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Brandon Coleman

Capstone Project

Herzing University


The Impact of Technology on Business Operations

Adeniji, C., Adeyeye, O., Iyiola, O., Olokundun, M., Borishade, T., Falola, H., & Salau, O. (2018). Data on the impact of technological change on employees' cognitive attitude and organizational performance. Data in brief, 18, 1360-1364.

The article provides an overview of how the change in the performance of a firm is a result of the drastic changes that take place in the usage and adoption of technology. Also, based on the findings of the study, in business, technological changes stimulate the cognitive attitude of the employees as well as a positive attitude (Adeniji,, 2018).

Al-Khattab, M. A. O., & Saeed, M. S. (2016). Understanding the Relationship between Use of Innovative Technology and Employee Performance: A Case of the Bank of Jordan.

The journal presents how working practices and technological innovation are important in the global markets and competitive marketplace. Moreover, the insights about how employee attitude towards technology impacts their performance, (Al-Khattab & Saeed, 2016). The issues addressed in the topic of research cut across employee performance in the event of technological adoption in business operations.

Blut, M., & Wang, C. (2020). Technology readiness: a meta-analysis of conceptualizations of the construct and its impact on technology usage. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48(4), 649-669.

The article provides unique information on technology adoption and usage among employees and consumers. The ability to embrace and accept technology as part of business operations is important in this study (Blut & Wang, 2020) . The technology readiness construct has a role to play in completing this capstone as in-depth insights on the use of technology can be drawn.

Cascio, W. F., & Montealegre, R. (2016). How technology is changing work and organizations. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 3, 349-375.

The article posits that the adoption and implementation of workplace technology have changed how we work and where we work, and changed the role of management. The use of robots and wearable devices at the workplace poses a major challenge to job security and privacy (Cascio & Montealegre, 2016). The themes that emerge from the article shape the research topic at large because it can lead to significant research questions that revolve around those themes. (Ciobanu, O. G., & Neamţu, D. M, 2017). The impact and importance of new technologies in business development in the context of economic diversity. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence (Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 698-710). Science.

The article deviates from the impact of technology use on an organizational level to a national economic benefit. The information is crucial in the study because we are exposed to the economic value that technology has on a country through businesses that have been transformed (Ciobanu & Neamţu, 2017). Insights from various authors must be integrated into the research. Positive Technology: Designing work environments for digital well-being. Deloitte (Connor, J., Fisher, J., Guszcza, & Hogan, S, 2020).

The article advocates for better technology which does not cause harm to the work environment; rather the technology should enhance efficiency. The insights about AI and the Internet of Things bring the research to a point where the users are encouraged to regulate their use of technology (Connor,, 2020). Healthier technology usage behaviors are highlighted by the authors which are significant to the study. (Gartenstein, D., 2018). The Positive & Negative Effects of Technology in Business. BizFluent.

The article provides in-depth insights into the negative and positive impact technology has on a business. The research topic capitalizes on the impact of technology on various levels of the business. For instance, technology can enhance customer data but poses a challenge of privacy (Gartenstein, 2018). The insights are important to finding solutions that can help navigate the challenges. Impact of Information Communication Technology on Business Firms. International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (Ibrahim, S. K., & Jebur, Z. T., 2019).

Since technology cuts across ICT, integrating this article into the study can help obtain information on how productivity in business firms has been achieved through the implementation of ICT technologies such as ERP systems (Ibrahim & Jebur, 2019). The supply chain performance in business is also influenced by ERP systems. The insights support the research topic hence the need to use the source in the study (Martin, K., Shilton, K., & Smith, J, 2019). Business and the Ethical Implications of Technology: Introduction to the Symposium.

The article provides the ethical implications of technology in business and how technology ethics informs business. The information in the article contributes to the dissertation topic in terms of how technology remits value to the business, however, the need to design and adopt technologies that embrace the values and ethics of an organization as a whole (Martin,, 2019). The impact of IT-technological innovation on the productivity of a bank’s employees. Cogent Business & Management  (Obeng, A. Y., & Boachie, E, 2018).

Information technology in the banking industry is also affected by technological advancement in terms of service delivery and operational efficiency (Obeng & Boachie, 2018). The productivity of employees in the banks also promotes vast knowledge of the topic of research. Also, the article cuts across the impact of IT on customer satisfaction and experience. (Paspalakis, E, 2018). The impact of digital technology on consumer behavior and business operations: A case study (Master's thesis, Πανεπιστήμιο Πειραιώς).

The article looks at the impact of technology on both consumer behavior and business operations. Consumers are at the center of the increased technological adoption and innovation of products hence changing how business operations are done because there is a need to meet customer expectations and needs (Paspalakis, 2018). Digital technologies increase the value of products and services hence the need to understand consumer behavior and sustain competition. It is a reliable article for this research topic.

The impact of emerging technologies on work: a review of the evidence and implications for the human resource function. Emerald Open Research (Parry, E., & Battista, V., 2019).

The study presents rich information about the impact of emerging technologies in the workplace. The aspects discussed and the findings of the authors have an impact on the content of the dissertation. The HR functions will be affected by technology as certain functions will be transformed (Parry & Battista, 2019). Employees will be monitored in real-time using sensors and complex algorithms that will enhance decision-making processes.

Lessons from three decades of IT productivity research: towards a better understanding of IT-induced productivity effects. Management Review Quarterly (Schweikl, S., & Obermaier, R., 2019).

The insights about productivity in business operations and organizations about technology are addressed by the article. The research topic findings and conclusions can draw from this article. IT has enhanced productivity and efficacy in business operations (Schweikl & Obermaier, 2019). The insights are detrimental to the topic of research.

The impact of blockchain technology on business models–taxonomy and archetypal patterns. Electronic Markets (Weking, J., Mandalenakis, M., Hein, A., Hermes, S., Böhm, M., & Krcmar, H., 2019).

Due to emerging technology, this article provides the benefits and effects of blockchain technology on business models and operations. It shapes how an organization operates while ensuring that intermediaries are eliminated (Weking,, 2019). Time and cost are the primary factors that are reaped from blockchain technology. It will increase knowledge of how organizational behavior and operations have changed over time.

The impact of technology on business and society. Global Journal of Business Research (Wilburn, K. M., & Wilburn, H. R., 2018). The article presents information about the pressures business organizations face in terms of adopting the technology. Businesses are forced to change their processes and retrain their employees to learn how to operate robots, IoT, and big data analytics (Wilburn & Wilburn, 2018). These technologies provide a competitive advantage but they change how businesses operate. The information is detrimental to the topic of research.


Adeniji, C., Adeyeye, O., Iyiola, O., Olokundun, M., Borishade, T., Falola, H., & Salau, O. (2018). Data On The Impact of Technological Change On Employees' Cognitive Attitude and Organizational Performance. Data In Brief, 18, 1360-1364.

Al-Khattab, M. A. O., & Saeed, M. S. (2016). Understanding the Relationship Between Use of Innovative Technology and Employee Performance: A Case of The Bank of Jordan. file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/33184-36086-1-PB.pdf

Blut, M., & Wang, C. (2020). Technology Readiness: A Meta-Analysis of Conceptualizations of The construct and Its Impact On Technology Usage. Journal of The Academy of Marketing Science, 48(4), 649-669.

Cascio, W. F., & Montealegre, R. (2016). How Technology is Changing Work and Organizations. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 3, 349-375. file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/Howtechischangingwork2016.pdf

Ciobanu, O. G., & Neamţu, D. M. (2017, July). The Impact and Importance of New Technologies In business Development In The Context of Economic Diversity. In Proceedings of The International Conference On Business Excellence (Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 698-710). Science. file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/[25589652%20-%20Proceedings%20of%20the%20International%20Conference%20on%20Business%20Excellence]%20The%20impact%20and%20importance%20of%20new%20technologies%20in%20business%20development%20in%20context%20of%20economic%20diversity.pdf

Connor, J., Fisher, J., Guszcza, & Hogan, S. (2020). Positive Technology: Designing Work Environments For Digital Well-Being. Deloitte.

Gartenstein, D. (2018). The Positive & Negative Effects of Technology In Business. BizFluent.

Ibrahim, S. K., & Jebur, Z. T. (2019). Impact of Information Communication Technology On Business Firms. International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications, 8(2), 53-56.

Martin, K., Shilton, K., & Smith, J. (2019). Business and The Ethical Implications of Technology: Introduction To The Symposium.

Obeng, A. Y., & Boachie, E. (2018). The Impact of IT-Technological Innovation On The Productivity of A bank’s Employee. Cogent Business & Management, 5(1), 1470449.

Paspalakis, E. (2018). The Impact of Digital Technology On Consumer Behavior and Business Operations: A Case Study (Master's thesis, Πανεπιστήμιο Πειραιώς).

Parry, E., & Battista, V. (2019). The Impact of Emerging Technologies On Work: A Review of The Evidence and Implications For The Human Resource Function. Emerald Open Research, 1(5), 5.

Schweikl, S., & Obermaier, R. (2019). Lessons From Three Decades of IT Productivity Research: Towards A Better Understanding of IT-Induced Productivity Effects. Management Review Quarterly, 1-47.

Weking, J., Mandalenakis, M., Hein, A., Hermes, S., Böhm, M., & Krcmar, H. (2019). The Impact of Blockchain Technology On Business Models–Taxonomy and archetypal patterns. Electronic Markets, 1-21. file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/Weking2020_Article_TheImpactOfBlockchainTechnolog.pdf

Wilburn, K. M., & Wilburn, H. R. (2018). The Impact of Technology On Business and Society. Global Journal of Business Research, 12(1), 23-39. file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/GJBR-V12N1-2018-3.pdf

Running head: PROJECT ABSTRACT 1


Project Abstract

Brandon Coleman

Capstone Project

Herzing University

The project that I am working on is assessing the impacts of technology on business operations. This is a fascinating topic because technology has two sides to the impacts. It has both negative and positive impacts. Positive impacts are essential in enhancing business operations. Negative impacts, on the other hand, may likely cause the business to fail. Therefore all business operators must focus on enhancing positive ones and, on the other hand, mitigate the adverse impacts of technology. My thesis statement that I have come up with the use of technology and how this has impacted a business's operations both positively and negatively (Lee, et al, 2019).

The project outline for my project will contain five main sections; however, I will address subsections in my project. The first section of my project is the introduction. This is where I have discussed technology and the impact that it has on business entities briefly, how technology can be used in production and other business services. From there, the next section will be on the background regarding the technology. This is where I will talk about technology, how it has been utilized in different industries, and how this has continued to impact the business industry. In the background, I will discuss how it has become almost very impossible for a company to operate without technology, especially in this competitive world. I will also discuss technology's issue, and many opportunities brought due to this, which probably could not be got if the technology was never utilized (Armat, et al, 2018).

Next will be the problem statement. This is the challenge that I have seen in businesses operating without technology and what information I want to collect and solve due to this research, which I am going to develop. The problem, in this case, the impacts that technology has on the business sector. After identifying the problem that I am solving, the next thing is the purpose statement; this is like my goal and aim: to assess both sides of the technological impacts that it presents the business to. My study's significance is that no one can deny the significant impacts and benefits that have been brought through the use of technology. I will later develop the research hypothesis and the questions, and my research question will be how technology has impacted a business's operations. As I will be undertaking my project, the next chapter will be a chapter on methodologies. This is where I will discuss the methodologies that I will employ to collect my data and analyze it. My research project will employ qualitative research, and the data to be used in the analysis will be from other scholars how they have talked about and document this same topic. I will also review materials that have been written over the last three years. I will have a chance to obtain these materials from online libraries and other sources that I am aware of their reliabilities. The methodology for the research that I have chosen is because it is a speedy and easy method to obtain all the information to help me develop my research. The next section that I will focus on is analyzing the data that I have collected using the methodologies mentioned earlier (Haseeb, et al, 2019).

Regarding analysis, I will use the relational concept analysis since coming at getting impacts that are presented on operations of a business through the use of technology. After analyzing, the last section will be documenting the findings, and my findings, in this case, will be the impacts of the technology, which will be both negative and positive. The last thing I will discuss is the conclusion of the study (Johnston, 2017).


Armat, M. R., Assarroudi, A., Rad, M., Sharifi, H., & Heydari, A. (2018). Inductive and

Deductive: Ambiguous Labels In Qualitative Content Analysis. The Qualitative

The Report. 23(1), 219-221.


Haseeb, M., Hussain, H. I., Ślusarczyk, B., & Jermsittiparsert, K. (2019). Industry 4.0: A

Solution Towards Technology Challenges of Sustainable Business Performance. Social

Sciences, 8(5), 154.

Johnston, M. P. (2017). Secondary Data Analysis: A Method of Which The Time Has

Come. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods In Libraries, 3(3), 619-626.

Lee, J., Suh, T., Roy, D., & Baucus, M. (2019). Emerging Technology and Business Model

Innovation: The Case of Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology,

Market, and Complexity, 5(3), 44.



Project Outline

Brandon Coleman

Capstone Project

Herzing University

Project outline

Research topic: Impact of Technology on Business Operations.

Thesis Statement: The use of technology has impacted business operations both positively and negatively.

Project outline

I. Introduction

· Technology is constantly changing the landscape around businesses and transitioning them.

· Changes in business models and competition are among the factors leading to the increased adoption of technology in the business world (Nicholas & Steyn, 2017).

· Technology in business is being used for production, customer services, and financial management among others.

· Emerging technology continues to cause changes in business operations and impact it both positively and negatively (Haseeb et al, 2019).

II. Background to The Study

· As technology makes its way to various industries, it continues to impact business operations.

· It has reached a point where it is almost impossible to operate a business, no matter how small, without using technology (Lee et al, 2019).

· While technological innovation has brought so many opportunities in business operations, it has also had negative effects on business operations (Pagani & Pardo, 2017).

A. Problem Statement

· Technology has greatly impacted and continues to impact business operations.

· Business operators tend to focus more on the positive impacts of technology on business operations while overlooking the negative impacts.

B. Purpose Statement

· This project aims to assess both the negative and the positive impacts that technology has had on business operations.

C. Significance

· Technology has impacted business operations a great deal.

· Business operators, therefore, need to understand both the positive and the negative impacts of technology so that they can use it effectively.

D. Research Question

· How has technology impacted business operations?

E. Research Hypotheses

· H01: Technology has had positive impacts on business operations.

· HA1: Technology has not had positive impacts on business operations.

· H02: Technology has had negative impacts on business operations.

· HA2: Technology has not had negative impacts on business operations.

III. Methodology

· This project will utilize a secondary data analysis methodology.

· Qualitative data to be used in this research will be acquired from previous researches on the same topic.

· The inclusivity criteria will be peer-reviewed research materials published within the last three years.

· These materials will be accessed from online libraries and other reliable sources.

· This method is effective for this project because it is easier and faster to gather large amounts of data (Johnston, 2017).

IV. Data Analysis

· After the collection of the research materials, content analysis will be conducted to analyze the relationship between technology and business operations.

· A relational concept analysis will be used in this case because the project aims to assess the effects of technology on business operations (Armat et al, 2018).

V. Findings

· After analyzing all the research materials, this project identified that technology has had both positive and negative impacts on business operations.

· The positive impacts of technology on business operations however outweigh the negative impacts.

A. Positive Impacts of Technology on Business Operations

1. Enhancing communication

· Communication is important in ensuring the success of the business.

· Technology has brought about good communication services which have made communication more efficient (Pagani & Pardo, 2017).

2. Improving business strategies

· The success of a business depends on how good its strategies are.

· Technology has facilitated strategies such as marketing and entry into the global market (Pagani & Pardo, 2017).

3. Helping people with disabilities

· Various aids for people with disabilities have been developed through technology.

· This has made them as productive as ordinary people (Pagani & Pardo, 2017).

4. Business promotion

· Technology has offered various techniques for promoting businesses such as social media.

· This increases the amount of profit a business generates (Sandlin, 2017).

5. Amplifying businesses

· Technology brings about notable changes in terms of speed and efficiency of working.

· This improves productivity and as a result, profits in the organization are increased (Sandlin, 2017).

6. Reducing costs

· Technology makes work easier meaning that one person can do a lot of work.

· This reduces the cost of hiring thus increasing the profit margin of the business (Sandlin, 2017).

7. Increased accuracy

· The technology ensures that data is accurately observed and analyzed thus reducing errors and mistakes.

· Errors cause businesses to incur a lot of losses and technology ensures that this is prevented (Sandlin, 2017).

B. Negative impacts of technology on business operations

1. Security

· Technology has made access, analysis, and distribution of data easier but cases of data breach have also increased.

· This has affected many areas of business and led businesses to incur great losses while trying to protect data from hackers and thieves (Wilburn & Wilburn, 2018).

2. Retraining

· Technology is constantly changing and this means that businesses have to keep retraining on processes and software.

· This costs the business a lot and can sometimes outweigh the benefits that the business is reaping from the technology (Wilburn & Wilburn, 2018).

3. Reduced interpersonal communication

· Technology reduces interpersonal interactions in a business environment.

· This can interfere with the collaboration of teams and consequently affect their productivity (Lee et al, 2019).

4. Dependence

· It has become almost impossible to imagine a business operating without technology.

· This technology dependence poses a lot of challenges when technology fails because business operations go to a stand-still (Lee et al, 2019).

VI. Conclusion

· This project is based on the theory that as technology continues to be widely adopted in businesses, it has continued to impact business operations a great deal.

· This project aims to assess both the positive and the negative impacts that technology has had on business operations.

· This project is significant because it is clear that technology has impacted business operations to a great extent and therefore business operators need to understand both the positive and negative impacts of technology.

· The research question that was being answered in this research project is: how has technology impacted business operations?

· Two hypotheses were tested in this project to determine whether technology has affected business operations both positively and negatively.

· This research used archival data from previous peer-reviewed research materials on the same subject published in the last three years.

· A relational content analysis was conducted to determine the positive and negative impacts of technology on business operations.

· The research found out that technology has impacted business operations both positively and negatively although the positive impacts outweigh the negative impacts.

· Some of the positive impacts of technology on business operations are enhanced communication, improved business strategies, help for people living with disabilities, promotion, and amplification of businesses, reduced costs, and increased accuracy.

· Some of the negative impacts of technology on business operations are security issues, the constant need for retraining, interference with interpersonal communication, and dependence.


Armat, M. R., Assarroudi, A., Rad, M., Sharifi, H., & Heydari, A. (2018). Inductive and Deductive: Ambiguous Labels In Qualitative Content Analysis. The Qualitative Report, 23(1), 219-221.

Haseeb, M., Hussain, H. I., Ślusarczyk, B., & Jermsittiparsert, K. (2019). Industry 4.0: A Solution Towards Technology Challenges of Sustainable Business Performance. Social Sciences, 8(5), 154.

Johnston, M. P. (2017). Secondary Data Analysis: A Method of Which The Time Has Come. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods In Libraries, 3(3), 619-626.

Lee, J., Suh, T., Roy, D., & Baucus, M. (2019). Emerging Technology and Business Model Innovation: The Case of Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 5(3), 44.

Nicholas, J. M., & Steyn, H. (2017). Project Management For Engineering, Business, and

Technology. Taylor & Francis.

Pagani, M., & Pardo, C. (2017). The Impact of Digital Technology On Relationships In A Business Network. Industrial Marketing Management, 67, 185-192.

Sandlin, J. (2017). Family Business Adaptation to Disruptive Technology: Case Studies On Family Businesses In Handling The Challenges of Disruptive Technology and Maintaining Competitive Advantage within a Swedish Market.

Wilburn, K. M., & Wilburn, H. R. (2018). The Impact of Technology On Business and Society. Global Journal of Business Research, 12(1), 23-39.

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