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Task   #4:
Simulated   Tactics/ Planning Meeting

                  This is step is being completed as an individual task.  In   an incident, the actual tactics and planning meetings would be completed as a   command and general staff group.  The tactics meeting is where the   specific actions that need to be taken to meet incident objectives are   determined.  This leads to the identification of specific resources that   will be needed to accomplish incident objectives (personnel, equipment, and   other typed resources).  For this task, you will focus on your assigned   response discipline and consider the organization and resources needed to   successfully accomplish the incident objectives.  You should quickly   realize how large a task this is if you engaged it across the response   disciplines. Use the DHS Resource Typing Library Tool (
)    examine specific resource types.  The resources listed within the   Central City materials may not be named consistent with the types resources   as these are a relatively recent development for some response disciplines.    

Complete   the ICS 215 form (this is a worksheet and does not become part of the   Incident Action Plan) to determine the resource needs for your discipline to   accomplish incident objectives.  Make sure that your allocations are   realistic and could be obtained with the initial short time period of the   incident.  Use the Central City Document to specifically identify   resources available in the vicinity. Upload ICS-215 to the Assignments   Folder.

Use   the incident map to specifically describe where you will stage and assign   requested resources.  (Ex. – If you are making a perimeter make sure you   show how your resources will secure a perimeter – 1 Central City Police   Officer at the corner of 1st Street and Third Avenue).    You will need to write a 2-3 page narrative, but can also support it with a   map if you have the technology available to manipulate the map.  Using a   map is not required, but you must specifically describe how the resources   will be assigned and the function they will perform.  (Remember if you   going to have 100 firefighters you need to explain to me where they came   from)  Upload description to the Assignment Folder.

For   one of the groups you created in the operations section in task #3 complete   an ICS-204 form that details the personnel and the control operations to be   completed by the group.  Be specific in location and action.  (Just   as in completing the ICS-215 consider what it would take to complete ICS 204s   for each element in your discipline and across all of the response   disciplines) Upload to assignments folder.


Complete   the ICS 215 form and upload to assignment folder.

Complete   ICS 204 form and upload to the assignment folder.

Case scenario: 


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