Module Title: Electronic Business
Undergraduate Studies Department
Customer Relationship Management (chapter 9)
Business and E Commerce Management: Strategy Implementation and Practice”, 5th Edition, Chaffey D(2011), FT Prentice Hall / Pearson
“Digital Business and E Commerce Management: Strategy Implementation and Practice”, 6th Edition,)
Slide 9.‹#›
Dave Chaffey, E-Business and E-Commerce Management, 3rd Edition © Marketing Insights Ltd 2007
Learning outcomes
Outline different methods of acquiring customers via electronic media
Evaluate different buyer behaviour amongst online customers
Describe techniques for retaining customers and cross-and up-selling using new media.
Slide 9.‹#›
Dave Chaffey, E-Business and E-Commerce Management, 3rd Edition © Marketing Insights Ltd 2007
Customer Relationship management (CRM
Customer relationship management (CRM) is an approach to building and sustaining long term business with customers.
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Dave Chaffey, E-Business and E-Commerce Management, 3rd Edition © Marketing Insights Ltd 2007
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Dave Chaffey, E-Business and E-Commerce Management, 3rd Edition © Marketing Insights Ltd 2007
Customer life cycle
The stages each customer will pass through in a long term relationship through acquisition retention and extension.
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Dave Chaffey, E-Business and E-Commerce Management, 3rd Edition © Marketing Insights Ltd 2007
Figure 9.16 Customer lifecycle segmentation
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Dave Chaffey, E-Business and E-Commerce Management, 3rd Edition © Marketing Insights Ltd 2007
Figure 9.1 The four classic marketing activities of customer relationship management
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Dave Chaffey, E-Business and E-Commerce Management, 3rd Edition © Marketing Insights Ltd 2007
CRM applications
Sales force automation
Customer service management
Managing the sales process
Campaign management
Slide 9.‹#›
Dave Chaffey, E-Business and E-Commerce Management, 3rd Edition © Marketing Insights Ltd 2007
E-CRM benefits
Customer development
Managing e-mail list quality
Implementing e-mail marketing
Data mining
Personalisation and customisation
Customer service quality and multi-channel experience
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Dave Chaffey, E-Business and E-Commerce Management, 3rd Edition © Marketing Insights Ltd 2007
Figure 6.7 Matrix of customer touch points for collecting and updating customer
e-mail contact and other profile information
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Dave Chaffey, E-Business and E-Commerce Management, 3rd Edition © Marketing Insights Ltd 2007
Figure 6.12 Alternative methods for reviewing customer feedback.
Source: Foresee Results (2011), Annual Ebusiness Report, published 19 July 2011, edited by Larry Freed.
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Dave Chaffey, E-Business and E-Commerce Management, 3rd Edition © Marketing Insights Ltd 2007
CRM Industry Leaders
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Dave Chaffey, E-Business and E-Commerce Management, 3rd Edition © Marketing Insights Ltd 2007
Weightage: - 20%
6 |
Year |
FALL 2020 |
Assignment Title |
ASSIGNMENT-2Case study (Individual) |
Module |
E Business |
Ms.Runita\Ms.Samia |
Start Date: |
28th Nov 2020 |
Internal Verifier: |
Ms.Priya |
Due Date:
24th Dec 2020 |
Required Work, Format and Grading |
You must submit the following by the assignment due date: · Completed answers to each task, making sure that you fully address each of the outcome criteria. · Answer all questions separately. · Assignments without TURNITIN report will not be accepted. |
Resources: You need to demonstrate a confident application of the theories to the assignment task. The theoretical underpinning of your observations and deliberations should also demonstrate a good understanding of the subject by the way that your analysis is structured. You can access the Internet to research about the topic. You should demonstrate good academic practice by the appropriate use of academic texts and journals that are properly referenced. |
Guidelines and further information about assignment: |
Assignment must be submitted with the “Turnitin” report. If the report generated indicates a similarity index percentage of 20% or more, a review of your assignment is necessary to ensure the same is reduced to less than 20%. |
Student declaration:
I certify that the work contained in this assignment was researched and prepared by me:
Signature: ___________________________ Date: ___________________
Grades given are subjected to External Verification. No grades are Final |
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Class ID: 27041313 Enrolment Password: 12345
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You should submit the assignment by the time and date mentioned otherwise a ‘NA’ will be awarded. Fill in the form cover and staple it with your assignment. Make sure that all the relevant details are complete. Assignments must be submitted by the due date. You may include diagrams, figures etc without word penalty.
Plagiarism Writing
1. Plagiarism occurs if you use somebody else’s work in an assignment or exam answer but fail to state where you got the material from. You need to be also very careful about the amount of words you are using from somebody else’s work.
2. It can happen in any type of assessment where you are given the questions or tasks in advance.
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4. Punishments for committing plagiarism can be very severe.
Plagiarism is a form of cheating in which students use the work of others and present it as their own. It may include all or any one of the following –
1. Copy extensively from the work of others (from sources such as books, magazines, journal, websites etc.) and submit the work as your own.
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3. Allow another student to copy your work and then submit it for assessment under their own name.
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The examining body of CBFS may punish offending students in any manner that they deem fit. Typical punishments may range from reduction in grades, making students re-sit modules and even failing students on a module or an entire award. The college considers this form of cheating as a serious offence. Therefore, be forewarned!
Format and Deadline
The essay should be a single document of around 1500 words in length, with ±10% of this limit being acceptable (plus a bibliography (Harvard referencing), which is not included in the word count). The essay should be uploaded, via Turnitin, by the deadline, ideally in PDF format, though DOC is also acceptable. Please ensure you use your student ID number as the file name for your assignment (e.g. ST06708).We very strongly recommend that you do not leave the submission of your assignment until the last minute, so that if you encounter any difficulties submitting your assignment, you have time to resolve these before the deadline.
Assignment specification — Case Study :
Worldwide demand for CRM applications
Organizations are increasingly thinking in terms of IT systems that are linked right across an enterprise – and beyond. From the flashy web page advertising the latest range of products, through order processing, customer accounting and after-sales support, to raw material purchasing, businesses need integrated IT systems as never before.
The scramble to cope with the demands of electronic commerce (e-commerce) is one of the main driving forces. In the emerging world of e-commerce, businesses must be able to present a consistent image both to their customers and to their business partners. Inevitably, this means that IT applications must be accessible – either to users who want to use them directly or to other applications that need to invoke business processes.
Installation of a customer relationship management (CRM) system is central to most organizations’ plans for electronic commerce. Industry forecasters are agreed that the markets for CRM software and services will grow rapidly in the next few years. US researcher AMR Research, for example, predicts a worldwide market for CRM of $16.8 bn by 2003 – up from $3.7 bn last year and representing a compound annual growth rate of 49 per cent.
Frost and Sullivan is less bullish but still puts worldwide annual growth at 30 per cent now, rising to 43 per cent by 2005.
The market in Europe is especially buoyant. Researcher International Data Corporation (IDC) says that from 1997 to 1998 the European market for CRM grew by 47 per cent and expects this trend to continue through 2003. It says that front-end applications – such as sales, marketing and customer support – and help desk applications are the fastest-growing segment in the applications market.
IDC expects further integration of front and back-office applications to increase demand for CRM products even more. Bill Crothers, managing partner for CRM systems in the EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) region at Andersen Consulting, says the stunning growth figures are the result of a marked change in business strategy: ‘A survey we conducted last year with the Economist Intelligence Unit found that there is a shift in business strategy from cost-saving management to growing the top line. With e-commerce you need insight into what your customers are doing and what they want.’
He goes on to say that often the IT systems needed to gain this insight already exist. But they must be brought together: ‘You need to draw together the different strands that give you insight into the customer – data warehousing and data mining, for example – and feed those back to customer support in the call centre.’
CRM demands close integration of a wide range of applications. Indeed, the scope of CRM starts to blur the traditional distinction between ‘back office’ applications such as production control, distribution and accounting and ‘front office’ applications such as order processing, sales force automation and call centre support.
The CRM products currently on the market fall into three categories – customer support (call centre), marketing automation and sales automation. They all require links to applications such as order processing and data stores such as product and customer databases. They also need links to the web.
Two clear ‘integration’ strategies have emerged. Businesses can use one of the many so-called ‘middleware’ solutions – IBM’s MQSeries or Microsoft’s DCOM, for example – and tie their existing applications together.
Alternatively, they can buy in one of the growing number of integrated packages – many of which have emerged from the enterprise resource planning (ERP) market that grew so rapidly at the end of the 1990s.
Leading suppliers such as SAP, PeopleSoft and Baan have all planted a flag in the CRM market with extensions to their existing ERP packages.
Smaller ERP software suppliers have opted to offer links to market-leading CRM products such as Siebel and Oracle. In both cases, the creation of a seamless technology environment that can provide effective customer support is likely to be costly and time consuming – but businesses will have to bite the bullet and make their choice soon.
Technology is not the only area where integration is important, however. Mr Crothers from Andersen Consulting sees technology as only one of many changes that companies need to make to cope with the new business environment. He says: ‘The technology is not really the challenge. Much more difficult is bringing the business processes together. You have to break down the barriers between the “silos”. You have to get sales and marketing working with customer support. The real challenge is to get these people to work together to meet the same objectives.’
Businesses worldwide will have to face this challenge in the next two years, or find themselves isolated. There are undoubted benefits that will come from meeting the challenge successfully.
According to a survey of the CRM market, published in January 2000 by Granville Equity Research, there is every reason, despite the cost, to rate CRM as bringing a massive return on investment. It cites examples of Novell increasing quarterly revenues by $20–$30 m and Boeing cutting help desk costs by 20 per cent.
The survey also notes, however, that the failure of CRM projects is high – between 55 and 75 per cent – and the cost can be daunting. An unnamed bank is reported to have spent $100 m on CRM software with no result.
Source: Philip Manchester, Financial Times, 2 February 2000. © Financial Times.
1. Write about CRM and the advantages that provides to organizations. (5 marks)
2. Why is ‘installation of a CRM system central to most organizations’ plans for electronic commerce’? (5 marks)
3. Summarise the different types of CRM applications that are being developed in the e-business and different approaches for introducing these types of applications.
(5 marks)
4. The article is very positive about CRM applications. What can you identify as weaknesses of the CRM approach from the article or your own experience? (5 marks)

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