
For this week, reflect on your prior learning in this course.  You have also read Chapters 7, 8, 10, and 13 in your text and added to those earlier learnings related to the planning, operation, and implementation of early childhood programs. 

For this assignment, create a comprehensive proposal for the development of an early childhood program. Your proposal should contain the components from previous research and assignments submitted, revised as appropriate, plus the addition of additional components outlined below.

Within your proposal for a new early childhood program, be sure to address the following: program services, personal philosophy and mission, curriculum, environment and facilities, job descriptions and organizational structure, professional development, discipline, assessment, communication and collaboration, licensure requirements, and program evaluation. Section 1: Overview of Program

· Introduction Section: Title page, including title of paper, student’s name, course name and number, instructor’s name, and date submitted

· Program Overview: A narrative containing the proposed center’s name, location, type of center, hours of operation, ages of children served, and a summary of how this center model fills a need in the community being served

Section 2: Vision, Mission, and Philosophy

· Vision statement

· Mission statement

· Discussion of the center’s educational philosophy, including a summary of child development theory that guides the educational program

· Development of the center’s curriculum model and a comprehensive statement as to how this curriculum model supports the center’s vision, mission, and educational philosophy

Section 3: Environmental Specific

· A narrative description of the center’s classroom and playground environment including specifics of how this facility design supports young children’s growth and development

· A graphic plan of the physical plant

· A written summary of developed strategies for inclusive practices

Section 4: Job Descriptions

· Director job description, including qualifications and position responsibilities

· Teacher job description, including teacher qualifications and position responsibilities

· Support staff job descriptions including qualifications and position responsibilities.

· Staff professional growth plan

· Description of the center’s discipline policy

· Plan for staff and family communication including orientation, daily exchanges, and monthly communications

· Description of the assessment tools and processes used to document student progress

Section 5: Policies and Procedures

· A Service to Children Policy and Procedure statement for child/staff ratio and optimal class size/maximum class size

· Health and safety policy and procedure for either the management of injuries and emergencies or nutrition and food handling

· Strategy for program evaluation


You may use the components of prior weekly assignments that contribute to this overall project.

Support your assignment with at least five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 10-12 pages, not including title and reference pages

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