MHA5030 Week 1 Project Instructions
The Affordable Care Act of 2010 is perhaps the largest act passed by the government in regard to healthcare. Its impact is financially in the trillions of dollars and is designed to improve the health of millions of residents of the United States.
There has been and continues to be much controversy about the scope of the act and how it is financed. For this project, explore the economic theory of the government in regard to the act and apply the concepts of microeconomics to support your assertions.
· Discuss the use of economic theory by the government in creation of the Affordable Care Act of 2010.
· Use microeconomics as the basis for analysis and describe areas where the theory agrees or disagrees with the act.
Submission Details:
· The project should be 500 words or more and contain at least three references from peer-reviewed articles written in a Microsoft Word document and saved as SU_MHA5030_ W1_Project_LastName_FirstName
· By the due date assigned, submit it to the Submissions Area.
· Cite any sources you use in APA format on a separate page.
Rice, T. (2015). The Economics of Health Reconsidered. [VitalSource Bookshelf]. Retrieved from
1/12/2021 Rubric Assessment - MHA5030-Current Economics in Healthcare SU01 - South University… 1/3
Criteria Unacceptable 0 points
Emerging (F through D Range) 27 points
Satisfactory (C Range) 31 points
Above Average (B Range) 35 points
Exemplary (A Range) 40 points
Criterion Score
/ 40No initial posting to evaluate
The information
provided is
inaccurate, not
focused on the
assignment’s topic,
and/or does not
answer the
question(s) fully.
understanding of the
topic and/or
The information provided is
accurate, giving a basic
understanding of the
topic(s) covered. A basic
understanding is when you
are able to describe the
terms and concepts
covered. Despite this basic
understanding, initial
posting may not include
complete development of
all aspects of the
The information provided is
accurate, displaying a good
understanding of the topic(s)
covered. A good
understanding is when you
are able to explain the terms
and topics covered. Initial
posting demonstrates sincere
reflection and addresses
most aspects of the
assignment, although all
concepts may not be fully
The information
provided is accurate,
providing an in-depth,
well thought-out
understanding of the
topic(s) covered. An in-
depth understanding
provides an analysis of
the information,
synthesizing what is
learned from the
Criteria Unacceptable 0 points
Emerging (F through D Range) 13 points
Satisfactory (C Range) 15 points
Satisfactory (C Range) 17 points
Exemplary (A Range) 20 points
Criterion Score
/ 20No responses to other classmates in
this discussion forum
May include one or
more of the
*Comments to only
one other student's
*Comments are not
substantive, such as
Comments to two or
more classmates’ initial
posts but only on one
day of the week.
Comments are
substantive, meaning
they reflect and expand
Comments to two or
more classmates’ initial
posts on more than one
day. Comments are
substantive, meaning
they reflect and expand
on what the other
student wrote.
Comments to two or
more classmates’ initial
posts and to the
instructor's comment (if
applicable) on two or
more days. Responses
demonstrate an analysis
of peers’ comments,
1/12/2021 Rubric Assessment - MHA5030-Current Economics in Healthcare SU01 - South University… 2/3
Total / 80
Overall Score
APA) and
/ 20
just one line or
saying, “Good job” or
“I agree.
*Comments are off
on what the other
student wrote.
building on previous
posts. Comments extend
and deepen meaningful
conversation and may
include a follow-up
No postings for
which to evaluate
language and
Numerous issues in
any of the following:
grammar, mechanics,
spelling, use of slang,
and incomplete or
missing APA
citations and
references. If
required for the
assignment, did not
use course, text,
and/or outside
readings (where
relevant) to support
Some spelling,
grammatical, and/or
structural errors. Some
errors in APA
formatting (citations
and references). If
required for the
assignment, utilizes
sources to support
work for initial post but
not comments to other
students. Sources
include course/text
readings but outside
sources (when relevant)
include non-
such as Wikis and .com
Minor errors in grammar,
mechanics, or spelling in
the initial posting. Minor
errors in APA formatting
(citations and references).
If required for the
assignment, utilizes
sources to support work
for both the initial post
and some of the
comments to other
students. Sources include
course and text readings
as well as outside sources
(when relevant) that are
academic and
authoritative (e.g., journal
articles, other text books,
.gov web sites,
professional organization
web sites).
Minor to no errors in
grammar, mechanics, or
spelling in both the initial
post and comments to
others. APA formatting is
correct. If required for
the assignment, utilizes
sources to support work
for both the initial post
and the comments to
other students. Sources
include course and text
readings as well as
outside sources (when
relevant) that are
academic and
authoritative (e.g.,
journal articles, other
text books, .gov web
sites, professional
organization web sites).
1/12/2021 Rubric Assessment - MHA5030-Current Economics in Healthcare SU01 - South University… 3/3
Unacceptable 0 points
Emerging (F through D
Range) 1 point minimum
Satisfactory (C
Range) 54 points minimum
Above Average (B
Range) 62 points minimum
Exemplary (A
Range) 70 points minimum
MHA5030 Week 1 Discussion Instructions
Discussion Questions
Before beginning work on this discussion forum, please review the link Doing Discussion Questions Right, the expanded grading rubric for the forum, and any specific instructions for this topic.
Before the end of the week, begin commenting on at least two of your peers’ responses. You can ask technical questions or respond generally to the overall experience. Be objective, clear, and concise. Always use constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of positive progress. Submit your responses to the Discussion Area.
One of the major assumptions in an efficient marketplace is that people have equal information concerning an item that they wish to purchase. We wish to know the quality of an item before buying it and certainly the price we will pay. Hidden factors such as annual license fees or hidden taxes not stated in the advertisement give one party an advantage over the other. For example, when you sign up for cable TV, the price quoted does not often include a near doubling of the final cost due to taxes and fees added after the sale. In healthcare, such items as quality of an implant and expected life are not something that the average patient is aware of, and he or she is then unaware that the price may differ on the basis of these factors. Stainless steel hip joints may be less expensive than titanium ones but may not last as long, for example. Information asymmetry is common in healthcare as you, as a patient, are perhaps dealing with someone with decades of training in a field you are not knowledgeable about. This may make the market assumption invalid.
One of the major assumptions in the free-market model is that consumers and providers have all the information that is needed to make decisions on purchases:
· Discuss areas of information that a prospective patient might need concerning a surgical procedure at a surgical center.
· Discuss whether that information is available.
· Discuss how that information might be made available.
To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.
Your initial posting should be addressed at 300–500 words as noted in the attached PDF. Submit your document to this Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Be sure to cite your sources using APA format.
Rice, T. (2015). The Economics of Health Reconsidered. [VitalSource Bookshelf]. Retrieved from
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