Drops Demadex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,112.54 100% 0.01 0.38 1,112.54 1,112.54 352.96 38 27.18
16231 9/5/10 0:00 Harold Engle Central Michigan 49634 Spray E-Base Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,506.38 100% 0.07 0.63 2,506.38 2,506.38 -349.97 20 124.49
2147 9/6/10 0:00 Hallie Redmond South South Carolina 29907 Solution Diutensen-R Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.57 605.1 605.1 92.81 15 40.98
22182 9/6/10 0:00 Cynthia Arntzen Central Texas 79080 Suppository Dimetapp Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.68 174.72 174.72 -63.48 9 19.98
22182 9/6/10 0:00 Cynthia Arntzen Central Texas 79080 Tablet Neothylline Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.38 55.97 55.97 -19.343 4 12.53
22182 9/6/10 0:00 Cynthia Arntzen Central Texas 79080 For Solution Lomotil Delayed Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.09 0.57 2,271.37 2,271.37 528.11 48 49.34
30660 9/6/10 0:00 Anna Andreadi South Alabama 35244 Spray Sensipar Delayed Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.68 986.272 986.272 -719.04 16 71.37
56548 9/6/10 0:00 Suzanne McNair South Virginia 24658 Spray Fazaclo Odt Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.03 0.77 1,339.02 1,339.02 -211.51 7 218.75
23649 9/6/10 0:00 Arthur Wiediger South Virginia 23664 Concentrate Stoxil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,541.92 100% 0.01 0.57 4,541.92 4,541.92 1,222.14 42 125.99
23649 9/6/10 0:00 Arthur Wiediger South Virginia 23664 Concentrate Anusol Hc Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,587.93 100% 0.1 0.6 4,587.93 4,587.93 687.411 30 195.99
52130 9/6/10 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 Tablet Cardene Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 63.33 100% 0 0.38 63.33 63.33 -39.9625 13 4.13
34852 9/6/10 0:00 Rob Dowd West Arizona 85071 Tablet Alphatrex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 53.93 100% 0.04 0.38 53.93 53.93 -10.948 26 2.08
52130 9/6/10 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 For Solution Kwell Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,436.55 100% 0.1 0.57 1,436.55 1,436.55 -4.01 36 40.89
14695 9/6/10 0:00 Anthony Witt West Utah 84663 Injectable Velosulin Br Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,992.45 100% 0.05 0.69 1,992.45 1,992.45 -1,609.92 40 48.58
54086 9/7/10 0:00 Denny Ordway West Washington 98390 Cream Low-Ogestrel-28 Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.56 5,062.18 5,062.18 842.83 23 270.97
34309 9/7/10 0:00 Fred McMath East Connecticut 6703 Solution Macrodantin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.59 75.77 75.77 -56.62 16 4.37
1991 9/7/10 0:00 Barry Franz West Washington 98001 Cream Vaprisol In 5% Dextrose In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Animal 14,383.83 100% 0.01 0.56 14,383.83 14,383.83 5,050.10 37 399.98
1991 9/7/10 0:00 Barry Franz West Washington 98001 For Solution Aminosyn Ii 10% In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,491.06 100% 0.09 0.59 3,491.06 3,491.06 921.7 27 136.98
43713 9/8/10 0:00 Odella Nelson West Washington 98001 Gel Advair Diskus 500/50 Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.58 34.41 34.41 -17.69 12 2.6
29536 9/8/10 0:00 Raymond Book East New York 12917 Solution Clinimix E 2.75/5 Sulfite-Free W/ Elect In Dextrose 5% W/ Calcium In Plastic Container Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 495.32 100% 0.05 0.57 495.32 495.32 -72.73 5 100.98
29536 9/8/10 0:00 Raymond Book East New York 12917 Ointment Edurant Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 967.41 100% 0.03 0.38 967.41 967.41 26.64 26 35.44
29536 9/8/10 0:00 Raymond Book East New York 12917 Injectable Fluidil Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,483.53 100% 0.07 0.62 2,483.53 2,483.53 -176.77 11 220.98
36743 9/9/10 0:00 Laurel Elliston West Idaho 83810 For Solution Suprenza Extended Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.1 0.42 26.13 26.13 -10.61 3 7.59
59202 9/9/10 0:00 Andrew Gjertsen East Delaware 19701 Gel Ionosol Mb And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 218.81 100% 0.03 0.56 218.81 218.81 7.45 36 5.85
59202 9/9/10 0:00 Andrew Gjertsen East Delaware 19701 Suspension/Drops Colyte With Flavor Packs Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 83.81 100% 0.09 0.38 83.81 83.81 21.92 7 12.53
18661 9/9/10 0:00 Nick Crebassa South Virginia 24157 Capsule Novamine 8.5% Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,207.08 100% 0.05 0.58 1,207.08 1,207.08 -351.3 12 95.98
18661 9/9/10 0:00 Nick Crebassa South Virginia 24157 Spray Alinia Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,618.11 100% 0.04 0.78 2,618.11 2,618.11 -154.74 11 286.85
17959 9/10/10 0:00 Doug Jacobs South Florida 32046 Ointment Diflunisal Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.36 1,201.68 1,201.68 146.8 28 40.99
17959 9/10/10 0:00 Doug Jacobs South Florida 32046 For Solution Aminosyn Ii 10% In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.59 2,784.57 2,784.57 847.06 21 136.98
11874 9/10/10 0:00 Tracy Poddar West Idaho 83465 Suppository Methylergonovine Maleate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 40.29 100% 0 0.74 40.29 40.29 -82.13 1 30.42
31744 9/10/10 0:00 Rachel Payne Central Wisconsin 54990 Ointment Humatin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 86.69 100% 0 0.37 86.69 86.69 -43.48 12 6.48
32804 9/10/10 0:00 Lycoris Saunders Central Ohio 45999 Tablet Promethazine Hydrochloride And Phenylephrine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 89.51 100% 0.02 0.38 89.51 89.51 -61.985 20 3.98
32804 9/10/10 0:00 Lycoris Saunders Central Ohio 45999 Suspension/Drops Decadron-La Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 174.81 100% 0.07 0.37 174.81 174.81 74.82 49 3.75
11874 9/10/10 0:00 Tracy Poddar West Idaho 83465 Solution/Drops Esimil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 775.77 100% 0.07 0.4 775.77 775.77 179.37 20 39.98
43332 9/11/10 0:00 Greg Tran Central Nebraska 68001 Ointment Fludara Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 1,750 1,750 559.38 31 55.48
11362 9/11/10 0:00 Hilary Holden Central Michigan 49971 Suspension Gencept 10/11-21 Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 6,420.87 100% 0.02 0.41 6,420.87 6,420.87 -690.21 9 699.99
58278 9/11/10 0:00 Logan Haushalter Central Nebraska 68770 Concentrate Blephamide S.O.P. Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 281.5455 100% 0.1 0.85 281.5455 281.5455 -434.555 4 85.99
11362 9/11/10 0:00 Hilary Holden Central Michigan 49971 Concentrate Staphcillin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,407.69 100% 0.04 0.57 2,407.69 2,407.69 424.143 25 110.99
11362 9/11/10 0:00 Hilary Holden Central Michigan 49971 Aerosol Acylanid Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 63.02 100% 0.07 0.81 63.02 63.02 -119.66 27 2.18
7552 9/11/10 0:00 Chuck Clark East New York 11769 Gel Exidine Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,406.49 100% 0.02 0.55 1,406.49 1,406.49 332.52 47 28.15
7552 9/11/10 0:00 Chuck Clark East New York 11769 Aerosol Catapres-Tts-2 Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 587.71 100% 0.09 0.6 587.71 587.71 26.28 49 12.98
11362 9/11/10 0:00 Hilary Holden Central Michigan 49971 For Solution Amantadine Hydrochloride Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,245.73 100% 0.09 0.69 3,245.73 3,245.73 569.57 32 110.98
58278 9/11/10 0:00 Logan Haushalter Central Nebraska 68770 For Solution Norlestrin 21 1/50 Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,512.90 100% 0.08 0.35 3,512.90 3,512.90 2,093.70 37 99.23
19653 9/12/10 0:00 Edward Nazzal South Virginia 20101 Tablet Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.225% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.37 125.46 125.46 -129.628 34 3.58
41766 9/12/10 0:00 Stefania Perrino South South Carolina 29338 Cream Ozurdex Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 5,158.09 100% 0.01 0.38 5,158.09 5,158.09 969.05 10 500.98
41766 9/12/10 0:00 Stefania Perrino South South Carolina 29338 Tablet Neurolite Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 273.42 100% 0 0.37 273.42 273.42 10.064 7 34.54
49862 9/13/10 0:00 Nora Price East New York 14210 Suspension/Drops Delflex-Lm W/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.37 75.73 75.73 29.46 24 3.15
42564 9/13/10 0:00 Mike Pelletier East New Jersey 7837 Capsule Omnipaque 210 Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.58 7,468.86 7,468.86 2,155.41 35 200.98
47622 9/13/10 0:00 Lindsay Williams Central Texas 78702 Cream Beepen-Vk Injection TableauCeutical Animal 8,188.19 100% 0.05 0.37 8,188.19 8,188.19 3,702 41 204.1
4578 9/13/10 0:00 Roy Skaria Central Illinois 60406 Solution Penicillin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 724.13 100% 0.01 0.43 724.13 724.13 -250.53 48 14.81
4578 9/13/10 0:00 Roy Skaria Central Illinois 60406 Ointment Hydra-Zide Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 282.71 100% 0.09 0.37 282.71 282.71 -141.44 45 6.48
46212 9/13/10 0:00 Grant Donatelli Central Wisconsin 53081 Solution/Drops Bleomycin Sulfate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 322.47 100% 0.09 0.38 322.47 322.47 72.28 43 7.78
27302 9/13/10 0:00 Maya Herman South North Carolina 28717 Ointment Enalaprilat Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 143.5 100% 0.08 0.38 143.5 143.5 -27.51 3 48.91
46212 9/13/10 0:00 Grant Donatelli Central Wisconsin 53081 Spray Hepatasol 8% Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,877.88 100% 0.08 0.71 3,877.88 3,877.88 -282.35 7 550.98
4578 9/13/10 0:00 Roy Skaria Central Illinois 60406 For Solution Hypaque Sodium 20% Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 294.66 100% 0.07 0.49 294.66 294.66 86.33 15 20.24
27302 9/13/10 0:00 Maya Herman South North Carolina 28717 For Solution Atropine And Demerol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 237.54 100% 0.04 0.43 237.54 237.54 29.76 16 13.79
36130 9/14/10 0:00 Lindsay Shagiari South Maryland 20601 Suppository Diovan Hct Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.79 394.8 394.8 -113.8 23 17.98
32000 9/14/10 0:00 Victoria Wilson West Colorado 81124 Lotion Captopril Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.4 162.16 162.16 24.95 49 3.29
32000 9/14/10 0:00 Victoria Wilson West Colorado 81124 Spray Heparin Sodium 5,000 Units In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.8 15,168.82 15,168.82 -1,218.64 26 550.98
2146 9/14/10 0:00 Todd Boyes West Colorado 80746 Concentrate Aminosyn Ii 5% W/ Electrolytes In Dextrose 25% W/ Calcium In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.59 6,111.17 6,111.17 1,663.08 41 175.99
2146 9/14/10 0:00 Todd Boyes West Colorado 80746 Suspension/Drops Cobavite Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.39 113.71 113.71 41.7 44 2.61
46053 9/14/10 0:00 Ken Lonsdale South Georgia 31811 Concentrate Benztropine Mesylate Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 2,447.11 100% 0 0.55 2,447.11 2,447.11 856.962 31 85.99
36901 9/14/10 0:00 Dana Kaydos East New Jersey 7981 Ointment Extra-Strength Aim Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 201.09 100% 0.08 0.37 201.09 201.09 -56.22 30 6.68
46053 9/14/10 0:00 Ken Lonsdale South Georgia 31811 Solution Micronase Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,458.83 100% 0.05 0.57 1,458.83 1,458.83 392.76 25 60.22
4996 9/14/10 0:00 Rob Dowd West Arizona 85071 Syrup Serentil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 4,305.79 100% 0 0.56 4,305.79 4,305.79 1,020.32 30 142.86
51140 9/15/10 0:00 Sean O'Donnell South Maryland 21794 Suppository Dialyte Lm/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 626.33 100% 0.01 0.55 626.33 626.33 24.56 14 45.19
26021 9/15/10 0:00 Nicole Brennan West California 95503 Concentrate Ak-Fluor 25% Injection TableauCeutical Animal 328.627 100% 0 0.58 328.627 328.627 -7.766 17 20.99
44805 9/15/10 0:00 Jonathan Doherty Central Ohio 43567 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.45% And Potassium Chloride 20Meq (K) In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,710.65 100% 0.01 0.35 1,710.65 1,710.65 782.0085 40 41.94
51140 9/15/10 0:00 Sean O'Donnell South Maryland 21794 Solution Macrodantin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 132.01 100% 0.04 0.59 132.01 132.01 -93.12 28 4.37
42306 9/15/10 0:00 Maureen Gastineau West California 93456 Gel Equetro Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 47.4 100% 0.03 0.41 47.4 47.4 -63.03 18 2.28
42054 9/15/10 0:00 Patrick Bzostek West California 94404 Tablet Dentipatch Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 94.55 100% 0.01 0.36 94.55 94.55 6.7405 32 2.88
42306 9/15/10 0:00 Maureen Gastineau West California 93456 Solution Diutensen-R Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 773.83 100% 0.06 0.57 773.83 773.83 146.79 19 40.98
42306 9/15/10 0:00 Maureen Gastineau West California 93456 Tablet Gyne-Lotrimin 3 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 36.46 100% 0.1 0.39 36.46 36.46 -7.406 4 8.69
51140 9/15/10 0:00 Sean O'Donnell South Maryland 21794 For Solution Aminosyn Ii 10% In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 394.34 100% 0.1 0.59 394.34 394.34 352.38 3 136.98
3333 9/16/10 0:00 Sandra Flanagan West Utah 84791 Ointment Hexadrol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.37 59.05 59.05 -24.09 9 6.48
3333 9/16/10 0:00 Sandra Flanagan West Utah 84791 Solution Dorzolamide Hydrochloride And Timolol Maleate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.55 927.97 927.97 162.17 42 22.98
32640 9/16/10 0:00 Peter McVee West California 94404 Ointment Elestat Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.38 162.11 162.11 3.91 12 12.28
32640 9/16/10 0:00 Peter McVee West California 94404 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.33% And Potassium Chloride 30Meq In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.37 126.69 126.69 -35.558 18 6.81
57798 9/16/10 0:00 Nora Price East New York 14210 Injectable Aquasol A Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.01 0.77 3,050.81 3,050.81 -124.04 20 140.98
31874 9/16/10 0:00 Shahid Shariari West Arizona 85301 Aerosol Mpi Stannous Diphosphonate Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 321.95 100% 0.03 0.57 321.95 321.95 20.76 29 10.98
24263 9/16/10 0:00 Rob Haberlin Central Michigan 49877 Capsule Temozolomide Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 512.81 100% 0.1 0.58 512.81 512.81 -177.07 16 33.94
55335 9/16/10 0:00 Muhammed Yedwab East New York 14709 Spray Normosol-R And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 8,684.23 100% 0.05 0.66 8,684.23 8,684.23 1,488.77 30 280.98
31874 9/16/10 0:00 Shahid Shariari West Arizona 85301 Spray Feridex I.V. Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 13,244.04 100% 0.05 0.66 13,244.04 13,244.04 275.93 39 348.21
42951 9/17/10 0:00 Toby Carlisle South Florida 32122 Concentrate Cefotaxime And Dextrose 3.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.59 2,104.99 2,104.99 165.447 20 125.99
41286 9/17/10 0:00 Lena Hernandez West Arizona 86504 Ointment Epivir-Hbv Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 260.96 260.96 -96.7 40 6.48
27841 9/17/10 0:00 Caroline Jumper Central Ohio 43567 Gel Amnesteem Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 67.85 100% 0.05 0.57 67.85 67.85 1.05 33 2.1
31684 9/17/10 0:00 Susan Vittorini East New Jersey 7837 Ointment Ceptaz Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 89.97 100% 0.02 0.39 89.97 89.97 23.48 15 5.68
31684 9/17/10 0:00 Susan Vittorini East New Jersey 7837 Syrup Colestipol Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 456.91 100% 0.04 0.59 456.91 456.91 -328.18 28 15.51
32994 9/17/10 0:00 Tonja Turnell East New York 10055 Ointment Hy-Pam "25" Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 226.41 100% 0.05 0.37 226.41 226.41 -164.89 34 6.48
3810 9/17/10 0:00 Tanja Norvell West Utah 84631 Solution Potassium Chloride 10Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 221.86 100% 0.09 0.6 221.86 221.86 -1,845.66 40 4.48
3810 9/17/10 0:00 Tanja Norvell West Utah 84631 Suspension/Drops Cobavite Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 78.26 100% 0.04 0.39 78.26 78.26 35.09 25 2.61
24261 9/18/10 0:00 Sung Pak South South Carolina 29684 Syrup Meprobamate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.61 946.27 946.27 66.38 28 33.29
56291 9/18/10 0:00 Shirley Daniels Central Nebraska 68001 Cream Vyvanse Oral TableauCeutical Animal 11,022.53 100% 0.06 0.59 11,022.53 11,022.53 1,869.86 22 517.48
56291 9/18/10 0:00 Shirley Daniels Central Nebraska 68001 Ointment Dilaudid Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 377.37 100% 0.04 0.39 377.37 377.37 151.4 25 15.04
56291 9/18/10 0:00 Shirley Daniels Central Nebraska 68001 Syrup Alfenta Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,200.70 100% 0.06 0.66 1,200.70 1,200.70 -37.27 47 24.98
57537 9/19/10 0:00 Patrick Jones South Alabama 36344 Suppository Orinase Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.46 2,948.63 2,948.63 888.62 29 100.97
33479 9/19/10 0:00 Penelope Sewall Central Ohio 45999 Ointment Telepaque Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.38 235.45 235.45 -8.82 27 8.56
33479 9/19/10 0:00 Penelope Sewall Central Ohio 45999 Ointment Ibuprin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.37 161.87 161.87 -31.27 24 6.48
33479 9/19/10 0:00 Penelope Sewall Central Ohio 45999 Tablet Neo-Rx Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.39 762.2 762.2 16.5665 50 15.01
2885 9/19/10 0:00 Nora Price East New York 14210 Ointment Humulin U Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.37 197.41 197.41 -128.68 29 6.48
2885 9/19/10 0:00 Nora Price East New York 14210 Syrup Imuran Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.59 712.18 712.18 13.98 46 15.42
57537 9/19/10 0:00 Patrick Jones South Alabama 36344 Ointment Dexacidin Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.35 18.33 18.33 -7.08 4 3.98
57537 9/19/10 0:00 Patrick Jones South Alabama 36344 Tablet Doxycycline Hyclate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.39 76.38 76.38 -29.693 13 4.82
52419 9/19/10 0:00 Chuck Magee South Alabama 36031 Syrup Miconazole Nitrate Combination Pack Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,500.49 100% 0.09 0.78 3,500.49 3,500.49 230.64 32 111.03
12096 9/20/10 0:00 Michelle Lonsdale East New Jersey 7001 Concentrate Aminosyn Ii 4.25% In Dextrose 10% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.59 8,009.59 8,009.59 2,332.40 46 200.99
29537 9/20/10 0:00 Joni Sundaresam East Delaware 19977 Solution Disulfiram Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.59 318.56 318.56 -30.97 30 10.89
12096 9/20/10 0:00 Michelle Lonsdale East New Jersey 7001 For Solution Lopid Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.59 4,689.66 4,689.66 2,176.19 23 194.3
33729 9/20/10 0:00 Anthony Rawles Central Illinois 62999 Syrup Cu-7 Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.8 6,995.56 6,995.56 -286.58 26 279.48
17157 9/20/10 0:00 Rick Duston Central Texas 76246 Concentrate Primidone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,081.47 100% 0.09 0.57 3,081.47 3,081.47 574.983 31 125.99
20354 9/20/10 0:00 Logan Haushalter Central Nebraska 68770 Suspension/Drops Artane Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 76.06 100% 0.02 0.37 76.06 76.06 30.03 24 3.15
38723 9/21/10 0:00 Pierre Wener West California 96061 Suppository Dimetapp Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.68 169.27 169.27 -68.93 9 19.98
38723 9/21/10 0:00 Pierre Wener West California 96061 Syrup Mepergan Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.73 2,617.13 2,617.13 368.87 39 64.98
17799 9/21/10 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Solution/Drops Floropryl Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 149.51 100% 0.02 0.35 149.51 149.51 -31.11 8 16.98
39783 9/21/10 0:00 Sally Knutson Central Texas 78602 Suspension/Drops Delflex-Lm W/ Dextrose 1.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 94.5 100% 0.02 0.37 94.5 94.5 39.9 29 3.15
39783 9/21/10 0:00 Sally Knutson Central Texas 78602 Tablet Nicorette (Mint) Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 295.97 100% 0.02 0.36 295.97 295.97 5.015 31 8.85
39783 9/21/10 0:00 Sally Knutson Central Texas 78602 Solution Luvox Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 82.43 100% 0.04 0.6 82.43 82.43 -94.76 19 4.06
33893 9/21/10 0:00 Sarah Jordon East Massachusetts 1441 Gel Ionosol Mb And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 88.3 100% 0.09 0.56 88.3 88.3 -12.14 16 5.85
33893 9/21/10 0:00 Sarah Jordon East Massachusetts 1441 Solution/Drops Ribavirin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 232.21 100% 0 0.4 232.21 232.21 -14.03 6 35.89
36229 9/22/10 0:00 Patrick O'Donnell West Colorado 81124 Cream Forteo Injection Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.36 1,465.29 1,465.29 373.5 12 120.97
36229 9/22/10 0:00 Patrick O'Donnell West Colorado 81124 Spray Ellence Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.65 3,590.33 3,590.33 -35.25 24 146.34
55170 9/22/10 0:00 Dennis Bolton East New Jersey 7001 Gel Estrace Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.58 985.29 985.29 138.37 22 43.98
3556 9/23/10 0:00 George Zrebassa South Georgia 39859 Tablet Epi E Z Pen Jr Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.39 269.37 269.37 -103.546 48 5.74
3556 9/23/10 0:00 George Zrebassa South Georgia 39859 Capsule Aminosyn 3.5% W/ Dextrose 25% In Plastic Container Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.1 0.57 4,933.99 4,933.99 1,161.89 41 128.24
59585 9/23/10 0:00 Edward Hooks East Massachusetts 2180 Cream Clindamycin Phosphate In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 712.04 100% 0.07 0.49 712.04 712.04 -127.5 45 15.99
30913 9/23/10 0:00 Roy Phan East New York 10501 Suppository Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.2% And Potassium Chloride 40Meq Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 795.52 100% 0.08 0.43 795.52 795.52 290.64 36 22.24
25443 9/23/10 0:00 Rick Wilson West New Mexico 88044 Cream Akpentolate Injection TableauCeutical Animal 570.24 100% 0.01 0.38 570.24 570.24 -66.47 33 15.99
30913 9/23/10 0:00 Roy Phan East New York 10501 Tablet Desyrel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 143.1 100% 0.01 0.39 143.1 143.1 36.7455 23 5.98
30913 9/23/10 0:00 Roy Phan East New York 10501 Suspension/Drops Curosurf Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 126.36 100% 0.02 0.38 126.36 126.36 50.26 44 2.89
37158 9/23/10 0:00 Anthony O'Donnell South Alabama 35480 Ointment Humatin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 172.04 100% 0.05 0.37 172.04 172.04 -85.11 25 6.48
30913 9/23/10 0:00 Roy Phan East New York 10501 For Solution Aerolate Iii Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 496.62 100% 0.07 0.49 496.62 496.62 49.86 24 19.98
45571 9/24/10 0:00 Rick Bensley Central Wisconsin 53081 Cream Gastromark Injection TableauCeutical Animal 720.52 100% 0.1 0.4 720.52 720.52 -42.29 44 17.98
45571 9/24/10 0:00 Rick Bensley Central Wisconsin 53081 Concentrate Sterane Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 5,975.05 100% 0.06 0.58 5,975.05 5,975.05 1,417.23 47 155.99
17187 9/24/10 0:00 Bill Stewart South Virginia 23018 Cream Veinamine 8% Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 2,951.97 100% 0.09 0.56 2,951.97 2,951.97 -2,172.79 4 810.98
45571 9/24/10 0:00 Rick Bensley Central Wisconsin 53081 Syrup Zonalon Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 528.53 100% 0.05 0.58 528.53 528.53 -7.24 43 12.21
19361 9/24/10 0:00 Valerie Takahito West Utah 84001 Ointment Telepaque Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 364.59 100% 0.07 0.38 364.59 364.59 -14.28 43 8.56
19361 9/24/10 0:00 Valerie Takahito West Utah 84001 Tablet Dianeal Low Calcium W/ Dextrose 2.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 788.85 100% 0.06 0.35 788.85 788.85 317.5345 21 37.7
22055 9/24/10 0:00 Stewart Visinsky Central Nebraska 68016 Capsule Uroplus Ds Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 6,147.24 100% 0.05 0.62 6,147.24 6,147.24 632.98 40 160.98
19361 9/24/10 0:00 Valerie Takahito West Utah 84001 For Solution Matulane Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 535.57 100% 0.05 0.5 535.57 535.57 131.05 21 25.38
55655 9/25/10 0:00 Toby Grace South Georgia 30002 Concentrate Cetrotide Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.55 3,671.14 3,671.14 995.085 33 125.99
11650 9/25/10 0:00 Valerie Mitchum West Idaho 83643 Suppository Pur-Wash Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.08 0.74 243.49 243.49 -45.89 30 8.32
52320 9/25/10 0:00 Roland Murray Central Ohio 43270 Gel Amlodipine Besylate Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.55 112.6 112.6 0.49 41 2.88
19425 9/25/10 0:00 Cassandra Brandow South South Carolina 29808 Aerosol Cefotetan And Dextrose In Duplex Container Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.56 210.24 210.24 -31.67 34 5.68
11650 9/25/10 0:00 Valerie Mitchum West Idaho 83643 Gel Amipaque Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.59 1,090.40 1,090.40 146.24 26 40.97
13984 9/25/10 0:00 Khloe Miller East Massachusetts 2054 For Solution Codeine, Aspirin, Apap Formula No. 2 Extended Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.78 2,052.82 2,052.82 -870.61 30 70.71
23648 9/25/10 0:00 Liz Carlisle Central Ohio 43001 Suppository Cetraxal Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 6,768.16 100% 0.03 0.74 6,768.16 6,768.16 907.49 44 152.48
23648 9/25/10 0:00 Liz Carlisle Central Ohio 43001 Suspension/Drops Cotrim Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 10.65 100% 0.1 0.39 10.65 10.65 -0.64 4 2.61
35554 9/25/10 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Injectable Vicoprin Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,581.54 100% 0.05 0.69 4,581.54 4,581.54 -614.37 34 130.98
39972 9/26/10 0:00 Sheri Gordon Central Nebraska 68155 Suspension/Drops Cyclaine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 138.59 100% 0.01 0.38 138.59 138.59 62.73 36 3.69
39972 9/26/10 0:00 Sheri Gordon Central Nebraska 68155 Suspension/Drops Codimal-L.A. 12 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 224.58 100% 0.03 0.39 224.58 224.58 108.49 35 6.3
39972 9/26/10 0:00 Sheri Gordon Central Nebraska 68155 Tablet Doxil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 97.06 100% 0.05 0.38 97.06 97.06 -7.36 19 5.06
21792 9/26/10 0:00 Pauline Webber South South Carolina 29001 Tablet Norethin 1/50M-28 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 362.76 100% 0.09 0.38 362.76 362.76 19.363 26 14.48
51107 9/26/10 0:00 Luke Foster West California 91188 Tablet Deapril-St Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 772.67 100% 0 0.37 772.67 772.67 286.8665 36 21.38
30720 9/28/10 0:00 Bill Shonely East Connecticut 6037 Suppository Technetium Tc 99M Hsa Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.44 1,701.53 1,701.53 735.99 37 43.98
30720 9/28/10 0:00 Bill Shonely East Connecticut 6037 Tablet Epi E Z Pen Jr Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.39 32.77 32.77 -17.1925 5 5.74
30720 9/28/10 0:00 Bill Shonely East Connecticut 6037 For Solution Loestrin 21 1/20 Delayed Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.09 0.56 2,398.90 2,398.90 656.95 27 95.46
34406 9/29/10 0:00 Eric Murdock South Maryland 21794 Lotion Children'S Advil Allergy Sinus Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.85 142.59 142.59 -3.23 29 4.71
57570 9/29/10 0:00 Daniel Raglin West Washington 98390 Ointment Embeline Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 675.23 100% 0.1 0.37 675.23 675.23 204.08 15 48.04
57570 9/29/10 0:00 Daniel Raglin West Washington 98390 Injectable Polycillin Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,823.04 100% 0.09 0.6 1,823.04 1,823.04 -190.78 27 70.98
26657 9/30/10 0:00 Troy Blackwell Central Illinois 62999 Tablet Doxercalciferol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.37 1,107.64 1,107.64 333.1745 28 40.98
16518 9/30/10 0:00 Ken Dana West New Mexico 88134 Concentrate Benztropine Mesylate Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 2,628.92 100% 0.03 0.55 2,628.92 2,628.92 832.194 36 85.99
36998 9/30/10 0:00 Christine Abelman Central Wisconsin 53006 Ointment Heparin Sodium 10,000 Units In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 56.5 100% 0.02 0.37 56.5 56.5 -17.16 8 6.48
36998 9/30/10 0:00 Christine Abelman Central Wisconsin 53006 Ointment Estratab Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 265.39 100% 0.1 0.37 265.39 265.39 -237.01 41 6.48
16518 9/30/10 0:00 Ken Dana West New Mexico 88134 Ointment Emete-Con Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 80.29 100% 0.03 0.37 80.29 80.29 -6.57 4 18.97
36998 9/30/10 0:00 Christine Abelman Central Wisconsin 53006 For Solution Lincomycin Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 481.23 100% 0.07 0.57 481.23 481.23 -409.24 50 9.98
55968 10/1/10 0:00 Carol Triggs Central Ohio 43317 Gel Hydrocortisone Valerate Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.4 73.62 73.62 0.86 40 1.82
27300 10/1/10 0:00 Stephanie Ulpright West New Mexico 87199 Suppository Rubramin Pc Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,333.10 100% 0.1 0.79 3,333.10 3,333.10 -85.03 50 73.98
8678 10/1/10 0:00 Ken Black Central Texas 88595 Syrup Butabarbital Sodium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 937.8 100% 0 0.7 937.8 937.8 27.12 31 29.74
39654 10/1/10 0:00 Grant Thornton East Connecticut 6439 Tablet Deapril-St Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 856.15 100% 0.03 0.37 856.15 856.15 330.0295 39 21.38
18374 10/1/10 0:00 Nick Crebassa South Virginia 24157 Ointment Betapace Af Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 150.16 100% 0.09 0.35 150.16 150.16 -32.78 21 7.28
18592 10/1/10 0:00 Nora Pelletier South North Carolina 27010 Aerosol Mpi Stannous Diphosphonate Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 25.72 100% 0.04 0.57 25.72 25.72 -15.5 2 10.98
27300 10/1/10 0:00 Stephanie Ulpright West New Mexico 87199 Gel Amnesteem Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 55.68 100% 0.04 0.57 55.68 55.68 0.26 27 2.1
20579 10/2/10 0:00 Jim Epp West Idaho 83465 Concentrate Staphcillin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.57 1,434.09 1,434.09 -26.246 16 110.99
6150 10/2/10 0:00 Mitch Gastineau East New York 10501 Ointment A-Hydrocort Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.36 191.14 191.14 82.65 38 4.98
929 10/2/10 0:00 Luke Foster West California 91188 Suppository Tenuate Dospan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 227.66 100% 0.04 0.64 227.66 227.66 -100.16 21 10.97
22980 10/2/10 0:00 Rob Haberlin Central Michigan 49877 Syrup Lialda Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 224.09 100% 0 0.57 224.09 224.09 -27.92 17 12.44
293 10/2/10 0:00 Barry French Central Michigan 49634 Solution Adderall Xr 15 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 10,123.02 100% 0.07 0.58 10,123.02 10,123.02 457.81 49 208.16
293 10/2/10 0:00 Barry French Central Michigan 49634 Tablet Gyne-Lotrimin 3 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 244.57 100% 0.01 0.39 244.57 244.57 46.7075 27 8.69
22980 10/2/10 0:00 Rob Haberlin Central Michigan 49877 Ointment Forane Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 56.05 100% 0.06 0.38 56.05 56.05 -27.73 10 4.98
929 10/2/10 0:00 Luke Foster West California 91188 Aerosol Sarisol No. 1 Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 84.33 100% 0.04 0.55 84.33 84.33 -64.29 39 2.08
18596 10/3/10 0:00 Adam Bellavance East New York 10501 Suspension/Drops Colyte With Flavor Packs Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.38 416.8 416.8 223.38 32 12.53
18596 10/3/10 0:00 Adam Bellavance East New York 10501 Capsule Valisone Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.71 4,917.69 4,917.69 126.31 42 110.98
25476 10/3/10 0:00 Cyra Reiten South Virginia 23018 Suspension Freamine 8.5% Delayed Release TableauCeutical Animal 13,698.96 100% 0.05 0.37 13,698.96 13,698.96 -9,078.94 4 3,499.99
25476 10/3/10 0:00 Cyra Reiten South Virginia 23018 Suppository Reglan Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 676.69 100% 0.09 0.43 676.69 676.69 138.1 21 35.41
4261 10/3/10 0:00 Lela Donovan East Massachusetts 5544 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.11% In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 9,235.97 100% 0.04 0.52 9,235.97 9,235.97 2,848.17 32 300.65
4261 10/3/10 0:00 Lela Donovan East Massachusetts 5544 Solution Pentetate Zinc Trisodium Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,556.87 100% 0.04 0.41 1,556.87 1,556.87 -521.42 22 68.81
4261 10/3/10 0:00 Lela Donovan East Massachusetts 5544 Ointment Focalin Xr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 274.38 100% 0.04 0.36 274.38 274.38 -94.82 48 5.78
4261 10/3/10 0:00 Lela Donovan East Massachusetts 5544 Ointment Fluothane Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 195.98 100% 0.08 0.4 195.98 195.98 -71.47 33 5.98
31266 10/4/10 0:00 Rob Haberlin Central Michigan 49877 Cream Vaprisol In 5% Dextrose In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Animal 6,573.75 100% 0.04 0.56 6,573.75 6,573.75 1,197.05 16 399.98
46534 10/4/10 0:00 Chris Cortes South Florida 32046 Cream Clindagel Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,341.31 100% 0.05 0.52 1,341.31 1,341.31 5.55 13 99.99
50849 10/5/10 0:00 Larry Tron South Virginia 24157 Ointment Heparin Sodium 12,500 Units In Sodium Chloride 0.9% Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.37 307.37 307.37 -249.27 47 6.48
5697 10/5/10 0:00 Max Jones West Washington 98310 Syrup Ilotycin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.59 371.68 371.68 -13.32 31 11.29
44000 10/5/10 0:00 Dan Campbell South Maryland 21794 Solution/Drops Butalibital, Acetaminophen And Caffeine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.36 502.8 502.8 -19.1 15 30.98
44000 10/5/10 0:00 Dan Campbell South Maryland 21794 Ointment Fansidar Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.4 85.03 85.03 -75.31 18 4.28
44000 10/5/10 0:00 Dan Campbell South Maryland 21794 Tablet Dopamine Hydrochloride In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.39 119.51 119.51 -51.3015 17 7.1
15651 10/5/10 0:00 Anemone Ratner West Utah 84121 Syrup Halcion Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.83 1,144.35 1,144.35 -448.6 14 80.98
15651 10/5/10 0:00 Anemone Ratner West Utah 84121 Solution Micronase Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.57 2,182.91 2,182.91 549.45 40 60.22
44000 10/5/10 0:00 Dan Campbell South Maryland 21794 For Solution Atrovent Hfa Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.54 332.38 332.38 89.95 19 17.78
15651 10/5/10 0:00 Anemone Ratner West Utah 84121 Spray Eligard Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.07 0.71 1,496.83 1,496.83 -329.72 8 179.29
51333 10/5/10 0:00 Theone Pippenger East Massachusetts 5544 Cream Sevoflurane Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 2,219.79 100% 0.1 0.37 2,219.79 2,219.79 -10.86 30 80.97
51333 10/5/10 0:00 Theone Pippenger East Massachusetts 5544 Ointment Benzyl Benzoate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 237.36 100% 0.07 0.4 237.36 237.36 -117.86 25 9.06
3655 10/6/10 0:00 Tony Sayre East New York 501 Concentrate Cytosar-U Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0 0.58 2,750.11 2,750.11 600.417 24 125.99
29991 10/6/10 0:00 Ryan Crowe Central Ohio 45999 Suspension/Drops Artane Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.37 123.11 123.11 48.93 41 3.15
3655 10/6/10 0:00 Tony Sayre East New York 501 Tablet Neomycin Sulfate, Polymyxin B Sulfate & Hydrocortisone Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.37 62.54 62.54 -30.7395 3 15.99
38336 10/6/10 0:00 Julie Creighton Central Michigan 49822 Suppository Tenuate Dospan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 346.57 100% 0 0.64 346.57 346.57 -116.45 31 10.97
38336 10/6/10 0:00 Julie Creighton Central Michigan 49822 Tablet Ditate-Ds Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 91.75 100% 0.07 0.35 91.75 91.75 2.822 14 6.75
55623 10/6/10 0:00 Jack Garza Central Illinois 62924 Spray Potassium Chloride 0.075% In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 10,348.73 100% 0.09 0.68 10,348.73 10,348.73 1,094.57 47 227.55
50818 10/7/10 0:00 Neoma Murray South North Carolina 28909 Concentrate Darbid Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.56 5,518.53 5,518.53 1,111.26 34 205.99
16709 10/7/10 0:00 Giulietta Dortch South Georgia 39901 Ointment Heparin Sodium 1,000 Units And Sodium Chloride 0.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.37 24.36 24.36 -13.01 3 6.48
33444 10/7/10 0:00 Alan Barnes Central Michigan 48001 Gel Advair Diskus 500/50 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 30.51 100% 0.09 0.58 30.51 30.51 -17.68 11 2.6
33444 10/7/10 0:00 Alan Barnes Central Michigan 48001 Syrup Zefazone In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 127.8 100% 0.07 0.57 127.8 127.8 -30.48 8 14.97
42848 10/7/10 0:00 David Philippe East New York 14210 Ointment Albalon Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 387.79 100% 0.01 0.36 387.79 387.79 -56.51 50 7.64
4067 10/7/10 0:00 Shahid Shariari West Arizona 85301 Tablet Dopamine Hydrochloride In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 118.38 100% 0.04 0.39 118.38 118.38 -42.458 16 7.1
481 10/8/10 0:00 Art Foster Central Illinois 60001 Concentrate Anthelios 20 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.57 4,509.38 4,509.38 1,426.26 44 115.99
9509 10/8/10 0:00 Joy Bell East Massachusetts 5544 Ointment Enalaprilat Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.38 1,585.64 1,585.64 707.15 32 48.91
9509 10/8/10 0:00 Joy Bell East Massachusetts 5544 Ointment Emete-Con Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.37 101.21 101.21 2.13 5 18.97
42722 10/8/10 0:00 Fred Harton West Washington 98001 Solution Miacalcin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.59 1,152.16 1,152.16 286.98 23 48.92
9509 10/8/10 0:00 Joy Bell East Massachusetts 5544 Capsule Pfizer-E Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.57 12,175.82 12,175.82 2,825.15 36 320.98
42722 10/8/10 0:00 Fred Harton West Washington 98001 For Solution Lipo-Hepin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.56 19.9 19.9 15.97 2 7.38
8677 10/8/10 0:00 Speros Goranitis Central Texas 88595 Syrup Daypro Alta Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,610.76 100% 0.1 0.55 1,610.76 1,610.76 -8.67 38 43.57
58181 10/8/10 0:00 William Brown South Georgia 39901 Ointment Desonide Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 36.43 100% 0.04 0.36 36.43 36.43 -22.04 5 5.98
45825 10/8/10 0:00 Liz Price West Arizona 85234 Ointment Hyzaar Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 272.63 100% 0.04 0.37 272.63 272.63 -64.45 43 6.48
34241 10/9/10 0:00 Sanjit Chand Central Michigan 49634 Solution/Drops Chlordiazachel Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.36 207.55 207.55 16.23 4 52.71
3232 10/9/10 0:00 Brad Eason Central Michigan 49634 Tablet Imitrex Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.35 42.66 42.66 -11.8335 5 7.84
33731 10/9/10 0:00 Jonathan Doherty Central Ohio 43567 Lotion Valrelease Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 109.01 100% 0.09 0.36 109.01 109.01 8.45 32 3.58
33731 10/9/10 0:00 Jonathan Doherty Central Ohio 43567 Syrup Ilotycin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 138.88 100% 0.05 0.59 138.88 138.88 -23.99 12 11.29
33731 10/9/10 0:00 Jonathan Doherty Central Ohio 43567 Capsule Nortrel 0.5/35-28 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 8,213.37 100% 0.02 0.6 8,213.37 8,213.37 1,148.88 27 284.98
43010 10/10/10 0:00 Bryan Spruell South Georgia 31811 Ointment Ceptaz Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.39 233.2 233.2 74.83 40 5.68
43010 10/10/10 0:00 Bryan Spruell South Georgia 31811 Ointment Casodex Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 245.53 245.53 83.16 24 10.14
40994 10/10/10 0:00 Michael Paige Central Texas 76246 Tablet Dextrose 25% Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.35 793.04 793.04 323.0765 42 20.98
28929 10/10/10 0:00 Saphhira Shifley West Washington 98625 Ointment Hydrocortone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 230.97 100% 0.08 0.37 230.97 230.97 -173.73 37 6.48
28929 10/10/10 0:00 Saphhira Shifley West Washington 98625 Solution/Drops Floropryl Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 723.17 100% 0.09 0.35 723.17 723.17 -154.11 46 16.98
32356 10/11/10 0:00 Maribeth Yedwab South Virginia 20101 Tablet Helicosol Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.4 768.41 768.41 60.3755 12 67.28
32356 10/11/10 0:00 Maribeth Yedwab South Virginia 20101 Spray Efidac 24 Chlorpheniramine Maleate Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.08 0.69 5,238.19 5,238.19 -503.77 47 145.98
55366 10/11/10 0:00 Doug Bickford South Alabama 36925 Suppository Microgestin 1/20 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 387.17 100% 0.1 0.68 387.17 387.17 -204.65 7 55.94
47686 10/12/10 0:00 Michael Dominguez West Colorado 81221 Gel Travase Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.55 179.65 179.65 3.32 48 4.13
58722 10/12/10 0:00 Tom Prescott Central Texas 77474 Capsule Ondansetron Hydrochloride And Dextrose In Plastic Container Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.66 4,042.96 4,042.96 -699.72 45 89.99
9473 10/12/10 0:00 Jonathan Doherty Central Ohio 43567 Tablet Rifadin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 563.82 100% 0.03 0.37 563.82 563.82 188.224 34 16.51
9473 10/12/10 0:00 Jonathan Doherty Central Ohio 43567 Syrup Colestipol Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 502.44 100% 0.04 0.59 502.44 502.44 -363.44 31 15.51
9473 10/12/10 0:00 Jonathan Doherty Central Ohio 43567 Tablet Modicon 21 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 31.95 100% 0.1 0.4 31.95 31.95 -23.69 3 8.04
6500 10/13/10 0:00 Tony Sayre East New York 501 Suppository Methylergonovine Maleate Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.74 448.07 448.07 -141.02 15 30.42
6500 10/13/10 0:00 Tony Sayre East New York 501 Gel Dexamethasone Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.46 38.29 38.29 -16.15 20 1.95
9765 10/13/10 0:00 Rose O'Brian East Connecticut 6703 Capsule Aminosyn 3.5% W/ Dextrose 25% In Plastic Container Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.57 3,505.60 3,505.60 1,019.70 26 128.24
36390 10/13/10 0:00 Sylvia Foulston East New Jersey 7001 Concentrate Subutex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 329.63 100% 0.05 0.59 329.63 329.63 -541.332 3 125.99
48801 10/14/10 0:00 Cassandra Brandow South South Carolina 29808 For Solution Kelnor Injection Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.64 2,387.61 2,387.61 527.13 43 54.2
44678 10/14/10 0:00 Dennis Pardue Central Ohio 44197 Lotion Aldactazide Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.83 7.56 7.56 -5.53 4 1.89
59683 10/14/10 0:00 Bill Donatelli East New York 14925 Tablet Acetaminophen, Aspirin, And Codeine Phosphate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.38 191.36 191.36 -82.087 37 4.91
44678 10/14/10 0:00 Dennis Pardue Central Ohio 44197 For Solution Hydramine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.03 0.49 1,152.63 1,152.63 389.4 36 32.48
32165 10/15/10 0:00 John Murray East New York 11769 Concentrate Blephamide S.O.P. Extended Release Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.85 2,939.68 2,939.68 192.06 38 85.99
32165 10/15/10 0:00 John Murray East New York 11769 Suppository Rubramin Pc Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.65 3,413.69 3,413.69 175.24 47 73.98
1447 10/15/10 0:00 Barry Gonzalez Central Nebraska 69141 Concentrate Aralen Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,135.97 100% 0.07 0.59 2,135.97 2,135.97 239.4 40 65.99
25473 10/15/10 0:00 Mary Zewe East New Jersey 7024 Cream Ozurdex Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 17,304.85 100% 0.05 0.38 17,304.85 17,304.85 7,434.48 36 500.98
25473 10/15/10 0:00 Mary Zewe East New Jersey 7024 Ointment Entocort Ec Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 794.32 100% 0.08 0.36 794.32 794.32 67.61 20 40.99
56069 10/15/10 0:00 Becky Pak South South Carolina 29907 Solution/Drops Cardiolite Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 55.66 100% 0.09 0.38 55.66 55.66 8.82 10 5.68
21665 10/16/10 0:00 Arthur Prichep West California 91188 Concentrate Isolyte S Ph 7.4 In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.58 474.793 474.793 -407.264 5 115.99
15715 10/16/10 0:00 Kelly Andreada South Florida 32003 Ointment Flomax Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 2,123.64 2,123.64 1,013.77 43 47.9
25152 10/16/10 0:00 Matt Connell South Maryland 21022 Gel Ancef In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 195.21 100% 0.07 0.47 195.21 195.21 16.4 29 7.08
14630 10/17/10 0:00 Muhammed Lee Central Texas 78602 Gel Ethchlorvynol Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 363.54 100% 0.08 0.59 363.54 363.54 4.75 17 22.01
36034 10/17/10 0:00 Clay Ludtke South North Carolina 28909 Gel Travasol 2.75% Sulfite Free W/ Electrolytes In Dextrose 10% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 19.36 100% 0 0.56 19.36 19.36 -1.02 10 1.76
56740 10/17/10 0:00 Jay Fine South Florida 34997 Aerosol Sulfacel-15 Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 23,516.31 100% 0.09 0.83 23,516.31 23,516.31 1,094.74 29 832.81
26084 10/17/10 0:00 Patrick Ryan South North Carolina 28909 Ointment Foscavir Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 228.82 100% 0.03 0.37 228.82 228.82 -107 33 6.68
56740 10/17/10 0:00 Jay Fine South Florida 34997 Tablet Diovan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 34.29 100% 0.05 0.37 34.29 34.29 -6.8195 6 5.28
56740 10/17/10 0:00 Khloe Miller East Massachusetts 2054 For Solution Mucinex D Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 662.21 100% 0.01 0.43 662.21 662.21 256.57 33 18.84
34182 10/18/10 0:00 Karen Ferguson South North Carolina 27801 For Solution Dermotic Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.52 336.34 336.34 -89.9 31 10.52
51940 10/18/10 0:00 Ivan Gibson West New Mexico 88439 Suppository Pyrilamine Maleate Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 65.5 100% 0.08 0.75 65.5 65.5 -55.94 11 5.98
35713 10/18/10 0:00 Phillip Breyer West Washington 98601 Tablet Sodium Lactate In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,355.47 100% 0.04 0.38 1,355.47 1,355.47 590.0445 49 28.53
48643 10/19/10 0:00 Laurel Elliston West Idaho 83810 Cream Oxy-Kesso-Tetra Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.4 9,171.71 9,171.71 2,636.01 14 808.49
48643 10/19/10 0:00 Laurel Elliston West Idaho 83810 Concentrate Ceradon Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0 0.6 2,896.36 2,896.36 583.497 50 65.99
50308 10/19/10 0:00 Liz Willingham South North Carolina 27010 Suspension/Drops Darbid Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.36 86.48 86.48 33.58 19 4.91
48643 10/19/10 0:00 Laurel Elliston West Idaho 83810 Suspension/Drops Clonidine Hydrochloride And Chlorthalidone Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.36 18.05 18.05 0.13 6 2.88
50055 10/19/10 0:00 Jack O'Briant East New Jersey 8823 Tablet Aminosyn 3.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.37 13.45 13.45 -8.1995 1 5.4
50055 10/19/10 0:00 Jack O'Briant East New Jersey 8823 Ointment Guanidine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 75.79 75.79 -18.77 11 6.68
33924 10/19/10 0:00 Ivan Liston South Maryland 21230 Cream Ozurdex Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 6,168.07 100% 0.05 0.38 6,168.07 6,168.07 1,542 12 500.98
12356 10/19/10 0:00 Yoseph Carroll East New York 14925 Ointment Fluothane Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 243.05 100% 0.02 0.4 243.05 243.05 -70.85 39 5.98
8231 10/19/10 0:00 Pauline Chand East Connecticut 6439 Suspension/Drops Cordran-N Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 79.44 100% 0.06 0.39 79.44 79.44 29.85 27 2.88
30401 10/19/10 0:00 Tom Boeckenhauer East Connecticut 6439 Ointment Femstat 3 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 239.4 100% 0.07 0.36 239.4 239.4 -57.37 39 5.98
55296 10/19/10 0:00 Anthony Witt West Utah 84663 Ointment Aldoril D50 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 317.06 100% 0.05 0.39 317.06 317.06 105.47 32 10.06
19782 10/19/10 0:00 Erin Ashbrook West Utah 84121 Lotion Claritin-D Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 33.21 100% 0.06 0.52 33.21 33.21 -0.85 18 1.81
8231 10/19/10 0:00 Pauline Chand East Connecticut 6439 For Solution Aerolate Iii Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 110.03 100% 0.06 0.49 110.03 110.03 -31.33 5 19.98
54721 10/19/10 0:00 Liz Willingham South North Carolina 27010 Injectable Phenelzine Sulfate Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,002.40 100% 0 0.6 2,002.40 2,002.40 151.09 19 100.98
27750 10/20/10 0:00 John Murray East New York 11769 Suspension Glucophage Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.38 7,370.84 7,370.84 999.865 18 449.99
33477 10/20/10 0:00 Duane Huffman East Delaware 19810 Suspension/Drops Cyclocort Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.37 269.28 269.28 113.63 28 10.35
27750 10/20/10 0:00 John Murray East New York 11769 Injectable Veriloid Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.61 769.17 769.17 -212.01 12 58.14
19777 10/20/10 0:00 Pauline Chand East Connecticut 6439 Concentrate Altabax Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,268.75 100% 0.04 0.6 3,268.75 3,268.75 562.914 24 155.99
19777 10/20/10 0:00 Pauline Chand East Connecticut 6439 Tablet Nexium Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 132.96 100% 0.05 0.39 132.96 132.96 -61.8815 2 59.78
19777 10/20/10 0:00 Pauline Chand East Connecticut 6439 Tablet Neo-Rx Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 321.91 100% 0.06 0.39 321.91 321.91 -24.955 22 15.01
27780 10/21/10 0:00 Matthew Grinstein East New York 544 Suppository Technetium Tc 99M Hsa Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.44 1,678.34 1,678.34 670.11 39 43.98
27780 10/21/10 0:00 Matthew Grinstein East New York 544 Aerosol Adderall 15 Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.83 147.71 147.71 -30.25 39 3.68
27780 10/21/10 0:00 Matthew Grinstein East New York 544 Suspension/Drops Colgate Total Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.37 56.41 56.41 11.92 18 3.08
612 10/21/10 0:00 Sheri Gordon Central Nebraska 68155 Concentrate Anoquan Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,531.09 100% 0.01 0.55 2,531.09 2,531.09 881.676 43 65.99
612 10/21/10 0:00 Sheri Gordon Central Nebraska 68155 Ointment Felbatol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 262.87 100% 0.1 0.4 262.87 262.87 -166.29 50 5.28
11168 10/22/10 0:00 Lisa Hazard East New York 14925 For Solution Sudafed 24 Hour Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.47 182.86 182.86 -106.27 35 4.82
2275 10/22/10 0:00 Grant Carroll East Massachusetts 2139 Gel Hispril Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.56 278 278 41.67 49 6.08
8065 10/22/10 0:00 Debra Catini West Colorado 80728 For Solution Constulose Injection Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.64 1,125.76 1,125.76 379.28 17 60.65
55716 10/23/10 0:00 Philip Brown West Utah 84415 Aerosol Parlodel Injection Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.81 14,665.55 14,665.55 -767.51 9 1,637.53
31845 10/23/10 0:00 Damala Kotsonis South Maryland 21230 Ointment Aldoril D50 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 114.55 100% 0.05 0.39 114.55 114.55 28.61 11 10.06
31845 10/23/10 0:00 Damala Kotsonis South Maryland 21230 Solution Clinimix E 2.75/5 Sulfite-Free W/ Elect In Dextrose 5% W/ Calcium In Plastic Container Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 3,645.12 100% 0.04 0.57 3,645.12 3,645.12 807.29 36 100.98
54180 10/23/10 0:00 Jill Matthias South Maryland 21022 Gel Eulexin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 913.99 100% 0.08 0.59 913.99 913.99 -57.75 43 21.38
35712 10/24/10 0:00 Steve Nguyen South Maryland 21230 Suppository Orinase Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,931.17 100% 0.1 0.46 3,931.17 3,931.17 1,174.02 42 100.97
3559 10/24/10 0:00 Logan Haushalter Central Nebraska 68770 Tablet Butazolidin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 136.67 100% 0.07 0.36 136.67 136.67 -117.921 34 3.81
2630 10/24/10 0:00 Patrick Ryan South North Carolina 28909 Ointment Didanosine Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 146.51 100% 0.04 0.36 146.51 146.51 37.14 31 4.73
35712 10/24/10 0:00 Steve Nguyen South Maryland 21230 Ointment Furadantin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 134.88 100% 0 0.4 134.88 134.88 -122.21 24 5.28
48902 10/24/10 0:00 Benjamin Patterson West Arizona 85301 Ointment Hydropres 25 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 53.29 100% 0.01 0.37 53.29 53.29 -28.88 7 6.48
47522 10/24/10 0:00 Juliana Krohn West Utah 84631 Solution/Drops Actahist Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 80.56 100% 0.03 0.38 80.56 80.56 12.5 5 15.67
14372 10/24/10 0:00 Beth Thompson East Massachusetts 2054 Injectable Anthelios Sx Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 5,350.61 100% 0.09 0.69 5,350.61 5,350.61 -1,059.20 34 170.98
30976 10/25/10 0:00 Jack O'Briant East New Jersey 8823 Suppository Clinimix E 4.25/20 Sulfite-Free W/ Elect In Dextrose 20% W/ Calcium In Plastic Container Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.07 0.42 403.88 403.88 48.03 10 40.97
53445 10/25/10 0:00 Odella Nelson West Washington 98001 Lotion Captopril Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.4 73.8 73.8 11.23 21 3.29
53445 10/25/10 0:00 Odella Nelson West Washington 98001 Gel Estrogenic Substance Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.59 105.95 105.95 -44.33 8 11.66
5378 10/25/10 0:00 Christine Abelman Central Wisconsin 53006 For Solution Lamictal Cd Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 54.28 100% 0.01 0.6 54.28 54.28 -11.98 6 6.24
3521 10/26/10 0:00 Giulietta Baptist Central Michigan 49822 Gel Trazodone Hydrochloride Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.56 204.11 204.11 28.71 50 4.28
56224 10/26/10 0:00 Quincy Jones South Alabama 36276 Lotion Carmol Hc Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.4 339.27 339.27 48.59 46 7.89
56224 10/26/10 0:00 Quincy Jones South Alabama 36276 Tablet Butazolidin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.36 144.06 144.06 -117.2655 35 3.81
56224 10/26/10 0:00 Quincy Jones South Alabama 36276 Capsule Enablex Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.57 3,205.24 3,205.24 -1,115.99 32 95.95
56224 10/26/10 0:00 Quincy Jones South Alabama 36276 Spray E-Base Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.63 902.024 902.024 -170.28 9 124.49
57861 10/26/10 0:00 Anthony Rawles Central Illinois 62999 Tablet Dentipatch Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.36 120.15 120.15 11.322 40 2.88
56676 10/26/10 0:00 Dave Kipp Central Michigan 49877 Ointment Ibu-Tab 200 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 206.47 100% 0.08 0.4 206.47 206.47 -107.2 39 5.28
17831 10/26/10 0:00 Ricardo Emerson West Arizona 85071 Ointment Fluothane Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 260.41 100% 0 0.4 260.41 260.41 -45.75 38 5.98
17831 10/26/10 0:00 Ricardo Emerson West Arizona 85071 For Solution Mycifradin Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 239.3 100% 0.06 0.37 239.3 239.3 41.31 34 6.98
55171 10/27/10 0:00 Jennifer Jackson East New Jersey 7514 Suppository Dimetapp Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.68 575.89 575.89 -14.04 29 19.98
39269 10/27/10 0:00 Gary Zandusky South Virginia 24157 Concentrate Augmentin '125' Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.36 464.695 464.695 107.505 16 35.99
55171 10/27/10 0:00 Jennifer Jackson East New Jersey 7514 Ointment Freamine Hbc 6.9% Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.36 260.6 260.6 -182.71 43 5.78
32871 10/27/10 0:00 Jim Karlsson Central Nebraska 68016 Cream Vivitrol Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.56 2,151.08 2,151.08 179.05 14 145.45
32871 10/27/10 0:00 Jim Karlsson Central Nebraska 68016 Suppository Thallous Chloride Tl 201 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0 0.77 939.77 939.77 9.72 42 20.97
32871 10/27/10 0:00 Jim Karlsson Central Nebraska 68016 Suppository Tenuate Dospan Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.64 107.92 107.92 -57.65 9 10.97
16197 10/27/10 0:00 Katherine Hughes West Idaho 83877 Ointment Erythromycin Stearate Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 218.71 100% 0 0.4 218.71 218.71 67.23 23 9.11
16197 10/27/10 0:00 Katherine Hughes West Idaho 83877 Ointment Gemcitabine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 103.68 100% 0.08 0.4 103.68 103.68 -58.16 19 5.28
17700 10/28/10 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Syrup Aminess 5.2% Essential Amino Acids W/ Histadine Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.84 2,305.75 2,305.75 -530.68 20 113.64
16132 10/28/10 0:00 Clay Cheatham Central Wisconsin 53006 Tablet Bupivacaine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.36 519.96 519.96 169.439 26 21.38
18918 10/28/10 0:00 Quincy Jones South Alabama 36276 Cream Zidovudine Injection TableauCeutical Animal 6,362.94 100% 0.1 0.36 6,362.94 6,362.94 -254.92 7 999.99
23395 10/28/10 0:00 Janet Martin South Maryland 21794 Suppository Arava Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,296.46 100% 0.01 0.54 1,296.46 1,296.46 376.47 31 39.48
51556 10/28/10 0:00 Frank Atkinson South Georgia 30002 Gel Dienestrol Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 45.69 100% 0.01 0.59 45.69 45.69 -24.21 10 3.57
1345 10/28/10 0:00 Ritsa Hightower East Connecticut 6817 Injectable Fondaparinux Sodium Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,443.85 100% 0.08 0.62 2,443.85 2,443.85 -120.85 24 100.98
21634 10/29/10 0:00 Lindsay Shagiari South Maryland 20601 Cream Zirgan Injection Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.38 1,946.55 1,946.55 -4,617.95 1 1,938.02
21634 10/29/10 0:00 Lindsay Shagiari South Maryland 20601 Solution Adderall Xr 15 Intramuscular Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.58 1,611.73 1,611.73 -314.61 8 208.16
43104 10/29/10 0:00 Matthew Grinstein East New York 544 Cream Panheprin Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.1 0.37 4,648.52 4,648.52 1,676.70 50 100.97
23428 10/29/10 0:00 Alan Shonely West Colorado 80230 Ointment Halflytely Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.39 980.95 980.95 234.68 41 22.84
38912 10/29/10 0:00 Ben Peterman East Connecticut 6439 Suppository Cetraxal Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 6,943.94 100% 0.01 0.79 6,943.94 6,943.94 608.9 46 152.48
38912 10/29/10 0:00 Ben Peterman East Connecticut 6439 Concentrate Chronulac Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,514.96 100% 0.02 0.57 1,514.96 1,514.96 310.185 26 65.99
41504 10/29/10 0:00 Paul Knutson Central Texas 76901 Syrup Colocort Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 302.94 100% 0.07 0.6 302.94 302.94 -30.2 20 15.51
8289 10/29/10 0:00 Darren Koutras East New York 14709 Tablet Calderol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 572.74 100% 0 0.38 572.74 572.74 53.312 38 14.45
9861 10/29/10 0:00 Chad Sievert East New Jersey 8823 Gel Estradiol Cypionate Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 706.68 100% 0.1 0.55 706.68 706.68 6.6 47 15.94
41378 10/30/10 0:00 Harold Ryan East Connecticut 6928 Suppository Dextrose 60% Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.5 1,264.17 1,264.17 433.34 42 29.89
41378 10/30/10 0:00 Harold Ryan East Connecticut 6928 Capsule Unipen Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.69 5,454.51 5,454.51 446.26 30 180.98
47971 10/30/10 0:00 Duane Benoit East New York 501 For Solution Lidocaine Hydrochloride 0.8% In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.09 0.41 113.43 113.43 -53.06 24 4.95
26116 10/30/10 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 Ointment Hydralazine Hydrochloride-Hydrochlorothiazide-Reserpine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.37 697.41 697.41 81.71 36 18.97
18531 10/30/10 0:00 Jeremy Ellison West Utah 84415 Capsule Optimine Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.04 0.6 1,298.81 1,298.81 -250.55 50 25.98
3014 10/30/10 0:00 Pamela Stobb Central Nebraska 69367 Tablet Proklar Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 4,002.14 100% 0.02 0.4 4,002.14 4,002.14 1,314.39 13 304.99
40672 10/30/10 0:00 Barry Gonzalez Central Nebraska 69141 Injectable Fondaparinux Sodium Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,617.91 100% 0.04 0.62 1,617.91 1,617.91 -159.21 16 100.98
16864 10/30/10 0:00 Cindy Chapman West Arizona 85338 Spray Heparin Sodium 25,000 Units And Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 12,837.11 100% 0.05 0.63 12,837.11 12,837.11 1,881.76 42 320.64
53536 10/31/10 0:00 Sanjit Chand Central Michigan 49634 For Solution Atropen Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - Rx 0.1 0.51 738.69 738.69 109.16 35 22.98
53536 10/31/10 0:00 Sanjit Chand Central Michigan 49634 Spray Eligard Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.71 1,015.40 1,015.40 -260.66 5 179.29
43653 10/31/10 0:00 Amy Hunt Central Texas 73301 Lotion Captopril Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.4 10.62 10.62 -3.96 3 3.29
43653 10/31/10 0:00 Amy Hunt Central Texas 73301 Syrup Tiazac Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.57 351.3 351.3 1.45 10 34.76
43653 10/31/10 0:00 Amy Hunt Central Texas 73301 Aerosol Cardizem Sr Sublingual Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.56 666.4 666.4 2.02 39 15.73
48706 10/31/10 0:00 Erica Hernandez South Georgia 31811 Lotion Vancocin Hydrochloride In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.38 31.2 31.2 -2.81 28 1.14
48706 10/31/10 0:00 Erica Hernandez South Georgia 31811 Ointment Cladribine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.37 132.78 132.78 -130.96 18 7.28
17510 10/31/10 0:00 Denny Ordway West Washington 98390 Solution/Drops Winstrol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.38 462.12 462.12 226.4 28 15.57
30499 10/31/10 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 Gel Tora Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 199.62 100% 0.01 0.55 199.62 199.62 42.34 33 5.84
30499 10/31/10 0:00 Carlos Soltero Central Michigan 49822 Solution/Drops Diastat Acudial Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 92.06 100% 0.1 0.36 92.06 92.06 5.66 16 5.98
17061 10/31/10 0:00 Ivan Liston South Maryland 21230 Gel Triesence Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 80.53 100% 0.01 0.56 80.53 80.53 10.01 28 2.88
15872 10/31/10 0:00 Helen Andreada West Colorado 81653 Solution Clinimix E 2.75/5 Sulfite-Free W/ Elect In Dextrose 5% W/ Calcium In Plastic Container Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 5,198.12 100% 0.01 0.57 5,198.12 5,198.12 1,481.67 48 100.98
15872 10/31/10 0:00 Helen Andreada West Colorado 81653 Ointment Adderall Xr 5 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 188.53 100% 0 0.38 188.53 188.53 -27.49 23 7.35
15872 10/31/10 0:00 Helen Andreada West Colorado 81653 Ointment Entocort Ec Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 718.41 100% 0.1 0.36 718.41 718.41 23.94 19 40.99
26306 10/31/10 0:00 Brendan Murry South Maryland 21290 Spray Perforomist Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,567.64 100% 0 0.79 2,567.64 2,567.64 -515.85 15 209.37
26306 10/31/10 0:00 Brendan Murry South Maryland 21290 Injectable Vigamox Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 7,725.66 100% 0.05 0.75 7,725.66 7,725.66 -737.41 39 200.98
48423 11/1/10 0:00 Henia Zydlo Central Illinois 62999 Solution/Drops Acephen Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.38 414.11 414.11 -172.32 49 8.74
23585 11/1/10 0:00 Catherine Glotzbach South South Carolina 29374 Gel Trancopal Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.58 192.78 192.78 4.59 44 4.28
59492 11/1/10 0:00 Jill Fjeld West Colorado 80001 Ointment Heparin Sodium 25,000 Units In Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.37 170.4 170.4 -153.75 25 6.48
37185 11/1/10 0:00 Guy Armstrong Central Michigan 48001 Gel Advair Diskus 500/50 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 23.19 100% 0.02 0.58 23.19 23.19 -13.27 8 2.6
9350 11/1/10 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Tablet Product Name Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 337.6 100% 0.1 0.39 337.6 337.6 -210.7835 2 172.99
9350 11/1/10 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Injectable Fluocinolone Acetonide Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,735.94 100% 0.1 0.65 1,735.94 1,735.94 -432.54 13 140.98
19586 11/2/10 0:00 Gary Hwang Central Illinois 62444 Aerosol Sarisol No. 1 Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.55 70.63 70.63 -66.87 36 2.08
37287 11/2/10 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 Concentrate Choloxin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,052.27 100% 0.04 0.57 2,052.27 2,052.27 371.403 22 110.99
53990 11/2/10 0:00 Carlos Daly East Delaware 19810 Concentrate Choloxin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,263.93 100% 0.04 0.57 4,263.93 4,263.93 1,411.03 44 110.99
37287 11/2/10 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 Lotion Calcitonin-Salmon Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 130.25 100% 0.05 0.39 130.25 130.25 0.89 45 2.98
32231 11/2/10 0:00 Ken Lonsdale South Georgia 31811 Gel Iopamidol-300 In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 192.33 100% 0.01 0.44 192.33 192.33 48.54 44 4.26
35456 11/2/10 0:00 Cindy Chapman West Arizona 85338 Lotion Diazoxide Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 46.37 100% 0.03 0.81 46.37 46.37 -19.81 37 1.26
37287 11/2/10 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 For Solution Mydriafair Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 122.41 100% 0.09 0.37 122.41 122.41 2.37 18 6.64
32325 11/2/10 0:00 Darren Powers West Utah 84741 For Solution Atropen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,103.73 100% 0 0.51 1,103.73 1,103.73 189.28 45 22.98
3297 11/3/10 0:00 Raymond Book East New York 12917 Suspension/Drops Bacitracin Zinc-Neomycin Sulfate-Polymyxin B Sulfate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 158.7 100% 0.04 0.37 158.7 158.7 -196.8 40 3.75
34022 11/4/10 0:00 Jason Klamczynski Central Nebraska 69367 For Solution Desloratadine And Pseudoephedrine Sulfate 24 Hour Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.05 0.52 236.28 236.28 -34.06 50 4.91
34022 11/4/10 0:00 Jason Klamczynski Central Nebraska 69367 For Solution Mydriafair Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.06 0.37 43.9 43.9 12.74 6 6.64
5890 11/4/10 0:00 David Philippe East New York 14210 Concentrate Azopt Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 813.535 100% 0 0.37 813.535 813.535 435.951 42 20.99
19143 11/5/10 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Cream Veinamine 8% Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.56 2,421.02 2,421.02 -2,233.53 3 810.98
37798 11/5/10 0:00 Angele Hood South Alabama 35020 Capsule Permax Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 6,276.83 100% 0.09 0.56 6,276.83 6,276.83 813.49 23 291.73
53188 11/6/10 0:00 Dorris Love South North Carolina 28717 Syrup Butabarbital Sodium Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.7 621.21 621.21 -42.35 22 29.74
36163 11/6/10 0:00 Meg O'Connel East New Jersey 7514 Tablet Calderol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.38 463 463 24.6075 32 14.45
20032 11/6/10 0:00 Liz Carlisle Central Ohio 43001 Suppository Tab-Profen Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 137.38 100% 0.06 0.45 137.38 137.38 -11.39 8 17.48
15937 11/7/10 0:00 Monica Federle East New Jersey 8989 Suppository Tekturna Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 311.44 100% 0.04 0.43 311.44 311.44 74.07 32 9.78
50370 11/7/10 0:00 Marc Crier Central Texas 77474 Tablet Chlorascrub Swabstick Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 122.05 100% 0 0.35 122.05 122.05 -67.597 25 4.24
25249 11/7/10 0:00 Vivian Mathis West Idaho 83877 Tablet Sodium Lactate In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 926.85 100% 0.09 0.38 926.85 926.85 382.942 34 28.53
15937 11/7/10 0:00 Monica Federle East New Jersey 8989 For Solution Chlorpropamide Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 215.65 100% 0.01 0.55 215.65 215.65 77.38 17 12.22
10951 11/7/10 0:00 Neil Knudson West New Mexico 87001 For Solution Hydrogenated Ergot Alkaloids Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 677.43 100% 0.1 0.55 677.43 677.43 75.48 14 50.98
31681 11/8/10 0:00 Steve Chapman South North Carolina 27801 Ointment Ibu-Tab 200 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 212.12 100% 0.02 0.4 212.12 212.12 -93.78 38 5.28
57671 11/8/10 0:00 Liz Price West Arizona 85234 Suspension/Drops Decadron-La Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 22.78 100% 0.01 0.37 22.78 22.78 3.96 6 3.75
29927 11/8/10 0:00 Bruce Stewart West New Mexico 87001 Tablet Mymethazine Fortis Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 257.97 100% 0.03 0.4 257.97 257.97 33.1755 19 12.95
51109 11/9/10 0:00 Theresa Coyne East Delaware 19810 Ointment Keftab Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.37 112.05 112.05 26.21 28 4
20292 11/9/10 0:00 Michael Grace South Florida 32119 Suppository Metadate Er Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 117.13 100% 0 0.6 117.13 117.13 -70.47 5 20.95
42469 11/9/10 0:00 Muhammed Yedwab East New York 14709 Tablet Nogenic Hc Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,130.82 100% 0.05 0.35 2,130.82 2,130.82 818.9155 18 120.98
42469 11/9/10 0:00 Muhammed Yedwab East New York 14709 Tablet Norethindrone And Ethinyl Estradiol And Ferrous Fumarate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 934.87 100% 0.09 0.37 934.87 934.87 98.6935 31 31.74
20292 11/9/10 0:00 Michael Grace South Florida 32119 Solution Ergamisol Injection TableauCeutical Human - OTC 452.39 100% 0.08 0.5 452.39 452.39 -22.83 26 17.52
57056 11/9/10 0:00 Erin Creighton Central Texas 77474 Spray Sandostatin Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,185.61 100% 0.01 0.72 2,185.61 2,185.61 -2,026.05 29 70.89
23847 11/10/10 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Concentrate Alcaine Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.59 1,278.65 1,278.65 -396.165 7 200.99
48803 11/10/10 0:00 Christopher Martinez Central Illinois 62999 Aerosol Ceenu Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.59 200.41 200.41 -23.65 19 10.23
21827 11/10/10 0:00 Deanra Eno South Florida 32003 Suppository Rubramin Pc Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,560.96 100% 0.07 0.79 1,560.96 1,560.96 -120.27 21 73.98
39364 11/10/10 0:00 Jamie Kunitz East Massachusetts 1059 Tablet Metronidazole Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 19,417.55 100% 0.03 0.35 19,417.55 19,417.55 8,417.57 15 1,270.99
21827 11/10/10 0:00 Deanra Eno South Florida 32003 Solution Hydrocodone Bitartrate And Acetaminophen Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,351.78 100% 0.06 0.56 1,351.78 1,351.78 109.92 25 56.96
39364 11/10/10 0:00 Jamie Kunitz East Massachusetts 1059 For Solution Inomax Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,754.93 100% 0.06 0.67 2,754.93 2,754.93 -1.33 29 92.23
42758 11/11/10 0:00 Nora Price East New York 14210 Suppository Cetraxal Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.79 1,769.74 1,769.74 -333.69 12 152.48
42758 11/11/10 0:00 Nora Price East New York 14210 Ointment Dilaudid Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.39 638.07 638.07 278.89 42 15.04
22819 11/11/10 0:00 Patrick Jones South Alabama 36344 Gel Epoprostenol Sodium Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.44 6.77 6.77 -3.66 1 2.52
55777 11/11/10 0:00 Roy Skaria Central Illinois 60406 Concentrate Cefzil Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 65.7475 100% 0.1 0.59 65.7475 65.7475 -252.483 1 65.99
9602 11/11/10 0:00 Hunter Lopez South Maryland 20601 Cream Skelid Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 2,654.16 100% 0.01 0.38 2,654.16 2,654.16 600.93 27 90.97
9602 11/11/10 0:00 Hunter Lopez South Maryland 20601 Suppository Mycelex-7 Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 36.23 100% 0.02 0.55 36.23 36.23 -24.87 16 2.12
57699 11/11/10 0:00 Pete Takahito West Idaho 83877 Suppository Repronex Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 1,857.88 100% 0.09 0.44 1,857.88 1,857.88 752.96 47 40.98
4864 11/11/10 0:00 Ralph Kennedy West Utah 84663 Tablet Nesacaine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 4,901.99 100% 0.04 0.38 4,901.99 4,901.99 1,724.68 16 315.98
57699 11/11/10 0:00 Pete Takahito West Idaho 83877 Solution/Drops Demulen 1/50-21 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,160.83 100% 0.08 0.38 2,160.83 2,160.83 485.02 36 60.98
55777 11/11/10 0:00 Roy Skaria Central Illinois 60406 For Solution Predamide Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 323.53 100% 0.06 0.55 323.53 323.53 136.32 6 51.75
9602 11/11/10 0:00 Hunter Lopez South Maryland 20601 Injectable Anthelios 40 Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,722.65 100% 0.05 0.65 1,722.65 1,722.65 -399.67 15 114.98
57699 11/11/10 0:00 Pete Takahito West Idaho 83877 For Solution Locoid Lipocream Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 43.94 100% 0.09 0.43 43.94 43.94 -72.23 20 2.08
51297 11/12/10 0:00 Tom Prescott Central Texas 77474 Tablet Gyne-Lotrimin 3 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.07 0.39 356.28 356.28 65.756 41 8.69
57600 11/12/10 0:00 Grant Carroll East Massachusetts 2139 Ointment Gastrocrom Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.01 0.4 407.2 407.2 -8.42 12 30.98
57600 11/12/10 0:00 Grant Carroll East Massachusetts 2139 Suspension/Drops Cytadren Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.39 186.94 186.94 85.81 44 4.13
57600 11/12/10 0:00 Grant Carroll East Massachusetts 2139 Tablet Nexium Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.39 1,882.12 1,882.12 584.1455 32 59.78
31552 11/12/10 0:00 Alan Hwang South Virginia 20101 Suppository Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.2% And Potassium Chloride 40Meq Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 378.08 100% 0 0.43 378.08 378.08 70.48 17 22.24
31552 11/12/10 0:00 Alan Hwang South Virginia 20101 Suppository Dextrose 60% Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 731.71 100% 0 0.5 731.71 731.71 175.82 24 29.89
58564 11/13/10 0:00 Benjamin Farhat West Arizona 85012 Aerosol Sarisol No. 1 Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.55 103.03 103.03 -82.63 49 2.08
19936 11/14/10 0:00 Giulietta Weimer West Arizona 86409 Suppository Dextrose 60% Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.5 1,115.20 1,115.20 301.31 41 29.89
45700 11/14/10 0:00 Nat Carroll West Utah 84631 Solution Mithracin Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.56 1,704.58 1,704.58 518.48 43 38.06
19936 11/14/10 0:00 Giulietta Weimer West Arizona 86409 Tablet Cefazolin And Dextrose Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.37 36.75 36.75 -9.821 19 1.88
21191 11/15/10 0:00 Darren Budd Central Texas 73301 Cream Frova Injection Competitor A Animal 0.01 0.37 7,235.83 7,235.83 3,496.37 48 140.99
24801 11/16/10 0:00 Lisa Hazard East New York 14925 Concentrate Aktob Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.57 1,024.17 1,024.17 -105.699 10 115.99
24801 11/16/10 0:00 Lisa Hazard East New York 14925 Tablet Demeclocycline Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.37 18.91 18.91 -16.353 3 3.89
31456 11/16/10 0:00 Lena Creighton West Washington 99403 Tablet Bupivacaine Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 225.09 225.09 64.141 10 21.38
24801 11/16/10 0:00 Lisa Hazard East New York 14925 For Solution Spectrobid Delayed Release Competitor A Human - Rx 0.01 0.59 685.7 685.7 350.94 7 88.84
45346 11/16/10 0:00 Bobby Odegard East New York 10501 Ointment Firazyr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 692.15 100% 0.09 0.38 692.15 692.15 150.38 37 19.98
13346 11/16/10 0:00 Doug Bickford South Alabama 36925 Ointment Hydro-Serp "25" Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 268.34 100% 0.09 0.37 268.34 268.34 -240.83 44 6.48
48448 11/17/10 0:00 Joel Eaton East New Jersey 7001 Concentrate Azopt Extended Release Competitor A Animal 0.09 0.37 340.952 340.952 108.936 20 20.99
47682 11/17/10 0:00 Steve Nguyen South Maryland 21230 Solution/Drops Cholebrine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.38 3,191.24 3,191.24 1,620.23 38 83.98
35938 11/18/10 0:00 Bart Folk East Connecticut 6439 Syrup Actifed W/ Codeine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 628.33 100% 0.09 0.56 628.33 628.33 -226.62 48 14.03
35938 11/18/10 0:00 Bart Folk East Connecticut 6439 Capsule Pepcid Complete Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,770.70 100% 0.05 0.78 1,770.70 1,770.70 -448.25 6 280.98
24579 11/19/10 0:00 Edward Nazzal South Virginia 20101 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.11% In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.52 13,921.60 13,921.60 5,183.04 45 300.65
24579 11/19/10 0:00 Edward Nazzal South Virginia 20101 Solution Bromfenac Sodium Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.58 467.5 467.5 -33.34 40 11.97
42944 11/19/10 0:00 Filia McAdams West Arizona 86556 Capsule Polytrim Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.59 9,750.55 9,750.55 1,061.61 43 216.6
129 11/19/10 0:00 Pauline Chand East Connecticut 6439 Ointment Hydrocortone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 32.72 100% 0.09 0.37 32.72 32.72 -22.59 4 6.48
3328 11/19/10 0:00 Adam Hart East Connecticut 6001 Spray Femcon Fe Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,736.41 100% 0.1 0.71 1,736.41 1,736.41 -762.44 12 146.05
44737 11/20/10 0:00 Duane Benoit East New York 501 Concentrate Bactrim Ds Extended Release Competitor A Animal 0.02 0.57 302.1325 302.1325 38.907 16 20.99
16134 11/20/10 0:00 Nathan Mautz South Alabama 35077 Cream Ozurdex Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.38 21,921.28 21,921.28 10,521.33 43 500.98
44737 11/20/10 0:00 Duane Benoit East New York 501 Syrup Betoptic Pilo Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.8 773.74 773.74 -309.48 11 64.65
1187 11/20/10 0:00 Guy Armstrong Central Michigan 48001 Suppository Solaraze Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 222.91 100% 0.05 0.37 222.91 222.91 20.21 14 15.98
31042 11/20/10 0:00 Tracy Zic Central Wisconsin 53001 Gel 8-Mop Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 134.52 100% 0.03 0.58 134.52 134.52 -6.04 48 2.78
54656 11/20/10 0:00 Tamara Manning South South Carolina 29808 Tablet Dianeal Low Calcium W/ Dextrose 3.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 109.52 100% 0.09 0.36 109.52 109.52 -73.347 22 4.54
34659 11/20/10 0:00 Cindy Chapman West Arizona 85338 Tablet Demi-Regroton Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 259.43 100% 0 0.35 259.43 259.43 -52.5205 42 5.77
31042 11/20/10 0:00 Tracy Zic Central Wisconsin 53001 Capsule Plan B Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,227.38 100% 0.05 0.64 3,227.38 3,227.38 192.31 26 120.98
50017 11/21/10 0:00 Vivek Grady West Utah 84791 Syrup Metoprolol Succinate Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.83 2,014.13 2,014.13 -794.94 24 89.83
50017 11/21/10 0:00 Vivek Grady West Utah 84791 Gel Visine-A Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.56 1,502.47 1,502.47 214.05 43 34.58
13158 11/21/10 0:00 Kelly Williams South Virginia 24658 Tablet Ditate-Ds Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 187.16 100% 0.01 0.35 187.16 187.16 29.325 26 6.75
1796 11/21/10 0:00 Deanra Eno South Florida 32003 Tablet Carbatrol Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 183.41 100% 0.07 0.38 183.41 183.41 -125.4075 43 4.13
50503 11/22/10 0:00 Sanjit Chand Central Michigan 49634 Concentrate Proventil Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.05 0.59 1,538.87 1,538.87 -186.329 28 65.99
41063 11/22/10 0:00 Carl Jackson Central Michigan 49634 Concentrate Benazepril Hydrochloride Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.35 308.363 308.363 42.273 10 35.99
41063 11/22/10 0:00 Carl Jackson Central Michigan 49634 Concentrate Bromatapp Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.39 1,911.40 1,911.40 822.888 26 85.99
41063 11/22/10 0:00 Carl Jackson Central Michigan 49634 Gel Eulexin Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.59 483.96 483.96 -34.09 22 21.38
22817 11/22/10 0:00 Andrew Roberts Central Wisconsin 53235 Spray Edetate Disodium Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.05 0.75 6,785.86 6,785.86 -740.07 27 262.11
36160 11/23/10 0:00 Bryan Spruell South Georgia 31811 Concentrate Darbid Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0 0.56 2,218.89 2,218.89 79.542 12 205.99
16775 11/23/10 0:00 Natalie Webber Central Ohio 43002 Ointment Etoposide Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 2,469.15 100% 0.04 0.35 2,469.15 2,469.15 1,244.81 49 48.94
20676 11/23/10 0:00 Shahid Shariari West Arizona 85301 Tablet Cefazolin And Dextrose Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 43.97 100% 0.04 0.37 43.97 43.97 -9.0505 22 1.88
31270 11/24/10 0:00 Michael Moore Central Wisconsin 53201 Suppository Methylergonovine Maleate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 165.04 100% 0.03 0.74 165.04 165.04 -112.44 5 30.42
31270 11/24/10 0:00 Michael Moore Central Wisconsin 53201 Capsule Norpace Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 6,806.66 100% 0 0.57 6,806.66 6,806.66 801.72 21 299.05
31270 11/24/10 0:00 Michael Moore Central Wisconsin 53201 Capsule Permax Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 891.61 100% 0.1 0.56 891.61 891.61 -328.36 3 291.73
34976 11/25/10 0:00 Lauren Leatherbury East New Jersey 8989 Ointment Gonal-F Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.36 168.2 168.2 -64.53 29 5.98
34976 11/25/10 0:00 Lauren Leatherbury East New Jersey 8989 Capsule Enablex Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.02 0.57 4,475 4,475 -1,523.77 45 95.95
33637 11/25/10 0:00 Michael Oakman Central Ohio 45999 For Solution Children'S Motrin Sublingual Competitor B Human - Rx 0.07 0.42 192.21 192.21 -61.36 35 5.47
37765 11/25/10 0:00 Larry Blacks South Florida 32119 Ointment Fentanyl-75 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 655.58 100% 0.01 0.38 655.58 655.58 250.67 18 35.44
37765 11/25/10 0:00 Larry Blacks South Florida 32119 Solution Luvox Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 42.66 100% 0.09 0.6 42.66 42.66 -30.74 7 4.06
37765 11/25/10 0:00 Larry Blacks South Florida 32119 Capsule Phrenilin Forte Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,465.33 100% 0.01 0.69 1,465.33 1,465.33 -66.38 12 113.98
26055 11/26/10 0:00 Julia Barnett South Florida 32119 Suppository Cetraxal Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.04 0.79 6,733.52 6,733.52 246 46 152.48
47777 11/26/10 0:00 Tom Zandusky West Utah 84721 Ointment Foamcoat Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.37 87.91 87.91 -27.91 13 6.68
9504 11/26/10 0:00 Sung Pak South South Carolina 29684 Concentrate Aplenzin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.05 0.59 1,954.80 1,954.80 98.352 17 140.99
6529 11/27/10 0:00 Cynthia Arntzen Central Texas 79080 Lotion Camila Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.39 89.71 89.71 20.71 35 2.62
40838 11/27/10 0:00 Adrian Shami Central Wisconsin 53001 Concentrate Bayer Extra Strength Aspirin For Migraine Pain Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 175.8565 100% 0.03 0.83 175.8565 175.8565 -93.258 10 20.99
25377 11/27/10 0:00 Don Jones East Massachusetts 5544 Cream Losartan Potassium Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 4,343.51 100% 0.09 0.57 4,343.51 4,343.51 -4,316.13 3 1,500.97
40289 11/27/10 0:00 Muhammed Yedwab East New York 14709 Ointment Casodex Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 42.77 100% 0.04 0.36 42.77 42.77 -1.19 4 10.14
40289 11/27/10 0:00 Muhammed Yedwab East New York 14709 Suspension/Drops Clonidine Hydrochloride And Chlorthalidone Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 78.09 100% 0.01 0.36 78.09 78.09 19.63 26 2.88
23777 11/27/10 0:00 Emily Phan South Maryland 21290 Syrup Mephyton Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 487.7 100% 0.06 0.75 487.7 487.7 -67.54 16 31.98
40838 11/27/10 0:00 Adrian Shami Central Wisconsin 53001 For Solution Amphetamine Sulfate Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 323.96 100% 0.07 0.49 323.96 323.96 -136.82 40 8.09
23618 11/28/10 0:00 Jill Stevenson Central Illinois 62560 Concentrate Atarax Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,601.79 100% 0.02 0.56 2,601.79 2,601.79 748.197 45 65.99
56644 11/29/10 0:00 Emily Grady West Idaho 83201 Gel Actos Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.38 82.09 82.09 11.44 36 2.21
22432 11/29/10 0:00 Ionia McGrath South Alabama 36830 Solution/Drops Demulen 1/50-21 Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.38 2,728.42 2,728.42 664.15 45 60.98
23713 11/29/10 0:00 Katrina Bavinger Central Wisconsin 53235 Concentrate Atracurium Besylate Preservative Free Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,701.52 100% 0.05 0.58 3,701.52 3,701.52 894.06 38 115.99
28934 11/29/10 0:00 Stephanie Phelps East New York 14210 Cream Forteo Injection TableauCeutical Animal 3,356.92 100% 0 0.36 3,356.92 3,356.92 1,555.90 26 120.97
28934 11/29/10 0:00 Stephanie Phelps East New York 14210 Suppository Sonazine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,272.35 100% 0 0.4 1,272.35 1,272.35 297.57 12 100.98
29282 11/29/10 0:00 Scot Wooten Central Nebraska 69367 Ointment Estratab Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 34.27 100% 0.1 0.37 34.27 34.27 -26.44 4 6.48
28934 11/29/10 0:00 Stephanie Phelps East New York 14210 Capsule Uroplus Ds Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,000.35 100% 0.07 0.62 4,000.35 4,000.35 303.39 26 160.98
11137 11/30/10 0:00 Allen Rosenblatt East Massachusetts 2180 Syrup Miconazole Nitrate Combination Pack Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.1 0.78 5,188.86 5,188.86 395.12 48 111.03
54501 11/30/10 0:00 Guy Armstrong Central Michigan 48001 Cream Azactam Injection TableauCeutical Animal 225.46 100% 0.09 0.39 225.46 225.46 -37.96 16 13.99
54501 11/30/10 0:00 Guy Armstrong Central Michigan 48001 Concentrate Chronulac Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 2,039.08 100% 0.01 0.57 2,039.08 2,039.08 481.698 36 65.99
54501 11/30/10 0:00 Guy Armstrong Central Michigan 48001 Syrup Coreg Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 783.96 100% 0.05 0.84 783.96 783.96 -1,195.29 38 20.34
40032 12/1/10 0:00 Michael Oakman Central Ohio 45999 Cream Lotrimin Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.57 23,300.12 23,300.12 -249.96 9 2,550.14
18368 12/1/10 0:00 Alyssa Crouse Central Nebraska 68001 Cream Serpasil-Esidrix #2 Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 5,972.59 100% 0.06 0.55 5,972.59 5,972.59 -5,577.62 3 2,036.48
18368 12/1/10 0:00 Alyssa Crouse Central Nebraska 68001 Ointment Balziva-21 Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,275.61 100% 0.08 0.38 1,275.61 1,275.61 517.33 35 37.94
18368 12/1/10 0:00 Alyssa Crouse Central Nebraska 68001 Solution Delflex W/ Dextrose 2.5% Low Magnesium In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 212.91 100% 0 0.59 212.91 212.91 -65.15 3 70.97
614 12/1/10 0:00 Dave Hallsten Central Texas 78702 Spray Dicumarol Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 3,366.10 100% 0.07 0.74 3,366.10 3,366.10 -633.68 24 138.75
614 12/1/10 0:00 Dave Hallsten Central Texas 78702 For Solution Tylenol (Geltab) Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 628.22 100% 0 0.49 628.22 628.22 163.81 41 14.34
48576 12/2/10 0:00 Sandra Glassco West New Mexico 87001 Ointment Hydropres 25 Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.37 316.68 316.68 -161 47 6.48
48576 12/2/10 0:00 Sandra Glassco West New Mexico 87001 Tablet Sodium Lactate In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.07 0.38 464.59 464.59 168.215 17 28.53
14435 12/2/10 0:00 Dennis Kane South North Carolina 28633 Suspension Freamine 8.5% Delayed Release Competitor B Animal 0.01 0.37 33,367.85 33,367.85 3,992.52 9 3,499.99
14435 12/2/10 0:00 Dennis Kane South North Carolina 28633 Ointment Propranolol Hydrochloride Intensol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.06 0.4 1,299.91 1,299.91 439.26 44 30.98
14435 12/2/10 0:00 Dennis Kane South North Carolina 28633 Capsule Ondansetron Hydrochloride And Dextrose In Plastic Container Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0 0.66 3,731.59 3,731.59 -605.52 41 89.99
12837 12/3/10 0:00 Dave Hallsten Central Texas 78702 Suppository Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.2% And Potassium Chloride 40Meq Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.03 0.43 1,100.21 1,100.21 433.59 50 22.24
12837 12/3/10 0:00 Dave Hallsten Central Texas 78702 Suspension/Drops Clonidine Hydrochloride And Chlorthalidone Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.36 66.19 66.19 15.84 22 2.88
35590 12/3/10 0:00 Ryan Crowe Central Ohio 45999 Suppository Dexrazoxane Hydrochloride Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0 0.52 423.95 423.95 -263.95 4 99.99
55747 12/3/10 0:00 John Lucas South Maryland 21290 Capsule Orapred Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.09 0.6 17,560.95 17,560.95 4,801.82 36 500.98
55747 12/3/10 0:00 John Lucas South Maryland 21290 Spray Heparin Sodium 5,000 Units In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Oral Competitor B Human - Rx 0.01 0.66 19,845.70 19,845.70 6,270.19 42 550.98
13570 12/3/10 0:00 Grant Thornton East Connecticut 6439 Concentrate Staphcillin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 4,077.76 100% 0.04 0.57 4,077.76 4,077.76 1,086.96 42 110.99
5954 12/3/10 0:00 Ken Heidel South South Carolina 29945 Cream Lotrimin Ultra Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 18,316.30 100% 0.06 0.57 18,316.30 18,316.30 4,569.06 32 596.98
56708 12/3/10 0:00 Art Ferguson East New Jersey 7001 Solution/Drops Xylocaine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 407.17 100% 0.04 0.35 407.17 407.17 -12.82 36 11.58
13570 12/3/10 0:00 Grant Thornton East Connecticut 6439 For Solution Isolyte M W/ Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 16.97 100% 0.04 0.43 16.97 16.97 -8.8 2 8.34
56708 12/3/10 0:00 Art Ferguson East New Jersey 7001 Spray Alinia Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 10,006.28 100% 0.1 0.78 10,006.28 10,006.28 -845.53 36 286.85
21505 12/4/10 0:00 Jennifer Ferguson South North Carolina 28633 Capsule Nortrel 0.5/35-28 Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.6 912.35 912.35 -379.22 3 284.98
24451 12/4/10 0:00 Jack Lebron Central Michigan 49877 Solution Pentetate Zinc Trisodium Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,689.97 100% 0.06 0.41 1,689.97 1,689.97 -564.74 24 68.81
41671 12/4/10 0:00 Bart Watters East New Jersey 8989 Aerosol Catapres-Tts-2 Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 638.91 100% 0.02 0.6 638.91 638.91 77.48 49 12.98
55239 12/4/10 0:00 Joni Wasserman South Georgia 39859 Ointment Hyzaar Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 95.68 100% 0.07 0.37 95.68 95.68 -15.27 13 6.48
48615 12/4/10 0:00 George Bell South Virginia 23970 Suspension/Drops Cytadren Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 16.91 100% 0.08 0.39 16.91 16.91 0.21 4 4.13
55239 12/4/10 0:00 Joni Wasserman South Georgia 39859 Spray Perforomist Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,008.87 100% 0.02 0.79 1,008.87 1,008.87 -354.69 6 209.37
48615 12/4/10 0:00 George Bell South Virginia 23970 For Solution Hibistat Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 464.66 100% 0.04 0.54 464.66 464.66 219.02 8 54.74
53216 12/5/10 0:00 Roy Skaria Central Illinois 60406 Ointment Hy-Pam "25" Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 228.01 100% 0.06 0.37 228.01 228.01 -185.54 36 6.48
59329 12/5/10 0:00 Cari MacIntyre South Virginia 23970 Ointment Cafcit Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 214.19 100% 0.05 0.38 214.19 214.19 -66.06 41 4.98
13031 12/5/10 0:00 Sarah Brown South Florida 34997 Ointment Humatin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 210.06 100% 0.08 0.37 210.06 210.06 -135 34 6.48
59329 12/5/10 0:00 Cari MacIntyre South Virginia 23970 Tablet Butazolidin Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 128.12 100% 0.08 0.36 128.12 128.12 -135.5965 35 3.81
15712 12/5/10 0:00 Natalie Webber Central Ohio 43002 Injectable Velosulin Br Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 102.9 100% 0.07 0.69 102.9 102.9 -81.89 1 48.58
59329 12/5/10 0:00 Cari MacIntyre South Virginia 23970 For Solution Ledercillin Vk Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 214.23 100% 0.01 0.42 214.23 214.23 -165.42 41 4.86
59329 12/5/10 0:00 Cari MacIntyre South Virginia 23970 For Solution Lamictal Cd Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 165.62 100% 0.03 0.6 165.62 165.62 -64.72 25 6.24
23745 12/6/10 0:00 Duane Noonan West Washington 98625 For Solution Ketozole Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 715.8 100% 0.06 0.72 715.8 715.8 -279.12 12 55.5
23745 12/6/10 0:00 Duane Noonan West Washington 98625 Spray Potassium Chloride 0.075% In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 10,941.23 100% 0 0.68 10,941.23 10,941.23 1,687.07 47 227.55
58210 12/7/10 0:00 Patrick O'Donnell West Colorado 81124 Tablet Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.225% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.37 144.03 144.03 -139.518 38 3.58
21729 12/7/10 0:00 Xylona Price West New Mexico 88439 Tablet Cardene Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 120.98 100% 0 0.38 120.98 120.98 -92.851 28 4.13
21729 12/7/10 0:00 Xylona Price West New Mexico 88439 For Solution Ketalar Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,082.66 100% 0.08 0.74 1,082.66 1,082.66 -256.93 14 79.52
20450 12/8/10 0:00 Ed Braxton West Arizona 86504 Spray Elestrin Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.03 0.61 6,878.55 6,878.55 506.71 26 259.71
22752 12/8/10 0:00 Barry Weirich South Maryland 21230 Syrup Harmonyl Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 238.76 100% 0.1 0.82 238.76 238.76 -235.21 2 110.98
41634 12/9/10 0:00 Darrin Van Huff South Alabama 36544 Suppository Aristocort A Sublingual Competitor A Animal 0.06 0.52 57.35 57.35 -28.55 7 8.33
41634 12/9/10 0:00 Darrin Van Huff South Alabama 36544 Gel Prevacid 24 Hr Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.59 371.45 371.45 17.73 10 34.99
49798 12/9/10 0:00 Lisa Ryan West New Mexico 87011 Aerosol Mpi Stannous Diphosphonate Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.57 321.5 321.5 20.31 29 10.98
49798 12/9/10 0:00 Lisa Ryan West New Mexico 87011 Capsule Pepcid Complete Intramuscular Competitor A Human - Rx 0.09 0.78 1,424.95 1,424.95 -517.83 5 280.98
37063 12/10/10 0:00 Alex Avila South Alabama 35004 For Solution Maprotiline Hydrochloride Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0 0.47 919 919 89.6 50 17.67
34723 12/10/10 0:00 Neoma Murray South North Carolina 28909 Cream Losartan Potassium Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.57 6,095.14 6,095.14 -3,449.75 4 1,500.97
34723 12/10/10 0:00 Neoma Murray South North Carolina 28909 Concentrate Ammonium Chloride 0.9% In Normal Saline Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.56 1,487.90 1,487.90 79.317 29 65.99
34723 12/10/10 0:00 Neoma Murray South North Carolina 28909 Cream Paremyd Oral Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.4 3,776.28 3,776.28 579.79 46 80.97
46276 12/10/10 0:00 Sean Miller West Colorado 80746 Suspension Gencept 10/11-21 Delayed Release Competitor B Animal 0 0.41 16,743.76 16,743.76 6,079.63 23 699.99
46276 12/10/10 0:00 Sean Miller West Colorado 80746 Suppository Tavist-D Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0.04 0.4 114.83 114.83 -52.62 4 28.48
21344 12/10/10 0:00 Bobby Trafton South Georgia 39901 Suppository Propafenone Hydrochloride Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 587.2 100% 0.08 0.48 587.2 587.2 134.25 29 20.89
32449 12/10/10 0:00 Ann Steele West Idaho 83810 Concentrate Aminosyn Ii 4.25% In Dextrose 10% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 7,195.26 100% 0.09 0.59 7,195.26 7,195.26 1,698.16 44 200.99
21344 12/10/10 0:00 Bobby Trafton South Georgia 39901 Suspension/Drops Curosurf Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 110.79 100% 0.05 0.38 110.79 110.79 42.68 39 2.89
3680 12/10/10 0:00 Evan Henry South Maryland 21022 Ointment Heparin Sodium 5,000 Units In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 177.95 100% 0.09 0.37 177.95 177.95 -61.75 27 6.48
3680 12/10/10 0:00 Evan Henry South Maryland 21022 Tablet Janimine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 99.53 100% 0.1 0.38 99.53 99.53 18.2835 24 3.8
32449 12/10/10 0:00 Ann Steele West Idaho 83810 Ointment Cladribine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 277.58 100% 0.08 0.37 277.58 277.58 -276.88 39 7.28
21344 12/10/10 0:00 Bobby Trafton South Georgia 39901 For Solution Inflamase Forte Injection TableauCeutical Human - Rx 2,011.46 100% 0.01 0.76 2,011.46 2,011.46 171.07 48 41.32
32449 12/10/10 0:00 Ann Steele West Idaho 83810 Spray Flovent Hfa Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,887.14 100% 0.08 0.67 4,887.14 4,887.14 -694.33 12 424.21
26919 12/11/10 0:00 Mick Crebagga Central Illinois 62999 Solution Potassium Chloride 0.11% In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.45% In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.03 0.52 3,534.56 3,534.56 763.32 12 300.65
26919 12/11/10 0:00 Mick Crebagga Central Illinois 62999 Ointment Fulconazole In Dextrose 5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.38 155.27 155.27 -151.55 32 4.98
10982 12/11/10 0:00 Sung Chung South South Carolina 29941 Lotion Vancocin Hydrochloride In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.38 20.95 20.95 2.81 14 1.14
10982 12/11/10 0:00 Sung Chung South South Carolina 29941 Tablet Multaq Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.35 538.27 538.27 225.199 29 18.94
10982 12/11/10 0:00 Sung Chung South South Carolina 29941 Tablet Nitrofurazone Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.37 3,665.41 3,665.41 1,236.36 30 122.99
51205 12/11/10 0:00 Nat Carroll West Utah 84631 Solution/Drops Esimil Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0 0.4 225.72 225.72 16.65 5 39.98
51205 12/11/10 0:00 Nat Carroll West Utah 84631 Tablet Talacen Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.35 233.01 233.01 88.8845 17 12.97
59685 12/11/10 0:00 Jim Mitchum Central Texas 88595 Solution Diutensen-R Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 505.2 100% 0.05 0.57 505.2 505.2 78.98 12 40.98
35011 12/11/10 0:00 Luke Weiss Central Michigan 49634 Aerosol Mpi Stannous Diphosphonate Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 154.45 100% 0.09 0.57 154.45 154.45 -2.31 14 10.98
53984 12/11/10 0:00 Rick Wilson West New Mexico 88044 Ointment Cefuroxime And Dextrose In Duplex Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 172.9 100% 0 0.39 172.9 172.9 51.43 23 6.88
59685 12/11/10 0:00 Jim Mitchum Central Texas 88595 For Solution Cyanocobalamin Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 562.91 100% 0.1 0.73 562.91 562.91 -560.29 46 12.99
46048 12/12/10 0:00 Laurel Workman West California 93456 Syrup Combunox Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.08 0.59 447.25 447.25 -15.92 35 13.48
46048 12/12/10 0:00 Laurel Workman West California 93456 Aerosol Catapres-Tts-2 Sublingual Competitor A Human - OTC 0.05 0.6 135.77 135.77 0.53 10 12.98
34532 12/12/10 0:00 Carol Darley Central Illinois 62444 Solution/Drops Butalibital, Acetaminophen And Caffeine Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.04 0.36 1,234.36 1,234.36 -84.77 41 30.98
24576 12/12/10 0:00 Luke Weiss Central Michigan 49634 Concentrate Ak-Fluor 25% Injection TableauCeutical Animal 531.063 100% 0.03 0.58 531.063 531.063 24.561 29 20.99
23555 12/12/10 0:00 Adam Hart East Connecticut 6001 Concentrate Dextrose 2.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 284.4525 100% 0.06 0.58 284.4525 284.4525 -254.782 5 65.99
6339 12/12/10 0:00 Jonathan Doherty Central Ohio 43567 Syrup Chlorotrianisene Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 303.69 100% 0.05 0.57 303.69 303.69 -50.84 20 14.98
23555 12/12/10 0:00 Adam Hart East Connecticut 6001 Suspension/Drops Delflex W/ Dextrose 2.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 104.7 100% 0.09 0.38 104.7 104.7 42.16 29 3.69
49190 12/12/10 0:00 Evan Henry South Maryland 21022 Ointment Cefuroxime And Dextrose In Duplex Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 28.04 100% 0.09 0.39 28.04 28.04 -4.45 4 6.88
24576 12/12/10 0:00 Luke Weiss Central Michigan 49634 For Solution Hydroxyurea Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - Rx 152.84 100% 0.05 0.48 152.84 152.84 38.02 10 14.58
49889 12/13/10 0:00 Philip Fox South Florida 32046 Gel Acephen Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.57 61.94 61.94 -22.32 21 2.98
49889 12/13/10 0:00 Philip Fox South Florida 32046 Tablet Procapan Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.4 533.47 533.47 -50.209 47 11.5
59781 12/13/10 0:00 Julia Barnett South Florida 32119 Solution/Drops Bumex Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 262.13 100% 0 0.35 262.13 262.13 -60.91 43 5.58
59781 12/13/10 0:00 Julia Barnett South Florida 32119 Ointment Cladribine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 173.12 100% 0.1 0.37 173.12 173.12 -166.41 24 7.28
59781 12/13/10 0:00 Julia Barnett South Florida 32119 Capsule Unipen Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,408.27 100% 0.04 0.69 4,408.27 4,408.27 329.28 24 180.98
59781 12/13/10 0:00 Julia Barnett South Florida 32119 Injectable Alli Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 24,391.16 100% 0.04 0.62 24,391.16 24,391.16 -9,611.91 28 880.98
59781 12/13/10 0:00 Julia Barnett South Florida 32119 For Solution Norlestrin 21 1/50 Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,837.94 100% 0.02 0.35 1,837.94 1,837.94 1,249.43 18 99.23
49381 12/14/10 0:00 Stuart Van Central Nebraska 69367 Syrup Asendin Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,537.50 100% 0.04 0.8 1,537.50 1,537.50 -531.92 21 70.98
4771 12/14/10 0:00 Christy Brittain South Georgia 30002 Spray Pletal Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 135.928 100% 0.04 0.65 135.928 135.928 -126.47 4 31.76
32102 12/15/10 0:00 Vivek Sundaresam South Virginia 24658 Ointment Epivir-Hbv Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.37 19.81 19.81 -10.39 2 6.48
388 12/16/10 0:00 Jennifer Halladay East Connecticut 6439 Solution Osmitrol 15% In Water Injection Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.5 517.93 517.93 -94.73 46 11.7
48353 12/16/10 0:00 Jeremy Pistek South Georgia 30002 Gel Dexilant Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 71.22 100% 0.04 0.44 71.22 71.22 20.43 18 3.85
16935 12/16/10 0:00 Michael Grace South Florida 32119 Ointment Bilopaque Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 14.74 100% 0.06 0.36 14.74 14.74 -2.72 3 4.48
16935 12/16/10 0:00 Michael Grace South Florida 32119 Gel Triesence Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 117.68 100% 0.09 0.56 117.68 117.68 12.47 43 2.88
7427 12/16/10 0:00 Ricardo Emerson West Arizona 85071 Tablet Multaq Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 182.26 100% 0.01 0.35 182.26 182.26 60.6135 9 18.94
7427 12/16/10 0:00 Ricardo Emerson West Arizona 85071 Solution Potassium Chloride 40Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.225% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 16,002.29 100% 0.09 0.57 16,002.29 16,002.29 4,604.79 47 363.25
38848 12/17/10 0:00 Nora Price East New York 14210 Tablet Anspor Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.06 0.39 259.52 259.52 45.203 6 43.41
58949 12/17/10 0:00 Tony Sayre East New York 501 Concentrate Betamethasone Acetate And Betamethasone Sodium Phosphate Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.02 0.55 1,558.94 1,558.94 548.442 50 35.99
33570 12/17/10 0:00 Ken Heidel South South Carolina 29945 Cream Losartan Potassium Intramuscular TableauCeutical Animal 1,500.82 100% 0.01 0.57 1,500.82 1,500.82 -3,887.34 1 1,500.97
33570 12/17/10 0:00 Ken Heidel South South Carolina 29945 Concentrate Prismasol Bk 4/2.5 In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,093.86 100% 0.07 0.56 3,093.86 3,093.86 286.398 19 205.99
18851 12/17/10 0:00 Thea Hudgings Central Illinois 62444 Ointment Equetro Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 204.21 100% 0.04 0.4 204.21 204.21 -204.81 32 5.98
33570 12/17/10 0:00 Ken Heidel South South Carolina 29945 Tablet Epi E Z Pen Jr Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 265.88 100% 0.05 0.39 265.88 265.88 -90.896 46 5.74
39399 12/18/10 0:00 Sanjit Engle Central Illinois 60001 Tablet Nasalcrom Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.36 303.97 303.97 23.2985 28 10.98
12256 12/19/10 0:00 Joni Blumstein East Connecticut 6817 Suspension/Drops Concerta Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.1 0.36 117.97 117.97 44.59 44 2.88
19745 12/19/10 0:00 Harold Pawlan South Virginia 23018 Suppository Orsythia Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.03 0.48 8,635.61 8,635.61 2,733.04 29 300.97
19745 12/19/10 0:00 Harold Pawlan South Virginia 23018 Suppository Dextrose 60% Sublingual Competitor B Animal 0 0.5 63.96 63.96 -119.36 2 29.89
19745 12/19/10 0:00 Harold Pawlan South Virginia 23018 Solution/Drops Winstrol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.38 833 833 436.53 50 15.57
19745 12/19/10 0:00 Harold Pawlan South Virginia 23018 For Solution Clozaril Extended Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.09 0.68 1,071.77 1,071.77 262.07 25 45.98
26661 12/20/10 0:00 Ruben Ausman East Delaware 19891 Concentrate Chronulac Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 1,772.22 100% 0.02 0.57 1,772.22 1,772.22 390.861 31 65.99
28224 12/20/10 0:00 Kean Thornton West Colorado 81655 Tablet Dextrose 2.5% And Sodium Chloride 0.11% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 163.41 100% 0.07 0.36 163.41 163.41 -91.2755 25 6.23
8803 12/21/10 0:00 William Brown South Georgia 39901 Tablet Cholebrine Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 514.22 100% 0.02 0.35 514.22 514.22 187.374 17 30.56
8803 12/21/10 0:00 William Brown South Georgia 39901 Syrup Migergot Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,184.11 100% 0.07 0.71 1,184.11 1,184.11 -145.07 6 193.17
54791 12/21/10 0:00 Lisa DeCherney West Idaho 83201 Syrup Crestor Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 4,273.35 100% 0.07 0.82 4,273.35 4,273.35 -892.03 42 101.41
54791 12/21/10 0:00 Lisa DeCherney West Idaho 83201 For Solution Dermacort Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - Rx 1,087.58 100% 0.01 0.53 1,087.58 1,087.58 514.45 27 39.89
54791 12/21/10 0:00 Lisa DeCherney West Idaho 83201 Capsule Uticillin Vk Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,165.04 100% 0 0.61 4,165.04 4,165.04 135.68 45 90.98
6117 12/22/10 0:00 Annie Thurman West Idaho 83465 For Solution Mazanor Sublingual Competitor A Human - Rx 0.07 0.41 157.03 157.03 13.21 7 22.23
23619 12/22/10 0:00 Nora Paige Central Texas 88595 Cream Galzin Injection Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.38 1,043.12 1,043.12 -60.34 7 150.98
23619 12/22/10 0:00 Nora Paige Central Texas 88595 Concentrate Allopurinol Sodium Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Animal 0.06 0.55 2,611.80 2,611.80 644.814 48 65.99
10341 12/22/10 0:00 Sung Pak South South Carolina 29684 Cream Vivitrol Intramuscular Competitor B Animal 0.09 0.56 2,312.96 2,312.96 43.03 17 145.45
23619 12/22/10 0:00 Nora Paige Central Texas 88595 For Solution Lamictal Cd Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - Rx 0.02 0.6 285.91 285.91 -104.99 45 6.24
43109 12/22/10 0:00 Dorothy Wardle East Delaware 19701 Suppository Thallous Chloride Tl 201 Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 509.52 100% 0.05 0.78 509.52 509.52 -145.78 25 20.97
43109 12/22/10 0:00 Dorothy Wardle East Delaware 19701 Suppository Clinimix 5/35 Sulfite Free In Dextrose 35% In Plastic Container Sublingual TableauCeutical Animal 97.02 100% 0.06 0.41 97.02 97.02 -3.96 10 10.01
43109 12/22/10 0:00 Dorothy Wardle East Delaware 19701 Tablet Neo-Rx Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 281.84 100% 0.06 0.39 281.84 281.84 -21.85 19 15.01
51813 12/22/10 0:00 Lena Creighton West Washington 99403 Syrup Harmonyl Delayed Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 1,390.17 100% 0.07 0.82 1,390.17 1,390.17 -469.84 13 110.98
21220 12/23/10 0:00 Rick Hansen South Georgia 39859 Cream Glumetza Intramuscular Competitor A Animal 0.07 0.38 476.31 476.31 -296.64 4 120.97
3202 12/24/10 0:00 Richard Eichhorn South Virginia 24658 Suppository Tylox Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 554.21 100% 0.05 0.62 554.21 554.21 -105.37 10 53.98
7751 12/24/10 0:00 Ann Blume South Maryland 21794 Capsule Novamine 8.5% Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,547.90 100% 0.01 0.58 4,547.90 4,547.90 -768.14 45 95.98
34400 12/25/10 0:00 Joy Daniels South Georgia 39901 Concentrate Aminosyn-Hbc 7% Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 988.6435 100% 0.04 0.59 988.6435 988.6435 89.892 17 65.99
44992 12/25/10 0:00 Anthony Witt West Utah 84663 Cream Fulvicin P/G 330 Injection TableauCeutical Animal 1,673.53 100% 0 0.37 1,673.53 1,673.53 524.73 32 51.98
16005 12/25/10 0:00 Maurice Satty Central Ohio 43317 Tablet Dextrose 5%, Sodium Chloride 0.33% And Potassium Chloride 30Meq In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 51.03 100% 0.09 0.37 51.03 51.03 -21.3785 7 6.81
34400 12/25/10 0:00 Joy Daniels South Georgia 39901 Gel Dienestrol Sublingual TableauCeutical Human - OTC 92.53 100% 0.01 0.59 92.53 92.53 -71.52 25 3.57
44992 12/25/10 0:00 Anthony Witt West Utah 84663 Spray Fazaclo Odt Oral TableauCeutical Human - Rx 7,110.24 100% 0.06 0.72 7,110.24 7,110.24 -595.74 32 218.75
19394 12/26/10 0:00 Darren Powers West Utah 84741 Concentrate Azopt Extended Release TableauCeutical Animal 279.327 100% 0.05 0.37 279.327 279.327 75.213 16 20.99
19394 12/26/10 0:00 Darren Powers West Utah 84741 Concentrate Cefotaxime And Dextrose 3.9% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 539.206 100% 0.05 0.59 539.206 539.206 -452.386 5 125.99
10466 12/26/10 0:00 Evan Henry South Maryland 21022 Gel Trazodone Hydrochloride Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 114.86 100% 0.07 0.56 114.86 114.86 16.21 27 4.28
30469 12/26/10 0:00 Cindy Chapman West Arizona 85338 Gel Ancef In Plastic Container Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 304.26 100% 0.1 0.47 304.26 304.26 28.93 46 7.08
12129 12/26/10 0:00 Giulietta Weimer West Arizona 86409 Capsule Ocl Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 4,852.05 100% 0 0.74 4,852.05 4,852.05 -1,197.58 36 122.99
16772 12/27/10 0:00 Alex Russell South South Carolina 29808 Suspension/Drops Cobavite Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.39 95.71 95.71 32.81 38 2.61
48672 12/27/10 0:00 Nora Paige Central Texas 88595 Lotion Chlorhexidine Gluconate Extended Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0 0.54 255.7 255.7 -35.74 43 5.81
29505 12/28/10 0:00 Brad Thomas East Connecticut 6074 Gel Travasol 2.75% Sulfite Free W/ Electrolytes In Dextrose 10% In Plastic Container Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.02 0.56 45.21 45.21 4.61 22 1.76
26726 12/28/10 0:00 Roland Black East Massachusetts 1059 Solution Potassium Chloride 40Meq In Plastic Container Delayed Release Competitor B Human - OTC 0.08 0.59 86.68 86.68 -474.91 11 3.48
26726 12/28/10 0:00 Roland Black East Massachusetts 1059 Solution Macrodantin Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.59 173.11 173.11 -121.58 37 4.37
26726 12/28/10 0:00 Roland Black East Massachusetts 1059 Tablet Dextrose 25% Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.05 0.35 833.51 833.51 364.99 41 20.98
1573 12/28/10 0:00 Lena Radford Central Wisconsin 53554 Capsule Onglyza Intramuscular Competitor B Human - Rx 0.09 0.56 759.94 759.94 -226.45 13 60.89
28611 12/28/10 0:00 Alan Haines Central Ohio 45999 Concentrate Ammonul Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Animal 3,883.47 100% 0.1 0.58 3,883.47 3,883.47 707.166 42 115.99
28611 12/28/10 0:00 Alan Haines Central Ohio 45999 Tablet Nalidixic Acid Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 15,337.58 100% 0.1 0.37 15,337.58 15,337.58 6,670.41 30 525.98
28453 12/29/10 0:00 Lycoris Saunders Central Ohio 45999 Solution Paser Injection Competitor A Human - OTC 0.04 0.52 560.03 560.03 -139.87 26 21.66
5891 12/29/10 0:00 Art Foster Central Illinois 60001 Tablet Dextrose 25% Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Human - OTC 0.01 0.35 44.45 44.45 -17.457 2 20.98
4706 12/29/10 0:00 Bradley Drucker West Washington 99403 Tablet Helicosol Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.02 0.4 2,116.70 2,116.70 488.818 30 67.28
29216 12/30/10 0:00 Jennifer Jackson East New Jersey 7514 Suppository Meti-Derm Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0.1 0.64 1,936.45 1,936.45 307.17 46 43.22
29216 12/30/10 0:00 Jennifer Jackson East New Jersey 7514 Spray Fazaclo Odt Oral Competitor A Human - Rx 0.04 0.77 3,711.04 3,711.04 -773.78 17 218.75
13507 12/30/10 0:00 Anna Andreadi South Alabama 35244 Ointment Chlorofair Iv (Infusion) Competitor B Human - OTC 0.09 0.39 176.1 176.1 -75.71 27 6.78
29220 12/30/10 0:00 Logan Haushalter Central Nebraska 68770 Tablet Proloprim Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 12,690.33 100% 0.08 0.4 12,690.33 12,690.33 5,045.30 36 367.99
42945 12/30/10 0:00 Quincy Jones South Alabama 36276 Solution Potassium Chloride 20Meq In Dextrose 5% And Sodium Chloride 0.225% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 178.7 100% 0.07 0.59 178.7 178.7 -164.92 45 3.95
53730 12/30/10 0:00 Shirley Schmidt West New Mexico 88439 Tablet Dianeal Low Calcium W/ Dextrose 3.5% In Plastic Container Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 181.8 100% 0.05 0.36 181.8 181.8 -144.739 40 4.54
49344 12/31/10 0:00 Maribeth Yedwab South Virginia 20101 Suppository Dimetapp Iv (Infusion) Competitor A Animal 0 0.68 672.93 672.93 27.85 31 19.98
49344 12/31/10 0:00 Maribeth Yedwab South Virginia 20101 Aerosol Sulfacel-15 Injection Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.83 803.33 803.33 -745.2 1 832.81
25542 12/31/10 0:00 Matt Hagelstein West Utah 84415 Ointment Eryderm Extended Release Competitor A Human - OTC 0.09 0.39 257.46 257.46 -18.66 37 7.28
47815 12/31/10 0:00 Jim Epp West Idaho 83465 For Solution Imodium A-D Ez Chews Extended Release Competitor B Human - Rx 0.08 0.54 580.96 580.96 -33.47 45 13.73
45127 12/31/10 0:00 Theresa Swint Central Wisconsin 54990 Lotion Enlon Extended Release TableauCeutical Human - OTC 14.15 100% 0.1 0.37 14.15 14.15 -1.29 10 1.48
50950 12/31/10 0:00 Tony Molinari West California 96002 Syrup Combunox Iv (Infusion) TableauCeutical Human - OTC 448.1 100% 0.1 0.59 448.1 448.1 -15.07 35 13.48
50950 12/31/10 0:00 Tony Molinari West California 96002 Capsule Trizivir Intramuscular TableauCeutical Human - Rx 391.12 100% 0.06 0.7 391.12 391.12 -166.96 6 60.98


Order ID Dispensed Pharmacy Rep Dispensed Region Distribution Method Order Priority Ship Date Distribution Costs
57253 Darren Budd Central DTP Critical 1/1/07 0:00 5.26
57253 Darren Budd Central DTP Critical 1/1/07 0:00 35
57253 Darren Budd Central DTP Critical 1/2/07 0:00 6.43
1028 Matt Collins Central DTP High 1/2/07 0:00 1.99
290 Dorris Love South DTP Not Specified 1/2/07 0:00 5.83
32418 Marina Lichtenstein Central Wholesaler Not Specified 1/2/07 0:00 43.32
1028 Matt Collins Central DTP High 1/3/07 0:00 5.99
59232 Robert Waldorf South DTP High 1/3/07 0:00 5.76
57253 Darren Budd Central Wholesaler Critical 1/3/07 0:00 53.03
28774 Jessica Myrick Central DTP High 1/3/07 0:00 4.69
13729 Matt Collister West Custom Order Not Specified 1/4/07 0:00 35
44069 Elizabeth Moffitt East DTP Critical 1/3/07 0:00 1.97
37537 Alan Schoenberger West Wholesaler Low 1/3/07 0:00 48.8
44069 Elizabeth Moffitt East Custom Order Critical 1/5/07 0:00 2.15
9285 David Philippe East DTP Critical 1/5/07 0:00 2.99
37537 Alan Schoenberger West Wholesaler Low 1/5/07 0:00 45
37537 Alan Schoenberger West DTP Low 1/10/07 0:00 7.07
7909 Alex Russell South DTP High 1/5/07 0:00 1.2
9762 Larry Tron South DTP High 1/5/07 0:00 21.2
40354 Patrick Jones South DTP High 1/5/07 0:00 2.99
40354 Patrick Jones South Wholesaler High 1/5/07 0:00 52.2
30016 Bill Donatelli East DTP Critical 1/6/07 0:00 5.66
9637 Andy Reiter South DTP Low 1/6/07 0:00 16.71
11972 Ann Steele West Wholesaler Not Specified 1/6/07 0:00 14.7
30016 Bill Donatelli East DTP Critical 1/7/07 0:00 2.5
9637 Andy Reiter South DTP Low 1/8/07 0:00 2.27
9637 Andy Reiter South DTP Low 1/11/07 0:00 24.49
8710 Tamara Dahlen East DTP Critical 1/6/07 0:00 6.27
49730 Dave Hallsten Central Wholesaler High 1/6/07 0:00 30
8710 Tamara Dahlen East Custom Order Critical 1/7/07 0:00 1.93
28451 Craig Molinari Central DTP Critical 1/7/07 0:00 35
25601 Valerie Dominguez Central DTP Medium 1/7/07 0:00 4.69
28451 Craig Molinari Central Wholesaler Critical 1/8/07 0:00 17.85
28451 Craig Molinari Central Wholesaler Critical 1/8/07 0:00 99
52386 Susan Vittorini East Wholesaler High 1/8/07 0:00 26.3
48226 Corey Roper West Wholesaler Low 1/7/07 0:00 35.84
16961 Tracy Collins Central DTP Not Specified 1/8/07 0:00 1.99
16770 Muhammed Yedwab East DTP Critical 1/8/07 0:00 0.7
14274 Craig Leslie West DTP Not Specified 1/8/07 0:00 1.1
23488 Julia West East Wholesaler Critical 1/8/07 0:00 44.55
6854 Victor Price South Custom Order Medium 1/9/07 0:00 4.95
6854 Victor Price South Custom Order Medium 1/9/07 0:00 6.16
14274 Craig Leslie West Custom Order Not Specified 1/9/07 0:00 13.99
41094 Maribeth Schnelling Central DTP Low 1/9/07 0:00 8.73
16961 Tracy Collins Central DTP Not Specified 1/9/07 0:00 5.09
23488 Julia Barnett South DTP High 1/9/07 0:00 3.97
14274 Craig Leslie West Wholesaler Not Specified 1/9/07 0:00 30
41094 Maribeth Schnelling Central DTP Low 1/11/07 0:00 35
3073 Jasper Cacioppo South Custom Order Medium 1/9/07 0:00 24.49
43909 Chloris Kastensmidt East DTP High 1/9/07 0:00 13.18
32295 Pauline Chand East DTP High 1/9/07 0:00 5.99
3073 Jasper Cacioppo South DTP Medium 1/9/07 0:00 4.77
3073 Jasper Cacioppo South DTP Medium 1/9/07 0:00 24.49
18405 George Ashbrook East Custom Order Medium 1/10/07 0:00 8.83
18405 George Ashbrook East DTP Medium 1/11/07 0:00 14.52
33923 Benjamin Venier South DTP Low 1/12/07 0:00 5.99
40704 Julie Kriz Central DTP Low 1/13/07 0:00 0.7
4193 Sandra Flanagan West DTP High 1/9/07 0:00 0.99
4193 Sandra Flanagan West DTP High 1/9/07 0:00 8.99
30083 Luke Schmidt South DTP Not Specified 1/10/07 0:00 3.5
7203 Ruben Dartt East DTP High 1/11/07 0:00 19.99
31715 Mark Haberlin West DTP Not Specified 1/10/07 0:00 3.97
18561 Joni Blumstein East DTP Not Specified 1/11/07 0:00 6.89
31715 Mark Haberlin West DTP Not Specified 1/11/07 0:00 7.57
8576 Cynthia Voltz South Custom Order High 1/12/07 0:00 8.99
31715 Mark Haberlin West DTP Not Specified 1/12/07 0:00 0.97
58343 Yana Sorensen West DTP Not Specified 1/12/07 0:00 1.35
40097 Olvera Toch West DTP Low 1/15/07 0:00 2.4
47138 Benjamin Patterson West DTP Low 1/17/07 0:00 8.99
33988 Rob Haberlin Central DTP Medium 1/12/07 0:00 5.14
28999 Giulietta Dortch South DTP High 1/12/07 0:00 1.99
14596 Darren Powers West DTP Critical 1/12/07 0:00 3.97
44391 Ann Steele West DTP Not Specified 1/12/07 0:00 9.17
55367 Kristina Nunn West Wholesaler Critical 1/12/07 0:00 46.74
28290 Maria Bertelson East Custom Order Low 1/13/07 0:00 19.99
31553 Sean Wendt East DTP Critical 1/13/07 0:00 19.99
14596 Darren Powers West DTP Critical 1/13/07 0:00 0.96
55367 Kristina Nunn West DTP Critical 1/13/07 0:00 2.36
28290 Maria Bertelson East Custom Order Low 1/15/07 0:00 8.65
20037 Michelle Moray South DTP Low 1/16/07 0:00 8.55
20037 Michelle Moray South Wholesaler Low 1/16/07 0:00 14.7
33797 Bradley Drucker West DTP Not Specified 1/12/07 0:00 5.01
33797 Bradley Drucker West Wholesaler Not Specified 1/12/07 0:00 14.7
19655 Alan Barnes Central DTP High 1/13/07 0:00 1.99
33797 Bradley Drucker West DTP Not Specified 1/13/07 0:00 6.75
33797 Bradley Drucker West DTP Not Specified 1/13/07 0:00 14.37
33797 Bradley Drucker West Custom Order Not Specified 1/14/07 0:00 6.6
21830 Andy Gerbode Central Wholesaler Low 1/19/07 0:00 12.06
20549 Cindy Schnelling South DTP Not Specified 1/14/07 0:00 19.99
43362 Rick Reed West DTP Critical 1/15/07 0:00 1
27813 Liz Price West DTP Medium 1/15/07 0:00 6.5
7461 Greg Matthias West Wholesaler Low 1/15/07 0:00 39
37862 Guy Thornton West DTP Not Specified 1/16/07 0:00 3.99
43362 Rick Reed West Wholesaler Critical 1/16/07 0:00 30
7461 Greg Matthias West DTP Low 1/17/07 0:00 2.09
13602 Brian Stugart East DTP Low 1/14/07 0:00 5.09
51623 Michelle Huthwaite West DTP Critical 1/14/07 0:00 5.33
25541 Mike Gockenbach Central DTP Low 1/16/07 0:00 5.79
13602 Brian Stugart East Wholesaler Low 1/19/07 0:00 17.85
43911 Tamara Manning South DTP Medium 1/15/07 0:00 11.17
34691 Clytie Kelty South Wholesaler Critical 1/15/07 0:00 26.53
30567 Toby Swindell South Wholesaler Not Specified 1/15/07 0:00 68.02
30567 Toby Swindell South DTP Not Specified 1/16/07 0:00 20.93
43911 Tamara Manning South Wholesaler Medium 1/16/07 0:00 17.86
34691 Clytie Kelty South Custom Order Critical 1/17/07 0:00 9.54
30567 Toby Swindell South Custom Order Not Specified 1/17/07 0:00 7.29
34691 Clytie Kelty South DTP Critical 1/17/07 0:00 9.23
8325 Jennifer Patt South Wholesaler Critical 1/17/07 0:00 56.14
43911 Tamara Manning South Wholesaler Medium 1/17/07 0:00 58.95
8325 Jennifer Patt South DTP Critical 1/18/07 0:00 0.94
37729 Giulietta Weimer West DTP Not Specified 1/16/07 0:00 6.19
12676 Jennifer Jackson East Custom Order High 1/17/07 0:00 7.96
22243 Amy Hunt Central DTP Critical 1/17/07 0:00 0.7
48773 Amy Cox West DTP Medium 1/18/07 0:00 2.17
6884 Skye Norling East DTP Low 1/21/07 0:00 5.77
30915 Xylona Price West Custom Order Low 1/17/07 0:00 2.03
49541 Joe Elijah Central DTP Medium 1/18/07 0:00 5.5
31781 Sylvia Foulston East DTP Medium 1/18/07 0:00 9.24
39173 Jason Klamczynski Central DTP Critical 1/19/07 0:00 0.78
2370 Sanjit Jacobs West DTP Critical 1/19/07 0:00 2.87
2370 Sanjit Jacobs West DTP Critical 1/19/07 0:00 13.99
39173 Jason Klamczynski Central Wholesaler Critical 1/19/07 0:00 29.21
22147 Christina Anderson Central DTP Low 1/21/07 0:00 8.99
30915 Xylona Price West DTP Low 1/22/07 0:00 8.99
12771 Carlos Soltero Central DTP Critical 1/18/07 0:00 19.99
10272 Katherine Ducich West DTP Medium 1/18/07 0:00 8.18
46884 Paul Prost South DTP Medium 1/19/07 0:00 2.36
32868 Randy Ferguson South DTP Not Specified 1/19/07 0:00 6.17
43620 Joel Eaton East Custom Order Medium 1/20/07 0:00 2.26
12771 Carlos Soltero Central DTP Critical 1/20/07 0:00 1.57
18945 John Lee Central DTP Medium 1/20/07 0:00 1.99
46884 Paul Prost South DTP Medium 1/20/07 0:00 1.39
46884 Paul Prost South DTP Medium 1/20/07 0:00 2.5
10272 Katherine Ducich West DTP Medium 1/20/07 0:00 19.99
1921 Benjamin Venier South Wholesaler Medium 1/20/07 0:00 91.05
43620 Joel Eaton East DTP Medium 1/21/07 0:00 13.32
22118 Natalie Webber Central DTP High 1/19/07 0:00 1.49
58784 Kristen Hastings East DTP Medium 1/19/07 0:00 5.81
58784 Kristen Hastings East DTP Medium 1/20/07 0:00 23.5
58784 Kristen Hastings East Custom Order Medium 1/21/07 0:00 9.4
58784 Kristen Hastings East Wholesaler Medium 1/21/07 0:00 39
48199 Erica Bern Central DTP Not Specified 1/22/07 0:00 1.39
66 Arthur Gainer South DTP Low 1/20/07 0:00 0.7
20711 Chris Cortes South Wholesaler Critical 1/21/07 0:00 56.14
20711 Chris Cortes South DTP Critical 1/22/07 0:00 9.03
16999 Stuart Calhoun West DTP Critical 1/22/07 0:00 0.99
38340 Tanja Norvell West DTP Critical 1/22/07 0:00 3.5
44197 Cynthia Arntzen Central Wholesaler High 1/24/07 0:00 53.48
49505 Harold Ryan East Custom Order Critical 1/23/07 0:00 1.99
38021 Rob Haberlin Central DTP Medium 1/23/07 0:00 0.5
35936 Roy Phan East DTP Medium 1/23/07 0:00 4.71
35936 Roy Phan East DTP Medium 1/23/07 0:00 24.49
32800 Larry Tron South DTP Not Specified 1/23/07 0:00 8.68
38021 Rob Haberlin Central Wholesaler Medium 1/23/07 0:00 23.19
32800 Larry Tron South Wholesaler Not Specified 1/23/07 0:00 58.92
37638 Aaron Smayling Central DTP Low 1/24/07 0:00 6.89
38021 Rob Haberlin Central DTP Medium 1/24/07 0:00 1.49
49505 Harold Ryan East DTP Critical 1/24/07 0:00 4.71
32800 Larry Tron South DTP Not Specified 1/24/07 0:00 8.68
31138 Henry MacAllister Central Wholesaler High 1/24/07 0:00 45.51
52608 Thea Hudgings Central DTP Low 1/26/07 0:00 0.7
58759 Andrew Allen Central DTP Low 1/29/07 0:00 2.87
28225 Khloe Miller East DTP Critical 1/23/07 0:00 14.39
53891 Nathan Mautz South DTP High 1/23/07 0:00 9.73
53891 Nathan Mautz South Custom Order High 1/24/07 0:00 5.92
53891 Nathan Mautz South Custom Order High 1/24/07 0:00 39.61
7815 Amy Hunt Central DTP Critical 1/24/07 0:00 5.5
53891 Nathan Mautz South DTP High 1/24/07 0:00 19.99
55360 Russell Applegate Central Wholesaler Medium 1/24/07 0:00 29.1
55360 Russell Applegate Central DTP Medium 1/25/07 0:00 0.5
28225 Guy Phonely West DTP Critical 1/25/07 0:00 35
13636 Sally Matthias East Wholesaler Low 1/27/07 0:00 44.55
10661 Jocasta Rupert Central DTP Not Specified 1/25/07 0:00 8.37
10661 Jocasta Rupert Central DTP Not Specified 1/26/07 0:00 5.76
24802 Victoria Brennan East DTP Medium 1/26/07 0:00 12.14
19234 Cynthia Delaney Central DTP High 1/25/07 0:00 6.75
29319 Filia McAdams West Custom Order Low 1/27/07 0:00 24.49
29319 Filia McAdams West DTP Low 1/27/07 0:00 24.49
58277 Michael Dominguez West DTP Medium 1/27/07 0:00 6.96
33025 Debra Catini West DTP Low 1/30/07 0:00 0.99
7043 Giulietta Dortch South DTP Critical 1/27/07 0:00 4.08
12869 Laurel Beltran South DTP Not Specified 1/29/07 0:00 8.99
24544 Tanja Norvell West Custom Order High 1/28/07 0:00 13.99
20422 Gene Hale West DTP High 1/28/07 0:00 5
24544 Tanja Norvell West DTP High 1/28/07 0:00 35
24544 Tanja Norvell West Wholesaler High 1/28/07 0:00 14.36
55937 Stefanie Holloman South DTP Medium 1/29/07 0:00 7.12
20422 Gene Hale West DTP High 1/29/07 0:00 0.5
17186 Ken Brennan West DTP Medium 1/29/07 0:00 5.35
17186 Ken Brennan West DTP Medium 1/29/07 0:00 56.2
55937 Stefanie Holloman South Wholesaler Medium 1/29/07 0:00 85.63
15718 Sean O'Donnell South DTP Critical 1/29/07 0:00 0.7
11686 Michael Dominguez West DTP Not Specified 1/29/07 0:00 2.5
15718 Sean O'Donnell South DTP Critical 1/30/07 0:00 8.99
10530 Victor Price South DTP Medium 1/30/07 0:00 2.5
15718 Sean O'Donnell South DTP Critical 1/31/07 0:00 0.7
17155 Cari Sayre West Custom Order Medium 1/29/07 0:00 35
17155 Cari Sayre West Custom Order Medium 1/30/07 0:00 2
19047 Adam Hart East DTP High 1/30/07 0:00 14.3
19047 Adam Hart East DTP High 1/31/07 0:00 1.57
8868 Cindy Chapman West DTP Low 2/2/07 0:00 5.74
8868 Cindy Chapman West DTP Low 2/7/07 0:00 3.99
20484 Katherine Hughes West DTP Critical 2/1/07 0:00 4.9
20480 Liz MacKendrick West Wholesaler Medium 2/1/07 0:00 60.2
20480 Liz MacKendrick West DTP Medium 2/2/07 0:00 19.99
35847 Eugene Barchas East Custom Order Critical 1/31/07 0:00 8.99
5316 Clay Rozendal East DTP Critical 2/2/07 0:00 1.99
21383 Rick Reed West DTP Low 2/5/07 0:00 24.49
30341 Matt Abelman East DTP Low 2/1/07 0:00 0.5
30341 Matt Abelman East Wholesaler Low 2/1/07 0:00 30
52416 Dave Brooks Central Wholesaler Not Specified 2/2/07 0:00 69.64
18595 Art Foster Central DTP Critical 2/3/07 0:00 16.63
52416 Dave Brooks Central DTP Not Specified 2/3/07 0:00 5.83
15270 Maria Zettner South DTP Not Specified 2/3/07 0:00 1.6
40101 John Lee Central Custom Order Low 2/6/07 0:00 19.99
30341 Matt Abelman East DTP Low 2/8/07 0:00 0.8
30053 Marc Crier Central Wholesaler Critical 2/4/07 0:00 33.6
32676 Joy Smith Central DTP Critical 2/5/07 0:00 1.99
4454 Erica Bern Central DTP Low 2/7/07 0:00 0.5
38529 Darren Powers West DTP Low 2/3/07 0:00 0.7
19493 Bill Overfelt West DTP Critical 2/4/07 0:00 69
39904 Alejandro Grove West DTP Not Specified 2/4/07 0:00 7.96
13604 Erica Bern Central DTP Not Specified 2/5/07 0:00 6.13
55713 Alan Schoenberger West Wholesaler High 2/5/07 0:00 70.2
13604 Erica Bern Central DTP Not Specified 2/6/07 0:00 56.2
21222 Carol Darley Central DTP Not Specified 2/6/07 0:00 3.63
21222 Carol Darley Central DTP Not Specified 2/6/07 0:00 5
41988 Matt Abelman East Wholesaler Low 2/5/07 0:00 17.85
14400 Henia Zydlo Central DTP Medium 2/6/07 0:00 12.65
14627 Sonia Sunley Central DTP Medium 2/6/07 0:00 6.46
25120 Michael Grace South DTP Medium 2/6/07 0:00 11.15
59459 Christine Sundaresam West DTP Medium 2/6/07 0:00 1.99
14400 Henia Zydlo Central Wholesaler Medium 2/6/07 0:00 80.2
35776 Gene McClure Central DTP Medium 2/7/07 0:00 4.86
25120 Michael Grace South DTP Medium 2/7/07 0:00 0.5
25120 Michael Grace South DTP Medium 2/8/07 0:00 6.93
44387 Erica Bern Central DTP Low 2/9/07 0:00 4.82
41988 Matt Abelman East DTP Low 2/9/07 0:00 5.5
17636 Dean Katz South DTP Low 2/9/07 0:00 0.96
41988 Matt Abelman East Wholesaler Low 2/9/07 0:00 19.19
44387 Erica Bern Central Custom Order Low 2/10/07 0:00 1.99
26945 Mick Crebagga Central DTP Critical 2/6/07 0:00 1.77
36068 Anthony Johnson East Wholesaler Critical 2/7/07 0:00 23.19
417 Robert Barroso West Wholesaler Medium 2/7/07 0:00 28.14
35200 Ricardo Block South DTP Medium 2/8/07 0:00 12.52
417 Robert Barroso West DTP Medium 2/8/07 0:00 19.99
10310 Christina Vanderzanden West DTP Low 2/10/07 0:00 1.01
10310 Christina Vanderzanden West DTP Low 2/13/07 0:00 3.99
25440 Kelly Andreada South Wholesaler High 2/7/07 0:00 66.67
28772 Nick Zandusky South DTP High 2/8/07 0:00 69
28772 Nick Zandusky South Custom Order High 2/9/07 0:00 8.99
26724 Bobby Elias South DTP Critical 2/9/07 0:00 13.99
41543 Bill Donatelli East DTP Low 2/11/07 0:00 3.99
41543 Bill Donatelli East Wholesaler Low 2/11/07 0:00 30
44002 John Lee Central DTP Medium 2/8/07 0:00 9.47
46981 Robert Dilbeck South DTP Medium 2/8/07 0:00 2.99
44002 John Lee Central DTP Medium 2/10/07 0:00 5.66
23808 Ed Braxton West DTP Low 2/10/07 0:00 7.69
23808 Ed Braxton West DTP Low 2/15/07 0:00 8.68
3138 Bradley Nguyen Central Custom Order Not Specified 2/9/07 0:00 19.99
20162 Helen Wasserman South DTP Medium 2/10/07 0:00 15.09
59942 Max Engle South DTP Medium 2/11/07 0:00 8.99
56581 Grant Donatelli Central Custom Order High 2/12/07 0:00 13.99
40128 Christine Abelman Central Wholesaler Low 2/17/07 0:00 60.2
31078 Evan Bailliet Central DTP Critical 2/12/07 0:00 7.51
9222 Ionia McGrath South DTP High 2/12/07 0:00 5.01
41604 Edward Becker West DTP Medium 2/12/07 0:00 5.19
44325 Maribeth Schnelling Central DTP Medium 2/13/07 0:00 14.39
52258 Thais Sissman Central DTP Low 2/18/07 0:00 2.85
14983 Rick Wilson West Custom Order High 2/13/07 0:00 8.99
45414 George Ashbrook East DTP Critical 2/13/07 0:00 49
14983 Rick Wilson West DTP High 2/13/07 0:00 8.99
47493 Michael Moore Central Wholesaler Critical 2/14/07 0:00 50
18790 Nicole Brennan West Wholesaler High 2/14/07 0:00 14.7
42339 Cathy Armstrong Central DTP Critical 2/13/07 0:00 9.68
14823 David Smith South DTP Low 2/13/07 0:00 1.56
833 Olvera Toch West DTP Medium 2/14/07 0:00 7.17
57856 Vivek Grady West DTP Medium 2/14/07 0:00 7.02
59104 Aaron Smayling Central DTP High 2/15/07 0:00 2.5
14211 Frank Hawley Central DTP Not Specified 2/15/07 0:00 11.87
59104 Aaron Smayling Central Custom Order High 2/16/07 0:00 7.27
59104 Aaron Smayling Central DTP High 2/16/07 0:00 1.58
14211 Frank Hawley Central DTP Not Specified 2/16/07 0:00 13.99
52227 Trudy Bell South DTP Medium 2/16/07 0:00 8.19
14823 David Smith South DTP Low 2/22/07 0:00 0.49
57506 Thais Sissman Central DTP Medium 2/14/07 0:00 5.47
16612 Sally Matthias East Wholesaler High 2/15/07 0:00 30.06
16612 Sally Matthias East DTP High 2/16/07 0:00 10.05
21572 Vicky Freymann West DTP Critical 2/16/07 0:00 11.54
54055 Lena Creighton West Wholesaler Critical 2/16/07 0:00 58.64
14913 Janet Lee Central DTP High 2/16/07 0:00 8.68
56452 Charles Crestani South Wholesaler Not Specified 2/16/07 0:00 59.24
13408 Joni Blumstein East DTP Low 2/17/07 0:00 12.23
48836 Nicole Brennan West Wholesaler Critical 2/17/07 0:00 40.19
33095 Mick Brown West DTP Not Specified 2/17/07 0:00 19.99
46119 Carlos Soltero Central Wholesaler Critical 2/17/07 0:00 75.23
46119 Carlos Soltero Central DTP Critical 2/18/07 0:00 2.74
33095 Mick Brown West DTP Not Specified 2/18/07 0:00 5.5
34498 Phillip Flathmann Central Custom Order Low 2/21/07 0:00 1.39
34498 Phillip Flathmann Central DTP Low 2/21/07 0:00 9.03
32741 Bill Eplett South DTP Low 2/23/07 0:00 9.45
55874 Erica Smith Central DTP Medium 2/17/07 0:00 1.39
55874 Erica Smith Central DTP Medium 2/18/07 0:00 6.05
55874 Erica Smith Central Custom Order Medium 2/19/07 0:00 4.62
48998 Sharelle Roach South DTP Low 2/19/07 0:00 6.97
32037 Edward Becker West DTP Low 2/21/07 0:00 24.49
32037 Edward Becker West DTP Low 2/24/07 0:00 6.19
59170 Frank Merwin West DTP High 2/19/07 0:00 2.99
22083 David Bremer South Custom Order Critical 2/20/07 0:00 2.14
59170 Frank Merwin West DTP High 2/20/07 0:00 13.99
59170 Frank Merwin West DTP High 2/20/07 0:00 45.04
16547 Ken Dana West Wholesaler Not Specified 2/19/07 0:00 69.64
16547 Ken Dana West Wholesaler Not Specified 2/21/07 0:00 58.92
56483 Debra Catini West DTP High 2/20/07 0:00 5.17
18471 Justin Knight Central DTP Not Specified 2/21/07 0:00 8.98
36455 Frank Merwin West DTP High 2/22/07 0:00 1.99
47011 Roland Fjeld West DTP High 2/22/07 0:00 5.03
53511 Anthony Johnson East DTP Medium 2/22/07 0:00 6.22
55300 Sally Hughsby South DTP High 2/22/07 0:00 0.5
58182 Tracy Collins Central Custom Order High 2/23/07 0:00 6.15
53511 Anthony Johnson East DTP Medium 2/23/07 0:00 8.49
55300 Sally Hughsby South DTP High 2/23/07 0:00 6.89
55300 Sally Hughsby South DTP High 2/23/07 0:00 13.04
57509 Neola Schneider East Custom Order Low 2/22/07 0:00 0.5
38087 Ann Blume South DTP Critical 2/22/07 0:00 19.99
57509 Neola Schneider East Wholesaler Low 2/27/07 0:00 66.67
6368 Anthony O'Donnell South Wholesaler Not Specified 2/23/07 0:00 14.7
54947 Peter Buhler Central DTP Not Specified 2/24/07 0:00 4.62
39072 Adam Shillingsburg South DTP High 2/24/07 0:00 7.73
54947 Peter Buhler Central DTP Not Specified 2/25/07 0:00 5.02
28256 Brian Moss South Wholesaler High 2/24/07 0:00 53.03
58310 Mary O'Rourke East DTP Critical 2/25/07 0:00 12.9
36643 Ruben Ausman East DTP Critical 2/25/07 0:00 8.74
36643 Ruben Ausman East DTP Critical 2/26/07 0:00 8.78
37441 Dianna Arnett South Wholesaler Critical 2/26/07 0:00 164.73
18816 Jeremy Lonsdale Central Custom Order Critical 2/27/07 0:00 3.99
37441 Dianna Arnett South DTP Critical 2/27/07 0:00 0.96
11008 Peter McVee West DTP Critical 2/27/07 0:00 35
49123 Mick Crebagga Central DTP High 2/27/07 0:00 1.99
49123 Mick Crebagga Central DTP High 2/27/07 0:00 5.75
48230 Dana Kaydos East Custom Order Not Specified 2/28/07 0:00 8.55
48230 Dana Kaydos East DTP Not Specified 2/28/07 0:00 35
18819 Dan Campbell South DTP Low 2/28/07 0:00 22.24
18279 Stephanie Phelps East DTP Medium 2/28/07 0:00 24.49
30564 Darrin Van Huff South DTP Critical 2/28/07 0:00 5.99
1059 Sean O'Donnell South DTP Critical 2/28/07 0:00 7.47
43846 Jill Matthias South DTP High 2/28/07 0:00 2.2
30215 Cathy Hwang South DTP Medium 2/28/07 0:00 2
18279 Stephanie Phelps East DTP Medium 3/1/07 0:00 1.99
57890 Jennifer Patt South DTP Critical 3/1/07 0:00 6.79
1059 Sean O'Donnell South DTP Critical 3/1/07 0:00 2.99
30215 Cathy Hwang South DTP Medium 3/1/07 0:00 8.99
51937 James Lanier East Wholesaler High 2/28/07 0:00 42.52
6979 Keith Dawkins Central DTP Critical 3/1/07 0:00 5.99
14916 Cari Sayre West Custom Order Low 3/2/07 0:00 8.8
39846 Cindy Schnelling South DTP Low 3/7/07 0:00 4.62
39846 Cindy Schnelling South Wholesaler Low 3/7/07 0:00 54.74
41888 Victoria Pisteka Central DTP Low 3/1/07 0:00 4.2
57958 Steven Ward Central Custom Order Critical 3/2/07 0:00 8.74
41888 Victoria Pisteka Central Custom Order Low 3/5/07 0:00 2.38
41888 Victoria Pisteka Central DTP Low 3/10/07 0:00 9.07
22851 Denise Monton Central Custom Order Critical 3/3/07 0:00 4.99
22851 Denise Monton Central DTP Critical 3/3/07 0:00 1.99
19042 Evan Minnotte Central DTP Critical 3/3/07 0:00 7.47
8258 James Lanier East DTP High 3/3/07 0:00 11.25
22851 Denise Monton Central DTP Critical 3/4/07 0:00 5.33
11302 Natalie Fritzler East Wholesaler Low 3/4/07 0:00 14
22917 Nathan Mautz South Custom Order Medium 3/5/07 0:00 24.49
21703 Alan Hwang South Custom Order Not Specified 3/3/07 0:00 4.99
41153 Alan Barnes Central DTP Medium 3/4/07 0:00 4
54369 Ryan Akin South Custom Order Not Specified 3/5/07 0:00 1.99
21703 Alan Hwang South DTP Not Specified 3/5/07 0:00 0.5
21703 Alan Hwang South DTP Not Specified 3/5/07 0:00 39.61
46021 Theresa Swint Central Wholesaler High 3/5/07 0:00 35.89
12544 Jim Radford East DTP Low 3/11/07 0:00 5.33
10022 Delfina Latchford East DTP Low 3/5/07 0:00 2.27
28291 Carl Weiss East Wholesaler Critical 3/6/07 0:00 57
20166 Mick Crebagga Central DTP Low 3/9/07 0:00 8.99
53152 Bill Eplett South Custom Order Medium 3/6/07 0:00 8.8
12934 Guy Armstrong Central Custom Order Not Specified 3/7/07 0:00 3.97
20773 Denise Monton Central DTP Not Specified 3/7/07 0:00 2.99
12934 Guy Armstrong Central DTP Not Specified 3/7/07 0:00 1.39
2466 Quincy Jones South DTP Critical 3/7/07 0:00 5.81
53152 Bill Eplett South DTP Medium 3/8/07 0:00 7.53
53152 Bill Eplett South DTP Medium 3/8/07 0:00 8.68
53152 Bill Eplett South DTP Medium 3/9/07 0:00 11.17
5828 Christina DeMoss West Wholesaler Low 3/13/07 0:00 54.12
49154 Joy Bell East DTP Medium 3/8/07 0:00 49
1799 Trudy Schmidt West DTP Not Specified 3/9/07 0:00 6.86
1799 Trudy Schmidt West Wholesaler Not Specified 3/9/07 0:00 30
24391 Raymond Book East Wholesaler Low 3/11/07 0:00 23.78
49412 Dennis Bolton East Wholesaler Critical 3/8/07 0:00 16.63
13542 John Huston Central DTP Low 3/9/07 0:00 8.29
37510 Richard Bierner West DTP Critical 3/9/07 0:00 19.99
8709 Rose O'Brian East DTP High 3/11/07 0:00 10.17
8709 Rose O'Brian East Wholesaler High 3/12/07 0:00 33.6
13542 John Huston Central Wholesaler Low 3/16/07 0:00 64.73
58434 Dorothy Badders East DTP High 3/11/07 0:00 6.15
59879 Karen Bern East Custom Order Not Specified 3/12/07 0:00 3.3
52870 Ann Steele West DTP Not Specified 3/12/07 0:00 49
59776 Maxwell Schwartz West Custom Order Low 3/14/07 0:00 1.39
59776 Maxwell Schwartz West Wholesaler Low 3/14/07 0:00 48.26
34497 Thomas Brumley West DTP Medium 3/12/07 0:00 7.54
13632 Nora Price East Custom Order Medium 3/13/07 0:00 19.99
34497 Thomas Brumley West DTP Medium 3/13/07 0:00 8.18
37095 Roy Phan East DTP Low 3/15/07 0:00 24.49
27111 Heather Kirkland East Custom Order High 3/12/07 0:00 3.3
27111 Heather Kirkland East DTP High 3/13/07 0:00 19.99
2373 Craig Carroll West DTP Not Specified 3/13/07 0:00 6.19
27111 Heather Kirkland East DTP High 3/15/07 0:00 19.99
25574 Rob Beeghly South Wholesaler Not Specified 3/13/07 0:00 57.38
25574 Rob Beeghly South Custom Order Not Specified 3/14/07 0:00 3.61
33217 Dennis Kane South DTP High 3/14/07 0:00 14.17
12450 Lindsay Castell Central DTP Not Specified 3/15/07 0:00 14.52
45987 Laura Armstrong South DTP Not Specified 3/15/07 0:00 1.3
14176 Resi Polking South DTP Low 3/20/07 0:00 5.99
28258 Denny Blanton West DTP Critical 3/14/07 0:00 2.5
23398 Carol Adams Central DTP Medium 3/15/07 0:00 7.37
40518 Carlos Daly East DTP Critical 3/15/07 0:00 5.04
28258 Denny Blanton West DTP Critical 3/15/07 0:00 19.99
7776 Michelle Moray South Wholesaler Medium 3/15/07 0:00 29.21
28647 Michael Granlund East Custom Order Critical 3/16/07 0:00 69
24193 Beth Fritzler Central DTP Not Specified 3/16/07 0:00 5.17
7776 Michelle Moray South Wholesaler Medium 3/16/07 0:00 23.76
24193 Beth Fritzler Central DTP Not Specified 3/17/07 0:00 0.99
46241 Thea Hudgings Central DTP Not Specified 3/17/07 0:00 10.84
24193 Beth Fritzler Central Wholesaler Not Specified 3/17/07 0:00 55.96
1952 Alejandro Grove West Wholesaler High 3/16/07 0:00 54.12
11585 Chuck Sachs East DTP Medium 3/17/07 0:00 12.99
28480 Mike Kennedy East DTP Medium 3/17/07 0:00 0.7
26855 Naresj Patel West DTP High 3/17/07 0:00 3.92
53573 Daniel Byrd East DTP Not Specified 3/18/07 0:00 5.3
36807 Daniel Raglin West DTP Medium 3/18/07 0:00 1.39
57476 Michael Stewart West Wholesaler High 3/18/07 0:00 60
9383 John Dryer South DTP Not Specified 3/19/07 0:00 4
57476 Michael Stewart West DTP High 3/19/07 0:00 8.99
9733 Gene McClure Central DTP Not Specified 3/18/07 0:00 5.35
6498 Julie Prescott Central Custom Order Medium 3/19/07 0:00 2.83
39906 Sean Christensen West DTP Medium 3/20/07 0:00 1.09
15170 Thomas Boland West DTP Critical 3/19/07 0:00 4.81
31941 Kimberly Carter Central Custom Order Medium 3/20/07 0:00 13.99
23751 Ricardo Block South Wholesaler Medium 3/20/07 0:00 64.66
31941 Kimberly Carter Central DTP Medium 3/21/07 0:00 9.68
43140 Marc Harrigan East DTP Critical 3/21/07 0:00 5.14
19299 Brendan Murry South DTP Not Specified 3/21/07 0:00 0.5
9894 Eric Barreto South Wholesaler High 3/21/07 0:00 58.92
53920 Anna Chung West Wholesaler Critical 3/21/07 0:00 53.03
23429 Beth Thompson East DTP Critical 3/20/07 0:00 5.63
49216 Noah Childs East DTP High 3/20/07 0:00 16.95
16676 Sally Hughsby South DTP High 3/20/07 0:00 8.59
49216 Noah Childs East Wholesaler High 3/20/07 0:00 28.06
49216 Noah Childs East Custom Order High 3/21/07 0:00 6.35
23429 Beth Thompson East Custom Order Critical 3/22/07 0:00 5.26
6116 Barry Weirich South DTP Medium 3/21/07 0:00 4
2530 Rob Haberlin Central DTP Medium 3/23/07 0:00 0.5
6116 Barry Weirich South DTP Medium 3/23/07 0:00 24.49
38084 Victoria Wilson West DTP Not Specified 3/23/07 0:00 2.15
38084 Victoria Wilson West DTP Not Specified 3/23/07 0:00 4.98
11077 Charles Crestani South Wholesaler Low 3/25/07 0:00 35.02
29766 Emily Phan South DTP Medium 3/22/07 0:00 8.99
13825 Christopher Conant Central DTP High 3/23/07 0:00 6.35
26470 Harold Ryan East DTP High 3/23/07 0:00 19.99
29766 Emily Phan South DTP Medium 3/23/07 0:00 24.49
7719 Tony Sayre East DTP Low 3/24/07 0:00 4.51
35744 Tonja Turnell East DTP Not Specified 3/24/07 0:00 6.55
8257 David Philippe East Wholesaler Low 3/23/07 0:00 29.7
39301 Kelly Williams South Custom Order Medium 3/24/07 0:00 4
48900 Jack O'Briant East DTP Not Specified 3/24/07 0:00 4.53
55776 Dean Braden Central Wholesaler Not Specified 3/24/07 0:00 17.85
7136 Lena Cacioppo Central DTP High 3/25/07 0:00 0.5
7136 Lena Cacioppo Central DTP High 3/25/07 0:00 1.99
13252 Pamela Stobb Central DTP Not Specified 3/25/07 0:00 4
48900 Jack O'Briant East DTP Not Specified 3/25/07 0:00 6.35
39301 Kelly Williams South DTP Medium 3/25/07 0:00 8.37
13252 Pamela Stobb Central Wholesaler Not Specified 3/26/07 0:00 30
8257 David Philippe East DTP Low 3/27/07 0:00 5.09
8257 David Philippe East DTP Low 3/30/07 0:00 1.6
34017 Paul Prost South Custom Order High 3/24/07 0:00 0.71
43650 William Brown South DTP Not Specified 3/25/07 0:00 24.49
57382 George Ashbrook East Custom Order Medium 3/26/07 0:00 5.76
57382 George Ashbrook East DTP Medium 3/26/07 0:00 1.49
34017 Paul Prost South DTP High 3/26/07 0:00 7.69
43650 William Brown South DTP Not Specified 3/26/07 0:00 5.81
50338 Liz Price West DTP Not Specified 3/26/07 0:00 7.51
57415 Tamara Chand East DTP Medium 3/26/07 0:00 5.41
38721 Troy Staebel South DTP Critical 3/26/07 0:00 19.99
32451 Nat Carroll West DTP Not Specified 3/26/07 0:00 2.99
58628 Dionis Lloyd South Wholesaler Medium 3/26/07 0:00 52.42
37794 Michael Oakman Central DTP Low 3/27/07 0:00 7.29
38721 Troy Staebel South DTP Critical 3/27/07 0:00 54.95
37794 Michael Oakman Central DTP Low 3/29/07 0:00 19.99
51266 Michael Grace South DTP Not Specified 3/26/07 0:00 9.03
1892 Joe Kamberova West DTP Low 3/26/07 0:00 5.4
10148 Christopher Martinez Central Wholesaler Low 3/26/07 0:00 41.44
51266 Michael Grace South DTP Not Specified 3/27/07 0:00 4.86
38565 Justin Knight Central Custom Order Critical 3/28/07 0:00 5.16
51266 Michael Grace South Custom Order Not Specified 3/28/07 0:00 7.73
51266 Michael Grace South DTP Not Specified 3/28/07 0:00 13.99
323 Dario Medina West DTP Critical 3/28/07 0:00 12.93
1892 Joe Kamberova West DTP Low 3/30/07 0:00 5.26
31174 Muhammed Yedwab East DTP Not Specified 3/27/07 0:00 11.79
51554 Liz Pelletier Central DTP Medium 3/28/07 0:00 11.52
3653 Lynn Smith West DTP Critical 3/29/07 0:00 1.5
46407 Rick Huthwaite West DTP Not Specified 3/29/07 0:00 5.74
51554 Liz Pelletier Central Wholesaler Medium 3/29/07 0:00 60
31174 Muhammed Yedwab East DTP Not Specified 3/30/07 0:00 4.71
32869 Christopher Schild Central DTP Medium 3/29/07 0:00 1.5
32869 Christopher Schild Central DTP Medium 3/29/07 0:00 11.82
32869 Christopher Schild Central DTP Medium 3/29/07 0:00 18.45
21633 Keith Dawkins Central DTP Medium 3/29/07 0:00 8.99
39750 Adam Shillingsburg South DTP High 3/29/07 0:00 8.51
22562 Jennifer Ferguson South DTP Medium 3/29/07 0:00 8.34
53953 Heather Jas West DTP Not Specified 3/29/07 0:00 2.01
50816 Anthony Johnson East DTP High 3/30/07 0:00 1.99
50816 Anthony Johnson East DTP High 3/30/07 0:00 6.47
22562 Jennifer Ferguson South DTP Medium 3/30/07 0:00 13.88
22562 Jennifer Ferguson South Wholesaler Medium 3/30/07 0:00 14.7
33319 Don Weiss South Wholesaler Not Specified 3/31/07 0:00 60.2
28354 Dave Kipp Central DTP Low 4/2/07 0:00 4
2144 Jonathan Doherty Central DTP Medium 3/29/07 0:00 4.99
48357 Eileen Kiefer South DTP Not Specified 3/29/07 0:00 13.99
52576 Tony Sayre East Wholesaler Low 3/29/07 0:00 14
4516 Ryan Crowe Central DTP Medium 3/30/07 0:00 6.93
9478 Philip Brown West DTP High 3/30/07 0:00 5.4
58116 Nick Zandusky South Wholesaler Critical 3/30/07 0:00 14.36
9478 Philip Brown West DTP High 3/31/07 0:00 4.79
16229 Nora Paige Central DTP High 3/31/07 0:00 6.5
49125 Edward Becker West Custom Order Not Specified 4/1/07 0:00 7.64
16229 Nora Paige Central DTP High 4/1/07 0:00 3.3
58688 Grant Carroll East DTP Not Specified 4/1/07 0:00 5.81
22755 Fred Harton West DTP Medium 4/1/07 0:00 5.68
10949 Ashley Jarboe West Wholesaler Medium 4/1/07 0:00 30.06
37859 Tom Stivers South DTP Critical 4/2/07 0:00 5.01
22755 Fred Harton West DTP Medium 4/2/07 0:00 2.99
22755 Fred Harton West DTP Medium 4/2/07 0:00 5
2915 Tim Brockman South DTP Low 4/4/07 0:00 0.96
2915 Tim Brockman South DTP Low 4/5/07 0:00 4
48035 Liz Pelletier Central Custom Order Critical 4/2/07 0:00 4.81
44772 Dorothy Wardle East Custom Order Not Specified 4/3/07 0:00 5
29127 Thea Hudgings Central DTP Critical 4/3/07 0:00 1
42242 Thomas Boland West Custom Order Not Specified 4/3/07 0:00 7.19
8295 Karen Seio South DTP High 4/3/07 0:00 2.5
42242 Thomas Boland West DTP Not Specified 4/3/07 0:00 27.17
10978 Toby Swindell South Wholesaler Critical 4/3/07 0:00 30
8295 Karen Seio South DTP High 4/4/07 0:00 1.1
17795 Troy Staebel South DTP Medium 4/4/07 0:00 6.12
22978 Anthony Garverick South Wholesaler Medium 4/4/07 0:00 32.41
2754 Philip Brown West Custom Order High 4/5/07 0:00 5.86
48518 Scot Coram West Custom Order Medium 4/5/07 0:00 5.08
2754 Philip Brown West DTP High 4/5/07 0:00 0.99
53281 Philip Brown West Wholesaler Critical 4/5/07 0:00 58.92
44225 Nora Price East DTP High 4/6/07 0:00 10.84
25475 Lena Cacioppo Central DTP Critical 4/5/07 0:00 7.49
22371 Phillip Flathmann Central DTP High 4/6/07 0:00 11.51
13959 Alex Russell South Custom Order Medium 4/7/07 0:00 1.3
42693 Dave Brooks Central DTP High 4/7/07 0:00 9.71
13959 Alex Russell South DTP Medium 4/7/07 0:00 0.5
46436 Odella Nelson West DTP Low 4/12/07 0:00 0.99
36452 Eudokia Martin East DTP High 4/7/07 0:00 15.1
50016 Harold Dahlen Central DTP High 4/8/07 0:00 0.99
13765 Scot Wooten Central DTP Not Specified 4/8/07 0:00 13.89
36452 Eudokia Martin East DTP High 4/8/07 0:00 2.83
14114 Dave Poirier South DTP Critical 4/7/07 0:00 1.38
14114 Dave Poirier South DTP Critical 4/7/07 0:00 5.92
10851 Jenna Caffey West DTP High 4/7/07 0:00 4.59
14530 Tracy Blumstein West DTP High 4/7/07 0:00 7.69
35361 Corey Lock East Custom Order Medium 4/8/07 0:00 9.03
10851 Jenna Caffey West Custom Order High 4/8/07 0:00 4.99
35361 Corey Lock East DTP Medium 4/8/07 0:00 4.82
42599 Alex Grayson West Wholesaler Medium 4/8/07 0:00 54.92
14530 Tracy Blumstein West DTP High 4/9/07 0:00 40.5
40544 Michelle Ellison West DTP Low 4/9/07 0:00 12.23
14114 Dave Poirier South Wholesaler Critical 4/9/07 0:00 35.89
5921 Maurice Satty Central Custom Order Low 4/14/07 0:00 5.5
26918 Russell Applegate Central DTP Low 4/16/07 0:00 0.71
3777 Christine Kargatis West Custom Order Medium 4/9/07 0:00 8.99
10277 Grant Thornton East DTP Medium 4/9/07 0:00 5.26
34432 Nora Pelletier South DTP Not Specified 4/9/07 0:00 20.49
8994 Christopher Schild Central DTP Low 4/10/07 0:00 19.99
5509 Ashley Jarboe West DTP Low 4/13/07 0:00 5.3
5509 Ashley Jarboe West DTP Low 4/15/07 0:00 18.98
1189 Aaron Smayling Central DTP Critical 4/10/07 0:00 4.99
13028 Stuart Van Central DTP Critical 4/10/07 0:00 5.09
31171 Parhena Norris East DTP Not Specified 4/10/07 0:00 1.49
12768 Kelly Lampkin West Custom Order Critical 4/11/07 0:00 4.62
2722 Jay Fine South DTP Low 4/13/07 0:00 1.99
36838 Marc Crier Central Custom Order Low 4/18/07 0:00 0.5
11174 Evan Henry South DTP Medium 4/11/07 0:00 7.69
27491 Roy Collins South DTP Not Specified 4/11/07 0:00 6.02
40258 Michelle Ellison West DTP Not Specified 4/11/07 0:00 1.25
8646 Emily Ducich Central Wholesaler High 4/11/07 0:00 60
45120 Emily Phan South Wholesaler Critical 4/11/07 0:00 48.26
8646 Emily Ducich Central Custom Order High 4/12/07 0:00 6.5
8646 Emily Ducich Central DTP High 4/12/07 0:00 49
58914 Alex Russell South DTP Low 4/12/07 0:00 1.99
27491 Roy Collins South DTP Not Specified 4/12/07 0:00 27.72
40258 Michelle Ellison West DTP Not Specified 4/12/07 0:00 13.32
8646 Emily Ducich Central Wholesaler High 4/12/07 0:00 39
39815 Roy French East DTP Low 4/14/07 0:00 8.99
58914 Alex Russell South DTP Low 4/17/07 0:00 0.7
51047 Ellis Ballard South Custom Order Medium 4/12/07 0:00 4.86
20519 Brad Thomas East DTP High 4/12/07 0:00 11.28
51047 Ellis Ballard South DTP Medium 4/12/07 0:00 34.2
29219 Nat Carroll West DTP Not Specified 4/12/07 0:00 2.35
20838 Shahid Shariari West DTP Not Specified 4/12/07 0:00 7.34
27456 Duane Benoit East Wholesaler Not Specified 4/12/07 0:00 91.05
43269 James Lanier East DTP Critical 4/13/07 0:00 25.8
29284 David Kendrick South Wholesaler Medium 4/13/07 0:00 42.52
19975 Emily Phan South DTP Not Specified 4/14/07 0:00 6.96
58279 Emily Phan South DTP Medium 4/12/07 0:00 2.99
56677 Roy Skaria Central DTP High 4/13/07 0:00 2.85
36706 Brad Eason Central DTP Not Specified 4/14/07 0:00 21.48
55040 Dave Kipp Central DTP High 4/13/07 0:00 2.64
55040 Dave Kipp Central DTP High 4/15/07 0:00 15.25
55040 Dave Kipp Central Wholesaler High 4/15/07 0:00 29.7
55046 Thais Sissman Central Custom Order Critical 4/15/07 0:00 11.15
9635 Andy Reiter South DTP Critical 4/16/07 0:00 1.49
44448 Raymond Fair West DTP Critical 4/16/07 0:00 1.99
8422 Becky Martin South Wholesaler Medium 4/16/07 0:00 54.12
8422 Becky Martin South Custom Order Medium 4/17/07 0:00 4
32999 David Flashing West Wholesaler Low 4/20/07 0:00 35.84
33220 Carl Weiss East DTP Not Specified 4/16/07 0:00 3.5
35041 Jasper Cacioppo South DTP Not Specified 4/16/07 0:00 15.09
58818 James Galang West DTP Critical 4/17/07 0:00 1.99
58818 James Galang West Wholesaler Critical 4/18/07 0:00 28.16
33220 Carl Weiss East DTP Not Specified 4/19/07 0:00 10.49
50337 Chris Cortes South Custom Order Not Specified 4/18/07 0:00 1.49
19584 Maria Zettner South Wholesaler Critical 4/18/07 0:00 29.7
96 Keith Dawkins Central DTP High 4/19/07 0:00 8.99
50337 Chris Cortes South Wholesaler Not Specified 4/19/07 0:00 29.7
30407 Patrick Ryan South DTP Low 4/18/07 0:00 19.99
2756 Denny Ordway West DTP Critical 4/18/07 0:00 0.5
11013 Ruben Dartt East DTP High 4/19/07 0:00 8.99
2756 Denny Ordway West DTP Critical 4/19/07 0:00 4
8259 Peter Fuller South Wholesaler Medium 4/19/07 0:00 42
11553 Justin Knight Central Custom Order Medium 4/20/07 0:00 19.99
54753 Christopher Schild Central DTP Medium 4/20/07 0:00 3.9
2817 Luke Schmidt South DTP Medium 4/20/07 0:00 7.18
4674 Christina Anderson Central Wholesaler Critical 4/20/07 0:00 30
11553 Justin Knight Central DTP Medium 4/21/07 0:00 0.99
2817 Luke Schmidt South DTP Medium 4/21/07 0:00 3.04
11553 Justin Knight Central Wholesaler Medium 4/22/07 0:00 57.38
48135 Matt Collister West DTP High 4/20/07 0:00 8.99
48135 Matt Collister West Custom Order High 4/22/07 0:00 24.49
59745 Alejandro Grove West DTP Not Specified 4/22/07 0:00 19.99
994 Kelly Lampkin West DTP Low 4/24/07 0:00 1.63
53798 Kelly Williams South Wholesaler Low 4/25/07 0:00 70.2
30176 Amy Hunt Central DTP Low 4/27/07 0:00 48.2
53798 Kelly Williams South DTP Low 4/27/07 0:00 13.99
44834 Anthony Rawles Central Custom Order Medium 4/21/07 0:00 5.77
49511 Eugene Moren West Custom Order High 4/21/07 0:00 2.5
44834 Anthony Rawles Central Wholesaler Medium 4/22/07 0:00 66.67
19367 Amy Hunt Central DTP High 4/23/07 0:00 2.5
41474 Matt Connell South DTP Not Specified 4/23/07 0:00 2.39
41474 Matt Connell South Wholesaler Not Specified 4/23/07 0:00 35.84
35813 Tracy Collins Central Custom Order Critical 4/22/07 0:00 4
35813 Tracy Collins Central Custom Order Critical 4/22/07 0:00 19.99
40997 Odella Nelson West Custom Order Low 4/22/07 0:00 9.18
28736 Lindsay Castell Central DTP High 4/22/07 0:00 17.48
56807 Scott Cohen West DTP High 4/24/07 0:00 4.62
40997 Odella Nelson West DTP Low 4/24/07 0:00 7.51
40997 Odella Nelson West Wholesaler Low 4/26/07 0:00 110.2
40997 Odella Nelson West DTP Low 4/29/07 0:00 8.99
25927 Rick Duston Central DTP Medium 4/23/07 0:00 6.64
9669 Christine Abelman Central Custom Order Medium 4/24/07 0:00 10.68
25927 Rick Duston Central DTP Medium 4/25/07 0:00 5.53
13056 Raymond Fair West DTP Not Specified 4/25/07 0:00 7.18
48257 Christina Anderson Central DTP Low 4/27/07 0:00 5.42
17315 Joy Smith Central DTP Low 4/27/07 0:00 0.95
9665 Eugene Hildebrand Central DTP Low 4/24/07 0:00 5.1
3808 Lynn Smith West DTP Critical 4/24/07 0:00 0.49
44517 Christy Brittain South DTP Medium 4/25/07 0:00 5.61
50625 Frank Merwin West DTP Medium 4/25/07 0:00 0.5
9665 Eugene Hildebrand Central Wholesaler Low 4/26/07 0:00 146.29
18336 Giulietta Dortch South Custom Order Not Specified 4/25/07 0:00 0.7
51943 Dorris Love South DTP High 4/26/07 0:00 17.13
24870 Jim Epp West DTP Low 4/27/07 0:00 1.99
51943 Dorris Love South DTP High 4/28/07 0:00 0.5
24870 Jim Epp West DTP Low 5/4/07 0:00 19.99
55459 Larry Tron South DTP Critical 4/28/07 0:00 8.18
23042 Nicole Brennan West DTP Medium 4/28/07 0:00 19.99
11712 Nicole Brennan West DTP Low 4/29/07 0:00 0.94
13606 Mike Vittorini West DTP Not Specified 4/29/07 0:00 0.85
34567 Katrina Bavinger Central Wholesaler Low 5/1/07 0:00 26.2
14342 Deborah Brumfield West DTP Low 4/28/07 0:00 7.18
29380 Anna Gayman East DTP Not Specified 4/29/07 0:00 4.86
43330 Fred Wasserman East DTP Not Specified 4/29/07 0:00 8.99
12642 Neil Knudson West Custom Order Critical 4/30/07 0:00 1.49
12642 Neil Knudson West DTP Critical 4/30/07 0:00 7.12
38501 Guy Phonely West DTP Critical 4/30/07 0:00 6.22
28839 Anthony Johnson East Custom Order Low 5/1/07 0:00 7.49
23524 Sandra Glassco West Custom Order High 5/1/07 0:00 0.99
54595 Erica Hernandez South DTP Medium 5/1/07 0:00 2.64
23524 Sandra Glassco West DTP High 5/1/07 0:00 14.3
54595 Erica Hernandez South Wholesaler Medium 5/2/07 0:00 30
44320 Susan Vittorini East DTP Medium 5/1/07 0:00 69
4514 Yoseph Carroll East DTP Medium 5/1/07 0:00 7.69
55940 Janet Martin South DTP Not Specified 5/1/07 0:00 7.18
17669 Corey Roper West DTP High 5/1/07 0:00 5.49
45380 Charles Crestani South Custom Order Critical 5/2/07 0:00 8.8
45380 Charles Crestani South Custom Order Critical 5/3/07 0:00 4.2
41154 Roger Barcio Central DTP Low 5/3/07 0:00 2.87
31364 Beth Thompson East DTP Not Specified 5/2/07 0:00 11.37
15815 Mitch Willingham South DTP Critical 5/2/07 0:00 1.49
13635 Randy Ferguson South DTP Critical 5/3/07 0:00 7.44
7431 Georgia Rosenberg West DTP Medium 5/3/07 0:00 4.57
15815 Mitch Willingham South DTP Critical 5/4/07 0:00 5.63
13635 Randy Ferguson South DTP Critical 5/4/07 0:00 7.37
10146 Evan Henry South DTP Low 5/7/07 0:00 5.02
59363 Alyssa Tate South DTP High 5/3/07 0:00 5.2
40998 Nora Paige Central DTP Medium 5/4/07 0:00 1.99
39460 Stephanie Ulpright West DTP Not Specified 5/4/07 0:00 2.5
40998 Nora Paige Central DTP Medium 5/5/07 0:00 1.3
39460 Stephanie Ulpright West DTP Not Specified 5/5/07 0:00 6.05
6310 Katharine Harms East DTP Not Specified 5/5/07 0:00 7.96
36224 Robert Dilbeck South Custom Order Medium 5/6/07 0:00 3.99
39141 Jim Kriz West DTP Low 5/6/07 0:00 10.25
39141 Jim Kriz West DTP Low 5/6/07 0:00 19.51
4389 Victoria Pisteka Central Custom Order Medium 5/5/07 0:00 5.63
1824 Becky Pak South DTP Critical 5/5/07 0:00 5.29
1824 Becky Pak South DTP Critical 5/6/07 0:00 24.49
49607 Georgia Rosenberg West DTP Medium 5/6/07 0:00 8.99
4389 Victoria Pisteka Central Wholesaler Medium 5/6/07 0:00 30
4389 Victoria Pisteka Central DTP Medium 5/7/07 0:00 5.63
2853 Bill Tyler West Custom Order High 5/8/07 0:00 19.99
38503 Melanie Page West DTP Low 5/6/07 0:00 3.99
38503 Melanie Page West DTP Low 5/6/07 0:00 5
27938 Noel Staavos West DTP Medium 5/6/07 0:00 9.18
962 Mike Vittorini West DTP Low 5/8/07 0:00 19.99
962 Mike Vittorini West Wholesaler Low 5/8/07 0:00 60
38503 Melanie Page West Wholesaler Low 5/10/07 0:00 15.68
51873 Muhammed Yedwab East DTP High 5/7/07 0:00 2.15
50850 Greg Guthrie Central Wholesaler Critical 5/8/07 0:00 75.23
50850 Greg Guthrie Central DTP Critical 5/9/07 0:00 7.47
24452 Valerie Takahito West DTP High 5/8/07 0:00 8.4
1829 Tom Stivers South DTP High 5/9/07 0:00 1.49
11426 Laurel Beltran South DTP Medium 5/9/07 0:00 1.99
38756 Benjamin Patterson West Custom Order Critical 5/10/07 0:00 8.99
17313 Scott Cohen West Custom Order High 5/10/07 0:00 0.88
1665 John Lucas South DTP High 5/10/07 0:00 1.1
41253 Steve Nguyen South DTP Medium 5/10/07 0:00 7.18
33696 Bradley Drucker West DTP High 5/10/07 0:00 4
55525 Liz MacKendrick West DTP Low 5/9/07 0:00 7.18
7364 Mary Zewe East DTP High 5/11/07 0:00 12.39
30759 Brad Thomas East DTP Not Specified 5/11/07 0:00 7.87
42631 Jeremy Lonsdale Central DTP High 5/10/07 0:00 2.74
4839 Sally Hughsby South DTP Critical 5/10/07 0:00 8.73
42631 Jeremy Lonsdale Central DTP High 5/11/07 0:00 5.91
42631 Jeremy Lonsdale Central Custom Order High 5/12/07 0:00 8.99
45218 Robert Waldorf South DTP Low 5/13/07 0:00 2.74
39908 Neil Knudson West DTP Low 5/13/07 0:00 7.73
23360 Jocasta Rupert Central Custom Order Low 5/12/07 0:00 1.39
33317 Jay Fine South DTP High 5/12/07 0:00 9.45
49984 Sara Luxemburg West DTP Low 5/12/07 0:00 8.4
56197 Neil French South Wholesaler High 5/12/07 0:00 32.48
33317 Jay Fine South DTP High 5/13/07 0:00 6.05
56197 Neil French South Custom Order High 5/14/07 0:00 4.08
33317 Jay Fine South DTP High 5/14/07 0:00 1.25
33317 Jay Fine South DTP High 5/14/07 0:00 49
49984 Sara Luxemburg West DTP Low 5/16/07 0:00 1.49
48772 Aaron Smayling Central DTP Medium 5/14/07 0:00 16
27460 Evan Bailliet Central DTP Not Specified 5/14/07 0:00 12.65
48772 Aaron Smayling Central DTP Medium 5/15/07 0:00 19.99
1314 Justin Knight Central DTP Medium 5/15/07 0:00 4.39
27460 Evan Bailliet Central DTP Not Specified 5/15/07 0:00 4.38
4647 Carlos Meador South DTP Medium 5/15/07 0:00 5
4647 Carlos Meador South DTP Medium 5/15/07 0:00 27.58
36358 Dorris Love South DTP Not Specified 5/15/07 0:00 5.08
13314 Giulietta Dortch South Custom Order High 5/16/07 0:00 0.8
4647 Carlos Meador South DTP Medium 5/16/07 0:00 5.72
36358 Dorris Love South DTP Not Specified 5/16/07 0:00 8.65
28097 Claire Good South DTP Medium 5/17/07 0:00 52.2
8132 Benjamin Farhat West Custom Order Low 5/15/07 0:00 4.93
10659 Dave Brooks Central DTP Critical 5/15/07 0:00 5.61
30852 Andrew Allen Central DTP Critical 5/16/07 0:00 4.9
43553 Bart Folk East DTP Not Specified 5/16/07 0:00 4.72
36609 Brad Thomas East DTP Not Specified 5/17/07 0:00 5.49
8132 Benjamin Farhat West DTP Low 5/22/07 0:00 6.92
6656 Dennis Bolton East DTP Critical 5/16/07 0:00 10.55
6656 Dennis Bolton East DTP Critical 5/17/07 0:00 2.99
41793 Adam Bellavance East DTP High 5/17/07 0:00 6.93
18496 Larry Tron South DTP High 5/17/07 0:00 6.5
8353 Brendan Sweed Central DTP Medium 5/18/07 0:00 0.96
8353 Brendan Sweed Central DTP Medium 5/18/07 0:00 2.38
10048 Sonia Sunley Central DTP Not Specified 5/18/07 0:00 1.32
10048 Sonia Sunley Central DTP Not Specified 5/19/07 0:00 4
18496 Larry Tron South DTP High 5/19/07 0:00 19.99
24358 Christine Sundaresam West DTP Critical 5/17/07 0:00 35
21286 Denny Ordway West Custom Order Critical 5/18/07 0:00 6.75
13218 Victoria Pisteka Central DTP High 5/18/07 0:00 1.49
263 Paul Lucas West DTP High 5/18/07 0:00 7.78
13218 Victoria Pisteka Central DTP High 5/19/07 0:00 7.15
3553 Roy Skaria Central DTP Medium 5/19/07 0:00 0.96
36131 Aleksandra Gannaway West DTP High 5/19/07 0:00 10.17
36131 Aleksandra Gannaway West DTP High 5/20/07 0:00 1.43
59779 Stefania Perrino South Wholesaler Low 5/25/07 0:00 30
58147 Jack O'Briant East DTP High 5/19/07 0:00 3.99
38341 Brendan Murry South DTP Medium 5/19/07 0:00 0.99
59207 Sylvia Foulston East Wholesaler Critical 5/19/07 0:00 81.98
38341 Brendan Murry South Custom Order Medium 5/20/07 0:00 6.27
59207 Roy Collins South DTP Critical 5/20/07 0:00 1.58
20614 Arthur Wiediger South Custom Order Not Specified 5/21/07 0:00 12.14
38341 Brendan Murry South DTP Medium 5/21/07 0:00 4.86
8930 Tony Molinari West DTP Medium 5/22/07 0:00 11.59
55909 Karen Ferguson South DTP Low 5/24/07 0:00 19.99
55909 Karen Ferguson South DTP Low 5/27/07 0:00 5.5
20261 Duane Huffman East Custom Order Medium 5/21/07 0:00 12.62
20261 Duane Huffman East Custom Order Medium 5/22/07 0:00 8.99
2725 Dave Poirier South Custom Order Not Specified 5/22/07 0:00 8.99
5698 Kristina Nunn West DTP Medium 5/22/07 0:00 7.71
20903 Elizabeth Moffitt East Wholesaler High 5/22/07 0:00 35.84
32355 Daniel Byrd East DTP Not Specified 5/23/07 0:00 5.11
20261 Duane Huffman East DTP Medium 5/24/07 0:00 1.02
32355 Daniel Byrd East DTP Not Specified 5/24/07 0:00 9.92
31810 Lisa Ryan West DTP Critical 5/22/07 0:00 7.98
39040 Astrea Jones South Custom Order Critical 5/23/07 0:00 0.7
25472 Bill Shonely East DTP High 5/23/07 0:00 0.8
42949 Adam Bellavance East DTP Not Specified 5/23/07 0:00 3.39
39040 Astrea Jones South DTP Critical 5/23/07 0:00 5
23170 Tim Brockman South Custom Order Not Specified 5/24/07 0:00 18.06
38726 Eugene Hildebrand Central DTP Medium 5/24/07 0:00 1.49
42949 Adam Bellavance East DTP Not Specified 5/24/07 0:00 9.44
13735 Edward Becker West DTP Medium 5/24/07 0:00 1.39
28069 Cyma Kinney Central DTP Low 5/26/07 0:00 0.83
28069 Cyma Kinney Central Custom Order Low 5/27/07 0:00 2.04
46853 Eudokia Martin East DTP Low 5/23/07 0:00 11.25
57666 Mathew Reese South Wholesaler Not Specified 5/23/07 0:00 53.03
834 Eugene Moren West Wholesaler Medium 5/24/07 0:00 56.14
25509 Quincy Jones South DTP Critical 5/25/07 0:00 4.95
22818 Mitch Gastineau East Wholesaler Critical 5/25/07 0:00 30
57666 Mathew Reese South DTP Not Specified 5/26/07 0:00 4.08
22818 Mitch Gastineau East DTP Low 5/27/07 0:00 4
10663 Emily Grady West DTP High 5/24/07 0:00 0.5
55908 Tom Stivers South DTP High 5/25/07 0:00 2.99
26758 Justin Ellison East Custom Order Not Specified 5/26/07 0:00 4
26758 Justin Ellison East DTP Not Specified 5/26/07 0:00 0.7
19431 Nathan Gelder West DTP Not Specified 5/26/07 0:00 1.17
41091 Harold Dahlen Central Custom Order Medium 5/26/07 0:00 18.06
23205 Stuart Calhoun West Custom Order High 5/26/07 0:00 2.83
23205 Stuart Calhoun West Custom Order High 5/26/07 0:00 7.2
23205 Stuart Calhoun West Wholesaler High 5/26/07 0:00 62.74
5760 Nancy Lomonaco West Wholesaler Not Specified 5/26/07 0:00 43.71
12516 Vivek Grady West DTP Low 5/29/07 0:00 5.11
12516 Vivek Grady West Wholesaler Low 5/30/07 0:00 33.6
39335 Mitch Webber Central DTP Not Specified 5/27/07 0:00 2.39
59072 Dianna Vittorini West DTP Not Specified 5/27/07 0:00 5.58
9476 Ruben Dartt East Custom Order Not Specified 5/28/07 0:00 13.18
59072 Dianna Vittorini West Custom Order Not Specified 5/28/07 0:00 7.46
6880 Peter Buhler Central DTP Medium 5/28/07 0:00 5.86
39335 Mitch Webber Central DTP Not Specified 5/28/07 0:00 8.23
3589 Denise Leinenbach South DTP High 5/28/07 0:00 0.49
29637 Bruce Degenhardt West DTP High 5/28/07 0:00 8.51
25445 Tracy Hopkins West DTP Low 5/28/07 0:00 2.99
59072 Dianna Vittorini West DTP Not Specified 5/28/07 0:00 5
51815 Anthony Rawles Central DTP Low 5/27/07 0:00 3
57153 Meg O'Connel East DTP Critical 5/28/07 0:00 1.39
39426 Sara Luxemburg West DTP Critical 5/28/07 0:00 0.8
5222 Tonja Turnell East Wholesaler Not Specified 5/28/07 0:00 60
57153 Meg O'Connel East DTP Critical 5/29/07 0:00 6.12
51815 Anthony Rawles Central DTP Low 6/3/07 0:00 9.92
23076 Dan Reichenbach Central DTP Critical 5/29/07 0:00 5.3
22402 Brad Thomas East DTP Critical 5/29/07 0:00 2.99
22402 Brad Thomas East DTP Critical 5/29/07 0:00 5
17408 Berenike Kampe West Custom Order Not Specified 5/30/07 0:00 7.78
17408 Berenike Kampe West DTP Not Specified 5/30/07 0:00 4.81
21190 Aaron Smayling Central DTP Medium 5/29/07 0:00 6.66
56486 Sheri Gordon Central DTP Critical 5/30/07 0:00 5.35
58337 Rick Duston Central DTP Low 5/31/07 0:00 2.27
16225 Tanja Norvell West DTP Critical 5/31/07 0:00 9.47
6464 Ralph Arnett West DTP Medium 5/31/07 0:00 4.5
6464 Ralph Arnett West DTP Medium 5/31/07 0:00 56.2
50501 John Dryer South DTP High 6/1/07 0:00 6.3
1895 Mitch Willingham South DTP Medium 6/1/07 0:00 7.91
22342 Claudia Miner East DTP Low 6/6/07 0:00 3.3
50374 Susan Vittorini East DTP Not Specified 6/1/07 0:00 9.07
42981 Susan Vittorini East DTP Critical 6/2/07 0:00 19.99
35461 Julie Kriz Central DTP Critical 6/2/07 0:00 1.49
42851 Robert Marley South Custom Order High 6/3/07 0:00 0.7
42851 Robert Marley South Custom Order High 6/3/07 0:00 1.25
35461 Julie Kriz Central DTP Critical 6/3/07 0:00 1.32
52487 Nathan Mautz South DTP Critical 6/3/07 0:00 2.5
5639 Raymond Fair West DTP Medium 6/3/07 0:00 8.78
21766 Steve Carroll East DTP High 6/4/07 0:00 3.73
7398 Craig Carroll West DTP Not Specified 6/4/07 0:00 35
2050 James Galang West DTP Not Specified 6/4/07 0:00 12.53
21766 Steve Carroll East Wholesaler High 6/4/07 0:00 30
7398 Craig Carroll West DTP Not Specified 6/5/07 0:00 2.25
6179 Elpida Rittenbach Central DTP Not Specified 6/4/07 0:00 1.39
48455 Amy Cox West DTP Critical 6/4/07 0:00 6.24
48455 Amy Cox West DTP Critical 6/4/07 0:00 14.91
6179 Elpida Rittenbach Central DTP Not Specified 6/5/07 0:00 8.08
2150 Charles Sheldon East Wholesaler Medium 6/5/07 0:00 29.21
44294 Grace Kelly South Wholesaler Low 6/4/07 0:00 45
11748 Bruce Stewart West Wholesaler Not Specified 6/4/07 0:00 46.2
69 Jonathan Doherty Central Custom Order Not Specified 6/6/07 0:00 0.7
69 Jonathan Doherty Central DTP Not Specified 6/6/07 0:00 3.92
8161 Giulietta Dortch South DTP High 6/6/07 0:00 0.5
44294 Grace Kelly South DTP Low 6/6/07 0:00 8.99
5283 Gary Zandusky South DTP Medium 6/6/07 0:00 7.69
7905 Meg Tillman Central Wholesaler Low 6/8/07 0:00 66.67
47457 Alejandro Savely West DTP Low 6/9/07 0:00 19.99
44294 Grace Kelly South Custom Order Low 6/11/07 0:00 9.68
24647 Mitch Webber Central Custom Order Not Specified 6/6/07 0:00 5.14
52002 Cindy Stewart West Wholesaler High 6/6/07 0:00 69.64
47009 Clytie Kelty South Custom Order Critical 6/7/07 0:00 19.99
24647 Mitch Webber Central DTP Not Specified 6/7/07 0:00 13.99
8614 Tom Boeckenhauer East DTP Low 6/7/07 0:00 5.92
21958 Sally Hughsby South DTP High 6/7/07 0:00 19.99
55392 Christy Brittain South DTP Critical 6/8/07 0:00 1.22
55392 Christy Brittain South DTP Critical 6/9/07 0:00 0.93
6434 Rob Haberlin Central DTP High 6/8/07 0:00 0.88
46499 George Zrebassa South DTP Critical 6/9/07 0:00 4.2
39780 Chuck Sachs East DTP Low 6/10/07 0:00 4.8
19010 Grant Carroll East DTP Low 6/10/07 0:00 19.99
46499 George Zrebassa South DTP Critical 6/10/07 0:00 6.89
50432 Jim Epp West DTP Low 6/10/07 0:00 14.3
50432 Jim Epp West Wholesaler Low 6/13/07 0:00 69.55
39780 Chuck Sachs East DTP Low 6/15/07 0:00 5.79
54342 Pauline Webber South Custom Order Low 6/9/07 0:00 7.18
54342 Pauline Webber South DTP Low 6/9/07 0:00 0.71
17446 Ben Wallace Central Custom Order Critical 6/12/07 0:00 2.64
36230 Tom Prescott Central DTP High 6/11/07 0:00 3.52
24869 Nat Gilpin East DTP Not Specified 6/12/07 0:00 5.6
53476 Steve Nguyen South Custom Order Not Specified 6/12/07 0:00 19.99
53476 Steve Nguyen South DTP Not Specified 6/12/07 0:00 5.09
53476 Steve Nguyen South DTP Not Specified 6/13/07 0:00 0.7
46627 Eva Jacobs West DTP Critical 6/13/07 0:00 5.26
46627 Eva Jacobs West DTP Critical 6/13/07 0:00 6.26
26466 Rick Wilson West DTP Critical 6/13/07 0:00 5.99
5155 Pete Takahito West DTP High 6/13/07 0:00 4
59681 Giulietta Dortch South Custom Order Critical 6/14/07 0:00 6.19
40707 Harold Pawlan South DTP High 6/14/07 0:00 8.99
53476 Steve Nguyen South DTP Not Specified 6/15/07 0:00 0.7
56582 Harold Pawlan South Wholesaler Low 6/13/07 0:00 54.74
48096 Denise Monton Central Custom Order High 6/14/07 0:00 7.86
47872 Brad Thomas East DTP Critical 6/14/07 0:00 4.95
48096 Denise Monton Central DTP High 6/15/07 0:00 8.13
47872 Brad Thomas East DTP Critical 6/15/07 0:00 5.1
8999 Julia Barnett South DTP High 6/15/07 0:00 14.3
29988 Adam Shillingsburg South Wholesaler High 6/15/07 0:00 49
56582 Harold Pawlan South Wholesaler Low 6/15/07 0:00 45.51
42308 Sam Zeldin South DTP Medium 6/16/07 0:00 7.1
56582 Harold Pawlan South DTP Low 6/17/07 0:00 10.12
25347 Theone Pippenger East DTP Low 6/20/07 0:00 7.5
58339 Rick Hansen South DTP High 6/14/07 0:00 0.99
58339 Rick Hansen South Custom Order High 6/15/07 0:00 1.49
37348 Maribeth Dona Central DTP High 6/17/07 0:00 4.96
39430 Edward Becker West DTP Low 6/18/07 0:00 6.5
355 Henry MacAllister Central DTP Low 6/19/07 0:00 0.99
28001 Dianna Arnett South DTP Critical 6/15/07 0:00 21.21
53350 Susan Pistek South DTP Not Specified 6/15/07 0:00 19.99
28001 Dianna Arnett South DTP Critical 6/17/07 0:00 11.54
837 Sean O'Donnell South DTP Not Specified 6/17/07 0:00 0.83
40006 Adam Shillingsburg South DTP Not Specified 6/17/07 0:00 0.7
28161 Chuck Sachs East Wholesaler Not Specified 6/17/07 0:00 46.74
28161 Chuck Sachs East DTP Not Specified 6/18/07 0:00 4
40006 Adam Shillingsburg South DTP Not Specified 6/18/07 0:00 5.41
14528 Karl Brown West DTP Critical 6/18/07 0:00 1.49
22242 Noel Staavos West DTP Not Specified 6/18/07 0:00 9.54
28161 Chuck Sachs East Wholesaler Not Specified 6/18/07 0:00 30
24199 Randy Bradley South DTP Critical 6/18/07 0:00 19.99
57155 Stuart Calhoun West Custom Order Critical 6/19/07 0:00 5.1
224 Bart Folk East DTP Not Specified 6/19/07 0:00 5.21
224 Bart Folk East DTP Not Specified 6/19/07 0:00 15.83
57155 Stuart Calhoun West DTP Critical 6/19/07 0:00 9.68
32038 Stuart Van Central Custom Order Low 6/20/07 0:00 6.96
48931 Charles Sheldon East DTP Low 6/20/07 0:00 6.5
5984 Eric Barreto South DTP Low 6/20/07 0:00 4.95
8545 Barbara Fisher South DTP Low 6/22/07 0:00 5.34
8545 Barbara Fisher South Wholesaler Low 6/22/07 0:00 54.74
48931 Charles Sheldon East DTP Low 6/23/07 0:00 19.99
5984 Eric Barreto South DTP Low 6/23/07 0:00 4.5
5984 Eric Barreto South DTP Low 6/23/07 0:00 5.16
48931 Charles Sheldon East DTP Low 6/25/07 0:00 4
14276 Lela Donovan East DTP Medium 6/20/07 0:00 2.89
46919 Jesus Ocampo East DTP Low 6/21/07 0:00 6.5
9954 Thais Sissman Central Wholesaler Not Specified 6/21/07 0:00 57
9954 Thais Sissman Central DTP Not Specified 6/22/07 0:00 8.27
1218 Craig Carroll West DTP Not Specified 6/23/07 0:00 6.75
42403 Nick Zandusky South DTP Not Specified 6/22/07 0:00 2.24
39812 Greg Matthias West DTP Not Specified 6/23/07 0:00 8.94
23303 Ralph Arnett West DTP Not Specified 6/23/07 0:00 6.22
5446 Guy Armstrong Central DTP Low 6/28/07 0:00 4.8
26854 Charlotte Melton East DTP Not Specified 6/23/07 0:00 8.99
47168 Corinna Mitchell West DTP Not Specified 6/23/07 0:00 9.68
6144 Ralph Kennedy West Wholesaler Critical 6/23/07 0:00 40.19
47168 Corinna Mitchell West Wholesaler Not Specified 6/23/07 0:00 14
6144 Ralph Kennedy West DTP Critical 6/25/07 0:00 0.5
29633 Scott Cohen West DTP Critical 6/24/07 0:00 6.5
3397 Alex Grayson West DTP Medium 6/24/07 0:00 1.49
18080 Sylvia Foulston East Wholesaler High 6/24/07 0:00 26.2
9088 Russell Applegate Central DTP Critical 6/25/07 0:00 8.99
9088 Russell Applegate Central DTP Critical 6/25/07 0:00 19.99
3397 Alex Grayson West DTP Medium 6/25/07 0:00 4
39488 Michael Dominguez West Custom Order Low 6/27/07 0:00 2.5
14182 Bobby Trafton South DTP Low 6/28/07 0:00 8.08
39078 Matt Connell South DTP Low 6/24/07 0:00 3.97
41606 Brad Eason Central DTP High 6/25/07 0:00 0.97
41799 Jonathan Doherty Central DTP High 6/25/07 0:00 4.99
41606 Brad Eason Central Wholesaler High 6/25/07 0:00 55.96
39078 Matt Connell South DTP Low 6/26/07 0:00 5.14
39078 Matt Connell South DTP Low 7/1/07 0:00 11.25
52006 Carlos Meador South DTP Medium 6/26/07 0:00 2.89
19073 Chuck Magee South DTP Not Specified 6/26/07 0:00 5.16
19073 Chuck Magee South Custom Order Not Specified 6/27/07 0:00 1.34
18119 Trudy Bell South DTP Low 6/27/07 0:00 8.29
52006 Carlos Meador South DTP Medium 6/27/07 0:00 10.16
39136 Shirley Jackson West DTP High 6/27/07 0:00 3.99
47938 Lindsay Williams Central DTP Low 7/2/07 0:00 2.5
12228 Brad Norvell East DTP Not Specified 6/26/07 0:00 4.2
36705 Sam Zeldin South Wholesaler Not Specified 6/26/07 0:00 89.3
32582 Tony Chapman West Custom Order Not Specified 6/27/07 0:00 24.49
33250 Guy Thornton West DTP Not Specified 6/28/07 0:00 0.99
12228 Brad Norvell East Wholesaler Not Specified 6/29/07 0:00 30
57507 Logan Haushalter Central DTP Critical 6/30/07 0:00 8.4
20322 Seth Vernon Central DTP Critical 6/29/07 0:00 7.96
20322 Seth Vernon Central Wholesaler Critical 6/29/07 0:00 35.84
20322 Seth Vernon Central DTP Critical 7/1/07 0:00 5.47
18919 Rob Williams South DTP Low 7/4/07 0:00 8.17
31877 Duane Huffman East DTP Medium 6/30/07 0:00 10.16
25063 Emily Grady West DTP Not Specified 6/30/07 0:00 3.3
2211 Vivian Mathis West DTP High 7/1/07 0:00 12.14
55429 Nathan Cano East DTP High 7/2/07 0:00 7.03
2211 Vivian Mathis West DTP High 7/2/07 0:00 11.32
20135 Susan MacKendrick Central DTP Critical 7/1/07 0:00 0.5
42279 Harold Ryan East Custom Order Not Specified 7/2/07 0:00 6.5
36647 Christy Brittain South DTP High 7/2/07 0:00 4.14
55746 Georgia Rosenberg West DTP Not Specified 7/3/07 0:00 5.03
20135 Susan MacKendrick Central Wholesaler Critical 7/3/07 0:00 60
36647 Christy Brittain South DTP High 7/4/07 0:00 9.45
40224 Sally Hughsby South Custom Order Low 7/8/07 0:00 14.48
34374 Frank Olsen South DTP Low 7/8/07 0:00 1.99
47494 Marc Crier Central DTP High 7/2/07 0:00 6.07
47494 Marc Crier Central DTP High 7/3/07 0:00 1.99
41216 Kean Takahito South DTP Not Specified 7/3/07 0:00 6.27
34275 Greg Guthrie Central DTP Low 7/4/07 0:00 0.71
41216 Kean Takahito South Wholesaler Not Specified 7/4/07 0:00 29.21
21602 Jack O'Briant East Wholesaler Critical 7/5/07 0:00 40.19
8997 Tony Sayre East DTP Low 7/6/07 0:00 24.49
34275 Greg Guthrie Central Wholesaler Low 7/7/07 0:00 14.7
54019 Aaron Bergman East Wholesaler Low 7/9/07 0:00 26.3
8997 Tony Sayre East DTP Low 7/11/07 0:00 1.2
57827 Andrew Roberts Central DTP Medium 7/4/07 0:00 5.49
50373 Christina Vanderzanden West DTP Critical 7/4/07 0:00 19.99
46244 Arthur Gainer South Wholesaler Medium 7/4/07 0:00 30
7782 Maxwell Schwartz West Custom Order Critical 7/5/07 0:00 4.5
11527 Ben Wallace Central DTP Medium 7/5/07 0:00 8.99
29287 Edward Hooks East DTP High 7/5/07 0:00 5.01
46244 Arthur Gainer South DTP Medium 7/5/07 0:00 1.99
57827 Andrew Roberts Central Wholesaler Medium 7/5/07 0:00 35.84
29287 Edward Hooks East Wholesaler High 7/5/07 0:00 28.06
47713 Marc Harrigan East DTP High 7/4/07 0:00 5.92
37987 Michael Moore Central DTP High 7/5/07 0:00 0.49
37987 Michael Moore Central Wholesaler High 7/5/07 0:00 43.75
27840 Maria Bertelson East Wholesaler High 7/5/07 0:00 66.27
30785 Neil Ducich East DTP High 7/6/07 0:00 8.73
43172 Liz Willingham South DTP Low 7/6/07 0:00 0.7
30785 Neil Ducich East DTP High 7/7/07 0:00 1.09
22695 Joy Smith Central DTP Low 7/9/07 0:00 2.06
53312 Edward Nazzal South DTP Medium 7/6/07 0:00 7.49
36067 Dave Poirier South Custom Order High 7/7/07 0:00 19.99
56002 Dave Hallsten Central DTP Low 7/7/07 0:00 6.71
56002 Dave Hallsten Central DTP Low 7/7/07 0:00 69
1287 Mitch Willingham South DTP High 7/7/07 0:00 10.12
53312 Edward Nazzal South DTP Medium 7/7/07 0:00 19.99
41282 Eileen Kiefer South DTP Medium 7/7/07 0:00 12.98
32706 Matt Abelman East Wholesaler Critical 7/7/07 0:00 12.06
56002 Dave Hallsten Central DTP Low 7/9/07 0:00 4.86
56002 Dave Hallsten Central DTP Low 7/12/07 0:00 19.99
27013 Fred Harton West DTP Low 7/6/07 0:00 35
27013 Fred Harton West DTP Low 7/10/07 0:00 35
3649 Brad Thomas East DTP Low 7/11/07 0:00 6.28
3649 Brad Thomas East DTP Low 7/15/07 0:00 0.99
24132 Justin Knight Central DTP Low 7/7/07 0:00 6.05
39744 Anne Pryor Central DTP Medium 7/8/07 0:00 8.99
23844 Michael Granlund East DTP Not Specified 7/8/07 0:00 0.5
58727 Vivian Mathis West DTP Medium 7/8/07 0:00 6.93
39744 Anne Pryor Central DTP Medium 7/9/07 0:00 2.06
39744 Anne Pryor Central DTP Medium 7/9/07 0:00 5.92
23844 Michael Granlund East DTP Not Specified 7/9/07 0:00 10.56
48416 Ken Dana West DTP Not Specified 7/9/07 0:00 4.91
24132 Justin Knight Central DTP Low 7/12/07 0:00 2.99
24132 Justin Knight Central DTP Low 7/12/07 0:00 4
24132 Justin Knight Central DTP Low 7/14/07 0:00 28.33
24132 Justin Knight Central DTP Low 7/16/07 0:00 6.83
53894 Cathy Armstrong Central Custom Order Critical 7/8/07 0:00 8.08
20513 Aaron Bergman East Custom Order High 7/9/07 0:00 0.93
53894 Cathy Armstrong Central DTP Critical 7/9/07 0:00 74.3
12480 Steve Nguyen South Wholesaler Medium 7/9/07 0:00 32.18
40902 Susan Vittorini East DTP Low 7/10/07 0:00 6.05
36932 Troy Blackwell Central DTP Low 7/13/07 0:00 5.1
10305 Julia Barnett South DTP Low 7/13/07 0:00 2.03
37447 Noel Staavos West DTP Low 7/13/07 0:00 8.49
37696 Valerie Dominguez Central DTP Not Specified 7/10/07 0:00 1.3
28933 Shirley Jackson West DTP Critical 7/11/07 0:00 6
40547 Craig Rider South Custom Order Critical 7/12/07 0:00 13.99
49830 Ionia McGrath South Custom Order Critical 7/12/07 0:00 8.99
37696 Valerie Dominguez Central DTP Not Specified 7/12/07 0:00 5.44
49830 Ionia McGrath South DTP Critical 7/12/07 0:00 19.99
26629 Muhammed Yedwab East DTP High 7/12/07 0:00 24.49
26629 Muhammed Yedwab East DTP High 7/13/07 0:00 1.25
47621 David Kendrick South Custom Order Critical 7/14/07 0:00 5.3
23877 Nicole Brennan West DTP Not Specified 7/13/07 0:00 8.8
33635 Darrin Martin South DTP High 7/14/07 0:00 35
19457 Alice McCarthy West DTP High 7/14/07 0:00 0.5
33635 Darrin Martin South Wholesaler High 7/14/07 0:00 28
20706 Jennifer Patt South Custom Order High 7/15/07 0:00 24.49
19457 Alice McCarthy West Custom Order High 7/15/07 0:00 3
23877 Nicole Brennan West Custom Order Not Specified 7/15/07 0:00 1.99
19232 Cynthia Arntzen Central DTP Low 7/15/07 0:00 1.5
26372 Ralph Kennedy West DTP Low 7/17/07 0:00 1.99
19232 Cynthia Arntzen Central DTP Low 7/18/07 0:00 5.22
19232 Cynthia Arntzen Central Wholesaler Low 7/20/07 0:00 41.91
57412 Carl Weiss East DTP Low 7/14/07 0:00 5.03
34565 Valerie Takahito West DTP Medium 7/15/07 0:00 4.2
41696 Bryan Mills Central Custom Order Not Specified 7/16/07 0:00 49
23778 Carlos Meador South DTP Low 7/18/07 0:00 49
48034 Robert Waldorf South Wholesaler Not Specified 7/15/07 0:00 59.24
48034 Robert Waldorf South DTP Not Specified 7/16/07 0:00 5.53
3175 Bradley Drucker West DTP Low 7/17/07 0:00 19.99
41189 Stephanie Phelps East DTP Low 7/20/07 0:00 1.34
13380 Rob Dowd West DTP Critical 7/16/07 0:00 0.7
32199 Erica Bern Central DTP High 7/17/07 0:00 4.97
32199 Erica Bern Central DTP High 7/17/07 0:00 24.49
31043 Bobby Odegard East DTP High 7/17/07 0:00 5.29
32199 Erica Bern Central DTP High 7/18/07 0:00 1.2
13313 Skye Norling East DTP Not Specified 7/18/07 0:00 13.99
46656 Nora Pelletier South DTP High 7/18/07 0:00 12.98
54560 Barbara Fisher South Custom Order Critical 7/19/07 0:00 4.99
5572 Anna Gayman East DTP High 7/19/07 0:00 5.53
13313 Skye Norling East DTP Not Specified 7/19/07 0:00 7.5
13313 Skye Norling East DTP Not Specified 7/19/07 0:00 14.37
13313 Skye Norling East DTP Not Specified 7/20/07 0:00 3.14
54560 Barbara Fisher South DTP Critical 7/20/07 0:00 1.99
32070 Patrick Jones South DTP Medium 7/18/07 0:00 4.86
38982 Liz Carlisle Central DTP Not Specified 7/19/07 0:00 1.99
55553 John Castell East DTP Medium 7/19/07 0:00 1.39
22919 Irene Maddox West DTP Critical 7/19/07 0:00 0.5
18147 Bruce Degenhardt West DTP Not Specified 7/19/07 0:00 7.16
4321 Pauline Chand East Custom Order Medium 7/20/07 0:00 19.99
11843 Cindy Chapman West DTP Medium 7/20/07 0:00 1.99
11843 Cindy Chapman West Wholesaler Medium 7/20/07 0:00 56.14
24228 Anne Pryor Central DTP Low 7/22/07 0:00 2.58
55846 Cari MacIntyre South DTP Not Specified 7/21/07 0:00 6.05
5441 Brendan Sweed Central DTP Not Specified 7/22/07 0:00 4.96
55847 Neil French South DTP Not Specified 7/22/07 0:00 0.99
37542 Adam Shillingsburg South Custom Order Medium 7/23/07 0:00 7.69
5441 Brendan Sweed Central DTP Not Specified 7/23/07 0:00 6.6
25060 Brosina Hoffman West DTP Not Specified 7/23/07 0:00 19.99
25060 Brosina Hoffman West Wholesaler Not Specified 7/23/07 0:00 14.7
55847 Neil French South DTP Not Specified 7/24/07 0:00 5.36
33350 Kelly Andreada South DTP Not Specified 7/22/07 0:00 19.99
41316 John Castell East DTP Not Specified 7/23/07 0:00 2.99
42310 Julia Dunbar West DTP Critical 7/23/07 0:00 8.99
43079 Giulietta Weimer West DTP Medium 7/23/07 0:00 4
6823 Todd Boyes West DTP Not Specified 7/23/07 0:00 2.99
48961 John Lucas South Custom Order Not Specified 7/24/07 0:00 7.69
43813 Carlos Meador South DTP Not Specified 7/24/07 0:00 17.78
48961 John Lucas South DTP Not Specified 7/24/07 0:00 16.87
6823 Todd Boyes West DTP Not Specified 7/24/07 0:00 8.99
41316 John Castell East DTP Not Specified 7/25/07 0:00 5.99
50917 Sally Hughsby South DTP Low 7/26/07 0:00 1.99
50823 Nancy Lomonaco West DTP Low 7/27/07 0:00 7.18
56612 Joseph Airdo Central DTP High 7/23/07 0:00 5.92
16451 Don Jones East DTP Not Specified 7/24/07 0:00 2.99
13030 Nancy Lomonaco West Custom Order Medium 7/25/07 0:00 7.01
37825 Matt Collister West DTP Low 7/25/07 0:00 4.98
37825 Matt Collister West DTP Low 7/30/07 0:00 1.6
14112 Paul Lucas West Custom Order Low 7/25/07 0:00 13.66
9092 Jeremy Pistek South Custom Order Not Specified 7/26/07 0:00 35
34882 Carol Triggs Central DTP Critical 7/26/07 0:00 1.49
29667 Astrea Jones South DTP Not Specified 7/26/07 0:00 10.91
9092 Jeremy Pistek South DTP Not Specified 7/26/07 0:00 4.9
34087 Jim Sink South DTP Low 7/29/07 0:00 5.26
22119 Stewart Carmichael Central DTP Low 7/30/07 0:00 19.99
16768 Andrew Allen Central DTP High 7/27/07 0:00 4.5
10692 Rob Haberlin Central DTP Low 7/27/07 0:00 8.99
48453 Victoria Wilson West DTP Medium 7/27/07 0:00 4.95
10692 Rob Haberlin Central DTP Low 7/29/07 0:00 4.17
57794 Edward Becker West DTP Low 7/29/07 0:00 6.07
24933 Shahid Shariari West DTP Low 7/29/07 0:00 2.27
44867 Max Jones West Wholesaler High 7/29/07 0:00 26
24933 Shahid Shariari West Wholesaler Low 7/29/07 0:00 57.38
902 Meg O'Connel East DTP Not Specified 7/30/07 0:00 0.99
10692 Rob Haberlin Central DTP Low 7/31/07 0:00 4.2
33699 Troy Staebel South Wholesaler Low 7/31/07 0:00 70.2
33699 Troy Staebel South DTP Low 8/1/07 0:00 1.34
33699 Troy Staebel South DTP Low 8/3/07 0:00 7.04
9606 Darrin Martin South DTP Not Specified 7/28/07 0:00 0.49
19078 Brendan Dodson East DTP Critical 7/29/07 0:00 4.98
44708 Allen Rosenblatt East DTP Not Specified 7/29/07 0:00 4.08
3459 Gary McGarr Central Custom Order Not Specified 7/30/07 0:00 8.99
9606 Darrin Martin South Custom Order Not Specified 7/30/07 0:00 2.04
21538 Mark Packer West DTP Medium 7/30/07 0:00 0.96
53029 Max Ludwig South DTP Low 8/2/07 0:00 0.5
24644 Tony Molinari West Wholesaler Critical 7/30/07 0:00 70.2
24644 Tony Molinari West Custom Order Critical 7/31/07 0:00 4.5
29286 Alan Dominguez West Wholesaler Critical 7/31/07 0:00 8.73
8551 Meg O'Connel East DTP Critical 8/1/07 0:00 7.86
32420 Christy Brittain South DTP Medium 8/1/07 0:00 5.14
32420 Christy Brittain South Wholesaler Medium 8/1/07 0:00 57
8551 Meg O'Connel East DTP Critical 8/2/07 0:00 6.28
28130 Guy Thornton West Custom Order Low 7/31/07 0:00 6.77
43399 Cari MacIntyre South DTP High 8/1/07 0:00 1.57
43399 Cari MacIntyre South DTP High 8/2/07 0:00 1.97
26279 Edward Nazzal South DTP Not Specified 8/2/07 0:00 1.25
43399 Cari MacIntyre South Wholesaler High 8/2/07 0:00 69.64
28130 Guy Thornton West Custom Order Low 8/4/07 0:00 13.18
33959 Ben Peterman East Wholesaler Critical 8/2/07 0:00 27.75
18753 Erin Creighton Central DTP Medium 8/3/07 0:00 12.65
18753 Erin Creighton Central Wholesaler Medium 8/3/07 0:00 30
29187 Rick Wilson West DTP Low 8/5/07 0:00 22.4
29187 Rick Wilson West DTP Low 8/8/07 0:00 8.19
29187 Rick Wilson West Wholesaler Low 8/8/07 0:00 55.3
18179 Liz Price West DTP Not Specified 8/2/07 0:00 1.99
14311 Brian Stugart East DTP Critical 8/3/07 0:00 5.19
18179 Liz Price West DTP Not Specified 8/3/07 0:00 0.99
18179 Liz Price West DTP Not Specified 8/4/07 0:00 1.79
26881 Ken Dana West Wholesaler Low 8/6/07 0:00 110.2
39589 Olvera Toch West DTP Critical 8/3/07 0:00 0.5
39589 Olvera Toch West DTP Critical 8/4/07 0:00 1.49
55298 Bryan Mills Central Wholesaler Critical 8/4/07 0:00 64.73
24294 Thomas Seio East Wholesaler Not Specified 8/4/07 0:00 15.59
45539 Grant Thornton East Custom Order Not Specified 8/5/07 0:00 1.99
54567 Nicole Hansen East DTP Medium 8/5/07 0:00 5.41
45539 Grant Thornton East DTP Not Specified 8/5/07 0:00 0.85
56516 Stefania Perrino South DTP Medium 8/5/07 0:00 5.26
56516 Stefania Perrino South DTP Medium 8/6/07 0:00 2.5
38978 Nick Zandusky South Wholesaler Low 8/6/07 0:00 30
50981 Sean O'Donnell South DTP Critical 8/5/07 0:00 8.99
16419 Joy Smith Central DTP Not Specified 8/6/07 0:00 5.67
11714 Tamara Willingham East DTP Critical 8/6/07 0:00 7.42
12389 Michael Granlund East DTP Medium 8/6/07 0:00 8.6
11714 Tamara Willingham East Wholesaler Critical 8/6/07 0:00 8.73
37319 Victoria Brennan East DTP Critical 8/7/07 0:00 4.5
12389 Michael Granlund East DTP Medium 8/7/07 0:00 7.18
57504 Sarah Brown South DTP Not Specified 8/8/07 0:00 1.39
20007 Nicole Hansen East DTP Not Specified 8/7/07 0:00 1.57
33090 Deanra Eno South DTP Medium 8/7/07 0:00 12.9
23333 Michael Dominguez West DTP Medium 8/7/07 0:00 6.75
23333 Michael Dominguez West DTP Medium 8/7/07 0:00 8.99
25507 Ed Braxton West DTP Not Specified 8/7/07 0:00 35
4870 Luke Foster West Wholesaler Medium 8/7/07 0:00 42.52
34435 Justin Hirsh West DTP Low 8/8/07 0:00 2.89
23333 Michael Dominguez West DTP Medium 8/8/07 0:00 5.79
31426 Greg Maxwell West DTP Low 8/10/07 0:00 2.5
39367 Dennis Bolton East DTP Critical 8/8/07 0:00 5.04
44995 Maria Etezadi East DTP High 8/8/07 0:00 8.59
25638 Ivan Gibson West DTP High 8/8/07 0:00 2.06
25638 Ivan Gibson West DTP High 8/8/07 0:00 4.93
56960 Jim Epp West Custom Order High 8/9/07 0:00 4.2
42309 Meg Tillman Central DTP Low 8/9/07 0:00 6.32
39367 Dennis Bolton East DTP Critical 8/9/07 0:00 2.5
49666 Jasper Cacioppo South Custom Order Low 8/11/07 0:00 3.6
29252 Anthony Johnson East DTP Low 8/11/07 0:00 5.19
42309 Meg Tillman Central DTP Low 8/12/07 0:00 2.5
42309 Meg Tillman Central DTP Low 8/12/07 0:00 2.58
57381 Paul Van Hugh Central DTP High 8/8/07 0:00 0.7
24231 Dennis Kane South DTP Not Specified 8/8/07 0:00 5.92
57381 Paul Van Hugh Central DTP High 8/9/07 0:00 2.99
38886 Victoria Brennan East Custom Order High 8/10/07 0:00 1.56
53410 Christopher Schild Central DTP Critical 8/10/07 0:00 13.32
47941 Evan Bailliet Central DTP High 8/9/07 0:00 4.9
17927 Janet Lee Central DTP Medium 8/11/07 0:00 5.99
48388 Marina Lichtenstein Central DTP High 8/12/07 0:00 5.01
3136 Paul Prost South DTP Not Specified 8/12/07 0:00 8.99
39521 Jim Epp West DTP Low 8/14/07 0:00 0.99
21636 Fred Wasserman East DTP Low 8/11/07 0:00 3.3
45731 Gene Hale West Custom Order Critical 8/12/07 0:00 6.22
10464 Brendan Sweed Central DTP Critical 8/12/07 0:00 6.07
45731 Matt Abelman East Wholesaler Critical 8/12/07 0:00 154.12
48327 Jennifer Jackson East DTP Not Specified 8/13/07 0:00 3.85
45731 Gene Hale West DTP Critical 8/13/07 0:00 3.3
21636 Fred Wasserman East DTP Low 8/16/07 0:00 4.69
54949 Shaun Chance South DTP Low 8/16/07 0:00 6.81
21636 Fred Wasserman East Custom Order Low 8/18/07 0:00 15.1
54949 Shaun Chance South Wholesaler Low 8/18/07 0:00 53.03
20709 Gary Mitchum South DTP High 8/12/07 0:00 0.99
46018 Justin Ellison East Wholesaler Medium 8/13/07 0:00 14
20389 Liz Price West Custom Order High 8/14/07 0:00 7.5
20709 Gary Mitchum South DTP High 8/14/07 0:00 0.49
56163 Claire Good South DTP Not Specified 8/14/07 0:00 5.08
20389 Liz Price West DTP High 8/14/07 0:00 7.94
20389 Liz Price West Wholesaler High 8/14/07 0:00 41.91
55330 Brad Thomas East DTP Medium 8/13/07 0:00 5.16
5894 Ann Chong East DTP High 8/14/07 0:00 1.49
18723 Jonathan Howell West DTP Medium 8/15/07 0:00 2.5
45573 Sonia Sunley Central Wholesaler High 8/15/07 0:00 30
5894 Ann Chong East DTP High 8/16/07 0:00 4.5
52867 Jack O'Briant East Wholesaler High 8/15/07 0:00 51.94
18049 Liz Carlisle Central DTP Medium 8/16/07 0:00 5.46
37760 Barry Gonzalez Central DTP High 8/16/07 0:00 1.99
29956 Steve Carroll East DTP Critical 8/16/07 0:00 0.83
11840 Yoseph Carroll East DTP Critical 8/16/07 0:00 2.5
15971 Elizabeth Moffitt East DTP High 8/16/07 0:00 8.99
42343 Berenike Kampe West DTP Critical 8/16/07 0:00 17.48
41636 MaryBeth Skach West DTP Critical 8/16/07 0:00 5.81
6406 Mick Crebagga Central DTP Critical 8/17/07 0:00 2.56
37760 Barry Gonzalez Central DTP High 8/17/07 0:00 0.99
14115 Jim Mitchum Central DTP Not Specified 8/17/07 0:00 5.41
14115 Jim Mitchum Central DTP Not Specified 8/17/07 0:00 10.78
41636 MaryBeth Skach West DTP Critical 8/17/07 0:00 4.23
41636 MaryBeth Skach West DTP Critical 8/17/07 0:00 7.78
42343 Berenike Kampe West Wholesaler Critical 8/17/07 0:00 26.85
56260 Julie Kriz Central DTP Not Specified 8/17/07 0:00 7.91
30467 John Castell East DTP Critical 8/17/07 0:00 19.99
47910 Brad Thomas East DTP High 8/17/07 0:00 19.99
15751 Maya Herman South DTP Critical 8/17/07 0:00 0.49
15751 Maya Herman South DTP Critical 8/17/07 0:00 0.99
34177 Toby Braunhardt South DTP High 8/17/07 0:00 0.49
34177 Toby Braunhardt South DTP High 8/17/07 0:00 2.5
50310 Sarah Foster West Custom Order Medium 8/18/07 0:00 4.62
26949 Aaron Hawkins South DTP Critical 8/18/07 0:00 7.29
50310 Sarah Foster West DTP Medium 8/18/07 0:00 4
34177 Toby Braunhardt South DTP High 8/19/07 0:00 0.5
50310 Sarah Foster West Wholesaler Medium 8/19/07 0:00 42
38598 Chloris Kastensmidt East Wholesaler Low 8/20/07 0:00 44.55
38598 Chloris Kastensmidt East DTP Low 8/21/07 0:00 4.95
38598 Chloris Kastensmidt East DTP Low 8/23/07 0:00 11.28
37830 Tamara Willingham East Custom Order Not Specified 8/19/07 0:00 5.37
46469 Adam Shillingsburg South DTP Critical 8/19/07 0:00 4.7
23392 Jennifer Ferguson South DTP Medium 8/19/07 0:00 69
46469 Adam Shillingsburg South Wholesaler Critical 8/19/07 0:00 30
9893 Edward Nazzal South Wholesaler Medium 8/20/07 0:00 30
29346 Janet Martin South DTP Low 8/21/07 0:00 6.97
55840 Jas O'Carroll East DTP Medium 8/18/07 0:00 4.86
40647 Naresj Patel West DTP High 8/19/07 0:00 19.99
2790 Maribeth Dona Central Custom Order High 8/20/07 0:00 5.53
2790 Maribeth Dona Central DTP High 8/20/07 0:00 7.46
2790 Maribeth Dona Central DTP High 8/21/07 0:00 8.22
10437 Don Jones East DTP Critical 8/21/07 0:00 13.18
21861 Tom Zandusky West DTP Critical 8/21/07 0:00 3.61
13536 Aleksandra Gannaway West DTP Medium 8/21/07 0:00 2.04
2790 Maribeth Dona Central Wholesaler High 8/21/07 0:00 49
53254 Noel Staavos West DTP Medium 8/22/07 0:00 4.99
1762 Lisa Hazard East Custom Order Not Specified 8/21/07 0:00 1.1
1762 Lisa Hazard East DTP Not Specified 8/21/07 0:00 2.5
1762 Lisa Hazard East DTP Not Specified 8/22/07 0:00 1.99
45410 Michael Grace South DTP Low 8/25/07 0:00 19.99
19175 Frank Merwin West DTP Low 8/27/07 0:00 5.31
33888 Heather Kirkland East DTP Not Specified 8/22/07 0:00 11.25
33888 Heather Kirkland East Wholesaler Not Specified 8/23/07 0:00 28.66
33888 Heather Kirkland East DTP Not Specified 8/24/07 0:00 7.19
2433 Cari Sayre West Wholesaler Not Specified 8/22/07 0:00 14.7
9187 Daniel Lacy West DTP High 8/23/07 0:00 5.15
43301 Matthew Grinstein East Wholesaler Critical 8/23/07 0:00 42
43301 Matthew Grinstein East DTP Critical 8/24/07 0:00 35
9187 Daniel Lacy West DTP High 8/24/07 0:00 8.99
43779 Lindsay Castell Central DTP High 8/25/07 0:00 21.21
41825 Sylvia Foulston East Wholesaler Critical 8/23/07 0:00 60.2
44196 Cynthia Delaney Central DTP Not Specified 8/24/07 0:00 5.31
41825 Patrick Gardner South DTP Critical 8/24/07 0:00 4
24162 Sean Braxton Central Wholesaler Not Specified 8/24/07 0:00 16.01
44196 Cynthia Delaney Central DTP Not Specified 8/25/07 0:00 2.04
24162 Sean Braxton Central DTP Not Specified 8/25/07 0:00 2.03
57542 John Lucas South DTP High 8/25/07 0:00 6.79
52897 Larry Tron South DTP Medium 8/25/07 0:00 5.86
6112 Arianne Irving Central Wholesaler Medium 8/24/07 0:00 80.2
43206 John Dryer South Custom Order Medium 8/25/07 0:00 1.99
25031 Sally Knutson Central DTP High 8/25/07 0:00 4.7
6112 Arianne Irving Central DTP Medium 8/25/07 0:00 5.92
10886 Quincy Jones South Wholesaler Critical 8/25/07 0:00 56.14
25031 Sally Knutson Central DTP High 8/26/07 0:00 69
10886 Quincy Jones South DTP Critical 8/26/07 0:00 4.08
19429 Dean Katz South Wholesaler Not Specified 8/25/07 0:00 51.94
49799 Keith Dawkins Central DTP High 8/26/07 0:00 8.99
53441 Clytie Kelty South DTP Medium 8/26/07 0:00 5.79
31111 Monica Federle East DTP Not Specified 8/27/07 0:00 5.83
28897 Ed Ludwig West DTP Medium 8/27/07 0:00 26.88
49799 Keith Dawkins Central Wholesaler High 8/27/07 0:00 85.63
29350 Eric Barreto South Custom Order High 8/27/07 0:00 13.89
29350 Eric Barreto South DTP High 8/28/07 0:00 16.11
17670 Sean O'Donnell South DTP Medium 8/28/07 0:00 0.5
29350 Eric Barreto South DTP High 8/29/07 0:00 4.53
28486 Carlos Daly East DTP High 8/28/07 0:00 11.37
21985 Lynn Smith West Wholesaler Critical 8/28/07 0:00 28.16
21985 Lynn Smith West Wholesaler Critical 8/29/07 0:00 53.03
13927 Dan Reichenbach Central Custom Order Low 9/3/07 0:00 5.16
10658 Joni Wasserman South DTP Low 8/28/07 0:00 9.4
32611 Neil Knudson West DTP Medium 8/28/07 0:00 5.02
32611 Neil Knudson West Custom Order Medium 8/29/07 0:00 5.5
32611 Neil Knudson West Wholesaler Medium 8/29/07 0:00 30
15108 Delfina Latchford East DTP High 8/30/07 0:00 17.48
47813 Dianna Arnett South DTP High 8/30/07 0:00 5.66
32611 Neil Knudson West DTP Medium 8/30/07 0:00 1.49
10658 Joni Wasserman South DTP Low 9/1/07 0:00 1.99
10658 Joni Wasserman South DTP Low 9/4/07 0:00 8.99
21479 Patrick O'Donnell West Custom Order Medium 8/30/07 0:00 6.57
37281 Roy Skaria Central DTP Medium 8/30/07 0:00 4.81
33732 Heather Jas West DTP Not Specified 8/30/07 0:00 6.22
47877 Jennifer Patt South DTP Medium 8/31/07 0:00 69
47877 Jennifer Patt South Wholesaler Medium 8/31/07 0:00 69.64
47877 Jennifer Patt South DTP Medium 9/1/07 0:00 3.26
33569 Matthew Clasen South DTP Low 9/2/07 0:00 5.3
6727 Stuart Van Central DTP Low 8/30/07 0:00 0.5
18402 Deanra Eno South DTP Low 8/30/07 0:00 14.37
18402 Deanra Eno South Wholesaler Low 9/6/07 0:00 69.55
23652 Sara Luxemburg West DTP Not Specified 8/31/07 0:00 2.36
14756 Steve Chapman South DTP Low 9/1/07 0:00 6.15
53123 Michael Kennedy Central DTP Not Specified 9/3/07 0:00 5.14
20128 Chuck Clark East DTP Not Specified 9/3/07 0:00 1.99
20128 Chuck Clark East DTP Not Specified 9/3/07 0:00 19.99
47974 Frank Merwin West DTP Medium 9/3/07 0:00 1.34
1031 Sanjit Jacobs West DTP Medium 9/3/07 0:00 5.19
20390 Sandra Flanagan West DTP Not Specified 9/3/07 0:00 1.92
20390 Sandra Flanagan West Custom Order Not Specified 9/4/07 0:00 7.53
45988 David Kendrick South Custom Order Critical 9/3/07 0:00 56.2
54464 Joseph Airdo Central DTP High 9/3/07 0:00 4.86
54464 Joseph Airdo Central DTP High 9/4/07 0:00 10.49
14055 Keith Dawkins Central DTP High 9/4/07 0:00 3.63
27555 Ralph Knight East DTP Critical 9/4/07 0:00 1.72
47173 Aleksandra Gannaway West DTP Not Specified 9/4/07 0:00 5.03
1985 Katherine Murray West DTP Not Specified 9/4/07 0:00 5.67
1985 Katherine Murray West Wholesaler Not Specified 9/4/07 0:00 14.7
54151 Amy Cox West DTP Critical 9/4/07 0:00 2.46
51619 Stephanie Ulpright West DTP Not Specified 9/4/07 0:00 20.99
51619 Stephanie Ulpright West Wholesaler Not Specified 9/4/07 0:00 58.92
51619 Stephanie Ulpright West DTP Not Specified 9/5/07 0:00 7.01
52357 Bobby Odegard East DTP Not Specified 9/6/07 0:00 4.8
26567 Sylvia Foulston East DTP Critical 9/5/07 0:00 7.78
25824 Christine Abelman Central DTP Medium 9/6/07 0:00 25.12
26567 Sylvia Foulston East DTP Critical 9/6/07 0:00 8.08
26567 Sylvia Foulston East DTP Critical 9/6/07 0:00 8.99
42342 Bill Eplett South DTP Not Specified 9/6/07 0:00 5.09
25824 Christine Abelman Central Wholesaler Medium 9/6/07 0:00 85.63
25824 Christine Abelman Central DTP Medium 9/7/07 0:00 4.9
11680 Aleksandra Gannaway West DTP Medium 9/7/07 0:00 8.99
42342 Bill Eplett South Wholesaler Not Specified 9/7/07 0:00 61.76
26567 Sylvia Foulston East Custom Order Critical 9/8/07 0:00 8.99
49990 Evan Minnotte Central Wholesaler Not Specified 9/6/07 0:00 14.7
34311 Mike Pelletier East DTP High 9/7/07 0:00 3.97
51714 Lauren Leatherbury East DTP Not Specified 9/7/07 0:00 5.37
51968 Sharelle Roach South DTP Medium 9/7/07 0:00 0.99
36867 Speros Goranitis Central Custom Order High 9/8/07 0:00 24.49
36867 Speros Goranitis Central DTP High 9/8/07 0:00 0.7
34311 Mike Pelletier East DTP High 9/8/07 0:00 9.69
11392 Sarah Bern West DTP Low 9/8/07 0:00 1.49
38913 David Kendrick South DTP Not Specified 9/7/07 0:00 12.62
39845 Shaun Weien East DTP Critical 9/8/07 0:00 4.78
48167 Sylvia Foulston East DTP Critical 9/8/07 0:00 8.88
48167 Sylvia Foulston East Wholesaler Critical 9/8/07 0:00 60
9668 Christine Sundaresam West DTP Low 9/9/07 0:00 2.99
48775 Craig Carroll West DTP Low 9/9/07 0:00 6.86
48167 Sylvia Foulston East Wholesaler Critical 9/10/07 0:00 70.2
10052 Dan Campbell South DTP Not Specified 9/9/07 0:00 0.91
10052 Dan Campbell South DTP Not Specified 9/10/07 0:00 11.56
37926 Rick Hansen South DTP Critical 9/11/07 0:00 2.36
5317 Christopher Martinez Central Custom Order Low 9/16/07 0:00 2.99
5317 Christopher Martinez Central DTP Low 9/16/07 0:00 5.26
5317 Christopher Martinez Central Wholesaler Low 9/16/07 0:00 53.48
55648 Sung Shariari South DTP Critical 9/13/07 0:00 0.7
3746 Alan Dominguez West DTP Not Specified 9/11/07 0:00 2.5
3746 Alan Dominguez West DTP Not Specified 9/12/07 0:00 5.79
43590 Harold Ryan East Custom Order Critical 9/13/07 0:00 12.65
12099 Cindy Stewart West Custom Order Critical 9/12/07 0:00 0.5
13280 Grant Carroll East DTP High 9/13/07 0:00 5.03
13280 Grant Carroll East DTP High 9/13/07 0:00 7.46
44836 Tamara Willingham East DTP Medium 9/13/07 0:00 1.49
44487 Helen Wasserman South DTP Critical 9/13/07 0:00 5.29
10629 Helen Wasserman South Custom Order Critical 9/14/07 0:00 9.17
44487 Helen Wasserman South DTP Critical 9/14/07 0:00 4.53
10629 Helen Wasserman South DTP Critical 9/14/07 0:00 10.16
56901 Paul MacIntyre South DTP Critical 9/14/07 0:00 2.4
12099 Cindy Stewart West DTP Critical 9/14/07 0:00 1.02
49891 Darrin Sayre East DTP Not Specified 9/13/07 0:00 0.5
41221 Eugene Hildebrand Central DTP Critical 9/14/07 0:00 35
38145 Amy Cox West DTP Not Specified 9/14/07 0:00 4.8
1313 Sally Matthias East DTP Critical 9/15/07 0:00 16.92
49891 Darrin Sayre East DTP Not Specified 9/15/07 0:00 1.49
38145 Amy Cox West DTP Not Specified 9/15/07 0:00 1.49
40928 Patrick Ryan South DTP Low 9/18/07 0:00 0.99
9888 Adam Shillingsburg South DTP Low 9/20/07 0:00 8.99
46721 Nick Radford South DTP Medium 9/15/07 0:00 28.06
4772 Neil Knudson West DTP Critical 9/15/07 0:00 8.99
10528 Michael Grace South Custom Order Medium 9/16/07 0:00 9.47
29860 Skye Norling East DTP Critical 9/17/07 0:00 19.99
38080 Jim Mitchum Central DTP Not Specified 9/16/07 0:00 4.7
7269 Muhammed Yedwab East DTP Medium 9/16/07 0:00 3.99
7297 Debra Catini West DTP High 9/16/07 0:00 1.99
7297 Debra Catini West DTP High 9/16/07 0:00 19.99
7297 Debra Catini West Wholesaler High 9/16/07 0:00 76.37
25831 Tracy Blumstein West DTP Medium 9/17/07 0:00 4.99
53412 Eric Hoffmann Central DTP Critical 9/17/07 0:00 11.1
35558 Carlos Soltero Central DTP Critical 9/18/07 0:00 8.78
46437 Mick Brown West DTP Medium 9/18/07 0:00 7.87
44352 Jeremy Farry West DTP Not Specified 9/18/07 0:00 1.35
18855 Ed Jacobs South DTP High 9/19/07 0:00 7.72
54243 Christina DeMoss West Custom Order Low 9/17/07 0:00 69
17764 Don Miller East DTP Low 9/17/07 0:00 16.87
27330 Mark Cousins East DTP Low 9/17/07 0:00 52.2
43974 Harold Dahlen Central DTP Not Specified 9/18/07 0:00 1.39
21121 Erin Mull South DTP Not Specified 9/18/07 0:00 19.99
34880 Philip Brown West DTP High 9/18/07 0:00 5.19
10371 Melanie Page West Custom Order High 9/19/07 0:00 7.42
57734 Dan Campbell South DTP High 9/19/07 0:00 17.8
27330 Mark Cousins East Wholesaler Low 9/26/07 0:00 14.7
29410 Linda Cazamias West DTP Critical 9/18/07 0:00 7.11
38915 Ben Ferrer West DTP Medium 9/19/07 0:00 9.23
31619 Pete Kriz Central DTP Low 9/20/07 0:00 9.2
29410 Linda Cazamias West DTP Critical 9/20/07 0:00 4.2
38915 Ben Ferrer West DTP Medium 9/20/07 0:00 4
41412 Shahid Shariari West DTP Not Specified 9/20/07 0:00 7.78
31619 Pete Kriz Central DTP Low 9/25/07 0:00 3.99
18371 Denise Monton Central DTP Medium 9/19/07 0:00 8.99
37254 Katrina Bavinger Central DTP High 9/20/07 0:00 1.39
19204 Linda Cazamias West DTP Medium 9/20/07 0:00 8.54
48385 Phillina Ober East DTP Medium 9/21/07 0:00 4.62
19204 Linda Cazamias West DTP Medium 9/21/07 0:00 4.86
54436 Toby Knight West Custom Order High 9/20/07 0:00 1.99
4645 Clytie Kelty South DTP Critical 9/20/07 0:00 4
21831 Pauline Webber South DTP Not Specified 9/20/07 0:00 0.49
54694 Jonathan Howell West DTP Critical 9/20/07 0:00 6.35
59238 Paul Prost South Custom Order High 9/21/07 0:00 8.99
2816 Ross Baird Central DTP High 9/21/07 0:00 2.87
54436 Toby Knight West DTP High 9/21/07 0:00 2.83
8320 Karl Brown West Custom Order Not Specified 9/22/07 0:00 5.14
4645 Clytie Kelty South DTP Critical 9/22/07 0:00 3.5
4645 Clytie Kelty South DTP Critical 9/22/07 0:00 11.64
8320 Karl Brown West DTP Not Specified 9/23/07 0:00 4
548 Sung Chung South DTP Critical 9/22/07 0:00 6.89
49059 Christina DeMoss West DTP Medium 9/22/07 0:00 5.81
960 Jim Kriz West DTP Medium 9/22/07 0:00 6.85
548 Sung Chung South DTP Critical 9/23/07 0:00 4.2
49059 Christina DeMoss West DTP Medium 9/23/07 0:00 0.5
6020 Arianne Irving Central DTP Medium 9/24/07 0:00 0.99
13378 Paul Knutson Central DTP Low 9/27/07 0:00 5.3
41440 Alejandro Savely West DTP High 9/24/07 0:00 0.5
41440 Alejandro Savely West Wholesaler High 9/26/07 0:00 54.12
49088 Kristina Nunn West Custom Order Critical 9/25/07 0:00 35
53153 Paul Prost South DTP Critical 9/25/07 0:00 3.99
49735 Mitch Willingham South DTP Not Specified 9/25/07 0:00 4.5
49088 Kristina Nunn West DTP Critical 9/25/07 0:00 2.83
49088 Kristina Nunn West DTP Critical 9/26/07 0:00 17.48
55265 Scot Coram West DTP Low 9/29/07 0:00 0.99
28420 Bill Donatelli East Custom Order Low 9/25/07 0:00 1.39
29826 Cathy Armstrong Central DTP Critical 9/26/07 0:00 4
42022 Eugene Hildebrand Central DTP Medium 9/26/07 0:00 9.72
53190 Michelle Arnett Central DTP Medium 9/26/07 0:00 3.99
55138 Jim Sink South DTP High 9/26/07 0:00 35
4583 Maxwell Schwartz West Wholesaler Medium 9/27/07 0:00 30
53190 Michelle Arnett Central DTP Medium 9/28/07 0:00 1.49
28135 Jeremy Lonsdale Central DTP Critical 9/26/07 0:00 3.14
16133 Erin Mull South Wholesaler Critical 9/26/07 0:00 15.59
23136 Barry Blumstein Central DTP Not Specified 9/27/07 0:00 4.62
23136 Barry Blumstein Central DTP Not Specified 9/27/07 0:00 18.06
18754 Roland Black East DTP Not Specified 9/27/07 0:00 8.99
28135 Jeremy Lonsdale Central DTP Critical 9/28/07 0:00 5.1
12903 Sue Ann Reed Central DTP Critical 9/28/07 0:00 5
16133 Matt Abelman East DTP Critical 9/28/07 0:00 13.56
3522 James Galang West DTP Low 9/28/07 0:00 1.99
18754 Roland Black East Wholesaler Not Specified 9/28/07 0:00 36.09
3522 James Galang West DTP Low 10/3/07 0:00 49
19075 Joseph Holt South DTP Critical 9/28/07 0:00 6.5
41542 Marc Crier Central Wholesaler High 9/28/07 0:00 51.94
20069 Jack Garza Central DTP Critical 9/29/07 0:00 18.98
31175 William Brown South Custom Order Critical 9/30/07 0:00 5.97
49441 Mary O'Rourke East Custom Order Medium 9/29/07 0:00 8.66
25953 Liz Carlisle Central DTP Critical 9/29/07 0:00 4.82
25953 Liz Carlisle Central DTP Critical 9/29/07 0:00 7.69
12007 Victoria Pisteka Central DTP Not Specified 9/30/07 0:00 0.5
55461 Meg O'Connel East DTP Medium 9/30/07 0:00 5.72
231 Sean Braxton Central DTP High 10/1/07 0:00 19.99
16771 Dan Lawera South DTP High 10/1/07 0:00 9.2
9219 Craig Leslie West DTP Low 10/1/07 0:00 5.14
9219 Craig Leslie West DTP Low 10/4/07 0:00 6.5
58151 Michelle Huthwaite West Custom Order High 9/30/07 0:00 19.99
58151 Michelle Huthwaite West DTP High 9/30/07 0:00 2.99
44775 Dennis Kane South Custom Order Medium 10/1/07 0:00 2.35
4354 Erin Creighton Central DTP Not Specified 10/1/07 0:00 5.21
26913 Amy Hunt Central DTP High 10/2/07 0:00 8.99
26689 Tamara Willingham East DTP High 10/3/07 0:00 8.99
19716 Nat Carroll West DTP Low 10/7/07 0:00 4.2
4451 Tanja Norvell West DTP Critical 10/1/07 0:00 8.99
900 Karen Carlisle South DTP Not Specified 10/2/07 0:00 2.99
19140 Ann Steele West DTP Medium 10/2/07 0:00 6.62
41728 Alejandro Grove West Wholesaler High 10/2/07 0:00 62.94
4708 Michelle Tran West DTP Critical 10/3/07 0:00 7.49
41728 Alejandro Grove West DTP High 10/3/07 0:00 19.99
30278 Ionia McGrath South DTP Low 10/10/07 0:00 5.26
37473 Tom Prescott Central DTP Low 10/2/07 0:00 2.04
49056 Cathy Hwang South DTP High 10/2/07 0:00 5
53797 Doug Bickford South Wholesaler Critical 10/2/07 0:00 36.61
33701 Carl Weiss East Custom Order Medium 10/4/07 0:00 19.99
16321 Roy Skaria Central DTP Not Specified 10/4/07 0:00 19.99
49056 Cathy Hwang South DTP High 10/4/07 0:00 8.4
37473 Tom Prescott Central DTP Low 10/6/07 0:00 5
18788 Joy Smith Central DTP Not Specified 10/4/07 0:00 11.17
51072 Anna Andreadi South DTP Critical 10/5/07 0:00 19.99
15654 Duane Noonan West Wholesaler Not Specified 10/5/07 0:00 29.7
15654 Duane Noonan West Wholesaler Not Specified 10/5/07 0:00 54.92
49313 Grant Carroll East Custom Order Medium 10/5/07 0:00 4.93
50051 Jas O'Carroll East Custom Order Medium 10/5/07 0:00 6.38
15075 Natalie Webber Central DTP Medium 10/5/07 0:00 14.48
49313 Grant Carroll East DTP Medium 10/6/07 0:00 1.25
3841 John Stevenson South Custom Order Not Specified 10/7/07 0:00 8.99
15075 Natalie Webber Central DTP Medium 10/7/07 0:00 5.14
50051 Jas O'Carroll East DTP Medium 10/7/07 0:00 6.98
50051 Jas O'Carroll East DTP Medium 10/7/07 0:00 34.2
44583 Deanra Eno South DTP Low 10/7/07 0:00 5.3
3841 John Stevenson South DTP Not Specified 10/7/07 0:00 68.99
19111 Bart Pistole Central DTP Low 10/10/07 0:00 1.99
44583 Deanra Eno South DTP Low 10/10/07 0:00 5
30214 Keith Dawkins Central Custom Order Low 10/12/07 0:00 5.75
9923 Chad Sievert East DTP High 10/6/07 0:00 5.33
20518 Paul Knutson Central DTP Critical 10/7/07 0:00 4.2
20518 Paul Knutson Central Wholesaler Critical 10/7/07 0:00 18.06
9923 Chad Sievert East Wholesaler High 10/7/07 0:00 99
41764 Carl Jackson Central Wholesaler Not Specified 10/8/07 0:00 29.2
57511 Duane Noonan West DTP Critical 10/8/07 0:00 0.5
46881 Nick Crebassa South Custom Order Critical 10/9/07 0:00 5.74
57511 Duane Noonan West DTP Critical 10/9/07 0:00 5
46533 John Murray East DTP High 10/9/07 0:00 52.2
8162 Mathew Reese South DTP Medium 10/9/07 0:00 23.99
46533 John Murray East Custom Order High 10/10/07 0:00 3.99
26016 Ken Lonsdale South Custom Order High 10/10/07 0:00 4.99
26016 Ken Lonsdale South DTP High 10/10/07 0:00 4
8162 Mathew Reese South DTP Medium 10/10/07 0:00 19.99
47520 Liz Price West DTP Not Specified 10/10/07 0:00 11.93
47520 Liz Price West Wholesaler Not Specified 10/10/07 0:00 48.8
50147 Denise Monton Central DTP Medium 10/9/07 0:00 5.43
36739 Pamela Stobb Central DTP Not Specified 10/9/07 0:00 2.85
50147 Denise Monton Central DTP Medium 10/10/07 0:00 14.72
28675 Ralph Knight East DTP Critical 10/10/07 0:00 5.92
35136 Peter Fuller South DTP Critical 10/10/07 0:00 0.81
36739 Pamela Stobb Central DTP Not Specified 10/11/07 0:00 5.26
21541 Quincy Jones South Wholesaler Not Specified 10/11/07 0:00 26.74
2791 Eugene Barchas East DTP High 10/10/07 0:00 7.01
18308 Ann Chong East DTP Not Specified 10/10/07 0:00 4
14785 Nicole Brennan West DTP High 10/10/07 0:00 0.5
2791 Eugene Barchas East DTP High 10/11/07 0:00 5.76
18308 Ann Chong East DTP Not Specified 10/11/07 0:00 8.08
13920 Allen Armold West DTP Critical 10/11/07 0:00 6.14
14785 Nicole Brennan West DTP High 10/11/07 0:00 6.17
59591 Jennifer Jackson East Wholesaler Not Specified 10/11/07 0:00 14
13920 Allen Armold West Custom Order Critical 10/12/07 0:00 5.08
23008 Erin Ashbrook West Custom Order Critical 10/12/07 0:00 6.5
23008 Erin Ashbrook West Custom Order Critical 10/12/07 0:00 9.07
18308 Ann Chong East DTP Not Specified 10/12/07 0:00 1.49
59591 Jennifer Jackson East DTP Not Specified 10/12/07 0:00 7.07
2791 Eugene Barchas East Wholesaler High 10/12/07 0:00 30
54819 Phillip Flathmann Central DTP Low 10/11/07 0:00 8.8
28002 Jason Klamczynski Central DTP Critical 10/13/07 0:00 2.15
54819 Phillip Flathmann Central DTP Low 10/13/07 0:00 0.8
16610 Thomas Boland West DTP High 10/13/07 0:00 6.66
54819 Phillip Flathmann Central DTP Low 10/16/07 0:00 5.71
48420 Berenike Kampe West Custom Order Low 10/14/07 0:00 6.15
9926 Mick Hernandez South DTP High 10/14/07 0:00 5.92
46756 Chuck Magee South DTP Medium 10/14/07 0:00 11.15
26146 John Dryer South DTP Low 10/19/07 0:00 18.93
26146 John Dryer South DTP Low 10/21/07 0:00 7.95
40708 Toby Knight West DTP Not Specified 10/14/07 0:00 1.5
50786 Cindy Stewart West Wholesaler Low 10/20/07 0:00 14
8835 James Lanier East DTP Critical 10/15/07 0:00 6.02
53766 Anna Haberlin West Wholesaler Not Specified 10/15/07 0:00 46.2
17024 Tamara Dahlen East DTP Medium 10/16/07 0:00 4.62
22208 Sean Christensen West DTP High 10/16/07 0:00 11.69
43360 Max Jones West DTP Low 10/21/07 0:00 5.33
47108 Justin Hirsh West Custom Order Not Specified 10/17/07 0:00 8.99
40160 Julia West East DTP Critical 10/17/07 0:00 14.48
47108 Justin Hirsh West DTP Not Specified 10/17/07 0:00 3.77
56995 Sarah Foster West Custom Order Medium 10/18/07 0:00 5.01
17028 Jennifer Jackson East DTP High 10/18/07 0:00 5.37
57248 Damala Kotsonis South DTP Critical 10/18/07 0:00 4.95
47108 Justin Hirsh West DTP Not Specified 10/18/07 0:00 8.51
47108 Justin Hirsh West Custom Order Not Specified 10/19/07 0:00 4.78
8165 Cari Sayre West DTP Low 10/25/07 0:00 7.44
7906 Beth Paige East DTP Medium 10/18/07 0:00 5.37
31493 Gary McGarr Central Custom Order High 10/19/07 0:00 6.02
43044 Laurel Workman West DTP Medium 10/20/07 0:00 5.41
43044 Laurel Workman West DTP Medium 10/20/07 0:00 24.49
13761 Katherine Nockton South DTP Low 10/22/07 0:00 35
2086 Brian Moss South DTP Critical 10/20/07 0:00 8.99
2086 Brian Moss South Custom Order Critical 10/21/07 0:00 4.86
2086 Brian Moss South DTP Critical 10/22/07 0:00 12.65
26342 Khloe Miller East DTP Low 10/24/07 0:00 5.79
41255 Christine Abelman Central DTP Low 10/26/07 0:00 12.23
26342 Khloe Miller East DTP Low 10/26/07 0:00 4.91
26342 Khloe Miller East DTP Low 10/28/07 0:00 11.59
53222 Nora Price East DTP Low 10/20/07 0:00 9.54
39649 Karen Carlisle South Custom Order High 10/21/07 0:00 8.99
39649 Karen Carlisle South DTP High 10/22/07 0:00 5.46
28614 Tanja Norvell West DTP Critical 10/22/07 0:00 5.5
52615 Liz Pelletier Central DTP Low 10/24/07 0:00 54.41
19522 Alan Haines Central DTP Medium 10/22/07 0:00 2.19
36835 William Brown South DTP Critical 10/22/07 0:00 38.97
16196 Magdelene Morse West DTP High 10/22/07 0:00 8.8
50626 Dean Percer South Wholesaler Medium 10/22/07 0:00 35.89
12581 Steven Roelle East Custom Order High 10/23/07 0:00 5.99
36835 William Brown South DTP Critical 10/23/07 0:00 19.99
50626 Dean Percer South DTP Medium 10/23/07 0:00 24.49
16196 Magdelene Morse West DTP High 10/23/07 0:00 24.49
11335 Maya Herman South DTP High 10/23/07 0:00 0.49
26565 Cathy Prescott South DTP Medium 10/23/07 0:00 19.99
6246 Philip Brown West DTP Not Specified 10/24/07 0:00 0.99
11335 Maya Herman South Wholesaler High 10/24/07 0:00 14
58693 Bruce Stewart West DTP Low 10/26/07 0:00 13.18
48929 Sara Luxemburg West DTP High 10/24/07 0:00 19.99
48929 Sara Luxemburg West DTP High 10/26/07 0:00 5.86
34631 Brendan Dodson East DTP Not Specified 10/25/07 0:00 6.27
34918 Amy Cox West Wholesaler Medium 10/25/07 0:00 26.2
34631 Brendan Dodson East DTP Not Specified 10/26/07 0:00 24.49
34918 Amy Cox West DTP Medium 10/26/07 0:00 7.98
4835 Eugene Moren West DTP Critical 10/25/07 0:00 1.92
38887 Trudy Bell South DTP Critical 10/26/07 0:00 7.17
38887 Trudy Bell South DTP Critical 10/27/07 0:00 1.99
50656 Patrick Bzostek West DTP Critical 10/26/07 0:00 5.16
17124 William Brown South Custom Order Critical 10/27/07 0:00 1.92
50656 Patrick Bzostek West DTP Critical 10/27/07 0:00 3.68
50656 Patrick Bzostek West Wholesaler Critical 10/27/07 0:00 56
50656 Patrick Bzostek West DTP Critical 10/28/07 0:00 5.15
38599 Chuck Sachs East DTP High 10/28/07 0:00 35
15904 Trudy Brown South DTP Not Specified 10/29/07 0:00 3.97
15904 Trudy Brown South Custom Order Not Specified 10/30/07 0:00 8.99
17251 Clay Cheatham Central DTP Not Specified 10/30/07 0:00 8.99
19105 Max Ludwig South DTP High 10/29/07 0:00 5.46
7623 Sheri Gordon Central DTP Critical 10/30/07 0:00 4.65
7623 Sheri Gordon Central DTP Critical 10/31/07 0:00 19.99
7623 Sheri Gordon Central DTP Critical 10/31/07 0:00 24.49
48896 Patrick Jones South DTP Critical 10/31/07 0:00 9.54
19105 Max Ludwig South DTP High 10/31/07 0:00 5.97
32737 Victoria Wilson West DTP High 10/31/07 0:00 1.49
56064 William Brown South DTP Medium 10/30/07 0:00 1.49
31910 Craig Molinari Central DTP Medium 10/31/07 0:00 5
3395 Cathy Armstrong Central DTP Not Specified 10/31/07 0:00 12.91
52291 Michelle Tran West DTP Critical 10/31/07 0:00 0.99
3395 Cathy Armstrong Central Custom Order Not Specified 11/1/07 0:00 5.24
3395 Cathy Armstrong Central DTP Not Specified 11/1/07 0:00 5.96
52291 Michelle Tran West DTP Critical 11/1/07 0:00 0.96
22628 Lynn Smith West Wholesaler Medium 11/2/07 0:00 74.35
26627 Larry Tron South DTP Medium 10/31/07 0:00 1.29
44134 Gary McGarr Central DTP High 11/2/07 0:00 8.99
43554 Rachel Payne Central DTP Critical 11/3/07 0:00 2.2
20229 Gary Hwang Central DTP Low 11/7/07 0:00 0.8
24003 Dan Campbell South DTP Critical 11/1/07 0:00 0.7
24003 Dan Campbell South DTP Critical 11/2/07 0:00 8.79
24003 Dan Campbell South Custom Order Critical 11/3/07 0:00 5.99
24003 Dan Campbell South DTP Critical 11/3/07 0:00 0.7
28419 Rachel Payne Central Custom Order Low 11/5/07 0:00 4.51
38852 Eric Barreto South DTP Not Specified 11/4/07 0:00 1.49
18178 Naresj Patel West DTP Low 11/3/07 0:00 49
38564 Vivek Grady West DTP Critical 11/4/07 0:00 4
38564 Vivek Grady West Custom Order Critical 11/5/07 0:00 0.5
42338 Adam Hart East DTP Not Specified 11/5/07 0:00 6.6
42338 Adam Hart East DTP Not Specified 11/5/07 0:00 8.99
21314 Patrick Jones South DTP Low 11/5/07 0:00 6.19
38564 Sylvia Foulston East Wholesaler Critical 11/6/07 0:00 57
8103 Bill Stewart South DTP Low 11/7/07 0:00 6.27
21314 Patrick Jones South DTP Low 11/7/07 0:00 1.63
18178 Naresj Patel West DTP Low 11/10/07 0:00 8.99
21314 Patrick Jones South Wholesaler Low 11/10/07 0:00 41.64
36896 Xylona Price West DTP Critical 11/4/07 0:00 35
28389 Mark Cousins East DTP High 11/5/07 0:00 3.92
44231 Alex Avila South DTP Not Specified 11/5/07 0:00 8.99
32675 Jonathan Doherty Central Wholesaler High 11/5/07 0:00 60
50081 Guy Armstrong Central Wholesaler Not Specified 11/5/07 0:00 26.74
28389 Mark Cousins East Wholesaler High 11/5/07 0:00 18.06
44231 Alex Avila South DTP Not Specified 11/6/07 0:00 4
36896 Xylona Price West DTP Critical 11/6/07 0:00 0.5
28389 Mark Cousins East Wholesaler High 11/6/07 0:00 54.12
44231 Alex Avila South Wholesaler Not Specified 11/6/07 0:00 30
36896 Xylona Price West Custom Order Critical 11/7/07 0:00 8.99
15105 Giulietta Dortch South DTP Low 11/11/07 0:00 6.13
9057 Michael Granlund East DTP Critical 11/5/07 0:00 4
37731 Pierre Wener West DTP Critical 11/5/07 0:00 9.18
50336 Joseph Airdo Central DTP Not Specified 11/6/07 0:00 4.97
34883 Pete Takahito West DTP Critical 11/6/07 0:00 5.99
40261 Evan Bailliet Central Custom Order Critical 11/7/07 0:00 9.86
40261 Evan Bailliet Central DTP Critical 11/7/07 0:00 1.05
28259 Thea Hudgings Central DTP High 11/7/07 0:00 6.5
3332 Ben Peterman East DTP Critical 11/7/07 0:00 1.86
37731 Pierre Wener West DTP Critical 11/7/07 0:00 0.5
32291 Doug O'Connell West DTP Medium 11/6/07 0:00 14.37
26374 Art Miller Central DTP Not Specified 11/7/07 0:00 3.3
18247 Rob Haberlin Central DTP Not Specified 11/7/07 0:00 4
32291 Doug O'Connell West DTP Medium 11/7/07 0:00 4.53
5856 Christopher Martinez Central Wholesaler High 11/8/07 0:00 23.78
18533 Larry Hughes East DTP Not Specified 11/8/07 0:00 8.78
18533 Larry Hughes East Custom Order Not Specified 11/9/07 0:00 5.03
26337 Henry Goldwyn Central DTP Critical 11/11/07 0:00 0.5
26944 Eva Jacobs West DTP Critical 11/11/07 0:00 14.52
38371 Dennis Kane South Custom Order Not Specified 11/10/07 0:00 6.13
37793 Dorothy Wardle East DTP Not Specified 11/10/07 0:00 7.59
46151 Tony Molinari West DTP Critical 11/11/07 0:00 6.19
31873 Shahid Collister West DTP Low 11/14/07 0:00 3.5
16679 Ryan Crowe Central Wholesaler Low 11/14/07 0:00 43.32
31873 Shahid Collister West DTP Low 11/16/07 0:00 6.26
31873 Shahid Collister West DTP Low 11/16/07 0:00 17.98
34788 Alan Hwang South DTP High 11/12/07 0:00 5.15
53508 Joy Smith Central DTP High 11/11/07 0:00 1.97
56706 Adrian Shami Central DTP High 11/12/07 0:00 19.99
37025 Tracy Collins Central DTP High 11/12/07 0:00 1.99
53508 Joy Smith Central DTP High 11/13/07 0:00 14.69
46848 John Castell East DTP Medium 11/13/07 0:00 19.99
41415 Debra Catini West DTP Low 11/16/07 0:00 5.83
21922 Jason Fortune Central DTP High 11/13/07 0:00 6.02
10562 Yana Sorensen West DTP Not Specified 11/13/07 0:00 35
21922 Jason Fortune Central Wholesaler High 11/13/07 0:00 26
21922 Jason Fortune Central DTP High 11/14/07 0:00 0.98
51392 Jamie Frazer Central DTP Medium 11/14/07 0:00 5.89
28583 Jim Epp West DTP Critical 11/14/07 0:00 15.01
42144 Anne Pryor Central Custom Order Medium 11/15/07 0:00 35
27463 Tonja Turnell East DTP Medium 11/15/07 0:00 4.72
27463 Tonja Turnell East DTP Medium 11/16/07 0:00 8.99
47943 Don Miller East DTP Medium 11/15/07 0:00 0.5
20263 Bryan Mills Central DTP Medium 11/16/07 0:00 10.29
47943 Don Miller East DTP Medium 11/16/07 0:00 5.45
59396 Brian Dahlen Central DTP Critical 11/17/07 0:00 6.5
20263 Bryan Mills Central DTP Medium 11/17/07 0:00 1.25
13091 Arthur Wiediger South DTP Medium 11/17/07 0:00 42.03
4931 Giulietta Dortch South DTP Critical 11/17/07 0:00 1.69
49504 Larry Blacks South DTP Not Specified 11/17/07 0:00 5.53
32710 John Lee Central DTP High 11/18/07 0:00 6.27
55554 Alyssa Tate South DTP Critical 11/18/07 0:00 12.91
55490 Becky Pak South Wholesaler Medium 11/18/07 0:00 89.3
4931 Giulietta Dortch South DTP Critical 11/19/07 0:00 2.5
55554 Alyssa Tate South DTP Critical 11/20/07 0:00 0.7
11332 Liz Price West DTP Low 11/21/07 0:00 5.99
11332 Liz Price West Custom Order Low 11/24/07 0:00 5.92
7744 Kean Nguyen South DTP Low 11/18/07 0:00 19.99
22407 Sung Shariari South DTP Not Specified 11/18/07 0:00 6.47
9126 Sylvia Foulston East DTP Medium 11/19/07 0:00 3.99
22407 Sung Shariari South DTP Not Specified 11/19/07 0:00 14.72
22407 Sung Shariari South Custom Order Not Specified 11/20/07 0:00 8.99
21445 Clytie Kelty South Custom Order Low 11/22/07 0:00 6.89
21445 Clytie Kelty South DTP Low 11/22/07 0:00 5.76
7744 Kean Nguyen South DTP Low 11/27/07 0:00 1.39
14336 Steven Ward Central Custom Order High 11/20/07 0:00 10.25
56608 Linda Southworth Central DTP Critical 11/21/07 0:00 0.76
17282 Denise Monton Central DTP Low 11/21/07 0:00 6.27
5920 Nat Gilpin East DTP High 11/20/07 0:00 7.07
15139 Guy Armstrong Central Wholesaler High 11/20/07 0:00 45
15139 Guy Armstrong Central Wholesaler High 11/22/07 0:00 64.73
40965 Mark Cousins East DTP Medium 11/22/07 0:00 8.74
57409 John Castell East DTP Not Specified 11/22/07 0:00 10.18
3042 Christy Brittain South DTP Medium 11/22/07 0:00 1.2
12706 Dave Kipp Central Wholesaler Critical 11/22/07 0:00 36.61
25926 Michelle Moray South Wholesaler High 11/22/07 0:00 69.64
48198 Sean Christensen West Wholesaler Critical 11/22/07 0:00 14.7
40965 Mark Cousins East DTP Medium 11/23/07 0:00 5
25926 Michelle Moray South DTP High 11/23/07 0:00 7.27
48198 Sean Christensen West DTP Critical 11/23/07 0:00 3.5
40965 Mark Cousins East Wholesaler Medium 11/23/07 0:00 60
33189 Roger Demir West DTP Low 11/25/07 0:00 2.06
33189 Roger Demir West DTP Low 11/28/07 0:00 4
10309 Trudy Brown South DTP Low 11/22/07 0:00 1.49
646 Duane Huffman East DTP High 11/23/07 0:00 3.98
23971 Cynthia Arntzen Central DTP Critical 11/25/07 0:00 4.98
24614 Ionia McGrath South DTP Low 11/29/07 0:00 6.5
3585 Ann Blume South DTP High 11/23/07 0:00 2.06
55045 Luke Schmidt South DTP High 11/23/07 0:00 35
3585 Ann Blume South DTP High 11/24/07 0:00 1.57
11584 Sean Miller West DTP Medium 11/24/07 0:00 0.99
3492 Roy Skaria Central DTP Low 11/24/07 0:00 1.25
3492 Roy Skaria Central Wholesaler Low 11/24/07 0:00 54.74
19521 Frank Hawley Central DTP Not Specified 11/25/07 0:00 35
46052 Bill Overfelt West Custom Order Medium 11/26/07 0:00 5.03
48295 Bryan Mills Central DTP Medium 11/26/07 0:00 13.99
22885 Neil Ducich East DTP Medium 11/26/07 0:00 4.59
6211 Nona Balk South DTP Critical 11/26/07 0:00 15.04
46052 Bill Overfelt West DTP Medium 11/26/07 0:00 14.48
3492 Roy Skaria Central DTP Low 11/29/07 0:00 19.99
34689 Brad Thomas East DTP Low 12/1/07 0:00 6.25
40835 Jennifer Braxton Central DTP High 11/26/07 0:00 6.13
10183 Darren Budd Central Wholesaler Critical 11/26/07 0:00 14.36
19943 Benjamin Patterson West Wholesaler Critical 11/26/07 0:00 51.94
40835 Jennifer Braxton Central DTP High 11/27/07 0:00 8.4
40835 Jennifer Braxton Central DTP High 11/27/07 0:00 19.99
11909 Stephanie Phelps East DTP Not Specified 11/27/07 0:00 0.99
55875 Brad Eason Central DTP Critical 11/26/07 0:00 4.69
17668 Erin Creighton Central Custom Order Medium 11/27/07 0:00 5
48710 Cynthia Arntzen Central DTP Medium 11/27/07 0:00 1.6
17668 Erin Creighton Central DTP Medium 11/27/07 0:00 13.99
30726 Harold Ryan East DTP Medium 11/27/07 0:00 3.99
998 Allen Rosenblatt East DTP Not Specified 11/27/07 0:00 1.39
17668 Erin Creighton Central DTP Medium 11/28/07 0:00 1.99
55875 Brad Eason Central DTP Critical 11/29/07 0:00 4
32195 Michelle Huthwaite West DTP Medium 11/29/07 0:00 6.97
10884 Cindy Chapman West DTP Low 12/3/07 0:00 8.99
55906 Saphhira Shifley West DTP Critical 11/28/07 0:00 21.24
55906 Saphhira Shifley West DTP Critical 11/29/07 0:00 2.99
52035 Roy Skaria Central DTP High 12/1/07 0:00 24.49
5511 Art Ferguson East Custom Order Critical 11/30/07 0:00 1.3
5511 Art Ferguson East DTP Critical 11/30/07 0:00 3.9
15074 Tim Brockman South DTP Not Specified 11/30/07 0:00 5.09
39717 Jennifer Ferguson South DTP High 12/1/07 0:00 16.36
37924 Philip Fox South DTP High 11/30/07 0:00 28.64
36707 Charlotte Melton East DTP Medium 12/1/07 0:00 0.71
20710 Dennis Kane South DTP High 12/1/07 0:00 3.85
38947 Chris Selesnick South DTP Critical 12/2/07 0:00 7.4
20710 Dennis Kane South DTP High 12/2/07 0:00 0.5
57061 Dionis Lloyd South DTP Low 12/1/07 0:00 0.5
12258 Kelly Lampkin West Wholesaler Low 12/1/07 0:00 30
57061 Dionis Lloyd South DTP Low 12/3/07 0:00 5.03
36416 Sean O'Donnell South DTP Low 12/5/07 0:00 6.83
12258 Kelly Lampkin West DTP Low 12/5/07 0:00 13.99
12258 Kelly Lampkin West DTP Low 12/6/07 0:00 49
12258 Kelly Lampkin West Custom Order Low 12/8/07 0:00 2
57061 Dionis Lloyd South DTP Low 12/8/07 0:00 15.1
39844 Jim Sink South DTP Not Specified 12/3/07 0:00 19.99
38594 Roland Fjeld West DTP Medium 12/3/07 0:00 1.99
6592 Tamara Chand East Custom Order Low 12/4/07 0:00 35
52070 Natalie Webber Central DTP Not Specified 12/4/07 0:00 5.2
6592 Tamara Chand East DTP Low 12/9/07 0:00 8.37
36355 Anne Pryor Central Custom Order Medium 12/3/07 0:00 7.78
36355 Anne Pryor Central DTP Medium 12/3/07 0:00 6.68
21635 Laurel Beltran South DTP Low 12/3/07 0:00 12.98
46113 Nick Zandusky South Custom Order Not Specified 12/4/07 0:00 24.49
36355 Anne Pryor Central DTP Medium 12/4/07 0:00 4.92
645 Harold Engle Central DTP High 12/5/07 0:00 4.98
49668 Michelle Ellison West DTP Low 12/10/07 0:00 0.94
17317 Laurel Elliston West DTP Not Specified 12/6/07 0:00 4.99
13479 Erin Ashbrook West DTP High 12/6/07 0:00 5.26
13479 Erin Ashbrook West DTP High 12/7/07 0:00 19.99
29889 Odella Nelson West DTP Not Specified 12/8/07 0:00 1.67
15040 Carl Weiss East Custom Order Low 12/9/07 0:00 2.15
50275 Gary Hwang Central Custom Order Medium 12/7/07 0:00 13.99
50275 Gary Hwang Central DTP Medium 12/7/07 0:00 5.84
1444 Noel Staavos West DTP Medium 12/7/07 0:00 8.74
1444 Noel Staavos West Custom Order Medium 12/8/07 0:00 24.49
36069 Ashley Jarboe West DTP Low 12/8/07 0:00 7.44
1444 Noel Staavos West DTP Medium 12/8/07 0:00 13.7
1444 Noel Staavos West Wholesaler Medium 12/9/07 0:00 14.7
36069 Ashley Jarboe West DTP Low 12/11/07 0:00 6.66
16032 Brian Thompson South DTP Low 12/13/07 0:00 4.98
36069 Ashley Jarboe West DTP Low 12/13/07 0:00 13.99
39015 Lycoris Saunders Central DTP Medium 12/7/07 0:00 5.74
39015 Lycoris Saunders Central Wholesaler Medium 12/7/07 0:00 12.06
24737 Sonia Sunley Central DTP High 12/8/07 0:00 5.19
41185 Ben Ferrer West DTP Critical 12/8/07 0:00 7.96
16480 Nat Gilpin East Custom Order Not Specified 12/9/07 0:00 7.78
46528 Edward Nazzal South Custom Order Medium 12/9/07 0:00 37.58
45959 Roy Collins South Custom Order Medium 12/9/07 0:00 7.17
45824 Duane Huffman East DTP Not Specified 12/9/07 0:00 24.49
24455 Fred Wasserman East DTP Not Specified 12/9/07 0:00 1.99
45959 Roy Collins South DTP Medium 12/9/07 0:00 19.99
24455 Fred Wasserman East DTP Not Specified 12/10/07 0:00 0.83
46528 Edward Nazzal South DTP Medium 12/10/07 0:00 9.54
24737 Sonia Sunley Central Wholesaler High 12/10/07 0:00 26.2
36992 Aleksandra Gannaway West Custom Order Medium 12/10/07 0:00 3.14
8229 Patrick O'Brill West DTP Medium 12/10/07 0:00 3.01
59365 Sanjit Engle Central Wholesaler Medium 12/10/07 0:00 14.7
8229 Patrick O'Brill West Wholesaler Medium 12/10/07 0:00 14.7
54755 Matt Collister West DTP Critical 12/11/07 0:00 4
35457 Georgia Rosenberg West DTP Low 12/15/07 0:00 3.5
47617 Sylvia Foulston East DTP Not Specified 12/10/07 0:00 19.99
37700 Shaun Chance South Custom Order Critical 12/12/07 0:00 19.99
51233 Eleni McCrary East DTP Low 12/10/07 0:00 4
50754 Becky Castell East DTP Not Specified 12/11/07 0:00 5.03
8290 Patrick O'Brill West DTP Critical 12/12/07 0:00 0.5
41765 Victoria Wilson West DTP Medium 12/12/07 0:00 4.95
59297 Annie Thurman West Wholesaler Medium 12/12/07 0:00 56.14
56803 Carlos Soltero Central DTP Not Specified 12/11/07 0:00 5.9
48483 Steve Nguyen South Custom Order Critical 12/12/07 0:00 1
5735 Art Foster Central Wholesaler Medium 12/12/07 0:00 35.67
2818 Ross Baird Central DTP Medium 12/13/07 0:00 8.99
2818 Ross Baird Central DTP Medium 12/13/07 0:00 13.26
49283 Shaun Weien East DTP High 12/13/07 0:00 6.47
7527 Nora Price East DTP Medium 12/13/07 0:00 3.73
7527 Nora Price East DTP Medium 12/13/07 0:00 4.2
39076 Tom Stivers South DTP Critical 12/13/07 0:00 6.26
2818 Ross Baird Central DTP Medium 12/14/07 0:00 3.73
12224 Joni Blumstein East DTP High 12/13/07 0:00 5
36999 Cari MacIntyre South Custom Order Medium 12/14/07 0:00 5.99
28037 Maxwell Schwartz West DTP High 12/14/07 0:00 6.93
36999 Cari MacIntyre South Wholesaler Medium 12/14/07 0:00 49
35364 Lisa DeCherney West Wholesaler Critical 12/14/07 0:00 110.2
21091 Bill Donatelli East Custom Order High 12/15/07 0:00 6.28
52391 Alan Hwang South DTP High 12/15/07 0:00 16.38
35364 Lisa DeCherney West DTP Critical 12/15/07 0:00 5.68
35364 Lisa DeCherney West DTP Critical 12/15/07 0:00 8.99
12224 Joni Blumstein East Wholesaler High 12/15/07 0:00 51.94
29857 Angele Hood South Wholesaler Medium 12/15/07 0:00 36.09
35364 Lisa DeCherney West Wholesaler Critical 12/15/07 0:00 85.63
7845 Todd Boyes West Custom Order Critical 12/14/07 0:00 5.68
7845 Todd Boyes West Custom Order Critical 12/15/07 0:00 5.86
16102 Aaron Hawkins South Wholesaler Not Specified 12/16/07 0:00 26
13120 Joy Smith Central DTP Low 12/15/07 0:00 12.98
38882 Hunter Lopez South DTP Critical 12/15/07 0:00 4.85
38400 Candace McMahon South Custom Order Not Specified 12/16/07 0:00 6.85
54468 Valerie Takahito West DTP High 12/16/07 0:00 8.45
38882 Hunter Lopez South Wholesaler Critical 12/16/07 0:00 70.2
1891 Jeremy Ellison West DTP Low 12/17/07 0:00 5.81
5765 Jonathan Doherty Central DTP Low 12/22/07 0:00 19.99
13120 Joy Smith Central DTP Low 12/22/07 0:00 4.98
59556 Mark Van Huff South DTP Not Specified 12/17/07 0:00 8.99
59556 Mark Van Huff South DTP Not Specified 12/18/07 0:00 0.7
930 Phillina Ober East DTP Critical 12/17/07 0:00 2
930 Phillina Ober East Custom Order Critical 12/18/07 0:00 58.66
19300 Denny Joy South DTP Critical 12/18/07 0:00 5.83
48192 Jill Matthias South Wholesaler Critical 12/18/07 0:00 36.09
3110 Helen Andreada West Wholesaler High 12/19/07 0:00 14
25027 Mick Brown West Wholesaler Medium 12/19/07 0:00 43.75
58144 Muhammed MacIntyre East DTP Low 12/24/07 0:00 5.86
46341 Astrea Jones South DTP High 12/19/07 0:00 1.57
23936 Darrin Van Huff South DTP Medium 12/20/07 0:00 2.4
15111 Juliana Krohn West DTP Not Specified 12/20/07 0:00 0.99
47203 Bill Eplett South DTP Critical 12/20/07 0:00 4
359 Cari Sayre West Wholesaler Medium 12/20/07 0:00 51.94
47203 Bill Eplett South DTP Critical 12/21/07 0:00 5.47
47207 Ken Lonsdale South Custom Order Low 12/23/07 0:00 6.5
31847 Amy Hunt Central DTP Low 12/23/07 0:00 4
51975 Michael Granlund East DTP Low 12/23/07 0:00 2.5
22947 Sarah Jordon East DTP Low 12/26/07 0:00 2.85
36033 Michael Stewart West Custom Order Not Specified 12/20/07 0:00 4.62
38240 Ken Lonsdale South DTP High 12/20/07 0:00 6.19
26240 Carlos Soltero Central DTP Critical 12/21/07 0:00 1.61
40356 Sylvia Foulston East Custom Order Not Specified 12/22/07 0:00 6.89
38240 Ken Lonsdale South DTP High 12/22/07 0:00 6.5
41607 Barry Franz West DTP Medium 12/22/07 0:00 9.07
6369 Guy Thornton West Wholesaler High 12/22/07 0:00 45.7
26240 Carlos Soltero Central DTP Critical 12/23/07 0:00 1.99
1411 Ed Jacobs South Wholesaler High 12/22/07 0:00 35.02
42852 Brendan Sweed Central DTP Not Specified 12/23/07 0:00 9.86
1411 Ed Jacobs South DTP High 12/23/07 0:00 4.99
10624 Darren Powers West DTP Critical 12/23/07 0:00 3.61
6562 Brendan Sweed Central Wholesaler Critical 12/23/07 0:00 14.7
20965 Michelle Tran West DTP Critical 12/24/07 0:00 4.2
20965 Michelle Tran West DTP Critical 12/24/07 0:00 9.71
3458 Lisa DeCherney West DTP High 12/24/07 0:00 1.99
13830 Michael Nguyen East DTP High 12/25/07 0:00 19.99
3458 Lisa DeCherney West DTP High 12/25/07 0:00 0.7
36934 Brooke Gillingham South Wholesaler Medium 12/24/07 0:00 29.21
36934 Brooke Gillingham South Custom Order Medium 12/25/07 0:00 13.99
37888 Hilary Holden Central DTP Critical 12/25/07 0:00 1.49
36934 Brooke Gillingham South DTP Medium 12/25/07 0:00 0.95
22279 Lena Radford Central DTP Not Specified 12/26/07 0:00 10.75
59845 Ed Ludwig West DTP Low 12/27/07 0:00 0.7
59845 Ed Ludwig West DTP Low 12/28/07 0:00 2.26
9248 Russell Applegate Central DTP Not Specified 12/25/07 0:00 69
10434 Michelle Ellison West Wholesaler High 12/25/07 0:00 26.2
36677 Jack Lebron Central DTP Low 12/26/07 0:00 24.49
18689 Steven Roelle East DTP Not Specified 12/26/07 0:00 15.08
36834 Rob Dowd West Wholesaler Low 12/27/07 0:00 35.89
44576 Greg Guthrie Central DTP Not Specified 12/27/07 0:00 5.31
44576 Greg Guthrie Central Wholesaler Not Specified 12/27/07 0:00 51.94
47876 Greg Guthrie Central DTP High 12/28/07 0:00 5.1
45986 Suzanne McNair South DTP Low 12/31/07 0:00 2.5
21442 Thea Hudgings Central DTP Low 1/2/08 0:00 1.39
11777 Jack O'Briant East DTP Low 1/2/08 0:00 9.47
21442 Thea Hudgings Central Wholesaler Low 1/2/08 0:00 36.61
20262 Patrick O'Donnell West DTP Not Specified 12/27/07 0:00 8.99
37734 Mathew Reese South DTP Critical 12/28/07 0:00 4.95
37734 Mathew Reese South DTP Critical 12/28/07 0:00 7.18
32101 Liz MacKendrick West Wholesaler Low 12/31/07 0:00 48.8
40485 David Bremer South DTP Not Specified 12/28/07 0:00 5.46
40485 David Bremer South DTP Not Specified 12/29/07 0:00 3.99
53382 Paul MacIntyre South DTP Not Specified 12/29/07 0:00 49
53382 Paul MacIntyre South Wholesaler Not Specified 12/29/07 0:00 64.73
13824 George Zrebassa South DTP Low 1/4/08 0:00 0.5
57378 Sibella Parks East Custom Order Not Specified 12/29/07 0:00 3.97
47201 Tim Taslimi Central Custom Order Critical 12/30/07 0:00 4.62
57378 Sibella Parks East DTP Not Specified 12/30/07 0:00 1.99
59937 John Stevenson South DTP High 12/30/07 0:00 17.08
30725 Dennis Kane South Wholesaler Medium 12/30/07 0:00 49
11206 Eric Barreto South DTP Low 12/31/07 0:00 19.99
44962 Toby Swindell South DTP Medium 12/31/07 0:00 1.99
4550 Gary Zandusky South Wholesaler High 12/31/07 0:00 16.8
11206 Eric Barreto South DTP Low 1/2/08 0:00 1.49
6241 Henry Goldwyn Central DTP Low 1/3/08 0:00 8.99
6241 Henry Goldwyn Central Custom Order Low 1/4/08 0:00 1
26432 Logan Haushalter Central Custom Order Low 1/5/08 0:00 2.97
26432 Logan Haushalter Central DTP Low 1/7/08 0:00 4.5
26432 Logan Haushalter Central DTP Low 1/9/08 0:00 24.49
46597 Michael Chen Central DTP Not Specified 1/1/08 0:00 8.99
46597 Michael Chen Central DTP Not Specified 1/3/08 0:00 4.98
46597 Michael Chen Central Wholesaler Not Specified 1/3/08 0:00 70.2
59174 Emily Ducich Central Custom Order Medium 1/4/08 0:00 13.99
710 Susan MacKendrick Central DTP Low 1/4/08 0:00 8.66
39841 Benjamin Venier South DTP Medium 1/4/08 0:00 6.92
710 Susan MacKendrick Central DTP Low 1/6/08 0:00 5.47
710 Susan MacKendrick Central Wholesaler Low 1/6/08 0:00 17.85
54145 Joni Blumstein East DTP Low 1/3/08 0:00 5.33
38215 Dennis Pardue Central DTP Critical 1/4/08 0:00 4.81
38215 Dennis Pardue Central Custom Order Critical 1/5/08 0:00 19.99
25860 Elpida Rittenbach Central Custom Order Low 1/5/08 0:00 5.01
48480 Sean Wendt East Wholesaler Critical 1/6/08 0:00 99
25860 Elpida Rittenbach Central DTP Low 1/12/08 0:00 19.99
29058 Valerie Takahito West DTP High 1/4/08 0:00 8.79
20449 Nora Paige Central DTP Medium 1/5/08 0:00 19.99
57606 Darren Budd Central DTP Not Specified 1/5/08 0:00 3.62
29058 Valerie Takahito West DTP High 1/5/08 0:00 1
8998 Linda Southworth Central DTP Low 1/6/08 0:00 1.99
29058 Valerie Takahito West DTP High 1/6/08 0:00 6.35
29058 Valerie Takahito West Wholesaler High 1/6/08 0:00 44.55
8998 Linda Southworth Central DTP Low 1/8/08 0:00 13.66
8998 Linda Southworth Central DTP Low 1/9/08 0:00 5.5
46050 Julie Prescott Central DTP High 1/6/08 0:00 24.49
46050 Julie Prescott Central Custom Order High 1/8/08 0:00 19.99
46050 Julie Prescott Central DTP High 1/8/08 0:00 19.99
56293 Michelle Arnett Central DTP Not Specified 1/6/08 0:00 11.17
14755 Steve Nguyen South DTP High 1/6/08 0:00 0.7
56293 Michelle Arnett Central DTP Not Specified 1/7/08 0:00 6.25
5504 Anna Andreadi South Custom Order High 1/8/08 0:00 7.64
14755 Steve Nguyen South Custom Order High 1/8/08 0:00 4.2
5504 Anna Andreadi South DTP High 1/8/08 0:00 4.99
33218 Eric Hoffmann Central DTP Not Specified 1/8/08 0:00 7.74
44133 Mark Packer West DTP High 1/8/08 0:00 3.96
33218 Eric Hoffmann Central DTP Not Specified 1/9/08 0:00 5.42
47171 Sandra Glassco West Wholesaler Medium 1/8/08 0:00 29.1
47171 Sandra Glassco West DTP Medium 1/9/08 0:00 9.26
48935 Jill Matthias South DTP Low 1/10/08 0:00 0.5
5510 Denise Leinenbach South DTP Medium 1/11/08 0:00 2.03
12708 Yana Sorensen West Custom Order Low 1/13/08 0:00 0.98
37668 Victoria Pisteka Central DTP Low 1/9/08 0:00 7.51
2244 Elpida Rittenbach Central Custom Order Critical 1/11/08 0:00 1.49
13447 Pamela Coakley South DTP High 1/11/08 0:00 4.81
58053 Susan Gilcrest South DTP Medium 1/11/08 0:00 7.3
4611 Steven Ward Central Wholesaler High 1/10/08 0:00 28.14
32932 Karen Carlisle South DTP Low 1/14/08 0:00 24.49
24740 Logan Haushalter Central Custom Order Medium 1/11/08 0:00 5
1280 Harold Dahlen Central DTP Low 1/11/08 0:00 6.5
23782 Justin MacKendrick South Wholesaler Low 1/11/08 0:00 26
8227 Christina Vanderzanden West Custom Order Not Specified 1/12/08 0:00 2.39
24740 Logan Haushalter Central DTP Medium 1/12/08 0:00 39.61
10247 Edward Becker West DTP Medium 1/12/08 0:00 5.49
57318 Eric Barreto South DTP Medium 1/13/08 0:00 7.42
10247 Edward Becker West DTP Medium 1/13/08 0:00 1.99
23782 Justin MacKendrick South DTP Low 1/16/08 0:00 35
59270 Deborah Brumfield West Wholesaler High 1/12/08 0:00 70.2
56327 Victoria Brennan East Custom Order Medium 1/13/08 0:00 8.55
56327 Victoria Brennan East DTP Medium 1/13/08 0:00 17.48
59270 Deborah Brumfield West DTP High 1/13/08 0:00 19.99
48487 Carol Triggs Central DTP Low 1/14/08 0:00 1.49
59270 Deborah Brumfield West DTP High 1/14/08 0:00 1.99
42567 Tom Prescott Central Wholesaler Critical 1/14/08 0:00 43.75
56327 Victoria Brennan East Wholesaler Medium 1/14/08 0:00 55.24
59270 Deborah Brumfield West Wholesaler High 1/14/08 0:00 16.63
34948 Catherine Glotzbach South Wholesaler Critical 1/13/08 0:00 60
1857 Roy Phan East DTP High 1/14/08 0:00 1.99
38369 Eric Barreto South DTP Not Specified 1/14/08 0:00 69
19494 Clytie Kelty South DTP High 1/15/08 0:00 8.99
19494 Clytie Kelty South DTP High 1/16/08 0:00 3.5
59552 Pierre Wener West DTP Not Specified 1/15/08 0:00 6.28
12580 Dave Poirier South DTP Low 1/16/08 0:00 23.96
17825 Larry Hughes East DTP Not Specified 1/17/08 0:00 12.9
28289 Carl Ludwig Central DTP High 1/16/08 0:00 4.75
37250 Grant Thornton East DTP High 1/16/08 0:00 6.66
2213 Sam Zeldin South DTP Not Specified 1/16/08 0:00 8.09
19524 Amy Cox West DTP Critical 1/16/08 0:00 4.68
37125 Sanjit Jacobs West DTP High 1/16/08 0:00 0.7
58599 Dianna Wilson South Wholesaler Critical 1/16/08 0:00 60
20961 Lela Donovan East DTP Not Specified 1/17/08 0:00 24.49
23586 Anthony Garverick South DTP Medium 1/18/08 0:00 5.74
2852 Luke Schmidt South DTP Critical 1/16/08 0:00 8.19
21574 Eric Barreto South DTP Critical 1/17/08 0:00 1.99
2852 Luke Schmidt South DTP Critical 1/17/08 0:00 4.23
15079 Erica Hackney South DTP Medium 1/17/08 0:00 5.97
15079 Erica Hackney South DTP Medium 1/19/08 0:00 7.18
26182 Doug Bickford South Wholesaler Not Specified 1/17/08 0:00 23.76
36161 Chad McGuire Central DTP Critical 1/18/08 0:00 1.49
4545 Pauline Chand East DTP Not Specified 1/18/08 0:00 8.74
8642 Patrick Ryan South DTP High 1/18/08 0:00 6.58
4545 Pauline Chand East DTP Not Specified 1/19/08 0:00 1.3
26182 Doug Bickford South Wholesaler Not Specified 1/20/08 0:00 66.27
55139 Bobby Elias South DTP Not Specified 1/19/08 0:00 8.57
18853 Gary Hwang Central DTP Critical 1/20/08 0:00 1.5
35139 Lauren Leatherbury East DTP High 1/20/08 0:00 2.99
39267 Sam Craven South DTP High 1/20/08 0:00 13.99
35139 Lauren Leatherbury East Wholesaler High 1/20/08 0:00 8.73
50048 Chad Sievert East DTP High 1/21/08 0:00 9.67
35139 Lauren Leatherbury East DTP High 1/21/08 0:00 13.8
39267 Sam Craven South DTP High 1/21/08 0:00 5.03
34753 Barbara Fisher South DTP Not Specified 1/21/08 0:00 0.99
24610 Dean Katz South Wholesaler Not Specified 1/21/08 0:00 23.76
54497 Philip Fox South DTP Not Specified 1/23/08 0:00 19.99
55398 Lena Radford Central DTP Medium 1/22/08 0:00 0.7
29185 Rob Dowd West DTP High 1/22/08 0:00 13.22
20934 Bill Eplett South Wholesaler Critical 1/22/08 0:00 17.86
29185 Rob Dowd West Custom Order High 1/23/08 0:00 10.16
29185 Rob Dowd West Custom Order High 1/23/08 0:00 17.48
55398 Lena Radford Central DTP Medium 1/23/08 0:00 49
34661 Nathan Mautz South DTP Critical 1/23/08 0:00 19.99
25155 John Dryer South Custom Order Low 1/26/08 0:00 5.49
25155 John Dryer South DTP Low 1/28/08 0:00 3.1
25155 John Dryer South DTP Low 1/28/08 0:00 14.87
42405 Skye Norling East DTP High 1/24/08 0:00 5.15
49925 Adam Hart East DTP High 1/24/08 0:00 0.7
640 Tamara Chand East DTP High 1/24/08 0:00 9.54
44999 Mike Kennedy East DTP Medium 1/24/08 0:00 7.49
55270 Edward Nazzal South DTP Medium 1/24/08 0:00 6.27
640 Tamara Chand East Wholesaler High 1/24/08 0:00 58.64
35812 Barbara Fisher South DTP Critical 1/25/08 0:00 4
35812 Barbara Fisher South DTP Critical 1/25/08 0:00 5.86
24135 Ed Ludwig West DTP Low 1/25/08 0:00 1.49
35812 Barbara Fisher South Wholesaler Critical 1/25/08 0:00 30
44295 Alex Russell South DTP Medium 1/26/08 0:00 2.5
41472 Helen Wasserman South Custom Order Low 1/31/08 0:00 7.57
13958 Jill Matthias South DTP Low 2/2/08 0:00 0.99
38048 Ted Butterfield Central DTP High 1/25/08 0:00 5.63
38048 Ted Butterfield Central DTP High 1/26/08 0:00 5.92
14661 Lauren Leatherbury East DTP Not Specified 1/26/08 0:00 9.02
40162 Penelope Sewall Central DTP Critical 1/27/08 0:00 5.15
2305 Maribeth Dona Central DTP High 1/26/08 0:00 19.99
1253 Tanja Norvell West DTP Critical 1/26/08 0:00 6.72
2305 Maribeth Dona Central DTP High 1/27/08 0:00 5.66
14819 Carl Jackson Central Wholesaler Not Specified 1/27/08 0:00 36.61
14819 Carl Jackson Central DTP Not Specified 1/28/08 0:00 0.99
2305 Maribeth Dona Central Wholesaler High 1/28/08 0:00 57.38
34785 Jim Sink South Wholesaler Critical 1/29/08 0:00 42.52
27680 Delfina Latchford East DTP Critical 1/28/08 0:00 11.1
611 Arthur Prichep West DTP Critical 1/29/08 0:00 9.47
27808 Michelle Ellison West Custom Order Low 2/3/08 0:00 1.99
24961 Ken Black Central Wholesaler Low 2/3/08 0:00 36.61
44098 John Grady East DTP Low 2/1/08 0:00 1.92
97 Craig Yedwab West DTP Medium 1/30/08 0:00 0.5
27810 Julia Dunbar West Custom Order High 1/31/08 0:00 0.5
5381 Edward Nazzal South DTP Low 2/5/08 0:00 5.81
5381 Edward Nazzal South DTP Low 2/5/08 0:00 7.09
31780 Max Ludwig South Custom Order Medium 2/1/08 0:00 4.62
6279 Katrina Willman Central DTP Critical 2/1/08 0:00 19.99
30336 Caroline Jumper Central DTP Medium 2/1/08 0:00 19.99
13413 Karen Daniels West DTP Critical 2/1/08 0:00 4.7
52196 Adam Hart East DTP Not Specified 2/1/08 0:00 0.99
52196 Adam Hart East DTP Not Specified 2/2/08 0:00 3.9
3461 Susan Gilcrest South DTP Critical 2/2/08 0:00 3.75
16166 Anthony Rawles Central DTP Critical 2/2/08 0:00 1.38
14375 Rick Duston Central DTP Medium 2/2/08 0:00 25.66
50304 Jonathan Doherty Central DTP Critical 2/3/08 0:00 9.83
12449 Anthony Rawles Central DTP Medium 2/3/08 0:00 4
50304 Jonathan Doherty Central Wholesaler Critical 2/3/08 0:00 27.75
14338 Mike Kennedy East Wholesaler Low 2/8/08 0:00 15.59
48642 Matt Collister West Custom Order High 2/2/08 0:00 4.9
48642 Matt Collister West DTP High 2/2/08 0:00 0.7
48642 Matt Collister West Custom Order High 2/3/08 0:00 7.18
8292 Ellis Ballard South DTP Not Specified 2/3/08 0:00 1.39
58788 Christopher Schild Central DTP Low 2/4/08 0:00 6.5
27524 Jay Fine South DTP Not Specified 2/4/08 0:00 7.37
48642 Matt Collister West DTP High 2/4/08 0:00 3.5
18307 Dennis Pardue Central DTP Low 2/3/08 0:00 2.35
3687 Marc Harrigan East DTP Critical 2/3/08 0:00 1.35
43781 Claudia Miner East DTP Not Specified 2/3/08 0:00 1.39
43781 Claudia Miner East Custom Order Not Specified 2/4/08 0:00 2.99
32164 Erica Smith Central DTP Not Specified 2/4/08 0:00 8.93
55877 Erin Mull South DTP Not Specified 2/4/08 0:00 7.5
32164 Erica Smith Central Wholesaler Not Specified 2/4/08 0:00 54.12
55877 Erin Mull South Custom Order Not Specified 2/5/08 0:00 0.99
18307 Dennis Pardue Central Custom Order Low 2/7/08 0:00 8.68
52322 Joni Blumstein East DTP Low 2/10/08 0:00 2
56931 Dionis Lloyd South DTP High 2/6/08 0:00 5.03
24197 David Smith South Custom Order Low 2/11/08 0:00 6.55
24197 David Smith South DTP Low 2/11/08 0:00 1.25
12067 Toby Swindell South DTP Critical 2/5/08 0:00 5.01
1222 Nicole Brennan West DTP Medium 2/5/08 0:00 5.57
12067 Toby Swindell South DTP Critical 2/6/08 0:00 5.83
12067 Toby Swindell South DTP Critical 2/6/08 0:00 12.71
12067 Toby Swindell South DTP Critical 2/6/08 0:00 19.99
27141 Patrick Ryan South DTP Not Specified 2/6/08 0:00 6.38
27141 Patrick Ryan South DTP Not Specified 2/6/08 0:00 9.71
18055 Maribeth Schnelling Central DTP Critical 2/7/08 0:00 4.75
10630 Pauline Johnson East Wholesaler Medium 2/7/08 0:00 36.61
39110 Eva Jacobs West DTP Medium 2/6/08 0:00 11.54
42500 Michelle Arnett Central DTP Not Specified 2/8/08 0:00 7.49
15397 Troy Blackwell Central DTP Critical 2/7/08 0:00 6.5
10913 Alejandro Ballentine South Wholesaler Low 2/7/08 0:00 30
15397 Troy Blackwell Central DTP Critical 2/8/08 0:00 2.4
33703 Carl Ludwig Central DTP Not Specified 2/8/08 0:00 1.99
33703 Carl Ludwig Central DTP Not Specified 2/8/08 0:00 6.64
54276 Chad Cunningham East DTP Not Specified 2/8/08 0:00 4.92
15397 Troy Blackwell Central Custom Order Critical 2/9/08 0:00 4.32
33703 Carl Ludwig Central Custom Order Not Specified 2/9/08 0:00 4.81
42561 Beth Paige East Custom Order Low 2/9/08 0:00 2.5
36292 Christine Abelman Central DTP Critical 2/8/08 0:00 16.87
36292 Christine Abelman Central DTP Critical 2/9/08 0:00 7.54
34245 Grace Kelly South DTP Medium 2/9/08 0:00 4.79
45542 Robert Marley South Wholesaler High 2/9/08 0:00 51.94
7175 Helen Andreada West Wholesaler Critical 2/10/08 0:00 26.74
45542 Robert Marley South Custom Order High 2/11/08 0:00 5.83
30625 Pauline Johnson East DTP Critical 2/9/08 0:00 7.17
7079 Brenda Bowman Central Wholesaler Medium 2/10/08 0:00 57
30625 Pauline Johnson East Custom Order Critical 2/11/08 0:00 10.12
10114 Michael Paige Central DTP Critical 2/11/08 0:00 5.47
7079 Brenda Bowman Central DTP Medium 2/11/08 0:00 5.94
12704 Carlos Soltero Central DTP Low 2/10/08 0:00 24.49
44900 Joni Sundaresam East DTP Medium 2/11/08 0:00 5.03
20577 Patrick O'Donnell West DTP Critical 2/12/08 0:00 10.55
12704 Carlos Soltero Central Wholesaler Low 2/12/08 0:00 53.03
20704 Justin Ellison East DTP Low 2/11/08 0:00 0.7
7654 Resi Polking South DTP High 2/13/08 0:00 6.89
6311 Anna Gayman East DTP Medium 2/14/08 0:00 10.78
15014 Ted Trevino East Wholesaler Medium 2/14/08 0:00 36.61
47329 Greg Matthias West Custom Order Low 2/16/08 0:00 2.36
20704 Justin Ellison East DTP Low 2/16/08 0:00 20.98
47329 Greg Matthias West DTP Low 2/20/08 0:00 4.72
6850 Chuck Clark East DTP High 2/12/08 0:00 1.99
14245 Brian Dahlen Central DTP Critical 2/13/08 0:00 6.17
20103 Thais Sissman Central DTP Medium 2/13/08 0:00 6.24
6850 Chuck Clark East DTP High 2/13/08 0:00 10.17
3078 Paul Lucas West DTP High 2/13/08 0:00 0.7
6850 Chuck Clark East Wholesaler High 2/13/08 0:00 52.42
20103 Thais Sissman Central Custom Order Medium 2/14/08 0:00 8.65
6850 Chuck Clark East DTP High 2/14/08 0:00 6.88
3078 Paul Lucas West Wholesaler High 2/14/08 0:00 48.8
19555 Carol Darley Central DTP Low 2/16/08 0:00 7.3
19555 Carol Darley Central DTP Low 2/19/08 0:00 2.15
57159 Hilary Holden Central DTP Critical 2/13/08 0:00 11.59
57159 Hilary Holden Central Wholesaler Critical 2/14/08 0:00 57
26054 Resi Polking South DTP Critical 2/15/08 0:00 10.16
58502 Harold Engle Central Wholesaler Critical 2/15/08 0:00 28.16
10080 Grant Thornton East DTP Low 2/20/08 0:00 4
59619 Maureen Gastineau West DTP Not Specified 2/16/08 0:00 15.55
12259 Muhammed Yedwab East DTP High 2/16/08 0:00 6.72
14791 Lisa DeCherney West DTP Medium 2/16/08 0:00 3.99
47778 Frank Merwin West DTP Critical 2/17/08 0:00 6.85
12259 Muhammed Yedwab East Wholesaler High 2/17/08 0:00 51.42
37349 Bill Stewart South Custom Order Critical 2/18/08 0:00 19.99
32931 Shaun Chance South DTP Low 2/21/08 0:00 6.27
32931 Shaun Chance South DTP Low 2/23/08 0:00 0.5
57127 Ralph Knight East DTP Low 2/19/08 0:00 14.3
42820 Ted Trevino East DTP Low 2/24/08 0:00 2.99
36065 Dionis Lloyd South DTP High 2/18/08 0:00 12.39
39333 Michelle Ellison West DTP Critical 2/18/08 0:00 4.7
39333 Michelle Ellison West DTP Critical 2/20/08 0:00 24.49
54304 Justin Hirsh West DTP High 2/20/08 0:00 3.99
6980 Ralph Knight East DTP Not Specified 2/20/08 0:00 7.72
33060 Keith Dawkins Central DTP High 2/21/08 0:00 4.69
22368 Sarah Jordon East DTP Medium 2/21/08 0:00 1.99
22368 Sarah Jordon East DTP Medium 2/21/08 0:00 35
22368 Sarah Jordon East Wholesaler Medium 2/22/08 0:00 56.14
25091 Lena Creighton West DTP Medium 2/23/08 0:00 14.72
56835 Roland Murray Central DTP Not Specified 2/21/08 0:00 2.25
59780 Art Foster Central Wholesaler Critical 2/21/08 0:00 26.53
14023 Edward Becker West DTP Not Specified 2/22/08 0:00 5.12
1060 Harold Dahlen Central DTP Medium 2/23/08 0:00 2.99
38496 Pauline Chand East DTP Critical 2/23/08 0:00 4.72
37157 Nathan Mautz South DTP High 2/23/08 0:00 5.06
57538 Christina Vanderzanden West DTP Critical 2/23/08 0:00 19.99
14023 Edward Becker West DTP Not Specified 2/23/08 0:00 2.99
4739 Lynn Smith West DTP Low 2/25/08 0:00 0.7
43940 Anne Pryor Central DTP Critical 2/23/08 0:00 4.2
43940 Anne Pryor Central DTP Critical 2/23/08 0:00 8.99
17632 Liz Thompson East DTP Medium 2/23/08 0:00 0.7
26499 Sylvia Foulston East DTP Medium 2/23/08 0:00 0.5
41122 Darren Budd Central Custom Order Not Specified 2/24/08 0:00 4.08
37606 Patrick Bzostek West Custom Order Critical 2/24/08 0:00 4.86
4487 Scott Williamson East DTP Medium 2/24/08 0:00 5.27
39872 Sandra Glassco West DTP Critical 2/24/08 0:00 0.99
2279 Rob Haberlin Central Wholesaler Medium 2/24/08 0:00 30
2279 Rob Haberlin Central DTP Medium 2/25/08 0:00 5.42
51362 Tim Taslimi Central DTP Medium 2/25/08 0:00 4
29475 Gary Zandusky South DTP High 2/25/08 0:00 3.05
37606 Patrick Bzostek West DTP Critical 2/25/08 0:00 8.14
29475 Gary Zandusky South Wholesaler High 2/26/08 0:00 44.55
42528 Alex Grayson West Custom Order Medium 2/25/08 0:00 1.99
42528 Alex Grayson West DTP Medium 2/25/08 0:00 18.64
27426 William Brown South DTP Low 2/26/08 0:00 4.78
42528 Alex Grayson West DTP Medium 2/26/08 0:00 20.75
27426 William Brown South Custom Order Low 3/2/08 0:00 4.59
48609 Pauline Johnson East Custom Order High 2/26/08 0:00 4.27
48609 Pauline Johnson East DTP High 2/26/08 0:00 7.86
11878 Jesus Ocampo East DTP Not Specified 2/26/08 0:00 7.53
53344 Nora Paige Central DTP High 2/27/08 0:00 6.07
29156 Denise Monton Central DTP Low 3/1/08 0:00 4
10627 Matt Collister West DTP Low 3/1/08 0:00 9.23
11747 David Wiener Central DTP Medium 2/26/08 0:00 19.99
8807 Natalie Webber Central DTP Low 2/28/08 0:00 11.54
12803 Patrick Jones South DTP Not Specified 2/28/08 0:00 4.81
8807 Natalie Webber Central DTP Low 3/4/08 0:00 4.2
27461 Candace McMahon South Custom Order Critical 2/27/08 0:00 0.5
678 Dorothy Badders East DTP Low 2/27/08 0:00 8.33
27461 Candace McMahon South DTP Critical 2/27/08 0:00 19.99
38979 Steve Chapman South Wholesaler Low 2/27/08 0:00 59.81
37541 Claudia Miner East Custom Order Medium 2/28/08 0:00 13.88
27879 Anemone Ratner West DTP Medium 2/28/08 0:00 1.39
27879 Anemone Ratner West Custom Order Medium 2/29/08 0:00 6.22
20038 Sally Knutson Central DTP Low 2/29/08 0:00 6.6
37541 Claudia Miner East DTP Medium 2/29/08 0:00 5.99
37541 Claudia Miner East DTP Medium 2/29/08 0:00 35
55394 Benjamin Patterson West Wholesaler Critical 2/29/08 0:00 27.75
36836 Karen Carlisle South DTP Medium 3/1/08 0:00 19.99
38979 Steve Chapman South DTP Low 3/3/08 0:00 1.63
38979 Steve Chapman South DTP Low 3/3/08 0:00 5.5
20386 Mike Kennedy East DTP Critical 2/28/08 0:00 0.7
4166 Patrick Ryan South DTP Low 2/28/08 0:00 6.05
33922 Carlos Daly East Wholesaler Not Specified 2/28/08 0:00 69.3
47942 Harold Dahlen Central Custom Order Medium 2/29/08 0:00 7.69
47942 Harold Dahlen Central Custom Order Medium 3/1/08 0:00 3.04
6272 Randy Ferguson South Custom Order High 3/1/08 0:00 2.5
16230 Sonia Sunley Central DTP Low 3/1/08 0:00 0.49
47942 Harold Dahlen Central DTP Medium 3/1/08 0:00 24.49
6272 Randy Ferguson South DTP High 3/1/08 0:00 22.98
16230 Sonia Sunley Central Wholesaler Low 3/1/08 0:00 54.74
6272 Randy Ferguson South Wholesaler High 3/1/08 0:00 51.94
9701 Herbert Flentye West DTP Low 3/3/08 0:00 2.5
16230 Sonia Sunley Central DTP Low 3/4/08 0:00 8.64
9701 Herbert Flentye West DTP Low 3/4/08 0:00 1.49
58820 Patricia Hirasaki West DTP Low 3/4/08 0:00 6.02
16230 Sonia Sunley Central DTP Low 3/6/08 0:00 5.81
34787 Sean Wendt East DTP Low 3/2/08 0:00 8.99
17506 Susan Vittorini East Wholesaler Low 3/4/08 0:00 42.52
738 Caroline Jumper Central DTP Not Specified 3/2/08 0:00 5.14
24577 Steve Chapman South DTP Medium 3/2/08 0:00 5.47
36517 Katherine Nockton South DTP Not Specified 3/2/08 0:00 3.99
738 Caroline Jumper Central DTP Not Specified 3/3/08 0:00 4.5
36517 Katherine Nockton South DTP Not Specified 3/3/08 0:00 4
19813 Lena Cacioppo Central DTP Critical 3/3/08 0:00 2.5
35300 Dan Reichenbach Central DTP Medium 3/3/08 0:00 2.5
27236 Alan Hwang South DTP High 3/3/08 0:00 5.86
1600 Liz MacKendrick West DTP Medium 3/3/08 0:00 7.44
2914 Maureen Gastineau West DTP Medium 3/3/08 0:00 9.54
55424 Victoria Brennan East Custom Order Medium 3/4/08 0:00 4.86
4359 Kelly Andreada South DTP Critical 3/4/08 0:00 7.46
1600 Liz MacKendrick West DTP Medium 3/4/08 0:00 6.22
35300 Dan Reichenbach Central DTP Medium 3/5/08 0:00 8.66
43271 Brenda Bowman Central DTP Medium 3/4/08 0:00 2.4
47169 Doug Jacobs South DTP Medium 3/4/08 0:00 5.26
44064 Theresa Swint Central Custom Order Medium 3/5/08 0:00 11.25
11429 Jason Klamczynski Central Wholesaler Low 3/5/08 0:00 42.52
44064 Theresa Swint Central DTP Medium 3/6/08 0:00 8.99
11429 Jason Klamczynski Central DTP Low 3/7/08 0:00 5.14
34599 John Castell East DTP Low 3/7/08 0:00 3.68
34599 John Castell East DTP Low 3/7/08 0:00 17.08
8101 Maureen Gastineau West DTP Medium 3/6/08 0:00 8.99
8101 Maureen Gastineau West Wholesaler Medium 3/6/08 0:00 74.35
27712 Speros Goranitis Central DTP Low 3/11/08 0:00 4.86
54692 Tom Ashbrook Central DTP Medium 3/5/08 0:00 0.97
46855 Darren Budd Central DTP High 3/6/08 0:00 0.7
8870 Mathew Reese South DTP Not Specified 3/6/08 0:00 5.09
52193 Mike Pelletier East Custom Order Not Specified 3/7/08 0:00 0.5
54692 Tom Ashbrook Central DTP Medium 3/7/08 0:00 8.99
52193 Mike Pelletier East DTP Not Specified 3/7/08 0:00 0.96
26852 Jim Kriz West DTP Critical 3/8/08 0:00 6.07
56610 Justin Hirsh West Custom Order Medium 3/7/08 0:00 4
58720 Nathan Gelder West DTP Not Specified 3/7/08 0:00 16.11
58720 Nathan Gelder West Custom Order Not Specified 3/8/08 0:00 8.74
46949 Mick Crebagga Central DTP High 3/8/08 0:00 3.62
55269 Adam Bellavance East DTP Medium 3/8/08 0:00 17.08
14147 Theresa Coyne East DTP Not Specified 3/8/08 0:00 6.72
19329 Max Engle South DTP Not Specified 3/8/08 0:00 4.99
13121 Xylona Price West DTP High 3/8/08 0:00 6.5
14147 Theresa Coyne East DTP Not Specified 3/9/08 0:00 5.74
9568 John Lucas South DTP Not Specified 3/9/08 0:00 19.95
19329 Max Engle South DTP Not Specified 3/9/08 0:00 4.95
14147 Theresa Coyne East DTP Not Specified 3/10/08 0:00 2.99
43329 Doug Bickford South DTP Medium 3/10/08 0:00 3.99
13121 Xylona Price West DTP High 3/10/08 0:00 8.99
28482 Jennifer Halladay East DTP Critical 3/8/08 0:00 6.72
3908 Dorothy Wardle East DTP Medium 3/8/08 0:00 2.5
896 Edward Nazzal South DTP Critical 3/8/08 0:00 12.98
14406 Charles Sheldon East Custom Order Medium 3/10/08 0:00 0.99
28482 Jennifer Halladay East DTP Critical 3/10/08 0:00 3.63
14406 Charles Sheldon East DTP Medium 3/10/08 0:00 13.99
14406 Charles Sheldon East Wholesaler Medium 3/10/08 0:00 53.03
12736 Henry MacAllister Central DTP Low 3/15/08 0:00 6.22
47909 Dean Percer South DTP Medium 3/9/08 0:00 7.44
43367 Anemone Ratner West DTP Critical 3/9/08 0:00 35
43367 Anemone Ratner West Custom Order Critical 3/10/08 0:00 2.64
47909 Dean Percer South DTP Medium 3/10/08 0:00 4.68
48263 Alex Grayson West DTP Medium 3/10/08 0:00 8.71
44897 Kelly Collister Central DTP High 3/11/08 0:00 11.15
21735 Liz Pelletier Central DTP Not Specified 3/11/08 0:00 12.52
47909 Dean Percer South DTP Medium 3/11/08 0:00 0.99
21735 Liz Pelletier Central DTP Not Specified 3/12/08 0:00 8.99
43367 Anemone Ratner West DTP Critical 3/12/08 0:00 5.14
31682 Carlos Meador South DTP Low 3/18/08 0:00 19.95
52098 Darren Budd Central DTP Medium 3/10/08 0:00 10.55
4737 Roy Collins South DTP Not Specified 3/11/08 0:00 3.04
24993 Beth Fritzler Central DTP High 3/13/08 0:00 2.5
42884 Muhammed Yedwab East Wholesaler Not Specified 3/12/08 0:00 42.52
15234 Toby Knight West Custom Order Not Specified 3/13/08 0:00 8.08
15234 Toby Knight West DTP Not Specified 3/13/08 0:00 8.99
1412 Carlos Soltero Central Custom Order Not Specified 3/14/08 0:00 0.5
1412 Carlos Soltero Central DTP Not Specified 3/14/08 0:00 0.7
40804 Barry French Central Wholesaler Medium 3/14/08 0:00 70.2
2149 Lori Olson South DTP Low 3/16/08 0:00 4.93
47554 John Dryer South Wholesaler Low 3/13/08 0:00 14.19
29957 Dave Brooks Central DTP Critical 3/14/08 0:00 7.23
43936 Carl Weiss East DTP Critical 3/14/08 0:00 5.45
33632 Alex Avila South DTP Critical 3/14/08 0:00 5.26
7938 Carlos Meador South DTP Medium 3/14/08 0:00 1.09
29957 Dave Brooks Central Wholesaler Critical 3/14/08 0:00 58.2
7938 Carlos Meador South DTP Medium 3/15/08 0:00 7.15
7938 Carlos Meador South Wholesaler Medium 3/15/08 0:00 28.63
47554 John Dryer South DTP Low 3/20/08 0:00 4
51524 Pauline Chand East DTP Medium 3/15/08 0:00 35
51524 Pauline Chand East Custom Order Medium 3/16/08 0:00 0.99
19744 Natalie Webber Central DTP Medium 3/16/08 0:00 4.98
38791 Nathan Mautz South Wholesaler Low 3/21/08 0:00 89.3
43877 Dorris Love South Custom Order Low 3/15/08 0:00 6.25
36737 Harold Dahlen Central DTP Not Specified 3/16/08 0:00 4.2
36737 Harold Dahlen Central DTP Not Specified 3/16/08 0:00 25.98
27077 Frank Carlisle East DTP Critical 3/17/08 0:00 13.99
47749 Cari Schnelling East DTP Medium 3/16/08 0:00 7.77
2084 Andy Reiter South DTP High 3/18/08 0:00 17.48
43972 Chris Cortes South DTP Low 3/18/08 0:00 8.99
53025 Justin Hirsh West DTP Critical 3/18/08 0:00 7.5
10754 Saphhira Shifley West DTP Low 3/19/08 0:00 5.94
49538 Darren Budd Central DTP Low 3/21/08 0:00 5.58
50118 Dianna Vittorini West Wholesaler Not Specified 3/19/08 0:00 27.75
44162 Julie Creighton Central DTP High 3/20/08 0:00 3.37
12643 Ann Blume South DTP Low 3/21/08 0:00 1.97
50759 Deborah Brumfield West DTP Low 3/24/08 0:00 8.99
33283 Frank Hawley Central Wholesaler Medium 3/20/08 0:00 69.64
8387 Tamara Manning South DTP Not Specified 3/21/08 0:00 12.62
15744 Jas O'Carroll East DTP Critical 3/22/08 0:00 6.79
30374 Michelle Moray South DTP Critical 3/22/08 0:00 1.99
30374 Michelle Moray South DTP Critical 3/22/08 0:00 3.99
30308 George Bell South DTP Medium 3/22/08 0:00 4.79
32641 Fred Harton West DTP High 3/22/08 0:00 5.6
44290 Peter Fuller South DTP Medium 3/23/08 0:00 5.4
44290 Peter Fuller South DTP Medium 3/23/08 0:00 15.73
29671 Duane Huffman East DTP Critical 3/23/08 0:00 7.73
53060 Eric Barreto South DTP Critical 3/24/08 0:00 2.15
53060 Eric Barreto South DTP Critical 3/24/08 0:00 5.99
4037 Bruce Stewart West DTP High 3/24/08 0:00 7.86
5414 Michelle Tran West Custom Order Not Specified 3/25/08 0:00 5.42
44546 Vivek Sundaresam South DTP Critical 3/25/08 0:00 1.63
5830 Shirley Jackson West DTP Medium 3/25/08 0:00 14.45
36866 Brian Stugart East DTP Low 3/26/08 0:00 9.99
52135 Jeremy Ellison West DTP Low 3/26/08 0:00 19.99
35430 Liz Willingham South DTP Low 3/27/08 0:00 8.99
42597 Paul Prost South DTP Medium 3/27/08 0:00 4.32
18017 Benjamin Venier South Wholesaler Critical 3/27/08 0:00 54.12
19815 Karen Carlisle South DTP Not Specified 3/28/08 0:00 6.07
35430 Liz Willingham South DTP Low 3/29/08 0:00 0.93
35430 Liz Willingham South DTP Low 4/1/08 0:00 13.99
7169 Lela Donovan East DTP Medium 3/28/08 0:00 2.79
7169 Lela Donovan East DTP Medium 3/28/08 0:00 14.39
27875 Muhammed Yedwab East DTP Low 3/31/08 0:00 49
10919 Ross DeVincentis West DTP High 3/27/08 0:00 35
37923 Paul Stevenson West DTP Not Specified 3/28/08 0:00 6.81
58657 Kelly Williams South DTP Critical 3/29/08 0:00 1.99
5094 Mark Haberlin West DTP Not Specified 3/30/08 0:00 4.27
35425 Tracy Blumstein West DTP Not Specified 3/30/08 0:00 6.22
21988 Jeremy Pistek South Wholesaler Medium 3/30/08 0:00 91.05
6050 Phillip Flathmann Central DTP Low 4/2/08 0:00 69
6050 Phillip Flathmann Central Wholesaler Low 4/4/08 0:00 33.6
42209 Alan Barnes Central DTP High 3/29/08 0:00 0.99
51558 Greg Guthrie Central DTP Not Specified 3/29/08 0:00 6.92
51558 Greg Guthrie Central Wholesaler Not Specified 3/29/08 0:00 60
40832 Erin Mull South DTP High 3/30/08 0:00 6.67
42209 Alan Barnes Central DTP High 4/1/08 0:00 24.49
44706 Ritsa Hightower East Wholesaler Low 4/1/08 0:00 110.2
19206 Michelle Moray South Wholesaler Low 4/1/08 0:00 14.36
38659 Jonathan Doherty Central DTP Low 4/3/08 0:00 6.13
4743 Gary Zandusky South DTP Low 4/3/08 0:00 1.49
19206 Michelle Moray South DTP Low 4/3/08 0:00 1.49
44706 Ritsa Hightower East DTP Low 4/4/08 0:00 0.7
4743 Gary Zandusky South DTP Low 4/6/08 0:00 11.52
38659 Jonathan Doherty Central Wholesaler Low 4/6/08 0:00 51.94
33921 Daniel Lacy West Wholesaler Low 4/8/08 0:00 14.19
52964 Jim Radford East DTP Critical 4/1/08 0:00 24.49
53668 Dorris Love South DTP Not Specified 4/1/08 0:00 3.37
23238 Bradley Drucker West Wholesaler Not Specified 4/2/08 0:00 56.14
46434 David Philippe East DTP Critical 4/2/08 0:00 2.99
21889 Becky Castell East DTP Low 4/3/08 0:00 5.08
44358 Theresa Coyne East Wholesaler High 4/3/08 0:00 32.48
34371 Scott Cohen West Wholesaler Medium 4/3/08 0:00 14.7
21889 Becky Castell East DTP Low 4/8/08 0:00 19.99
38596 Aleksandra Gannaway West DTP Medium 4/3/08 0:00 4.82
19812 Alex Russell South Wholesaler Low 4/7/08 0:00 45.7
22627 Bill Shonely East Wholesaler Low 4/3/08 0:00 66.27
5318 Matt Collins Central Custom Order High 4/4/08 0:00 4.2
12999 Georgia Rosenberg West DTP High 4/4/08 0:00 19.99
22022 Hallie Redmond South Wholesaler Critical 4/4/08 0:00 29.7
5318 Matt Collins Central DTP High 4/5/08 0:00 0.99
22627 Bill Shonely East DTP Low 4/8/08 0:00 14.48
39847 Jennifer Patt South DTP Not Specified 4/5/08 0:00 13.09
39847 Jennifer Patt South DTP Not Specified 4/6/08 0:00 8.99
21600 Ashley Jarboe West DTP Low 4/11/08 0:00 2.27
7936 Pete Takahito West Wholesaler Low 4/5/08 0:00 36.61
7936 Pete Takahito West DTP Low 4/10/08 0:00 6.27
29700 Eric Barreto South DTP Medium 4/7/08 0:00 0.99
22881 Melanie Page West DTP Medium 4/7/08 0:00 9.37
56003 Katrina Willman Central Wholesaler Critical 4/7/08 0:00 16.01
5990 Eric Murdock South DTP Critical 4/8/08 0:00 6.35
26786 Evan Henry South DTP Medium 4/8/08 0:00 3.99
11943 Stephanie Phelps East Wholesaler Low 4/9/08 0:00 30
9664 Matthew Grinstein East DTP High 4/10/08 0:00 8.4
57889 Trudy Bell South DTP Low 4/11/08 0:00 0.99
11943 Stephanie Phelps East DTP Low 4/14/08 0:00 7.17
26951 Kean Takahito South DTP Not Specified 4/9/08 0:00 13.99
28007 Deborah Brumfield West DTP Not Specified 4/9/08 0:00 60.09
54917 Anthony Rawles Central DTP High 4/10/08 0:00 24.49
24581 George Ashbrook East DTP High 4/10/08 0:00 1.49
29478 Russell D'Ascenzo Central DTP High 4/12/08 0:00 0.99
12613 Richard Eichhorn South Custom Order Medium 4/11/08 0:00 2.85
12613 Richard Eichhorn South DTP Medium 4/11/08 0:00 10.29
19296 Eric Murdock South Custom Order High 4/12/08 0:00 1.57
40164 Chuck Clark East DTP Not Specified 4/12/08 0:00 7.58
45158 Juliana Krohn West DTP Low 4/12/08 0:00 2.03
5472 Karl Brown West DTP Low 4/12/08 0:00 5.92
5472 Karl Brown West DTP Low 4/12/08 0:00 6.65
45605 Nora Paige Central Wholesaler Medium 4/12/08 0:00 52.2
12613 Richard Eichhorn South DTP Medium 4/13/08 0:00 6.27
5472 Karl Brown West DTP Low 4/14/08 0:00 4.51
45158 Juliana Krohn West Custom Order Low 4/15/08 0:00 0.71
53349 Alejandro Grove West Wholesaler Low 4/19/08 0:00 43.32
55203 Natalie Webber Central DTP Low 4/11/08 0:00 7.69
52839 Catherine Glotzbach South DTP High 4/11/08 0:00 3.97
3040 Tracy Zic Central Custom Order Medium 4/12/08 0:00 6.6
7078 Ricardo Block South Custom Order High 4/12/08 0:00 6.27
7078 Ricardo Block South Custom Order High 4/12/08 0:00 8.99
52839 Catherine Glotzbach South DTP High 4/12/08 0:00 2.5
29121 Jack Lebron Central DTP Medium 4/13/08 0:00 7.69
7078 Ricardo Block South DTP High 4/13/08 0:00 6.12
7078 Ricardo Block South Wholesaler High 4/13/08 0:00 70.2
16643 Quincy Jones South DTP Low 4/15/08 0:00 2.55
2272 Grant Donatelli Central Wholesaler High 4/12/08 0:00 52.2
45409 Damala Kotsonis South DTP Critical 4/13/08 0:00 3.97
45409 Damala Kotsonis South DTP Critical 4/15/08 0:00 1.25
45409 Damala Kotsonis South Wholesaler Critical 4/15/08 0:00 58.95
56001 Alex Avila South Custom Order Low 4/16/08 0:00 7.37
11456 Doug Bickford South DTP Low 4/19/08 0:00 24.49
20899 Arthur Prichep West DTP Low 4/21/08 0:00 10.75
16932 Carlos Soltero Central DTP Critical 4/15/08 0:00 1.56
47524 Jeremy Lonsdale Central DTP Medium 4/15/08 0:00 1.34
37443 Mark Packer West DTP Not Specified 4/15/08 0:00 3.99
19559 Matthew Grinstein East Custom Order High 4/16/08 0:00 8.99
16932 Carlos Soltero Central DTP Critical 4/16/08 0:00 8.09
47524 Jeremy Lonsdale Central DTP Medium 4/17/08 0:00 9.02
19559 Matthew Grinstein East DTP High 4/17/08 0:00 4.82
37318 Nat Gilpin East DTP Medium 4/17/08 0:00 19.99
18465 Laura Armstrong South DTP High 4/17/08 0:00 35
54336 Alejandro Savely West DTP Medium 4/17/08 0:00 3.62
37443 Mark Packer West DTP Not Specified 4/17/08 0:00 2.5
19559 Matthew Grinstein East Custom Order High 4/18/08 0:00 0.99
22629 Sonia Sunley Central DTP Low 4/20/08 0:00 14.52
23232 Penelope Sewall Central DTP High 4/16/08 0:00 8.74
23232 Penelope Sewall Central Custom Order High 4/17/08 0:00 7.12
23232 Penelope Sewall Central DTP High 4/17/08 0:00 0.49
772 Pamela Stobb Central DTP High 4/18/08 0:00 9.56
56321 Shahid Shariari West DTP Critical 4/18/08 0:00 5.59
6661 Clytie Kelty South Wholesaler Low 4/20/08 0:00 49
6661 Clytie Kelty South DTP Low 4/23/08 0:00 6.15
38630 Vivek Sundaresam South DTP Medium 4/18/08 0:00 3.99
56992 Maria Zettner South DTP Not Specified 4/18/08 0:00 17.08
47078 Karen Seio South DTP Medium 4/19/08 0:00 0.5
4774 Lindsay Williams Central DTP Medium 4/20/08 0:00 5.5
47078 Karen Seio South DTP Medium 4/20/08 0:00 7.16
12451 Thais Sissman Central Custom Order Low 4/21/08 0:00 4.53
12451 Thais Sissman Central Wholesaler Low 4/21/08 0:00 54.74
57281 Andy Yotov Central DTP High 4/20/08 0:00 15.1
7910 Erica Hackney South DTP Critical 4/20/08 0:00 5.09
11841 Melanie Page West DTP Medium 4/20/08 0:00 5.81
40068 Jennifer Patt South Wholesaler Low 4/20/08 0:00 40.19
38944 Mitch Gastineau East DTP Medium 4/21/08 0:00 8.08
38944 Mitch Gastineau East Wholesaler Medium 4/21/08 0:00 26
18758 Liz Pelletier Central Custom Order Not Specified 4/22/08 0:00 21.26
38944 Mitch Gastineau East DTP Medium 4/22/08 0:00 4.86
11841 Melanie Page West DTP Medium 4/22/08 0:00 10.75
57281 Andy Yotov Central Wholesaler High 4/22/08 0:00 35.84
40068 Jennifer Patt South Wholesaler Low 4/22/08 0:00 30
7910 Erica Hackney South DTP Critical 4/23/08 0:00 4.8
9895 Adam Bellavance East DTP Low 4/24/08 0:00 2.27
40068 Jennifer Patt South DTP Low 4/24/08 0:00 6.88
11846 Ken Dana West DTP Low 4/24/08 0:00 4
38117 Mick Hernandez South DTP Low 4/25/08 0:00 11.25
11846 Ken Dana West Custom Order Low 4/27/08 0:00 8.79
45412 Arianne Irving Central DTP Medium 4/23/08 0:00 1.1
35142 Joel Jenkins East DTP Low 4/24/08 0:00 6.67
27687 Maribeth Yedwab South DTP Medium 4/24/08 0:00 6.05
13088 Ben Ferrer West DTP Not Specified 4/24/08 0:00 49
13347 Vivek Gonzalez South Custom Order Not Specified 4/24/08 0:00 1.49
58854 Arthur Gainer South Wholesaler Critical 4/25/08 0:00 35.89
58854 Arthur Gainer South DTP Critical 4/26/08 0:00 4.81
47461 Christopher Martinez Central Custom Order High 4/26/08 0:00 2.99
47461 Christopher Martinez Central DTP High 4/26/08 0:00 1.69
47175 Jeremy Lonsdale Central DTP Not Specified 4/26/08 0:00 1
1058 Jim Epp West DTP Medium 4/26/08 0:00 8.99
47461 Christopher Martinez Central DTP High 4/27/08 0:00 2.35
46624 Keith Dawkins Central DTP Not Specified 4/27/08 0:00 0.5
49989 Dianna Wilson South DTP Not Specified 4/27/08 0:00 7.18
1383 Frank Merwin West DTP High 4/27/08 0:00 11.37
46624 Keith Dawkins Central DTP Not Specified 4/28/08 0:00 6.72
28512 Lindsay Castell Central DTP Medium 4/28/08 0:00 4
28643 Thomas Thornton West DTP Not Specified 4/28/08 0:00 2.99
28512 Lindsay Castell Central DTP Medium 4/29/08 0:00 25.76
17090 Greg Guthrie Central Wholesaler Low 4/30/08 0:00 36.09
14854 Robert Marley South DTP Low 5/2/08 0:00 6.25
17090 Greg Guthrie Central Wholesaler Low 5/3/08 0:00 70.2
40678 Daniel Byrd East DTP Low 5/5/08 0:00 19.99
33857 Troy Blackwell Central DTP Critical 4/30/08 0:00 2.17
23394 Kean Nguyen South DTP High 4/30/08 0:00 1.49
21319 Chuck Sachs East Wholesaler Medium 4/30/08 0:00 15.68
21319 Chuck Sachs East Wholesaler Medium 4/30/08 0:00 49
5569 Frank Price East DTP Not Specified 5/1/08 0:00 6.22
38850 Corey Lock East Wholesaler Medium 5/1/08 0:00 40.19
21319 Chuck Sachs East DTP Medium 5/2/08 0:00 7.69
28928 Nora Pelletier South DTP Low 4/30/08 0:00 11.25
14855 John Lee Central Custom Order Not Specified 5/2/08 0:00 5.47
14855 John Lee Central DTP Not Specified 5/2/08 0:00 4.57
28928 Nora Pelletier South DTP Low 5/2/08 0:00 3.99
28928 Nora Pelletier South DTP Low 5/2/08 0:00 5
14855 John Lee Central Wholesaler Not Specified 5/2/08 0:00 51.94
57766 Julia Dunbar West DTP High 5/3/08 0:00 19.99
57857 Anthony Rawles Central DTP High 5/1/08 0:00 3.77
43904 Michael Oakman Central DTP Not Specified 5/2/08 0:00 7.69
57092 David Philippe East DTP Critical 5/2/08 0:00 8.99
43904 Michael Oakman Central DTP Not Specified 5/3/08 0:00 1.99
51488 Liz MacKendrick West DTP High 5/3/08 0:00 13.66
29408 Neil Knudson West Wholesaler Not Specified 5/3/08 0:00 56.14
34402 Mitch Willingham South DTP High 5/4/08 0:00 35
34402 Mitch Willingham South Custom Order High 5/5/08 0:00 0.5
8131 Helen Abelman Central DTP Critical 5/3/08 0:00 1.99
12900 Laurel Elliston West DTP High 5/4/08 0:00 4.98
2656 Nathan Cano East Wholesaler Critical 5/4/08 0:00 60
2656 Nathan Cano East DTP Critical 5/5/08 0:00 1.25
12900 Laurel Elliston West Wholesaler High 5/5/08 0:00 26.53
18946 Kelly Andreada South DTP Critical 5/4/08 0:00 10.05
42912 Craig Molinari Central DTP Not Specified 5/6/08 0:00 8.6
3012 Maxwell Schwartz West DTP Critical 5/6/08 0:00 1.49
27776 Liz Price West Custom Order Low 5/8/08 0:00 7.28
32099 Emily Burns East DTP Not Specified 5/5/08 0:00 6.47
48832 Bobby Trafton South Wholesaler High 5/5/08 0:00 30
3621 Eric Barreto South DTP Medium 5/6/08 0:00 5.3
8384 Meg Tillman Central Wholesaler High 5/6/08 0:00 36.09
30243 Hilary Holden Central DTP Critical 5/7/08 0:00 3.5
30243 Hilary Holden Central DTP Critical 5/7/08 0:00 24.49
34657 Fred Chung South Custom Order Low 5/14/08 0:00 19.51
25830 Justin Hirsh West DTP Low 5/6/08 0:00 6.89
4004 Sheri Gordon Central DTP Medium 5/7/08 0:00 8.99
13351 Karl Brown West DTP Medium 5/7/08 0:00 19.99
15778 Barry Blumstein Central DTP High 5/8/08 0:00 5.26
24515 Eugene Barchas East Wholesaler Critical 5/8/08 0:00 33.6
4004 Sheri Gordon Central DTP Medium 5/9/08 0:00 0.71
31392 George Zrebassa South DTP Low 5/10/08 0:00 35
25830 Justin Hirsh West DTP Low 5/11/08 0:00 10.91
31392 George Zrebassa South DTP Low 5/13/08 0:00 5.16
58150 Susan Vittorini East DTP Critical 5/7/08 0:00 6.05
22529 Vivian Mathis West DTP Medium 5/7/08 0:00 13.22
53572 Marina Lichtenstein Central DTP Medium 5/8/08 0:00 5.25
45766 Charlotte Melton East DTP High 5/8/08 0:00 13.99
7553 Tony Sayre East DTP Medium 5/8/08 0:00 39.61
39265 Dorothy Dickinson West DTP Critical 5/8/08 0:00 0.94
32743 Grant Carroll East DTP Critical 5/9/08 0:00 0.99
45766 Charlotte Melton East DTP High 5/9/08 0:00 14.48
7553 Tony Sayre East DTP Medium 5/10/08 0:00 6.72
41350 Erica Hernandez South DTP Medium 5/9/08 0:00 19.99
55107 Julie Prescott Central DTP Low 5/13/08 0:00 1.39
44615 Edward Becker West DTP Medium 5/10/08 0:00 1.49
16545 Carlos Soltero Central DTP Not Specified 5/11/08 0:00 2.05
13731 Tom Prescott Central DTP Not Specified 5/12/08 0:00 1.22
16326 Bill Donatelli East DTP High 5/10/08 0:00 1.93
24352 Toby Swindell South DTP Critical 5/10/08 0:00 1.14
45632 Michelle Ellison West DTP Not Specified 5/11/08 0:00 0.96
16641 Bryan Spruell South Wholesaler High 5/11/08 0:00 46.59
16326 Bill Donatelli East DTP High 5/12/08 0:00 1.99
2241 Sarah Brown South DTP Critical 5/12/08 0:00 2.99
9857 Bruce Degenhardt West DTP High 5/11/08 0:00 8.78
56710 Jim Mitchum Central DTP Not Specified 5/12/08 0:00 3.99
56710 Jim Mitchum Central DTP Not Specified 5/12/08 0:00 5.5
58371 Barry Pond East DTP Medium 5/12/08 0:00 9.68
56710 Jim Mitchum Central DTP Not Specified 5/13/08 0:00 8.49
58371 Barry Pond East DTP Medium 5/13/08 0:00 33.88
9857 Bruce Degenhardt West DTP High 5/13/08 0:00 6.6
9857 Bruce Degenhardt West DTP High 5/13/08 0:00 19.99
58913 Sarah Bern West DTP Medium 5/13/08 0:00 5.94
24356 Barry Gonzalez Central Wholesaler Medium 5/13/08 0:00 39
47842 Anthony Garverick South Custom Order Medium 5/12/08 0:00 5.74
28995 Hilary Holden Central DTP High 5/13/08 0:00 14.44
44480 Vivek Sundaresam South DTP Medium 5/14/08 0:00 10.75
29120 James Galang West DTP Low 5/14/08 0:00 7.47
41383 Fred McMath East Wholesaler Low 5/16/08 0:00 59.81
29120 James Galang West Wholesaler Low 5/17/08 0:00 26.74
41383 Fred McMath East DTP Low 5/19/08 0:00 2.99
1286 Lena Creighton West DTP Not Specified 5/14/08 0:00 5.74
1286 Lena Creighton West DTP Not Specified 5/15/08 0:00 3.3
12515 Michael Stewart West DTP Medium 5/16/08 0:00 5.99
47012 Michael Oakman Central Custom Order Low 5/17/08 0:00 8.99
43170 Bobby Elias South DTP Low 5/17/08 0:00 17.08
43170 Bobby Elias South Wholesaler Low 5/20/08 0:00 26.53
44229 Erin Smith East DTP Medium 5/14/08 0:00 0.71
34337 Bill Eplett South Custom Order Medium 5/15/08 0:00 8.99
51073 Luke Weiss Central DTP Not Specified 5/15/08 0:00 3.92
22338 Bill Tyler West DTP Medium 5/15/08 0:00 5.06
22338 Bill Tyler West DTP Medium 5/15/08 0:00 9.02
10502 Karen Seio South Wholesaler Not Specified 5/15/08 0:00 43.32
51073 Luke Weiss Central Custom Order Not Specified 5/16/08 0:00 24.49
9254 Craig Leslie West Custom Order Medium 5/16/08 0:00 0.5
10981 Claire Good South DTP High 5/16/08 0:00 2.58
10981 Claire Good South DTP High 5/16/08 0:00 8.99
10502 Karen Seio South DTP Not Specified 5/16/08 0:00 8.99
36772 Frank Hawley Central DTP Medium 5/15/08 0:00 7.34
38372 Dean Percer South DTP High 5/15/08 0:00 21.2
5703 Joni Blumstein East DTP Medium 5/16/08 0:00 6.47
38372 Dean Percer South DTP High 5/16/08 0:00 2.03
50087 Patrick Ryan South DTP Not Specified 5/17/08 0:00 1.35
36772 Frank Hawley Central Wholesaler Medium 5/17/08 0:00 55.3
6438 Anna Haberlin West DTP Not Specified 5/16/08 0:00 6.02
6438 Anna Haberlin West DTP Not Specified 5/17/08 0:00 5.2
14048 Nora Paige Central DTP Not Specified 5/17/08 0:00 8.99
22020 Harold Dahlen Central DTP Critical 5/18/08 0:00 4.51
14048 Nora Paige Central DTP Not Specified 5/19/08 0:00 1.25
14048 Nora Paige Central DTP Not Specified 5/19/08 0:00 35
50594 Shui Tom East DTP Low 5/19/08 0:00 1.93
20132 Darrin Sayre East Wholesaler Low 5/24/08 0:00 28.06
50594 Shui Tom East DTP Low 5/26/08 0:00 8.8
22501 Alan Barnes Central Custom Order High 5/19/08 0:00 1.39
31907 Sanjit Jacobs West DTP Low 5/23/08 0:00 3.62
56646 Duane Benoit East DTP Critical 5/20/08 0:00 2.5
44519 Dorothy Wardle East DTP High 5/20/08 0:00 6.81
9249 Alejandro Ballentine South DTP High 5/20/08 0:00 17.07
44519 Dorothy Wardle East Wholesaler High 5/20/08 0:00 14.7
9249 Alejandro Ballentine South Wholesaler High 5/21/08 0:00 51.94
3877 Paul Knutson Central Custom Order Low 5/20/08 0:00 7.23
36102 Gene McClure Central DTP Not Specified 5/21/08 0:00 6.2
58725 Joel Jenkins East DTP Not Specified 5/21/08 0:00 10.46
3331 Neil Knudson West DTP High 5/21/08 0:00 0.5
59651 Brendan Dodson East DTP Critical 5/22/08 0:00 4.57
59651 Brendan Dodson East DTP Critical 5/22/08 0:00 8.94
59906 Lindsay Shagiari South DTP High 5/22/08 0:00 2.15
46948 Mike Kennedy East DTP Low 5/24/08 0:00 5.27
11169 Christine Abelman Central DTP Medium 5/21/08 0:00 0.5
58308 William Brown South Wholesaler Not Specified 5/21/08 0:00 36.61
11169 Christine Abelman Central DTP Medium 5/22/08 0:00 10.3
28357 Daniel Byrd East DTP Not Specified 5/22/08 0:00 8.74
58308 William Brown South DTP Not Specified 5/22/08 0:00 5.5
20033 Jack Lebron Central DTP Critical 5/23/08 0:00 24.49
27205 Jason Fortune Central DTP Not Specified 5/23/08 0:00 3.52
58308 William Brown South DTP Not Specified 5/23/08 0:00 7.74
54119 Monica Federle East Custom Order Medium 5/23/08 0:00 3.37
54119 Monica Federle East DTP Medium 5/25/08 0:00 6.64
13540 Theresa Swint Central DTP High 5/23/08 0:00 1.99
13540 Theresa Swint Central DTP High 5/23/08 0:00 6.91
9089 Steven Roelle East Custom Order Critical 5/24/08 0:00 8.8
40866 Rick Duston Central DTP High 5/24/08 0:00 24.49
11877 David Wiener Central DTP Not Specified 5/24/08 0:00 2.99
13540 Theresa Swint Central DTP High 5/25/08 0:00 0.5
13540 Theresa Swint Central DTP High 5/25/08 0:00 4.99
11877 David Wiener Central DTP Not Specified 5/25/08 0:00 1.52
10212 Tonja Turnell East DTP Low 5/25/08 0:00 3.63
10212 Tonja Turnell East DTP Low 5/27/08 0:00 6.79
50183 Dario Medina West Custom Order High 5/25/08 0:00 5.3
2535 Roland Fjeld West DTP Low 5/26/08 0:00 1.99
4935 Xylona Price West DTP Not Specified 5/27/08 0:00 1.32
19840 Dianna Vittorini West Wholesaler Critical 5/27/08 0:00 48.26
42691 Noel Staavos West DTP Low 5/28/08 0:00 19.99
42691 Noel Staavos West DTP Low 6/2/08 0:00 6.77
50278 Beth Thompson East DTP High 5/25/08 0:00 8.83
3778 Deirdre Greer South DTP Critical 5/26/08 0:00 6.92
3778 Deirdre Greer South DTP Critical 5/26/08 0:00 6.98
25157 Tony Molinari West DTP Not Specified 5/26/08 0:00 1.2
3778 Deirdre Greer South DTP Critical 5/27/08 0:00 2.38
31522 Max Jones West DTP Medium 5/27/08 0:00 3.63
25157 Tony Molinari West DTP Not Specified 5/27/08 0:00 8.18
11908 Marc Crier Central Wholesaler Not Specified 5/27/08 0:00 57
50278 Beth Thompson East Wholesaler High 5/27/08 0:00 60
31522 Max Jones West Wholesaler Medium 5/27/08 0:00 14.36
35877 Erin Creighton Central DTP High 5/28/08 0:00 5.68
43526 Barry Gonzalez Central DTP High 5/26/08 0:00 6.97
48294 Aaron Hawkins South DTP High 5/26/08 0:00 0.99
7429 Art Foster Central Custom Order Not Specified 5/27/08 0:00 6.93
43526 Barry Gonzalez Central DTP High 5/27/08 0:00 8.78
7429 Art Foster Central DTP Not Specified 5/27/08 0:00 19.99
24902 Mike Gockenbach Central DTP High 5/28/08 0:00 2.04
17859 Jack O'Briant East DTP Critical 5/28/08 0:00 4
14978 Randy Bradley South DTP Critical 5/28/08 0:00 4.51
14978 Randy Bradley South Wholesaler Critical 5/28/08 0:00 44.55
35940 James Galang West DTP Critical 5/30/08 0:00 5.33
7904 Tom Boeckenhauer East Custom Order Low 6/5/08 0:00 0.5
59584 Joy Smith Central DTP Medium 5/28/08 0:00 13.99
57190 Dave Poirier South DTP Medium 5/28/08 0:00 8.97
38657 Elizabeth Moffitt East DTP Not Specified 5/29/08 0:00 1.99
57190 Dave Poirier South DTP Medium 5/29/08 0:00 1.99
59584 Joy Smith Central Wholesaler Medium 5/29/08 0:00 35.84
4195 Art Miller Central DTP Not Specified 5/30/08 0:00 1.99
35840 Ashley Jarboe West DTP High 5/30/08 0:00 0.5
12707 Alejandro Ballentine South DTP High 5/31/08 0:00 13.99
35840 Ashley Jarboe West DTP High 5/31/08 0:00 0.99
7335 Maureen Grace Central DTP Low 6/3/08 0:00 4.9
2341 Sara Luxemburg West DTP Low 6/5/08 0:00 4.96
28455 Jack O'Briant East DTP Medium 5/31/08 0:00 1.99
28455 Jack O'Briant East DTP Medium 6/1/08 0:00 5.99
15332 Maria Bertelson East DTP Not Specified 6/1/08 0:00 16.11
13537 Lena Creighton West DTP Low 6/1/08 0:00 1.71
22880 Bradley Talbott South DTP Medium 6/2/08 0:00 1.99
41476 Mark Cousins East DTP High 6/1/08 0:00 2.58
14119 Troy Blackwell Central DTP Low 6/2/08 0:00 5
14119 Troy Blackwell Central DTP Low 6/4/08 0:00 6.92
3456 Anthony Johnson East Wholesaler Low 6/4/08 0:00 35.67
14119 Troy Blackwell Central DTP Low 6/5/08 0:00 3.3
31330 Paul Stevenson West DTP High 6/2/08 0:00 7.17
769 Roy French East Wholesaler Medium 6/2/08 0:00 56.14
4033 Bill Tyler West DTP Low 6/3/08 0:00 5.49
4033 Bill Tyler West Wholesaler Low 6/8/08 0:00 41.44
12196 Tracy Zic Central DTP Not Specified 6/2/08 0:00 19.99
898 Sanjit Jacobs West Wholesaler High 6/2/08 0:00 54.12
12196 Tracy Zic Central DTP Not Specified 6/3/08 0:00 8.51
898 Sanjit Jacobs West DTP High 6/4/08 0:00 6.5
29572 Sandra Glassco West Wholesaler Not Specified 6/4/08 0:00 16.01
21447 Sean Christensen West Custom Order Not Specified 6/5/08 0:00 3.37
57125 Raymond Book East DTP Medium 6/5/08 0:00 6.93
53863 Christina DeMoss West Custom Order High 6/6/08 0:00 19.99
49218 Ann Steele West DTP Low 6/4/08 0:00 5.26
26947 Bruce Money West Wholesaler High 6/7/08 0:00 60
6916 Andrew Gjertsen East Custom Order Low 6/8/08 0:00 7.46
35201 Brad Thomas East DTP Low 6/11/08 0:00 6.5
54628 Fred Wasserman East DTP High 6/6/08 0:00 1.99
31590 Luke Foster West DTP Critical 6/6/08 0:00 1.99
8960 Christine Phan South Custom Order Medium 6/7/08 0:00 19.99
35111 Sung Pak South DTP Critical 6/7/08 0:00 6.71
8960 Christine Phan South DTP Medium 6/7/08 0:00 1.25
31590 Luke Foster West DTP Critical 6/7/08 0:00 8.64
14018 Annie Thurman West Custom Order High 6/6/08 0:00 0.49
13410 Bobby Odegard East DTP Not Specified 6/7/08 0:00 6.3
13410 Bobby Odegard East DTP Not Specified 6/8/08 0:00 2.83
26695 Justin Deggeller South DTP Not Specified 6/8/08 0:00 1.43
51011 Thomas Thornton West DTP Low 6/8/08 0:00 3.9
35302 Dennis Kane South DTP Medium 6/7/08 0:00 5.76
30211 Sibella Parks East DTP Medium 6/8/08 0:00 1.71
40036 Heather Kirkland East DTP Not Specified 6/8/08 0:00 8.99
35302 Dennis Kane South DTP Medium 6/8/08 0:00 7.69
2720 Christopher Martinez Central Custom Order Critical 6/10/08 0:00 3.99
58851 Alan Hwang South DTP Low 6/11/08 0:00 0.96
58851 Alan Hwang South DTP Low 6/14/08 0:00 13.99
45413 Eric Barreto South DTP High 6/8/08 0:00 2.99
36646 Muhammed MacIntyre East Custom Order Medium 6/9/08 0:00 35
45413 Eric Barreto South DTP High 6/9/08 0:00 15.28
7430 Barry Weirich South DTP Medium 6/9/08 0:00 1.39
25889 Chris McAfee West DTP Low 6/10/08 0:00 5
27969 Ed Braxton West DTP Low 6/12/08 0:00 6.13
27969 Ed Braxton West Wholesaler Low 6/13/08 0:00 53.03
27969 Ed Braxton West Wholesaler Low 6/15/08 0:00 54.74
30433 Nathan Gelder West Custom Order Medium 6/9/08 0:00 7.59
6309 Art Miller Central DTP Medium 6/10/08 0:00 0.99
59943 Ionia McGrath South DTP Critical 6/10/08 0:00 8.4
35047 Charlotte Melton East DTP Medium 6/11/08 0:00 0.7
43207 Julia Dunbar West DTP Low 6/11/08 0:00 1.56
43207 Julia Dunbar West DTP Low 6/13/08 0:00 10.25
51395 Lena Creighton West DTP Low 6/13/08 0:00 5.49
51395 Lena Creighton West DTP Low 6/14/08 0:00 0.5
43207 Julia Dunbar West DTP Low 6/16/08 0:00 1.95
22468 Steve Nguyen South DTP Not Specified 6/10/08 0:00 8.83
132 Emily Phan South DTP Medium 6/11/08 0:00 5.03
22468 Steve Nguyen South DTP Not Specified 6/11/08 0:00 1.46
29349 Bobby Trafton South DTP High 6/12/08 0:00 2.5
29349 Bobby Trafton South DTP High 6/12/08 0:00 5.57
22468 Steve Nguyen South DTP Not Specified 6/12/08 0:00 4.95
132 Emily Phan South Wholesaler Medium 6/13/08 0:00 54.74
46211 Gary Hwang Central DTP Low 6/18/08 0:00 6.93
21795 Jessica Myrick Central Custom Order Not Specified 6/14/08 0:00 4
21795 Jessica Myrick Central DTP Not Specified 6/15/08 0:00 9.03
14275 Gene Hale West DTP Low 6/15/08 0:00 1.49
35588 Cathy Prescott South Wholesaler Low 6/15/08 0:00 36.61
14275 Gene Hale West Wholesaler Low 6/15/08 0:00 30
53703 Guy Armstrong Central DTP Not Specified 6/15/08 0:00 19.99
33894 Doug Bickford South DTP Critical 6/15/08 0:00 8.37
33894 Doug Bickford South Custom Order Critical 6/16/08 0:00 5.5
33478 Natalie DeCherney West Custom Order High 6/16/08 0:00 3.04
33894 Doug Bickford South DTP Critical 6/16/08 0:00 4.62
33894 Doug Bickford South DTP Critical 6/17/08 0:00 4.39
44614 George Bell South Custom Order Low 6/18/08 0:00 5
44614 George Bell South DTP Low 6/23/08 0:00 5.89
47750 Sally Knutson Central DTP Low 6/15/08 0:00 35
42658 Sung Chung South DTP Medium 6/15/08 0:00 2.99
22115 Eric Barreto South Wholesaler Low 6/15/08 0:00 17.85
59712 Sonia Sunley Central Custom Order Critical 6/17/08 0:00 0.8
21671 Thomas Brumley West DTP High 6/18/08 0:00 1.99
47750 Sally Knutson Central DTP Low 6/20/08 0:00 0.5
47750 Sally Knutson Central DTP Low 6/20/08 0:00 8.99
23011 Kelly Williams South DTP Low 6/22/08 0:00 1.99
43076 Vivek Sundaresam South Wholesaler Not Specified 6/16/08 0:00 30
54407 Maureen Fritzler West DTP Medium 6/17/08 0:00 19.99
12039 Carlos Meador South DTP High 6/18/08 0:00 8.99
3648 Philip Brown West DTP Low 6/18/08 0:00 0.49
29730 Ken Brennan West Wholesaler Critical 6/18/08 0:00 39.25
3648 Philip Brown West DTP Low 6/23/08 0:00 4.2
4007 Jack Lebron Central DTP High 6/18/08 0:00 48.22
16806 Vicky Freymann West DTP High 6/18/08 0:00 4
16806 Vicky Freymann West DTP High 6/19/08 0:00 19.99
4610 Odella Nelson West DTP Low 6/19/08 0:00 1.99
57568 Jim Epp West DTP Not Specified 6/19/08 0:00 1.39
4610 Odella Nelson West DTP Low 6/21/08 0:00 1.39
44864 Lena Creighton West DTP Low 6/24/08 0:00 9.23
45184 Victoria Wilson West DTP Low 6/24/08 0:00 0.8
45184 Victoria Wilson West DTP Low 6/26/08 0:00 24.49
23396 Quincy Jones South Wholesaler Low 6/20/08 0:00 12.06
870 Valerie Dominguez Central DTP Not Specified 6/19/08 0:00 3.5
50469 Harry Marie Central DTP Not Specified 6/20/08 0:00 8.51
42439 Pamela Stobb Central DTP Not Specified 6/20/08 0:00 1
2503 Maria Zettner South DTP Medium 6/20/08 0:00 5.84
43233 Vivian Mathis West Custom Order Critical 6/21/08 0:00 6.35
2503 Maria Zettner South DTP Medium 6/21/08 0:00 4.81
33122 Roland Black East Wholesaler Low 6/26/08 0:00 48.26
58273 Liz MacKendrick West DTP High 6/20/08 0:00 3.62
2020 Sandra Glassco West DTP Medium 6/22/08 0:00 5.14
30885 Victoria Pisteka Central DTP High 6/22/08 0:00 9.45
45728 Keith Herrera West DTP High 6/22/08 0:00 1.99
45728 Keith Herrera West DTP High 6/22/08 0:00 5.33
13762 Denny Joy South DTP Medium 6/23/08 0:00 1.89
51171 Mark Packer West DTP High 6/23/08 0:00 15.1
13762 Denny Joy South DTP Medium 6/24/08 0:00 5.36
7105 Brian Moss South DTP Low 6/28/08 0:00 6.89
33862 Vivek Gonzalez South DTP Not Specified 6/23/08 0:00 5.3
28519 Trudy Bell South DTP High 6/24/08 0:00 0.99
48484 Barbara Fisher South Custom Order Medium 6/24/08 0:00 6.67
40321 Andy Gerbode Central DTP High 6/24/08 0:00 6.22
48484 Barbara Fisher South DTP Medium 6/24/08 0:00 1.99
37440 Rick Wilson West Wholesaler Not Specified 6/24/08 0:00 68.02
40321 Andy Gerbode Central DTP High 6/25/08 0:00 19.99
12743 Mark Cousins East DTP High 6/25/08 0:00 0.99
48484 Barbara Fisher South DTP Medium 6/25/08 0:00 8.99
48484 Barbara Fisher South DTP Medium 6/25/08 0:00 9.03
37440 Rick Wilson West DTP Not Specified 6/25/08 0:00 4.93
33255 Russell Applegate Central Custom Order Critical 6/25/08 0:00 5.66
11941 Jamie Kunitz East DTP Critical 6/25/08 0:00 11.25
11941 Jamie Kunitz East Wholesaler Critical 6/25/08 0:00 29.21
22913 Giulietta Dortch South Custom Order Critical 6/26/08 0:00 4.72
26978 Seth Vernon Central DTP Medium 6/26/08 0:00 9.03
22913 Giulietta Dortch South DTP Critical 6/26/08 0:00 5.99
12965 Shirley Jackson West DTP Medium 6/26/08 0:00 10.42
26978 Seth Vernon Central Custom Order Medium 6/27/08 0:00 8.78
42823 Steve Chapman South Custom Order Medium 6/27/08 0:00 6.18
26978 Seth Vernon Central DTP Medium 6/27/08 0:00 5.86
26978 Seth Vernon Central DTP Medium 6/27/08 0:00 24.49
10373 Sally Hughsby South DTP Critical 6/27/08 0:00 6.6
22913 Giulietta Dortch South Wholesaler Critical 6/28/08 0:00 40.19
39172 Nancy Lomonaco West DTP Low 7/2/08 0:00 27.49
9123 Matt Collins Central Custom Order Critical 6/27/08 0:00 9.37
59392 Pauline Chand East DTP Medium 6/27/08 0:00 1.99
59392 Pauline Chand East DTP Medium 6/28/08 0:00 1.99
29797 Mark Packer West DTP High 6/28/08 0:00 13.56
26051 Annie Cyprus East DTP Not Specified 6/28/08 0:00 1.99
3942 Keith Herrera West DTP Not Specified 6/28/08 0:00 0.99
3942 Keith Herrera West DTP Not Specified 6/28/08 0:00 8.99
39749 Ed Ludwig West DTP High 6/29/08 0:00 2.4
39749 Ed Ludwig West DTP High 6/29/08 0:00 4.95
26051 Annie Cyprus East Wholesaler Not Specified 6/29/08 0:00 19.19
39749 Ed Ludwig West Wholesaler High 6/29/08 0:00 17.86
2307 Carol Adams Central DTP Low 6/28/08 0:00 1.49
20455 Dana Kaydos East Custom Order Critical 6/29/08 0:00 8.99
261 Sonia Sunley Central DTP Medium 6/29/08 0:00 4.2
53568 Gary Hwang Central Wholesaler Medium 6/29/08 0:00 70.2
11779 Alex Grayson West DTP Not Specified 6/30/08 0:00 6.5
22626 John Lucas South DTP Critical 7/1/08 0:00 2.04
11779 Alex Grayson West DTP Not Specified 7/1/08 0:00 2
22626 John Lucas South Wholesaler Critical 7/1/08 0:00 69.64
56288 Mathew Reese South DTP Not Specified 6/30/08 0:00 14.72
28515 Frank Atkinson South DTP High 7/1/08 0:00 2.99
56288 Mathew Reese South Custom Order Not Specified 7/2/08 0:00 1.39
28515 Frank Atkinson South DTP High 7/2/08 0:00 2.38
34338 Sonia Cooley East Custom Order Low 7/5/08 0:00 13.26
23361 Benjamin Patterson West DTP Critical 7/3/08 0:00 5.26
45029 Gene McClure Central Wholesaler High 7/3/08 0:00 62.74
21285 Adrian Hane East DTP Medium 7/4/08 0:00 1.57
23361 Benjamin Patterson West DTP Critical 7/4/08 0:00 35.7
49221 Maureen Fritzler West DTP Not Specified 7/4/08 0:00 6.57
49221 Maureen Fritzler West DTP Not Specified 7/4/08 0:00 8.51
54913 Tonja Turnell East Custom Order High 7/5/08 0:00 0.88
21285 Adrian Hane East DTP Medium 7/5/08 0:00 2.35
43236 Jamie Kunitz East DTP Not Specified 7/5/08 0:00 6.02
46880 Karen Carlisle South DTP Critical 7/5/08 0:00 8.32
20325 Sara Luxemburg West Wholesaler Critical 7/5/08 0:00 56.14
20325 Sara Luxemburg West DTP Critical 7/6/08 0:00 13.89
44065 Keith Herrera West Wholesaler Low 7/10/08 0:00 33.6
52743 Ashley Jarboe West DTP High 7/4/08 0:00 13.99
41824 Art Miller Central DTP Not Specified 7/5/08 0:00 1.49
21892 Justin Knight Central DTP High 7/6/08 0:00 4.97
41824 Art Miller Central DTP Not Specified 7/6/08 0:00 2.03
21318 Lisa Hazard East DTP High 7/6/08 0:00 2.99
55140 Candace McMahon South DTP Critical 7/6/08 0:00 6.96
11682 Brad Thomas East DTP Low 7/11/08 0:00 4
10784 Vivian Mathis West DTP Not Specified 7/6/08 0:00 6.18
10784 Vivian Mathis West DTP Not Specified 7/7/08 0:00 5.48
30887 Brad Thomas East DTP Critical 7/7/08 0:00 5.92
45763 Lisa DeCherney West DTP High 7/8/08 0:00 0.5
46374 Herbert Flentye West Wholesaler High 7/9/08 0:00 66.67
21539 Christy Brittain South DTP Medium 7/9/08 0:00 69
21539 Christy Brittain South DTP Medium 7/10/08 0:00 8.32
15202 Darrin Sayre East Custom Order High 7/11/08 0:00 9.2
59750 Jim Sink South DTP Low 7/13/08 0:00 5.74
48839 Carlos Daly East DTP Critical 7/12/08 0:00 0.49
47712 Gary McGarr Central Custom Order Low 7/18/08 0:00 7.57
17255 Dorris Love South DTP Not Specified 7/15/08 0:00 7.28
2438 Andrew Allen Central DTP High 7/16/08 0:00 0.99
39235 Lauren Leatherbury East DTP Medium 7/16/08 0:00 13.99
37920 Andy Reiter South DTP Critical 7/16/08 0:00 8.99
2438 Andrew Allen Central DTP High 7/17/08 0:00 6.46
30947 Charles McCrossin East DTP Low 7/18/08 0:00 3.48
294 Sanjit Chand Central DTP Medium 7/16/08 0:00 19.99
26368 Shahid Shariari West DTP Medium 7/17/08 0:00 2.5
38405 Laura Armstrong South DTP Medium 7/18/08 0:00 4
40833 Michelle Huthwaite West DTP Low 7/24/08 0:00 2.5
1604 Rick Wilson West DTP Low 7/16/08 0:00 4.98
19174 Fred McMath East DTP Medium 7/17/08 0:00 2.5
31842 Joy Daniels South DTP Medium 7/17/08 0:00 1.99
19174 Fred McMath East DTP Medium 7/18/08 0:00 5.41
19174 Fred McMath East DTP Medium 7/18/08 0:00 15.98
24833 Mike Vittorini West Wholesaler Not Specified 7/18/08 0:00 51.94
49472 Robert Barroso West DTP Low 7/20/08 0:00 1.35
49472 Robert Barroso West DTP Low 7/21/08 0:00 0.94
49472 Robert Barroso West DTP Low 7/21/08 0:00 1.99
24069 Kimberly Carter Central Wholesaler Low 7/23/08 0:00 85.63
39330 Andy Yotov Central Custom Order Critical 7/18/08 0:00 5.3
35137 Joe Elijah Central Custom Order High 7/19/08 0:00 2.99
16289 John Lee Central DTP High 7/19/08 0:00 2.5
16289 John Lee Central DTP High 7/19/08 0:00 2.85
6531 Jill Fjeld West DTP High 7/19/08 0:00 9.25
35137 Joe Elijah Central DTP High 7/20/08 0:00 6.71
18341 Bradley Nguyen Central DTP Critical 7/18/08 0:00 7.96
14534 Valerie Dominguez Central DTP Medium 7/18/08 0:00 4
34499 Joel Eaton East Wholesaler Medium 7/19/08 0:00 62.94
23559 Cynthia Arntzen Central DTP Low 7/23/08 0:00 8.51
23559 Cynthia Arntzen Central Custom Order Low 7/25/08 0:00 1.49
35043 Maribeth Yedwab South Custom Order Not Specified 7/20/08 0:00 0.8
35043 Maribeth Yedwab South DTP Not Specified 7/20/08 0:00 8.08
50242 Ross Baird Central DTP Not Specified 7/21/08 0:00 8.99
56101 Bill Donatelli East DTP Not Specified 7/21/08 0:00 6.75
17344 Rob Dowd West DTP Critical 7/21/08 0:00 7.69
56101 Bill Donatelli East DTP Not Specified 7/22/08 0:00 19.99
50210 Michelle Arnett Central DTP Low 7/24/08 0:00 0.5
50210 Michelle Arnett Central DTP Low 7/28/08 0:00 2.58
32002 Jim Kriz West DTP Low 7/20/08 0:00 8.78
16065 Ruben Ausman East Wholesaler High 7/20/08 0:00 49
16065 Ruben Ausman East DTP High 7/21/08 0:00 1.3
57249 David Kendrick South DTP High 7/21/08 0:00 12.23
23041 Tracy Zic Central DTP Low 7/22/08 0:00 19.99
38017 Seth Vernon Central DTP Low 7/24/08 0:00 0.8
32002 Jim Kriz West DTP Low 7/24/08 0:00 6.5
38017 Seth Vernon Central DTP Low 7/27/08 0:00 7.69
23041 Tracy Zic Central DTP Low 7/27/08 0:00 6.16
23041 Tracy Zic Central Wholesaler Low 7/27/08 0:00 62.74
28932 Gary Mitchum South Custom Order Low 7/21/08 0:00 5.4
57639 John Castell East DTP Critical 7/21/08 0:00 18.13
10306 Lela Donovan East DTP Low 7/21/08 0:00 7.4
46310 Annie Thurman West DTP High 7/21/08 0:00 19.99
41569 Kean Nguyen South DTP Critical 7/22/08 0:00 6.47
46310 Annie Thurman West DTP High 7/22/08 0:00 17.08
41569 Khloe Miller East DTP Critical 7/23/08 0:00 1.61
45762 Barry Weirich South DTP Low 7/26/08 0:00 5.08
28932 Gary Mitchum South DTP Low 7/28/08 0:00 2.27
16165 Hallie Redmond South Custom Order Not Specified 7/22/08 0:00 19.99
16165 Hallie Redmond South Custom Order Not Specified 7/23/08 0:00 10.84
42086 Erin Smith East DTP High 7/23/08 0:00 0.97
16165 Hallie Redmond South Custom Order Not Specified 7/24/08 0:00 4
26373 Anna Andreadi South DTP Medium 7/25/08 0:00 5.33
32323 Lena Radford Central DTP High 7/23/08 0:00 8.18
32323 Lena Radford Central DTP High 7/24/08 0:00 3.62
26784 Christy Brittain South DTP Critical 7/24/08 0:00 7.51
26784 Christy Brittain South Wholesaler Critical 7/24/08 0:00 30
32323 Lena Radford Central DTP High 7/25/08 0:00 5.03
56869 Natalie Webber Central DTP Low 7/25/08 0:00 4.5
57440 Rob Williams South Custom Order Low 7/30/08 0:00 2.5
3109 Liz MacKendrick West DTP Low 7/30/08 0:00 8.99
3109 Liz MacKendrick West DTP Low 7/30/08 0:00 8.99
51780 Rob Beeghly South Custom Order Low 7/24/08 0:00 2.26
35046 Cari Sayre West Custom Order Medium 7/24/08 0:00 6.05
35046 Cari Sayre West Custom Order Medium 7/25/08 0:00 5.81
35046 Cari Sayre West Wholesaler Medium 7/25/08 0:00 69.55
15463 Evan Minnotte Central Custom Order Low 7/26/08 0:00 7.5
45030 Giulietta Dortch South DTP High 7/26/08 0:00 6.13
51780 Rob Beeghly South Wholesaler Low 7/26/08 0:00 60
51780 Rob Beeghly South Custom Order Low 7/31/08 0:00 8.94
51780 Rob Beeghly South DTP Low 7/31/08 0:00 0.5
15271 Elpida Rittenbach Central DTP Critical 7/25/08 0:00 1.25
15271 Elpida Rittenbach Central DTP Critical 7/25/08 0:00 12.65
40005 Mark Packer West DTP High 7/25/08 0:00 4.51
31073 Arthur Prichep West DTP Medium 7/25/08 0:00 35
23719 Brian Stugart East DTP Critical 7/27/08 0:00 5.47
47556 Vivek Sundaresam South DTP Low 7/27/08 0:00 4
40005 Mark Packer West DTP High 7/28/08 0:00 4.8
31073 Arthur Prichep West DTP Medium 7/28/08 0:00 6.77
24064 Sanjit Chand Central Wholesaler Medium 7/28/08 0:00 14.7
5445 Michael Dominguez West Custom Order Low 7/30/08 0:00 0.5
5445 Michael Dominguez West DTP Low 8/1/08 0:00 1.93
35271 Dean Percer South DTP High 7/27/08 0:00 8.99
13090 David Bremer South DTP Not Specified 7/27/08 0:00 4.39
19205 Odella Nelson West DTP Medium 7/27/08 0:00 5.86
45254 Corey Lock East Wholesaler High 7/27/08 0:00 89.3
19205 Odella Nelson West DTP Medium 7/28/08 0:00 1.86
20225 Kean Thornton West DTP Low 8/2/08 0:00 6.09
36262 Aaron Bergman East Custom Order Not Specified 7/27/08 0:00 2.5
36262 Aaron Bergman East Custom Order Not Specified 7/28/08 0:00 6.15
36262 Aaron Bergman East DTP Not Specified 7/28/08 0:00 3.6
47584 Bryan Spruell South DTP Critical 7/28/08 0:00 0.83
52480 Anne Pryor Central DTP Not Specified 7/29/08 0:00 8.99
47584 Bryan Spruell South DTP Critical 7/29/08 0:00 0.5
18241 Denny Blanton West DTP Low 7/29/08 0:00 1.99
16640 Stewart Visinsky Central Wholesaler Low 7/29/08 0:00 30
18241 Denny Blanton West Wholesaler Low 7/29/08 0:00 76.37
31809 Lauren Leatherbury East DTP High 7/30/08 0:00 5.76
55234 Tiffany House West DTP Low 7/30/08 0:00 2.03
26341 Adrian Hane East Wholesaler Critical 7/30/08 0:00 51.94
55234 Tiffany House West DTP Low 8/1/08 0:00 5.5
19843 Eugene Moren West DTP Medium 7/29/08 0:00 8.99
57216 Ruben Dartt East Wholesaler High 7/29/08 0:00 57
25634 Mike Pelletier East Custom Order Not Specified 7/30/08 0:00 6.71
51041 Neil Ducich East DTP High 7/30/08 0:00 5.92
48321 Tim Brockman South DTP High 7/30/08 0:00 19.99
57216 Ruben Dartt East DTP High 7/31/08 0:00 1.2
22054 Candace McMahon South DTP Medium 7/31/08 0:00 2.83
25634 Mike Pelletier East DTP Not Specified 8/1/08 0:00 4
56128 Hallie Redmond South DTP Medium 7/30/08 0:00 8.99
20832 Eugene Moren West DTP Not Specified 7/30/08 0:00 1.49
39650 Jessica Myrick Central DTP Not Specified 7/31/08 0:00 7.98
24196 Nat Carroll West DTP High 7/31/08 0:00 5.17
56128 Hallie Redmond South Wholesaler Medium 7/31/08 0:00 46.59
24196 Nat Carroll West DTP High 8/1/08 0:00 16.36
20832 Eugene Moren West DTP Not Specified 8/1/08 0:00 0.93
39650 Jessica Myrick Central Wholesaler Not Specified 8/2/08 0:00 42
34407 Rachel Payne Central DTP Low 7/31/08 0:00 14.72
22151 Beth Thompson East DTP High 7/31/08 0:00 6.22
22151 Beth Thompson East DTP High 8/1/08 0:00 12.98
43200 Sara Luxemburg West DTP Not Specified 8/1/08 0:00 0.99
43200 Sara Luxemburg West DTP Not Specified 8/1/08 0:00 19.99
13127 Sam Craven South Wholesaler Medium 8/3/08 0:00 60
28321 Steve Nguyen South DTP Medium 8/1/08 0:00 0.99
34980 Victoria Pisteka Central Custom Order Not Specified 8/4/08 0:00 5.49
47270 Denise Monton Central DTP Critical 8/4/08 0:00 3
47270 Denise Monton Central DTP Critical 8/4/08 0:00 6.81
34980 Victoria Pisteka Central DTP Not Specified 8/4/08 0:00 3.77
34980 Victoria Pisteka Central DTP Not Specified 8/4/08 0:00 5.1
47270 Denise Monton Central Custom Order Critical 8/5/08 0:00 4.39
27744 Pete Kriz Central DTP Critical 8/4/08 0:00 5.83
29762 Philip Brown West Wholesaler Critical 8/4/08 0:00 74.35
37572 Jas O'Carroll East DTP High 8/5/08 0:00 2.99
53605 Karen Seio South DTP Medium 8/5/08 0:00 5.37
53605 Karen Seio South DTP Medium 8/5/08 0:00 34.2
29762 Philip Brown West DTP Critical 8/5/08 0:00 0.7
26244 Michael Dominguez West DTP High 8/5/08 0:00 3.62
53605 Karen Seio South Wholesaler Medium 8/5/08 0:00 35.89
33154 Harold Dahlen Central DTP Critical 8/6/08 0:00 4.2
24097 Anthony Johnson East DTP High 8/4/08 0:00 1.99
12483 Tom Zandusky West DTP Critical 8/4/08 0:00 9.07
3108 Jack Garza Central DTP Critical 8/5/08 0:00 1
12483 Tom Zandusky West DTP Critical 8/5/08 0:00 9.71
19748 Maxwell Schwartz West DTP Not Specified 8/5/08 0:00 5.21
56166 Nicole Brennan West Wholesaler Critical 8/5/08 0:00 42
15618 Joy Smith Central DTP Medium 8/6/08 0:00 3.99
15618 Joy Smith Central DTP Medium 8/6/08 0:00 9.54
24097 Anthony Johnson East DTP High 8/6/08 0:00 4.86
24097 Anthony Johnson East DTP High 8/6/08 0:00 19.99
19136 Michelle Moray South DTP Not Specified 8/6/08 0:00 1.25
56166 Nicole Brennan West DTP Critical 8/6/08 0:00 6.75
12483 Tom Zandusky West Wholesaler Critical 8/6/08 0:00 57.38
15618 Joy Smith Central DTP Medium 8/7/08 0:00 6.26
31495 Gary Hansen West Custom Order Low 8/8/08 0:00 2.99
52326 Dennis Bolton East DTP Low 8/8/08 0:00 5.44
31495 Gary Hansen West DTP Low 8/11/08 0:00 8.22
17956 Kelly Lampkin West DTP Critical 8/6/08 0:00 8.64
42369 Patricia Hirasaki West DTP Critical 8/6/08 0:00 1.99
17956 Kelly Lampkin West Custom Order Critical 8/8/08 0:00 5.08
58789 Christina Vanderzanden West DTP Low 8/9/08 0:00 7.72
58789 Christina Vanderzanden West DTP Low 8/10/08 0:00 6.02
18210 Greg Guthrie Central DTP Not Specified 8/7/08 0:00 20.69
18598 Fred Harton West DTP Critical 8/8/08 0:00 21.26
18598 Fred Harton West Custom Order Critical 8/9/08 0:00 6.46
8416 Nicole Fjeld South DTP Low 8/10/08 0:00 10.39
9985 Raymond Book East DTP Low 8/7/08 0:00 5.2
10081 Sanjit Engle Central DTP Not Specified 8/8/08 0:00 6.68
49638 Jack O'Briant East DTP Medium 8/8/08 0:00 6.5
12485 Eugene Barchas East Wholesaler Critical 8/8/08 0:00 28.16
193 Justin Hirsh West DTP Critical 8/9/08 0:00 6.27
57669 Cyra Reiten South DTP Critical 8/9/08 0:00 5.33
50146 Shui Tom East DTP Not Specified 8/9/08 0:00 2.79
55558 Mick Brown West Wholesaler Medium 8/9/08 0:00 66.27
44224 Natalie Webber Central DTP High 8/10/08 0:00 2.74
45570 Bart Watters East DTP Critical 8/10/08 0:00 5.47
34916 Theresa Swint Central Custom Order High 8/11/08 0:00 5.72
4932 Bobby Odegard East DTP Critical 8/11/08 0:00 1.79
55558 Mick Brown West DTP Medium 8/11/08 0:00 8.13
10435 Evan Minnotte Central DTP Medium 8/11/08 0:00 7.95
10435 Evan Minnotte Central DTP Medium 8/12/08 0:00 8.99
19104 Quincy Jones South DTP High 8/12/08 0:00 8.08
13861 Andy Yotov Central DTP High 8/11/08 0:00 0.71
31650 Elizabeth Moffitt East DTP Not Specified 8/12/08 0:00 4
42563 Jeremy Pistek South Custom Order Medium 8/12/08 0:00 5.41
22117 Rick Hansen South Custom Order Critical 8/13/08 0:00 7.5
59074 Jack Lebron Central DTP Low 8/14/08 0:00 8.99
22117 Rick Hansen South DTP Critical 8/15/08 0:00 3.97
33537 Mick Crebagga Central DTP Medium 8/14/08 0:00 3.3
19687 George Ashbrook East DTP Medium 8/14/08 0:00 0.7
35878 Cari MacIntyre South DTP Medium 8/14/08 0:00 17.48
33537 Mick Crebagga Central DTP Medium 8/15/08 0:00 0.7
5061 Sean Wendt East DTP Critical 8/15/08 0:00 0.7
19687 George Ashbrook East DTP Medium 8/15/08 0:00 4.99
35878 Cari MacIntyre South DTP Medium 8/15/08 0:00 2.2
20679 Tracy Hopkins West DTP Medium 8/14/08 0:00 19.99
17381 Rick Wilson West DTP High 8/15/08 0:00 0.5
35079 Darren Budd Central Custom Order High 8/16/08 0:00 19.99
35079 Darren Budd Central DTP High 8/16/08 0:00 4.95
19686 Alan Barnes Central DTP Medium 8/15/08 0:00 8.51
38176 Nathan Mautz South Custom Order High 8/16/08 0:00 5.57
38176 Nathan Mautz South Custom Order High 8/17/08 0:00 2.25
19686 Alan Barnes Central DTP Medium 8/17/08 0:00 4.98
6625 Roy Skaria Central Wholesaler High 8/17/08 0:00 44.55
47040 Rob Beeghly South DTP High 8/17/08 0:00 7.17
24227 Karen Seio South DTP Medium 8/18/08 0:00 2.79
1382 Corey Catlett West DTP Low 8/20/08 0:00 2.5
30114 Caroline Jumper Central Custom Order Low 8/23/08 0:00 24.49
1382 Corey Catlett West DTP Low 8/23/08 0:00 5.26
1382 Corey Catlett West Wholesaler Low 8/23/08 0:00 64.66
12710 John Castell East DTP Critical 8/17/08 0:00 13.88
3463 Julia Dunbar West DTP Critical 8/18/08 0:00 8.4
11491 Darren Budd Central Custom Order Low 8/19/08 0:00 7.23
47232 Brian Moss South Custom Order Not Specified 8/19/08 0:00 4.53
17409 Muhammed MacIntyre East DTP Not Specified 8/19/08 0:00 6.5
22820 Craig Yedwab West DTP High 8/19/08 0:00 4.38
22820 Craig Yedwab West DTP High 8/20/08 0:00 2.82
11491 Darren Budd Central DTP Low 8/26/08 0:00 4.07
57921 Arthur Gainer South DTP Medium 8/18/08 0:00 4.62
50246 Darren Powers West Custom Order Medium 8/19/08 0:00 7.37
26688 Laurel Workman West DTP Medium 8/19/08 0:00 1.09
13094 Craig Leslie West DTP Not Specified 8/19/08 0:00 5.08
57921 Arthur Gainer South DTP Medium 8/20/08 0:00 8.99
26688 Laurel Workman West DTP Medium 8/20/08 0:00 3.99
27232 Ralph Arnett West DTP Not Specified 8/20/08 0:00 7.73
2368 Sally Hughsby South DTP Critical 8/21/08 0:00 13.32
59783 Cindy Chapman West DTP Low 8/24/08 0:00 2.56
59233 Jack Lebron Central DTP High 8/20/08 0:00 1
9152 Steven Cartwright Central DTP Not Specified 8/20/08 0:00 5.03
25154 Giulietta Baptist Central DTP High 8/21/08 0:00 1.5
26023 Charles McCrossin East DTP High 8/21/08 0:00 1.02
59233 Jack Lebron Central Wholesaler High 8/22/08 0:00 99
15045 Logan Currie Central Wholesaler Not Specified 8/22/08 0:00 70.2
31204 Christopher Martinez Central DTP Low 8/21/08 0:00 0.7
30883 Alex Avila South DTP Medium 8/22/08 0:00 1.6
40257 Brosina Hoffman West DTP Not Specified 8/22/08 0:00 24.49
26693 William Brown South Custom Order Medium 8/23/08 0:00 1.25
22053 Sean Wendt East DTP Critical 8/23/08 0:00 5.23
31204 Christopher Martinez Central DTP Low 8/26/08 0:00 5
45511 Sonia Cooley East Wholesaler Low 8/28/08 0:00 45.51
42950 Theresa Swint Central DTP High 8/23/08 0:00 1.25
36480 Lela Donovan East DTP Medium 8/23/08 0:00 1.49
31238 Joseph Airdo Central Custom Order Medium 8/24/08 0:00 19.99
45989 Matthew Grinstein East DTP High 8/23/08 0:00 5.3
11907 Mark Cousins East Wholesaler Low 8/23/08 0:00 14
10789 Jamie Kunitz East Custom Order Not Specified 8/24/08 0:00 4.1
49831 Brenda Bowman Central DTP Critical 8/25/08 0:00 4.53
3493 Patrick Jones South DTP High 8/25/08 0:00 6.5
50470 Ken Dana West DTP Low 8/28/08 0:00 8.99
10819 Mike Vittorini West DTP Critical 8/24/08 0:00 9.54
42754 Paul Gonzalez East DTP Critical 8/25/08 0:00 5.14
51879 Monica Federle East DTP Not Specified 8/25/08 0:00 8.68
11460 Carl Jackson Central DTP High 8/26/08 0:00 0.5
34209 Ritsa Hightower East DTP High 8/26/08 0:00 4.92
34209 Ritsa Hightower East DTP High 8/26/08 0:00 5.3
51879 Monica Federle East DTP Not Specified 8/26/08 0:00 19.99
34562 John Lucas South DTP Low 8/26/08 0:00 1.99
34562 John Lucas South DTP Low 8/28/08 0:00 9.03
14117 Nathan Mautz South DTP Not Specified 8/27/08 0:00 0.7
48032 John Lee Central DTP High 8/27/08 0:00 13.76
46375 Parhena Norris East DTP Medium 8/27/08 0:00 5.26
13767 Nona Balk South DTP High 8/27/08 0:00 8.99
28068 Julie Creighton Central DTP Low 8/28/08 0:00 4
46375 Parhena Norris East DTP Medium 8/28/08 0:00 5.09
13767 Nona Balk South DTP High 8/28/08 0:00 3.3
13767 Nona Balk South DTP High 8/28/08 0:00 13.99
42947 Patrick O'Brill West DTP Low 8/28/08 0:00 1.99
13767 Nona Balk South Wholesaler High 8/28/08 0:00 69.64
24007 Joy Bell East DTP Low 8/30/08 0:00 0.5
52933 Liz Price West Custom Order Low 9/2/08 0:00 1.49
24007 Joy Bell East DTP Low 9/2/08 0:00 1.99
24007 Joy Bell East DTP Low 9/2/08 0:00 6.97
32834 Noah Childs East DTP Critical 8/28/08 0:00 5.92
37860 Mike Pelletier East DTP Medium 8/29/08 0:00 52.2
23362 Randy Bradley South DTP Medium 8/29/08 0:00 10.49
55750 Nick Zandusky South Wholesaler Critical 8/29/08 0:00 69.64
28769 Mike Gockenbach Central DTP Low 8/28/08 0:00 1.99
31616 Sanjit Jacobs West DTP Critical 8/29/08 0:00 6.4
55200 Joe Elijah Central DTP Medium 8/30/08 0:00 2.79
55200 Joe Elijah Central DTP Medium 8/30/08 0:00 10.13
515 Carlos Soltero Central DTP Not Specified 8/30/08 0:00 4.95
515 Carlos Soltero Central DTP Not Specified 8/30/08 0:00 5.94
31239 Eleni McCrary East DTP Low 9/2/08 0:00 1.99
58595 Neil Knudson West Custom Order High 8/30/08 0:00 14.39
9251 Giulietta Dortch South Wholesaler Medium 8/31/08 0:00 42
39907 Jennifer Patt South DTP Low 9/7/08 0:00 4
32229 Carlos Daly East DTP High 8/30/08 0:00 13.99
14597 Lauren Leatherbury East Custom Order Critical 8/31/08 0:00 6.16
12929 Jim Radford East DTP Critical 8/31/08 0:00 1.22
14597 Lauren Leatherbury East DTP Critical 8/31/08 0:00 4.95
32229 Carlos Daly East DTP High 8/31/08 0:00 0.7
44613 Neoma Murray South DTP High 8/31/08 0:00 5.03
44613 Neoma Murray South DTP High 8/31/08 0:00 13.31
12929 Jim Radford East Wholesaler Critical 8/31/08 0:00 50
34530 Karen Daniels West Custom Order Low 9/1/08 0:00 0.99
30372 Christopher Schild Central DTP High 9/1/08 0:00 2.85
34530 Karen Daniels West DTP Low 9/4/08 0:00 1.99
34530 Karen Daniels West Wholesaler Low 9/4/08 0:00 16.01
50882 Trudy Bell South DTP High 8/31/08 0:00 4.68
17542 Charles Crestani South DTP Low 9/2/08 0:00 0.5
33634 Brooke Gillingham South DTP Not Specified 9/2/08 0:00 7.86
59939 Nicole Fjeld South DTP Medium 9/1/08 0:00 1.92
45217 Ralph Knight East DTP Not Specified 9/2/08 0:00 4.2
17410 Noel Staavos West Custom Order Low 9/6/08 0:00 8.99
17410 Noel Staavos West DTP Low 9/6/08 0:00 7.77
47683 Harold Dahlen Central DTP Low 9/8/08 0:00 4.77
28064 Arthur Prichep West DTP Medium 9/2/08 0:00 5.1
44005 Shaun Chance South DTP Medium 9/4/08 0:00 19.99
16513 Dennis Kane South Wholesaler Critical 9/4/08 0:00 60.2
2593 John Dryer South Wholesaler High 9/4/08 0:00 43.32
2593 John Dryer South Custom Order High 9/5/08 0:00 19.99
2055 Nora Paige Central DTP Critical 9/5/08 0:00 8.29
18145 Lauren Leatherbury East DTP Medium 9/5/08 0:00 3.37
18145 Lauren Leatherbury East DTP Medium 9/5/08 0:00 9.4
25952 Ed Braxton West DTP High 9/5/08 0:00 8.99
36295 Nora Pelletier South DTP Medium 9/6/08 0:00 2.99
999 Max Jones West DTP Low 9/11/08 0:00 19.99
9639 Becky Pak South DTP Not Specified 9/5/08 0:00 0.99
9639 Becky Pak South DTP Not Specified 9/5/08 0:00 5.63
36449 Bruce Stewart West DTP Not Specified 9/5/08 0:00 14.37
27843 Lisa Hazard East DTP Medium 9/7/08 0:00 4.93
36449 Bruce Stewart West DTP Not Specified 9/7/08 0:00 6.67
9639 Becky Pak South Wholesaler Not Specified 9/7/08 0:00 14.36
36449 Bruce Stewart West DTP Not Specified 9/8/08 0:00 0.7
50054 Cynthia Delaney Central DTP Not Specified 9/8/08 0:00 8.74
50054 Cynthia Delaney Central DTP Not Specified 9/8/08 0:00 19.99
5702 Grant Thornton East DTP Not Specified 9/8/08 0:00 19.99
24806 Filia McAdams West DTP Not Specified 9/8/08 0:00 5.74
31872 Vicky Freymann West Custom Order Low 9/10/08 0:00 5.01
31872 Vicky Freymann West Wholesaler Low 9/10/08 0:00 60
11014 Victoria Pisteka Central DTP High 9/8/08 0:00 1.39
58241 Patrick Jones South DTP Critical 9/8/08 0:00 5.89
11014 Victoria Pisteka Central DTP High 9/9/08 0:00 5.63
27876 Sarah Foster West DTP Low 9/14/08 0:00 8.99
29894 Matt Connell South DTP Low 9/16/08 0:00 6.85
29894 Matt Connell South DTP Low 9/16/08 0:00 6.92
17666 Sam Craven South DTP Medium 9/8/08 0:00 3.14
35777 Dianna Arnett South DTP Critical 9/10/08 0:00 1.23
17666 Sam Craven South DTP Medium 9/10/08 0:00 1.3
59428 Katrina Willman Central DTP High 9/9/08 0:00 19.46
50756 Ionia McGrath South DTP Not Specified 9/9/08 0:00 0.49
50756 Ionia McGrath South DTP Not Specified 9/10/08 0:00 5.89
6720 Patrick Jones South DTP Not Specified 9/10/08 0:00 5.74
59428 Katrina Willman Central Wholesaler High 9/10/08 0:00 45
6720 Patrick Jones South DTP Not Specified 9/11/08 0:00 0.5
6720 Patrick Jones South Wholesaler Not Specified 9/12/08 0:00 58.64
36448 Allen Golden South DTP Medium 9/10/08 0:00 0.91
36800 Barry Franz West Custom Order High 9/11/08 0:00 4.5
50209 Brendan Sweed Central DTP High 9/11/08 0:00 11.52
36448 Allen Golden South DTP Medium 9/11/08 0:00 5.53
9796 Alan Dominguez West DTP Critical 9/11/08 0:00 1.99
52448 Barry Weirich South Wholesaler Not Specified 9/11/08 0:00 58.95
50209 Brendan Sweed Central Custom Order High 9/12/08 0:00 6.79
18213 Guy Phonely West DTP Medium 9/12/08 0:00 19.99
35141 Jennifer Braxton Central DTP Medium 9/12/08 0:00 19.99
6115 Matt Collins Central DTP Medium 9/12/08 0:00 5.03
21025 George Ashbrook East DTP Not Specified 9/13/08 0:00 6.5
21862 Roger Demir West Custom Order Not Specified 9/12/08 0:00 7.27
52102 Philip Brown West DTP Medium 9/12/08 0:00 5.81
21862 Roger Demir West DTP Not Specified 9/13/08 0:00 3.12
21862 Roger Demir West DTP Not Specified 9/14/08 0:00 24.49
26276 Janet Martin South DTP Low 9/16/08 0:00 13.99
26276 Janet Martin South Custom Order Low 9/19/08 0:00 13.99
46599 Victoria Brennan East Custom Order Not Specified 9/14/08 0:00 10.84
6848 Kelly Collister Central DTP High 9/14/08 0:00 7.78
15303 Fred Harton West DTP Critical 9/14/08 0:00 5.83
22882 Luke Schmidt South DTP Critical 9/15/08 0:00 3.1
15303 Fred Harton West DTP Critical 9/15/08 0:00 8.99
36673 Annie Thurman West DTP Low 9/20/08 0:00 5
41059 Lycoris Saunders Central Custom Order Medium 9/14/08 0:00 7.27
41059 Lycoris Saunders Central DTP Medium 9/15/08 0:00 13.99
41059 Lycoris Saunders Central Wholesaler Medium 9/15/08 0:00 42.52
41059 Lycoris Saunders Central Custom Order Medium 9/16/08 0:00 1.2
1542 Linda Southworth Central DTP Medium 9/16/08 0:00 10.3
31040 Caroline Jumper Central DTP Not Specified 9/16/08 0:00 4
31040 Caroline Jumper Central DTP Not Specified 9/16/08 0:00 6.64
28033 Dan Lawera South Wholesaler High 9/16/08 0:00 90.4
28033 Dan Lawera South DTP High 9/17/08 0:00 4.07
3104 David Wiener Central Custom Order Medium 9/15/08 0:00 5.45
7968 Gene Hale West Wholesaler Low 9/15/08 0:00 30
23328 Resi Polking South Wholesaler High 9/16/08 0:00 17.85
3104 David Wiener Central DTP Medium 9/17/08 0:00 8.88
20517 Trudy Brown South DTP Low 9/17/08 0:00 0.96
23168 Darren Budd Central Custom Order Low 9/22/08 0:00 24.49
59559 Greg Hansen East Custom Order Critical 9/17/08 0:00 5
40512 Greg Hansen East DTP Medium 9/18/08 0:00 1.39
22212 Catherine Glotzbach South DTP Medium 9/18/08 0:00 1.49
47527 Greg Maxwell West Wholesaler Medium 9/18/08 0:00 43.32
15335 Thea Hudgings Central DTP Medium 9/19/08 0:00 1.99
25254 Christine Phan South DTP Critical 9/19/08 0:00 5.6
50692 Shirley Schmidt West DTP High 9/19/08 0:00 5.14
50692 Shirley Schmidt West Wholesaler High 9/19/08 0:00 51.94
36005 Fred McMath East Custom Order Low 9/21/08 0:00 7.69
36099 Neil Ducich East DTP Low 9/22/08 0:00 35.7
23842 Yoseph Carroll East DTP Low 9/24/08 0:00 6.92
20966 Mike Gockenbach Central DTP Low 9/22/08 0:00 0.7
20966 Mike Gockenbach Central DTP Low 9/22/08 0:00 1.99
49155 Meg Tillman Central DTP Low 9/23/08 0:00 8.99
20966 Mike Gockenbach Central DTP Low 9/25/08 0:00 14.83
358 Ricardo Block South DTP High 9/19/08 0:00 1.99
53314 Cari Sayre West DTP High 9/19/08 0:00 19.99
18215 Eugene Moren West DTP Medium 9/20/08 0:00 5.5
21249 Barry Gonzalez Central DTP Low 9/21/08 0:00 3.99
21249 Barry Gonzalez Central DTP Low 9/21/08 0:00 8.99
4612 Jim Radford East DTP Medium 9/21/08 0:00 49
55654 Toby Carlisle South DTP High 9/21/08 0:00 2.83
8000 John Stevenson South DTP Low 9/21/08 0:00 13.64
358 Ricardo Block South Wholesaler High 9/21/08 0:00 54.11
53314 Cari Sayre West Wholesaler High 9/21/08 0:00 51.92
45863 Patrick Jones South Custom Order Low 9/23/08 0:00 4.2
23906 Alyssa Crouse Central Custom Order Critical 9/21/08 0:00 3.5
46725 Anne Pryor Central DTP Not Specified 9/21/08 0:00 6.25
46725 Anne Pryor Central DTP Not Specified 9/22/08 0:00 1.2
41574 Brendan Murry South DTP High 9/22/08 0:00 5.81
14529 Lena Hernandez West DTP Low 9/22/08 0:00 2.03
27745 Brad Thomas East Wholesaler Low 9/24/08 0:00 80.2
14529 Lena Hernandez West Wholesaler Low 9/24/08 0:00 42
11780 Tom Prescott Central DTP Critical 9/22/08 0:00 5.47
17286 Muhammed MacIntyre East Wholesaler High 9/22/08 0:00 50
45957 Neola Schneider East DTP Critical 9/23/08 0:00 1.99
45957 Neola Schneider East DTP Critical 9/23/08 0:00 5.83
25056 Phillip Breyer West DTP Not Specified 9/23/08 0:00 8.19
35652 Rick Wilson West Wholesaler Low 9/23/08 0:00 26.22
30851 Emily Phan South DTP Low 9/25/08 0:00 8.99
1863 Sung Pak South Wholesaler Not Specified 9/23/08 0:00 74.35
17988 Anthony Garverick South DTP Low 9/24/08 0:00 8.99
42565 Joe Elijah Central DTP Low 9/29/08 0:00 2.99
29504 Richard Bierner West DTP Not Specified 9/23/08 0:00 13.26
32455 Peter Fuller South DTP High 9/24/08 0:00 19.99
41351 Katherine Hughes West DTP Not Specified 9/24/08 0:00 8.99
2631 Jack Garza Central DTP Low 9/25/08 0:00 1.99
33763 Evan Minnotte Central DTP Not Specified 9/25/08 0:00 24.49
36773 John Murray East DTP Not Specified 9/25/08 0:00 5.01
29504 Richard Bierner West Wholesaler Not Specified 9/25/08 0:00 26.85
28832 Dave Kipp Central Custom Order Medium 9/25/08 0:00 14.72
28832 Dave Kipp Central DTP Medium 9/26/08 0:00 1.49
51814 Michael Granlund East DTP Critical 9/26/08 0:00 4.71
57344 Sylvia Foulston East DTP High 9/26/08 0:00 8.59
27654 Lindsay Shagiari South DTP High 9/26/08 0:00 1.39
5543 Fred Chung South DTP Medium 9/26/08 0:00 8.99
41508 Liz Willingham South Wholesaler High 9/26/08 0:00 26
5543 Fred Chung South DTP Medium 9/27/08 0:00 1.79
40103 Amy Cox West DTP Not Specified 9/27/08 0:00 5.1
33505 Pete Armstrong East Custom Order Low 9/25/08 0:00 10.78
17858 Becky Castell East Custom Order Medium 9/26/08 0:00 7.58
773 Helen Abelman Central DTP Medium 9/26/08 0:00 8.99
17858 Becky Castell East DTP Medium 9/26/08 0:00 6.5
10657 James Galang West Wholesaler Medium 9/26/08 0:00 69.64
17858 Becky Castell East DTP Medium 9/27/08 0:00 1.99
17249 Matt Connell South DTP Low 9/27/08 0:00 14.52
10657 James Galang West DTP Medium 9/27/08 0:00 6.22
33505 Pete Armstrong East DTP Low 9/29/08 0:00 1.3
14950 Giulietta Dortch South DTP Low 9/26/08 0:00 2.89
39238 Tracy Poddar West Custom Order Critical 9/27/08 0:00 2.99
18597 Andy Gerbode Central DTP Medium 9/27/08 0:00 0.5
37925 Luke Weiss Central DTP Medium 9/27/08 0:00 3.99
53381 Juliana Krohn West DTP Critical 9/27/08 0:00 4.8
57477 Ed Braxton West DTP High 9/27/08 0:00 2.5
37925 Luke Weiss Central Wholesaler Medium 9/27/08 0:00 14
57477 Ed Braxton West DTP High 9/28/08 0:00 3.5
6753 Robert Barroso West DTP Low 9/28/08 0:00 4.95
22661 Dianna Vittorini West DTP Not Specified 9/29/08 0:00 0.7
416 Stuart Calhoun West Custom Order Low 10/1/08 0:00 7.69
30884 Carlos Meador South Wholesaler Low 10/1/08 0:00 80.2
15906 Ross Baird Central Wholesaler Low 9/29/08 0:00 17.86
39140 Tonja Turnell East Wholesaler Low 10/2/08 0:00 55.81
3745 Erin Smith East Custom Order Low 9/30/08 0:00 8.55
34979 Quincy Jones South DTP Critical 9/30/08 0:00 1.99
42690 Olvera Toch West DTP Low 10/2/08 0:00 27.03
59008 Lycoris Saunders Central Wholesaler Critical 9/29/08 0:00 14
10563 Julia Barnett South DTP Critical 9/30/08 0:00 19.99
45347 Ritsa Hightower East Wholesaler Medium 9/30/08 0:00 44.55
32998 Guy Thornton West Wholesaler Not Specified 9/30/08 0:00 54.74
45347 Ritsa Hightower East Custom Order Medium 10/1/08 0:00 24.49
34244 Duane Huffman East DTP Low 10/1/08 0:00 1.99
37829 Eleni McCrary East DTP Not Specified 10/1/08 0:00 8.29
10563 Julia Barnett South DTP Critical 10/1/08 0:00 5.4
29445 Harold Engle Central Wholesaler High 10/1/08 0:00 28
34244 Duane Huffman East Custom Order Low 10/8/08 0:00 5.53
41187 Edward Nazzal South DTP Low 9/30/08 0:00 0.7
16741 Nicole Hansen East DTP Medium 10/1/08 0:00 16.87
7457 Eric Hoffmann Central DTP Not Specified 10/2/08 0:00 2.36
7457 Eric Hoffmann Central DTP Not Specified 10/3/08 0:00 19.99
7489 Kimberly Carter Central Wholesaler Critical 10/3/08 0:00 23.58
41187 Edward Nazzal South DTP Low 10/4/08 0:00 4.96
24710 Jonathan Howell West DTP Low 10/4/08 0:00 7.44
42375 Jas O'Carroll East Custom Order High 10/2/08 0:00 0.7
14535 Gene Hale West DTP Not Specified 10/2/08 0:00 5.03
57984 Toby Carlisle South Custom Order High 10/3/08 0:00 4
37127 John Dryer South DTP High 10/3/08 0:00 2.15
5764 Daniel Lacy West DTP Not Specified 10/3/08 0:00 8.94
35686 Andrew Roberts Central DTP High 10/4/08 0:00 9.17
57984 Toby Carlisle South DTP High 10/4/08 0:00 24.49
24260 Roger Barcio Central Custom Order Not Specified 10/4/08 0:00 4.98
57478 Greg Hansen East DTP Critical 10/4/08 0:00 0.79
35426 Phillina Ober East DTP High 10/4/08 0:00 1.79
52292 Corey Catlett West Wholesaler Not Specified 10/4/08 0:00 30
49764 Benjamin Farhat West Custom Order Low 10/7/08 0:00 3.37
57475 Tony Sayre East DTP Low 10/4/08 0:00 18.45
33573 Juliana Krohn West Wholesaler Critical 10/4/08 0:00 16.01
30150 Aaron Hawkins South DTP Critical 10/5/08 0:00 1.39
54563 Fred Hopkins Central DTP Critical 10/6/08 0:00 8.99
57475 Tony Sayre East DTP Low 10/6/08 0:00 6.6
55969 Meg O'Connel East DTP Medium 10/7/08 0:00 6.88
57475 Tony Sayre East DTP Low 10/11/08 0:00 5.68
56099 Michelle Moray South DTP Low 10/12/08 0:00 15.24
40194 Barry Gonzalez Central Wholesaler Not Specified 10/7/08 0:00 30
14081 Carlos Daly East Wholesaler High 10/7/08 0:00 46.59
33600 Sonia Sunley Central DTP Low 10/8/08 0:00 4.79
40194 Barry Gonzalez Central DTP Not Specified 10/8/08 0:00 5
55235 Jane Waco East DTP Low 10/8/08 0:00 2.79
23046 Adam Shillingsburg South DTP Critical 10/8/08 0:00 2.01
40194 Barry Gonzalez Central Wholesaler Not Specified 10/8/08 0:00 56.14
20192 Henia Zydlo Central DTP Low 10/13/08 0:00 1.99
27974 Art Foster Central DTP High 10/8/08 0:00 11.5
34246 Thomas Seio East DTP Critical 10/8/08 0:00 6.89
34246 Thomas Seio East DTP Critical 10/8/08 0:00 19.99
8933 Lori Olson South DTP High 10/8/08 0:00 2.99
27974 Art Foster Central Custom Order High 10/9/08 0:00 1.99
34246 Thomas Seio East DTP Critical 10/9/08 0:00 6.97
8933 Lori Olson South DTP High 10/9/08 0:00 7.58
16194 Benjamin Venier South DTP Not Specified 10/9/08 0:00 4.2
17568 Brad Thomas East DTP Not Specified 10/9/08 0:00 1.99
7619 Sally Hughsby South DTP Not Specified 10/9/08 0:00 1.99
52641 Julia Dunbar West DTP Not Specified 10/10/08 0:00 8.08
47360 Frank Hawley Central Wholesaler Not Specified 10/10/08 0:00 42
32519 Jill Stevenson Central DTP Low 10/13/08 0:00 4.5
44450 Sean Wendt East DTP Critical 10/9/08 0:00 8.99
48452 Giulietta Weimer West DTP High 10/9/08 0:00 19.99
44450 Sean Wendt East DTP Critical 10/10/08 0:00 1.99
10147 Jennifer Halladay East DTP High 10/10/08 0:00 5.41
48452 Giulietta Weimer West DTP High 10/10/08 0:00 6.92
20545 Denny Ordway West Wholesaler Not Specified 10/10/08 0:00 69.55
5350 Carl Weiss East DTP Low 10/11/08 0:00 6.12
55136 William Brown South DTP Critical 10/11/08 0:00 4.7
48452 Giulietta Weimer West DTP High 10/11/08 0:00 5.67
20545 Denny Ordway West DTP Not Specified 10/11/08 0:00 5.86
20545 Denny Ordway West DTP Not Specified 10/11/08 0:00 69
48452 Giulietta Weimer West Wholesaler High 10/11/08 0:00 30
5350 Carl Weiss East DTP Low 10/16/08 0:00 19.99
20868 Rob Williams South DTP Low 10/16/08 0:00 19.99
9860 Kimberly Carter Central DTP Critical 10/11/08 0:00 3.52
52800 Todd Boyes West DTP Not Specified 10/11/08 0:00 2.58
4455 Michael Paige Central DTP Medium 10/12/08 0:00 4
47460 Jamie Kunitz East DTP Critical 10/12/08 0:00 0.93
42529 Bobby Elias South DTP Low 10/14/08 0:00 4.47
42529 Bobby Elias South DTP Low 10/15/08 0:00 7.5
17952 Ken Dana West DTP Medium 10/12/08 0:00 6.75
47972 Brendan Murry South Custom Order Medium 10/13/08 0:00 19.99
22469 Jack Lebron Central DTP High 10/13/08 0:00 5.03
22469 Jack Lebron Central DTP High 10/13/08 0:00 49
22469 Jack Lebron Central DTP High 10/13/08 0:00 69
40259 Theone Pippenger East Custom Order Medium 10/13/08 0:00 4.32
7015 Matt Abelman East Custom Order Not Specified 10/13/08 0:00 4.2
34849 Lycoris Saunders Central DTP Critical 10/13/08 0:00 21.51
7559 Patrick Ryan South DTP Critical 10/13/08 0:00 5.99
34849 Lycoris Saunders Central DTP Critical 10/14/08 0:00 0.5
7015 Matt Abelman East DTP Not Specified 10/14/08 0:00 1.99
7559 Patrick Ryan South DTP Critical 10/14/08 0:00 49
37410 Chuck Clark East Wholesaler Medium 10/14/08 0:00 48.26
57314 Patrick O'Brill West Custom Order Low 10/16/08 0:00 5.08
57314 Patrick O'Brill West DTP Low 10/19/08 0:00 2.79
13440 Jim Mitchum Central DTP Not Specified 10/15/08 0:00 1.99
1507 Harold Ryan East DTP Medium 10/15/08 0:00 4
26401 Dave Poirier South DTP Medium 10/15/08 0:00 19.99
3 Muhammed MacIntyre East DTP Low 10/20/08 0:00 35
42467 Julia Barnett South DTP High 10/14/08 0:00 15.1
42467 Julia Barnett South Custom Order High 10/16/08 0:00 6.5
49986 Joseph Airdo Central DTP Critical 10/16/08 0:00 0.93
42467 Julia Barnett South DTP High 10/16/08 0:00 8.99
14402 Jessica Myrick Central Wholesaler Medium 10/16/08 0:00 30
30023 Giulietta Dortch South DTP Low 10/15/08 0:00 8.99
50307 Bill Overfelt West DTP Low 10/15/08 0:00 1.99
31492 Nicole Hansen East DTP Critical 10/16/08 0:00 19.99
50307 Bill Overfelt West Custom Order Low 10/17/08 0:00 10.75
31492 Nicole Hansen East DTP Critical 10/17/08 0:00 4.98
30023 Giulietta Dortch South Wholesaler Low 10/17/08 0:00 48.26
31492 Nicole Hansen East Custom Order Critical 10/18/08 0:00 6.64
30023 Giulietta Dortch South Wholesaler Low 10/19/08 0:00 49
30023 Giulietta Dortch South DTP Low 10/24/08 0:00 8.6
13476 Noel Staavos West DTP Not Specified 10/16/08 0:00 4
13476 Noel Staavos West DTP Not Specified 10/17/08 0:00 19.99
41826 Chuck Sachs East Custom Order Medium 10/18/08 0:00 6.02
13476 Noel Staavos West Custom Order Not Specified 10/18/08 0:00 5.68
41826 Chuck Sachs East Wholesaler Medium 10/18/08 0:00 54.31
22912 Juliana Krohn West Custom Order Low 10/20/08 0:00 19.99
325 Craig Yedwab West DTP Low 10/20/08 0:00 4.23
51584 Rob Haberlin Central Wholesaler Critical 10/18/08 0:00 30
36323 Maurice Satty Central DTP High 10/20/08 0:00 6.5
31301 Duane Huffman East DTP Low 10/20/08 0:00 0.5
54467 Bradley Drucker West DTP Low 10/20/08 0:00 2.03
54467 Bradley Drucker West DTP Low 10/20/08 0:00 5.72
54467 Bradley Drucker West DTP Low 10/23/08 0:00 6.89
54146 Laurel Elliston West DTP Low 10/23/08 0:00 1.99
55297 Jamie Frazer Central DTP Medium 10/21/08 0:00 8.68
48963 David Flashing West DTP Not Specified 10/21/08 0:00 5.94
24903 Paul Prost South DTP Low 10/26/08 0:00 5.81
4965 Paul Lucas West DTP Low 10/20/08 0:00 19.95
29895 Theresa Coyne East Wholesaler Medium 10/21/08 0:00 35.02
32193 Chad Cunningham East Custom Order Low 10/22/08 0:00 6.93
23106 Liz MacKendrick West Wholesaler Medium 10/22/08 0:00 16.06
32193 Chad Cunningham East DTP Low 10/25/08 0:00 0.99
4965 Paul Lucas West DTP Low 10/25/08 0:00 7.96
14086 Alan Haines Central Wholesaler Low 10/25/08 0:00 54.74
14086 Alan Haines Central DTP Low 10/27/08 0:00 3.01
21696 Marc Crier Central DTP Medium 10/22/08 0:00 12.79
2628 Eileen Kiefer South DTP Low 10/26/08 0:00 5
2628 Eileen Kiefer South Wholesaler Low 10/30/08 0:00 69.64
48800 Parhena Norris East DTP Not Specified 10/23/08 0:00 24.49
23207 Ralph Kennedy West DTP Critical 10/23/08 0:00 8.74
52896 Lena Creighton West Wholesaler High 10/23/08 0:00 66.67
52896 Lena Creighton West Custom Order High 10/24/08 0:00 2.04
48994 Christy Brittain South DTP Not Specified 10/24/08 0:00 35
52896 Lena Creighton West Wholesaler High 10/24/08 0:00 76.37
52896 Lena Creighton West DTP High 10/25/08 0:00 20.49
16834 Sue Ann Reed Central DTP Low 10/25/08 0:00 7.17
31077 Bryan Mills Central DTP Not Specified 10/25/08 0:00 3.9
12261 Ritsa Hightower East Custom Order Low 10/27/08 0:00 0.83
12261 Ritsa Hightower East DTP Low 10/28/08 0:00 23.49
12261 Ritsa Hightower East Wholesaler Low 10/28/08 0:00 23.76
16834 Sue Ann Reed Central DTP Low 10/30/08 0:00 2.17
10498 Jesus Ocampo East DTP Low 10/30/08 0:00 8.99
12261 Ritsa Hightower East DTP Low 10/30/08 0:00 8.29
28836 Erica Bern Central DTP High 10/25/08 0:00 4.2
28836 Erica Bern Central DTP High 10/26/08 0:00 19.99
12417 Cathy Prescott South DTP Critical 10/26/08 0:00 1.71
32516 Robert Marley South DTP Critical 10/26/08 0:00 3.99
58659 Tom Stivers South DTP High 10/26/08 0:00 8.19
51271 Tim Brockman South DTP High 10/27/08 0:00 5
51271 Tim Brockman South Wholesaler High 10/27/08 0:00 36.09
35522 Michael Granlund East DTP Low 11/1/08 0:00 19.99
53027 Sharelle Roach South DTP Low 10/26/08 0:00 14.72
38050 Luke Schmidt South Custom Order Not Specified 10/27/08 0:00 1.67
14981 Ed Braxton West DTP Medium 10/27/08 0:00 8.22
10852 Harold Engle Central Wholesaler High 10/27/08 0:00 54.92
230 Erin Creighton Central DTP Critical 10/28/08 0:00 8.08
230 Erin Creighton Central DTP Critical 10/28/08 0:00 8.99
10852 Harold Engle Central DTP High 10/28/08 0:00 10.91
38050 Luke Schmidt South DTP Not Specified 10/28/08 0:00 0.7
38050 Luke Schmidt South DTP Not Specified 10/28/08 0:00 69
14981 Ed Braxton West Wholesaler Medium 10/28/08 0:00 27.75
51328 Sarah Jordon East DTP Low 10/31/08 0:00 8.99
58528 Janet Martin South Custom Order Medium 10/28/08 0:00 2.5
58528 Janet Martin South DTP Medium 10/28/08 0:00 5.1
42882 Michael Dominguez West Custom Order Low 10/29/08 0:00 4.98
2374 Vivek Gonzalez South Custom Order Not Specified 10/30/08 0:00 5.44
57986 Dennis Bolton East DTP High 10/29/08 0:00 13.32
48391 Nick Crebassa South DTP Not Specified 10/30/08 0:00 5.46
53248 Fred Hopkins Central Wholesaler Critical 10/30/08 0:00 40.19
37669 Alejandro Grove West Custom Order Not Specified 10/31/08 0:00 19.99
12902 Daniel Byrd East DTP Not Specified 10/31/08 0:00 6.5
37669 Alejandro Grove West DTP Not Specified 10/31/08 0:00 1.39
12902 Daniel Byrd East Wholesaler Not Specified 10/31/08 0:00 56.7
37669 Alejandro Grove West DTP Not Specified 11/1/08 0:00 8.78
11236 Robert Barroso West DTP High 10/30/08 0:00 6.28
1888 Kean Thornton West Wholesaler Not Specified 10/30/08 0:00 45.51
11236 Robert Barroso West DTP High 10/31/08 0:00 4.95
1888 Kean Thornton West DTP Not Specified 10/31/08 0:00 5.42
25062 Sally Hughsby South DTP Critical 11/1/08 0:00 26.74
36548 Max Engle South DTP Low 11/1/08 0:00 7.54
11236 Robert Barroso West DTP High 11/1/08 0:00 11.37
20741 Frank Merwin West DTP Low 11/6/08 0:00 8.99
58855 Jeremy Pistek South DTP Medium 10/31/08 0:00 4.08
43844 Deborah Brumfield West DTP High 10/31/08 0:00 4.99
32389 Dave Poirier South Custom Order Medium 11/1/08 0:00 8.8
32326 Jason Klamczynski Central DTP High 11/1/08 0:00 11.17
32389 Dave Poirier South Wholesaler Medium 11/1/08 0:00 27.75
36003 Linda Southworth Central DTP Medium 11/2/08 0:00 11.45
32389 Dave Poirier South DTP Medium 11/2/08 0:00 10.25
38337 Tracy Poddar West DTP Medium 11/2/08 0:00 0.7
26631 Jeremy Pistek South DTP Critical 11/1/08 0:00 10.39
43745 Laurel Elliston West DTP Low 11/1/08 0:00 0.99
43745 Laurel Elliston West DTP Low 11/1/08 0:00 2.5
34721 Bart Watters East DTP Not Specified 11/2/08 0:00 4.68
55014 Quincy Jones South DTP High 11/2/08 0:00 2.27
30917 Marc Crier Central DTP Low 11/3/08 0:00 2.83
43745 Laurel Elliston West DTP Low 11/3/08 0:00 6.15
43745 Laurel Elliston West DTP Low 11/3/08 0:00 6.5
30917 Marc Crier Central DTP Low 11/5/08 0:00 13.99
43745 Laurel Elliston West DTP Low 11/5/08 0:00 1.43
43745 Laurel Elliston West DTP Low 11/8/08 0:00 5.37
23271 Ann Blume South Wholesaler High 11/4/08 0:00 55.3
19974 Rick Wilson West DTP High 11/5/08 0:00 6.13
19974 Rick Wilson West Wholesaler High 11/5/08 0:00 23.19
28802 Sanjit Chand Central Custom Order High 11/6/08 0:00 8.99
32228 Andrew Roberts Central DTP Critical 11/6/08 0:00 1.2
28802 Sanjit Chand Central DTP High 11/6/08 0:00 3
15878 Mike Kennedy East DTP High 11/6/08 0:00 11.15
52256 Cari MacIntyre South DTP Not Specified 11/6/08 0:00 4.2
28802 Sanjit Chand Central Custom Order High 11/7/08 0:00 4.82
15206 Rob Lucas West Wholesaler Low 11/9/08 0:00 66.27
34816 Sally Knutson Central DTP Not Specified 11/5/08 0:00 4.5
37957 Bobby Trafton South DTP Not Specified 11/6/08 0:00 5.48
34816 Sally Knutson Central DTP Not Specified 11/7/08 0:00 19.99
48165 Dennis Bolton East DTP High 11/7/08 0:00 9.54
27335 Karl Brown West DTP Low 11/6/08 0:00 6.35
23680 Ivan Liston South Wholesaler Not Specified 11/7/08 0:00 43.57
33889 Christina Vanderzanden West DTP Low 11/8/08 0:00 0.5
33889 Christina Vanderzanden West DTP Low 11/10/08 0:00 2.5
33889 Christina Vanderzanden West Wholesaler Low 11/11/08 0:00 55.24
33889 Christina Vanderzanden West DTP Low 11/13/08 0:00 3.5
5506 Beth Thompson East DTP Critical 11/8/08 0:00 3.04
13348 Jim Kriz West DTP Medium 11/8/08 0:00 19.99
20193 Harry Greene Central DTP Medium 11/9/08 0:00 6.83
49767 John Murray East DTP Critical 11/8/08 0:00 1.39
52737 Alex Avila South Custom Order Not Specified 11/9/08 0:00 6.16
49767 John Murray East DTP Critical 11/9/08 0:00 13.99
8834 Ken Lonsdale South DTP High 11/9/08 0:00 4.98
8834 Ken Lonsdale South DTP High 11/9/08 0:00 13.99
49767 John Murray East DTP Critical 11/10/08 0:00 7.49
1792 Carlos Soltero Central DTP Low 11/13/08 0:00 4.51
12097 Tanja Norvell West Custom Order Critical 11/9/08 0:00 0.99
41633 Bill Eplett South Wholesaler Low 11/9/08 0:00 70.2
50663 Jim Kriz West Custom Order Critical 11/10/08 0:00 49
22498 Sarah Brown South DTP Critical 11/10/08 0:00 1.99
15078 Katherine Nockton South DTP High 11/10/08 0:00 4.96
39682 Aaron Bergman East Custom Order Medium 11/11/08 0:00 14.3
5059 Randy Bradley South Custom Order High 11/11/08 0:00 7.46
7363 Sung Shariari South DTP Medium 11/11/08 0:00 13.99
12097 Tanja Norvell West DTP Critical 11/11/08 0:00 6.07
43585 Stephanie Ulpright West Custom Order Critical 11/12/08 0:00 6.79
11911 Edward Hooks East DTP Critical 11/12/08 0:00 9.73
9091 Adam Hart East DTP High 11/12/08 0:00 5
9091 Adam Hart East DTP High 11/12/08 0:00 8.74
8992 Shahid Shariari West DTP High 11/13/08 0:00 2.79
8992 Shahid Shariari West DTP High 11/13/08 0:00 24.49
59553 Raymond Fair West DTP Not Specified 11/13/08 0:00 5.01
8992 Shahid Shariari West DTP High 11/14/08 0:00 4.2
59553 Raymond Fair West DTP Not Specified 11/14/08 0:00 8.99
39139 Ed Braxton West DTP Not Specified 11/13/08 0:00 8.08
56135 Theone Pippenger East DTP Medium 11/14/08 0:00 1.56
4034 Christine Sundaresam West DTP Not Specified 11/14/08 0:00 48.2
4034 Christine Sundaresam West Wholesaler Not Specified 11/14/08 0:00 51.92
43782 Rick Bensley Central DTP Medium 11/15/08 0:00 2.99
47873 Doug Bickford South DTP Critical 11/15/08 0:00 5.57
19430 Helen Andreada West DTP Critical 11/15/08 0:00 35
39139 Ed Braxton West DTP Not Specified 11/15/08 0:00 21.21
56135 Theone Pippenger East Wholesaler Medium 11/15/08 0:00 36.09
39139 Ed Braxton West Wholesaler Not Specified 11/15/08 0:00 36.61
2048 Deanra Eno South Custom Order Critical 11/15/08 0:00 4.5
38789 Mathew Reese South DTP High 11/15/08 0:00 5.16
4580 Steve Carroll East Wholesaler Not Specified 11/15/08 0:00 81.98
2048 Deanra Eno South Wholesaler Critical 11/15/08 0:00 42.52
38789 Mathew Reese South Wholesaler High 11/15/08 0:00 15.68
14499 Harry Marie Central DTP Low 11/19/08 0:00 6.5
10117 Brian Stugart East Custom Order Medium 11/17/08 0:00 5.6
10499 Doug Bickford South Wholesaler Not Specified 11/17/08 0:00 62.74
10117 Brian Stugart East DTP Medium 11/18/08 0:00 24.49
22404 Joseph Holt South DTP Low 11/23/08 0:00 18.06
44935 Arthur Gainer South Custom Order High 11/18/08 0:00 0.5
44935 Arthur Gainer South DTP High 11/18/08 0:00 19.99
29382 Greg Guthrie Central Custom Order High 11/19/08 0:00 10.49
38625 Chad Sievert East Custom Order Not Specified 11/19/08 0:00 19.99
38625 Chad Sievert East DTP Not Specified 11/19/08 0:00 2.5
39393 Troy Staebel South DTP Not Specified 11/19/08 0:00 5.76
29382 Greg Guthrie Central DTP High 11/20/08 0:00 1.39
44935 Arthur Gainer South DTP High 11/20/08 0:00 0.8
40775 Liz MacKendrick West DTP Low 11/22/08 0:00 5.16
2752 Todd Boyes West DTP High 11/18/08 0:00 8.22
34658 Alan Hwang South Wholesaler Medium 11/18/08 0:00 55.81
13607 Matthew Grinstein East Custom Order Critical 11/19/08 0:00 0.5
2563 Brenda Bowman Central DTP Not Specified 11/19/08 0:00 1.46
13607 Matthew Grinstein East DTP Critical 11/19/08 0:00 1.99
22887 Eugene Moren West DTP Not Specified 11/19/08 0:00 24.49
13607 Matthew Grinstein East DTP Critical 11/20/08 0:00 35
2752 Todd Boyes West DTP High 11/20/08 0:00 0.71
2752 Todd Boyes West DTP High 11/20/08 0:00 7.62
23366 Tim Taslimi Central DTP Not Specified 11/19/08 0:00 19.99
45190 George Ashbrook East Wholesaler High 11/19/08 0:00 43.71
23366 Tim Taslimi Central DTP Not Specified 11/21/08 0:00 7.94
8001 Charles Crestani South DTP High 11/21/08 0:00 12.51
8582 David Kendrick South DTP Low 11/20/08 0:00 24.49
13895 Michelle Ellison West DTP High 11/20/08 0:00 9.37
59393 Seth Vernon Central DTP Medium 11/21/08 0:00 6.97
5988 Sanjit Chand Central Custom Order Not Specified 11/22/08 0:00 24.49
5863 Guy Thornton West DTP Medium 11/22/08 0:00 7.58
21863 Christine Sundaresam West DTP Not Specified 11/22/08 0:00 10.58
33152 Caroline Jumper Central DTP Critical 11/23/08 0:00 8.99
38917 Joseph Airdo Central DTP Low 11/28/08 0:00 8.8
36134 Grant Carroll East DTP Low 11/22/08 0:00 8.99
41186 Aleksandra Gannaway West DTP High 11/23/08 0:00 0.99
27047 Patrick Bzostek West DTP High 11/23/08 0:00 6.72
27047 Patrick Bzostek West DTP High 11/23/08 0:00 24.49
52128 Sanjit Jacobs West DTP Not Specified 11/23/08 0:00 2.96
41186 Aleksandra Gannaway West Custom Order High 11/24/08 0:00 1.39
45088 Christopher Conant Central DTP Low 11/29/08 0:00 4.2
25828 Michael Oakman Central Wholesaler Not Specified 11/23/08 0:00 61.76
25828 Michael Oakman Central DTP Not Specified 11/24/08 0:00 1
807 Neola Schneider East DTP Medium 11/24/08 0:00 8.18
50725 Muhammed Yedwab East Wholesaler Medium 11/24/08 0:00 30
51075 Carlos Soltero Central Custom Order Not Specified 11/25/08 0:00 5
25828 Michael Oakman Central DTP Not Specified 11/25/08 0:00 4.42
24128 Eugene Barchas East DTP High 11/25/08 0:00 3.99
24128 Eugene Barchas East DTP High 11/25/08 0:00 8.32
50725 Muhammed Yedwab East DTP Medium 11/25/08 0:00 8.99
54274 Don Jones East DTP Not Specified 11/25/08 0:00 13.99
35910 Kristen Hastings East Custom Order High 11/25/08 0:00 3.3
27681 Dave Hallsten Central DTP Medium 11/25/08 0:00 4.7
11427 Nora Price East DTP Medium 11/25/08 0:00 1
27681 Dave Hallsten Central DTP Medium 11/26/08 0:00 1.17
2759 Brenda Bowman Central DTP Not Specified 11/26/08 0:00 6.5
35910 Kristen Hastings East DTP High 11/26/08 0:00 1.25
35910 Kristen Hastings East DTP High 11/26/08 0:00 8.4
11427 Nora Price East DTP Medium 11/26/08 0:00 5.19
20900 Ellis Ballard South DTP Low 11/26/08 0:00 4.99
37603 Liz Price West DTP Medium 11/26/08 0:00 3.98
4675 Rick Wilson West DTP Not Specified 11/26/08 0:00 0.7
33123 Roy Skaria Central Wholesaler Medium 11/26/08 0:00 66.27
15015 Matthew Grinstein East DTP High 11/26/08 0:00 5.22
52807 Andrew Gjertsen East DTP Medium 11/27/08 0:00 2.87
5189 Evan Henry South DTP Low 11/27/08 0:00 23.49
32135 Magdelene Morse West DTP High 11/27/08 0:00 13.11
30754 David Flashing West DTP Low 11/29/08 0:00 69
5189 Evan Henry South DTP Low 12/2/08 0:00 14.52
55653 Benjamin Farhat West Wholesaler Medium 11/27/08 0:00 28.14
41861 Kalyca Meade West DTP Low 11/28/08 0:00 5.97
48195 Ruben Ausman East DTP Not Specified 11/27/08 0:00 5.99
48195 Ruben Ausman East DTP Not Specified 11/28/08 0:00 22.49
26630 Logan Haushalter Central DTP High 11/29/08 0:00 7.37
31718 Nona Balk South DTP Low 12/1/08 0:00 7.69
45249 Roland Black East DTP Low 12/2/08 0:00 5
31718 Nona Balk South DTP Low 12/4/08 0:00 8.99
1953 Sam Zeldin South DTP Medium 11/29/08 0:00 2.99
10209 Barry Franz West DTP Medium 11/29/08 0:00 19.99
35265 Sean Braxton Central DTP Not Specified 11/30/08 0:00 2.99
14789 Sarah Brown South DTP Not Specified 11/30/08 0:00 5.3
35265 Sean Braxton Central Wholesaler Not Specified 11/30/08 0:00 19.19
14789 Sarah Brown South Custom Order Not Specified 12/1/08 0:00 4.5
44359 Keith Dawkins Central DTP High 12/1/08 0:00 0.91
35265 Sean Braxton Central DTP Not Specified 12/1/08 0:00 5.76
10209 Barry Franz West DTP Medium 12/1/08 0:00 6.19
56769 Cindy Stewart West DTP Medium 12/1/08 0:00 13.99
31072 Sean O'Donnell South DTP Low 12/4/08 0:00 19.99
9957 Suzanne McNair South Custom Order Not Specified 12/1/08 0:00 5.2
24102 Fred McMath East DTP Critical 12/1/08 0:00 12.9
37216 Eudokia Martin East DTP High 12/1/08 0:00 8.83
27527 Rob Haberlin Central DTP Medium 12/3/08 0:00 5.4
51426 Saphhira Shifley West DTP Medium 12/2/08 0:00 1.99
1831 Ken Brennan West Wholesaler Critical 12/2/08 0:00 99
25092 Katrina Willman Central Custom Order High 12/3/08 0:00 2.99
25092 Katrina Willman Central DTP High 12/3/08 0:00 1.75
13799 Sibella Parks East DTP Critical 12/3/08 0:00 5.08
41632 Patrick Jones South DTP Low 12/8/08 0:00 5
25315 Joy Smith Central Custom Order Low 12/2/08 0:00 11.79
25315 Joy Smith Central DTP Low 12/2/08 0:00 0.93
35042 Michael Dominguez West DTP Not Specified 12/3/08 0:00 6.5
38406 Denny Ordway West Wholesaler Medium 12/3/08 0:00 36.61
26305 Max Jones West Wholesaler Medium 12/3/08 0:00 62.74
26305 Max Jones West DTP Medium 12/4/08 0:00 15.1
25315 Joy Smith Central Wholesaler Low 12/4/08 0:00 45.51
19139 Helen Wasserman South DTP Not Specified 12/4/08 0:00 5.15
55172 Katherine Nockton South DTP Not Specified 12/4/08 0:00 1.99
41570 Harold Engle Central DTP Not Specified 12/5/08 0:00 4.65
25350 Troy Blackwell Central DTP Not Specified 12/5/08 0:00 5.2
44390 Noel Staavos West DTP Not Specified 12/5/08 0:00 8.99
40800 Jim Sink South DTP Not Specified 12/4/08 0:00 7.91
27746 Jenna Caffey West DTP Critical 12/4/08 0:00 24.49
3586 Lena Cacioppo Central DTP High 12/5/08 0:00 5.16
27746 Jenna Caffey West DTP Critical 12/5/08 0:00 0.88
27746 Jenna Caffey West DTP Critical 12/5/08 0:00 7.87
3586 Lena Cacioppo Central DTP High 12/6/08 0:00 5
1825 Aaron Smayling Central DTP Medium 12/6/08 0:00 0.7
40800 Jim Sink South DTP Not Specified 12/6/08 0:00 1.39
58656 Doug O'Connell West DTP High 12/6/08 0:00 2.99
58656 Doug O'Connell West DTP High 12/6/08 0:00 5.33
46177 Rick Duston Central DTP Low 12/5/08 0:00 14.37
46177 Rick Duston Central DTP Low 12/5/08 0:00 19.99
20036 John Lee Central DTP Not Specified 12/5/08 0:00 4.98
3783 Jonathan Doherty Central DTP Not Specified 12/5/08 0:00 2.83
36997 Tim Brockman South DTP Not Specified 12/6/08 0:00 0.5
54950 Stephanie Ulpright West DTP High 12/6/08 0:00 4.42
54950 Stephanie Ulpright West Wholesaler High 12/6/08 0:00 110.2
20036 John Lee Central DTP Not Specified 12/7/08 0:00 10.79
3783 Jonathan Doherty Central DTP Not Specified 12/7/08 0:00 8.73
18887 Clay Rozendal East DTP Not Specified 12/7/08 0:00 0.99
7746 Roger Demir West DTP Medium 12/7/08 0:00 8.68
44738 Max Jones West DTP Not Specified 12/7/08 0:00 0.7
46177 Rick Duston Central Wholesaler Low 12/7/08 0:00 69.64
20036 John Lee Central Wholesaler Not Specified 12/8/08 0:00 66.27
45733 Maya Herman South DTP Critical 12/7/08 0:00 15.1
54564 Brendan Murry South Custom Order High 12/8/08 0:00 5.92
41123 Frank Gastineau West DTP Low 12/11/08 0:00 5.01
12452 Bill Donatelli East DTP Medium 12/8/08 0:00 19.99
3591 Herbert Flentye West Wholesaler Medium 12/8/08 0:00 42
35490 Victoria Brennan East Custom Order High 12/9/08 0:00 1.2
23264 Clay Rozendal East DTP Critical 12/9/08 0:00 7.8
35490 Victoria Brennan East DTP High 12/9/08 0:00 1.1
12452 Bill Donatelli East DTP Medium 12/9/08 0:00 4.07
12452 Bill Donatelli East DTP Medium 12/9/08 0:00 5.15
3591 Herbert Flentye West Wholesaler Medium 12/9/08 0:00 15.66
20674 Philip Brown West Wholesaler High 12/9/08 0:00 69.3
27396 Sean Wendt East DTP Critical 12/10/08 0:00 6.02
6978 Art Foster Central DTP High 12/10/08 0:00 2.83
6948 Phillip Breyer West DTP Not Specified 12/10/08 0:00 4
8097 Doug Jacobs South Custom Order Medium 12/11/08 0:00 19.99
2976 Edward Hooks East Wholesaler Not Specified 12/11/08 0:00 26
11047 Ionia McGrath South Wholesaler Low 12/12/08 0:00 64.59
11047 Ionia McGrath South Wholesaler Low 12/17/08 0:00 60
52194 Greg Tran Central DTP Critical 12/12/08 0:00 12.98
34438 Harold Engle Central DTP High 12/12/08 0:00 8.99
52194 Greg Tran Central Wholesaler Critical 12/12/08 0:00 78.64
6053 Maureen Fritzler West DTP Medium 12/13/08 0:00 1.49
38210 Ben Ferrer West DTP Low 12/12/08 0:00 7.44
35908 Brad Eason Central Custom Order Not Specified 12/13/08 0:00 4.81
59777 Sam Craven South Custom Order High 12/13/08 0:00 19.99
19492 Jason Gross East DTP High 12/13/08 0:00 2.87
10242 Maria Bertelson East DTP Medium 12/13/08 0:00 7.58
30149 Mark Cousins East DTP Medium 12/13/08 0:00 1.49
16992 Ed Jacobs South DTP High 12/13/08 0:00 3.5
16579 Saphhira Shifley West DTP Not Specified 12/13/08 0:00 4.61
45668 Shaun Chance South Wholesaler Not Specified 12/13/08 0:00 55.81
35908 Brad Eason Central DTP Not Specified 12/14/08 0:00 7.64
19492 Jason Gross East DTP High 12/14/08 0:00 19.99
30149 Mark Cousins East Wholesaler Medium 12/14/08 0:00 19.19
47844 Tanja Norvell West Wholesaler Critical 12/14/08 0:00 30
30149 Mark Cousins East DTP Medium 12/15/08 0:00 8.78
12160 Darren Budd Central DTP Low 12/16/08 0:00 8.79
12160 Darren Budd Central DTP Low 12/17/08 0:00 6.27
12160 Darren Budd Central Wholesaler Low 12/17/08 0:00 68.02
54727 Bradley Drucker West DTP Medium 12/14/08 0:00 7.23
46849 Sarah Bern West DTP Not Specified 12/14/08 0:00 1.99
13125 Alejandro Savely West Custom Order Not Specified 12/15/08 0:00 4
55331 Jennifer Braxton Central DTP High 12/15/08 0:00 2.5
59714 Julia West East Wholesaler Critical 12/15/08 0:00 60
15808 Bill Donatelli East Custom Order Critical 12/14/08 0:00 15.1
15808 Bill Donatelli East DTP Critical 12/14/08 0:00 1.61
15808 Bill Donatelli East DTP Critical 12/15/08 0:00 4.81
15109 Maria Bertelson East DTP Not Specified 12/15/08 0:00 3.37
36805 Shahid Shariari West Custom Order Medium 12/16/08 0:00 5.26
2339 Jennifer Braxton Central DTP Low 12/16/08 0:00 19.99
15808 Bill Donatelli East DTP Critical 12/16/08 0:00 4
15109 Maria Bertelson East DTP Not Specified 12/16/08 0:00 22.05
36805 Shahid Shariari West DTP Medium 12/16/08 0:00 5.02
15109 Maria Bertelson East DTP Not Specified 12/17/08 0:00 5.99
56837 Steve Nguyen South Wholesaler Low 12/18/08 0:00 30
23746 Emily Grady West DTP High 12/16/08 0:00 1.99
59815 Christy Brittain South DTP Not Specified 12/17/08 0:00 1.93
42151 Tim Brockman South DTP High 12/18/08 0:00 3.9
49575 Kalyca Meade West DTP High 12/17/08 0:00 2.99
34597 Brad Thomas East Custom Order Medium 12/18/08 0:00 2.5
57891 Corey Lock East DTP Medium 12/17/08 0:00 5.92
21702 Nathan Mautz South Wholesaler Not Specified 12/18/08 0:00 70.2
32996 Janet Lee Central DTP Critical 12/19/08 0:00 3.9
2659 Alice McCarthy West DTP Not Specified 12/19/08 0:00 9.03
32996 Janet Lee Central DTP Critical 12/20/08 0:00 5.03
70 Helen Wasserman South DTP Low 12/22/08 0:00 2.58
70 Helen Wasserman South DTP Low 12/22/08 0:00 5.99
16995 Darrin Sayre East DTP Not Specified 12/20/08 0:00 0.7
39842 Chris Cortes South Custom Order Medium 12/19/08 0:00 8.66
54437 Logan Haushalter Central DTP High 12/19/08 0:00 5
39842 Chris Cortes South Custom Order Medium 12/20/08 0:00 3.99
37218 Frank Merwin West DTP High 12/20/08 0:00 5.82
36741 Fred Hopkins Central DTP Critical 12/21/08 0:00 5
37218 Frank Merwin West DTP High 12/21/08 0:00 4.5
36741 Fred Hopkins Central DTP Critical 12/22/08 0:00 1.46
33826 Ashley Jarboe West DTP Low 12/23/08 0:00 5
3169 Liz Carlisle Central DTP Medium 12/21/08 0:00 4.99
18627 Phillip Flathmann Central DTP Medium 12/21/08 0:00 0.5
3905 Muhammed Lee Central Wholesaler Not Specified 12/21/08 0:00 32.41
59173 Jennifer Patt South Wholesaler High 12/21/08 0:00 35.84
49988 Helen Wasserman South Wholesaler High 12/22/08 0:00 42.52
49988 Helen Wasserman South DTP High 12/23/08 0:00 2.79
49988 Helen Wasserman South DTP High 12/23/08 0:00 35
12612 Julia Barnett South DTP Low 12/21/08 0:00 13.99
42465 Tamara Dahlen East DTP Medium 12/22/08 0:00 5.74
8515 Trudy Schmidt West DTP Critical 12/22/08 0:00 4
40519 Phillina Ober East DTP Critical 12/23/08 0:00 1.38
9028 Michael Nguyen East Wholesaler Low 12/25/08 0:00 26.53
12612 Julia Barnett South Custom Order Low 12/26/08 0:00 0.5
45924 Laurel Elliston West DTP Low 12/26/08 0:00 2.99
18822 Cynthia Arntzen Central DTP Low 12/30/08 0:00 8.99
39043 Luke Schmidt South Custom Order Not Specified 12/23/08 0:00 35
39043 Luke Schmidt South DTP Not Specified 12/23/08 0:00 0.5
41702 Corinna Mitchell West DTP Not Specified 12/23/08 0:00 4
22656 Evan Minnotte Central Custom Order Not Specified 12/24/08 0:00 6.5
42695 Delfina Latchford East DTP Not Specified 12/24/08 0:00 5.31
41702 Corinna Mitchell West DTP Not Specified 12/24/08 0:00 6.72
1761 Carl Ludwig Central Wholesaler High 12/25/08 0:00 49
54850 Nat Carroll West DTP Not Specified 12/24/08 0:00 19.99
54850 Nat Carroll West DTP Not Specified 12/25/08 0:00 8.08
5538 Julia Dunbar West Wholesaler Critical 12/25/08 0:00 80.2
51169 Cari Schnelling East DTP High 12/26/08 0:00 24.49
42112 Bill Eplett South DTP Not Specified 12/26/08 0:00 8.99
5538 Julia Dunbar West DTP Critical 12/26/08 0:00 6.27
16613 Nancy Lomonaco West DTP High 12/26/08 0:00 4.08
5538 Julia Dunbar West DTP Critical 12/27/08 0:00 5.63
5346 Khloe Miller East DTP Critical 12/26/08 0:00 56.2
41605 Nora Price East DTP Medium 12/26/08 0:00 12.98
38976 Paul Knutson Central Wholesaler Critical 12/26/08 0:00 49
38976 Paul Knutson Central DTP Critical 12/27/08 0:00 8.68
5346 Khloe Miller East Wholesaler Critical 12/27/08 0:00 105.73
12420 Joel Eaton East Custom Order Medium 12/26/08 0:00 13.18
30757 Claire Good South Custom Order Medium 12/26/08 0:00 0.85
12420 Joel Eaton East DTP Medium 12/27/08 0:00 0.8
5957 Ionia McGrath South DTP High 12/27/08 0:00 6.72
30757 Claire Good South DTP Medium 12/27/08 0:00 7.95
56103 Saphhira Shifley West DTP High 12/28/08 0:00 5.92
5957 Ionia McGrath South Wholesaler High 12/28/08 0:00 66.27
5957 Ionia McGrath South DTP High 12/29/08 0:00 4.81
23329 Maris LaWare West DTP Low 12/30/08 0:00 8.99
19841 Tom Stivers South Custom Order Low 1/14/09 0:00 8.08
45408 Maribeth Dona Central DTP Low 1/17/09 0:00 1.99
23329 Maris LaWare West DTP Low 1/19/09 0:00 5.03
19841 Tom Stivers South DTP Low 1/22/09 0:00 5.81
19841 Tom Stivers South DTP Low 1/26/09 0:00 4.2
195 Brad Thomas East DTP Medium 12/29/08 0:00 13.89
32131 David Smith South DTP Critical 12/29/08 0:00 0.71
229 Peter Fuller South DTP Critical 12/29/08 0:00 12.98
258 Liz Willingham South Wholesaler Critical 12/29/08 0:00 53.03
21024 Stewart Carmichael Central DTP Medium 12/30/08 0:00 1.2
229 Matt Abelman East DTP Critical 12/30/08 0:00 4.98
258 Liz Willingham South DTP Critical 12/30/08 0:00 14.01
55363 Ralph Arnett West DTP High 12/30/08 0:00 7.07
7301 Logan Haushalter Central DTP Low 1/14/09 0:00 2.5
23399 Randy Bradley South Custom Order High 12/29/08 0:00 4.51
59684 Susan MacKendrick Central DTP Medium 12/30/08 0:00 9.68
47267 Theone Pippenger East DTP Medium 12/30/08 0:00 8.68
47267 Theone Pippenger East Wholesaler Medium 12/30/08 0:00 89.3
59684 Susan MacKendrick Central Wholesaler Medium 1/15/09 0:00 55.24
59684 Susan MacKendrick Central Custom Order Medium 1/16/09 0:00 2.38
59684 Susan MacKendrick Central DTP Medium 1/17/09 0:00 2.26
1699 Art Ferguson East DTP Critical 3/23/09 0:00 5.25
27011 Anne Pryor Central DTP Medium 12/30/08 0:00 1.39
36293 Carlos Soltero Central DTP Medium 1/10/09 0:00 7.18
19556 Charles Crestani South DTP Not Specified 1/10/09 0:00 4.86
25735 Lisa DeCherney West DTP Not Specified 1/13/09 0:00 1.99
36293 Carlos Soltero Central Custom Order Medium 1/14/09 0:00 7.49
19556 Charles Crestani South Wholesaler Not Specified 1/16/09 0:00 30
19556 Charles Crestani South DTP Not Specified 1/27/09 0:00 4.23
353 Dean Percer South DTP Low 4/1/09 0:00 1
18530 Grant Thornton East DTP Not Specified 12/31/08 0:00 14.39
28262 Brooke Gillingham South DTP Medium 1/1/09 0:00 5.01
18530 Grant Thornton East DTP Not Specified 1/2/09 0:00 5.99
43392 Doug Bickford South DTP Medium 1/2/09 0:00 19.99
17058 Gary Hwang Central DTP High 1/2/09 0:00 6.72
2277 Don Miller East DTP Not Specified 1/2/09 0:00 4.38
2277 Don Miller East DTP Not Specified 1/3/09 0:00 19.99
52640 Steven Ward Central Custom Order Medium 1/4/09 0:00 19.99
16262 Linda Southworth Central Custom Order Low 1/8/09 0:00 2.04
10144 Sonia Sunley Central DTP Critical 1/2/09 0:00 1.99
10144 Sonia Sunley Central Wholesaler Critical 1/4/09 0:00 112.28
24033 Steven Ward Central Wholesaler High 1/4/09 0:00 15.68
10436 Karl Brown West DTP Low 1/9/09 0:00 1
4006 Jas O'Carroll East DTP Medium 1/4/09 0:00 5.08
25188 Valerie Mitchum West DTP Medium 1/5/09 0:00 2.5
9221 Christopher Conant Central DTP Low 1/7/09 0:00 68.99
44198 Greg Matthias West Custom Order Critical 1/4/09 0:00 3.3
58054 David Philippe East DTP High 1/4/09 0:00 5.33
802 Kean Nguyen South DTP Critical 1/4/09 0:00 9.4
33473 Michelle Moray South DTP Low 1/4/09 0:00 3.14
52486 Dorris Love South DTP Not Specified 1/5/09 0:00 7.18
54528 Ralph Arnett West DTP Medium 1/5/09 0:00 0.91
802 Kean Nguyen South DTP Critical 1/6/09 0:00 5.63
54528 Ralph Arnett West DTP Medium 1/6/09 0:00 11.88
6560 Max Ludwig South DTP Low 1/8/09 0:00 3.5
6560 Max Ludwig South Wholesaler Low 1/9/09 0:00 35.67
25028 Anthony Jacobs West Wholesaler Critical 1/6/09 0:00 55.81
25028 Anthony Jacobs West Custom Order Critical 1/7/09 0:00 5.08
8195 Ralph Arnett West Custom Order Medium 1/7/09 0:00 11.15
29958 Barry Gonzalez Central DTP High 1/7/09 0:00 5.19
8195 Ralph Arnett West DTP Medium 1/7/09 0:00 3.97
8195 Ralph Arnett West DTP Medium 1/8/09 0:00 3.63
29958 Barry Gonzalez Central Wholesaler High 1/8/09 0:00 26
35845 Mike Caudle West Wholesaler High 1/8/09 0:00 85.63
43808 Christine Sundaresam West DTP Low 1/13/09 0:00 5.22
3488 Mick Crebagga Central DTP Medium 1/8/09 0:00 2.87
50945 Vicky Freymann West DTP Critical 1/9/09 0:00 1.25
3488 Mick Crebagga Central Wholesaler Medium 1/10/09 0:00 70.2
46402 Ryan Akin South Custom Order Medium 1/9/09 0:00 2.5
58340 Sylvia Foulston East DTP Medium 1/9/09 0:00 13.66
46402 Ryan Akin South DTP Medium 1/9/09 0:00 13.99
46402 Ryan Akin South DTP Medium 1/10/09 0:00 8.55
7840 Peter Buhler Central DTP Low 1/12/09 0:00 4.93
52672 Jack O'Briant East DTP Low 1/13/09 0:00 5.26
19654 Maribeth Yedwab South DTP High 1/9/09 0:00 6.77
23556 Patrick Gardner South Custom Order Medium 1/10/09 0:00 19.99
43814 Grant Thornton East DTP Medium 1/10/09 0:00 5.25
14693 Darren Powers West DTP Critical 1/11/09 0:00 6.41
1445 Shahid Shariari West DTP Medium 1/11/09 0:00 5.81
14693 Darren Powers West Wholesaler Critical 1/11/09 0:00 45
40225 Frank Gastineau West Wholesaler Low 1/11/09 0:00 70.2
1445 Shahid Shariari West DTP Medium 1/12/09 0:00 19.99
40225 Frank Gastineau West DTP Low 1/16/09 0:00 5.08
35266 Beth Thompson East DTP Not Specified 1/10/09 0:00 1.2
32901 Neil Knudson West DTP Critical 1/11/09 0:00 0.5
20805 Sandra Glassco West DTP High 1/11/09 0:00 5.49
41254 Mitch Webber Central DTP Critical 1/12/09 0:00 5.81
40420 Jeremy Pistek South DTP High 1/12/09 0:00 0.99
40420 Jeremy Pistek South DTP High 1/12/09 0:00 1.49
42081 Christine Phan South DTP Low 1/12/09 0:00 1.39
41895 Tony Chapman West DTP Critical 1/12/09 0:00 24.49
20805 Sandra Glassco West DTP High 1/12/09 0:00 5.16
35266 Beth Thompson East Wholesaler Not Specified 1/12/09 0:00 69.64
20805 Sandra Glassco West DTP High 1/13/09 0:00 6.98
42081 Christine Phan South DTP Low 1/15/09 0:00 5.74
42081 Christine Phan South DTP Low 1/15/09 0:00 8.8
4134 Anthony Garverick South DTP Critical 1/11/09 0:00 4
21670 Joni Blumstein East DTP High 1/12/09 0:00 19.99
46468 Vivek Grady West DTP Critical 1/12/09 0:00 19.99
46468 Vivek Grady West Custom Order Critical 1/13/09 0:00 1.99
12773 Greg Guthrie Central DTP Low 1/13/09 0:00 1.49
46468 Vivek Grady West DTP Critical 1/13/09 0:00 5.4
4134 Anthony Garverick South Wholesaler Critical 1/13/09 0:00 54.74
12773 Greg Guthrie Central DTP Low 1/16/09 0:00 11.83
12773 Greg Guthrie Central DTP Low 1/20/09 0:00 6.6
55815 Cynthia Voltz South Custom Order High 1/14/09 0:00 10.12
29409 Sally Matthias East DTP High 1/15/09 0:00 1.99
18370 Rick Wilson West DTP Low 1/17/09 0:00 5
21379 Charles Sheldon East Wholesaler High 1/16/09 0:00 60.2
46147 Mick Crebagga Central Custom Order Critical 1/17/09 0:00 6.05
46147 Mick Crebagga Central DTP Critical 1/17/09 0:00 12.98
46147 Mick Crebagga Central Wholesaler Critical 1/17/09 0:00 64.59
49189 Brian Thompson South DTP Critical 1/18/09 0:00 1.39
25669 Ann Blume South DTP Critical 1/16/09 0:00 0.5
19365 Filia McAdams West DTP Medium 1/17/09 0:00 5.2
46980 Monica Federle East DTP Critical 1/17/09 0:00 0.5
35780 Chris McAfee West DTP Medium 1/19/09 0:00 1.6
11111 Guy Phonely West DTP Medium 1/19/09 0:00 7.37
11111 Guy Phonely West DTP Medium 1/19/09 0:00 34.2
15719 Troy Blackwell Central Wholesaler Critical 1/19/09 0:00 64.73
28642 Pauline Chand East DTP High 1/20/09 0:00 2.99
28642 Pauline Chand East DTP High 1/20/09 0:00 19.99
36931 Ashley Jarboe West DTP Not Specified 1/19/09 0:00 1.6
16096 Roy French East Custom Order High 1/20/09 0:00 0.99
10722 Dorris Love South DTP Not Specified 1/21/09 0:00 5.68
49987 Tanja Norvell West DTP High 1/21/09 0:00 0.99
49987 Tanja Norvell West Wholesaler High 1/22/09 0:00 110.92
22561 David Wiener Central Custom Order Critical 1/22/09 0:00 19.99
22561 David Wiener Central DTP Critical 1/22/09 0:00 3.5
22561 David Wiener Central DTP Critical 1/22/09 0:00 8.99
6564 Anne McFarland South DTP Low 1/21/09 0:00 4
16837 Jill Stevenson Central Wholesaler Not Specified 1/22/09 0:00 54.31
57217 Alan Haines Central DTP Medium 1/23/09 0:00 7.95
35399 Karen Bern East DTP Low 1/23/09 0:00 5.68
21606 Troy Staebel South Custom Order Not Specified 1/23/09 0:00 5.5
50208 Sarah Bern West Custom Order Medium 1/23/09 0:00 6.97
21606 Troy Staebel South DTP Not Specified 1/23/09 0:00 1.99
9824 Thomas Thornton West Custom Order Critical 1/24/09 0:00 4.5
2883 Rob Haberlin Central DTP Low 1/24/09 0:00 6.88
9824 Thomas Thornton West DTP Critical 1/24/09 0:00 1.51
49443 Nicole Brennan West DTP High 1/24/09 0:00 4.82
49761 Lisa DeCherney West DTP Not Specified 1/25/09 0:00 6.3
386 Tracy Poddar West DTP High 1/26/09 0:00 1.2
47136 Deborah Brumfield West DTP Medium 1/26/09 0:00 1.49
21890 Amy Cox West DTP Not Specified 1/26/09 0:00 7.93
25095 Brian Stugart East Wholesaler Low 1/25/09 0:00 56.14
33091 Robert Waldorf South DTP High 1/27/09 0:00 11.59
25095 Brian Stugart East DTP Low 1/30/09 0:00 9.83
51974 Trudy Brown South DTP High 1/27/09 0:00 30.68
52199 Adam Shillingsburg South DTP Medium 1/27/09 0:00 5.24
24388 Erica Bern Central Wholesaler Critical 1/27/09 0:00 49
49601 Mark Cousins East Wholesaler Low 2/2/09 0:00 30
15106 Dorothy Badders East Wholesaler Not Specified 1/27/09 0:00 17.85
24960 Cynthia Arntzen Central Custom Order High 1/28/09 0:00 7.53
24960 Cynthia Arntzen Central DTP High 1/28/09 0:00 4.2
24960 Cynthia Arntzen Central DTP High 1/28/09 0:00 5.08
24960 Cynthia Arntzen Central DTP High 1/29/09 0:00 5.87
15106 Dorothy Badders East DTP Not Specified 1/29/09 0:00 1.12
15106 Dorothy Badders East DTP Not Specified 1/29/09 0:00 4.95
59652 Anna Chung West DTP Medium 1/29/09 0:00 0.99
59047 Beth Thompson East DTP Not Specified 1/28/09 0:00 1.99
59047 Beth Thompson East DTP Not Specified 1/30/09 0:00 6.6
26529 Pauline Webber South DTP Low 2/1/09 0:00 11.25
26529 Pauline Webber South Wholesaler Low 2/1/09 0:00 14.7
59139 Helen Wasserman South DTP Critical 1/30/09 0:00 6.49
24640 Patrick O'Donnell West Wholesaler Medium 1/30/09 0:00 30
8480 Robert Marley South DTP High 1/31/09 0:00 7.69
8480 Robert Marley South DTP High 1/31/09 0:00 8.74
30151 Karl Brown West DTP Not Specified 1/31/09 0:00 12.98
21760 Nicole Brennan West DTP Not Specified 1/31/09 0:00 5.21
52482 Greg Guthrie Central Custom Order Critical 1/31/09 0:00 5.33
27430 Anthony Garverick South DTP High 2/1/09 0:00 2.35
27430 Anthony Garverick South DTP High 2/1/09 0:00 13.99
52482 Greg Guthrie Central DTP Critical 2/2/09 0:00 3.63
58981 Tamara Manning South DTP High 2/2/09 0:00 5.1
8802 Suzanne McNair South DTP Medium 2/2/09 0:00 24.49
24160 Amy Hunt Central DTP Medium 2/2/09 0:00 4.9
31140 Susan Pistek South DTP Critical 2/2/09 0:00 0.99
6791 Lindsay Castell Central Custom Order Medium 2/3/09 0:00 10.17
21956 Natalie Webber Central DTP High 2/3/09 0:00 8.99
55075 Lena Hernandez West Wholesaler Critical 2/4/09 0:00 14.36
21639 Tom Ashbrook Central DTP Not Specified 2/2/09 0:00 9.69
21639 Tom Ashbrook Central DTP Not Specified 2/2/09 0:00 11.54
21639 Tom Ashbrook Central DTP Not Specified 2/3/09 0:00 9.2
21639 Tom Ashbrook Central DTP Not Specified 2/4/09 0:00 9.92
12326 Troy Staebel South DTP Critical 2/4/09 0:00 57.87
33958 Mark Haberlin West DTP Critical 2/4/09 0:00 3.3
33958 Mark Haberlin West DTP Critical 2/4/09 0:00 5.37
45543 Naresj Patel West Wholesaler Low 2/6/09 0:00 89.3
45059 Tony Chapman West Custom Order Not Specified 2/4/09 0:00 2.9
40102 Alice McCarthy West Custom Order Medium 2/5/09 0:00 3.5
45059 Tony Chapman West Custom Order Not Specified 2/5/09 0:00 19.99
38784 Mark Cousins East DTP Medium 2/5/09 0:00 0.5
45059 Tony Chapman West DTP Not Specified 2/5/09 0:00 8.65
21057 Justin MacKendrick South DTP Low 2/10/09 0:00 1.99
50949 Guy Thornton West Custom Order Medium 2/5/09 0:00 0.78
32484 William Brown South Wholesaler Not Specified 2/5/09 0:00 64.73
34978 Carlos Soltero Central DTP High 2/6/09 0:00 6.83
50949 Guy Thornton West DTP Medium 2/6/09 0:00 8.8
11719 Keith Dawkins Central DTP Not Specified 2/5/09 0:00 8.59
11719 Keith Dawkins Central DTP Not Specified 2/5/09 0:00 8.99
41926 Harold Pawlan South DTP High 2/5/09 0:00 8.22
14503 Bruce Stewart West Custom Order Not Specified 2/6/09 0:00 2.99
21155 Muhammed Yedwab East DTP High 2/6/09 0:00 5.97
41926 Harold Pawlan South DTP High 2/6/09 0:00 5.14
29767 Eva Jacobs West DTP High 2/6/09 0:00 0.99
11719 Keith Dawkins Central Wholesaler Not Specified 2/6/09 0:00 69.3
29028 Marc Crier Central Wholesaler Critical 2/7/09 0:00 14.7
32007 Tonja Turnell East Wholesaler Low 2/9/09 0:00 75.23
39270 Greg Matthias West DTP High 2/6/09 0:00 3.37
43110 Maxwell Schwartz West DTP High 2/6/09 0:00 5.02
46307 Jonathan Howell West DTP Medium 2/6/09 0:00 5.77
57633 Speros Goranitis Central Custom Order High 2/7/09 0:00 3.92
12066 Denny Ordway West DTP Medium 2/7/09 0:00 8.08
2053 Ken Lonsdale South Wholesaler Critical 2/7/09 0:00 126
27622 Michelle Tran West Wholesaler Medium 2/7/09 0:00 43.57
30497 Steve Chapman South Custom Order Critical 2/8/09 0:00 8.83
54882 Natalie Webber Central DTP Critical 2/8/09 0:00 13.89
2053 Ken Lonsdale South DTP Critical 2/8/09 0:00 4.2
30497 Steve Chapman South DTP Critical 2/8/09 0:00 5.35
43110 Maxwell Schwartz West DTP High 2/8/09 0:00 24.49
54882 Natalie Webber Central DTP Critical 2/9/09 0:00 0.49
46307 Jonathan Howell West DTP Medium 2/9/09 0:00 6.22
56711 Trudy Bell South DTP Low 2/11/09 0:00 7.23
1637 Aleksandra Gannaway West Custom Order Not Specified 2/7/09 0:00 35
1637 Aleksandra Gannaway West DTP Not Specified 2/7/09 0:00 19.99
31046 Erin Creighton Central DTP Critical 2/8/09 0:00 2.5
34881 Caroline Jumper Central DTP Medium 2/9/09 0:00 4.95
1637 Aleksandra Gannaway West DTP Not Specified 2/9/09 0:00 8.99
31046 Erin Creighton Central DTP Critical 2/10/09 0:00 4.42
29953 Brian Thompson South DTP Critical 2/10/09 0:00 7.17
21824 Dave Hallsten Central Custom Order Low 2/14/09 0:00 56.2
22532 Carlos Soltero Central DTP Critical 2/8/09 0:00 5.6
57922 Guy Armstrong Central DTP Critical 2/8/09 0:00 8.37
15300 Cari Sayre West Custom Order High 2/10/09 0:00 5.06
15428 Sibella Parks East Custom Order Critical 2/10/09 0:00 4
15428 Sibella Parks East DTP Critical 2/12/09 0:00 8.99
49892 Bill Eplett South DTP Low 2/10/09 0:00 49
21989 Lena Creighton West DTP Low 2/10/09 0:00 4.2
21989 Lena Creighton West DTP Low 2/10/09 0:00 6.2
33764 Tony Sayre East Custom Order Critical 2/11/09 0:00 8.99
33764 Tony Sayre East DTP Critical 2/11/09 0:00 2.35
51461 Greg Guthrie Central DTP Not Specified 2/12/09 0:00 11.17
33764 Tony Sayre East DTP Critical 2/12/09 0:00 19.99
28773 Mitch Gastineau East DTP Low 2/17/09 0:00 5
34243 Tom Ashbrook Central Custom Order High 2/12/09 0:00 11.15
34243 Tom Ashbrook Central DTP High 2/13/09 0:00 8.54
34243 Tom Ashbrook Central DTP High 2/13/09 0:00 35
18244 Chris Selesnick South DTP Critical 2/13/09 0:00 24.49
6403 John Lucas South DTP Low 2/13/09 0:00 19.99
45156 Luke Schmidt South DTP Low 2/12/09 0:00 6.32
46562 Anne Pryor Central Wholesaler Not Specified 2/14/09 0:00 46.2
45156 Luke Schmidt South DTP Low 2/17/09 0:00 0.5
45156 Luke Schmidt South DTP Low 2/19/09 0:00 2.99
49763 Brad Norvell East Wholesaler Critical 2/13/09 0:00 84.84
49763 Brad Norvell East DTP Critical 2/14/09 0:00 1.39
47015 Jeremy Lonsdale Central Wholesaler Not Specified 2/14/09 0:00 61.76
10245 Astrea Jones South Wholesaler Medium 2/14/09 0:00 127.58
7171 Andy Gerbode Central DTP Medium 2/15/09 0:00 9.98
9537 Jennifer Braxton Central DTP Not Specified 2/15/09 0:00 5.44
59045 Chad Cunningham East DTP Critical 2/15/09 0:00 1.49
10245 Astrea Jones South DTP Medium 2/15/09 0:00 6.98
9537 Jennifer Braxton Central Wholesaler Not Specified 2/15/09 0:00 66.27
58500 Christina DeMoss West DTP Low 2/14/09 0:00 8.99
22849 Erin Creighton Central DTP Not Specified 2/15/09 0:00 5.63
35494 Joni Wasserman South DTP Medium 2/15/09 0:00 69
50276 Bradley Talbott South DTP Not Specified 2/15/09 0:00 2.36
22849 Erin Creighton Central Custom Order Not Specified 2/16/09 0:00 1.34
22849 Erin Creighton Central DTP Not Specified 2/16/09 0:00 3
22849 Erin Creighton Central DTP Not Specified 2/16/09 0:00 9.69
55808 Ed Braxton West DTP Not Specified 2/16/09 0:00 4.81
45991 George Ashbrook East Wholesaler Low 2/16/09 0:00 35.84
55808 Ed Braxton West Wholesaler Not Specified 2/16/09 0:00 70.2
45991 George Ashbrook East DTP Low 2/18/09 0:00 0.5
45155 Ralph Kennedy West DTP Low 2/15/09 0:00 1.92
5636 Dennis Kane South DTP Medium 2/17/09 0:00 2.27
14434 Tim Taslimi Central Wholesaler Not Specified 2/17/09 0:00 56.14
30981 Nathan Gelder West Wholesaler Low 2/17/09 0:00 30
30981 Nathan Gelder West Wholesaler Low 2/19/09 0:00 23.19
45155 Ralph Kennedy West DTP Low 2/22/09 0:00 5.34
27105 Sanjit Chand Central DTP Not Specified 2/17/09 0:00 2.5
27105 Sanjit Chand Central DTP Not Specified 2/17/09 0:00 5.4
23426 Erin Ashbrook West DTP Critical 2/17/09 0:00 1.92
52868 Ken Heidel South DTP Low 2/18/09 0:00 5.53
23426 Erin Ashbrook West DTP Critical 2/18/09 0:00 1.99
49921 Claudia Miner East DTP Low 2/19/09 0:00 6.13
10213 Dianna Vittorini West DTP High 2/19/09 0:00 4
49921 Claudia Miner East Wholesaler Low 2/21/09 0:00 17.85
40386 Jesus Ocampo East Custom Order High 2/20/09 0:00 0.49
36454 Anthony Garverick South DTP Critical 2/21/09 0:00 6.5
16481 Paul Van Hugh Central DTP Low 2/23/09 0:00 13.22
16481 Paul Van Hugh Central Wholesaler Low 2/23/09 0:00 14.7
51777 Mike Kennedy East DTP Medium 2/20/09 0:00 19.99
9696 Harold Dahlen Central DTP Not Specified 2/21/09 0:00 2.99
51777 Mike Kennedy East DTP Medium 2/21/09 0:00 7.18
9696 Harold Dahlen Central Wholesaler Not Specified 2/21/09 0:00 43.32
7462 Lena Radford Central Custom Order High 2/21/09 0:00 5.53
58117 Erica Bern Central DTP Critical 2/21/09 0:00 1.92
12486 Dave Kipp Central DTP High 2/21/09 0:00 7.2
40962 Mary Zewe East DTP Critical 2/21/09 0:00 0.99
40962 Mary Zewe East DTP Critical 2/21/09 0:00 8.99
12486 Dave Kipp Central Wholesaler High 2/21/09 0:00 57.38
21475 Giulietta Dortch South Wholesaler Critical 2/21/09 0:00 75.23
21475 Giulietta Dortch South DTP Critical 2/22/09 0:00 1.99
49312 Deanra Eno South DTP Critical 2/22/09 0:00 7.54
5347 Kelly Williams South DTP Medium 2/22/09 0:00 5.26
49312 Deanra Eno South Custom Order Critical 2/23/09 0:00 5.81
5347 Kelly Williams South DTP Medium 2/23/09 0:00 1.25
5347 Kelly Williams South DTP Medium 2/24/09 0:00 5.03
3814 Thomas Thornton West Custom Order Low 2/27/09 0:00 13.99
11651 Erica Smith Central Custom Order Medium 2/24/09 0:00 0.98
33794 Ryan Crowe Central DTP Critical 2/24/09 0:00 3.05
12641 Annie Thurman West DTP Low 2/26/09 0:00 12.93
12641 Annie Thurman West DTP Low 2/28/09 0:00 4.86
3749 Ken Black Central DTP Medium 2/25/09 0:00 1.49
32965 Michael Paige Central DTP High 2/25/09 0:00 2.97
32965 Michael Paige Central DTP High 2/25/09 0:00 19.99
54787 Cassandra Brandow South DTP High 2/25/09 0:00 16.87
21350 Ralph Kennedy West DTP Medium 2/25/09 0:00 9.86
18023 Valerie Mitchum West DTP Medium 2/25/09 0:00 7.64
18023 Valerie Mitchum West Wholesaler Medium 2/25/09 0:00 26.3
37863 Aaron Hawkins South DTP High 2/26/09 0:00 3.37
40001 Aimee Bixby West DTP Medium 2/26/09 0:00 3.99
25799 Saphhira Shifley West DTP Low 2/27/09 0:00 7.49
39909 Chris Selesnick South DTP Low 3/4/09 0:00 4.99
4960 Corinna Mitchell West Custom Order Low 2/27/09 0:00 8.74
19558 Ellis Ballard South DTP Low 2/28/09 0:00 1.35
4960 Corinna Mitchell West Wholesaler Low 3/1/09 0:00 64.73
4642 Shahid Shariari West Custom Order Critical 2/26/09 0:00 9.37
50145 Michael Grace South DTP High 2/26/09 0:00 6.77
46372 Tanja Norvell West DTP High 2/26/09 0:00 16.11
43137 Linda Southworth Central DTP High 2/27/09 0:00 7.07
15462 Luke Schmidt South DTP Critical 2/27/09 0:00 2.99
50145 Michael Grace South DTP High 2/27/09 0:00 3.62
8133 Neil French South DTP Medium 2/27/09 0:00 5.09
4642 Shahid Shariari West DTP Critical 2/27/09 0:00 3.52
46372 Tanja Norvell West DTP High 2/27/09 0:00 8.33
21125 Matt Hagelstein West DTP Not Specified 2/27/09 0:00 4.39
7521 Mark Packer West Custom Order Low 3/5/09 0:00 2.5
20068 Carol Triggs Central DTP Critical 3/1/09 0:00 6.98
28741 Craig Molinari Central DTP Not Specified 3/1/09 0:00 4.32
40612 Shaun Chance South DTP High 3/1/09 0:00 1.12
12868 Muhammed Lee Central DTP Critical 3/2/09 0:00 0.7
12194 Maxwell Schwartz West DTP Critical 3/2/09 0:00 3.99
928 Anthony O'Donnell South Custom Order Low 3/3/09 0:00 7.4
12868 Muhammed Lee Central DTP Critical 3/3/09 0:00 1.22
5188 Bradley Drucker West DTP Not Specified 3/4/09 0:00 2.87
928 Anthony O'Donnell South Custom Order Low 3/6/09 0:00 3.99
46115 Tom Stivers South DTP Critical 3/2/09 0:00 6.47
33824 Katrina Edelman South DTP Critical 3/3/09 0:00 1.34
16642 Adam Hart East DTP Not Specified 3/4/09 0:00 2.5
46115 Tom Stivers South DTP Critical 3/4/09 0:00 4
40165 Bradley Nguyen Central DTP High 3/5/09 0:00 4.5
47525 Anthony Rawles Central DTP Medium 3/4/09 0:00 4
22433 Bryan Spruell South DTP Critical 3/5/09 0:00 0.99
26723 Roy Phan East DTP Low 3/8/09 0:00 7.69
48071 Emily Burns East Custom Order Low 3/12/09 0:00 4.98
35555 James Lanier East DTP Medium 3/4/09 0:00 0.8
450 Matt Collins Central Custom Order Not Specified 3/5/09 0:00 8.99
27811 Odella Nelson West DTP Not Specified 3/5/09 0:00 13.18
35555 James Lanier East Wholesaler Medium 3/5/09 0:00 43.32
450 Matt Collins Central DTP Not Specified 3/6/09 0:00 11.25
35555 James Lanier East DTP Medium 3/6/09 0:00 4.93
27811 Odella Nelson West DTP Not Specified 3/6/09 0:00 5.48
53955 Matt Abelman East Wholesaler Critical 3/6/09 0:00 130
23968 Tracy Poddar West DTP Critical 3/7/09 0:00 5.84
20486 Alejandro Grove West DTP High 3/6/09 0:00 5.09
18688 Emily Grady West DTP Not Specified 3/6/09 0:00 4.2
25603 Alyssa Crouse Central DTP Low 3/7/09 0:00 14.72
18688 Emily Grady West DTP Not Specified 3/7/09 0:00 20.49
39878 Mike Kennedy East Wholesaler Not Specified 3/7/09 0:00 39.25
14021 Ken Heidel South Custom Order High 3/8/09 0:00 0.83
16100 Paul Gonzalez East DTP Medium 3/8/09 0:00 5.72
52578 Pauline Webber South Wholesaler Critical 3/9/09 0:00 29.1
52578 Pauline Webber South DTP Critical 3/10/09 0:00 69
49600 Troy Blackwell Central DTP Low 3/12/09 0:00 10.75
49026 Roland Fjeld West DTP Low 3/12/09 0:00 8.99
49797 Lena Radford Central Custom Order Not Specified 3/9/09 0:00 8.19
59809 Denise Monton Central DTP Not Specified 3/9/09 0:00 6.5
49797 Lena Radford Central DTP Not Specified 3/9/09 0:00 4.98
29095 Delfina Latchford East DTP Not Specified 3/9/09 0:00 2.99
57029 Vivek Gonzalez South DTP Critical 3/9/09 0:00 11.98
59809 Denise Monton Central DTP Not Specified 3/10/09 0:00 5.63
59686 Shaun Chance South DTP Low 3/13/09 0:00 5.59
1539 Carl Ludwig Central DTP Low 3/11/09 0:00 13.18
1539 Carl Ludwig Central DTP Low 3/14/09 0:00 4.93
44610 Hunter Lopez South DTP High 3/10/09 0:00 0.5
10916 Trudy Schmidt West DTP Medium 3/10/09 0:00 5.01
40034 Yoseph Carroll East Custom Order Medium 3/11/09 0:00 4.86
58086 Arthur Gainer South DTP Medium 3/11/09 0:00 20.86
47714 Philip Brown West DTP Medium 3/11/09 0:00 6.98
47714 Philip Brown West Wholesaler Medium 3/11/09 0:00 41.64
20453 Magdelene Morse West Custom Order Medium 3/12/09 0:00 0.99
54081 Seth Vernon Central DTP Low 3/12/09 0:00 1.99
20453 Magdelene Morse West DTP Medium 3/12/09 0:00 6.15
27554 Benjamin Venier South Wholesaler Critical 3/12/09 0:00 40.19
12867 Thais Sissman Central Custom Order Not Specified 3/11/09 0:00 4
50465 Thais Sissman Central DTP Medium 3/13/09 0:00 35
55271 Carlos Soltero Central Wholesaler Medium 3/13/09 0:00 42
18432 Art Ferguson East Custom Order High 3/12/09 0:00 6.75
18432 Art Ferguson East DTP High 3/12/09 0:00 5.16
18432 Art Ferguson East Custom Order High 3/14/09 0:00 0.83
50789 Tracy Collins Central DTP Not Specified 3/14/09 0:00 19.99
18432 Art Ferguson East Wholesaler High 3/14/09 0:00 23.19
20134 James Lanier East DTP Low 3/16/09 0:00 6.5
20134 James Lanier East DTP Low 3/19/09 0:00 7.37
44612 Dean Braden Central DTP High 3/15/09 0:00 1.25
1767 Roger Barcio Central DTP High 3/15/09 0:00 0.7
34727 Dorris Love South Custom Order Low 3/17/09 0:00 8.94
23270 Mick Crebagga Central Wholesaler Low 3/17/09 0:00 60
23270 Mick Crebagga Central Custom Order Low 3/18/09 0:00 3.99
24548 Deanra Eno South Custom Order High 3/15/09 0:00 4.95
20967 Deborah Brumfield West DTP High 3/15/09 0:00 24.49
24070 Sonia Sunley Central Custom Order High 3/16/09 0:00 0.7
24070 Sonia Sunley Central DTP High 3/16/09 0:00 4.97
24070 Sonia Sunley Central DTP High 3/16/09 0:00 24.49
57479 Amy Cox West DTP High 3/16/09 0:00 0.5
20967 Deborah Brumfield West DTP High 3/16/09 0:00 8.08
11109 Saphhira Shifley West DTP Medium 3/16/09 0:00 1.71
37121 Bill Donatelli East Wholesaler Not Specified 3/16/09 0:00 64.2
3526 Tom Prescott Central DTP Low 3/17/09 0:00 6.2
55621 Neil Knudson West DTP Low 3/17/09 0:00 12.65
50309 Michael Nguyen East DTP Low 3/22/09 0:00 9.69
55621 Neil Knudson West DTP Low 3/22/09 0:00 0.94
11968 Christopher Schild Central DTP Low 3/16/09 0:00 0.85
3911 Bobby Elias South DTP Not Specified 3/16/09 0:00 11.25
43239 Lycoris Saunders Central DTP Not Specified 3/18/09 0:00 1.49
18789 Craig Rider South DTP High 3/18/09 0:00 9.18
3266 Edward Becker West DTP Low 3/20/09 0:00 1.49
53637 Erin Ashbrook West Custom Order High 3/18/09 0:00 9.83
15205 Julia West East DTP Critical 3/18/09 0:00 9.2
65 Tamara Dahlen East DTP Critical 3/18/09 0:00 1.99
775 Peter McVee West DTP Critical 3/18/09 0:00 0.7
5444 Frank Carlisle East DTP Critical 3/19/09 0:00 24.49
775 Peter McVee West DTP Critical 3/19/09 0:00 1.2
15205 Julia West East Wholesaler Critical 3/19/09 0:00 43.32
3588 Patrick Jones South Wholesaler Not Specified 3/18/09 0:00 14
32546 Greg Tran Central DTP Critical 3/19/09 0:00 1.25
3588 Patrick Jones South DTP Not Specified 3/19/09 0:00 3.5
48261 Michael Dominguez West Wholesaler Medium 3/19/09 0:00 30
51361 Meg O'Connel East Custom Order Low 3/20/09 0:00 5.68
32546 Greg Tran Central DTP Critical 3/20/09 0:00 15.1
3588 Patrick Jones South DTP Not Specified 3/20/09 0:00 3.92
3588 Patrick Jones South DTP Not Specified 3/20/09 0:00 4
51361 Meg O'Connel East Wholesaler Critical 3/22/09 0:00 60
26304 Art Ferguson East DTP Medium 3/20/09 0:00 5.99
51713 Bill Overfelt West DTP Not Specified 3/20/09 0:00 0.94
28003 Charles McCrossin East DTP Critical 3/21/09 0:00 6.07
9062 Eric Barreto South DTP High 3/21/09 0:00 0.99
28550 Cindy Schnelling South DTP Not Specified 3/21/09 0:00 3.01
31303 Dianna Arnett South Custom Order Low 3/22/09 0:00 1.49
9062 Eric Barreto South DTP High 3/23/09 0:00 8.99
28550 Cindy Schnelling South Wholesaler Not Specified 3/23/09 0:00 69.3
42213 Ann Blume South DTP Critical 3/23/09 0:00 0.5
35296 Evan Henry South DTP Low 3/23/09 0:00 3.99
58884 Chuck Clark East DTP Low 3/26/09 0:00 0.99
58884 Chuck Clark East Wholesaler Low 3/26/09 0:00 60
8580 Joseph Airdo Central DTP High 3/22/09 0:00 6.97
49824 Erica Hernandez South Custom Order High 3/23/09 0:00 5.31
8580 Joseph Airdo Central DTP High 3/23/09 0:00 9.23
38304 Pauline Webber South DTP High 3/24/09 0:00 5.47
55361 Chad McGuire Central Custom Order Not Specified 3/24/09 0:00 4.86
24871 Carl Ludwig Central DTP Medium 3/24/09 0:00 8.99
55361 Chad McGuire Central DTP Not Specified 3/24/09 0:00 7.28
57095 Paul Prost South DTP Medium 3/26/09 0:00 5.48
643 Monica Federle East Custom Order High 3/25/09 0:00 35
54245 Cari MacIntyre South DTP Medium 3/25/09 0:00 2.5
30369 Denny Blanton West DTP Critical 3/25/09 0:00 10.18
4257 Liz Price West DTP Medium 3/26/09 0:00 5.3
55686 Suzanne McNair South Custom Order Critical 3/27/09 0:00 5.09
55686 Suzanne McNair South DTP Critical 3/27/09 0:00 4
55686 Suzanne McNair South DTP Critical 3/28/09 0:00 0.99
25376 Greg Guthrie Central DTP Critical 3/27/09 0:00 5.29
50404 Guy Armstrong Central DTP High 3/27/09 0:00 9.99
30658 Charles McCrossin East DTP Medium 3/27/09 0:00 24.49
48548 Astrea Jones South DTP Critical 3/27/09 0:00 3.97
50404 Guy Armstrong Central DTP High 3/28/09 0:00 69
24384 Linda Southworth Central DTP Medium 3/28/09 0:00 8.99
24384 Linda Southworth Central DTP Medium 3/28/09 0:00 20.49
30658 Charles McCrossin East DTP Medium 3/28/09 0:00 35
56804 Rick Hansen South DTP Critical 3/28/09 0:00 4.86
56804 Rick Hansen South DTP Critical 3/29/09 0:00 6.27
34048 Christopher Schild Central DTP Low 3/30/09 0:00 3.63
36001 Michelle Lonsdale East DTP Low 3/30/09 0:00 15.1
36001 Michelle Lonsdale East DTP Low 4/1/09 0:00 4.98
24965 Jack Lebron Central DTP Low 3/29/09 0:00 8.55
24965 Jack Lebron Central Custom Order Low 4/3/09 0:00 19.99
25191 Sibella Parks East DTP Medium 3/30/09 0:00 2.5
40961 Bill Donatelli East DTP Medium 3/31/09 0:00 0.5
20646 Lauren Leatherbury East DTP Medium 4/1/09 0:00 1.1
28807 Patrick Bzostek West Custom Order High 4/1/09 0:00 8.33
32454 Ryan Akin South DTP Critical 4/1/09 0:00 5.48
58342 Rick Bensley Central DTP High 4/1/09 0:00 1.99
37380 Fred Harton West DTP Critical 4/2/09 0:00 5.3
37380 Fred Harton West DTP Critical 4/2/09 0:00 6.21
12323 Lisa DeCherney West DTP Not Specified 4/3/09 0:00 10.13
55715 Eugene Barchas East Custom Order Critical 4/4/09 0:00 2.99
28805 Bill Stewart South DTP Medium 4/4/09 0:00 55.17
12323 Lisa DeCherney West DTP Not Specified 4/4/09 0:00 5.21
58372 Brian Stugart East Custom Order Low 4/6/09 0:00 1
58372 Brian Stugart East DTP Low 4/7/09 0:00 0.7
9922 Jack O'Briant East DTP Not Specified 4/4/09 0:00 11.11
9922 Jack O'Briant East Wholesaler Not Specified 4/4/09 0:00 35.67
45377 Kimberly Carter Central DTP Low 4/5/09 0:00 1.49
9286 Tonja Turnell East DTP Critical 4/5/09 0:00 0.8
38370 Sean O'Donnell South DTP High 4/5/09 0:00 1.14
38212 Eva Jacobs West Custom Order Medium 4/5/09 0:00 0.49
38212 Eva Jacobs West DTP Medium 4/6/09 0:00 2.5
38212 Eva Jacobs West DTP Medium 4/6/09 0:00 35
22787 Ricardo Block South Custom Order Medium 4/5/09 0:00 0.7
37988 Khloe Miller East DTP Not Specified 4/5/09 0:00 8.34
17287 Shui Tom East DTP High 4/6/09 0:00 13.99
40643 Ben Wallace Central DTP Critical 4/7/09 0:00 5.72
17287 Shui Tom East DTP High 4/7/09 0:00 4.2
17287 Shui Tom East DTP High 4/7/09 0:00 11.37
21601 Nat Gilpin East DTP Low 4/6/09 0:00 35
17860 Adam Bellavance East Custom Order Critical 4/8/09 0:00 9.23
197 Penelope Sewall Central DTP High 4/8/09 0:00 3.14
22375 Christine Abelman Central DTP Not Specified 4/8/09 0:00 9.54
33700 Chuck Clark East DTP Low 4/11/09 0:00 8.19
7680 Jim Karlsson Central DTP Not Specified 4/8/09 0:00 19.99
52929 Muhammed MacIntyre East Custom Order High 4/9/09 0:00 9.4
56550 Frank Hawley Central DTP Not Specified 4/9/09 0:00 8.99
52929 Muhammed MacIntyre East DTP High 4/9/09 0:00 3.46
23940 Khloe Miller East DTP Medium 4/9/09 0:00 49
16291 Gary Hansen West DTP Not Specified 4/9/09 0:00 19.46
56550 Frank Hawley Central Custom Order Not Specified 4/10/09 0:00 5.08
50083 John Castell East Wholesaler Not Specified 4/10/09 0:00 48.26
56550 Frank Hawley Central DTP Not Specified 4/11/09 0:00 5.77
23940 Khloe Miller East Wholesaler Medium 4/11/09 0:00 60.2
19424 Sibella Parks East DTP Not Specified 4/9/09 0:00 4.77
11648 Brian DeCherney West DTP Low 4/9/09 0:00 7.04
30820 Cynthia Arntzen Central Custom Order Critical 4/10/09 0:00 1.12
51652 Rachel Payne Central Custom Order Not Specified 4/10/09 0:00 19.99
23104 Trudy Brown South Custom Order Medium 4/10/09 0:00 2.83
19424 Sibella Parks East DTP Not Specified 4/10/09 0:00 1.1
51652 Rachel Payne Central Custom Order Not Specified 4/11/09 0:00 0.49
53825 Joy Smith Central DTP Low 4/11/09 0:00 7.23
23104 Trudy Brown South DTP Medium 4/12/09 0:00 3.37
11648 Brian DeCherney West DTP Low 4/16/09 0:00 1.99
13795 Muhammed MacIntyre East DTP Not Specified 4/11/09 0:00 5.09
13569 Carlos Meador South DTP Critical 4/11/09 0:00 1.49
18182 Anna Haberlin West DTP Medium 4/11/09 0:00 52.2
13569 Carlos Meador South Custom Order Critical 4/12/09 0:00 7.2
18182 Anna Haberlin West Custom Order Medium 4/12/09 0:00 8.74
18182 Anna Haberlin West DTP Medium 4/12/09 0:00 19.99
13795 Muhammed MacIntyre East Custom Order Not Specified 4/13/09 0:00 5.01
13795 Muhammed MacIntyre East DTP Not Specified 4/13/09 0:00 13.18
15907 Thomas Seio East DTP High 4/12/09 0:00 2.17
23522 Alan Shonely West DTP Critical 4/12/09 0:00 5.5
23522 Alan Shonely West DTP Critical 4/12/09 0:00 11.17
52423 Allen Armold West DTP Critical 4/12/09 0:00 6.22
49027 Fred Harton West DTP High 4/12/09 0:00 8.99
5251 Tamara Dahlen East Custom Order Medium 4/13/09 0:00 5.99
23522 Alan Shonely West Custom Order Critical 4/13/09 0:00 8.99
6180 Sung Chung South DTP Medium 4/13/09 0:00 3.99
23522 Alan Shonely West DTP Critical 4/13/09 0:00 8.73
52423 Allen Armold West DTP Critical 4/13/09 0:00 1.99
15907 Thomas Seio East Wholesaler High 4/13/09 0:00 54.11
15907 Thomas Seio East Custom Order High 4/14/09 0:00 13.99
45025 Mike Kennedy East DTP High 4/14/09 0:00 1.49
17985 Duane Benoit East Wholesaler Medium 4/13/09 0:00 30
17985 Duane Benoit East DTP Medium 4/14/09 0:00 3.3
26406 Edward Becker West DTP Not Specified 4/15/09 0:00 5.41
4769 Ben Wallace Central DTP Not Specified 4/14/09 0:00 0.5
11975 Max Jones West DTP Critical 4/15/09 0:00 5.74
15780 Thomas Boland West DTP Critical 4/15/09 0:00 0.71
40803 Jim Karlsson Central Wholesaler Low 4/15/09 0:00 64.73
40803 Jim Karlsson Central DTP Low 4/18/09 0:00 1.49
9216 Roy French East Wholesaler Medium 4/16/09 0:00 55.24
21063 Mike Gockenbach Central Wholesaler Low 4/15/09 0:00 51.92
21444 Maurice Satty Central DTP Medium 4/16/09 0:00 0.7
52293 Ken Lonsdale South DTP High 4/16/09 0:00 5.86
24646 Trudy Brown South DTP Not Specified 4/16/09 0:00 1.39
24646 Trudy Brown South DTP Not Specified 4/17/09 0:00 0.7
29510 Don Miller East Wholesaler Critical 4/17/09 0:00 41.91
21063 Mike Gockenbach Central DTP Low 4/19/09 0:00 2.35
47367 Rob Haberlin Central DTP Medium 4/16/09 0:00 1.49
47367 Rob Haberlin Central DTP Medium 4/17/09 0:00 0.5
45248 Mark Cousins East DTP Medium 4/18/09 0:00 5.13
45248 Mark Cousins East DTP Medium 4/18/09 0:00 8.99
41157 Nicole Brennan West DTP Medium 4/18/09 0:00 5.81
40770 Cassandra Brandow South DTP Low 4/21/09 0:00 6.12
38530 Dave Hallsten Central DTP Critical 4/17/09 0:00 22.98
39492 Jason Fortune Central DTP Not Specified 4/19/09 0:00 5.68
39492 Jason Fortune Central DTP Not Specified 4/19/09 0:00 19.99
29639 Patrick Ryan South DTP Critical 4/19/09 0:00 2.4
39492 Jason Fortune Central DTP Not Specified 4/20/09 0:00 4.2
39527 Nathan Mautz South DTP Low 4/26/09 0:00 2
13634 Bradley Nguyen Central DTP High 4/18/09 0:00 7.12
13634 Bradley Nguyen Central DTP High 4/19/09 0:00 5.3
23301 Adam Hart East DTP High 4/20/09 0:00 3.85
23301 Adam Hart East DTP High 4/20/09 0:00 5.2
38118 Jack O'Briant East DTP Not Specified 4/20/09 0:00 4
35360 Yana Sorensen West DTP Critical 4/20/09 0:00 6.28
41026 Duane Benoit East Custom Order Medium 4/19/09 0:00 1.92
21799 Lynn Smith West Custom Order Not Specified 4/20/09 0:00 2.4
41026 Duane Benoit East Wholesaler Medium 4/20/09 0:00 42
16802 Nora Price East Custom Order Medium 4/21/09 0:00 6.93
48354 Lisa Ryan West Custom Order Medium 4/21/09 0:00 14.3
10308 Dennis Pardue Central DTP High 4/22/09 0:00 8.99
16802 Nora Price East DTP Medium 4/22/09 0:00 35
55362 Cindy Schnelling South DTP High 4/22/09 0:00 0.99
37828 Mike Caudle West DTP Low 4/22/09 0:00 0.5
7812 Karl Brown West Wholesaler Low 4/22/09 0:00 29.2
37828 Mike Caudle West DTP Low 4/25/09 0:00 4
31271 Clay Cheatham Central DTP Low 4/27/09 0:00 10.16
7812 Karl Brown West DTP Low 4/27/09 0:00 19.46
26503 Thais Sissman Central DTP Medium 4/22/09 0:00 10.49
52261 Bruce Degenhardt West Wholesaler Not Specified 4/22/09 0:00 52.2
26503 Thais Sissman Central DTP Medium 4/23/09 0:00 1.39
40454 Cynthia Delaney Central DTP Not Specified 4/24/09 0:00 8.99
24486 Pete Armstrong East DTP Medium 4/23/09 0:00 0.7
24486 Pete Armstrong East DTP Medium 4/23/09 0:00 2.83
25863 George Bell South Custom Order Not Specified 4/24/09 0:00 4.81
39268 Maureen Fritzler West Custom Order Not Specified 4/24/09 0:00 6.05
39268 Maureen Fritzler West DTP Not Specified 4/25/09 0:00 0.94
33287 Mike Vittorini West Wholesaler Critical 4/25/09 0:00 28.06
43013 Lauren Leatherbury East DTP Low 4/26/09 0:00 22.24
43013 Lauren Leatherbury East DTP Low 4/27/09 0:00 8.22
29539 Neil French South DTP High 4/24/09 0:00 1.39
38311 Craig Leslie West Custom Order Medium 4/25/09 0:00 19.99
37826 Amy Hunt Central DTP Medium 4/25/09 0:00 6.18
6402 Nathan Mautz South DTP Low 4/28/09 0:00 4.68
43398 John Lee Central Wholesaler Not Specified 4/25/09 0:00 60
16710 Alex Grayson West Wholesaler High 4/26/09 0:00 17.85
52611 Cathy Prescott South DTP Medium 4/25/09 0:00 1.38
30626 Nathan Mautz South Custom Order Critical 4/26/09 0:00 1.09
59271 Lynn Smith West Custom Order Not Specified 4/26/09 0:00 13.32
2947 Pete Armstrong East DTP Critical 4/27/09 0:00 6.81
59271 Lynn Smith West DTP Not Specified 4/27/09 0:00 5.2
56162 Julia Barnett South Wholesaler Not Specified 4/27/09 0:00 30
25697 Joni Blumstein East DTP Low 4/26/09 0:00 3.62
35238 Jack O'Briant East Custom Order Low 4/28/09 0:00 5.63
34694 Elizabeth Moffitt East DTP Low 4/28/09 0:00 7.24
25479 Bill Eplett South DTP Critical 4/28/09 0:00 1.25
10054 Helen Wasserman South DTP High 4/28/09 0:00 5.99
10054 Helen Wasserman South DTP High 4/30/09 0:00 48.2
39008 Nick Radford South Wholesaler Not Specified 4/30/09 0:00 70.2
17252 Ivan Liston South DTP Not Specified 4/30/09 0:00 5.97
42727 Saphhira Shifley West DTP Not Specified 4/30/09 0:00 7.77
42727 Saphhira Shifley West Wholesaler Not Specified 4/30/09 0:00 26
3750 Aaron Smayling Central DTP Medium 5/1/09 0:00 5.2
17252 Ivan Liston South Wholesaler Not Specified 5/1/09 0:00 54.12
26791 Harold Engle Central DTP Low 5/6/09 0:00 5.03
16674 Robert Barroso West DTP Low 5/6/09 0:00 4.62
16674 Robert Barroso West Wholesaler Low 5/8/09 0:00 58.92
513 Arthur Prichep West Wholesaler High 4/30/09 0:00 60.2
18528 Jas O'Carroll East DTP Critical 5/1/09 0:00 3.99
2208 Jack O'Briant East DTP Not Specified 5/1/09 0:00 24.49
22850 Allen Armold West DTP Medium 5/1/09 0:00 4
38305 Michael Chen Central DTP Critical 5/2/09 0:00 8.08
18528 Jas O'Carroll East DTP Critical 5/2/09 0:00 7.96
2208 Jack O'Briant East DTP Not Specified 5/2/09 0:00 7.19
56834 Darren Powers West DTP High 5/2/09 0:00 7.03
2311 Fred Harton West DTP High 5/2/09 0:00 18.98
7878 Meg O'Connel East DTP Critical 5/3/09 0:00 3.44
6755 Kelly Lampkin West DTP High 5/3/09 0:00 6.05
30848 Speros Goranitis Central Wholesaler Medium 5/3/09 0:00 40.19
56834 Darren Powers West Wholesaler High 5/3/09 0:00 30.06
42979 Maxwell Schwartz West Wholesaler Not Specified 5/3/09 0:00 30
7878 Meg O'Connel East Wholesaler Critical 5/6/09 0:00 55.81
7878 Meg O'Connel East DTP Low 5/8/09 0:00 3.37
2978 Alan Schoenberger West DTP Critical 5/3/09 0:00 24.19
10695 Deborah Brumfield West DTP High 5/3/09 0:00 2.5
42725 Frank Merwin West DTP Medium 5/3/09 0:00 6.13
2978 Alan Schoenberger West DTP Critical 5/4/09 0:00 19.99
32929 Liz MacKendrick West DTP Low 5/6/09 0:00 1.39
32929 Liz MacKendrick West DTP Low 5/7/09 0:00 4.81
35584 Joel Jenkins East Custom Order Medium 5/3/09 0:00 9.45
44960 Tamara Chand East DTP Low 5/3/09 0:00 6.14
41539 Charles Crestani South DTP High 5/4/09 0:00 8.99
41539 Charles Crestani South Custom Order High 5/5/09 0:00 1.29
44871 Denise Monton Central DTP Critical 5/5/09 0:00 4.2
5696 Theresa Swint Central DTP Critical 5/5/09 0:00 3.85
5696 Theresa Swint Central DTP Critical 5/5/09 0:00 22.98
44960 Tamara Chand East DTP Low 5/5/09 0:00 8.4
44960 Tamara Chand East DTP Low 5/7/09 0:00 1.99
33925 Catherine Glotzbach South DTP Low 5/7/09 0:00 19.99
21414 Harry Marie Central Custom Order Critical 5/4/09 0:00 1.92
21414 Harry Marie Central DTP Critical 5/5/09 0:00 5.63
37314 Michelle Huthwaite West DTP Medium 5/5/09 0:00 6.02
19649 Janet Lee Central Wholesaler High 5/5/09 0:00 45.51
39745 Ralph Kennedy West Wholesaler Not Specified 5/5/09 0:00 56.14
19649 Janet Lee Central Custom Order High 5/6/09 0:00 6.75
21414 Harry Marie Central DTP Critical 5/6/09 0:00 36.09
25955 Janet Martin South DTP Not Specified 5/6/09 0:00 8.34
49346 Rick Hansen South DTP Not Specified 5/6/09 0:00 5.57
23617 Christy Brittain South Custom Order Not Specified 5/7/09 0:00 2.99
18503 Sarah Brown South DTP Not Specified 5/7/09 0:00 2.79
42628 Ken Lonsdale South Wholesaler Not Specified 5/7/09 0:00 60
18503 Sarah Brown South Wholesaler Not Specified 5/7/09 0:00 17.85
49346 Rick Hansen South DTP Not Specified 5/8/09 0:00 2.85
1702 Annie Cyprus East DTP High 5/7/09 0:00 0.93
58407 John Grady East DTP High 5/9/09 0:00 14.3
41857 Lycoris Saunders Central Custom Order Low 5/11/09 0:00 6.22
14883 Jason Fortune Central Wholesaler Low 5/11/09 0:00 14.36
14883 Jason Fortune Central DTP Low 5/15/09 0:00 2.5
34791 Mary O'Rourke East DTP Medium 5/7/09 0:00 19.99
55520 Dario Medina West Custom Order Critical 5/8/09 0:00 5.99
43686 Tom Boeckenhauer East DTP Medium 5/8/09 0:00 6.13
24679 Janet Molinari East DTP Not Specified 5/8/09 0:00 2.39
31876 Brian Moss South DTP High 5/8/09 0:00 35
34791 Mary O'Rourke East DTP Medium 5/9/09 0:00 4
16128 Michael Grace South DTP High 5/8/09 0:00 14.48
55616 Joni Wasserman South DTP High 5/9/09 0:00 5.63
35841 Mathew Reese South DTP Medium 5/9/09 0:00 1.39
35841 Mathew Reese South DTP Medium 5/9/09 0:00 8.08
14242 Dennis Pardue Central DTP High 5/10/09 0:00 4
28035 Don Miller East DTP Not Specified 5/10/09 0:00 5.23
8288 Marc Crier Central DTP Critical 5/10/09 0:00 10.29
34434 Barbara Fisher South DTP Not Specified 5/10/09 0:00 4.79
34434 Barbara Fisher South DTP Not Specified 5/11/09 0:00 0.49
13730 Ricardo Emerson West Wholesaler High 5/11/09 0:00 43.75
30657 Paul Stevenson West Custom Order High 5/11/09 0:00 16.71
30657 Paul Stevenson West DTP High 5/12/09 0:00 1.99
53127 Tony Chapman West DTP High 5/12/09 0:00 2.99
12322 Jay Kimmel West Custom Order Critical 5/13/09 0:00 39.61
53127 Tony Chapman West DTP High 5/13/09 0:00 19.99
31973 Richard Bierner West DTP Not Specified 5/13/09 0:00 5.3
8064 Gary McGarr Central Wholesaler High 5/13/09 0:00 62.94
43397 Damala Kotsonis South Wholesaler Critical 5/13/09 0:00 32.41
48486 Frank Merwin West DTP High 5/14/09 0:00 7.91
31973 Richard Bierner West DTP Not Specified 5/14/09 0:00 11.15
10662 Aaron Hawkins South DTP Low 5/21/09 0:00 6.81
40327 Erica Bern Central DTP Medium 5/15/09 0:00 8.24
9921 Amy Hunt Central DTP Low 5/14/09 0:00 1.39
57444 Barry Pond East DTP Critical 5/15/09 0:00 6.16
34215 Cari Schnelling East DTP High 5/15/09 0:00 2.99
39590 Jason Gross East Custom Order Low 5/21/09 0:00 5.83
965 Jas O'Carroll East Wholesaler Low 5/21/09 0:00 35.67
26887 Adam Bellavance East Custom Order Critical 5/15/09 0:00 8.94
16450 Dennis Bolton East DTP Medium 5/15/09 0:00 2.5
26887 Adam Bellavance East Custom Order Critical 5/16/09 0:00 4.62
43267 Fred Wasserman East Custom Order Critical 5/18/09 0:00 19.95
48544 Jack O'Briant East DTP High 5/18/09 0:00 0.99
14951 Denise Monton Central DTP Medium 5/17/09 0:00 2.4
8995 Beth Paige East Custom Order High 5/18/09 0:00 7.35
8995 Beth Paige East Custom Order High 5/18/09 0:00 21.26
8995 Beth Paige East DTP High 5/18/09 0:00 8.19
14951 Denise Monton Central DTP Medium 5/19/09 0:00 7.18
8995 Beth Paige East DTP High 5/19/09 0:00 0.76
51938 Jim Radford East DTP Low 5/21/09 0:00 5.63
1317 Janet Lee Central DTP High 5/19/09 0:00 7.44
1317 Janet Lee Central DTP High 5/20/09 0:00 11.2
31687 Arianne Irving Central DTP High 5/19/09 0:00 1.34
512 Sam Craven South DTP Low 5/19/09 0:00 18.06
512 Sam Craven South Custom Order Low 5/21/09 0:00 10.68
7585 Darren Koutras East DTP High 5/21/09 0:00 1.25
39586 Lauren Leatherbury East DTP Not Specified 5/21/09 0:00 6.83
964 Stefania Perrino South DTP Medium 5/21/09 0:00 2.58
26976 Thea Hendricks South Custom Order Not Specified 5/21/09 0:00 8.99
24099 Max Engle South DTP Not Specified 5/21/09 0:00 6.5
24099 Max Engle South DTP Not Specified 5/21/09 0:00 35
26976 Thea Hendricks South DTP Not Specified 5/21/09 0:00 1.39
17312 Nancy Lomonaco West DTP Not Specified 5/21/09 0:00 2.5
17312 Nancy Lomonaco West DTP Not Specified 5/21/09 0:00 7.3
56387 Brian Dahlen Central Custom Order Medium 5/22/09 0:00 7.01
56387 Brian Dahlen Central DTP Medium 5/22/09 0:00 10.05
27364 Joseph Airdo Central DTP Medium 5/22/09 0:00 1.49
27364 Joseph Airdo Central DTP Medium 5/22/09 0:00 3.99
52900 Helen Wasserman South DTP High 5/22/09 0:00 5.46
26976 Thea Hendricks South DTP Not Specified 5/22/09 0:00 18.45
50306 Anemone Ratner West DTP Medium 5/22/09 0:00 11.55
21477 Jennifer Jackson East DTP Low 5/21/09 0:00 2.99
6566 Kean Thornton West DTP Critical 5/21/09 0:00 1.99
4422 Scott Cohen West DTP Medium 5/21/09 0:00 8.99
4422 Scott Cohen West DTP Medium 5/21/09 0:00 8.99
21542 Frank Atkinson South DTP High 5/22/09 0:00 8.99
25280 Stefania Perrino South DTP Not Specified 5/22/09 0:00 1.17
21542 Frank Atkinson South Wholesaler High 5/22/09 0:00 84.84
21477 Jennifer Jackson East DTP Low 5/23/09 0:00 2
25280 Stefania Perrino South DTP Not Specified 5/23/09 0:00 2.99
38403 Michelle Huthwaite West DTP Low 5/25/09 0:00 0.99
41891 Tamara Dahlen East DTP High 5/23/09 0:00 18.98
47553 Dan Campbell South Wholesaler Medium 5/23/09 0:00 45.7
42918 Logan Haushalter Central Custom Order High 5/24/09 0:00 7.19
42918 Logan Haushalter Central DTP High 5/24/09 0:00 5.76
42918 Logan Haushalter Central DTP High 5/24/09 0:00 7.27
37152 Thomas Boland West DTP Medium 5/24/09 0:00 8.8
37152 Thomas Boland West Wholesaler Medium 5/24/09 0:00 30
46117 Maria Bertelson East Wholesaler Low 5/26/09 0:00 14.19
39937 Raymond Book East DTP Medium 5/23/09 0:00 1.49
48161 Vivian Mathis West DTP Not Specified 5/24/09 0:00 8.99
57185 Matt Connell South DTP Medium 5/25/09 0:00 10.25
48161 Vivian Mathis West DTP Not Specified 5/25/09 0:00 9.23
40964 Nick Radford South DTP Critical 5/26/09 0:00 8.37
225 Karen Ferguson South DTP Critical 5/25/09 0:00 0.7
20259 Anna Haberlin West DTP Critical 5/25/09 0:00 4.59
225 Karen Ferguson South DTP Critical 5/26/09 0:00 4.1
42214 Randy Ferguson South DTP Low 5/31/09 0:00 2.85
42214 Randy Ferguson South DTP Low 5/31/09 0:00 5.84
57350 Tracy Hopkins West DTP High 5/26/09 0:00 5.68
57350 Tracy Hopkins West DTP High 5/26/09 0:00 8.8
45958 Dario Medina West DTP Medium 5/26/09 0:00 24.49
49924 Edward Nazzal South DTP Critical 5/27/09 0:00 4.57
49924 Edward Nazzal South DTP Critical 5/27/09 0:00 5.41
45958 Dario Medina West DTP Medium 5/27/09 0:00 3.1
33665 Lisa DeCherney West Wholesaler Low 5/30/09 0:00 69.55
14471 Ralph Kennedy West DTP Not Specified 5/26/09 0:00 3.77
45893 Patrick Ryan South DTP High 5/27/09 0:00 1.49
31751 Todd Boyes West Custom Order High 5/28/09 0:00 7.27
14471 Ralph Kennedy West DTP Not Specified 5/28/09 0:00 7.49
56515 Sara Luxemburg West Custom Order Medium 5/28/09 0:00 0.5
41794 Larry Tron South DTP Critical 5/28/09 0:00 8.65
24804 Roland Murray Central DTP Not Specified 5/29/09 0:00 9.45
41794 Larry Tron South DTP Critical 5/29/09 0:00 0.97
41794 Larry Tron South DTP Critical 5/29/09 0:00 4.81
10535 Doug Bickford South DTP Low 5/29/09 0:00 19.99
56515 Sara Luxemburg West Wholesaler Medium 5/29/09 0:00 36.61
10535 Doug Bickford South DTP Low 6/3/09 0:00 0.7
28898 Mark Cousins East DTP Low 5/28/09 0:00 7.96
12355 Ken Heidel South DTP Not Specified 5/29/09 0:00 13.18
14948 Shahid Hopkins West Wholesaler Medium 5/29/09 0:00 35.84
8993 Stewart Visinsky Central Custom Order Medium 5/30/09 0:00 0.5
4132 Aaron Bergman East DTP Not Specified 5/30/09 0:00 0.5
12355 Ken Heidel South DTP Not Specified 5/30/09 0:00 5.13
44007 Nathan Cano East DTP Medium 5/30/09 0:00 0.96
995 Neola Schneider East DTP Medium 5/31/09 0:00 3.04
36135 Beth Paige East DTP Not Specified 5/31/09 0:00 3.3
23557 Keith Dawkins Central DTP Not Specified 6/1/09 0:00 24.49
38438 Emily Grady West DTP Critical 6/1/09 0:00 5.66
50533 Adam Bellavance East Wholesaler Not Specified 6/1/09 0:00 27.75
59971 Brad Thomas East Custom Order Critical 6/2/09 0:00 5.09
59971 Brad Thomas East Custom Order Critical 6/2/09 0:00 8.99
50533 Adam Bellavance East Custom Order Not Specified 6/2/09 0:00 35
59971 Brad Thomas East DTP Critical 6/2/09 0:00 6.47
38438 Emily Grady West DTP Critical 6/2/09 0:00 4
13953 Jenna Caffey West DTP Critical 6/2/09 0:00 5.01
49349 Olvera Toch West DTP High 6/1/09 0:00 5.01
51650 Rachel Payne Central DTP High 6/3/09 0:00 6.93
57059 Liz MacKendrick West DTP Medium 6/3/09 0:00 5.75
51650 Rachel Payne Central Wholesaler High 6/3/09 0:00 28.06
49349 Olvera Toch West Wholesaler High 6/3/09 0:00 60
57063 Matthew Grinstein East DTP Medium 6/2/09 0:00 7.49
39457 Julia West East Wholesaler Critical 6/2/09 0:00 70.2
57063 Matthew Grinstein East DTP Medium 6/4/09 0:00 0.79
8996 Tanja Norvell West DTP Low 6/6/09 0:00 8.99
44579 Clytie Kelty South DTP Not Specified 6/4/09 0:00 18.06
326 Michelle Tran West DTP High 6/4/09 0:00 8.29
37505 Bryan Spruell South Custom Order Low 6/5/09 0:00 11.79
8006 Stuart Calhoun West Custom Order Medium 6/5/09 0:00 5.2
50117 Allen Rosenblatt East DTP Critical 6/5/09 0:00 0.5
37505 Bryan Spruell South DTP Low 6/5/09 0:00 12.39
37505 Bryan Spruell South DTP Low 6/8/09 0:00 5.76
27264 Henry Goldwyn Central DTP Low 6/6/09 0:00 11.17
38948 Julia Barnett South Custom Order Not Specified 6/6/09 0:00 13.99
38948 Julia Barnett South DTP Not Specified 6/6/09 0:00 7.07
20102 Christine Sundaresam West DTP High 6/6/09 0:00 1.99
7367 Raymond Fair West Custom Order Low 6/10/09 0:00 0.95
7367 Raymond Fair West DTP Low 6/12/09 0:00 2.74
5568 Randy Ferguson South DTP Medium 6/7/09 0:00 5
25412 Katrina Edelman South DTP Not Specified 6/8/09 0:00 9.68
33540 Barry Gonzalez Central DTP Low 6/10/09 0:00 4.82
41571 Katherine Nockton South DTP Low 6/15/09 0:00 8.99
21346 Joni Wasserman South DTP High 6/7/09 0:00 9.86
18144 Dorothy Wardle East DTP Critical 6/9/09 0:00 5
18144 Dorothy Wardle East DTP Critical 6/9/09 0:00 19.16
21159 Joni Wasserman South Custom Order Low 6/11/09 0:00 2.03
46885 Mike Kennedy East DTP Low 6/11/09 0:00 1.56
46885 Mike Kennedy East DTP Low 6/11/09 0:00 8.99
46885 Mike Kennedy East DTP Low 6/12/09 0:00 14.48
58470 Barry Blumstein Central DTP High 6/8/09 0:00 1.93
58470 Barry Blumstein Central DTP High 6/9/09 0:00 13.65
58470 Barry Blumstein Central DTP High 6/10/09 0:00 9.03
5221 Robert Dilbeck South DTP Not Specified 6/10/09 0:00 1.99
11074 Cynthia Delaney Central DTP High 6/10/09 0:00 5.99
11074 Cynthia Delaney Central DTP High 6/11/09 0:00 3.6
47462 Susan Vittorini East DTP High 6/11/09 0:00 9.09
31169 Michelle Lonsdale East DTP Low 6/13/09 0:00 14.45
38274 Todd Sumrall West Custom Order High 6/11/09 0:00 1.25
53671 Laura Armstrong South DTP Medium 6/11/09 0:00 33.4
37702 Linda Southworth Central DTP Not Specified 6/12/09 0:00 4.51
16519 Alan Hwang South DTP Medium 6/12/09 0:00 3.69
38274 Todd Sumrall West DTP High 6/12/09 0:00 16.36
38274 Todd Sumrall West DTP High 6/12/09 0:00 24.49
9095 Tracy Hopkins West DTP High 6/12/09 0:00 6.27
4070 Joe Elijah Central Custom Order High 6/11/09 0:00 1.99
24519 Duane Huffman East DTP Critical 6/12/09 0:00 5.63
58496 Dionis Lloyd South DTP Not Specified 6/13/09 0:00 10.05
4871 Neil French South Wholesaler Critical 6/13/09 0:00 42
4871 Neil French South DTP Critical 6/14/09 0:00 3.98
23107 Lori Olson South DTP Medium 6/14/09 0:00 7.57
50852 Nick Zandusky South DTP Medium 6/13/09 0:00 11.51
54592 Erica Hernandez South DTP Low 6/14/09 0:00 6.92
54592 Erica Hernandez South Wholesaler Low 6/16/09 0:00 26.85
45671 Charles Crestani South DTP Low 6/19/09 0:00 6.02
30048 Helen Abelman Central Wholesaler Medium 6/15/09 0:00 55.24
29249 Joy Daniels South DTP Low 6/17/09 0:00 24.49
29249 Joy Daniels South Custom Order Low 6/18/09 0:00 1.02
35875 Cynthia Delaney Central DTP High 6/14/09 0:00 3.37
44292 Frank Atkinson South Custom Order Not Specified 6/15/09 0:00 2.04
29506 Scott Cohen West DTP Critical 6/15/09 0:00 1.49
29506 Scott Cohen West DTP Critical 6/16/09 0:00 1.49
52642 Magdelene Morse West Wholesaler Low 6/18/09 0:00 59.81
38693 Lycoris Saunders Central DTP Low 6/21/09 0:00 24.49
52642 Magdelene Morse West DTP Low 6/21/09 0:00 4
52642 Magdelene Morse West DTP Low 6/21/09 0:00 4.86
11910 Christopher Conant Central DTP High 6/17/09 0:00 4.77
49762 Fred Chung South DTP High 6/17/09 0:00 0.81
12579 Patrick O'Brill West DTP Not Specified 6/16/09 0:00 1.97
36704 Annie Thurman West Custom Order High 6/17/09 0:00 1.14
771 Darrin Van Huff South DTP Critical 6/17/09 0:00 4.72
26050 Edward Nazzal South DTP High 6/17/09 0:00 8.29
36704 Annie Thurman West DTP High 6/18/09 0:00 4.17
9472 Greg Tran Central DTP Critical 6/19/09 0:00 0.49
3554 Ken Heidel South DTP Low 6/25/09 0:00 6.47
613 Carl Jackson Central DTP High 6/17/09 0:00 7.72
36994 Mitch Gastineau East Wholesaler Critical 6/17/09 0:00 30
18340 Jack O'Briant East Custom Order Medium 6/18/09 0:00 21.2
613 Carl Jackson Central DTP High 6/18/09 0:00 6.22
1538 Ted Trevino East DTP Not Specified 6/18/09 0:00 4.9
47398 Peter Fuller South Wholesaler Medium 6/19/09 0:00 62.74
12293 Harold Engle Central DTP High 6/19/09 0:00 1.39
38786 Thomas Brumley West Wholesaler Medium 6/20/09 0:00 15.68
44609 Michael Oakman Central Custom Order Low 6/22/09 0:00 0.7
44609 Michael Oakman Central DTP Low 6/23/09 0:00 4.1
57376 Mike Vittorini West DTP Critical 6/19/09 0:00 5.31
29862 Maria Zettner South DTP Medium 6/21/09 0:00 5.86
57376 Mike Vittorini West DTP Critical 6/21/09 0:00 7.94
8902 Georgia Rosenberg West DTP High 6/21/09 0:00 5.94
16737 Toby Grace South DTP Not Specified 6/21/09 0:00 19.99
24038 Jack Lebron Central Custom Order High 6/22/09 0:00 5.26
24038 Jack Lebron Central DTP High 6/22/09 0:00 1.34
51360 Jack O'Briant East DTP Medium 6/22/09 0:00 0.5
26531 Michelle Lonsdale East DTP Medium 6/22/09 0:00 5.26
32806 Lycoris Saunders Central Custom Order High 6/22/09 0:00 0.5
42850 Julie Prescott Central Custom Order Medium 6/22/09 0:00 5.5
32806 Julia West East DTP Critical 6/22/09 0:00 8.99
32806 Lycoris Saunders Central DTP High 6/23/09 0:00 5.2
54150 Bart Watters East Custom Order Critical 6/22/09 0:00 3.99
46565 Laurel Elliston West Custom Order Not Specified 6/22/09 0:00 24.49
59812 Muhammed Lee Central DTP Medium 6/22/09 0:00 19.99
59812 Muhammed Lee Central DTP Medium 6/23/09 0:00 4.98
11425 Patrick Bzostek West DTP Critical 6/23/09 0:00 6.25
30944 Saphhira Shifley West DTP Critical 6/23/09 0:00 5.08
10340 Sandra Glassco West DTP High 6/23/09 0:00 38.48
46565 Laurel Elliston West DTP Not Specified 6/23/09 0:00 8.99
11425 Patrick Bzostek West Custom Order Critical 6/24/09 0:00 8.99
51462 Philisse Overcash West Custom Order Medium 6/24/09 0:00 8.99
46565 Laurel Elliston West DTP Not Specified 6/24/09 0:00 35
56743 Arianne Irving Central Custom Order Medium 6/25/09 0:00 8.99
10340 Sandra Glassco West DTP High 6/25/09 0:00 5.53
10210 Liz Carlisle Central DTP Not Specified 6/24/09 0:00 14.52
2465 Rob Haberlin Central DTP Critical 6/25/09 0:00 1.99
23943 Cindy Stewart West DTP Critical 6/25/09 0:00 5.45
23169 Karl Brown West DTP Critical 6/25/09 0:00 5.11
23169 Karl Brown West DTP Critical 6/25/09 0:00 7.18
14500 Tracy Collins Central DTP Not Specified 6/25/09 0:00 8.99
18884 Nora Pelletier South Wholesaler Not Specified 6/25/09 0:00 14.36
14500 Tracy Collins Central DTP Not Specified 6/26/09 0:00 5.77
18884 Nora Pelletier South DTP Not Specified 6/26/09 0:00 24.49
7846 Dave Hallsten Central DTP Low 6/25/09 0:00 4.86
31939 Ashley Jarboe West DTP High 6/27/09 0:00 4.2
7846 Dave Hallsten Central DTP Low 6/30/09 0:00 21.48
7846 Dave Hallsten Central DTP Low 7/2/09 0:00 5.89
8135 Rick Wilson West DTP Not Specified 6/27/09 0:00 5
31524 Ed Jacobs South Wholesaler Low 6/28/09 0:00 42
26277 Art Miller Central DTP Medium 6/28/09 0:00 19.99
54176 Jack O'Briant East DTP Not Specified 6/28/09 0:00 14.52
31461 Adam Hart East DTP Medium 6/29/09 0:00 3.99
50983 Bruce Degenhardt West DTP Critical 6/29/09 0:00 35
50983 Bruce Degenhardt West DTP Critical 6/30/09 0:00 5.8
15619 Tony Molinari West Custom Order Low 7/2/09 0:00 1.35
8961 Jessica Myrick Central DTP Low 7/3/09 0:00 4
8961 Jessica Myrick Central Wholesaler Low 7/3/09 0:00 60
15619 Tony Molinari West Wholesaler Low 7/5/09 0:00 30
44516 Andrew Roberts Central DTP Critical 6/29/09 0:00 3.97
18951 Astrea Jones South DTP Critical 6/30/09 0:00 2.97
18951 Astrea Jones South Custom Order Critical 7/1/09 0:00 5
27844 Rose O'Brian East DTP Low 7/1/09 0:00 5.49
7239 Craig Carroll West DTP Medium 7/1/09 0:00 19.99
27844 Rose O'Brian East DTP Low 7/6/09 0:00 5.59
29318 Bobby Odegard East Custom Order Not Specified 7/1/09 0:00 35
11270 Tanja Norvell West Custom Order High 7/1/09 0:00 6.19
29318 Bobby Odegard East DTP Not Specified 7/1/09 0:00 8.08
8704 Quincy Jones South DTP Medium 7/1/09 0:00 2.09
12037 Muhammed Yedwab East DTP Low 7/5/09 0:00 4.39
58433 Dean Katz South Wholesaler High 7/2/09 0:00 30
30566 Barry Blumstein Central DTP Low 7/3/09 0:00 9.54
58433 Dean Katz South DTP High 7/3/09 0:00 5.79
6918 Erin Ashbrook West DTP Critical 7/3/09 0:00 1.99
58433 Dean Katz South Wholesaler High 7/3/09 0:00 42.52
50405 Theresa Swint Central DTP Medium 7/2/09 0:00 8.64
31844 Harold Pawlan South Wholesaler Not Specified 7/2/09 0:00 66.27
32129 Dave Kipp Central DTP Critical 7/3/09 0:00 8.74
38950 Nora Price East DTP Not Specified 7/3/09 0:00 6.97
32129 Dave Kipp Central Wholesaler Critical 7/4/09 0:00 14.7
38950 Nora Price East DTP Not Specified 7/5/09 0:00 3.98
22727 Lycoris Saunders Central DTP Not Specified 7/3/09 0:00 6.65
3393 Steve Carroll East DTP High 7/3/09 0:00 7.29
29986 Rob Dowd West DTP Critical 7/3/09 0:00 2.99
3393 Steve Carroll East Custom Order High 7/4/09 0:00 4
29569 Raymond Book East DTP High 7/4/09 0:00 24.49
52160 Jack Garza Central DTP Critical 7/5/09 0:00 8.08
29569 Raymond Book East DTP High 7/5/09 0:00 5.21
52160 Jack Garza Central Custom Order Critical 7/6/09 0:00 0.78
11876 Joni Blumstein East DTP High 7/6/09 0:00 5.81
36675 Christine Sundaresam West DTP High 7/6/09 0:00 0.81
57447 Grant Carroll East DTP Not Specified 7/4/09 0:00 3.62
26145 George Bell South DTP Low 7/4/09 0:00 12.52
17382 Lena Hernandez West DTP Not Specified 7/5/09 0:00 8.99
11495 Brendan Dodson East Wholesaler High 7/5/09 0:00 43.75
26145 George Bell South DTP Low 7/6/09 0:00 7.87
805 Toby Swindell South DTP Not Specified 7/6/09 0:00 5.71
57447 Grant Carroll East DTP Not Specified 7/7/09 0:00 6.5
26145 George Bell South DTP Low 7/8/09 0:00 5.68
36482 Erica Smith Central Custom Order Medium 7/6/09 0:00 5.15
19363 Randy Ferguson South DTP High 7/6/09 0:00 5.66
36482 Erica Smith Central Wholesaler Medium 7/6/09 0:00 91.05
36482 Erica Smith Central Custom Order Medium 7/7/09 0:00 24.49
15714 MaryBeth Skach West Custom Order High 7/7/09 0:00 19.99
23235 Darren Budd Central DTP High 7/7/09 0:00 0.5
19363 Randy Ferguson South DTP High 7/7/09 0:00 0.96
12263 Dan Lawera South DTP High 7/6/09 0:00 3.99
16258 Nona Balk South DTP Medium 7/7/09 0:00 4.72
16258 Nona Balk South DTP Medium 7/8/09 0:00 2.35
51493 Helen Andreada West DTP Low 7/8/09 0:00 5.16
34663 Nick Crebassa South Wholesaler Not Specified 7/8/09 0:00 55.3
27558 Cindy Chapman West DTP Not Specified 7/8/09 0:00 2.99
52512 Jim Kriz West Custom Order High 7/9/09 0:00 5.01
27936 Irene Maddox West DTP High 7/9/09 0:00 1.25
52512 Jim Kriz West DTP High 7/9/09 0:00 4.98
27936 Irene Maddox West Wholesaler High 7/9/09 0:00 8.73
5284 Annie Cyprus East DTP Not Specified 7/10/09 0:00 2.99
42855 Sonia Cooley East DTP Not Specified 7/10/09 0:00 6.5
12481 Chuck Clark East DTP Critical 7/10/09 0:00 0.99
12481 Chuck Clark East DTP Critical 7/12/09 0:00 1.99
483 Clay Rozendal East DTP High 7/12/09 0:00 3.99
43298 Tonja Turnell East DTP Not Specified 7/12/09 0:00 7.37
43298 Tonja Turnell East DTP Not Specified 7/12/09 0:00 24.49
54977 Karen Carlisle South DTP Low 7/14/09 0:00 6.46
54977 Karen Carlisle South DTP Low 7/15/09 0:00 1
49126 Mark Cousins East Wholesaler Low 7/17/09 0:00 30
31618 Roy Skaria Central DTP Critical 7/11/09 0:00 1.49
57572 Helen Wasserman South DTP Medium 7/13/09 0:00 5.83
36933 Todd Boyes West DTP High 7/13/09 0:00 0.5
39232 Adam Hart East DTP Low 7/14/09 0:00 19.99
57572 Helen Wasserman South DTP Medium 7/14/09 0:00 4.62
57760 Rick Huthwaite West DTP Not Specified 7/14/09 0:00 2.03
57760 Rick Huthwaite West DTP Not Specified 7/14/09 0:00 4
39232 Adam Hart East DTP Low 7/17/09 0:00 14.3
55013 Brian Thompson South DTP Low 7/17/09 0:00 5.53
35366 Raymond Book East DTP Low 7/19/09 0:00 7.81
55013 Brian Thompson South DTP Low 7/19/09 0:00 0.5
27845 Craig Molinari Central DTP Not Specified 7/14/09 0:00 0.5
21412 Nora Pelletier South DTP Not Specified 7/14/09 0:00 4.23
13764 Ken Brennan West DTP Medium 7/14/09 0:00 0.94
41217 Nathan Cano East Custom Order High 7/15/09 0:00 6.79
21412 Nora Pelletier South DTP Not Specified 7/15/09 0:00 6.83
23907 Julie Creighton Central DTP Not Specified 7/14/09 0:00 2.5
6274 Eugene Moren West Custom Order Not Specified 7/15/09 0:00 4.08
29827 Raymond Book East DTP Critical 7/15/09 0:00 5.89
10338 Barry Franz West Wholesaler Not Specified 7/16/09 0:00 14
10338 Barry Franz West Wholesaler Not Specified 7/16/09 0:00 46.59
3300 Bryan Spruell South DTP Low 7/19/09 0:00 4
740 Thomas Boland West DTP Medium 7/15/09 0:00 0.49
32 Liz Pelletier Central DTP High 7/16/09 0:00 8.99
32 Liz Pelletier Central Wholesaler High 7/16/09 0:00 89.3
2467 Caroline Jumper Central Wholesaler Not Specified 7/16/09 0:00 17.85
32 Liz Pelletier Central DTP High 7/17/09 0:00 5.03
32 Liz Pelletier Central DTP High 7/17/09 0:00 5.81
8513 Fred McMath East DTP Low 7/17/09 0:00 8.51
33061 Valerie Mitchum West DTP High 7/17/09 0:00 8.64
8513 Fred McMath East Custom Order Low 7/22/09 0:00 4.5
50563 Alejandro Ballentine South Custom Order High 7/17/09 0:00 7.69
50563 Alejandro Ballentine South Custom Order High 7/17/09 0:00 9.99
50790 Christopher Conant Central DTP Critical 7/18/09 0:00 5.71
4324 Dan Campbell South DTP Critical 7/18/09 0:00 8.99
26243 Eleni McCrary East DTP Low 7/20/09 0:00 1
47301 Eileen Kiefer South DTP Low 7/22/09 0:00 35
20482 Steven Roelle East Wholesaler Medium 7/18/09 0:00 60.19
12897 Edward Becker West Custom Order Not Specified 7/19/09 0:00 7.91
32452 Joseph Airdo Central DTP Medium 7/19/09 0:00 0.5
12897 Edward Becker West DTP Not Specified 7/19/09 0:00 0.5
40422 Jim Kriz West Custom Order Critical 7/20/09 0:00 3.99
20482 Steven Roelle East DTP Medium 7/20/09 0:00 5.09
22534 Kelly Williams South DTP Medium 7/20/09 0:00 19.99
48837 Tanja Norvell West DTP Not Specified 7/20/09 0:00 3.9
2757 Julia West East Wholesaler Critical 7/19/09 0:00 74.35
2757 Lycoris Saunders Central Custom Order High 7/20/09 0:00 3.14
6947 Logan Currie Central DTP Critical 7/21/09 0:00 18.45
449 Candace McMahon South DTP High 7/21/09 0:00 5.21
59044 Phillip Flathmann Central DTP Critical 7/22/09 0:00 0.99
41409 Beth Thompson East DTP Not Specified 7/23/09 0:00 7.19
7142 Cari Sayre West DTP Critical 7/23/09 0:00 0.5
54083 Don Miller East Wholesaler High 7/23/09 0:00 23.19
55845 Lauren Leatherbury East Wholesaler Low 7/25/09 0:00 66.27
6596 Chad Sievert East Wholesaler Low 7/26/09 0:00 28.14
54912 Harold Pawlan South DTP Low 7/28/09 0:00 3.1
25536 Amy Cox West DTP Low 7/22/09 0:00 1.09
28867 Maxwell Schwartz West DTP Medium 7/23/09 0:00 6.5
28867 Maxwell Schwartz West DTP Medium 7/23/09 0:00 19.99
14976 Quincy Jones South DTP High 7/24/09 0:00 4.7
28867 Maxwell Schwartz West DTP Medium 7/24/09 0:00 8.99
48288 Nicole Brennan West Wholesaler Medium 7/24/09 0:00 54.74
9792 Sally Knutson Central DTP Low 7/23/09 0:00 7.78
31558 Cari Schnelling East DTP Low 7/23/09 0:00 1.99
5575 Rick Hansen South DTP Low 7/23/09 0:00 10.39
29152 Ashley Jarboe West DTP Low 7/23/09 0:00 9.69
16160 Larry Hughes East DTP Critical 7/24/09 0:00 4.5
47492 Bill Overfelt West DTP High 7/25/09 0:00 8.65
29152 Ashley Jarboe West DTP Low 7/27/09 0:00 1.99
31558 Cari Schnelling East DTP Low 7/28/09 0:00 24.49
56420 Carl Weiss East DTP Low 7/26/09 0:00 2.03
56420 Carl Weiss East DTP Low 7/26/09 0:00 8.08
26851 Heather Jas West DTP High 7/26/09 0:00 1.99
56420 Carl Weiss East DTP Low 7/28/09 0:00 4.5
56420 Carl Weiss East DTP Low 7/29/09 0:00 8.99
46311 Peter Fuller South DTP High 7/25/09 0:00 1.99
46311 Peter Fuller South DTP High 7/26/09 0:00 3.63
30593 Jim Karlsson Central Custom Order Critical 7/27/09 0:00 6.92
2306 Liz Thompson East DTP High 7/27/09 0:00 6.28
46311 Peter Fuller South DTP High 7/27/09 0:00 8.4
39111 Cindy Stewart West DTP Medium 7/27/09 0:00 7.18
30593 Jim Karlsson Central DTP Critical 7/28/09 0:00 8.99
36516 Giulietta Baptist Central DTP Medium 7/28/09 0:00 7.18
39111 Cindy Stewart West DTP Medium 7/28/09 0:00 19.99
15425 Larry Tron South Custom Order Low 7/29/09 0:00 19.99
30565 Roy Collins South Custom Order Medium 7/28/09 0:00 4
19041 Grant Thornton East DTP Low 7/30/09 0:00 4.5
19041 Grant Thornton East DTP Low 8/4/09 0:00 4.62
31556 Kelly Collister Central DTP Critical 7/28/09 0:00 3.68
52934 Sara Luxemburg West DTP Critical 7/28/09 0:00 0.5
56768 Giulietta Dortch South Wholesaler Critical 7/28/09 0:00 14
31938 Shahid Shariari West Wholesaler Medium 7/28/09 0:00 42
34725 Fred McMath East DTP Low 7/29/09 0:00 35
56768 Giulietta Dortch South DTP Critical 7/29/09 0:00 0.7
31938 Shahid Shariari West DTP Medium 7/29/09 0:00 4
49479 Victor Price South Wholesaler Medium 7/29/09 0:00 26.3
30853 Meg Tillman Central DTP Medium 7/30/09 0:00 7.59
47271 Liz MacKendrick West DTP Medium 7/29/09 0:00 4.62
21089 Vivek Grady West Wholesaler Medium 7/30/09 0:00 70.2
3362 Christina Vanderzanden West DTP Low 8/1/09 0:00 1.99
3362 Christina Vanderzanden West DTP Low 8/6/09 0:00 4.53
31237 Frank Olsen South DTP Not Specified 7/29/09 0:00 2.99
56838 Roy Collins South DTP Critical 7/30/09 0:00 7.18
46336 Carl Weiss East DTP High 7/31/09 0:00 0.71
9574 Joy Smith Central DTP Medium 7/31/09 0:00 7.19
54279 Harry Greene Central Wholesaler High 7/31/09 0:00 17.86
23202 Naresj Patel West DTP High 8/1/09 0:00 7.5
46305 Sue Ann Reed Central DTP Low 8/3/09 0:00 5.75
33377 Beth Thompson East DTP High 8/1/09 0:00 3.26
33377 Beth Thompson East DTP High 8/2/09 0:00 2.04
31812 Laura Armstrong South DTP High 8/2/09 0:00 20.69
610 Joe Elijah Central Custom Order Critical 8/3/09 0:00 5.41
25633 Christina DeMoss West Wholesaler Low 8/6/09 0:00 51.92
20448 Luke Weiss Central Custom Order Critical 8/3/09 0:00 2.5
16356 Victoria Pisteka Central Custom Order Critical 8/3/09 0:00 4.5
17345 Cynthia Arntzen Central DTP Critical 8/4/09 0:00 5.83
5799 Jack O'Briant East Wholesaler Critical 8/4/09 0:00 42.52
48512 Cyra Reiten South Custom Order Not Specified 8/3/09 0:00 0.81
56647 Tony Sayre East DTP Medium 8/4/09 0:00 12.52
48512 Cyra Reiten South DTP Not Specified 8/4/09 0:00 4.72
51494 Justin Hirsh West DTP Critical 8/5/09 0:00 5.99
35684 Cari Sayre West DTP Low 8/8/09 0:00 13.99
6788 Bobby Elias South DTP Not Specified 8/5/09 0:00 0.75
6788 Bobby Elias South Custom Order Not Specified 8/6/09 0:00 0.96
14401 Jason Klamczynski Central DTP Not Specified 8/6/09 0:00 2.5
14113 Noah Childs East Wholesaler High 8/6/09 0:00 85.63
38787 Trudy Bell South DTP Low 8/5/09 0:00 5
35782 Julie Kriz Central Wholesaler Low 8/10/09 0:00 41.64
35782 Julie Kriz Central DTP Low 8/12/09 0:00 19.99
36196 Christy Brittain South DTP Not Specified 8/7/09 0:00 6.02
36196 Christy Brittain South DTP Not Specified 8/8/09 0:00 4.32
30144 Joe Kamberova West Wholesaler Low 8/11/09 0:00 69.64
6374 Ricardo Emerson West Custom Order Critical 8/8/09 0:00 3.6
21378 Jack Lebron Central DTP Medium 8/8/09 0:00 1.49
28324 Edward Nazzal South DTP High 8/9/09 0:00 3.5
6374 Ricardo Emerson West DTP Critical 8/9/09 0:00 0.7
21378 Jack Lebron Central DTP Medium 8/10/09 0:00 19.99
7110 Grant Carroll East DTP Low 8/11/09 0:00 24.49
9700 Sue Ann Reed Central DTP Critical 8/9/09 0:00 1.92
53956 Elpida Rittenbach Central DTP High 8/9/09 0:00 17.48
26370 Fred Wasserman East Custom Order Not Specified 8/10/09 0:00 5.49
26370 Fred Wasserman East DTP Not Specified 8/10/09 0:00 5.47
19811 Mitch Webber Central Custom Order Low 8/13/09 0:00 6.14
23427 Cindy Chapman West DTP Low 8/15/09 0:00 8.4
23427 Cindy Chapman West DTP Low 8/17/09 0:00 9.07
15972 Naresj Patel West DTP Not Specified 8/9/09 0:00 1.58
15972 Naresj Patel West DTP Not Specified 8/10/09 0:00 3.37
23558 Julie Prescott Central DTP Low 8/11/09 0:00 4.72
1440 Stefanie Holloman South DTP Low 8/11/09 0:00 8.99
24583 Becky Pak South DTP Critical 8/12/09 0:00 6.05
23558 Julie Prescott Central Wholesaler Low 8/14/09 0:00 45.51
24387 Bryan Mills Central Wholesaler Critical 8/10/09 0:00 60
24387 Bryan Mills Central DTP Critical 8/11/09 0:00 14.45
39683 Jeremy Lonsdale Central DTP High 8/11/09 0:00 24.73
52288 Kimberly Carter Central DTP High 8/11/09 0:00 19.99
39683 Jeremy Lonsdale Central DTP High 8/12/09 0:00 0.78
39683 Jeremy Lonsdale Central DTP High 8/13/09 0:00 5.23
54051 Alice McCarthy West Custom Order Medium 8/12/09 0:00 0.99
31620 Maribeth Yedwab South DTP Critical 8/13/09 0:00 2.5
6304 Adam Shillingsburg South DTP High 8/13/09 0:00 6.65
6754 Bill Overfelt West DTP High 8/13/09 0:00 5.26
54051 Alice McCarthy West Wholesaler Medium 8/13/09 0:00 36.09
17958 Jasper Cacioppo South DTP Low 8/15/09 0:00 7.09
27553 Jim Radford East DTP Medium 8/14/09 0:00 13.99
27553 Jim Radford East Wholesaler Medium 8/14/09 0:00 99
6465 Alan Shonely West Custom Order Low 8/19/09 0:00 2
49220 Evan Bailliet Central DTP Critical 8/14/09 0:00 3.5
31846 Jennifer Ferguson South Wholesaler Critical 8/15/09 0:00 19.19
9763 Alan Barnes Central DTP Medium 8/16/09 0:00 0.5
56580 Karen Daniels West DTP Not Specified 8/14/09 0:00 4.82
47810 Ionia McGrath South DTP Critical 8/15/09 0:00 1.2
17379 Harry Marie Central Wholesaler Critical 8/16/09 0:00 58.72
56580 Karen Daniels West Wholesaler Not Specified 8/16/09 0:00 53.03
56580 Karen Daniels West Wholesaler Not Specified 8/16/09 0:00 61.76
54659 Carol Adams Central DTP High 8/15/09 0:00 5.2
1414 Carol Darley Central Wholesaler Critical 8/15/09 0:00 41.64
28674 Susan Gilcrest South DTP High 8/16/09 0:00 5.67
9927 Grant Carroll East Custom Order High 8/17/09 0:00 6.5
49409 Natalie Webber Central DTP High 8/17/09 0:00 19.99
9927 Grant Carroll East DTP High 8/17/09 0:00 18.06
9927 Grant Carroll East Wholesaler High 8/17/09 0:00 53.48
14247 Denny Blanton West DTP Critical 8/18/09 0:00 1.35
13381 Vivian Mathis West Wholesaler Medium 8/17/09 0:00 66.67
42373 Emily Phan South Custom Order Not Specified 8/18/09 0:00 2.99
38466 Jane Waco East DTP Critical 8/18/09 0:00 12.83
47459 Denise Leinenbach South DTP Not Specified 8/18/09 0:00 1.49
38466 Jane Waco East DTP Critical 8/19/09 0:00 0.5
17253 Roy Phan East DTP Critical 8/19/09 0:00 6.83
8768 Resi Polking South DTP High 8/19/09 0:00 5.31
43424 Maria Bertelson East Custom Order Not Specified 8/20/09 0:00 4.5
33604 Yana Sorensen West DTP High 8/20/09 0:00 7.78
16967 Brad Norvell East DTP Low 8/19/09 0:00 5.77
1639 Sean Christensen West DTP Not Specified 8/20/09 0:00 6.18
16967 Brad Norvell East DTP Low 8/21/09 0:00 6.13
10791 Anthony Johnson East DTP Not Specified 8/21/09 0:00 5.77
6502 Max Jones West Custom Order Medium 8/20/09 0:00 5.83
31648 Greg Hansen East DTP High 8/20/09 0:00 2.38
36133 Katrina Willman Central DTP Medium 8/21/09 0:00 8.68
51008 Michael Chen Central DTP High 8/22/09 0:00 4.59
31648 Greg Hansen East DTP High 8/22/09 0:00 7.3
448 Brad Thomas East DTP Medium 8/22/09 0:00 19.99
24899 Maria Bertelson East DTP Not Specified 8/22/09 0:00 2.35
6502 Max Jones West DTP Medium 8/23/09 0:00 5.12
8901 Barry Pond East Custom Order Low 8/27/09 0:00 6.24
46531 Chuck Sachs East DTP Low 8/21/09 0:00 1.49
45381 Michael Oakman Central Custom Order Medium 8/22/09 0:00 5.01
2882 Yoseph Carroll East DTP High 8/22/09 0:00 1.99
45381 Michael Oakman Central Custom Order Medium 8/23/09 0:00 5.5
45381 Michael Oakman Central DTP Medium 8/23/09 0:00 5.57
1095 Ed Braxton West DTP Medium 8/23/09 0:00 4.72
2882 Yoseph Carroll East Wholesaler High 8/23/09 0:00 30
17445 Resi Polking South DTP Not Specified 8/24/09 0:00 2.38
46531 Chuck Sachs East DTP Low 8/26/09 0:00 2.79
46531 Chuck Sachs East DTP Low 8/28/09 0:00 69
46531 Chuck Sachs East DTP Low 8/30/09 0:00 6.05
58598 Edward Nazzal South DTP Medium 8/23/09 0:00 0.7
58598 Edward Nazzal South Wholesaler Medium 8/23/09 0:00 64.73
53189 Duane Noonan West Custom Order Critical 8/23/09 0:00 5.94
28545 Kelly Andreada South DTP High 8/24/09 0:00 19.99
58566 Julia Dunbar West DTP Not Specified 8/24/09 0:00 10.12
58566 Julia Dunbar West Custom Order Not Specified 8/25/09 0:00 4.99
43302 Damala Kotsonis South DTP Low 8/30/09 0:00 5
43302 Damala Kotsonis South DTP Low 9/1/09 0:00 0.99
43302 Damala Kotsonis South DTP Low 9/1/09 0:00 1.63
55202 Bobby Elias South Custom Order Low 8/26/09 0:00 35
51302 Tracy Collins Central DTP Not Specified 8/26/09 0:00 7.5
55202 Bobby Elias South DTP Low 8/31/09 0:00 8.99
45861 Allen Rosenblatt East DTP Medium 8/25/09 0:00 0.99
15622 Cathy Armstrong Central DTP High 8/26/09 0:00 9.68
56640 Anthony O'Donnell South DTP High 8/26/09 0:00 11.09
36676 Mitch Willingham South DTP Not Specified 8/26/09 0:00 8.18
15622 Cathy Armstrong Central Wholesaler High 8/26/09 0:00 60.2
5153 Helen Abelman Central Custom Order Critical 8/27/09 0:00 12.65
49319 Karen Bern East DTP Low 8/27/09 0:00 5.53
49319 Karen Bern East DTP Low 8/27/09 0:00 6.15
36676 Mitch Willingham South Wholesaler Not Specified 8/27/09 0:00 14
17924 Richard Eichhorn South DTP Critical 8/26/09 0:00 4.5
53767 Sibella Parks East DTP Not Specified 8/27/09 0:00 5.76
39169 Noel Staavos West DTP Medium 8/27/09 0:00 0.71
30276 Carlos Meador South DTP Low 8/30/09 0:00 1.1
30276 Carlos Meador South Wholesaler Low 8/30/09 0:00 54.12
54914 Duane Huffman East DTP Critical 8/29/09 0:00 5.46
8391 Sylvia Foulston East Wholesaler High 8/29/09 0:00 64.73
6336 Joseph Holt South Custom Order High 8/30/09 0:00 6.05
54914 Duane Huffman East DTP Critical 8/30/09 0:00 6.27
48709 Helen Andreada West DTP High 8/30/09 0:00 4.28
49828 Ed Braxton West Custom Order Medium 8/31/09 0:00 6.6
38561 Mark Van Huff South DTP Critical 9/1/09 0:00 7.29
11233 Kalyca Meade West DTP Not Specified 9/1/09 0:00 4.8
36679 Anna Haberlin West DTP Critical 9/2/09 0:00 8.99
4676 Annie Cyprus East DTP High 9/1/09 0:00 16.68
34596 James Galang West DTP Critical 9/1/09 0:00 6.16
6337 Justin Knight Central Wholesaler Not Specified 9/1/09 0:00 85.63
4676 Annie Cyprus East Custom Order High 9/2/09 0:00 6.47
6337 Justin Knight Central DTP Not Specified 9/2/09 0:00 37.58
4676 Annie Cyprus East DTP High 9/2/09 0:00 0.5
57799 Janet Lee Central Wholesaler High 9/2/09 0:00 69.3
51906 Art Foster Central DTP High 9/2/09 0:00 3.62
34112 Dennis Pardue Central DTP Critical 9/3/09 0:00 8.59
40896 Tracy Poddar West Custom Order Not Specified 9/3/09 0:00 1.71
8578 Lisa DeCherney West DTP High 9/3/09 0:00 5.71
27778 Roy Skaria Central DTP Critical 9/4/09 0:00 15.01
27778 Roy Skaria Central DTP Critical 9/4/09 0:00 24.49
27778 Roy Skaria Central Wholesaler Critical 9/4/09 0:00 36.09
9027 Roy French East DTP Low 9/11/09 0:00 0.99
34180 Marc Crier Central Custom Order High 9/3/09 0:00 8.09
27904 Anthony O'Donnell South DTP High 9/4/09 0:00 8.99
41152 Bobby Trafton South DTP High 9/4/09 0:00 19.95
34660 Tracy Blumstein West DTP Not Specified 9/4/09 0:00 5.68
42274 Lena Creighton West Custom Order High 9/5/09 0:00 6.2
41152 Bobby Trafton South DTP High 9/5/09 0:00 1.49
2309 Eric Barreto South DTP Low 9/5/09 0:00 1.49
42274 Lena Creighton West DTP High 9/5/09 0:00 19.99
34660 Tracy Blumstein West DTP Not Specified 9/5/09 0:00 5.81
51969 Irene Maddox West DTP High 9/4/09 0:00 6.47
13889 John Murray East Wholesaler Medium 9/5/09 0:00 54.31
9955 Liz Pelletier Central DTP Critical 9/6/09 0:00 4.9
53895 Amy Hunt Central DTP Not Specified 9/6/09 0:00 19.99
9863 Sean Christensen West DTP Critical 9/6/09 0:00 0.7
17573 Clytie Kelty South Wholesaler Low 9/6/09 0:00 49
51969 Irene Maddox West DTP High 9/7/09 0:00 8.8
17573 Clytie Kelty South DTP Low 9/8/09 0:00 7.29
58179 Ed Jacobs South DTP Medium 9/6/09 0:00 5.72
27684 John Lucas South DTP Low 9/7/09 0:00 2.89
43363 Luke Schmidt South Wholesaler Critical 9/7/09 0:00 59
19138 Carlos Daly East Custom Order Low 9/10/09 0:00 6.13
50500 Lisa DeCherney West Custom Order Low 9/6/09 0:00 1.02
8323 Jas O'Carroll East Custom Order High 9/7/09 0:00 2.5
40806 Barbara Fisher South DTP Critical 9/7/09 0:00 7.78
50500 Lisa DeCherney West DTP Low 9/10/09 0:00 0.95
47333 Sally Matthias East DTP Critical 9/7/09 0:00 3.3
39079 Debra Catini West DTP High 9/7/09 0:00 5.28
19621 Marc Crier Central Custom Order Critical 9/8/09 0:00 6.5
19621 Marc Crier Central DTP Critical 9/8/09 0:00 1.92
50566 Dan Lawera South DTP Not Specified 9/9/09 0:00 3.5
2626 Christine Kargatis West DTP Not Specified 9/9/09 0:00 0.5
2823 Robert Waldorf South DTP High 9/9/09 0:00 6.5
58593 Ricardo Emerson West DTP Critical 9/9/09 0:00 37.58
2823 Robert Waldorf South Wholesaler High 9/9/09 0:00 28.66
6054 Aleksandra Gannaway West Custom Order Low 9/10/09 0:00 5.33
706 Sarah Jordon East DTP Critical 9/10/09 0:00 0.7
27266 Art Ferguson East DTP Critical 9/11/09 0:00 1.99
6054 Aleksandra Gannaway West Custom Order Low 9/13/09 0:00 10.68
56257 Gary McGarr Central Custom Order Medium 9/10/09 0:00 5.71
34151 Craig Yedwab West DTP Not Specified 9/10/09 0:00 8.99
37414 Ben Wallace Central Wholesaler Low 9/11/09 0:00 64.59
10752 Dianna Wilson South DTP Critical 9/11/09 0:00 13.18
14368 Ivan Liston South DTP High 9/11/09 0:00 13.99
14368 Ivan Liston South DTP High 9/12/09 0:00 8.99
54084 Lauren Leatherbury East Wholesaler Critical 9/12/09 0:00 14.19
55809 Michelle Ellison West Wholesaler Critical 9/12/09 0:00 45
2436 Adam Hart East Custom Order Not Specified 9/13/09 0:00 5.47
13702 Grant Carroll East DTP Low 9/14/09 0:00 7.5
27169 Helen Andreada West DTP Not Specified 9/12/09 0:00 5.27
44451 Khloe Miller East Custom Order Critical 9/13/09 0:00 7.58
166 Valerie Takahito West Custom Order High 9/13/09 0:00 8.99
51687 Craig Molinari Central DTP Low 9/13/09 0:00 5.3
47109 Tom Stivers South DTP High 9/13/09 0:00 12.65
44451 Eva Jacobs West DTP Low 9/15/09 0:00 4.77
2181 Kelly Lampkin West DTP Medium 9/12/09 0:00 0.5
43111 Sally Knutson Central DTP High 9/13/09 0:00 19.99
59171 Phillip Breyer West DTP Medium 9/13/09 0:00 0.7
2181 Kelly Lampkin West Custom Order Medium 9/14/09 0:00 0.76
11815 Mike Gockenbach Central DTP Low 9/14/09 0:00 7.42
48101 Fred Wasserman East DTP High 9/14/09 0:00 16.87
9671 Sung Shariari South DTP High 9/14/09 0:00 1.49
1575 Dave Poirier South DTP Medium 9/14/09 0:00 0.8
1575 Dave Poirier South DTP Medium 9/14/09 0:00 5.26
10278 Rick Hansen South Wholesaler Low 9/19/09 0:00 26.74
39331 Gene McClure Central Custom Order High 9/14/09 0:00 8.49
40871 Joy Smith Central DTP Not Specified 9/15/09 0:00 5.6
30659 Kelly Williams South DTP Critical 9/15/09 0:00 0.99
40871 Joy Smith Central Wholesaler Not Specified 9/15/09 0:00 30
27271 Speros Goranitis Central Wholesaler Not Specified 9/15/09 0:00 19.19
17283 Dorothy Badders East Wholesaler Not Specified 9/15/09 0:00 14.7
32580 Paul MacIntyre South DTP High 9/15/09 0:00 1.71
23078 Jay Fine South DTP Medium 9/15/09 0:00 5.76
26439 Justin Deggeller South DTP Medium 9/15/09 0:00 5.74
17765 Dennis Kane South DTP Not Specified 9/15/09 0:00 6.05
5958 Giulietta Dortch South Wholesaler Medium 9/15/09 0:00 60
27589 Darren Budd Central DTP Medium 9/16/09 0:00 1.49
27589 Darren Budd Central DTP Medium 9/16/09 0:00 8.99
26439 Justin Deggeller South DTP Medium 9/16/09 0:00 6.5
17539 Pauline Webber South DTP Not Specified 9/16/09 0:00 5
17539 Pauline Webber South DTP Not Specified 9/16/09 0:00 8.99
27589 Darren Budd Central Custom Order Medium 9/17/09 0:00 1.99
18273 Jack Lebron Central DTP Low 9/17/09 0:00 19.99
32580 Paul MacIntyre South DTP High 9/17/09 0:00 8.74
5958 Giulietta Dortch South DTP Medium 9/17/09 0:00 24.49
23078 Jay Fine South DTP Medium 9/17/09 0:00 27.41
26439 Justin Deggeller South DTP Medium 9/17/09 0:00 4.99
24705 Annie Thurman West DTP Critical 9/17/09 0:00 1.99
24705 Annie Thurman West DTP Critical 9/17/09 0:00 7.72
27781 Shahid Hopkins West DTP High 9/17/09 0:00 2.5
47174 Maria Bertelson East DTP Critical 9/16/09 0:00 7.51
20071 Cari Schnelling East Wholesaler Medium 9/19/09 0:00 14.36
1127 Stuart Calhoun West DTP Not Specified 9/19/09 0:00 13.99
28992 Craig Yedwab West Custom Order Critical 9/20/09 0:00 19.99
55492 Stewart Visinsky Central Custom Order Critical 9/21/09 0:00 7.69
26787 Jamie Frazer Central Custom Order High 9/21/09 0:00 5.79
18852 Theresa Swint Central Custom Order High 9/21/09 0:00 5.97
22210 Tracy Collins Central DTP Critical 9/21/09 0:00 4.86
27715 Darrin Sayre East DTP High 9/21/09 0:00 6.28
36708 William Brown South DTP Not Specified 9/21/09 0:00 17.13
19462 Mark Cousins East DTP Medium 9/21/09 0:00 35
21188 Matthew Grinstein East DTP Critical 9/23/09 0:00 24.49
2658 Bill Shonely East Custom Order Medium 9/22/09 0:00 10.68
3363 Gary Zandusky South DTP High 9/22/09 0:00 11.37
2658 Bill Shonely East DTP Medium 9/23/09 0:00 9.54
18593 Tamara Manning South DTP High 9/23/09 0:00 7.18
45606 Jim Sink South DTP Medium 9/23/09 0:00 2.27
6086 Michael Kennedy Central DTP Critical 9/24/09 0:00 19.99
41184 Charlotte Melton East DTP High 9/24/09 0:00 11.25
45606 Jim Sink South DTP Medium 9/24/09 0:00 8.54
18593 Tamara Manning South Wholesaler High 9/24/09 0:00 89.3
18375 Theresa Swint Central DTP Low 9/26/09 0:00 0.5
58247 Christopher Martinez Central DTP Not Specified 9/23/09 0:00 0.99
52711 Aimee Bixby West DTP Not Specified 9/23/09 0:00 3.37
58247 Christopher Martinez Central DTP Not Specified 9/25/09 0:00 7.86
22149 Bobby Trafton South DTP Low 9/25/09 0:00 1.2
52711 Aimee Bixby West DTP Not Specified 9/25/09 0:00 4
52711 Aimee Bixby West DTP Not Specified 9/25/09 0:00 8.99
22149 Bobby Trafton South DTP Low 9/28/09 0:00 1.01
15621 Gene Hale West DTP Critical 9/24/09 0:00 13.99
15621 Gene Hale West Custom Order Critical 9/25/09 0:00 1.57
45794 Rick Bensley Central DTP Critical 9/26/09 0:00 10.25
31233 Brad Thomas East DTP Low 9/26/09 0:00 5.02
38758 Justin Hirsh West DTP Not Specified 9/26/09 0:00 49
31233 Brad Thomas East DTP Low 9/28/09 0:00 1.99
31233 Brad Thomas East DTP Low 9/28/09 0:00 8.99
31233 Brad Thomas East DTP Low 10/3/09 0:00 69
24996 Roy Phan East DTP Critical 9/26/09 0:00 5.1
18085 Lisa DeCherney West DTP High 9/26/09 0:00 4.2
24996 Roy Phan East DTP Critical 9/27/09 0:00 1.25
18085 Lisa DeCherney West Wholesaler High 9/27/09 0:00 40.19
58947 Helen Abelman Central DTP Not Specified 9/26/09 0:00 2.87
58947 Helen Abelman Central DTP Not Specified 9/27/09 0:00 5.02
45601 Dan Reichenbach Central DTP High 9/28/09 0:00 5.97
56929 Claire Good South DTP High 9/28/09 0:00 1.99
30787 Sandra Glassco West DTP High 9/28/09 0:00 8.99
14884 Michael Moore Central DTP High 9/29/09 0:00 4.9
50464 Natalie Webber Central DTP Critical 9/30/09 0:00 7.17
52805 Vivek Grady West Custom Order High 9/28/09 0:00 5.5
36930 Michelle Arnett Central DTP Medium 9/30/09 0:00 3.3
36608 Mitch Gastineau East DTP Low 10/2/09 0:00 2.87
44997 Katherine Hughes West DTP Low 10/2/09 0:00 4.86
36608 Mitch Gastineau East DTP Low 10/5/09 0:00 19.99
8419 Nicole Hansen East DTP Critical 9/30/09 0:00 7.03
24326 Cindy Schnelling South DTP Critical 9/30/09 0:00 1.5
19264 Ivan Liston South DTP High 9/30/09 0:00 1.52
8419 Nicole Hansen East Custom Order Critical 10/1/09 0:00 5.97
24326 Cindy Schnelling South DTP Critical 10/1/09 0:00 3.5
19264 Ivan Liston South DTP High 10/1/09 0:00 5.26
34853 Matt Abelman East DTP Critical 10/2/09 0:00 6.85
56322 Sean Braxton Central DTP Medium 10/2/09 0:00 11.68
13638 Steve Nguyen South DTP High 10/2/09 0:00 1.99
56006 Bill Shonely East DTP Critical 10/1/09 0:00 9.68
49760 Denise Monton Central DTP Medium 10/2/09 0:00 5.3
49760 Denise Monton Central Custom Order Medium 10/3/09 0:00 9.03
49760 Denise Monton Central DTP Medium 10/3/09 0:00 5.92
56006 Bill Shonely East DTP Critical 10/3/09 0:00 1.25
16582 Katherine Nockton South Wholesaler Critical 10/3/09 0:00 43.57
49223 Chuck Clark East DTP Medium 10/2/09 0:00 7.28
29317 Becky Pak South DTP Not Specified 10/2/09 0:00 0.7
29317 Becky Pak South Wholesaler Not Specified 10/3/09 0:00 16.06
3460 Steve Nguyen South DTP High 10/4/09 0:00 4.69
47236 Michael Dominguez West DTP High 10/4/09 0:00 3.5
29317 Becky Pak South Wholesaler Not Specified 10/4/09 0:00 23.76
44965 Peter Fuller South DTP Low 10/6/09 0:00 1.4
47010 Robert Dilbeck South Wholesaler Critical 10/3/09 0:00 30
22211 Peter Fuller South Wholesaler Not Specified 10/4/09 0:00 85.63
28737 Brad Thomas East DTP Critical 10/5/09 0:00 4.23
28737 Brad Thomas East DTP Critical 10/5/09 0:00 7.77
46916 Nora Price East DTP High 10/5/09 0:00 1.47
46916 Nora Price East DTP High 10/5/09 0:00 19.99
51971 Dorothy Badders East DTP Not Specified 10/5/09 0:00 35
51971 Dorothy Badders East DTP Not Specified 10/5/09 0:00 69
42657 Eileen Kiefer South DTP Low 10/5/09 0:00 5.97
22211 Peter Fuller South DTP Not Specified 10/5/09 0:00 19.99
29351 Sanjit Jacobs West DTP Medium 10/5/09 0:00 19.99
10979 Amy Hunt Central Custom Order Medium 10/6/09 0:00 5.86
55077 Stewart Visinsky Central DTP Critical 10/6/09 0:00 4.49
10979 Amy Hunt Central DTP Medium 10/6/09 0:00 3.92
12871 Michael Oakman Central DTP Not Specified 10/6/09 0:00 4.68
32036 Pauline Chand East DTP Medium 10/6/09 0:00 7.51
1988 Paul Knutson Central DTP Not Specified 10/7/09 0:00 4.51
32036 Pauline Chand East DTP Medium 10/7/09 0:00 10.75
13156 Jennifer Ferguson South DTP Low 10/10/09 0:00 9.2
19911 Brosina Hoffman West DTP High 10/6/09 0:00 13.99
42919 David Bremer South Custom Order Medium 10/7/09 0:00 4.2
19911 Brosina Hoffman West DTP High 10/7/09 0:00 5.37
4128 Allen Golden South DTP Not Specified 10/8/09 0:00 5.12
19911 Brosina Hoffman West Wholesaler High 10/8/09 0:00 28.63
835 Duane Huffman East DTP Not Specified 10/8/09 0:00 5.14
35077 Michael Dominguez West DTP High 10/8/09 0:00 0.96
59108 Edward Becker West DTP Low 10/12/09 0:00 3.97
22181 Alan Hwang South DTP Low 10/16/09 0:00 1.82
59108 Edward Becker West DTP Low 10/16/09 0:00 8.99
53443 Jenna Caffey West DTP Critical 10/9/09 0:00 5.84
27174 Alex Avila South DTP Critical 10/10/09 0:00 5
53443 Jenna Caffey West DTP Critical 10/10/09 0:00 0.5
39332 Khloe Miller East Custom Order Critical 10/10/09 0:00 14.45
16422 Beth Fritzler Central DTP Critical 10/10/09 0:00 5.14
14116 Doug Bickford South DTP High 10/10/09 0:00 14.72
16422 Beth Fritzler Central DTP Critical 10/11/09 0:00 4.68
14116 Doug Bickford South DTP High 10/11/09 0:00 11.63
22689 Benjamin Farhat West DTP Low 10/11/09 0:00 0.99
35649 Justin Hirsh West DTP Medium 10/11/09 0:00 7.23
40134 Shahid Hopkins West DTP Low 10/13/09 0:00 1.99
40134 Shahid Hopkins West DTP Low 10/14/09 0:00 4.72
40134 Shahid Hopkins West DTP Low 10/16/09 0:00 4.5
41318 Brian Stugart East Custom Order Low 10/18/09 0:00 13.22
2532 Alan Barnes Central DTP High 10/11/09 0:00 0.49
2532 Alan Barnes Central DTP High 10/11/09 0:00 2.5
9127 Bryan Davis Central Custom Order Not Specified 10/12/09 0:00 35
52675 Christopher Martinez Central DTP Medium 10/12/09 0:00 1.12
52675 Christopher Martinez Central DTP Medium 10/12/09 0:00 2.39
7075 Shirley Jackson West DTP Low 10/12/09 0:00 10.68
7075 Shirley Jackson West DTP Low 10/14/09 0:00 2.58
33571 Steven Ward Central DTP Medium 10/14/09 0:00 2.03
13986 Kristina Nunn West DTP High 10/14/09 0:00 1.99
10339 Bradley Drucker West DTP Low 10/15/09 0:00 21.21
5217 Lycoris Saunders Central Custom Order High 10/12/09 0:00 5.33
28641 Liz Pelletier Central Custom Order Not Specified 10/13/09 0:00 2.38
50499 Brian Derr East Wholesaler Not Specified 10/13/09 0:00 15.66
5217 Lycoris Saunders Central DTP High 10/14/09 0:00 0.99
44322 Max Jones West DTP Not Specified 10/14/09 0:00 6.22
42788 Amy Hunt Central DTP Critical 10/15/09 0:00 2.27
27872 Shaun Chance South DTP Not Specified 10/15/09 0:00 7.27
5989 Ellis Ballard South DTP Medium 10/15/09 0:00 1.34
5989 Ellis Ballard South DTP Medium 10/16/09 0:00 5.37
12611 Justin Ellison East Custom Order Medium 10/17/09 0:00 1.49
12419 Sylvia Foulston East DTP Critical 10/17/09 0:00 13.99
51300 Toby Carlisle South DTP Medium 10/17/09 0:00 1.99
9124 Henry Goldwyn Central DTP Low 10/16/09 0:00 6.5
2657 Troy Blackwell Central DTP High 10/17/09 0:00 8.99
2657 Troy Blackwell Central Wholesaler High 10/18/09 0:00 23.19
9124 Henry Goldwyn Central DTP Low 10/21/09 0:00 7.28
33734 Jamie Kunitz East DTP Not Specified 10/18/09 0:00 4.86
1666 Nona Balk South Custom Order Critical 10/19/09 0:00 19.99
47075 Mick Crebagga Central Wholesaler Medium 10/19/09 0:00 35.84
35110 Mike Caudle West DTP High 10/19/09 0:00 19.99
27363 Deborah Brumfield West DTP Medium 10/19/09 0:00 6.67
11271 Berenike Kampe West DTP High 10/20/09 0:00 3.97
35110 Mike Caudle West DTP High 10/20/09 0:00 1.99
27363 Deborah Brumfield West DTP Medium 10/20/09 0:00 35
31777 Logan Currie Central DTP Not Specified 10/19/09 0:00 6.47
13126 Raymond Book East DTP Not Specified 10/20/09 0:00 24.49
31777 Logan Currie Central Wholesaler Not Specified 10/21/09 0:00 23.76
13126 Raymond Book East Wholesaler Not Specified 10/21/09 0:00 57.84
37891 Steven Roelle East Wholesaler High 10/20/09 0:00 66.67
55744 Sarah Brown South DTP Critical 10/21/09 0:00 0.99
18532 Jasper Cacioppo South DTP Not Specified 10/21/09 0:00 7.77
29158 Matt Abelman East Wholesaler High 10/21/09 0:00 23.76
37891 Steven Roelle East Custom Order High 10/22/09 0:00 0.7
135 Anne Pryor Central DTP Not Specified 10/22/09 0:00 4.62
11493 Dennis Bolton East DTP Critical 10/22/09 0:00 1.22
37891 Steven Roelle East DTP High 10/22/09 0:00 6.6
37891 Steven Roelle East DTP High 10/22/09 0:00 13.99
18532 Jasper Cacioppo South DTP Not Specified 10/22/09 0:00 10.68
16320 Filia McAdams West DTP Not Specified 10/22/09 0:00 8.08
42148 Jeremy Pistek South DTP Critical 10/23/09 0:00 2.97
57380 Pauline Webber South Wholesaler Low 10/24/09 0:00 52.2
52389 Justin Deggeller South DTP Critical 10/21/09 0:00 8.99
41987 Shaun Chance South Wholesaler Not Specified 10/22/09 0:00 29.2
55650 Steven Cartwright Central DTP Low 10/23/09 0:00 5.5
54215 Denny Ordway West DTP High 10/23/09 0:00 1.99
8773 Sally Matthias East DTP Critical 10/22/09 0:00 5
35 Julie Creighton Central DTP Not Specified 10/23/09 0:00 2.25
53728 Paul MacIntyre South DTP High 10/23/09 0:00 1.49
4387 Bobby Odegard East Wholesaler Critical 10/23/09 0:00 39.25
20160 Chad Cunningham East Custom Order Low 10/24/09 0:00 1.79
35 Julie Creighton Central DTP Not Specified 10/24/09 0:00 8.99
11040 Scot Coram West DTP Not Specified 10/23/09 0:00 6.71
21893 Gary Zandusky South Custom Order Critical 10/25/09 0:00 8.13
4512 Sandra Flanagan West Wholesaler Low 10/29/09 0:00 43.75
33987 Sara Luxemburg West DTP High 10/26/09 0:00 3.99
33987 Sara Luxemburg West Wholesaler High 10/26/09 0:00 30
47106 Becky Martin South DTP Medium 10/27/09 0:00 3.99
47106 Becky Martin South DTP Medium 10/27/09 0:00 5.99
20384 Mitch Webber Central Wholesaler Low 10/29/09 0:00 110.2
20384 Mitch Webber Central DTP Low 11/1/09 0:00 9.37
39041 Adam Hart East Custom Order Critical 10/26/09 0:00 7.96
26144 Lindsay Castell Central DTP High 10/27/09 0:00 0.99
52195 Alyssa Tate South DTP Not Specified 10/27/09 0:00 7.17
13472 Corey Catlett West DTP Critical 10/27/09 0:00 0.5
39041 Adam Hart East DTP Critical 10/28/09 0:00 5.3
27717 Tracy Collins Central DTP Critical 10/29/09 0:00 7.5
58055 Julia West East DTP Critical 10/29/09 0:00 5.21
53283 Corey Lock East DTP High 10/29/09 0:00 5.76
34082 Dan Lawera South DTP Not Specified 10/29/09 0:00 21.48
57287 Randy Ferguson South DTP Not Specified 10/29/09 0:00 1.99
32001 Chad McGuire Central DTP Low 10/30/09 0:00 13.99
17377 Erin Creighton Central DTP Low 10/30/09 0:00 1.2
34082 Dan Lawera South DTP Not Specified 10/30/09 0:00 8.99
31109 Sung Pak South DTP Low 11/1/09 0:00 12.62
32001 Chad McGuire Central DTP Low 11/2/09 0:00 3.63
5092 John Castell East Wholesaler Low 10/29/09 0:00 64.66
22657 Ralph Kennedy West Custom Order High 10/30/09 0:00 11.25
22657 Ralph Kennedy West DTP High 10/30/09 0:00 2
48164 Christine Sundaresam West DTP High 10/31/09 0:00 0.7
5092 John Castell East DTP Low 11/3/09 0:00 13.26
38628 Nora Price East DTP Low 11/3/09 0:00 1.25
19557 Valerie Dominguez Central DTP Low 10/30/09 0:00 5.1
420 Tony Sayre East DTP Not Specified 10/30/09 0:00 4.86
27559 Aaron Hawkins South DTP High 10/31/09 0:00 4.86
20898 Dave Kipp Central DTP Medium 11/1/09 0:00 5.63
420 Tony Sayre East DTP Not Specified 11/1/09 0:00 5.37
19557 Valerie Dominguez Central DTP Low 11/3/09 0:00 0.8
50726 Ruben Dartt East Custom Order Low 10/31/09 0:00 0.99
51557 Craig Carroll West DTP High 10/31/09 0:00 2.4
57091 Vivek Grady West Custom Order Medium 11/1/09 0:00 1.02
23781 Ashley Jarboe West DTP Critical 11/2/09 0:00 5.84
59205 Neil Knudson West DTP Critical 11/2/09 0:00 13.93
51557 Craig Carroll West DTP High 11/2/09 0:00 5.79
50726 Ruben Dartt East Wholesaler Low 11/4/09 0:00 23.76
52162 Darren Budd Central DTP Not Specified 11/1/09 0:00 9.68
55425 Paul Knutson Central Custom Order Critical 11/2/09 0:00 7.69
55425 Paul Knutson Central DTP Critical 11/2/09 0:00 9.45
52162 Darren Budd Central DTP Not Specified 11/2/09 0:00 1.35
54368 Kimberly Carter Central DTP Not Specified 11/2/09 0:00 4.99
54368 Kimberly Carter Central DTP Not Specified 11/2/09 0:00 5.49
5281 Irene Maddox West DTP High 11/2/09 0:00 21.21
5281 Irene Maddox West Wholesaler High 11/2/09 0:00 30
55425 Paul Knutson Central Custom Order Critical 11/3/09 0:00 7.18
54368 Kimberly Carter Central DTP Not Specified 11/3/09 0:00 5.83
36 Sample Company A East DTP Critical 11/2/09 0:00 4.2
55206 Kimberly Carter Central Custom Order Medium 11/3/09 0:00 4.79
56577 Quincy Jones South Wholesaler Critical 11/3/09 0:00 54.12
34179 Brian DeCherney West DTP Not Specified 11/4/09 0:00 1.99
56577 Quincy Jones South Wholesaler Critical 11/4/09 0:00 36.61
53056 Helen Andreada West DTP Critical 11/4/09 0:00 8.97
54116 Frank Gastineau West Wholesaler Critical 11/4/09 0:00 16.01
33254 Keith Dawkins Central DTP Not Specified 11/5/09 0:00 9.2
52321 Doug Bickford South Wholesaler High 11/5/09 0:00 60
31399 Adrian Shami Central DTP Not Specified 11/6/09 0:00 4.99
58690 Roland Black East Wholesaler High 11/6/09 0:00 69.64
51009 Scot Wooten Central DTP Not Specified 11/7/09 0:00 6.92
52321 Doug Bickford South DTP High 11/7/09 0:00 6.13
4672 Alan Dominguez West DTP Critical 11/7/09 0:00 3.68
1191 Karl Brown West Wholesaler Medium 11/7/09 0:00 60
46503 Meg O'Connel East DTP Not Specified 11/9/09 0:00 1.25
3008 Charles Crestani South DTP Medium 11/8/09 0:00 19.99
43459 Ed Braxton West DTP Critical 11/8/09 0:00 24.49
51525 Patrick O'Brill West Custom Order Critical 11/9/09 0:00 4
51525 Patrick O'Brill West DTP Critical 11/9/09 0:00 8.22
36387 Brian DeCherney West DTP High 11/10/09 0:00 1.99
24931 MaryBeth Skach West DTP Low 11/11/09 0:00 5.08
52930 Sarah Foster West DTP Low 11/8/09 0:00 4.55
12448 Dennis Kane South Wholesaler Critical 11/9/09 0:00 69.55
12448 Dennis Kane South DTP Critical 11/11/09 0:00 11.51
52930 Sarah Foster West DTP Low 11/12/09 0:00 1.39
52930 Sarah Foster West DTP Low 11/13/09 0:00 8.09
32198 Joseph Airdo Central DTP Medium 11/9/09 0:00 5.53
10369 Kimberly Carter Central DTP Low 11/11/09 0:00 4.96
3141 Matt Collister West DTP Critical 11/11/09 0:00 3.17
10369 Kimberly Carter Central DTP Low 11/14/09 0:00 8.99
35587 Barry Pond East DTP Critical 11/11/09 0:00 5.72
28870 Cindy Schnelling South DTP High 11/11/09 0:00 6.5
11652 Olvera Toch West DTP Not Specified 11/11/09 0:00 5.5
11652 Olvera Toch West DTP Not Specified 11/11/09 0:00 10.39
17926 Sally Knutson Central DTP Critical 11/12/09 0:00 8.78
6432 Lena Creighton West DTP Critical 11/12/09 0:00 4.5
11652 Olvera Toch West DTP Not Specified 11/12/09 0:00 2.04
11652 Olvera Toch West DTP Not Specified 11/12/09 0:00 8.99
28870 Cindy Schnelling South DTP High 11/13/09 0:00 2.5
37223 Victoria Wilson West Custom Order Low 11/14/09 0:00 8.99
37223 Victoria Wilson West DTP Low 11/15/09 0:00 35
37223 Victoria Wilson West DTP Low 11/17/09 0:00 9.47
51783 Brian Stugart East DTP Medium 11/13/09 0:00 5.79
51783 Brian Stugart East Wholesaler Medium 11/13/09 0:00 118.51
57700 Paul MacIntyre South DTP Medium 11/12/09 0:00 3.61
33126 Deborah Brumfield West Custom Order Critical 11/13/09 0:00 12.65
35239 Barry Blumstein Central DTP Critical 11/13/09 0:00 6.26
35239 Barry Blumstein Central DTP Critical 11/14/09 0:00 9.71
33126 Deborah Brumfield West DTP Critical 11/14/09 0:00 0.5
10944 Mike Vittorini West DTP High 11/14/09 0:00 8.51
5925 Joy Bell East DTP Low 11/19/09 0:00 0.99
5925 Joy Bell East DTP Low 11/19/09 0:00 39.61
40934 Carol Triggs Central DTP Not Specified 11/14/09 0:00 0.7
16260 Cari MacIntyre South Wholesaler High 11/14/09 0:00 42.52
40934 Carol Triggs Central DTP Not Specified 11/15/09 0:00 4.99
871 David Kendrick South DTP Low 11/14/09 0:00 5.22
3235 James Lanier East Custom Order Low 11/16/09 0:00 0.7
59973 Suzanne McNair South Wholesaler Low 11/15/09 0:00 14.7
59554 Karen Daniels West DTP Critical 11/16/09 0:00 4
38272 Sarah Foster West DTP Critical 11/17/09 0:00 1.49
59973 Suzanne McNair South Wholesaler Low 11/19/09 0:00 29.1
16993 Erin Mull South DTP Medium 11/16/09 0:00 2.5
14662 Karl Brown West DTP High 11/17/09 0:00 5.75
14662 Karl Brown West DTP High 11/17/09 0:00 8.99
6982 Dorothy Wardle East Custom Order Not Specified 11/18/09 0:00 1.99
41413 Art Miller Central DTP Low 11/18/09 0:00 14.45
6982 Dorothy Wardle East DTP Not Specified 11/18/09 0:00 10.49
57121 Grace Kelly South DTP Not Specified 11/18/09 0:00 4.2
57121 Grace Kelly South DTP Not Specified 11/18/09 0:00 4.72
6982 Dorothy Wardle East Wholesaler Not Specified 11/18/09 0:00 57.38
41413 Art Miller Central DTP Low 11/20/09 0:00 6
41413 Art Miller Central DTP Low 11/23/09 0:00 24.49
15264 Ben Wallace Central DTP Medium 11/17/09 0:00 0.49
46951 Katherine Ducich West DTP Critical 11/18/09 0:00 5.92
15264 Ben Wallace Central DTP Medium 11/19/09 0:00 19.99
44003 Maris LaWare West DTP Low 11/21/09 0:00 2.99
35687 Gary Hwang Central Custom Order Not Specified 11/19/09 0:00 4.98
29383 Jas O'Carroll East DTP Medium 11/19/09 0:00 4
29383 Jas O'Carroll East DTP Medium 11/19/09 0:00 8.73
21859 Kalyca Meade West DTP High 11/19/09 0:00 5.71
59009 Sally Hughsby South Custom Order Critical 11/20/09 0:00 17.08
36640 Benjamin Patterson West Custom Order Not Specified 11/20/09 0:00 1.99
32647 Rick Bensley Central DTP High 11/20/09 0:00 4
29383 Jas O'Carroll East DTP Medium 11/20/09 0:00 4.88
32647 Rick Bensley Central Wholesaler High 11/20/09 0:00 84.84
51200 Tom Prescott Central DTP Medium 11/21/09 0:00 5.5
20960 Giulietta Weimer West DTP Low 11/23/09 0:00 6.5
32069 Gene McClure Central Wholesaler Not Specified 11/19/09 0:00 17.85
49952 Beth Thompson East Custom Order High 11/20/09 0:00 5.81
26176 Gary McGarr Central DTP High 11/20/09 0:00 4.81
25318 Julia West East Custom Order Critical 11/21/09 0:00 10.49
26176 Gary McGarr Central DTP High 11/21/09 0:00 8.19
32069 Gene McClure Central DTP Not Specified 11/21/09 0:00 9.68
37252 Steve Chapman South DTP Low 11/21/09 0:00 3.5
37252 Steve Chapman South DTP Low 11/21/09 0:00 19.99
25318 Ken Dana West DTP Critical 11/21/09 0:00 1.49
37252 Steve Chapman South DTP Low 11/23/09 0:00 2.38
27298 Philisse Overcash West DTP Low 11/23/09 0:00 24.49
44256 Sally Knutson Central DTP Low 11/24/09 0:00 5.84
27298 Philisse Overcash West DTP Low 11/24/09 0:00 4.86
37252 Steve Chapman South Wholesaler Low 11/24/09 0:00 44.55
44256 Sally Knutson Central Custom Order Low 11/26/09 0:00 8.99
55873 Bart Watters East Wholesaler Low 11/26/09 0:00 26.53
44256 Sally Knutson Central DTP Low 11/28/09 0:00 2.87
26214 Beth Fritzler Central Custom Order Medium 11/21/09 0:00 1.39
26214 Beth Fritzler Central DTP Medium 11/21/09 0:00 6.77
56484 Bobby Trafton South DTP Not Specified 11/22/09 0:00 2.99
56484 Bobby Trafton South DTP Not Specified 11/22/09 0:00 12.14
47747 Patrick Gardner South Custom Order High 11/23/09 0:00 5.33
42370 Catherine Glotzbach South DTP High 11/23/09 0:00 4.83
26948 Matt Collister West Custom Order High 11/23/09 0:00 2.25
26948 Matt Collister West DTP High 11/23/09 0:00 7.72
6433 Matt Collister West DTP Medium 11/23/09 0:00 0.5
10342 Michelle Ellison West DTP Medium 11/23/09 0:00 11.64
10342 Michelle Ellison West Custom Order Medium 11/24/09 0:00 13.99
34913 William Brown South DTP Medium 11/24/09 0:00 5.48
10342 Michelle Ellison West DTP Medium 11/24/09 0:00 14.45
10342 Michelle Ellison West Wholesaler Medium 11/24/09 0:00 58.72
36359 Ken Heidel South DTP High 11/24/09 0:00 5.76
12930 Grant Thornton East DTP High 11/25/09 0:00 4.5
37893 Bart Folk East DTP Not Specified 11/25/09 0:00 5.5
29795 Grant Carroll East DTP High 11/26/09 0:00 19.99
29795 Grant Carroll East Wholesaler High 11/26/09 0:00 35.02
22304 Joseph Airdo Central DTP Low 11/29/09 0:00 0.7
56039 Erica Smith Central DTP Low 11/30/09 0:00 5.2
21731 Liz MacKendrick West DTP Low 11/26/09 0:00 49
30532 Victoria Wilson West Custom Order High 11/27/09 0:00 5.25
30532 Victoria Wilson West DTP High 11/27/09 0:00 9.73
56900 Bradley Talbott South DTP Not Specified 11/28/09 0:00 0.7
30532 Victoria Wilson West DTP High 11/28/09 0:00 5.01
30532 Victoria Wilson West Wholesaler High 11/28/09 0:00 23.58
3622 Steven Ward Central DTP Low 12/1/09 0:00 5.41
20804 Sean Miller West Wholesaler Low 12/3/09 0:00 14.7
51553 Adrian Barton South DTP Not Specified 11/28/09 0:00 24.49
51553 Adrian Barton South Custom Order Not Specified 11/29/09 0:00 4.39
51553 Adrian Barton South DTP Not Specified 11/29/09 0:00 6.15
52071 Annie Thurman West DTP Not Specified 11/29/09 0:00 4.95
52071 Annie Thurman West DTP Not Specified 11/29/09 0:00 5.6
51553 Adrian Barton South DTP Not Specified 11/30/09 0:00 5.67
26437 Sara Luxemburg West Custom Order Critical 11/29/09 0:00 6.22
31520 Rob Beeghly South DTP High 11/29/09 0:00 5.57
26437 Sara Luxemburg West DTP Critical 11/30/09 0:00 0.7
51842 Tamara Manning South DTP Low 12/2/09 0:00 35
51842 Tamara Manning South DTP Low 12/3/09 0:00 5.81
49477 Grant Carroll East DTP Medium 11/29/09 0:00 5.83
53411 Brenda Bowman Central DTP Critical 11/30/09 0:00 4
3046 Sung Pak South DTP High 12/1/09 0:00 19.99
56130 David Bremer South DTP Medium 12/1/09 0:00 1.57
56130 David Bremer South DTP Medium 12/1/09 0:00 8.99
4579 Dennis Bolton East DTP High 12/1/09 0:00 2.99
19523 Jim Sink South DTP High 12/1/09 0:00 2.2
33253 Katherine Murray West DTP Not Specified 12/2/09 0:00 1.17
33253 Katherine Murray West DTP Not Specified 12/2/09 0:00 3.3
27106 Lena Creighton West DTP High 12/1/09 0:00 1.39
25248 Christina Vanderzanden West DTP Medium 12/2/09 0:00 5.81
25248 Christina Vanderzanden West Custom Order Medium 12/3/09 0:00 1.99
27106 Lena Creighton West DTP High 12/3/09 0:00 3.63
27106 Lena Creighton West DTP High 12/3/09 0:00 4.49
27106 Lena Creighton West Wholesaler High 12/3/09 0:00 30
33510 Vivek Grady West DTP High 12/2/09 0:00 17.48
14563 Becky Pak South DTP Critical 12/3/09 0:00 5.99
37667 Peter Fuller South DTP High 12/3/09 0:00 6.46
33510 Vivek Grady West DTP High 12/3/09 0:00 5.22
32065 Laurel Elliston West DTP Medium 12/3/09 0:00 8.51
45376 Vivek Gonzalez South Wholesaler Critical 12/3/09 0:00 99
58755 Denise Monton Central DTP Low 12/5/09 0:00 1.49
774 Sibella Parks East DTP Critical 12/5/09 0:00 49
29255 Sally Hughsby South Custom Order Low 12/7/09 0:00 8.99
56868 Bobby Trafton South DTP Low 12/10/09 0:00 5.92
58755 Denise Monton Central DTP Low 12/12/09 0:00 7.09
41664 Janet Molinari East DTP Critical 12/4/09 0:00 1.99
54401 Dave Hallsten Central DTP High 12/6/09 0:00 1.49
17376 Joy Smith Central DTP High 12/6/09 0:00 1.99
41664 Janet Molinari East DTP Critical 12/6/09 0:00 4.08
28963 Joel Eaton East DTP Not Specified 12/6/09 0:00 2.5
48641 Benjamin Venier South DTP High 12/6/09 0:00 0.8
47303 Xylona Price West DTP Medium 12/6/09 0:00 13.02
47303 Xylona Price West Custom Order Medium 12/7/09 0:00 7.37
38531 Ionia McGrath South Custom Order Low 12/12/09 0:00 2.26
9344 Christy Brittain South DTP Low 12/6/09 0:00 8.99
18400 Ralph Arnett West DTP Not Specified 12/7/09 0:00 4
9344 Christy Brittain South DTP Low 12/8/09 0:00 35
20864 Dianna Vittorini West DTP High 12/8/09 0:00 4.95
40480 Harold Engle Central Custom Order Critical 12/7/09 0:00 19.99
30279 Ellis Ballard South DTP Critical 12/7/09 0:00 4.5
38146 Erica Hackney South DTP Low 12/7/09 0:00 14.87
43875 Adam Hart East DTP Critical 12/8/09 0:00 8.99
30279 Ellis Ballard South Wholesaler Critical 12/8/09 0:00 16.63
40480 Harold Engle Central DTP Critical 12/9/09 0:00 6.93
28581 Carol Triggs Central DTP Medium 12/9/09 0:00 13.78
43875 Adam Hart East DTP Critical 12/9/09 0:00 16.2
43875 Adam Hart East Wholesaler Critical 12/9/09 0:00 143.71
43875 Adam Hart East Custom Order Critical 12/10/09 0:00 6.75
38146 Erica Hackney South DTP Low 12/11/09 0:00 6.16
20098 Chuck Sachs East DTP Medium 12/8/09 0:00 8.99
55042 Russell Applegate Central DTP High 12/9/09 0:00 2.5
9829 Valerie Takahito West DTP Critical 12/9/09 0:00 11.63
55042 Russell Applegate Central Custom Order High 12/10/09 0:00 4.5
20098 Chuck Sachs East DTP Medium 12/10/09 0:00 9.4
9829 Valerie Takahito West DTP Critical 12/10/09 0:00 0.5
59200 Maria Bertelson East DTP Medium 12/9/09 0:00 4.62
9093 Cyra Reiten South DTP Medium 12/9/09 0:00 2.83
59200 Maria Bertelson East DTP Medium 12/11/09 0:00 5.81
44452 Susan Pistek South DTP Not Specified 12/11/09 0:00 7.86
12130 Grace Kelly South DTP Not Specified 12/12/09 0:00 3.62
12130 Grace Kelly South DTP Not Specified 12/12/09 0:00 5.99
57510 Liz Carlisle Central DTP Not Specified 12/10/09 0:00 5.2
47265 Ben Wallace Central DTP Critical 12/11/09 0:00 5.46
22848 Nicole Brennan West DTP Not Specified 12/11/09 0:00 49
33219 Duane Huffman East Wholesaler High 12/11/09 0:00 64.2
21927 Karen Carlisle South Wholesaler High 12/11/09 0:00 30
6912 Alan Shonely West DTP Not Specified 12/12/09 0:00 5.94
22848 Nicole Brennan West DTP Not Specified 12/12/09 0:00 6.5
15941 Michelle Tran West Wholesaler Not Specified 12/12/09 0:00 36.61
22848 Nicole Brennan West Wholesaler Not Specified 12/12/09 0:00 30
12262 Julia Barnett South Wholesaler Low 12/15/09 0:00 45.51
42083 Sue Ann Reed Central DTP Critical 12/11/09 0:00 2.56
26464 Tamara Willingham East DTP High 12/11/09 0:00 4.5
40870 Justin MacKendrick South DTP Critical 12/11/09 0:00 7.18
26464 Tamara Willingham East DTP High 12/12/09 0:00 22.24
42083 Sue Ann Reed Central DTP Critical 12/13/09 0:00 6.22
42083 Sue Ann Reed Central DTP Critical 12/13/09 0:00 24.49
40870 Justin MacKendrick South DTP Critical 12/13/09 0:00 5.32
41956 Mark Hamilton South Custom Order Medium 12/13/09 0:00 6.25
41956 Mark Hamilton South DTP Medium 12/14/09 0:00 4.93
2595 Art Miller Central Wholesaler Not Specified 12/14/09 0:00 44.55
2595 Art Miller Central Custom Order Not Specified 12/15/09 0:00 8.74
2595 Art Miller Central DTP Not Specified 12/15/09 0:00 5.26
13089 Damala Kotsonis South Wholesaler Not Specified 12/17/09 0:00 58.72
12199 Justin Knight Central DTP Low 12/18/09 0:00 7.07
12199 Justin Knight Central DTP Low 12/19/09 0:00 5.27
20743 Roger Demir West Custom Order High 12/16/09 0:00 8.16
22086 Jamie Frazer Central Wholesaler Medium 12/16/09 0:00 74.35
51201 Jonathan Doherty Central DTP High 12/16/09 0:00 11.51
32803 James Lanier East Custom Order Medium 12/17/09 0:00 4.71
50688 Joy Bell East DTP Critical 12/17/09 0:00 3.14
32613 Michael Chen Central Custom Order Low 12/18/09 0:00 3.99
32613 Michael Chen Central DTP Low 12/18/09 0:00 35
32803 James Lanier East DTP Medium 12/18/09 0:00 2.5
47079 Ed Braxton West Wholesaler Critical 12/18/09 0:00 45.51
32613 Michael Chen Central Custom Order Low 12/23/09 0:00 8.99
50854 Dan Lawera South Custom Order Critical 12/17/09 0:00 3.37
51463 Liz Willingham South Custom Order Low 12/17/09 0:00 3.9
50854 Dan Lawera South DTP Critical 12/17/09 0:00 4.95
41349 Jennifer Patt South Custom Order Critical 12/18/09 0:00 11.51
47717 Andy Gerbode Central DTP Not Specified 12/18/09 0:00 0.5
24966 Deborah Brumfield West DTP Medium 12/18/09 0:00 19.99
41349 Jennifer Patt South Custom Order Critical 12/19/09 0:00 8.99
30081 Denise Monton Central DTP High 12/19/09 0:00 8.94
41349 Jennifer Patt South DTP Critical 12/19/09 0:00 6.27
39617 Bradley Drucker West DTP Not Specified 12/19/09 0:00 1.2
39617 Bradley Drucker West DTP Not Specified 12/19/09 0:00 9.2
50854 Dan Lawera South Wholesaler Critical 12/19/09 0:00 28.14
51463 Liz Willingham South DTP Low 12/26/09 0:00 7.44
31878 Lisa Hazard East DTP Medium 12/18/09 0:00 4.39
54533 Marc Crier Central DTP Medium 12/19/09 0:00 6.05
59911 Arianne Irving Central DTP Not Specified 12/19/09 0:00 2.15
31878 Lisa Hazard East DTP Medium 12/19/09 0:00 8.99
50657 Aleksandra Gannaway West DTP High 12/19/09 0:00 11.51
50657 Aleksandra Gannaway West Custom Order High 12/20/09 0:00 1.93
21894 Katrina Bavinger Central DTP Critical 12/20/09 0:00 2.03
25378 Tim Taslimi Central DTP Not Specified 12/20/09 0:00 7.69
25061 Noah Childs East DTP Medium 12/20/09 0:00 7.23
42082 Kean Nguyen South DTP Critical 12/20/09 0:00 3.01
50657 Aleksandra Gannaway West Wholesaler High 12/20/09 0:00 16.01
41991 Philip Brown West DTP Low 12/22/09 0:00 12.2
41991 Philip Brown West Wholesaler Low 12/23/09 0:00 14.19
56032 Harold Dahlen Central DTP Not Specified 12/19/09 0:00 13.99
32450 Barry Gonzalez Central Wholesaler Medium 12/19/09 0:00 89.3
19040 Adam Hart East DTP High 12/20/09 0:00 8.99
56032 Harold Dahlen Central Wholesaler Not Specified 12/21/09 0:00 60
48515 Barry Gonzalez Central Custom Order Critical 12/20/09 0:00 1.97
38528 Russell Applegate Central DTP Critical 12/21/09 0:00 0.99
42692 Scott Williamson East DTP Medium 12/21/09 0:00 8.73
52327 Patrick O'Donnell West DTP Medium 12/21/09 0:00 6.5
38528 Russell Applegate Central DTP Critical 12/22/09 0:00 0.5
42692 Scott Williamson East DTP Medium 12/22/09 0:00 7.5
18562 Noel Staavos West DTP Critical 12/22/09 0:00 2.97
52327 Patrick O'Donnell West DTP Medium 12/22/09 0:00 4.7
12320 Tracy Poddar West Wholesaler Critical 12/22/09 0:00 27.75
15009 Erica Hernandez South Custom Order Not Specified 12/22/09 0:00 2.5
51203 Fred Hopkins Central Wholesaler High 12/22/09 0:00 45.7
15009 Erica Hernandez South Custom Order Not Specified 12/23/09 0:00 8.99
3525 Bryan Spruell South DTP Not Specified 12/23/09 0:00 1.34
7077 Georgia Rosenberg West DTP High 12/23/09 0:00 5.94
22950 Mike Caudle West DTP Low 12/28/09 0:00 35
26658 Tom Prescott Central DTP High 12/22/09 0:00 5.26
19616 Katherine Nockton South Custom Order High 12/23/09 0:00 1.25
4773 Liz Willingham South DTP Critical 12/23/09 0:00 5.72
19616 Katherine Nockton South DTP High 12/23/09 0:00 6.17
4773 Liz Willingham South Wholesaler Critical 12/24/09 0:00 29.21
14852 Angele Hood South Custom Order Medium 12/24/09 0:00 19.99
6148 Mathew Reese South Custom Order Medium 12/25/09 0:00 6.68
12806 Sonia Sunley Central DTP Not Specified 12/25/09 0:00 14.72
10243 Patrick Gardner South DTP High 12/25/09 0:00 4.77
6148 Mathew Reese South DTP Medium 12/25/09 0:00 5.16
52833 Todd Sumrall West DTP Medium 12/25/09 0:00 12.9
12289 Brendan Dodson East DTP Low 12/28/09 0:00 7.11
11687 Dean Percer South DTP High 12/25/09 0:00 1.77
56423 Dennis Pardue Central Custom Order Not Specified 12/26/09 0:00 0.5
56423 Dennis Pardue Central DTP Not Specified 12/26/09 0:00 19.99
20737 Aaron Hawkins South Wholesaler Medium 12/26/09 0:00 36.09
36356 Christy Brittain South DTP Medium 12/27/09 0:00 0.5
20737 Aaron Hawkins South Wholesaler Medium 12/27/09 0:00 61.76
36356 Christy Brittain South Wholesaler Medium 12/27/09 0:00 45
454 Darrin Martin South DTP Low 12/28/09 0:00 1.82
45506 Neil French South DTP Low 12/31/09 0:00 8.99
10820 Cyma Kinney Central DTP Not Specified 12/27/09 0:00 0.7
10820 Cyma Kinney Central Custom Order Not Specified 12/28/09 0:00 8.99
37861 Patrick Ryan South DTP Not Specified 12/30/09 0:00 5.76
37792 Eleni McCrary East DTP High 12/30/09 0:00 0.97
39585 Max Engle South DTP Not Specified 12/30/09 0:00 3.63
37792 Eleni McCrary East DTP High 12/31/09 0:00 0.5
46662 Aaron Hawkins South DTP Critical 12/31/09 0:00 0.99
46662 Aaron Hawkins South DTP Critical 12/31/09 0:00 7.31
24422 Craig Yedwab West Wholesaler Critical 12/31/09 0:00 29.21
18534 Tracy Poddar West Custom Order Low 12/30/09 0:00 1.99
57959 Sally Knutson Central Custom Order Medium 12/31/09 0:00 5.89
58626 Henry Goldwyn Central DTP High 12/31/09 0:00 1.99
57959 Sally Knutson Central DTP Medium 12/31/09 0:00 3.37
29666 Dave Poirier South DTP Not Specified 12/31/09 0:00 8.16
22051 Michael Moore Central DTP Not Specified 1/1/10 0:00 7.44
29666 Dave Poirier South DTP Not Specified 1/1/10 0:00 2.38
16805 Alice McCarthy West DTP Low 1/1/10 0:00 7.23
58626 Henry Goldwyn Central Wholesaler High 1/1/10 0:00 64.73
58626 Henry Goldwyn Central Wholesaler High 1/2/10 0:00 26
27015 Maria Bertelson East DTP Low 12/31/09 0:00 13.22
3271 Joni Blumstein East Wholesaler Critical 12/31/09 0:00 17.86
3271 Joni Blumstein East Custom Order Critical 1/1/10 0:00 1.43
37543 Ed Braxton West DTP Medium 1/1/10 0:00 13.89
27137 Alyssa Tate South DTP High 1/2/10 0:00 1.1
5607 Michelle Lonsdale East DTP Not Specified 1/3/10 0:00 5.03
51648 Roy Skaria Central DTP Low 1/6/10 0:00 2.97
51648 Roy Skaria Central DTP Low 1/8/10 0:00 19.99
29030 Roy Skaria Central DTP Medium 1/3/10 0:00 4.1
47591 Dario Medina West DTP Critical 1/3/10 0:00 6.91
54214 Resi Polking South Custom Order Medium 1/5/10 0:00 24.49
35811 Chuck Clark East DTP Critical 1/4/10 0:00 1.39
43494 Jill Matthias South DTP Medium 1/4/10 0:00 13.99
35811 Chuck Clark East DTP Critical 1/5/10 0:00 0.7
10945 Ralph Knight East DTP Medium 1/5/10 0:00 8.99
50471 Deborah Brumfield West Wholesaler Low 1/5/10 0:00 28.16
16164 Eva Jacobs West Wholesaler Low 1/7/10 0:00 14
16164 Eva Jacobs West DTP Low 1/10/10 0:00 4.28
16164 Eva Jacobs West DTP Low 1/12/10 0:00 19.99
7107 Steve Chapman South DTP Not Specified 1/4/10 0:00 11.1
31555 Jill Fjeld West DTP Critical 1/4/10 0:00 20.79
55011 Alejandro Ballentine South DTP Critical 1/5/10 0:00 5.63
7107 Steve Chapman South DTP Not Specified 1/5/10 0:00 5.08
7107 Steve Chapman South DTP Not Specified 1/6/10 0:00 5.08
31555 Jill Fjeld West Wholesaler Critical 1/7/10 0:00 28
39619 Ken Black Central DTP Low 1/8/10 0:00 10.25
44646 Mark Van Huff South DTP Low 1/8/10 0:00 35
52516 Scot Coram West Wholesaler High 1/5/10 0:00 56.14
16036 Harold Dahlen Central DTP Medium 1/6/10 0:00 8.08
16036 Harold Dahlen Central DTP Medium 1/6/10 0:00 44.47
5601 Gary Hansen West DTP High 1/6/10 0:00 2.85
16036 Harold Dahlen Central DTP Medium 1/7/10 0:00 8.49
25442 George Zrebassa South DTP High 1/7/10 0:00 9.86
52516 Scot Coram West Custom Order High 1/8/10 0:00 4.68
13444 Pete Armstrong East DTP High 1/8/10 0:00 0.88
4800 Max Engle South DTP Low 1/10/10 0:00 2.36
10432 Sonia Sunley Central DTP Low 1/12/10 0:00 19.99
4800 Max Engle South DTP Low 1/12/10 0:00 9.44
56645 Harold Engle Central DTP Low 1/6/10 0:00 17.08
57698 Patrick Jones South DTP Critical 1/7/10 0:00 9.23
57698 Patrick Jones South DTP Critical 1/8/10 0:00 19.99
56645 Harold Engle Central Wholesaler Low 1/8/10 0:00 40.19
45284 Roger Demir West DTP High 1/8/10 0:00 8.99
54115 Brian Moss South DTP Low 1/12/10 0:00 10.1
59456 Justin Ellison East DTP Low 1/8/10 0:00 49
14726 Ralph Knight East DTP Low 1/8/10 0:00 4
54307 Lauren Leatherbury East DTP High 1/9/10 0:00 5.68
54307 Lauren Leatherbury East DTP High 1/9/10 0:00 13.56
26818 Dionis Lloyd South DTP Not Specified 1/9/10 0:00 13.32
54307 Lauren Leatherbury East Wholesaler High 1/9/10 0:00 35.67
26818 Dionis Lloyd South Custom Order Not Specified 1/10/10 0:00 4.98
42886 Kristen Hastings East DTP Medium 1/10/10 0:00 0.5
7042 Dean Katz South Wholesaler Medium 1/10/10 0:00 85.63
5409 Don Jones East DTP Low 1/13/10 0:00 2.97
51424 Tony Sayre East DTP Not Specified 1/10/10 0:00 0.8
48704 Kelly Andreada South DTP High 1/10/10 0:00 8.99
14820 Michael Dominguez West Custom Order High 1/11/10 0:00 5.03
51424 Tony Sayre East DTP Not Specified 1/11/10 0:00 7.04
44033 Dean Braden Central Wholesaler Critical 1/12/10 0:00 51.94
10053 Craig Molinari Central Wholesaler High 1/12/10 0:00 39.25
34662 Darrin Sayre East Wholesaler Critical 1/12/10 0:00 99
10053 Craig Molinari Central DTP High 1/13/10 0:00 4.93
18275 Helen Andreada West DTP Low 1/14/10 0:00 4.95
22663 Maria Bertelson East Wholesaler Low 1/11/10 0:00 57
47879 Tamara Willingham East DTP Critical 1/12/10 0:00 2.15
59969 Ed Braxton West DTP High 1/12/10 0:00 11.25
44036 Alan Haines Central Custom Order High 1/13/10 0:00 1.2
54786 Maribeth Yedwab South DTP Not Specified 1/13/10 0:00 4.51
59969 Ed Braxton West DTP High 1/13/10 0:00 1.39
51970 Allen Rosenblatt East Wholesaler Not Specified 1/13/10 0:00 56.14
22663 Maria Bertelson East Wholesaler Low 1/16/10 0:00 28.14
28485 Giulietta Dortch South DTP High 1/12/10 0:00 0.94
7783 Evan Bailliet Central DTP Medium 1/13/10 0:00 5.6
51269 Mitch Gastineau East DTP Critical 1/13/10 0:00 7.58
51269 Mitch Gastineau East DTP High 1/13/10 0:00 2.99
292 Valerie Takahito West DTP High 1/13/10 0:00 1.39
21382 Andy Reiter South DTP Critical 1/14/10 0:00 5.5
21382 Andy Reiter South Wholesaler Critical 1/14/10 0:00 64.73
21382 Andy Reiter South DTP Critical 1/15/10 0:00 7.44
5382 Michelle Tran West DTP Low 1/19/10 0:00 4.19
52068 Peter Fuller South DTP Not Specified 1/13/10 0:00 2.99
52068 Peter Fuller South Wholesaler Not Specified 1/13/10 0:00 16.63
22914 Adam Hart East DTP Critical 1/14/10 0:00 6.96
52068 Peter Fuller South Wholesaler Not Specified 1/14/10 0:00 36.61
6501 Arianne Irving Central DTP High 1/15/10 0:00 6.74
6501 Arianne Irving Central DTP High 1/15/10 0:00 7.69
52068 Peter Fuller South Wholesaler Not Specified 1/15/10 0:00 14.36
36357 Clay Cheatham Central Wholesaler Not Specified 1/15/10 0:00 49
16807 Quincy Jones South DTP Medium 1/16/10 0:00 4.92
13027 Fred McMath East DTP Critical 1/17/10 0:00 6.18
16807 Quincy Jones South DTP Medium 1/17/10 0:00 1.71
29090 Muhammed Lee Central DTP Medium 1/16/10 0:00 6.91
29090 Muhammed Lee Central DTP Medium 1/17/10 0:00 0.99
3685 Mike Vittorini West DTP Medium 1/17/10 0:00 5
23268 Pierre Wener West Custom Order High 1/18/10 0:00 2.2
29573 Michael Dominguez West DTP Critical 1/18/10 0:00 9.54
23268 Pierre Wener West DTP High 1/18/10 0:00 5.79
9632 Andrew Roberts Central DTP Low 1/20/10 0:00 9.07
51044 Linda Southworth Central DTP Low 1/18/10 0:00 1.39
15491 Michael Oakman Central DTP Medium 1/18/10 0:00 2.5
52837 Julie Kriz Central DTP Critical 1/20/10 0:00 19.99
42753 Anthony Rawles Central DTP Medium 1/20/10 0:00 3
51044 Linda Southworth Central Wholesaler Low 1/22/10 0:00 14.19
51044 Linda Southworth Central DTP Low 1/25/10 0:00 0.83
8034 Dennis Pardue Central DTP High 1/19/10 0:00 3.99
8034 Dennis Pardue Central DTP High 1/20/10 0:00 8.99
33285 Michael Oakman Central DTP High 1/20/10 0:00 6.13
11969 Ivan Liston South DTP Not Specified 1/20/10 0:00 35
6886 Maureen Gastineau West DTP High 1/20/10 0:00 19.99
33956 Aaron Smayling Central DTP Low 1/21/10 0:00 4
8034 Dennis Pardue Central Wholesaler High 1/21/10 0:00 46.59
50433 Jennifer Halladay East Wholesaler Critical 1/21/10 0:00 17.85
11969 Ivan Liston South Wholesaler Not Specified 1/21/10 0:00 170.2
19617 Jack Lebron Central DTP Low 1/20/10 0:00 8.99
6016 Skye Norling East DTP High 1/20/10 0:00 5.43
19617 Jack Lebron Central DTP Low 1/22/10 0:00 6.3
29223 Greg Tran Central Wholesaler High 1/22/10 0:00 26
38690 Shahid Shariari West DTP Low 1/24/10 0:00 6.3
11428 Bill Donatelli East DTP Medium 1/21/10 0:00 19.99
40706 Nora Pelletier South Custom Order Medium 1/22/10 0:00 0.5
55618 Brian Moss South DTP Medium 1/22/10 0:00 1.25
28582 Alex Avila South Custom Order Not Specified 1/23/10 0:00 1.99
44549 Bill Shonely East DTP Medium 1/23/10 0:00 1.49
28582 Alex Avila South DTP Not Specified 1/23/10 0:00 2.87
9761 Todd Boyes West Wholesaler Not Specified 1/23/10 0:00 14
9761 Todd Boyes West DTP Not Specified 1/24/10 0:00 7.15
2688 Thais Sissman Central DTP High 1/24/10 0:00 7.75
41441 Tom Stivers South DTP Medium 1/24/10 0:00 5.68
6373 Denise Leinenbach South DTP Not Specified 1/24/10 0:00 4.5
2688 Thais Sissman Central DTP High 1/25/10 0:00 3.9
26053 Cynthia Delaney Central Custom Order Low 1/24/10 0:00 9.03
44647 Ross DeVincentis West Wholesaler Low 1/24/10 0:00 26
46243 Maria Bertelson East Custom Order Low 1/26/10 0:00 9.03
44647 Ross DeVincentis West DTP Low 1/28/10 0:00 6.13
46243 Maria Bertelson East DTP Low 1/29/10 0:00 0.7
46243 Maria Bertelson East DTP Low 1/31/10 0:00 1
54177 Maria Bertelson East DTP Critical 1/25/10 0:00 2.99
54177 Maria Bertelson East DTP Critical 1/27/10 0:00 7.37
26759 Bobby Odegard East DTP Not Specified 1/27/10 0:00 4.71
28129 Nora Paige Central DTP Medium 1/27/10 0:00 5.86
48003 Darren Budd Central DTP Medium 1/28/10 0:00 4.38
48003 Darren Budd Central DTP Medium 1/28/10 0:00 9.68
32966 Steven Cartwright Central DTP Low 1/30/10 0:00 1.29
32966 Steven Cartwright Central Wholesaler Low 2/2/10 0:00 28.06
36418 Robert Marley South Custom Order Not Specified 1/28/10 0:00 6.97
4804 Kean Thornton West DTP High 1/28/10 0:00 1.99
45984 Janet Martin South DTP Medium 1/29/10 0:00 0.96
31170 Suzanne McNair South DTP Medium 1/29/10 0:00 1.99
41760 Erica Smith Central DTP Low 2/1/10 0:00 11.49
41760 Erica Smith Central DTP Low 2/1/10 0:00 19.99
41760 Erica Smith Central DTP Low 2/3/10 0:00 12.52
36484 Cari MacIntyre South Custom Order Critical 1/29/10 0:00 3.9
46852 Sean Braxton Central DTP Not Specified 1/29/10 0:00 4.93
8070 Rick Hansen South DTP Medium 1/29/10 0:00 8.99
46852 Sean Braxton Central Custom Order Not Specified 1/30/10 0:00 7.53
3168 Jasper Cacioppo South DTP Low 2/3/10 0:00 3.96
53795 Sandra Flanagan West Custom Order High 1/31/10 0:00 6.22
44167 Jim Epp West DTP Critical 1/31/10 0:00 19.99
20003 Shirley Schmidt West DTP Medium 1/31/10 0:00 4
9925 Chad Sievert East DTP Critical 2/1/10 0:00 11.98
9253 Daniel Lacy West DTP Critical 2/1/10 0:00 6.77
53795 Sandra Flanagan West DTP High 2/1/10 0:00 4.2
20003 Shirley Schmidt West DTP Medium 2/1/10 0:00 0.99
9925 Chad Sievert East Custom Order Critical 2/2/10 0:00 2.99
57280 Dennis Pardue Central Custom Order Medium 2/1/10 0:00 10.05
41312 Jonathan Howell West DTP Not Specified 2/1/10 0:00 1.99
54020 Jennifer Ferguson South DTP Low 2/4/10 0:00 5.21
20256 Roland Black East DTP Low 2/5/10 0:00 11.52
54020 Jennifer Ferguson South DTP Low 2/5/10 0:00 6.86
34470 Vivek Sundaresam South Wholesaler Critical 2/2/10 0:00 57.38
6757 Brooke Gillingham South Wholesaler Medium 2/2/10 0:00 61.76
58113 Anemone Ratner West Custom Order High 2/3/10 0:00 4.2
50148 Roy Phan East DTP Medium 2/3/10 0:00 13.99
6757 Brooke Gillingham South DTP Medium 2/3/10 0:00 8.22
58113 Anemone Ratner West DTP High 2/3/10 0:00 6.16
41345 Magdelene Morse West DTP Medium 2/2/10 0:00 0.79
39813 Tonja Turnell East DTP Critical 2/3/10 0:00 6.6
22916 Pete Takahito West DTP Medium 2/3/10 0:00 10.05
8832 Giulietta Dortch South DTP Low 2/6/10 0:00 8.99
32513 Andrew Allen Central DTP Low 2/7/10 0:00 21.28
7072 Maureen Fritzler West DTP Critical 2/4/10 0:00 5.6
40100 Sandra Flanagan West DTP Low 2/8/10 0:00 5.77
34083 Barry Blumstein Central Custom Order Not Specified 2/5/10 0:00 5
50567 Vivek Sundaresam South Wholesaler Medium 2/6/10 0:00 30
16548 Darren Budd Central DTP Not Specified 2/7/10 0:00 3.97
16548 Darren Budd Central DTP Not Specified 2/7/10 0:00 69
40098 Dianna Vittorini West DTP Low 2/7/10 0:00 7.19
40098 Dianna Vittorini West DTP Low 2/9/10 0:00 2.03
2755 Jane Waco East DTP Not Specified 2/6/10 0:00 8.85
16866 Penelope Sewall Central DTP Not Specified 2/7/10 0:00 3.99
24448 Roy Skaria Central Wholesaler High 2/8/10 0:00 59.24
58978 Kristina Nunn West DTP Low 2/13/10 0:00 5.15
11683 Fred Chung South DTP Not Specified 2/7/10 0:00 5.99
50822 Carol Darley Central Custom Order Medium 2/8/10 0:00 2.83
50822 Carol Darley Central DTP Medium 2/8/10 0:00 24.49
28390 Chad McGuire Central DTP High 2/9/10 0:00 6.68
27909 Monica Federle East DTP Critical 2/9/10 0:00 10.75
34117 Tony Sayre East DTP High 2/9/10 0:00 2.99
8224 John Grady East DTP Not Specified 2/9/10 0:00 1
27909 Monica Federle East DTP Critical 2/10/10 0:00 0.7
23140 MaryBeth Skach West DTP High 2/8/10 0:00 2.35
43906 Valerie Dominguez Central DTP High 2/9/10 0:00 14.52
37763 Alan Haines Central DTP Not Specified 2/9/10 0:00 2.5
37763 Alan Haines Central DTP Not Specified 2/9/10 0:00 9.92
28198 Georgia Rosenberg West DTP Medium 2/9/10 0:00 8.99
27109 Barry French Central DTP Critical 2/10/10 0:00 6.5
23140 MaryBeth Skach West DTP High 2/10/10 0:00 8.99
27557 Robert Marley South DTP Low 2/13/10 0:00 5.33
51111 Eric Murdock South DTP Not Specified 2/11/10 0:00 5.92
29507 Sally Hughsby South Wholesaler Low 2/11/10 0:00 35.67
11239 Jay Kimmel West Wholesaler Critical 2/11/10 0:00 29.21
4162 Alyssa Tate South DTP Low 2/13/10 0:00 19.99
29507 Sally Hughsby South DTP Low 2/14/10 0:00 1.1
33414 Phillina Ober East DTP Not Specified 2/10/10 0:00 1.17
50784 Chuck Magee South DTP High 2/11/10 0:00 5.5
35492 Janet Martin South Custom Order Medium 2/12/10 0:00 4.98
10917 Alice McCarthy West Custom Order Critical 2/12/10 0:00 5.99
30599 Michael Kennedy Central DTP Not Specified 2/12/10 0:00 0.88
8007 Maya Herman South DTP Low 2/11/10 0:00 28.98
54981 Bart Pistole Central DTP High 2/12/10 0:00 12.62
13157 Deanra Eno South DTP Medium 2/12/10 0:00 4.81
18500 Toby Swindell South DTP Medium 2/12/10 0:00 5.5
18500 Toby Swindell South Wholesaler Medium 2/12/10 0:00 36.61
18500 Toby Swindell South DTP Medium 2/13/10 0:00 35
17093 Janet Martin South Wholesaler Not Specified 2/13/10 0:00 58.2
56514 Shirley Daniels Central DTP Low 2/18/10 0:00 19.17
4199 Bruce Money West Custom Order Critical 2/13/10 0:00 5.3
10593 Sally Matthias East DTP High 2/13/10 0:00 8.99
38661 Duane Noonan West DTP High 2/13/10 0:00 6.6
10593 Sally Matthias East DTP High 2/14/10 0:00 19.46
14272 Vivian Mathis West DTP Medium 2/14/10 0:00 4.5
38661 Duane Noonan West DTP High 2/15/10 0:00 0.99
40772 Pauline Webber South DTP Critical 2/14/10 0:00 2.82
33184 Dennis Pardue Central DTP Not Specified 2/15/10 0:00 25.62
34211 Alan Hwang South DTP Not Specified 2/16/10 0:00 1.09
1537 Grant Thornton East DTP Not Specified 2/14/10 0:00 6.05
1154 Thea Hendricks South Custom Order Critical 2/15/10 0:00 3.5
54053 Alex Grayson West Custom Order High 2/15/10 0:00 5
54053 Alex Grayson West DTP High 2/15/10 0:00 8.08
1154 Sylvia Foulston East DTP Critical 2/16/10 0:00 69
43203 Susan Vittorini East DTP Not Specified 2/16/10 0:00 5.2
1154 Thea Hendricks South DTP Critical 2/16/10 0:00 0.5
1154 Sylvia Foulston East Wholesaler Critical 2/16/10 0:00 26.22
38052 Erin Ashbrook West DTP Low 2/15/10 0:00 1.99
54371 Toby Knight West DTP Not Specified 2/15/10 0:00 0.71
29473 Katrina Willman Central Wholesaler Medium 2/16/10 0:00 29.2
29473 Katrina Willman Central DTP Medium 2/17/10 0:00 5.03
32292 Ben Peterman East DTP Low 2/17/10 0:00 2.36
54371 Toby Knight West DTP Not Specified 2/17/10 0:00 5.08
32292 Ben Peterman East DTP Low 2/22/10 0:00 5.99
31106 Nick Crebassa South DTP Low 2/16/10 0:00 0.5
14212 Cyma Kinney Central DTP Critical 2/17/10 0:00 5.22
14212 Cyma Kinney Central DTP Critical 2/18/10 0:00 0.5
31106 Nick Crebassa South DTP Low 2/18/10 0:00 3.6
31106 Nick Crebassa South DTP Low 2/21/10 0:00 9.87
31106 Nick Crebassa South DTP Low 2/23/10 0:00 5.63
40065 Craig Leslie West Custom Order High 2/18/10 0:00 0.99
24775 Tracy Blumstein West DTP Critical 2/18/10 0:00 57.4
40065 Craig Leslie West DTP High 2/18/10 0:00 24.49
14240 Ralph Kennedy West DTP High 2/18/10 0:00 1.49
40067 Alan Barnes Central DTP Low 2/19/10 0:00 5.31
4391 Eugene Moren West DTP High 2/19/10 0:00 3.9
24775 Tracy Blumstein West Wholesaler Critical 2/19/10 0:00 56.22
801 Thais Sissman Central DTP Critical 2/20/10 0:00 3.5
40673 Art Foster Central DTP Low 2/22/10 0:00 1.39
41830 Deirdre Greer South Wholesaler Low 2/24/10 0:00 26.3
52003 Charles Crestani South DTP Low 2/18/10 0:00 5
32192 Brooke Gillingham South DTP Not Specified 2/18/10 0:00 2.5
42115 Ed Braxton West DTP Critical 2/18/10 0:00 1.99
37445 Anthony O'Donnell South DTP High 2/19/10 0:00 3.5
42115 Ed Braxton West DTP Critical 2/19/10 0:00 13.99
37123 Lena Radford Central Wholesaler High 2/19/10 0:00 27.75
12418 Ed Braxton West DTP Not Specified 2/20/10 0:00 6.5
52003 Charles Crestani South Wholesaler Low 2/25/10 0:00 110.2
12711 Sung Shariari South DTP Critical 2/20/10 0:00 12.13
39075 Quincy Jones South DTP Not Specified 2/20/10 0:00 0.99
1057 Anthony Witt West DTP Critical 2/21/10 0:00 3.62
26309 Alan Dominguez West DTP Low 2/21/10 0:00 0.99
5860 Annie Thurman West DTP Not Specified 2/21/10 0:00 0.71
35905 Deanra Eno South Custom Order Low 2/24/10 0:00 1.57
6 Ruben Dartt East DTP Not Specified 2/21/10 0:00 2.56
46466 Matt Hagelstein West DTP Medium 2/22/10 0:00 13.99
35392 Erin Mull South DTP High 2/23/10 0:00 9.68
41921 Katharine Harms East Custom Order Medium 2/24/10 0:00 6.97
9281 Alan Hwang South Custom Order Critical 2/25/10 0:00 6.81
9281 Alan Hwang South DTP Critical 2/25/10 0:00 0.97
8388 Olvera Toch West DTP Low 2/25/10 0:00 4
8388 Olvera Toch West DTP Low 2/25/10 0:00 7.23
51239 Katharine Harms East Wholesaler Low 2/25/10 0:00 60
41921 Katharine Harms East Wholesaler Medium 2/26/10 0:00 26
40132 Hunter Glantz East Wholesaler Low 3/1/10 0:00 66.13
40132 Hunter Glantz East DTP Low 3/3/10 0:00 15.1
11776 Christina Vanderzanden West Custom Order Low 2/24/10 0:00 0.7
25314 Nick Crebassa South DTP High 2/26/10 0:00 5
13668 Jill Fjeld West DTP Critical 2/26/10 0:00 5.22
25637 Erin Mull South Wholesaler Not Specified 2/27/10 0:00 66.67
53221 Art Ferguson East DTP Not Specified 2/27/10 0:00 3.73
57157 Maya Herman South DTP Critical 3/1/10 0:00 3.99
59075 David Smith South DTP Low 3/1/10 0:00 5.03
53026 Adrian Shami Central DTP Low 3/4/10 0:00 3.98
59075 David Smith South DTP Low 3/6/10 0:00 2.39
50721 Jennifer Halladay East DTP High 3/1/10 0:00 19.99
36257 Phillina Ober East DTP High 3/1/10 0:00 1.99
49954 Claire Good South DTP Critical 3/1/10 0:00 8.99
1282 Emily Grady West DTP Not Specified 3/1/10 0:00 1.34
1282 Emily Grady West DTP Not Specified 3/1/10 0:00 1.99
56261 Paul Van Hugh Central Wholesaler Critical 3/1/10 0:00 85.63
19332 Barry Gonzalez Central Wholesaler High 3/1/10 0:00 29.21
7653 Jill Stevenson Central DTP Medium 3/2/10 0:00 5.09
18950 Barry Gonzalez Central Wholesaler Low 3/5/10 0:00 14
59204 Corey Catlett West DTP Medium 3/2/10 0:00 23.29
33606 Theresa Swint Central DTP High 3/4/10 0:00 8.54
8035 Don Weiss South DTP Medium 3/4/10 0:00 6.75
56358 Anne McFarland South DTP Not Specified 3/4/10 0:00 5.57
45317 Trudy Schmidt West DTP Low 3/9/10 0:00 1.99
45317 Trudy Schmidt West DTP Low 3/9/10 0:00 5.02
58917 John Stevenson South DTP High 3/3/10 0:00 2.87
47042 Maria Bertelson East DTP Critical 3/4/10 0:00 3.3
58917 John Stevenson South DTP High 3/4/10 0:00 24.49
50564 Julie Prescott Central DTP High 3/5/10 0:00 19.99
21478 Keith Dawkins Central DTP Low 3/5/10 0:00 8.99
21478 Keith Dawkins Central DTP Low 3/7/10 0:00 5.79
56967 Ken Brennan West Custom Order Low 3/10/10 0:00 6.13
384 Sonia Cooley East Wholesaler Low 3/10/10 0:00 80.2
27392 Frank Price East DTP Low 3/12/10 0:00 13.99
25767 Ann Chong East DTP High 3/4/10 0:00 1.99
51489 Berenike Kampe West DTP Critical 3/4/10 0:00 1.56
32902 Corey Lock East Custom Order High 3/5/10 0:00 1.2
41666 Corey Roper West Custom Order Medium 3/5/10 0:00 8.59
4230 Tamara Willingham East DTP Critical 3/5/10 0:00 8.99
25767 Ann Chong East DTP High 3/5/10 0:00 13.26
43296 Larry Tron South DTP Medium 3/5/10 0:00 7.47
4230 Tamara Willingham East Custom Order Critical 3/6/10 0:00 8.99
32902 Corey Lock East DTP High 3/6/10 0:00 8.37
35968 Barry Weirich South DTP Not Specified 3/6/10 0:00 6.97
51489 Berenike Kampe West DTP Critical 3/6/10 0:00 7.54
51489 Berenike Kampe West DTP Critical 3/6/10 0:00 13.99
32902 Corey Lock East Wholesaler High 3/6/10 0:00 60
37188 Carol Triggs Central Custom Order Critical 3/6/10 0:00 8.33
48322 Paul Van Hugh Central DTP Medium 3/6/10 0:00 0.7
1925 Brian Moss South DTP Critical 3/6/10 0:00 24.49
46404 John Lucas South DTP Critical 3/6/10 0:00 2.5
1925 Brian Moss South DTP Critical 3/7/10 0:00 1.99
44199 Seth Vernon Central DTP Low 3/9/10 0:00 2
51559 David Philippe East DTP Low 3/14/10 0:00 4.08
42437 Denny Joy South DTP Critical 3/7/10 0:00 8.99
2240 Sarah Brown South DTP Not Specified 3/7/10 0:00 5.16
2240 Sarah Brown South DTP Not Specified 3/7/10 0:00 6.17
24677 Joni Wasserman South DTP Low 3/8/10 0:00 1.99
42437 Denny Joy South Wholesaler Critical 3/8/10 0:00 49
51876 Victor Price South DTP Critical 3/8/10 0:00 5
13991 Cynthia Voltz South DTP High 3/8/10 0:00 69
13991 Cynthia Voltz South DTP High 3/9/10 0:00 2.74
15044 Erica Bern Central DTP Low 3/11/10 0:00 10.25
55651 Helen Andreada West DTP Medium 3/9/10 0:00 2.5
55651 Helen Andreada West DTP Medium 3/9/10 0:00 19.99
55651 Helen Andreada West DTP Medium 3/11/10 0:00 8.99
59586 Jenna Caffey West DTP Low 3/12/10 0:00 5.41
52645 Alan Hwang South DTP Low 3/13/10 0:00 2.27
52645 Alan Hwang South DTP Low 3/17/10 0:00 3.5
51620 Ben Peterman East DTP Medium 3/10/10 0:00 4.51
49602 Andrew Roberts Central Wholesaler Not Specified 3/10/10 0:00 66.27
31523 Joni Sundaresam East DTP Low 3/11/10 0:00 2.74
31523 Joni Sundaresam East DTP Low 3/14/10 0:00 8.29
22085 Gary Hwang Central DTP Low 3/10/10 0:00 9.47
2848 Emily Grady West Custom Order Critical 3/12/10 0:00 15.9
22085 Gary Hwang Central DTP Low 3/12/10 0:00 7.37
42471 Darrin Sayre East DTP Low 3/12/10 0:00 1.63
2848 Emily Grady West DTP Critical 3/12/10 0:00 8.99
16804 Ed Ludwig West Custom Order High 3/12/10 0:00 4.96
53156 Bryan Davis Central DTP Not Specified 3/12/10 0:00 0.99
24707 Don Weiss South DTP Medium 3/12/10 0:00 24.49
55779 Katherine Nockton South Wholesaler Critical 3/12/10 0:00 30
24707 Don Weiss South DTP Medium 3/13/10 0:00 0.7
51237 John Lucas South DTP Medium 3/13/10 0:00 5.99
16804 Ed Ludwig West DTP High 3/13/10 0:00 13.88
7174 Thomas Thornton West DTP Not Specified 3/13/10 0:00 8.99
42243 Phillip Flathmann Central DTP Medium 3/14/10 0:00 8.95
46631 Harold Dahlen Central DTP Not Specified 3/14/10 0:00 16.92
2912 Tamara Dahlen East Wholesaler Low 3/14/10 0:00 29.7
2912 Tamara Dahlen East Custom Order Low 3/19/10 0:00 4.86
17152 Dave Hallsten Central DTP High 3/14/10 0:00 9.69
32067 Christina Vanderzanden West DTP High 3/14/10 0:00 7.69
44099 Alan Schoenberger West DTP Medium 3/15/10 0:00 25.4
23584 Alan Barnes Central Wholesaler Critical 3/15/10 0:00 15.59
20194 Dennis Bolton East DTP High 3/16/10 0:00 6.67
35173 Mike Pelletier East DTP Not Specified 3/16/10 0:00 8.08
29607 Ken Brennan West DTP Medium 3/16/10 0:00 5.09
35173 Mike Pelletier East Wholesaler Not Specified 3/16/10 0:00 60.2
2022 Alan Hwang South DTP Critical 3/16/10 0:00 5.13
14784 Brenda Bowman Central Wholesaler Medium 3/16/10 0:00 46.59
27490 Daniel Raglin West DTP Not Specified 3/17/10 0:00 12.62
43138 Matt Collister West Wholesaler Low 3/17/10 0:00 32.18
43138 Matt Collister West DTP Low 3/19/10 0:00 2.99
52995 Nat Gilpin East DTP Not Specified 3/16/10 0:00 6.27
21223 Harold Engle Central DTP Not Specified 3/17/10 0:00 18.45
19207 Cindy Chapman West DTP Not Specified 3/17/10 0:00 0.7
17571 Thomas Thornton West DTP Not Specified 3/17/10 0:00 1.58
21223 Harold Engle Central Wholesaler Not Specified 3/17/10 0:00 26.22
17571 Thomas Thornton West Custom Order Not Specified 3/18/10 0:00 5.5
21607 Heather Kirkland East DTP Not Specified 3/18/10 0:00 13.89
53571 Dan Campbell South DTP Not Specified 3/18/10 0:00 2.99
19207 Cindy Chapman West DTP Not Specified 3/18/10 0:00 0.99
18112 Henry MacAllister Central DTP Not Specified 3/18/10 0:00 1.34
4515 Vivian Mathis West DTP Critical 3/18/10 0:00 7.11
55458 Shahid Collister West DTP High 3/19/10 0:00 14.52
49953 Toby Carlisle South Custom Order Not Specified 3/18/10 0:00 6.6
55268 Patrick O'Brill West Custom Order High 3/19/10 0:00 4.93
11202 Barry Weirich South DTP Medium 3/19/10 0:00 2.99
49953 Toby Carlisle South DTP Not Specified 3/19/10 0:00 6.5
24672 Stuart Van Central DTP Medium 3/20/10 0:00 35.95
24672 Stuart Van Central DTP Medium 3/21/10 0:00 4
26660 Carol Triggs Central DTP Medium 3/19/10 0:00 2.01
322 Giulietta Weimer West DTP Critical 3/21/10 0:00 8.08
322 Giulietta Weimer West DTP Critical 3/21/10 0:00 10.05
1856 Alex Avila South DTP Not Specified 3/21/10 0:00 16.88
24865 Valerie Takahito West DTP High 3/21/10 0:00 2.5
1856 Alex Avila South DTP Not Specified 3/22/10 0:00 49
324 Frank Gastineau West DTP Critical 3/22/10 0:00 13.99
54534 Tracy Hopkins West DTP Not Specified 3/22/10 0:00 5.96
55073 Kelly Lampkin West DTP Low 3/21/10 0:00 3.99
49510 Luke Weiss Central DTP Critical 3/22/10 0:00 1.3
30051 Catherine Glotzbach South DTP Not Specified 3/22/10 0:00 2.27
58051 Pauline Chand East DTP High 3/23/10 0:00 7.12
26535 Candace McMahon South DTP Not Specified 3/23/10 0:00 5.26
4705 Adrian Hane East DTP Not Specified 3/24/10 0:00 6.5
31586 Amy Hunt Central Custom Order Low 3/26/10 0:00 4
31586 Amy Hunt Central Custom Order Low 3/31/10 0:00 5.26
11301 Tony Chapman West DTP Medium 3/23/10 0:00 4
29926 Roy Phan East DTP Medium 3/25/10 0:00 1.49
9826 Irene Maddox West DTP Medium 3/25/10 0:00 1.99
39655 Roy Skaria Central DTP High 3/24/10 0:00 3.52
15616 Carlos Meador South Custom Order Critical 3/25/10 0:00 6.5
49634 Sally Knutson Central DTP Not Specified 3/25/10 0:00 4.5
12352 Hunter Glantz East DTP Medium 3/25/10 0:00 8.49
44261 Juliana Krohn West Wholesaler High 3/25/10 0:00 8.73
44261 Juliana Krohn West Custom Order High 3/26/10 0:00 19.99
29921 Sonia Sunley Central DTP Medium 3/26/10 0:00 9.07
49634 Sally Knutson Central DTP Not Specified 3/26/10 0:00 1.49
49634 Sally Knutson Central DTP Not Specified 3/26/10 0:00 1.99
3973 Bobby Odegard East DTP Not Specified 3/26/10 0:00 3.73
15616 Carlos Meador South DTP Critical 3/26/10 0:00 1.17
44261 Juliana Krohn West Wholesaler High 3/26/10 0:00 36.09
44261 Juliana Krohn West DTP High 3/27/10 0:00 5.99
38853 Duane Benoit East DTP Low 3/28/10 0:00 2.5
7941 Neil Knudson West DTP Low 3/31/10 0:00 5.08
59491 Greg Hansen East DTP High 3/25/10 0:00 11.51
59491 Greg Hansen East DTP High 3/26/10 0:00 5.47
46023 Resi Polking South DTP Not Specified 3/26/10 0:00 13.99
9794 Scott Cohen West DTP Not Specified 3/26/10 0:00 3.6
59491 Greg Hansen East DTP High 3/27/10 0:00 2.85
16390 Frank Merwin West DTP Medium 3/27/10 0:00 3.37
5473 Shahid Hopkins West DTP Not Specified 3/27/10 0:00 8.29
59491 Greg Hansen East DTP High 3/28/10 0:00 19.99
1764 Hallie Redmond South DTP Critical 3/28/10 0:00 4.82
11045 Eugene Moren West DTP Medium 3/27/10 0:00 5.97
24546 Edward Nazzal South DTP Critical 3/28/10 0:00 3.37
3970 Christina DeMoss West Wholesaler Medium 3/28/10 0:00 45
6950 Dianna Arnett South DTP Low 3/29/10 0:00 3.3
3970 Christina DeMoss West DTP Medium 3/29/10 0:00 1.99
41056 Dario Medina West DTP Critical 3/30/10 0:00 7.53
55462 Shaun Weien East DTP Medium 3/29/10 0:00 16.11
35814 Karen Carlisle South DTP High 3/29/10 0:00 8.55
20995 Jill Matthias South Wholesaler Medium 3/29/10 0:00 66.27
55462 Shaun Weien East DTP Medium 3/30/10 0:00 2.99
18464 Brian Derr East Wholesaler High 3/29/10 0:00 66.27
22373 Candace McMahon South Custom Order High 3/30/10 0:00 8.29
29280 Bill Shonely East DTP Medium 3/30/10 0:00 1.99
29280 Bill Shonely East DTP Medium 3/30/10 0:00 7.95
10439 Raymond Book East DTP Not Specified 3/30/10 0:00 0.5
36512 Sean Braxton Central Wholesaler Not Specified 3/30/10 0:00 58.92
10439 Raymond Book East Custom Order Not Specified 3/31/10 0:00 7.24
40611 Darrin Van Huff South Custom Order Not Specified 3/31/10 0:00 5.17
18464 Brian Derr East DTP High 3/31/10 0:00 2.1
26979 Tom Boeckenhauer East DTP Medium 3/31/10 0:00 1.25
26979 Tom Boeckenhauer East DTP Medium 3/31/10 0:00 8.08
10439 Raymond Book East DTP Not Specified 3/31/10 0:00 1.49
10439 Raymond Book East DTP Not Specified 3/31/10 0:00 4
40611 Darrin Van Huff South DTP Not Specified 3/31/10 0:00 3.3
18464 Brian Derr East Wholesaler High 3/31/10 0:00 55.24
34279 Joni Wasserman South Wholesaler Not Specified 3/31/10 0:00 60
36512 Sean Braxton Central DTP Not Specified 4/1/10 0:00 11.17
22466 Tamara Willingham East DTP Low 4/5/10 0:00 1.79
22466 Tamara Willingham East Wholesaler Low 4/5/10 0:00 30
10567 Susan Pistek South Wholesaler High 3/31/10 0:00 43.75
29831 Sara Luxemburg West Wholesaler Critical 3/31/10 0:00 60
46787 Caroline Jumper Central DTP Medium 4/1/10 0:00 18.16
32642 Darren Budd Central DTP Medium 4/1/10 0:00 1.99
15104 Resi Polking South DTP Medium 4/2/10 0:00 1.49
55299 Quincy Jones South DTP Low 3/31/10 0:00 0.7
15782 Jim Karlsson Central DTP High 4/2/10 0:00 69
37124 Julie Kriz Central DTP Low 4/2/10 0:00 24.49
11173 Janet Molinari East DTP Critical 4/2/10 0:00 3.85
20964 Patrick Gardner South DTP Critical 4/2/10 0:00 8.99
37895 Barry Gonzalez Central DTP Critical 4/3/10 0:00 8.32
49351 Michelle Moray South DTP Low 4/4/10 0:00 0.83
40839 Guy Phonely West Wholesaler Medium 4/2/10 0:00 56.14
28835 Phillip Flathmann Central DTP Not Specified 4/3/10 0:00 19.99
33284 Lela Donovan East DTP Low 4/3/10 0:00 8.99
50978 Cindy Stewart West DTP High 4/3/10 0:00 9.99
8546 Nora Price East Custom Order High 4/4/10 0:00 1.99
21604 Magdelene Morse West Custom Order Medium 4/4/10 0:00 19.99
47041 Cynthia Arntzen Central DTP Not Specified 4/4/10 0:00 1.93
18208 Roy Collins South DTP Not Specified 4/4/10 0:00 6.59
35045 Darrin Martin South DTP Medium 4/5/10 0:00 4.51
52518 Roy Phan East DTP Critical 4/5/10 0:00 4
13633 Alan Hwang South DTP Not Specified 4/5/10 0:00 35
13633 Alan Hwang South Wholesaler Not Specified 4/5/10 0:00 57.2
33605 John Lee Central DTP Critical 4/6/10 0:00 6.83
57894 Jennifer Patt South Wholesaler Low 4/6/10 0:00 26.53
7458 Karen Carlisle South DTP Critical 4/6/10 0:00 6.5
15142 Meg O'Connel East DTP Not Specified 4/7/10 0:00 10.91
7458 Karen Carlisle South DTP Critical 4/7/10 0:00 1.99
7458 Karen Carlisle South DTP Critical 4/7/10 0:00 7.17
194 Maria Zettner South DTP Medium 4/7/10 0:00 1.92
194 Maria Zettner South DTP Medium 4/7/10 0:00 7.98
21856 Sonia Sunley Central DTP Not Specified 4/6/10 0:00 1.92
28868 Anna Andreadi South DTP High 4/7/10 0:00 8.73
21856 Sonia Sunley Central DTP Not Specified 4/8/10 0:00 0.5
17986 George Ashbrook East DTP Not Specified 4/8/10 0:00 1.49
8005 Craig Carroll West DTP Critical 4/8/10 0:00 14.72
29411 Naresj Patel West DTP High 4/7/10 0:00 6.3
39143 Richard Eichhorn South Wholesaler Not Specified 4/7/10 0:00 66.27
29411 Naresj Patel West Wholesaler High 4/7/10 0:00 48.26
29411 Naresj Patel West DTP High 4/8/10 0:00 6.39
4738 David Kendrick South DTP High 4/9/10 0:00 0.7
25793 James Galang West DTP Low 4/10/10 0:00 8.99
43364 Susan Vittorini East DTP High 4/11/10 0:00 6.71
45635 Denny Joy South DTP Low 4/17/10 0:00 1.99
54370 Carol Adams Central DTP Not Specified 4/9/10 0:00 19.99
21605 Brian Dahlen Central DTP High 4/11/10 0:00 5.16
21605 Brian Dahlen Central Wholesaler High 4/11/10 0:00 30
48293 Victoria Pisteka Central DTP Critical 4/11/10 0:00 1.39
46566 Patrick O'Donnell West DTP Medium 4/11/10 0:00 3.6
53574 Scot Coram West DTP Medium 4/11/10 0:00 35
15236 Lena Creighton West DTP Not Specified 4/11/10 0:00 2.99
15236 Lena Creighton West Custom Order Not Specified 4/12/10 0:00 6.2
16193 Frank Price East DTP Not Specified 4/12/10 0:00 5
16193 Frank Price East DTP Not Specified 4/12/10 0:00 8.22
44386 Chris Selesnick South DTP Medium 4/12/10 0:00 1.99
44386 Chris Selesnick South DTP Medium 4/12/10 0:00 4.97
15687 Benjamin Venier South Wholesaler Critical 4/13/10 0:00 46.74
36132 Hallie Redmond South Wholesaler Low 4/15/10 0:00 59.24
3205 Alan Haines Central DTP Low 4/11/10 0:00 3.73
13894 Rose O'Brian East DTP Medium 4/12/10 0:00 0.81
13894 Rose O'Brian East DTP Medium 4/12/10 0:00 1.25
27939 Bruce Money West DTP Medium 4/13/10 0:00 5.66
3205 Alan Haines Central Custom Order Low 4/15/10 0:00 69
59589 Magdelene Morse West DTP Medium 4/12/10 0:00 6.88
48128 Laurel Beltran South Custom Order Medium 4/13/10 0:00 24.49
56453 Dorothy Wardle East Wholesaler Critical 4/13/10 0:00 29.7
57767 Liz Pelletier Central DTP Critical 4/14/10 0:00 8.99
19044 Rob Dowd West DTP Low 4/14/10 0:00 13.99
49062 Ed Braxton West DTP Low 4/19/10 0:00 2.03
19044 Rob Dowd West DTP Low 4/19/10 0:00 9.45
45575 Eric Barreto South DTP Critical 4/13/10 0:00 5.01
18373 Tracy Poddar West DTP Critical 4/13/10 0:00 0.99
52225 Dana Kaydos East DTP Critical 4/14/10 0:00 2.85
52225 Dana Kaydos East DTP Critical 4/14/10 0:00 10.75
56418 John Lucas South DTP Critical 4/14/10 0:00 8.22
2052 Rob Lucas West DTP High 4/15/10 0:00 5.34
17702 Mark Cousins East Custom Order High 4/14/10 0:00 4
17702 Mark Cousins East DTP High 4/15/10 0:00 9.23
51202 Jim Epp West DTP High 4/15/10 0:00 5.66
8450 Eva Jacobs West DTP Not Specified 4/15/10 0:00 1.49
39876 Jill Stevenson Central DTP High 4/16/10 0:00 25.22
44422 Thais Sissman Central DTP Medium 4/16/10 0:00 0.99
44422 Thais Sissman Central DTP Medium 4/16/10 0:00 7.49
52164 John Lucas South DTP Not Specified 4/16/10 0:00 8.8
51202 Jim Epp West DTP High 4/16/10 0:00 7.64
8450 Eva Jacobs West DTP Not Specified 4/16/10 0:00 0.99
24066 Gary Hwang Central Wholesaler High 4/16/10 0:00 66.27
39876 Jill Stevenson Central Wholesaler High 4/16/10 0:00 51.94
52007 Alejandro Grove West DTP Medium 4/15/10 0:00 0.5
59905 Daniel Lacy West Custom Order High 4/16/10 0:00 1.2
8609 Roy Phan East DTP Critical 4/16/10 0:00 2.5
52007 Alejandro Grove West Wholesaler Medium 4/16/10 0:00 45.7
56161 Ed Braxton West Custom Order High 4/17/10 0:00 10.25
43043 Adam Hart East DTP Critical 4/17/10 0:00 11.79
59905 Daniel Lacy West DTP High 4/17/10 0:00 1.71
59905 Daniel Lacy West DTP High 4/17/10 0:00 1.99
38310 Jack Lebron Central DTP High 4/18/10 0:00 49
28871 Claudia Miner East DTP High 4/16/10 0:00 5.14
20615 Benjamin Farhat West Custom Order Medium 4/17/10 0:00 3.01
44071 Frank Price East DTP Not Specified 4/17/10 0:00 4.92
44071 Frank Price East DTP Not Specified 4/17/10 0:00 8.99
1826 Susan Vittorini East DTP Not Specified 4/17/10 0:00 4.75
54183 Mike Caudle West DTP Critical 4/17/10 0:00 8.99
54183 Mike Caudle West Custom Order Critical 4/18/10 0:00 5.5
1344 Jim Radford East DTP Low 4/20/10 0:00 8.99
1344 Jim Radford East DTP Low 4/23/10 0:00 5.26
50982 Clay Ludtke South DTP High 4/18/10 0:00 0.5
21638 Suzanne McNair South DTP High 4/18/10 0:00 8.74
5028 Art Miller Central DTP High 4/19/10 0:00 3.68
21253 Jim Karlsson Central DTP Medium 4/19/10 0:00 19.99
24098 Erin Mull South DTP Critical 4/19/10 0:00 1.49
24098 Erin Mull South DTP Critical 4/19/10 0:00 8.99
22688 Maureen Fritzler West DTP Medium 4/19/10 0:00 5.63
24098 Erin Mull South DTP Critical 4/20/10 0:00 5.83
48742 Roger Demir West DTP Not Specified 4/20/10 0:00 1.49
25895 Candace McMahon South DTP Medium 4/21/10 0:00 12.79
1221 Lela Donovan East DTP Not Specified 4/19/10 0:00 6.19
45476 Ashley Jarboe West DTP Critical 4/19/10 0:00 5.94
32386 Christopher Conant Central DTP Critical 4/21/10 0:00 13.99
1221 Lela Donovan East DTP Not Specified 4/21/10 0:00 25.4
35040 Jack O'Briant East DTP Not Specified 4/22/10 0:00 7.46
832 Alice McCarthy West DTP Low 4/23/10 0:00 5.9
45315 Peter Buhler Central DTP Medium 4/22/10 0:00 8.22
5986 Filia McAdams West DTP High 4/22/10 0:00 3.99
8390 Emily Grady West DTP Medium 4/22/10 0:00 4
5095 Lauren Leatherbury East DTP High 4/23/10 0:00 8.8
5986 Filia McAdams West DTP High 4/23/10 0:00 4.93
5986 Filia McAdams West Wholesaler High 4/23/10 0:00 14.19
59395 Cari Schnelling East Custom Order Critical 4/25/10 0:00 7.23
35104 Bill Donatelli East DTP High 4/25/10 0:00 14.87
39300 Emily Burns East DTP High 4/25/10 0:00 6.89
57638 Christy Brittain South DTP Low 4/25/10 0:00 7.99
35104 Bill Donatelli East DTP High 4/26/10 0:00 5.5
57638 Christy Brittain South Wholesaler Low 4/28/10 0:00 29.1
22183 Speros Goranitis Central DTP Medium 4/25/10 0:00 1
51872 Shui Tom East DTP Medium 4/25/10 0:00 24.49
51872 Shui Tom East Custom Order Medium 4/26/10 0:00 1.25
45698 Jay Kimmel West DTP High 4/26/10 0:00 19.99
51872 Shui Tom East DTP Medium 4/27/10 0:00 3.9
45698 Jay Kimmel West DTP High 4/27/10 0:00 4.23
25478 Jim Kriz West DTP Critical 4/25/10 0:00 2.5
12931 Doug Jacobs South DTP Medium 4/26/10 0:00 9.71
8033 Michelle Ellison West DTP High 4/26/10 0:00 6.89
46368 Cynthia Voltz South DTP High 4/27/10 0:00 3.97
25478 Jim Kriz West DTP Critical 4/27/10 0:00 1.82
4805 Tony Sayre East DTP Not Specified 4/28/10 0:00 7.37
23172 Alex Russell South DTP Low 4/30/10 0:00 13.99
52999 Eugene Hildebrand Central DTP Not Specified 4/26/10 0:00 5.67
3845 Stephanie Phelps East DTP Critical 4/26/10 0:00 19.99
29861 Brad Eason Central DTP Critical 4/27/10 0:00 0.99
3845 Stephanie Phelps East DTP Critical 4/27/10 0:00 0.96
1217 Sung Shariari South DTP Not Specified 4/27/10 0:00 1.99
52999 Eugene Hildebrand Central Custom Order Not Specified 4/28/10 0:00 4
52999 Eugene Hildebrand Central DTP Not Specified 4/28/10 0:00 2.15
3845 Stephanie Phelps East DTP Critical 4/28/10 0:00 10.49
21573 Don Weiss South DTP Critical 4/28/10 0:00 0.99
21573 Don Weiss South DTP Critical 4/28/10 0:00 3.72
16711 Jeremy Farry West DTP Not Specified 4/28/10 0:00 0.7
21573 Don Weiss South Wholesaler Critical 4/28/10 0:00 89.3
48673 Penelope Sewall Central DTP Not Specified 4/28/10 0:00 8.78
42246 Ted Trevino East DTP Not Specified 4/28/10 0:00 4
42246 Ted Trevino East DTP Not Specified 4/29/10 0:00 0.71
30310 Thomas Brumley West DTP Medium 4/29/10 0:00 8.8
15329 Rob Haberlin Central Custom Order High 4/28/10 0:00 1.99
13892 Frank Hawley Central DTP High 4/29/10 0:00 1.99
33378 Joseph Airdo Central DTP High 4/29/10 0:00 9.83
33670 Mick Crebagga Central DTP High 4/29/10 0:00 5
33670 Mick Crebagga Central DTP High 4/30/10 0:00 1.23
38498 Grant Carroll East DTP Critical 4/30/10 0:00 1.99
33159 Cindy Schnelling South DTP Medium 4/30/10 0:00 0.99
38498 Grant Carroll East DTP Critical 5/1/10 0:00 4.27
26912 Noel Staavos West DTP Low 5/2/10 0:00 5.26
46337 Liz Willingham South DTP Low 5/3/10 0:00 0.7
26912 Noel Staavos West DTP Low 5/7/10 0:00 5.5
5767 Jessica Myrick Central Custom Order High 4/30/10 0:00 5.04
21860 Larry Blacks South Custom Order Critical 4/30/10 0:00 4
26982 Clytie Kelty South Custom Order Not Specified 4/30/10 0:00 14.3
22497 Brendan Murry South Wholesaler Medium 4/30/10 0:00 28
5767 Jessica Myrick Central DTP High 5/1/10 0:00 5.5
30405 Justin Ellison East Wholesaler Low 5/4/10 0:00 42.52
28742 Rick Hansen South DTP Low 4/30/10 0:00 6.25
34086 Nat Gilpin East DTP High 5/2/10 0:00 2.5
38279 Tom Boeckenhauer East DTP Medium 5/2/10 0:00 4
36103 Nathan Mautz South DTP Critical 5/2/10 0:00 0.99
36103 Nathan Mautz South DTP Critical 5/2/10 0:00 5.72
52519 Bill Eplett South DTP High 5/2/10 0:00 6.32
24643 Ben Ferrer West DTP Medium 5/2/10 0:00 1.25
28742 Rick Hansen South Wholesaler Low 5/7/10 0:00 85.63
2691 Ted Trevino East Wholesaler Low 5/9/10 0:00 41.91
644 Bill Eplett South Wholesaler Critical 5/2/10 0:00 58.95
134 Michael Dominguez West DTP Not Specified 5/3/10 0:00 35
21410 Lindsay Castell Central Custom Order Critical 5/4/10 0:00 24.49
9952 Maribeth Dona Central Custom Order High 5/4/10 0:00 35
40131 Katherine Murray West DTP Low 5/3/10 0:00 9.86
3524 Nicole Hansen East DTP High 5/4/10 0:00 9.03
54339 Alan Hwang South DTP Low 5/8/10 0:00 5.31
54339 Alan Hwang South Custom Order Low 5/10/10 0:00 3.99
57093 John Murray East DTP Low 5/10/10 0:00 8.4
22951 Lena Creighton West DTP Medium 5/4/10 0:00 8.99
55749 Brad Norvell East DTP Critical 5/5/10 0:00 1.39
7488 Chuck Clark East DTP Critical 5/5/10 0:00 0.93
18917 Steve Nguyen South DTP Critical 5/6/10 0:00 1.49
30375 Christina Anderson Central DTP Low 5/8/10 0:00 6.27
51267 Corey Lock East Wholesaler Low 5/9/10 0:00 35.84
10470 Guy Phonely West Custom Order Low 5/7/10 0:00 3.5
49380 Jocasta Rupert Central DTP Medium 5/7/10 0:00 13.99
10470 Guy Phonely West DTP Low 5/7/10 0:00 4.99
39652 Valerie Takahito West DTP Low 5/7/10 0:00 0.5
8833 Nicole Hansen East DTP Low 5/9/10 0:00 35
10470 Khloe Miller East DTP Critical 5/10/10 0:00 5.21
39652 Valerie Takahito West DTP Low 5/10/10 0:00 8.99
10470 Guy Phonely West DTP Low 5/12/10 0:00 13.18
2023 Sam Craven South DTP Low 5/6/10 0:00 12.14
16257 Greg Maxwell West DTP Not Specified 5/7/10 0:00 2.5
53477 Roland Fjeld West Wholesaler High 5/7/10 0:00 64.73
2023 Sam Craven South DTP Low 5/8/10 0:00 5.49
48197 Anthony O'Donnell South DTP Not Specified 5/8/10 0:00 14.45
9409 Vicky Freymann West DTP Critical 5/8/10 0:00 4
53477 Roland Fjeld West DTP High 5/8/10 0:00 25.07
53477 Roland Fjeld West Wholesaler High 5/8/10 0:00 74.35
27265 Christina Anderson Central DTP Critical 5/7/10 0:00 11.64
21796 Vivek Grady West DTP Low 5/7/10 0:00 4.81
27265 Christina Anderson Central Custom Order Critical 5/8/10 0:00 19.99
8679 Roland Murray Central DTP Medium 5/8/10 0:00 2.15
27265 Christina Anderson Central Custom Order Critical 5/9/10 0:00 0.96
22272 Edward Nazzal South DTP High 5/9/10 0:00 5.99
6785 Nathan Mautz South DTP Medium 5/9/10 0:00 8.99
21796 Vivek Grady West DTP Low 5/11/10 0:00 19.99
21796 Vivek Grady West DTP Low 5/12/10 0:00 0.7
21796 Vivek Grady West DTP Low 5/14/10 0:00 1.39
130 Roy Collins South DTP High 5/9/10 0:00 9.03
30784 Tom Stivers South DTP Medium 5/9/10 0:00 1.56
17862 Neil Knudson West DTP Not Specified 5/9/10 0:00 6.5
130 Roy Collins South Custom Order High 5/10/10 0:00 13.99
17862 Neil Knudson West Custom Order Not Specified 5/10/10 0:00 0.7
46977 Allen Golden South DTP Medium 5/10/10 0:00 1.49
46977 Allen Golden South DTP Medium 5/10/10 0:00 8.99
58435 Arthur Prichep West DTP Low 5/10/10 0:00 15.1
30784 Tom Stivers South Wholesaler Medium 5/10/10 0:00 26.74
130 Roy Collins South DTP High 5/11/10 0:00 9.45
21510 Alyssa Crouse Central Custom Order High 5/9/10 0:00 1.99
38437 Cynthia Arntzen Central DTP Critical 5/10/10 0:00 2.31
52673 Ruben Dartt East DTP Medium 5/10/10 0:00 8.99
38437 Cynthia Arntzen Central Wholesaler Critical 5/10/10 0:00 52.2
52673 Ruben Dartt East DTP Medium 5/11/10 0:00 5.74
57058 Jack Garza Central Custom Order Medium 5/10/10 0:00 5.27
57058 Jack Garza Central DTP Medium 5/11/10 0:00 9.02
25348 Ryan Crowe Central DTP Critical 5/12/10 0:00 1.25
25348 Ryan Crowe Central DTP Critical 5/12/10 0:00 13.22
13282 Roy Phan East DTP Low 5/14/10 0:00 0.5
13282 Roy Phan East DTP Low 5/15/10 0:00 7.53
26756 Giulietta Weimer West DTP Medium 5/11/10 0:00 4
43493 Nick Crebassa South DTP High 5/12/10 0:00 5.94
5121 Ralph Kennedy West DTP Not Specified 5/12/10 0:00 1.25
7106 Shaun Weien East DTP Low 5/13/10 0:00 5.5
7106 Shaun Weien East DTP Low 5/13/10 0:00 27.26
43493 Nick Crebassa South DTP High 5/13/10 0:00 4.7
26756 Giulietta Weimer West DTP Medium 5/13/10 0:00 13.59
43493 Nick Crebassa South DTP High 5/14/10 0:00 5
16454 Chris Selesnick South DTP Medium 5/12/10 0:00 6.05
15524 John Huston Central DTP Medium 5/13/10 0:00 3.6
31393 Cindy Schnelling South DTP Critical 5/13/10 0:00 14.87
14851 Juliana Krohn West DTP Not Specified 5/13/10 0:00 24.49
31393 Cindy Schnelling South DTP Critical 5/14/10 0:00 1.32
14851 Juliana Krohn West DTP Not Specified 5/14/10 0:00 8.99
4069 Harold Dahlen Central Custom Order Medium 5/13/10 0:00 1.34
53024 Ritsa Hightower East DTP Not Specified 5/14/10 0:00 5
53024 Ritsa Hightower East DTP Not Specified 5/14/10 0:00 14.39
56672 Clay Ludtke South DTP High 5/14/10 0:00 13.89
10688 Craig Yedwab West DTP Medium 5/14/10 0:00 34.2
50403 Katherine Ducich West DTP Not Specified 5/14/10 0:00 1.6
4069 Harold Dahlen Central DTP Medium 5/15/10 0:00 6.74
56672 Clay Ludtke South DTP High 5/15/10 0:00 8.99
50403 Katherine Ducich West DTP Not Specified 5/15/10 0:00 6.05
56672 Clay Ludtke South Wholesaler High 5/15/10 0:00 60
4069 Harold Dahlen Central DTP Medium 5/16/10 0:00 0.8
30886 Linda Southworth Central DTP Low 5/18/10 0:00 19.99
25733 Eugene Barchas East DTP Low 5/18/10 0:00 12.98
52932 Joni Blumstein East DTP Low 5/18/10 0:00 6.6
15399 Benjamin Venier South Custom Order Critical 5/15/10 0:00 4.99
17698 Michael Kennedy Central DTP High 5/15/10 0:00 10.91
36644 Dorothy Wardle East DTP High 5/15/10 0:00 19.99
11011 Fred McMath East DTP High 5/15/10 0:00 8.78
58853 Eugene Hildebrand Central Wholesaler Critical 5/15/10 0:00 23.76
8130 Russell D'Ascenzo Central DTP Critical 5/16/10 0:00 5.04
17698 Michael Kennedy Central DTP High 5/16/10 0:00 3.5
17698 Michael Kennedy Central DTP High 5/16/10 0:00 8.99
15399 Benjamin Venier South DTP Critical 5/16/10 0:00 4.2
47014 Meg Tillman Central Wholesaler Critical 5/16/10 0:00 14.36
11011 Fred McMath East Wholesaler High 5/16/10 0:00 60.2
15399 Benjamin Venier South Wholesaler Critical 5/16/10 0:00 69.55
16359 Grant Donatelli Central DTP Critical 5/15/10 0:00 7.49
16359 Grant Donatelli Central DTP Critical 5/16/10 0:00 14.72
39365 Cynthia Arntzen Central Custom Order High 5/18/10 0:00 1.99
58145 Darren Budd Central Custom Order Medium 5/17/10 0:00 1.2
16039 Michelle Lonsdale East DTP High 5/18/10 0:00 1.99
13572 Pierre Wener West DTP Critical 5/19/10 0:00 5.14
59425 Giulietta Baptist Central DTP Medium 5/20/10 0:00 6.13
39168 Natalie Fritzler East DTP High 5/20/10 0:00 11.57
53667 Steve Carroll East DTP Medium 5/20/10 0:00 1.1
53667 Steve Carroll East DTP Medium 5/20/10 0:00 6.27
53120 Cindy Chapman West DTP Not Specified 5/20/10 0:00 0.88
59425 Giulietta Baptist Central DTP Medium 5/21/10 0:00 5.08
39168 Natalie Fritzler East DTP High 5/21/10 0:00 2.99
57602 Rachel Payne Central DTP Low 5/27/10 0:00 0.5
9312 Steven Cartwright Central Wholesaler Not Specified 5/20/10 0:00 14.36
17447 Carol Darley Central DTP Low 5/21/10 0:00 9.54
1701 Ed Ludwig West DTP High 5/21/10 0:00 1.99
1701 Ed Ludwig West DTP High 5/21/10 0:00 14.45
54181 Duane Benoit East Wholesaler High 5/21/10 0:00 14.7
20642 Darren Koutras East Wholesaler High 5/20/10 0:00 45
20642 Darren Koutras East DTP High 5/21/10 0:00 0.5
23681 Jenna Caffey West Custom Order High 5/22/10 0:00 35
37350 Kelly Andreada South DTP Critical 5/22/10 0:00 8.99
38817 Valerie Takahito West DTP Not Specified 5/22/10 0:00 4.62
49029 Jim Sink South Custom Order High 5/23/10 0:00 3.99
7841 Darren Budd Central DTP Not Specified 5/23/10 0:00 2.06
7841 Darren Budd Central DTP Not Specified 5/23/10 0:00 10.25
14497 Sung Pak South DTP Medium 5/24/10 0:00 7.96
22563 Laurel Workman West DTP Critical 5/24/10 0:00 3.68
1088 Muhammed Yedwab East DTP Low 5/28/10 0:00 6.5
18466 Deanra Eno South Custom Order Low 5/22/10 0:00 7.11
17701 Brad Thomas East DTP Critical 5/23/10 0:00 4.69
37634 Brendan Dodson East DTP Medium 5/23/10 0:00 4.81
30343 Brian DeCherney West DTP Critical 5/23/10 0:00 8.65
30343 Craig Carreira Central DTP Critical 5/24/10 0:00 24.49
30343 Brian DeCherney West DTP Critical 5/24/10 0:00 0.5
52290 Dennis Kane South DTP Low 5/26/10 0:00 19.99
18466 Deanra Eno South DTP Low 5/31/10 0:00 5.25
52290 Dennis Kane South DTP Low 5/31/10 0:00 4.99
38182 Randy Ferguson South DTP High 5/23/10 0:00 35
28294 Lindsay Castell Central DTP High 5/24/10 0:00 0.7
18757 Matthew Clasen South DTP Low 5/25/10 0:00 15.1
32608 Xylona Price West DTP High 5/25/10 0:00 3.5
18757 Matthew Clasen South DTP Low 5/28/10 0:00 9.92
18757 Matthew Clasen South Custom Order Low 5/30/10 0:00 1.6
25447 Randy Ferguson South DTP Not Specified 5/25/10 0:00 8.99
32100 Liz Carlisle Central DTP Medium 5/26/10 0:00 1.99
43523 Anna Andreadi South DTP Medium 5/26/10 0:00 5.46
13670 Art Foster Central Custom Order Critical 5/27/10 0:00 0.5
25447 Randy Ferguson South Wholesaler Not Specified 5/27/10 0:00 54.12
53285 Eudokia Martin East DTP Critical 5/27/10 0:00 19.99
6693 Astrea Jones South DTP Critical 5/27/10 0:00 0.8
35842 Susan Pistek South DTP High 5/27/10 0:00 0.99
17543 Tracy Collins Central DTP Critical 5/26/10 0:00 9.54
36929 Amy Cox West DTP Low 5/26/10 0:00 4.5
12804 Philip Fox South Custom Order Medium 5/28/10 0:00 8.34
17543 Tracy Collins Central DTP Critical 5/28/10 0:00 8.08
17543 Tracy Collins Central DTP Critical 5/28/10 0:00 17.08
12804 Philip Fox South DTP Medium 5/28/10 0:00 0.75
20451 Bill Overfelt West DTP Critical 5/28/10 0:00 7.09
20451 Bill Overfelt West Wholesaler Critical 5/28/10 0:00 45.7
12804 Philip Fox South DTP Medium 5/29/10 0:00 0.5
36929 Amy Cox West DTP Low 5/30/10 0:00 8.74
59015 Andrew Roberts Central DTP Medium 5/28/10 0:00 0.96
59015 Andrew Roberts Central DTP Medium 5/28/10 0:00 1.99
55460 Patrick Jones South DTP High 5/28/10 0:00 2.99
26336 Benjamin Farhat West DTP High 5/28/10 0:00 12.78
44768 Mark Cousins East Wholesaler Not Specified 5/28/10 0:00 58.92
59015 Andrew Roberts Central DTP Medium 5/29/10 0:00 5.81
55460 Patrick Jones South DTP High 5/29/10 0:00 4.5
26336 Benjamin Farhat West DTP High 5/29/10 0:00 6.5
11269 Harold Engle Central Custom Order Low 5/31/10 0:00 5.99
11269 Harold Engle Central DTP Low 6/3/10 0:00 20.49
40933 Jenna Caffey West DTP High 5/29/10 0:00 4.28
17216 Eric Barreto South Wholesaler Medium 5/29/10 0:00 58.95
3650 Denise Monton Central Custom Order Not Specified 5/30/10 0:00 5.47
3650 Denise Monton Central Wholesaler Not Specified 5/30/10 0:00 64.2
45125 Erin Smith East DTP Critical 5/30/10 0:00 4.99
59878 Ivan Gibson West DTP High 5/30/10 0:00 7.46
59878 Ivan Gibson West DTP High 5/30/10 0:00 8.51
45125 Erin Smith East Wholesaler Critical 5/30/10 0:00 35.02
34757 Neoma Murray South Custom Order High 5/31/10 0:00 6.22
21763 Adrian Barton South DTP Low 6/3/10 0:00 3.99
29218 Andrew Roberts Central Custom Order Low 5/30/10 0:00 39.61
29218 Andrew Roberts Central DTP Low 5/30/10 0:00 0.7
25635 Sally Knutson Central Custom Order Critical 5/31/10 0:00 4.62
25635 Sally Knutson Central DTP Critical 5/31/10 0:00 3.63
56802 Thea Hendricks South DTP High 5/31/10 0:00 1
29218 Andrew Roberts Central DTP Low 6/1/10 0:00 8.99
29221 Jay Fine South DTP High 6/2/10 0:00 5.83
23363 Robert Dilbeck South DTP Low 6/6/10 0:00 4.97
38914 Alyssa Crouse Central DTP Medium 6/1/10 0:00 5.16
42177 Shahid Hopkins West DTP Not Specified 6/1/10 0:00 8.59
50181 Odella Nelson West Wholesaler High 6/1/10 0:00 28.63
27138 Cari Sayre West DTP High 6/2/10 0:00 8.99
27138 Cari Sayre West Wholesaler High 6/2/10 0:00 35.84
42177 Shahid Hopkins West DTP Not Specified 6/3/10 0:00 6.02
48993 Russell D'Ascenzo Central Custom Order Low 6/1/10 0:00 6.22
48614 Nathan Mautz South DTP Critical 6/1/10 0:00 8.99
1285 Don Weiss South Wholesaler Critical 6/1/10 0:00 54.74
33029 Scott Cohen West DTP High 6/2/10 0:00 2.5
1285 Don Weiss South Wholesaler Critical 6/2/10 0:00 69.64
33029 Scott Cohen West Wholesaler High 6/3/10 0:00 75.23
47456 Brian DeCherney West DTP Low 6/8/10 0:00 7.91
50883 Pauline Chand East Wholesaler Low 6/2/10 0:00 30
23911 Christopher Conant Central DTP Critical 6/3/10 0:00 6.5
23911 Christopher Conant Central DTP Critical 6/3/10 0:00 7.5
53762 Ivan Liston South DTP Critical 6/3/10 0:00 0.49
23911 Christopher Conant Central Wholesaler Critical 6/3/10 0:00 70.2
36832 Bobby Trafton South Custom Order Low 6/7/10 0:00 1.99
36832 Bobby Trafton South DTP Low 6/9/10 0:00 1.49
12292 Ken Lonsdale South DTP Not Specified 6/3/10 0:00 5.89
9024 Katherine Murray West DTP Medium 6/3/10 0:00 2.79
3654 Karl Brown West Wholesaler Low 6/3/10 0:00 23.19
9024 Katherine Murray West DTP Medium 6/4/10 0:00 0.95
19652 Tamara Manning South Wholesaler Critical 6/4/10 0:00 42
46055 Marc Crier Central DTP Medium 6/5/10 0:00 6.5
19652 Tamara Manning South DTP Critical 6/5/10 0:00 3.99
9024 Katherine Murray West DTP Medium 6/5/10 0:00 6.5
3172 Annie Thurman West DTP Not Specified 6/5/10 0:00 3.3
1027 Hallie Redmond South Wholesaler Medium 6/5/10 0:00 46.74
3654 Karl Brown West DTP Low 6/8/10 0:00 5.33
3654 Karl Brown West DTP Low 6/8/10 0:00 13.99
44679 Debra Catini West DTP Medium 6/5/10 0:00 1.49
44679 Debra Catini West DTP Medium 6/6/10 0:00 12.23
23809 Nora Price East DTP Not Specified 6/7/10 0:00 1.49
34754 Patrick Jones South DTP Critical 6/7/10 0:00 5.08
56805 Craig Molinari Central Wholesaler High 6/7/10 0:00 99
36354 Henia Zydlo Central DTP Medium 6/8/10 0:00 19.99
37315 Luke Weiss Central Custom Order Low 6/13/10 0:00 4.99
37315 Luke Weiss Central DTP Low 6/13/10 0:00 5.17
37762 Anemone Ratner West DTP Medium 6/8/10 0:00 6.74
24390 Katherine Nockton South Custom Order Low 6/9/10 0:00 6.5
15591 Brad Eason Central DTP Critical 6/9/10 0:00 5.16
50144 Michael Dominguez West Custom Order Critical 6/8/10 0:00 9.07
39943 Rick Wilson West DTP High 6/9/10 0:00 1.99
9505 Maribeth Dona Central DTP High 6/10/10 0:00 4
2054 Katrina Willman Central DTP Not Specified 6/10/10 0:00 7.58
21028 Gary Mitchum South DTP Critical 6/10/10 0:00 6.97
39943 Rick Wilson West DTP High 6/10/10 0:00 3.3
9505 Maribeth Dona Central DTP High 6/11/10 0:00 5.5
2054 Katrina Willman Central DTP Not Specified 6/11/10 0:00 19.99
35012 Thomas Boland West DTP Medium 6/9/10 0:00 4.98
868 Carlos Daly East DTP Not Specified 6/10/10 0:00 5.94
19874 Mathew Reese South DTP High 6/10/10 0:00 9.45
39686 Philip Fox South DTP Not Specified 6/10/10 0:00 5.26
35012 Thomas Boland West DTP Medium 6/10/10 0:00 4.2
55431 Kean Thornton West DTP Not Specified 6/10/10 0:00 21.28
39686 Philip Fox South Wholesaler Not Specified 6/10/10 0:00 91.05
868 Carlos Daly East DTP Not Specified 6/11/10 0:00 3.61
29856 Lisa DeCherney West DTP Medium 6/12/10 0:00 0.8
45664 Karen Carlisle South DTP Not Specified 6/11/10 0:00 10.49
42887 Tracy Collins Central DTP Medium 6/12/10 0:00 5.76
38851 Brad Thomas East DTP Critical 6/12/10 0:00 4.69
43874 Mick Hernandez South DTP High 6/12/10 0:00 5
39938 Cindy Chapman West DTP High 6/12/10 0:00 8.99
42887 Tracy Collins Central DTP Medium 6/13/10 0:00 8.99
42887 Tracy Collins Central Wholesaler Medium 6/13/10 0:00 51.92
50977 Thomas Thornton West Custom Order Low 6/12/10 0:00 9.03
43460 Astrea Jones South DTP Medium 6/13/10 0:00 8.94
28901 Trudy Schmidt West DTP High 6/13/10 0:00 5.86
58658 Julia Dunbar West DTP Medium 6/13/10 0:00 6.5
58658 Julia Dunbar West Wholesaler Medium 6/13/10 0:00 58.64
44839 Julia West East Custom Order Critical 6/14/10 0:00 19.99
58658 Julia Dunbar West DTP Medium 6/14/10 0:00 0.99
12551 George Ashbrook East DTP Low 6/19/10 0:00 5.26
17507 Lela Donovan East DTP Medium 6/13/10 0:00 3.5
10823 Helen Wasserman South DTP Low 6/13/10 0:00 2.99
26274 Alan Schoenberger West DTP Not Specified 6/14/10 0:00 2.15
17507 Lela Donovan East Wholesaler Medium 6/15/10 0:00 28.06
6535 Adrian Hane East Custom Order Critical 6/16/10 0:00 8.99
26853 Russell Applegate Central DTP Low 6/17/10 0:00 6.35
9573 Emily Grady West Custom Order Medium 6/15/10 0:00 1.02
9573 Emily Grady West DTP Medium 6/15/10 0:00 1.92
43815 Corey Catlett West DTP Not Specified 6/15/10 0:00 44.78
48868 Paul Stevenson West DTP Not Specified 6/15/10 0:00 3.99
48868 Paul Stevenson West Custom Order Not Specified 6/16/10 0:00 35
43045 Neil Knudson West Wholesaler Medium 6/15/10 0:00 45.51
14241 MaryBeth Skach West DTP Critical 6/16/10 0:00 2.36
28899 Janet Lee Central DTP Low 6/17/10 0:00 5
43045 Neil Knudson West DTP Medium 6/17/10 0:00 10.12
6183 Ionia McGrath South DTP Medium 6/17/10 0:00 5.86
13383 Duane Huffman East DTP Not Specified 6/18/10 0:00 35
16897 Sally Hughsby South DTP Not Specified 6/18/10 0:00 1
16897 Sally Hughsby South Wholesaler Not Specified 6/18/10 0:00 58.95
53698 Tamara Chand East Custom Order Medium 6/18/10 0:00 0.71
29893 Michael Paige Central Wholesaler Medium 6/18/10 0:00 28.66
19972 Liz Price West DTP Critical 6/19/10 0:00 8.99
30147 Cathy Armstrong Central DTP Not Specified 6/20/10 0:00 10.49
1346 Theone Pippenger East Wholesaler High 6/20/10 0:00 26.22
59680 Katherine Hughes West DTP Critical 6/20/10 0:00 2.96
43488 Michelle Huthwaite West DTP Critical 6/20/10 0:00 5.89
43488 Michelle Huthwaite West DTP Critical 6/20/10 0:00 6.67
43488 Michelle Huthwaite West DTP Critical 6/21/10 0:00 6.46
43488 Michelle Huthwaite West DTP Critical 6/21/10 0:00 24.49
33541 John Lucas South DTP Critical 6/20/10 0:00 6.02
6885 Damala Kotsonis South DTP Low 6/20/10 0:00 6.3
46497 Jane Waco East DTP High 6/21/10 0:00 8.99
26407 Karen Ferguson South DTP Critical 6/21/10 0:00 8.99
33222 Nicole Brennan West Wholesaler Medium 6/21/10 0:00 30
26407 Karen Ferguson South DTP Critical 6/22/10 0:00 35
33222 Nicole Brennan West DTP Medium 6/22/10 0:00 15.8
6885 Damala Kotsonis South Wholesaler Low 6/22/10 0:00 30
8294 Gary Hwang Central DTP Medium 6/22/10 0:00 5.03
967 Maureen Gastineau West DTP Medium 6/22/10 0:00 2.9
967 Maureen Gastineau West DTP Medium 6/23/10 0:00 7.51
41667 Richard Bierner West DTP High 6/24/10 0:00 5.31
967 Maureen Gastineau West Wholesaler Medium 6/24/10 0:00 32.48
25986 Barry Pond East DTP Medium 6/24/10 0:00 4.96
49255 Mark Cousins East Wholesaler High 6/24/10 0:00 26.85
24580 Mark Cousins East DTP High 6/25/10 0:00 8.99
24580 Mark Cousins East DTP High 6/26/10 0:00 4.57
11044 Sandra Glassco West DTP Medium 6/26/10 0:00 5
12005 Dean Percer South DTP Not Specified 6/27/10 0:00 11.37
46691 Debra Catini West DTP Critical 6/27/10 0:00 22.6
19718 Victor Price South DTP Low 6/30/10 0:00 7.51
55494 Michael Stewart West DTP Not Specified 6/27/10 0:00 5.81
55494 Michael Stewart West Custom Order Not Specified 6/28/10 0:00 4.8
19074 Sonia Sunley Central Wholesaler Critical 6/28/10 0:00 68.02
24386 Bruce Stewart West Custom Order High 6/28/10 0:00 0.99
57025 Fred Chung South DTP Medium 6/29/10 0:00 2.99
14210 Helen Wasserman South DTP Not Specified 6/29/10 0:00 1.99
24386 Bruce Stewart West DTP High 6/29/10 0:00 13.68
47620 Charles McCrossin East DTP Low 7/6/10 0:00 3.37
6695 Natalie Webber Central Custom Order Low 6/28/10 0:00 8.49
33793 Joel Eaton East DTP Critical 6/29/10 0:00 15.09
16706 Beth Thompson East DTP High 6/29/10 0:00 1.2
16706 Beth Thompson East DTP High 6/29/10 0:00 34.2
17508 Roy Skaria Central Custom Order Low 6/30/10 0:00 0.7
16706 Beth Thompson East Custom Order High 6/30/10 0:00 3.9
43751 Michael Kennedy Central DTP High 6/30/10 0:00 4.53
46626 Magdelene Morse West Wholesaler Low 7/2/10 0:00 58.2
29191 Penelope Sewall Central Wholesaler Medium 6/30/10 0:00 54.12
50466 Toby Grace South Custom Order Critical 7/1/10 0:00 15.01
44037 Carlos Soltero Central DTP High 7/1/10 0:00 1.25
44037 Carlos Soltero Central DTP High 7/1/10 0:00 5.08
24743 Sylvia Foulston East DTP Low 7/4/10 0:00 24.49
24743 Sylvia Foulston East Wholesaler Low 7/6/10 0:00 64.2
48067 Jennifer Braxton Central Custom Order Low 6/30/10 0:00 8.99
23685 Cynthia Delaney Central DTP Not Specified 7/1/10 0:00 5
28387 Maureen Gastineau West DTP Not Specified 7/1/10 0:00 25.46
52324 Hallie Redmond South Wholesaler Not Specified 7/1/10 0:00 30
48067 Jennifer Braxton Central Custom Order Low 7/2/10 0:00 3
17414 Katherine Nockton South DTP High 7/2/10 0:00 5.01
17414 Katherine Nockton South DTP High 7/2/10 0:00 19.99
4416 Erica Bern Central DTP Low 7/4/10 0:00 19.99
26272 Carlos Daly East Custom Order Low 7/9/10 0:00 24.49
46912 Joy Bell East DTP Low 7/1/10 0:00 14.83
17826 Michelle Arnett Central DTP High 7/2/10 0:00 7.01
40801 Sarah Bern West DTP Not Specified 7/2/10 0:00 6.22
55938 Mark Haberlin West Custom Order Not Specified 7/4/10 0:00 40.97
4096 Bill Eplett South DTP Not Specified 7/4/10 0:00 0.5
55526 Guy Thornton West DTP High 7/4/10 0:00 9.03
37313 Liz MacKendrick West DTP Not Specified 7/4/10 0:00 37.58
37313 Liz MacKendrick West Custom Order Not Specified 7/5/10 0:00 8.99
23297 Adam Hart East DTP Critical 7/5/10 0:00 12.44
4103 Denise Leinenbach South DTP Low 7/7/10 0:00 8.99
50914 Carlos Daly East DTP Critical 7/4/10 0:00 8.99
29761 Ken Dana West DTP Medium 7/5/10 0:00 1.25
21509 Dennis Bolton East DTP High 7/6/10 0:00 0.5
43555 Sung Shariari South DTP Medium 7/6/10 0:00 0.7
29761 Ken Dana West DTP Medium 7/6/10 0:00 5.22
29761 Ken Dana West DTP Medium 7/7/10 0:00 5.37
46726 Meg O'Connel East DTP Not Specified 7/6/10 0:00 8.37
51747 Harold Pawlan South DTP Medium 7/7/10 0:00 0.5
46726 Meg O'Connel East DTP Not Specified 7/8/10 0:00 1.49
4741 Anthony O'Donnell South DTP Not Specified 7/8/10 0:00 8.54
41120 Darren Budd Central DTP Low 7/10/10 0:00 0.99
41120 Darren Budd Central DTP Low 7/10/10 0:00 5.3
32835 Joy Smith Central DTP Medium 7/10/10 0:00 4.99
30436 Dave Hallsten Central Custom Order Low 7/13/10 0:00 7.01
13923 Ed Braxton West DTP High 7/10/10 0:00 11.54
48577 Roy Collins South DTP Medium 7/11/10 0:00 5.09
13923 Ed Braxton West DTP High 7/11/10 0:00 49
13923 Ed Braxton West Wholesaler High 7/11/10 0:00 15.59
13923 Ed Braxton West Wholesaler High 7/11/10 0:00 28.66
58368 Doug Bickford South Custom Order High 7/10/10 0:00 6.88
2209 Pete Armstrong East DTP High 7/10/10 0:00 0.94
2209 Pete Armstrong East DTP High 7/11/10 0:00 0.88
2209 Pete Armstrong East DTP High 7/11/10 0:00 3
58368 Doug Bickford South DTP High 7/11/10 0:00 9.54
25569 Frank Carlisle East DTP High 7/12/10 0:00 6.47
28165 Grant Carroll East DTP Not Specified 7/12/10 0:00 2.99
58368 Doug Bickford South DTP High 7/12/10 0:00 5.33
24450 Kristina Nunn West DTP Critical 7/12/10 0:00 10.77
2209 Pete Armstrong East Wholesaler High 7/12/10 0:00 58.95
24450 Kristina Nunn West Custom Order Critical 7/13/10 0:00 7.29
44486 Tom Prescott Central DTP Critical 7/13/10 0:00 4.96
52706 Harry Greene Central Custom Order Low 7/17/10 0:00 1.49
53600 Roland Black East Custom Order Medium 7/12/10 0:00 5.74
34822 Nathan Cano East DTP Not Specified 7/12/10 0:00 1.99
30403 Emily Grady West DTP High 7/12/10 0:00 19.99
45767 Nick Crebassa South Custom Order High 7/13/10 0:00 6.25
30403 Emily Grady West Custom Order High 7/13/10 0:00 7.72
17797 Vivek Grady West Wholesaler Low 7/13/10 0:00 57.38
17797 Vivek Grady West DTP Low 7/15/10 0:00 2.5
1793 Joni Blumstein East DTP Not Specified 7/12/10 0:00 5.36
29985 Khloe Miller East Custom Order Critical 7/13/10 0:00 4.95
28228 Meg Tillman Central DTP Not Specified 7/13/10 0:00 19.99
29985 Guy Phonely West DTP Critical 7/14/10 0:00 8.94
14016 Tom Boeckenhauer East Wholesaler Low 7/14/10 0:00 51.94
36833 Harold Ryan East DTP Low 7/19/10 0:00 7.3
549 Ken Brennan West Custom Order Critical 7/13/10 0:00 35
549 Ken Brennan West DTP Critical 7/14/10 0:00 16.18
50758 Ritsa Hightower East Custom Order Medium 7/15/10 0:00 6.93
21925 Patrick Jones South DTP Not Specified 7/15/10 0:00 4
17735 Ed Ludwig West DTP Low 7/18/10 0:00 6.19
53378 Mitch Willingham South Custom Order Medium 7/15/10 0:00 11.64
53378 Mitch Willingham South DTP Medium 7/15/10 0:00 5
53378 Mitch Willingham South DTP Medium 7/15/10 0:00 19.99
14215 Karl Brown West DTP Medium 7/15/10 0:00 6.79
5858 Sibella Parks East DTP Not Specified 7/16/10 0:00 8.99
5858 Sibella Parks East DTP Not Specified 7/16/10 0:00 13.66
41927 Matt Abelman East Custom Order Not Specified 7/17/10 0:00 7.23
52325 Paul MacIntyre South DTP Not Specified 7/15/10 0:00 15.01
14980 Lori Olson South DTP Critical 7/16/10 0:00 1.99
53223 Stewart Visinsky Central DTP Low 7/22/10 0:00 5.41
55683 Meg Tillman Central DTP High 7/17/10 0:00 19.99
55683 Meg Tillman Central DTP High 7/18/10 0:00 1.35
16103 Maria Zettner South DTP Not Specified 7/18/10 0:00 10.32
30208 Lindsay Shagiari South DTP Low 7/17/10 0:00 4.99
30786 Quincy Jones South DTP Medium 7/17/10 0:00 1.34
9892 Kelly Williams South DTP Medium 7/18/10 0:00 8.23
30786 Quincy Jones South DTP Medium 7/18/10 0:00 10.68
33666 Eugene Barchas East DTP Not Specified 7/19/10 0:00 69
46979 Neil French South Wholesaler Low 7/19/10 0:00 26.53
59558 Henry Goldwyn Central DTP Not Specified 7/20/10 0:00 0.5
24613 Jasper Cacioppo South DTP Low 7/26/10 0:00 10.7
24613 Jasper Cacioppo South DTP Low 7/26/10 0:00 24.49
46979 Neil French South DTP Low 7/26/10 0:00 5.49
42374 Dennis Pardue Central Custom Order Critical 7/18/10 0:00 1.99
42374 Dennis Pardue Central DTP Critical 7/19/10 0:00 5.08
45734 Amy Hunt Central Custom Order Critical 7/20/10 0:00 7.95
42374 Dennis Pardue Central DTP Critical 7/20/10 0:00 10.29
24039 Sean Wendt East DTP Not Specified 7/20/10 0:00 1.99
38532 Pamela Coakley South DTP High 7/20/10 0:00 0.7
53635 Raymond Fair West DTP Not Specified 7/21/10 0:00 1.92
43907 Melanie Page West Wholesaler Critical 7/21/10 0:00 45.51
25825 Michael Granlund East DTP Not Specified 7/20/10 0:00 2.27
11745 Mark Cousins East DTP High 7/21/10 0:00 19.99
14727 Bobby Trafton South DTP Medium 7/21/10 0:00 3.5
34595 Dave Poirier South DTP Medium 7/21/10 0:00 17.48
25825 Michael Granlund East DTP Not Specified 7/23/10 0:00 1.79
14727 Bobby Trafton South Wholesaler Medium 7/23/10 0:00 52.2
49927 Parhena Norris East DTP Not Specified 7/21/10 0:00 4.95
49927 Parhena Norris East DTP Not Specified 7/22/10 0:00 0.78
49927 Parhena Norris East DTP Not Specified 7/23/10 0:00 4
5408 Bobby Elias South DTP Low 7/28/10 0:00 0.5
5408 Bobby Elias South DTP Low 7/30/10 0:00 21.21
17634 Alan Hwang South Wholesaler High 7/22/10 0:00 42
33568 Frank Olsen South Custom Order Medium 7/23/10 0:00 5.8
41831 Muhammed Lee Central DTP Not Specified 7/23/10 0:00 5.66
11396 Matt Connell South DTP Critical 7/23/10 0:00 19.99
33568 Frank Olsen South DTP Medium 7/23/10 0:00 52.2
17091 Kean Nguyen South DTP Medium 7/23/10 0:00 5.26
40357 Emily Grady West DTP Not Specified 7/23/10 0:00 13.22
20807 Justin Hirsh West DTP Not Specified 7/23/10 0:00 3.3
22465 Thea Hendricks South Wholesaler Not Specified 7/23/10 0:00 50
16098 Patricia Hirasaki West DTP Low 7/24/10 0:00 2.99
41831 Muhammed Lee Central Wholesaler Not Specified 7/24/10 0:00 30.06
20807 Justin Hirsh West Wholesaler Not Specified 7/24/10 0:00 30
6182 Grant Carroll East Custom Order Low 7/26/10 0:00 7.86
16098 Patricia Hirasaki West DTP Low 7/26/10 0:00 8.99
6182 Grant Carroll East DTP Low 7/29/10 0:00 6.65
29764 Barry Gonzalez Central Custom Order Critical 7/24/10 0:00 8.4
54023 Sean Miller West DTP Not Specified 7/24/10 0:00 5.6
43556 Saphhira Shifley West DTP Low 7/28/10 0:00 1.97
57574 Russell D'Ascenzo Central Wholesaler Critical 7/25/10 0:00 15.68
17218 Clay Ludtke South DTP Critical 7/26/10 0:00 2.04
40388 Luke Schmidt South DTP Critical 7/27/10 0:00 0.94
27201 Scot Coram West Wholesaler High 7/26/10 0:00 115.3
30727 Kean Nguyen South Custom Order Medium 7/28/10 0:00 4.5
5254 William Brown South DTP Not Specified 7/28/10 0:00 8.99
37831 Cynthia Voltz South DTP Not Specified 7/29/10 0:00 4
23174 Harry Marie Central Wholesaler Low 7/29/10 0:00 64.2
23174 Harry Marie Central DTP Low 8/3/10 0:00 7.04
32903 Daniel Lacy West DTP Low 8/3/10 0:00 8.78
23812 Toby Grace South Wholesaler Critical 7/28/10 0:00 15.59
11684 Jenna Caffey West DTP High 7/30/10 0:00 24.49
42982 Brendan Sweed Central DTP Low 8/2/10 0:00 3.04
42982 Brendan Sweed Central Custom Order Low 8/6/10 0:00 24.49
55813 Darren Powers West DTP Low 7/29/10 0:00 37.58
49153 Barbara Fisher South Wholesaler Medium 7/29/10 0:00 30
16161 Kristina Nunn West DTP Medium 7/30/10 0:00 4.2
16161 Kristina Nunn West DTP Medium 7/31/10 0:00 0.71
11782 Marina Lichtenstein Central DTP Low 8/3/10 0:00 4.75
11782 Marina Lichtenstein Central DTP Low 8/5/10 0:00 13.99
44423 Nona Balk South DTP Critical 7/31/10 0:00 5.29
26310 Neil French South DTP Not Specified 7/31/10 0:00 5.14
40901 Darrin Van Huff South Custom Order Medium 8/1/10 0:00 8.08
36864 Toby Carlisle South DTP Low 8/1/10 0:00 0.91
40901 Darrin Van Huff South DTP Medium 8/1/10 0:00 4.07
26310 Neil French South DTP Not Specified 8/1/10 0:00 1.39
20932 Raymond Fair West DTP High 8/1/10 0:00 1.86
52678 Jonathan Doherty Central Wholesaler High 8/1/10 0:00 53.03
59234 Michelle Lonsdale East DTP Low 8/3/10 0:00 0.99
5699 Sean Miller West Custom Order Low 8/4/10 0:00 7.69
5699 Sean Miller West DTP Low 8/4/10 0:00 0.99
59234 Michelle Lonsdale East Wholesaler Low 8/4/10 0:00 14.19
26469 Arthur Prichep West DTP Medium 8/1/10 0:00 6.93
16352 Logan Haushalter Central DTP Medium 8/2/10 0:00 6.65
27616 Susan Pistek South DTP Low 8/2/10 0:00 24.49
26469 Arthur Prichep West DTP Medium 8/2/10 0:00 19.99
2562 Cindy Chapman West Custom Order Critical 8/2/10 0:00 5.81
56384 Steven Roelle East DTP Critical 8/2/10 0:00 49
11808 Paul Prost South Wholesaler Not Specified 8/2/10 0:00 39.25
2562 Cindy Chapman West DTP Critical 8/3/10 0:00 11.25
56384 Steven Roelle East Wholesaler Critical 8/3/10 0:00 69.64
2562 Cindy Chapman West DTP Critical 8/4/10 0:00 1.99
47399 Rick Bensley Central DTP Low 8/2/10 0:00 2.99
13988 MaryBeth Skach West Custom Order Not Specified 8/3/10 0:00 4.98
11431 Eric Hoffmann Central DTP High 8/3/10 0:00 8.99
13988 MaryBeth Skach West DTP Not Specified 8/3/10 0:00 5.32
13988 MaryBeth Skach West DTP Not Specified 8/3/10 0:00 7.69
11431 Eric Hoffmann Central DTP High 8/4/10 0:00 2.87
31302 Jim Epp West DTP High 8/4/10 0:00 1.99
2247 Clay Cheatham Central Wholesaler Not Specified 8/4/10 0:00 8.73
33445 Victoria Brennan East DTP Low 8/5/10 0:00 69
52039 Justin MacKendrick South DTP Critical 8/5/10 0:00 1.99
33445 Victoria Brennan East Wholesaler Low 8/8/10 0:00 62.58
26691 Liz Thompson East DTP Not Specified 8/5/10 0:00 6.16
37412 Steve Carroll East DTP High 8/6/10 0:00 3.37
933 Claudia Miner East DTP Not Specified 8/5/10 0:00 2.99
54886 Doug O'Connell West DTP Critical 8/6/10 0:00 5.16
52197 Maxwell Schwartz West DTP Critical 8/6/10 0:00 2
33761 Pierre Wener West DTP High 8/6/10 0:00 2.89
36803 Ralph Kennedy West Custom Order Not Specified 8/7/10 0:00 5.33
8167 Jim Karlsson Central DTP Critical 8/7/10 0:00 1.25
8167 Jim Karlsson Central DTP Critical 8/7/10 0:00 6.22
1540 Don Miller East DTP High 8/7/10 0:00 0.7
52197 Maxwell Schwartz West DTP Critical 8/7/10 0:00 6.88
36803 Ralph Kennedy West DTP Not Specified 8/7/10 0:00 0.99
36803 Ralph Kennedy West DTP Not Specified 8/7/10 0:00 2.5
18849 Deanra Eno South DTP High 8/6/10 0:00 6.24
30597 Michelle Ellison West DTP High 8/7/10 0:00 4.53
16423 Bryan Davis Central DTP Medium 8/8/10 0:00 6.57
27299 Liz Willingham South DTP Critical 8/8/10 0:00 14.87
18849 Deanra Eno South DTP High 8/8/10 0:00 8.78
30597 Michelle Ellison West DTP High 8/8/10 0:00 2.03
59909 Christina Vanderzanden West Wholesaler Low 8/8/10 0:00 56.14
59909 Christina Vanderzanden West Custom Order Low 8/13/10 0:00 7.28
28454 Sean O'Donnell South DTP Medium 8/8/10 0:00 6.74
11398 Nathan Gelder West DTP High 8/8/10 0:00 10.39
11398 Nathan Gelder West DTP High 8/9/10 0:00 0.81
51365 Theone Pippenger East Wholesaler High 8/9/10 0:00 51.94
25861 Brooke Gillingham South Wholesaler High 8/9/10 0:00 14.7
51365 Theone Pippenger East DTP High 8/10/10 0:00 5.57
15296 Nick Radford South DTP Not Specified 8/10/10 0:00 19.99
44323 Barry Weirich South Wholesaler Medium 8/10/10 0:00 16.06
45670 Barry Franz West DTP Low 8/12/10 0:00 7.86
32327 Ionia McGrath South Wholesaler Low 8/15/10 0:00 147.12
13543 Andy Reiter South DTP Medium 8/9/10 0:00 9.45
49442 Brian DeCherney West DTP High 8/10/10 0:00 7.19
42436 Becky Pak South Wholesaler Critical 8/11/10 0:00 48.26
42400 Giulietta Baptist Central DTP Low 8/12/10 0:00 4
45440 Michelle Lonsdale East Wholesaler Critical 8/12/10 0:00 28.63
48774 Dionis Lloyd South Wholesaler High 8/12/10 0:00 62.94
42400 Giulietta Baptist Central DTP Low 8/15/10 0:00 6.5
9347 Michelle Tran West DTP Low 8/19/10 0:00 5.13
38656 John Castell East DTP Low 8/11/10 0:00 0.5
28738 Nora Price East DTP Medium 8/12/10 0:00 19.99
8801 Thomas Brumley West Custom Order Low 8/13/10 0:00 3
28738 Nora Price East DTP Medium 8/13/10 0:00 6.19
35299 Randy Bradley South DTP Not Specified 8/13/10 0:00 19.99
23748 Naresj Patel West Wholesaler High 8/13/10 0:00 28.66
8293 Jason Klamczynski Central DTP Low 8/15/10 0:00 1.92
54630 Rob Williams South DTP Low 8/15/10 0:00 6.22
8801 Thomas Brumley West Custom Order Low 8/16/10 0:00 48.2
8293 Jason Klamczynski Central DTP Low 8/16/10 0:00 1.1
38656 John Castell East Wholesaler Low 8/16/10 0:00 26.2
38656 John Castell East DTP Low 8/18/10 0:00 5.34
47846 Hilary Holden Central DTP High 8/13/10 0:00 6.93
47846 Hilary Holden Central DTP High 8/13/10 0:00 13.99
47846 Hilary Holden Central DTP High 8/14/10 0:00 27.03
29376 Karen Seio South DTP Critical 8/14/10 0:00 7.07
45860 Matthew Clasen South DTP Low 8/13/10 0:00 0.95
39490 Ashley Jarboe West DTP Low 8/13/10 0:00 5.81
13284 Muhammed Lee Central DTP High 8/14/10 0:00 22.98
27078 Nathan Mautz South DTP Not Specified 8/14/10 0:00 5.86
20002 Dianna Vittorini West DTP Medium 8/14/10 0:00 2.39
19905 Matt Abelman East DTP Critical 8/15/10 0:00 0.5
29347 Tanja Norvell West DTP Medium 8/15/10 0:00 19.99
19905 Matt Abelman East Wholesaler Critical 8/15/10 0:00 64.59
39490 Ashley Jarboe West Wholesaler Low 8/17/10 0:00 60
58883 Maya Herman South DTP Low 8/18/10 0:00 0.99
10948 Dan Campbell South DTP Medium 8/14/10 0:00 7.01
48000 Victoria Brennan East DTP High 8/15/10 0:00 1.99
51175 Katherine Hughes West DTP High 8/15/10 0:00 4.5
24608 Quincy Jones South DTP Medium 8/16/10 0:00 2.99
51175 Katherine Hughes West DTP High 8/16/10 0:00 24.49
50532 Richard Bierner West DTP Medium 8/16/10 0:00 1.3
42596 Liz Thompson East DTP Medium 8/17/10 0:00 0.7
2500 Bobby Elias South DTP High 8/17/10 0:00 6.27
4294 Mike Vittorini West DTP Medium 8/17/10 0:00 4.08
50532 Richard Bierner West DTP Medium 8/17/10 0:00 2.99
5635 Nick Radford South DTP Medium 8/18/10 0:00 5.92
5635 Nick Radford South DTP Medium 8/18/10 0:00 7.19
54209 Arthur Prichep West DTP Medium 8/18/10 0:00 5.99
8454 Christine Phan South DTP Medium 8/19/10 0:00 7.78
11108 Cynthia Arntzen Central DTP Not Specified 8/19/10 0:00 5.74
39425 Mitch Gastineau East DTP Critical 8/19/10 0:00 5.99
39877 Nathan Mautz South DTP Critical 8/19/10 0:00 0.78
36038 Alex Russell South DTP High 8/19/10 0:00 5
13601 Joni Blumstein East DTP Low 8/21/10 0:00 19.99
56930 Eva Jacobs West DTP Low 8/18/10 0:00 35
487 Valerie Dominguez Central DTP Critical 8/19/10 0:00 4.5
38884 Edward Hooks East DTP High 8/19/10 0:00 5.66
38884 Edward Hooks East Wholesaler High 8/19/10 0:00 54.12
56930 Eva Jacobs West DTP Low 8/25/10 0:00 0.7
3907 Christopher Martinez Central DTP Medium 8/19/10 0:00 49
3907 Christopher Martinez Central Custom Order Medium 8/20/10 0:00 5.5
25571 Cathy Armstrong Central DTP Critical 8/21/10 0:00 35
3907 Christopher Martinez Central DTP Medium 8/21/10 0:00 15.1
6018 Toby Grace South DTP Low 8/21/10 0:00 2.03
6018 Toby Grace South DTP Low 8/24/10 0:00 13.88
31173 Sally Hughsby South Custom Order Low 8/26/10 0:00 5.03
31297 Mike Kennedy East DTP Low 8/26/10 0:00 8.65
31297 Mike Kennedy East DTP Low 8/28/10 0:00 4.92
58084 Raymond Fair West DTP Medium 8/20/10 0:00 0.49
32230 David Philippe East DTP High 8/21/10 0:00 9.2
32610 Yoseph Carroll East DTP Not Specified 8/21/10 0:00 7.69
32610 Yoseph Carroll East DTP Not Specified 8/21/10 0:00 8.37
40608 Bill Eplett South DTP Not Specified 8/21/10 0:00 5.66
40608 Bill Eplett South DTP Not Specified 8/22/10 0:00 9.54
58084 Raymond Fair West DTP Medium 8/22/10 0:00 1.77
20096 Peter Buhler Central Wholesaler Low 8/25/10 0:00 29.21
4099 Ed Braxton West DTP Critical 8/22/10 0:00 6.22
4099 Ed Braxton West DTP Critical 8/22/10 0:00 7.29
11875 Shahid Hopkins West DTP Medium 8/22/10 0:00 6.27
36101 Ann Steele West Wholesaler High 8/22/10 0:00 53.48
17953 Troy Staebel South DTP High 8/23/10 0:00 20.71
4099 Ed Braxton West DTP Critical 8/23/10 0:00 8.99
36294 Yana Sorensen West DTP Medium 8/23/10 0:00 4.98
17953 Troy Staebel South Wholesaler High 8/23/10 0:00 60
4099 Ed Braxton West DTP Critical 8/24/10 0:00 5.76
4896 Michael Stewart West DTP Critical 8/22/10 0:00 1.99
34148 Theresa Swint Central DTP Critical 8/23/10 0:00 0.99
4896 Michael Stewart West Custom Order Critical 8/24/10 0:00 5.99
25313 Karl Brown West DTP Critical 8/24/10 0:00 5.53
4896 Michael Stewart West DTP Critical 8/24/10 0:00 5.59
3361 Michael Granlund East DTP Not Specified 8/23/10 0:00 6.72
24067 Frank Atkinson South Custom Order High 8/24/10 0:00 5.92
3361 Michael Granlund East DTP Not Specified 8/24/10 0:00 2.27
24067 Frank Atkinson South DTP High 8/24/10 0:00 7.5
24067 Frank Atkinson South Custom Order High 8/25/10 0:00 5.26
44869 Sonia Cooley East DTP Medium 8/25/10 0:00 7.49
49350 Laura Armstrong South DTP High 8/25/10 0:00 11.15
8039 Phillip Flathmann Central DTP Medium 8/25/10 0:00 19.51
16452 David Flashing West DTP Medium 8/25/10 0:00 1.01
36709 Jennifer Ferguson South DTP Critical 8/26/10 0:00 8.99
1185 Ionia McGrath South DTP Low 8/28/10 0:00 14.3
33031 Tony Sayre East DTP High 8/26/10 0:00 6.65
33031 Tony Sayre East Wholesaler High 8/27/10 0:00 15.68
2497 Michael Moore Central DTP Critical 8/29/10 0:00 5.26
20933 Alan Hwang South DTP High 8/29/10 0:00 5
31460 Benjamin Patterson West DTP High 8/29/10 0:00 35
1504 Maribeth Schnelling Central DTP Medium 8/29/10 0:00 1.99
39266 Dan Campbell South DTP High 8/29/10 0:00 1.39
43682 Tim Taslimi Central DTP Medium 8/30/10 0:00 8.99
39266 Dan Campbell South DTP High 8/30/10 0:00 49.5
23489 Ritsa Hightower East Custom Order High 8/29/10 0:00 3.61
7267 Muhammed Yedwab East DTP High 8/29/10 0:00 6.46
23616 Becky Martin South DTP Not Specified 8/29/10 0:00 24.49
28544 Annie Thurman West DTP Critical 8/30/10 0:00 1.49
52676 Amy Hunt Central DTP High 8/31/10 0:00 5.86
33186 Don Jones East DTP Low 8/31/10 0:00 5.26
52580 Katherine Ducich West DTP High 8/31/10 0:00 1.39
52580 Katherine Ducich West DTP High 8/31/10 0:00 1.99
18113 Becky Castell East Wholesaler Not Specified 8/31/10 0:00 30
38178 Sibella Parks East DTP Medium 8/31/10 0:00 0.5
59361 Thea Hudgings Central DTP High 9/1/10 0:00 6.3
22434 Allen Golden South DTP Critical 9/1/10 0:00 9.8
13575 Cynthia Arntzen Central Custom Order Critical 9/2/10 0:00 8.19
31232 Mark Cousins East Wholesaler High 9/2/10 0:00 61.76
50565 Sylvia Foulston East DTP High 8/31/10 0:00 12.39
26981 Vicky Freymann West DTP Medium 8/31/10 0:00 1.25
58369 Allen Armold West Wholesaler High 8/31/10 0:00 56.14
9155 Ken Lonsdale South DTP Critical 9/1/10 0:00 11.63
58369 Allen Armold West DTP High 9/1/10 0:00 6.05
14439 Cindy Stewart West DTP High 9/1/10 0:00 10.75
26981 Vicky Freymann West DTP Medium 9/1/10 0:00 6.25
40007 Larry Tron South DTP Not Specified 9/2/10 0:00 1.17
52230 Adrian Shami Central Wholesaler Critical 9/2/10 0:00 58.2
37253 Muhammed MacIntyre East DTP High 9/2/10 0:00 5.89
43588 Jennifer Patt South DTP Medium 9/3/10 0:00 1.09
43270 Sarah Brown South DTP Critical 9/4/10 0:00 0.99
30054 Alejandro Grove West DTP Not Specified 9/4/10 0:00 4.93
25797 Roland Fjeld West DTP Not Specified 9/4/10 0:00 1.99
43588 Jennifer Patt South Wholesaler Medium 9/5/10 0:00 59.24
40193 Maria Zettner South Custom Order High 9/3/10 0:00 2.5
13345 Bill Donatelli East DTP Not Specified 9/3/10 0:00 3.37
25666 Hunter Lopez South DTP Critical 9/3/10 0:00 4.81
33702 Adam Hart East Custom Order Not Specified 9/4/10 0:00 0.5
13345 Bill Donatelli East DTP Not Specified 9/4/10 0:00 2.39
25666 Hunter Lopez South DTP Critical 9/4/10 0:00 19.99
20066 Anna Chung West DTP Critical 9/4/10 0:00 5.72
25985 Tony Sayre East DTP Low 9/5/10 0:00 3.05
20066 Anna Chung West DTP Critical 9/5/10 0:00 8.74
25985 Tony Sayre East DTP Low 9/7/10 0:00 0.71
39808 Brendan Murry South DTP Low 9/7/10 0:00 2.5
39808 Brendan Murry South DTP Low 9/10/10 0:00 9.83
57152 Christopher Conant Central DTP Low 9/4/10 0:00 1.49
15781 David Flashing West DTP High 9/5/10 0:00 4
40802 Scott Cohen West Wholesaler High 9/5/10 0:00 56.14
49094 Brian Stugart East DTP Critical 9/6/10 0:00 4
4581 Thea Hendricks South DTP Not Specified 9/6/10 0:00 19.99
57152 Christopher Conant Central DTP Low 9/11/10 0:00 1.39
2560 Harold Ryan East DTP Critical 9/6/10 0:00 6.5
2560 Harold Ryan East DTP Critical 9/7/10 0:00 5.49
39555 Naresj Patel West DTP Low 9/10/10 0:00 8.23
16231 Harold Engle Central Wholesaler Low 9/10/10 0:00 51.94
22182 Cynthia Arntzen Central DTP Medium 9/7/10 0:00 7.17
23649 Arthur Wiediger South DTP Not Specified 9/7/10 0:00 8.08
14695 Anthony Witt West Wholesaler High 9/7/10 0:00 54.11
22182 Cynthia Arntzen Central Custom Order Medium 9/8/10 0:00 10.25
2147 Hallie Redmond South Custom Order Not Specified 9/8/10 0:00 5.33
52130 Carlos Soltero Central DTP Low 9/8/10 0:00 5.34
52130 Carlos Soltero Central DTP Low 9/8/10 0:00 18.98
56548 Suzanne McNair South Wholesaler Medium 9/8/10 0:00 69.64
22182 Cynthia Arntzen Central DTP Medium 9/9/10 0:00 4
30660 Anna Andreadi South DTP Critical 9/9/10 0:00 69
23649 Arthur Wiediger South DTP Not Specified 9/9/10 0:00 4.2
34852 Rob Dowd West DTP Low 9/10/10 0:00 1.49
1991 Barry Franz West DTP Not Specified 9/7/10 0:00 24.49
1991 Barry Franz West Wholesaler Not Specified 9/8/10 0:00 12.06
34309 Fred McMath East DTP High 9/9/10 0:00 5.15
54086 Denny Ordway West Wholesaler Low 9/9/10 0:00 28.06
29536 Raymond Book East DTP Medium 9/10/10 0:00 19.99
43713 Odella Nelson West DTP Medium 9/10/10 0:00 2.4
29536 Raymond Book East Wholesaler Medium 9/10/10 0:00 15.66
29536 Raymond Book East Wholesaler Medium 9/10/10 0:00 64.66
59202 Andrew Gjertsen East DTP Medium 9/9/10 0:00 0.5
59202 Andrew Gjertsen East DTP Medium 9/10/10 0:00 2.27
36743 Laurel Elliston West DTP Critical 9/10/10 0:00 4
18661 Nick Crebassa South Wholesaler Low 9/11/10 0:00 61.76
18661 Nick Crebassa South Wholesaler Low 9/13/10 0:00 58.2
11874 Tracy Poddar West DTP Medium 9/10/10 0:00 9.83
32804 Lycoris Saunders Central DTP Medium 9/11/10 0:00 0.5
31744 Rachel Payne Central DTP Medium 9/11/10 0:00 7.37
32804 Lycoris Saunders Central DTP Medium 9/12/10 0:00 5.26
11874 Tracy Poddar West DTP Medium 9/12/10 0:00 8.65
17959 Doug Jacobs South DTP Medium 9/13/10 0:00 19.99
17959 Doug Jacobs South DTP Medium 9/13/10 0:00 24.49
43332 Greg Tran Central Custom Order High 9/11/10 0:00 14.3
58278 Logan Haushalter Central DTP High 9/13/10 0:00 8.99
11362 Hilary Holden Central DTP Low 9/13/10 0:00 5
11362 Hilary Holden Central DTP Low 9/13/10 0:00 13.99
7552 Chuck Clark East DTP Critical 9/13/10 0:00 9.31
58278 Logan Haushalter Central DTP High 9/14/10 0:00 0.99
11362 Hilary Holden Central DTP Low 9/15/10 0:00 8.99
11362 Hilary Holden Central DTP Low 9/16/10 0:00 24.49
19653 Edward Nazzal South DTP Not Specified 9/12/10 0:00 5.47
41766 Stefania Perrino South DTP Critical 9/13/10 0:00 14.72
41766 Stefania Perrino South Wholesaler Critical 9/13/10 0:00 28.14
27302 Maya Herman South DTP Low 9/13/10 0:00 5.81
27302 Maya Herman South DTP Low 9/13/10 0:00 8.78
47622 Lindsay Williams Central DTP Not Specified 9/14/10 0:00 13.99
46212 Grant Donatelli Central Custom Order Not Specified 9/15/10 0:00 2.5
49862 Nora Price East DTP Not Specified 9/15/10 0:00 0.5
46212 Grant Donatelli Central Wholesaler Not Specified 9/15/10 0:00 45.7
4578 Roy Skaria Central DTP Low 9/18/10 0:00 6.74
4578 Roy Skaria Central DTP Low 9/20/10 0:00 6.67
4578 Roy Skaria Central DTP Low 9/20/10 0:00 13.32
42564 Mike Pelletier East Wholesaler Low 9/20/10 0:00 23.76
36901 Dana Kaydos East DTP Critical 9/15/10 0:00 5.66
36130 Lindsay Shagiari South DTP Critical 9/15/10 0:00 4
46053 Ken Lonsdale South DTP High 9/15/10 0:00 0.99
46053 Ken Lonsdale South DTP High 9/15/10 0:00 3.5
4996 Rob Dowd West DTP Medium 9/15/10 0:00 19.99
2146 Todd Boyes West DTP Not Specified 9/15/10 0:00 4.99
32000 Victoria Wilson West DTP Low 9/16/10 0:00 1.35
2146 Todd Boyes West DTP Not Specified 9/16/10 0:00 0.5
32000 Victoria Wilson West Wholesaler Low 9/21/10 0:00 147.12
51140 Sean O'Donnell South DTP Low 9/15/10 0:00 5.15
44805 Jonathan Doherty Central DTP High 9/16/10 0:00 2.99
26021 Nicole Brennan West DTP Critical 9/17/10 0:00 4.81
42306 Maureen Gastineau West DTP High 9/17/10 0:00 13.52
42054 Patrick Bzostek West DTP Medium 9/17/10 0:00 1.49
51140 Sean O'Donnell South DTP Low 9/19/10 0:00 1.99
51140 Sean O'Donnell South DTP Low 9/22/10 0:00 24.49
31874 Shahid Shariari West Custom Order High 9/16/10 0:00 3.37
3333 Sandra Flanagan West DTP Not Specified 9/16/10 0:00 5.4
31874 Shahid Shariari West Wholesaler High 9/16/10 0:00 84.84
57798 Nora Price East Wholesaler High 9/17/10 0:00 36.09
32640 Peter McVee West Custom Order High 9/18/10 0:00 6.47
32640 Peter McVee West DTP High 9/18/10 0:00 5.48
3333 Sandra Flanagan West DTP Not Specified 9/18/10 0:00 4.5
55335 Muhammed Yedwab East Wholesaler Not Specified 9/18/10 0:00 35.67
24263 Rob Haberlin Central Wholesaler Low 9/23/10 0:00 19.19
32994 Tonja Turnell East DTP Critical 9/17/10 0:00 8.73
41286 Lena Hernandez West DTP Medium 9/18/10 0:00 6.22
31684 Susan Vittorini East Custom Order Critical 9/19/10 0:00 17.78
3810 Tanja Norvell West Custom Order Critical 9/19/10 0:00 0.5
27841 Caroline Jumper Central DTP High 9/19/10 0:00 0.7
42951 Toby Carlisle South DTP Critical 9/19/10 0:00 8.8
3810 Tanja Norvell West DTP Critical 9/19/10 0:00 49
31684 Susan Vittorini East DTP Critical 9/20/10 0:00 1.46
56291 Shirley Daniels Central DTP Not Specified 9/18/10 0:00 1.97
56291 Shirley Daniels Central DTP Not Specified 9/19/10 0:00 8.79
24261 Sung Pak South DTP Critical 9/20/10 0:00 8.74
56291 Shirley Daniels Central Wholesaler Not Specified 9/20/10 0:00 16.63
2885 Nora Price East DTP Not Specified 9/19/10 0:00 8.4
57537 Patrick Jones South DTP Medium 9/19/10 0:00 2.97
57537 Patrick Jones South Custom Order Medium 9/20/10 0:00 5.24
52419 Chuck Magee South DTP High 9/20/10 0:00 8.64
57537 Patrick Jones South DTP Medium 9/20/10 0:00 7.18
33479 Penelope Sewall Central DTP Critical 9/21/10 0:00 18.67
2885 Nora Price East DTP Not Specified 9/21/10 0:00 5.41
12096 Michelle Lonsdale East DTP Medium 9/20/10 0:00 8.08
33729 Anthony Rawles Central DTP Not Specified 9/21/10 0:00 35
20354 Logan Haushalter Central DTP Critical 9/22/10 0:00 0.49
12096 Michelle Lonsdale East DTP Medium 9/22/10 0:00 11.54
17157 Rick Duston Central DTP Low 9/24/10 0:00 4.2
29537 Joni Sundaresam East Custom Order Low 9/29/10 0:00 4.5
39783 Sally Knutson Central DTP Not Specified 9/22/10 0:00 0.5
33893 Sarah Jordon East DTP Not Specified 9/22/10 0:00 2.27
38723 Pierre Wener West DTP Critical 9/22/10 0:00 4
17799 Darren Budd Central DTP Medium 9/23/10 0:00 12.39
39783 Sally Knutson Central DTP Not Specified 9/23/10 0:00 12.49
33893 Sarah Jordon East DTP Not Specified 9/23/10 0:00 14.72
38723 Pierre Wener West DTP Critical 9/23/10 0:00 6.88
55170 Dennis Bolton East Custom Order Critical 9/24/10 0:00 8.99
36229 Patrick O'Donnell West Wholesaler Not Specified 9/24/10 0:00 43.75
36229 Patrick O'Donnell West DTP Not Specified 9/25/10 0:00 7.11
3556 George Zrebassa South DTP Not Specified 9/23/10 0:00 12.65
25443 Rick Wilson West DTP Medium 9/23/10 0:00 11.28
59585 Edward Hooks East DTP High 9/24/10 0:00 9.4
30913 Roy Phan East DTP Medium 9/24/10 0:00 1.49
30913 Roy Phan East Custom Order Medium 9/25/10 0:00 10.49
30913 Roy Phan East DTP Medium 9/25/10 0:00 0.5
30913 Roy Phan East DTP Medium 9/25/10 0:00 1.99
3556 George Zrebassa South DTP Not Specified 9/26/10 0:00 5.01
37158 Anthony O'Donnell South DTP Low 9/28/10 0:00 7.37
45571 Rick Bensley Central DTP Medium 9/25/10 0:00 4.81
45571 Rick Bensley Central DTP Medium 9/26/10 0:00 17.5
19361 Valerie Takahito West DTP Low 9/26/10 0:00 8.99
22055 Stewart Visinsky Central Wholesaler Medium 9/26/10 0:00 30
17187 Bill Stewart South Wholesaler High 9/26/10 0:00 16.06
19361 Valerie Takahito West DTP Low 10/1/10 0:00 5.16
19361 Valerie Takahito West DTP Low 10/3/10 0:00 2.99
13984 Khloe Miller East DTP Critical 9/25/10 0:00 37.58
23648 Liz Carlisle Central DTP Critical 9/26/10 0:00 0.5
23648 Liz Carlisle Central DTP Critical 9/26/10 0:00 6.5
19425 Cassandra Brandow South DTP Not Specified 9/26/10 0:00 3.6
11650 Valerie Mitchum West DTP Not Specified 9/26/10 0:00 2.38
55655 Toby Grace South DTP Low 9/27/10 0:00 8.99
11650 Valerie Mitchum West DTP Not Specified 9/27/10 0:00 8.99
35554 Darren Budd Central Wholesaler Not Specified 9/27/10 0:00 54.74
52320 Roland Murray Central DTP Low 9/29/10 0:00 1.01
39972 Sheri Gordon Central DTP Not Specified 9/27/10 0:00 0.5
51107 Luke Foster West DTP Not Specified 9/27/10 0:00 2.99
39972 Sheri Gordon Central DTP Not Specified 9/28/10 0:00 0.5
21792 Pauline Webber South DTP Not Specified 9/28/10 0:00 6.46
39972 Sheri Gordon Central DTP Not Specified 9/29/10 0:00 2.99
30720 Bill Shonely East Custom Order Low 10/3/10 0:00 18.13
30720 Bill Shonely East Custom Order Low 10/5/10 0:00 1.99
30720 Bill Shonely East DTP Low 10/5/10 0:00 5.01
34406 Eric Murdock South DTP Medium 9/30/10 0:00 0.7
57570 Daniel Raglin West DTP High 10/1/10 0:00 7.23
57570 Daniel Raglin West Wholesaler High 10/1/10 0:00 26.74
16518 Ken Dana West DTP Critical 10/1/10 0:00 5.21
36998 Christine Abelman Central DTP Low 10/2/10 0:00 5.19
26657 Troy Blackwell Central DTP Medium 10/2/10 0:00 7.47
16518 Ken Dana West DTP Critical 10/3/10 0:00 0.99
36998 Christine Abelman Central DTP Low 10/5/10 0:00 12.52
36998 Christine Abelman Central DTP Low 10/7/10 0:00 9.54
27300 Stephanie Ulpright West DTP Not Specified 10/1/10 0:00 0.7
39654 Grant Thornton East Custom Order Medium 10/2/10 0:00 2.99
18592 Nora Pelletier South DTP Critical 10/2/10 0:00 3.37
27300 Stephanie Ulpright West DTP Not Specified 10/2/10 0:00 4
55968 Carol Triggs Central DTP Low 10/3/10 0:00 1
18374 Nick Crebassa South DTP Low 10/3/10 0:00 5.47
8678 Ken Black Central DTP Low 10/6/10 0:00 6.64
22980 Rob Haberlin Central DTP Not Specified 10/3/10 0:00 11.76
6150 Mitch Gastineau East DTP Critical 10/3/10 0:00 0.8
293 Barry French Central Wholesaler High 10/3/10 0:00 68.02
293 Barry French Central DTP High 10/4/10 0:00 2.99
929 Luke Foster West DTP High 10/4/10 0:00 2.56
929 Luke Foster West DTP High 10/5/10 0:00 6.5
20579 Jim Epp West DTP Medium 10/5/10 0:00 8.99
25476 Cyra Reiten South DTP Not Specified 10/4/10 0:00 24.49
4261 Lela Donovan East Wholesaler Critical 10/4/10 0:00 60
4261 Lela Donovan East DTP Critical 10/5/10 0:00 35.21
18596 Adam Bellavance East DTP Low 10/5/10 0:00 0.5
25476 Cyra Reiten South DTP Not Specified 10/5/10 0:00 1.99
18596 Adam Bellavance East Wholesaler Low 10/5/10 0:00 30
31266 Rob Haberlin Central Wholesaler High 10/5/10 0:00 12.06
46534 Chris Cortes South DTP High 10/6/10 0:00 19.99
44000 Dan Campbell South DTP Not Specified 10/5/10 0:00 32.28
44000 Dan Campbell South DTP Not Specified 10/6/10 0:00 5.03
51333 Theone Pippenger East DTP Not Specified 10/7/10 0:00 9.86
15651 Anemone Ratner West DTP Critical 10/7/10 0:00 35
5697 Max Jones West DTP Critical 10/7/10 0:00 5.03
51333 Theone Pippenger East Wholesaler Not Specified 10/7/10 0:00 33.6
15651 Anemone Ratner West Wholesaler Critical 10/7/10 0:00 56.2
15651 Anemone Ratner West Custom Order Critical 10/8/10 0:00 3.5
50849 Larry Tron South Custom Order Low 10/10/10 0:00 9.17
3655 Tony Sayre East DTP Critical 10/6/10 0:00 13.18
38336 Julie Creighton Central DTP Critical 10/7/10 0:00 2.99
38336 Julie Creighton Central DTP Critical 10/7/10 0:00 6.5
3655 Tony Sayre East DTP Critical 10/7/10 0:00 7.69
55623 Jack Garza Central Wholesaler Critical 10/7/10 0:00 32.48
29991 Ryan Crowe Central DTP Low 10/8/10 0:00 0.49
33444 Alan Barnes Central DTP Medium 10/8/10 0:00 2.4
33444 Alan Barnes Central DTP Medium 10/9/10 0:00 7.51
42848 David Philippe East DTP Not Specified 10/9/10 0:00 5.83
16709 Giulietta Dortch South DTP High 10/9/10 0:00 5.74
50818 Neoma Murray South DTP Medium 10/9/10 0:00 8.99
4067 Shahid Shariari West DTP High 10/9/10 0:00 6.05
9509 Joy Bell East DTP Not Specified 10/8/10 0:00 5.81
45825 Liz Price West DTP Medium 10/8/10 0:00 5.14
9509 Joy Bell East Custom Order Not Specified 10/9/10 0:00 5.21
42722 Fred Harton West DTP Not Specified 10/9/10 0:00 4.5
9509 Joy Bell East Wholesaler Not Specified 10/9/10 0:00 58.95
481 Art Foster Central DTP High 10/10/10 0:00 5.26
8677 Speros Goranitis Central DTP High 10/10/10 0:00 16.36
58181 William Brown South DTP Not Specified 10/10/10 0:00 7.15
42722 Fred Harton West DTP Not Specified 10/10/10 0:00 5.21
33731 Jonathan Doherty Central DTP High 10/9/10 0:00 1.63
34241 Sanjit Chand Central DTP Low 10/9/10 0:00 2.5
33731 Jonathan Doherty Central Wholesaler High 10/10/10 0:00 69.55
3232 Brad Eason Central DTP Critical 10/11/10 0:00 4.71
33731 Jonathan Doherty Central DTP High 10/11/10 0:00 5.03
43010 Bryan Spruell South DTP Critical 10/10/10 0:00 1.46
28929 Saphhira Shifley West DTP Medium 10/11/10 0:00 8.19
40994 Michael Paige Central DTP High 10/12/10 0:00 1.49
43010 Bryan Spruell South DTP Critical 10/12/10 0:00 2.27
28929 Saphhira Shifley West DTP Medium 10/12/10 0:00 12.39
55366 Doug Bickford South DTP Critical 10/12/10 0:00 6.55
32356 Maribeth Yedwab South DTP Not Specified 10/12/10 0:00 19.99
32356 Maribeth Yedwab South Wholesaler Not Specified 10/13/10 0:00 46.2
9473 Jonathan Doherty Central DTP Not Specified 10/13/10 0:00 2.99
9473 Jonathan Doherty Central DTP Not Specified 10/14/10 0:00 26.72
47686 Michael Dominguez West DTP Not Specified 10/14/10 0:00 1.23
58722 Tom Prescott Central Wholesaler Critical 10/14/10 0:00 42
6500 Tony Sayre East DTP Critical 10/14/10 0:00 1.63
6500 Tony Sayre East DTP Critical 10/15/10 0:00 8.65
36390 Sylvia Foulston East DTP High 10/15/10 0:00 8.99
9765 Rose O'Brian East DTP Low 10/20/10 0:00 12.65
44678 Dennis Pardue Central DTP Low 10/14/10 0:00 7.09
48801 Cassandra Brandow South DTP High 10/14/10 0:00 11.1
59683 Bill Donatelli East DTP Not Specified 10/15/10 0:00 4.97
44678 Dennis Pardue Central DTP Low 10/16/10 0:00 0.76
32165 John Murray East DTP Not Specified 10/16/10 0:00 0.99
32165 John Murray East DTP Not Specified 10/17/10 0:00 14.52
25473 Mary Zewe East Wholesaler High 10/17/10 0:00 28.14
1447 Barry Gonzalez Central DTP High 10/18/10 0:00 8.99
25473 Mary Zewe East DTP High 10/18/10 0:00 17.48
56069 Becky Pak South DTP Low 10/20/10 0:00 1.39
21665 Arthur Prichep West Custom Order High 10/17/10 0:00 2.5
25152 Matt Connell South DTP Critical 10/18/10 0:00 2.35
15715 Kelly Andreada South DTP Critical 10/19/10 0:00 5.86
14630 Muhammed Lee Central DTP Low 10/17/10 0:00 5.53
36034 Clay Ludtke South DTP High 10/19/10 0:00 0.7
56740 Jay Fine South DTP Low 10/19/10 0:00 2.99
56740 Jay Fine South DTP Low 10/21/10 0:00 24.49
26084 Patrick Ryan South Custom Order Low 10/22/10 0:00 7.3
56740 Khloe Miller East DTP Critical 10/24/10 0:00 3.62
35713 Phillip Breyer West DTP Medium 10/18/10 0:00 1.49
51940 Ivan Gibson West DTP High 10/19/10 0:00 4.38
34182 Karen Ferguson South DTP Critical 10/20/10 0:00 7.94
8231 Pauline Chand East DTP Critical 10/20/10 0:00 10.49
54721 Liz Willingham South Wholesaler Not Specified 10/20/10 0:00 26.22
8231 Pauline Chand East DTP Critical 10/21/10 0:00 0.5
50055 Jack O'Briant East DTP Medium 10/21/10 0:00 12.69
30401 Tom Boeckenhauer East DTP Medium 10/21/10 0:00 5.15
48643 Laurel Elliston West DTP Medium 10/21/10 0:00 0.99
48643 Laurel Elliston West DTP Medium 10/21/10 0:00 8.99
33924 Ivan Liston South Wholesaler Not Specified 10/21/10 0:00 28.14
48643 Laurel Elliston West Wholesaler Medium 10/21/10 0:00 55.3
12356 Yoseph Carroll East DTP Critical 10/22/10 0:00 5.35
55296 Anthony Witt West DTP Low 10/23/10 0:00 2.06
19782 Erin Ashbrook West DTP Low 10/23/10 0:00 0.75
50308 Liz Willingham South DTP Low 10/26/10 0:00 0.5
19777 Pauline Chand East DTP Not Specified 10/20/10 0:00 8.4
27750 John Murray East Wholesaler Low 10/20/10 0:00 49
33477 Duane Huffman East DTP High 10/22/10 0:00 0.99
19777 Pauline Chand East DTP Not Specified 10/22/10 0:00 8.08
19777 Pauline Chand East DTP Not Specified 10/22/10 0:00 10.29
27750 John Murray East Wholesaler Low 10/24/10 0:00 36.61
27780 Matthew Grinstein East DTP Critical 10/21/10 0:00 1.32
27780 Matthew Grinstein East DTP Critical 10/22/10 0:00 0.99
27780 Matthew Grinstein East DTP Critical 10/22/10 0:00 1.99
612 Sheri Gordon Central DTP Medium 10/23/10 0:00 2.5
612 Sheri Gordon Central DTP Medium 10/23/10 0:00 6.26
2275 Grant Carroll East DTP Not Specified 10/23/10 0:00 1.17
11168 Lisa Hazard East DTP Critical 10/24/10 0:00 5.72
8065 Debra Catini West DTP Medium 10/24/10 0:00 12.23
31845 Damala Kotsonis South Wholesaler Low 10/23/10 0:00 15.66
55716 Philip Brown West DTP High 10/24/10 0:00 24.49
54180 Jill Matthias South DTP Critical 10/25/10 0:00 8.99
31845 Damala Kotsonis South DTP Low 10/30/10 0:00 2.06
35712 Steve Nguyen South DTP High 10/24/10 0:00 8.16
2630 Patrick Ryan South DTP Low 10/24/10 0:00 1.52
3559 Logan Haushalter Central Custom Order Medium 10/25/10 0:00 5.44
35712 Steve Nguyen South DTP High 10/25/10 0:00 7.18
47522 Juliana Krohn West DTP High 10/25/10 0:00 1.39
48902 Benjamin Patterson West DTP Medium 10/26/10 0:00 7.49
14372 Beth Thompson East Wholesaler Critical 10/26/10 0:00 60.49
30976 Jack O'Briant East DTP High 10/25/10 0:00 1.99
5378 Christine Abelman Central Custom Order Critical 10/27/10 0:00 5.22
53445 Odella Nelson West DTP High 10/27/10 0:00 10.34
56224 Quincy Jones South DTP Medium 10/26/10 0:00 2.82
56676 Dave Kipp Central DTP Critical 10/27/10 0:00 5.66
17831 Ricardo Emerson West DTP Critical 10/27/10 0:00 2.83
56224 Quincy Jones South Wholesaler Medium 10/27/10 0:00 126.29
3521 Giulietta Baptist Central DTP Low 10/28/10 0:00 0.94
57861 Anthony Rawles Central DTP Medium 10/28/10 0:00 1.49
56224 Quincy Jones South DTP Medium 10/28/10 0:00 5.44
17831 Ricardo Emerson West Custom Order Critical 10/29/10 0:00 5.35
16197 Katherine Hughes West Custom Order Critical 10/27/10 0:00 2.15
55171 Jennifer Jackson East DTP High 10/27/10 0:00 7.96
55171 Jennifer Jackson East DTP High 10/28/10 0:00 4
16197 Katherine Hughes West DTP Critical 10/28/10 0:00 5.85
32871 Jim Karlsson Central DTP High 10/29/10 0:00 6.5
32871 Jim Karlsson Central Wholesaler High 10/29/10 0:00 17.85
32871 Jim Karlsson Central Custom Order High 10/30/10 0:00 4
39269 Gary Zandusky South DTP Low 11/3/10 0:00 2.5
17700 Darren Budd Central DTP Critical 10/29/10 0:00 35
16132 Clay Cheatham Central DTP Medium 10/29/10 0:00 2.99
18918 Quincy Jones South DTP Not Specified 10/29/10 0:00 13.99
51556 Frank Atkinson South Custom Order High 10/30/10 0:00 4.17
23395 Janet Martin South DTP Medium 10/30/10 0:00 1.99
1345 Ritsa Hightower East Wholesaler Low 11/1/10 0:00 35.84
8289 Darren Koutras East DTP Low 10/29/10 0:00 7.17
21634 Lindsay Shagiari South Wholesaler Not Specified 10/30/10 0:00 68.02
41504 Paul Knutson Central DTP Critical 10/31/10 0:00 5.8
38912 Ben Peterman East DTP Low 10/31/10 0:00 4
23428 Alan Shonely West DTP High 10/31/10 0:00 8.18
21634 Lindsay Shagiari South DTP Not Specified 11/1/10 0:00 13.99
43104 Matthew Grinstein East Wholesaler High 11/1/10 0:00 14
9861 Chad Sievert East DTP Low 11/2/10 0:00 5.45
38912 Ben Peterman East DTP Low 11/5/10 0:00 4.99
16864 Cindy Chapman West Wholesaler Not Specified 10/30/10 0:00 43.57
26116 Carlos Soltero Central DTP Critical 10/31/10 0:00 9.03
47971 Duane Benoit East DTP High 10/31/10 0:00 5.32
3014 Pamela Stobb Central DTP Not Specified 11/1/10 0:00 19.99
41378 Harold Ryan East DTP Not Specified 11/1/10 0:00 1.99
40672 Barry Gonzalez Central Wholesaler Low 11/1/10 0:00 35.84
18531 Jeremy Ellison West Wholesaler Critical 11/1/10 0:00 14.36
41378 Harold Ryan East Wholesaler Not Specified 11/2/10 0:00 30
43653 Amy Hunt Central DTP High 10/31/10 0:00 1.35
15872 Helen Andreada West Wholesaler Not Specified 10/31/10 0:00 15.66
43653 Amy Hunt Central Custom Order High 11/1/10 0:00 7.42
17510 Denny Ordway West DTP Critical 11/1/10 0:00 1.39
15872 Helen Andreada West DTP Not Specified 11/1/10 0:00 17.48
43653 Amy Hunt Central DTP High 11/2/10 0:00 8.22
30499 Carlos Soltero Central DTP High 11/2/10 0:00 3.7
53536 Sanjit Chand Central DTP High 11/2/10 0:00 7.58
17061 Ivan Liston South DTP Critical 11/2/10 0:00 0.7
15872 Helen Andreada West DTP Not Specified 11/2/10 0:00 5.96
53536 Sanjit Chand Central Wholesaler High 11/2/10 0:00 56.2
48706 Erica Hernandez South DTP Low 11/4/10 0:00 0.7
26306 Brendan Murry South Wholesaler Low 11/4/10 0:00 55.96
26306 Brendan Murry South DTP Low 11/5/10 0:00 69
48706 Erica Hernandez South DTP Low 11/7/10 0:00 11.15
48423 Henia Zydlo Central DTP High 11/1/10 0:00 8.29
37185 Guy Armstrong Central DTP High 11/2/10 0:00 2.4
23585 Catherine Glotzbach South DTP Critical 11/2/10 0:00 1.6
59492 Jill Fjeld West DTP Not Specified 11/2/10 0:00 10.05
9350 Darren Budd Central Wholesaler Critical 11/2/10 0:00 53.48
9350 Darren Budd Central DTP Critical 11/3/10 0:00 19.99
53990 Carlos Daly East DTP Not Specified 11/3/10 0:00 2.5
32325 Darren Powers West DTP Critical 11/3/10 0:00 7.58
19586 Gary Hwang Central DTP Not Specified 11/4/10 0:00 2.56
35456 Cindy Chapman West DTP Critical 11/4/10 0:00 0.7
37287 Brad Thomas East DTP Low 11/6/10 0:00 2.5
37287 Brad Thomas East DTP Low 11/6/10 0:00 4.95
32231 Ken Lonsdale South DTP Low 11/6/10 0:00 1.2
37287 Brad Thomas East DTP Low 11/7/10 0:00 1.58
3297 Raymond Book East DTP High 11/4/10 0:00 7.5
34022 Jason Klamczynski Central DTP Not Specified 11/4/10 0:00 3.05
5890 David Philippe East Custom Order High 11/5/10 0:00 0.99
34022 Jason Klamczynski Central DTP Not Specified 11/6/10 0:00 4.95
37798 Angele Hood South Wholesaler High 11/5/10 0:00 48.8
19143 Ed Braxton West Wholesaler High 11/6/10 0:00 16.06
36163 Meg O'Connel East DTP Low 11/6/10 0:00 7.17
53188 Dorris Love South DTP High 11/7/10 0:00 6.64
20032 Liz Carlisle Central DTP Medium 11/8/10 0:00 1.99
10951 Neil Knudson West DTP Not Specified 11/7/10 0:00 22.24
50370 Marc Crier Central Custom Order Critical 11/8/10 0:00 5.41
25249 Vivian Mathis West DTP Medium 11/9/10 0:00 1.49
15937 Monica Federle East DTP Low 11/11/10 0:00 1.99
15937 Monica Federle East Custom Order Low 11/16/10 0:00 2.85
31681 Steve Chapman South DTP Not Specified 11/9/10 0:00 5.66
29927 Bruce Stewart West DTP High 11/9/10 0:00 4.98
57671 Liz Price West DTP Not Specified 11/9/10 0:00 0.5
20292 Michael Grace South DTP Medium 11/9/10 0:00 8.17
42469 Muhammed Yedwab East DTP Not Specified 11/10/10 0:00 21.69
20292 Michael Grace South DTP Medium 11/10/10 0:00 4
51109 Theresa Coyne East DTP High 11/11/10 0:00 1.3
57056 Erin Creighton Central Wholesaler Low 11/16/10 0:00 89.3
21827 Deanra Eno South Custom Order Not Specified 11/11/10 0:00 4
48803 Christopher Martinez Central DTP Critical 11/11/10 0:00 4.68
39364 Jamie Kunitz East DTP High 11/11/10 0:00 39.61
23847 Darren Budd Central DTP Not Specified 11/12/10 0:00 4.2
39364 Jamie Kunitz East DTP High 11/12/10 0:00 19.99
21827 Deanra Eno South DTP Not Specified 11/12/10 0:00 13.22
55777 Roy Skaria Central DTP Not Specified 11/12/10 0:00 19.99
42758 Nora Price East DTP Critical 11/12/10 0:00 1.97
9602 Hunter Lopez South Wholesaler Critical 11/12/10 0:00 51.42
55777 Roy Skaria Central Custom Order Not Specified 11/13/10 0:00 3.99
42758 Nora Price East DTP Critical 11/13/10 0:00 4
9602 Hunter Lopez South DTP Critical 11/13/10 0:00 1.99
22819 Patrick Jones South DTP High 11/13/10 0:00 4.28
57699 Pete Takahito West DTP Low 11/13/10 0:00 5.33
9602 Hunter Lopez South Wholesaler Critical 11/13/10 0:00 28
57699 Pete Takahito West DTP Low 11/15/10 0:00 19.99
4864 Ralph Kennedy West DTP Low 11/15/10 0:00 19.99
57699 Pete Takahito West DTP Low 11/16/10 0:00 1.99
31552 Alan Hwang South DTP High 11/13/10 0:00 1.99
57600 Grant Carroll East DTP Critical 11/14/10 0:00 27.87
31552 Alan Hwang South DTP High 11/15/10 0:00 1.99
51297 Tom Prescott Central Custom Order Low 11/21/10 0:00 2.99
58564 Benjamin Farhat West DTP Critical 11/14/10 0:00 2.56
45700 Nat Carroll West DTP High 11/14/10 0:00 4.5
19936 Giulietta Weimer West DTP Critical 11/15/10 0:00 1.49
19936 Giulietta Weimer West DTP Critical 11/15/10 0:00 1.99
21191 Darren Budd Central DTP High 11/15/10 0:00 13.99
45346 Bobby Odegard East DTP High 11/16/10 0:00 5.97
24801 Lisa Hazard East DTP High 11/17/10 0:00 5.99
24801 Lisa Hazard East DTP High 11/17/10 0:00 7.01
24801 Lisa Hazard East DTP High 11/17/10 0:00 20.79
31456 Lena Creighton West DTP High 11/18/10 0:00 2.99
13346 Doug Bickford South DTP Low 11/21/10 0:00 8.88
48448 Joel Eaton East DTP Low 11/17/10 0:00 0.99
47682 Steve Nguyen South DTP Not Specified 11/18/10 0:00 5.01
35938 Bart Folk East DTP Not Specified 11/19/10 0:00 9.37
35938 Bart Folk East Wholesaler Not Specified 11/20/10 0:00 57
24579 Edward Nazzal South DTP High 11/20/10 0:00 24.49
42944 Filia McAdams West Wholesaler Critical 11/20/10 0:00 64.2
24579 Edward Nazzal South DTP High 11/21/10 0:00 4.98
3328 Adam Hart East Wholesaler Low 11/26/10 0:00 80.2
129 Pauline Chand East DTP Low 11/28/10 0:00 8.19
1187 Guy Armstrong Central DTP Medium 11/21/10 0:00 4
31042 Tracy Zic Central DTP Medium 11/21/10 0:00 1.2
44737 Duane Benoit East DTP Medium 11/21/10 0:00 35
31042 Tracy Zic Central Wholesaler Medium 11/21/10 0:00 30
54656 Tamara Manning South Custom Order High 11/22/10 0:00 5.83
44737 Duane Benoit East DTP Medium 11/22/10 0:00 0.99
34659 Cindy Chapman West DTP High 11/22/10 0:00 4.97
16134 Nathan Mautz South Wholesaler High 11/22/10 0:00 28.14
1796 Deanra Eno South DTP High 11/21/10 0:00 5.04
50017 Vivek Grady West DTP Low 11/21/10 0:00 35
13158 Kelly Williams South DTP Critical 11/23/10 0:00 2.99
50017 Vivek Grady West DTP Low 11/23/10 0:00 8.99
41063 Carl Jackson Central DTP Low 11/24/10 0:00 8.99
50503 Sanjit Chand Central DTP Medium 11/24/10 0:00 19.99
22817 Andrew Roberts Central Wholesaler Critical 11/24/10 0:00 62.74
41063 Carl Jackson Central DTP Low 11/29/10 0:00 2.24
16775 Natalie Webber Central DTP Low 11/27/10 0:00 5.86
20676 Shahid Shariari West DTP Low 11/27/10 0:00 1.49
36160 Bryan Spruell South Custom Order Low 11/30/10 0:00 8.99
31270 Michael Moore Central Wholesaler Medium 11/25/10 0:00 87.01
31270 Michael Moore Central DTP Medium 11/26/10 0:00 8.65
31270 Michael Moore Central Wholesaler Medium 11/26/10 0:00 48.8
34976 Lauren Leatherbury East DTP Medium 11/26/10 0:00 5.46
33637 Michael Oakman Central DTP Low 11/27/10 0:00 5.26
34976 Lauren Leatherbury East Wholesaler Medium 11/27/10 0:00 74.35
37765 Larry Blacks South DTP Low 11/29/10 0:00 5.09
37765 Larry Blacks South Custom Order Low 11/30/10 0:00 6.89
37765 Larry Blacks South Wholesaler Low 11/30/10 0:00 30
26055 Julia Barnett South DTP Not Specified 11/27/10 0:00 4
9504 Sung Pak South DTP Medium 11/28/10 0:00 4.2
47777 Tom Zandusky West DTP Low 11/28/10 0:00 5.41
40838 Adrian Shami Central DTP Not Specified 11/28/10 0:00 1.25
40289 Muhammed Yedwab East DTP Not Specified 11/28/10 0:00 3.26
23777 Emily Phan South DTP Not Specified 11/28/10 0:00 6.72
6529 Cynthia Arntzen Central DTP Medium 11/29/10 0:00 0.8
40838 Adrian Shami Central DTP Not Specified 11/30/10 0:00 7.96
25377 Don Jones East Wholesaler Low 12/4/10 0:00 29.7
23618 Jill Stevenson Central DTP Medium 11/30/10 0:00 5.26
28934 Stephanie Phelps East DTP Medium 11/30/10 0:00 7.18
22432 Ionia McGrath South DTP Not Specified 11/30/10 0:00 19.99
28934 Stephanie Phelps East Custom Order Medium 12/1/10 0:00 7.11
29282 Scot Wooten Central DTP Medium 12/1/10 0:00 9.54
56644 Emily Grady West DTP Not Specified 12/1/10 0:00 1
28934 Stephanie Phelps East Wholesaler Medium 12/1/10 0:00 30
23713 Katrina Bavinger Central DTP Not Specified 12/2/10 0:00 5.92
54501 Guy Armstrong Central DTP Critical 12/1/10 0:00 4.99
11137 Allen Rosenblatt East DTP High 12/1/10 0:00 8.64
54501 Guy Armstrong Central DTP Critical 12/2/10 0:00 7.51
54501 Guy Armstrong Central DTP Critical 12/2/10 0:00 35
18368 Alyssa Crouse Central DTP Not Specified 12/2/10 0:00 5.08
614 Dave Hallsten Central Wholesaler High 12/2/10 0:00 52.42
614 Dave Hallsten Central DTP High 12/3/10 0:00 5
18368 Alyssa Crouse Central DTP Not Specified 12/3/10 0:00 3.5
18368 Alyssa Crouse Central Wholesaler Not Specified 12/3/10 0:00 14.7
40032 Michael Oakman Central Wholesaler Low 12/8/10 0:00 29.7
14435 Dennis Kane South DTP Not Specified 12/2/10 0:00 5.76
48576 Sandra Glassco West DTP Not Specified 12/3/10 0:00 1.49
14435 Dennis Kane South Wholesaler Not Specified 12/3/10 0:00 42
48576 Sandra Glassco West DTP Not Specified 12/4/10 0:00 7.49
14435 Dennis Kane South DTP Not Specified 12/5/10 0:00 24.49
12837 Dave Hallsten Central DTP Medium 12/3/10 0:00 1.99
13570 Grant Thornton East DTP Not Specified 12/3/10 0:00 8.99
56708 Art Ferguson East Wholesaler Not Specified 12/3/10 0:00 61.76
35590 Ryan Crowe Central DTP Critical 12/4/10 0:00 19.99
12837 Dave Hallsten Central DTP Medium 12/4/10 0:00 0.99
13570 Grant Thornton East DTP Not Specified 12/4/10 0:00 0.96
55747 John Lucas South Wholesaler High 12/4/10 0:00 26
5954 Ken Heidel South Wholesaler Critical 12/5/10 0:00 14.7
55747 John Lucas South Wholesaler High 12/5/10 0:00 64.59
56708 Art Ferguson East DTP Not Specified 12/6/10 0:00 6.97
55239 Joni Wasserman South Custom Order Critical 12/4/10 0:00 69
21505 Jennifer Ferguson South Wholesaler Low 12/4/10 0:00 69.55
55239 Joni Wasserman South Custom Order Critical 12/5/10 0:00 5.14
24451 Jack Lebron Central Wholesaler Critical 12/5/10 0:00 60
41671 Bart Watters East DTP Critical 12/6/10 0:00 3.14
48615 George Bell South DTP Low 12/8/10 0:00 0.5
48615 George Bell South DTP Low 12/9/10 0:00 14.83
59329 Cari MacIntyre South DTP Critical 12/5/10 0:00 5.22
59329 Cari MacIntyre South DTP Critical 12/6/10 0:00 4.7
59329 Cari MacIntyre South DTP Critical 12/7/10 0:00 5.44
59329 Cari MacIntyre South DTP Critical 12/7/10 0:00 7.1
15712 Natalie Webber Central Wholesaler High 12/7/10 0:00 54.11
53216 Roy Skaria Central DTP High 12/8/10 0:00 8.73
13031 Sarah Brown South DTP Low 12/10/10 0:00 7.37
23745 Duane Noonan West DTP Low 12/6/10 0:00 52.2
23745 Duane Noonan West Wholesaler Low 12/10/10 0:00 32.48
58210 Patrick O'Donnell West DTP Medium 12/8/10 0:00 5.47
21729 Xylona Price West DTP Low 12/11/10 0:00 5.34
21729 Xylona Price West DTP Low 12/14/10 0:00 48.2
20450 Ed Braxton West Wholesaler Critical 12/11/10 0:00 66.67
22752 Barry Weirich South DTP Low 12/13/10 0:00 35
49798 Lisa Ryan West DTP Critical 12/9/10 0:00 3.37
41634 Darrin Van Huff South DTP Not Specified 12/10/10 0:00 1.99
49798 Lisa Ryan West Wholesaler Critical 12/10/10 0:00 57
41634 Darrin Van Huff South DTP Not Specified 12/11/10 0:00 7.73
32449 Ann Steele West Custom Order Critical 12/11/10 0:00 8.08
37063 Alex Avila South DTP Not Specified 12/11/10 0:00 8.99
32449 Ann Steele West DTP Critical 12/11/10 0:00 11.15
46276 Sean Miller West DTP Critical 12/11/10 0:00 1.99
32449 Ann Steele West Wholesaler Critical 12/11/10 0:00 110.2
3680 Evan Henry South Custom Order Not Specified 12/12/10 0:00 1.49
34723 Neoma Murray South DTP Medium 12/12/10 0:00 8.99
3680 Evan Henry South DTP Not Specified 12/12/10 0:00 6
46276 Sean Miller West DTP Critical 12/12/10 0:00 24.49
34723 Neoma Murray South Wholesaler Medium 12/12/10 0:00 29.7
34723 Neoma Murray South Wholesaler Medium 12/13/10 0:00 30.06
21344 Bobby Trafton South DTP Low 12/14/10 0:00 1.99
21344 Bobby Trafton South DTP Low 12/17/10 0:00 8.66
21344 Bobby Trafton South DTP Low 12/19/10 0:00 0.5
51205 Nat Carroll West Custom Order High 12/12/10 0:00 1.49
59685 Jim Mitchum Central DTP Critical 12/12/10 0:00 14.37
10982 Sung Chung South DTP Not Specified 12/12/10 0:00 1.49
51205 Nat Carroll West DTP High 12/12/10 0:00 9.83
53984 Rick Wilson West DTP Medium 12/12/10 0:00 2
10982 Sung Chung South Custom Order Not Specified 12/13/10 0:00 0.7
59685 Jim Mitchum Central DTP Critical 12/13/10 0:00 5.33
26919 Mick Crebagga Central DTP Low 12/13/10 0:00 32.03
35011 Luke Weiss Central DTP Not Specified 12/13/10 0:00 3.37
10982 Sung Chung South DTP Not Specified 12/13/10 0:00 19.99
6339 Jonathan Doherty Central DTP Critical 12/13/10 0:00 7.69
23555 Adam Hart East DTP High 12/13/10 0:00 0.5
23555 Adam Hart East DTP High 12/13/10 0:00 8.99
49190 Evan Henry South DTP High 12/13/10 0:00 2
46048 Laurel Workman West Custom Order Medium 12/14/10 0:00 3.14
24576 Luke Weiss Central DTP Not Specified 12/14/10 0:00 4.81
24576 Luke Weiss Central DTP Not Specified 12/14/10 0:00 7.4
46048 Laurel Workman West DTP Medium 12/14/10 0:00 4.51
34532 Carol Darley Central Custom Order Low 12/19/10 0:00 19.51
59781 Julia Barnett South Custom Order Not Specified 12/14/10 0:00 5.3
59781 Julia Barnett South DTP Not Specified 12/14/10 0:00 11.15
59781 Julia Barnett South Wholesaler Not Specified 12/14/10 0:00 74.55
49889 Philip Fox South Custom Order Critical 12/15/10 0:00 2.03
49889 Philip Fox South DTP Critical 12/15/10 0:00 7.19
59781 Julia Barnett South DTP Not Specified 12/15/10 0:00 8.99
49381 Stuart Van Central DTP Not Specified 12/15/10 0:00 35
4771 Christy Brittain South Wholesaler Critical 12/16/10 0:00 45.51
32102 Vivek Sundaresam South DTP Medium 12/17/10 0:00 6.22
7427 Ricardo Emerson West DTP Not Specified 12/16/10 0:00 19.99
16935 Michael Grace South DTP Not Specified 12/17/10 0:00 1.22
7427 Ricardo Emerson West DTP Not Specified 12/17/10 0:00 1.49
16935 Michael Grace South Custom Order Not Specified 12/18/10 0:00 0.7
48353 Jeremy Pistek South DTP Not Specified 12/18/10 0:00 0.7
388 Jennifer Halladay East DTP Not Specified 12/19/10 0:00 6.96
33570 Ken Heidel South DTP Not Specified 12/17/10 0:00 5.26
18851 Thea Hudgings Central Custom Order Critical 12/18/10 0:00 10.39
58949 Tony Sayre East DTP Critical 12/18/10 0:00 1.1
38848 Nora Price East DTP High 12/18/10 0:00 2.99
33570 Ken Heidel South DTP Not Specified 12/19/10 0:00 5.01
33570 Ken Heidel South Wholesaler Not Specified 12/19/10 0:00 29.7
39399 Sanjit Engle Central DTP Medium 12/20/10 0:00 5.14
19745 Harold Pawlan South DTP High 12/20/10 0:00 1.39
19745 Harold Pawlan South DTP High 12/20/10 0:00 4.8
19745 Harold Pawlan South DTP High 12/20/10 0:00 7.18
12256 Joni Blumstein East DTP Medium 12/21/10 0:00 0.5
19745 Harold Pawlan South DTP High 12/21/10 0:00 1.99
26661 Ruben Ausman East DTP Medium 12/21/10 0:00 4.99
28224 Kean Thornton West DTP Critical 12/21/10 0:00 6.97
8803 William Brown South DTP Not Specified 12/22/10 0:00 19.99
54791 Lisa DeCherney West DTP High 12/22/10 0:00 3.04
54791 Lisa DeCherney West DTP High 12/23/10 0:00 35
54791 Lisa DeCherney West Wholesaler High 12/23/10 0:00 30
8803 William Brown South DTP Not Specified 12/24/10 0:00 2.99
23619 Nora Paige Central DTP Medium 12/23/10 0:00 13.99
43109 Dorothy Wardle East DTP Critical 12/23/10 0:00 8.4
43109 Dorothy Wardle East DTP Critical 12/23/10 0:00 8.49
6117 Annie Thurman West DTP Critical 12/23/10 0:00 5.08
10341 Sung Pak South Wholesaler High 12/23/10 0:00 17.85
23619 Nora Paige Central DTP Medium 12/24/10 0:00 5.22
51813 Lena Creighton West DTP Not Specified 12/24/10 0:00 35
23619 Nora Paige Central DTP Medium 12/25/10 0:00 5.92
21220 Rick Hansen South Wholesaler Not Specified 12/26/10 0:00 26.3
7751 Ann Blume South Wholesaler Not Specified 12/25/10 0:00 58.2
3202 Richard Eichhorn South DTP Low 12/28/10 0:00 5.5
16005 Maurice Satty Central DTP Not Specified 12/27/10 0:00 5.48
44992 Anthony Witt West DTP Critical 12/27/10 0:00 10.17
44992 Anthony Witt West Wholesaler Critical 12/27/10 0:00 69.64
34400 Joy Daniels South DTP Low 12/29/10 0:00 4.17
34400 Joy Daniels South DTP Low 12/30/10 0:00 4.2
10466 Evan Henry South DTP High 12/27/10 0:00 0.94
19394 Darren Powers West DTP Medium 12/27/10 0:00 0.99
30469 Cindy Chapman West DTP Not Specified 12/28/10 0:00 2.35
19394 Darren Powers West DTP Medium 12/29/10 0:00 8.8
12129 Giulietta Weimer West Wholesaler Medium 12/29/10 0:00 70.2
48672 Nora Paige Central DTP High 12/27/10 0:00 3.37
16772 Alex Russell South DTP High 12/29/10 0:00 0.5
26726 Roland Black East DTP High 12/28/10 0:00 5.15
29505 Brad Thomas East Custom Order Medium 12/29/10 0:00 0.7
26726 Roland Black East DTP High 12/29/10 0:00 1.49
28611 Alan Haines Central DTP Low 12/30/10 0:00 8.99
26726 Roland Black East DTP High 12/30/10 0:00 49
1573 Lena Radford Central Wholesaler High 12/30/10 0:00 32.41
28611 Alan Haines Central DTP Low 12/31/10 0:00 19.99
28453 Lycoris Saunders Central DTP Critical 12/29/10 0:00 13.99
4706 Bradley Drucker West DTP Not Specified 12/31/10 0:00 19.99
5891 Art Foster Central DTP Medium 3/21/11 0:00 1.49
29220 Logan Haushalter Central Custom Order Medium 12/30/10 0:00 19.99
42945 Quincy Jones South DTP Not Specified 12/30/10 0:00 5.13
29216 Jennifer Jackson East DTP Critical 12/31/10 0:00 4
13507 Anna Andreadi South DTP Medium 12/31/10 0:00 6.18
53730 Shirley Schmidt West DTP High 12/31/10 0:00 5.83
29216 Jennifer Jackson East Wholesaler Critical 12/31/10 0:00 69.64
25542 Matt Hagelstein West Custom Order Low 12/31/10 0:00 4.23
50950 Tony Molinari West Custom Order Not Specified 12/31/10 0:00 4.51
45127 Theresa Swint Central DTP Medium 12/31/10 0:00 0.7
49344 Maribeth Yedwab South DTP Low 12/31/10 0:00 4
49344 Maribeth Yedwab South DTP Low 12/31/10 0:00 24.49
47815 Jim Epp West DTP Not Specified 12/31/10 0:00 6.85
50950 Tony Molinari West Wholesaler Not Specified 12/31/10 0:00 30

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